
bin_bashquicker than me00:00
fbdystangbacking it up00:00
JennyBlueBirdSenjai, this is like back in the days when somebody showed me aptitude whiel I was using apt-get00:00
fbdystangSenjai: is that done in the regular instance or in the live cd instance?00:00
Senjaifbdystang: replace username and /mount/point with the username you want to own the dir, and mount point where its mounted00:00
Senjaifbdystang: whatever00:00
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Senjaifbdystang: are you logged in as root on the cd?00:01
krabadorhow can i create an ubuntu live with working proprietary ati drivers?700:01
SenjaiJennyBlueBird: lol, Im kinda new to the linux scene, just a fast learner00:01
fbdystangSenjai: hehe let me go check, it is on the server downstairs :)00:01
ccvvccim trying to list .tar.gz "tar -zvft bla.tar.gz" i get tar: You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux' or `--test-label'  options list00:01
escottfbdystang, you should not be changing the owner of the root inode of your / filesystem00:02
joshlegsjoin ##club-ubuntu00:02
JennyBlueBirdSenjai, hah, somebody just showed it to you I bet00:02
JennyBlueBirdOk, now why do I have 30 firefox processes :S00:02
SenjaiJennyBlueBird: no, as I have fresh eyes, I was on the hunt for new software. initiated people have settled with what they have.00:02
Senjaifbdystang: listen to escott actually.00:03
escottfbdystang, its not clear what you are trying to accomplish so its hard to know what is appropriate00:03
Senjaiescott: then again escott, this is an auxillary drive.00:03
Senjaiescott: hes not booting from it00:03
Senjaiescott: its a backup00:03
escottSenjai, when did he say that?00:04
fbdystangok it shows ubuntu@ubuntu at the live cd terminal00:04
Senjai<escott> fbdystang, what is your objective in copying it over00:04
Senjai<Senjai> fbdystang: sudo chown username /mount/point00:04
Senjai<bin_bash> ^00:04
Senjai<bin_bash> quicker than me00:04
Senjai<-- e11bits (~e11bits@koln-5d8103c0.pool.mediaWays.net) has quit (Quit: Good night and good luck)00:04
FloodBot1Senjai: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
Senjai<fbdystang> backing it up00:04
SenjaiSorry for the accidental post00:05
SenjaiI meant the hotkey to auto pastebin it00:05
escottSenjai, ok. missed that response00:05
fbdystangI am trying to update my system with a few servers running on it. It currently has 11.04 and I would like to update. I would like to copy over my HD to a connected SATA RAID for backup in case I make stuff go wonky on the update00:05
Senjaiescott: np! its always good to have many opinions anyway.00:05
ccvvccim trying to list .tar.gz "tar -zvft bla.tar.gz" i get tar: You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux' or `--test-label'  options list00:05
kalibhow to auto star a service with ubuntu?00:06
Senjaifbdystang: as long as you dont mess with the boot partition, chown username /dir/ or sudo chmod 111 /dir/ should work00:06
sam___hey I need to uninstall xbmc and all its plug ins in it. I used sudo apt-get remove xbmc and then I used sudo apt-get --purge remove xbmc. after reinstalling the programs the addons are still there . im lost need help00:06
ccvvccgoogle update-rc.d00:07
sam___sorry i used autoremove00:07
daftykinssam___: ask in #xbmc or google their wiki00:07
fbdystangSenjai: will that permenantly change the owner? Or just for the Live cd session?00:07
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kalibccvvcc: I tried update-rc.d mysql defaults00:07
kalibit's correct?00:07
Senjaifbdystang: it will change it permenantly until you change it back00:08
Senjaifbdystang: which you can do afterwards00:08
Senjaifbdystang: not the best way of doing things00:08
Senjaifbdystang: but it'd work00:08
fbdystangSenjai: I don't think that would work because I have a lot of different server files with differenct owners on them, would it change all those over as well?00:08
Wughello #ubuntu00:09
Senjaifbdystang: shouldn't be recursive00:09
ccvvcckalib, thats correct.00:09
angryTarsiERHi Folks !00:09
Senjaifbdystang: check the man pages00:09
Senjaifbdystang: to make sure00:09
fbdystangSenjai: Is there a better way?00:09
WugSo I'm trying to install ubuntu from an iso without burning a disk, and I'm able to successfully boot from the iso, but it's ignoring the toram option and locking the drive the iso is on00:10
ccvvcckalib, i hope you used sudo00:10
Senjaifbdystang: doing it while logged into the system00:10
Senjaifbdystang: and copying it over00:10
Senjaifbdystang: lol00:10
Senjaifb you should be able to copy anything with sudo00:10
Senjaifbdystang: i dont know what the issue is00:10
WugI had to fiddle with the grub command line, let me pastebin what I think I used00:10
ccvvccyou can copy sudo with sudo!00:10
fbdystangSenjai: can I do that while logged into the same hd that I am booting from?00:10
Senjaifbdystang: your not changing any files, you're copying them00:11
Senjaiso yes00:11
Senjaifbdystang: ignore the /proc/ files though00:11
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fbdystangSenjai: OK, that would be a cool ninja trick, how is that done?00:11
Senjaiwith the cp command00:11
Senjai!cp | fbdystang00:11
SenjaiNo entry00:11
SenjaiYou would need to use the -R flag.00:12
fbdystangSenjai: would gknautilus let me copy the entire hd over if I am logged into it for boot?00:12
Senjaifbdystang: why wouldnt it00:13
Senjaifbdystang: dont copy anything from /proc00:13
Senjaifbdystang: and you should be fine00:13
fbdystangSo copy everything and delete /proc?00:13
Senjaifbdystang: dont delete proc00:13
ttyXwhy touch /proc at all00:14
Senjaifbdystang: dont touch it00:14
Senjaifbdystang: proc is where your processes are.00:14
Senjaifbdystang: its a fake filesystem00:14
Senjaifbdystang: ignore it00:14
Senjaifbdystang: Ubuntu populates it and cleans it up as the computer is run00:14
fbdystangyikes, let me see if I understand correctly. I login to my computer just like normal NOT live cd. Then I gksudo nautilus and copy my main hd over to my mapped SATA RAID. It should work and give no problems.00:15
WugI think I had used a command like this to boot: http://pastebin.com/ZQmayBgr00:15
Wugnot 100% sure00:16
rigidis there a way to get a list of recently installed packages?00:16
Senjaifbdystang: no offence, but if you need a graphical interface to do everything, Linux/GNU at its current state is probably not for you.00:16
Wugbut I did that and it booted, I gathered from the kernel output that it was in fact loading the iso into memory00:16
fbdystangSenjai: hehe, i can do command line, I just do not want to change ALL the permissions back if I live cd00:17
Wugbut when it finally dropped me into the GUI, the disk was in use and unmountable00:17
Senjaifbdystang: cp is the command line00:17
Senjaicp -R00:17
daftykinsfbdystang: you're going to want to copy preserving permissions etc.00:17
fbdystangexactly, how do I type that in?00:17
Senjaifbdystang: i gave you a link, did you look at it00:17
fbdystanglet me go back :)00:18
Senjaifbdystang: IM not going to give you EVERY answer, thats not how linux rolls. Ill help you figure out the problem.00:18
fbdystangSenjai: :)00:19
Wugnobody's ever tried to do this before?00:19
Wugwouldn't be such a damn problem if the iso for 12.10 fit on a cd00:19
bin_bashit's that big o.O00:20
Tex_Nickrigid : synaptic has a history function ... file/history00:21
Wugits like 780MB or something00:21
JennyBlueBirdisn't there an alternate netinstall ?00:21
Wugshould've left libreoffice calc out of it00:21
parabyteWug, be even better if it fit on 1.44mb floppies00:21
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:21
rigidTex_Nick: i found dpkg.log but thanks :)00:21
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SenjaiWug: most people just get a thumbdrive. its not expensive, or hard. Your making it really hard on yourself otherwise'00:22
Tex_Nickrigid : ahhh great :)00:22
bin_bashSenjai, some computers can't boot from that :P00:22
WugSenjai: screw hardware00:22
Senjaibin_bash: fair enough.00:22
Wugthis shouldn't be hard.  it really shouldn't be.  its 201300:22
WugI've got the booting part down00:22
bin_bashWug, are you using a mac00:22
ttyXoptical media is dying anyways00:22
fbdystangSenjai: OK, cp -R should work, but how do I type a destination that is a mapped raid?00:22
C_Clearhey Dr. Willis pleasure to see you again. trying to followup on the media player question from last nite00:23
dr_willisany pc that cant boit from usb. due to age.. id guess wont run 12.10 well00:23
bekksfbdystang: Create a partition and filesystem on it, and mount it. Then copy data on it.00:23
fbdystangSenjai: better spoken, where does a mapped raid reside on directory tree?00:23
Wugim running ubuntu 12.0400:23
bin_bashdr_willis, it has nothign to do with age. the crapbook firmware won't boot from usb00:23
Senjaifbdystang: Your going to have to do some research00:23
Wugi brought a CD along because I thought it would fit but it doesnt00:23
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: That's dependent on about a zillion things though.00:23
bin_bashdr_willis, I have a 2011 macbook pro. won't boot from USB00:24
Senjaifbdystang: from the sounds of things you dont understand how linux really works00:24
Wugmy flash drives are all occupied with important things00:24
Senjaifbdystang: check out the linux system administrators guide on tldp.org00:24
bin_bashWug, use the netinstall then00:24
SonikkuAmericaI had a 2001 Gateway that wouldn't boot from USB and it runs Lubuntu 12.10 like a charm./00:24
ttyXinstall ubuntu server then00:24
dr_willisyu got a broke mac siunds like00:24
ttyXyou can install gui afterwards00:24
bin_bashdr_willis, nope. I didn't. you just don't know what you're talking about.00:24
WugI need to repartition.00:24
bin_bashWug, install gentoo00:25
WugI can't upgrade live, I dont have enough disk space00:25
daftykinsWug: use alternate install disc / net install00:25
dr_willisbin_bash: whatever theb00:25
parabyteyour telling someone in a ubuntu chat room to install Gentoo00:25
Wugparabyte: its called trolling00:25
ttyXinstall arch its gentoo only better00:25
bin_bashparabyte, only because he didn't listen to me saying "use the netinstall"00:25
* Wug flashes bin_bash's bios with gentoo00:25
ApesArch linux is much easier than Gentoo. Use it instead.00:25
whjmsforget gentoo. try lfs!00:25
parabyteactually i prefer anything based on debian00:26
bin_bashforget lfs, use suicide linux!00:26
ttyXthen install debian00:26
sam___using autoremove and apt-get purge --remove doesnot remove all configuration files and addons. how remove software with all its branches?00:26
bin_bashone wrong command? BOOM rm -rf00:26
parabytelol Ubuntu debian same thing really00:26
sam___have this problem with two different softwares00:26
bin_bashparabyte, ubuntu is debiant with moar bloat00:26
ttyXparabyte: no they aren't00:26
Wugok here's the magic im looking for00:26
parabytei prefer Ubuntu on my desktop due to the more upto date media packages00:26
C_ClearHey; been having problems watching videos on my media players. Got this error message in the sytem log after the last time the screen went blank on me: Could not open the following files:00:27
C_Clear/var/log/Xorg.1.log: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/Xorg.1.log': No such file or directory00:27
C_Clear/var/log/user.log: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/user.log': No such file or directory00:27
C_Clear/var/log/lpr.log: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/lpr.log': No such file or directory00:27
C_Clear/var/log/mail.info: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/mail.info': No such file or directory00:27
C_Clear/var/log/mail.warn: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/mail.warn': No such file or directory00:27
C_Clear/var/log/daemon.log: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/daemon.log': No such file or directory00:27
C_Clear/var/log/debug: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/debug': No such file or directory00:27
FloodBot1C_Clear: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
C_Clear/var/log/messages: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/messages': No such file or directory00:27
C_Clear/var/log/pm-suspend.log: Error when getting information for file '/var/log/pm-suspend.log': No such file or directory00:27
bin_bashholy shit00:27
parabytethe error message is in the text you pasted00:27
parabyteif you cannot work that out00:27
bin_bash!give C_Clear pastie00:27
ubottubin_bash: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:27
parabyteyou should not use ubuntu or any computer00:28
parabyteany os00:28
somsip!helpful | parabyte00:28
BeaBBMy Laptop isnt suspending when i close the my laptop, need help!(wm: i3)00:28
somsipparabyte: that sort of comment is not helpful.00:28
Wugwhy isn't there a way to install ubuntu with one functioning computer, one functioning linux installation, and zero additional hardware?00:28
parabytesomsip, neither is pasting whole bunch of nonsense into a chat room00:28
Wugwhy is there this mandatory icky flash drive thing00:28
bin_bashWug, NET. INSTALL.00:28
bin_bashgood god.00:28
somsipparabyte: Then please try to show yourself to be more helpful than others00:29
C_Clearparabyte that was great any helpful advice other than admonishment ?00:29
bin_bashC_Clear, lrn2pastebin00:29
BeaBBMy Laptop isnt suspending when i close the laptop, need help!(wm: i3)00:29
ApesC_Clear: What does "ls -l /var/log" show?00:29
Wugbin_bash: that would have a requirement of a CD or flash drive, wouldnt it?00:29
parabyteC_Clear, maybe use tab auto complete in bash to find what your looking for00:29
parabytemaybe search?00:29
Wuglike I said, I can't do it live; I need to repartition.00:29
parabytelocate command?00:29
parabytelots of options to try00:29
bin_bashWug, how are you going to repartition without a livecd?00:29
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bin_bashdoes ubuntu use systemd yet?00:30
parabytebin_bash, Ram Disk install of Ubuntu00:30
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Wugbin_bash: well, the documentated option (that doesn't actually work) of loading an iso into memory would be cool00:30
bekksbin_bash: no, it doesnt.00:30
bekksbin_bash: ubuntu uses upstart00:30
ApesUpstart has all the cons of SystemD and all the Pros of SysV init.00:31
Wugmy specific question if you'll recall is what I'm doing wrong with my grub commands that's preventing toram from working properly00:31
BeaBBMy Laptop isnt suspending when i close the laptop, need help!(wm: i3)00:31
bin_bashApes, oh that sounds lovely00:31
bin_bashBeaBB, did you try googling it00:31
bin_bashit's in a config file somewhere00:31
bin_bashyou can use gnome-tweaK-TOOLS if you want00:32
bin_bashbut instead of nothing it would be suspend00:32
C_ClearApes; typed in the "ls -1/var/log" and got this: ls -1/var/log00:33
C_Clearls: invalid option -- '/'00:33
bin_bashthat's because00:33
bin_bashit's ls -l /var/log00:33
dr_willisC_Clear:  its an l nit a 100:33
bin_bashand there's a space between l and /00:34
BeaBBbin_bash: th00:34
bin_bashI live to serve00:34
C_Cleargot a result. any particular line or just the whole thing ?00:36
dr_willisdo the files exist it was saying are missing?00:38
fbdystangDoes nautilus allow copying and preserving ownership attributes like cp -P does?00:39
hyprvxHello, I turned off Wireless on my laptop for a second and now I can't turn it back on, claims to be "disabled by hardware". There is no physical hardware switch, I run 12.04 with Gnome 3.00:40
dr_willisfbdystang: not that ive seen.00:40
fbdystangnuts :(00:40
hyprvxRestarting was my first try, and that didn't help.00:40
ApesC_Clear: Rerun it as "ls -la /var/log" and put it in gist.github.com00:40
C_ClearNo. I don't think so. there is a xorg.0 showing but not  xorg.100:41
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=== horsecock is now known as joshlegs
Tex_Nickfor the past few weeks my isp bandwidth gradually drops off to about 10% between about 6:00 PM & 11:00 PM ... before i contact them i would likt to have a log of up & down speeds to provide them with ... anyone know of an off-the-shelf solution to test up & down speed every 15 minutes or so and log it ... i'm considering scripting something in bash but would don't want to do it if something already exists00:43
WugTex_Nick: iptraf might have the ability to do that00:43
Wugin order to get a reliable reading you'd need to run it on your router00:43
Wugwhich would be all kinds of not fun00:43
Wughyprvx: post make and model of laptop00:44
hyprvxwug: Dell Inspiron Mini 101800:44
hyprvxinb4 netbooks suck00:44
C_Clearhere you go Apes:  anonymous / gist:cad90d14d7717436c52700:45
Tex_NickWug : lol i understand ... i'll take a look at it though for reference at least ... thanks :-)00:45
joshlegshyprvx, that happens  a lot for me. i have to restart sometimes3 or 4 times to get it working00:45
joshlegsi'd give it a couple more goes00:45
brightknightWhat multiping isnt packaged for ubuntu?00:45
bin_bashhyprvx, what's your problme?00:45
brightknightI need some network tools.00:45
joshlegs<hyprvx> Hello, I turned off Wireless on my laptop for a second and now I can't turn it back on, claims to be "disabled by hardware". There is no physical hardware switch, I run 12.04 with Gnome 3.00:45
bin_bashoh that sucks00:46
joshlegsseems to happen frequently for me on 12.0400:46
bin_bashwhich network manager do you use00:46
Wughyprvx: have you tried fn+f200:46
hyprvxbin_bash: Standard GNOME/Ubuntu00:46
bin_bashhyprvx, i don't use gnome. what network manager do you use?00:47
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hyprvxwug: nothing happens00:47
joshlegshyprvx, try restarting a couple more times. my guess is that it will fix in a bit.00:48
Wughyprvx: supposedly that's the "hardware switch" for that model of laptop00:48
brightknightjoshlegs: check bios00:48
brightknightjoshlegs: or double check the function keys00:48
joshlegsfn+f2 doesnt usually help00:49
joshlegsbut that is the hardware key for me too00:49
joshlegsbios might do something but ill have to check that some other time00:49
hyprvxbin_bash: the network manager is the default one00:49
bin_bashok nevermind00:49
dr_willis!info rfkill00:50
ubotturfkill (source: rfkill): tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4-1ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 8 kB, installed size 63 kB00:50
dr_willistried rfkill?00:50
hyprvxrfkill seems to do nothing at first00:51
bigchuck1988quick question.. if anybody can answer. -- there was a really simple script that you could add to SSH. basically you had to telnet to SSH and type in a password, before it added you to the SSH allow00:52
bigchuck1988anybody know the name of that script?00:52
hyprvxdr_willis: no idea how to use rfkill properly00:53
ApesC_Clear: You just need to post the URL for the gist :) https://gist.github.com/anonymous/cad90d14d7717436c52700:54
ApesC_Clear: Your permissions seems fine. Those files are just genuinely missing.00:55
C_ClearSorry about that If it isn't already apparent I'm new at this00:55
C_Clearso should I manually create logs or do something else to solve the problem of missing files ?00:55
BillyZaneWhen I go in to my home folder, I can't my network. However, I am able to connect to a computer on my network VIA VNC, thus there is communication00:56
BillyZaneon my other computer, which is running windows 7, i can't see this computer on the network00:57
hyprvxbin_bash , dr_willis , joshlegs , and wug: nothing has worked to this point yet, any other things I could try?00:57
bin_bashyou could reinstall the OS00:57
joshlegsi wouldnt do that00:58
Wugthat seems ... excessive00:58
joshlegsive literally had to restart 5 ties before to get it working00:58
bin_bashsounds like a problem wiht ubuntu00:58
bin_bashcould try a different distro00:58
Wughyprvx: can you manually reload the driver00:58
joshlegsi think it's a bug00:58
hyprvxwug, joshlegs, and bin_bash: this driver came with Ubuntu00:59
hyprvxalso dr_willis: the rfkill command seems to be useless00:59
bin_bashhyprvx, that means nothing. reload it.00:59
hyprvxreload, restart the process or just reinstall the driver?00:59
hyprvxaka does reloading the driver mean reinstalling or restarting the process?01:01
apb1963__how much hard drive space do I need to install Ubuntu?  I'm trying to create a virtual machine and then install Ubuntu.  Can I do it in 5GB?01:02
hyprvxapb1963__: it will be limited but it will fit01:02
bigchuck1988apb1963: if you thin provision, it shouldnt matter.01:02
joshlegsapb1963__, i think 8 would probably be sufficient01:02
SirCluelessso, my entire Gnome desktop just froze, anyone know how to debug that?01:02
joshlegsamazon ec2 instances default to 8, and ubuntu servr goes on there with room to spare01:02
SirCluelessmaybe a graphics driver issue01:03
anon-01SirClueless: Did you try rebooting it01:03
bigchuck1988anybody? there was a simple script. sshd deny'd all and  when connections came into SSHD it would forward to the script for a password to add IP to hosts.allow. anybody know the name?01:03
SirCluelessanon-01: i'm 100% sure that will fix it for a few hours01:03
apb1963__so 10 GB should be more than enough yes?  i want to load asterisk  & freepbx on it.01:03
SirCluelessbut this happens a lot01:03
joshlegsSirClueless, could be kernel issue. mine seemed to totally freeze a lot01:03
anon-01SirClueless: Ah, so it is not just a one time issue.01:04
joshlegsthen the kernel updated and it hasnt done it since the kernel update before last01:04
anon-01Does anybody know how to make a loopback audio adapter on Ubuntu 12.10?01:04
aleksandarSo guys, I am running most of my applications through x-forwarding my server. So how do I open a magnet link on my CLIENT to open a new torrent on my SERVER transmission?01:04
SirCluelessi'm curious if there's a way to figure out what is wrong? i am talking to you guys from TTY #201:04
hyprvxif it makes a difference, Network Settings always claims to have Airplane Mode on whenever I open it01:04
SirCluelessTTY #1 has a movable mouse, but everything else is frozen01:04
anon-01I am trying to pipe the output of SDR# (a radio program) to audacity01:04
anon-01SirClueless: TTY has a mouse?01:05
SirCluelesswell, the graphical environment comes up when i hit ctrl+alt+f101:05
anon-01that is odd.01:05
fbdystangHow do I change user on command line in live cd?01:05
SirCluelessand it's frozen01:05
anon-01fbdystang: use su to change user.01:05
fbdystangthats it? huh!01:06
anon-01fbdystang: but what user do you want to change to? It's a live cd.01:06
hyprvxFIRE FIRE01:06
anon-01fbdystang: you are normal, or root (for this: sudo -s01:06
BillyZaneso like...01:06
SirCluelessis there any way to, like, inspect running programs to find the bug?01:07
BillyZanei can't see my network01:07
fbdystanganan-01: thanks01:07
anon-01fbdystang: you are welcome01:07
hyprvxFIRE FIRE FIRE01:07
anon-01hyprvx: WHAT??????01:07
SirCluelessi think it's just the unstable SNA acceleration with the Intel HD 400001:07
hyprvxanon-01: nobody seemed to be responding01:07
BillyZaneWhen I go in to my home folder, I can't see my network. However, I am able to connect to a computer on my network via VNC. How can I browse my network again?01:07
BillyZaneis it possible to browse your network through terminal?01:08
xangua!patience | hyprvx01:08
ubottuhyprvx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:08
fbdystanganon-01: I want to copy files and retain permissions. But it is on a 2nd drive that has permissions. So I need to be that user to cp to it01:08
anon-01BillyZane:  If you want to scan for hosts, use nmap. Else, just remember the machine name.01:09
oldschoolhi does anyone know of a good program to use in ubuntu to make password protected file or folders01:09
anon-01fbdystang: neat.01:09
PPPTno wireless and wifi on ubuntu 10.04. can you help. google doesnt.01:10
Ben64PPPT: you should upgrade to 12.0401:10
BillyZaneanon-01: if I know the machine name, do I just type it in to terminal?01:10
PPPTi live 10.0401:10
Ben64PPPT: support ends in 2 months01:10
anon-01oldschool: Do you want to restrict access to a list of users (in which case you can use built in file permissions), or do you want to encrypt (in which case use GPG for files or [something] for full disk encryption)01:10
PPPTben64, i know. but i still enjoy it, whilst i can..01:11
anon-01BillyZane: what service do you want to connect to on the server? SAMVA? CIFS? SSH? VNC?01:11
anon-01BillyZane: or do you just want to list the services available?01:11
Ben64PPPT: then get a wireless card that is supported01:11
BillyZaneBillyZane: I was able to use VNC. What I want to do is browse my files and watch a movie01:11
PPPTben64, funny thing is that wired internet doesnt work at all too01:12
anon-01BillyZane: what server and os are you running on the server machine?01:12
BillyZaneanon-01: I am able to VNC, but when I click on my file browser, there's usually a network tab. that tab is not there right now01:12
anon-01BillyZane: actually, just what is the os?01:12
Ben64PPPT: then how have you been using it for the past 3 years01:12
anon-01BillyZane: What is the OS on the server?01:12
BillyZanethe OS is windows 701:12
bin_bashwindows 7 on a server?01:12
BillyZanethis computer's OS is ubuntu 12.1001:12
hyprvxupdate: trying suggestions on the wiki and forum don't work at all01:12
anon-01BillyZane: Ah, you are trying to connect over windows file server, yes?01:13
PPPTben64, on another laptop, that was older than the current one...01:13
hyprvxrfkill still lists hard and soft blocks on both01:13
oldschoolanon-01 i just want to be able to password protected file or folders in ubuntu01:13
BillyZaneanon-01: i'm not sure, but i think that sounds about right. I want to browse my files and watch a movie01:13
Ben64PPPT: then... get a new network card too?01:13
anon-01oldschool: for what? private files (dont tell me whats in them.)? comany data? to protect everything?01:14
PPPTno ithink it might be something to do with the drivers. been googling about downloading them and installing them offline..01:14
anon-01anon-01 do you need to enumerate (list) the share names from ubuntu, or just mount it?01:14
Ben64PPPT: yeah its probably drivers, which is why i said to get a card that is supported01:14
anon-01err, oldschool do you need to enumerate (list) the share names from ubuntu, or just mount it?01:15
PPPTit is standard one...01:15
oldschoolanon-01 yeah comany data01:15
PPPTthe wireless is atheros, works fine in xbuntu01:15
anon-01oldschool: ah. just you on the machine?01:15
gdeebleJust curious, does anyone have a decent tutorial about setting up Lirc Mouse Daemon with LXDE as the environment that they could share with me. I've been trying to find anything with that and I'm coming up short. :(01:15
Ben64PPPT: theres no difference from xubuntu to ubuntu, you must be doing something strange01:15
BillyZaneanon-01: I did not have nmap installed, I just installed it. Going over the way to use it01:16
anon-01BillyZane: Try: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/how-can-i-scan-for-samba-shares-876721/ and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28853401:16
PPPTi tried ubuntu 10.04 on my pc too, i cannot get wired internet at all, eventhough eth0 is present.01:16
anon-01BillyZane: nmap is not what you need01:16
BillyZaneanon-01: thank you01:16
Ben64PPPT: you must be doing something strange then01:16
hyprvxI found a card which IS supported by Ubuntu by default, plugged it in, and Network Settings refuses to let me turn it on01:16
anon-01BillyZane: you already know what service to connect to: SAMBA01:16
PPPTben64, i dont really. anyone any idea about getting .deb for atheros wifi and also get some audio too..01:17
anon-01BillyZane: I gave you a link for enumerating (listing) the share names on your server (win7), and one for mounting the shares.01:17
anon-01oldschool: Is it just you on the machine you want the protected files on?01:17
BillyZaneanon-01: ok, i'll look in to it. thank you01:17
anon-01BillyZane: You're welcome. Glad to help.01:18
oldschoolanon-01 no i want them to be password protectedon on the machine and even if i move them let say to my windows machine i still want them to be password protected01:18
escott!info gpg | oldschool01:18
ubottuoldschool: Package gpg does not exist in quantal01:19
bin_bashWhere does canonical get these ridiculous names from?01:19
anon-01oldschool: For that, use GPG (even if you have to download it yourself), however, it will have to be used on each individual file.01:19
escott!info gnupg | oldschool01:20
ubottuoldschool: gnupg (source: gnupg): GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement. In component main, is important. Version 1.4.11-3ubuntu4.1 (quantal), package size 772 kB, installed size 1944 kB01:20
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab
fbdystanganon-01: whats the password for root on the live cd?01:20
Ben64fbdystang: use sudo01:20
anon-01fbdystang: probably not set. instead, use sudo -s instead of su -01:20
fbdystangsudo cd ?01:21
anon-01or, if you insist on su, use sudo su -01:21
fbdystangto change directory?01:21
Tex_Nickbin_bash : lol ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames01:21
Ben64don't use sudo su01:21
anon-01fbdystang: run sudo -s01:21
bin_bashBen64, why not01:21
oldschoolanon-01 ok thanks01:21
Ben64sudo -i if you really need to be root01:21
anon-01fbdystang: you will get root shell01:21
escottanon-01, fbdystang sudo -i is a bit better than sudo -s01:21
Ben64bin_bash: because its bad01:21
oldschoolubottu ok thanks01:21
PoolShark_"because I said so" :p01:21
marahin"it's bad, mmkay"01:22
fbdystangescott thanks01:22
anon-01oldschool: What I would do - reinstall with 12.10. Enable full disk encryption. This will secure almost all files on the computer. if you shut off, will need ppass on boot01:22
anon-01escott: what is the difference01:22
hyprvxAirplane mode stays on even when I turn it off01:22
dr_willisit may or may not give a proper bash enviroment01:22
anon-01ooldschool: your weolcom01:22
bin_bashBen64, why?01:22
fbdystangescott: yea what is the difference?01:22
bin_bashBen64, su - is better01:22
anon-01dr_willis: ill try to remember that01:22
Ben64bin_bash: no, its not01:22
bin_bashyes it is01:22
dr_willissu -   will NOT work on ubuntu01:22
C_ClearSo just wanted to follow up on a question I asked earlier. after the last time my video froze this error message came up in the system log. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1618456/  Any way to create the missing files or is there another solution or problem that needs to be addressed ?01:22
anon-01bin_bash, Ben64, dr_willis you will need sudo su -. that should work01:23
Ben64it's been explained countless times in this channel, use "sudo -i" if you must, don't use sudo su01:23
bin_bashsu - is better than sudo su, imo01:23
escottanon-01, fbdystang sudo -i will run a login shell and replace environment variables, sudo -s will just exec the shell with root privs. if you have something in your $PATH it will stay in your path with sudo -s. thats undesirable generally01:23
anon-01bin_bash, Ben64, dr_willis: i just tested it01:23
dr_willisanon-01:  and we are baack to 'use sudo -s' like you shoiuld be01:23
* PoolShark_ grabs the popcorn01:23
dr_willisanon-01:  and  the enviroment settings may or may not be what you intended....01:23
anon-01bin_bash, Ben64, dr_willis: OK. THanks01:24
fbdystangescott: great explanation :)01:24
oldschoolanon-01 ok thanks01:24
anon-01Does anybody know how to do a loopback adapter for audio?01:24
adamkanon-01: Define "loopback adapter"01:25
PoolShark_I just log in as root if I need to be root01:25
Ben64PoolShark_: that isn't recommended either01:25
escottanon-01, fbdystang ill note that this is different on fedora systems... theirs are setup for a su usage and it seems that on fedora sudo su - is better than sudo -i for those systems01:25
dr_willisPoolShark_:  direct logging in as root - is also disabled in ubuntu01:25
xylsudo passwd -u root01:25
bin_bashdr_willis, you can enable it if you want though01:25
Ben64xyl: please don't suggest that01:25
dr_willisbin_bash:  and thats explicity NOT reccomended or supported by Ubuntu or this channel01:26
PoolShark_of course it's not recommended01:26
escottxyl, those who know how to do that don't need to ask. those who don't know would end up shooting themselves in the foot if they did. thats why we dont tell people01:26
bin_bashdr_willis why is that? Because the users are stupid?01:26
anon-01adamk: I set source program to output to $loopback_adapter (like its a speaker). That output is then sent to Audacity, which uses  $loopback_adapter like a mic to recieve the information that was sent from the source program.01:26
xylwhy?if you want to login with root01:26
dr_willisthe proper method is to use sudo as needed01:26
Ben64i don't understand what is so hard about sudo, why do so many people want to be root all the time01:27
adamkanon-01: configure pulseaudio to load module-null-sink (I think it's in /etc/pulse/default/pa, just commented out by default).01:27
icerootthere is no single reason to login as root directly instead of using sudo01:27
bin_bashIf you're the only one using a system, and someone gets access to your acount via your password, Ben64, then they automatically have root access.01:27
anon-01admk: thanks, ill try01:27
dr_willisproper practice and habbits help insure a stable ssytem01:27
adamkanon-01: Restart PA, then use pavucontrol to direct the output to the null device, and configure audacity to record from the monitor of that null audio device.01:27
anon-01adamk: pavucontrol?01:28
PoolShark_State Farm insures my system. I ensure the stability of it.01:28
adamkanon-01: Nice utility to selecting audio devices and volume levels in PA.01:28
icerootbin_bash: if you are the only one on a system and using a root-shell directly, normally you will ask here "how to fix my system because i killed something because i am root" or "why am i hacked because i execute everything as root"01:28
bin_bashiceroot, only if you're a retard01:28
bin_bashin which case01:28
anon-01adamk: how do I load a module?01:28
icerootbin_bash: not using root directly is a protection for the normal user01:28
bin_bashyou deserved whatever you did01:28
PoolShark_bin_bash: hear hear01:29
adamkanon-01: Just uncomment the line in /etc/pulse/default.pa that mentions module-null-sink and restart pulseaudio.01:29
icerootbin_bash: you are free to do with your system what you want but we dont support/suggest a root-shell01:29
bin_bashLook, if you don't learn the proper way to use root, then you shouldn't use linux at all. depending on sudo entirely is like using crutches01:29
=== grep is now known as Guest37698
Ben64everyone should drop the attitude. if you don't like how ubuntu uses root, then don't use it, and don't suggest it here01:29
anon-01admk: ocka, thanks01:29
icerootBen64: +101:29
dr_willissudo is another bit of protection to the security layers in place.01:31
Tex_Nickbin_bash : have a look at ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:31
bin_bashTex_Nick, sudo apt-get purge sudo01:32
Ben64bin_bash: stop01:32
icerootbin_bash: you have a support question? or just stupid trolling?01:32
bin_bashiceroot, I've been helping people, fyi01:32
icerootbin_bash: i just see trolling but ok01:33
Ben64not in recent memory01:33
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!01:34
Tex_Nick!kidding | bin_bash01:34
ubottubin_bash: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.01:34
Ben64out of 149 lines of text you have typed in this channel,  3 have been constructive01:35
dr_willisBen64:   ;) i lost count...01:35
fox_wilsonBen64: Wow, that was impressive :)01:35
anon-01!thanks | Ben6401:35
ubottuBen64: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:35
anon-01#oops - wrong invocation01:36
PoolShark_I need rum01:37
anon-01read the rum01:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:38
anon-01Ben64: ACK01:39
NoontHi! I'm trying to upgrade to 13.04, but I've got a problem - do-release-upgrade -d crashes and update-manager -d says 13.04 is available and then retursn with no new versions01:39
Ben64Noont: #ubuntu+101:40
NoontAh, ok01:40
bin_bashi do have a srs question though01:40
anon-01Ben64: is 13.04 the dev version?01:40
bin_bashhas anyone had any success getting audio out via the thunderbolt port on macbooks?01:40
Ben64ubuntu versions are year.month, so 13.04 = 2013.04 = April 2013, which is in the future01:41
anon-01Ben64: ah.01:41
alanorisi need help01:42
escottanon-01, and 13.04 will come out probably towards the end of the month. so dont go looking on april 1st01:42
anon-01alanoris: hi01:42
bin_bash!ask | alanoris01:42
ubottualanoris: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:42
datsmoidadoes it make sense that if my vps has so much processor allotted some program would just hang and not run if it's maxed01:42
anon-01escott: ACK01:42
alanorisi can ask question because i can01:42
silvereyedatsmoida, yes01:43
alanorishow can i find some good porn pictures in my browser? it seems i can not find any there thank you01:43
datsmoidawhat is the best thing more processor or ram01:43
Ben64alanoris: no, wrong channel, go away01:43
anon-01!ot | alanoris01:43
ubottualanoris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:43
anon-01!inappropriate | alanoris01:43
PoolShark_if you need help finding internet porn, maybe the internet isn't for you haha01:43
ubottualanoris: The current discussion topic is inappropriate for this channel. Please stop.01:43
bin_bash!troll | alanoris01:43
silvereyedatsmoida, depends on whether you are out of ram or out of cpu time01:43
datsmoidahow to test01:44
alanorisand where should i go?01:44
bin_bashalanoris, how about #care01:44
escottdatsmoida, no single best. depends on what your options are and what you will be using the computer for01:44
alanorisi search google for pussy but i dont see any there01:44
anon-01!ot | alanoris01:44
ubottualanoris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:44
anon-01!inappropriate | alanoris01:44
ubottualanoris: The current discussion topic is inappropriate for this channel. Please stop.01:44
datsmoidausing it to run perl scripts and tor01:44
HoytThe panel pops up when you press Meta key, what's the name of it?01:44
alanorisok childs i ask somewhere else01:44
lundyhow can i put a different wallpaper on each workspace?01:44
alanoriswtf is ubuntu01:45
Hoytthe lens or what01:45
HoytCan't remember the jargon01:45
NoontHoyt: the dash01:45
fasalanoris: an operating system01:45
silvereyedatsmoida, "top" in a console window should tell you how much ram is left over and how much cpu time is in use01:45
alanorisnot interested01:45
Hoytokay, the dash, how can I install a calculator plugin for it?01:45
fasalanoris: then leave01:45
anon-01alanoris: An OS. Like WIndows XP, except with less viruses.01:45
alanorisi like windows 7 it is best01:45
HoytI mean, instead of putting the name of application, I want to put a formula, i.e 3*301:45
fox_wilsonalanoris: This is an _ubuntu_ discussion channel.01:45
anon-01!go_away | alanoris01:45
HoytAnd get the result01:45
Ben64don't need to feed the trolls everyone01:45
anon-01Ben64: ACK01:46
NoontHoyt: there's a scope for that, but it's not available for 12.1001:46
anon-01Ben64: Oops.01:46
lundyhow can i put a different wallpaper on each workspace?01:46
HoytNoont: package name?01:46
NoontGimme a second and I'll have it01:46
bin_bashlundy, I don't think you can01:46
fbdystangescott: sudo -i, then cp -RP is copying and leaving "root" as the owner. Thus not preserving attributes. What am I doing wrong?01:46
faslundy: I think that requires a special program. I don't think it's possible under normal circumstances01:46
lundyKK google time01:47
faslundy: but I'm sure there are programs to allow you to, I just don't know any off the top of my head01:47
datsmoidaCpu(s):  4.8%us,  4.8%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id, 90.5%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st01:47
datsmoidaMem:    244284k total,   241176k used,     3108k free,      260k buffers01:47
escottfbdystang, cp -aR01:47
NoontHoyt: unity-scope-calculator, you'll need to find a ppa for it or compile/install yourself01:47
datsmoidamust be that 90%01:47
fbdystangescott: what does the -a do?01:47
escottfbdystang, -P is not -p. the -P has to do with symlinks. -a is better anyways01:47
datsmoidait fluctuates between 90 and 9801:47
datsmoidawhat is wa01:47
Ben64fbdystang: from the cp manual, -a, --archive              same as -dR --preserve=all01:47
escottfbdystang, and  -p                           same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps01:48
fbdystanggot it, thanks guys :)01:48
* anon-01 intends to leave the chanel.01:48
silvereyedatsmoida, so the answer is you have 3 megabytes ram left over and very little free cpu time. You need a faster cpu and more ram. Or a co-processed ethernet card for your vpn01:49
fbdystangisn't R in the -aR redundant?01:49
Ben64appears to be01:49
escottfbdystang, -R is recursive (ie subdirs too)01:49
Ubunt00i is a newb 2 ubunt201:49
datsmoidasilvereye - can't i just upgrade to more ram and /or cpu01:49
escottfbdystang, and in this case -R is the same as -r01:49
datsmoidaor am i blowing it up01:49
datsmoidamy program eventually started, like 5 minutes later01:49
datsmoidathis is just in command line01:50
escottdatsmoida, wa is io-wait time. ie waiting for a packet from a remote server or a file read01:50
Ben64datsmoida: if i'm reading that correctly, most of your cpu is going to iowait01:50
escottdatsmoida, aka idle01:50
fbdystang-a == -dpR so the R is redundant in -aR01:50
escottfbdystang, yes. didn't notice that before but yes01:50
silvereyedatsmoida, no, you need both. 256mb system ram isn't enough to run a vpn, and what kind of cpu do you have?01:50
escottfbdystang, another one to throw on is -x for one-file-system01:51
Tex_NickUbunt00:  if you have a support question, please ask :)01:51
datsmoidai am planning to upgrade it01:52
fbdystangescott: yea I am just reading about the -x, wouldn't work for me since I am jumping filesystems01:52
datsmoidai don't know, one half core i think, whatever that is01:52
C_Clearalright off for the nite. thanks for the assistance01:53
bin_bashIs it against the ubuntu way to boot to runlevel 3?01:53
escottfbdystang, you are archiving /. why would you be jumping filesystems?01:53
PoolShark_bin_bash: why wouldn't it be?01:53
dr_willis! text01:53
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode01:53
silvereyedatsmoida, there are some ethernet cards that are coprocessed and can do the vpn calculations for the system01:53
bin_bashPoolShark_, idk. seems a lot of things are.01:53
escottfbdystang, its most useful for ensuring you dont grap special filesystems like /proc or /sys or ~/.gvfs etc01:53
Tex_Nickdatsmoida:  a half-core cpu @^@01:53
escott!runlevel | bin_bash01:54
ubottubin_bash: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.01:54
bin_bashwtf is upstart01:54
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:54
dr_willis! manual01:54
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:54
PoolShark_bin_bash: it probably doesn't matter since Debian consolidates 2-5 into the same damn thing01:54
bin_bashA good troll would be to set someone's init to runlevel 601:55
bin_bashso anytime they booted it'd reboot01:55
silvereyethat would be mean01:55
PoolShark_bin_bash: that used to be a common joke in #linux many many years ago01:55
PoolShark_bin_bash: we're talking 1995-ish01:55
bin_bashPoolShark_, yeah I know lol01:55
Ben64enough with the offtopic, if you have a support question ask it, otherwise be quiet or leave01:56
PoolShark_bin_bash: "rm -rf /" too01:56
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!01:56
dr_willisthat no longer works I recall01:56
bin_bashdr_willis, what doesn;t?01:56
escottand its safe for everyone but bin_bash who likes to login as root01:57
dr_willisthe rm ...... trick01:57
bin_bashdr_willis, yes, it definitely works. but you have to do --no-preserve root01:57
fox_wilsonbin_bash: *sigh* that's a very bad idea though01:57
dr_willisso as I said.. as written it dont work..01:57
bin_bashdr_willis, it does. It just doesn't remove /everything/01:58
bin_bashjust most things01:58
elkybin_bash, does it handily tell you this when you try?01:58
bin_bashelky, idk. I'm not stupid.01:58
* dr_willis go back on topic01:58
chaotixhey...  what should i format a usb stick to before making a persistant ubuntu usb live usb?02:00
chaotixntfs or ext4 or fat?02:01
fox_wilsonchaotix: I believe it's FAT.02:01
dustinchaotix, you ext402:01
fox_wilsondustin: Will ext4 boot though?02:01
phunyguywhy wouldn't it?02:01
dustinfox_wilson, mine does02:01
bin_bashchaotix, ext402:01
chaotixi just found something that says i should use fat...  i always thought ext4 though02:02
fox_wilsondustin: Oh wait, I just forgot everything I knew about the boot process. Nevermind02:02
gelphthat's an interesting question -- the bootloader is partition-level code -- prior to filesystems being loaded, right?02:02
ubottuTo have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence02:02
=== mojtaba is now known as Dni
Tex_NickPeople ... PLEASE be careful what you post here ... your jokes can cause new users to crash their PC's ... might seem funny to you ... not to them :-(02:02
fox_wilsongelph: I think so.02:02
fox_wilsonI don't believe it's partition-specific, it's the scheme of the partition table that changes the boot sector... right?02:03
Dnihi, does anybody know how can I turn the gui on and off to free the hardware resources when needed?02:03
gelph"whoosh" the sound of high-level information flying over our heads02:03
fox_wilsonDni: What do you mean exactly? As in logging in directly into a console?02:04
phunyguyDni, select a different runlevel, but I dont know which off the top of my head02:04
phunyguy(i think)02:04
bin_bashDni, boot to runlevel 302:05
phunyguyor sudo service lightdm stop02:05
guideXwhat's the chance of getting ubuntu 12.10 to run on my asus eee slate tabletpc?02:05
DniActually I am pretty new to linux era, could you please explain more?02:05
Ben64bin_bash: we just went over the runlevels, that doesn't work02:05
gelphDni: as root: "telinit 3"02:05
bin_bashBen64, why doesn't it work?02:05
bin_bashIt should.02:05
Ben64gelph: doesn't work02:05
Dnigelph: should I then restart my computer?02:06
phunyguyDni, ctrl-alt-f1, then login, and sudo service lightdm stop02:06
phunyguythats all02:06
Ben64!runlevels | bin_bash, Dni, gelph02:06
ubottubin_bash, Dni, gelph: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.02:06
phunyguyto get gui back, sudo service lightdm start02:06
bin_bashwelp that's offensive02:06
gelph<<double face palm>>02:06
Dniwhat do you mean by runlevels?02:07
Dni!ping | phunyguy02:08
ubottuphunyguy: pong!02:08
Dnicould you please explain a little more02:08
dustinfox_wilson, my appologies you are correct I found and inserted my live drive it is fat32 it has been a while since I last used it02:08
Ben64Dni: what are the specs of your computer02:08
gelphDni runlevels used to be these incrementing levels of how many things are running, and going back a level or two you'd stop just the display manager, but no longer true02:08
fox_wilsondustin: Don't worry about it. I'm still curious as to whether or not it would work... the boot process is so confusing sometimes :)02:09
DniBen64: I have Dell Studio 1555 laptop and the fan is always working, I do afraid it will burn soon02:09
dustinfox_wilson, my main drives are all ext4 so I would have to say that it "should" work02:09
gelphDni there's a big deal about controlling cpu intensity and throttling it back when not needed, maybe you don't have that going02:10
Dniphunyguy: would you please explain a little more.02:10
Ben64Dni: check to see if cpu scaling is working (if the cpu clocks itself down when idle to save power and temperature)02:10
phunyguyexplain what? They said runlevels didnt work02:10
DniBen64: how can I check that?02:10
Ben64phunyguy: i think he means about lightdm service02:10
DniBen64: Actually when no program is running the fan is also working with lots of noise. before I did not have such experience.02:11
Ben64Dni: "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz" will show the current cpu speed02:11
phunyguyDni, pay attention to Ben64.  He is dependable.02:11
Ben64like mine says 800mhz now02:11
phunyguysounds like you have deeper seeded issues.02:11
Ben64but it will go up to 2700mhz when called for it02:12
DniBen64: both are 2800.00002:12
Ben64what cpu?02:12
phunyguyyeah Dni, throttling isn't working for you02:12
Dniphunyguy: Thanks02:12
PoolShark_hrmmm... that returns 6 measurements... which one is correct?02:12
gelphall 6?02:12
Ben64PoolShark_: that means you have 6 cores02:12
DniBen64: It is intel02:12
Ben64Dni: you might have to enable it in the bios02:12
DniBen64: What should I enable?02:13
PoolShark_what timebase is used as a reference to make that measurement?02:13
Ben64i don't know, every bios isn't the same02:13
DniBen64: I mean the category which I should take a look02:13
Ben64Dni: yeah, still not sure where it'd be on a dell02:13
dr_willispower saveing. preformance mode, throtteling02:13
gelphThe cpufreqd and indicator-cpufreq packages come up in my searching02:13
gelphcpufreqd - fully configurable daemon for dynamic frequency and voltage scaling02:14
dustinhas anyone here used cpu scaling with an OC processor? wondering if it just shows the upped scale or if the throttling is turned off?02:14
Dnigelph: Should I install these packages?02:14
gelphno experience with them, but they are the starting point02:15
DniBen64: Any help is highly appreciated, as I have chosen linux recently02:15
gelphTry this command: apt-cache show cpufreqd02:15
gelphIt shows you the basic info about that package02:15
gelphIt shows you the home page, and hardware requirements02:16
dr_willisin my bios's ive seen differnt power plans. such as 'power saveing, desktop, gameing' where theý differ in how much they let the cpu throttle down02:16
Dnigelph: I ran that, and it generated many output02:17
Dnidr_willis: I have not such thing02:17
rsinghHi everybody, I'm looking for some help with keepassx.  I want it to open up a new firefox-trunk tab if Firefox is already running, and if not, I want it to start up the browser when I select "Open URL" in the context menu02:23
gelphrsingh here are some great command-line arguments to configure keepassx with: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Command_line_arguments02:24
Coded1anyone got the amd catalyst 13.2 beta 3 drivers working?  I tried installing it on 13.04 but it can't seem to find "version.h"02:24
gelphCoded1 I think you need linux-headers package (half-way guessing)02:25
phunyguyCoded1, "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`"02:25
phunyguywithout quotes02:25
phunyguyCoded1, anything after that you can probably get a better answer in #ubuntu+102:26
Brewsterhey has anyone managet to get ubuntuone on backtrack?02:26
=== rsingh is now known as remanifest
Ben64Brewster: we can't support backtrack here02:27
Coded1ya I installed the headers, I'll give +1 a shot02:27
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)02:27
Brewsterthere isn't anyone in #backtrack-linux02:27
phunyguyBrewster, not our problem.02:28
Brewsterjust thought that would be worth pointing out02:28
phunyguy(sorry, I know that was rough)02:28
Brewsterit's fine02:28
bin_bashyou should support backtrack if you support lubuntu or xubuntu or any f the others02:28
phunyguywell we should be understanding here..02:28
phunyguybacktrack isnt a supported distro.02:28
Brewsteris there like a git repo that I can compile ubuntuone from source?02:29
phunyguyBrewster, sorry, cannot discuss any further.02:29
Brewsterubuntuone is part of ubuntu02:29
phunyguyyes, and installs on ubuntu without a compile.02:29
Ben64backtrack isnt02:29
Brewster[20:29:11] <Brewster> is there like a git repo that I can compile ubuntuone from source? <- I don't see backtrack in that question02:30
Tex_NickBrewster : keep asking in #backtrack-linux ... there are some great guru's that pop in & out of there ờᴗớ02:30
=== ericab is now known as ericab_away
Brewsterhaha hillarious02:30
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab
Brewsterthere's nobody in there02:30
phunyguy!ot | Brewster02:30
ubottuBrewster: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:30
Ben64then don't use it02:30
Brewsteroh wait what02:31
symetriktrying to reach #shitOS02:31
symetrikguess this works02:31
remanifestgelph: Thanks!02:31
FloodBot1symetrik: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
Brewsterok thanks02:31
phunyguy!language | symetrik02:31
ubottusymetrik: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:31
symetrikoh sorry.02:31
symetrikI meant I was trying to reach #ratherbadOSthatisoverusedbecausepeoplethinkitisgoodforsomethingotherthanmarketingtothelowerIQofourpopulation02:32
symetrikdidn't mean to swear02:32
PoolShark_oh interesting02:33
symetrikalso, 3 messages in a 9 second fragment isn't flooding.02:33
symetrikI'd advise someone fix your irc bot02:33
remanifestEhhh, unfortunately it's still not working02:33
demarcoi just installed 12.10 and i have no wireless connection02:33
MrFYou have a laptop yeah?02:34
iron_manis anyone here02:37
iron_manhahah ok02:37
fox_wilsoniron_man: Yes, do you have a question?02:37
bravisonly 1600 or so02:37
fox_wilsonbravis: Indeed :D02:37
iron_mani just downloaded mIRC and im just trying to find reimu.hakurei02:38
iron_manhe has a server and he chats on x-chat02:38
bravissetting stuff up back later02:38
iron_mani dont know how to search for him on here02:38
=== ada2358 is now known as adzuci
fbdystangwanted to thank escott for his genius helping me, but looks like he has already split02:39
fox_wilsoniron_man: If he is on Freenode, then you could try to /msg reimu.hakurei yourmsg. However, please note that this channel is for discussion of Ubuntu, and questions regarding Freenode itself should be directed towards #freenode.02:39
LennaLinuxhello everybody02:40
LennaLinuxI wonder who here knows a bit more about the minix filesystem. Anyone have a link? suggestions?02:40
bazhangLennaLinux, thats not on topic here02:40
fox_wilsonLennaLinux: perhaps try ##linux?02:40
RustyShacklefordwhat package is Ubuntu family fonts in?02:41
RustyShacklefordI installed a minimal ubuntu server, and those fonts don't seem to be installed02:41
fox_wilsonRustyShackleford: Looks like ttf-ubuntu-font-family02:41
demarcohey all, wireless is not working on my dell inspiron 1501, which is a laptop02:41
fox_wilsonRustyShackleford: see http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid-updates/fonts/ttf-ubuntu-font-family02:41
bazhang!wifi | demarco have a read02:42
ubottudemarco have a read: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:42
MrFdemarco: you will probably need to go find your own wifi drivers02:42
fox_wilsonWow that bot is useful :)02:42
LennaLinuxbazhang , I know that, I just want help, not that I will develop the subject in this channel02:42
Tex_NickLennaLinux:  minix has a channel on freenode #minix ... few ppl there though02:42
AntumDelugedemarco, did you try going to "Additional Drivers" under "System" in the menu?02:43
LennaLinuxthank you Tex_Nick02:43
MrFdemarco: you'll want to check this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197550302:43
bin_bashHi Uuni02:44
RustyShacklefordfox_wilson, perfect, thank you02:44
RustyShacklefordI was on the web page for Ubuntu Font Family02:44
fox_wilsonRustyShackleford: No problem :)02:44
UuniIt's me, spenny151502:44
RustyShacklefordcouldnt find the damn package name02:44
Tex_NickLennaLinux:  also this might help ... http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&sqi=2&ved=0CEEQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.minix3.org%2Fdoc%2Fgerofi_thesis.pdf&ei=zBQTUcnMLIz8yAGiqoFA&usg=AFQjCNH-Ux2R2B83Wh8jpTb2zjckRekxHg&bvm=bv.41867550,bs.1,d.b2I&cad=rja02:44
PoolShark_so here's a strange problem... I have some fortran code that I wrote that does a hybrid moment-method/physical-optics numerical evaluation of scattering analysis, and when I compile it on the ubuntu box I get an interior resonance condition that I don't get on Redhat or Solaris. What's even weirder is that I can get it to work reasonably well on Ubuntu if I limit myself to using only a Gauss-Legendre approach to evaluating the complex integra02:45
bin_bashHm. You've tried it with the same parameters on both Redhat and Solaris?02:45
gelphPoolShark_ if you put your hand over the fan on your computer, does the interior resonance condition get louder or quieter?02:45
UuniRustyShackleford, it's me! Spenny151502:45
Tex_NickLennaLinux:  sorry bout the google link ... kinda long :(02:45
fox_wilsonPoolShark_: that wasn't serious was it :D02:46
PoolShark_bin_bash: Yes, the same parameters... in fact I just tried it with a simple object - a spherical orb...02:46
mojtabaHi, I have just installed linux mint on my laptop and when even no program is running, my fan is working very hard and I afraid it will burn. Does anybody know what should I do? (I did not have this problem in win7. :( )02:46
phunyguy!mint | mojtaba02:46
ubottumojtaba: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:46
IdleOne!mint | mojtaba02:46
bazhangmojtaba, mint is not supported here02:47
PoolShark_so there shouldn't have been any special corner singularities or anything that would cause a poorly-conditioned matrix, and in fact a reference solution for an infinite cylinder even comes up resonant on ubuntu... it's really strange02:47
RustyShacklefordUuni, you must be thinking of a different RustyShackleford02:47
mojtabaHi, I have just installed linux mint on my laptop and when even no program is running, my fan is working very hard and I afraid it will burn. Does anybody know what should I do? (I did not have this problem in win7. :( )02:47
RustyShacklefordi don't have this alias on any other sites02:47
fox_wilson!mint | mojtaba02:47
ubottumojtaba: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:47
bazhangmojtaba, ??02:47
LennaLinuxthanks for your help Tex_Nick =) lol, do not worry, the link is very good, thanks again02:48
phunyguyit happens.  :P02:48
UuniDoes the name Liam ring any bells?02:48
PoolShark_nobody has any ideas?02:48
bin_bashPoolShark_, that's weird. I don't really know.02:48
fox_wilsonPoolShark_: You checked the compressor dvisions and  mainframe node singularities though?02:48
bazhangPoolShark_, thats no an ubuntu support issue02:48
fox_wilsonPoolShark_: (that was humorous I assume)02:49
fox_wilsonBut offtopic :)02:49
bin_bashPoolShark_, Are you using a straight TE or TM approach or are you using CFIEs?02:49
Tex_NickLennaLinux:  np hope you find some good stuff :-)02:49
PoolShark_bin_bash: it's a CFIE, so I would not expect to see the inherent interior resonance problem that comes from the straight TE approach... but in any case, what is perpexing is why this would happen on ubuntu and not solaris or redhat02:50
IdleOnePoolShark_: bin_bash I don't know what you two are talking about but you need to take it elsewhere please.02:51
bin_bashPoolShark_, that sure is odd. perhaps a kernel issue?02:51
bazhangbin_bash, thats enough.02:51
bin_bashjeez sorry02:51
PoolShark_bin_bash: I'm thinking maybe something wrong with whatever libraries are included with ubuntu02:51
bin_bashi was just trying to help02:51
bazhangPoolShark_, take it elsewhere02:51
PoolShark_bazhang: it's an #ubuntu question02:51
giggazillaIs there any way to change a filesystem back from ext2 to ext3?  I think fsck changed it from ext2 to ext302:52
bazhangPoolShark_, no its not. lets move on02:52
Ben64giggazilla: you can mount ext3 as ext202:52
PoolShark_bazhang: I don't see how a question about #ubuntu libraries is not about #ubuntu02:52
Uuniprassel, have we met?02:53
symetriklol, preventing questions about ubuntu in #ubuntu02:53
bazhang!ot | Uuni02:53
ubottuUuni: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:53
prasselUuni: nope02:53
Uunifuck, you! bazhang02:54
UuniWHAT THE FUCK?!!02:54
MrFhaha who else saw that comin02:55
bin_bashI did.02:55
* gelph shakes head02:55
PoolShark_If you don't know the answer, just say you don't know, but it's not fair to tell me that my ubuntu question is off topic just because nobody knows the answer.... admittedly this is a tough problem to solve, but nevertheless it is something that is unique to ubuntu, so naturally I think it's fair game here02:55
IdleOneI'm in a good mood folks, don't make me start banning the lot of you. Stick to Ubuntu support, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.02:55
PoolShark_no problem...02:56
bin_bashSorry was just trying to help PoolShark_ =/02:57
PoolShark_I need some help determining what I think might be an issue underlying the developer libraries included with ubuntu 12.04 and the available fortran compiler, because I get different results on ubuntu and its included compilers and libraries than I do in every other distro I have used02:57
jmnozhi. Is there a graphical tool for LVM?02:58
MrFyou checked to make sure the compiler is the same version?02:58
etienneI need help and can't find any in the #ubuntu-beginners channel... I'll paste my question here if you guys don't mind...02:58
etienneHi, I use Ubuntu 12.10 and i need to install some package found on this website : http://deve.loping.net/projects/ignoflash/downloads/02:58
etienne<etienne> can't seem to find a way to do it...02:58
etienne<etienne> Can somebody help me please02:58
etienne<etienne> I download the package from the 2nd link... Then I get a .tgz archive, which I extract....02:58
etienne<etienne> Then I don't know what to do next.....02:58
FloodBot1etienne: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:58
Jeremy3Danyone know if pandora can be played in rhythmbox?02:58
gelphPoolShark_ you may want to look at testing the fortran package http://www.fortran.com/f95ts.html02:59
AntumDelugeI am unable to use my sound card with more than 1 application at a time. Does anybody have something I can try to fix it. I have tried all kinds of settings with alsamixer, gnome-alsamixer, and xfce4-mixer.03:00
giggazillaHmmmm is blkid usually accure about the filesystem type?03:00
PoolShark_gelph: that'd be nice but I'm using fort77 :)03:00
jmnozperhaps system-config-lvm should be installed by default when user has installed LVM partitions. An idea?03:00
PoolShark_I guess I could try 9503:00
AntumDelugeMy card is: NVIDIA Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)03:00
gelphPoolShark_ same thing though, find a test suite for it, run it, see if there are bugs03:00
Tex_NickJeremy3D:  is supported by ad banners ... i would suspect that you need to play it from browser ... if not would be interesting :-)03:01
Jeremy3Dtru Tex_Nick i just love my stations but love seeing the band thru ubuntu03:01
Tex_NickJeremy3D:  hmmm just found a link on how to play Pandora with VLC ... might be of use to you ... http://www.techyv.com/questions/how-use-vlc-listen-pandora03:04
PioticHello, I need some help about the instalation of Ubuntu03:05
Ben64!details | Piotic03:05
ubottuPiotic: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:05
Jeremy3DTex_Nick, i'll check it out. i used to use this - https://github.com/mzheng/rhythmbox-pandora03:05
Jeremy3Dbut i think it always gav eme problems so i stopped. didn't know if there was somethign comprable03:05
RobBurkeOneHi. Is this the right place for a tiny support question?03:06
Ben64RobBurkeOne: for ubuntu, yes03:06
bazhangRobBurkeOne, for Ubuntu, yes03:06
jim29Jeremy3D Pithos works for me03:06
usr13big minds think alike03:06
PioticWell, Im having a problem while is downloading some stuff, it seems to be a problem with NVIDIA drivers or something, in mid of the instalation the screen turns out black and I tried to wait for see something and nothing apears03:07
Jeremy3Djim29, what version rhythmbox, ubuntu you runnin?03:07
RobBurkeOneOkay. I am using 12.10 and just tried out the Kubuntu-destop. But after logging in back in unity, my Firefox and Thunderbird still show the KDE theme and color. How do I change this?03:07
Jeremy3DTex_Nick, that'd work but i can just play in browser as originally described03:07
gelphPiotic hit the [Ctrl] key only, maybe screensaver went on03:07
jim29Ubuntu 12.04 w/ pithos....brings in Pandora03:07
RobBurkeOnesame with libreoffice, btw03:08
Jeremy3Djim29, i see now. does it display the artist on each desktop (what does that...unity?)?03:08
PioticI dont know, I tried to search and found something about some NVIDIA drivers, and it maybe could be that, I have NVIDIA Gforce 620003:09
gelphRobBurkeOne the dirty little secret of different desktops is that in your home directory are all the settings that desktop manager used, and to "wipe the slate clean" I've had to fiddle with renaming the .config and other "dot" dirs03:09
RobBurkeOneactually, almost all gtk apps now show in oxygen style03:09
jim29yes. on unity03:09
WeThePeopleanybody know how to fix a .ICEauthority file03:09
WeThePeopleor know why it cant update03:10
RobBurkeOnegelph: So you say that every time I use KDE I have to manually fix it back?03:10
PioticWhat should I do03:11
gelphRobBurkeOne are you going to be switching back and forth all the time?03:11
gelphEach time I "make a clean break" with one, I move the settings out of the way because they sometimes overlap in odd ways or conflict03:11
RobBurkeOnemaybe. I wanted to give KDE a try. But I don't want to f*ck up my whole settings03:11
Jeremy3Djim so far so good. now can i put pithos into my little speaker icon in the top right, where rhythmbox resides?03:12
gelphRobBurkeOne: not app settings, just desktop manager settings, someone can help me here on all the "dot" dirs like .config03:12
jim29i just use a desktop icon03:13
Tex_Nickjim29 : hey thanks for the pithos info & Jeremy3D thanks for posting question :-)03:13
RobBurkeOnegelph:  Do you have any idea what to change exaclty?03:13
jim29Tex_Nick...np :)03:14
giggazillaHmmmm the superblock appears to be bad on the array03:14
Jeremy3DTex_Nick, yea this is great. thanks jim2903:14
gelpheeeks!  I'm running ubuntu server in VMWare right now, and using cygwin X server to run xchat, don't even have one at the moment03:14
giggazillaI recreated the partition using testdisk03:14
giggazillaI just read something on mounting it using an alternate superblock, but it complains03:14
jim29yeh....love my Pandora and Ubuntu!!03:14
giggazillaTrying to mount using -t ext3 and no journal found03:16
Jeremy3Djim29, Tex_Nick : http://ubuntuguide.net/remove-rhythmbox-controls-from-ubuntu-12-04-sound-menu03:17
nearsthi ppl03:21
PioticIm installing ubuntu right now, but, if it happens again then I should press ctrl?03:22
cfhowlettPiotic, umm, if WHAT happens again?  Restate the issue03:22
phunyguyPiotic, chat scrolls too fast03:23
PioticWhen Im installing ubuntu, at mid of the installation the screen goes black and I tried to wait if see if something happens, but there was nothing03:23
PioticI searched and it seems to be something with NVIDIA drivers of my card03:24
PioticWell, I dont really now03:24
phunyguyPiotic, what is your skill level, and do you have another PC handy?03:24
PioticWell, not right now03:24
PioticI just now how to boot from a usb, that's all03:25
phunyguybecause I have installed SSH while on the livecd, started the service, and changed the ubuntu password to get loggde in remotely with the -X flag, and launched the GUI install from that...03:25
phunyguybecause I had a similar issue in the past03:25
phunyguybut it's not for the faint of heart03:25
puffI'm having a problem with xserver, it appears to crash as soon as I login.03:25
puffSee http://darksleep.com/puff/xorg/xserver03:26
puffI get to the GUI login screen, I try to login, I get bounced back to the GUI login screen.  In /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old it just says "Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file."03:26
dr_willistry as the guest user yet puff?03:27
phunyguypuff, that is an issue with your user profile03:27
phunyguyI am not sure which folders to rename to get a profile going again, cant remember offhand03:28
phunyguy.config is one of them I am sure03:28
puffdr_willis: Yeah, logging in as guest usre works fine.03:28
phunyguypuff, you are on vanilla ubuntu, the text file said?03:28
puffdr_willis: I've been limping along as guest user for a few weeks, finally got upthe energy to try again :-)03:28
jmnozhow does one configure system fonts in the latest Ubuntu?03:29
puffI had installed ubuntu 12.4, installed xfce, but this happens whether I select ubuntu, xubuntu etc, at the login screen.03:29
phunyguypuff, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208075203:30
WeThePeoplei chmod the .iceauthority file in fluxbox but i still cant login to ubuntu 2d03:30
phunyguyit cant be that easy, but if so, have at it!03:30
jmnozsystem settings can configure wacom tablets but not system fonts?03:30
puffphunyguy: Gee, that'd be useufl if I could get X working so I could run firefox :-).03:30
phunyguyguest account.. ;)03:30
phunyguyand X is fine03:30
phunyguywe established that03:30
dr_willispuff does a newly made user work?03:30
puffdr_willis: Yes.03:31
dr_willisso you clean out your problem user settings....03:31
dr_willisthose are the issue03:31
phunyguypuff, rename /home/user to /home/user.bak03:31
phunyguymkdir /home/user03:32
phunyguychmod -R user:user /home/user03:32
nearstusually on /etc/skel/03:32
phunyguythen login again via lightdm03:32
phunyguynearst, it will copy /etc/skel03:32
dr_willisyou could jyst login at console and rename the .config. dir..... as a test03:32
phunyguyyeah, dr_willis, this was a catch all.03:33
phunyguyi'm sure there are more dirs though03:33
phunyguypuff those commands require sudo as well, sorry03:33
dr_willisnormally its .config.   or.   .Xauthority03:33
phunyguypuff, try what the doctor suggested first, and use mine as a second attempt03:34
dr_willislogin at console as the user.    mkdir backups03:34
puffphunyguy: I have sudo, no worries.03:34
dr_willismv .config backups/config03:34
puffWeird, I logged in via GUI with the spare account and now the pointer isn't working.03:34
phunyguythat is weird.03:35
puffKilled the spare account's youngest shell.03:35
puffokay, so...  Ithink it was just taking  forever to finish setting up the X session.03:36
puffBecause it'doing it again with a different spare account.03:36
phunyguythe spare account is a good idea also, because you can just use the new account, copy stuff you need from the old and make it yours, and to preserve permissions on remotely stored stuff, you can change your uid and gid to 1000 again03:37
puffGod I hate unity.03:37
puffWhere *is* everything.  Okay, shouldI bother checking that URL phunyguy pasted?03:38
phunyguypuff it is up to you on how to proceed03:38
phunyguyif you are savvy enough, you can make any route work03:38
puffWell sureit is... you guys can't reach the keys :-).03:39
phunyguythat last option I mentioned is basically make a new user, copy what you need to it, then delete the old user, and change the new user to 1000:100003:39
nearstsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg03:39
phunyguyoooh another option>03:39
tgm4883Is it possible to use only the intel graphics chip on laptops with AMD switchable graphics using the open source drivers in 12.10?03:39
nearst!ati| tgm488303:40
ubottutgm4883: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:40
phunyguytgm4883, as in completely disable the amd chip?03:40
HPChrishi there I have an HP pavilion g6 model 2244ca, it's came preinstalled with windows 8,  i cannot get the Ubuntu live cd to boot,03:40
tgm4883phunyguy, yes03:40
phunyguydisable it in the bios if so03:40
tgm4883phunyguy, I didn't see an option to do that03:41
phunyguy!uefi | HPChris03:41
ubottuHPChris: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:41
phunyguytgm4883, I am afraid that is all I have.03:41
phunyguyI havent run into that situation uet03:41
tgm4883nearst, that page appears to not apply03:42
tgm4883phunyguy, yea, it's similar to the new nvidia cards03:42
SpaceManiacso I have ndiswrapper installed but not its kernel module03:42
SpaceManiacwhat's the best way to rectify this?03:42
puffdr_willis, phunyguy:  Okay, so moved .config to ~/backups/dot.config and then tried to login as my main user account, same result.03:42
tgm4883I can do it with the proprietary drivers, but can't find a way to do it with open source03:43
dr_willispuff try your other .*  files.  move tgem all uf you want03:43
senoraratonI'm having a problem, and I think it might be rooted in Ubuntu...  I set my computer up as a DMZ temporarily to test something, and the ports aren't open still.  I disabled ufw, so if my router is not blocking me, and ufw is not blocking me, what else is there?  Anything ubuntu specific?03:44
dr_willisdont move.   .gvfs.03:44
tgm4883senoraraton, is something actually listening?03:44
puffThere are 114 .files :-)03:44
nearsttgm4883, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Quantal_Installation_Guide, look for ati/intel hybrid03:44
senoraratontgm4883 I'm connecting via telnet to localhost, and I ran an online NMAP that states the ports are closed, and the telnet acts as if they are.03:45
dr_willisI gox like 50003:45
tgm4883senoraraton, what exactly are you trying to do?03:45
puffdr_willis: well, that worked.03:47
senoraratontgm4883 I'm using tinyfugue(mud client) to connect to a remote server, and then I'm setting up several dummy connections to localhost as psuedo "worlds" with which to disemminate data from the primary client into the secondary windows.  I'm using tmux as a multiplexer.03:47
puffdr_willis: But now all my configs are gone...03:47
tgm4883senoraraton, heh, sorry I asked.03:47
chrisc_Is there any ssh application for ubuntu thats more advanced than terminal? Or are there any keyboard shortcuts for terminal to copy and paste? I find putty on windows easier to use with being able to highlight text and immediately paste it. Anything like this possible on buntu?03:48
tgm4883senoraraton, but if you've disabled UFW and your router is forwarding the correct ports, and something is listening on that port, then it should all work03:48
puffdr_willis: I guess now I carefully migrate .files back into my home directory, rebooting every now and then to see if I've broken x.03:48
gnuyoga_Any suggestions on managing ssh keys / authentication management for large scale system ( more than 100+) servers ? Is ldap a natural choice ?03:48
tonsofpcschrisc_: eh, I just use screen everywhere.  ctrl+[ to enter copy mode, arrow around, space to start selection, space again to end it (and copy), ctrl+] to paste03:48
tgm4883chrisc_, you can highlight text in the terminal and immediately paste it03:49
tonsofpcs chrisc_> Is there any ssh application for ubuntu thats more advanced than terminal? Or are there any keyboard03:49
tonsofpcsexample ^03:49
puffdr_willis: Or I guess I could just doa search algo... move first half of .files back, log out and log back in to test X.  rinse and repeat with remaining files.03:49
tonsofpcsmouse is slow.03:49
MK`how do I set my USB headphones as the default in 11.10?03:49
nearstadvance ssh is base on /etc/ssh/sshd_config :)03:49
MrF you can use ssh to forward a GUI tonsofpcs03:49
dr_willispuff:  takes me like 3 min to get unity back how I want..03:49
MrFfor example a file manager or web browser if that's what you're looking for03:50
dr_willispuff:  I know what most of the settings files are for.  :-D03:51
puffdr_willis: There are 112... yeesh.03:51
senoraraton>.<  So it SHOULD work.. Why doesn't it....03:51
dr_williswoopie doo...03:51
chrisc_tgm3883: doesn't work for me on xubuntu 12.0403:52
dr_willis .compiz is a common breaker  :-D03:52
WeThePeoplehow do i reinstall nautilus03:53
dr_willis! info nautilus03:53
tgm4883chrisc_, have you tried middle mouse button click after highlighting?03:53
dinosaurvskittenis there a simple way to remap XF86LaunchA to generate shift+insert? I'm on a macbook, and there is no insert key. I would use this to paste in xterm. (I'm open to better ideas)03:56
dr_willisinsert key pastes? never seen that03:59
dinosaurvskittennot insert03:59
noahmehlanyone know if this is the room for help with boot time encryption with dm-crypt?04:00
dr_willisI tend to select then middle click.04:00
dinosaurvskittenmiddle click doesn't paste from the same buffer04:00
dinosaurvskittenI like to use both04:00
senoraratonSometimes calling tech support is fun.... Sometimes.04:03
=== ward is now known as Guest63398
noahmehlsenoraraton: ?04:05
mhsHi... Can anybody tell me how to install realplayer in ubuntu 12.10? Please04:05
Guest63398I am looking for some help with getting 802.1n working on my laptop.  I am currently running 12.104:05
usr13Guest63398: iwconfig04:06
senoraratonI'm having problems with blocked ports.  I disabled UFW and DMZed my computer in my router, and its still not working, so I am talking to the idiots at tech support for my isp JUST in case they have the ports I'm trying to use blocked for some stupid reason.04:06
dr_williswhy do you need realplayer?04:06
bin_bashmhs, realplayer?04:06
OerHeksin partner repo there is a x86 realplayer04:07
puffdr_willis: So, it looks like the problem file was one of: .Xauthority, .Xauthority-c, .Xauthority-l, .xine, .xsession-errors04:07
Guest63398usr13.......I only see the current 2.47 freq....not the 5 ghz network04:07
dr_willisI mentioned .xauthority at the start..  :-D04:07
usr13Guest63398: And you have dual band WiFi NIC?04:07
Guest63398Yes....this works with windows 7 on this laptop04:08
dr_willisno idea why you have several puff04:08
usr13senoraraton: Did you check to see if the services were accessable to the LAN?04:08
usr13senoraraton: Before uninsaling UFW and DMZing your PC...?04:09
Guest63398usr13......lspci shows the wireless controller as Centrino Wireless -N 2200 BGN04:09
dr_willisthe .Xauthority file getting owned by root for some reason.. seems to be a fairly common problem  - keeping users from logging into Xproperly.04:09
mhsbin_bash, realplayer a kind of audio/video player04:09
puffdr_willis: There were also several files that were automacially recreated, .config, .cache, .dbus, .emacs.d, .gconf, .gnome2, .gstreamer-0.10, .gvfs, .local.04:09
bin_bashmhs, yeah for windows04:09
puffdr_willis: Think I can/should move those back intomy home directory?04:09
usr13Guest63398: iwlist wlan0 scan   #What does it see?04:10
dr_willismhs:  ive not needed to use reaplayer on linux in years...04:10
dr_willismhs:  what are you watching that needs it?04:10
dinosaurvskittenfor the record, xmodmap -e "keycode 128 = Insert" works fine to remap04:10
Tex_Nickmhs : i think VLC will play most real Media (rm) files ?04:10
senoraratonusr13 I'm to connect to localhost through telnet, but I was under the assumption that it was routed through the router?  At any rate it won't connect.04:10
bin_bashmhs, there's dozens of better alternatives.04:10
dr_willispuff if you want ; it shouldent hurt - you know the drill now to clean things out04:10
puffdr_willis: Good point.04:10
mhsdr_willis, For online streaming...04:11
dr_willismhs:  what site?04:11
* dr_willis cant think of any sites that requlre real player these days04:11
usr13senoraraton: Yep, it's a safe bet that it is routed through the router.  I think port-forwarding is what you need.04:11
dinosaurvskittenwhat is rea[BUFFERING]04:11
bin_bashyou can stream through vlc iirc if it's video and almost any player if it's audio04:11
senoraratonusr13 I did that, and it didn't work... So I just DMZed myself on my router, sledgehammer approach, and that didnt' work either.04:12
dr_willismhs:  yes i know what real player is.. and all about the company...04:12
Guest63398I am only seeing my 2.4 ghz network.......is there a chance that the ubuntu kernel doesn't have the drivers compiled in?04:12
dr_willismhs:  but what site are you trying ot watch that needs realplayer? Just the realplayer site?04:12
mhsbin_bash, What are the other alternatives,?04:12
bin_bashGuest63398, can you change your nick so it's easier tohighlight you?04:12
usr13senoraraton: There are online port scanners you can use.04:12
bin_bashmhs, for video or audio?04:12
senoraratonusr13 Been there done that, ran NMAP on a range and they are blocked.04:14
dr_willisi dont think realplayers native linux client has been updated in years..04:14
Thurin1You don't need RP...04:14
bin_bashmhs, mocp, vlc, mpd04:14
Thurin1You just need RP codecs.04:14
senoraratonOne the tech support note, they lied to me, and I liked them a page on their website showing them they lied to me, and now they are trying to pass me off onto "superior" suport...04:15
usr13senoraraton: So, why are they blocked?04:15
senoraratonusr13 Thats what we are trying to fiqure out.:P04:15
Tex_Nickmhs : vlc plays most types of multimedia ... give it a shot :-)04:15
bin_bashmpd and mocp are better04:16
dazemy Chromium (chrome://plugins/) says it can play Realplayer9 media using Gecko Media Player 1.0.604:16
usr13senoraraton: So what did nmap discover?  (pastebinit)04:16
cfhowlettmhs, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?04:16
senoraratonusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1618698/04:17
spacecaseI'm having an issue where my system will become unresponsive (all I can do is hold down the power button to shut it down) when the display sleeps04:17
spacecasehappens after logging stops, so I have no clue how I should go about diagnosing this04:17
mhscfhowlett, I am new to ubuntu. Will you please tell me how to install ubuntu-restricted-extras?04:17
Tex_Nickcfhowlett:  does that include realplayer ?04:17
Evansch0how do you find out if your laptop has a 64 bit proccesser on ubuntu ?????04:18
usr13senoraraton: So, what do you have listening on those ports?04:18
MartynKeigherquick Q: very stupid one, but how do i browse the root folder as sudo? all i need to do is copy/paste a file04:18
cfhowlettmhs Tex_Nick almost certain that RP is included but as I haven't actually seen a RP site in  .... years >>>  anyway, you'd want to login to the admin account and run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras   or install via Ubuntu Software Center04:18
OerHeksEvansch0, open terminal: lscpu04:19
MartynKeigherthe file is within my home folder (if that makes a difference)04:19
Evansch0OerHeks: ok i will see if that works04:19
senoraratonusr13 Nothing, I'm trying to telnet into one of them.  I'm trying to telnet localhost 500004:19
usr13senoraraton: (When nmap reports "closed", that usually means there is no service listening on that port.)04:20
mhscfhowlett, thank you04:20
* tgm4883 smacks head04:20
cfhowlettmhs, have fun, be safe ...04:20
senoraratonMaybe I'm really stupid.... Maybe...04:20
mhscfhowlett, sure.04:20
senoraratonThe old port scanners used to tell you if you could ACCESS a port...04:20
Evansch0Architecture:          i686 CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit Byte Order:            Little Endian CPU(s):                1 On-line CPU(s) list:   0 Thread(s) per core:    1 Core(s) per socket:    1 Socket(s):             1 Vendor ID:             GenuineIntel CPU family:            6 Model:                 15 Stepping:              13 CPU MHz:               1995.156 BogoMIPS:              3990.31 L1d cache:             32K L1i c04:21
Tex_Nickcfhowlett:  yeah same here ... i've not encountered rm files in a while ... haven't found anything in a while that vlc won't play either ...hey thanks for input though :-)04:21
usr13senoraraton: Just missing a few bits of info.  That's all.04:21
Evansch0how do i find out what that means?04:21
cfhowlettTex_Nick, NP amigo04:21
usr13senoraraton: If a port is blocked, nmap will report "filtered".04:21
mhscfhowlett, How configure micromax 3g data dongle in ubuntu 12.10?04:21
tgm4883senoraraton, how? I was under the impression that there wasn't a difference between a firewall blocking a port and something not listening on a port04:21
cfhowlettmhs, sorry, over my head.  IDK but ask in channel04:21
tgm4883although I suppose with a firewall you could reject or drop packets04:22
usr13senoraraton: but you should first scan the actual LAN IP.04:22
tgm4883Evansch0, looks like it supports both 32 and 64 bit04:22
Evansch0:O OMG04:22
bin_bashEvansch0, open a terminal and type uname -r then give me the output04:22
tgm4883op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit04:22
tgm4883I'm guessing that is what that means04:23
MartynKeigherquick Q: very stupid one, but how do i browse the root folder as sudo? all i need to do is copy/paste a file04:23
Evansch0kk will do04:23
tgm4883and that Architecture:          i68604:23
tgm4883means you are running a 32-bit kernel04:23
bin_bashMartynKeigher, which file browser are you using04:23
Evansch0there you are bin04:23
bin_bashEvansch0, 32bit04:23
MartynKeigherjust the default that comes with 12.0404:23
bin_bash3.2? geez.04:23
mhsPlease tell me how to configure micromax 3g data card/data dongle in ubnut 12.10?04:23
bin_bashMartynKeigher, that doesn't help me. i need the name of the file manager04:23
bin_bashnautilus? thunar? what04:23
Evansch0what does all those numbers mean?04:24
tgm4883bin_bash, yea, that is like. 12.04!04:24
bin_bashEvansch0, it's the kernel version04:24
MartynKeighersorry i dont know, just the default folder viewer that is on the launcher bar on 12.04 desktop (unity)04:24
Evansch0what does that mean04:24
bin_bashMartynKeigher, figure it out or esle I can't help you04:24
bin_bashEvansch0, it means that's the version of Linux you're using.04:24
bin_bashis it stupid day or something?04:25
Evansch0yes :D04:25
dr_willisdefaukt folder viewer is nautilus. but i think its called 'Folder View' in the mime settings04:25
Evansch0xD jk04:25
usr13MartynKeigher: Do you see Help or ???04:25
bin_bashEvansch0, open a terminal and type gksudo nautilus04:25
bin_bashnot Evansch004:25
tgm4883Evansch0, the -pae gives it away that it's a 32-bit kernel04:25
bin_bashMartynKeigher, open a terminal and type gksudo nautilus04:25
MartynKeigherits nautilus04:25
Evansch0mm damn04:25
Evansch0i was looking for 64 bit :/04:25
tgm4883Evansch0, since -pae doesn't exist for 64-bit kernels04:25
bin_bash-pae allowed 32bit kernels to use 4gb of RAM04:26
Evansch0would i be able to run 64 bit at all?04:26
tgm4883Evansch0, well that is just the kernel you are running, not what you are able to run04:26
bin_bashif you have a 64 bit processor, you can instally 64bit ubuntu04:26
Evansch0i never tried04:26
bin_bashyou don't just try04:26
Evansch0but how can i figure out what i can install04:26
bin_bashyou have to make sure you have the right processor04:27
bin_bashwhat kind of processor do you have04:27
Evansch0no idea04:27
MartynKeighergksudo nautilus worked! thanks04:27
bin_bashdo you not know that04:27
bin_bashMartynKeigher, no problem04:27
Evansch0i didnt buy it04:27
bin_bashone sc04:27
tgm4883Evansch0, cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name'04:27
Evansch0whaat am i supposed to do with that information tgm04:28
bin_bashcouldn't remember if it was cpuinfo or cpu04:28
tgm4883Evansch0, run it04:28
tgm4883bin_bash, I didn't know about lscpu, that is nice04:28
bin_bashtgm4883, yeah04:28
tgm4883I'd bet it tells you in there, but I'll read the manpage on it04:28
Evansch0model name: Genuine Intel(R) CPU             575  @ 2.00GHz04:28
MartynKeigher2nd q: can someone help me create an upstart script.04:28
bin_bashyeah Evansch0 open a terminal and do lscpu04:29
RiXtErmodel name: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N570   @ 1.66GHz ;)04:29
bin_bashthen give me the architecture line04:29
Evansch0better xP04:29
Evansch0Architecture:          i68604:29
tgm4883yea, it's 64-bit celeron04:29
mhsHow to use 3g data dongle/data card in ubuntu 12.10?04:29
mrsudoerDoes anyone here know of a good how-to for setting up a SSH VNC server on ubuntu 12.04?04:29
MartynKeigheri need to run the following command manually everytime my pc starts up: nohup dashing start &04:30
fbdystangmodel name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         920  @ 2.67GHz04:30
Evansch0i envey you fdb04:30
tgm4883Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3517U CPU @ 1.90GHz04:30
Evansch0so can i run it?04:30
Evansch064 bit i mean04:30
bin_bashCPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz04:31
bin_bashEvansch0, NO04:31
tgm4883bin_bash, yes he can?04:31
RiXtErthats a chromebook processor :) (that intel atom)04:31
fbdystangEvansch0 :)04:31
bin_bashno he can't04:31
Evansch0ok thanks04:31
bin_bashtgm4883, it's i68604:31
bin_bashtgm4883, [23:30:02] <Evansch0> Architecture:          i68604:31
bin_bashthat's 32bit04:31
RiXtErbin_bash, thats the arch installed.04:31
fbdystangno he can't04:31
bin_bashno, that's the arch of the chip04:31
bin_bashhe quit04:32
tgm4883bin_bash, why does it list 64-bit under op codes?04:32
OerHeksEvansch0 you could run 64 bit > http://ark.intel.com/products/55637/Intel-Atom-Processor-N570-1M-Cache-1_66-GHz04:32
bin_bashoh he posted the wrong thing :|04:32
Tex_Nick!boot | MartynKeigher04:33
ubottuMartynKeigher: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:33
bin_bashi was looking at something else04:33
tgm4883bin_bash, I'll settle this, I have a 64-bit capable netbook running 32-bit precise, give me a sec04:33
bin_bashtgm4883, I believe you. I misread.04:33
bin_bashI'm not syaing you'r wrong. I'm saying I was wrong.04:33
chadster1975after installing the newest nvidia drivers from the software center and resetting my screen has gone low-res and totally lost unity. can anyone help?04:33
tgm4883"Floating point exception (core dumped)"04:34
tgm4883from running lscpu04:34
fbdystangI thought the argument was if you could run 64 on a 32 bit processor, which you can't04:34
tgm4883fbdystang, I think he wanted to know if he could run 64-bit ubuntu on his processor04:35
mhsHow to install 3g data dongle in ubuntu 12.10?04:35
vnc786i have 750gb hdd with ext3 fs now i want partition on that but there is some data which i want to preserve how do i do ..?04:35
tgm4883fbdystang, which is a 64-bit processor04:35
Tex_NickMartynKeigher:  /etc/rc.local is where you would place startup scripts04:35
tgm4883although not a good one04:35
fbdystangright, i misunderstood04:35
fbdystangmhs: what brand?04:35
bin_bashRIP rc.local in systemd04:35
Tex_NickMartynKeigher:  or rather a symlink to script04:36
MartynKeigheri dont see an rc.local04:36
MartynKeigheri see rc0.1, rc0.2, rc0.3....etc,04:36
mhsfbdystang, micromax 353g...04:37
RiXtErbin_bash, my 64 bit atom doesn't even show an arch line :(04:37
Tex_NickMartynKeigher:  it's a hidden file ... ls -a04:37
bin_bashRiXtEr, FOR SHAME04:37
fbdystangmhs: http://askubuntu.com/questions/214398/how-to-set-up-micromax-353g-wireless-modem-in-12-1004:38
RiXtErarielsanflo, can't unless you ask a question.04:38
bin_bash!help | arielsanflo04:38
ubottuarielsanflo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:38
bin_bashthis channel needs phrik.04:38
cfhowlettarielsanflo, details please04:38
bin_bashhe's fallen and he can't get up04:38
arielsanflohow can increase my disc04:38
mhsfbdystang, thank you04:39
ubottuarielsanflo,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:39
fbdystangmhs: this one is better: http://imacify.com/2012/10/how-to-configure-micromax-3g-modem-on-ubuntu-12-10/04:39
bin_bashIt's amazing how much I can help people evn though I haven't used Ubuntu in 3 years.04:39
fbdystangbin_bash: its because you are a linux ninja. I am not, but I know a little about ubuntu04:40
mrsudoerGuys, I need some input here. Recently I installed KDE over unity which totally effed up my system and caused me to reinstall ubuntu because KDE wasn't removable and everything was a mess. Question is: If I install Gnome (gnome-core, to be exact), will I run into a similar problem?04:40
bin_bashIt's because most of it is generic linux problems04:40
bin_bashnot necessarily ubuntu-specific04:40
bin_bashwait wait04:41
bin_bashkde wasn't removable?04:41
FloodBot1bin_bash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:41
chadster1975can someone tell me the quick way to pull up the display driver settings?  its like ctrl+alt F4 or something?04:41
tgm4883yea, I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you on that04:41
bin_bashchadster1975, depends on your keybindings.04:41
vnc786i have 750gb hdd with ext3 fs now i want partition on that but there is some data which i want to preserve how do i do ..?04:41
chadster1975bin_bash: should be default, i havent changed anything04:41
bin_bashchadster1975, then try google04:42
arielsanfloi want to increase the space of my disc C04:42
cfhowlettmrsudoer, are you installing ONLY kde or the kubuntu-desktop04:42
=== ke5pcv is now known as ke5pcv-away
tgm4883chadster1975, I don't think there is a default keybinding to bring up the display driver settings04:42
mrsudoercfhowlett, I'm only installing gnome-core04:42
mrsudoer^^^wanting to (haven't yet)04:42
RiXtErchadster1975, generally gparted will do what you want, but always backup data first04:42
bin_bashmrsudoer, you don't like run one DE on top of another. what you have to do is change your xinitrc settings to only run one of them04:42
RiXtErsorry that was meant for vnc78604:43
RiXtErvnc786, , generally gparted will do what you want, but always backup data first04:43
arielsanflobecause it does not have available space04:43
cfhowlettmrsudoer, I'm going to have to punt this one back into channel.   you SHOULD be able to install / purge any of the desktop environments without risking your system, but ...04:43
bin_bashmrsudoer, don't PM people without their permission. it's rude.04:44
cfhowlettarielsanflo, how big is your HDD?04:44
mrsudoerbin_bash, you must be mistaking me for someone else04:44
mrsudoerthanks cfhowlett for your input04:44
bin_bashmrsudoer, sorry04:44
chadster1975tgm4883: i had this problem a few days ago and dr_willis threw it right at me.. i just cant remember now. its like shift=alt f4 or something i just forgot04:45
bin_bashmrsudoer, in order to run a different DE you should change your xinitrc file so that when you boot it starts the one you want04:45
mrsudoerbin_bash, you can also specify at the login screen, right?04:46
bin_bashmrsudoer, idk I don't use a login screen04:46
RiXtErmrsudoer, yes04:46
bin_bashI think it depends on which one you're using04:46
edude03Hey guys, I have an issue with 12.10, when I boot from the live cd and click "Try Ubuntu" it kicks me out to a terminal04:46
RiXtErmrsudoer, for xdm and gdm at the very least, not sure of others.04:46
arielsanflohow can I increase the space in the C disc?? I have two operative systems and two parts of the disc that are free.04:47
edude03no error but a blinking cursor, though I can't try anything there either04:47
tgm4883chadster1975, what irc program do you use?04:47
bin_bashedude03, did you check the md5sum of the disk before burning it?04:47
cfhowlettarielsanflo, boot an ubuntu disk, run gparted and resize04:47
OerHeks!nomodeset | edude0304:47
ubottuarielsanflo,: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:47
ubottuedude03: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:47
edude03I did, but I should also mention I wrote it to a USB drive04:47
chadster1975tgm4883: im using limechat on my mac that is sitting next to my broken ubuntu machine04:48
edude03OerHeks I was thinking that but thee display isn't corrupt it's just a terminal04:48
tgm4883chadster1975, any chance that logs to a file?04:48
tgm4883you could just grep the file04:48
edude03I'll try anyway04:48
OerHeksedude03, black screen with blinking cursor that seems to halted the system ? nomodeset could help04:49
edude03OK trying it04:49
chadster1975tgm4883: it was about a week ago. i feel like id have better luck goggling like crazy to find it. dr_willis spit it out so fast i assumed it was one of those common things everyone does all the time04:49
bin_bashchadster1975, maybe it's something he does04:50
bin_bashbut i've never done it04:50
bin_bashnor heard of it04:50
tgm4883chadster1975, I've never done it either. If you don't idle in this channel, it might just be easier to "grep dr_willis logfile.log"04:53
tgm4883a quick google search doesn't turn up anything04:53
mrsudoerSo, I have the ubuntu "Remote Desktop" server working and I have openssh-server working too. How can I access the vnc server through SSH?04:54
edude03with no modeset it cycles colours04:55
zzxxhello, I have a peculiar problem..... I am currently watching a video with vlc... this video was downloading in firefox as I was watching it. Then I accidententally cancelled the download (meant to click the one above it) so the file was deleted.... but it is still playing in vlc untill it gets to the end of the file04:57
zzxxis there any way I can recover the file without having to re download it04:57
zzxxid rather not redownload as I am on g3 and paying per megabyte04:57
tgm4883zzxx, does VLC have a File > Save option?04:57
zzxx(If i can fecover the file I can resume the download)04:58
zzxxtgm4883: no, not that I saw04:58
zzxxfurthermore if I lsof I can see the file: vlc       7634    jake   21u      REG                7,0 94470416  106605 /home/jake/Downloads/fm6dy66jeyo2.part (deleted)04:59
bsmith093im running ubuntu quantal, is there a way to get gedit to remember cursor position in the files it has open? it used to, in lucid, and now its only sporadic, im already have session svaer, which is working fabulously ], and this is the final quirk of this upgrade05:04
Tex_Nickzzxx : what platform/distro are you using05:05
hpuser2323What USB sound cards are known to work in ubuntu 12.04?05:07
hpuser2323link to a list of proven usb cards?05:07
bin_bashzzxx, see if it's in your trash bin05:07
cfhowletthpuser2323, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards05:08
Tex_Nickhpuser2323:  try this ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards05:09
Tex_Nickwhoops cfhowlett  beat me to it ;-)05:10
cfhowlettTex_Nick, indeed ... but great minds think alike05:10
zzxxTex_Nick: ubuntu 12.1205:10
zzxxbin_bash:  not in the trash05:11
bin_bashzzxx, dunno then05:11
Tex_Nickcfhowlett:  you're faster than this ol coot ;)05:11
cfhowlettTex_Nick, only sometimes :)05:12
zzxxanyone know where the /proc/pid file is on ubutu?05:12
makarahi. I messed up my bootloader being greedy. I read an article in hackernews about e4rat and installed it. But apparently Ubuntu already has it's own. So I uninstalled it, but now Ubuntu's loader (forget the name) doesn't run. No 1. No2, I installed BUM to turn off services on system startup and I see openarena-server activated?? I uninstalled OpenArena ages ago, and looking in Synaptic there's nothing there. Any ideas?05:14
cfhowlettmakara, a little knowledge truly is a dangerous thing.  And one problem at a time.05:15
bin_bashdoes anyone here use pulseaudio? I've had a problem with audio skipping when playing it (it's seemingly random) 'm using pulseaudio with alsamixer05:15
makaracfhowlett, truly. Well the first problem is more pressing05:16
Tex_Nickzzxx : chances are the file is not resumable ... something to keep in mind for the future, if you're concerned bout bandwidth usage ... you might use wget to dl the file ... wget allows file resume on disconnects ... i know it doesn't hepl you now though :(05:16
hatakewhy ubuntu 12 fast heat, and how to fix05:16
cfhowlettbin_bash, also ask that in #ubuntustudio maybe05:16
bin_bashcfhowlett, tbh I'm not even using ubuntu. I was just wondering if anyone had had the problem05:17
Ben64if you're not using ubuntu, the question is offtopic05:17
cfhowlettmakara, I'm unfamiliar with e4rat, but I would think re-installing your default bootloader, grub would fix it.05:17
makarahatake, drivers for your fan not working? what is your hardware?05:17
hpuser2323bin_bash, have you tested VLC ?  sudo apt-get install vlc05:17
ubottumakara,: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:18
bin_bashI have vlc and mpd etc05:18
bin_bashbu it's so random05:18
hatakemakara, asus k45d05:18
hatakecpu amd a8-4500m 1.9ghz05:18
hatakeram 4gb05:18
hatakevga radeon dual graphics 7640g+7470m 1gb05:18
hatakemakara, how about laptop mode tools05:18
chadster1975can anyone help me if i have lost my unity tool bar?05:18
makaracfhowlett, I have grub. Its Ureadahead not working now05:19
zzxxTex_Nick: Thanks for the warning, indeed I can resume this one with wget if I recover it. ive checked :)05:20
makaracfhowlett, its installed, but doesn't do the trick05:20
makara5min boottime05:20
makaramaybe more05:20
wrektjethey all. i recently upgraed to 12.04 from 11.10 and when using chrome videos which use flash (i believe) such as youtube i get the error "could not load plugin" this does not happen when using firefox for example05:21
cfhowlettmakara, can't help with ureadahead05:21
hpuser2323bin_bash, i also install ubuntu-restricted-extras and ffmpeg. See if they help.05:21
cfhowlettwrektjet, sudo apt-get install #ubuntu-restricted-extras might help, but there is a known bug with chrome and videos ...05:21
Tex_Nickbin_bash ...  i had a problem with vlc a few month ago ... sound was distorted on some files ... i ignored it for a while untill another person posted a similar problem using skype & vlc05:22
wrektjetcfhowlett, the reason i mention firefox working is because i have installed rstriced extras and it has worked previously but no longer so i thought maybe there wasa  new issue05:22
cfhowlettwrektjet, also enable backports and run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade05:23
woog'night everybody05:23
cfhowlettwrektjet, to capture any new goodness05:23
Tex_Nickbin_bash : i found this link that solved both our problems ...http://askubuntu.com/questions/157891/skype-and-vlc-sounds-sizzle-distorted-bad05:23
Tex_Nickbin_bash : don't know if it applys to your problem ... tis a simple way to see though ... if it doesn't work ... easy to revert05:25
bin_bashthanks bro05:25
Tex_Nickbin_bash np :-)05:25
jason766what is bin bash?05:27
Tex_Nickzzxx : sorry was looking round ... good to know ;-)05:27
bin_bashjason766, it's me05:27
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
zzxxTex_Nick: np.05:27
jason766wait is that the system?05:28
wrektjetcfhowlett, just an update i found a thread where someone said they disabled the adobe version and it worked for me05:28
cfhowlettwrektjet, so simple a solution ...05:28
wrektjetnow i need to fix my partitions which got all mixed up when i tried using this partition manager05:29
wrektjetso i have to manually mount them every boot and all my files get mixed up. BUT AT LEAST I CAN WATCH THE NHL NOW05:29
apb1963__what is full path to ifconfig please?05:30
zzxxfor anyone who may care, this worked for me to recover the deleted, but still open video:05:30
zzxxi found the process id of the running vlc (7634) then went to /proc/7634/fd/ and found a symlink "21" which linked to the deleted file. All I had to do was cp 21 /home/jake/myrecoveredfile05:30
cfhowlettapb1963__, find ifconfig will you05:32
apb1963__which ifconfig and/or whereis ifconfig should do it :)05:32
peterrooneyapb1963__: apparently, 'ifconfig' is deprecated in favour of 'ip'05:32
cfhowlettapb1963__, locate ifconfig05:32
apb1963__got it05:32
bin_bashTex_Nick, interestinglyu, that made it worse -.-05:32
=== hpuser2323 is now known as hpuser4466
Tex_Nickbin_bash : jeeze that's bad ... well don't know what to say ... OH ... did you log out then back in ... you need to do that for the config file to work05:36
hpuser4466How to fix a dim lcd screen on a laptop?05:36
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hpuser4466Might be a hardware issue as the battery is dead and I05:37
hpuser4466and i'm running on AC power. Was working fine yesterday. Now it dimmed.05:37
histohpuser4466: Have you tried adjusting brightness?05:37
Tex_Nickbin_bash : if it doesn't help, just undo the change you made to the config file05:37
bin_bashTex_Nick, i rebooted05:38
histohpuser4466: for instance my laptop has function keys for backlight brightness controls.05:38
hpuser4466histo:  yes. tried the Fn + brightness button. Didn't work05:38
bin_bashand then changed it and then killed/restarted pulse05:38
histohpuser4466: Does the onscreen notifier come on when you hit FN+brigthness up button?05:38
histohpuser4466: I know on my particular laptop I'm unable to control brightness unless I pass some kernel options at boot. Bug with current kernels that will never be fixed for my hardware.05:39
Tex_Nickbin_bash : ok man ... can't help you then ... sorry05:39
apb1963_how can I refresh the dhcp address assigned to me?  on windoze,  a simple ipconfig /release and/or plus /renew would do it... what would be the ubuntu equivalent?05:39
dr_willisapb1963_:  the dhclient command i think05:40
hpuser4466histo:  Ah, the kernel option sounds interesting. The brightness button shows nothing.05:40
nitin__hii , i am using apache 205:40
histoapb1963_: sudo dhclient -r   will release and sudo dhclient   should renew05:40
bin_bashTex_Nick, I'm just uninstalling it.05:41
bin_basheff this.05:41
nitin__when i have to open a app, i have to type
histohpuser4466: well you'd have to troubleshoot I think there are some command line options with acpi to control brightness you can try first to see if your keymaps are wrong.05:41
nitin__how to configure the apache 2 so that whaen i type admin05:41
nitin__it will give the same result05:41
Tex_Nickbin_bash : wait ...; uninstalling what ???05:41
hpuser4466histo, thanks i'm looking into it.05:42
histonitin__: what like you could type admin and it would link to  ??05:42
bin_bashTex_Nick, pulseaudio05:42
dr_willisevery time ive seen someone uninstall pulse audio.. they seem to end up reinstalling  the whole system later05:42
nitin__histo: yes05:42
Ben64dr_willis: I have pulseaudio uninstalled and I'm having a great time05:42
histohpuser4466: what model of laptop do you have?05:42
Tex_Nickbin_bash : listen to dr_willis !!!05:42
apb1963_dr_willis thank you..05:43
nitin__histo: if i type it should redirect to
Ben64dr_willis, bin_bash: the important thing is to make sure ___not___ to purge pulseaudio05:43
dr_willisBen64:  we know how weird you are... ;)05:43
hpuser4466histo:  IBM Thinkpad R40e.05:43
bin_bashI don't have anything that depends on it, dr_willis. So, I think it's fine.05:43
apb1963_histo: thank you thank you thank you :)05:43
bin_bashI don't need pulseaudio. I just had it for skype to make it easier05:43
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
histohpuser4466: http://askubuntu.com/questions/83965/ubuntu-10-04-cant-adjust-brightness-on-my-lenovo-thinkpad  I found this not sure if it applies05:44
bin_bashdr_willis, why would anyone do that? it doesn't make any sense. It's just an audio plugin.05:44
Tex_Nickbin_bsah : i would not do that ... if dr_willis warns against it, you would be wise to listen to him ;-)05:45
histohpuser4466: I noticed on mine setting the /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness  value will change brightness. For instance mine ranges from 0-905:45
bin_bashTex_Nick, I know what I'm doing. I chose to install pulseaudio, I can choose to uninstall it.05:46
bin_bashWhat a ridiculous claim05:46
dr_willisare you even running ubuntu?05:47
apb1963_can someone provide root's standard PATH please?   I can't find sudo or dhclient05:47
dr_willisapb1963_:   they should be in /sbin/ or /usr/sbin i belive05:47
hpuser4466bin_bash: Another option is to try  a different sound card that's proven to work with your OS.05:48
hpuser4466had to do that with some pcs.05:48
bin_bashhpuser4466, it's a laptop lol05:48
hpuser4466no use flogging a dead horse as they say05:48
hpuser4466you can get a usb sound card05:48
aeon-ltdno guarantees that would work either though05:48
mrsudoerSo, apparently I can't SSH into my ubuntu box until AFTER I've logged in through the GDM login screen. How can I get around this?05:49
apb1963_dr_willis tried those first already... no luck05:49
bin_bashhpuser4466, it's also a pulseaudio problem05:49
bin_bashdr_willis, what in ubuntu depends on pulseaudio?05:49
jason766well it depends05:50
dr_willispulse audio is used by the unity and gnome desktops05:50
bin_bashI'm not using either.05:51
dr_willisand i asked are you even using ubuntu....05:51
dr_willismrsudoer:  youa re using encrypted home partitions?05:52
bin_bashdr_willis, you're implying that in order to use ubuntu you have to be using either gnome or unity?05:52
mrsudoerdr_willis, yes...crap05:52
dr_willisbin_bash:  you aparently just like to argue when people ask you questions..  have a nice day.05:52
bin_bashI'm using ubuntu with openbox05:53
mrsudoerthanks dr_willis. I found a how-to fix here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys05:53
dr_willismrsudoer:  there may be some work arounds - someone as asking a similer thing last week. he was checking out the askubuntu.com site for fixs05:53
dr_willismrsudoer:  great.05:53
jason766see if that will work05:53
apb1963_can someone provide root's standard PATH please?   I can't find sudo or dhclient or locate....05:53
apb1963_as simple echo $PATH as root should do it :)05:54
ubuntuguy123Which version of Ubuntu, 12.04 or 12.10, is preferred for steam compatibility?05:56
sqwishyWhy does the lightdm package seem to depend on unity?05:57
OerHeks12.10 ubuntuguy12305:57
Ben64ubuntuguy123: either really05:57
mrsudoerbrb, going to test this...05:57
ubuntuguy123OerHeks any idea why game performance is bad in Unity on 12.10?  I'm using the 310 driver.  In XFCE performance is great.05:57
Ben64ubuntuguy123: because unity05:58
ubuntuguy123So I should stick with XFCE?05:58
Ben64yeah or anything else that doesn't use your gpu05:58
dr_willisor use the steam desktop entry at the login screen  ubuntuguy12305:58
mrsudoerworks now05:59
mrsudoerthanks :)05:59
jason766commands for LXTerminal please?05:59
wiggmpkI am trying to remove a shortcut in the Places menu within Rhythmbox, when I was selecting my music library I accidentally clicked music and moved the mouse and it created a second "Music" location in the left hand navigation "Places", it doesn't appear in Nautilus but it is bother me, any thoughts?06:00
dr_williswhagt commands  jason766 ?06:00
OerHeksjason766, default shortcut for Terminal in XUbuntu is super+T or Press Alt+F2, then type xfce4-terminal or xterm to run the terminal.06:01
sqwishyWhy does the lightdm package seem to depend on unity?06:03
apb1963_seriously?  Nobody can tell me root's standard PATH?06:04
jason766key in bash06:04
Tex_Nickbin_bash : we can see you are trying to interact with the channel ... that's good ... however you seem to argue with everyone about their replys ... could i recommend a good read ... http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html ... i don't mean that to insult you ... it's just a good read for everyone ... Eric Raymond is one ot the original developers of gnu/linux stuff, an old hacker ... it try to follow his article :)06:04
dr_willis  /sbin and /usr/sbin  are the 2 special parts  abd06:05
apb1963_and can you confirm whether that is where sudo and dhclient live please?06:05
dr_willisnope.. im on my phone06:05
apb1963_can anyone please?06:05
dr_willistry  /sbin/sudo  --help06:05
apb1963_I guess it wasn't installed06:05
dr_willisor use tab completion06:05
apb1963_ok, thank you06:06
dr_willis   /sbin/<tab>06:06
apb1963_yeah, it's not there06:06
jason766hi mergrd06:06
apb1963_but thank you06:06
apb1963_and dhclient ?06:07
jason766what on earth is that?06:07
dr_willis  /bin /sbin  /usr/sbin and /usr/bin are the 4 core directories in the paths06:07
mergerddsomething host client06:07
histoapb1963_: dhclient wans't installaed?06:09
histomergerd: dhclient is used to obtain an ip via dhcp06:09
mrsudoerLast question of the night :) So, I'm trying to connect to VNC through SSH and when I run the x11vnc (while the remote desktop is sitting at the graphical login screen), I get an error saying "x11vnc was unable to open the X DISPLAY: ":0", it cannot continue". Any idea on how to get x11vnc to work AT the login screen?06:12
apb1963_histo: I'm in the middle of an install.  sudo hasn't been installed - I don't know where dhclient lives so I don't know yet. I'm having a network issue that I'm trying to resolve by releasing the ip address that was assigned to my vmware adapter and is causing the install process to fail at the point of getting an IP from DHCP.06:13
fbdystangHow do I run a php script?06:13
dr_willismrsudoer:  x11vnc tries to share the current vidible desktop. when you ssh in it sets the display. so its sort of going in a loop.. do you really need to see the 'vidsible' desktop on the vnc server? if not. You can ssh in and run tightvnc or vnc4server instead06:13
histoopen a new terminal and dhclient -r && dhclient06:14
apb1963_right... it can't find it with the current path set06:14
apb1963_so I guess it wasn't installed yet either?06:14
histoapb1963_: echo $PATH06:14
histoapb1963_: What installer are you using?06:14
dr_willisif you source /etc/profile i think that will reset the path06:14
apb1963_"easy install"06:14
Churchmrsudoer: i expanded shellscript that runs remotely as root x11vnc to connect to login manager's xauth with parameter: " -auth /var/run/lightdm/*/*"06:15
histoapb1963_: Okay what is easy install and where did you get that?06:15
apb1963_since you haven't heard of it... I have to assume it's part of vmware06:15
Churchmrsudoer: after loging in you should be able on subsequent runs be able to connect normally as user without this parameter06:15
histoapb1963_: okay yes.  Did it boot to a GUI or a text based installer?06:16
=== hatake is now known as daenglinuxx
Gumbyhi all.  I am needing to compile a single kernel module after I have patched it.  Is there an easy way to do this so that I dont have to wait for a whole kernel to compile?06:16
mrsudoerChurch, so I should add " -auth /var/run/lightdm/*/*" to my current x11vnc command when I SSH to my remote computer, once (as root). and it should work on subsequent connections?06:16
apb1963_I guess it's sort of a curses based gui I suppose06:17
apb1963_it's gui-ish :)06:17
jason766apb1963_ that's possible06:17
Churchmrsudoer: well, that is what's in my vnc script that runs remote x11vnc / sets up ssh forwarding / runs local vncviewer, if i supply gdm param to script. works for me.06:18
histoapb1963_: okay and you are getting to a console by hitting alt+f2 through f3 right?06:18
histoapb1963_: Well int he install if you go back to the menu you should be able to configure the network again.06:18
apb1963_I get the same failure message06:18
histoapb1963_: It will walk you through setting it up.06:18
histoapb1963_: What message is that?06:19
HackuinHey all :]06:19
histoGumby: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x181.html06:19
mrsudoerChurch, sounds like my setup as well :) I'll give it a shot06:19
Gumbythanks histo, Ill have a read06:19
HackuinDoes, UCP is dropped?06:19
apb1963_histo: this one: http://snag.gy/98Bzt.jpg06:19
histoGumby: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-kernel-70/rebuilding-a-single-kernel-module-595116/06:19
mrsudoerChurch, the /*/* ...what's the first "*" do? I haven't seen a wildcard like that before..06:19
dr_willisHackuin:  what?06:20
HackuinWhere is Ubuntu certification?06:21
histoapb1963_: any reason you can use the ubuntu iso file and instlal in vmware?  I'm not really familiar with this easy install or where you got it.  Nor do I know how you ahve vmware setup in regards to networking.06:21
apb1963_histo: there was another vm at one time and the isp has latched on to the mac.  Hence the bright idea to use dhclient to release the IP so that I can continue with the install and hopefully grasb it back06:21
histoapb1963_: well dhclient or dhcp3 has to be there for the installer to pull an ip06:22
apb1963_histo: Yes.  One machine... need two.  vmware is setup for bridging06:22
histoapb1963_: It's probably something in your settings disable bridging and restart the installer.06:22
apb1963_well that's certainly true enough... I'm assuming that the installer process is doing what it does to grab the address... problem is, from my ISP's point of view, the address is already assigned.06:23
histoapb1963_: Wait so you are trying to give the vm an external ip?06:23
anonymousraptrim having trouble keeping my display from going into suspend. i have changed the settings, but it does it anyway. can anyone help?06:23
apb1963_histo: yes sir06:23
histoanonymousraptr: X has a default suspend also I've found. Atleast on my debian box.06:23
histoapb1963_: does your isp allow you more than one ip? That's pretty unusual unless you have a business class static ip setup.06:24
apb1963_histo: I requested it, I paid for it.. they gave it to me.  $8 a month with tax and such.06:24
apb1963_2 DHCP addresses06:25
anonymousraptrhisto: im not sure if that means i cannot change it?06:25
FrettaI am trying to use DD utility. Can I use DD utility on a disk that is being used..?06:25
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apb1963_I used to get it free.... then I started asking questions and they said "Hmmm... that's weird... you're not supposed to get 2 addresses..." and so now I pay for it.06:25
aeon-ltdFretta: yeah, but it has risks i assume06:26
dr_willisFretta:  not a great idea06:26
icloudi need help with wget, i am trying to download all the sub folders under a url (http://www.fullsack.com/gnnix/base/root/dist/usr/share/themes/Tgc-large/)06:27
Frettaaeon-ltd dr_willis good to know06:27
rob_pFretta: It will bomb out if dd happens to access a sector that is being written to at the same time. Unmount the volume and then do your dd...06:27
apb1963_histo: So... the vmware guys suggested I clone the mac address already in use since it's been assigned an IP... since I apparently can't release the one in use.06:27
icloudi am using wget with -r -nd flag, but all i get is file rejected, it still try to traverse the entire tree, how should i avoid this? thanks06:27
Hackuinanonymousraptr: try molly-guard.06:27
Frettarob_p: how could I dd if I only have one disk? should I create another disk using mkfs?06:27
apb1963_histo: can you tell me the syntax to set the mac address of an interface?06:28
histoapb1963_: Why not just choose a different mac for the vm and restart it?06:28
apb1963_I presume it can be done with ip06:28
histoapb1963_: that would release it.06:28
apb1963_I don't believe that's possible06:28
histoapb1963_: be alot easier for you than all this06:28
Fretta[create another disk] I mean [create another file system] rob_p06:28
rob_pFretta: you need an *unmounted* volume, however you accomplish that is up to you06:29
Frettarob_p: thanks06:29
apb1963_histo: as far as I know....vmware synthesizes macs... I don't get a choice.  I will ask though.06:29
rob_pFretta: welcome...06:29
apb1963_histo: [22:27] <Veers> I dunno; I'd be concerned with finding that MAC that the ISP thinks you have apb1963_06:31
histoapb1963_: ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 hw ether de:ad:be:ef:c0:fe06:31
histoapb1963_: then bring the interface up ifconfig eth0 up06:31
histoFretta: mkfs doesn't create disks06:31
apb1963_histo: ifconfig was not installed... is it possible to use ip instead, and if so... how?06:32
Frettahis to [create another disk] I mean [create another file system]06:32
Frettahisto: ^^^06:32
apb1963_ip was installed06:32
histoFretta: yes and you shouldn't use dd on a mounted filessytem06:32
Tex_Nickicloud : what url ?06:33
Frettahisto: got it06:33
icloudTex_Nick, http://www.fullsack.com/gnnix/base/root/dist/usr/share/themes/Tgc-large/06:33
Wugso what the hell is "iso-scan/filename=....." supposed to mean in boot prompts06:33
icloudTex_Nick, just trying to grab the large theme since it does not come with xubuntu-desktop06:33
Wugits not in any man page or online documentation06:33
icloudTex_Nick, everything look so small06:33
icloudTex_Nick,  so i tried wget -r http://www.fullsack.com/gnnix/base/root/dist/usr/share/themes/Tgc-large -nd -R index.html, and basically wget still try to crawl the entire tree and just print to screen file is suppose to be rejected06:34
Tex_Nickicloud : hold on checking06:35
mike400hphello.. i am hoping that someone might be able to help me06:36
cfhowlettmike400hp, details please.06:36
mike400hpI use  ubuntu 12.1 on my laptop  with no problems..06:36
ubottumike400hp,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:36
mike400hpI decided to try it on my office desktop06:36
mike400hpthe install took over two hours installing from USB 3 flash drive06:37
cfhowlettBillyZane, greetings06:37
BillyZanety cfhowlett06:37
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cfhowlettmike400hp, what are the specifications of that office computer?06:37
mike400hpnow that it is installed, it runs extremely slow and crashes all the time06:37
mrsudoerChurch, I don't know exactly how that paramter operatres, but it worked for me so thank you :)06:38
cfhowlettmike400hp, hardware specs???06:38
roger__mike, specs?06:38
nearsthi ppl06:39
KI4ROmike400hp, What make, model etc is the office computer06:39
mike400hpthe office desktop has:.... Intel DX58S02 motherboard, Sixcore Intel processor, 24GB RAM, OCZ SSD, nvidia 660ti06:39
cfhowlettnearst, greetiings06:39
cfhowlettmike400hp, with those specs, this thing should be dancing.  did you md5sum verify the iso?06:40
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nearstty cfhowlett06:40
mike400hpI'm using the same flash drive that I used for my laptop install and the laptop is fine06:40
roger__i'm noob but, swapdrive?06:41
cfhowlettmike400hp,  every so often a question may be directed your way so that we may problem solve.  For best results, answer the questions ...06:41
cfhowlettmike400hp, with those specs, this thing should be dancing.  did you md5sum verify the iso?06:42
Hackuinmike400hp: confirm your architecture of lap and your office desktop is same? I did faced long time ago, installing a 32 bit OS on 64 bit system which has high hardware configurations...06:42
KI4RO!swapdrive : roger__06:42
ubottuKI4RO: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:42
mike400hpDuring the install,  I used the advanced partitioning options.. I removed all the windows partitions on the SSD and told ubunto to use the entire SSD06:42
KI4RO!swapdrive | roger__06:43
BillyZaneI have a problem with my network. I've so far been able to view the computers on my network with no issues, however, I can no longer view my windows 7 in my network. I was told to use samba, but I feel that it shouldn't be necessary, as I've never needed it before. Regarding recent changes to my computer, I have recently typed: "mv /home/riz/.gtkrc-2.0 /home/riz/.gtkrc-2.0.BAK"06:43
mike400hpBoth are using the 32bit version06:43
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roger__I'd install again using 64-bit, also may have been just a bum install?06:44
roger__I'm noob though so get 2nd opinion06:44
icloudTex_Nick, any luck? i am off to bed soon06:44
histoBillyZane: open a terminal ctrl+alt+t and type in smbtree hit enter see if it shows your 7 box and it's shares06:44
cfhowlettmike400hp, yo.  mike.  DID YOU VERIFY THE ISO?06:44
BillyZanehi histo :)06:44
BillyZanewill do06:44
BillyZaneyes, I can see it06:45
mike400hpI tried the 64 bit version on my laptop but found that there were a lot of programs that didn't like it06:45
BillyZaneit shows my other computer on there06:45
mike400hpno i did not verify the iso06:45
icloudcfhowlett, LOL i don't think he knows what you are talking about06:45
KI4ROroger__, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq06:45
Churchmrsudoer: you need to be able to connect to x server using x authentification. problem being, that login manager runs as root and only after loging in it launches x server under user account with dropped priviledges with user accessible xauth files. so until you've logged in you need root to get access to those root's yet xauth files.06:45
Hanmac_hi i looking for a Crosscompile with Multiarch channel ... i want to test if my stuff work on i38506:46
dirtydevilI connected one TV-out camera to my ubuntu laptop, it is showing as a USB Mass Storage device , I want to get it as /dev/video , can anybody guide?06:46
histoBillyZane: then you should be able to browse to it with the file browser.  or you can hit ctrl+l in your file browser and smb://nameofcomputer06:46
Hanmac_i mean i38606:46
Tex_Nickicloud:  the directory http://www.fullsack.com/gnnix/base/root/dist/usr/share/themes/Tgc-large/xfwm4/ ... contains about 50 files ... you want to get all those files ?06:46
cfhowletticloud, thought of that, but I'd prefer to assume he just didn't see my query or didn't want to answer ..06:46
BillyZaneok, one sec06:46
histoHanmac_: there is no i386 ver of ubuntu anymore.06:46
icloudTex_Nick, yeah all those files makes one theme06:46
BillyZanehisto: I am there, i can view it!06:47
BillyZanehisto: I just don't understand why the network icon is gone06:47
Hanmac_histo but i can install i386 packages on a amd64 system06:47
histoBillyZane: Which network icon?06:47
Ben64what he means is there isn't anything that runs on i386 anymore06:47
histoHanmac_: you mean x8606:47
icloudTex_Nick, but wget keeps on crawling the entire dir tree, i like to know how to avoid it06:47
histoBen64: yeah and they are dropping i386 from linux kernel in 3.806:47
BillyZanehisto: in the file manager, on the left side, there was a bar called network, clicking on it let me see my workgroup, and computers attached to it.06:47
mike400hpI could try making another flash drive for the install and verify the ISO but I think since it worked for my laptop that it would be good06:47
Hanmac_histro yeah (but you use package:i386 for it)06:48
apb1963_histo:  No help on using ip to change mac address? Again... ifconfig isn't installed06:48
Ben64Hanmac_: i don't think you quite get it06:48
Tex_Nickicloud:  sorry had to run off for a bit ... give me i minute to take care os something06:48
Ben64Hanmac_: 32bit != i38606:48
BillyZanehisto: i can see you're busy, i'll wait till it cools down06:48
icloudTex_Nick, np, thanks for your help06:48
Hanmac_histo is there an tutorial or channel for crosscompiling with multiarch?06:48
histoBillyZane: I'm not busy I can handle multiple conversations.06:49
mike400hpSo any other ideas what could be the problem causing slow performance?06:49
histoBillyZane: what happens when you click network now?06:49
BillyZanehisto: the network icon isn't there06:49
histoapb1963_: Your problem is with vmware not ubuntu btw.06:49
cfhowlettmike400hp, you DID install the 64 bit version, right?06:50
Hanmac_histo & Ben64 the packages are tagged with i386 under ubuntu >> http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/i386/tiled/download06:50
KI4ROHanmac_, http://www.lshift.net/blog/2012/06/17/using-debian-multiarch-for-cross-compiling06:50
mike400hpno... i used the 32bit. .I'm aware of the 4GB address limit06:50
histoBillyZane: are you using ubuntu? and which version?06:50
apb1963_histo: the problem is with my ISP and possibly vmware... however, they suggest cloning the mac address and I would do that if ifconfig were installed.  I'm not trying to lay blame... simply trying to get it to work06:51
BillyZanehisto: the network's integrity is fine. I was able to use VNC earlier. Using your method, I can access it. However, this seems to be a problem purely related to the file manager software not displaying icons.06:51
histoHanmac_: are you referring to x86 vs 64bit?06:51
BillyZanehisto: I am using 12.10, and I am using xfce 4.1006:51
histoBillyZane: ahh so you are using thunar.06:51
apb1963_histo: I'll assume it can't be done with the ip command.  Thank you anyway you've been  most kind.06:51
histoBillyZane: I don't have thunar installed to help you troubleshoot what happened to the network shortcut. You can try in #xubuntu they may be of more help.06:52
BillyZaneok, thank you so much06:52
histoapb1963_: No issue is your isp most likely or your vmware settings or the stupid easy installer you are using which isn't supported here. Either way it's all way off topic for this room.06:52
Hanmac_histo yeah i think that is what i mean06:53
apb1963_histo:  I simply asked how to change the mac address in ubuntu using the ip command.  :)06:53
dr_willisi thought the ethtool command can do that06:54
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histoapb1963_: What ip command?06:54
lupengI sit in my cubicle, here on the motherworld. When I die, they will put my body in a box and dispose of it in the cold ground. And in all the million ages to come, I will never breathe, or laugh, or twitch again. So won't you run and play with me here among the teeming mass of humanity? The universe has spared us this moment.06:54
apb1963_rumor has it that ifconfig is deprecated and perhaps replaced by "ip"06:54
histoapb1963_: Oh on the installer06:54
dr_willisive never seen that memo on that apb1963_  ;)06:55
apb1963_histo: no.  It's part of ubuntu and other versions of linux06:55
apb1963_dr_willis: someone in here mentioned it.06:55
histoapb1963_: it would be much easier to change the settings of the vm you would have been done 1/2 hour ago06:55
Hackuindr_willis: & greeting06:55
apb1963_dr_willis: ifconfig isn't installed on ubuntu at this point in time and hence part of the problem06:55
dr_willishmm... it was installed last time i inatelled 12.10 i thought06:56
dr_willis!find ifconfig06:56
icloudTex_Nick, let's resume tomorrow, off to bed06:56
ubottuFound: libnet-ifconfig-wrapper-perl06:56
apb1963_histo: what settings?  I am unable to change the mac through vmware... as I explained before, they synthesize one and I am unable to choose.06:56
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Tex_Nickicloud : hey man i have a bad problem here ... coyotes scared the goats ... goats broke through fence ... i have to round up thegoats06:57
dr_willis!info libnet-ifconfig-wrapper-perl06:57
ubottulibnet-ifconfig-wrapper-perl (source: libnet-ifconfig-wrapper-perl): multiplatform Perl wrapper for ifconfig. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11-1 (quantal), package size 18 kB, installed size 94 kB06:57
apb1963_ok guys... yo're both clearly too busy to pay attention to my problem...I get that.  Thank you for trying, I appreciate your patience.06:58
dr_willislooks like ifconfig may be a wrapper scxript to some other commands now.06:58
dr_willisi thought you used ethtool to change macs anyway ;)06:58
apb1963_ethtool is also not installed yet06:58
histoapb1963_: I'm trying to google your problem. If you could have some patience06:59
apb1963_histo:  sure.  Thank you06:59
apb1963_I did find a page on changing the mac, but it involved editing some files having to do with udev and persistance and such.... I was hoping to use ip since it seems a whole lot simpler07:00
apb1963_But if it can't be done, it can't be done.07:00
apb1963_ifconfig would have been the way to go... but it's simply not installed yet.07:01
histoapb1963_: why not trying to specify an ip address manually in the installer?07:01
apb1963_well that's a thought07:01
apb1963_a very interesting thought07:02
histoapb1963_: Or actually trying the ubuntu installer instead of the "easy install"  Perhaps there is a bug with that.07:02
apb1963_not sure I have a choice on that07:02
histoapb1963_: You should hit cancel when it's trying to dhcp07:02
histoapb1963_: and then setup manually Or it should give you the option after dhcp fails07:03
histoapb1963_: but again thats with the normal ubuntu installer07:03
apb1963_I like the idea of manually using the ip address they already assigned through dhcp to a different mac... but hmmm... no... that prolly won't work now that I think about it...  wrong mac I imagine07:03
apb1963_cloning would work... I had elastix installed and it had the exact same problem... but they provided a cloning button that made it simple.07:04
histoapb1963_: Go in the router and release the other one that got assigned that ip.07:05
apb1963_I have no router... just a cable modem that doesn't allow me to go into it.07:05
histoapb1963_: virtualbox you can specify a mac for the virtual adpater. I'm suprised vmware doesn't have this option.07:05
histoapb1963_: Well then how are multiple ips assinged.07:05
apb1963_histo: if it exists, the vmware guys aren't talking about it07:06
histoapb1963_: External ones that is.07:06
histoapb1963_: I thihnk you really need to check with your ISP that you have multiple ips.07:06
apb1963_They TOLD me the IPs and their associated macs... one of the macs exists... it's my physical NIC... the other... we're guessing it belonged to the previous VM I had running, and is locked in.07:07
wiggmpkapb1963_: I only half read what your trying, but why isnt NAT an option?07:08
BillyZanehisto: For your continued education, the problem I had regarding the network icon is a common bug in Thunar. It can be fixed with the following commands: "killall Thunar" and "thunar --daemon &"07:09
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apb1963_wiggmpk: it is... technically.  And is one of the options I plan to try... however, I can only explore one option at a time... currently I'm exploring the "clone mac" option which is apparently running out of steam.07:09
wiggmpkapb1963_: ok, but can you help me understand your situation? you have a static IP from your ISP?07:10
apb1963_wiggmpk: dhcp07:10
wiggmpkapb1963_: what are you trying to accomplish? you have more than 1 machine and no router?07:11
apb1963_wiggmpk: it's locked onto a previous virtual machine's mac address like a pitbull.07:11
xa0zHello, how can I install the kernel headers for 3.4.0  ?07:12
keplerapb1963_, which modem is it?07:12
apb1963_kepler: scientific atlanta07:12
wiggmpkapb1963_: "what" is locked on the MAC addy? the modem?07:12
keplerdid you unplug it completely and plug it in? that normally clears the MAC it is using07:12
apb1963_wiggmpk: the ip address07:12
apb1963_kepler: I'm trying to find a software solution first... yours is another option I intend to try.  Just running down the clone mac address from start to finish first.07:13
wiggmpkapb1963_: can you explain your network infrastructure a little more? you have a modem, connected to what?07:14
apb1963_by the way... turns out dhclient is in fact installed... however dhclient -r ; dhclient didn't do the job07:14
apb1963_One PC, running XP Pro SP3 connected to a residential cable modem.  VMware Player.  Trying to install ubuntu as a guest OS.07:15
histoapb1963_: dhclient -r   Just releases an assigned ip.  dhclient by itselt then will renew it after that. However in your instance I dont' believe an ip was ever assigned. You aren't making much sense.07:16
wiggmpkapb1963_: and the HOST OS (XP) is NOT able to get an IP address? is that correct?07:16
apb1963_host OS has an IP07:16
histoapb1963_: Yeah if you have residential cable. You dont' ahve multiple public ips07:16
wiggmpkapb1963_: but you cant get an IP with the guest? ubuntu?07:17
histoapb1963_: also you should be able to configure your cable modem via the internal web address for the gateway.07:17
apb1963_wiggmpk: semi-correct.  My ISP thinks I already have 2 IPs assigned.07:17
keplerfor my router, i use http://goo.gl/5CSCm running pfsense, WAN into one port, LAN out to switch07:17
wiggmpkhisto: depending on the provider thats not entirely true07:17
histoapb1963_: if you ifconfig /all on your windows box you can find the gateway of your router.07:17
histowiggmpk: Residential service with multiple static IPs??? Via who?07:17
histosign me up07:18
kernsprogcurrently avoiding 12.10 for the simple reason that i can not seem to rid of the little error box that randomly pops up on screen stating and error. especially happens upon system login and boot.07:18
wiggmpkapb1963_: you'll have to talk to tech support (not the first people you call) for your ISP and have them manually delete the lease. You will probably have to have it escalated and wait 3-4 days07:18
wiggmpkhisto: he said he's using DHCP07:18
keplerwiggmpk, he hasn't power cycled the modem yet. that'd do it07:18
wiggmpkhisto: residential = DHCP 99.99% of the time07:18
wiggmpkkepler: not if the lease doesnt expire, but it's possible07:19
histowiggmpk: You need to read scrollback. He wants an external ip assigned ot the guest07:19
wiggmpkhisto: I want Fiber speeds too, but chances are it isnt gonna happen with a residential service.. usually its a fluke when you pull more than 1 IP and arent paying for that service07:19
dr_williskernsprog:  error box? you mean the 'a system error ahas accord.. do you wan tto report...' thing?07:20
apb1963_[22:21] <histo> apb1963_: does your isp allow you more than one ip? That's pretty unusual unless you have a business class static ip setup. [22:21] <apb1963_> histo: I requested it, I paid for it.. they gave it to me.  $8 a month with tax and such. [22:22] <apb1963_> 2 DHCP addresses07:20
kernsprogdr_willis: yes, that.07:20
kernsprogvery annoying.07:20
dr_williskernsprog:  rather trivial to disable...07:20
dr_willisits the apport system/tool07:21
histoapb1963_: Like I said your ISP needs to drop the lease then07:21
dr_willisi recall   the proper way at teh askubuntu.com site  i forget the package to remove07:21
dr_willis!info apport07:21
ubottuapport (source: apport): automatically generate crash reports for debugging. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu10 (quantal), package size 161 kB, installed size 1084 kB07:21
histoapb1963_: or you need to use ifconfig to clone the mac of the other box that had the other ip07:21
dr_willisit might be that one. ;)07:21
wiggmpkapb1963_: kk, missed that part. I would try kepler's advice and power cycle the modem. if it doesnt work your gonna have to have IT do it07:21
apb1963_I think it's time to go ahead and take the hardware option and power cycle the modem.07:22
kernsprogdr_willis: thank you. will check that out.07:22
wiggmpkapb1963_: is there any particular reason why you HAVE to have an external IP for a guest VM?07:22
apb1963_histo: they won't do that07:22
apb1963_wiggmpk: Yes. Planning to install asterisk.07:22
prototypehey all07:22
wiggmpkapb1963_: and that requires a WAN facing IP?07:23
apb1963_wiggmpk: highly preferable, but not required.07:23
jackwuwhen new ubuntu  will be released?07:23
prototypei m beggner i am not able to install ns2 in ubuntu12.4   some one can help me07:23
dr_williswhats ns2?07:23
dr_willis!info ns207:24
ubottuns2 (source: ns2): Discrete event simulator targeted at networking research. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.35+dfsg-1 (quantal), package size 4808 kB, installed size 12424 kB07:24
apb1963_wiggmpk: nat causes all kinds of issues that just go away with a public ip07:24
dr_willisif its that one..    sudo apt-get install ns207:24
prototypethank u freinds for ur kind help i really aperciate07:25
wiggmpkapb1963_: for a VoIP system?07:25
apb1963_I'm not optimistic on the  modem power cycling, as the modem doesn't hold the dhcp server...  So I suspect all that will happen is the ip address will simply get reassigned to the same mac address.07:25
apb1963_wiggmpk: Correct.07:25
apb1963_wiggmpk: pbx actually would be more correct.07:26
apb1963_but I could be wrong... which is why I'm happy to  give it a shot07:26
wiggmpkapb1963_: i think maybe the issues you would have from using NAT might take less time to solve than the time you spent trying to solve your current problem hehe, gluck mate07:26
wiggmpkapb1963_: now yank that power plug lol07:27
apb1963_no, NAT is a bear with asterisk... been there.. done that.  it's a nightmare...  you have to worry about not just signaling packets, but audio packets and it's... trust me... this is easier.07:27
apb1963_another option is to install with nat so as to get everything in stalled...... then switch over to bridged configuration and muck about at that point.  Then I'll have ifconfig installed and everything else.07:29
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apb1963_but cloning at this point in time would have been the preferred option07:30
apb1963_I thank you all for all of your wonderful suggestions07:30
apb1963_You're all scholars and gents07:30
wiggmpk<--- is an idiot =P07:30
apb1963_see you soon :)07:30
wiggmpkAlright, lets see if someone can help me with Rhythmbox. If you click browse in preferences to select your library location, on the left hand navi I have 2 instances of "Music" in Places, how do I remove one?07:32
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kernsprogcheers all07:41
`ingsocHello, something keeps changing /etc/resolv.conf. I've added the line 'dns-nameservers ip1 ip2' to /etc/network/interfaces, but those dns servers get pushed down in /etc/resolve.conf. Like it's getting that information from elsewhere or something. Does anyone have any ideas?07:42
psychotropicingsoc - Are you using any 3rd party monitoring programs or anything, like ISPConfig?07:44
`ingsocpsychotropic: I don't think I am. I've got a Debian computer connected to the same network and it doesn't happen there. I've got the feeling I may have set it somewhere in the past that I've forgotten about, but I can't for the life of me remember where/if that's possible.07:45
`ingsocpsychotropic: It seems to happen as soon as I login.07:45
psychotropicWhat's the output of your hosts file?07:47
Ben64`ingsoc: check in /etc/resolvconf07:47
psychotropicAlso, etc/hosts or etc/hostname perhaps07:48
keplerdo you have dnsmasq disaabled?07:49
kepleredit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf     put # in front of the dnsmasq line, then sudo restart network-manager07:50
`ingsocI'll try that.07:52
`ingsocWhat is the purpose of dnsmasq?07:52
`ingsocOr that line anyway.07:52
keplerit is locally cached dns07:54
keplerso your dns server would probably end up or something07:54
keplerif you did nslookup to something before you restarted it07:54
wiggmpkIf anyone can tell me how to correct this http://s835.beta.photobucket.com/user/wiggmpk/media/Untitled-1.jpg.html would be much appreciated08:00
keplerright click and unlock the panel and right click it and remove it?08:02
wiggmpkkepler its from within Rhythmbox, when you select your library.. doesnt appear in Nautilus.. Also found the same problem in Gimp, multiple locations declared twice08:02
afidegnumhello, pls can anyone help me to download this module, ? http://drupal.org/sandbox/bradjmsu/1370844     I have problem running git on my windows PC.08:03
sanderif I install libboost-dev would this install also the .a (static libs) somewhere?08:03
icerootafidegnum: we dont support windows pcs08:03
afidegnumno, I just want to download the file, it's a php file where I supposed to run git on linux08:04
jackwuthere is a tool for paste error form terminal to a web than let me to show others, what is the name of the tool?08:04
keplerwiggmpk, dont think you cant. looks like a default thing08:04
icerootjackwu: pastebinit08:04
wiggmpkkepler: if I select any location below the last separator and right click it, I have the option to remove or rename, but the middle section is grayed out when I right click.08:04
afidegnumany hand ?08:05
wiggmpkkepler: I actually accidentally added the location08:05
icerootafidegnum: still dont get what your real question is08:05
icerootafidegnum: how to install git on ubuntu? or what is your issue?08:05
afidegnumI would like to download the file form the posted url via git,08:05
afidegnumbut I can't do it at my end. if you can please help get the file08:05
afidegnumand transfer it to me08:06
icerootafidegnum: and why you cant do it?08:06
icerootafidegnum: just install git08:06
afidegnumI can't run git on my system, I did installed it, but it still have problem08:06
icerootafidegnum: and what is this problem?08:06
wiggmpkkepler: i tried removing ~/.local/share/rhythmbox  and ~/.cache/rhythmbox  and it didnt work, so the link is saved somewhere else08:06
icerootwiggmpk: its a gtk thing, all gtk apps will use this settings08:07
keplerwiggmpk, yeah, i just added my home and music, can't figure out how to get rid of them08:07
icerootwiggmpk: gimp, rythmbox, firefox and so on should all use it08:07
wiggmpkkepler: oh buddy, and I have OCD badly lol08:07
afidegnumit runs, hang off and close, it create the file folder with no content. except a readme file and .git file08:07
wiggmpkiceroot: any clue where this info is saved? cause this will literally make me reinstall ubuntu (OCD)08:07
makaraafidegnum, what's the url? let me try08:08
afidegnumgit clone http://git.drupal.org/sandbox/bradjmsu/1370844.git expiring_private_file_link08:09
icerootwiggmpk: sorry dont know08:09
makaraafidegnum, I get a folder with a readme.txt file08:10
wiggmpkiceroot: any idea what you call something like this? for googleing purposes08:10
makaraafidegnum, what are you trying to do? where did you get the url08:10
icerootwiggmpk: gtk file dialog bookmarks08:10
wiggmpkiceroot: thanks mate08:10
afidegnumyes, makara here is the original link http://drupal.org/sandbox/bradjmsu/137084408:10
wiggmpkiceroot: would they be verbatim across all applications that use it? because gimp vs rhythmbox are different08:11
icerootwiggmpk: dont know if rythmbox is gtk too but imo all gtk apps should be affected which are using the gtk dialog08:12
makaraafidegnum, try find another plugin. No commit since 2011. Looks dead08:13
afidegnumhmm, ok08:14
gacafidegnum: also, if you read the README, it tells you to check out one of the other branches08:14
gacso have a look at the manual for git-branch, and work out how to check out what you actually need :)08:14
afidegnumok, let me check08:15
gachmm, although there doesn't seem to be any other branches...08:15
somsipafidegnum: if you are looking for other branches in a newly cloned repo: 'git branch -a'08:16
crack= =hello08:16
gacsomsip: ah, that's why I couldn't see them, i forgot the -a08:16
gacnew git user, haven't quite figured it out yet ;)08:16
afidegnumsomsip: ok, working on it,08:17
crack= =有木有人。08:17
somsip!zh | crack08:17
ubottucrack: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:17
tcopehaving issues installing grub2 on a 12.10 system with linux raid on /dev/md0p1  /boot .. when running update-grub it returns grub-probe error cant find physical vol (NULL) .. did not have this issue with prev distros has any one else experienced this and is and found a solution ?08:17
somsipafidegnum: gac: np08:17
ubottucrack,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:17
prologicHeya all. I cannot find information on this; Regarding the upcoming Ubuntu Phones (in Oct) -- Will they come with Compiz Fusion and eZoom for accessibility for the vision impaired (with suitable gestures?)?08:19
Ben64!phone | prologic08:19
ubottuprologic: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone08:19
prologicben1066, yes thank you - I said I cannot find the information I'm looking for08:19
cfhowlettcrack, english only in this channel ...08:20
dr_willisprologic:  look at the  artical on the webupd8 and omgubuntu blog site... it may not come with either. ;)08:21
dr_willisprologic:  no official info has really been released yet.08:22
prologicdr_willis, like I said - read/googled, etc - cannot find what I'm looknig for08:22
crack = =,my english is so bad08:22
prologiccan't even find any decent information on Ubuntu Phone + Accessibility08:22
prologicI guess I'm going to have to ask Canonical themselves08:22
dr_willisprologic:  then no one knows.  since nothing has been released08:22
prologicthought maybe some of you might have some inside info :)08:23
dr_willissupposed to be this month for the code release.  ;) personally i will belive in it.. when i see it in the stores....08:23
cfhowlettprologic, this is NOT the phone info channel.  please go where your were directed for best results.  It's there for uyou.08:23
=== piotr_ is now known as DeedlitWork
dr_williscrack:  what is your native language?08:23
prologiccfhowlett, dont' be rude - I'm only have a conversation - sharing what little we know08:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:24
sanderif I install libboost-dev would this install also the .a (static libs) somewhere?08:25
dr_willisheh..  what was that factoid...08:25
Hutu_Ryhi ... MR. crack...08:25
dr_willissander:  i think so,08:25
ubottucrack,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:25
DamienCassouhi, I have i915 Intel graphics card on Ubuntu 12.10. My game uses libGL and it looks like it uses Mesa which is slow. Can I get better performances?08:25
sanderdr_willis, I don't see any libboost_system.a in /usr/lib any idea where they should live?08:26
dr_willissander:  try 'sudo updatedb'  then 'locate libboost'08:26
=== acrocity_ is now known as acrocity
=== crack is now known as crackme
apb1963_If anyone's interested... my network issue has been resolved08:31
dr_willisyou used the Dinomite? ;)08:31
keplerapb1963_, what did it?08:31
Tex_Nickprologic : have a look at this ... http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-accessibility@lists.ubuntu.com/msg06259.html08:31
apb1963_vmware guys suddenly remembered how to change the mac address08:32
Tex_Nickwhoops ... he's gone08:32
apb1963_so... the problem was ultimately that my ISP is caching my MAC address.... and refused to do anything about it since I had both IP's already assigned.08:33
histosander: find / -iname "libboost*" 2>/dev/null08:34
apb1963_Thank you once again, to all that had suggestions.08:34
apb1963_this is the kind of thing that would cause a lesser man to go buy a bunch of guns and take hostages08:35
=== thunder is now known as freethunder
* cfhowlett heard a *ping* alarm go off at NSA monitoring ...08:36
apb1963_I said "lesser man"08:36
apb1963_Now I must go nurse my headache.08:37
apb1963_have a good night all08:37
Tex_Nicktoo much rage nowdays :(08:38
MindSparkrage? did I enter the wrong channel?08:39
gnomefreakoh good its nice and quiet in here :)08:40
peterrooneyBeing reasonable normally proves ineffective against systematic incompetence.08:40
gnomefreakMindSpark: what channel were you looking for?08:40
gnomefreakcan we please keep the channel for support and all offtopic to join #ubuntu-offtopic08:41
MindSparkthis one :). But you know, when ubuntu started, it was about "Linux for human beings" and all that stuff. Now the first message that popped up when I joined was "too much rage nowadays"08:41
MindSparkgnomefreak: agreed08:42
makarathe lesser man...08:44
dr_willis'rage  against the virtual machine'08:45
Tex_NickMindSpark:  i posted that ... and gnomefreak is right, it was off-topic ... regarded a parting message by a user08:45
wiggmpksudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y08:46
wiggmpkoops.... wrong box08:46
MindSparkTex_Nick: ah ok :) was just trying to understand what it was about08:46
=== adante_ is now known as adante
cfhowlettwiggmpk, type carefully ...08:47
wiggmpkcfhowlett: ?, stupid touchpad on my laptop... palm of my hand hits it sometimes and switches where im typing08:48
cfhowlettwiggmpk, there's a setting in mouse/keypad to modify such behavior08:48
dr_willisHutu_Ry:  is ther a support question you wish to ask?08:49
gnomefreaki never got used to using a touchpad, my fingers are too big, it does its own thing so i use a mouse08:49
* gnomefreak wsa wondering what "..." means08:50
dr_willis...---...  ;)08:50
dr_willisperhaps hes just shy.08:50
gnomefreaksee your point08:51
wiggmpkcfhowlett: aye, but im like laying down, so I pressed it before I was typing and wasnt really looking at 'where' I was typing till I heard the bleep sound.. jupiter "usually" just disables my touchpad when I login, but I think I broke it08:51
nav_please guide me about bandwith management08:53
nav_i m using 12.0408:53
dr_willisand what are you trying to acomplish exactly?08:54
nav_please guide me about bandwith management08:54
dr_willisand what are you trying to acomplish exactly?08:54
cfhowlettnav_, might want to take this to #ubuntu-server ????08:57
Tex_Nick!details | nav_08:57
ubottunav_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:57
nav_thanks for reply08:57
sunsetloverhello every one08:58
nav_i am using ubuntu server 12.0408:58
sunsetloverplease i need to know how to change the cursor color08:58
nav_i want to manage the bandwith of internet to a particular ip in my network08:58
dr_willissunsetlover:  i normally just use differnt cursor themes. Im not sure of a way to just change its color. without a new theme08:59
dr_willistheres several cursor themes in the repos.09:00
gnomefreakthere are curser packages in the archive and im pretty sure one or two of them can change color09:00
cfhowlettI thought he meant at the CLI09:00
bloodriversunlover: I like 'Flatbed cusors'09:01
NahiyanI don't have a seperate /boot partition and I get this error on grub-install: "Path `/boot/grub' is not readable by GRUB  on boot. Installation is impossible. Aborting."09:02
NahiyanI'm trying to install on a GPT HDD, on BIOS (no EFI). I chrooted to its root partition and still, same thing09:02
NahiyanI've already made a 4MB partition with the grub_bios flag starting at 1M, ending at 5M09:02
NahiyanAny help?09:02
Tex_Nicknav_:  cfhowlett probably pointed you in the right direction ... /join #ubuntu-server09:02
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts09:03
funhouseHi there, just trying to do upgrade/update and getting this error-> Err http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-security/main apparmor amd64 2.7.102-0ubuntu3.4 404  Not Found [IP: 80]09:03
cfhowlettNahiyan, I had to kill the boot partition of a HDD that previously had a hackintosh on it ... GPT09:03
funhouseAny ideas?09:04
wiggmpkI lost the ability to hold ALT and use the mouse to grab a window to reposition it, any idea where this setting is?09:04
Nahiyanfunhouse, sounds like it can't download it..09:04
cfhowlettfunhouse, redirect your software sources .. that mirror may be down09:04
dr_williswiggmpk:  weird. I thought it was a feature of X.. i wasent even sure it could be disabled. ;)09:04
wiggmpkdr_willis: seems everything hates me tonight09:05
Nahiyanfunhouse, try $ wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/  precise-security/main apparmor amd64 2.7.102-0ubuntu3.409:05
Nahiyanreplace the spaces with dashes09:05
cfhowlettNahiyan, http://johnlewis.ie/converting-to-gpt-in-ubuntu/09:06
bloodriverThey come in black, white, blue, green, and orange.  Sizes are small, regular, large, and huge09:06
funhouseNahiyan: thank you.09:07
funhousecfhowlett: thank you.09:07
Nahiyanfunhouse, then do $ dpkg -GR -i ~09:09
wiggmpkdr_willis: apparently the default is set to <Super> from the newer Gnome 3 packages in Ricoz Testing PPA, used dconf-editor to switch it back09:10
funhouseNahiyan: oh wait, the file is 40409:10
Nahiyanfunhouse, sorry, bad URL09:10
Nahiyanfunhouse, download the 2 packages with wget09:11
Nahiyanfunhouse, copy the URLs exactly09:11
=== mpmc|Away is now known as mpmc
Tex_Nickwiggmpk:  CompizConfig Settings Manager ... Window Managemment ... move window ???09:13
=== acrocity_ is now known as acrocity
gnomefreakwhat does "dpkg -GR -i ~" do09:15
wiggmpkTex_Nick: I havent used ccsm in a long time. in dconf-editor is org > gnome > desktop > wm > preferences ---->  mouse-button-modifier09:15
jnhghyHi, I need to have a cronjob that will modify another conjob file. for example: I will have a cron job in /etc/cron.daily/ that will run a script. this script needs to modify a file in /etc/cron.monthly/ my question is: what script can I use? will python have access to write in /etc/cron/ by default? or do I need to change the user running python?09:17
makarawiggmpk, while we're on the subject, when I'm in VirtualBox pressing alt often opens unity launcher. How can I turn this off and still keep the alt+mouse drag functionality?09:18
gnomefreaki alwas hated cron but its because i never did anything to cron09:19
ikoniacherice_: ?09:19
geopackHi everyone, I have issues with my graphics driver, the card is an ATI  RV37009:19
geopacknothing is displayed in glxgears09:19
wiggmpkmakara: your trying to use alt+mouse drag on the guest OS?09:20
OerHeksgnomefreak, see man dpkg > dpkg -GR -i = -G Don't install a package if a newer version of the same package is already installed -- R = recusivly -- -i = install09:20
makarawiggmpk, no, in the host. I just don't want to turn off the setting for it09:20
wiggmpkmakara: and does ALT typically open the unity launcher when your not in VBox? I used Unity for 20mins when it first came out, I just think its garbage09:21
geopackanyone ? I'd like to run google earth but it stops on the splash screen, I think it's related to my graphics driver since glxgears opens an empty black window... Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks09:22
makarawiggmpk, yes. Is there any way to turn it off entirely?09:22
makarawiggmpk, I use docky instead09:22
wiggmpkmakara: so every time you press ALT it opens the Unity menu?09:22
makarawiggmpk, right09:23
flintsermaybe you can remap the alt key to not open unity and use different key or key combination instead09:23
wiggmpkmakara: check under keyboard shortcuts in system preferences09:24
flintseri mean the unity "menu" or is it called dash or what...09:24
sunsetloverguys, thank you for your replay, but i need the way to change the cursor color because i'm new in ubuntu and i don't know how to use it09:24
makaragot it09:25
wiggmpkmakara: find it?09:26
moonrakercan anyone suggest a gui for iscsi client??09:26
makarawiggmpk, ccsm > unity plugin > key to show the HUD09:27
makaranever saw it before09:27
wiggmpkmakara: HUD! thats what they called it.. Heads up Display or something catchy like that09:27
gnomefreaki set some item is ccsm but they dont work at all09:27
makaralike what?09:28
gnomefreaklike cube and wobbley windows09:28
makaraserves you right then :)09:28
gnomefreaki really want the cube but i never had it work09:28
wiggmpkgnomefreak: do you have more than one desktop(s) enabled?09:28
gnomefreakwiggmpk: no09:29
wiggmpkgnomefreak: or "workspaces" rather09:29
gnomefreakjust one09:29
moonrakerany thoughts on iscsi gui.......??09:29
gnomefreakmoonraker: sorry never heard of it09:29
Tex_Nickwiggmpk:  out of curosity ... i just scrolled up, following thread on moving window ... were you saying that super+primary was your setting ?09:29
wiggmpkthen you have a cube... just 1 side though lol, you need at least 4 workspaces (horizontal) for the cube to work09:29
wiggmpkTex_Nick: Super + Right Mouse click to move windows yes.. as opposed to Alt09:30
gnomefreakwiggmpk: sorry i do have 4 but im only using 109:30
mhsHello everybody09:30
moonrakergnomefreak: thanks for that09:30
wiggmpkgnomefreak: did you map a key to "activate" the cube?09:30
gnomefreakmhs: hi09:30
KeyboardNotFoundmhs: hello ;)09:30
KeyboardNotFound!topic | Ken_S09:31
ubottuKen_S: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:31
KeyboardNotFoundKen_S: sorry error09:31
mhsgnomefreak, where are you from?09:31
KeyboardNotFound!topic | KeyboardNotFound09:31
ubottuKeyboardNotFound, please see my private message09:31
mhsKeyboardNotFound, Where are you from?09:31
gnomefreakmhs: north carolina in the usa09:31
moonrakergnomefreak: found ref to kiscsiadm which works on kde  but no mention of it working on ubuntu 12.10 unity...09:31
gnomefreaki cant spell today09:31
Tex_Nickwiggmpk:  ahhh ok ... i just wanted to make a note ... what distro/de are you using ?09:32
wiggmpkTex_Nick: Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 Gnome Shell 3.5.409:33
Tex_Nickwiggmpk:  ok thanks man :)09:33
wiggmpkTex_Nick: np09:34
* gnomefreak doessnt see theneed to run gnome shell <i have used it alot> but Gnome3 is almost the same 09:35
marcreicheltI installed Tomcat7 on my Ubuntu 12.04 machine, and it appears correctly with all runlevels 2-5 in sysv-rc-conf. But it doesn't get started when the server is started. What could be the problem here?09:35
gnomefreakhi marcreichelt09:35
marcreicheltand it starts correctly if I run 'sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 start' manually09:38
BeLeKy!ping me09:39
flintsermarcreichelt: as a workaround couldnt you use login script? or startup09:39
* BeLeKy slaps dr_willis around a bit with a large trout09:39
BeLeKyi need bnc09:39
dr_willisso install it?09:40
dr_willisI use znc here.09:40
Tm_TBeLeKy: first, please see the channel topic, and try behave well while being in ubuntu channels09:40
cfhowlettBeLeKy, please adhere to the acceptable language standards ... this is a family friendly channel.09:40
cfhowlettThank you.09:40
marcreicheltflintser, there should be no workaround - it's a server, it should be server-like09:41
KeyboardNotFoundhttps://lwn.net/Articles/536527/ <- Ubuntu bug ( firefox )09:41
seanw95I get this error when trying to install graphics drivers "NVIDIA driver install - Error: Unable to find the kernel source "09:41
seanw95can someone help09:41
marcreicheltflintser, and it's already in the runlevels - but I can't find it in the boot.log, so I suspect it to be a different error09:41
dr_willis!info bnc09:41
ubottuPackage bnc does not exist in quantal09:41
ubottuseanw95,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:41
keplerseanw95, do sudo apt-get install linux-source09:42
seanw95I have no network on my linux machine09:42
histomarcreichelt: sudo update-rc.d tomcat defaults09:42
MonkeyDustseanw95  wifi or cable?09:42
seanw95I've had a very problemeatic experience with networking..09:42
keplerseanw95, get access09:42
seanw95and ethernet straight to my router09:42
seanw95nto so simple kepler09:42
seanw95when I treid to debut with a few users over the past few days09:43
marcreichelthisto: it writes ' System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/tomcat7 already exist.'09:43
keplerwhat's goin gon with it?09:43
histoseanw95: which nvidia drivers are you trying to install and where did you obtain them.09:43
seanw95my gnome just crashes with white lines all over my screen09:43
histomarcreichelt: then it should be starting on boot.09:43
marcreichelthisto, it's not09:43
battlehandsHi guys, It's just my luck that I'm having trouble before I even start doing what I want to do.  I'm on Step IV of this documentation, and I'm having problems with it's last step.  http://phototour.cs.washington.edu/bundler/bundler-v0.4-manual.html  Finally, copy the approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) shared library at BASE_PATH/lib/libANN_char.so to a location in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or add BASE_PATH/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  09:43
seanw95When i type certain things in terminal09:43
histomarcreichelt: sudo status tomcat709:43
seanw95and tjhe nvidia site09:43
battlehandsbut I don't know how to add it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH09:43
battlehandsplease advise09:43
histomarcreichelt: are you able to start it with the init script?09:43
marcreichelthisto, it's no upstart job09:43
marcreicheltclassic init09:43
keplerseanw95, why don't you have internet?09:43
marcreichelthisto, yes09:43
histoseanw95: what type of nvidia card do you have?09:44
histomarcreichelt: and it's not throwing an error or exiting after you start it that way?09:44
seanw95I have no idea, I've been told I need drivers for my chipset and it's abit of a fuss with an Nforce chip09:44
seanw95Geforce 7025 / Nforce 630a09:44
marcreichelthisto, no - and it works in the browser after it has been started09:44
marcreicheltI believe the init script doesn't get called at boot09:45
histomarcreichelt: rc-status --all09:45
seanw95I've been following a guide on your forums but i've hit a dead end with the kerbel thing09:45
keplerdo you have the sources on whatever medium you installed from?09:45
marcreichelthisto, command not found09:45
histomarcreichelt: nvm rc-status is not there by default.09:45
histomarcreichelt: well first of all you should be using upstart not init09:45
flintserseanw95: histo: is the package available on the installation media?09:45
marcreichelthisto, it's the default tomcat7 package09:46
marcreicheltso that which comes with Ubuntu09:46
seanw95How can I check? I have a USB with bootable ubuntu 12.1009:46
histounless tomcat hasn't been converted yet.09:46
marcreichelthisto, right :)09:46
histomarcreichelt: Isn't it set to start by default after installing the default package?09:47
keplergo to the ubuntu software center and check which sources it is using09:47
marcreichelthisto, as I wrote earlier, it is configured to start in runlevels 2 to 509:47
marcreicheltso yes, it is09:47
marcreicheltbut it doesn't start automatically09:48
keplerseanw95, ubuntu software center > edit > software sources > see if the usb thing is checked09:48
histomarcreichelt: can  you pastebin the init script for tomcat09:48
histo!root | root09:48
ubotturoot: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:48
=== root is now known as Guest20637
histoGuest20637: Why areyou using irc as root big no no09:48
keplersudo -i09:49
cfhowlettGuest20637, bad idea.  bad.09:49
seanw95kepler: Where is edit in the softeastr vrnyrt?09:49
keplerseanw95, at the top09:49
keplerjust a menu option09:49
Guest20637need help09:49
histomarcreichelt: cat /etc/init.d/tomcat7 | pastebinit09:50
ubottuGuest20637,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:50
marcreichelthisto, http://pastebin.com/qeN3JyKU09:50
seanw95kepler: software centre? or sources. I can't find it in centre09:50
flintserGuest20637: /quit and dont use sudo or su when starting your client09:51
fruitFlyis btrfs the future? might it be worth learning?09:51
keplerin software center, there should be an option to look at settings or preferences, then choose sources09:51
seanw95Oh, I see it09:51
seanw95in other software?09:51
fruitFlyis btrfs the future? might it be worth learning??09:51
cfhowlettfruitFly, do you have an actual ubuntu support question?09:51
histomarcreichelt: is there links in /etc/rc1.d/  for tomcat?09:52
histomarcreichelt: ls -l /etc/rc1.d/09:52
kepleryes, under other software09:52
flintserseanw95: open software center and it should be on the top bar under "edit" or "preferences" or something similiar09:52
marcreichelthisto, yes: 'K08tomcat7 -> ../init.d/tomcat7'09:52
keplercheck that, then apt-get update, and apt-get install linux-source  --- not sure if it will be present on the install medium though09:52
histomarcreichelt: what about S08???09:52
kepleraside from that, is being offline a choice, or you can't get it online?09:53
histomarcreichelt: should be in /etc/rc2.d/09:53
seanw95I have no top bar along the top of any window09:53
histoseanw95: are they maximized windows?09:54
marcreichelthisto, S92tomcat7 -> ../init.d/tomcat709:54
histoseanw95: What type of nvidia card do you have?09:54
kepleryou can edit /etc/apt/sources.list  -- remove the # from the line for your usb stick09:54
histoseanw95: lspci | grep VGA will show you09:54
seanw95Geforce 7025 / Nforce 630a is the model but i'll do that for you09:54
histoseanw95: Ewww do you have one of those dual adapter pcs with intel and nvidia09:55
marcreicheltin rc2.d09:55
flintserseanw95: it the menu appears on the top "task bar" if using unity09:56
flintseronly if you hover mouse over it though...09:56
seanw95Aaah that is where it confused me flintster09:56
auronandacefruitFly: what do you mean worth learning? what is there to learn, its a filesystem, you use it09:56
seanw95and histro I'm not quite sure09:56
ASHER1Hello i need please guide about install Cpanle in ubuntu version 10.04 where i can find this please?09:57
OerHeksseanw95, gforce 7025 needs the old 173 driver09:57
fruitFlyauronandace: I'm new to linux, is btrfs the future and should I start using it now?09:57
seanw95It's onboard09:57
histomarcreichelt: sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart09:57
marcreichelthisto, maybe the software to start non-upstart jobs is missing?09:57
histomarcreichelt: Do you get an error using that command?09:58
dr_willisfruitFly: if you are new... stck to the defaults09:58
auronandacefruitFly: don't use it on production systems, it isn't ready yet09:58
erikjaubuntu 12.04.1 want thunderbird shortcut on desktop. right click under appliactions->internet->thunderbird give not the wanted option ?09:58
ASHER1someone ?09:58
MonkeyDustfruitFly  no, not if you're new, stick to the defaults to get used to linux09:58
cfhowlettfruitFly, this is looking suspiciously like trolling and is offtopic.  you know better.09:58
histofruitFly: stick with ext409:58
seanw95This is the correct driver I just checked the supported products09:58
NetFlamHi all!09:58
marcreichelthisto, no, it all works09:58
seanw957025 / NVIDIA nForce 630a09:58
histoseanw95: Do you see an intel chipset in lspci also?09:58
cfhowlettNetFlam, greetings09:58
marcreicheltstatus, restart, stop, start...09:58
histomarcreichelt: what version of ubuntu areyou using?09:58
marcreichelt12.04 64bit09:59
histomarcreichelt: dpkg -l | grep upstart    will show you if upstart is installed should be ii09:59
ASHER1someone is have guide install Cpanel in ubuntu 10.04?09:59
marcreichelthisto, upstart is installed09:59
Tex_NickfruitFly:  please don't take polls in the channel ... everyone has their different opinion on any given subject ... please /join #ubuntu-offtopic09:59
cfhowlettASHER1, 10.04 desktop is end of life in a few months ...09:59
seanw95Everything is NVIDIA expect for my soundcard10:00
Lynxxhow do i install zlib on ubuntu 12.10... im trying to install bahamut ircd.. and it wont let me because i need that file?10:00
MonkeyDustASHER1  don't struggle with 10.04, it will soon be !eol10:00
marcreichelthisto, which log should tell me which services have been started on boot?10:00
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts10:00
dr_willis!find zlib10:00
ubottuFound: libruby, zlib1g, zlib1g-dbg, zlib1g-dev, clisp-module-zlib, gambas3-gb-compress-bzlib2, gambas3-gb-compress-zlib, gauche-zlib, haskell-zlib-doc, libcompress-raw-zlib-perl (and 32 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=zlib&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all10:00
histomarcreichelt: That's really bizare.  You may want to check in #ubuntu-server according to what you are telling me it should be starting. Unless it's erroring out. You'd have to check in /var/log10:00
keplerseanw95: are you offline by choice, or having issues getting online?10:00
seanw95Unfortunately no10:01
marcreichelthisto, okay, thanks a lot!10:01
seanw95I've struggled to troubleshoot it and been here at random periods over the past few days10:01
OerHeks!info cpanel10:01
ASHER1:\ no install cpanel in ubuntu|?10:01
ubottuPackage cpanel does not exist in quantal10:01
ASHER1!info cpanel10:01
roger_!info cpanel10:02
dr_willis!find cpanel10:02
ubottuFound: secpanel10:02
flclhello sj!10:02
ASHER1!find cpanel10:02
dr_willisnot in the default repos it seema..10:02
seanw95flintster: no my install media is not in there10:02
Alocerhow can i add a value to LS_COLORS ?10:02
auronandace!msgthebot | ASHER110:02
ubottuASHER1: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:02
keplerseanw95: im still not clear. are you offline by choice, or having trouble getting online?10:02
seanw95Having issues10:03
=== johan is now known as Guest35472
keplerlets figure that out then10:03
keplerdo lspci | grep Ethernet10:03
dr_willisAlocer: modify it in your. bashrc or  .profile10:03
seanw95Nothing comes back10:03
Tex_NickASHER & roger : please don't tease the bot ... ubottu won't answer the same key for a bit once it has been triggered :-)10:03
fruitFlyhow to access ntfs on my ext 4?10:03
Ankur_Agarwalhi i am trying to build debian package10:04
seanw95Nope I lie10:04
histomarcreichelt: I just thought of something. 08 sounds kind of low. So perhaps it's trying to start before another daemon that it needs. Like does it require apache to be running? And what is apache set at in rc?10:04
seanw95NVIDIA corporation MCP61 ETHERNET rev a210:04
Alocerdr_willis, should i use " set $LS_COLORS = $LS_COLORS + var1 " ?10:04
cfhowlettroot_lance, greetings10:04
auronandace!fstab | fruitFly10:04
ubottufruitFly: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:04
keplerok, so it sees it. hat is good10:04
keplerdo ifconfig10:04
keplerdo you have eth0 ?10:04
root_lanceAnyone help me install skype10:04
cfhowlettAnkur_Agarwal, maybe try #debian ???10:04
dr_willisAlocer: bash basics..   you export variables like that10:05
auronandace!skype | root_lance10:05
ubotturoot_lance: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga10:05
Ankur_Agarwali am using git-buildpackage. I am getting errors. i have added log at http://pastebin.com/S0KNzJez. please help10:05
cfhowlettroot_lance, sudo apt-get install skype or use the software center ..10:05
Alocerty dr_willis10:05
seanw95how do I check kepler10:05
keplerdo "ifconfig"10:05
Ankur_Agarwalat #debian somebody told me to try at ubuntu10:05
Lynxxgeez idk which zlib packae to download10:05
keplereth0 should be listed there. probably eth0 and l010:05
seanw95yes listed10:06
keplerdoes it have an inet addr?10:06
histomarcreichelt: in the man page for update-rc.d they expalin the intervals for starting and stoping if you search for NN10:06
dr_willisLynxx: use the package manager to install them.10:07
seanw95only inet610:07
Lynxxyeah i was looking through it.. but really which ones do i need.. theres a couple... idk if i should download them all or not10:07
seanw95I need to manually configure my settings10:07
Lynxxi checked the configure script of the program im trying to install and it doesnt specify10:07
SAngeliHi, I see a lot of unusual HD activities on my ubuntu server. Is there a way to find out who is using it? what command can I run from console to see?10:08
marcreichelthisto, it's ./rc1.d/K08tomcat7, but ./rc2.d/S92tomcat710:08
seanw95DHCP issuies10:08
flclprivmsg sj123 : aaa10:08
SAngeliAlso, is this the correct channel for ubuntu server?10:08
marcreicheltK is okay with 0810:08
dr_willisLynxx: you could have allready installed them in the time you have been asking....10:08
keplerturn dhcp back on and we'll go from there10:08
cfhowlettSAngeli, who10:08
flclhow to write private message to someone?10:08
seanw95my desktop has a reserved address10:08
cfhowlettflcl, ask permission first10:08
=== kgs is now known as Guest56072
seanw95my DHCP doesn't work10:08
MonkeyDustflcl  first ask if you can, then type /msg [nickname]10:08
seanw95on my router..never has even when turned on10:08
keplerwhat is your router address?10:09
auronandaceseanw95: dhcp has never worked on your router?10:09
keplermanually set your address to, subnet mask
marcreichelthisto, I have a rc2.d/S20jenkins - and that just starts fine10:09
histomarcreichelt: what is jenkins?10:10
keplerdns can use google public dns for the time being, and
seanw95should I use the GUI or command line to congifure?10:10
marcreichelt(and is also no upstart job)10:10
keplergui should be fine10:10
root_lancethanks it's working10:10
marcreichelthisto, http://jenkins-ci.org/10:10
kepleronce you get that in there, try and ping
marcreicheltnot important ;)10:10
seanw95auronandace: Yeah, it messed up my xbox so I turned it off and started to manually configure, easier for me to be honest10:10
keplerseanw95: that is weird. ive always used dhcp, with multiple xbox's, and ps3, and other junk10:11
hpuser4466How do I enable hardware buttons on IBM Thinkpad R40e  (Volume Up/Down, Fn+Brightness).10:11
Alocerdr_willis, sry to bother if i override ~/.dir_colors  will the default values still used or they will be override ?10:11
Lynxxty dr_willis10:11
Lynxxyou're always a lot of help :)10:12
keplerseanw95: either way, lets get you online, and worry about dhcp later if you want to go that route again10:12
seanw95Okay. inputting now10:12
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dr_willisAlocer: ive not messed with it in years. do no idea10:12
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Alocerty dr_willis10:12
histomarcreichelt: what's your current runlevel?10:12
histomarcreichelt: runlevel    will tell you10:12
seanw95ps, are you sure about the netmask10:12
seanw95should it be ?10:12
kepler99% of the time, at least10:13
histoseanw95: yes10:13
stupidBYdefaulthello all.. need some little help... I.. excidently restart the comp, while updates installs.. and.. now allways download freeze10:14
histoAlocer: try moving it first10:14
Alocerhisto, always have a backup yes tnx for reminding ;)10:14
stupidBYdefaultand... I need someone on prvt if interested of talk about linux10:14
seanw95I can't click save?10:14
keplerwhat other fields are there to fill out?10:14
seanw95Oh I had extra blank spaced underneath nevermind10:15
seanw95wired says connection established10:15
histostupidBYdefault: you can try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a10:15
seanw95what do you want me to ping10:15
angsI am executing a command as root but I get permission denied error. what can I do about? "root@ubuntu:/etc/openvpn/2.0# ./vars            bash: ./vars: Permission denied"10:15
keplerrouter ip10:15
histoseanw95: ping router ip then
cfhowlettSberla, greetings10:16
histoangs: is vars executible?10:16
marcreichelthisto, runlevel is 210:16
marcreicheltas I say, it's all okay10:16
dr_willisangs: be sure its executable10:16
keplerdo ifconfig again, see if eth0 got the address10:16
marcreicheltjust tomcat7 is stupid...10:16
angshisto, dr_willis: thank you, it was not executable10:16
Sberlahi I want to know because they are producing ubuntu for Mobile10:16
ASHER1hmm someone know where i can find install this for ubuntu10:16
histomarcreichelt: That's bizare  it must be trying to start before something else it needs.  Did you install apache via the repos aswell or on your own?10:16
Sberlais only for architecture arm?10:16
seanw95yeah it's all there10:17
seanw95I can't see a gateway in there but10:17
ubottuSberla,: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone10:17
marcreichelthisto, no apache10:17
marcreicheltjust tomcat itself10:17
keplerseanw95: since you are manually assigning addresses, what are your current settings?10:18
seanw95do you know the hwaddr10:18
keplerlike, on the machine that you are on now10:18
MonkeyDustmarcreichelt  ubuntu server?10:18
seanw95is that the mac address10:18
keplerhwaddr is your MAC address10:18
histoASHER1: not sure which panel they are using but mostlikely you cpanel or you can just use phpmyadmin really easy for db's10:18
marcreicheltMonkeyDust, sort of10:18
seanw95Right they don't match up on my router settings10:18
seanw95two seconds10:18
Alocerty dr_willis ,10:18
marcreicheltnetinstall with server software10:18
ASHER1i have phpmyadmin10:18
kepleryou're restricting by MAC?10:18
ASHER1but i need this for install web10:18
marcreicheltbut as of now everything runs fine, and everything is set up10:18
Alocerif want to mess with ls command colors try man dir_colors10:18
histoASHER1: then you can create your joomla database in there.10:18
seanw95It's how it identifies each device10:19
histomarcreichelt: gotcha10:19
marcreicheltwithout tomcat710:19
ASHER1i know but i need this control panel for guide10:19
sunsetloversend the file again guys10:19
keplerim not sure what you mean. you're allowing access to only certain MACs, or trying DHCP reservation for certain MACs?10:19
demarcohey all, im trying to install a wireless driver on my laptop and having issues. is anyone familiar with ndiswrapper?10:20
histomarcreichelt: yeah maybe you should file a bug that's just wierd behavior.10:20
seanw95reservation for certain macs10:20
histoseanw95: then you need to use dhcp to do reservation for certain macs10:20
kepleris there a particular reason you're doing that?10:21
marcreichelthisto, but at least there *has* to be something! At least in the logs!10:21
seanw95DHCP is turned on but I never use it to assign addresses10:21
marcreicheltI don't believe it's a bug...10:21
keplerso you have DHCP on, but all your devices are statically configured?10:21
seanw95Should the mac address on ubuntu match up with the address in my router10:22
seanw95yes correct10:22
sunsetloverguys, who send me the cursor theme, please send it again10:22
kepleri dont know how you have it set up. but i assume once you match them, it should work10:22
keplerit sounds like you have some kind of restriction on which MACs work. otherwise, statically assigning in the dhcp range should still work, regardless of MAC10:23
hpuser4466What is a USB sound card that is KNOWN/PROVEN to work in ubuntu or Lubuntu 12.04 ???10:23
hpuser4466looking at the alsa wiki doesn't reveal much inforomation about usb audio devices.  I see plenty on ebay for sale, but i want to get one compatible with ubuntu.10:24
histoseanw95: If you want to do address reservation. YOu take your mac address from your network card and place that in your routers config. Along with the ip you want ot assign to that mac. Then you set that computer to DHCP. It will pull the reservered address from the router. The other option is to manually specify an IP outside of your routers DHCP range just to avoid conflicts. for instance if it hands out10:24
histox.x.x.100-150 set a machine at x.x.x.15110:24
histo!hcl | hpuser446610:25
ubottuhpuser4466: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:25
keplerit is just easier to use dhcp though, unless you *need* something to stay the same IP for some reason10:25
Tex_Nickhpuser4466:  see if this helps ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsSoundCards10:25
keplereither way, how are we looking after adding your MAC?10:25
seanw95I've done that histro10:25
seanw95automatic DHCP or automatic DHCP addresses only10:26
seanw95Done that, and will I need to restart?10:26
keplershouldn't have to10:26
keplerping ?10:26
hpuser4466Yes i looked at the wiki hardware support but it's lacking info on USB/External audio devices.  What about all those cheap usb devices on ebay?  I see no info about their chipsets.10:27
keplerwhat are the network settings for the machine that you are currently on?10:27
kepleruse everything the same, but change the last octet in the IP10:27
hpuser4466How am I supposed to change the audio device on my laptop?10:27
=== terlalu is now known as blackjack
Tex_Nickhpuser4466:  also www.newegg.com is far better than ebay for purchasinh hardware10:28
seanw95on ubuntu?10:28
Tex_Nickpurchasing ^10:28
seanw95so change..25 to...20. On the router as well?10:28
histoseanw95: sudo dhclient -r    will release your current ip and sudo dhclient   will get a new one now that you have your routers settings setup for address reservation. Or you can reboot.10:28
histohpuser4466: in lubuntu or ubuntu?10:29
keplerstatically assigning should always work, unless filtering the MAC10:29
keplerwhat is the IP of the computer you are using now?10:29
seanw95histro: my termainl isnt responding after that10:29
histohpuser4466: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14077/how-can-i-change-the-default-audio-device-from-command-line10:29
seanw95Local or WAN10:29
seanw95I'm on my laptop at the moment10:30
histoseanw95: after what?10:30
keplerthe wan should only be on your router10:30
seanw95histro - dhclient10:30
kepleryou have your laptop statically assigned?10:31
kepleropen cmd prompt and do ipconfig /all10:31
keplerit'll give you all the info you need, just make sure you change the last number in your IP10:31
Tex_Nickhpuser4466:  http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100008658%20600011978&IsNodeId=1&name=USB ... shows some USB sound cards ... with good specifications10:31
keplerwhen you assign it to ubuntu10:31
seanw95This is what i've been using10:32
seanw95i'll double check though10:32
root_lancehow do i pls install a program on acd?10:32
Ben64root_lance: acd?10:32
dr_willison  acd   means what root_lance ?10:33
keplerthink he means burn to a cd?10:33
histoseanw95: you can hit ctrl+c to stop it if it hasn't errored out the sudo dchclient &   to run it in the background. It should be grabbing an ip now.10:33
historoot_lance: brasero is the default cd burning application10:34
dr_willisyes what?10:34
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:35
crocketOn ubuntu studio, ibus-hangul doesn't change the ibus tray icon when it's enabled.10:35
seanw95histro - everything has gone to shit now DHCP enabled on ubuntu10:36
seanw95doesn't even say I'm connected to my wired network10:36
keplerhead back to network manager and set it statically again10:36
Ben64root_lance: it would help a lot more if you'd say more than one word at a time10:37
keplerwhat router are you using (just curious, probably not important)10:37
flintserhpuser4466: http://dx.com/p/usb-virtual-7-1-channel-external-sound-card-adapter-59077 i can tell you that it works10:38
Phazorxusing gnome shell with dual screens etup here, but experiencing an issue - part of application visual area on secondary screen does not register clicks for some reason, any clues on why and how to fix that?10:39
keplerphaedra: open up the screen settings, and where you can re-order the monitors, make sure the top and bottom edges line up10:39
dr_willisPhazorx:  same res on both monitors?10:39
kepler^ better opening question10:40
Phazorxdr_willis: yup, idenical monitors10:40
dr_willisPhazorx:  Hmm.. Was guessing some deadzone quirk.. but guess not.10:40
PhysicistMy chipset is not recognized by airmon-ng.. Any suggest?10:40
keplerget a new chipset!10:40
dr_willis!info airmon-ng10:40
ubottuPackage airmon-ng does not exist in quantal10:40
histoPhysicist: Is it not supported possibly?10:40
Phazorxdr_willis: if it maters - it's an area of ~100 pixesl on left most edge (closest area of secondary monitor to primary physically)10:41
dr_willisPhazorx:  so about 100 pixles right btween the 2 monitors.10:41
seanw95Sorry about that my IRC Disconected10:41
Phazorxit does seem to be only screen and not app dependant10:41
PhysicistI am using a notebook, with integrated wi-fi!10:41
Phazorxdr_willis: well you can say that10:41
histoPhysicist: Not all cards can be put in monitor mode10:42
root_lanceI just have a watch tower library on a DVD is like a dictionary but i can't install it pls help me.10:42
dr_willisPhazorx:  but an app sitting there. or across both monitors. you can still click in.. but not the desktop. and this is gnome-shell?10:42
Physicisthisto, Can I chnge that?10:42
keplerseanw95: any luck?10:42
seanw95Not being detected in my routers attached devices10:42
dr_willis!wine | root_lance10:42
ubotturoot_lance: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:42
keplerit wouldn't be if it isn't dhcp10:43
cfhowlettroot_lance, wine MIGHT work but no guarantees10:43
keplerbut can you ping the router now?10:43
histoPhysicist: not unless you are writing your own drivers10:43
histoPhysicist: Why are you trying to crack wifi anyways?10:43
root_lanceokwould try10:43
PhysicistMy chipset is "unknown".. Maybe I need a router.10:43
keplerwhat are the network settings on your laptop?10:43
PhysicistIn my college!! :/10:43
Phazorxusing gnome shell, correct... if app is on secondary screen, maximised or not does not seem to matter10:43
Physicisthisto, what mean writing?10:44
Phazorxif an app is windowed and does not include that area, then app works normally10:44
crackme= =和多了10:44
crackme= =喝多了。10:44
FloodBot1crackme: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
dr_willissounds like a gnome shell bug Phazorx10:44
histoPhysicist: What kind of card do you have? lspci  will show you the chipset10:44
cfhowlettcrackme, english only in this channel.  sorry.10:44
Phazorxdr_willis: i take it it's not something common and hasnt been discussed here?10:45
histostupidBYdefault: did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a   ?10:45
seanw95I can't copy anything in my command prompt10:45
dazectrl+shift+c / ctrl+shift+v10:45
Physicisthisto, look that!10:45
Physicist00:00.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h Processor Root Complex 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 9641 00:01.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Device 1714 00:02.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h Processor Root Port 00:04.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h Processor Root Port 00:05.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Family 12h Process10:45
seanw95ignore thaty10:45
keplerhighlight it, then hit enter to copy10:45
stupidBYdefaultNO... DONT NOW how..10:46
dr_willisPhazorx:  gnome shell is constantly getting updated. the default g shell in ybuntu is ki d of old.10:46
histoPhysicist: Look at he the network controller don't paste it here.10:46
ubottustupidBYdefault,: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:46
Physicist01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc NI Whistler [AMD Radeon HD 6600M Series] 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 06) 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01) 04:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 5209 (rev 01)10:46
MonkeyDuststupidBYdefault  turn off caps please10:46
stupidBYdefaultyes.. i apologize10:46
crackmeI drank too much, I'm sorry, I'm in the wrong channel, I want into the ubunutu Chinese Channel10:46
Ben64!pastebin | Physicist10:46
ubottuPhysicist: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:46
histostupidBYdefault: open a terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+t and type in sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a10:46
ubottustupidBYdefault,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:46
histo!bcm | Physicist10:46
ubottuPhysicist: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:46
dr_willisbbl. gotra run home10:46
seanw95kepler ; http://pastebin.ca/231145510:47
Physicisthisto, got it! Thanks.10:47
crackmeWhich is your country?10:47
histoPhysicist: you need firmware for that card to work. Please follow the instructions from ubottu for broadcom10:47
root_lancePls how do i download youtube videos?10:47
stupidBYdefaultit ask 4 pass... stop10:47
histostupidBYdefault: enter your admin password10:48
Physicisthisto, Ok!10:48
MonkeyDustroot_lance  use clive10:48
cfhowlettroot_lance, get a browswer plugin for that10:48
stupidBYdefaultgot non10:48
stupidBYdefaultjust mine10:48
keplerseanw95: paste your ifconfig on ubuntu?10:48
Ben64seanw95: um, you know this is ubuntu support, not windows support10:48
histostupidBYdefault: enter yours10:48
seanw95ben - yes.10:48
keplerBen64: i asked him for it, to troubleshoot a network problem10:48
histostupidBYdefault: the user you specified during install is the admin password10:48
Ben64kepler: oh10:48
histostupidBYdefault: finished or stopped?  Like is it back at a prompt?10:48
stupidBYdefaultthat suppoused to be me ?10:48
stupidBYdefaultam.. just new line10:49
stupidBYdefaultlike i would press enter in word10:49
Tex_NickPhysicist:  http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=compatibility_drivers ... might help you ... i use a linksys wusb54G v4 dongle for aircrack ... works great ... also #backtrack-linux ... might provide more help10:49
histostupidBYdefault: New line with prompt? please pastebin what's int he terminal10:49
histo!paste | sutpi10:49
ubottusutpi: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:49
stupidBYdefaultPhysicist, what is that about??10:49
histo!paste | stupidBYdefault10:49
ubottustupidBYdefault: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:49
keplerseanw95: do you have ifconfig showing the correct info for eth0 again?10:49
crackme= =靠,我晕了,你们能私密我吗?10:50
seanw95kepler : https://o.twimg.com/1/proxy.jpg?t=FQQVBBiMAWh0dHBzOi8vcHVibGljLmJuMS5saXZlZmlsZXN0b3JlLmNvbS95MXBsM054T3ZTNDlfX3EweXlLeTctN01jcE4wTk9JZ1Z3dmlvWC1mU3pzVURRclZ1T3dKZmVCYktCQXNVZjhNNWtxcTcyUWJGYnVGR0ZNbFpJSWVwazY1dy8zNy5qcGc_cHNpZD0xFAQWABIA&s=pmQqpRKM0VomGzvYVCpmQx8YzIL1eMu05kaC_GvYMAE10:50
root_lanceWould clive download youtube videos automatically?10:50
seanw95that's my ifconfig output10:50
MonkeyDuststupidBYdefault  people are trying to find out what you are doing, what's on your screen and what goes wrong10:50
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
stupidBYdefaulthow can i let them see freely?10:50
Ben64!cn | crackme10:50
ubottucrackme: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:50
keplerweird that you're getting rx and tx errors10:50
keplerare you using a crossover cable?10:50
PhysicistText_Nick: I do not have a router. Only the integrated in notebook!10:51
histostupidBYdefault: you copy and paste the text to paste.ubuntu.com10:51
keplerdo you have another cable you can test with?10:51
histostupidBYdefault: and then give us the link10:51
stupidBYdefaultam... hitsto??10:51
histokepler: he's probably wifi with no firmware10:51
stupidBYdefaultcan u teach me step by step?? i am... kind a blond10:51
seanw95Yeah sure10:52
keplerhis lspci showed an nvidia nic, they don't make wireless adapter as far as i know10:52
seanw95Workes fine in windows but i'll grab one10:52
PhysicistText_Nick: Thank you, Very useful..10:52
histostupidBYdefault: Put mouse in upper corner of the text in terminal window and drag down towards the bottom right.  Release button text should be hilighted. Then right click and select copy.  Then open a browser and go to paste.ubuntu.com  and right click and paste the text.10:52
stupidBYdefaultam.,, shit..10:52
histostupidBYdefault: How do you not know hwo to copy and paste?10:52
stupidBYdefaultlong story..10:53
PhysicistThank you all friends..10:53
Ben64histo: pastebinit might be easier?10:53
histonever used a computer?10:53
stupidBYdefaultdont know what to copy?10:53
Tex_NickPhysicist:  ok, well a usb wifi adapter doesn't requier a router ... but i just scrolled up ... looks like histo gave you the info you needed :)10:53
histoBen64: yea but trying to fix apt-get at the moment so they're not going to be able to install pastebinit10:53
Ben64oh, never saw the original problem10:53
stupidBYdefaultwith linux.. never.. before.. just games10:54
stupidBYdefaultam.. histo?10:54
flintserhisto: i think stupidBYdefault is using shell and stuf to connect here so maybe it is a troll or maybe he was setup by someone. i think troll ;D10:54
stupidBYdefaultcan on prvt?10:54
histo!pm | stupidBYdefault10:54
ubottustupidBYdefault: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:54
stupidBYdefaultyes but.. people speak over my stupidity in public.. dont like that10:55
histostupidBYdefault: we all started somewhere.10:55
cfhowlettstupidBYdefault, *said with a smile*  deal with it.10:55
histostupidBYdefault: People in here understand. I was just suprised that someone hasn't used a computer before. and copied and pasted before.10:56
stupidBYdefaultlook.. i just need someone to help me fix damn updates.. before i loose sens for linux..10:56
histostupidBYdefault: we are trying to help you.  in a terminal sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:56
keplerseanw95: do you have a WAN addr going directly to your PC? what is acting as your router?10:56
Ankur_Agarwalwhen i tried sudo cowbuilder --create. I got error. The log of this error is at http://pastebin.com/8rM4bMrg. Please help10:57
stupidBYdefaultlook.. not all of peopele are from slovenia... here is nothing to copy and definitly nothing good to paste :)10:57
cfhowlettstupidBYdefault,  in the linux world YOU are the system admin.  we can help but YOU will do the heavy lifting.  Patience and a willingness to learn will help a lot10:57
histo!sl | stupidBYdefault10:57
Tex_NickstupidBYdefault:  just a thought ... <stupidBYdefault> yes but.. people speak over my stupidity in public.. dont like that ... you might try a new nick10:57
elkystupidBYdefault, people are trying to help you while others are waiting. Please be polite and follow their instructions, or move aside.10:58
ubottuKanal za podporo slovenskim uporabnikom Ubuntuja je #ubuntu-si. Če potrebujete pomoč v Slovenskem jeziku, prosimo da se nam pridružite in probali vam bomo pomagati. Slovenian language support channel is #ubuntu-si10:58
histoBen64: nice how'd you find the country code so quickly?10:58
stupidBYdefaulthm.. a different nick.. would not be the honest one...10:58
* cfhowlett *bite cheek mode <on>10:58
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Ben64histo: google10:58
aleks3who is from Russia?10:59
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:59
histocfhowlett: lol10:59
seanw95kepler, what did you say10:59
keplerwhat is acting as your router?10:59
stupidBYdefaulti got terminal windows open... i typed in allredy till now.. following: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a11:00
seanw95what do you mean kepler11:00
stupidBYdefaultit ask for pass... i entered.. nothing happend.. just new row11:00
histokepler: did you ever figure out what card he is using?11:00
kepleris it another computer, or like, a linksys router?11:00
keplerhisto: it is an nvidia NIC11:00
Ankur_Agarwalhas anybody used cowbuilder11:01
histostupidBYdefault: a new black row or a row like username@computername:~$11:01
histostupidBYdefault: with a blinking cursor?11:01
histo!anybody | Ankur_Agarwal11:02
ubottuAnkur_Agarwal: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:02
Tex_Nickcfhowlett:  ;-)11:02
stupidBYdefaultno... just tim@zion11:02
jarcoHello, since there is no channel for xxxterm I will ask here. How do I get back in command mode (for clicking links with the keyboard) after having entered input in an input field?11:02
histostupidBYdefault: okay now try to update11:03
Ankur_Agarwalwhen i tried sudo cowbuilder --create. I got error. The log of this error is at http://pastebin.com/8rM4bMrg. Please help11:03
stupidBYdefaultha ha ha11:03
cristian_cI run the suspension, but when I resume, things are not much working, for example chromium11:03
MonkeyDustjarco  you mean ctrl-alt f7 ?11:03
stupidBYdefaultsorry.. comment on starting the questions...11:03
cristian_cI can't open it, and if I launch it from terminal, I get: pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:02.1/resource: File or directory not found11:03
cfhowlettcristian_c, greetings11:04
cristian_cI've found that 00:02.1 is the video out, but nothing else :(11:04
histostupidBYdefault: What you aren't making any sense. What is your native language?11:04
stupidBYdefaultbefore 32 updates.. now 34..11:04
jarcoMonkeyDust, ctrl + alt + f7 doesn't do anything here11:04
cristian_cHow can I solve it?11:04
histostupidBYdefault: in a terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:04
MonkeyDustjarco  what do you mean by "get back in command mode (for clicking links with the  keyboard)"11:04
Ankur_Agarwalubottu When i tried sudo cowbuilder --create. I got error. The log of this error is at http://pastebin.com/8rM4bMrg. Please help11:04
ubottuAnkur_Agarwal: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:04
seanw95kepler : ?11:04
stupidBYdefaultslovenian i am from slo.. but.. i teach my self on every step.. so.. dont send me back..11:05
keplerseanw95: no luck with a new cable?11:05
jarcoIn xxxterm you can enter Commands with your keyboard. But in some cases I just can't seem to get out some input windows so I cannot enter commands. Pressing escape doesnt seem to work sometimes11:05
histostupidBYdefault: We tried recomending a slovenian room. Wouldn't it help talking to people in your native tongue. It's difficult to understand your english.11:06
stupidBYdefaultsoory.. will try better..11:06
sunsetloverguys, i still have the same problem, i can not change the cursor color, i change it by mistake and i want to restore it to default color11:06
keplerso based on the network settings you're using that are working, the IP/subnet mask/gateway in your ubuntu machine *should* work. im not sure why you're getting rx errors or overruns. do you have it manually set to auto/auto?11:06
histojarco: What does get out some input windows mean?11:06
stupidBYdefaultPackage operation failed11:06
stupidBYdefaultThe installation or removal of a software package failed.11:06
histoseanw95: use a different port on your router11:07
stupidBYdefaultinstallArchives() failed: Reading changelogs... 2%%11:07
stupidBYdefaultReading changelogs... 5%%11:07
stupidBYdefaultReading changelogs... 8%%11:07
stupidBYdefaultReading changelogs... 11%%11:07
stupidBYdefaultReading changelogs... 14%%11:07
stupidBYdefaultReading changelogs... 17%%11:07
FloodBot1stupidBYdefault: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:07
* histo senses the begining of the end11:07
* MonkeyDust too11:07
jarcohisto, I meant out of an input box. like where you get asked for your username. It also happens when selecting an option (radiobutton)11:07
nearsthi ppl11:07
keplerit could be a driver thing, because a few pings shouldn't cause overruns11:08
jarcohi nearst11:08
histojarco: with xterm???11:08
jarcohisto, with xxxterm11:08
MonkeyDuststupidBYdefault  first try to get used to ubuntu basics11:08
QTDHi all the other day I decided to play around with the new graphics diagnostics tool in 12.10 and so I checked everything and now ubuntu wont boot I just get the recovery options menu that does not work by the way. Does anyone have any suggestions as how to go about changing those settings back through a terminal?11:09
MonkeyDuststupidBYdefault  and learn how to copy/paste11:09
Ben64MonkeyDust: he had no problem copy/pasting into the channel :|11:09
seanw95kepler : still nothing11:10
histojarco: does it allow hinting like other vim browsers by hitting f11:10
histojarco: then you can select a field and manipulate it.11:10
jarcoQTD, This will probably be a bad way to do it but i useually just move my x configuration to another name with mv and then it will boot again11:10
histojarco: or some use gi to start an insert int he first text box on a page. That's just my guess11:10
keplerseanw95: sudo server network-manger stop11:11
jarcohisto, it does. Its just that sometimes I cant get it anymore because the input windows seems to hae forced me out of command mode somehow11:11
keplerthen start11:11
histojarco: press esc11:11
nearstwhats up11:12
QTDHi all the other day I screwed with all the settings in that new graphics diagnostics tool in ubuntu 12.10 and now ubuntu wont boot. Is there awary to put the options back in the terminal?11:12
jarcohisto, thats what normally works yes. But in some cases (google maps by example) it doesn't work11:12
seanw95command not found kepler11:12
=== Juniper is now known as Guest15900
jarcoQTD, This will probably be a bad way to do it but i useually just move my x configuration to another name with mv and then it will boot again11:12
keplersudo service network-manager stop11:12
keplernot server11:12
keplerthen start11:13
keplerwell, sudo service network-manager start, that is11:13
QTDCool jarco thanks heeps! Any way that works is a good way11:13
keplerifconfig eth0 show correctly?11:13
cfhowlettjarco, you can boot nomodeset and then reconfigure iirc11:13
seanw95still unreachable11:13
jarcoQTD, change the name only. You might need it back :)11:14
nearstya. always try with nomodeset on grub11:14
keplerwhat if you ping ?11:14
nearstseanw95, why unreachable? route -n? cat /etc/resolv.conf?11:14
QTDSure and thanks again11:14
jarcoQTD, read what the others write11:14
jarcothey have better ideas then me11:15
jarcothey are givving you tips11:15
jarcodirected to me11:15
demarcocan anyone help me with wireless driverss all the guides i find on ubuntus site are dated11:15
histoI need sleep peace out fools11:15
QTDOops I didn't them thanks again11:15
jarcohisto, thx for the help mate. I ll try to figure out WHY its not working in some cases first and then perhaps ask again11:15
Ben64!rootirc | rootlance11:16
ubotturootlance: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.11:16
seanw95nearst : what do you mean?11:16
keplerseanw95: run "route -n" and pastebin11:16
=== jarco is now known as jarco-afk
seanw95Two secs11:16
demarcoso i am using ndiswrapper but lsmod says its not founf help11:16
Tex_Nick!details | demarco11:16
ubottudemarco: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:16
rootlanceHow do i search for an instaLLED SOFTWARE/11:17
keplerforgot the machine isn't online, so gotta take a picture11:17
MonkeyDustrootlance  apt-cache policy11:17
lhavelund1~/win 1311:17
Tex_Nickrootlance:  use software center / installed software11:17
seanw95route -n   : https://o.twimg.com/1/proxy.jpg?t=FQQVBBiMAWh0dHBzOi8vcHVibGljLmJuMS5saXZlZmlsZXN0b3JlLmNvbS95MXBhdUVmeVpJOHU2ZTQzaXJsQVBueGlfWHVBQ21lU0huYjY2OHdyMjBiMDdoeFNZWjVPZWdObEFFZjItbklLeDNVMjU0d0lWQUpDWThYbVFMZlpkekVDZy8zOC5qcGc_cHNpZD0xFAQWABIA&s=YChirhKKR_jD9DI67mRgIJebvANZ47knrvi6M2QdLfw11:18
=== Plinker__ is now known as Plinker
ubottuseanw95,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:19
=== jarco-afk is now known as jarco
seanw95I can't pastebin it.11:19
demarcoi have a problem with using wireless driver ndiswrapper using ubuntu 12.10, when trying to modprobe ndiswrapper i get FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found. this is after doing a ndiswrapper -i11:20
stupidBYdefaulthow did u chane jarco-afk to jarco?11:20
keplerthe route -n is right11:20
keplerthere is something else going on11:20
jarcowith /nick jarco :)11:20
seanw95kepler: nearst: https://o.twimg.com/1/proxy.jpg?t=FQQVBBiMAWh0dHBzOi8vcHVibGljLmJuMS5saXZlZmlsZXN0b3JlLmNvbS95MXBhdUVmeVpJOHU2ZTQzaXJsQVBueGlfWHVBQ21lU0huYjY2OHdyMjBiMDdoeFNZWjVPZWdObEFFZjItbklLeDNVMjU0d0lWQUpDWThYbVFMZlpkekVDZy8zOC5qcGc_cHNpZD0xFAQWABIA&s=YChirhKKR_jD9DI67mRgIJebvANZ47knrvi6M2QdLfw11:21
nearstseanw95, try sudo echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf11:21
keplerseanw95: try: sudo ufw disable11:21
=== stupidBYdefault is now known as stupidBYdefault-
keplerthen ping again11:21
seanw95I don't understadn what you mean after the crocodiles nearst11:22
seanw95kepler - done11:22
keplerping work?11:22
seanw95Still unreachable11:22
keplernearst: i think dnsmasq is running anyway, so not sure adding that would help11:23
seanw95its showing on my routers connected devices now11:23
tanveer_i need help11:23
Tex_Nickdemarco : you'll need to specify your adapter chipset ... be aware though ... ndiswrapper can be the devil to manage11:23
nearstkepler, maybe.11:24
keplerseanw95: ping again?11:24
wiggmpkis there a list generated by ppa-purge of the packages that get removed? or downgraded?11:24
seanw95ping my router?11:24
keplercan you ping your router from your windows machine?11:24
jribwiggmpk: I assume that at some point it generates a list, y es11:24
icerootwiggmpk: apt-get will show that list11:24
seanw95ping -c511:24
seanw95am I pinging correwctly?11:24
wiggmpkiceroot: had to do some recovery from TTY1 and there were a lot of packages, im looking for maybe a log?11:25
=== acidflash_ is now known as acidflash
tanveer_i need help11:26
Thortanveer_: can you please provide more info, eg. what is the issue, what did you expect and ubuntu version?11:26
SolarisBoyhey folks - are there any utilities for customizing the default initramfs, EG adding packages etc.11:27
seanw95_did anyone say something11:27
tanveer_thor: latest ubuntu how do i run a ".run" rile type11:27
tanveer_file type*11:27
keplerseanw95: nope. did pinging work after your router saw the machine?11:27
Thortanveer_: chmod +x <file> && ./<file>11:27
tanveer_i am trying to install the latest AMD GRaphics card driver on linux11:27
SolarisBoyim aware of doing things manually - copying in the binary and any dependant lib files - is there any way to do it in a more automatic method? like "debootstrapish"?11:27
Ben64!ati | tanveer_11:27
ubottutanveer_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:27
Ben64tanveer_: i don't think its recommended to do so manually11:28
tanveer_Ben64: Without this driver I have no sound11:28
Ben64video card... sound?11:28
tanveer_yes through HDMI11:28
tanveer_I had this problem 2 months almost, no one has been able to resolve it11:29
Ben64tanveer_: well look at the link the bot gave, it will show how to install the proprietary driver11:29
Thortanveer_: as ben said, follow the guide from ubottu, doing it manually is not simple11:29
keplernot sure what can be going on. maybe a driver issue? addressing is correct.11:29
keplergive it a reboot and try one more time?11:29
seanw95_What about modprobing forcedeth?11:29
keplerif you want11:30
SolarisBoyseanw95_: whats in arp -an ?11:30
SolarisBoyoops kepler .11:30
keplerSolarisBoy: seanw95_ is having network issues11:31
tanveer_am i meant to get  2:9.010-0ubuntu511:31
tanveer_The Raring Ringtail (active development)11:31
SolarisBoyyea just noticed that - was following my last log :shrugs:11:31
SolarisBoyis there any disconnection in arp seanw95_ ? 'arp -an'11:31
keplerim at a loss. he is using, gateway, route -n is right. but getting rx errors/overruns11:32
tanveer_Ben64: fglrxinfo: command not found11:32
keplerhas statically assigned with subnet mask11:32
usr13SolarisBoy: it's just -a11:32
SolarisBoyi want -n to avoid dns resolution11:32
keplerusr13: n makes it show IP, not hostname11:32
SolarisBoybut you can use -a only if you want..11:32
usr13kepler: Oh?11:32
seanw95_What do you mean solarisboy ?11:33
SolarisBoyseanw95_: the command "arp -an" when you type it what si the out output?11:33
SolarisBoyalso ethtool/mii-tool to check the state of the interface and what it thinks it's connected to when you get a chance.11:34
Ben64tanveer_: if you're on 13.04, support is in #ubuntu+111:34
tanveer_im on 12.1011:34
Ben64then why are you talking about raring ringtail11:34
tanveer_i dont know which one to download11:34
keplerSolarisBoy: dont think ethtool is installed by default, and he can't get online. his install source was usb which he doesn't have anymore11:35
SolarisBoymii-tool should be there then11:35
Ben64tanveer_: just follow the link i gave you11:35
tanveer_i am11:35
SolarisBoysame diff though its deprecated11:35
Ar_when i down load i getan error message that there is a file missing.11:35
Tex_Nicktanveer : 12.10 is quantal11:35
AndIrc_5hi, can someone please help on how to have my scanner to work with xsane.? brsane2 mfc-640cw11:35
tanveer_ok but i want to use the latest AMD drivers the one on repos is older11:35
keplergood to know11:35
Bollebibsorry to jump in like this11:35
BollebibI have a problem11:35
BollebibI recently installed an ununtu derivative (mint) on a drive,next to my windows partition. I think I installed grub OVER my windows boot info.11:35
BollebibI can still see and access my windows as a loaded partition,but even though there is an entry for windows in grub,it just doesn't open.11:35
Bollebibhow can I repair the boot proces for windows11:35
Bollebibhope you can help11:35
SolarisBoyi guess ultimately my point is you should also check under the ip layer to ensure there is no pyhsical or MAC disruptions occuring11:35
FloodBot1Bollebib: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:36
usr13kepler: arp -n11:36
Ben64tanveer_: we can't support that, but you can try the PPA here... https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates11:36
seanw95i got DC'd11:36
tanveer_ok does any one know how to change my boot loader "first option"11:36
seanw95did yous ay something solarisboy ?11:36
tanveer_i want it to high light windows11:36
tanveer_instead of ubuntu as first11:36
bazhangBollebib, mint is not supported here11:36
Bollebibyeah but it's not really a mint problem is it?11:37
bazhangBollebib, its not an ubuntu issue11:37
SolarisBoyseanw95_: was just asking if you have checked the output of "arp -an" or "arp -n" the difference is only the output format but you should check if everything is properly in "connected state"11:37
crackme= =11:37
bazhang!mintsupport | Bollebib11:37
ubottuBollebib: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:37
Bollebibmmmhh,if you say so then11:37
BollebibI just thought deleting a bootinfo was kind of universal11:37
bazhang!cn | crackme11:38
ubottucrackme: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:38
tanveer_Why is all my results "amazon products" how do I disable this amazon ...11:38
tanveer_why has ubuntu got amazon search integrated11:38
SolarisBoyif oyu have any ARP flaws/disruptions ip won't work right or won't work at all - also use mii-tool or ethtool (if available to you) to check the link state of your interface assuming it's not wireless or anything11:38
Ar_ when i download i get an error message that there is a file missing. how can I fix this?11:38
bazhang!adlens | tanveer_11:38
ubottutanveer_: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ11:38
SolarisBoyseanw95: ^11:38
tanveer_ok doing it now11:38
seanw95what do you mean conected state11:39
SolarisBoydid you run the command?11:39
tanveer_i still have amazon... i just removed it11:40
anmol1224Anyone help me>11:40
tanveer_i did "sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping"11:40
bazhanganmol1224, ask a question11:40
anmol1224Pleae help me its urgent.11:40
SolarisBoydo you see any IP/ARP mapping in a state of "disconnected"?11:41
speckmade1we've got a problem with wireless networking - seems like we've got it two times on two (probably not-so-different) machines.11:41
anmol1224I have a problem installing ubuntu 64 bit on my machine11:41
bazhanganmol1224, give us the whole issue, on a single line11:41
speckmade1on each machine system is fully encrypted11:41
crackmebazhang, hello11:42
bazhangcrackme, this is not the chat channel11:42
seanw95Its not returning anythingf11:42
crackmebazhang, i'm from china11:42
speckmade1and after /boot ran out of disk space WLAN connect fails11:42
anmol1224I install the ubuntu 64 bit ISO file on a pendrive. after booting from it it automatically shut downs11:42
bazhang!ot | crackme11:42
ubottucrackme: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:42
cfhowlettanmol1224, what's the issue?11:42
SolarisBoyseanw95: ping your gateway with a count of maybe 5 and then do it again this simply means the table is empty11:42
bazhanganmol1224, installed how11:42
speckmade1we fixed the /boot space problem alright - but Wifi connection doesn't get a IPv4 address anymore.11:43
crackmebazhang, what's mine?11:43
bazhangcrackme, stop chatting here.   #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat, NOT here11:43
crackmebazhang, sorry,what's meaning11:44
Tex_Nicktanveer : have you logged out & the back in ?11:44
speckmade1both got Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and a Broadcom Wireless card11:44
crackmebazhang, why?11:44
bazhangcrackme, its support only.  not chat.11:44
cfhowlettcrackme, this channel is for ubuntu support.  please respect that.11:44
test__what would be more expensive a laptop with14" or one with 15.6" with the same specs?11:44
bazhangtest__, ask in ##hardware11:44
tanveer_Tex_Nick:  not yet il restart but i want to change boot priority11:45
test__bazhang, tried..11:45
speckmade1doesn't seem to be a problem with the wireless accesspoint - it fails with several.11:45
bazhangtest__, then #ubuntu-offtopic its offtopic here11:45
test__bazhang, and trying.. :P11:45
crackmebazhang, Sorry, I think I know, I use english11:45
cfhowletttest__, then take a field trip to your computer store and do some research11:45
rolandHi. Has anyone come across a small version of expect program? Something that's small enaugh to fit in embedded device?11:45
speckmade1assigning an IP address by hand works.11:45
crackmecfhowlett, Sorry, I think I know, I use english11:45
bazhangspeckmade1, its impossible to read when you break up your posts like that. try all on ONE line11:46
speckmade1bazhang: hm - I stopped doing that because of always hitting max line length.. :-/11:46
cfhowlettroland, there's a version in the main repo for 12.0411:46
stupidBYdefault-sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:48
stupidBYdefault-[sudo] password for tim:11:48
stupidBYdefault-E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)11:48
stupidBYdefault-E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/11:48
anmolsinghhelp me please11:48
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
rolandcfhowlett: well I use standard expect on PC but, looking for something smaller for embedded system...11:48
cfhowlettroland, ok.  I'd suggest you look directly at the package maintainer's site for such info.11:49
bazhanganmolsingh, how did you copy the iso to the usb stick11:49
Tex_Nickanmolsingh:  you need to ask a question for help11:49
anmolsinghi copied it to usb stick with universal usb installer11:50
bazhanganmolsingh, and did you md5 the iso prior to doing that11:50
cfhowlettanmolsingh, so NOT unetbootin?  not sure that merely copying makes it a bootable media11:50
anmolsinghHow to know that whether my laptop is capable of runing ubuntu 64 or not?11:51
Ben64check the cpu model11:51
MonkeyDustanmolsingh  sudo dmidecode| grep 6411:52
test__stupidBYdefault-, do have synaptic open or do you install any other software?11:52
anmolsinghintek core i3-2330M CPU @ 2.20 ghz11:52
anmolsinghoops sorry its intel11:53
Ben64that supports 64bit11:53
BollebibI have tried on mint-help but there is no one there.I am not trying to spam,just want a bit of help.11:53
BollebibI have used ubuntu before,it's the EXACT same proces11:53
bazhangBollebib, not here11:53
Bollebibso the solution should be same11:53
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cfhowlettBollebib, sorry.11:53
Bollebibwell ,can't you just say how you would solve it for ubuntu?11:54
anmolsinghIs there any software which can install the ubuntu directly to a partition of the hard disk in windows?11:54
lhavelundanmolsingh: Not supported, no.11:54
cfhowlettanmolsingh, windows installer will do that aka wubi11:54
bazhang!wubi > anmolsingh11:54
ubottuanmolsingh, please see my private message11:54
lhavelundWubi, however, is not supported.11:54
BollebibI can't acces windows,that is the problem11:55
cfhowlettanmolsingh, further wubi is for testing only not for long-term installation.11:55
Bollebibbut I can access it from the loaded drives11:55
Bollebibas I could in ubuntu11:55
cfhowlettBollebib, ##windows11:55
Ben64Bollebib: maybe a mint problem, maybe a windows problem, either way its not an ubuntu problem11:55
cfhowlettanmolsingh, consider virtualbox ?11:56
BollebibI beg to differ,because it's due to the exact same option you can choose at installation11:56
Bollebibwhere you install your grub11:56
stupidBYdefaultnice info from slovenian channels - sudo su -11:56
stupidBYdefaultrm - rf /11:56
Bollebibit's that option that made this problem11:56
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!11:56
Bollebiband that is exact same in ubuntu11:56
Tex_NickBollebib:  when you joined #mint-help ... did you first switch to the irc.spotchat.org server11:56
cfhowlettstupidBYdefault, stop that mess.11:57
Bollebibno one there,and a guiy said he was weiting since yesterday for an answer11:57
Ben64then... why use mint?11:57
Tex_Nick!funny | stupidBYdefault11:58
ubottustupidBYdefault: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.11:58
Bollebibto try it out,see if it has nice defaults11:58
* cfhowlett thinks ... most - entertaining - channel - EVER11:58
anmolsinghone more problem, i also try to boot the ubuntu from a dvd, but my bad luck it stucks on the boot screen11:58
Bollebibbut I don't wanna spam11:58
BollebibI just think it's a cross platform problem11:58
cfhowlettanmolsingh, did you verify the iso?11:59
cfhowlettanmolsingh, and how exactly did you create the dvd?11:59
anmolsinghyes, i even check every folder inside disk. Everything is ok11:59
cfhowlettanmolsingh, ummm, no.  That's not what I meant.12:00
ubottuanmolsingh,: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:00
Tex_NickBollebib:  which part of "not jhere" dou not understand ?12:00
cfhowlettanmolsingh, you REALLY need to do this.  It will answer so many questions ...12:00
anmolsinghWhat is this?12:00
Bollebibwell then I have an other install,that is ubuntu12:00
Bollebibthat has that exactr same problem12:01
Bollebibso how would you repair windows boot on ubuntu12:01
cfhowlettanmolsingh, you need to verify the integrity of the download.12:01
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Ben64Bollebib: stop playing around12:01
cfhowlett!md5sum|anmolsingh,    read the link12:01
ubottuanmolsingh,    read the link: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:01
SepWebHallo guys12:02
Bollebibyou call it playing,I want help12:02
Bollebibyou are damaging the ubuntu name from where I stand..12:02
cfhowlettSepWeb, greetings12:02
cfhowlettBollebib, asked and answered.  Please take mint to mint and windows to windows12:02
SepWebMy Ubuntu has a display problem.12:02
cfhowlett!details|SepWeb,   please12:02
ubottuSepWeb,   please: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:02
SepWebUbuntu is not displaying some text12:03
anmolsinghIs there any software for ubuntu for managing iPhone?12:03
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:03
Ben64not sure how updated that is though12:03
Bollebibso I'll go and install ubuntu12:03
Bollebibwhen I come back in an houre will you finally help me?12:03
cfhowlettBollebib, yes12:03
speckmade1On two probably (nearly?) identical machines (Asus Eee PC, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, full disk encryption) with Broadcom wifi (model 4313) connecting to wifi fails because we don't get an IPv4 address anymore. On both we've had to fix a full /boot partition before the fail.12:04
speckmade1It fails with several accesspoints; assigning an IP address by hand works; with wired connections there's no problem getting an address; dhclient eth1 keeps going forever, dhclient eth0 is an instant success.12:04
speckmade1oh - and with Knoppix the problem doesn't show up12:06
cfhowlettspeckmade1, same installation media for the two laptops?12:06
speckmade1unsure, very much possible.12:07
speckmade1network install, initiated from USB with mini.iso12:07
rockcketexcuse me12:07
cfhowlettrockcket, greetings12:07
kzarHave SSH running on a server that's hooked up directly to the internet with an ip address and no local network. Guy there is able to ssh from local term to server's external ip OK. When we try and ssh from our machines we get login prompt but credentials are rejected. We have denyhosts installed and otherwise default ubuntu sshd settings. Any ideas?12:07
rockcketi used startup disk creator to create bootable usb for 12.04.1 iso12:07
rockcketnow when i restart computer it doesnt do anything, just opens the grub thing and i select 11.04 and loads it12:08
SepWebcat /etc/*release says DISTRIB_RELEASE=12.0412:08
rockcketwhats up ?12:08
cfhowlettkzar, if no answer here, ask in #ubuntu-server12:08
kzarcfhowlett: Thanks OK12:08
SepWebsorry must change to windows CANNOT see anything12:08
cfhowlettrockcket, 11.04?  are you sure?12:08
rockcketi enabled usb boot in bios12:09
rockcketafter that it just shows Boot Error once with cursor12:09
rockcketi hit enter and brings grub12:09
rockcketcfhowlett: yes12:09
rockcketi am on 11.04 and trying to upgrade to 12.0412:09
Tex_NickBollebib:  may i pm you ?12:09
Bollebibif you wish12:09
rockcketso what am i doing wrong12:09
Ben64rockcket: you can upgrade, you don't need to reinstall12:09
cfhowlettrockcket, you have to change the bios to boot from the USB12:09
rockcketcfhowlett: yes there was an option, <USB Boot>12:10
rockcketi enabled it12:10
rockcketafter that i get Boot error on boot12:10
rockcketand it gets stuck there12:10
rockcketi hit enter and it loads grub with option for me to choose 11.04 ubuntu12:10
rockcketi choose it and it loads desktop12:10
rockcketBen64: my upgrade manager says 11.1012:10
Ben64might want to try making the usb again, also.... don't use enter as punctuation12:10
cfhowlettrockcket, if you're booting from the USB you should not see grub at all...12:10
Ben64rockcket: 11.04 -> 11.10 -> 12.0412:10
rockcketas i said, it gives a screen where it gets stukc saying Boot Error. i hit enter there because it gets stuck. then it shows grub12:11
rockcketBen64: i think fresh installation to 12.04 will be quicker ?12:11
cfhowlettrockcket, so the USB is not booting then.  as for why you're installed OS fails ...12:11
Ben64it will be faster, yes12:11
rockcketso what should i do now cfhowlett ?12:12
cfhowlettrockcket, I'd suggest a clean 12.04 install12:12
rockcketthats what i am trying to do12:12
Ben64check the md5 of the iso, and use unetbootin to make a new usb12:12
cfhowlettrockcket, download 12.04, md5sum verification then use startup disk creator to make a boot USB ... unetbootin works too12:12
rockcketor am i doing it wrong ? i am trying to do clean 12.04 install. so i downloaded iso, used startup disk creator to burn into usb and now restarded computer12:13
cfhowlettrockcket, you still have the iso you downloaded?  run the md5sum on that iso12:13
cfhowlettbeaky, greetings12:13
beakydo I ever need to defrag linux?12:13
anmolsinghmd5sum are different !!! What it mens12:13
cfhowlettbeaky, conventional wisdom says no12:13
kzarbeaky: Depends on filesystem but generally no12:14
rockcketBen64: cfhowlett : this ?12:14
cfhowlettanmolsingh, your downloaded iso md5sum doesn't say what it should?  Means the download was scrambled and do it again12:14
rockcket$ md5sum ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso  06472ddf11382c8da1f32e9487435c3d  ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso12:14
kzarbeaky: I never have12:14
labsinRockcket: Did you get some lines like 'starting from USB'? Maybe note the errors you get.12:14
cfhowlettrockcket, assuming your system runs 64 bit, yes12:14
SepWincan someone help me? I posted a Link to the problem.12:14
rockcketlabsin: i just get 'Boot Error' and then the cursor blinks and it gets stuck12:15
SepWinone third of the Firefox displayed site is unusable12:15
rockcketcfhowlett: ok so what next?12:15
anmolsinghmd5sum for ubuntu 64 bit 12.10?12:15
cfhowlettanmolsingh, fwiw, a common error.  please download via torrents12:15
cfhowlettanmolsingh, personally, I say ALWAYS run md5sum on downloaded OS's but I'm strange that way ...12:16
SepWinalso Save Button and Close Button in Programms are not readable12:16
cfhowlettrockcket, you still have the iso you downloaded then?12:16
anmolsinghmy connection speed is about 24 kbps. How much time will it take to download again?12:16
SepWini did not installed the Linux but I have to fix the problem12:16
rockcketcfhowlett: yes ofcourse12:16
cfhowlett!md5sum|rockcket,    instructions and how to ...12:17
ubotturockcket,    instructions and how to ...: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:17
beakywhy don't linux filesystems need defragging compared to windows?12:17
cfhowlettanmolsingh, via torrents?  who knows, but it's better/safer than direct download12:17
cfhowlettbeaky, linux has superior self-maintenance compared to windows12:18
Ben64anmolsingh: you can use the torrent to fix the iso you already have12:18
rockcketcfhowlett: do you want me to check my iso's hash here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes ? yes it exists12:18
anmolsinghWhat is the speed of download via torrent?12:18
rockcketor am i getting it wrong ?12:18
Ben64anmolsingh: as fast as you can get it12:18
nearstaw. im getting sick with my windows atm. cant wait to boot my box back12:18
cfhowlettanmolsingh, unknown.  start the torrent and read the feedback12:18
cfhowlettrockcket, correct12:18
anmolsinghi could not understand? Explain me.12:18
rockcketok and now ?12:18
cfhowlettanmolsingh, "it depends".12:19
cfhowlettrockcket, run the md5sum.  If things check out, proceed to the next step12:19
cfhowlettanmolsingh, you asked for download speed.  Too many factors for any of us to predict ...12:20
rockcketit matches cfhowlett12:20
rockcketthe next step there is burn to cd12:20
rockcketbut i want to do from usb drive12:20
cfhowlettrockcket, then do a USB.12:20
nearsttorrent speed base on peers and u bandwidth as well12:20
rockcketi did with startup disk creator12:20
=== themill_ is now known as themill
rockcketi said that already :(12:20
cfhowlettrockcket, ok.  reading multiple threads ...12:21
rootlanceWhat is the uses of  EtherApe?12:21
Ben64rockcket: get unetbootin, and do it again12:21
cfhowlettrockcket, i'd say attempt to reinstall.  NOte: usb does fail often and without much in the way of warning alerts ...12:21
bazhang!info etherape | rootlance12:22
ubotturootlance: etherape (source: etherape): graphical network monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.12-1 (quantal), package size 828 kB, installed size 3124 kB12:22
rockcketi dont know how to use unetbootein12:22
anmolsinghif I pause and resume a ubuntu iso file again and again, which is too common in on my internet connction. Will there be any impact on the file after it get download completely.12:22
rockcketis there a tutorial on that cfhowlett ?12:22
cfhowlettrockcket, pretty much the same as startupdiskcreator ...12:22
Ben64rockcket: its very easy12:22
cfhowlettrockcket, there is ... wait12:22
rockcketoh it has gui12:22
rockcketi thought it is ocmmand line tool12:22
rockcketi did apt-get :)12:22
savagecroci have root:rw- to /etc/postgresql/9.2/main,  root:--x on /etc/postgresql/9.2 and /etc/postgresql  .. why can't i sudo 'echo' > /etc/postgresql/9.2/main/postgresql.conf12:23
FlowRiseranmolsingh, you can always check the md5 sum file if you are unsure a dl completed right12:23
savagecroci get permission denied12:23
Ben64i've had problems booting from usb drives, unetbootin has the highest success for me, so thtats why i'm recommending it12:23
FlowRiseranmolsingh, or just use the torrent way of downloading :D12:23
rockcketBen64: trying12:24
Ben64savagecroc: | sudo tee /etc/postgresql/9.2/main/postgresql.conf12:24
cfhowlettrockcket, see the tutorial   http://www.pendrivelinux.com/using-unetbootin-to-create-a-linux-usb-from-linux/12:24
savagecrocalso if i sudo bash, cd /etc/postgresql/9.2/main, i can touch bla already12:24
anmolsinghi want to tell you while downloading the ubuntu 64 bit file on iphone it take days.12:24
Ben64savagecroc: btw, don't do sudo bash12:24
cfhowlettanmolsingh, do NOT download the iso via iphone!12:24
marcreicheltahhhh, histo - I got it!!12:25
savagecrocBen64: that sudo tee command just hangs12:25
marcreicheltit was a simple weird problem12:25
savagecrocBen64: what's the alternative?12:25
rockcketBen64: cfhowlett : so this is writing to the USB ?12:25
anmolsinghbut i am forced to do so.12:25
cfhowlettanmolsingh, torrents have download verification and error correction.  direct download does not12:25
cfhowlettrockcket, correct12:25
rockcketok fine12:26
Ben64savagecroc: use that after echo, like "echo 'test' | sudo tee /tmp/testfile"12:26
Ben64savagecroc: sudo -i if you really need a root shell12:26
cfhowlettjacou_, greetings12:26
anmolsinghbest torrent client and free (without ads)12:26
rootlanceCan i hack facebook with backtrack R53?12:26
marcreichelthisto, the init.d script *did* indeed get called correctly - but the script didn't recognize the 'JAVA_HOME' variable I added in /etc/environment12:26
marcreicheltI had to write it manually into /etc/default/tomcat7... :/12:26
bazhangrootlance, thats offtopic here and in this network12:26
cfhowlettanmolsingh, transmission is the default torrent client in ubuntu12:27
jonersanyone be able to assist with a linux noob trying to send some email from an ubuntu server to a WS2k8r2 smtp relay?12:27
cfhowlettroot_lance  backtrack and hacking are unsupported here12:27
anmolsinghCurrently I'm on windows.12:27
cfhowlettanmolsingh, bittorrent is pretty good on win12:27
rootlanceNeed a video player12:28
cfhowlettjoners, if not here, try in #ubunt-server12:28
rockcketunetbootein was MUCH faster than startup disk12:28
rockcketbrb guys :)12:28
bazhang!players | rootlance12:28
ubotturootlance: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:28
Ben64rockcket: gl12:28
savagecrocBen64: that worked12:28
savagecroccare to enlighten me why?12:28
anmolsinghOnce i get Ubuntu on machine. I will kick Windows out of my life forever.12:28
=== SepWin is now known as Sepultura
Ben64savagecroc: because if you do "sudo echo 'stuff' > /path/to/a/file" the > lowers the permissions back to your user12:29
savagecrocBen64: wow, ok i didn't know that12:29
anmolsinghWhat do you recomment to do? Dual boot ubuntu with windows or only ubuntu?12:29
Ben64yeah its not intuitive12:29
Ben64anmolsingh: whatever works best for you12:30
savagecrocBen64: with the sudo -i.. why's that better than sudo bash? what does it do differnetly?12:30
cfhowlettanmolsingh, up to you.12:30
anmolsinghSorry for my bad English.12:30
cfhowlettanmolsingh, no apologies needed.12:30
Ben64savagecroc: sets the environment correctly12:30
anmolsinghWhat means apologies?12:30
savagecrocisin't the environment stuff set by /etc/suoders?12:30
crazybrainHow to set proxy address while setting up mobile broadband?12:31
savagecrocor it doesn't execute /etc/profile if you call sudo bash?12:31
crazybrainI mean how can i insert proxy like in Mobile phones12:31
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak12:31
Ben64sudo kind of keeps your environment but elevates privileges, its kind of hard to explain12:31
crazybraincfhowlett: no i want to implement these settings to use internet for free using my mobile phonee12:32
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
Ben64crazybrain: off topic for this channel12:32
crazybrainAccess point name : rcomwap12:32
crazybrainproxy Address :
crazybrainPort port : 808012:32
crazybrainHomepage : m.google.com12:32
FloodBot1crazybrain: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:32
savagecrocBen64: ok.. take your word for it :) and start using -i instead12:32
cfhowlettcrazybrain, sorry, can't help with that12:32
crazybrainlike this12:32
BuckI'm trying to install mysql-server on my fresh 12.04 install, but I just cannot make it happen. These are the errors I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1620108/ <-- how can I fix it? I tried purging, editing /status, reconfiguring, install -f, nothing helps12:33
crazybraindo you know any tool or something?12:33
clfs- -12:33
rootlanceIs there any chat room for linux?12:33
savagecrocBen64: thanks for all the cool new tips12:33
cfhowlettrootlance, ##linux12:34
Ben64savagecroc: no problem12:34
Ben64Buck: what command are you running to install it12:36
cgtdkI am thinking about replacing my huge Nvidia GTX 580 with a smaller, old (2011) ATI graphics card I just realized I had. I'm assuming that switching is not as easy as shutting down, replacing the graphics card, and rebooting and then everything magically works. How should I go about this?12:37
bazhangcgtdk, ask in ##hardware12:37
cgtdkbazhang: It's actually more of a Linux question than a hardware question. Specifically, I was thinking about drivers.12:38
jacou__So cold!12:38
cgtdkThe video cards work fine, it's the software I'm worried about.12:38
Ben64you can't have both ati and nvidia drivers installed at a time, you should completely remove nvidia stuff before putting the ati in12:39
root_lanceI need a video webcam to open my webcam pls?12:39
cgtdkBen64: All right. So I should install the ATI driver and remove the Nvidia driver before I replace the graphics card?12:39
bazhang!webcam > root_lance12:39
ubotturoot_lance, please see my private message12:39
BuckBen64: sudo apt-get install myqsl-server12:40
twisted`Hi, what could cause the LVM devices not to appear in /dev after reboot?12:41
twisted`lvscan etc all recognises it12:41
twisted`but the devices are not in /dev12:41
labsincgtdk: I think your system will fall back on the fallback video drivers. Then remove the nvidia, reboot and install the ati driver. I think that's the safer way12:42
cgtdklabsin: thank you for the advice12:42
zilkomaaYou guys know how to get smooth desktop and youtube video play without screen tearing?12:45
zilkomaaI have a gtx 68012:45
ouyesHI all, I get windows7 and ubuntu, but the bootloader grub was installed in my usb disk, if I want to boot into ubuntu I have to insert my usb disk and change the boot option, it is very unconvient, do you know anyway I can make the dual boot work on the hdd?12:45
cfhowlettzilkomaa, on chrome?12:45
cgtdkzilkomaa: Did you install the proprietary nvidia driver?12:45
zilkomaacfhowlett: yes12:45
SolarisBoytwisted`: did you only reboot or did you move disks to a new system?12:45
cfhowlettouyes, reinstall grub to the HDD12:45
zilkomaacfhowlett: i did the ppa install12:45
cfhowlettzilkomaa, old bug.  don't use chrome ...12:45
twisted`SolarisBoy: reboot :)12:45
zilkomaacfhowlett: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current12:46
zilkomaacfhowlett: ah ok..12:46
iceroot!grub | ouyes12:46
ubottuouyes: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:46
icerootouyes: the first link12:46
SolarisBoytwisted`: and what device is missing exactly under dev?12:46
SolarisBoythe dm-* device?12:47
twisted`SolarisBoy: well when I set it up I had the VG in /dev but now after reboot it's gone12:47
ouyesiceroot, that is the problem, I use a laptop with the ufei boot,12:47
twisted`but I now found it under /dev/mapper/vgname-lvname12:47
cfhowlettwell, all, gtg.  This has been a MOST entertaining channel tonight!12:47
twisted`so it's ok I guess12:47
SolarisBoytwisted`: thats where is belongs =)12:47
labsinZilkomaa not don't use chrome. Go tho chrome://plugins inside chrome and disable /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so and install flash plugin from the ubuntu repo12:47
twisted`yeah just that LVM showed me fancy smancy /dev/vgname/lvname12:47
iceroot!uefi | ouyes12:47
SolarisBoytwisted`: that should be a link to the dm-* devices12:47
ubottuouyes: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:47
SolarisBoytwisted`: that should also be there afaik but that path uses the folder (vgname) and the volume as a link to the dm-* file12:48
labsinZilkomaa: which ppa? The one I had is now outdated12:48
zilkomaalabsin: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates12:49
anmolsinghWhat is difference between Ubuntu 12.10 and ubuntu 12.04 LTS?12:50
SolarisBoytwisted`: still weird though if what you say actually happend the devices dissapeared and reappered - without any other change12:50
twisted`SolarisBoy: they were not in mapper before12:51
twisted`and I got in back in /dev/vgname/lvname when I did a rename12:51
SolarisBoyahh you renamed them12:51
_helios_anmolsingh: 12.10 has some new features while 12.04 is Long Term Support12:51
labsinYou'd be better of to install nvidia-experimental-310 after deleting the nvidia-current. This one is from the ubuntu repo and is even a later version. This is the one that is recomended for Steam12:51
anmolsinghWhat they are? Can you name a few?12:52
zilkomaalabsin: Do you mean from synaptic?12:52
CQanyone here get keefox to work? its driving me nuts... teh instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2040113 don't seem to be complete12:52
zilkomaalabsin: Ok, damn..i forget that synaptic procc totally it installs all the needed packages too its good..12:53
crazybrainis there any room which is related to mobile phones?12:53
SolarisBoyseems you did extra things - the 2 links under mapper and the folder named as the volume group are pretty standard12:53
labsinYou can also go to additional softwar in the software sources12:54
SolarisBoythose defaults can be overridden (where to place those links/files) however that would imply it was done when they were created12:54
labsinZilkoma: whitch verion are you running?12:54
crazybrainGuys is there any room related to Samsung mobile ???12:54
zilkomaalabsin: 12.0412:55
zilkomaalabsin: 12.04 32b12:55
SolarisBoylvscan wouldn't change anything it would just tell you what lv's were found - only something like vgchange -aly would actually create missing links and device nodes and stuff - then that would imply that maybe you moved or attached a new disk to another system - so its weird twisted`12:55
PrincessLunaHas anyone managed to install Ubuntu on the small Ultrabook cache ssd's?12:55
PrincessLunaReferring to msata cache drive 24GB12:55
ouyesiceroot, You have installed on sda6 a Linux version which is not EFI-compatible. It is probably incompatible with your computer.12:56
ouyesiceroot, boot-repair told me that12:56
icerootouyes: sorry luckily i dont own a UEFI device so i dont know how to handle it12:56
labsinzilkomaa: Then just open a terminal and run: `sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current` and afterward do `sudo apt-get install nvidia-experimental-310`and you'll have one of the latest drivers.12:56
iceroot!alis | crazybrain12:56
ubottucrazybrain: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:56
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ouyesiceroot, thanks a lot12:57
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Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  i've installed it on a 32GB micro smb ... would think you could do it ... 24GB would work anyway ... as long as you don't load it up with apps12:59
zilkomaalabsin: Ok, thanks man12:59
labsinZilkomaa: for the youtube issues, run: `sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer` then go to chrome://plugins/ inside chrome and disable the /opt/google/chrome/PepperFlash/libpepflashplayer.so and enable the /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so. The one that Chrome packs is quite buggy12:59
amit111hi! Urgent problem here.. My home partition is probably corrupted or something.. I am not able to login. Also using ext2fsd in windows; home partition is not getting mounted. please help!!!!!!!13:00
PrincessLunaTex_Nick: But will it boot as the ultrabook cache msata SSD (PCIE card) is normally used for caching recent programs and windows boot files13:00
ouyesHi all, I get a dual boot problem here is the information from boot-repair http://paste.ubuntu.com/1620281/, I use ufei boot, but every time I see no grub, but directly into windows?13:00
PrincessLunaTex_Nick: The system has a 500GB hdd also. I was thinking of installing / on ssd /home and /var on HDD and Windows 8 (caching disabled) on HDD13:01
labsinamitlll: boot from a live distro and see if you can mount it there13:01
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  i can't answer that ... someone else here might be able to though13:01
anmolsinghhow to download ubuntu via torrent13:02
hzengini installed lastest kubuntu and i am having trouble with my usb wireless dongle. I solved driver issues but there is still a problem. With same computer and same dongle i can connect my home network via wi-fi under windows 8 and signal strength is very good but in kubuntu signal strength is really bad13:02
hzenginis there any one has an idea?13:02
labsinPrincessLuna: I thought it was best to make your partitions first and then run the installer in such a case.13:03
PrincessLunalabsin: I know, but would Ubuntu work on the small ssd drive (that is intended for windows 8 caching only)13:04
amit111anmolsingh: http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrents13:04
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  you could re-partition your 500 hdd drive, if it has enough free spacwe ... install ubuntu as a dual boot13:04
anmolsinghthanks amrit13:05
labsinPrincessLuna: my / partition is 17.8 GiB and i have only used 8.5Gib13:05
PrincessLunaTex_Nick:  labsin I know I could but I was thinking of the performance benefit of the ssd so I would like to use that for /13:05
amit111anmolsingh: I would recommend this http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=01933b87a8a450c3a88df2349587400aa0f6b71e   THis is a link for Linux Mint. or Zorin Os13:06
=== randall is now known as Guest5711
anmolsinghbut i want ubuntu13:06
amit111labsin: I am able to access it now.. But not able to login to ubuntu13:07
twisted`SolarisBoy: agreed but I was just helping someone over SSH on a Linaro box so...13:07
SolarisBoytwisted`: i see ;>13:07
labsinamitlll: Do you know wat you did before it didn't boot?13:07
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  i think there is a lot of hype regarding ssd vs hdd performance ... i'm using both and don't really notice the difference13:08
IdleOneanmolsingh: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads13:08
labsinTex_Nick: Startup is a huge difference as it reads a lot of data13:09
Tex_Nickssd boots much faster ... oncesystem is up though ... one hdd seems as good as ssd13:09
learningLinuxsimilar to my smartphone, is it possible to have linux automatically connect to the    strongest wifi signal?13:09
Tex_Nicklabsin:  yeah but what's 30 extra seconds amounto for boot13:10
nearstlearningLinux, usually it do13:10
zilkomaaAny ideas why i cannot install win7 from usb anymore? It gave me this - device error: cd/dvd device driver missing, it works fine in my another pc. After i booted from win7 dvd it installed just fine..13:10
zilkomaaI thought it was corrupted copy but like i said it worked my other pc..weird stuff13:11
labsinTex_Nick: For me, nothing... I don't use them.13:11
fruitFlywut r the advantages of a /home?13:11
labsinamit111: If you can mount your /home from the live cd, then there is nothing wrong with it. You chould look it elsewere. If your /home is on a seperate partition, then you can just install ubuntu again using the same user and pw.13:12
learningLinuxnearst   Usually it do??   Good grammer anyway,  you can set it to automatically connect to a connection.  That doesn't mean it is the strongest one.13:13
fruitFlyI have 230GB free.. wut u think about my partitions: 4-8GB swap (i have 4GB of ram may upgrade), 1GB boot, 20GB / and 200GB /home???? or should / be bigger?13:13
labsinYou don't need the boot partition13:13
fruitFlylabsin: what's the harm13:14
labsinIt's only necesary if you're Ubuntu is on a file system that grub can't handle13:14
Ben64provides no benefit, and if you ever run out of room on /boot, stuff will break13:14
nearst                   313:14
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  back to you're question ... you would probably have problems with the windoze cache ... i would think ... someone will probably chime in on that13:15
PrincessLunaTex_Nick: If I get ubuntu on the ssd, I would obviously disable the win cache. No need for that as I use windows only for visual studio13:16
labsinfruitFly: If you only wich to install Ubuntu, look into the LVM patitioning.13:16
androidappmeHi everyone13:16
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androidappmeI need an urgent help13:17
zilkomaalabsin: Do you know how to get default menu in 12.04? Do i have to get theme for that?13:17
androidappmeCan someone help me? Where can I find the daily iso of Ubuntu 13.04 for 64bit Intel?13:17
labsinPrincessLuna: And does Windows 8 complain if you move it's partition?13:17
Ben64androidappme: doesn't sound urgent, 13.04 support is in #ubuntu+1, and you can easily find the iso using google13:18
PrincessLunalabsin: Windows is on the HDD, I can reinstall it whenever I want on a new partiton13:18
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  in that case you would probably be good to go ... as long as bios will allow you to boot the device13:18
fruitFlylabsin: what's wrong with my partitions?13:18
=== slank_away is now known as slank
labsinPrincessLuna: I thought in case of an OEM Windows.13:19
labsinzilkomaa: How do you mean?13:19
zilkomaalabsin: Do you remember the oldschool ubuntu x-windows menus?13:19
androidappmeCan you help me get the iso link for Intel 64bit? I saw AMD 64bit? Is that it?13:19
Ben64androidappme: yes13:19
ikoniaandroidappme: that's it13:19
zilkomaalabsin: Where all the installed procs are.13:20
labsinfruitFly: It looks good. I'd do it the same appart for the /boot. It doesn't do a thing more on another partition13:20
androidappmeOk. Thanks. Is there any download manager you would recommend?13:20
ikoniaandroidappme: web browser ?13:20
PrincessLunalabsin: It can still be reinstalled. For windows 8, as long as you have installation media the key is in the bios, so it automatically inserts the key and lets you use any retail media of same edition to reinstall windows13:20
zilkomaalabsin: Now we have this Dash thing..13:20
labsinzilkomaa: they are on /opt and /etc13:21
androidappmeYes, I tried but iso doesn't download completely. It shows 700 MB but when I put it on my usb and boots it, it gives me some missing error13:21
fruitFlylabsin: so why not make a /boot? what's the harm?13:21
labsinzilkomaa -/etc i mean /usr13:21
ikoniaandroidappme: is this ubuntu 13.04 you are asking about13:21
ikoniaandroidappme: right #ubuntu+1 is the correct channel13:21
ikonianot this one13:21
androidappmeOk thanks everyone. Have a nice day13:22
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zilkomaalabsin: okok brb just re-installed nvidia drivers sudo reboot :D13:22
labsinfruitFly: because it's just a partition more with space unused and it could do serious harm if it ran out of room and it is just as stable when it's on the / partition. But you can do it anyhow. Why not :)13:22
androidappmeThanks everyone . Have a nice day13:22
ikoniaandroidappme: you said that13:22
androidappmeYes lol13:23
labsinzilkomaa: you can install another desktop environment. Most have a stable repo to install on Ubuntu so you can choose whitch one on login.13:25
PrincessLunaHow can I get a UEFI system to boot Ubuntu with secureboot on?13:28
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  what pc are you using13:28
PrincessLunaTex_Nick: Haven't got it yet but plan to install on a thinkpad ultrabook13:29
auronandace!uefi | PrincessLuna13:29
ubottuPrincessLuna: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:29
labsinzilkomaa: To get the old Ubuntu, run `sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback`13:30
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  be aware that there have been some recent problems with uefi on,  i think it was a samsung device where ubuntu bricked the pc13:31
labsinTex_Nick: Was fixed I think13:32
wdpTex_Nick, you're right. It's with recently delivered samsung devices.13:32
PrincessLunaTex_Nick: I know, I bricked my teacher's Samsung ultrabook unknowingly very recently.13:32
wdpTex_Nick, and it's happening with linux in general - not just ubuntu.13:32
Tex_Nicklabsin:  yeah you're probably right ... i know they were working on it fast & furious13:32
BluesKajHi all13:33
labsinTex_Nick: they ended up just deleting the driver that caused the bug.13:33
Tex_Nickwdb : yeah ... right there ... thanks for elaborating13:34
PrincessLunalabsin: Tex_Nick Even though it was fixed the 12.10 and 12.04 images still have this problem as you can't update the media that has already been published unless you use a daily image13:34
soeehi, how can i start keyring daemon ?13:35
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  ok ... good to know you know about it :)13:36
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  out of curosity ... what kind of GPA will you make ... after bricking the teachers box ? ... just kidding ờᴗớ13:37
PrincessLunaTex_Nick: I learnt after bricking a laptop that wasn't mine. I was pretty scared but then removing cmos battery and laptop battery fixed it.13:37
labsinIt was even a driver from Greg Kroah-Hartman writen on code he got from Samsung themself https://plus.google.com/111049168280159033135/posts/h7FjkQKZHKT13:37
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  we're not talking bout that kind of bricking ... this issue requires a motherboard replacement13:39
labsinAnd the ppl with bricks got replacements from Samsung I think.13:40
kalibhello guys, I used adduser to create a user, but now this user doesn't have a "home" dir and also on terminal just shows me "$". doesn't show me the directory where I am and not even the "TAB" works to complete commands. What should I do?13:40
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  this new issue breaks the bios/cmos chip13:40
labsinyou need adduser -s13:41
PrincessLunaTex_Nick: I can assure you it stopped after booting the Kubuntu liveusb. You do not actually have to replace the motherboard. Disconnecting both cmos and main battery fixes it. Disconnecting only cmos (which is what others tried) does not work.13:41
labsintype `man adduser` for more info13:41
Tex_Nicklabsin:  yeah most did ... heard of a few that haven't yet for some reason13:41
kaliblabsin: so, I need to remove and add again the same user?13:41
labsinAnd afterward you also nee to ad a password to is13:41
PrincessLunaTex_Nick: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6713/samsung-laptops-bricked-by-booting-linux-using-uefi I tried the fix described here but had to do the additional step of removing ultrabook battery13:42
labsinit's not adduser -s13:42
labsinwait a bit13:42
kaliblabsin: ok13:43
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  hey thanks for the link i'll have a look13:43
Tex_Nickthe subject is kinda getting off topic for this channel though13:44
labsinit's `sudo adduser -m <username>`13:44
kalibthanks. ;]13:44
labsinthen run `sudo passwd <username>` and choose a pwd13:45
labsinkalib: don't forget to add the passwd or you can't use it13:46
labsinKalib: actually you can also just do it from "users and accounts" in settings.13:47
kaliblabsin: ok. any specific way to remove the user? or just userdel will do it?13:47
Tex_NickPrincessLuna:  that was a good read, thanks for it ... you must be much younger that me ... i'm 3 Hrs older that water ... my eyes no longer permit me to work on lappy's, havetrouble even finding the screws... still do good with desktops & mainframes though @^@13:52
MikeHHow is Ubuntu's ZFS support?13:54
Wolfpupdose any one here do encodeing on Ubuntu13:54
ThinkT510!zfs | MikeH13:54
ubottuMikeH: For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS13:54
kaliblabsin: strange.. # adduser -m dtoti13:54
kalibUnknown option: m13:54
mikyloverciao a tutti13:55
ubottumikylover: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:55
jribkalib: I don't think you used "adduser" originally.  You probably used "useradd" instead.  Just do "adduser USERNAME"13:56
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labsinkalib: just open dash, search users and accounts.13:56
kaliblabsin: worked. thanks13:56
* Wolfpup guesses no one here is realy paying attention13:57
WulfWolfpup: I only saw your spelling mistakes13:58
labsinWolfpup: encodeing?13:59
WulfWolfpup: it's spelled "encoding"13:59
* Wolfpup is still trying to wake up14:00
Wolfpupplease see this topic for reference -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=211324214:00
lost_RDAnybody have any experience installing Ubuntu on HP ML350 G6? I know it's been done on G8 and G5 but I can't find any success stories about the G6.14:01
hello<- thought that the internet would inspire a spelling revolution14:01
Wulfhello: it did.14:01
_methodslost_RD: don't see why it wouldn't work on that14:02
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hellocome to think of it, ur right14:02
* Wolfpup is running xubuntu 12.04 on a older Compaq CQ70 series laptop14:02
lost_RD_methods: Installation fails, I didn't see anything that explained why either14:03
_methodswhat version?14:03
Wolfpuplost_RD what is the cCP14:03
WolfpupCPU *14:03
labsinWolfpup: so you wan't do automate the script?14:03
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Wolfpupyes labsin14:04
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Wolfpupautomate/more generic is how i want the script14:04
lost_RD_methods: 12.10, perhaps I should try something less new?14:05
Wolfpupas the script is now i have to edit for each epsiode i want to encode14:05
_methodslost_RD: desktop or server?14:05
Wolfpupplus it is not getting the fonts from the mkv and 'installing' them14:05
lost_RDWolfpup: I'm not overly sure and would have to check the hardware physically (I was given it minus documentation)14:05
lost_RD_methods: Server14:06
Wolfpuplost_RD if your useing the i386 on an amd based system then you mthe amd versionight need to try14:06
_methodslost_RD: Raid array?14:07
igamaHey :)14:07
Wolfpuplost_RD if your useing the i386 on an amd based system then you might need to try  the amd version14:07
Wolfpupdang touch pad on my lappy14:08
lost_RDWolfpup: I didn't see an amd version on the download page, I think it's running Xeon though14:08
lost_RD_methods: Uhh... yes? I'm new to this. There are multiple HDDs installed in the case.14:09
igamaWolfpup lost_RD that has nothing to do with it, what matters is if it is 64bits are 32bits ( don't think about intel / amd )14:09
_methodswell are you sure it's booting from the array you installed to?14:09
rootlanceHelp me to download youtube videos pls/14:09
sfsf32since ubuntu has born in africa and its name is a zulù word, is slavery involved in the making of ubuntu?14:10
lost_RD_methods: It doesn't complete the install14:10
_methodslost_RD: what does it say and where does the install stop?14:10
rootlancehow can i download youtube videos?14:10
Wolfpuplost_RD look here -> http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/14:11
lost_RD_methods: I'll have to get back to you on that, it's been a while since I last tried. I'll try everything that has been mentioned tomorrow and report back.14:11
icerootrootlance: have a look at "youtube-dl" which is in the repos14:12
lost_RDWolfpup: Ahh thanks, I'll give that a go14:12
_methodslost_RD: did it say anything like could not open device at /dev/ipmi0.......14:13
Wolfpuplost_RD on the page i just posted it list both the i386(32bit) and AMD64( for 64bit systems)14:13
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_methodslost_RD: or did it throw up a panic?14:14
IdleOnerootlance: FloodBot1 and FloodBot2 are not real people, they will not respond to your private messages.14:14
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lost_RD_methods: I don't recall any specific errors, just that the installation could not be completed. Was there a log somewhere that I could have read?14:14
lost_RDWolfpup: Yep, dling both now. Thanks!14:15
Wolfpuplasbin i had orginaly started out trying to use mplayer as a 'frame server' for x264 but that was not working at all14:17
labsinI C14:18
labsinWhat do you have now14:18
labsinWhat doesn't the lines do?14:19
Wolfpuplabsin i do not have a line(s) for extracting the fonts( those are stored in the mkv as attachments) to $HOME/.fonts and i have to manually edit the file creating the file name for the sub track and if the video file had any 'special' charecters in the file name the encode will fail14:22
labsinmkvextract attachments shoeld be able to do it14:22
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=== tak is now known as tak`
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Wolfpuplabsin i need the script to find out how many of those fonts there are in the file because the number can change between epsodes14:27
labsinSo you need to run mkvmerge --identify14:27
labsinmkvmerge --identify <the file>14:27
Wolfpupbut i need it doing it in a script not manualy each time14:28
labsinI know14:28
labsinCan you do it manually?14:29
Wolfpupthat is where im stumped14:29
labsinIf you can doe it manually from the command, then you can do it automaticly.14:29
labsinCan you run mkvmerge --identify on such a file quick?14:30
crocketI installed xchat on ubuntu 12.10, but it doesn't have any menu on the top.14:30
crocketWhatis wrong?14:30
labsinCrocket: isn't it in the menu on the top top top of the window?14:31
crocketlabsin : There is no menu in xchat.14:31
labsincrocket: do you mean like Setting, windows, help, ...?14:32
crocketlabsin, yes14:32
Wolfpupplease forgive the spam that is comeing vvvvvvv14:32
crocketI can't see the menu.14:32
labsinIk does with me...14:32
WolfpupTrack ID 1: video (V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC) Track ID 2: audio (A_AAC) Track ID 3: subtitles (S_TEXT/ASS) Attachment ID 1: type 'application/x-truetype-font', size 75156 bytes, file name 'Caxton_Book_BT.ttf' Attachment ID 2: type 'application/octet-stream', size 5872144 bytes, file name 'DFKKS9.TTC' Attachment ID 3: type 'application/octet-stream', size 5754084 bytes, file name 'KaiC_0.ttc' Attachment ID 4: type 'application/x-truetype-font'14:32
crocketlabsin : What's wrong with my ubuntu installation?14:32
crocketWhat's the version of your ubuntu?14:32
Wolfpuplabsin that is the output14:32
Wolfpupi have some mkv's that have over a dozen fonts in them14:33
OerHekscrocket, the file/edit menu is on the top panel, this is called 'global menu'14:33
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hillaryGive me a command to completely remove aptana studio from my system 12.04 ubuntu14:34
labsinSo you see here that the Id of the first is ID1 so you can run: `mkvextract attachments <file> 1:Caxton_Book_BT.ttf14:35
labsinCan you test that14:35
crocketOerHeks, The global menu is missing in my xchat.14:35
crocketWhat's wrong?14:35
ThinkT510hillary: depends how you installed it14:35
Wolfpuplasbin the mkv i just did has 11 attachements but some mkv's i have have any where from 0 to 24 fints in them14:36
hillaryThinkT510, i installed it manualy14:36
Alpo\the "system program problem" message window doesn't show up in alt-tab list. Is this dependent on my config or is it a bug?14:36
ThinkT510hillary: then you will need to remove it manually14:36
hillaryno terminal command?14:37
labsinBut can you extract it the way I proposed? I don't have mkv's to test with. Ones you have a series of commands that work, you can find how to get a list of them etc...14:37
ThinkT510hillary: notice the amount of details you provided14:37
hillaryThinkT510,  sorry i meant a terminal command to remove it14:38
Picihillary: You need to be more specific about how you installed it before we can do that.14:39
ThinkT510hillary: likewise, notice the details you provided: installed manually14:39
Wolfpupanother part of my problem is that the files have '[' and other 'special' charecters in them as well which can cause issues so i need to gen a cleaned file name14:39
hillaryi downloaded it manualy then install14:40
ThinkT510hillary: by doing...14:40
labsinyou can get them out easily with a simble `ls` a `grep` and a mv14:40
Picihillary: how? did you say a magic word? did you click something? did you type a command? what command?14:41
labsinhillary - most of the times you must do the exact same as to install it, but replace `install` with `remove`14:41
hillaryPici, ThinkT510  let me retrive the command please14:42
hillaryThinkT510,  when i download i use "sudo unzip Aptana_Studio.zip -d /opt"14:43
crocketIn unity, the global menu is displayed on the top of the screen instead of xchat.14:44
ThinkT510hillary: then you need to rm whatever is in /opt that has to do with aptana_studio14:44
labsinDoes it have a shortcut in the dash?14:45
hillaryThinkT510,  ok let me try14:45
Picimirkogandi: can we help you with something?14:45
labsinWolfpup: I'm going to react on you post on ubuntuforms with wat I found so far.14:45
msween00hey so i just installed ubuntu 12.10 on my new laptop that shipped with win8, wanted to set up a dual boot, but there's no window 8 entry in grub, i tried doing an update-grub but it doesn't find it. i can see all my windows files, i don't know why it won't find it. something I'm missing?14:45
ThinkT510!uefi | msween0014:46
ubottumsween00: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:46
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tvwI installed Ubuntu 12.04 yesterday. Today I installed VirtualBox 4.2 from the sources provided by Oracle. How do I make the VirtualBox-Icon appear in the dash?14:46
Wolfpupok labsin im also going to put the informating that i just generated there as well14:47
msween00ThinkT510: the ubuntu installation works.. just can't get windows booted..?14:47
setrexI stupidly uninstalled network-manager on my machine and now I can't get networking to work again. How should I proceed?14:48
setrex(I tried downloading the .deb from another machine and doing dpkg -i network-manager…deb but my wireless doesn't start working again.)14:49
ThinkT510setrex: sudo service networking restart14:50
kishenhey guys how do i uninstall ubuntu 12.04 and install windows 8 via usb?14:51
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SonikkuAmericaHey everyone! Big problem: I can't install Ubuntu 12.04 alongside Windows 8 (ubiquity keeps crashing at about the time zone select screen). I've tried every flavor in the house and they all crash at that point. What to do?!14:51
theadminIs there a channel for Ubuntu One? I have a question that relates only to One. Basically it doesn't work on Windows XP even though the site says it should.14:51
Tex_Nickkishen:  oh man not in this channel please :(14:52
kishenTex_Nick Sorry bro14:53
labsinKishen: NON buy Windows 8. :D14:53
xanguatheadmin: #ubuntuone :P14:53
labsinKishen: You don't have to uninstall Ubuntu14:53
ThinkT510!one | theadmin14:53
ubottutheadmin: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone14:53
theadminxangua: Fair enough :D14:53
hillaryThinkT510,  Thanks i have managed by use of "root@hillary-ESPRIMO-Mobile:/opt# rm -r Aptana_Studio_3"14:53
labsinKishen: I think you will get the option to use the whole drive when you install Win814:53
setrexThinkT510, Trying that I get crashes14:53
kishenlabsin: how do i do that?14:54
labsinDon't know14:54
OerHekstheadmin, maybe this answer is helpfull, http://askubuntu.com/a/15660814:54
ThinkT510hillary: why are you root?14:54
labsinHow have you bought Win8? It's not free14:54
Picikishen: If you're just replacing Ubuntu, you don't need to uninstall it.  Just install over it.  The folks in ##windows can help you with that.14:54
kishenlabsin: i downloaded from the net14:55
kishenPici: how do i do that?14:55
Picikishen: /join ##windows14:55
Picikishen: ask them14:55
kishenPici: Thank you14:55
hillaryThinkT510, opt is in the filesytem and i thought it requires super privilleges. Any mistake?14:56
setrexAny other ideas on how I could potential get my wireless networking running again?14:56
atul /join #c14:56
ThinkT510hillary: why aren't you using sudo?14:56
setrexI tried rebooting. No wireless networks are shown14:56
hillaryThinkT510,  sure you are right because even sudo could have ax14:57
SonikkuAmericaNever mind, got it working (with --no-migration-assistant)14:57
Wolfpuplabsin i change the file sturcture section of my orginal post to the information from mkvextract --identify14:57
hillaryThinkT510,  could have asked password. Thank for your advice14:58
hillaryThinkT510,  at least am learning a lot.14:58
ThinkT510hillary: yes learning is good, a root prompt is hardly ever needed14:58
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labsinWolfpup ok tnx14:59
theadminOerHeks: Nope, those files don't exist in my installation, that's for an older version though so I guess...14:59
setrexA shame "repair installation" is not available14:59
Wolfpuplabsin the example there has 11 attachments but some will have more and some will have less15:00
setrexdoes anyone happen to know what happens to network-manager configuration files when it is uninstalled in favor of connman? perhaps I can restore those config files15:01
compdocsetrex, networking screwed up?15:02
setrexcompdoc, yes15:02
labsinYou can pipe this to grep "application/x-truetype-font" and you have only the lines with the fonds15:02
compdochave you added nics, or changed hardware?15:02
compdocsetrex ^15:03
setrexcompdoc, what I did was, stupidly to install "connman" which uninstalled network-manager15:03
xanguasetrex: last time i tried connman didn't work for me, if by configuration files you mean reinstall network manager, you can reinstall it if you have a live cd with you15:03
compdocI never install network-manager, so it does work without it15:03
setrexxangua, I downloaded and reinstalled network-manager via another computer, but it still won't work15:04
setrexxangua, how can I install it back from the lived (used USB boot live)15:04
dkrjHi everyone, I could use a little help debugging my network interface. I am able to ping my gateway and other machines but then it just times out and after a short while it comes back with more responses.15:04
xanguasetrex: via another computer¿15:05
setrexxangua, I downloaded .deb files and transferred via USB and dpkg -i them15:05
xanguasetrex just mark the cd/dvd as source in Software Center>Edit>Sources15:05
setrexxangua, okay Will try that. Thanks15:05
xanguasetrex: and those files were¿ was it from the same ubuntu release¿15:06
setrexxangua, I think so, but I might be wrong15:06
setrexxangua, will try the "CD" ones15:06
tvwHow does Unity decide, which applications it shows to the user in the dash?15:08
roger21hey, when i have un uexpected system freeze (not x, don't have x) what log can i check?15:08
roger21(i mean after hard reboot)15:09
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compdocroger21, with a hard freeze, the system has no way to write to the logs15:13
roger21weel should i check the last logged thing like maybe as a possible source of a problem?15:14
^raykelo^hola a todos15:14
setrexxangua, I might have screwed up something when I used dpkg -i on the packages15:15
PrufrockHi all15:18
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setrex"apt-cache show network-manager" now points to the .deb I used and not the version on the livecd. Is this possible to fix?15:19
BadDesignAnyone here managed to install PostgreSQL 9.2 on K/Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal?15:19
labsinWolfpup, Have you tried to extract the ttf's already?15:19
PrufrockI know some of you might not like to hear this, but the LibreOffice version that is included in Ubuntu is extremely obnoxious! :(15:19
Wolfpupyes but it faild cause i tried to one line batch them15:20
theadminPrufrock: And what's that supposed to mean? It's the same libreoffice as anywhere.15:20
Wolfpuplabsin uploading three ls.txt file to the fourm15:21
nick07hell, how do i start my ubuntu 12.10 without monitor attached?15:22
Prufrocktheadmin, Well, I really don't what's the matter with it, but I'm trying to get some work done here and it's making me want to punch the screen..!! ><15:22
setrexall I get now when trying to install packages is a lot of "requires installation of non trusted packages" messages15:23
Wolfpuplabsin i just finished the post to the topic15:23
nick07ubuntu 12.10 doesnt start and login if monitor is not found, anyone a solution?15:24
theadminnick07: It starts. What doesn't start is X, the graphical environment.15:24
nick07yes, i'm sorry15:24
nick07Is there a way to start X?15:25
DX099hello. My computer ungracefully shut down and I want to know why. On Windows, in the logs, you can see if it was a power failure or something like. But on Ubuntu, syslog isn't that verbose... How to find out ?15:26
nick07is there a way to automaticly start x without monitor attached15:27
labsinWolfpup: does running `mkvextract attachments <file> 1:` on one of the files ressult in a ttf in that folder?15:27
Nach0znick07: you could set up a crontab to do the startx command. setting the time to "@reboot" instead of the normal "10 * * * *" kinda stuff, will make it run when the computer turns on.15:28
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theadminNach0z: Correction: When the cron daemon starts or restarts.15:30
belgianguywhat PPA is libreoffice part of?15:31
nick07another question, when i share a folder in ubuntu 12.10, the other machine (windows or linux) ask permission with name and password, but my password doesnt work15:31
belgianguyor does it come with the default Ubuntu PPA's?15:31
aboudreaultwhere is the ldap configuration file in ubuntu system?15:31
theadminbelgianguy: It's not in a PPA, it's in the default Ubuntu repos.15:31
Nach0ztheadmin: ah huh. well either way, that's normally at boot time15:32
techojabberhi ya15:32
belgianguyah thanks theadmin, so 4.0 will come by automatically then?15:32
theadminbelgianguy: Updates on Ubuntu don't quite work this way, I'm afraid -- Ubuntu usually only provides security updates, no major updates, Mozilla software being the only exception. This is to avoid stuff suddenly changing.15:33
theadminbelgianguy: Users don't like changes most of the time15:33
techojabberok lets chat15:33
STMelonsudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa15:34
STMelonsudo apt-get update15:34
STMelonsudo apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-gnome15:34
STMelon^^^^ updated libreoffice15:34
belgianguySTMelon: I'd say do a purge first, no?15:34
belgianguyor will it really update my 3.6.x15:34
STMelonit will15:34
Wolfpuplabsin -> nError: Invalid attachment ID/file name specification in argument '1:'.15:34
belgianguySTMelon: thanks!15:34
nearsthi ppl15:37
STMelonbelgianguy: read this 1st though, it may conflict with the older office version15:38
belgianguySTMelon: ah, good to know, will read up on that first15:38
STMelon4.0 is still alpha, so no guarantees to it's stability15:39
techojabberi just install zorin os 615:41
belgianguySTMelon: the site of LO says 4.0 has arrived, and it was RC3 a few days ago15:41
ubottulolla76: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:41
techojabberbut it will not update15:41
DJonestechojabber: You'll need to ask in the zorin support channels, this is Ubuntu support only15:42
Coded1I have a pirated version of the linux kernel if anyone wants it15:42
Coded1it's a really early beta15:42
FlowRiserCoded1, why pirate it ? isn't it already free ? O.o15:42
techojabbername of channel15:42
FlowRiserCoded1, oooh15:43
DJones!alis > techojabber15:43
ubottutechojabber, please see my private message15:43
mAniAk-_-running 12.10 on a lenovo x230 laptop. having issues with the network-manager applet menu, after some uptime i cant click any menus in it anymore, nothing happens, any ideas?15:43
Coded1is it possible to overclock a radeon 7000 series GPU in linux/ubuntu?15:44
STMelonbelgianguy: one thing that happened when i upgraded my libreoffice, it installs libreoffice base as well, which in turn installed openjdk6 and icedtea browser plugin15:45
STMelonwhith all the java exploits and insecurities, i was not happy15:45
belgianguySTMelon: ouch, that's indeed unwanted15:45
STMeloncoded1: you cant warez something thats freely given15:45
belgianguyalmost as annoying as Oracle's persistance on including Ask15:45
Coded1STMelon: it was a bit of a joke15:46
STMelonyea rofl, even if you click no for the ask toolbar, in the windows registry, you'll find an ASK key15:46
Coded1more of a byte15:46
craig___How do I ask dpkg/apt which package provides /usr/bin/$file ?15:46
belgianguySTMelon: it's as if Oracle really wants people to disband Java15:46
tvwWow! What desktop do you use on 12.04? Unity brings my productivity down to zero! I thought I give it a try, but after 12 hours I am completely pissed.15:46
STMelonbelgianguy: so for me, im using the default 12.04 buntu libreoffice version15:46
jribcraig___: dpkg -S15:46
belgianguySTMelon: well I was really curious about 4.015:46
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craig___jrib: Thanks15:47
STMelonjava, these days isnt really used as much as it was15:47
belgianguyand am a bit the "living on the edge" kinda guy :p15:47
retentiveboyconfigure script for a kernel module I'm trying to build/use is looking for /usr/module/(uname -r)/source.  What package provides this?15:47
jribcraig___: if you need to do this a lot, consider using dlocate which will be quite a bit faster15:47
belgianguySTMelon: well Android has some use for it15:47
STMelonyea i like bleeding edge too, but ive found the stable versions seems to do the trick for me these days15:47
belgianguyI bet that doesn't make Larry Ellison happy15:47
L3toptvw: I use KDE.15:48
L3toptvw: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:48
tvwI see. I used Gnome2 on 10.04 I was very pleased with it.15:48
WolfpupLlabsin check pm15:48
craig___jrib: also a good idea, thanks.15:49
gray--anyone recommend any docs to read regarding Ubuntu kickstarting?  i've got the installer to load, partitions the disks, but fails when trying to install the system.  the syslog doesn't give a great deal away sadly15:49
L3topThere is an unofficial flavor called gnome remix which will give you gnome 2 or 3 on 12.1015:49
L3toptvw: ^15:49
L3toptvw /join #ubuntu-gnome15:50
setrexdoes anyone know how to make a flash memory created with unetbootin into an apt-source?15:50
STMelon<- actually likes unity, i disabled apport, whoopsie, removed the music,video lens, disabled the guest acct. yadda yadda .. few more tweaks15:51
STMelonand it runs pretty sweet here15:51
setrexSTMelon how long have you been using it for?15:52
STMelonunity? 3 or 4 months15:52
STMeloni come from opensuse then mint15:53
STMelonfigured if im using a buntu base OS, i'd rather be just buntu15:53
STMelonplus unity is different15:53
STMeloni like change15:53
STMelongnome,kde, balh15:53
L3topsetrex: you would want to auto-mount it, and add-          deb file:/path/to/mount_point ./ to the top of /etc/apt/sources.list... then create Package files...    pushd /path/to/mount_point; dpkg-scanpackages -m . /dev/null | tee Packages | gzip -c > Packages.gz; popd15:53
setrexL3top, glorious, thanks15:54
galbak0does opensuse still use the suse file structure?15:54
L3topsetrex: you will need some dpkg dev package I think... one second15:54
setrexL3top, do you also happen to know how to get rid of all traces of something installed with dpkg -i?15:54
MonkeyDustgalbak0  better ask in their channel15:54
galbak0yah, just an idle query lol15:54
L3topsetrex: It should still be visible to apt... you should be able to purge it.15:55
setrexhmm ok15:55
L3topsetrex: I think you need the build-essentials package to get dpkg-scanpackages15:57
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godzirraCan anyone help me figure out why my udev rule isn't working?  http://pastebin.com/wWJSaxRz is a copy of the rule and the udevadm output.15:59
NedzHello :)15:59
canihojrlitle question, on liveUSB i can view plymouth without problems but wen i finish my install, i dont view more....  :( some idea?? (bad english, im spanis sorry!)15:59
Nedzcan anyone help with a system not booting up properly ?16:00
vmachinecan some assist me in the commands to replicate the permission on ownership of this   drwxrwxr-x  2 root bind 4096 Jan 31 16:49 zones16:00
setrexActually leaning towards complete wipe and reinstall16:01
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belgianguySTMelon: thanks, installation succesful :) looks quite nice16:02
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nearstfglrx-legacy really broken atm :(16:11
alamihello after install update on my ubuntu 12.10 i can|t see the side bar and the dock on left side16:19
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User001I have W7 and Ubuntu dual booted, but last night deleted my Linux partition. Now when I boot up it goes into Rescue Mode, how can I boot the C: drive from GRUB?16:20
ThinkT510User001: reinstall the windows bootloader, help in ##windows16:20
dazeyeah, boot windows from the cd, go to rescue section and press "fix boot issues" :)16:21
ubottupongeboll: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:21
User001I don't have a CD drive on this computer, and I've never managed to repair windows from a USB16:21
nearstUser001, incase u install in sda, just setup(hd0,0), best practice by using livecd16:21
User001nearst, setup is an unknown command.16:22
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nearstUser001, use livecd then.16:22
alamiafter install update i cant see the dash on the left and close minimize bar16:23
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User001Does Ubuntu Server on unetbootin have a 'LiveCD' option?16:24
MonkeyDustUser001  server is an installer, not a live cd16:24
nearstu can chroot and grub-install, but in advance mode im guess.16:25
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User001Can I do it from 'Execute a shell' on the unstaller?16:27
formerflyboyI installed 12.04 using Wubi and have been using it for a few months, setting up everything the way I want it and am ready to dump Winbloze for good. Is it possible to backup all my Linux info so that after wiping the drive for a Linux only install I can restore from the backup and have only minor tweaking to get things running again or am I going to have to reinstall and setup all the software all over again?16:28
alamianu support here_16:28
nearstthereis a lot of backup feature in ubuntu. u also can backup your current image as iso and run it on usb for installation16:29
OerHeksformerflyboy, if you remove windows, ypu also remove wubi/ubuntu.16:29
OerHeksnearst +116:30
nearstUser001, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreUbuntu/XP/Vista/7Bootloader16:30
BluesKajformerflyboy, http://popey.com/blog/2009/07/16/migrating-from-wubi-to-full-ubuntu-install/16:31
formerflyboyOerHeks: I realize that. I'm assuming that I can't just backup the entire Linux folder in Windows and use it to somehow restore my files, programs, server settings, etc. once I've installed Ubuntu...??16:31
g-wizanyone have a good book to read for Ubuntu CLI?16:31
ikoniag-wiz: ubuntu cli = Linux cli = any book16:31
formerflyboyBluesKaj: thanks for the link....reading it now16:32
nearstread man im guess, im still refer man sometime :)16:32
BluesKaj!console | g-wiz16:32
ubottug-wiz: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:32
dtcrshrformerflyboy: I may be wrong, but I think that if you copy your /home folder into somewhere else, and after a clean install create an user with the same name and overrite the /home/user with your latest content most of the things you set up wold go back16:32
dtcrshrbut installed software, system configuration files I dunno16:32
BluesKajdtcrshr, http://popey.com/blog/2009/07/16/migrating-from-wubi-to-full-ubuntu-install/16:32
nearstformerflyboy, try look for remastersys application. it make your backup as your iso16:33
dtcrshrBluesKaj: bingo16:33
dtcrshrformerflyboy: ^^16:33
BluesKajdtcrshr, :) ...let's hope that works for him16:33
ubottupongeboll: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:33
anonymousraptri am having problems setting my screen to not go into suspend mode in ubuntu 12.1016:35
sidney_My installation of 10.04 freezes on boot @ a black screen with cursor how can I fix this16:36
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | sidney_ 10.04 will be !eol in 8 weeks from now16:37
ubottusidney_ 10.04 will be !eol in 8 weeks from now: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:37
g-wizsweet thanks BluesKaj16:38
metaphysicianWhy does tumblerd always keeps crashing?16:38
nearst http://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it/162076#16207616:38
sidney_8 weeks. has anyone forked 12.04 to something like gnome216:39
unhumani noticed that i do not have postfix installed on my server16:39
anonymousraptrnearst: does it matter that its a PC and not a laptop?16:39
unhumani am able to send emails from my ubuntu server, but i dont have postfix installed, so i wonder where i could possible change those settings?16:40
john__I have 2 SSD and 4 HD's. I want me hd's to turn off after 5 minutes inactivety but not the ssd's how do i do that?16:40
nearstanonymousraptr, afaik. it same. unless u need specific power module like lbm thinkpad :) . worth to try.16:41
MonkeyDustsidney_  fallback looks much like gnome216:42
modgodim trying to install mtop and I'm running into this warning message Warning: prerequisite Curses 0 not found.16:42
modgodWarning: prerequisite DBD::mysql 0 not found.16:42
modgodWarning: prerequisite DBI 0 not found.16:42
modgodWriting Makefile for mtop16:42
modgodWriting MYMETA.yml16:42
FloodBot1modgod: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
modgodhow do I resolve this Warning: prerequisite Curses 0 not found. ?16:43
sidney_MonkeyDust thanks I'll give it a try16:43
anonymousraptrnearst: if im reading that page correctly it's trying to enable suspend mode. im trying to prevent my screen from ever going into suspend. i want it on 24/7. :)16:44
g-wizwhat is the Ubuntu equivalent of .exe ?16:44
MonkeyDustg-wiz  there is no such thing16:45
BluesKajformerflyboy, sorry , that url isn't what I meant, this a better appraoch . https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi16:45
g-wizwhat is a common form that applications come in?16:45
g-wizJust trying to understand the folder structure and where programs are stored in Ubuntu16:45
MonkeyDustg-wiz  start in /usr/bin16:45
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MonkeyDust(bin = binary)16:46
formerflyboyBluesKaj: ok, got that one, too...16:46
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g-wizyeah I went in there it looks like these are programs16:46
BluesKajformerflyboy, the previous one looks clunky and old16:46
g-wizI recognize chown16:46
g-wizthat is a terminal command for changing ownership right?16:46
Krustyklimberhi, I'm having trouble with my update manager, for the last few days when I start-up... I get an error that says I am not connected to the internet, but clearly I am connected16:46
formerflyboyBluesKaj: Probably is older...it mentions a migration tool in the works but they didn't use it....16:47
genii-aroundjohn__: You can make an /etc/hdparm.conf file with something like /dev/sda {spindown_time = 60}      as contents... (put a line for each of the drives you want to do this and of course use their proper /dev designations)16:47
BluesKajok ...gotta go push some snow ....the benefits of living in "The Great White North" :)16:47
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anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: try ifconfig and check your network settings16:47
Krustyklimberhow do I try that?16:48
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber:  open your terminal and type "ifconfig"16:48
Krustyklimberok now what?16:49
BijouxHi there. Have some general questions about using ubuntu on an Apple ibook G4 power pc. Can anyone help? Thanks16:50
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber:  if you're using a wireless adapter the data under wlan0 should tell you if you are connected and have errors or not.16:51
Nedzcan anyone help with a system not booting up properly ?16:51
gray--in kickstarting, how do i tell the client where to find the iso?  i'm trying to use 'url --url', but i can now see in the syslog, a request is made to this server doesn't have a connection to the internet....16:51
BijouxI haven't bought ubuntu yet, I want to know if it work or will I have the same problems with adobe flash that I am getting now.16:51
gray--seems like kickstarting with ubuntu's a dark art....16:52
anonymousraptrBijoux: ubuntu is free16:52
Krustyklimbererrors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:813 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           collisions:0 txqueuelen:100016:52
g-wizso the /dev folder is what holds hardware configurations?16:52
genii-aroundBijoux: You might want to enquire in the #ubuntu-ppc channel16:52
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gray--g-wiz: it's a list of the hardware, probably not accurate to say it holds configuration16:53
xanguaBijoux: flash sucks in linux, fact16:53
g-wizok cool16:53
gray--it's a reference of the hardware, a way to address it16:53
g-wizoh right I get it16:53
cozbyhi, does anyone know how to apply _just_ security updates?16:53
cozbyvia apt-get16:53
cozbyI feel like this is major flaw in the apt program16:53
MonkeyDustg-wiz  http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/09/linux-file-system-structure/16:53
cozbywith yum you can do something like yum update --security16:54
g-wizthank you MonkeyDust16:54
Bijouxthank you genii-around. I'll ty there.16:54
cozbyand have only security updates applied16:54
KrustyklimberI wouldn't be chatting with y'all if I wasn't connected to the internet16:54
cozbyis there a apt equivalent?16:54
MonkeyDustcozby  there's dpkg - what's wrong with apt?16:54
cozbyMonkeyDust: well, I can't find a way to just apply security updates16:54
cozbythere's no apt equivalent to yum update --security16:55
cozbythat.. I know of?16:55
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: sorry, i have 5 diff systems in front of me. sometimes i assume people are having problems with their ubuntu system while chatting using a windows or osx machine.16:55
cozbymaybe you do16:55
Krustyklimberoh I see... nope I only run ubuntu 12.0416:55
TheLordOfTimecozby:  if you only want security updates you should disable the -updates repository and pull in just the -security repository, but i highly advise you accept all updates, including those in -updates16:56
g-wizwow thanks a lot MonkeyDust this guide is awesome16:56
alamii can't chroot with live cd into my system because my system is new the the live cd16:56
TheLordOfTimecozby:  because sometimes -updates gets stability updates, not just security updaes16:56
g-wizthis is exactly what I've been looking for16:56
alamichroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error16:56
alamiany help16:56
cozbyTheLordOfTime: interesting...  is there a resource the explains how to toggle kinds of repositories16:57
genii-aroundcozby: You can just make an alternate sources.list file with just the security repositories then use apt-get -c <alternate-file>16:57
gray--does this work: # aptitude -t quantal-security upgrade   ??16:57
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nitin__what is the alternative of nokia ovi suite..??16:58
Krustyklimberdetails of error... Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable_24.0.1312.68-r180326_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]16:58
cozbyllutz: interesting. thanks I'll give that a shot16:58
TheLordOfTimegray--:  aptitude doesn't handle multiarch well, so its falling out of use.16:58
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gray--I think i like genii-around's approach the best16:58
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: you may need to purge your chrome ppa and reinstall chrome from there. experts, what do you say?16:59
rymgasI have Oracle sql Developer16:59
rymgasI lounch it from terminal like this16:59
rymgas       ./sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper.sh16:59
rymgasand then each time I have to write full path to jdk16:59
FloodBot1rymgas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:59
rymgas      /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-oracle16:59
llutzgenii-around: apt-get -c  is for alternate apt.conf, not sources.list, isn't it?16:59
nitin__how to connect my nokia phone to download the maps17:00
g-wizis there an alternative to Microsoft Access for Ubuntu?17:00
Krustyklimberok here's what I just did... I un-checked the google chrome update and all the rest of the updates loaded17:00
nearstawesome, my ubuntu running on phone, using arm kernel17:00
g-wizOh I read an article last night that Microsoft will be porting Office over to Ubuntu in 201417:00
ShaneO^Hi guys is there a way to install ubuntu remotely as a main os?17:00
Krustyklimberso... purge my what? I don't know what ppa means17:00
joshuIf I want to create a thin client OS of Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 how would I go about doing this?17:01
nearstjoshu, try netinstall :)17:01
rymgashi, I have OracleSQLDeveloper and i lounch it like this ./sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper.sh       and then each time i have to write full path to jdk17:02
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber:  when you installed chrome you did it using the terminal, right?  used a command like "wget".. blah blah?17:02
rymgashow can I do it shorter?17:02
Krustyklimberno I am not a terminal kinda user, I am a GUI kinda user... I went to google and downloaded  it17:03
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Krustyklimbermy mouse is my friend, my keyboard isn't lol17:03
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: you are going to want to start getting familiar with terminal. there are simply things you just cant do with just gui.17:03
root_hi all17:04
rymgascan someone help me?17:04
joshunearst ok I will look at that. I know there are commercial and open source solutions that build off of ubuntu, but I have noticed that they contain to many limitations in terms of hardware support. What I ideally would want is to retain the hardware compatibility of Ubuntu Desktop 12.04 http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/ and customise the UI17:04
Krustyklimberhow does one use the terminal if they don't speak terminal, ya know?17:04
syntroPi!ask | rymgas17:05
ubotturymgas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:05
disputinwith their fingers17:05
Krustyklimberwhen I downloaded chrome... I didn't even know there was a terminal....17:05
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anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: you learn slowly, piece by piece with patience. its all good.17:06
disputinso if you want to do something in a terminal, google can help17:06
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Krustyklimberyeah with patience, and you guys!17:06
disputinso if you want to download a file google: download file cli17:06
anonymousraptrkrustyklimber: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/167728/how-do-i-remove-google-chrome-which-is-not-starting-anymore17:07
nearstjoshu, foss rulez17:07
syntroPiKrustyklimber, did you try to launch it from a terminal and look for error messages?17:07
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: that steps you thru purge of chrome17:07
Krustyklimberok thanks... I don't even use chrome17:07
KrustyklimberI dunno how to launch anything from the terminal17:08
syntroPiapropos chrome: does anyone know where in the sources the tabs graphics is located? hopefully as svg or so?17:08
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: according to the error you are getting on boot its chrome that is causing it. time to read the link i gave you and just follow it. no worries.17:08
rymgasI want to launch OracleSqlDeveloper from Launcher, but I can only start it form terminal and then type the full pathname to JDK, how? :)17:09
Krustyklimberokay going to the link, and going to follow it :)17:09
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: ctrl+alt+t gets you to terminal17:09
Krustyklimberyeah that much I know... :P17:09
KrustyklimberI have a terminal open17:10
nearstuse locate in terminal much easier17:10
joshunearst yes I agree! Do you still suggest that I look at netinstall which is mini.iso, right?17:11
anonymousraptrkrustykimlber: then in term type "sudo apt-get purge google-chrome-stable"17:11
nearstjoshu, ya. mini.iso / netinstall allow u install ubuntu in minimal and install your own package17:12
anonymousraptrkrustykimlber: if you do not plan on using chrome anyway, then thats all you have to do.  reboot and see if you still get the error17:12
nearstsudo apt-get remove --purge google-chrome17:12
godzirraCan anyone help me figure out why my udev rule isn't working?  http://pastebin.com/wWJSaxRz is a copy of the rule and the udevadm output.  Its not creating the symlink, so I assume its not matching the rule.17:13
joshunearst and if I choose the mini.iso 12.04 does that mean that it supports the same hardware as the full desktop os or do i have to add drivers etc?17:13
nearsteach ubuntu release base on lsb-release -a17:14
anonymousraptrkrustyklimber: nearst is right. "sudo apt-get remove --purge google-chrome" will work better than what i said. his clears the whole kaboodle.17:16
alamihttp://pastebin.com/f3kVRhyu hello i have a Problem after installing update17:18
alamii can see the dash17:18
adamkalami: Remove the fglrx driver and try again.17:19
alamiadamk: i can't chroot my system becouse it's x86_6417:20
alamiand the live cd is x8617:20
adamkalami: I didn't say anything about chrooting...17:20
Krustyklimbersudo apt-get remove --purge google-chrome didn't work17:20
alamiadamk: i 'm now with live cd17:21
anonymousraptrkrustyklimber: same exact error on boot?17:21
KrustyklimberE: Command line option 'p' [from -purge] is not known.17:22
alamiadamk: and with the other system i can 't do anything also with guest session17:22
adamkalami: Well if that's the only way you know to remove the fglrx driver, then get an x86_64 live CD.  But you could also try booting into single user mode, or even hitting control+alt+f2 to switch to another console after X attempts to start.17:22
adamkOr if you have ssh installed, you could log in from another machine.17:22
syntroPialami, you cant change the running kernel. if its x86 then you stay x8617:22
alamiadamk: ok i will try so i havn't see also any rescu mode on 12.1017:23
L3topalami: can you ssh into it?17:23
alamiL3top: nope17:23
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: are you sure you typed it correctly? sounds like you may have left a space in there. the command will work if typed correctly17:24
Krustyklimberyeah I probably typo'ed it17:24
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: copy and past it directly from nearst's post if you have doubt17:24
alamii thing with conntorl+alt+F117:24
KrustyklimberI cannot paste into the terminal... that's what I tried the first time, so I typed it17:25
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sfan5i have trouble booting the ubuntu 12.10 installer disc on my laptop with nvidia optimus17:25
anonymousraptrkrustyklimber:   sudo apt-get remove --purge google-chrome17:25
anonymousraptrkrustyklimber: you cant use ctrl+c to copy and paste no..  use the right click of your mouse instead17:26
shad0w1eis anyone experienced with using the linux-generic-lts-quantal kernel on Ubuntu 12.04? Is it safe for a production system?17:26
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Krustyklimberyeah it did paste, but it didn't work17:26
KrustyklimberVirtual packages like 'google-chrome' can't be removed17:27
nearstfglrx driver work well on precise, quantal and raring need ppa. mine also broke too. use ppa atm17:27
syntroPianonymousraptr, maybe he would want to do something like "sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.*" after he purged it?17:27
xanguashad0w1e: it is safe to use the kernel provided by oficial ubuntu repositories17:27
shad0w1exangua: it's in the official repo however it needs to be manually added to menu.list17:28
nearstusually safe and stable for each release17:28
xanguaShadowcat: it is not in the oficial repository of ubuntu 12.0417:28
anonymousraptrkrustyklimber: did you get what syntroPi suggested?  try that "sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.*"17:30
syntroPiwell after he purged it17:30
Krustyklimberdo I need the period and asterisk?17:30
nearstKrustyklimber, ya. its a wildcard17:31
syntroPiKrustyklimber, i think you should do the purge first17:31
joshunearst with mini.iso I would need to install a GUI, right? I did some googling and came up with lxde, fxce etc...I would then need to add any drivers such as ati fglxr etc17:31
jkyleis there a hardware referral page somewhere that lists pc's by ubuntu support?17:31
KrustyklimberI dunno how to purge it... sorry I'm so not good at this17:31
xanguasyntroPi: Krustyklimber i think you should stop trying to fix a non existent problem :)17:31
shad0w1exangua: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/main/security/linux-generic-lts-quantal17:31
anonymousraptrsyntropi: we tried to guide him through the purge but he had trouble with that.17:31
xanguashad0w1e: that is what is called a third party repository, use it if you want, you are on your own17:32
Krustyklimberxangua I though that 25 updates failing to update was a problem ;)17:32
ioriajkyle: you mean hardware supported by ubuntu ?17:32
jkylefound a certified hardware page, that's a start17:33
nearstjoshu, usually fglrx use jockey or additional hardware feature. if u want to install default desktop manager, just run apt-cache search ubuntu-desktop and choose any from list17:33
bond_hi, can anybody tell me about 11th  field in /proc/diskstats? The documentation says that it is weighted # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os. Is it like # of milliseconds spent in a second?17:33
ioriajkyle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport17:33
OerHeksshad0w1e, that kernel is in Repository:: main >>> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/linux-meta-lts-quantal/
xanguaKrustyklimber: anonymousraptr the problem is google need to fix his repository, not you17:33
anonymousraptrKrustyklimber: the error you provided only mentioned chrome. i had no idea you had multiple failures.17:34
xanguaOerHeks: is it in proposed/unsuported or something¿17:34
jkyleioria: thanks! I'm particularly looking for a mini-pc format17:34
aartistwhat should be the emacspeak server on ubuntu 12.04 ?17:34
jkylewe thought aobut mac mini's, but not certain how supported they are17:34
nearstbond_, is I/O your harddisk17:34
Krustyklimberat first I had 25 that failed, now it's down to just google chrome17:34
alamii'm back i have remove gflrx and i still have the same Problem17:34
OerHeksxangua, no, according to the info it is just the regular kernel, AFAIK17:34
bond_yes nearst17:34
adamkalami: Pastebin a new /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.17:35
alamii can't see the dash and the close minimize button17:35
xanguaOerHeks: last time i heard, precise uses linux 3.217:35
Krustyklimberok I don't use chrome anyways, and I can live with the update manaher telling me chrome won't update17:35
Picixangua: kernels are being backported to 12.04 because it is an LTS.  Its a new thing.17:36
syntroPianonymousraptr, maybe "sudo apt-get  -f install" could remove some apt errors?17:36
shad0w1eOerHeks: so it is safe to run that kernel in production? Is that from an official ubuntu repo?17:36
OerHeksxangua my bad, it is the precise-proposed, so shad0w1e did add a ppa17:37
Krustyklimberok... I dunno what we did, but it just updated chrome, y'all are the best... I dunno what I'd do without you... sorry for any frustration I may have caused17:37
fruitFlyI have 230GB free space; How does this sound: 1GB /boot, 4-8 GB swap (I have 4 GB ram I might upgrade), 20GB / and 190GB /home?!17:37
nearstsudo apt-get install --fix-missing17:37
PiciOerHeks: no, its in precise-updates17:37
OerHeksshad0w1e, i wouldn't recommend a ppa in production17:37
alamiadamk: paste.ubuntu.com/162156617:37
punkyCan anyone help creating multiboot usb drive including ubuntu?17:37
Pici!info linux-generic-lts-quantal precise17:38
ubottulinux-generic-lts-quantal (source: linux-meta-lts-quantal): Generic Linux kernel image and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)17:38
bond_any answer nearst?17:38
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bazhangfruitFly, thats a very generous /boot , but otherwise spot on17:38
syntroPipunky, if using windows you may want to look at http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/17:38
xanguapunky: i use this http://liveusb.info/dotclear/index.php?pages/install17:39
nearstbond_, its base on your harddisk activities. maybe its mounts ?17:39
shad0w1eMine says its from us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precist-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages17:39
Krustyklimberthanks again, I gotta restart... have a great day! :)17:39
alamiadamk: have you get the link17:40
nearstmultibootusb from web817:40
bond_nearst: "Field 11 -- weighted # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os" How does harddisk activities make difference on the question I asked?17:40
punkyI used grub4dos and get boot sequence from CD's loopback.cfg, so it boots but missed language selection part, but I need it17:41
xanguaPici: so i need to enable backport to obtain it, or will eventually be a stable update¿17:41
Picixangua: no, its not a backport in that sense. Its in the normal repos.17:42
Picixangua: I don't know why they're doing it that way.17:42
anonymousraptrpunky: grub4dos is kind of doing it the hard way compared to unetbootin or the universal usb installer.17:43
nearstbond_, im not too sure. http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/iostats.txt mention about /etc/fstab17:43
Kionhow do I upgrade to libreoffice 4.0 in Ubuntu?17:43
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joshuok nearst thanks for your help. i will do some more research and try to wrap my head around how to do what i want. i'll probably be back with more questions ;)17:44
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xanguaKion: go to libreoffice web and download it (remove the current libreoffice before installing it)17:44
bankofamericaHey guys :D17:45
anonymousraptrxangua: wont using apt-get update and apt-get upgrade do that w/o having to uninstall what kion already has?17:45
Kionxangua: I thought it was via a ppa, if I do that, will it integrate well with the OS?17:45
johannesbodannesHey, I've got an Ubuntu 10.04 server and I'm trying to upgrade my distribution to gain access to some packages that are missing from this distribution's repository. I attempt a do-release-upgrade, and I get a WARNING: Failed to read mirror file17:46
bankofamericaAny tips on using OpenBox? I suck at it.17:46
punkyxangua, syntroPi, thanks for links, will learn17:46
anonymousraptrxangua: im asking because im not sure myself.17:46
bankofamericaAny tips on using OpenBox? I suck at it.17:46
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johannesbodannesThen I keep going and I get a bunch of 404 Not Found errors17:46
bazhangbankofamerica, dont repeat so quickly17:46
bankofamericaMy bad.17:47
Nach0zjohannesbodannes: maybe try -p? >__>17:47
nearsttry with do-release-upgrade -c17:47
Nach0zno idea lol17:47
bankofamericaFavorite WMs?17:47
johannesbodannesOK nearst, I'll do that now17:47
punkyanonymousraptr, can unetbootin boot into hiren's ?17:47
FerazelHi, I'm a Ubuntu newbie, but I have a full /boot partition and I'm trying to clean up some old kernels but I'm getting the following. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1621601/ - Is there another way to cleanup my /boot?17:47
johannesbodannesnearst: It gives me "New release 'maverick' available."17:47
Kionxangua: If I install theh .deb from Libreoffice I am afraid that I will never get updates as it did not install from the apt system right?17:48
genii-aroundHeh, Maverick ...new?17:49
anonymousraptrpunky: hirens is listed as one of liveboot images it can handle17:49
DaemonicApathyFerazel, remove the unused kernels first.17:49
xanguaKion: you are not getting any new release of libreoffice via apt/oficial repositories anyways17:49
nearstjohannesbodannes, ya. 10.04-lucid, 10.10 is maverick17:49
anonymousraptrpunky: its listed under "other non-linux based sofware"17:49
nearstunless u wanna jump from 10.04 to 13.04 :D17:50
johannesbodannesEr, that is quite a significant jump. Is that practical?17:50
nearstima do that. from karmic to raring. lol17:50
Kionxangua: Good point, although we get it every 6 months at least with the new ubuntu versions.17:50
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beanFerazel: http://www.mariusv.com/boot-is-full/ seems to descrive how to do it17:51
TechSmurfHey folks. I currently run all of my routing, dhcp, and dns via one box for a network with ~70 devices. Load is not even a slight issue, but redundancy is... if the box goes down pretty much everything on the network goes with it. Setting up a second failover router is a definite possibility, but is there a preferred way to provide these services using separate boxes or dedicated solutions?17:51
johannesbodannesThe problem I'm facing is that I'm trying to compile certain things on my server that won't compile becaue the libraries ubuntu offers at 10.04 are so lamentably out of date17:51
nearstit happen. :)17:52
=== Agent is now known as Guest56269
jribjohannesbodannes: 10.04 was released in 201017:52
Guest56269Stop asking me questions17:52
OperatorHello Govnah!!!!17:52
OperatorStinky Bookworm17:52
Guest56269Shut the fuck up17:52
bond_hi, can anybody tell me about 11th  field in /proc/diskstats? The documentation says that it is weighted # of milliseconds spent doing I/Os. Is it like # of milliseconds spent in a second?17:52
johannesbodannesjrib: Yep. But the libraries which I'm trying to use have completely changed since then : (17:52
Operatorgo wash off your hate17:52
jribjohannesbodannes: you shouldn't upgrade to 10.10; if you want to upgrade, upgrade to 12.0417:52
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:52
Guest56269They see me trollin'17:52
johannesbodannesjrib: How do I opt to upgrade to 12.04 instead?17:53
Operatorthey hatin17:53
bazhangOperator, stop it17:53
jribbazhang: I have to leave, you'll be around?17:53
bazhangjrib, sure17:53
jribbazhang: thanks17:53
jribjohannesbodannes: check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and make sure it's set for Prompt=lts17:53
johannesbodannesAlright, thanks17:54
johannesbodannesI'll try that17:54
Ferazelbean DaemonicApathy - I appreciate it, the dpkg --remove seems to be working.17:54
beangood good17:54
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johannesbodannesjrib: Ah, it wasn't! And now things are working fine? Thank you17:55
pybeTechSmurf, just seperate the functions and have min 2 dns servers17:56
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impulzewhen using gstreamer (gst-launch) with lamemp3enc my presets aren't considered, any ideas why?17:56
nihil_2013I've lost the ability to adjust my screen brightness, probably since a big package update. Running 12.04LTS, was before. Got Xfce, GNOME, KDE, Unity. Tried multiple tools. Any ideas?17:57
TechSmurfpybe: In my dinky little environment, taking 6u of rack for this isn't a wonderful option ;)17:57
DaemonicApathynihil_2013: What is your preferred DE?17:58
pybeTechSmurf, lol 6u17:58
pybeTechSmurf, i have 15 servers runninging in 2u17:58
nihil_2013Xfce4 DaemonicApathy, though I sometimes use Gnome3 these days.17:58
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pybeTechSmurf, use vms17:59
skp1hi i just installed libreoffice 4.0 from the deb rfiles on the website, but when i start libreoffice i get the odl version, how can i fix this?17:59
TechSmurfI'm not about to virtualize the routers or dhcp... dns maybe17:59
skp1*old version17:59
xanguaskp1: did you uninstall libreoffice before installing the new one¿17:59
pybeTechSmurf, which ever type takes your fancy, personally I like vmware17:59
skp1xangua: no18:00
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TechSmurfOh, no, I love vmware, don't get me wrong18:00
xanguaskp1: well there you have, remove everything and do it again18:00
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skp1xangua: how do i do that?18:00
TechSmurfbut dhcp is one of the first things I want up and running on a cold boot of the rack18:00
TechSmurfand esxi takes effing forever to boot18:00
xanguaskp1: with the software center, synaptic, apt, however you want18:00
pybeTechSmurf, you shutdown your servers?18:01
bankofamericaAnyone here a member of Hackforums?18:01
TechSmurfpybe: crap happens.18:01
bazhang!ot | bankofamerica18:01
ubottubankofamerica: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:01
DaemonicApathynihil_2013: I'd suggest installing xbacklight to control the brightness for xfce.18:01
pybeTechSmurf, like what? a bomb?18:01
skp1xangua: do i have to remove each package seperately or is there one package i can select that willr emove them all?18:01
TechSmurflike a thunderstorm knocking our utility power out longer than the UPS can deal with.18:01
fruitFlybazhang: how large should my boot be then?18:02
pybeTechSmurf, get a generator18:02
xanguaskp1: you have to remove all18:02
bazhangfruitFly, 500mb at the most I would say. you could go with one gig if you wish18:02
fruitFlybazhang: what if I want to download a zfs kernel or some other shit, I don't mind being a little liberal*18:02
TechSmurfpybe: Wish that were an option... but either way this is now a little far removed from my question :)18:02
DaemonicApathyskp1: sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get autoremove18:03
canihojrhowto install propietary drivers for nvidia cards? under synaptic?? pls18:03
bazhangfruitFly, even so, kernels are not much space18:03
xanguaskp1: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/libreoffice-40-available-for-download.html18:03
skp1xangua: when i try dpkg --remove libre* it tells me to pipe it through more or less, how do i do that?18:03
fruitFlyare all boot home and / logical partitions?18:03
bazhangcanihojr, for what card18:04
pybeTechSmurf, yeah my bad, put dhcp on any old box just make sure that you have regular backups or a hot spare vm the rest18:04
xanguaDaemonicApathy: you seem like a clean fanatic :)18:04
DaemonicApathyxangua: copypasta, just didn't bother to edit that out.18:04
canihojrbazhang, for nvidia gtx 56018:04
TechSmurfhmm... vm hot spare would be a good option!18:04
bazhangcanihojr, probably nvidia-current then from the software center18:04
canihojrbazhang, i dont have software center, only synaptic, im using ubuntu gnome remix, and i dont look "hardware drivers".... ty, i try this packet18:05
bazhangcanihojr, should be the same package name18:06
fruitFlyshould all boot home and / logical partitions? I have 2 windows primaries now, I am dual booting18:06
pybeTechSmurf, but def seperate routing, dhcp/dns and have a 2nd dns18:06
llutzfruitFly: doesn't matter18:07
gray--is there a way to enable a more verbose logging whilst trying to do a kickstart/preseed build?18:07
gray--there's either a bug report about sometihing being broken, or a bug report at the end of this18:07
gray--or a blog18:07
DaemonicApathyUEFI removed the limit of 4 primary partitions, right?18:07
gray--to tell everyone that this is the way to do it18:07
llutzDaemonicApathy: gpt does18:08
DaemonicApathyAh, ok.18:08
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skp1xangua: could you please look at this?18:08
xanguaskp1: did you already read the blog entry on how to install libreoffice4¿18:09
fruitFlyI have 4GB of ram and might upgrade to 8GB is 6GB swap alright or should I go with 8?18:09
skp1i've already installed it18:09
xangua(12:03:20) xangua: skp1: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/libreoffice-40-available-for-download.html again18:10
llutzfruitFly: if you don't want to use hibernation/suspend-to-disk you don't need taht much swap at all18:10
skp1i will resd it though18:10
beowulf2anyone know good software for showing the frequency of sound? i want to check my ability to hold a note.18:10
vmachineIf i have 3 public dns servers for my domain. what determines which of the server responds to client queries?18:10
fruitFlyllutz: I do hibernate.. I have 4GB of Ram might upgrade but might not, I was thinking 4-8?18:11
llutzfruitFly: if you hibernate you need swap >= RAM18:12
fruitFlyI was told I should put / on a primary partition... why? Why not just make everything logical?18:12
skp1xangua: im getting this output when i try to purge libreoffice18:12
llutzfruitFly: ask the one who told you. it doesn't matter primary vs logical18:12
Picibeowulf2: fmit is one.  apt-cache search tune instrument seems to bring up a bunch.18:13
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xanguaOnce Again skp1 http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/libreoffice-40-available-for-download.html18:13
DaemonicApathyskp1: The command suggested is "sudo apt-get purge libreoffice*"18:14
skp1DaemonicApathy: http://pastebin.com/2bvjZ3cA18:15
DaemonicApathyskp1: I am not blind.18:16
faflatasHello - Does anyone know how to change the default sound card with also - without rebooting?18:16
beowulf2cheers Pici18:16
skp1when i try to ru libreoffice i get the old version, why is that?18:17
beowulf2didn't know i could apt-cache search :)18:17
osuhi guys18:17
osucan someone tell me how to remove ownership in debian?18:17
bazhang#debian osu18:17
osui did use chown user:group /folder/folder18:17
osuhow to remove this now18:18
DaemonicApathyChange to a different owner.18:18
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Piciosu: this is #ubuntu, you want #debian18:18
kostkonfaflatas, in ubuntu?18:18
xanguaskp1: because you did not uninstall it and neither are reading the link for the instructions or reading what DaemonicApathy has been told you to fix it for 10 minutes18:18
llutzosu: chown otheruser:othergroup folder18:18
osuubuntu is based on debian and i use ubuntu18:18
kostkon!debian | osu18:18
ubottuosu: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!18:18
osuhmm change owner18:19
osuok got it thnx18:19
kostkonosu, this is an ubuntu only support channel18:19
osuyes and i use ubuntu :)18:19
llutzosu: you cannot "remove owner/group" all files have to have an owner/group18:19
gray--are there any other more specialised #ubuntu channels?18:19
DaemonicApathygray--: Such as?18:20
fruitFlySomeone told me / should be a primary partition? WHY?! is that necessary? I have 2 primary windows already?18:20
llutzfruitFly: ask the one who told you. it doesn't matter primary vs logical18:20
skp1xangua: synaptic says the old versions are all uninstalled18:20
osuyea i got it how to do it thanks again18:20
DaemonicApathyfruitFly: It can be either Primary or Extended. Extended wouldn't make sense.18:20
Picigray--: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:20
faflataskostkon : lubuntu - alsa18:20
gray--DaemonicApathy: i have an issue which no-one seems to be able to comment on.  i mean, there's no obligation to help of course, just a bit frustrated having spent about 10 hours on this issue :)18:20
kostkonfaflatas, :|18:20
disharmonicIs there a way to force apt to replace all packages from a PPA with versions in my current repos even if it thinks the versions from the removed ppa are newer?18:21
gray--Pici: thank you18:21
xanguadisharmonic: you want to remove a ppa and the packages provided¿18:21
gray--DaemonicApathy: (and wondering if there's another place that i might be able to throw my problem at)18:22
disharmonicxangua, yes18:22
DaemonicApathygray--: I didn't notice you were already asking about your issue. I know literally nothing about kickstart/preseed builds...18:23
xangua!ppa-purge | disharmonic18:23
ubottudisharmonic: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:23
fruitFlyDaemonicApathy: llutz can you only have 1 extended? I have 2 primaries so does that mean I should create a a primary root and make the rest of the space extended and make the rest logical partitions inside of that?18:23
gray--DaemonicApathy: no probs, thanks anyhow, it seems to be documented in a fairly poor way.  I've never contributed back, perhaps this is a subject i can get involved in18:23
llutzfruitFly: 1 extended (special kind of primary) which can hold lots of logical drives18:23
disharmonicxangua, cheers18:24
gray--DaemonicApathy: (once my problem is solved, that is)18:24
llutzfruitFly:  just go and create logical drives for all linux-partitions, it doesn't matter, linux doesn't care about primary/logical.18:25
fruitFlyllutz: can I create an extended and still leave free space?18:26
djmitchein something like http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pst9rYL2cQI/TblLGS_ja3I/AAAAAAAAAyI/BJznH2Rxi_U/s1600/Screenshot-4.png , what is the name for the icon area on the left and the menus on top?18:26
misterswagubuntu 12.04; is it ok to stop mysql, move database to drive with more space, ln -s /var/lib/mysql target and start up db again?18:26
djmitchethey're not appearing for me, and I'm trying to google for why :/18:26
llutzfruitFly: yu can but its not recommended to do.18:26
DaemonicApathydjmitche: The launcher panel and app panel, respectively.18:27
skp1what's the syntax for piping the output of dpkg --remove libreoffice* through less or more?18:27
belgianguywhere are the Unity launcher icons located?18:27
fruitFlyllutz: why?18:27
belgianguyor where are they defined?18:27
llutzfruitFly: if you later create a primary in the free space (you cannot create a 2nd extended there), some systems might be confused because partitions are nicht in the right order (secter->partition.nr)18:28
llutzare not*18:28
Nedzcan anyone help with a system not booting up properly ?18:28
mib_mibhey guys - how do i check the ports that are currently being used on my computer?18:29
llutzfruitFly: and it makes no sense not to use the full diskspace for an extended18:29
Picimib_mib: netstat -tan18:29
DaemonicApathybelgianguy: Iirc, they are normally in /usr/share/applications18:29
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belgianguyah, thanks DaemonicApathy !18:29
Nedzcan anyone help with a system not booting up properly ? (Willing to pay for support)18:30
fruitFlyllutz: I have 230GB free space and 2 primary windows partitions... make 1 extended with the rest but should I leave space withing the extended incase I want to do something else... what could I do?18:30
DaemonicApathyNedz, please provide more details.18:30
NedzI have an Ubuntu 12.04 on a XenCenter18:30
Nedzit's booting up18:31
Nedzbut when it does18:31
Nedzsometimes it checks for errors18:31
Nedzon the drive18:31
skp1what's the syntax for piping the output of dpkg --remove libreoffice* through less or more?18:31
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:31
DaemonicApathyPut as much as you can on one line please, Nedz.18:31
llutzfruitFly:  just create the extended with logical drives for all linux-partitions, you don't need to use the full exteded-space, just leave some empty for future-use18:31
fruitFlyllutz: i only have 230gb... wut could I do if I left maybe 30GB?18:31
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Nedzand then it won't start up. so I would have to restart a couple of times. after a few restarts I will get the proper gui desktop18:32
DaemonicApathyAnyway Nedz, you should be able to skip a disk check if you believe it's alright.18:32
llutzfruitFly: i don't know your usage, why do you think you'll need some free space at all?18:32
fruitFlyllutz: maybe if I wanna install a diff distro?18:32
Nedzyes, I tried that as well , but the thing is . it will do it all over again the next time I will restart the computer.18:32
_raven_do you know about any commandline mastering tool which is able to receive and transmit streams from/to an icecast server?18:32
fruitFlyllutz: I guess i dnt need free space then18:32
llutzfruitFly: then keep some space in reserve18:33
Nedzsometimes will just boot into shell. and then I'll have to restart a couple of times to get the gui.18:33
DaemonicApathyNedz, you can use this thread to check what frequency your fsck is set to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30047718:33
fruitFlyllutz: can i seriously use another distro with 30GB? can I point it to my /home etc? I dnt have that much space and am trying to get an idea if it makes sense to elave any at all... I'm thinking not]18:34
Nedzno. it tries to boot and then it says it cannot mount /tmp so I wait but nothing happens.18:34
syntroPiNedz, what does "ls -l /forcefsck"  produce18:34
disharmonicdoes the x-updates ppa have s3tc and floating point textures enabled or do i need edgers for that?18:34
Nedzonly reboot until it actually works solves this.18:34
syntroPiNedz maybe check for messages in "dmesg"?18:35
ioriaNedz: you wait... how much ?18:36
llutzfruitFly: it may be handy to have a spare 25-30GB partition for upgrade-installations/backup or testing purposes, but if you don't have the space or aren't sure about what you really want... just forget it18:36
belgianguyargh, LibreOffice 4.0 now has different icons in the Dash than in the Launcher18:36
belgianguythe Dash ones are the newer ones, I'd like to have those in the launcher as well, what files would I need to edit?18:37
xanguabelgianguy: did you remove the previous libreoffice before installing 4¿ did you restart your user session¿18:37
fruitFlyllutz: upgrade like upgrading the distro?18:37
fruitFlyllutz: when there is a new release?18:38
belgianguyxangua: I did remove it, but I don't think I logged off yet18:38
llutzfruitFly: parallel installation of a new version before you might break your existing install18:38
xanguabelgianguy: or jsut remove the icons from the launcher, open the dash and drag the launchers from there18:39
fruitFlyllutz: what do you mean by upgrade, parallel install? creating a new /boot?18:39
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fruitFlyllutz: I'm a noob18:40
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CrunchcatOne question: On Xfce, where should I add the "setxkblayout -option compose:menu" line?18:40
fr0stbyt3what is good tutorial to learn the command line?18:40
CrunchcatI tried adding it on the .xinit and it doesn't work.18:40
belgianguyxangua: the dragging works, but the icon changes to the old version :/18:41
llutzfruitFly: tbh, just install your stuff and get some experience. let  some 30GB free inside the extended, maybe you use it some day.18:41
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xanguabelgianguy: no idea then, sorry18:42
disharmonicdoes the x-updates ppa have s3tc and floating point textures enabled for Intel GPUs or do i need edgers for that?18:42
skp1how do i pipe the output of dplg --remove through more or less?18:42
fruitFlyllutz: so... 1GB /boot 8GB swap 20GB / and 190GB /home........all logicals in my extended18:43
fruitFlyllutz: ?18:43
llutzfruitFly: you don't need a /boot18:43
fruitFlyllutz: can't it be useful for somethings as well? how cold it hurt to make a /boot?18:44
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syntroPiskp1, maybe something similar to  "dpkg --remove WhatEva 2>&1 | grep whateva"18:44
Nedzhere is the dmesg18:45
llutzfruitFly: it doesn't hurt, it just has no benefits in most cases18:45
llutzfruitFly: why do you think its usefull for you?18:45
sfan5is it possible to boot the ubuntu 12.04 installer with an option to disable nouveau18:45
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fruitFlyllutz: in case i wanna install a custom kernel... idk... maybe it could come in handy?18:46
llutzfruitFly: no need for sep /boot just for custom kernel18:46
skp1is there anyway to remopve multiple packages with dpkg without specifying each package?18:47
llutzfruitFly: don't make too complex, keep it simple, get fun18:47
syntroPiNedz, something aroind 3.67 is causing problems "EXT4-fs (xvdb1): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem"18:48
fruitFlyllutz: so r u saying NO NEED for a /boot.... NONE?!... NOT USEFUL AT ALL?!?!?!18:48
llutzfruitFly: no18:48
llutzfruitFly: i said: it just has no benefits in most cases18:48
llutzfruitFly: and stop caps18:48
fruitFlyok so add the boot to /home?18:48
fruitFlyllutz: ?18:48
raptrwhat is a good way to test my nvidia drivers are installed correctly?18:48
kostkonraptr, in terminal:  glxinfo | grep vendor18:49
fruitFlyllutz: how do I make an extended?18:49
ioriafruitFly: you stretch it18:50
syntroPiNedz, seems to be from previous restart then it says "[    3.704273] EXT4-fs (xvdb1): recovery complete"18:50
kostkonraptr, or in your system preferences, select the about the system option18:50
llutzfruitFly: gparted18:50
syntroPiNedz, whats the content of /etc/fstab ?18:51
raptrksotkon: i was thinking more in the line of a benchmark utility.18:51
disharmonicWould you guys consider the x-edgers ppa suitable for daily use?18:52
raptri should have asked is there a good benchmark app to test my nvidia drivers?18:53
fruitFlyllutz: ioria so 8GB swap... is 20GB / big enough?! and and 172GB /home?18:54
skp1im having some trouble installing libreoffice 4.0, i forgot to remove the old libreoffice first, i just installed all the .debs that come off the website, now whe i try to purge libreoffice* like instructed on the websitre i get this output http://pastebin.com/9pU7FA1g18:54
kostkonraptr, the simplest of all is the glxgears. you could see how many fps you are getting there.18:54
NedzsyntroPi - http://pastebin.com/Fuu769b018:55
raptrkostkon: i found a partial answer with "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p"18:55
ioriafruitFly: i have dual boot on 40G with 700 mb and 1g swap18:55
llutzfruitFly: i'd use 25.34567GB / and 175.92038GB /home :)  it is up to you, seems fine18:55
sfan5is it possible to disable certain kernel modules in the kernel args18:56
llutzsfan5: blacklist the module if you don't want it being loaded18:57
syntroPiNedz, hmm is that xvdb1 and sda1 the same disk "UUID=ee750728-cd9b-4b8a-b895-6174a5c310f7"? seems to be like that18:57
sfan5llutz: i need to boot the ubuntu live-cd without using nouveau..18:57
fruitFlyllutz: I wanna hibernate so... 4GB swap... 26GB / and 170GB home?18:58
syntroPiNedz, and maybe you want to add something like "allow_other,_netdev" to your smb mount. But thats not cause of your problem which i cant find there so far...?18:59
fruitFlyI wanna hibernate so... 4GB swap... 26GB / and 170GB home? llutz18:59
llutzsfan5: not sure, try "nouveau.blacklist=1"18:59
NedzsyntroPi - it's a XenServer. so the disks are from a repository.19:00
NedzsyntroPi- I can comment out the smb to ruleout it causes problems . this started after an upgrade from a previous version. it worked just fine before.19:00
syntroPiNedz, since your /tmp has no extra mount it lives on root disk i think. /tmp will be cleared at bootup everytime.19:00
sfan5llutz: that seems to work, thank you19:01
syntroPiNedz, i dont think its causing problems here, just saw it trying to mount before it can connect in the dmesg therefore the "_netdev"19:01
patxrdp issues - Need to be able to login to host from same lan (Win7 => 12.10) when the host has not auto logged in. Using win7 rdp.19:02
fruitFlyllutz: I wanna hibernate so... 4GB swap... 26GB / and 170GB home?19:02
llutzfruitFly: you already got all info you need, decide yourself19:02
skp1im having some trouble installing libreoffice 4.0, i forgot to remove the old libreoffice first, i just installed all the .debs that come off the website, now whe i try to purge libreoffice* like instructed on the websitre i get this output http://pastebin.com/9pU7FA1g19:02
fruitFlyllutz: thanks19:03
syntroPiNedz, i suspect something else is causing your problems, but unfortunately i dont know what that could be19:03
NedzsyntroPi - :( thank you so much for trying19:04
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syntroPiNedz, maybe has something to do with [    0.000000] You might have to change the root device from /dev/hd[a-d] to /dev/xvd[a-d] in your root= kernel command line option19:05
NedzsyntroPi - how do i do that ?19:05
syntroPiNedz, you can see what the command line is with "cat /proc/cmdline "19:06
syntroPiits the line grub invokes the kernel with19:06
Willdude123How can I get subdirectories up 1 level?19:06
NedzsyntroPi - returns : BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-37-generic root=UUID=ee750728-cd9b-4b8a-b895-6174a5c310f7 ro quiet splash19:07
Willdude123Like if I had /home/sdgfd/ASDf.zip and wanted to move it to /home/ASDf.zip19:07
syntroPiNedz, ok looks good i think19:07
syntroPiNedz, it uses UUID to prevent that problem the dmesg hint was pointing to19:08
NedzsyntroPi I'll restart19:09
NedzsyntroPi and tell you what it says.19:09
syntroPigood luck19:09
alexalexanybody here?19:11
patBump - xrdp issues - Need to be able to login to host from same lan (Win7 => 12.10) when the host has not auto logged in. Using win7 rdp.19:12
NedzsyntroPi - loads into shell right now . and then says "failed to add entry for user gs2." copyright info and then you have one mail.19:12
NedzsyntroPi I'll try to reboot again I suppose :(19:12
ello_govnaJust saw a headline about some guy living with MS and I totally commiserated with his pain until I realized they weren't talking about Microsoft...19:13
ovidiu-florinhello guys. Is the NVIDIA driver version 173 older or newer than the version current?19:13
syntroPiNedz, hum did you change anything before reboot?19:14
Nedzonly the smb19:14
syntroPiNedz, i suspect your ext4 root partition has some errors it cant fix online (while running from it).  http://pastebin.com/PKN8n5KE19:15
chrisancould someone kick me in the right direction with my xorg conf? all of my bars are stacked: http://i.imgur.com/u4AvdBu.jpg  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1621882/19:17
syntroPibut fortunately i never had to fix ext4 so unfortunately i dont know exactly how to do that. but i would try to boot from exact same version "uname -a" boot medium (usb or cd/iso) and try to fix the ext4 and recheck it offline from there19:17
NedzsyntroPi - ok what would be the best way to fix those. load an external livecd?19:17
syntroPiNedz, yes but i dont know how exactly, maybe someone who did that could give you better help?19:18
NedzsyntroPi - very well. once again. thanks alot. I'll try my luck later maybe someone else would be able to sort it out.19:20
syntroPiNedz, there is something going wrong with this "[   30.894810] blkfront: barrier: empty write xvdb op failed" and "[   30.894815] blkfront: xvdb: barrier or flush: disabled" therefore it remounts ro19:20
syntroPimaybe even xen and the block device config? idk...19:21
NedzsyntroPi - http://lzone.de/blkfront+barrier+empty+write+xvda+op+failed whats this19:21
syntroPiNedz, maybe " reboot until you get a writable filesystem and add "barrier=0" to the mount options of all your local filesystems." would help19:22
NedzsyntroPi - i add it in the fstab ?19:23
cesar_ oolaa quien eres?19:23
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patBUMP - xrdp issues - Need to be able to login to host from same lan (Win7 => 12.10) when the host has not auto logged in. Using win7 rdp.19:24
syntroPiNedz,  you would add this in /etc/default/grub file GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and do "sudo update-grub" to update your boot config. but be _CAREFULL_ with those changes and read about them so you know what you are doing19:25
Guest38729como funciona esto???? -_-19:25
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syntroPiNedz, oop sorry19:25
syntroPiNedz, my wrong yes in fstab19:25
Guest38729if you tead this,please answer me19:26
syntroPiNedz, forget about the grub thing19:26
syntroPiGuest38729, check19:26
syntroPiNedz, but when adding this you cant use the extra security regarding fs consistency coming from write barriers (afaik make sure "atomic" write ops are actually commited to hw until next begin)19:29
Wugwhat does the iso-scan/filename kernel option do? where is it documented?19:31
ResistyHello, I'm having some problems with a user calling adpasswd and getting permissions errors for his own account. Has anybody seen this kind of thing before or know which channel would be more appropriate for this question?19:31
WugResisty: is that the active directory password changer thing?19:33
ResistyWug: yep, came with centrifydc19:33
ResistyGoogling the "error" doesn't really come up with anything and there's no #centrify channel. :/19:33
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jhutchins_wk Resisty http://centrify.com19:39
Super_DogAnybody getting this Huge ".xsession-errors.old" log filling up their hard drive?19:41
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jhutchins_wkSuper_Dog: Yup, lots of people.19:42
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Super_DogSee a lot of stuff on this.  What's the best fix if you wish to opine?19:42
Guest99164i apologize19:43
jhutchins_wkSuper_Dog: There's been discussion of limiting the size of the file.  As long as you're not in danger of filling up your disk in a single day you could always manage it with logrotate, but it seems obvious to me that the solution is to fix whatever is generating the errors.19:43
Super_DogI have filled up the 80GB partition quickly with this error a number of times already...  Very annoying...19:45
Super_DogLiterally have a 10GB Ubuntu install and this file swells up to 80GB in no time...19:45
kbeecan someone help me remap a single key on my keyboard please? I found the community howto but its incredibly complicated ... does it really have to be??19:48
Super_Dogman... I've never even bothered looking at this .xsession-errors file before.  Is all this stuff really serious or just normal ubuntu behavior?19:50
LanaMaylawell what do you mean by serious?19:51
nibbleri'm running digikam in gnome, but my tooltips are in white letters on light blue background. i followed https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=299607 but whatever i do in "settingsmanager" does not take any effect. in gnome i can not change much of the appearance. but if i switch from the default theme to high-contrast and back, its fixed. untill i restart digikam. any hints?19:52
ubottuKDE bug 299607 in Themes "Unreadable Tooltips - fore- and background colors don't fit" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:52
ioriakbee: maybe you need extra packages19:52
kbeeioria: is there a program for this sort of thing?19:52
ioriakbee: i don't know your specific problem, but usually you need xev and xmodmap19:53
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syoutseyis it possible to 'cat' a file with no newline at the end?19:53
Super_DogWell.  I'd have to let you see the file I guess.   I'm IRC'ing from this machine so it's not a terminal situation what I see in the .xsession-errors file I guess..19:53
skp1is there any way to remove multiple packages with dpkg without specifying each package?19:55
fidelskp1: i doubt that - based on what rule should that work?19:55
skp1fidel: wiukdcards19:56
kbeeioria: thanks, Ill look into xmodmap, it was mentioned in some forum post too. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Howto%3A%20Custom%20keyboard%20layout%20definitions is crazy complex!19:56
fidelskp1: apt eats wildcards19:56
LanaMaylafor being efficient, I like to see what is consistently throwing errors19:56
skp1fidel: i knwo but apt isnt working19:56
SonikkuAmericaskp1: That only works if the packages are related by name, to some extent.19:56
jhutchins_wkskp1: so why aren't we fixing apt?19:57
bennypr0fanehello, I have a Pc game pad with usb plug, it's apparently not recognized by Lubuntu - how can I check what's wrong (it didn't come with Linux drivers)?19:57
bennypr0faneIt's a Saitek rumble pad 48019:57
fidelskp1: i would focusing on fixing apt first too - if possible19:57
SonikkuAmericaskp1: What's wrong with apt?19:57
skp1OMG weird, it;s working now. musta been the devil hehe.19:58
ioriakbee: try this, it looks less complex : http://askubuntu.com/questions/24916/how-do-i-remap-certain-keys19:58
skp1fidel: SonikkuAmerica jhutchins_wk nm19:59
SonikkuAmericaskp1: Leaves me wondering what the problem was. Probably the dpkg handle was locked.19:59
jhutchins_wkbennypr0fane: This thread might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92829319:59
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kbeeioria: single command to remap a key, brilliant! thanks!!20:02
ioriakbee: you're wellcome20:03
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jiffe98any idea why I am seeing files such as '-????????? ? ?   ?          ?            ? 29Fcci09k69HxlMGEdGJSWYjS2Taj7xl' even after I fsck the filesystem?20:05
jhutchins_wkjiffe98: What filesystem?20:05
BilgeIs there somewhere to see which version of Debian each version of Ubuntu is based off?20:05
jiffe98jhutchins_wk: ext420:05
jhutchins_wkjiffe98: Did you _repair_ the filesystem or just check it?20:06
jhutchins_wkBilge: I don't think it's a 1:1 relationship.20:06
vljdoes ubuntu 12.04 ships with a 1.12 xorg ?20:07
jiffe98jhutchins_wk: fsck -y good enough?  it shows a number of things fixed20:08
skp1can someone help me? i've just installed libreoffice 4.0 using dpkg but it doesnt show up in the dash..20:10
skp1can soeone help me?20:10
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MrSakuWhats difference between nigger and barrel of shit? its the barrel hhaahaha@!20:11
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devestatorim also getting this error on the cl ~$ The program 'libreoffice' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:20:14
devestatorsudo apt-get install libreoffice-common20:14
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s3r3n1t7When im doing apt-get update, the downloads go real quick. However, the Reading package lists step is slower than a bull without legs. Is there a fix around anyone would like to share? :)20:15
jiffe98if I run fsck twice in a row, the second time it shows no problems, but if I mount the filesystem and ls -la that directory again and then umount and fsck again it finds errors20:15
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PeyamHow do I expand the backround wallpaper to dual monitor20:19
TheSovgod i really have to get rid of this 7.x box20:20
delinquentmeim wanting to search my entire system for a file called mod_passenger.so ... howdo?20:20
delinquentmelocate isn't working .. and I'm derping with find ... better option?20:20
lfreewayhellow, does anyone has a how-to fix byobu's keys under 12.04?20:21
TheSovfind -name "mod_passenger.so"20:21
c[_]can someone help me? i've installed libreoffice 4.0 but it doesnt show up in the dash20:21
xomrkhi how to get position x y to conky . i want put conky in specifict place20:30
waksmancan i ask a question please20:34
silvereyeyes, you may20:35
DaemonicApathyGood question.20:35
llutzxomrk: http://conky.sourceforge.net/config_settings.html   see "alignment, gap_x, gap_y"20:36
silvereyeso what was the question you would like to ask20:38
xomrkok but chow i chceck where on screen is example 150 63020:39
WolfpupLi need a little help with a regex line20:41
silvereyeWolfpupL : please explain?20:43
WolfpupLthis command echo "[Hatsuyuki-Hadena]_Ao_no_Exorcist_-_24_[1280x720][3AFA2BF9].mkv" | sed "s/^\[[^]]*\][_ ]\([^[]*\)[ _].*$/\1/"20:43
WolfpupLgives me -> Ao_no_Exorcist_-_2420:44
WolfpupLwhile i want [Hatsuyuki-Hadena]_Ao_no_Exorcist_-_24_ instead20:44
jiffe98\1 is giving you what you have inside the parentheses20:45
WolfpupLi want to remove this part of the file name only -> [1280x720][3AFA2BF9].mkv20:46
ninnyHey all, just installed ubuntu core on a little headless server. Quick question. Is it wise for me to setup a normal user now to run everything off (with sudo) and avoid root access?20:46
silvereyeWolfpupL : maybe if you put [Hatsuyuki-Hadena] inside something else besides square brackets?20:47
angshow can I convert a rpm file to deb by using alien?20:47
WolfpupLfiles come that way as that is a subgroups name20:47
silvereyeWolfpupL : the square brackets appear to be what is getting it cut20:48
jiffe98sed "s/^\(\[[^]]*\][_ ][^[]*[ _]\).*$/\1/"20:48
jiffe98you just need to move the \(\)20:48
fidelninny: there is nothing wrong on that idea ;)20:48
ninnythanks fidel, just wondering if that is the right (read safest) thing to do.20:49
ninnyI mean it's just going to sit there, no user access20:49
tim__Anyone have any ideas - I have a wireless music player that cuts in and out when I have the wireless card in my laptop enabled?  I've tried changing channels on the router but no help.20:49
ninnyso I'm fine with root (with password)20:49
silvereyetom__ don't they have wireless cards that operate on completely different bands?20:50
silvereyetim__ don't they have wireless cards that operate on completely different bands?20:50
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tim__silvereye - I have no idea.  It started all of a sudden.  Had never been a problem.  One day I came in and the laptop could identify my network but not connect.  I assigned it a static IP address and it connected but now it interferes with the music player which also connects wirelessly.20:53
silvereyetim__ : is the music player getting a static address too, or is it getting dhcp?, there might be a conflict20:54
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tim__I tried assigning it a static channel yesterday but it didn't seem to help.20:54
tim__silvereye - is the music player is the laptop.20:55
silvereyeI don't know. It might be simpler to set it back to the way it was so that the music player is ok, and then fix the wifi situation20:55
daftykinstim__: is the wireless music player, playing music from your laptop?20:56
tim__daftykins - no it's designed to connect wirelessly to my router and play Pandora or other internet stations.20:57
daftykinsoh right20:57
daftykinstim__: do you know whether the laptop and player are both 802.11g or n or?20:57
tim__the laptop is N the music player is G20:57
silvereyetim__ is your wireless router able to do both bands at the same time?20:58
tim__silvereye - yes20:58
tim__They both worked perfectly for a year until Monday.20:59
jhutchins_wktim__: flaky router20:59
ninnyI have no text editor installed on ubuntu core20:59
ninnyno nano20:59
ninnyno vi20:59
tim__Jhutchins_wk - Maybe.  I could try a factory reset on the router.20:59
FloodBot1ninny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:59
ninnyanyway of removing a line of a text file?20:59
silvereyetim__ have any of your nearby neighbors gotten themselves a wifi router?21:00
tim__I've tried power cycling the router but it didn't help21:00
s3r3n1t7ninny, you could head the file for length of file - 1, pipe to temp file, then replace?21:00
tim__silvereye - could be I don't see any new networks when I scan though.21:00
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ninnylet me look into it21:01
ninnyit's the 4th line21:01
silvereyemaybe a router reset will fix things, or just changing a obscure setting in it21:01
ninnyis there no way of just removing that line?21:01
ninnyor is there another text editor that might be installed in ubuntu core?21:01
s3r3n1t7ninny, you could install every text editor you like ... apt should be there21:02
silvereyeninny : which editor are you using?21:02
tim__silvereye - I was on chat with Belkin for over an hour.  The last suggestion was the reset but I haven't tried it yet.21:02
krabadorhow can i watch silverlight stuff on ubuntu???21:02
ninnyI'm trying to get apt-get setup as we speak21:02
ninnythe first thing I'll do is install nano :)21:02
ninnyand ping..21:02
ninnybut I can't until I get this sorted21:02
acovrigI have a large file I don't want to download again, however, the md5 sums don't match, is there any way to have sftp fix the file (I have the original on a sftp server)?21:02
s3r3n1t7ninny, download the .deb and install by hand? probably tons easier ...21:02
s3r3n1t7wget is there yeh?21:02
silvereyeemacs is also good, for a full featured editor21:02
ninnyno wget21:03
tim__oh well.  Thanks for the thoughts all.21:03
ninnyone sec I'm going to make a new file21:03
s3r3n1t7ninny, links? (the text browser)21:03
krabadori installed moonlight, on the mono website, and mono-complete on ubuntu 13.04, later i installed "microsoft codecs" on "properties if moonlight plugin on the website21:03
krabadorbut nothing21:03
escott_krabador, what silverlight stuff do you want to watch21:04
krabadorescott, http://www.serviziopubblico.it/live21:04
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BluesKajkrabador, netflix?21:05
escott_krabador, thats not going to mean much to me. what i am getting at is that many places use silverlight to use the silverlight drm in which case it just wont work with moonlight21:05
krabadorBluesKaj, not, it's a tv program21:05
krabadorescott, tell me only if you can watch it , or you too are with blank screen21:06
genii-around!pastebin > john__21:06
ubottujohn__, please see my private message21:06
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escott_krabador, i dont have mono installed on this system21:06
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krabadorescott, ok, thanx the same21:07
escott_krabador, i tried it once to watch the boston marathon... flash would have been an improvement21:07
BluesKajkrabador, escott's post is right , moonlight doesn't work in place of slverlight21:07
escott_which isn't a criticism of mono itself but of whatever junk MSFT gave the BAA to try and serve the content21:07
krabadorBluesKaj, ok, but in the site, clicking on silverlight pic, i linked on moonlight21:07
nanashiReiHi, i'm currently configuring an old Notebook of mine to pose as portable Desktop and Development environment. Now i wonder, this machine is pretty slow (2x 1.7 GHz), can i shutdown the graphical user interface temporarily?21:08
nanashiReiI have ssh and sudo all setup21:08
escott_nanashiRei, sudo service lightdm stop21:08
nanashiReilet's see21:08
coolpro2121How do access command line in Empathy?21:08
BluesKajkrabador, no matter21:08
escott_coolpro2121, empathy is not a terminal emulator21:09
krabadorBluesKaj, ok, then for drm silverlight, no hope on linux?21:09
coolpro2121escott_, how do I get to use commands for NickServ?21:10
nanashiReiescott_: perfect. thanks a lot.21:10
escott_krabador, none. all the algorithms are there, but none of the keys21:10
BluesKajkrabador, unfortunately not21:10
silvereyenanashiRei; a duel core 1.7 ghz isn't really so slow you can't use a gui. maybe if you switched to a lighter-weight window manager like xfce (making it xubuntu)?21:10
woocoolpro2121: /msg NickServ help21:10
krabadorescott, BluesKaj , great :)21:10
coolpro2121woo: where? where do I find the window to enter commans on Empathy?21:10
escott_coolpro2121, you just /msg NickServ whatever21:10
krabadorescott, BluesKaj , really thanx21:10
woocoolpro2121: im using irssi21:11
coolpro2121escott_ where is the window?21:11
woocoolpro2121: its a private message to NickServ then just type help21:11
BluesKajkrabador, unless you can find a version of the show posted on  website that will play in flash21:11
coolpro2121woo: where is the window of NickServ?21:11
woocoolpro2121: idk i use crtl+->21:11
BluesKajthe server textbox , woo21:12
labsinkrabador: there is a package with a custon firefox for windows version that runs in wine that can acces netfix etc on ubuntu21:12
krabadorlabsin, interesting...21:12
krabadorlabsin, tell me more21:12
labsinIs it a specific site or just silverlight?21:13
labsinyou have this: http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/11/netflix-on-ubuntu-is-here.html21:13
ShapeShifter499How do I have a service run after boot?  I tried putting it in rc.local but that didn't seem to work21:15
silvereyeShapeShifter499 : you could try putting it in inetd.conf21:15
silvereyeif it's a net service21:16
ShapeShifter499silvereye: also in etc?21:16
ShapeShifter499silvereye: it's called iodine, the service is named iodine, ip-over-dns21:17
ShapeShifter499Service is iodined21:17
silvereyeok, as long as it's a net service, inetd may be able to start it21:18
sidney_If I reinstall without formatting my home partition are my programs left intact?21:18
ShapeShifter499Hmm I'll try that and reboot21:18
xanguasidney_: unless your home is in a separate partition, no21:19
xanguasidney_: ooh programs, defenively no21:19
xanguasidney_: if you mean configuration, and have a partition for home, configuration is left21:19
t4bsidney_, but you can generate a list of installed programs and reinstall all of them from that list. Search in Synaptic.21:20
sidney_I tried the nomodset boot option but still get a black screen21:20
grendal-primehey is there anyway to disable the unity appmenu.21:22
sidney_t4b the system is non bootable at present21:22
grendal-primeits making my older customers crazy...well crazyer21:22
sidney_t4b I was thinking of installing 12.04 to get it back up21:23
xanguagrendal-prime: lots of quides in this blog http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html21:24
DrGrovGood evening. Running 12.04 and having some Java issues. I think I have not installed Java before and would urgently need it to work. Thankful for any help provided.21:26
hxmi just did sudo rm -rf ~ by mistake21:26
the_drowhi guys I tried to get rid of my password using passwd -d and now I can't log in for some reason.21:28
escott_the_drow, because you need a password21:28
the_drowescott_: but Ubuntu lets the root user to be passwordless when it is installed21:29
the_drowescott_: anyway, how do I recover my account?21:30
bizhan_hi Does ubuntu 12.04 supports btrfs file system? thx21:30
hxmthe_drow: cant you log with root user?21:31
escott_the_drow, the root user is not passwordless. the root user has a password that cannot be matched by any password21:31
the_drowhxm: now, I'm an idiot. It was the root user21:31
the_drowI mean, it was the only user who has root access21:31
s3r3n1t7When im doing apt-get update, the downloads go real quick. However, the Reading package lists step is slower than a bull without legs stuck in glue. Is there a fix around anyone would like to share? :)21:31
escott_bizhan_, yes but the filesystem is not production ready21:32
DrGrovOr perhaps I should ask that which Java should I install? =)21:32
hxmthe_drow: but can you run ubuntu at safe mode and log as console with root user? or did you delete the root's password21:32
bizhan_escott_: thanks for your replay, will you know in what time frame it may be ready? Thx21:32
escott_bizhan_, hard to say. i would wait for some substantial improvement in fsync performance21:33
hxmthe_drow: if you cant log with root, i could run  the option recovery mode in grub, then choose the option root (Drop to root shell prompt), then type: mount -o rw,remount /, and then try passwd21:34
hxmand type a new password21:35
slivahey guys im writing a script to capture the output of the current value of xgamma21:36
slivabut i cant get it21:36
slivato store in a variable21:36
silvereyehow are you trying to capture?21:36
slivai tried21:37
slivaxgamma echo $?21:37
slivaand it prints out 021:37
slivawhich is the return value21:37
slivaxg=$(xgamma) echo $xg21:37
silvereyeoh, I thought you meant you were trying to capture the screen output for some xgamma value21:38
slivano just the current value21:38
slivait prints on the console but i cant get the string in a variable programmaticaly21:38
slivaxg=$(xgamma) echo $xg   just store nothing in the variable21:39
silvereyeit should say what xgamma value is being used, in your xorg.0.log file, but you'll probably need to grep for it21:39
slivasilvereye: it prints out the value on console if you just enter xgamma21:40
DrGrovI am using Google Chrome and there I need Java for identifying myself to my webbank. Any good hints on which package to install?21:40
slivabut doesnt store it in the variable as program output21:40
silvereyeso "xgamma > file.dat" doesn't work?21:40
slivathats the weird part21:41
slivait clearly prints smtn on the console21:41
slivabut its not the output nor the return value21:41
slivait prints: -> Red  0.600, Green  0.600, Blue  0.60021:41
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
slivawhat does -> mean ? stderr?21:42
silvereye" > file.dat" would send std output to file.dat21:43
DrGrovI have read what the security issues are with Java but I desperately need it for banking/identifying myself as me for a job application.21:43
skjoedtIs there a way to use the 'scale' effect (Super+W) on a separate type of application only? (such as terminal windows only)?21:43
Apessliva, try: xg=$(xgamma 2>&1)21:44
labsinDrGrov: It is only the browser propretary java client21:44
slivaApes: tnx that got it :)21:45
slivait was stderr after all21:45
DrGrovlabsin: Ah okay. I have some issues getting past the "initializing Java" when I am trying to sign in. I freeze somehow.21:45
slivabut to print the current value via stderr...pretty weird21:45
DrGrovlabsin: What should I actually do to get it running?21:45
slivaApes: that you very much21:45
Apessliva: You're welcome21:45
STMelonDrGrov: http://www.duinsoft.nl/packages.php?t=en oracle java installation, use the right side for a repo and auto updates)21:45
slivasilvereye: thank you very much for your help and time as well!21:45
labsinDrGrow The one for Linux is icedtea21:45
silvereyeyou are welcome21:46
DrGrovSTMelon: Looking into it now.21:46
DrGrovSTMelon: So that will provide me Java and further updates as well?21:47
histosliva: you could try redirecting the output filtering out stderr with 2>/dev/null21:47
slivahisto: but wouldnt that ignore the output...im actually interested in that value21:48
slivait's prolly just a problem bug21:48
DrGrovSTMelon: Does it matter where in /etc/apt/sources.list I put it?21:48
labsinDrGrow There is however also the Java-applet from oracle themself that come with the jdk21:48
datsmoidamy lithuanian vps support is awesome21:49
DrGrovlabsin: Ah okay. If I follow what STMelon wrote I should be good. I could remove it easily afterwards, yes+21:49
DrGrovThe source and updates that is?21:49
silvereyejust had the weirdest system warning message - "microuptime() went backwards"21:50
histosliva: if you jsut want to redirect stdout?21:50
histosliva: or you want stderr also?21:50
ninnyok I have ubuntu core installed, I can't use ping as it's not installed yet21:50
ninnynot sure if I have an internet connection21:51
ninnyany other way of telling?21:51
UNGNightmareguys I am trying to install java sdk in ubuntu 12.0 and I just fail, anybody can give me a hand?21:51
slivahisto: i want to store it in the variable and got it already21:51
datsmoidaisn't java insecure now21:51
histoninny: You have to have ping or trace or some sort of ip tools installed21:51
datsmoidaf java21:51
slivaApes solution worked21:52
STMelonyea you can, and unlike openjdk, it wont install opnejdk7 when you remove openjdk621:52
histosliva: oh okay sorry21:52
ninnyno trace21:52
ninnyno ping21:52
slivahisto: no problem21:52
Apesninny: You could use telnet, eg telnet www.google.com 8021:52
slivahisto: thank you very much for your help as well21:52
* root passes out the popcorn21:52
STMelonpersonally, i dont have java installed, it's to insecure. if a website requires java, i dont use it21:52
DrGrovSTMelon: Should I also install the suggested packages?21:52
ninnyno telnet :)21:52
ninnyno apt-get21:52
histoninny: How exactly did you install this system?21:52
escott_silvereye, your clock went backwards21:52
ninnyit's a cubox21:52
ninnyubuntu core install21:52
FloodBot1ninny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:52
DrGrovSTMelon: Okay :) I just need it for a brief moment for a work application so I am identified.21:53
ninnyso it's literally the bare bones of ubuntu21:53
labsinDrGrov: Installing icedtea is the securest21:53
labsinit's the Open Variant of the java-web-applet21:53
Apesninny: Write a c program that opens a socket and connects to google's website.21:53
STMeloni would question your bank why they need java, when half if not the whole world knows how insecure it is ....21:53
DrGrovSorry, having some issues following the discussion without highlighting my name21:53
STMelonor at least bring it to their attention21:53
silvereyeescott_ : I guess so, but this is the first time that's ever happened. Is it a sign of hardware problems?21:54
STMelonhaha sory DrGrov21:54
histoninny: Core install has apt and pint21:54
histoninny: ping21:54
labsinDrGrov: sudo apt-get install icedtea-plugin21:54
ninnyhisto: mine doesn't seem too21:54
UNGNightmareI need java to do developing so I don't care about security^^ I did download the .tar.gz here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html21:54
escott_silvereye, not really.21:54
DrGrovSTMelon: Yeah, I will actually give them a call and say it is a huge vulnerability. I only use the webbased text version without Java when I do banking. But in this case it is the work provider, the government, that require some type of identification.21:54
UNGNightmarebut now I don't have any idea how to install it :D21:54
Apesninny: Try /sbin/ping21:54
DrGrovSTMelon: No worries :)21:54
ninnyagh, thanks apes21:54
histoninny: Again how did you install?  So you path is jacked up21:55
DrGrovOkay, then I go and remove the additional repository I just put in21:55
escott_silvereye, clocks drift. not a big deal unless you are running a high frequency trading shop. just make sure ntp is installed21:55
STMelonDrGrov: and yes it will update21:55
Apeshisto: /sbin just isn't in the path by default21:55
STMelonDrGrov: remove the repo and type in terminal sudo update-sun-jre -v remove21:55
DrGrovSTMelon: Sure, will do. How about the GPG key I added to confirm the repo?21:56
STMelonalso remove the gpg key DrGrov21:56
DrGrovSTMelon: So I should go with the icdeatea-plugin for now as labsin suggests and then after remove it?21:56
STMelonuse the oracle one that will install with the repo21:57
ninnyApes: nah nothing of use there either21:57
STMelonyou will fight openjdk6 and 7 when you try to remove either or21:57
sidney_I even get a black screen when booting to a live cd21:57
kenperkinshow do people address dns caching in your ubuntu servers21:57
STMelonremove openjdk6, it install openjdk721:57
Apesninny: Sounds like your install is hosed.21:57
ninnyI'll jump back to cubox and see if there's any help there as this is a bit out of the scope of general ubuntu use, I understand that.21:57
STMelonremove openjdk7 it installs openjdk621:57
ApesYou could try /usr/sbin/ping, but I doubt it's there21:57
labsinthe openjdk doesn't have any security issues on 7. Only compability21:58
DrGrovSTMelon: So I accidentally removed the right repo I just added? Haha =)21:58
ninnyapes: nah just user add etc21:58
DrGrovSTMelon: Well, I put back the repo again then :)21:58
wuyihello, can anyone help with recovery of raid partition using ubuntu? I can't mount it21:59
labsinAnd OpenJDK doesn't include a web-applet or om i wrong?21:59
STMelonlabsin:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202400321:59
STMelonshould do research abit, if one has the exploit so will openjdk22:00
sakkemois there any usable utility (something like wicd) for usb mobile broadband modem, or do I need to install network-manager (along with gnome)?22:00
STMelonDrGrov: just follow that link i gave you, should install pretty easy22:00
STMelonDrGrov: and then to remove it is just as easy22:00
DrGrovSTMelon: Sure, will do. I asked for the GPG key again but it froze. I hope it has it.22:01
STMelonDrGrov: sudo tp-get update, it should give a warning if the key is not there22:01
labsinSTMelon: it seems the 7 is closer to the closed source than 6.22:02
DrGrovSTMelon: It worked well. It had the key already the first time I added the repo and accidentally deleted the repo even before I used it haha =)22:02
solarshey, is there an audio equalizer for ubuntu? can't find one22:03
DrGrovSTMelon: It keeps suggesting packages for me now when I want to install update-sun-jre. Should I take them from Synaptic instead than a terminal?22:03
STMelonlabsin: the point being openjdk6 had/has vulnerabilities as well, since it is now openjdk7, blackhats concentrate on oracle/openjdk 7 .. but 6 .. (java is java) still is inseucre22:03
STMeloni always used the terminal22:03
DrGrovSTMelon: Ok, I will do it as well.22:04
STMelonright down or screenshoot, the packages it installs22:04
sidney_solars pulse has a system wide eq22:04
solarssidney_, how can I access it?22:04
STMelonDrGrov: thats what i did, and then went back in synaptic after i removed .. to see if they wrre removed as well22:04
DrGrovSTMelon: It is installing, huge load of text :)22:05
STMelonyip lol22:05
DrGrovSTMelon: Okay, got it. Now I shall test it to see whether it works.22:05
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STMelonsince oracle java is no longer a mainstream repo for linux, that link is the from a good source for the oracle version of java, for linux22:06
sidney_solars, it has to be installed22:06
STMelonalthough I do not even have java installed.. rather be safe than sorry22:06
DrGrovSTMelon: Okay, I will just keep it then until I have it fixed and then quickly remove it.22:06
STMelonchances of getting exploited, well might be slim, also depends on the sites you visit, and if so, make sure you trust those sites22:07
sidney_could an update cause ubuntu to boot to a black screen even the live cd?22:08
STMeloneven though linux has few viruses out there, it is not bullet proof, i run bitdefender for unices, rkhunter, and chkrootkit22:09
STMelonbrowser: i usually have no script22:09
DrGrovSTMelon: Java worked out well now. Now it is just the question why it keeps taking so long for me to actually get into my government's database where I apply for the position.22:10
silvereyesidney_ ubuntu drivers do write to the hardware, so if the update had a malfunctioning driver it could corrupt your machine nvram making dutre boot difficult22:10
silvereyesidney_ I meant future booting difficult22:11
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DrGrovSTMelon: It worked, just acting a bit sluggish haha22:12
sidney_silvereye I'm not sure if it was an update or my nephew did something while I was away22:12
STMeloncould be server load to the website your connecting to22:12
sidney_even the 12.04 live cd fails to boot22:12
STMelonmaybe a peak moment DrGrov22:12
silvereyeubuntu 11.1 was able to permanently kill the harddrive I tried to install it to22:13
silvereyeubuntu 11.1 was able to permanently kill the harddrive I tried to install it to11.1022:13
silvereye11.10 not 11.122:13
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Seven_Six_TwoI have nfs exports from my server that recently stopped working (ubuntu 12.04). Has there been a change in the past few weeks that might be likely culprit?22:15
Ben64silvereye: ubuntu doesn't kill hard drives22:16
histoSeven_Six_Two: working here.22:16
nova_hi does any on have a 8350 fx or fx 8cpu?  I think Ubuntu is using my CPU incorrectly.22:17
_goxxsy_!ping me22:17
Picinova_: why would you think that?22:18
Seven_Six_Twointeresting. I haven't mounted on my other  computers, but they're on a different subnet than the boxee (what I'm trying to mount exports on)22:18
maheanuuhello to all, and I am having a problem after an upgrade on 12.04, I have lost my microphone for about the zillionth time and cannot seem to find out where it went or the drivers etc....  Can someone give me a series of instructions to diag the problem and affect the repairs in the terminal..22:18
histoSeven_Six_Two: NFS appears to be workign here.22:19
histomaheanuu: Drivers for a microphone?22:19
nova_Compering it to windows 8 witch i should not do ( -_- ) performance is a bit different ?22:19
histomaheanuu: Is your sound working otherwise?22:19
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:19
tgm4883nova_, sounds subjective22:20
maheanuuhisto, Yes it is but no mike for Ubuntu and it was working absolutely wunnerful before the upgrade22:20
Seven_Six_Twohisto, you don't happen to be using a boxee box too do you? (alliteration +10!)22:20
histomaheanuu: check and see if it's muted.22:20
histoSeven_Six_Two: Nope.22:21
maheanuuhisto,I did and it isn't22:21
silvereyemaheanuu : is this a usb microphone? or one plugged into an audio port on a sound card?22:21
maheanuusilvereye, i am using a Toshiba Satellite Notebook22:21
UNGNightmarefollowing problem: /usr/bin/java: cannot execute binary file22:22
UNGNightmareany ideas?22:22
maheanuusilvereye, built in above the monitor22:22
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tgm4883UNGNightmare, what did you try to do?22:22
UNGNightmaretgm4883 only java -version22:22
silvereyemaheanuu : "lsusb" should tell you if it is a usb mic"22:23
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tgm4883UNGNightmare, 64-bit java on 32-bit ubuntu?22:23
maheanuuSilvereye, the mike is an integral part of the computer22:23
UNGNightmaretgm4883 well that could be it ^^, how would I get a 32-bit versions of java?22:23
nova_any one have an idea of how a 8-core CPU is differing in performance on Ubuntu22:23
tgm4883UNGNightmare, where did you get java to begin with?22:24
silvereyemaheanuu : integral or not, it's either connected by usb internally or connected to a sound card internally, and it's important to know which for trying to correct the problem22:24
UNGNightmaretgm4883: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55848/how-do-i-install-oracle-java-jdk-722:24
UNGNightmaretgm4883: lol fail mom22:24
maheanuusilvereye, just ran lsusb and it aint there22:24
s3r3n1t7nova_, you shouldnt notice any difference in performance unless you are using some very heavy multithreaded software (which i doubt if you dont know if you do)22:24
maheanuuI know that it isn't a USB mic22:24
tgm4883UNGNightmare, which one did you download, i586 or x64?22:24
UNGNightmaretgm4883: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html22:25
tgm4883UNGNightmare, that is a URL to a webpage, not a download22:25
UNGNightmaretgm4883: took the -x64.tar.gz ...22:25
tgm4883UNGNightmare, what is the output of 'uname -a'22:25
tgm4883on the command line22:25
maheanuusilvereye, it isn't listed hang on I will do a cut and paste22:25
syntroPimaheanuu, try "alsamixer"22:26
silvereyemaheanuu : if you assume that it's internally connected to the laptop's sound card, then using "alsamixer" might let you activate it22:26
UNGNightmaretgm4883: time and i68622:26
tgm4883UNGNightmare, bammo, 64-bit java on 32-bit Ubuntu22:26
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tgm4883UNGNightmare, you need to download the x86 version22:26
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UNGNightmaretgm4883 lol I thought that would be even higher -.-22:27
nova_s3r3nit7 , its kind of odd in how it uses all CPU cores22:27
tgm4883eg, jdk-7u13-linux-i586.tar.gz22:27
UNGNightmaretgm4883: thank you very much!22:27
tgm4883UNGNightmare, well to be fair, you didn't read all of the instructions that you linked to ;)22:27
tgm4883tar -xvf jdk-7u2-linux-i586.tar.gz (32bit)22:27
tgm4883tar -xvf jdk-7u2-linux-x64.tar.gz (64bit)22:27
tgm4883UNGNightmare, yw22:28
maheanuusivvereye, it is listed and I am going to give you the paste in a couple of seconds22:28
maheanuuSilvereye http://paste.ubuntu.com/1622399/22:28
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UNGNightmaretgm4883 I did, but I had no idea if I have 32 or 64 bit ^^ now I know ty!22:29
maheanuusilvereye,I tried alsa mixer last night and no joy22:29
syntroPiC-Media Electronics, Inc. CM106 Like Sound Device22:29
LantzRpbuilder ?: do you run pbuilder under your profile or as root?22:29
silvereyeok, so it is a usb sound card connected internally to the mic22:31
maheanuusilvereye, yes, I missed that on my quick readthru the first time sorry bout that22:32
nova_Is using Apache2 a security issue in Ubuntu ? if its on a live desktop "distro 64-bit"  and as well online.22:32
maheanuusilvereye, somedaze I feel that I am getting a little too old for this but I refuse to quit22:33
t0ntinhi, all! I'm trying to connect to a free VPN, but I get an error notification that says that the connection to the VPN failed. I have tried several VPN logins from different sites. Any ideas?22:33
LockziHey guys, I have a problem... I am running ESXi with the harddrive on a SAN connected through iSCSI. The issue is that my Virtual Machine (Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS) is full. df -h 0 bytes... Also, I have extended this machine so many times that I have /dev/sda1 2 3 4 5 6. The question is if I can somehow merge all the physical volumes when I am using LVM?22:33
dingohey guys, i have my computer hooked to my large tv. the problem is the command line text is very small, due to the high resolution. How can i make the text bigger and easier to read from a distance? also, i have no gui, this is ubuntu 12.04 server.22:33
silvereyemaheanuu : if this happened on an update, then probably the latest cm106 is broken22:33
silvereyelatest cm106 driver22:34
maheanuusilvereye, as I said, the system was fine until I came back from an upgrade and tried to call my nephew in France on Skype when I had just finished talking to him before the upgrade22:35
nova_hi is the any known issues with ruining Apache2 server on Ubuntu desktop ?22:35
topper4125can anyone tell me if this machine would be good for 12.04 LTS: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1688325619822:36
silvereyemaheanuu : sometimes newer driver version adds extra bugs which were not there before, the driver becomes broken even if it was previously working22:36
nova_hi is the any known issues with ruining Apache2 server on Ubuntu desktop ?22:36
litropytopper4125, yes.22:36
fox_wilsonnova_: As in will the server immediately crash? No.22:36
syntroPinova_, if noone here knows one it still wouldnt mean there arent any22:37
fidel!repeat | nova_22:37
ubottunova_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:37
Ben64topper4125: you should build your own and save a couple hundred dollars22:37
nova_OK sorry every-one ^-^22:37
fidelnova_: its always a good advice to have the latest version of an app - i guess using a non-updated live-cd might be a disadvantage at this point22:37
silvereyemaheanuu : you may need to somehow revert to the previous driver22:37
fideland as always - there is no bug-free software ...so issues might arise over time22:38
nova_fidel , so i need the latest version and if i get PHP i need ver.522:38
Ben64!lamp | nova22:39
ubottunova: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.22:39
fidelnova_: with latest i mean - keep it updated over time - not staying with an old release22:39
dingohey guys, i have my computer hooked to my large tv. the problem is the command line text is very small, due to the high resolution. How can i make the text bigger and easier to read from a distance? also, i have no gui, this is ubuntu 12.04 server.22:40
fidelusing a live-cd sounds for a longer time sounds like 'not installing updates' or am i wrong here?22:40
maheanuusilvereye, I am thinking the same thing, but there doesn't seem to be a way back from this morass I am in at present, or at least I have not been able to find it, you must forgive me, I am pushing 75 (Mar 7) and I still am in the learning phase, I will NEVER quit22:40
silvereyemaheanuu : I don't personally know how to revert to previous driver, perhaps someone else here does22:41
nova_fidel , oh OK thank you for answering my questions :-)22:41
maheanuuUsed to be a field engineer for Sperry Univac, and love the digital field, I just find that it gets more difficult the older I get as my learning curve is beginning to flatten out22:42
fidelnova_: to break it down- what is your plan with this lamp-setup? running a lamp server for a long time - sharing content to the internet?22:42
fideland why are you considerung using a live-cd for it?22:42
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uplinxhowdy, so, i want to set up a virtual resolution for my xsession, i would like it to be 5120x1024 anyone have any advice on how to achieve this?22:42
silvereyedingo, does the text become smaller part way through the boot process?22:43
maheanuusilvereye, thanks for your help and I will stick around and see if someone can possibly show me what I need to do to figure this out22:43
int_uadoes oem-config create a user not in a sudo group? My friend just bought a netbook with xubuntu preinstalled and the user was created right in the store without giving her a root password.22:45
dingosilvereye: havent watched the boot process for some time. but i dont think so no.22:45
dingosilvereye: im due for  a reboot right now, just by chance22:45
UNGNightmaretgm4883: sorry to bother you again, but it's still telling the same, could it be, that there is something left over from before? ^^22:45
tgm4883UNGNightmare, what is the output of 'ls /usr/bin/java'22:46
tgm4883UNGNightmare, what is the output of 'ls -l /usr/bin/java'22:46
SyntheadI just put a ton of fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/google-webfonts.  I ran fc-cache -vf, but none of the fonts are seen by applications.  fc-cache showed ~1300 fonts in that directory.  what am I missing?22:46
syntroPidingo maybe VESA-modes would help "vga=" in cmdline for kernel from grub, but probably there is easier way22:47
syntroPilike fontsize or sth like that22:47
syntroPidingo, http://askubuntu.com/questions/173220/how-do-i-change-the-font-or-the-font-size-in-the-tty-console22:47
UNGNightmaretgm4883: /usr/bin/java -> /etc/alternatives/java22:47
dingosyntroPi: thanks,  i never put the tty part in my google searches, maybe that was my problem, i will look into this link.22:48
tgm4883UNGNightmare, and you went though that guide?22:48
UNGNightmaretgm4883 yes: but twice already (64-bit then 32-bit) and sudo update-alternatives --config java won't get me what it should22:49
tgm4883UNGNightmare, what is the output of 'ls -l /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java'22:54
escott_uplinx, xrandr should be able to set that up for you22:54
t0ntinIt's my first time connecting to a VPN. I get an error message saying "the VPN connection failed." Does anyone have any ideas?22:54
maheanuuI am trying to get to the Ubuntu chat site, but I don't believe that this is it?  can someone direct me?22:54
silvereyethis is it22:54
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daftykinsmaheanuu: for support this is it. what are you looking for?22:54
UNGNightmaretgm4883: any ideas?22:54
tgm4883UNGNightmare, what is the output of 'ls -l /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java'22:54
maheanuuI have a sound problem, I did an upgrade and lost my mic last night and nothing I have done can bring it back22:55
wbfI need help. Make is not working22:55
UNGNightmaretgm4883: /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java22:55
wbfI'm getting the modpost not found error22:55
abyss42I am running django on my ubuntu VM, when i run my dev server, i want to access it from another computer, in the same network, how do i do it?22:56
topper4125maheanuu, if you're looking for support this is it, if you're looking for off topic talk #ubuntu-offtopic, and if you're looking for developers, try #ubuntu-discuss22:56
daftykinswbf: you'd be better off with a programming language channel than here for answering that.22:56
daftykinstopper4125: bit late.22:56
kaendfingerAnyone here willing to help out with a major app project for Ubuntu?22:56
syntroPimaheanuu, did you search in dmesg for it?22:56
wbfdaftykins: which channel?22:56
tgm4883UNGNightmare, ok, what about when you run 'sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java" 1'22:57
tgm4883sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java" 122:57
silvereyesyntroPi : it was a dm106 usb sound device builtin to their laptop22:57
maheanuusyntroPi:  not sure about dmesg will go to terminal and see what that has to offer22:57
dingomy screen size stayed the same all through the boot. the link provided didnt change anything. I keep searching for 'resolution' and 'text size' but the result arent very good. ideas on other keywords?22:57
silvereyesyntroPi : it was a cm106 usb sound device builtin to their laptop22:57
daftykinswbf: i have no idea on channels for languages, but i don't know what language the program you're compiling is in either - C at a guess22:57
unhumanhey, how can i found out how php sends email from my ubuntu server?22:57
paws-in my /etc/rc.local i have su -c root startx but its not logging me in automatically... why is that?22:57
wbfdaftykins: it's the linux KERNEL.22:58
UNGNightmaretgm4883: no message or error after that22:58
kaendfingerWhat's a Application/Package related channel?22:58
syntroPimaheanuu, silvereye but maybe "dmesg" complaints about something related to that cm106 usb sound card22:58
daftykinswbf: try a kernel channel then22:58
tgm4883UNGNightmare, ok, you said something was wrong when you did 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' right? what was wrong?22:58
daftykinswbf: actually this may be of use:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile22:59
UNGNightmaretgm4883: it says: THere is only one alternative in link group java (providing /usr/bin/java) : /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java; Nothing to configure.22:59
maheanuusyntroPi:I have the dmesg readout and it is a nightmare, now all I have to do is figure it out....22:59
syntroPimaheanuu, can you paste the output from your dmesg in http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give the link here?23:00
tgm4883UNGNightmare, out of curiosity, what happens if you do '/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java -version'23:00
UNGNightmaretgm4883: cannot execute binary file ^^23:01
sotomosshi guy23:01
lunatic^what can i install to test my 3d?23:01
daftykinslunatic^: glxgears23:02
escott_lunatic^, what do you want to test?23:02
lunatic^just see my drivers working, fps, etc23:02
UNGNightmaretgm4883: could there be still somthing 64-bit left? ^^23:02
syntroPiglxinfo | grep direct23:02
escott_lunatic^, performance or existence23:02
tgm4883UNGNightmare, ok, how about 'file /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java'23:02
lunatic^existence i suppose23:03
lunatic^isn't there a open source game on the repo :)23:03
UNGNightmaretgm4883: EFL 64-bit LSB executable D:23:03
tgm4883UNGNightmare, ok, so at least we know it's the wrong one :)23:04
UNGNightmaretgm4883: how do I get rid of it now? ^^23:04
tgm4883UNGNightmare, what about 'ls -l /etc/alternatives/java'23:04
escott_lunatic^, there are various games, but depending upon your cpu you could run some with software rendering and not be entirely sure what you are running23:04
lunatic^it's a gaming pc23:05
UNGNightmaretgm4883: /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0/bin/java23:05
tgm4883UNGNightmare, perfect23:05
tgm4883UNGNightmare, so should be easy enough to get rid of23:05
tgm4883UNGNightmare, Did you do all the unzipping from your Download dir?23:05
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UNGNightmarehome dir23:06
UNGNightmaretgm4883: home dir23:06
syntroPiid go with those webpud8 repo since it will update it aswell (horrible sec on java)23:06
tgm4883UNGNightmare, ok, do you still have java stuff in your home dir?23:06
UNGNightmaretgm4883: yes23:06
tgm4883UNGNightmare, any java directories or just files?23:07
maheanuusyntroPi: here is part of it do you need it all?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1622526/23:07
UNGNightmaretgm4883: lol nah that files are gone, should I unzip again?23:08
tgm4883UNGNightmare, not yet23:08
UNGNightmaretgm4883: there is just the .tar.gz left23:08
tgm4883UNGNightmare, just one?23:08
syntroPimaheanuu, yes the whole output of dmesg: "dmesg > /tmp/dmesg" "gedit /tmp/dmesg" copy&paste and provide link23:08
tgm4883UNGNightmare, what is the filename of that one?23:08
wbfcan someone give me a precompiled modpost?23:08
wbfbecause the LFS people say "If it's ubuntu we don't support it."23:08
maheanuusyntroPi: Here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1622532/23:09
UNGNightmaretgm4883: jdk-7u13-linux-i586.tar.gz23:09
syntroPithats not all23:09
tgm4883UNGNightmare, ok, unzip that one, but don't move the directory yet23:09
syntroPimaheanuu, starts with [0000]23:09
tgm4883UNGNightmare, first do 'sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0'23:10
tgm4883UNGNightmare, that will delete the 64-bit version of java you have installed23:10
Cool1can someone give me some assisitance? I am setting up my first IRC server but having problems connecting my client to my server23:11
UNGNightmaretgm4883: all done :)23:11
tgm4883UNGNightmare, ok, so now go though that guide starting with the 'sudo mv' command23:12
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datsmoidadoes running a lot of SSH sessions use a lot of CPU/ram ?23:12
daftykinsCool1: your best bet is to ask for support in a channel for the IRC server you're using, just because it's Ubuntu doesn't exactly relate...23:12
Cool1okay thanks!23:12
daftykinsdatsmoida: use 'top' to find out23:12
jilebedevHello. How can I uniquely identify a physical hard drive that is a part of a RAID1 array in ubuntu? blkid gives the same 'universaliy unique' identifier for the two mirrored partitons.23:13
datsmoidai am using top and my CPU is at like 98"%23:13
datsmoidaeven though i just tripled my ram23:13
datsmoidabut i do have like 20 SSH sessions going23:13
syntroPimaheanuu,  "dmesg > /tmp/dmesg" "gedit /tmp/dmesg" copy&paste and provide link23:13
jribdatsmoida: what process does top show using the cpu?23:13
datsmoidatop - 15:14:04 up  2:39, 22 users,  load average: 023:14
datsmoidaTasks: 104 total,   1 running, 103 sleeping,   0 st23:14
datsmoidaCpu(s):  0.3%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.5%id,  0.0%wa23:14
datsmoidaMem:    759304k total,   389168k used,   370136k fr23:14
datsmoidaSwap:  1048572k total,        0k used,  1048572k fr23:14
datsmoida99.5% ?23:14
jribdatsmoida: that's idle23:14
STMelonthats idle23:14
wbfplease use http://paste.ubuntu.com23:14
datsmoidalol oh23:15
datsmoidawbf - ok np23:15
DrGrovSTMelon: Okay, got it done. Now how to remove this Java? :)23:15
datsmoidajrib - thx23:15
UNGNightmaretgm4883: sudo update-alternatives --config still says the same as before but java -version is working so I think everything is fine?23:15
AcibiDoes anyone know if there is major difference between the LibreOffice we can find on the ubuntu repo and the .deb that we can download on libreOffice.org?23:15
tgm4883UNGNightmare, yep sounds good :)23:15
STMelonDrGrov: sudo update-sun-jre -v remove23:16
DrGrovSTMelon: PM'ed you.23:16
UNGNightmaretgm4883 you are todays hero! thank you!23:16
tgm4883UNGNightmare, yw23:17
guideXis it possible to run call of duty black ops + steam under 12.10?23:20
guideXand if so, how does it play?23:20
maheanuusyntroPi: I hope this is what you want http://paste.ubuntu.com/1622550/23:20
tgm4883guideX, no, it might be possible under Wine23:20
paws-in my /etc/rc.local i have su -c root startx but its not logging me in automatically... why is that?23:20
tgm4883guideX, but I'm assuming you are asking about the steam linux client23:20
ShapeShifter499sometimes my ssh service seems slow even though I'm ssh-ing over local network, why?23:20
jribpaws-: that's an awful idea23:21
tgm4883ShapeShifter499, high server load?23:21
paws-jrib: i need it..23:21
jribpaws-: why?23:21
ShapeShifter499its my own personal server23:21
ShapeShifter499noting barely runs on it23:21
jribShapeShifter499: you mean you type and it's slow to show up?23:22
jribShapeShifter499: can be an issue on the client if you're downloading/uploading a lot23:22
paws-jrib: couze its a server and i am tired of always logging in and typing password... and im the only one that has physical access to to it23:22
ShapeShifter499jrib, yes23:22
tgm4883paws-, a ubuntu server?23:23
jribShapeShifter499: you could check out mosh maybe23:23
paws-yes tgm488323:23
tgm4883paws-, with a gui installed?23:23
paws-yes :)23:23
jribpaws-: what are you doing that requires so much password entry?23:23
tgm4883paws-, and I'm assuming you don't want the gui running all the time23:23
ShapeShifter499jrib, mosh?23:24
paws-my question is why isnt the rc.local responding to that...23:24
jribShapeShifter499: http://mosh.mit.edu/23:24
jribpaws-: because your syntax is wrong.  And you are doing something not recommended at all.23:24
histopaws-: How are you trying to login automatically?23:24
paws-i understand its not the smartest thing but quiet frankly security is not my issue23:24
paws-histo: when i boot the computer its in the terminal23:25
jribpaws-: I don't see why you can login as a regular user.  If you need to do a series of tasks with sudo, just use "sudo -i" and you'll have a root shell23:25
histopaws-: Why don't you autologni your user and then startx .  I can explain how i'm doing it on my box hooked to my tv23:25
ShapeShifter499jrib, thanks I'll try that23:26
mattwj2002what is ltsp?23:27
histopaws-: In my /etc/inittab Change you rfirst tty to  1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f paws tty1 </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&123:27
tgm4883mattwj2002, linux terminal server project23:27
mattwj2002is that the server version?23:27
tgm4883mattwj2002, no. Why do you want to know23:27
mattwj2002I was looking at some documentation and it mentioned it23:28
histopaws-: then in your ~/.bash_profile You need to add a script that if x isn't running it will startx23:28
tgm4883mattwj2002, the server version is..... "ubuntu server"23:28
histopaws-: Something like if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]; then startx fi23:29
histoWould work23:29
tgm4883mattwj2002, yes, I know what LTSP is23:29
mattwj2002so would you mind sharing?23:29
uplinxanyone know of a virtual resolution tututorial?23:29
dreamer000How can I install libxml-sax-perl in precise? It conflicts with installed perl.23:30
tgm4883mattwj2002, do you know what a terminal server is?23:30
compdocvirtual resolution? as in?23:30
tgm4883mattwj2002, then LTSP is the project for a Linux Terminal Server23:30
tgm4883mattwj2002, http://www.ltsp.org/23:30
histopaws-: http://www.debianadmin.com/how-to-auto-login-and-startx-without-a-display-manager-in-debian.html23:31
paws-histo: thanx i am doing what you told me...23:31
mattwj2002thanks tgm488323:31
jribpaws-: I strongly urge you not to.23:31
histopaws-: yeah no need for su23:31
jribpaws-: at least not as root.23:31
tgm4883mattwj2002, sorry, i've been working all day on getting a windows 7 VM updated :/23:32
histojrib: Why he wants to auto login a user.23:32
mattwj2002tgm4883: no worries...I just got done with a hard day's worth of work too23:32
jribhisto: he's trying to auto-login as root into X23:32
mattwj2002I am a bit brain dead too23:32
histojrib: Yeah, that's why I told him how to do it as a uer.23:32
mattwj2002I do have a simple question23:33
tgm4883mattwj2002, shoot23:33
AcibiAnyone have an idea why an extension would load on the libreoffice from Ubuntu repo and fail when loading on LibreOffice installed from .deb??23:33
mattwj2002what is recommended for a server 12.04 or 12.10?23:33
ShapeShifter499jrib, the system I'm ssh-ing into is acting as my wifi router, could bad dhcp settings cause issues?23:33
tgm4883mattwj2002, Depends on the usage23:33
wbfI'm getting the modpost not found error (yes asking here now due to LFS saying ubuntu isn't LFS.23:33
mattwj2002good point23:33
tgm4883mattwj2002, generally, I suggest 12.04, as it's supported longer23:33
histomattwj2002: I would use LTS which is 12.0423:34
jribhisto: which is fine.  Though 1) I would just use lightdm and 2) Does the /etc/inittab method work with upstart?23:34
mattwj2002okay cool23:34
tgm4883mattwj2002, but there are cases to use 12.10, for instance, if the software you want to run isn't available/doesn't support 12.0423:34
histojrib: He doesn't even have display maanger from the sound of it. Since it's a server install.23:34
mattwj2002I just want to build a simple server23:35
mattwj2002not even really production23:35
jribhisto: yet he has startx ;)23:35
jribShapeShifter499: I don't know23:35
tgm4883mattwj2002, if the hardware supports 12.04, I'd go 12.0423:35
mattwj2002thanks tgm488323:35
tgm4883mattwj2002, that is what I do for our servers at work23:35
tgm488312.04 VMs23:36
histojrib: Upstart may be an issue. If so I would edit /etc/init/tty1.conf23:36
oturafor some odd reason Kompozer isn't in 12.10 repositories and no ppa, what's the alternative?23:36
mattwj2002ubuntu is definitely nice and well documented23:37
histootura: http://alternativeto.net/software/kompozer/23:39
histomattwj2002: somethings are23:39
tgm4883otura, for info on why  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kompozer/+bug/106554723:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 1065547 in kompozer (Ubuntu) "Please remove kompozer from quantal" [Wishlist,Fix released]23:39
mattwj2002better than a lot of OSes23:39
oturatgm4883: oh wow, I forgot how much developing for any distro sucks. 2 year old software doesn't work. worse than iOS.23:44
tgm4883otura, not entirely sure what you are getting at (Updating windows has made me tired today)23:44
oturatgm4883: no sable ABI's anywhere except the POSIX standard itself23:45
tgm4883otura, sorry, I was under the impression that it was removed because nobody wants to maintain it anymore (for the last 2 years)23:46
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
tgm4883otura, granted we're talking about Komposer, a WYSIWYG HTML editor, which from my experiencing dealing with web designers, they hate WYSIWYG HTML editors23:47
marjinal1sthi, i'm looking for a calendar/task software. what do you recommend for it, especially looking good under 12.10 and unity?23:47
Jess11I am setting up my first IRC server using ubuntu... I am undecided about which IRC to use any suggestions?23:49
oturatgm4883: oh but ofcourse! because web designers hate it, surely everyone must hate it as well! or should! just as with debian stable, why would anyone want new software. that's insane! /s23:49
marjinal1stasking again, i'm looking for a calendar/task software. what do you recommend for it, especially looking good under 12.10 and unity?23:49
PhysicistHow to install steam on 10.04??23:50
oturamarjinal1st: Evolution combined with GNOME323:50
marjinal1stanything else?23:50
nibbleri dislike evolution a lot and so prefer thunderbird23:50
histo!best | marjinal1st23:50
ubottumarjinal1st: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:50
tgm4883otura, that comment asside, the software isn't being maintained anymore, so perhaps you should direct your anger at the developers of Komposer?23:51
PhysicistThe only one steam package available is i386, and my system doesn't accepted it!23:51
jxclDoes anyone know how long it will take before the official ubuntu repositories update to LibreOffice 4.0?23:51
tgm4883Physicist, works on my 64-bit system23:52
tgm4883Physicist, I  just did 'dpkg -i steam.deb' then 'apt-get -f install'23:52
histojxcl: Repos don't update like that.23:52
marjinal1stactually i don't wanna install gnome 3 and other typical gnome software. happy with unity and thunderbird. just need an calendar/task software looking good on 12.10 and unity23:52
oturatgm4883: I'm not angry, I'm just slightly amused.23:52
jxclhisto: what do you mean?23:52
histojxcl: Meaning it probably won't be updated until the next version of ubuntu. The software in the repos is only fixed for security reasons and bug fixes.  Other than that the version stays the same. You could check in backports if you need a newer version23:53
Physicisttmg4883. Ok.. I will try right now!23:53
histo!backports | jxcl23:53
ubottujxcl: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging23:53
tgm4883otura, well I just skimmed the bug report, it doesn't build on Quantal and nobody wants to maintain it. Sounds like a good reason to not have it in Quantal to me23:53
jxclhisto: thank you23:53
slnlsHi, I have a dataloss because of an apparent bug in nautilus. Trying to move files from one to another tab in nautilus, but move them back to the original tab gives an error and after clicking "abort" the files are GONE. for good23:55
histoslnls: What version of ubuntu?23:55
histoslnls: And is there a question in there?23:56
slnls12.04. Where are my files?23:56
tgm4883slnls, link to bug report?23:56
histoslnls: have you tried looking in the directories in terminal?23:56
Physicisttmg4883. Wrong architecture i386..23:56
tgm4883Physicist, we're talking the steam linux client right?23:57
Physicisttmg4883. Wrong architecture i386..  my system is 64 amd too!23:57
histoPhysicist: You should be able to install it.23:57
tgm4883Physicist, downloaded from http://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steam.deb  ?23:57
Physicisttmg4883. yes.23:57
histoPhysicist: Double click it. What error do you get?23:57
tgm4883Physicist, what version of Ubuntu?23:57
tgm4883Physicist, it doesn't support 10.04?23:58
tgm4883Physicist, it supports 12.0423:58
tgm4883which is a pretty large difference23:58
slnlsOK, I found the files. but still. this is not supposed to happen. I dont have a bug report yet. How should I?23:58
tgm4883slnls, do you have steps to reproduce?23:58
histo!bug | slnls23:58
ubottuslnls: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:58
Physicistso i have to upgrade my system.. than install steam..23:58
alamii want to run a package only with typing his name at any time on terminal i have to add symlink?23:59
PhysicistI like 10.04!23:59
histoPhysicist: What error are you getting?23:59
L3topslnls: if nautilus crashed... didn't the crash handler pop up asking to submit something?23:59
Physicististo, wrong architecture!23:59
Physicistonly that.23:59
tgm4883histo, he's getting an "invalid architecture" error from dpkg since he's trying to install a 32-bit package on a 64-bit os23:59

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