
=== slank is now known as slank_away
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cjohnstonIs there any update on the tomboy notes problem?02:43
cjohnstonI don't have the ability to restore the backup02:43
chaselivingstoncjohnston: should be fixed now from what i understand02:43
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JamesTaitGood moaning! ;-)09:18
ryecjohnston: hi, so, may I ask you to run http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/tomboy-sync-validator.py to see whether the api exports the data09:46
gatoxgood morning!11:03
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popeymy tomboy notes disappeared when synced yesterday11:58
popeysomeone just tweeted that the same happened to them today11:58
popeyand someone else in #ubuntu-uk just had it happen11:58
popeyhas the U1 sync been turned off early for tomboy?11:58
popey^^ being the person in #ubuntu-uk it happened to12:01
mungbean_somebody else on askubuntu wrote a question today about it too12:04
mungbean_i added your answer popey12:07
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ryethe notes are not deleted completely, they are in the database but they were marked for removal by tomboy. Therefore it is possible to undelete them12:20
cjohnston /6314:33
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mjuszczakAre mp3s from Ubuntu One Music similar to the mp3s from Amazon MP3 in the sense of quality and DRM-freeness?19:30
beunomjuszczak, indeed they are19:31
beunono DRM19:31
mjuszczakI've been using Amazon for most things... I use S3 to store my files and then I buy my music from their store and keep it in cloud player.  Though I run Ubuntu Desktop so lately I've been thinking of using Ubuntu One instead.19:32
beunomjuszczak, you get free music streaming when you buy a song, so you'd get both + local syncing19:33
mjuszczakyeah, but I tend to use mplayer to play songs ;)19:34
mjuszczakso I'd probably still want to download them maybe19:34
mjuszczaknot sure why I winked19:35
mjuszczakmaybe mplayer command line supports ubuntu one streaming?  Or could I use something like fuse?19:35
dobeymjuszczak: if you want to have them locally as well, you can just choose to have the "Purchased Music" folder synchronized locally in the ubuntu one control panel app19:37
mjuszczakthat easy huh?  awesome.19:37
dobeymjuszczak: then you can play them with mplayer. i don't know of anything that uses mplayer and supports u1 music streaming19:37
dobeyyou could of course, just go to the ubuntu one web page and play them straight on the web site, as well19:38
mjuszczakAnd I can probably use Ubuntu One to store pictures/videos instead of syncing them up to S3 like I do now.19:38
mjuszczakCould I upload the existing purchased amazon mp3s?19:38
dobeyas long as you have enough available space in your account, you can upload whatever files you have, regardless of what type of file they are19:39
dobeyonly music and photos are treated specially at the moment, though19:39
mjuszczakhow are photos treated?19:39
beunomjuszczak, in what sense?19:40
dobeymjuszczak: there's a photo gallery sharing feature on the ubuntu one web site19:40
mjuszczakahh, gotcha.19:40
* dobey recalls saying this the other day19:40
mjuszczakYou did, sorry19:41
mjuszczakI just didn't know if there was additional special treatment.19:41
beunomjuszczak, here's an example: http://ubuntuone.com/album/66VrjKiyrdLEohkDC4eTRt19:41
mjuszczakI have about 5,000 unorganized pictures to upload somewhere.  Should I sort them prior to uploading to ubuntu one or will the generated thumbnails make it easy to sort them once uploaded?19:41
mjuszczakbueno: congratulations19:42
beunomjuszczak, thanks. And yes, you should sort them by folder19:44
beunothat's what U1 uses to represent albums19:44
mjuszczakokay, cool.  Thanks.19:49
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mjuszczakokay one more quick question - I have a decent amount of mp3s inside $HOME/Music -- if I "synchronize that" with Ubuntu one, will it put it in the same place that the music I buy from Ubuntu One Music lives?22:37
mmccmjuszczak: Hi. It'll treat those MP3s the same as other files, they'll just be synced to your other computers at $HOME/Music22:43
mmccthe music you buy from U1 Music is placed in ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One/<albumname>/*22:44
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mmcchowever - your music inside $HOME/Music will be available to play via the web UI at https://one.ubuntu.com/music/player/22:45
mmcc(as is the purchased music, of course)22:45
dobeymjuszczak: basically what he said. we have to put the purchased music in a separate folder for technical reasons, and because people may not necessarily want to automatically have their entire music collection synced up because they bought one song :)22:52
dobeybut we make it easy to do that, for those who do want to sync all their music22:53
mjuszczakawesome :) Thanks!23:11
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