
=== Jacky_ is now known as zz_Jacky_
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mr0wlhey kscreenlocker isn't working after the KDE 4.10 updates, is there any way to fix it?01:47
mr0wlapparently there's a bug reported at KDE about this: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31105002:04
ubottuKDE bug 311050 in locker-qml "[Regression] ctrl-alt-l isn't locking the screen" [Normal,Reopened]02:04
mr0wlno resolution yet02:04
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markd______I'm here to vent..  anybody want to listen???  I'm in dependency hell because of kdelibs5-plugins and kdelibs4c2a conflicting...  can someone help me??02:37
markd______sorry, I know that attitude will not get my far..  but it's been a long day02:37
markd______here's my errors:  http://pastebin.com/AzvqMdpL02:39
WalzmynI updated to KDE 4.10 and rebooted, now my system is crashing before the login02:58
markd______at the login screen, go to command line by pressing <ctrl + Alt> + F1 or F203:00
markd______then to temporarily get you up, you can rename the .kde4 folder to .kde4_old03:01
markd______then go back to login by <ctrl + alt> + F703:01
markd______you will loose all your old settings - looks and themes03:02
markd______but that's why I'm telling you to do a rename..03:02
markd______Walzmyn: ?03:03
Walzmynmarkd______: can't even get to login03:03
markd______do you get a hard crash?03:03
markd______does ctrl alt f7 do anything?03:04
markd______ok, for some reason it's now <ctrl + alt> + F8 to get back to KDE03:05
Walzmynscrew it. I'm downloading the iso on my laptop, i'll just reload it03:06
WalzmynLong Term Support = stable my ass03:07
markd______booting with a boot cd, mounting the drive and then doing it from there could help, but it seems like it's more borked than that just KDE03:07
markd______I'm having the same issues..03:07
markd______also pissed - actually diff issues..  I'm in dependencies hell03:07
markd______I think I'll load my ubuntu 12.10 then install kde from there..03:09
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ultimatehi everyone05:17
ultimateI'm in my company05:17
ultimateyesterday, IT guy has installed sonic firewall on my windows pc05:18
ultimateand all my activities have been followed05:18
ultimateI want to ask you guys if I run a Ubuntu Live Session,can IT guy trace my activities?05:19
bjrohanI did an upgrade today for KDE 4.10, as well as Chromium and Chrome.  Now the fonts in all browsers, including firefox have changed, the tabs, and the text in the browser like facebook feed. I changed all in Chrome settings, nothing changed. I changed in System Settings, Application Appearance, no changes there reflected in the browsers, any suggestions?06:04
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pxchas anyone here had any luck with the Amarok Nepomuk Collection feature? I'd like to use it but I can't get Nepomuk (the new 4.10 version) to scan all of my music. It seems to neglect nearly all of it07:04
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ignerioushow to change new screen locker background??08:25
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone09:04
jackyalcinewooot! KDE 4.1009:14
gnomefreakhi phoenix_firebrd09:16
phoenix_firebrdgnomefreak: hi09:16
mr0wlwhat are some good transcoding software available?09:37
phoenix_firebrdmr0wl: try mobile multimefia converter09:44
phoenix_firebrdmr0wl: try mobile multimedia converter09:45
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mr0wlphoenix_firebrd: thanks, do you know of any Qt apps?09:49
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gnomefreakwhat package do i use policy to figure out what versen of kde09:50
* gnomefreak smoke09:54
yofelgnomefreak: look at the plasma-desktop package for example, or run 'kde4config --version' in konsole09:56
OerHeksor kde4-config --version09:59
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gnomefreakyofel: do i neede to e in kde to run the command?10:10
yofelnot really, only kdelibs has to be installed10:11
gnomefreakits not doinf here excpe some crap10:11
gnomefreakhere is the output gnomefreak@Development:~$ kde4config --version10:11
gnomefreakNo command 'kde4config' found, did you mean: Command 'kde4-config' from package 'kdelibs-bin' (main)10:11
gnomefreakmy damn coffee burnt me10:12
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ignerioushow to change new screen locker background??11:06
bajhujanyalse from BG?11:09
ignerioushow to change new screen locker background??11:11
ignerioushow to change new screen locker background??11:11
kosmonaut_i just wanted to update to KDE4.10 but I get this here: "http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu/dists/nadia/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found". Is this just true for me?11:26
shadeslayerkosmonaut_: are you using mint or sth?11:29
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kosmonaut_shadeslayer: yes ub deed mint12:20
kosmonaut_shadeslayer: aaah!12:20
kosmonaut_shadeslayer: now I understand12:20
kosmonaut_i guess12:20
shadeslayerkosmonaut_: in which case, a) Wrong channel and b) wrong release name12:20
shadeslayeryou probably want to switch out nadia for quantal/precise12:21
shadeslayer( whatever nadia is based on, I don't know )12:21
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hzenginhi folks12:55
hzengini installed lastest kubuntu and i am having trouble with my usb wireless dongle. I solved driver issues but there is still a problem. With same computer and same dongle i can connect my home network via wi-fi under windows 8 and signal strength is very good but in kubuntu signal strength is really bad12:58
hzenginis there any one has an idea?12:59
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Peace-hzengin: driver issue i guess13:16
BluesKajHi all13:33
artaocan anyone explain to my WHY Krita 2.6 isn't available EVEN IN the backports PPA ???14:07
artaoWTF!!! :\14:07
artaoget on the fricken ball here Kubuntu. Seriously.14:08
lordievaderartao: Become package maintainer and do the work yourself if this is such a big issue to you.14:09
artaooh please! what a ridiculous statement14:09
artaowhat are the CURRENT package maintainers for then?14:10
artao"hey user, do it yourself" is no answer14:10
artaoesp. for a distro that's allegedly as simple to use for end-users and Kubuntu is supposed to be14:10
lordievaderartao: My point is the maintainers are busy enough.14:10
tsimpsonbecause 2.6 was released 2 days ago...14:11
artaoi mean, Krita in the backports repo isn't even past 2.5.2 yet!!! that's ridiculous14:11
artaomaintainers are busy not doing their job?14:11
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tsimpsonthey are busy packaging KDE14:11
tsimpsonwhich is what they VOLUNTEER to do14:12
artaosure .. new KDE was just released ... and THAT'S in there .. of coure .. yet the backports PPA still isn't beyond krita 2.5.2 ... :\14:12
tsimpson2.5.94 is in raring14:12
tsimpsonif you want to volunteer to backport and test on it on quantal, go ahead14:13
artaoi'm and end-user, not a maintainer14:13
james147artao: Almost all the kubuntu packages are volunteers. if you don't like their work then volunteer your self and improve things, there is no point in complaining about them as it just makes them less likley to do what you want. Given they are giving up their own free time to do this.14:13
artaowhat you're saying would bake sense if i were running debian or arch14:13
artaokubuntu is supposed to be end-user-friendly14:13
artaooh BS!14:14
tsimpsonthey can't possibly do everything, that's a completely unreasonable expectation14:14
james147artao: and it is, user-friendly dose not mean completly up to date to the last second14:14
artaoif the volunteers are that petty they shouldn't be doint it eithr14:14
artao2.5.2 is hardly up to the 'last second' even ... that's several months old14:14
tsimpsonas I said, 2.5.94 is in raring14:15
artaofrom what I'm reading, it's a known "problem" that Kubuntu backports has not been maintaining an up-to-date krita for some unknown reason14:15
artaoWTF is "raring" ??14:15
BluesKajartao, what's the big deal about having the newest krita , does it do something that earlier versions don't do ?14:16
artaoyes. several things14:16
artaoin particular OpenColorIO14:16
tsimpsonraring is the next release, 13.0414:16
artaoalso major OpenGL speedups14:16
lordievaderartao: You can allways compile from source.14:16
artaothen i might as well be running arch14:17
BluesKaj!raring | artao14:17
ubottuartao: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:17
artaowhich, frankly, is beyond my ken14:17
tsimpsonit's up to you, but the volunteers that make Kubuntu possible can't make everyone happy all the time14:17
tsimpsonthat's just a fact of life14:17
tsimpsonthey are only a limited number of people, giving a limited amount of their time to support something they care about14:18
artaobackports hasn't been updating krita for awhile apparently14:18
artaoas in several months at least14:18
artaono one seems to know why14:18
tsimpsonto have a package in backports requires work in backporting the package and testing, that requires man-power which is in limited suply14:19
mr0wldoes anyone know if avconv support multi-cpu to encode videos?14:22
artaoand krita, being one of THE major painting apps under linux, just isn't important enuf to keep up to date?14:22
artaoas I said .. 2.5.2 is several months old14:22
Torchartao: i wonder what you're trying to achieve with this discussion14:22
artaopushing buttons14:22
artaoexpressing user-discontent14:22
Torchartao: we heard you14:22
artaoand don't care .. that much is clear14:23
Torchartao: i'm not a kubuntu packager. if i was, your little speech here would probably lead to my further frustration14:23
james147artao: not when you are being hostile like this....14:23
artaogood thing your not then14:23
artaoand stop making excuses for them14:24
artaoit's exceedingly frustrating is all, and it's not the first time14:24
artaobackports is SUPPOSED to be rather "bleeding edge" .. that's WHY i enabled it14:24
Torchartao: pay someone to package krita if it's so important to you. or wait until someone does it for free.14:24
tsimpsonartao: you've made your point now. unless you want to help, there's no point in continuing14:24
FlameReaper-PCActually, Backports isn't.14:25
artaokrita USED to be kept up to date regularly .. now it's not?14:25
Torchartao: that's what i understood so far from what you say.14:25
FlameReaper-PCIt's not supposed to be a bleeding edge PPA.14:25
artaolokay, not bleeding maybe but open wound at least14:26
FlameReaper-PCAnd no, Krita isn't. At least when its parent package, calligra is concerned.14:26
artaokrita has been seperated from calligra for some time14:26
tsimpsonno, it's part of the same source package14:26
artaoand i was under the ijmpression anyhow that calligra is a base KDE suite14:26
FlameReaper-PCWhich it is.14:26
artaoso it's curious why it's not up to date14:27
FlameReaper-PCKrita has been always part of Calligra.14:27
FlameReaper-PCIt's just that you are able to install it separately.14:27
FlameReaper-PCAnd for the record, Calligra in the backports are up to version 2.5.414:27
artaookay apologists14:28
artaol8r then14:28
FlameReaper-PC... Well, I had the same frustration,14:28
skriteartao: there are a number of ways to get a newer version of a package.14:28
FlameReaper-PC... and built the Krita package out of frustration.14:28
skritethe first thing i would do is compile it from the source packages.. don't get more up to date that that.14:29
FlameReaper-PCBut I guess I can understand... to have to download the entire Calligra source and configure flags so that it just builds one application from that14:29
FlameReaper-PCsimply doesn't bid well to... quite an audience.14:30
FlameReaper-PCEspecially if the people we're talking to simply can't go anywhere even with a manual.14:31
mokiehi everyone14:56
mokieanyone have problems with kde 4.10 on kubuntu 12.10 (backports ppa)?14:56
mokieim gonna enable it14:57
BluesKajmokie, I just upgraded /dist-upgraded 12.10 , and didn't have any problems14:58
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skritemokie: same here, updated yesterday with the backports ppa, everything is pretty nice.14:59
skriteno bugs so far14:59
mokieok, so i will try14:59
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ovidiu-florinhello world, I've made a deb package using checkinstall -D from a tar.gz package. How can I change the deb package to add the postinst script?15:17
Peace-ovidiu-florin: you need to learn how to do a proper package15:19
Peace-checkinstall is not a good stuff15:19
ovidiu-florinhave I done something wronk by doing it like this?15:19
ovidiu-florinI've tested the package... it work's15:19
BadDesignAnyone here managed to install PostgreSQL 9.2 on K/Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal?15:20
ovidiu-florinPeace-: what's wrong int my aproach?15:23
Peace-ovidiu-florin: checkinstall it's good to install a pakacge in your system15:23
Peace-but not to create a real debian15:23
ovidiu-florinthen how should I do it?15:23
Peace-ovidiu-florin: i know how to build a package for a simple script but i suggest to search on the wiki15:23
ovidiu-florinPeace-: using dpkg --build ?15:24
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Take a look at "dh_make" and "debuild".15:25
Peace-ovidiu-florin: this is my how to for scripts but like said from lordievader dh_make http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2012/04/29/how-to-create-a-debian-for-a-dolphin-service-menu-with-a-bash-script-and-upload-it-on-launchpad/15:26
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Since I don't really understand them myself I cannot really be of assitance any further.15:26
ovidiu-florinbefore I got to checkinstall I've researched about how to make package.. and the simplest and Debian recommended way I've found is usign dpkg --build15:27
tsimpsondpkg --build is for building a package, not creating one15:28
Peace-ovidiu-florin: read that link i have sent you15:28
Peace-you will learn how to do a debian package for script15:29
Peace-then you can learn more with dh:make15:29
Captain_Protonstupid question I lost the main menu and connect optiom in KRDC. How do I get them back?15:30
Peace-Captain_Proton: try with CTRL M15:30
jackyalcineIf I wanted to make my own LightDM KDE theme, I'd just copy and edit what's under /usr/share/kde4/apps/lightdm-kde-greeter/themes/, no?15:31
Captain_ProtonPeace-: thanks that worked :)15:31
Peace-jackyalcine: there is even your local directory15:31
Peace-jackyalcine: basically yes15:32
jackyalcineinteresting, thanks!15:32
lordievaderjackyalcine: Isn't there a sub-folder in there for every theme?15:32
jackyalcineyup, but only classic and userbar for now15:34
Captain_Protonone more ? i like to make the window key launch the run command but when I try it give me meta+ is there a way to hack it?15:35
_markd_hi..  I'm having dependency issues with kdelibs5-plugins and kdelibs4c2a - error messages here: http://pastebin.com/AzvqMdpL15:35
lordievaderCaptain_Proton: You can, but in the process the meta becomes a different key, so it can no longer be used for different combinations.15:36
lordievaderCaptain_Proton: I'm talking about a work-around, haven't seen a better way yet.15:36
Peace-Captain_Proton: there is a program to do tat15:37
Peace-wait a moment15:37
Captain_Protonlordievader: your talking about remaping the keyboard right?15:37
lordievaderCaptain_Proton: Indeed I am ;)15:37
_markd_I have no idea how to fix it as apt-get -f install does not fix it, and I don't know what to uninstall to get things back15:37
Peace-Captain_Proton: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/ksuperkey?content=154569&PHPSESSID=346a5fbcca288d8082e524d481ebfa0415:37
Captain_Protonlordievader: I guess it will be better in the long run to alt+f215:38
Peace-ksuperkey is good15:38
Captain_ProtonPeace-: kool thanks I will install it15:42
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jackyalcineokay, how do I test my theme?15:43
jackyalcineI've run lightdm-kde-greeter and got the greeter, but I don't know how to tell it what theme to use.15:43
jackyalcineop, forget it15:47
jackyalcineGoogle is my best friend :)15:47
Peace-jackyalcine: try to create a new session15:47
_markd_can someone help me with dependency issues??15:48
Peace-_markd_: kde version kbuuntu version15:49
jackyalcinePeace-: lightdm --test-mode :)15:50
Peace-jackyalcine: btw there is a channel for lightdm15:51
Peace-jackyalcine: i have asked directlu to the developer15:51
_markd_kubuntu 12.04 - just upgraded to 4.10 yesterday, now I have issues..  actually the upgrade never finished15:52
_markd_errors in pastebin: http://pastebin.com/AzvqMdpL15:53
genii-around_markd_: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs5-plugins_4%3a4.10.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.2~ppa1_amd64.deb15:54
Peace-_markd_: have you ppa too ?15:54
Peace-genii-around: :) i will add this to my aptk service menu15:55
_markd_not sure what you mean by ppa??  I have several sources installed yes15:55
Peace-_markd_: when you upgrade kde disable ppa first15:55
Peace-_markd_: i mean external ppa15:55
Peace-ppa btw are dangerous expecially those that are not from kubuntu team15:56
yanHi. I just installed kubuntu through the alternate cd with an encrypted system. i have done this before and it works. but now when i sync my backup to my new (ssd) hdd, i get an error that some (akregator) file names are too long. this seems to be related to the encryption with ecryptfs:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/344878 but until today, i was sure that the encryption used was dm-crypt/luks. has that changed?15:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 344878 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "file name too long when creating new file (ecryptfs_lookup: lookup_one_len() returned [-36] on lower_dentry)" [High,Fix released]15:57
Captain_ProtonPeace-: I am not sure if you can help on this, but when I try to rebind ksuperkey to to alt+f2 i receive "Runs as a daemon unless --debug flag is set"15:58
Captain_ProtonPeace-: I am copy and pasting right for the app page15:58
Peace-wait a moment15:59
_markd_will do that..16:00
_markd_is the kubuntu-ppa backports OK?16:00
markd____lost my connection in between, so did not get the response if you sent one..  is the kubuntu-ppa backports a good ppa to keep?16:04
Peace-markd____: yes16:04
Peace-Captain_Proton: mmm i am testing16:04
Peace-Captain_Proton: ok with alt f1 it works here16:05
Peace-now i will try with another stuff16:06
Captain_ProtonPeace-: cool thnaks. i am doing it right? ksuperkey -e 'Super_L=Alt_L|F2'16:07
Captain_Protonthat for the website16:07
yanis it possible that if i selected "encrypt my home folder" on install, it is encrypted twice? once through ecryptfs and then through dm-crypt/lvm?16:10
Peace-Captain_Proton: mmm i can't set it too16:12
Peace-Captain_Proton: mm this strange16:12
Captain_ProtonPeace-: I will compile it and see if that helps16:14
Peace-Captain_Proton: i will just do this ... change the alt f2 shortcuts16:14
Peace-to alt f1 :D16:14
Peace-it should work as you want16:14
Captain_ProtonPeace-: lol :D ok16:15
Peace-Captain_Proton: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/02/07/plasma-desktopXX2156.png16:18
Captain_ProtonPeace-: hey what widget are you using to make the running icons like that?16:19
Peace-Captain_Proton: just install my plasma panels collection16:20
Captain_Protondo I have to download it?16:20
Peace-Captain_Proton: nope16:20
Peace-icontask is on the kde standard stuff16:20
Peace-btw i did sudo apt-get install plasma-widget* :D i have space16:20
Captain_ProtonCool thanks again I found it16:21
Captain_ProtonIt has been along time away from KDE. I need to get use to it16:22
Peace-Captain_Proton: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Plasma+Panels+Collections?content=155726  this is a collections of pannels but you can do even manullay16:22
ovidiu-florinIs there any chance I can get the Johnny Castaway screensaver  on my kubuntu?16:25
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BluesKajovidiu-florin, I believe it will run , but only in wine , don't think it's been ported to linux16:40
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skaetRiddell,  put a placeholder up for Alpha2 release notes last night following the pattern from Alpha1.    Bit worried if there are enough folks around to test Alpha 2 next week as well as 12.04.2 though in parallel.17:01
Riddellthanks skaet17:02
Riddellskaet: you know you're welcome in #kubuntu-devel ? :)17:02
* skaet heading there for this. :)17:03
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gerloshello everyone!17:38
gerloslast week I upgraded my kubuntu from 12.04 to 12.10, and today I upgraded KDE to 4.10 from kubuntu-backports pps17:43
gerlosnow I've got an error with italian localization17:44
Peace-gerlos: e reinstalllale17:45
Peace-gerlos: reinstall the localization deb17:45
gerloswhen I go to "system languages" in systemsettings I got this message: "the service system languages does not provide an interface kcmodule with keyword language-selecto/language-selector.py17:45
gerlosPeace: reinstalled them, it works fine, but keep seeing the same error in systemsettings17:49
Peace-gerlos: mmm dunno i am italian but i use english all the time17:50
gerlosPeace-: I am Italian too,17:52
Peace-well i knew it17:52
gerloslocalization seems working fine everywhere, the annoying thing is that once in a while appears that window from systemsettings, telling me about that error17:53
Peace-gerlos: ok i re-read tyour problem17:55
Peace-gerlos: that seems to be a problem with the kcm module that is missing17:55
gerlosPeace-: I see. Any hint on how to find and restore it?17:56
Peace-gerlos: mmm i dunno because there  could be a problme with python version too17:57
Peace-gerlos: wait a moment i will ask17:57
gerlosPeace-: thanks17:58
Peace-gerlos:  kcmshell4 --list | grep langua17:58
Peace-gerlos: gives you empty ooutput ?17:59
Peace-gerlos:  kcmshell4 language18:00
gerlosPEace-: here's the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1621647/18:00
Peace-gerlos: did you tried the command i sent you ?18:02
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gerlosPeace-: yes, pasted the output here http://paste.ubuntu.com/1621647/18:03
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Peace-gerlos: no not that one18:03
Peace-[19:00] <Peace-> gerlos:  kcmshell4 language18:03
gerlossorry, missed it18:04
gerlosit works18:04
Peace-gerlos: i guess it's a problem with python18:04
Peace-gerlos: i mean it load the module to choose language and all ?18:05
gerlosactually, it's the third item in the locale sidebar giving me that error (I suppose it is "system languages" in English)18:06
gerlosThe first one works fine: I can choose my language, and if I push it to the first place it changes locale for all the apps18:07
Peace-gerlos: can you try with a new user ?18:07
gerlosI'll create a new one18:07
gerloscreated new user and su'ed me from a terminal, got the same result18:11
gerlosmaybe should I try a full login?18:11
Peace-gerlos: you can start a new session without close this one18:12
gerlosI'm back: got same error, and saw also a notification from apport about an "internal error", caused by systemsettings18:16
Peace-gerlos: mmm  i will tell yoou what you should do ... try to ask here #kubuntu-devel18:17
Peace-gerlos: but not now i guess everybody are gone18:17
Peace-gerlos: tomorrow you could get some answers but you cantry even now18:18
gerlosok, I'll try, many thanks!18:18
sbalmosWanted to pop in and see... Under KDE 4.10 that was just released, the notification panels and the borders of the Kicker are completely transparent. Makes it hard to read the notifications. Is this intended or a bug?18:25
mandoguitsbalmos:   don't really know as I haven't been using kde for that long but I ended up turning off transparency and that made things even worse (black background so that nothing could be read).....finally ended up turning off all desktop effects until such a time as I feel motivated to explore further.  ;-)18:28
disharmonicsbalmos, are you using the default theme?18:29
disharmonicyou could try changing the colour sheme18:29
sbalmosdisharmonic: Yes.18:29
sbalmosdisharmonic: One moment. Working over VNC (which isn't bad, just slightly laggy18:29
wing__hi there18:32
disharmonicdoes the x-updates ppa have s3tc and floating point textures enabled or do i need edf=gers for that?18:33
disharmonicedgers that is18:33
disharmonicsry, wrong window :P18:34
wing__i think packages in ppa are still works in progress18:34
wing__as of now package manager reported me bad signature on files downloading18:35
sbalmosmeh, looks like it's kind of intended. Maybe I'll just keep Air for Netbooks as my theme. That seems to be okay. Normal Air has the odd (to me) transparency18:35
wing__Someone got missed Oxygen theme after upgrading to 4.10 ?18:35
yofelsbalmos: no, they're not intended to be *completely* transparent18:37
yofelsbalmos: they should be at worst ~75% transparent if blur doesn't work18:37
yofelsbalmos: but theck the plasma theme settings if the panel isn't set to something else.18:38
yofelwing__: they're  not really work in progress. If you get a key error either you don't have the key or the cache refresh failed. Refreshing the cache again might help there18:38
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wing__i clean cache and tried several times the upgrade command but it reports a hash mismatch18:40
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disharmonicsbalmos, i use slim glow personally with obsidian coast as my colour theme. Though i do dislike bright colours18:41
yofelodd, maybe the server messed up. You can run 'sudo apt-get check' to regenerate the local cache anyway with the old files18:41
wing__thanks for the tip , im trying it right now18:41
yofelmight not help with the signature though.18:42
sbalmosargh. This is getting fun. The notification popup is okay now. But Kicker's search box / username and borders are still completely transparent18:42
wing__still same , it could be related to server, i got that error weeks ago but solved after a couple hours.18:43
wing__is there a way to have oxygen style back ? since the half upgrade its missing :(18:44
yofelwhat's still stopping the upgrade?18:44
yofelthe theme itself is the kde-style-oxygen package. If that's what's really broken18:45
wing__it looks successful upgraded, no error report, but oxygen style isnt present now although the package is installed18:46
disharmonicwing__,  try sudo apt-get install kde-style-oxygen18:46
yofelwing__: what do you have instead?18:47
wing__already installed, if it will not remove whole kde i could try reinstalling18:47
disharmonicah, it's installed18:47
wing__its CDE now as default but i changed in plastic style since i didnt like that18:47
yofelyou can use 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde-style-oxygen'18:47
wing__it cant be reinstalled :(18:48
yofelwhy not?18:49
wing__thats the error , i try now with sudo apt-get remove that-package and reinstall manually18:49
yofelah, that won't work18:49
yofelwhat you can use is:18:49
yofelsudo dpkg -r --force-depends kde-style-oxygen; sudo apt-get install -f18:50
wing__it removed some stuffs and installed an old version of oxygen 4.8.518:51
wing__i try ur command now18:51
yofelhm, can you pastebin what 'apt-cache policy kde-style-oxygen' says?18:52
wing__nothing to do same error like before18:52
wing__yeah gimme 1 sec and i paste it18:52
wing__here the link http://pastebin.com/u8EvZm7s18:53
yofelhm... and you're looking for which version?18:54
wing__latest one from 4.10 release18:54
wing__i added related18:54
yofelis kubuntu-ppa/backports enabled?18:54
disharmoniclooks like your apt cache is messed up18:55
yofelok... then let's try to completely reset the cache18:55
yofel'sudo apt-get clean' and 'sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*'18:55
yofeland 'sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*'18:56
yofelthen apt-get update should fetch everything fresh18:56
wing__1 sec pls18:58
wing__updating index18:59
wing__here again problem with hash18:59
wing__thanks for the effort helping , i give up for now and try again later19:00
wing__hoping in better luck with server19:00
yofelhm, weird :/19:00
wing__maybe wrong built packages or messy servers19:01
yofelthe packages are fine, they work here. It's just odd that you're getting an archive error19:01
wing__i dunno whats wrong as far as i understand it downloads from server both packages and checksums19:02
wing__then compare them19:02
yofelyeah, which it does fine here.19:02
wing__for process to fail  you require to get corrupted packages19:03
disharmonicmaybe the hash key on your end got corrupted somehow?19:03
yofeldisharmonic: nah, this is just the package list file checksum19:03
yofel(or otherwise his apt-cache output wouldn't be missing)19:04
yofel*unless* he added the wrong PPA19:04
wing__ì re-added ppa repository and got a new message from apt-cache policy19:05
wing__is it useful to you to read it ?19:05
wing__here the pastbin http://pastebin.com/GipamXzN19:06
wing__i reinstalled it , it went fine19:07
wing__i need to restart plasma or reboot my pc to have oxygen in the appeareances menu?19:07
wing__solved hash issue too19:10
wing__i give it a reboot and back here to report19:10
ovidiu-florinhello guys. Is the NVIDIA driver version 173 older or newer than the version current?19:13
wing__nothing to do , successfully installed the package but oxygen style still missing19:17
wing__thanks for your help , i give up now ,. i wait for an update later19:18
wing__thanks byebye19:18
genii-aroundFor some reason now I want to do the Gangham Style song but sing Oxygen Style instead19:24
mandoguitmeds time then! ;-)19:25
* BluesKaj heads out to the mailbox19:26
todi i will install an apache server how have i to search in muon??19:28
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todihi does anyone know how the apache server is called in muon??19:59
BluesKajtodi, try apache2 , it20:01
BluesKaj's ametapackage20:01
todiif i search for apache2 i didn't find anything20:02
todithats the problem20:02
BluesKajtodi, make sure you have all the repositories including the canonical partners enabled in muon20:04
BluesKajexcept for the cdrom , of course20:05
todii have found it now. the thing is that there are two ways to install programms. i used the programm administration and not the package administration. last time i used ubuntu and there i think it is the same20:07
todithanks for your help:-)20:07
BluesKajtodi, you can also use the konsole/terminal , sudo apt-get install apache220:09
todiBluesKaj, i know that this is possible but i prefer the gui to install it20:11
Captain_ProtonI change by window theme and k something crash now I have no windows bottons. What do I need to restart to get them back?20:33
WizardProbably this was asked 100 times today, is there a KDE 4.10 ppa for Kubuntu 12.10 or 12.04? :)20:44
TorchWizard: it's right on kubuntu.org's start page ;-)20:45
WizardNo kidding :)20:45
lordievaderI believe it is even in the topic of this channel.20:45
WizardI'm sorry then.20:46
lordievaderHehe no worries :P20:46
WizardAnd it is available for 12.04 too :>20:46
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ovidiu-florinhello world. My laptop died while updatting my kubuntu 12.10 because of the low battery. When I turned it back on, and logged in, I can see just the wallpaper, no pannels and I can't right click. I tried to finishe the updates form tty1. No change. I tried to restore the defauld workspace by mv ~/.kde ~/.kde-old, this didn't help eighter. Any ideeas?21:30
genii-aroundovidiu-florin: I would suggest ctrl-alt-f1  then login at console, do sudo apt-get -f install21:33
ovidiu-florinI'll try21:34
ovidiu-floringenii-around: no dependency's are unmet21:34
ovidiu-florinaptitude would have notified me about that when I finished the updates from tty121:34
genii-aroundovidiu-florin: I would suggest to use apt-get instead. Perhaps in this case: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get update && sudo sync      ... then just to make sure you have what you're supposed to for kubuntu to work:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop21:37
ovidiu-floringenii-around: wouldn't that break the settings for all the users?21:38
genii-aroundovidiu-florin: It won't install anything in any user's home directory.21:39
genii-aroundovidiu-florin: At any rate, this why to use apt-get and not aptitude: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bug/83176821:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 831768 in aptitude (Ubuntu Precise) "aptitude cannot handle conflicts with multiarch enabled" [High,Confirmed]21:41
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roastedQuestion - KDE is heavily heavily customizable. So customizable that I began to wonder, is there a way for me to somehow package all of my GUI oriented settings (widgets, widget settings, menu settings, theme, icon set, etc) into a package and somehow easily deploy that to my laptop to have an identical environment?22:10
Quintasanroasted: you can just copypaste your /home/<username>/.kde directory22:21
roastedQuintasan: oh, really? ALL KDE configs are in there?22:22
roastedQuintasan: if that's the case, I'll tarball it and put it on my owncloud server so I can grab it anywhere. :D22:22
Quintasanall your personalised settings are ther22:22
roastedQuintasan: I was not aware. Thanks!22:22
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Quintasanroasted: No problem22:26
mumhello all22:37
thelionroarsHi mum22:45
thelionroarsI know they left, I just had to say it...22:45
thelionroarsdoesn anyone know when Libre Office 4 will hit the repos?22:46
DarthFrogIf it does, it'll probably be in backports.22:46
amichairI just ran an apt-get upgrade on 12.10 with kubuntu ppa, and getting unmet dependency errors: http://pastebin.com/nTa11ppQ22:49
amichairsome sort of mix between kde 4.9.5 and 4.10 - can anyone help resolve this?22:49
avihayanyone has any problems with the new screen locker?23:05
avihayamichair: I had to remove some of the marble packages to upgrade. also try using synaptic, it shows you some of the errors more clearly23:08
amichairavihay: is this a bug in packaging, or something wrong on my system?23:09
avihayI wouldn't know23:09
thelionroarsjust installed LO4 from the site, and removed 3.623:15
thelionroarsit looks kind of ugly23:15
roastedQuintasan: didn't work as I expected23:53
roastedbut I admittedly may have goofed23:53
roastedI accidentally extracted the kde.tar.gz to my home dir while actively running kde. After that things began freezing and crashing.23:54
roastedI ended up having to restore it via liveusb, but even then I booted up and most of my settings were non existent.23:54

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