
JonathanD Morning.09:17
JonathanDHey rmg5110:24
InHisNameYay, its morning13:03
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, turkeys and dogs13:07
waltmanCoffee at home during the week! I should do this more often.14:00
ChinnoDogWhat is new in PA?16:10
waltmanSnow flurries this morning in Philly, but that's not terribly new.16:13
SamuraialbaGood bacon to all!17:32
jedijfteddy-dbear2.0: http://blog.makezine.com/2011/12/01/build-your-own-rfid-teddy-bear/20:19
MutantTurkeyflurries seem to be a daily occurence now20:26
MutantTurkeytime to switch pc's... cya junkies later20:33
MutantTurkeyok please tell me that this amount of glare is irregular21:38
MutantTurkeyI weep for all mankind21:38
MutantTurkeyit's a freaking mirror21:38
MutantTurkey"Enterprise" my ass. This is for idiots! You'd think that "enterprise" would get it, get matte monitors and workhorse workstations not all-in-one-impossible-to-fix machines21:39
ChinnoDogThat his terrible21:45
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: what is the model number of that thing?21:46
ChinnoDogMutantTurkey: I did some quick research and found that some new monitors have sheets of glass over them held on by magnets to make them shiny. You can use suction cups to remove it and then sand the surface with high grit sandpaper21:49
waltmanWell, at least we know he's not a MutantVampireTurkey!21:52
ChinnoDogMy car is dying. :-( I need a place to take it so I can work on it. idk where I can do that around here.22:07
JonathanDwhats wrong with it?22:08
ChinnoDogIt needs a new starter22:08
ChinnoDogand a new water pump22:08
JonathanDjust get a hand crank, like the olden days.22:08
waltmanany repair shop ought to be able to handle that.22:08
JonathanDor a manual transmission ;)22:08
ChinnoDogMy repair shop will handle my new starter for $83022:10
JonathanDThat sounds like a lot.22:10
waltmanthat seems like a lot22:10
ChinnoDogThe water pump is more22:10
waltmanwhat kind of car?22:10
JonathanDthe water pump is more than $800?22:11
ChinnoDog98 Acura TL22:11
ChinnoDogThe water pump is over $100022:11
JonathanDThat seems very high.22:11
ChinnoDogThe components of my car are jam packed into the hood22:11
ChinnoDogIt is a PITA to work on22:11
ChinnoDogI'm willing to make it a weekend project if I can find a place to put it.22:12
waltmanmaybe try an acura dealership?22:12
ChinnoDogI have no shortage of places to take it to to get it fixed waltman22:12
ChinnoDogI just can't afford it22:12
waltmanYou need a garage.22:12
ChinnoDogYea. :-(22:13
JonathanDseems you have to take the radiator out.22:13
JonathanDthe parts are not expensive.22:13
JonathanDI hate cars.22:14
ChinnoDogMe too JonathanD22:14
JonathanDOn the bright side...22:15
ChinnoDogMaybe I should just bring it home and stop driving it. lol22:15
JonathanDWe fill up our tank every sunday afternoon.22:15
JonathanDThis week it was $16.22:15
ChinnoDogI wonder how long I would last like that22:15
JonathanDwe're looking at a car tonight.22:17
waltmanI need to get a new car at some point, too.22:18
JonathanDthe current one was losing coolant through the head gasket22:18
pleia2ours has broken down twice in the past year, but mostly it's doing ok ('99 olds alero)22:19
JonathanDours was overheating.22:20
JonathanDI made the call around christmas to try this stuff that was supposed to fix the head gasket leak. I assumed it would kill the engine, because those things are generally crap, but I found an awful lot of positive info about it.22:21
JonathanDWe figured if it worked, we'd keep putting money away beyond what we had22:21
JonathanDand if not we'd use what we had and get something.22:22
JonathanDI haven't put water in since22:22
JonathanDSo I'm happy.22:22
ChinnoDogI could rent a vehicle storage space down the street for $188.50 for the first month. hmm22:23

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