
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
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dholbachgood morning08:12
roopany developers here15:49
=== netrunner__ is now known as Nadeem
NadeemLooking forward to this15:53
NadeemBeen trying LTSP for sometime in my institute.15:53
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Crytekwhat's up :)15:56
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int19hpeople are filtering in15:57
abfloresnyes, I can see you and hear you15:57
int19hits a video.... the live stream hasn't started yet15:57
abfloresnI want to know why ffmpeg doesn't appear as part of ubuntu 12.0415:58
int19hi bealive it's in the restricted extras15:58
int19hbut dont quote me on that15:58
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Guest34541i have a page in facebook and try to learn ubuntu can u help me to increase Like page ? for iranian people ?16:00
=== Guest4123 is now known as MrXtian
Guest38892Is there a way to encourage laptops builders such as Dell to propose ubuntu pre-installed on their machines in my country (belgium)? (it is not the case yet... only win so far)16:02
Guest34541plz help me to encrease Like16:02
Guest34541sorry increase Like16:02
hribarei would like to have a music studio on ubuntu. Is it possible?16:12
dz0nyhribare: yep16:12
dz0nyhribare: http://ubuntustudio.org/16:13
hribarethanks ;)16:15
dholbachall right - ubuntuonair.com page is updated16:21
dholbachwe'll be live in 9m16:21
wiehanthis better be good16:27
HouseLegendHelloha everyone16:30
dholbachwe're live16:31
leocrowQUESRION when may we see Edubuntu on tablets?16:33
dholbachDo we have questions already? I'll queue them up and start asking them in a bit.16:36
dholbachPlease prefix them with QUESTION:16:37
NadeemQUESTION: HI, I have tried LTSP from 12.04 live, I have not been able to get it working from live. I will seek permission at my instite and try it live. Can you make it more user freindly?16:39
NadeemI mean install it on a machine16:40
wiehanQUESTION: What core work that you do reverts back to the Ubuntu project itself?16:41
Tuxkalle_QUESTION: what is the defult DE (unity ,gnome,xfce)16:41
Nadeemdholbach: Brother you haven't used Edubuntu yet, it is great. :-)16:41
NadeemQuestion: Tomboy has lost support from U1, any info on that, also it is an excellent software?16:42
MrXtianIs there anything in edubuntu for the server environment; school admin stuff, imaging laptops, "school in a box" type things ?16:42
NadeemMrXtian: There is a software called Epostes16:43
leocorwhave they even start the feed?16:43
AllongThe feed has been running for about 13 minutes16:43
NadeemShipping Gnome-fallback was an excellent choice16:44
Nadeemfor slow hardware16:44
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NadeemIt is landing me on a blacnk wallpapers16:44
NadeemQuestions: Are 2 NICs must?16:44
stgraberNadeem: yes, otherwise it's likely to mess your network16:45
int19hQUESTION: When will ubuntu officialy include the support packages "bumblebee"/"primus", in order to better support Optimus chipsets on laptops? In addition how much does he pay for dial-up? i think its too much.16:45
MrXtianso Espotes is LTSP ; Does that mean easy server client setup? but what about what a school admin might require?16:45
abfloresnQUESTION: I'm a little angry because the ffmpeg package doesn't appear anymore in the ubuntu 12.04 and up. What happend there?16:46
NadeemMrXtian: Put a Question: before you question and ask them :-)16:46
int19h:D lol ;)16:47
int19hokay ill do that, thank you.16:48
designbybeck__QUESTION: Any plan to support Ardesia (whiteboard app) and/or Let it support MyPaint /Wacom presure. So that you could draw on top of anything for lecturing and the like - http://code.google.com/p/ardesia/16:48
MrXtianQUESTION so Espotes is LTSP ; Does that mean easy server client setup? but what about what a school admin might require?16:48
designbybeck__It would be great to have more Faculty/Teacher Tools16:48
wiehanQUESTION: Why do you contribute to Edubuntu? Personal reasons? Do you get paid? How does contributions work?16:48
MrXtianQUESTION Is there anything in edubuntu for the server environment; school admin stuff, imaging laptops, "school in a box" type things ?16:49
stgraberMrXtian: I'll cover that in a few minutes, short answer, yes16:50
Nadeemstgraber: Great16:50
MrXtianstgraber: tks16:51
Nadeemstgraber:Question In our class lab we have 10 PCs, No system with 2 nics, so I setup one syste, and install ltsp server on it(the installer provides the option), will that be good?16:52
NadeemAlso on which Irc can  contack Jonathan and Edubuntu devs?16:52
highvoltageNadeem: I'm Jonathan, on #edubuntu is where you could typically find us16:53
Nadeemhighvoltage: Thanks brother, I have been checking your blog. The latest gnome 2 is alive was great(long but great)16:54
MrXtianThings like the Samba4Active directory would need to integrate well with existing setups too, schools will not want to replace everything in one go, but gradual migration16:54
Nadeemstgraber: This looks great. Have seen parts of it on Jonathans blog.16:55
int19hstgraber: vodka.... i knew it! ;)16:55
AllongQUESTION: Has Edubuntu considered implementing "meta"-education features? ie; Student/teacher administration, time-tabling?16:55
MrXtianQUESTION: What type of user are you creating "Pupil" Teacher Admin ?16:55
int19hthat is quite impressive.... not his netbook.... but the domain manager. what was it called again ?16:58
MrXtianQUESTION: SCHools have issues at certain times of days Morning, after lunch what sort of scale testing do you plan ?16:58
highvoltageint19h: currently it's just called "Edubuntu Server" for lack of better name :)16:59
dholbachabfloresn, I was just told that ffmpeg was renamed/forked and now is libav16:59
int19hid like to see that get moved over to the ubuntu server disto. right now im doing that by hand, and it can get quite cumbersome(sp?)16:59
Nadeemdholbach: :D16:59
highvoltageint19h: that's the long-term goal :)17:00
int19hvery nice work17:00
AllongSpeak up17:01
abfloresnwell, I didn't understand about my question, but thanks. I really miss ffmpeg as a part of my Ubuntu 12.04. Beside this, good work17:01
int19hi thought i was having a stroke or something.17:01
int19hhighvoltage: might i inquire on the location of your blog?17:02
int19hid like to track the progress on "Edubuntu Server"17:03
int19heven windows ?17:04
highvoltageint19h: check stgraber's google+ profile, he pastes nice screenshots now and again17:04
int19hthank you.17:04
highvoltagescreenshots often explain things better than we can :)17:05
NadeemI already have stgraber circled :-)17:05
designbybeck__QUESTION: how does it compare to  iTALC  http://italc.sourceforge.net/17:05
int19hsehr schoen17:09
Nadeemhighvoltage: Excellent point.17:09
int19hteachers are focused on a subject typically, they dont wanna become a server admin to do their job17:09
int19hedubuntu server is quite elegent(sp?)17:10
MrXtianint19: You're right; Thats why I'd like to hear more about the other stuff, attendance tracking, time tables etc17:11
int19has am i, ill probably grab a snapshot, and try it out in a vm17:12
int19hi think so17:12
Nadeemdholbach: Yeah17:12
MrXtianyes it was17:12
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dholbachabfloresn: the replacement of ffmpeg is libav-tools17:13
NadeemQuestion: Edubuntu server is something new or is it included in the Edubuntu Desktop(the main OS)?17:15
mibofraIt isn't a serious question , but I'd like asking it . I enjoy GNU/Linux systems in general, but I think Edubuntu it's the best solutions for the schools, but teacher in general (and principals of the school) have eyes only for  windows. How I and people like me can show the power of Edubuntu ? I think this is the biggest problem17:15
mibofra*teachers , sorry :D my keyboard hates me :))17:16
MrXtianCOMMENT: So these sort of scalability figures are needed s that 'we' can convince people that it might make an improvement.17:16
Nadeemmibofra: A practical of its functionality plus checking my Linux intro artcile http://mknadeem.blogspot.in/2011/11/liberate-yourself.html17:16
designbybeck__Epostis? how is it spelled? and is there a link to it?17:17
mibofra*How can I and people like me ... , stupid keyboard XD17:18
mibofraNadeem: thanks17:18
Nadeemmibofra: My pleasure17:18
NadeemEpoptes : http://www.epoptes.org17:19
designbybeck__Thank you Nadeem17:19
Nadeemdesignbybeck__: :)17:19
NadeemIt is a Mental Block17:20
Nadeemhighvoltage: Throw this Link http://mknadeem.blogspot.in/2011/11/liberate-yourself.html at them :D17:20
int19hwindows severly limits uni's scalability17:21
int19hboth monitarily and on system resources17:21
designbybeck__great article Nadeem17:21
Nadeemdesignbybeck__: Thanks17:21
NadeemI have also created a Presentation based off it so that people who want to showcase Linux can just run that presentation. :)17:22
designbybeck__I work at a University 3 years ago I was told to stop talking about Open Source Software... I haven't, Now that say I can keep talking about it. And in fact more faculty keep asking about Linux and OSS. What might be the best way to get AD /LDAP to work on a Dual Boot environment?17:23
int19hi have dysgraphia i'm sorry about poor spelling, please disregard it as ignorance.17:23
Nadeemstgraber: Thanks, I only use LTS 12.0417:24
int19hwhat channel was that again ?17:24
Nadeemhighvoltage: You will find me17:25
highvoltageNadeem: :)17:25
Nadeemand I am a patient person17:25
* int19h twitches17:25
int19hi may sign up to help, might make it a project for my tech writing class im currently taking17:26
Nadeemdholbach: You have to check it now. 12.0417:26
* int19h agrees17:26
designbybeck__Thank you guys!17:27
dholbachthanks! :)17:27
highvoltagethanks everyone, you rock!17:27
int19hthank you17:27
NadeemThanks everyone17:27
dholbachstgraber, highvoltage - well done guys! :)17:27
mibofraBye :)17:27
rentmeisterwill this video be available for download somewhere?17:28
stgraberit should show up on youtube in a few minutes17:28
rentmeistergreat, thanks17:29
rentmeistertuned in too late :)17:29
dholbachand should be good to subscribe there17:29
dholbachso you don't miss new shows17:29
rentmeisterI certainly will... and now back to my windows server problems :p17:29
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ConstantinMy Ubuntu is fantastic !!!23:53

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