
=== slank is now known as slank_away
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smoserinfinity, https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/raring/kmod/lp-1115710/+merge/14676002:10
smoserthat is tested now.02:10
smoserand i'd like it pulled.02:11
smosertested on actual hardware (that takes 3 minutes to boot)02:11
smosernow i go to bed.02:11
infinitysmoser: Heh.  Cool.  Thanks.02:11
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pittiGood morning06:56
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vibhavhey pitti07:03
vibhavpitti: I was writing autopkgtest cases for ncurses. I have manageed to cover all library functoins relating to output, any idea how do I test input functions? Is there any idea except redirecting input?07:06
vibhavs/manageed/managed/ , s/functoins/functions/07:06
pittivibhav: hey07:07
pittivibhav: oh, very good! That almost sounds like upstream tests already07:07
pittivibhav: does upstream have a test suite which we could run in autopkgtest?07:07
vibhavTaking a look07:08
pittivibhav: I haven't tried this, but perhaps one could run it under Xvfb and inject keypresses through xtest07:08
vibhavpitti: ah, yes there are test suites07:09
vibhavpitti: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/ncurses/raring/files/head:/test/07:10
pittivibhav: if they run during the build, then the "detailled" functionality doesn't need to be tested again in autopkgtest07:10
pittivibhav: for autopkgtest it's more important to test "is the library working at all", and "can I build something against it which works", such as most of our compile/link/run tests that we have in glib, gtk, and many others07:11
vibhavpitti: So Ill assert() some basic functions for autopkgtest. Thaat should do it, right?07:12
pittivibhav: it seems the upstream tests don't run during package build; fixing that would also help, but if they are too broken then maybe they can at least serve as an inspiration on how to run input tests07:13
vibhavBasically, the aim is to see if the headers and pkg-config and alright, they shouldnt be that comprehensive too07:13
pittivibhav: or maybe a subset of them will work07:13
pittivibhav: right; that's what I meant with compile/link/run tests07:13
pittivibhav: such as http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/glib2.0/raring/view/head:/debian/tests/build07:14
vibhavpitti: I was following this :)07:15
infinitysmoser: So, I'm going to go with sotfdep in raring, since it works right with kmod, and it feels like the Right Way to do this.  For the SRUs, of course, we can go the more hackish route.07:15
infinitysmoser: I'm also not entirely convinced we actually care about loading the _ib driver, and might only care about _en...07:16
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alexlistsiretart: do you have a minute for dput stuff?07:20
alexlistsiretart: any reason not to add the upstream git to https://launchpad.net/dput/trunk ?07:23
vibhavpitti: As the tests will be compiled by gcc, should I use function attributes too? (They _might_ optimize the tests)07:27
pittivibhav: do you think that will make them less likely to succeed? I. e. cover more corner cases?07:27
vibhavpitti: nope07:28
vibhavAll functions are pure, so __attribute__((pure)) and stuff07:29
pittiI don't know what this is doing, but it doesn't seem to me that this is something we ought to put into a simple compile test?07:29
vibhavah, ok07:29
vibhavpitti: If you have some time could you have a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1619001/ ? If it is right I will make a merge proposal for it.07:45
pittivibhav: what does wgetch() read from?07:47
pittivibhav: i. e. how do you emulate pressing 'a' there?07:47
pittivibhav: can you just call this with "echo a | ./test-curses ?07:48
dholbachgood morning07:48
dholbachdoes anyone have any comments/input on the last comment in bug 1113529?07:49
ubottubug 1113529 in Ubuntu "[sponsor request]add into archive for UbuntuKylin" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111352907:49
vibhavpitti: Yes, it works!07:52
* vibhav cheers07:52
pittivibhav: with echo, or does that function not actually read from the console?07:52
vibhavpitti: wgetch() also works without echo (when I enter myself)07:53
vibhavSo, yes it works from the console07:54
pittivibhav: ok, so the test would use echo, so that it runs noninteractively07:59
pittivibhav: congrats!07:59
vibhavpitti: thanks08:01
vibhavOkay, Ill branch ncurses and request a merge08:02
vibhavpitti: Any other suggesstions?08:05
pittivibhav: if you take glib's debian/tests/ script as an example, please add -Wall -Werror for extra pickiness08:05
pittivibhav: I did that for a few packages already, but not for glib yet08:06
vibhavpitti: Should I add "ncurses" to depends in debian/tests/control?08:11
pittivibhav: I rather think you'd need a -dev, and build-essential?08:12
vibhavpitti: Okay so, will it be libncurses5-dev, build-essential, pkg-config08:13
pittithat ought to suffice08:13
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jibelvibhav, hey, I reviewed your patch, the test script is fine, but the test of es_str2cstr fails08:27
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vibhavjibel: Thans for the notice, I will hve a look soon08:33
vibhavpitti: done :) https://code.launchpad.net/~vibhavp/ubuntu/raring/ncurses/add-autopkgtest/+merge/14703808:37
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vibhavjibel: Uploaded correct diff08:43
jibelvibhav, it passes, congrats!08:48
vibhavThis is a good day08:49
vibhavEverything is working perfectly.08:49
vibhavpitti: I need to go, please inform if there are any more chaanges to be done.08:54
tjaaltonis there a way to stop sbuild from generating ddeb's? reprepro can't import them..09:13
geserIIRC pkg-create-dbgsym has a config file to disable it (or delete the package completely from your sbuild)09:15
tjaaltonthanks, I'll check it out09:16
tjaaltonmeh, I'll just add an exit 0 to the script..09:27
LaneyI just sed -i '/\.ddeb/d' foo.changes if I want to reprepro it09:29
tjaaltonthat would be one way, though I can't see much use for local ddebs anyway :)09:37
cassidy|Nexushey everyone09:37
cassidy|NexusI was told yo come09:37
cassidy|Nexus*to come here from #ubuntu-on-air09:37
Laneydepends how often you like to debug stuff09:38
tjaaltonthe ones I build usually have -dbg anyway09:38
cassidy|NexusIs anyone working on a service like Contractor or Android Intents?09:38
tjaaltonlike most of pkg-xorg stuff09:38
cassidy|Nexusor would it be possible for some collaboration with elementary on Contractor? :)09:38
cjwatsontjaalton: Not sure why you wouldn't just remove pkg-create-dbgsym from the relevant build chroot09:39
cjwatsontjaalton: It's not build-essential - it's just that mk-sbuild puts it there by default for Ubuntu09:40
RAOFcassidy|Nexus: That looks like it's trivially implementable by the existing .desktop file infrastructure?09:42
tjaaltoncjwatson: right, best to just remove it then09:43
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cassidy|NexusRAOF, not using anything that exists so far. It's not just telling an app to open a fine, but acting upon the data in a way that makes sense in that context09:53
RAOFcassidy|Nexus: You're basically asking for mime-type handlers; these exist - it's what populates “open with”09:54
RAOFSo it's not entirely implemented, but you can pretty easily implement it on top of what we've got.09:55
cassidy|NexusRAOF, but I wouldn't want to share a picture to a gallery app, I'd want to share it to my email app or gwibber09:55
cassidy|NexusRAOF, it's a very distinct use case09:55
RAOFSo annotate the desktop files.09:56
RAOFIt's not *that* distinct a use case ☺09:56
cassidy|NexusRAOF, I encourage you to chat with the devs in #elementary-dev about in.09:56
RAOFNot that I think this is a bad idea at all, just that I don't see why it requires extra infrastructure.09:57
cassidy|NexusI'm not a desktop dev myself so I'm probably not doing a very good job of explaining it. :-P09:57
cassidy|NexusRAOF, but iirc there was a very specific reason it wasn't done through .desktops... :-/09:58
cassidy|NexusRAOF, either way, it'd be sweet to work together on a standard implementation. I think part of that is how apps that can share data display the sharing menu and whatnot.09:59
cassidy|NexusRAOF, some interesting use cases we've already seen devs using it for are like highlighting text in a code editor and then sharing it to pastebin with a single click, uploading videos to online services, and even providing a simple plugin architecture for the file manager (for things like archiving files)10:03
cassidy|NexusThere's even a "set as wallpaper" contract so any app that is sharing image data can share to that and it sets it as the wallpaper. lot's of really interesting things.10:04
RAOFYeah, it's kinda interesting.10:10
mjthallyn: re spice in experimental - i pushed it just to the repository, not yet to any archive.  I had no chance to reply to your email or to do anything else with spice, was very busy a few last days.  As for uploading, I hoped that Liang will reply -- it looks like he will not...10:54
lifelessbarry: do you know whats up with https://bugs.launchpad.net/subunit/+bug/1025392 ?11:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 1025392 in subunit "FTBFS with Python 3.3: tests fail" [High,Triaged]11:26
pittivibhav: splendid, thanks! I'm in a train, too little bw to sponsor; but please feel free to add me as a reviewer, then I'll get mail for it11:33
* xnox recalls fixing something like that11:33
xnoxlifeless: i had a branch for that indeed.11:34
xnoxlifeless: https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/subunit/hash-ordering/+merge/131732 ?!11:34
xnoxlifeless: jelmer did upload this to experimental https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/debian/experimental/subunit/experimental/revision/13#debian/patches/fix-ftbfs-python3.3.patch11:35
lifelessxnox: the merge proposal for it got cancelled by you AFAICT ?11:35
lifelessxnox: so was waiting for an updated version ...11:35
xnoxI think I did push an updated revision later.11:35
xnoxAlso I uploaded twice into https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/subunit/raring-proposed11:36
xnox(revisions 16 & 17)11:36
lifelessxnox: [not to mention that the original change wasn't suitable for production use]11:36
xnoxlifeless: what do you mean by not suitable for production use?11:36
* xnox was just doing bulk porting to python3.11:36
xnoxYou mean shebang changes?11:36
lifelessxnox: I said it in the review; the code was correct, the issue was only in the test suite.11:37
lifelessxnox: making the actual code slower to make tests pass is inappropriate11:37
xnoxah, ok.11:38
lifelessthe serialiser is in the critical path for speed11:40
lifelessits not as fast as it probably needs to be already, so I'm a tad sensitive.11:40
xnoxok. I'll rework it. But i have a few urgent things to push out today.11:40
lifelessno rush11:41
lifelessI just released 0.0.10, which doesn't have that patch.11:41
lifelessbut fixes some more python 3 issues11:41
lifeless(subtle ones that you can only detect with stuff running on stop of subunit :))11:44
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mjtwhen importing package from debian, should something be changed in d/control if the rest is okay?  Maybe, if the said pkg is maintained by other people, ubuntu maintainer should be added to Uploaders?  And, how about revision numbers?12:04
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gesermjt: if nothing needs changing (like an additional patch) the the package is taken from Debian as-is12:39
xnoxmjt: if you are uploading into ubuntu ahead of debian's -1 : version should be -0ubuntu1. And maintainer should be changed using update-maintainer utility from ubuntu-dev-tools (available in debian as well)12:40
xnoxmjt: and target raring12:40
mjtok, thanks!12:48
mjt(i'm not uploading anything to ubuntu, i'm just making life for some ubuntu'ers easier :)12:48
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hallynmjt: oh, ok, thanks14:20
hallynmjt: do you expect to push it to archive this week?  If not I'll go ahead and merge the current debian-experimental version with the cleanups on top14:28
hallynhm, the raring netboot image (which worked for me two weeks ago) is failing to boot14:33
barryhi lifeless, xnox all sorted out?14:33
mjthallyn: i just replied to your email.  If Liang wont reply tomorrow I'll just push it14:33
hallynmjt: awesome, thanks, then i'll wait14:33
mjthallyn: together with the configure fix14:33
xnoxbarry: yeah. mostly agreed what I should do next.14:34
barryxnox: excellent!14:34
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cjwatsonhallyn: failing how?14:41
cjwatsonhallyn: oh, yeah, I think I heard there was some syslinux breakage, could be that14:54
cjwatsonhallyn: it's been reported in Debian too ...14:55
cjwatsonoh my god, enormous thread on debian-ctte about it14:55
Laneyoh yes.14:57
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cjwatsonwell, I can cherry-pick the reported patches to d-i/debian-cd at least and see if they help15:02
hallyncjwatson: yeah, it's right at boot failing to find ldlinux32.c3215:08
hallynsounds like it's covered then, thanks :)15:08
* hallyn goes to look for that m-l15:08
hallynoh.  heh.15:08
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seiflotfyhey guys15:11
seiflotfymhall119: http://libqzeitgeist.geekyogre.com/ :D15:11
mptHey seiflotfy, long time no see15:20
seiflotfyhey mpt15:20
seiflotfympt: how are you15:20
mptseiflotfy, splendid. Have you heard from Manish Sinha lately?15:21
seiflotfyyeah, he was working on the activity log manager15:21
seiflotfyhe has exams atm15:21
seiflotfympt i am willing to take a look after the weekend15:21
seiflotfyi am busy releasing zeitgeist 1.015:21
mptOoh, congrats15:21
seiflotfymuch faster, directreading (no dbus roundtrips) and gobject introspection support15:22
mptWill that make the Dash faster? :-)15:23
seiflotfymuch faster15:23
seiflotfydash is mostly slow due to ubuntu1 spamming it15:23
seiflotfympt if you want to make it faster, just delete the DB and make it rebuild itself15:24
seiflotfybecause old u1 entries kinda messed things up big time15:24
mptooh, how do I do that15:25
seiflotfyin a temrinal15:26
seiflotfyzeitgeist-daemon --replace15:26
seiflotfythen kill it15:26
seiflotfythe mv ~/mpt/.local/share/zeitgeist ~/mpt/.local/share/zeitgeist-backup15:27
seiflotfythen in a terminal15:27
seiflotfyzeitgeist-daemon --replace15:27
mptNow it opens in less than two seconds!15:28
seiflotfympt: its still busy15:29
seiflotfygive it time15:29
seiflotfyit gets quicker15:29
seiflotfyzeitgeist is busy building the index again15:29
seiflotfytakes 60 seconds or so15:29
jpdsseiflotfy: http://zeitgeist-project.com/ - you need to update that logo.15:29
seiflotfyjpds: i know, but i am lacking resources15:29
seiflotfyright now we are 4 ppl doing the zeitgeist besides our real jobs15:29
seiflotfympt: run zeitgeist in a terminal15:30
seiflotfyzeitgeist-daemon --replace15:30
seiflotfythen open the dash15:30
mptseiflotfy, it is15:30
seiflotfyand show me the output on the terminal15:30
seiflotfympt: ^15:30
mptHm, the Terminal is stuck behind a HUD that won't close15:31
margatseliot, hey there, are you around?15:31
seiflotfyoh man15:31
mpt"Thanks HUD! ... Thud!"15:31
tseliotmarga: yep15:31
margatseliot, I work with Michael Wisheu, he sent you a mail regarding the regeneration of initramfs images in nvidia's postinst15:32
jpdsseiflotfy: http://www.canonical.com/sites/default/themes/canonical10/images/footer_logo.png15:32
seiflotfyjpds: on it later today15:32
margatseliot, my idea was to add a low priority debconf question that asks if the user wants the current (default) behaviour, or wants all kernels15:33
tseliotmarga: right, I haven't replied to him yet15:33
margatseliot, if you think this approach is fine, I could prepare the patch for you.15:33
tseliotmarga: but given the headaches we've had with debconf in the past I'd rather not do that. Maybe it's simpler if I check the existence of a file in /etc such as /etc/dkms_build_all_kernels, or something like that15:34
margatseliot, hm, that had been my first thought, but it's rather ugly that you have to have the package there before installing the package15:34
margaWhat were the debconf headaches of the past?15:35
tseliotmarga: some serious problems with the nvidia-common package causing problems during dist-upgrades, etc.15:35
margatseliot, hm, knowing what the problems actually were might be helpful in not falling into the same mistakes.15:36
xnoxwhat's the question here?15:37
tseliotmarga: and this has to work smoothly also with our drivers manager app, so we don't want users to have to answer questions during the installation15:37
margaBut, in any case, if you prefer dropping a file somewhere, I can try to find a place to drop a file and then send you the patch.15:37
margaxnox, nvidia-current only regenerates the initramfs for the running kernel and the newest kernel.  This might be problematic in cases where the user wants to run an older kernel15:38
margaSo, we want to _optionally_ regenerate all images.15:39
mptseiflotfy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1621263/15:39
seiflotfympt now keep it running and open dash15:40
seiflotfythen tell me what the terminal says15:40
tseliotmarga: so yes, advanced users (or maybe only developers) could do something like "touch /etc/dkms_build_all_kernels" and then install the package15:40
mptseiflotfy, no further output.15:41
margaAlright.  I see this as less than optimal, because you need to do that before the package is installed.  And the package is installed at installation time in the machine.  It's easier to pre-seed than to pre-write a file.  But, we'll manage.15:42
seiflotfympt: my bad15:42
seiflotfyzeitgeist-daemon --replace --log-level=debug15:42
margaDo you want me to send you the patch?15:42
tseliotmarga: or you can touch the file and do dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-310 (or whatever)15:43
tseliotmarga: aah, I see your problem15:43
seiflotfympt: what does it spit15:44
tseliotmarga: patches are always welcome15:44
seiflotfympt: ?15:45
mptseiflotfy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1621279/15:46
seiflotfyso when you open dash it does not contact zeitgeist :D15:47
seiflotfybut the times are very fast15:47
seiflotfy[15:45:11.377989 DEBUG] ext-fts.vala:186: Got 13[/398] results from indexer (in 0.229272 seconds) [15:45:11.378658 DEBUG] ext-fts.vala:186: Got 10[/54] results from indexer (in 0.083086 seconds) [15:45:11.713494 DEBUG] ext-fts.vala:186: Got 0[/0] results from indexer (in 0.017680 seconds) [15:45:17.236664 DEBUG] zeitgeist-daemon.vala:181: Zeitgeist.Daemon.find_events executed in 0.009232 seconds [15:45:17.240314 DEBUG] zeitgeist-daemon.vala:181: Zeitge15:47
seiflotfywoops sorry15:47
seiflotfympt: the first search is slow iwth 0.2 second15:48
seiflotfybut then all under 0.1 seconds15:48
seiflotfydo you notice a difference15:48
mptseiflotfy, yes. :-) It now has what, in the early days of Mozilla, we used to call "teh snappy"15:50
seiflotfympt: but with the next release it will be faster15:51
luisthey guys... how can i generate my customized ubuntu image considering i have a list of packages and some repositories?15:58
dholbachkirkland, intriguing changelog entry ;-)16:09
kirklanddholbach: which one?16:12
stgraber  * UNRELEASED16:12
stgraber^ that one :)16:12
kirklanddholbach: stgraber: thanks... let me see what went wrong with my release scripts....16:13
dholbachdon't worry - it might feed some rumour mill somewhere ;-)16:14
kirklanddholbach: I'm your Huckleberry!16:14
mptseiflotfy, maybe the OS upgrade script should rebuild the zeitgeist database?16:14
mptseiflotfy, though I guess that doesn't really work if it's user-specific16:15
mptMaybe zeitgeist updates set a RebuildIfLastRebuildWasEarlierThan flag, and looks at it on each login16:16
mptor something16:16
seiflotfympt: just delete all u1 entries16:16
seiflotfyand things are back to normal16:17
caribouxnox: sorry to bother you with that, but do we have any idea of how long it can take for the lvm2 SRU to get to -proposed ?16:17
caribouxnox: Bug #83336816:18
ubottubug 833368 in lvm2 (Ubuntu Precise) "clustered lvm commands fail with "activation/monitoring=0 is incompatible with clustered Volume Group" error" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83336816:18
kirklanddholbach: stgraber: ah, I missed a debcommit in my upstream tree;  thanks;  I'll add a bzr stat check in my release scripts16:21
xnoxcaribou: not until after 12.04.2 is released. If it's urgent to get into 12.04.2 (which I thought it isn't since clvm package is not on the server cds) you can raised it with cjwatson / release team16:22
caribouxnox: ok, thanks for the info16:22
xnoxcaribou: yeah, currently 12.04.2 is in preparation for candidate images.16:23
rbasakI've got an FTBFS in a PPA builder that I can't reproduce using sbuild. I think it's because of an extra build-depend that's being pulled in for some reason, but I can't figure out why (ruby1.9.1 in addition to ruby1.8). Is there a way I can get sbuild to do exactly what the PPA builder is doing for build dependency resolution please? And oddly, the last build I did didn't change the build dependencies but worked.16:25
* rbasak is confused16:25
cjwatsonrbasak: what's the package?16:26
rbasakcjwatson: I'm experimenting with puppet 3.1 out of debian git vcs16:26
rbasaksuccess: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/130544489/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.puppet_3.1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1_UPLOADING.txt.gz16:26
rbasakfailed: https://launchpad.net/~racb/+archive/experimental/+build/427929916:26
rbasakfailed: https://launchpad.net/~racb/+archive/experimental/+build/4279299/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.puppet_3.1.0-0ubuntu1%7Eppa2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:27
cjwatsonrbasak: So two things: (a) --resolve-alternatives (generally makes sbuild operate more like the LP one) (b) since puppet is in main, configure your schroot to have only main sources16:27
cjwatsonHaven't analysed this particular case but that should bring it closer16:27
rbasakOK, I'll try that, thanks. What confuses me is that two subsequent builds on the PPA failed, but I only changed control fields that shouldn't matter.16:28
rbasakSorry, that the first build on the PPA succeeded and the second failed16:28
cjwatsonDunno, could be changes elsewhere in the archive16:28
cjwatsonI'm partially guessing :)16:29
Riddelltjaalton: ping16:37
rbasakSo removing !main didn't work (and then I noticed that the PPA FTBFS log has universe et al. enabled), and nor did --resolve-alternatives. I'll keep looking16:39
tjaaltonRiddell: pong16:39
Riddelltjaalton: xfixes seems to cause breakage16:40
Riddelltjaalton: sorry xinput rather16:40
Riddelltjaalton: clashing variable name with xfixes16:40
tjaaltonok then16:41
Riddelltjaalton: is there an upstream to moan to?16:41
tjaaltonmy bad, should've pushed it to the staging ppa..16:41
tjaaltonno, it's conflicting with our old implementation aiui16:41
tjaaltonwhich is shipped by the xserver16:42
Riddelltjaalton: with an old xfixes?16:44
tjaaltonRiddell: right that's where it's from..16:44
tjaaltonRiddell: ok, I'll revert it from libxi for now16:46
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Riddelltjaalton: I'll also upload kde-workspace without the patch that uses xfixes for now since upstream is unsure if it's a good idea16:50
luisthey guys... how can i generate my customized ubuntu image considering i have a list of packages and some repositories?16:57
tjaaltonRiddell: uploaded -0u2 which reverts the upstream code for now16:59
Riddellthanks tjaalton17:00
Riddelltjaalton: will you also file a bug upstream, or should I?17:00
tjaaltonRiddell: no upstream is fine, we'll be dropping our own implementation of pointer barrier events together with xserver 1.14 before feature freeze17:02
tjaaltonRiddell: so kde has added support for our own implementation of it (like unity) you'd need to port it17:04
Riddelltjaalton: own implementation of what?17:04
tjaaltonRiddell: once the build works with -0u2 I'll upload -0u3 to canonical-x/x-staging ppa which restores the upstream stuff17:05
tjaaltonRiddell: pointer barrier events17:05
Riddelltjaalton: when I tried kubuntu on a nexus recently I couldn't interact with plasma widgets or anything QML so we have something messed up17:05
tjaaltonno this is for dualhead, resistance for the pointer when crossing screen barriers17:05
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tjaaltonso if you don't have versioned build-deps against our libxfixes then you're safe :)17:06
tjaaltonit's just that including both new and old headers cause issues, like you pointed out..17:07
smoserinfinity, ping.17:10
infinitysmoser: Pong, ish.17:26
smoserjust asking about 115710 (kmod mellanox)17:27
infinitysmoser: Yeah, I nick highlighted you overnight, I think.17:27
infinitysmoser: Started off by saying I thought softdep was the cleaner way to go in raring, there's no reason to make it be stuck with the same hack as older releases.17:28
smoserinfinity, i think the issue is present on raring also17:28
smoseri can veryify that though.17:28
infinitysmoser: But then I got to wondering if we really need the automloading magic to load the _ib module too.  Is that a behaviour people will expect/want?17:28
smoserthe update-initramfs... i think thats where i was testing.17:28
infinitysmoser: It works fine in raring.17:29
infinityGiven that kmod and module-init-tools share absolutely zero code, the behaviour changing isn't shocking.17:30
infinityNot that m-i-t is "wrong" for noting the loop (mlx4_en depends on mlx4_core, after all).17:30
margatseliot, in the end, no changes will be needed.  There already is a flag in the update-initramfs.conf file that allows to regenerate for all kernels.17:30
margatseliot, thanks for your time :)17:30
tseliotmarga: you'll still have to rebuild the modules manually17:31
smoserinfinity, ok. so you're right. it seems cleaner with the post in raring.17:31
smoserand i just tested no crying there.17:31
smoserso lets do that.17:32
smoserso, then, reguarding the _ib module...17:32
smoseri just think if we believe that _en should be loaded, then why would we not load _ib ?17:32
infinityNote that the _ib module hack doesn't actually work for you from initrds anyway, since infiniband modules aren't included in initrds by default.17:32
smoserit seems arbitrary to decide that ethernet usage is expected but infiniband is not.17:33
smoser(they get pulled in with the soft-dep)17:33
infinityThey sure don't.17:33
infinityIs that with the install or softdep setup?17:34
infinityI didn't get that behaviour on either raring or precise when I tested.17:34
infinityAnd what release?17:35
smoseri just re-built that initramfs with no soft-dep and its gone.17:36
smoserthat is raring, but i'm running quantal kernel17:36
smoserbecause of hardware issues.17:36
infinityOh, confusing.17:36
smoserwell if you want to fix compiz so it doesn't hang after 3 minutes of use, i'd love to use a 3.8 kernel17:36
infinitySo, I intentionally deleted the _ib module while testing a different thing, let me restore that and see. :P17:36
infinityBut it also would pull in the whole _ib stack into the initrd too.17:37
smoserit would, yes.17:37
smoseris there a reason we wouldn't want that?17:37
smoseri wondered about this too, and thought maybe we should not do _ib17:38
infinityWell, I'm not sure how all of this is generally used, to be honest.17:38
smoserbut it just seems random to decide that "of course you want ethernet drivers for your hardware, but maybe not infiniband"17:38
infinityIsn't infiniband something people have to consciously configure anyway?  We don't have any out-of-the-box It Just Works IB stuff, do we?17:39
smoser"if you want infiniband, then manual action is required"17:39
smoseri dont know.17:39
infinityYeah, me neither. :P17:39
smoserinfinity, well., you want to ditch the _ib ?17:44
infinitysmoser: I'm thinking no one will notice if we do.17:45
smoserso soft-dep for raring17:45
smoserand no _ib loading17:45
infinitysmoser: And it gets rid of the minor initramfs-tools/modprobe interaction issue for the backport. :P17:45
infinityWell, for precise, where the _ib module doesn't end up in the initrd, but then modprobe still tries to install it.17:46
infinityAnyhow.  I think it's sane to keep it small, and _en is small.17:46
smoserinfinity, so what do you want from me?17:50
smoseri'll change my non-raring branches17:50
smoserand comment in the bug to this decision17:50
smoserbut you pick up raring ?17:50
infinitysmoser: Yeahp, that works for me.17:50
infinitysmoser: Well, if you want upload credit, you can give me a branch/diff for raring too.17:51
infinitysmoser: (My name doesn't need to be in the changelog to keep TIL for merges, I just need to sponsor it :P)17:51
smoseri'l update raring17:51
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smoserinfinity, ok. we're good at https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/raring/kmod/lp-1115710/+merge/14676018:13
seb128marga, I rejected the g-c-c update for precise that I sponsored earlier this week, don't worry about it if you get a rejected email. I'm going to upload, I had to do a small update to update the version logo to stop saying 12.04.1 in preparation of 12.04.218:27
siretartalexlist: now I'm around. what's up about dput?18:44
dobeyseb128: hi there. what about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/859600 ? slangasek said in IRC at least that my patch looked sane to him. :)18:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 859600 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Precise) "Please convert gnome-keyring to multiarch" [High,In progress]18:44
seb128slangasek, ^ want to sponsor it? ;-)18:44
seb128or I can dput but I will deny any responsability if it has issues ;-)18:45
siretartalexlist:  oh, I see. it seems that I'm the 'owner' of that project. I don't even remember when I have touched that entry the last time18:45
siretartany takers?18:45
Kanohi, what tool is used to create the final ubuntu iso?18:49
luisthey guys... how can i generate my customized ubuntu image considering i have a list of packages and some repositories?19:04
roadmrluist: did you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization ?19:09
lifelessbarry: yeah thanks19:13
argesinfinity: hey. i'm looking at an eglibc issue. Is there a wiki on bisecting between svn commits? Make && make install looks dangerous19:20
xnoxarges: do that, but in an lxc container? =)19:24
argesxnox: yea i'm doing this in a vm for sure19:24
argesbut last time I did it completely borked the system, and I couldn't even 'ls' anymore19:26
sarnoldvm with rollback :)19:27
xnoxarges: always install busybox-static ;-)19:28
sarnoldyou might wish to glance over https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/TestingEnvironment and see if the uvt tool is something you'd like to steal :) I like using it, anyway..19:28
argessarnold: thanks i'll take a look19:28
argesxnox: yea, that's not a bad idea. I'll put that in there too19:29
sarnolduvt stop -rf virt-machine-name ; uvt start -v virt-machine-name -- and try again :)19:29
siretartI'm looking for the script/program that creates the Ubuntu server CDROM. can someone please point me to the right direction? I need to recreate it with less packages.19:38
stgraberseems like it's a popular question lately ;)19:38
siretartstgraber: oh, did I miss the answer?19:39
stgrabershort answer for the server CD is, it's not public19:39
cjwatsoneh, the server CD is practically all debian-cd19:39
stgrabersiretart: not today, no. Kano asked the same question a bit earlier on but nobody replied.19:39
stgrabercjwatson: even with the new fancy livefs stuff?19:39
cjwatsonlp:ubuntu-cdimage + lp:~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu19:39
Kanowhy not main?19:40
cjwatsonI think you might have to glue something in manually to call BuildLiveCD from livecd-rootfs - the glue in ubuntu-cdimage is "ssh to another server of the right architecture" in any event19:40
seb128cjwatson, did you see my g-c-c 12.04 ping on -release earlier?19:40
cjwatsonYeah, been on a call since, having a look19:40
cjwatsonI assume you've eyeballed the logo and I needn't bother :)19:41
seb128cjwatson, ok, no hurry, you timeouted at some point so I wanted to make sure you got it19:41
seb128cjwatson, I copied back the one we have in precise at release time19:41
siretartcjwatson: thanks a lot, I'll have a look at the scripts!19:41
bdmurrayhallyn: the qemu-kvm upload in the proposed queue for quantal does not have bug 1033727 in the changelog ... only a debian bug19:43
infinityarges: make and make install from upstream glibc sources will land you in pain.19:43
ubottubug 1033727 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu Quantal) "USB passthrough doesn't work anymore with qemu-kvm 1.1.1" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103372719:43
infinityarges: Build the package, then apply your patch, make, and copy the one library/binary you're testing.19:44
infinityarges: The re-make will be pretty quick cause, y'know, that's how make works.19:44
slangasekseb128: feel free to dput and redirect the blame to me :-)19:46
hallynbdmurray: well <slap>19:47
seb128slangasek, thanks ;-)19:47
argesinfinity: ok that sounds a  lot more sane19:49
cjwatsongrr, having serious network problems today19:52
cjwatsonsebaccepted now, thanks19:52
cjwatsonseb128: ^-19:52
seb128cjwatson, thank you! ;-)19:52
hallynbdmurray: resubmitting19:56
infinityarges: Out of curiosity, what's the bug you're hunting?19:56
Kanocjwatson: can you update ntfs-3g to 2013 release because of w8?19:57
argesinfinity: bug 110932719:57
ubottubug 1109327 in eglibc (Ubuntu Quantal) "who command gets "who: memory exhausted" for certain inputs" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110932719:57
infinityarges: Oh right.  Well, tracing where it gets leaky and dies might be helpful, then you can biset a bit more fine-grained.20:00
argesinfinity: yea i've been gdbing it, it happens when asprintf returns an err20:00
infinityarges: I assume this is a somehow broken/corrupt wtmp?20:04
* arges checks20:04
infinityWell, random googling suggests this has been on-again/off-again through the ages (like, back to 1998 or more), and wiping wtmp, or even logging out and back in has "fixed" it for people.20:05
argesinfinity: yes afaik it was a validly created wtmp (i had to replace the hostnames)20:05
argesinfinity: the odd thing is that with this input it works with eglibc-2.16 and greater, but not 2.1520:05
infinityarges: And if I tell you it works fine on precise for me...?20:08
argesinfinity: you typed 'who wtmp.clean'20:09
argesat the end did you get 'who: memory exhausted'20:09
argesprecise amd64 ?20:09
infinityJust tried amd64 and i38620:10
argesi can reproduce this on my desktop/laptop/vms etc20:10
argesi've reproduced this on raring install with eglibc-2.15 installed20:10
argesamd or x86?20:10
infinityWorks here with libc6 2.15-0ubuntu10 and 2.15-0ubuntu10.420:11
infinityIntel CPU.20:11
infinityDon't have any AMD kit handy.20:11
argesyea i've tested on intel and was able to reproduce20:11
* ajmitch can reproduce on precise amd6420:12
* infinity blinks.20:12
infinityThese are precise chroots on a raring kernel in my case.20:12
arges3.2.0-37, and raring 3.820:12
argesumm let me try in a chroot20:12
ajmitch3.5.0-22-generic for me, libc6 2.15-0ubuntu10.320:13
argesinfinity: ok works fine in a precise chroot20:14
argesfor me20:14
infinityOkay, that's what I was seeing, so that's comforting.20:14
infinityBut on a precise kernel with raring's glibc, it works?20:14
argesinfinity: yes this I've tested20:15
infinityOr was that test on a raring kernel too? :P20:15
argesi did it both ways20:15
argestested the raring/precise versions of the libraries both ways20:15
infinityarges: I was about to say "works fine on Debian's 2.13 as well", but that's a kFreeBSD machine, not Linux.20:19
infinityarges: So... One more "maybe the kernel matters" datapoint, I guess. :P20:19
argesinfinity: i can try testing that as well... i imagine this bisect will be slow and painful20:20
ajmitchfwiw, I can reproduce on lucid amd6420:23
infinityYeah, pure precise reproduces it fine, but raring kernel fixes it.20:24
infinitySo.  I'm not sure what to make of that, if the inverse (precise kernel and raring glibc) also fixes it.20:24
argesinfinity: testing that now20:28
infinityUhm, this is absolutely corrupt.20:31
argesinfinity: precise userland / 3.8 kernel still fails20:31
infinityWho has TTYs that are random unicode garbage?20:31
dobeyslangasek: thanks! (re: gnome-keyring)20:31
infinityarges: precise userland and 3.8 kernel worked fine here...20:32
infinityarges: Anyhow, seriously, have you looked at what it's failing ON?20:32
argesnon chroot?20:32
argesyes I know the odd unicode char20:32
infinityWhere and how did they get that in there?20:32
infinitystat("/dev/\260", 0x7fff42df8100)       = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)20:33
infinity^-- That's not a sane device node.20:33
argesyou could do something like: sudo sessreg -l � -h "" -a test20:33
argesso should this fail and cause a memory exhausted error? though20:33
infinityarges: The better question might be how are they getting those sessions, not why does who dislike them.20:34
infinityarges: No, it probably shouldn't throw the error it does, but this could also be a big "who cares", when the real bug is that data being in wtmp in the first place.20:34
infinityI bet it doesn't fail in my chroot because of the locale.20:35
infinityOr maybe not.20:36
argesmine has been en_US.UTF-8 on both fail and passing cases20:36
* infinity generates some locales...20:36
infinityNope, I was right.20:37
infinityarges: LANG=C fixes it, LANG=en_US.UTF-8 reproduces it.20:37
infinityarges: (in a precise chroot)20:37
* arges checks20:37
arges(not that i don't believe you)20:37
argesit works!20:37
infinityIf this is something that's hindering some internal script of theirs or something, "export LANG=C" is the workaround for now, at least.20:38
argesinfinity: yes20:39
infinityBut it also hints somewhat at places to look for the fix.20:39
infinityBut seeing the char it was vomiting on was enough of a hint there. :P20:39
argesthis is why it helps to check with the local guru.20:40
infinityarges: 9954432e309c8fddaec2fe53e601702a5c981624 perhaps20:41
argesinfinity: i'll make a test build now20:41
infinityarges: That's just a random stab from git log, I haven't read the commit or anything. :P20:42
argesinfinity: works now for UTF-8 locales...20:43
infinityThough not entirely implausible.20:43
infinityarges: srsly?  First try?20:43
argesinfinity: no no just reading the git commit20:44
arges: )20:44
infinityOh.  Heh.20:44
infinityWell, yes, the commit is entirely about abuse of wchars in UTF-8, which definitely touches on this area.20:44
infinityBut if it actually was what fixed the bug, I don't know.20:44
argesyea testing it out now20:45
argesor rather building the package20:45
argeshmm backporting will take some work for this one20:51
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infinityarges: Stacking d3ed722566f42d3f614b1221a8e4f19092976531 on top might help.  It kinda reverts half of it. :P20:58
infinityarges: What are you trying to backport this to?  Just 2.15?21:00
argesinfinity: yea21:00
infinityLet me spin up a build tree here.21:01
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dobeywoah ev21:24
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idankhello, I'd like to do some research with man pages and could really use a dump of those available here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/ (the .gz format)21:44
idankkirkland (the maintainer of that subdomain) suggested I create my own mirror, but I was hoping someone with access to the machines that hosts it could be of assistance21:44
NishanthMenonFuchs, thx21:50
FuchsYou're welcome21:51
kirklandlamont: infinity: elmo: is there an rsync-able Ubuntu archive mirror within ec2?21:53
kirklandlamont: infinity: elmo: AFAICT the s3 backed mirrors are not rsyncable21:53
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luvhi there - what would be the best place to discuss ubuntu online accounts - the inability to logout/revoke tokens is unacceptable for me and is the reason why im sticking with 12.04 LTS, im happy to help with coding to add the functionality though!22:14
infinitykirkland: No idea.22:20
infinityutlemming: You're a cloudy guy, do you know the answer to Dustin's question?22:20
dobeywhat the heck22:31
dobeyi just installed valgrind, and "Ubuntu Core Installer" dialog popped up22:31
dobeydoes anyone know a possible way to run /usr/lib/squid3/ncsa_auth outside of the squid process, to test it? it's crashing on raring, and the backtrace is a bit lacking of usefuleness, so i need to run it under valgrind22:38
infinitytjaalton: Wat.22:40
tjaaltoninfinity: que?22:40
infinitytjaalton: Looking at your sssd uploads via mdeslaur in the security PPA (sorry for the delay).22:40
infinitytjaalton: Same changelog entry for each.  One is a 718 byte diff, the other is 639 KBytes.  That seems.  Wrong.22:41
utlemminginfinity: chatting with dustin now22:43
tjaaltoninfinity: oh, it's correct, they had the same flaw :)22:45
infinitytjaalton: What's correct?22:45
infinitytjaalton: if the changelogs are correct, the diffs aren't.22:45
tjaaltoninfinity: the quantal one should be fine, need to check the precise upload..22:45
cr3jdstrand: in bug #1031090, you mention "add the required flag to the MSRs passed to guests" so that quantal guests can load from precise host. I'm not seeing what those flags are in the bug report though, do you have a hint? :)22:47
ubottubug 1031090 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "kvm_intel not loadable in a quantal guest" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103109022:47
tjaaltoninfinity: the diff for precise shows files "removed" that aren't in git that the tarball has, for one reason or another.. I'll check with upstream22:57
infinitytjaalton: Not sure how upstream relates here.  There shouldn't be a change between two packaging revisions.22:59
infinitytjaalton: It's not like this was a diff between two upstream tarballs.22:59
tjaaltoninfinity: well running debdiff against the versions I had built shows only the changes to debian/*23:00
tjaaltonthe tarball doesn't have those files either23:00
infinitytjaalton: Is the version in precise-proposed the same as on your computer? :P23:01
tjaaltonI'll check :)23:01
infinitytjaalton: The one in precise-proposed has all that junk in the diff.gz23:02
infinitytjaalton: So, someone screwed up.  And if it's not meant to be there, cool.  But you need to make sure the current one's now right. :P23:03
tjaaltoninfinity: 0.1 isn't the same23:07
tjaaltonas here23:07
tjaaltonthe diff.gz is nearly 1MB23:07
tjaaltonperhaps a bit too sensitive to how it's generated..23:07
tjaaltonstill amazing how it has files the tarball doesn't :)23:08
tjaaltonso yeah, 0.2 looks fine, the diff still has the po stuff but not much can be done there23:10
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tjaaltoninfinity: satisfied? :)23:21
infinitytjaalton: Never.23:25
infinitytjaalton: But this'll have to do for now. ;)23:25
infinitytjaalton: Say, did someone actually fix my intel GPU lockups, or have I just been having a good week?23:25
tjaaltoninfinity: did you enable some workaround?23:26
tjaaltonand running the current packages?23:26
infinityxserver-xorg-video-intel (2:2.20.19-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low23:27
infinity  * Merge from unreleased debian git23:27
infinity  * rules: Use SNA as the default acceleration method.23:27
infinity -- Timo Aaltonen <tjaalton@ubuntu.com>  Mon, 21 Jan 2013 10:18:31 +020023:27
infinityI didn't enable a workaround, but you did. :P23:27
tjaaltonoh sna helped, thought you tried it out earlier23:27
infinityNo, I intentionally didn't switch, cause you told me it was a performance loss.23:28
infinityAnd I'm not keen on hackish workarounds.23:28
tjaaltonno that was the semaphore thingy, sna was testable to see if switching uxa->sna would fix this hang :)23:28
infinityHrm.  Well, it hasn't hung, so success, I guess.23:29
tjaaltonyeah, nice23:29
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cjwatsondobey: hm, "Ubuntu Core Installer" popped up for me earlier after a dist-upgrade - I didn't track down why23:56
sarnoldcjwatson,dobey: does this look familiar? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/111716523:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 1117165 in usb-creator (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Core Installer pops up over login screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:58
sarnoldsimiler? sigh. now nothing I type looks correct.23:59

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