
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti
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dns53is there anyone around that knows anything about booting of efi?07:05
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LaneyI assume you're aware of the upgrade failure ;-)09:36
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Laneybug #1118071 fyi :>10:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 1118071 in linux (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.8.0-4-generic 3.8.0-4.8 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/lib/modules/3.8.0-4-generic/kernel/drivers/ata/ahci_platform.ko', which is also in package linux-image-extra-3.8.0-4-generic 3.8.0-4.8" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111807110:01
Kanodpkg-source: error: syntax error in linux-3.8.0/debian/control at line 13: first block lacks a source field12:10
Kanohi, what build-deps are needed?12:10
Kanobtw. it would be nice when you add12:10
zequenceThere seem to be two trackaing bugs for linux-lowlatency worked from bug #111749212:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1117492 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux: 3.5.0-24.37 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111749212:38
zequenceBug #1118292 and Bug #111828212:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1118292 in linux-lowlatency (Ubuntu) "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111829212:39
henrixzequence: ok, my fault. i've exec'ed the bot manually and forgot the bjf's cron job could start running12:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1118282 in linux-lowlatency (Ubuntu) "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111828212:39
henrixzequence: let me fix that for you12:39
zequencehenrix: oki12:40
henrixzequence: ok, so the valid one is bug #1118282 (tagged the other as duplicate)12:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1118282 in linux-lowlatency (Ubuntu) "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111828212:42
rtghenrix, should I have expected an email about the recent Raring upload from bug #1117673 ?12:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1117673 in Kernel Development Workflow "linux: 3.8.0-4.9 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111767312:50
rtgit was not an ABI bump12:50
henrixrtg: well, you would have but there's something wrong with the bug.12:51
henrixrtg: 'prepare-package-*' tasks should have been set to 'in-progress'12:52
rtghenrix, any idea about how I might have messed it up?12:52
henrixrtg: when you uploaded the pkgs, did you set the 'prepare-*' tasks to 'in progress'?12:53
henrixrtg: this is how the bot will know it has to check the packages were built12:53
rtghenrix, I was under the imppression that everything was automatic, so no, I didn't set anything.12:54
henrixrtg: ok, you need to manually set the 'Prepare-package' and 'Prepare-package-signed' to 'in progress'12:54
henrixthe bot will then set it to released when the build is complete12:54
henrixand send the email12:55
rtghenrix, herton: couldn't the bot detect when the linux package goes to 'released' and just DTRT ?12:55
hertonrtg, yes, I was implementing this, but didn't finished yet, involves some rewriting and testing of things in the bot12:56
rtgherton, well, here is your chance on a real live bug :)12:57
* henrix -> lunch12:58
hertonI'll take a look today at it12:59
zequencehenrix: thanks13:03
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rtgapw, why is the client stalled while 'Auto packing the repository for optimum performance' ? Does this stop other client threads from accessing the repo whilst auto-packing ?13:26
apwrtg, i don't think it does stall others no it is just doing it in the foreground13:26
apwrtg, you can just turn it off in your global config, which is what i do mostly13:26
apwrtg, so i get to do it at my convienience13:27
rtgapw, I wonder why it can't detach and just DTRT without hanging on to my client instance.13:27
apwit probabally should indeed.  as far as i know it is done in a safe way, but i have never tried13:27
rtgapw, what is the client option ?13:27
apwto confirm now i think about it, overall it should just tell you but not do it13:27
apwgc.auto = 013:28
rtgapw, thanks13:28
apwgit config --global gc.auto 013:30
apwrtg, i think this is what you need to do13:31
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* ppisati goes out to enjoy some fresh air... back later...14:39
* ogasawara back in 2015:41
henrixapw: after updating linux-overlay in kteam-tools, do i need to manually update the git repo somewhere, or is that automatic?16:10
apwiirc the repo is auto consumed, but it might take a couple of hours to get in sync16:20
apwhenrix, ^^16:20
henrixapw: ah, ok. i've commited it some time ago, but not hours :)16:23
henrixapw: thanks16:23
apwhenrix, the repo is sucked every hour i think, and the runs are hourly but not in sensible alignement with it i suspect16:25
henrixapw: ack. i'll check later if it did what i expected :)16:25
sforsheertg, I just got an error when trying to install a build from the raring master branch. Both linux-image and linux-image-extra are trying to install ahci_platfrom.ko. I'm guessing this must be due to your recent CONFIG_SATA_AHCI=m patch?16:59
rtgsforshee, yep, I just ran into that myslef.17:01
rtgsforshee, the inclusion list is supposed to be smarter then that. I'll get it fixed shortly17:02
sforsheertg, actually it looks like the version in the -extra package is from the previous kernel version17:02
rtgsforshee, I don't understand that.17:03
sforsheedpkg: error processing linux-image-3.8.0-4-generic_3.8.0-4.9~lp000000v201302071541_amd64.deb (--install):17:05
sforshee trying to overwrite '/lib/modules/3.8.0-4-generic/kernel/drivers/ata/ahci_platform.ko', which is also in package linux-image-extra-3.8.0-4-generic 3.8.0-4.8~lp000000v20130206215117:05
sforsheertg, ^17:05
sforsheethe file in 3.8.0-4.9 is overwriting a file from 3.8.0-4.817:06
rtgsforshee, its likely the inclusion list reg-ex is not sufficient. I'll get it figured out shortly.17:06
antarusis linux-firmware shipped with the kernel cadence, or is it released separately?17:07
rtgantarus, separately17:07
sforsheertg, it seems to me that the problem is that it moved from linux-image-extras to linux-image, and when linux-image is installing it tries to overwrite the version from the old -extras package, which is still installed17:09
rtgsforshee, ah, well that makes sense17:10
rtgso I need an ABI bump17:10
smbHm, maybe we always incidentally had an abi change when doing that before17:10
rtgcoming right up17:10
rtgsforshee, pushed. I'll get an upload started.17:12
rtgherton, what knobs should I be twisting in bug #1118568 ?17:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1118568 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "linux: 3.8.0-5.10 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111856817:37
henrixrtg: usually you set all the 'prepare-package-*' tasks to 'in progress' and the bot should handle the bug17:40
henrixrtg: unless herton has already done the changes to the bot (i didn't check)17:41
rtghenrix, well, why doesn't it just start out that way ?17:41
rtgso, I have to add this tracking bug to the meta and signed packages as well ?17:42
henrixno, the bot will figure out when the -meta and -signed packages are built and will update the tracking bug17:42
henrixthere's a task in the bug for each pkg you need to prep17:43
henrixrtg: i can't think of a good reason for having the initial manual step other than to kickstart the bot activities on the bug17:44
henrixrtg: the bot won't start looking for built pkgs if the corresponding task is set to 'in-progress'17:44
rtghenrix, I guess my point is that if I've just created the tracking bug then I'm obviously 'in progress'17:44
henrixrtg: yeah, i understand what you're saying. i understood herton is changing the bot to assume that17:46
rtgok, cool17:46
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infinityrtg: You're using release tracking bugs for the devel distro now?17:54
rtginfinity, yep, they emit the ABI upload update email automagically17:54
bjfinfinity, one process to rule them all17:54
infinityI assume pretty much all the tasks are being greyed out, then? :P17:54
infinitySeems like a bit of process waste, but to each their own.17:55
hertonrtg, yep, I'm in progress of testing and fixing bugs, soon the bot will be more smarter, and also we can make create-release-tracker set everything to in progress too17:55
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* rtg -> lunch18:34
jsalisburyrtg, apw, ogasawara fyi, bug 1084783 has a ton of dupes 18:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1084783 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Regression] SATA reset failing since Linux 3.6" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108478318:35
jsalisburyrtg, apw, ogasawara seems like it may be resolved already though18:35
jsalisburyjust wanted to give you a heads up18:35
apwjsalisbury, where is it resolved18:36
jsalisburyapw, it sounds like if you refresh the apt db a second time, the issue goes away18:37
ogasawaraam I looking at the right bug?18:39
apwjsalisbury, this is a sata reset issue18:40
apwjsalisbury, so either wrong bug, or wrong comment ;)18:41
jsalisburyogasawara, apw, sorry, its bug 111807118:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1118071 in linux (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-3.8.0-4-generic 3.8.0-4.8 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/lib/modules/3.8.0-4-generic/kernel/drivers/ata/ahci_platform.ko', which is also in package linux-image-extra-3.8.0-4-generic 3.8.0-4.8" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111807118:42
jsalisburycopy/paste error :-/18:42
sforsheeI think rtg has already committed a fix18:42
apwjsalisbury, on the previous bug, it sounds like ther might be something we should be changing in the config there, worth finding the reference they mention18:42
apwjsalisbury, and yeah on that one, it is being fixed now, rtg has it18:42
apwrtg can even use the bugnumber :)18:43
jsalisburyapw, great, thanks.  18:43
rtgjsalisbury, already did the upload19:04
jsalisburyrtg, thanks!19:14
* jsalisbury should have scrolled back on IRC :-)19:14
zequenceapw: quantal is done too19:26
* rtg -> EOD20:30
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apwzequence, thanks20:53
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