
phillwJotaMG: ??02:57
JotaMGI have a simple question...02:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:58
JotaMGI'm new to Lubuntu... lxde can restore the previous session, like Kde, for instance02:58
JotaMGI mean, for instance, the terminal window, the file manager window, just like they are when logout02:59
JotaMGcan I have them restored when I login next time??03:00
phillwfor terminal, that should be saved in the history.03:00
phillware you referring to http://forums.opensuse.org/english/other-forums/development/programming-scripting/477708-manually-saving-restoring-kde-sessions.html03:00
JotaMGno no mannualy... I mean automatically when logout03:01
JotaMGand restore next time when login03:01
JotaMGI google a little and LXDE session is supposed to do that by on my Lubuntu install that does not happen03:02
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davidcan anyone help me uninstall lubuntu 12.10 so i can access my windows xp install12:47
Micky1Salve a tutti17:56
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:57
Micky1ho un problema con Lubuntu 12.04 x6417:57
wxlsorry we're english only here, Micky117:57
Micky1sorry I think that this was only for italian language17:57
Micky1I'll try to explain my problem in english17:58
wxlno you can try #ubuntu-it if we can't help17:58
Micky1when I log in to Lubuntu the screen become black17:58
wxlcan you get to a tty? try ctrl-alt-f1 (and ctrl-alt-f7 to get back)17:59
Micky1I'm able to access in ssh17:59
Micky1it's the same ?18:00
wxlnot necessarily18:00
wxlthough it does imply your system is working, just not the display18:00
wxlwhat graphics card do you have? you can use lspci -v to see and also find out what kernel module is being used with it18:01
Micky1the PC is not accessible because the screen is like in energy saving18:01
Micky1it's a server machine18:02
Micky1I think it's an Intel Graphic VGA board18:02
wxli need to know exactly which is why i suggested lspci -v18:02
Micky1this is the output of your command18:04
* Unit193 wonders why a server would have Lubuntu.18:05
Unit193ATI ES1000.18:05
wxlusing radeon18:05
Micky1because I use it to virtualize with Virtualbox and Lubuntu consume less resource than Ubuntu18:06
wxlhaving trouble fiding info on this but looking18:07
Micky1sorry for my network problems18:07
Micky1do you think that could be a video card problem ?18:08
Unit193wxl: Right, so it should be using xserver-xorg-video-ati and not xserver-xorg-video-radeon right?  Know what'd happen if you'd purge the second?18:08
wxlabsolutely certain of it18:08
wxlUnit193: well, that's what i'd suspect, but you never know. seen a lot of ati issues lately18:09
Micky1I googled before come here and I runned this command: cat .xsession-errors18:09
Micky1this is the result:18:10
phillwMicky1: try ssh -X into the server (this will allow an 'X' session to run)18:13
Micky1you mean from the server machine ?18:14
phillwssh -X onto the server18:14
Micky1I can't because the screen result in energy saving18:15
phillwit does not matter about the screen on the remote server, or even if it has a screen.18:16
Micky1and I'm not able to see nothing18:16
phillwwhen you are ssh'd in.18:17
phillwdo you see a output for, say, ls ?18:17
Micky1Now I attached a screen to it18:18
Micky1the problem is that if I reboot the machine the screen will power on18:18
Micky1when I make the login the screen goes in energy saving mode18:18
phillwon the machine you are ssh'ing up FROM?18:18
Micky1but until the login I'm able to see everything18:19
Micky1mouse, login GUI18:19
phillwI'm just putting ssh onto a lubuntu desktop machine, bear with me.18:22
Micky1anyone has suggestion ?18:23
phillwI don't, I ssh -X into my remote server several times a day.18:25
Unit193Micky1: This issue with Ubuntu as well?18:26
PH5hey, what software can i use to put Ubuntu on a USB drive?19:19
genii-aroundPH5: usb-creator-gtk19:24
genii-around"Startup Disk Creator"19:24
PH5can i get it from the terminal?19:25
genii-aroundPH5: eg: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk19:30
PH5thanks i will try it now19:32
PH5it didn't work, it said " Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?"19:45
holsteinPH5: run sudo apt-get update and report errors19:46
PH5Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:48
holsteinPH5: i would work out your package errors19:48
PH5genii-around: any other software?19:49
holsteinPH5: sure19:49
holsteinPH5: but the issue is with your packages19:49
holsteinyou can tyr sudo apt-get install unetbootin19:50
holsteinbut, you will likely have the same errors, since you have broken something with maybe a PPA, or a bad source19:50
holsteinPH5: no?19:50
holsteinno what?19:50
holsteinyou wont try unetbootin?19:50
holsteineither way, you'll want to troubleshoot your package issues19:51
PH5no i haven't try it yet19:51
PH5oh i see19:52
PH5i am sure firefox will give me a different result19:55
holsteinPH5: ?19:56
holsteinPH5: you mean, installing firefox?19:56
holsteinPH5: unetbootin is a tool for creating USB drives.. but that is not the issue you are having19:56
holsteinyou have a broken package system.. you can run "sudo apt-get update" and we can troubleshoot them19:56
PH5no i say i will try getting it from firefox19:57
holsteinPH5: doesnt matter where you get it from.. your system is broken19:57
genii-aroundThey seem to have a comprehension problem.20:04
* genii-around slides phunyguy a coffee20:04
holsteineh.. it might be a windows user.. not used to package management...20:05
phunyguysorry, messin with some stuff20:05
phunyguyand thanks20:06
genii-aroundphunyguy: Anytime. I actually didn't realize how many of the same channels we're in until I saw you rejoin all of them...20:08
MickyHi al21:16
Mickyabout my problem of screen after the login21:16
Mickynow I'm able to connect to it with CTRL + ALT + F121:17
Mickyhow can I solve my problem from prompt ?21:17
holsteinMicky: i have no idea what you are talking about.. but i would just make a new user and test21:17
holsteinOR, you can remove parts of your /home directory related to your config21:18
holsteinif your login is normal as the other user, its safe to assume the issue is in the /home directory of your other user21:18
holsteinyou can then, remove or rename things til you get it21:18
MickyOh sorry, my problem is that I can't use my PC because after the login (with a GUI) the screen seems to go in power saving mode21:19
holsteinMicky: i would try as another user21:19
Mickyok I will try21:19
holsteinif the issue is the same as the other user, i would make a custom xorg.conf and set the vesa driver21:19
Mickyyes with another user it is able to log in21:21
holsteinMicky: so, i would just move the ~/.config to start with.. log in as the offending user and test21:22
holsteinthen, you can put back what you need.. til it breaks again... or just start over21:22
Mickycan I only rename ~/.config in i.e. ~/.config.old ?21:23
holsteinMicky: that should work fine21:24
holsteinMicky: i usually name it something without a dot and move it out of there21:24
holsteinbut thats just so i can find it21:24
Mickyok I'm tryong21:25
Mickynow it works, great !21:30
Mickythanks very much21:30
holsteinMicky: cheers!21:35
morgancan somebody help me with changing the keyboard layout_22:35
morganI tried lxkeymap, but on the next reboot22:37
morganit is reset to english layout22:37
phillwhi morgan, it is known bug 1068968 that is being worked on22:39
ubottubug 1068968 in LXKeymap "LXKeymap looses saved 'options' after reboot" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106896822:39
phillwplease feel to subuscribe to that bug report as 'affects me', so that you receive updates on its progress.22:40
morgancan I set this via terminal as global_22:41
phillwreading through the bug, there does seem to be an update available... let me have a bit of a dig on where it is.... it may be a few minutes.22:43
phillwmorgan: can you check which version of lxkeymap you have installed?22:46
morganLxkeymap 0.7.9922:47
phillwmorgan: there seems to be an update available from the lubuntu devs, if you'd like to try it out?22:50
phillwmorgan: how would you describe your understanding of using terminal for such things as apt-get?22:53
morganhow should I install this version_ if I can change the the language via terminal on global settings it would be enough22:55
morganI tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration22:55
morganbut nothing changed22:56
phillwyou will need to temporarily enable the dev area to get the latest version.22:58
phillwmorgan: the background for doing this is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPA_Testing but I'm more than happy to talk you though it once you have understood the general idea.22:59
morgan 23:45
morganphillw which ppa link I need to add? I can not see the link for LXKeymap23:46
phillwmorgan: you need to head over to https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/+archive/staging (Do not worry about the warnings on that wiki page, our dev staging area is safe!).23:48
morganI add the ppa and updated the repo23:53
morganbut there is no newer version23:53
phillwmorgan: I suggest you raise a new bug (ubuntu-bug lxkeymap) and include the comment pointing it back to bug 106896823:55
ubottubug 1068968 in LXKeymap "LXKeymap looses saved 'options' after reboot" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106896823:55
phillwLey me know the new bug number and I'll give a gentle 'dig' to the team to ask if any progress has been made.23:56
phillwinclude that you have used the staging ppa and the problem still exists.23:57
phillwmorgan: cancel that!23:58
phillwI mis read the bug status, it is fix-commited, not fix-released.23:58
phillwlog onto https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068968 then click affects me, then in comments add that you have tried the lxkeymap from ~staging.23:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 1068968 in LXKeymap "LXKeymap looses saved 'options' after reboot" [Undecided,Fix committed]23:59

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