
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
Kilosmorning all05:37
superflyKilos: slaap jy nog? :-P06:12
Kiloslol nee superfly gaan dit goed daar06:17
Kilosek begin kos maak06:17
Kilosmaybe bolognaise tonight06:17
Kiloshi SmilyBorg_w 06:18
Kiloshehe beat her06:18
Kilosshe dont like being distracted06:18
Kilosi wish xchat would actually show the smileys so i can see who sticks tongue out at me06:19
Vince-0Kilos, wat mekeer07:19
Kilosmet wat Vince-0 ?07:19
Vince-0ag I dunno, just felt like typing that - don't really know what it means07:28
Kilosals goed hier dankie en daar?07:29
Kilosyou not south african Vince-0 07:29
Vince-0Vincent Swart - ja baie South African07:29
Vince-0maar meer n soutie07:30
Vince-0should be doing work, meh07:31
Vince-0installing Vicidial whoot07:32
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:57
maiatodayhi Kilos07:57
* staticrat waves hello08:00
* Kilos waves back08:00
staticrathow you kilos?08:00
Kilosgood ty and you?08:01
staticratgood just busy but it's a good thing08:01
staticratso I'm back on the projector thing08:01
staticratneed a few Q answered 08:02
staticratwhen I connect the projector to my notebook08:02
Kilosstate the case and hang till a guy who knows gets to ya08:02
staticratunder system settings > displays08:04
staticratit shows that there are two monitors. I have display on my notebook screen and there is display at the projector08:04
staticrathowever the display on the projector shows my workspace but does not show any running programs i.e. if my browser is open on one workspace this does not show via the projector08:05
staticratI have to go to system settings > display and enable "mirror displays" to have the projector show what is open on my workspace08:06
staticrathope this makes sense to you folks08:07
staticratI would like to display what ever is open on my workspace without enabling the mirror display settings08:08
staticratcan this be done?08:09
* staticrat waiting patiently :-)08:10
barrydkGoodmorning everyone08:34
Kiloshi barrydk jrgns 08:44
superflystaticrat: no08:48
staticratjust no08:54
staticratso I have to enable the mirror display? that is the correct method?08:54
inetprogoeie more09:14
Kiloslo inetpro welkom09:14
* inetpro just noticed that highvoltage has become the new maintainer of the old gnome panel09:15
Kiloshehe doesnt he like unity09:15
Kiloshi Tonberry 09:16
inetproKilos: he still has gnome panel as the default for edubuntu09:16
inetproor perhaps as an option09:16
* inetpro should perhaps read that blog again09:17
Kilospeeps should all try kde. then unity is a snap09:21
* Kilos hides09:21
Kiloshi nlsthzn 09:24
Kiloswakey wakey09:24
nlsthznhiya uncle Kilos ... so what are we trolling about today?09:25
Kilosteasing the kde guys09:25
nlsthznah :)09:26
inetproKilos: you can tease as much as you like09:30
* inetpro still prefers kde09:30
inetproand you are welcome to use anything else09:32
Kilosinetpro, you are so kind09:32
Kilosi have a 500g and an 80g with kde on09:32
Kilosthe 500 is ians though09:33
Kiloshe loves kde09:33
inetproKilos: how much rain did you get?09:42
* inetpro just got 2.5mm09:42
Kiloshoping for more today09:43
inetprolooked like such a massive storm09:43
Kiloswasnt here by us09:43
Kilosover there by church street side of the mountain we could seethem getting rain09:44
inetprowe had a bit of a nasty wind09:44
Kiloswater to be tested hey!!!09:44
inetprohmm... 09:45
magespawnhowdy all09:49
Kiloshi magespawn 09:50
Kilosafter clean install that 20g drive is only 25% used09:50
magespawnthere we go then09:50
Kilosi wonder what caused it to say drive full09:52
magespawncorrupt file tables or something like that09:54
magespawnsuperfly staticrat is the projector not being treated as an extended desktop or a seperate work space?09:55
magespawnindeed Kilos09:55
superflymagespawn: I presume as an extended desktop, from what staticrat was saying09:55
magespawnthen he could drag the open program there to have it display presumable?09:56
superflymagespawn: yes, but that's not what he's asking10:00
* magespawn goes to re-read logs10:03
magespawnohh okay i see10:03
* magespawn puts on the dunce hat and goes to sit in the corner10:04
inetprodunce hat?10:15
magespawnbig pointy hat with a big letter d on it10:15
nuvolariKilos: pong10:55
nuvolarihi oom :P10:55
nuvolariskies, ek is so bietjie skaars10:55
Kilosnuvolari, pong11:37
Kilosdag seun hoe gaan dit11:37
Kiloshoekom so skaars?11:37
Squirmnuvolari: ?12:10
Squirmhow goes bud?12:10
nuvolariaan die werk oom Kilos 12:25
nuvolariI'm good Squirm, how are you?12:25
Kilosai seun12:25
Kilosnet solank als goed is en jy maak reg for meet op die 18de ne12:26
Squirmdoing well hey nuvolari.13:19
nuvolaridankie vir die vroƫ waarskuwing oom Kilos :P14:43
nuvolariek waardeer14:43
Kilosanytime nuvolari 14:44
Squirmyeah I'm good hey nuvolari. you been busy?14:52
Kiloshmm... the activists didnt add anything to the agenda14:56
Kilosthose guys in the mail that want to protest against win preinstalled on new pcs nlsthzn 15:19
nlsthznah I think all the mailing list mails are going to spam again... is nice havening less mails to go through each day15:35
Kiloshi charl_ not_found 15:45
Kiloshow come launchpad shows i havent signed the code of conduct and when i go through the motions it shows15:52
KilosIt appears you have already done this. The key ********* is registered on your account. You can skip to the next step if you are not intending on signing with a different key.15:53
Kilosi changed the key to them ***15:53
Kilosmaybe i didnt know how to sign the thing now im  stuck15:54
Vince-0I've never tried15:58
Kilosmassive job15:59
Vince-0are you registering for the loco?15:59
Kilosdownload this and copy paste something16:00
Kilosi was sure i had a year or so ago16:00
Kilosthen looked at me there and it shows i havent signed16:00
Kilosthen i click sign and there is my registered key and the message above16:01
Kilosi dunno if i must copy paste the code of conduct that i downloaded into the block they say paste to or just they key16:03
superflyKilos: there's a big difference between uploading a pgp key and signing the code of conduct16:06
Kilosit says enter that in a terminal16:08
Kilosgpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-2.0.txt16:08
Kilosgpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-2.0.txt16:09
Kilosgpg: no default secret key: secret key not available16:09
Kilosgpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-2.0.txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available16:09
Kiloshow do i tell it where to find it?16:09
Kilosi even tried giving the path16:10
Kilosi have the key on desktop in a file called gpgkey16:10
Kilosand dont say man gpg inetpro 16:27
Kilosbetter i forget about it16:27
Kilosthink i did it on maverick16:27
Kilosand this unity dont see what i did back then16:28
superflyKilos: you need to import your gpg key first16:48
superflyso that gpg knows about it16:48
superflyand hopefully you have your private key, not just your public key16:48
Kilosoh my16:48
Kilosnow theres 216:49
superflyyes, you create a private key, and then you export a public key from your private key16:50
superflythen you upload the public key for other people to use to check that anything signed with your private key is really from you16:50
Kilosis there a link somewhere on how to do all this in english step by step for noobs16:51
Kilosisnt it save to not bother with a key16:52
Kilosive google quite a few but they arent for doff peeps even though one says he is a noob16:52
Kilosbut tried what they told him to do and didnt do zilch here either16:53
Kilosnot a good day to do all the thinking16:54
Kilosnut sploding16:55
Cantidegoeie naand oom Kilos '<16:55
Kilosnaand Cantide 16:55
Kiloshehe you also starting16:55
Kilosi go eat16:59
Kilosthat was lekker. must be a good cook stays here17:16
smilehi :)18:10
magedroidEvening all18:11
smilegood evening magedroid :)18:11
magedroidHey smile18:11
smilemagedroid: how do you feel? :)18:13
Kiloshmm...kinda storming here18:16
magedroidLittle tired, but otherwise good. And you smile ?18:17
smileKilos: the lightning has embarked here in the area :p18:17
Kilosohi smile magedroid 18:17
smilemagedroid: I'm fine too :) I was too late for school18:18
smileslept well, haha18:18
Kiloshow do i get ubuntu to see a pci graphics card18:18
magedroidHey Kilos18:18
magedroidWhat chip has it got Kilos?18:18
Kilosboots to grub menu then screen switches off18:19
Kilosthe graphics card?18:19
Kilosits a nvidia 550018:19
magedroidNividia drivers?18:19
magedroidBut it might not be a graphics problem18:20
Kiloslol ya but how do you get to install them when screen is off18:20
Kilosxp boots fine to it but no ubuntu does18:20
Kilosfrom cd i mean18:20
Kilosjust as you see the logo at the screen bottom when cd boots screen switches off18:21
magedroidSounds like you would have to donit from a command line18:21
magedroidMaybe the x is not loading but we need someone with more knowledge18:21
Kilosthe screen is off so cant even get a cli18:21
smileKilos: that sucks :(18:22
smileKilos: maybe you can ssh? :p18:22
Kiloshate these gigabyte mboards without vga socket18:22
inetprogood evening18:23
Kiloscant even set it up to ssh from here18:23
Kiloslo inetpro 18:23
magedroidBack again18:25
Kiloswhere you went magedroid 18:28
Kiloswb anyway18:28
KilosBanlam, bakuman lewe julle nog?18:33
zerefimgur.com/gallery/3DEbodj  << cold drink now all over my screen18:43
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:56
magedroidLater all see you in the morning19:00
kbmonkeyah hello19:17
kbmonkeyhope all is having a nice/ok evening19:18
kbmonkeythe bluetooth keeps freezing the machine, on ubuntu 11.04 and kubuntu 12.04. 19:19
kbmonkeynever had much luck with bluetooth :p19:19
superflyhiya kbmonkey19:24
smilebye :)19:27

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