
elkyk1l_, did annagoodheart query you too?00:20
elkybasically asking for a windows key?00:21
k1l_but seems like a new user to me, so far.00:21
JoshuaKhow do i chat in ubuntu:00:47
JoshuaK[00:47] == Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu00:47
JoshuaKUbuntu 10.04 fails to have internet. No wlan , eth0 is present but when plugged into router no internet connection is established. Happens on all of my PCs.00:47
PiciJoshuaK: Part the channel and rejoin, and don't change your nick if you're using a webchat connection00:51
ubottuIn #ubuntu, nullby7e said: ubottu: for what is the site for dkms?01:25
PiciI like when our regulars remind people of the rules.01:54
PiciIt means I don't have to come out of the woodwork like some crazy guy you didn't notice was sitting in the room the whole time.01:55
elkyI like not having to be the only person stopping the creepy, it's nice that the regulars help.01:58
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (yourimym1 appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)08:44
bazhanghe was posting nonsense earlier as well; piratebay links08:55
ikoniahence why he's just gone08:55
IdleOneGood morning bobweaver12:12
bobweaverHello there I only have a couple minutes but in that Time I would like to stress the issue that I was having (and still do ) with one of your moderaters and also something got taken WAY OUT of contacts12:12
IdleOneGo on :)12:13
bobweaver1) I am dyslaic so this is why I was asking for a google hangout last time here are the logs12:13
bobweaver2) I was not no way saying that I would stop deving things12:13
IdleOneYou did imply it though12:14
bobweaverwhat I was saying well trying to is that I can not when there is a silence on me12:14
bobweavermeaning that I can not talk to other developers about this (I have been sence emailing them )12:14
IdleOneYou don't need to be in #ubuntu to work on Unity TV12:14
bobweaverI did not know that IdleOne12:14
IdleOneYou were not silenced in the -dev channel as far as I know12:14
bobweaver3rd )  This is not the 1st time that this has happened with me and Ikonia12:15
bobweavermatt darcy has even gone as far as going on launchpad and harrassing me there12:15
bobweavermarking bugs that I am working on as invaild12:15
bobweaverI will get a exampe12:16
IdleOneikonia does not go around marking bugs invalid if they are valid.12:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1001854 in Ubuntu Television "There are No Picture Plugins / lens yet." [Undecided,Opinion]12:16
bobweaverI am the lead developer for all the front end stuff for the tv12:17
bobweaverthat is for real12:17
IdleOneHe is a well respected member of the ubuntu community and knows what he is doing. Your percieved personal issues with ikonia are exactly that, percieved as personal. He has nothing against you, he does expect you to behave withing the channel !guidelines though12:17
bobweaverI must stress thatt this is hard to talk about with a keyboard in front of me12:17
bobweaverI understand that IdleOne  and have no beef with that12:18
bobweaverwhat I do though is the harrasment that he gives to me and others12:18
IdleOneI am certain that you do a lot of good work for Unity but that does not excuse you from following the same rules as everybody else is expected to follow12:18
bobweaverI admit when I am wrong12:18
IdleOneYou were muted because of continued off topic comments.12:19
bobweaverand I was for saying go niners and I said that in the comment12:19
IdleOnewhat others do or don't do has nothing to do with the reason why you were muted.12:19
bobweaverthat is great and that is not what this is about12:19
IdleOneit is.12:19
bobweaveryou may think that I am mad about being silenced I am not12:19
IdleOnewhat happens outside of #ubuntu is really none of our concern unless it affects #ubuntu also12:20
bobweaverI understand the job that it takes for someone to do it correctly12:20
bobweavereffects Ubuntu12:20
bobweaverWhy dont you look at this12:20
IdleOneUbuntu and #ubuntu are separate entities, you don't need #ubuntu to work on Ubuntu12:20
bobweaverI have had to cancle my meetings because of all this12:20
IdleOneYou don't have meetings in #ubuntu12:21
bobweaverIdleOne,  againI have been under the assumtion that it was all ubuntu channels12:21
IdleOneWell you were mistaken about that12:21
bobweaverIdleOne,  plz hold brb 1 sec (phone12:22
bobweaveryes I was12:22
IdleOnesure thing12:22
bobweaverthat is the email that I sent to jono mark will jim dan and other members12:23
bobweaverso you can see that it is not about the fact that one personn has dont one thing12:23
bobweaverit is about that fact that the person is harrasing me not only on irc but in other areas also12:24
bobweaverLike launchpad12:24
IdleOneSo you think that someone may have DoS'ed you?12:24
bobweaverI know that that happend12:24
IdleOnesomeone from the ops team?12:24
bobweaverI can not say that yet12:24
bobweaverbut I am not the smartest man but 2+2=2212:25
bobweaversometimes ^^12:25
IdleOnebobweaver: We are adults, we are here to help the community. We DO NOT DoS people.12:25
Myrttithat is absolutely absurd12:25
bobweaveragain no evidence no nothing12:25
IdleOneI find your accusation insulting to be honest and as an Ubuntu member you should know better.12:25
bobweaverwhen the person slips up which they will then and only then willl I point fingers12:26
bobweaveruntill then 2+2=2212:26
bobweaverI am not saying that this is this or that is that. But yeah that night mysql was droped12:26
bobweaveralso I can not connect to bzr anymore12:26
IdleOnealright, well. The mute in #ubuntu will remain for the time being. AFAIK you are not muted in any of the dev channels, so your work on Unity can continue without obstruction from the ops team.12:27
bobweavermeaning that I can not even push my code changes12:27
bobweaverthat is great but again for me ... that is not waht this is about12:27
IdleOneNot that the ops team has any power to obstruct any dev work anyway12:27
elkydude, i can guarantee you that ikonia doesn't have access to launchpad bzr permissions or your isp.12:27
bobweaverthis to me is about power and what people do with it12:27
bobweaverelky,  it is more then just that IDT that either12:28
bobweaverand I am not at all trying to point fingers untill I have pure evidence12:28
elkyi don't parse what you just said, could you try again?12:28
IdleOneWe do not have access to bzr or launchpad permissions, that is a canonical thing.12:28
bobweaverI know that12:28
bobweaverelky,  IDT = I dont think12:29
IdleOneWe also do not DoS people12:29
bobweaveragain IdleOne I am NOT pointing fingers12:30
bobweaverI have not hard evidence12:30
IdleOnebobweaver: again, you are implying it12:30
bobweaverok what I am saying is that 2+2=22 sometimes12:30
bobweaverthat is all12:31
bobweaverook topic done12:31
bobweaveras far as the DOS12:31
IdleOneok, have a good day.12:31
bobweaverbut abuse of power is not12:31
IdleOnethere was no abuse of power on ikonia's part as far as the mute in #ubuntu is concerned.12:31
bobweaverIt is not fair that there is not a place that hasent been friends with someone for over 5 years12:31
bobweaverit is like there is a click of people that have been together on this and are only taking the one side of the one persons thoughts12:32
* AlanBell reads back and reads the email12:32
bobweaverAlanBell,  I will forward you all them12:33
IdleOnebobweaver: I am basing my opinion on the available facts which include, logs of #ubuntu and #ubuntu-ops, past history, and this current conversation12:33
bobweaverIdleOne,  I am not talking about you or any one person at all12:34
bobweaveragain launguage barrier12:34
AlanBell irc-council at lists.ubuntu.com please12:34
AlanBellbobweaver: incidentally did you see the last two emails to https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-tv/12:34
IdleOnebobweaver: correct you haven't pointed a finger at any specific person, but any intelligent person can deduce who you mean to implicate12:34
bobweaverAlanBell, No I did not ?12:35
AlanBelljust about closing bug #1001854 as unity has a picture lens now12:35
ubottubug 1001854 in Ubuntu Television "There are No Picture Plugins / lens yet." [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100185412:35
bobweaverAlanBell,  that is also what jono told me to do12:35
bobweaveryeah I filed that and that was mine and I was assigned to it and nyeah I did add it ?12:36
bobweavers|nyeah|me yeah12:36
AlanBellok, it doesn't really matter much, I just saw that mentioned on the list the other day and it came up again here12:37
bobweaverAlanBell,  best thing to do is to write the console ?  as I know that others are doing the same thing towards me though they wont even listen or do a google hangout12:38
AlanBell"write the console"?12:38
IdleOnebobweaver: if you want to file a complaint against any of the ops you can email  irc-council at lists.ubuntu.com (/msg ubottu !appeals)12:39
bobweaverAlanBell,  the irc-council@lists.ubuntu.com12:39
bobweaverlisten I am not here to try to fight with you all12:40
bobweaverI am here to have a judgement based trail12:40
bobweaverjust like any other place12:40
bobweaverIDK if you can understand what I mean by that12:40
IdleOneWell if you want that you need to email the Ubuntu IRC council, explain your side and they will contact you if they need more info/make a decision.12:41
AlanBellnot entirely, but send emails through to the council and we will have a look at it12:41
bobweaverI mean that I think that it is a good idea for the people that are involed in a conflict like this. esp because it is 2 members that are both doing a good job at point12:41
bobweaverI think that 1 me and matt got off onthe wrong foot12:42
elkythe council is more than 2 members...12:42
IdleOnehe means him and ikonia12:42
bobweaver2 that there needs to be a member that can sit between us that is neither my friend nor his and moderate the situation12:42
elkyi conflated alan and bob's lines12:42
bobweaverI have no shame in having admited my faults12:43
IdleOneThat is what the IRCC does in part, is mediate conflicts between users.12:43
bobweaverthat is why I think that google hangout or something like that would. be a good idea12:43
bobweaveryeah but I have a learning disablity12:43
bobweaverput it this way12:43
bobweaveror I will try12:43
bobweaverone time me and one person got into a fight. about a week later Jono bacon called me and we talked about the issue. He did not take sides and was v.fair12:44
elkybobweaver, what's the name of the irc bot that was DoSing you on port 22? I'm curious about how they've done something so odd.12:44
bobweaverhe understood that it is hard to say everything that you are trying to say on a keyboard and you can get alot more done faster12:45
IdleOneStart by sending an email.12:45
bobweaverelky,  I will realse all that info when time is aproperate12:45
elkybobweaver, the time is appropriate now. if someone is DoSing our users, we need to stop them.12:46
bobweaverelky,  againI do not want to point any fingers and Ido not want to give away to much info. I am trying to catch this person noww in12:46
bobweaverelky,  sure I will forward you logs if you like12:46
elkyThere might be other people out there getting attacked because they're in our channels, so please do.12:46
bobweaverI have to be to wirk in 14 minutes all12:46
bobweaverelky,  NP I def will12:46
bobweaverelky,  you are forest piskie ?12:47
elkymelissa at ubuntu com12:47
bobweaverI have too go to work and for that I am sorry, I want to say 2 things though before I leave12:47
bobweaver1) no when ever comes to the mods and says , Hey you all are doing a great job, I am part of that.  So I just want to say that you all are doing a great job and I do respect and admire the curage that it takes to do this job.12:49
bobweaverMods get no credit when things run well, blame when things don't, and hate when they have to do something about it.12:49
bobweaverI am sorry that I never came here and said thanks before12:49
bobweaver2)  This needs to be worked out I am not saying that ikonia is a bad person , I think that he is allright. But I also think that if you are given a wide ammount of power then you should never judge people as a personal thing. << came pout wrong damn learning disability.12:51
bobweaverI have to go to work running late as is thanks for taking the time to listen to my side of the story my email is josephjamesmills  at ubuntu.com if you have any questions what so ever12:52
* genii-around starts brewing a fresh pot of coffee14:34
* lhavelund hugs genii-around.15:19
genii-aroundlhavelund: Good morning! (or afternoon/evening/what-have-you!)15:20
Tm_Thi IAmNotThatGuy18:52
IAmNotThatGuyHey  Tm_T23:55

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