
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
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wookeyinfinity: OK, with that stage2 patch and removing --enable-multiarch it at least completes a cross-build here01:29
twbRemind me, what's the SoC that's pre-armv7, but still being made?  IIRC there's r-pi and one other.01:34
wookeyI don;t suppose the rpi soc is still being made, just the boards, using up large stock of videocore 2xxx chips01:40
wookeypxa270 is still available I believe01:41
twbHum, OK01:41
wookeyand various marvell devices which are v601:41
twbThe context is me telling people to stop getting excited about rpi because armv6 is obsolete and sucky :-)01:41
wookeyyes, keep doing that. I do it too01:41
twbAh, right.  My memory said it was marvell dove, but that's v701:42
wookeyOK I thought 'dove'. WHat about armada? Maybe it's an earlier one that is v601:42
infinitydove and armadap are all the same general family.01:44
wookeyarmada seems to be v701:44
infinityThere are some v6 devices in said family, but none worth talking about.01:44
twbdove sucks because it has no NEON, not because it is pre-v701:44
infinityAnyhow, telling people to move to v7 is sane messaging, IMO.01:44
wookeyso, yes it's geting hard to find things still made which aren;t v701:45
infinityNot that the Pi being v6 is a problem, per se, it's that it's v6 and being used as a general-purpose machine, instead of a fun pseudo-embedded student/hacker device.01:45
infinityPretty much all general-purpose ARM computing should be moving/moved to v7 and v8, IMO.01:45
wookeyand that we still haven't put ISA info into dpkg metadata01:45
infinity(I might be biased)01:45
wookeywe're going to get the same prob with v8 32 bit ISA at some point...01:46
infinitywookey: What v8 32-bit ISA?01:46
wookeyit'd be nice to put the machinery in so dpkg can just DTRT01:46
infinitywookey: Every single time I've brought this up in the past, I've been told there isn't one, and 32-bit on v8 is v7.01:46
wookeyno there are a few extra instructions01:47
wookeyso it's the same ABI, but new instructions01:47
infinityWell, yes, I'm sure it's possible to do an x32-like aarch32, I was told (repeatedly) that no one was going to. :/01:47
infinityOh, same ABI as v7?01:47
infinityWell, that's not a big deal.01:47
wookeyand yes at some point people will want to do 'x32 for arm' - just watch them...01:47
infinitySame ABI and new insns just means glibc caps.01:48
wookeythe point is that ABI is not sufficient to determine compatibility - you need ISA as well and we don;t write that down anywhere01:48
wookeyagreed, but dpkg needs to know too so it can download the right version01:48
infinityWe don't write that down because we intend for an entirely self-contained distro to have the same basline ISA.01:48
infinityAnything else is madness.01:48
infinityErr, no.01:49
twbinfinity: doing x32 on x86 systems is already a dirty hack01:49
infinity"download the right version"?01:49
wookeywell not try to install versions that won't run01:49
infinitywookey: You can't have two armhf debs in the same version.01:49
infinityThis isn't actually a problem.  At all.01:49
wookeyi.e ubuntu armhf packages on RPis01:49
infinityIf you don't want to install wrong-ISA debs, don't use the wrong apt source.01:49
infinitywookey: Or Ubuntu i386 debs on Debian. :P01:50
wookeywhy not make it possible to enforce that?01:50
infinitywookey: This isn't a problem.  It's really not.01:50
wookeyIt's not hard to fix though either.01:50
infinityI disagree.01:50
wookeyjust write down the caps used in the metadata01:50
infinityYou have zero idea what the contents of the deb are without disassembling.01:50
infinityYou can make some sort of assumptions based on your custom copy of dpkg, if that's what you mean.01:51
wookeyyou know when you build it - or at least you know what you meant to build01:51
infinityBut, again, I don't see how this is a problem.01:51
infinityYou're running Raspbian, you install Raspbian debs.01:51
infinityPeople keep making this sound like a big deal and it's not.01:51
wookeyNo-one tries to install3rd party debs on their rpis?01:51
infinityI don't really care if they do.01:52
wookeyfrom all those bazillions of ppas?01:52
wookeythe users might care01:52
infinityIn your scenario, people trying to install Ubuntu debs on Debian wouldn't be allowed.01:52
infinity(And they shouldn't anyway, but now dpkg would enforce it)01:52
wookeyonly if their debian hardware couldn't run v701:52
wookeyin which case that would be good01:52
infinityI'm talking i386, actually.01:52
wookeyand this is useful for mplayer-686 and other stuff currently bodged into the packagenames01:53
infinityOkay, so you're saying that dpkg should check the running system to determine caps at that moment.01:53
infinityThat entirely breaks portability of system roots.01:53
infinityIt's not useful for mplayer-686 at all.01:54
wookeyIf I told it to yes. I expect I'm allowed to turn it off for cross-choots01:54
infinityBecause you can still only have one mplayer.deb in any apt source.01:54
infinitySo if you want an optimised one, you need another package name.01:54
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wookeybut I can have more than one apt source01:54
infinityBut mplayer-686 isn't in another source.01:54
infinityAnd shouldn't be.01:54
infinityThat's user hostile.01:54
infinityI think you're trying to solve a problem "normal" people don't have with a nerd solution that only nerds will understand.  And nerds don't need it.01:55
wookeyI'm tryingto make it possible for dpkg to tell you that what you are instaling won;t run on this machine so are you sure you want to install it.01:55
wookeyThat doesn't seem user-hostile to me01:56
infinityMost of your use-cases are user-hostile.01:56
infinityLike, adding extra sources to get optimised packages.01:56
sim590anyone knows how I can get the battery level on the TF101 under lilstevie's kernel (ubuntu/debian)? I looked up the folder "/sys/class/power_supply" for that information but all I can get is a % level.01:56
wookeyI'm not forcing anyone to do that, but it would become possible. and you could now easily optimise _lots_ of stuff instead of just a few things01:57
infinitywookey: Either way, dpkg installs system roots.  Saying "that won't run on the hardware you have RIGHT NOW" is meaningless.01:57
infinitywookey: I could install a sysroot on i686 and give it to someone with an i585 and it won't run.01:57
infinitywookey: And no, it wouldn't let you optimise anything in the primary archive any more than you already do.01:58
wookeysometimes. most of the time stuff is installed onthe system it's going to be run on.01:58
infinitywookey: And optimising out-of-archive is *drum rull* user-hostile.01:58
wookeyyou can check against the target if you know what it's going to be01:58
infinitywookey: That's a blatant lie in the Ubuntu case (or any live installer).01:58
infinitywookey: The install is always done on a system that isn't the target.01:58
wookeyOK, so you don;t think it's useful. fair enough01:59
infinityI think people need to learn to detect CPU features.01:59
infinityYour example above (mplayer) actually has.01:59
sim590I want W*h (Joules) or coulons (that's in french though.. its intensity (c/s)02:00
infinityWhen I run it on my machine, it turns on all sort of fancy SSE3 and other crap that it doesn't turn on on an older box.02:00
wookeyOK, so then it doesn;t need to ask for caps it can live without02:00
wookeywhichis fine02:00
infinityI guess my point is that this is solving a non-problem for pretty much all but the weird case of people mixing and matching distributions.02:01
infinityAnd the answer to that is "stop doing that".02:01
wookeybut what if the server people start asking for lots of v8 optimised binaries because it's loads faster?02:01
wookeywe can just say no02:02
infinityI've certainly seen people in #debian-arm whine that packages installed from debian-armhf don't work on Raspbian, I don't think the whining would change any if dpkg stopped them before installing.02:02
wookeybut if we can easily accomodate it with a check I don;t see why that's bad02:02
infinityDo you think the "server people" are going to ask for 32-on-64 anytime soon anyway?02:02
infinityThis doesn't solve that.02:02
infinityYou still need either a new dpkg arch, or a new distro.02:02
twbCan someone confirm that current ubuntu armel uses -mfpu=softfp (i.e. doesn't require hardware FPU)?02:02
infinityCause you can't.  Have.  The.  Same.  Deb.  Twice.  In.  The.  Same.  Archive.02:03
wookeydon't know - they might do if they have a lot of 32-bit binaires they cant get 64-bit versions of. Hopefully not.02:03
twbIt's not very clear on the wiki ARM article02:03
infinitytwb: There is no ubuntu armel.02:03
twbinfinity: hah, so it's just "arm" now?02:03
infinitytwb: Did that help?02:03
infinitytwb: armhf.  We dropped armel.02:03
infinitytwb: And armhf most definitely required an FPU.  vfpv3-d1602:04
twbIt would be nice if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM made that more obvious02:04
wookeyit's a wiki....02:04
infinitywookey: If they want to install multiarch arm64/armhf, they're going to end up with baseline v7 armhf binaries unless they rebuild the archive.02:05
infinitywookey: And if they rebuild the archive, we're in "not the same distribution" land.02:05
wookeyinfinity: yes, but I don;t see why a distro _has_ to only support one baseline per ABI. If we labelled them we could provide more variants02:06
wookeythat would have made the rasbian's people's lives a lot easier, for example02:06
wookeybut OK. I get it that you're not keen :-)02:07
rasterwookey: rpi is just a piece of pretty crappy hw. deal with it. its a very outdated instructionset versions pushed out for cheap.02:07
rasterdeal with it. you'll have to jump through hoops and make custom pkgs for it as everyone else has moved on to armv7 фі ф ифіудшту02:07
rasterarmv7 as a baseline02:07
wookeyI know.02:08
wookeyit's just an example.02:08
wookeybecause people _have_ gone to the trouble of rebuilding the whole distro02:08
wookeyfor a different ISA02:08
twbHm, arm builds are still on ports.ubuntu.com?  I'd have thought it'd move to archive.ubuntu.com when it was blessed as a fully supported arch02:09
rasterreality is armv7hf+neon should be the baseline02:09
rasterand thats a very decent baseline with not much above it02:09
wookeytwb: sadly not02:09
infinitywookey: Err, we can't do more than one without them being in separate archives.02:09
rasterin x86 land we have also a wide range02:09
infinitytwb: archive/ports has nothing to do with supported, but with popularity/traffic.02:09
wookeyright, and it'd be nice if those archives were labelled with the capabilities needed to run them - that's all02:10
rastermost of the compiling is fine-tuning small percentages of per increase02:10
rasterthe few where its big should be the task of the software itself to detect at runtime02:10
infinityraster: Exactly.02:10
rastermost of that is in in either gfx/video/audio02:10
rasterand the specific apps and/or libs already "compile all possibilities in" and auto-detect at runtime02:11
infinityLike the canonical examples of ffmpeg/libav, libjpeg-turbo, and mplayer.02:11
rastereg they probe for mmx/sse/sse3/4 or neon etc.02:11
infinityWhich all do lovely autodetection these days.02:11
rasterand they enable specific optimized codepaths for that02:11
wookeyyoure' not telling me anything I don;t already know02:11
rasterthey COULd recompile the same C code into multiple .o's and link them in with differingt entry symbols02:11
rasterand pick the appropriate one based on detected cpu arch. this generally tho is a much lower gain than the hand-crafted simd asm they carry and detect for.02:12
rasterthen why does the PACKAGE SYSTEM need to have anything to do with this?02:13
rasterif u already know it?02:13
rasterand already know that its solved within the code of libs/binaries?02:13
doko_you still can use hwcap for these cases02:13
wookeya few binaries do this - the great majority don't.02:14
infinitywookey: The vast majority don't need to.02:14
rasteri just wish unxi had a better way to detect instrset caps than "try some code and see if u SIGILL" (/proc/cpuinfo is not portable)02:14
rasterthen whats the point here?02:15
wookeybut if we added simple hwcaps info then peope could if they wanted02:15
rasterif those that need to (ie have a decent gain) do it already.. why does the pkgssystem need to bother?02:15
wookeyjust to save people from installing binaries they can;t run02:15
rasterthis should never be done at pkgs install time02:15
rasterits horrible02:15
wookeye.g v7 on v5 hardware02:15
infinityAnd we're back to square one. Why would they be installing a distro they can't run? :P02:15
wookeywhy is it 'horrible'02:16
rasterit is ASSUMINg the ultimate target system is the same one that is doing the installing now02:16
wookeyraster: read the backlog :-)02:16
rasterthats a horrid assumption i KNOw breaks continually02:16
infinityraster: You're making all my same arguments for me again. :)02:16
wookeyI don't thin kthis conversation is getting anyone anwyhere02:16
rasterthings like scratchbox, OBS, making debootstrap chroots etc...02:16
infinityWhich is great, I can just tag you in and go have dinner.02:16
rastertbh... pkg installation should be not much more than "unpack files"02:17
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/232365/ did I get everything right?02:17
rasteranything more than that (other than handling dependencies) is a workaround broken software :)02:17
wookeyit could be  'unpack best avaialble files'02:18
rasterit shoudl just ship all possible needed files and choose at runtime02:18
infinitytwb: Except for the "Ubuntu armel is supported" bit.  It's not a supported arch in 12.04 or 12.10.  Not in any official capacity.02:19
rasterand that choice is in the hands of the sw devs to deal with02:19
rasternot packaging02:19
twbinfinity: thanks02:19
wookeybut every package does actually _have_ a specified ISA02:19
wookeywe just don;t write down what it is in the packages02:19
infinitytwb: Also, the SATA comment is out-of-date WRT many modern SoCs.02:19
infinitytwb: Lots of A15s have native SATA, and some A9 packages do.02:20
infinitytwb: And some clever setups, like the Trimslice, use PCIe SATA on a native PCIe port.02:20
infinitywookey: If we specify the baseline ISA for the distro, we don't need it encoded at the packaging level and muddied up.02:21
infinity(Now, what we define and what gets spit out of the other end of people's broken Makefiles is another story, but that's no different in your world, and those are just bugs that need fixing)02:22
wookeydo libc6 and libc6-686 have the same baseline ISA?02:24
wookeyhow does dpkg currently choose the best one?02:25
infinitywookey: dpkg doesn't, you do.02:25
infinitywookey: There's not mutually exclusive, you can install both.02:25
wookeyright but I'm a clueless newbie - how should I know?02:25
infinitywookey: They use ld.so hwcaps.02:25
infinitywookey: We tend to just install both for you, to be fair. :P02:25
infinitywookey: The only reason it's two packages instead of one (like, say, libssl which ships several libs in one package) is for size reasons.02:26
infinityFor people who really, really only want the baseline one and want a tiny system.02:26
infinityThe only way to be remotely user-friendly and have portable roots is to ship code that works everywhere and optimised at runtime.02:28
infinityRebuilding the distro 9 times for 9 different hwcap combinations also turns into a debugging nightmare.02:29
wookeyright. but we probably wouldn't do 902:29
infinityIf you isolate that to just a few select binaries with maintainers who actually care about the optimisations, they can also care about debugging the weirdness.02:29
infinitywookey: Who's "we"?  If you gave this option to i386 users a decade ago, we'd have 386/486/486+(that insn I cant remember the name of)/586/686/686+cmov/686+3dnow123/686+sse123/etc by now.02:30
infinitywookey: Every new fancy, people would want an optimised build "just cause".02:31
infinityEven if, half the time, the auto-vectorisation and other bits are so mediocre that any gains you might have gotten are lost elsewhere and it's a wash. :P02:31
rasterauto-vectorization candiates are mostly handled by hand-crafted asm anyway02:32
infinityAs well they should be.02:32
infinityAnd once you're hand-crafting, runtime detection is, like, two extra instructions.02:32
infinitySo, don't be a lazy git.02:32
infinityIt's a shame that hwcaps isn't portable outside the GNU world.02:33
infinityCause "you can just ask glibc" is also quite nice.02:33
wookeywell distros get to choose how many falvours are worth supporting02:35
wookeybut without this labelling you can only support one ISA flavour per ABI02:36
wookeyyes that mostly works02:36
wookeybut it's not hard to imagine a world where it might be reasonable to have 202:37
wookeyhmm. I only came here to say that I'd build a libc, not to have a half-hour argument :-)02:39
wookeyhmm. hour in fact02:39
wookeyat least one of us is very argumentative :-)02:40
infinityI blame you. :)02:40
infinityAnd yeah, I know cross-base works now, I tested it before I committed the glibc fix.02:40
infinityIt'll all get uploaded soon, but the buildds are currently having heart attacks.02:41
infinitySo, I think I'll watch a movie, then do uploads. :P02:41
infinitywookey: You should be in bed, young man.02:42
wookeyyeah it's getting that way. I'll just kick off another perl build before giving up for the night02:42
wookeygetting it to cross _and_ multiarch is proving to be annoying02:42
infinitydoko_: Compared to you, I'm sure he is.02:44
doko_hmm, he doesn't look so02:44
infinityDoesn't he?  He looks like the sort who probably started balding at 17.02:45
infinityHe probably also hates it when people talk about him in the third person when he's right here.02:45
wookeyI beat a young man at squash today02:53
wookeyhis age is about the same as number of years since I last played...02:53
wookeyfortunatey he was rubbish at it...02:54
wookeyinfinity: want to guess how old I am ? :-)03:24
infinitywookey: My guess is "younger than doko".  But that's a wide range.  He remembers WWII.03:24
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dholbachgood morning07:48
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ogra_xnox, awesome fix for usb-creator !!!09:24
xnoxogra_: not my idea ;-) but i'll take the credit for uploading.09:34
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janimoogra_, xnox does usb-creator start when a nexus is plugged in?11:20
xnoxjanimo: or package upgraded.11:21
xnox(the latter is a bug currently)11:21
ogra_yes, and in on other occasions :)11:22
* xnox should fix it otherwise i'll be pinged about it all day long.11:22
janimoI was just wondering that for many users it may be just another android device they want to exchange files with and not necessarily flash ubuntu on11:24
xnoxjanimo: it checks for nexus7 only. and i was thinking to also check if fastboot detects it.11:25
janimoright, nexus7 only.11:26
xnoxbut yeah, it shouldn't popup unless nexus7 is in the fastboot bootloader mode.11:26
janimook, so no surprises for people who don't know what bootloader mode is11:27
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dokoogra_, is there no 3.8 kernel for the panda board?12:00
ogra_doko, ask ppsati ... iirc he works on devicetree support in our main kernel to make pandas work ... but thats not done yet12:08
ogra_(and will stand and fall with support for the binary driver)12:08
ogra_the current images are still on the quantal kernel until thats done12:10
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sveinseAfter debugging for a day of the failing initramfs script I've found that umount a loopback device in initramfs, leaves the losetup device bound to the target file. Shouldn't umount handle losetup -d itself? It certainly did so for binding/finding an available loop device17:55
prpplagueif anyone is interested i have two brand new phytec omap4 kits for sale as well as a lightly used snowball board - give me a ping if you are interested21:52

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