=== jono is now known as Guest51 [07:02] morning [07:08] same [08:29] looks like the r600 llvm branch got a bunch of updates, I'll update the patch and feed it back to the maintainer, we'll get the proper version then [08:30] * RAOF will need to build a desktop system to stick his southern islands chip in, I see. [08:31] i'll be getting one early next week too [08:32] nice to have a discrete card with displayport :) [08:34] hate the thick dvi cable, which doesn't fit the kvm switch either === yofel_ is now known as yofel [08:37] displayport's in a lot of radeon cards... just depends on the card. [08:37] these days yes [08:37] not in my hd6450 [08:37] or nvidia gf8600gt [08:38] i see... i have two main gpus with it ( hd5770 and nvidia gf gt545 ) [08:38] sadly, the laptop i work from didn't get it ( but at least it has two gpus and hdmi out to work with ) [08:39] my laptop has, but owned by nvidia so not available :) [08:40] actually, I'm wondering when the the xorg edgers ( for 12.04 ) will see prime support... I'm itching to see what mesa can do with the hd6650m i have ( so far all i could try with mesa is the hd6520G ) [08:47] anyways, I noticed something interesting... The xorg edgers kernel for 12.04 lts doesn't fully match all the options from the stock kernel from ubuntu... two key modules are not built/included ( namely vesafb and uvesafb ). [08:47] probably matches that of a later release [08:48] *fb are evil anyway [08:48] tjaalton: not when it knocks out virtual terminal 1 to 6 :/ [08:48] why would it do that? [08:48] nvidia/ati/amd blobs [08:48] don't see them requiring vesafb? [08:49] it's a combination of things... when i boot normally with radeon driver, i get terminals, but the moment i switch to fglrx, it is lost [08:50] tjaalton: normally it's included with ubuntu 12.04 ( and 12.04.1 [08:50] also in quantal & raring [08:50] dunno then [08:51] precise. [08:52] it's edgers.. [08:53] hmm... oh wait... might be the kernel... i did install mainline 3.5.0-030500 [08:53] .. [08:53] :) [08:54] however, it does not change that uvesafb is not even loaded ( i noticed that it was included ) [09:16] mlankhorst: fixed mesa yet? ;) [11:56] tjaalton: I'll take a look [11:59] * mlankhorst has sports on friday morning :) [12:00] i get to shovel snow, makes us even [12:02] building llvm first [12:03] oh right looks like you get to update a lot of packages for missing mibstore [12:04] yeah, doing -qxl [12:05] you get a bonus if you're going to run xorg-integration-tests too :D [12:05] on what? [12:06] new xserver [12:07] not today [12:09] tjaalton: argh you took out my quiltrc from llvm? :( [12:09] you get to explain that to the maintainer, and changelog :) [12:10] or just changelog, I'll give the diff to sylvestre anyway [12:11] "* Set QUILTRC environment to /dev/null so if a user specifies a custom QUILT_PATCHES in their quiltrc the build will not fail" [12:11] thx [12:16] tjaalton: did libdrm fail to build on raring or did you not push something to libdrm git? [12:17] I did push, it's in raring [12:17] dh_install: usr/share/man/man3/drmAvailable.3 exists in debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere [12:17] was getting a few of those [12:19] hmm, not here [12:19] I pushed the fix anyway [12:19] oh right [12:19] need to enable xsltproc [12:19] so you had that installed? [12:19] yeah it should be a build dep [12:19] k [12:23] cherry picked to debian branch [12:24] * mlankhorst has faith in git merge [12:29] checking for docbook manpages stylesheet... no [12:29] aw [12:30] you need docbook-foo i guess [12:30] needs docbook-xsl [12:35] tjaalton: fixed up libdrm, no idea if it's worth pushing to raring though [12:51] weird, don't see dricore or mesagallium linked [12:51] oh I'm an idiot [12:51] tjaalton: I'll fix it shortly [12:54] drivers almost fixed [12:55] finishing my test build first [13:02] heh, fails on some documentation stuff [13:04] build-stamp no longer works correctly [13:09] tjaalton: are those pkgstriptranslations hacks still needed? [13:10] not sure [13:10] it breaks for me [13:10] how? [13:10] no longer works because of conversion to automake [13:10] ah [13:11] guess I never got that far with the ubuntu branch [13:12] I guess I'll remove the NOT_INSTALLED_EITHER stuff too, no point to remove glut if it's not inside the mesa tree any more [13:12] yeah that's possibly lost in the merge [13:12] not-installed was slimmer before, but couldn't see why :) [13:18] damn -sis [13:23] well no idea what the whole not-installed is for now [13:23] just getting in the way now [13:23] dh_install -s --fail-missing [13:23] ? [13:23] yeah that fails because it removes some files [13:24] so drop them from the list [13:24] yeah [13:25] still missing some deps [13:25] dpkg-shlibdeps hates me [13:26] other than that, should build at least [13:27] tempted to throw in a -Wl,--as-needed ... -Wl,--end-as-needed hack [13:27] s/end/no/ [13:31] libxatracker1 needs libdrm, libgbm needs something from egl/wayland/wayland-drm and libdrm, some need libstdc++, libgallium needs to link against llvm, libdricore needs to link against libglapi [13:31] goddammit wacom [13:32] you know what, I'm just going to see if the libraries work or not.. [13:33] actually it won't work afaict [13:42] video drivers all built, wacom hopefully too in a minute [13:43] libgallium hates me slightly less now [13:50] wacom still laughs at me [13:50] i'll just disable the tests, like fedora.. [13:50] :-) [13:51] -$(LLVM_CFLAGS) +@LLVM_CFLAGS@, should fix libgallium complaining [13:53] somehow didn't.. what's going on [13:53] oh, lacking LLVM_LIBS [14:12] virtualbox doesn't build on current raring, so apart from that the ppa should soon be all green [14:18] mesa seems to build too [14:19] but not ok yet? [14:20] ok screw it.. I'm building libmesagallium static again, no easy way for dynamic build [14:22] it should just be in libgallium.so now [14:22] instead of separate [14:34] mesa's a mess.. hope shlibdeps will stop complaining too much now [14:41] pushed, if you want to test on raring, it should hopefully work now but dont push it to archive yet :) [14:45] not to staging either? [14:46] that's where I was meaning to put it [15:02] and that's where it went :) [15:26] ah sure push to staging [16:47] Hi, there. I am testing raring and having an issue with custom symbols files [16:48] I use a custom /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/fr. It used to be loaded a startup before raring. Now at startup, the default fr symbol file is used instead. When I `setxkbmap fr -variant oss`, my custom file comes back, but it blocks the keyboard layout applet in the system tray. [16:48] *the kde keyboard layout applet [16:49] Is there anyone with an idea on why? [19:44] it appears test resumes on piglit will appear with the updated build of piglit in the next 24 hours ( infrastructure fixes have taken place ) [19:45] anyone else having trouble pulling up wiki.x.org? [19:46] bryce: Just checked; yes... taking greater than 30 seconds to load page [19:47] Dandel, thanks. reporting. === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan