
wmpwho can help me? http://serverfault.com/questions/475589/how-to-change-upstar-order-network-after-fstab13:30
nimowmp, try adding in  /etc/init/network-interface.conf   .....  start on net-device-added and mounted13:39
nimowmp, it seems logical but im sure it will fail :(13:39
wmpnimo: thank for reply, i try this13:40
nimoim just stating to learn all this upstart script.... i will just experiment until I learn them13:40
wmphttp://wklej.org/id/948135 - and stop on this13:42
nimowmp, which log file is this ?13:56
wmpnimo: this is output on tty113:57
wmpso boot.log or dmesg.log13:57
nimowmp, weird i dont got any log messages of any init scripts run ?14:12

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