
tonsofpcsTandyUK: that's a capture card that doesn't support the rate that the software is trying to capture at.01:59
tonsofpcsI have that issue with lirc01:59
samsneedHello Everyone, I need help with MythWeather on Mythbuntu 12.04. I signed up for the Wunderground API key. Mythfrontend 0.26 shows the following in the logs. "No copyrightlogo widget found, skipping screen Current Conditions. Widget not found copyrightlogo". The full log can be found through the following link: http://pastebin.ca/2311078.05:28
=== dekarl1 is now known as dekarl
TandyUKtonsofpcs: how do i go abotu changing the capture rate?10:04
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=== kwmonro`` is now known as kwmonroe
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk
=== chiluk is now known as chiluk_away
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk
=== chiluk is now known as chiluk_away
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk
=== chiluk is now known as chiluk_away
=== chiluk_away is now known as chiluk

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