
barrydkGood morning all05:28
magespawngood morning05:55
magespawninetpro is jy ook n "Oom"?06:37
Tonberrytegnies is ek al 'n oom so ek dink nie rerig dit beteken veel nie06:47
magespawn<inetpro> magespawn: well you are still young anyway06:55
magespawnjust looking for context06:55
Kilosmorning all07:01
Kilosstupid unity lost nm-applet and i forgot the command to put in startup apps07:02
Kilosso im quasselled here07:02
KilosMaaz: google how to add nm-applet to startup apps in 12.0407:15
MaazKilos: "12.04 - Why does the network icon disappear on every reboot? - Ask ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/184657/why-does-the-network-icon-disappear-on-every-reboot :: "12.04 - Network manager indicator missing - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/159812/network-manager-indicator-missing :: "[other] LXDE Ubuntu wireless - Ubuntu Forums"07:15
Maazhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1144398 :: "Bug #1006141 “nm-applet system tray drop-down men…07:15
magespawnmorning Kilos07:20
Kiloshi there magespawn 07:20
Kilosall good there lad?07:21
deegee_1hi oom Kilos 07:22
Kiloshi deegee_1 07:22
deegee_1& good morning all07:23
magespawnyup all good Kilos. apart from nm, all good there?07:29
magespawnhi deegee_107:29
Kilosya it did it when 12.04 first came out and now again suddenly07:30
Kilosmethinks crackers caught me07:30
Kiloswhy else will it do that if it worked last night 07:30
Kilosanyway ian scores. his 500g kde is updated/upgraded07:31
deegee_1can one do " sudo aptitude groupinstall <packagegroup>"?07:38
Kilosdeegee_1: what kinda group?07:59
inetprogood mornings08:00
Kilosnot dependancies kinda group?08:00
Kiloslo inetpro 08:00
deegee_1Kilos: e.g "virtualization" group08:00
Kilosforgot why i pinged you08:00
inetpromagespawn: haha, I'm still a youngster man08:00
inetproand always a newbie08:00
deegee_1instead of installing "lib-virt", "virt-manager" separately....08:02
Kilosyou can do the aptitude and leave a space between them and it will do all08:04
Kiloshi jr08:05
Kilosaw my tab dont work with jrgns08:06
tonberryE352ok so new kde release hit the backports08:06
Kiloshi tonberryE352 08:07
tonberryE352anyone else using icon only task manger with the air style?08:07
tonberryE352hi Kilos08:07
Kilosworks with you08:07
inetproKilos: he left08:07
tonberryE352except for the air sillyness08:07
tonberryE352no longer draws borders around running programs08:08
tonberryE352so if you use unity line shortcuts in your taskmanger08:08
tonberryE352you have no way of telling if a program is running or a shortcut08:08
Kilosisnt anyone gonna help deegee_1 ?08:23
Kiloshi jrgns 08:27
deegee_1no stress oom, i noticed it's not possible to that type of a command exceptt on rhel systems 08:33
deegee_1Kilos: tnx08:33
Kilosoh my deegee_1 is that good enough?08:33
Kilosi thought maybe someone had a better way08:33
* deegee_1 will use the ordinary way with spaces08:34
jrgnsHi Kilos, all08:38
inetprouh, what is deegee_1's problem?08:51
Kiloshe wants to install a group of packages at a time with aptitude08:52
inetprotypically in dpkg you will find packages that are grouped together as virtual packages08:54
deegee_1inetpro: you mean like "dpkg groupinstall <package>" or "dpkg groupsearch <package>"?08:55
inetprolike aptitude show kubuntu-desktop08:55
inetproyou just install kubuntu-desktop and it will take xcare of the rest of the dependancies08:56
inetprodependencies as well 08:56
tumbleweedinetpro: dpkg-query -p08:56
tumbleweedinetpro: FWIW, those aren't virtual packages, they are meta-packages08:58
tumbleweedvirtual packages are packages like mail-transport-agent, that don't actually exist08:58
tumbleweedbut are provided by a bunch of MTAs08:58
inetprotumbleweed: true08:58
* inetpro took a bad example08:58
inetprodeegee_1: are you comparing with Redhat groupinstall?08:58
tumbleweedis tasksel maybe closer to what you want?08:59
inetprodeegee_1: where do you get the idea?08:59
inetproor perhaps I even gave the wrong impression that virtual packages are the same as groupinstall as found on RedHat09:00
* inetpro is not even sure what groupinstall is supposed to do09:01
deegee_1tumbleweed: i think that is very close, will give it try09:01
inetproI just find debian package management to be years ahead of rpm based packaging09:01
tumbleweeddeegee_1: in practice, we have meta-packages in the archive, for each task09:01
inetprosome years ago rpm was a dependency nightmare 09:02
inetprobut with yum I'm sure a lot of that has been addressed09:03
tumbleweedbefore there were high level RPM tools, yeah09:03
inetproor rather since yum09:03
* tumbleweed jumped ship to Debian when urpmi (is that rigth?) was still horrible, nad pre-yum09:03
inetprodeegee_1: anyway, what group of packages would you like to see or install?09:05
deegee_1inetpro: "Virtualization" specifically09:06
deegee_1to install as a group with 1 command09:07
inetprobtw, tumbleweed is our resident package management guru09:07
tumbleweedthere aren't any meta-packages for that, I'm afraid09:07
tumbleweedI mean, there are multiple competing virtualization solutions in Ubuntu09:08
tumbleweedso, there's nothing to install them all09:08
inetprodeegee_1: what is it that you would typically see as being part of a virtualisation meta-package?09:08
deegee_1tumbleweed: ok. will try "virtualization machine host" as listed on tasksel09:08
tumbleweedI think that'll get yuo libvirt stuff09:09
deegee_1ok. will that include virt-manager?09:10
inetprodeegee_1: where do you find "virtualization machine host" ?09:10
tumbleweedthat's the virt-mgmt set09:11
deegee_1inetpro: on tasksel09:11
* inetpro has never used tasksel09:11
inetprois that a gui package manager?09:12
tumbleweedyou'll see it at the end of an install09:12
tumbleweedyou'll also see tasks in aptitude09:13
* inetpro simply sticking with aptitude09:14
inetprodon't fix what ain't broke09:14
tumbleweedaptitude went through a bad broken patch with multiarch, but... :)09:15
deegee_1so, ubuntu uses KVM or qemu-kvm for virtualization?09:15
tumbleweedsure, but you have other choices too09:15
inetproand you typically just install one of those in Ubuntu and it will take care of dependencies09:17
inetprono need for groupinstall09:17
inetproor am I jumping the gun?09:17
inetproso tumbleweed you use tasksel in stead of aptitude?09:18
* Kilos looks too09:22
tumbleweedinetpro: no, I never use tasksel :)09:24
tumbleweedthere are only a handful of tasks, and so they aren't very useful when you know which packages you want09:24
deegee_1tumbleweed: thanks09:31
* deegee_1 sees the light ...09:32
Kiloswhere maaz09:39
Kiloshope the crashkid is upgrading him09:39
tumbleweednaah, the that runs it server died09:40
Kiloswe gotta influence him some tumbleweed . QA is so much better09:41
inetprotumbleweed: huh?09:41
* inetpro is slow today09:41
inetproKilos: oops, sorry Kilos09:42
* inetpro is always slow09:42
inetproKilos: waar's daai nickname van jou?09:42
Kiloslol watter ene09:43
inetpromaa[tab]: coffee on09:44
inetpronow I can't even have coffee to give me a boost09:44
* Kilos cries cause im on kde and not QA here09:46
Kilosi go try get nm-applet in unity back09:48
Kilosgrrr at times i get so angry with 12.0412:43
Kiloscant see modem after 4 installs12:43
SymmetriaI just ordered 6 5 meter fiber cables12:43
Kiloshi Symmetria 12:43
Symmetriaand after I saw the price12:43
SymmetriaI feel like I got buttraped :(12:43
Symmetriaand that was picking from the cheapest price I could find anywhere12:43
Kilosnothing is cheap12:44
Symmetria*27 THOUSAND RAND* for 6 5 meter cables 12:44
Symmetriakilos they are 500 DOLLARS EACH12:44
Symmetria;p screw blown fiber, that should be called blowme fiber12:44
Symmetriaand should gimme a free bj when I order it12:44
Kilosarent there local suppliers12:44
Symmetriaheh no, no one in country has the equipment to make those12:44
Kiloswhy not start a sideline business making them then12:45
Symmetrialol the fiber polishing machine to make those leads costs multi-million12:45
Kiloswhere does telkom get their optic fibre cables12:45
Symmetriaheh those are normal fiber 12:45
Symmetriathose are like, 200 bux for a 10 meter (rand)12:46
Kiloswell if lotsa peeps gonna be using those you need it might pay in the long run to start making them12:47
Kilosat those prices you can get your multi millions back inna few years12:48
Kilostumbleweed, are iso's the same for 12.04 now as when it was released? or have fixes been added12:59
Kilosthe downloadable ones i mean13:00
tumbleweedno, 12.04.1 is out13:00
tumbleweedand 12.04.2 is coming soon13:00
tumbleweedKilos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule13:01
Kilosim tired of battling with this 3g modem prob13:01
Kilosty tumbleweed 13:01
inetproKilos: what makes you assume that a 2nd, a 3rd and a fourth install will be different to the first?13:06
Kilosthats been the prob every time inetpro i have to plug and unplug and connect modem at different times to get it working13:07
Kiloshad to unplug before rebooting before 13:07
Kilosthewn plug after boot and it sees it13:08
Kilosbut not this time13:08
Kilosyeah sounds weird i know but thats how i got it working before13:08
inetproas far as my memory goes when I had trouble with something like this, many years ago, you had to have the device plugged in during installation for it to be detected13:09
inetprobut that was with older distros13:10
Kilosyes thats right. but here sometimes it must be plugged in when install says reboot now to complete upgrade13:10
Kilosthen connect it and unplug and boot then plug13:10
Kilosonly way i got it working before13:11
Kilosmaverick sees and connects with no probs at all and auto connects13:11
inetprobut anyway, you should be able to resolve the problem without a re-install13:11
Kilosi searched the net but tired now13:11
Kilosgonna use fone to get sakis3g for now13:12
Kilosi have run lsusb and usb-devices and its there13:13
Kilosi dont think modeswitch is working properly even though i have completely update/upgraded13:15
* inetpro would get a decent modem/phone13:16
Kilosman it works perfect on maverick so where is the prob13:17
Kilosinstalled new maverick this week13:17
Kiloslotsa peeps sukkeled with 120.0413:18
Kilos12.04 too13:18
Kilosi wont live that long13:18
inetproKilos: yes but you have a particular finicky phone/modem13:23
Kilosyes i know inetpro but the price of a new modem can rather get better pc hardware not so13:24
Kilos3g modem13:24
Kilosarab one13:24
inetproyou still need a decent modem even if you have a decent PC13:25
Kilosmaybe i must setup maverick to let this pc share 3g13:25
Kilosno man its 12.04 thats finicky not the modem13:25
Kilosek sukkel met my volk partykeer jong13:27
Kilosha feb 14th is 12.04.2 time13:29
Kiloshopefully they fixed it by then or more data wasted13:30
KilosTrix[a]r_za, ping14:24
Kilossakis3g is down. do you know wassup14:25
Squirmhe uses a bnc14:25
Squirmso he isn't notified when you do that cause he isn't just idle14:25
Squirmbut he should get it later :P14:25
Kilosah ty Squirm 14:26
Kiloshehe ubuntu-mexico is following us on twitter14:34
Kilosinetpro, ^^14:34
Kilosgo home man you too tired to think even14:39
Kiloswas your idea the twitter thing14:40
Kilosyo henkj 14:52
henkjhi kilos14:52
Squirmhello henkj 15:01
henkjhey Squirm 15:01
Squirmlong time15:01
magespawnlater all16:21
Vince-0sup ubuntu-za peeps17:07
inetproVince-0: nothing18:34
smilehi :)18:40
deegee_1konbanwa o/18:43
Vince-0darned PC froze18:45
Squirmwindows does that18:46
Vince-0yes! especially when playing Battlefield318:49
Vince-0otherwise I'd be in some KDE type environment18:50
Kilostime to get a decent modem inetpro ????18:57
inetprowelcome back Kilos18:58
Kilosits 12.04 thats faulty18:58
Kilosty sir18:58
Kilos12.10 running here now but not upgraded18:58
Kilosnp with modem18:58
Kilosjulle stry met die engelsman ne18:59
Kilosi may be stupid but im not a fool18:59
Kiloshi drussell 19:04
Kilosi dont like the windows shading fading whatever they do here19:05
Kilosinetpro, se tog iets man sodat ek kan hoor bloep die ding of nie19:06
Kilosoh ya19:06
inetproKilos: ai!19:06
KilosMaaz, hi19:06
MaazHowzit Kilos19:06
Kilosai! niks19:06
Kilosoh my19:06
Kilosmaybe an upgrade will sort it. but thats night surfer data19:07
inetproKilos: so you gonna stay awake?19:09
Kilosi dont have a choice if i want to update sir19:09
Kilosthis thing is slow 19:09
Kiloslol and keeps saying cant mount floppy19:11
inetproKilos: sorry but I won't make it tonight19:29
Kiloswhat ??19:29
inetprobattery absolutely flat after this mornings happenings19:29
Kilosnp inetpro go sleep oompie19:30
Kilosi dont need help i think19:30
Kilosnot yet anyway19:30
inetproat least you can be around here when others need help19:30
Kilosbut apologise for saying my modem scrap19:30
inetproai! Sorry Oom.19:30
Kiloslol im more lost than they are19:30
smilebye :)19:30
inetprobut I would still get a better modem/phone19:31
Kilosok vergewe is jy19:31
Kilossonder gif19:31
smileKilos: good night19:31
smileinetpro: good night ;)19:31
Kilostoods smile 19:31
inetprogoeie nag smile19:31
Kilosinetpro, you too cheeky19:31
smiledankie inetpro19:32
inetprosorry oom19:32
Kilosbetter pc ya but modem works19:32
Kiloscan do 7.2 m/s19:32
Kilosfaster than 8ta19:32
Kilosevening superfly 19:33
Kiloshi cocooncrash 19:33
Squirmis not here yet19:34
Kilosno man one more day19:34
SquirmI can't believe I'm still doing the Mile on Sunday :/19:35
Kilosill look for you on the idiot box19:35
Kiloswave hey Squirm 19:36
SquirmI don't move fast enough to make a wave19:36
Kilosswim freestyle then backstroke every now and again and ill watch19:37
SquirmI'll pass on the backstroke19:37
SquirmI don't know if I'll make it, let alone swimming butterfly19:38
Kilosi thought you can swim19:38
Squirmmost people can swim19:38
Kilosyes man you can breaststroke when tired or even doggy paddle19:38
Squirmand I used to be a swimmer. but I haven't done any training what-so-ever and the last swim I did was 3 years ago19:38
Squirmand they go and seed me in the SECOND group!19:39
SquirmI'm going to be left behind19:39
Kilosnp finishing is all that counts when you old and unfit19:39
SquirmI'm hoping for a 3519:40
Kilosshouldnt be a prob you play lotsa squash so should still be fit19:41
Kilosas long as the breath lasts you fine19:41
SquirmI swam 1km about 3 weeks ago19:42
SquirmI died19:42
Squirmnow this is 1.6km, without any walls, with like 500+ people pushing water against you19:42
Kilosand hit the outside19:43
Kilosat least there are no sharks19:43
Squirmhowever I do it, I'm going to die19:43
Squirmbut are you sure there are no crocs?19:43
Kilosya they all eaten19:43
Squirmthe people that discovered the crocs or the crocs?19:44
Kiloslol the crocs19:44
Kilosanything thats free gets eaten19:44
Kilosthere used to be some further downstream19:45
Squirmthey're everywhere19:47
Kilosyo simeon 19:48
Kilosgo sleep superfly 20:06
superflyI need to relax first20:06
Kiloswbb at 11pm to get update/upgrade20:13

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