
NoontHi! I'm trying to upgrade to 13.04, but I've got a problem - do-release-upgrade -d crashes and update-manager -d says 13.04 is available and then retursn with no new versions01:40
NoontSo, how would I go about upgrading to raring when this happens01:41
NoontBen64: hello?01:44
NoontAnybody ever here?01:47
NoontThis is useless...01:50
NoontCome on, does no one ever answer here?01:55
STiKI never upgrade so I have no clue.. Always do fresh installs.02:02
mwellsI've got a question.  Anyone had any luck getting 12.X installed on a 2013 Mac Mini?02:17
Coded1hello all02:29
Coded1I'm trying to install amd catalyst 13.2 beta 3 but it can't seem to find "version.h" .  I've installed kernel-headers for my kernel but still no dice02:30
IdleOne!find version.h03:01
ubottuFile version.h found in activiz.net-doc, ant-doc, apache2-doc, arb-common, arb-doc, assimp-utils, asterisk-dev, astyle, asymptote-doc, autoconf-archive (and 596 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=version.h&mode=&suite=raring&arch=any03:01
IdleOneok 600 packages is not helpfule really03:02
Coded1IdleOne: thanks anyway03:36
gnomefreakyou have to type in the password before you can open or type anywhere. i can open terminal but cant use it.08:35
gnomefreakcant even take a screenshot08:35
gnomefreakanyone here by chance i need to find out if i am running 3D or not and the drivers im using09:21
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IdleOneis it safe to reboot after this mornings upgrade to kde 4.10?12:54
IdleOneI suppose I'm about to find out12:54
IdleOnewfm ™12:59
androidappmeHi there. I tried downloading a Ubuntu 13.04 iso but it gives me some kernal error.13:18
androidappmeCan you help me get the iso link for Intel 64bit?13:19
ikoniayou just asked for that13:21
androidappmeThanks. Have a nice day13:23
BluesKajHi all13:33
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