
dscasselBobJonkman: did you get Randall's email about Global Jam?18:30
* genii-around makes more coffee18:31
dscasselgenii-around: Yeah, it's time for a break...18:32
genii-arounddscassel: Dunno if saw scroll from last couple days here... Free-Net got a bunch of decomissioned rackmount equipment we are trying to sell. I'll try to post a bit of a list to the mailinglist soon18:36
dscasselgenii-around: Interesting. I know Kwartzlab isn't hurting for servers, but I'm sure there are people who might be interested.18:45
genii-arounddscassel: There's also quite a few NAS full of drives, etc18:46
dscasselNice. Yeah, if you post to the ML, I can see if we're interested.18:55
DarwinSurvivorHow can I get signed up for the mailing list?18:56
genii-aroundDarwinSurvivor: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca18:57
dscasselBeat me to it. :)18:58
genii-aroundI'll have a partial list tomorrow, and the rest probably Sat or Sun ( I'm still inventorying it)18:58
genii-aroundDarwinSurvivor: You're welcome!19:00
DarwinSurvivorCool, I'm in :)19:02
BobJonkmandscassel: I've added a bullet point to the next IRC agenda for Ubuntu Global Jam. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2013-02-2819:35
BobJonkmanThe Saturday day for Global Jam (2 March) is my mom's birthday. Very likely I'll be out-of-town that day.19:37
dscasselBobJonkman: Yeah, I don't have anything specifically planned, but that would've been my first free Saturday since Jan. 12. -_-;;;20:29

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