
koegslemme look for an english version00:00
koegsseems that boot-repair is recommended :D00:00
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dydzEz2__this time ill just do it under legacy00:01
dydzEz2__legacy is more compatible wit hunder lvie-cd's like tails etc00:01
dydzEz2__so i want it like yours00:01
dydzEz2__im thinking of deleting the recovery partitions and just manually installing w800:01
koegsi do not like pre-installed win-versions00:01
koegslots of garbage in there00:01
koegsso i zapped the recovery00:02
dydzEz2__i got technet so i can get a nice clean ISO00:02
xubuntu808I want to download Xubuntu and dual boot it with my current laptop that has Vista on it00:58
xubuntu808but i downloaded it and put the file onto a CD and it wont boot from the CD even though i made it Boot from CD first00:59
David-Axubuntu808: how did you burn it to the CD. It must be burnt as an .iso (burn iso or cd image) not as a data file (burn data files).01:02
xubuntu808so do i extract the file and just put the .iso file on the CD?01:02
David-Axubuntu808: download a .iso file. burn the .iso file to a cd. the cd burning program should have options to burn an image (.iso) or data files. select an image or .iso.01:04
xubuntu808i got the file straight from xubuntu.org. Do i just search for the iso online?01:05
xubuntu808Actually, i just found it.01:07
David-Axubuntu808: what file? you should download a file whos name is xubuntu-12.04.1-xxx.iso or xubuntu-12.10-xxx.iso (where xxx is the variant and arcitecture you want)01:08
xubuntu808ok thanks01:20
David-Axubuntu808: f y i, by architecture i mean 32 or 64 bit. 32bit=i386, 64bit=amd64, you can always use 32bit (i386) if you are unsure.01:23
David-Axubuntu808: by variant i mean desktop or ... well, the other variants. (desktop is what most people want.)01:25
roger_Is anyone available to help a linux newb?03:41
roger_Is anyone available to help me out. should be easy03:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:43
well_laid_lawnroger_:  most people just start out with what their problem is ;)03:43
roger_oh my bad..  just being friendly03:44
well_laid_lawnit's just how support channels work03:44
roger_I've got xubuntu with apache2 for a simple LAN web server. I can connect using the IP just fine. Was just wondering what I'd be getting into if I wanted to setup a local domain name (ie. //mywebpage/") instead of using the IP.. I searched a little and saw bind9, but not sure if i'm barking up the wrong tree there03:47
pleia2depends on how complicated you want to make it, if you want it to be discoverable by every system on your lan you can set up bind9 as a dns server and have all systems query that for dns03:48
pleia2if you just need to get to it from one computer, you can just edit /etc/hosts and put some info in there03:48
pleia2I have some test vms on my lan that I don't have in DNS, so I put this in /etc/hosts on my desktop:03:49
pleia2192.168.42.68 vm103:49
pleia2192.168.42.70 vm203:49
pleia2so I can just acces them by the name "vm1" etc03:49
roger_yeah from all comps..  so with bind9 i'd be setting up a "zone"?03:49
pleia2yeah, probably a lan zone03:50
pleia2probably want to read a bind9 how-to though :)03:51
pleia2https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/dns-configuration.html is good03:51
roger_ok.. great!  so if I go slashing my way around installing/setting up bind9 and its goes all wonky, if I remove bind9 that should take me back to my current state?03:51
pleia2well, there are two parts to running a dns server - actually running it on a server and then telling your local computer to use it as the dns server03:52
pleia2/etc/resolv.conf will typically show you your current dns server03:52
pleia2I run my own, so on my network: nameserver
pleia2so you'd have to uninstall bind9, and tell your desktop to stop using it for dns03:53
roger_ok.. sounds good.03:53
roger_thank you very much..03:54
pleia2you're welcome :) good luck03:54
roger_oh wait03:55
roger_ahh.. nevermind..  was thinking I could just do etc/hosts instead. But that would only work for one computer03:56
pleia2honestly setting up a dns server is a bit of work, on my wifi lan I still just copy /etc/hosts entries to a few computers04:00
roger_yeah, I'm think so now too04:01
roger_ok so.. just to be clear.. you are editing a file on remote comps, and not the server?04:02
Zelouilleroger_: Alternatively, your router may have an interface where you can name your connected computers. If the computers already use the DNS of the router, you'll have nothing else to change.04:03
jdsimoncan somebody help me, when watching dvd videos on xubuntu my vidoes are yellow and all blurry, what do I need to do?04:07
roger_Bind9 vs. PowerDNS vs. DNSMASQ?04:24
icloudhi does any one know how to make the title bar (including close, maximize, etc) button bigger? i tried resizing the .xmp file in the theme folder but it does nothinig05:17
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roger_thank you to the guy who helped me with DNS05:49
roger_was alot of work but got it going05:50
BillyZaneI have a problem with thunar. the network icon on the left side is not there.06:53
BillyZaneThe network is fine, I am able to access it through ctrl+l06:53
BillyZanebut, the actual network icon has disappeared06:54
BillyZaneregarding recent changes to my computer settings, i have typed "mv /home/riz/.gtkrc-2.0 /home/riz/.gtkrc-2.0.BAK" in order to resolve an earlier problem regarding the inability to customize my desktop06:54
laiteBillyZane: I think this is a known bug, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunar/+bug/105761006:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 1057610 in thunar (Ubuntu) "trash and network icons don't show up occasionally" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:56
BillyZanelaite: thank you, i'll give it a look06:57
BillyZanedo you know how to fix the bug?06:57
laiteunfortunately not :/06:58
BillyZanehow annoying06:58
BillyZaneyou know...06:58
BillyZanei'm a very recent convert from windows06:59
BillyZaneand... since moving to ubuntu, i just can't go back to windows06:59
BillyZanebut one thing I have to say about windows is, it works06:59
BillyZanei've encountered so many computer problems the last few weeks, that it's easily more than i've had in years combined07:00
BillyZaneit seems like the status of no compter problems is an unstable point07:00
BillyZanerandom things just happen for no reason at all. I have no idea how to fix it either07:00
toraxthe more I have used linux the more i´ve seen how windows does not work07:00
BillyZanei think that's true for when you're trying to do something07:01
BillyZanebut if you're trying to do nothing, windows works really well07:01
laiteBillyZane: For this problem, it seems that I got network icon (never missed it in the first place, heh) back by writing to console 'killall Thunar' (without quotations), and then 'thunar --daemon &'07:03
laite*console = terminal emulator07:04
BillyZaneooo interesting07:04
BillyZanewhat happens next?07:04
BillyZanei just run thunar again07:04
laitedoes it work?07:04
BillyZaneoh, let me try07:06
BillyZaneone sec07:06
BillyZaneit did :)07:07
BillyZaneu r genius07:07
BillyZanewhat did i just do?07:07
BillyZanei think kill all killed all running thunar apps07:07
BillyZanebut what about thunar -- daemon &07:08
BillyZanewhat is the daemon, what is the & ?07:08
laitedeamon is linux term for 'background process' (much simplified, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_(computing) if you're really interested)07:09
laitethe & at the end tells terminal that we want to 'jump out' of that process, so it really goes to background instead of closing when we exit terminal07:09
laiteit *might* also work without --daemon, but it was suggested in bug report I linked so I went with that :)07:10
BillyZanemy cat's breath smells like cat food07:11
laiteattaboy =D07:11
BillyZaneif we close thunar, it doesn't really close, it just goes to backgorund07:12
BillyZaneis that right/07:12
laitecorrect, you can see that by yourself in terminal, try 'pgrep thunar -l'07:13
BillyZanewhy would that correct the problem? didn't kill all close thunar, which in doing so, cause the problem to be fixed? why then would preventing the closing of thunar prevent the problem from happening07:13
laiteit seems that *restarting* thunar was the key here, perhaps something goes internally wrong at some point due to a bug in non-daemon instance07:14
BillyZanei guess i'll have to accept it07:14
laiteas I said, it *might* work also without --daemon07:15
BillyZaneit's no worries, i learned a new command :D07:15
BillyZanealso, pgrep07:15
BillyZanewhat's that?07:15
BillyZaneeverytime I type man command, i just TL;DR07:15
BillyZanei wish there was a simple explanation for things07:15
laitepgrep allows you to search for active processes by their name (or part of it, quite handy), -l in the end shows correct name on output07:16
BillyZanetoo much to learn!07:16
BillyZaneargh, i can't remember every command!07:16
laiteI'm quite recent convert (~2 years ago), and look at me now =D07:17
laiteyou'll get there :)07:17
BillyZanewt.f, why call it pgrep , i guess it's... p grep, process grep, process list! yay!07:17
laitealso, welcome to linux :)07:17
BillyZanewell that is actually really logical07:17
BillyZanethank you07:18
BillyZaneit's been a very long time coming07:18
BillyZanebeen using windows for... maybe 15 years now07:18
BillyZaneit's time to ditch it07:19
BillyZaneit makes me want to shed a small tear saying that07:19
BillyZanebut i only have like... well... almost no reason to stay on it now07:19
BillyZaneexcept for itunes07:19
toraxAs time goes by you´ll find many reasons to stay in linux :)07:19
BillyZaneipad/iphone .. i won't buy another07:19
BillyZaneoh i have so many reasons to07:20
BillyZanei'm amazed by linux all the time07:20
BillyZanei wanted to use it because i'm taking a C and java class07:20
toraxme too :D, been using it on and off for 10 years =)07:20
BillyZanei presume you also use xfce then07:21
BillyZaneis that the best gui?07:21
BillyZanei think so, so far07:21
toraxwell I like xfce07:21
toraxI also use awesome07:21
BillyZanei hear awesome is the l33t user's environment07:23
toraxwell... yes. It takes some time to get used to07:24
toraxcinnamon also looks good07:24
BillyZanei don't think i'm quite ready for awesome yet07:25
toraxyou should use the desktop you like.07:27
BillyZanefor sure dude07:27
BillyZaneyou know what blows my mind?07:28
toraxIt is the freedom of choice we have here :)07:28
BillyZaneonly thing is, it's not doing "it" , i just get a blinking _07:29
BillyZanebut i should get an alternative log in right?07:29
toraxyou can start new x session, which goes there07:30
toraxcant remember how07:30
BillyZaneyou know what CTRL+ALT+F8 is like? it's when they realized the solar system was just a small part of the galaxy07:30
BillyZanetyping stuff on that screen doesn't do anything, it's bizarre07:30
gmg85i have a problem08:25
gmg85ping is not working08:25
gmg85yet i can surf the net08:25
gmg85any ideas on how to fix this?08:25
toraxwhat are you trying to ping?08:27
gmg85torax, google.com08:29
gmg85torax, pinging the router works08:29
toraxgmg85: try pinging
gmg85that works08:36
toraxcould be problem with dns server08:38
gmg85torax, is it possible for such a problem to affect a single user?08:39
gmg85torax, turned out to be a problem in my dns server settings08:42
gmg85torax, it was working before...i had  the wrong ip for one  of the dns servers so  i guess when the system finally used that ip that's when things went wrong08:43
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oinkonwhen my computer suspends, it isn't locking11:08
oinkoni have the checkbox checked that tells xfce to lock the screen on suspend in the power settings11:08
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xubuntu186hi.. there's somebody?17:47
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:47
xubuntu186since the last update of the system amule don't start? some one can help with that problem?17:48
holsteinxubuntu186: sure.. lemme just google "amule" and see what i come up with17:57
holsteinxubuntu186: i would try removing/renaming the config file in your /home directory..18:02
holsteinxubuntu186: if you have issues with that, and easy way to test is to just make another test user account and try it18:06
xubuntu186i remove amule, then delete all files in ./amule but not remove Incoming and Temp directories, then install again. Amule start and i don't lose any download18:08
xubuntu186thank you!!!18:08
holsteinxubuntu186: cheers!18:09
xubuntu185bizarre evening18:45
xubuntu185been trying to re-install GRUB forot 2 days (not a really flink komputer guy)18:46
xubuntu185**for about18:46
xubuntu185while saving my wife's data from her ubuntu partition18:46
xubuntu185hopefully the xubuntu install will re-install the bootloader so it doesn't only startup in W*ndows18:47
xubuntu185and I got the answer back from the immigration dept...my residency case has been rejected18:47
holsteinxubuntu185: grub is just one bootloader option... theres GAG, plop...18:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:48
holstein^^ there are explanations about how to recover grub using a live CD.. thats what i would do18:48
xubuntu185grub was on the thumb drive, and I accidentaly installed the xubuntu liveCD on this key...thanks bot18:49
holsteinxubuntu185: i asked the bot to link that for you18:50
xubuntu185takk, holstein18:50
holsteinxubuntu185: grub will be where you install it18:50
holsteinxubuntu185: if you dont have the machine set to boot the USB stick, it will boot the hard drive... which has whatever bootloader it has18:51
GermainZHey guys. I'm trying to boot the iso directly using EasyBCD, which works fine (it boots) but I get the terminal and this error after the loading screen instead of the installation: "(initramfs) Unable To Find A Medium Containing A Live File System"20:01
SonikkuAmericaGermainZ: What kind of a terminal?20:02
GermainZThe linux shell, with busybox's version at the top.20:02
Unit193Well that's not good at all...20:03
holsteinGermainZ: the live filestystem will be on the live iso.. i would say its not "working fine".. can you just boot a live CD/USB?20:03
SonikkuAmericaI've never heard of anyone trying to boot an ISO image using EasyBCD...20:03
GermainZholstein, not before a few days.20:03
xubuntu307Ive been logged out of my desktop and dont know the user name or pass20:04
GermainZSonikkuAmerica, a few people suggested it for Ubuntu online. Not to me, tho.20:04
holsteinxubuntu307: there is a recovery console20:04
holsteinGermainZ: ? ubuntu online?20:04
xubuntu307im definitely new20:04
GermainZholstein, if I'm not mistaken, yes.20:04
SonikkuAmericaholstein: Ubuntu, online. Not online Ubuntu.20:05
holsteinxubuntu307: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword20:05
GermainZI think he meants the ubuntu online forums?20:05
xubuntu307thank you20:05
holsteinGermainZ: can you just boot a CD or USB?20:05
GermainZholstein, not before a few days.20:05
holsteinGermainZ: ?20:05
GermainZNone available ATM and can't get hold of any till a few days20:06
holsteinGermainZ: i dont understand what that means.. you mean, that functionality is broken?20:06
GermainZSome people suggested changing my BIOS from IDE to AHCI, but it's already set to AHCI.20:06
holsteinGermainZ: http://askubuntu.com/questions/124617/easy-bcd-help-dual-boot-win7-and-ubuntu-11-10-add-new-entry-for-ubuntu might be relevant20:07
GermainZholstein, it's booting fine for me.20:08
holsteinGermainZ: cool.. then enjoy!20:08
holsteinGermainZ: i thought you were experiencing an error20:08
GermainZWell, booting as in "no purple screen".20:08
GermainZIt is giving me an error.20:08
holsteinGermainZ: ok.. then it is *not* booting fine20:09
holsteinGermainZ: can you use a USB stick to just boot the iso?20:09
GermainZWell, it's not booting at all for that guy, so it is booting for me :P20:09
GermainZI only have my android right now, my USB is back home.20:09
GermainZI could probably try using the microSD, but I'd rather not do that if there's anything simpler.20:10
holsteinGermainZ: i would either look into what easybcd expects you to do to boot ubuntu, or just wait...20:10
GermainZThere are just two settings for booting an ISO with EasyBCD and I've tried them both.20:11
GermainZI guess I'll just wait and see if it happens with a live cd20:11
holsteinGermainZ: i have not tried easybcd.. i use a live CD or usb made with unetbootin often20:12
holsteinGermainZ: you could have a bad iso..20:12
GermainZInstalled fine on virtual box.20:12
holsteinGermainZ: then, i would say, the issue is easybcd with ubuntu.. and i am not familiar with easybcd.. you could explore the support avenues specific to easybcd20:13
GermainZAlright, thanks for the help :)20:14
GermainZIf I understand correctly, I can use unetbootin to directly boot into the live environment from my hard disk? That's what I was doing with EasyBCD. I'll try it out using unetbootin.20:19
GermainZJust to know which procedure to take ... can xubuntu load itself to RAM?20:34
Unit193If you have enough and use the toram boot option, yes.20:35
GermainZI have 8gb available. Thanks :)20:35
Unit193Heh, I've done it with 2.20:35
GermainZ|PhoneQuick update: it boots fine using unetbootin20:50
GermainZ|PhoneIf that's what it's called, not sure :)20:50
GermainZ|PhoneThanks for the suggestion!20:50
GermainZ|PhoneI can't figure out how to split my windows partition tho...20:56
Unit193Use GParted.20:57
GermainZ|PhoneCan I do that from the installation?20:58
Unit193Installation?  You'd normally do it before, I'd think.  You can't resize the active partition.21:00
GermainZ|PhoneMhm..  I didn't see the load to ram option21:02
Unit193You won't see it, in the section where it asks you if you want to Try Xubuntu without installing or install Xubuntu, you hit F6 then type it in.21:03
GermainZ|PhoneAh, thank you.21:03
GermainZ|PhoneShould have checked that in the docs first21:04
GermainZ|PhoneI can't access that screen using unetbootin... I can either try directly try or install directly. Can I do it from the terminal?21:09
Unit193GermainZ|Phone: Hit e on Try.21:12
GermainZ|PhoneUnit193, should I add a new line or edit an existing one?21:19
Unit193GermainZ|Phone: Edit.21:19
GermainZ|PhoneWhich line should I edit? "boot"?21:19
Unit193You should see "quiet splash" add a space and toram21:19
Unit193"quiet splash toram"21:20
GermainZ|PhoneAh yes, but it's not alone21:20
GermainZ|Phone"kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/xubuntu.seed boot=Casper quiet splash --"21:21
GermainZ|PhoneShould I still add toram to it after the --?21:21
Unit193Yeah, add before.21:22
GermainZ|PhoneThanks, it's loading now. Any way to check if it's indeed loaded, other than seeing if I can partition?21:23
Unit193Desktop will pull up after it copies over to the RAM.21:24
GermainZ|PhoneStill loading.21:33
GermainZ|PhoneIs it normal for  it to take more than 15 minutes?21:37
Unit193Is it at the Xubuntu plymouth screen?  (Screen with Xubuntu, and a scroller going back and forth.)21:39
GermainZ|PhoneCorrect, with  blue background.21:39
GermainZ|PhoneOh, it just loaded. I suppose I'm to impatient :)21:41
Unit193That's a long time to wait, the one with 2G didn't have that issue but it'd also depend on the processor and flash drive speed.21:43
GermainZ|PhoneWell I still can't split /dev/sda221:43
Unit193Why is that?21:44
GermainZ|PhoneHow do you normally do it?21:45
GermainZ|PhoneThe  minus button erases it, and "New partition table" erases all my partitions.21:45
Unit193I use gparted, have to shrink the one partition first.21:45
GermainZ|PhoneIt's a separate live cd? Can I use it directly from the live xubuntu?21:47
Unit193It's a tool in settings manager.21:48
GermainZ|PhoneOh, thanks. I searched for it using application finder but I suppose it doesn't look for system toola21:49
Unit193I dunno, I don't use it. :P21:49
GermainZ|PhoneMhm, can't unmount partition because it's busy..21:50
Unit193Swap in use?21:50
GermainZ|Phonefree shows 0 for swap, so I suppose not21:51
David-AGermainZ|Phone: you can see what have files opened on the device with: lsof /dev/sdXX  (e.g. lsof /dev/sda2) (possibly with sudo before)21:55
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GermainZ|PhoneI'm trying that but I'm getting an error21:56
Unit193What error?  Could maybe check `mount` too.21:57
David-AGermainZ|Phone: swapon -s   will show if a swap area is used (even if 0 bytes are swapped, a swap may be defined)21:57
GermainZ|PhoneCan't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/xubuntu/gvfs21:57
GermainZ|PhoneNo swap area is used21:57
GermainZ|PhoneOh well.. How do I check toram is in effect?22:11
GermainZThis should make typing faster ... Logged in from the live installation.22:13
GermainZTried sudo swapoff -a to make sure, still can't unmount /cdrom... which is sda222:14
GermainZsudo umount /cdrom -l22:16
GermainZThat did it :)22:16
dydzEz2so does xubuntu not support UEFI Secure boot?22:28
dydzEz2but ubuntu does?22:28
topper4125dydzEz2, If that is true, you can just install Ubuntu, Install XFCE (4.10, instead of 4.8, so upgrade :) ) and then uninstall Unity....22:45
dydzEz2god im thinkiing of just installing w8 old school, i really dont care for uefi and secureboot22:49
topper4125uefi and secureboot are a conspiracy from M$ to keep people in windows... I say fight 'em as long as possible ;)22:54
GermainZHow long does resizing a ~700gb partition take? It's been running for the last hour ...22:58
topper4125depends on how full it was, if it was freshly formatted, that would be a little long, if it was pretty full, you might be better than half way there... maybe.22:59
GermainZAround half of it is empty. And half full, obviously :P23:00
topper4125did you defrag before you did the partitiion?23:04
GermainZI use Diskeeper, it had a very low fragmentation level.23:04
GermainZLike, barely one little red bar.23:05
topper4125ah.. k... its probably going as fast as it can then23:05
GermainZAny way at all to predict when it'll finish? It's getting late and I'm afraid the power might go off for a while ... and the battery probably won't last long with this kind of usage.23:06
topper4125really no idea...23:09
GermainZThanks anyway :)23:12

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