
coolbhavihey cwayne dpm14:06
cwaynecoolbhavi: heya14:07
coolbhavicwayne, how is it going?14:07
dpmhi coolbhavi!14:18
dpmcoolbhavi, quick question: did you happen to install the Ubuntu SDK preview when we announced the phone?14:19
coolbhavidpm, yes but handnt had the time to look at it though due to arb reviews :)14:23
dpmcoolbhavi, no worries, I was going to ask you if you'd have a few minutes to test something for me. Do you have time?14:23
coolbhavidpm, sure no need to ask :)14:24
* dpm hugs coolbhavi14:24
dpmcoolbhavi, so here's some background info: we released the SDK a while ago, which needs 2 PPAs -> the toolkit PPA and the Qt 5 PPA. When we released, we had to use Qt 5 beta, and we've now just migrated to the Qt5 release, which is now in another PPA14:26
dpmThat is:14:26
dpm- On release date: Toolkit PPA + Qt5 Beta PPA14:26
dpm- Today: Toolkit PPA + Qt5 release PPA14:27
coolbhavigot it14:27
dpmnow the migration to the Qt5 release PPA broke some things14:27
dpmAnd I've written some instructions to ease the pain and ensure a smooth migration14:27
coolbhavithats normal :)14:27
dpmI was just wondering if you could help me confirm they work14:27
coolbhavisure so tell me what I need to do14:28
dpmyou are a perfect candidate as well, as you're a packaging expert :)14:28
coolbhavibtw m no expert :) I am just another user :D14:29
dpmcoolbhavi, so here are the instructions, could you test the "Migration: from the Qt 5 Beta 1 to Qt 5.0" step on http://pad.ubuntu.com/BwVVfCSYEv ?14:29
coolbhavidpm, just give me some time ll revert14:30
dpmexcellent, thanks!14:32
coolbhavidpm, my router got forked btw due to a chilly wind here logging back in14:45
dpmok, yeah, I got disconnected once due to strong wind here too14:46
coolbhavimy network speed got sucked now ll login in a bit14:53
coolbhavihey dpm15:23
coolbhavibrb dinner15:23
coolbhaviI have written my findings on pad itself15:23
coolbhaviits installing btw15:24
coolbhaviafter the steps15:24
coolbhavilet me test15:24
dpmcoolbhavi, excellent, thanks! Let me have a look15:24
coolbhavidpm, let me check if my dev packages were set for autoremoval15:49
coolbhavialthough ppa-purge works great here btw15:49
dpmcoolbhavi, yeah, it'd be nice to find out. I'm a bit confused by the fact that it removes dev packages15:51
dpmthanks a lot for your help, btw15:51
coolbhavilet me check although its minor15:52
coolbhaviand it works great15:52
coolbhavill mail a screenshot15:53
PaoloRotoloHi all!15:58
coolbhavihey PaoloRotolo15:59
coolbhavidpm, sent16:01
coolbhaviah got it16:06
PaoloRotolohi coolbhavi :)16:07

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