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m_tadeuhi...I'm using tomcat and I'm trying to change the amount of memory used by an application....which I'm failing to do01:44
m_tadeuwhere should I set that?01:44
mortrcaI would really like to see an answer to the question posed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=203212903:25
sarnold(for the curious, mortrca's answer is that "apt-get install foo^" looks to install the "foo" task. neat. never seen that before, it's only been around since 2007...)03:36
patdk-lapsarnold, the problem is probably that it was documented in the manual03:45
sarnoldpatdk-lap: w/was/wasn't/  :) at least, searching for "\^" does not find it; nor does "task". heh.03:47
sarnoldpatdk-lap: if it wasn't documented in the changelog, it'd be even harder to find...03:47
sarnold(grepping for ^ in the apt source is .. surprisingly worse than one might suspect. :)03:48
patdk-lapit's documented under tasksel03:50
sarnoldhaha, best part, it documents that it isn't documented anywhere.03:52
patdk-lapfun, I just upgraded postfix yesterday, and a new version comes out today03:53
sarnoldhaha, figures... hope it's nothing too important for you :)03:54
patdk-lapactually, no, that was dovecot03:54
patdk-laphmm, mem leak, and a null reference03:54
patdk-lapnot a huge deal, but03:54
sarnoldnull reference in postfix? o_O I'm surprised.. it's always seemed like really awesome code. :)03:55
patdk-lapThe local(8) delivery agent dereferenced a null pointer while03:55
patdk-lap    delivering to null command (for example, "|" in a .forward03:55
patdk-lap    file)03:55
patdk-lapwell, that was one easy patch to apply04:01
patdk-lapwhat I like to see :)04:01
patdk-lapnew version posted to my ppa <3hours after release04:01
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ober_http://zeniv.linux.org.uk/~ober/lvm_test seeing hangs when deleting a lvm snapshot. can easily reproduce on different installs of ubuntu server, but not on any other distor.05:09
SpinningWheelsanyone have any idea why an mdadm array would randomly go from /dev/md0 to a read-only on /dev/127? i cant find any errors in any logs that i've found. any ideas?05:49
cantahHowdey, just looking for information regarding setting up a distributed (cluster) environment for email. Need some help in that direction08:49
Davieyinteresting... debian bug 69979109:32
uvirtbotDebian bug 699791 in wnpp "ITP: sftpcloudfs -- SFTP interface to Rackspace Cloud Files and OpenStack Object Storage" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/69979109:32
Davieymore interesting than say, debian bug 699790 :)09:33
uvirtbotDebian bug 699790 in wnpp "ITP: ftp-cloudfs -- FTP interface to Rackspace Cloud Files and OpenStack Object Storage" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/69979009:33
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maswanlamont: Hey, do you have a guesstimate on the chances of the RRL patches making it into precise bind?10:04
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Pupeno_wI need to backup a lot of files to S3… around 400k of them. I was using s3cmd sync so far, but it takes ages and it consumes too much memory. I think it's building a list, in memory, of all files, or something like that. Is there any other option for such a big amount of files?10:21
andolPupeno_w: Do some basic shell scripting, passing one file at the time to s3cmd?10:23
andolNot that running ls on a 400k files folder is much fun, assuming all files are in the same folder?10:24
Pupeno_wandol: if I decide to take that route, I'll probably write it in ruby and use as S3 library. But I'm trying to find a better alternative for now.10:24
Pupeno_wandol: hehehe… they are not in the same folder. They are spread through many folders carefully so no folder has a huge amount of files.10:25
phoenixsamprashow to install ubuntu from the network/.10:42
vezqphoenixsampras: define network, you mean without console access?10:45
phoenixsampraswell, im in citrix, and it is asking me an url to get the installation files, etc10:45
vezqno experience with citrix10:46
vezqbut could try some ubuntu download mirror10:47
phoenixsampraswhat is a common url for a mirror? ramdisk... etc10:47
vezqmaybe this helps: http://serverfault.com/questions/404201/ubuntu-12-04-netinstall-url-xen-host10:49
phoenixsamprasoh fabulous10:51
phoenixsamprasthats it10:51
hatakehow to fix this http://dpaste.com/909494/11:09
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vezqhatake: first question, why do you compile squid?11:16
vezqand then is your server clock correct?11:16
hatakehmm, meaby date expired11:16
hatakenow installed ntp11:16
Pupeno_wWhat's the name of that program that easily creates a package from source code (configure, make, make install)?11:28
rbasakPupeno_w: are you looking for dh_make?11:34
* rbasak doesn't use it though11:34
Pupeno_wrbasak: why?11:35
DavieyPupeno_w: you are thinking of checkinstall.. but it's less than nice.. but still better thank just make install.11:36
Davieyrbasak: ^11:36
rbasakAh, that rings a bell11:37
Davieytalking of nasty tools, when was the last time someone here used alien to convert rpm to deb?11:37
* rbasak doesn't use that either :)11:37
Davieyrbasak: good :)11:37
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jamespagezul: bug 981269, I think I'll ask the reporter to get it committed to stable/essex and then we can pickup in the next SRU12:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 981269 in openstack-dashboard "instance_type is still set as a property value of "none" even when flavors cannot be retrieved" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98126912:12
zuljamespage: or we could do it on his behalf :)12:15
jamespagezul: it looks a suitable candidate to the stable/essex branch to me12:21
jamespagezul: however the upstream gerrit review is abandoned12:21
jamespagezul: and the backport does not include the tests...12:22
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zuljamespage:  yeah buts its horizon12:31
zuljamespage: im not too thrilled it adds an extra dependecy as well12:31
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yolandaDaviey, zul: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/ceilometer/grizzly12:51
yolandai did some changes in the ceilometer package12:51
catphishwhat is the correct way to specify a secondary ipv6 address in the interfaces file?12:57
RoyKheh - reading the linux-raid mailing lists shows tons of "recover from raid-5 with double disk failure" threds...13:08
jamespagezul: what do you want todo with it then?13:15
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wmphello, i want to change order in init script. Now i have networking before fstab, and i want change this.13:21
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zuljamespage: the horizon thingy?13:34
jamespagezul: yah13:34
zuljamespage: ill do it13:35
jamespagezul: is that likely to make it upstream or should we just accept the patch into Ubuntu?13:35
zuljamespage: yeah i didnt know why it sat idle13:35
zuljamespage: i just woke up so.... :)13:36
jamespagezul: lol - well it looks OK; the actual fix is inline with that in Folsom even if it does not include the test cases13:37
zuljamespage:  yeah looks ok13:37
zuljamespage: the essex packaging for horizon will need to be updated13:38
jamespagezul: guh13:46
jamespageyolanda: whats the status on the essex sru's that are in the -proposed branched in the lab?13:46
yolandajamespage, don't know about it, i raised the bugs but haven't received any notice13:46
jamespageyolanda: do you have the bug reference?13:48
yolandalet me check13:48
yolandamm, i've found an old one that i did, but i marked that as invalid because i joined all in a single bug, still searching13:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1089488 in nova "Meta bug for tracking Openstack Stable Updates" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:57
yolandathat's it13:57
yolandano progress since i filed it13:57
jamespageyolanda: hmm - that is somewhat unsatisfactory - I wonder what the hold-up is14:04
jamespagethe updates where uploaded in December...14:04
yolandai know14:04
yolandacan i do something to speed it?14:05
jamespageyolanda: poke the SRU team; I'd do it via the tracking bug first and then on irc a day or so later...14:10
yolandai add a comment on the bug?14:11
jamespageyolanda: yes14:14
rbasakThe 12.04.2 freeze is holding up all SRUs right now, isn't it?14:14
jamespagerbasak: hmm - probably - but this has been in queue since last year14:15
jamespagerbasak: TBH we don't ship these packages so its irrelevant for the ISO's; but it would be nice to push these out.14:15
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CastrolI upgraded my 12.04 server and restarted, and now dnsmasq doesn't seems to serve DHCP requests15:03
CastrolI see an UDP listening port at:
CastrolBut, how can I perform some kind of PING to test the connection?15:04
zulyolanda: can you have a look at the python-pecan stuff? you can find it ay http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=openstack/python-pecan.git15:06
zulCastrol:  by pinging an address?15:06
yolandazul, is there any problem?15:07
zulyolanda:  just licencse issues15:07
CastrolCastrol: I expect some kind of command like: udp_ping IP_ADDR 6715:07
yolandazul, is there any bug related to that?15:09
zulyolanda: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2013-February/045991.html15:09
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stethoIs there a way I can do a dist-upgrade of a 10.10 Maverick server still? All the Maverick repos have gone from the servers.15:40
jcastrostetho: ^^ check that out15:40
stethoThanks. Exactly what I was after but couldn't find. That "google" thing is rubbish.15:41
* RoyK sniggers15:43
coker89i need help15:59
coker89but, ,i englsih is so bad15:59
RoyK!ask | coker8915:59
ubottucoker89: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:59
zuljamespage/yolanda/adam_g: Can you have a look? https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-keystoneclient/keystone-requests/+merge/14666016:01
coker89idon't understand!!16:03
hallynahs3`: debian import freeze coming up;  can you push netcf to experimental this week so i can request a sync? :)16:04
hallynstgraber: there's a blueprint WI for lxc to add RLIMIT_NPROC for userns.  My feeling is that is not particularly useful given other things that can be exploited - and default placement of system users into memory cgroups is better approach.  Disagree?16:15
stgraberhallyn: well, finding ways to avoid fork bombs is still relevant, memory cgroup helps there but you have to put a very strict quota to avoid running out of PIDs16:16
stgraberhallyn: ultimately where it's implemented doesn't matter a lot but I think we want some way to prevent a given container to use all of the hosts' PIDs16:16
hallyni'll have to check, but seem to recall that by default it has far fewer pids anyway16:17
hallyni could be wrong about that16:17
tangomike /j #centos16:18
hallynall right - i guess rlimit_nproc for the host uid really is a convenient place for it.16:19
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jamespagezul: reviewed16:26
jamespageand approved16:26
decciHi Guys16:45
decciI have Ubuntu 12.04.1 which I want to install directly on compellent SAN. I am using Intel I350 card but its not detecting the SAN at install time16:46
decciJust to get some more clarity, I installed Ubuntu 12.04.1 on local disk and then tried installing open-iscsi and see if it sees compellent SAN. I got this:http://paste.ubuntu.com/1613270/16:47
decciMay I know if the output shows if it detects compellent SAN16:48
zuljamespage:  and another one: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-novaclient/novaclient-requests/+merge/14667816:55
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nwilson5silly question, but in the shell doing "cat file1 file2 file3" will show the text in the order of the files you cat right18:23
sweetteaim new to ubuntu server, what is the equivalent of chkconfig ?18:24
sweetteaThe program 'sysv-rc-conf' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:18:24
sweetteais it not that?18:24
sarnoldsweettea: the upstart init replacement changed a few things (imho, mostly for the better)...18:25
sarnoldsweettea: to list all jobs, initctl list  -- http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#list-all-jobs18:26
sweetteasarnold: thank you18:26
sarnoldsweettea: that's often enough, because upstart assumes if a service is installed, that you want it to run18:26
sarnoldsweettea: but you can disable services easily using an .override file: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#override-files18:26
maxbAlternatively, not everything is converted to upstart, and for classic /etc/init.d/ type stuff, it's generally a good idea to have a look in /etc/default/<service>18:29
sweetteaI just need to see whats running by default, so to disable it18:34
sweetteafor example on rhel theres always the stupid NetworkManager18:34
sweetteaim using a 12.10 box as a virt container, so I need to update security, disable everything not required, and edit iptables18:35
sarnoldsweettea: if you don't want something running, maybe uninstall it :)18:38
sweetteabut i just dont know whats what yet, learning :)18:40
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hatakewhat best for cache content dymanic, squid 3.x or lusca ?18:48
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eagles0513875_hey guys im running postfix + dovecot on 12.04 and the client is connected using pop3s i was wondering are there any known issues with pop3 over ssl on ubuntu18:55
zuladam_g: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-novaclient/novaclient-requests19:02
jaimefhttp://zeniv.linux.org.uk/~ober/lvm_test creating a lvm snapshot, then trying to delete it on 12 server results in errors and system hang. been able to repro on 3 different systems.19:13
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supNowHello all I have a quick question I'm sure someone in here could answer very easily...21:20
supNowI setup lamp on ubuntu-server and installed phpmyadmin. I then switched the apache directory to one in the home directory. I was able to install a site using the db information I setup with phpmyadmin which was done before changing directories and the site that was setup after changing directories installed with no issues... however I can only pullup the login page for phpmyadmin now, when I try to login I get a NOT FOU21:22
RoyK!asm | supNow21:22
supNowthe index.php file it is referencing is still in the phpmyadmin folder so I'm not sure why it's not finding it21:23
RoyKwonder perhaps if this quiestion is better answered in #phpmyadmin21:24
resnoRoyK: when you do email what do you do/use?21:34
adam_gjamespage: Daviey zul just proposed the 2012.2.3 folsom changelogs into the lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/$foo/folsom branches. adjusted our scripts to only add a proper bug ref if there is an ubuntu task open. still using the metabug. let me know what you think21:38
Davieyadam_g: keystone empty ?21:39
Davieyadam_g: erm, i thought we were doing "LP: #Already-ubuntu-bugtask" and "LP: No-ubuntu-bug-task"21:40
Davieyie, lack of a #.. meaning it doesn't get cuaght by regex.21:41
RoyKresno: ?21:41
adam_gDaviey: i opted for (LP: #Already-ubuntu-bugtask) + LP: No-ubuntu-bug-task, since (LP: #XXXXXX) is what i've alwasy used.21:44
adam_gDaviey: (LP: #Already-ubuntu-bugtask) + LP: #No-ubuntu-bug-task.  does the latter get picked up the same as (LP: #XXXX) ?21:45
adam_gi can quickly regen if so21:46
DavieyLP: #x == (LP: #x)21:46
adam_gah, ill drop the # then21:47
Davieyadam_g: you need to drop the #21:47
minorixDoes IPsec with ESP in Tunnel Mode contain a layer 2 header at all or just layer 3?21:48
sarnoldminorix: I'd expect just layer3; once it leaves one ethernet and travels to another network, it might be on a completely different layer 2..21:50
minorixOk, so the "packet" that is encapsulated by ESP would not have layer 2 information then21:51
minorixI am trying to figure out how proxy ARP works in this sense21:51
sarnoldminorix: unless you're encapsulating l2, of course, something like l2tp?21:51
minorixI have just a IPsec VPN21:52
minorixFor my VPN, I had a VPN client on the same subnet as internal hosts and without proxy arp enabled on the VPN router, the two could not talk21:52
minorixSo in this case, the router was responding to ARP requests for the VPN client21:52
Davieyadam_g: Oh, dang.. a keystone sec vuln is landing shortly21:53
adam_gDaviey: np. easy enough to rebase once it lands (happened last time). just wanted to get the tooling aligned to the new format/process in the meantime21:55
Davieyadam_g: yeah, rocking!  thanks :)21:57
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adam_gDaviey: those branches are updated. also: http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/folsom/keystone-2012.2.1-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0/ ready for staging22:28
adam_gzul: ^22:28
Davieyadam_g: too tired to look now, will gander tomorrow.. thanks22:30
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