
yofelbug 111736500:18
ubottubug 1117365 in Kubuntu PPA "plasma-desktop 4.10 crashes immediately on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111736500:18
apacheloggerno backtrace00:20
apacheloggeralso I think a user installed plasmoid is broken00:20
apacheloggertriggering a bug in plasma00:20
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apacheloggerRiddell: didn't we fix bug 1086840 like ages ago?01:46
ubottubug 1086840 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Raring) "Missing bookmarks.xml error" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108684001:46
ScottKapachelogger: We did, but then it came back.04:55
MirvRiddell: ok05:04
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1077196] klipper does not save contents from closed windows @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1077196 (by ill)05:23
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shadeslayerapachelogger: ack06:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: I think we should put that in the experimental PPA for all Kubuntu Devs to try out07:02
shadeslayerbtw digikam was tagged 07:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: trololol07:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: no revisions pushed to bzf07:07
shadeslayerafiestas: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-dev/user-manager/scratch-master/view/head:/src/lib/accountmodel.cpp#L34 , synchronous dbus calls?07:09
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* popey tickles Riddell with bug 111789508:40
ubottubug 1117895 in kdenlive (Ubuntu) "Please sync Kdenlive 0.9.4-1 (universe) from Debian Experimental" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111789508:40
shadeslayerpopey: mmm ... requires a test build on armhf08:51
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone09:04
phoenix_firebrdshadeslayer: good evening09:05
Riddellshadeslayer: why does it require a test build on arm specifically?09:16
Riddellapachelogger: hmm I've a feeling I might have done a workaround for bug 1086840 rather than a fix09:19
ubottubug 1086840 in kde4libs (Ubuntu Raring) "Missing bookmarks.xml error" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108684009:19
shadeslayerRiddell: because cmake doesn't find opengles09:30
shadeslayerand there's a patch for that09:30
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/666638/09:31
shadeslayerRiddell: so .. can't be sync'd , needs merging :)09:40
shadeslayershould be easy enough 09:43
yofel_one should add a notifcation helper hook in kdenlive that installs the libav extra plugins09:44
yofel_it's kinda useless without most of the encoders09:44
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yofelgood morning btw. :)09:45
shadeslayerhey yofel :)09:46
shadeslayerRiddell: plasma-mobile is still stuck in proposed09:49
shadeslayerany ideas why?09:49
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Riddellshadeslayer: nope but we hvae load of stuff stuck in proposed today09:54
shadeslayerplasma-mobile was uploaded quite some time ago09:54
shadeslayerand I thought it was stuck because of declarative-plasmoids09:54
shadeslayerbut since that's been uploaded ....09:54
Riddellshadeslayer: a problem in kubuntu-active which depends on language-selector-kde which no longer exists09:55
RiddellI fixed that09:55
Riddellbut there's another issue with kubuntu-meta on powerpc09:55
shadeslayernothing there too09:56
Riddellout of date on powerpc: kubuntu-active, kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-full (from 1.267)09:57
Riddellreally, there's your problem09:57
shadeslayeroh ... uh ... okay09:58
shadeslayerwhere did you find that?09:58
Riddellyou can follow the logic a bit through http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt09:59
shadeslayerI was looking at the wrong file09:59
Riddellug "Start in 20 hours" powerpc needs to be dropped10:12
shadeslayerheh, it's community supported10:16
shadeslayerfor them old Macbook Pro's10:16
Riddellbut with the new -proposed system it affects everyone10:18
apacheloggerRiddell: hooray for workarounds :P10:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, I thought I had pushed10:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: nope10:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: but yeah, I also was expecting it to go into experimental10:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah makes sense imho10:42
shadeslayerwhile you're pushing, why not setup the recipe as well10:42
shadeslayerso I can continue looking at GObject introspection and QMetaObject10:42
apacheloggercan't push10:43
apacheloggerdon't have my key with me10:43
shadeslayerpush it later on this evening then, I don't think there's a huge rush at the moment10:44
apacheloggerright now checking if perhaps it got autosynced to laptop10:44
shadeslayermm okay10:44
apacheloggernot synced10:46
apacheloggerwill have to wait10:46
soeeuhm i reading some posts and see that arch servers were down due to high interest in kde upgrades :) 10:53
soeealso kde had some problems ? :>10:53
MirvRiddell: FYI going to lunch but Didier noted (L)GPL requires LICENSE files, so I submitted https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,47111 to upstream. the current tarball would be fine with just repackaged and added with those.10:54
Mirvqtchooser tarball, that is10:54
shadeslayersoee: heh :)10:55
shadeslayertoo bad launchpad doesn't provide proper statistics10:56
shadeslayerit does provide *some* statistics10:56
RiddellMirv: well spotted10:59
yofelshadeslayer: it does provide the stats you usually want to know 11:34
yofelthe hard part is making them human readable :(11:34
shadeslayer2.4G    .cache/telepathy/avatars11:34
shadeslayerhow big is your cache11:35
yofelhere on this laptop11:35
yofel1.2M    /home/yofel/.cache/telepathy/11:35
shadeslayerlucky you11:35
yofel ~/.launchpadlib/ is also fun sometimes11:36
yofelat least if you use our scripts often11:36
shadeslayeryofel: Riddell https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47647 < we might want to keep track of that11:55
ubottuFreedesktop bug 47647 in tp-qt "Tp-qt fails to remove temp avatar file" [Normal,New]11:55
yofeljust how much does it cache there to reach 2.4G ?11:55
shadeslayerI think I saw 10-15 dupes of each avatar11:56
shadeslayerbut dolphin got super slow11:56
shadeslayeryou probably don't have enough accounts added :P11:58
shadeslayerI have 4 of them11:58
yofelyet another unreproducable support request - bug 111824411:59
ubottubug 1118244 in Kubuntu PPA "add new plasma widget dialog is empty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111824411:59
RiddellI have 450MB in there, nasty11:59
Riddelljr@kubuntu-armhf00:~$ sudo chroot raring/12:05
RiddellFATAL: kernel too old12:05
RiddellScottK: your arm machines are fatal12:06
yofeldid someone backport calligra?12:06
Riddellyofel: I've got it compiling here12:07
Riddellactually just done, compiles without issues12:07
RiddellI'll put it into backports ppa12:07
Riddellfor quantal12:07
shadeslayerRiddell: chroot? why not just do DIST=raring pbuilder --login ?12:23
yofelI'm curious whether that will work12:24
Riddellhum  http://paste.kde.org/666788/  it's using precise12:25
shadeslayerneeds -E12:26
yofelmore like W: /home/jr/.pbuilderrc does not exist12:26
yofelnot sure what the default one looks like12:26
shadeslayeroh .. uhh12:26
Riddellyofel: I see you have a .pbuilderrc, did you make that yourself or is there some automated way to do it?12:27
yofeluh... that was originally copied from somewhere else and then self extended12:28
yofelhm, /etc/pbuilderrc is really plain12:28
yofelwell, you probably have a pbuilderrc12:30
Riddellbah kde-workspace fail12:33
Riddell/usr/include/X11/extensions/XInput2.h:173:22: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef unsigned int BarrierEventID'12:34
Riddellhmm, look fiddly12:35
shadeslayerI'm getting reports that plasma crashes on startup on Quantal12:42
soeedo not scare me :) i just upgraded my work machine :)12:48
shadeslayerwell ... idk12:49
shadeslayerI've asked for a backtrace12:50
shadeslayeryofel: http://blog.krisk.org/2013/02/packets-of-death.html12:50
yofelshadeslayer: fun read, thanks :D12:55
shadeslayerit was fun how he debugged it :D12:56
Adityabshadeslayer: http://paste.kde.org/666830/12:59
shadeslayerp.k.o froze my brwoser13:01
shadeslayerI can scroll in the tiny area where the text is visible13:02
Adityabkde crashes froze some of my ability to work13:02
Adityabnote to self: never do major upgrades when working13:02
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shadeslayerAdityab: did you try out any of the RC's?13:02
Riddellshadeslayer: I've also noticed chromium and firefox freezing, so it's not just rekonq which breaks13:03
shadeslayeroh fun13:03
shadeslayerI leave the page open and switch to another tab and it goes bonkers13:03
Adityabshadeslayer: no13:04
shadeslayerthe new menu stuff seems to be breaking things for you13:04
Adityabmaybe i should simply compile all my kde like in the old days, that way i can easily rollback :S13:05
smartboyhwRiddell, ping13:05
Riddellhi smartboyhw 13:05
Riddellsmartboyhw: I saw calligra was compiling on amd64 in raring13:05
Riddelland I uploaded it to backports ppa for quantal13:05
smartboyhwRiddell, compiled and succeeded:)13:06
smartboyhwHowever powerpc is still building:P13:06
Riddellgrr, powerpc is really annoying me13:06
Riddellit's holding back the whole of 4.1013:06
* yofel passes Riddell a cup of coffee13:06
Riddellwell that and kde-workspace13:06
smartboyhwRiddell, yeah13:06
smartboyhwRiddell, now.... Any packaging to play?:P13:07
Riddellsmartboyhw: you could backport calligra to precise13:07
shadeslayerAdityab: you can still rollback btw13:07
smartboyhwRiddell, k13:07
RiddellI've no interest in backporting to precise but it seems to be fashionable13:07
smartboyhwfashionable (LOL)13:07
Riddellsmartboyhw: you could also test 4.10 on quantal and see if you get the crash Adityab is having13:07
smartboyhwRiddell, er sorry I am on Raring:P13:08
yofelshadeslayer: that article reminds me a bit of me debugging kile back then. Not as weird an issue, but fun too13:08
yofelshadeslayer: but on topic, I still blame my t510's hard freezes on ASPM. But turning it off simply isn't an option :/13:08
shadeslayerRiddell: Adityab is using Qt5 from the edgers PPA13:08
Riddellyofel: I had a cup of coffee already, the strong stuff, maybe that's the problem :)13:08
shadeslayerthis one https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta113:09
Riddellshadeslayer: umm13:09
shadeslayerI'm not exactly sure if that would cause issues13:09
yofelit *shouldn't*13:09
Riddellshadeslayer: that /shouldn't/ matter13:09
Riddellbut it has a bad smell about it indeed13:10
AdityabI added that ppa a long long time ago...13:10
shadeslayerAdityab: would it be possible to purge that PPA?13:10
shadeslayerand can you check if you can reproduce the crash with a new user?13:10
yofelsmartboyhw: that's what VM's are for ;)13:10
shadeslayerso that we can confirm it's not some plasmoid that's causing the crash13:10
Riddellespecially since the crash is in QtScript, maybe some runtime stuff going on there13:10
* Adityab tries both13:11
shadeslayertry without removing the Qt5 ppa :)13:11
Adityabshadeslayer: not just some plasmoid, as i said, ksysgyard also crashes13:11
smartboyhwyofel, you do know my bandwidth isn't great:P13:11
shadeslayeroh right13:11
shadeslayersmartboyhw: ec2 ftw13:11
yofelsmartboyhw: good point :/13:11
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yeah ec2 ftw!13:11
shadeslayerinstall KDE on quantal on EC2 , upgrade, vnc :D13:11
* Adityab logs out13:11
* smartboyhw is creating a pbuilder-dist precise to build on:P13:13
smartboyhwI mean for calligra backport13:13
Riddelljust ask if you need an ec213:14
smartboyhwRiddell, probably yes:P13:15
Riddellsmartboyhw: precise high cpu?13:15
smartboyhwRiddell, good choice13:15
smartboyhwRiddell, just asking: Where do you put your calligra backport for precise into?13:16
Riddellsmartboyhw: should be compiling away in kubuntu-ppa/backports13:19
Riddellsmartboyhw: ubuntu@ec2-107-22-114-48.compute-1.amazonaws.com13:22
Riddellsmartboyhw: that's one of the really expensive ones so run poweroff when you're done13:22
smartboyhwRiddell, ok13:22
smartboyhwRiddell, how does an actual ec2 price from?13:25
shadeslayersmartboyhw: huh?13:26
shadeslayersmartboyhw: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/13:26
smartboyhwshadeslayer, yep13:26
shadeslayercheap computing power13:26
Riddellsmartboyhw: $0.085 US an hour for the normal 1 CPU 32 bit ones, this one seems to be $0.69 an hour for 4CPU 64 bit one13:27
Riddellsmartboyhw: you can see a countier in the corner with byobu, green text on grey13:27
Riddellit's cheap for occational uses like this, it gets very expensive if you leave them on all the time13:28
smartboyhwshadeslayer, as it turns out: I need credit cards for registration on AWS:P13:29
Riddellsmartboyhw: I didn't need any changes on quantal so with luck you can compile and it'll just work13:31
Riddellwaa, I can't recreate the kde-workspace failure :(13:32
RiddellI'll try a rebuild and see if it's fixed itself13:32
shadeslayersmartboyhw: yes, however, the micro instance is free for a year13:32
shadeslayerthey don't charge you13:32
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh13:32
shadeslayerbut you still need a valid credit card13:32
BluesKajHi all13:33
smartboyhwshadeslayer, which I don't13:33
shadeslayerhey BluesKaj13:33
shadeslayersmartboyhw: heh :)13:33
smartboyhwHiyo BluesKaj 13:33
shadeslayerask your parents?13:33
BluesKajhi shadeslayer, smartboyhw13:34
shadeslayersmartboyhw: but seriously, you don't need to buy your own instance ;)13:34
shadeslayeras long as it's Kubuntu packaging work Kubuntu can provide instances13:34
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ok13:35
RiddellI've not tried a micro one, but presumably it's not good enough to compile on13:35
smartboyhwRiddell, thought of something: I need to add my GPG key so that I can upload to ppa right?13:37
Riddellsmartboyhw: yeah you can either do that but then you need to make sure to kick me off first (and it means trusting amazon which not everyone likes to do)13:37
Riddellor you can just do debsign -R13:37
Riddellwhich is probably more sensible13:37
smartboyhwRiddell, ah13:37
smartboyhwRiddell, wait I should use small letter R right?13:38
RiddellI forget, man debsign  is your friend13:39
shadeslayeryep -r13:40
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smartboyhwRiddell, hmm do I run debsign -r in my host computer or the ec2?14:15
Riddellsmartboyhw: on your local machine14:20
Riddellit uses scp to download the .changes and .dsc files and signs them and uploads again14:21
Adityabshadeslayer: Ok, I trashed some plasma and friends' config files and it worked14:24
Adityaband... no crashes so far14:24
Adityabbut then my firefox freezes completely from time to time14:25
smartboyhwRiddell, how come debsign -r wants to sign the key for Kubuntu Developers?14:26
smartboyhwAh anyway found a solution14:27
BluesKajfirefox has been acting up here lately too , freezing up for no apparent reason ..can't find anything in th elogs 14:31
genii-aroundBluesKaj: I'm finding flash and the plugin-container start chewing up resources until it's at like 98% then the flash plugin crashes and it frees up again.14:33
BluesKajgenii-around, i removed the alernative flashplugin and went with the libflashplayer.so that used in previous kubuntus and it seems to help 14:34
smartboyhwRiddell, now how do I upload calligra from ec2 to ppa? Do I have to kick you out and add gpg key?14:35
BluesKajok , gotta reboot afte rthe big upgrade on 13.04 14:36
shadeslayerAdityab: huzzah14:37
shadeslayerAdityab: as for FF freezing, same thing with chrome14:37
shadeslayeron raring14:37
soeelibreoffice 4.0 :)14:50
smartboyhwsoee, good news14:50
smartboyhwshadeslayer, maybe you can help me on the message above?14:50
soeeso in the future we might have caligra, libreoffice and ms office :)14:51
shadeslayererrr whut14:51
shadeslayerdid you export the right variables14:51
shadeslayerDEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME14:51
smartboyhwshadeslayer, no no no I mean how to upload to PPA from ec2:P14:51
shadeslayeryes yes14:51
shadeslayercheck the most recent entry in debian/changelog14:51
shadeslayerwhat does it say?14:52
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smartboyhwshadeslayer, no there is a gpg key issue with that14:54
shadeslayersmartboyhw: make sure your name and email are used in the top most entry and those should be the same as the ones in your GPG key14:54
shadeslayersmartboyhw: can you give me the exact error output?14:55
smartboyhwshadeslayer, it is. But don't forget, I'm using ec214:55
smartboyhwI mean, how to import my gpg key in14:55
shadeslayerdoesn't matter14:55
shadeslayeryou don't need to14:55
shadeslayerjust run debsign -r ubuntu@ec2-address-whatever:~/path/to/source.changes14:55
smartboyhwChecking signature on .changes14:55
smartboyhwgpg: Signature made Thu 07 Feb 2013 02:33:22 PM UTC using RSA key ID 079D2C2314:55
smartboyhwgpg: Can't check signature: public key not found14:55
smartboyhwshadeslayer, I did14:55
shadeslayerand what does that result in?14:56
shadeslayeryou need to run debsign from your own machine14:56
shadeslayernot the ec214:56
smartboyhwshadeslayer,  I did14:56
shadeslayerokay, can you pastebin the error then?14:56
shadeslayerthe whole thing that happens after you run debsign14:56
yofelsmartboyhw: put DEBSIGN_KEYID=2EC0A9FF into ~/.devscripts with *your* key id14:56
smartboyhwyofel, ok14:56
yofelthat'll force debsign  to use it14:56
yofelunless debsign -r has some other weird behaviour14:57
shadeslayeroh ... I thought he said that his name/email was fine in the changelog?14:57
yofelshadeslayer: does it actually read that when remote signing?14:57
yofel(no idea)14:57
shadeslayerI can't say for sure14:58
shadeslayerbut it should14:58
shadeslayerI've never tried without my dot files :D14:58
smartboyhwAh anyway, let me upload the -l10n package first14:58
yofelme neither as I always force my key no matter whose changelog entry it is14:58
shadeslayer"debsign  mimics  the  signing  aspects  (and  bugs) of dpkg-buildpackage(1). "14:58
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smartboyhwAh anyway, maybe I should just prepare the package in my host....14:59
smartboyhwIf raring works precise shouldn't not work14:59
shadeslayersmartboyhw: it's generally advised to get comfy with working on remote servers15:00
yofeluh, precise is quite different from quantal actually15:00
yofelbe careful15:00
yofelbut then again15:00
yofeldigikam worked fine on precise but broke in quantal15:00
* shadeslayer goes back to looking at qtwebkit15:00
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smartboyhwyofel, so I upload calligra-l10n to the main backports one or the beta backport PPA?15:00
shadeslayerthem scripts don't work15:01
smartboyhw*one -> PPA15:01
yofelsmartboyhw: main backports as it's a stable release15:01
smartboyhwyofel, thought of something: I will compile source for calligra (for precise) into my own PPA, if it works I will simply copy the package to the Kubuntu Backports PPA15:04
yofelyeah, you can do that. Use our staging PPA if you don't want to do any custom config to your PPA15:05
yofelas you'll probably have to make it depend on the backports one (at least for precise that might be a good idea with backported KDE and Qt and what not)15:05
yofelwith precise's main Qt you'll need to change some setting I believe15:06
smartboyhwyofel, ah:P15:06
yofelthat I_HAVE_PATCHED_QT thing or what that was15:06
* shadeslayer rages at qtwebkit for being so arcane15:09
smartboyhw**** I got the version number wrong, I typed in ~ubuntu12.04.1 instead of ~ubuntu12.04.2 in calligra-l10n precise backport15:12
* yofel wonders when qt5 is going to end up in experimental...15:13
yofelfabo: anything holding it up?15:13
shadeslayer"The current copyright is huge: 12637 lines. I have reviewed it but there still could be errors."15:14
yofelsmartboyhw: nobody will care about that...15:14
shadeslayerfrom http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/q/qtwebkit/qtwebkit_2.2.1-5/changelog15:14
yofelsmartboyhw: that's mostly just to match the output of backportpackage15:14
yofeleven 12.04 would've been fine15:14
shadeslayeryep ^15:14
shadeslayerok has anyone generated qtwebkit tarballs in the past?15:15
yofelshadeslayer: I wonder how the poor soul that wrote it was ^^15:15
shadeslayernot one single person15:15
yofelnote that the calligra one is mostly invalid syntax ^^15:15
ScottKRiddell: I can log into them fine.15:15
jussiHrm, as anyone looked into packaging the KDE version of http://sflphone.org/ for our repos? (there is a PPA it seems, but only the gnome version in the repos)15:19
Riddellsmartboyhw: hi, did you solve it?15:58
RiddellScottK: I'm logged in I just can't create a new raring chroot15:58
ScottKLet me see.15:59
ScottKRiddell: What happens if you copy over home/kitterma/pbuilder/raring-base.tgz into your directory and then do pbuilder update?16:00
smartboyhwRiddell, solve what?16:01
Riddellsmartboyhw: uploading to PPA?16:01
smartboyhwRiddell,  only -l10n16:01
smartboyhwusing ec2 is a bit of difficulty when uploading16:01
Riddellsmartboyhw: what's the issue?16:02
smartboyhwRiddell, GPG keys16:02
Riddellsmartboyhw: you didn't work debsign -r ?16:03
Riddellsmartboyhw: you didn't work out debsign -r ?16:03
smartboyhwRiddell, not that part16:04
smartboyhwThe uploading16:04
smartboyhwRiddell, anyway will try it tmr, got more time.16:04
smartboyhwI am starting my holidays!!!!16:04
RiddellScottK: this is probably showing my limited use of pbuilder but I'm doing something wrong http://paste.kde.org/666914/16:05
Riddellhmm, that guy gives up too easily :(16:08
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ScottKRiddell: I generally use pbuilder-dist, so pbuilder-dist raring update16:14
ScottKSee if that works.16:14
Riddellmm that's doing something16:17
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Riddellskaet: what's that you say?  you put up a placeholder for Alpha2?17:03
Riddellyou're a bit worried if there are people to test alpha2 and 12.04.2?17:03
skaetRiddell,  for the release notes;   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/Alpha2/Kubuntu17:04
skaetbut yes,  am a bit worried about running the alpha 2 in parallel wiht 12.04.2 from a test perspective17:05
skaetrather testing perspective.17:05
Riddellgood news is we have some new ninjas recently, would be good to get them into testing mode17:05
skaetexcellent!  :)17:06
skaetwill some focus on 12.04.2 and others on 13.04 alpha 2?17:06
Riddellthat seems one way to do it17:07
skaetother ideas are welcome :)17:07
RiddellI think we'll just have to see what fits best with the time people can give, I'll put out a call that we have a big testing week coming up17:08
Riddellskaet: one issue is we don't have any UEFI stuff on our images17:08
RiddellI'd like to get a laptop with UEFI on to test but I don't know how to get one with UEFI17:08
Riddellit doesn't seem to be an advertised feature, can't think why17:09
skaetRiddell,  wondering if its worth pinging balloons to see if he has some volunteers with the right hardware willing to help?17:10
Riddellyeah that's an idea17:10
Riddellmeh I uploaded calligra backport to raring instead of quantal, head fail17:12
* Riddell out to LUG17:14
soeeany of you niticed problems and error messages with keyring after upgrate to 4.10 ?20:42
jessieWhat kind of error messages?20:45
soeewhen trying to clone some git repos, or using smartgit 20:47
soeeWARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/soee/keyring-P0HEam/pkcs11: No such file or directory20:47
soeethere was no such problem before upgrade20:47
genii-aroundsoee: Not noticing that. I did a clone on the quassel repo just earlier.20:52
PaulW2Usoee: that's bug  #93217720:52
ubottubug 932177 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "XFCE (and other non-GNOME) desktops do not initialise gnome-keyring correctly / WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to PKCS11" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93217720:52
jessieOh, nice. I have experienced that at times too.20:56
jessieThough not with git.20:56
soeePaulW2U, ok thank you21:03
rdietersoee, jessie : let me save you some trouble, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66596121:15
ubottuGnome bug 665961 in general "gnome-keyring: no socket to connect to" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]21:15
rdieterthere's an upstreamed patch there21:15
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QuintasanFOR CHRISTS SAKE22:15
Quintasancan anyone tell me how the hell do I share a damn freaking printer over a network?22:15
amichairhowdy, can anyone tell what's up with these unmet kde 4.10 dependencies? http://pastebin.com/nTa11ppQ22:59
yofelamichair: that happens when running what?23:13
amichairsudo apt-get dist-upgrade (on 12.10)23:13
amichairwhen I try the -f, I get what I think is bug #110062223:14
ubottubug 1100622 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "package kdelibs5-plugins (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/ktelnetservice', which is also in package kdelibs4c2a 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-3ubuntu2.10.04.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110062223:14
yofelah yeah, overwrite errors would cause broken dependencies23:15
amichairhmm... versions different than the bug, but otherwise look similar23:15
amichair"trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/ktelnetservice', which is also in package kdelibs4c2a 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-5ubuntu2"23:16
ScottKamichair: You should remove kdelibs4c2a.  KDE3 is way obsolete.  We should also breaks/replaces kdelibs4c2a, but you don't want that anymore.23:18
yofelhm, that file has been there since 4.9.95 though. I guess nobody noticed23:18
yofelScottK: I'll do it23:18
yofelwhoever uploaded kde to raring didn't push the release23:19
yofelthat's *NOT* automatic23:19
amichairI don't know how it got there, though this system has been on upgrades for several years23:19
amichairmaybe ancient leftover23:20
yofelancient leftover23:20
yofelit's not like anything would remove it usually23:20
amichairthen that's a bug in the upgrade path :-)23:20
yofelhard to say. It should be marked obsolete and proposed for cleanup usually23:21
amichairok, removed it, now it's amarok-engine-xine, guarddog and ksensors showing errors coz they need it23:22
amichairdo they have modern replacements?23:23
yofelxine is unsupported, but I don't know about the rest23:24
amichairso maybe being left behind is an amarok upgrade bug. I'll remove that one.23:25
yofelRiddell: as you signed the packages I guess you ran the upload script. Could you please push the bzr commits and tags?23:25
Riddellyofel: what what?23:25
yofelRiddell: kde branches are all UNRELEASED23:25
Riddelloh tsk yeah I forgot that23:26
amichairhmmm... I try removing amarok-engine-xine or ksensors, but they don't get removed23:32
yofelRiddell: thanks 23:36
amichairdoes kde have a firewall gui app?23:38
Riddellamichair: kubuntu doesn't generally need one23:39
yofelthere was one in the wild I believe, but nothing we have packaged23:40
yofeluse gufw23:40
amichairwhy would kubuntu not need a firewall? sometimes ports get open, and you don't want them exposed to outsiders...23:42
amichairso... I'm trying to remove kdelibs4c2a and those that depend on it (amarok-engine-xine guarddog ksensors), but they don't get removed...23:44
yofeltry 'sudo dpkg -r --force-depends kdelibs4c2a', then apt-get install -f23:45
amichairyofel: great, that seems to have unclogged it - thanks!23:49

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