
tgm4883which in 10.04, is what he will get00:00
tgm4883I suppose he could force it, but that probably isn't the best idea00:00
histotgm4883: No00:00
L3topPhysicist: You could install 32bit 1004.00:00
slnlsnautilus did not crash. it just says the files allready exist. "abort" randomly copies the files in the first file in the upper file. yes i have steps to reproduce: take a bunch of files. drrag them to another tab. drag them back to original tab. et voila00:00
tgm4883histo, no?00:00
histotgm4883: Don't force it00:01
histotgm4883: Couldn't he use ia32libs  or whatever.00:01
PhysicistL3top, in an AMD64?00:01
tgm4883histo, ah, yea, I agree. Don't force it00:01
alamiif i want to add a command i have to make it in /usr/bin???00:01
tgm4883histo, he's still have to force the package installation00:01
theuserHi, anyone here today that know what the "new" improvements for multiseat is in 12.10?00:01
Physicisthave to install any dependence?00:01
L3topPhysicist: absolutely.00:01
tgm4883histo, forcing the package installation wouldn't do much but override the error00:01
tgm4883Physicist, personally, I'd still upgrade00:02
L3topPhysicist: you will need to either dual boot or overwrite your current install... or change drives or something.00:02
histoPhysicist: Any particular reason you are running 10.04?00:02
* tgm4883 puts $5 on Unity00:02
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Physicisthisto.. backtrack!00:03
tgm4883histo, ia32-libs only gives you 32-bit libraries (in the event you want to run a 32-bit piece of software), he'd still have to force the package installation in order to install steam00:03
tgm4883histo, this isn't the case for 12.0400:04
L3top!backtrack | Physicist00:04
ubottuPhysicist: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:04
unhumani got this result from "ps aux | grep sendm": sendmail: MTA: rejecting connections on daemon MSP-v4: load average: 51 <---- and I wonder if sendmail then is currently being used? I need to figure out what service is using it00:04
histoPhysicist: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit#How_to_Make_32-bit_Applications_Work_on_a_64-bit_Operating_System00:04
histotgm4883: chroot would work.00:05
histotgm4883: right cuz ia32-libs is default now.00:05
Physicistthank you guys..00:05
tgm4883histo, I think if the user was capable of doing a chroot, he wouldn't be in the #ubuntu IRC channel trying to get a 32-bit piece of software built for Ubuntu 12.04 to run on 64-bit Backtrack 10.0400:06
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histoPhysicist: What version of backtrack are you running?00:06
tgm4883histo, eh, kinda. ia32-libs doesn't exist anymore. You can now install 32-bit libraries on a 64-bit system00:06
tgm4883histo, ia32-libs was kinda a hack to get that working00:06
Physicistbacktrack 5 r300:06
histoPhysicist: and it's still based on 10.04 wow.00:07
Physicisthisto, yes! With option to upgrade to the next or newest LTS version -> 12.04.00:08
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Physicisthisto: I think that is reasonable..00:10
Physicisthisto: maybe I will do it!00:10
histoPhysicist: LTS to LTS is supported.00:11
BossRockMy mail server (postfix with dovecot) won't save the directory that mail is in (MAIL=home/user/Maildir). It reverts to /var/mail/user after a period of time and after reboots… any ideas why this could be?00:11
histoBossRock: which mailbox format is it configured for.00:12
Physicisthisto: yes, I know..00:12
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histoBossRock: I'd double check your configs00:14
BossRockhisto: tried that trying to figure it out a few times now. lol00:14
BossRockhisto: will check it again though.00:15
histoBossRock: make sure you restart postfix after changing settings00:15
BossRockrebooted the actual server as well.00:15
BossRockhisto: the postfix config I know has to say "home_mailbox = Maildir/" which was done and Maildir works.00:17
BossRockhisto: when i set the destination of mail. It works absolutely fine for a while.00:17
alamisudo chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/eclipse/00:18
alamiwhy i can't change the permission of this folder00:19
alamibash: /usr/local/bin/eclipse: Permission denied00:19
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histoalami: Is that the error you receiving?00:24
histoalami: That error has a completly different path.00:24
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Kobayashianyone familiar with creating global hotkeys for MPlayer?00:27
histo!anyone | Kobayashi00:28
ubottuKobayashi: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:28
sjchhow can I see priority of processes?00:31
Gerowensjch: In the system monitor there's a tab called "Processes", and a column on that tab is "Priority"00:32
bigfattheres gotta be people here00:34
Gerowensjch: If you use a terminal based program such as "top", you may see priority called "Nice" level.  In this instance, the lower the nice level, the higher the priority.  0 is the default, but in the graphical "System Monitor" program, it's just called "Priority".00:34
bigfatQuick question: do any of you use wicd? if so, does it offer any noticeable advantages over the default network manager?00:34
sjchthank you Gerowen00:35
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gueriLLaPunKwhats the cmd to view bandwidth?00:36
dr_willisbigfat:  heard some people use it for some wifi cards.. not sure why.00:36
Gerowenbigfat: I've used it on occasion, but never really noticed any advantages over the default one.  I used it in older Ubuntu releases when, for whatever reason, gnome-network-manager would crap out on certain computers, but I haven't had any issues with that in years.00:36
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bigfatI only ask because the default network manager won't pick up on an open wifi range at the school I go to, but I'm not sure if switching to wcid would help00:37
bigfatand by open I mean unsecrued, available to everyone00:37
bigfatactually, not pick up, I mean connect, it tries to connect but never succeeds00:38
GerowengueriLLaPunK: You can install and use the command line "iftop" to view bandwidth from the terminal.  After you've installed it just run it with: sudo iftop -i interface00:39
GerowenReplace the word interface with the correct interface designation; i.e. eth000:39
gueriLLaPunKlol i just typed interface00:39
gueriLLaPunKand it said no such device00:39
gueriLLaPunKoh nice! thanks00:39
GerowengueriLLaPunK: No problem, :-)00:40
gueriLLaPunKthe rate are in bits, i assume?00:40
gueriLLaPunKYeah, must be00:40
GerowengueriLLaPunK: Yeah it scales depending on how much you're using, you'll notice the numbers up top will change depending on how much use the interface is actually getting.00:41
gueriLLaPunKwow, ive peaked at 519Mb00:43
Jess11I installed an ubuntu server in the ubuntu server i am setting up a basic IRC using IRC -hybrd ..from my client using Xchat i cannot get it to connect any suggestions00:43
dr_willisJess11:  try a differnet client. like weechat or irssi. it may give a more detailed error message00:44
battlehandshow do I open a .sh file in vi and edit it?  I'm trying to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and I can't past the directory that I want to set it at into the file when it is opened in vi00:45
battlehandsplease advise00:45
GerowenJess11: I've never set up an IRC server, but the first thing I would check is that the service is running and the port it's listening on is actually open on your fireall.00:45
dr_willis   vi /the/path/to/whatever.sh00:45
dr_willisas to using vi... well.. theres tutorials out for that.00:46
dr_willistheres the vimtutor program thats worth checking out00:46
histo+1 for vimtutor00:46
dr_willisif using vi on the console. the gpm  tool is worth installing. it gives you mouse support on the console00:47
histoyuck no need for mouse in vi00:47
dr_willisits handy at times00:48
Jess11what is the command used to check all servics I believe Iam typing it in wrong00:48
histoJess11: What are you typing?00:49
Jess11$ sudo service httpd status..00:49
histoJess11: you could do sudo status httpd00:50
histoJess11: or sudo service --status-all  to see all services00:51
Jess11thank you histo00:52
AcibiI'm looking for some info about the libreoffice-java-common package...00:52
AcibiDoes it have something different from the .deb I can download from LibreOffice?00:53
roger_Anyone have any ideas why after setting up DNS server (bind9) on xubuntu the connection manager says not connected yet I still have internet?00:55
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battlehandsI open a .sh file in vi, but I'm unable to edit it.  Please advise....00:58
mIKEjONESdo you have permissions?00:58
roger_sudo vi 'your file'?00:59
fox_wilsonbattlehands: I assume you know basic vi commands, if you don't, you have to hit "i" to start inserting text.00:59
roger_Anyone have any ideas why after setting up DNS server (bind9) on xubuntu the connection manager says not connected yet I still have internet?00:59
fox_wilsonroger_: Perhaps xubuntu is trying to use your local bind9, which might not be configured properly?01:02
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StoneCypherAtWorI am having a crazy difficult time getting grub to come up on my uefi box, and since i'm at work, i'm getting a little desperate01:02
StoneCypherAtWorthe machine just keeps booting to windows no matter what i try01:02
StoneCypherAtWorall the instructions say i'm supposed to be able to select from the bios which operating system comes up, but i don't see that anywhere01:03
Jess11@ histo how do I see which port is available on my server? or anyone01:03
roger_fox_wilson: yeah totally plausible. its more a curiosity atm01:03
fox_wilsonJess11: as in which ones are open? you could use nmap01:03
Jess11yes fox01:03
fox_wilsonJess11: You can run "nmap yourmachineip" and it will list open ports01:04
Bsadowski1Hey all. :)01:05
Bsadowski1I got a weird GRUB error when loading the BIOS in VirtualBox (running version 12.10 32-bit). It happened just after I updated it. Is that normal?01:06
Jess11@ fox for some reason that is not working01:06
Bsadowski1I'll take a screenshot. :)01:07
EvpokHi. Anyone here who use custom xkb symbols?01:08
roger_Jess11: apt-get install nmap01:13
rob_pJess11: sudo netstat -lpnut01:13
rob_pJess11: nmap will give you the info from a network perspective. netstat will give it to you from a software perspective...01:14
wellwhyCan somebody help me? I have tried a USB Disk with Unetbootin, and I am trying Dual boot windows, but dualboot gives me an mbildr.mbr error of it being missing or corrupted. I checked, and it is in C: and in winboot. How do I get it to work?01:15
Gerowenwellwhy: Windows is failing to boot?01:15
wellwhyNo, windows is fine, when I select Ubuntu as the boot option is gives a C:/Ubuntu/winboot/mbildr.mbr01:16
wellwhyIt says it is missing or corrupt01:16
Gerowenwellwhy: Did you use Wubi?01:17
wellwhyI think..?01:17
wellwhyI used the easy windows installer01:17
wellwhyit has wubi folder and internals01:17
wellwhyit says wubi in a few places01:18
wellwhyso yes01:18
wellwhyYeah it is wubi01:21
Gerowenwellwhy: Sorry my internet was acting up.  I'm not an expert on exactly how Wubi works though, so I don't know how much help I'll be.01:21
wellwhyAny help works01:21
Gerowenwellwhy: Your goal is to dual boot right?  Have you tried booting from an Ubuntu CD and installing normally and just letting it resize your Windows partition?01:21
wellwhyThat is what dual boot does, I think. But to answer your question, no, and I dont really want to take a chance on a disk if it ends up not working01:22
Gerowenwellwhy: I've never really used Wubi, so maybe somebody here who has will see your issue.  Have you tried posting it on the forums at www.ubuntuforums.org?  It'd get more visibility there.01:24
wellwhyYeah, I have and no luck sadly01:24
wellwhyi have tried booting ubuntu for at least a month01:25
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hydrozenThe login screen on my ubuntu install always displays an onscreen keyboard. Is there any way I can disable that?01:26
Gerowenwellwhy: Does it work when you boot from the LiveCD?  If you burn the ISO to a DVD or put it on a thumb drive, then boot from that, it doesn't automatically start installing, you can do a "try before you buy" kind of thing where it will run in RAM without touching your hard drive until you hit the "install" button on the desktop.01:27
wellwhyI have tried that, and my monitor goes to sleep and nothing happens after I have tried both options using a USB. On my laptop I got the purple ubuntu and the orange dots but then a black screen.01:27
jasuntowow ubuntu runs great on the intel NUC01:28
DaemonicApathyjasunto: Of course it does. It's Intel.01:28
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jasuntoim amazed, replaced mac mini server with it, may replace my desktop with it01:28
tonsofpcswith what?01:29
jasuntoDaemonicApathy are you running one?01:29
DaemonicApathyNo, but I plan to in the future.01:29
DaemonicApathytonsofpcs: Intel NUC01:29
tonsofpcsjasunto: looking to sell the mac mini?01:30
jasuntoi had some questions, was looking for someone else using one01:30
jasuntomac mini server is sold01:30
DaemonicApathyWhat kind of questions?01:30
tonsofpcsmy one problem with the mini is Intel graphics...01:31
jasuntoDaemonicApathy i wasnt sure about USB storage in the fstab, i want usb external to be the main storage outside of the system SSD, dropbox complains that its folder is gone, im thinking fstab may mount it earlier and eliminate01:31
jasuntoDaemonicApathy oh and you cant beat the intel sound when you open the box01:32
wellwhyGerowen: I have tried that, and my monitor goes to sleep and nothing happens after I have tried both options using a USB. On my laptop I got the purple ubuntu and the orange dots but then a black screen.01:32
jasuntotonsofpcs my mini had nvidia, had to jump through some hoops but ran well on there, had some bad disks, replaced botha nd sold01:32
DaemonicApathyMany people here should be able to help you with fstab. Personally, I would make sure /home is on the external as well01:32
jasuntoDaemonicApathy i dont really use home, this is my home server so it is a dropbox/usenet/torrent/l2tp/smb/ftp/ssh/ server and mroe01:33
* tonsofpcs might be buying a NUC.... need to figure out storage01:34
DaemonicApathyWhere do you put your files, jasunto?01:34
jasuntoon the external01:35
DaemonicApathyThen having a /home partition on it, to make it the default destination...might help? :-)01:35
sin_taxcan anyone help me fix this problem with my kernel? http://pastebin.com/FMAL2abU01:35
jasuntoi know /home on the external would be cool, but worried about boot and availability, easier to route downloads and such to external which happens ot be /media/jasunto/Data right now01:36
bin_bashsin_tax, did you actually read the error? It seems like you didn't. Go read it.01:36
sin_taxbin_bash, yes, I did01:36
DaemonicApathy*shrug* Whatever works for you, jasunto. Sounds like I gave you too little credit anyway.01:36
bin_bashsin_tax, did you run apt-get autoremove?01:37
sin_taxyes, I get the same error 'You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these.' deal bin_bash01:37
bin_bashsin_tax, did you do that?01:37
jasuntoDaemonicApathy yeah it runs headless, would like the usb to act more like internal storage and i think fstab could do that for me.01:38
sin_taxyeah, I think that is in the paste, it gives an error of a different type bin_bash  =/01:38
DaemonicApathySounds good to me. So anyone who's good with fstab should be able to help you, whatever device they may have.01:38
bin_bashsin_tax, sudo apt get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:39
sin_taxbin_bash, that is giving me the unmet dependencies error again, I seem to be in a catch 2201:40
SorinanAfter configuring NFS4 with krb5p, I can't cd into my exported folder as a normal user, solely as root. What can be happening? This is what ls -lhAn show as normal user: "d?????????   ? ?    ?       ?            ? home" and as root user "drwxr-xr-x   7 0 0 4,0K Jan 31 17:01 home"01:40
bin_bashwait a sec, sin_tax  linux-server : Depends: linux-image-server (= but is installed01:41
bin_bashit's trying to downgrade01:41
sin_taxyeah, I don't understand why01:41
bin_bashsin_tax, you broke something01:41
jasuntoDaemonicApathy you wont be disappointed with the NUC and ubuntu, may get one for desktop too. the bios supports everything even intel vt and efi01:41
bin_bashsin_tax, uname -a paste it here01:41
jasuntoDaemonicApathy looks like it has OC setting too01:41
jasuntotonsofpcs ubuntu 12.10 boots and runs flawlessly on mac hardware with efi support01:42
sin_taxbin_bash, Linux codex 3.2.0-37-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 24 15:28:10 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:42
magmais wikipedia down?01:42
fox_wilsonmagma: nope01:43
magmait came back01:43
jasuntoquestion changed, anyone good with usb storage in fstab that can help?01:44
bin_bashsin_tax, that is very interesting01:45
bin_bashsin_tax, uname -r please01:46
sin_taxbin_bash, 3.2.0-37-generic01:46
bin_bashsin_tax, I didn't see you do apt-get autoremove01:48
bin_bashsin_tax, is this a server or a desktop01:49
sin_taxbin_bash, that wasn't in the paste, but here is the output: http://pastebin.com/jdFf40Bx01:49
sin_taxbin_bash, it is headless, server01:49
escott_jasunto, just ask01:50
bin_bashsin_tax, hm01:50
bin_bashsin_tax, try aptitude hold linux01:50
jribsin_tax: pastebin output of « sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy linux-server linux-image-server linux-headers-server »01:51
SorinanAfter configuring NFS4 with krb5p, I can't cd into my exported folder as a normal user, solely as root. What can be happening? This is what ls -lhAn show as normal user: "d?????????   ? ?    ?       ?            ? home" and as root user "drwxr-xr-x   7 0 0 4,0K Jan 31 17:01 home"01:52
escott_Sorinan, do the uids match up01:52
sin_taxbin_bash, should I do this? http://pastebin.com/VQMUpWBM01:52
bin_bashdo what?01:53
Sorinanescott, at least for the user that I'm testing and root, yes (i haven't setup LDAP yet)01:53
sin_taxthe last line prompts to remove a ton of stuff bin_bash01:53
bin_bashsin_tax, what command did you do?01:53
sin_taxbin_bash, aptitude hold linux01:53
bin_bashyou should not01:54
sin_taxjrib, http://pastebin.com/8afvvR6E is the output of the commands you sent01:54
jribsin_tax: you did not give the full output01:55
Sorinanescott, the strange thing is, that with a almost exactly configuration (or as long as I can recall), a machine with ubuntu 12.10 works perfectly, but the machine with 12.04.2 does not01:55
bin_bashsin_tax, you could try aptitude autoclean01:55
sin_taxjrib, I assumed you didn't want the update stuff, here is the full output: http://pastebin.com/dz2mYUzi01:56
jribsin_tax: output of « sudo apt-get install linux-server »?01:56
escott_!info linux-server01:56
ubottulinux-server (source: linux-meta): Transitional package.. In component main, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB01:57
FloodBot1bin_bash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
bin_bash!info linux01:57
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB01:57
jribit's transitional in 12.10, but I don't remember when the kernels server and generic kernels merged.  Do you know offhand escott_ ?01:57
sin_taxjrib, http://pastebin.com/AvPCRLZH01:57
bin_bashwow. the ubuntu kernel is REALLLLY behind01:57
escott_jrib, i couldnt figure out what that package was01:57
jribsin_tax: sudo apt-get install linux-server=
jrib!info linux-server precise01:58
sin_taxjrib, autoclean seemed to remove a few things but had no real effect on the problem01:58
ubottulinux-server (source: linux-meta): Complete Linux kernel on Server Equipment.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB01:58
jrib!info linux-image-server precise01:58
ubottulinux-image-server (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel image on Server Equipment.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB01:58
sin_taxjrib, same error: http://pastebin.com/PWW57L3Q01:58
jribnot sure what the difference is :)01:58
loudaslifeI'm sorry if this is a bad time, but I'm a linux noob as well as an IRC noob looking for help.01:58
bin_bash!ask | loudaslife01:59
ubottuloudaslife: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:59
nearsthi ppl01:59
loudaslifeI somehow botched an xubuntu install badly enough that I only have a guest account.02:00
sin_taxbin_bash, jrib I appreciate your help; I have to run out to pick up my daughter, will be back in ~25 minutes or so if either of you care to continue helping then I would appreciate it, if not, thanks for trying =)02:00
slash25Hi the all02:00
bin_bashloudaslife, sounds like ya dun goof'd02:00
escott_!rescue | loudaslife02:00
ubottuloudaslife: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"02:00
bin_bashloudaslife, boot into a live cd, chroot, add a new user, be done with it02:00
loudaslifeThanks, will try!02:01
escott_loudaslife, thats not what i wanted. there is a rescue mode which is single user root mode. you can create a user there02:01
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ibiza “!list”02:01
jribsin_tax: you can probably get by by removing "linux-server" and installing it again02:01
bin_bashjrib, that's probably a terrible idea.02:01
jribbin_bash: nah, it's just a meta-package02:01
bin_bashNo it's not02:02
bin_bashit's ubuntu server's kernel02:02
jribbin_bash: it's a package that depends on a package that depends on a package that is ubuntu's kernel :)02:02
JouvaJust updated my server the other day, and suddenly I can't connect to any destination of one of the IPs on the same machine regardless of port. But it's allowing connections from the outside. I don't tend to use any firewall. What might be going on?02:02
bin_bashjrib, it's the actual kernel.02:02
jribbin_bash: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/linux-server02:03
bin_bashjrib, because it's a headless server, removing that package could actually damage the system. Besides. He doesn't WANT to downgrade02:03
jribbin_bash: as I said, it's a metapackage.  I'm not advising him to downgrade...02:04
bin_bashjrib, if you read the problem, aptitude is trying to downgrade from .45 to .4402:04
jribbin_bash: no, that's not the problem02:04
bin_bashYes it is. Did you read the whole thread? When trying to apt-get upgrade, it wants to downgrade but can't because dependencies.02:05
bin_bashAnyway, jrib, it doesn't matter02:05
bin_bashhe's not here anymore.02:05
LantzRthere are always others listening ...02:05
tonsofpcsdid you update first, bin_bash ?02:06
nearstubuntu system always look for stable package or better release ?02:06
bin_bashtonsofpcs, oh my god.02:06
tonsofpcsare your repositories all proper?02:06
ePiratI have a problem, I made a clean ubuntu install using the windows installer02:07
ePiratnow I cannot login02:07
nearstePirat, why cannot login?02:07
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jribbin_bash: dpkg tries to configure linux-server but doesn't succeed because it depends on linux-image-server=.44 and .45 is installed.  As to how it ended up this way, I don't know :)  But getting apt to just forget about linux-server and installing .45 of linux-server should "just work"02:07
tonsofpcsePirat: turn capslock or numlock on/off and try again02:07
ePiratnearst, says wrong password every time02:07
ePirattonsofpcs, I did :P I am sure I entered it correct02:07
ePirattried it for 10 minutes…02:07
bin_bashePirat, boot into SUM and then reset the password02:07
tonsofpcsePirat: eh, for 10 minutes just reinstall :-p02:07
ePiratI am absolutely sure02:07
ePiratbin_bash, how do I do?02:08
drag0niushow do i make postgresql server listen?02:08
tonsofpcsdrag0nius: edit its config and then restart the daemon02:08
drag0niusi've added listen_addresses = '*' and port = 5432 and it still does not listen02:08
drag0niusadded my client comp in pg_hba.conf02:08
bin_bashePirat, ^02:08
drag0niusdirectory for both files is /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main02:09
drag0niusis there anything more to modify?02:10
jasuntocan anyone the best way to expand ubuntu-root in lvm once i have done the lvmreduce on swap, easiest way to expand root to fill up free space02:10
LantzRdrag0nius: on a new install I tend to forget creating a db with my profile name.    [ createdb $USER ]02:13
drag0niusmy python app is using it locally without problems02:13
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drag0niusfor like half year, but now i want to access it from other comp and can't02:13
=== DiiPundiih_Haaft is now known as DPundih_Haftandi
bin_bashdrag0nius, did you check your router settings to make sure the local IP is static?02:16
drag0niusthis server is my router :)02:16
JouvaI'm having problems connecting to IPs that are on the same machine which the connection is being initiated from. Not using localhost, using one of the IPs or host names that resolve to those IPs. iptables is completely empty. Thoughts?02:17
bin_bashdrag0nius, why the hell would you use ubuntu on a router.02:17
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drag0niusi'm running couple services on it too02:19
bin_bashdrag0nius, on a router?02:20
drag0niusnope its normal comp02:20
bin_bashI just said02:20
bin_bashCheck your router settings02:20
bin_bashdrag0nius, are you paying attention, or are you just spouting words that you don't understand?02:22
drag0niusi don't have a router02:22
drag0niusit's directly connected to server02:22
LantzRdrag0nius: In pg_hba.conf : what connection method and authentication type fro the "new" computer02:22
drag0niusand i don't block connections02:22
bin_bashit's... what?02:22
drag0niuseverything is connected to server through network switch02:23
Bsadowski1Anybody know why I'm getting this error in VirtualBox?: http://pastie.org/private/mvuvptjml2o62vab9prtjg02:23
Bsadowski1I'm trying to run Steam. Does Steam not work in it yet or something?02:23
bin_bashdrag0nius, oh. you didn't say that. you said the computer was the router02:23
drag0niushost all all md502:23
sin_taxbin_bash, jrib hey, so should I remove linux_server or no? 0_002:24
bin_bashdrag0nius, is that correct though? did you check to make sure that it's
bin_bashsin_tax, i guess02:24
drag0niusyep my comp is on static ip02:25
jribsin_tax: you can do "sudo apt-get remove linux-server"  it should only be removing the "linux-server" package.  If it prompts you for other things, pastebin02:25
SolarisBoyBsadowski1: 'OpenGL Warning: Failed to connect to host. Make sure 3D acceleration is enabled for this VM.' in your post seems to be a relevant error02:25
pieroDo you have MTP transfer protocol working? Which doc did u read?02:25
sin_taxok, successfully removed, jrib, should I reinstall it now or do an apt-get upgrade first?02:26
jribsin_tax: now do "sudo apt-get install linux-server"02:26
Bsadowski1But when I tried to do that, SolarisBoy, it popped up another error. I'm wondering if it could be a problem with the OpenGL video driver.s02:26
sin_taxOK, that seemed to work jrib02:26
bin_bashsin_tax, now do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade02:27
jribsin_tax: you can try upgrade now in case you have upgrades available that apt wasn't letting you do before.  I'm not sure how your apt ended up in the broken state though, do you have any idea/02:27
SolarisBoyBsadowski1: or possibly OpenGL in a VM (or your VM on your host machine with it's settings) is not working properly?02:27
sin_taxbin_bash, just did and everything seems nice - Thanks very much jrib and bin_bash02:27
sin_taxjrib, my /boot got full (I think maybe in the middle of an upgrade?)02:27
sin_taxfor some reason I had a bunch of old kernels hanging out there02:28
LantzRdrag0nius: sorry I got distracted rl. It was local that _has_ been working?02:29
drag0niusi don't think postgres reads those config files02:29
sin_taxanyways, you guys are my heroes, thanks so much again bin_bash / jrib ... I am off to do some work... take care02:29
savagecrochow can i check if there is an upgrade for a package?02:30
jribsin_tax: no problem02:30
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savagecrocapt-get --just-print upgrade02:31
gaelfxafter the most recent kernel update, my wireless isn't working. It tries to connect, but fails every time, could someone help me diagnose/fix the problem?02:32
LantzRdrag0nius: always has done so for me. A different trap is a firewall blockinq $PGPORT from those pesky foreign computers.02:32
_helios_I was looking over a few text based browser's anyone have any suggestions on the best one to get?02:32
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bin_bashgaelfx, did you reboot?02:33
gaelfxbin_bash: yes02:33
bin_bashgaelfx, did you ry downgrading the kernel?02:33
gaelfxbin_bash: I even tried rebooting into the older kernel, but it still doesn't work02:33
bin_bashgaelfx, when you say "booting into the older kernel" what do you mean02:34
gaelfxbin_bash: booted up into grub, selected the previous kernel image to boot from rather than the newly installed one (.36 rather than .37, in precise btw)02:35
dr_willis_helios_:  lynx  links  w3m    are 3.. may be more in the repos02:35
topper4125!info lynx | _helios_02:35
ubottu_helios_: lynx (source: lynx-cur): Text-mode WWW Browser (transitional package). In component main, is extra. Version 2.8.8dev.12-2ubuntu0.1 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 41 kB02:35
_helios_dr_willis: there was one called elinks was gonna give it a shot02:35
bin_bashgaelfx, no offense, but are you /sure/ the older kernel was what you booted into? usually when you upgrade the kernel it's overwritten02:36
ChegyHi guys! Any of you want to help out regarding c++?02:36
dr_willisold ones get forked and renamed a lot   ;-)02:36
decciUbuntu 12.04.1 doesnt come with open-iscsi package. I want to add it during the installation time02:36
decciHow to do that02:36
dr_willisubuntu keeps all old kernel's02:36
gaelfxbin_bash: hang on02:36
SolarisBoydecci: use a preseed file02:36
bin_bashdr_willis, my box doesn't.02:36
SolarisBoydecci: or you can roll your own custom installer02:37
decciSolarisBoy: Whats that02:37
gaelfxbin_bash: yes, uname returns the .36 kernel02:37
dr_willisyou are in a frankenbox tgen02:37
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decciSolarisBoy: How to do it02:37
SolarisBoydecci: a way to automate installations and at the least add a package02:37
Nach0zfrankenbox sounds awesome02:37
bin_bashgaelfx, which wireless card is it?02:37
decciSolarisBoy: Is there any way I can addd this driver during install time?02:37
escott_Chegy, there is a #c++ channel which would be more appropriate for general c++ questions02:37
dr_willisive seen 12+ old kernels befor02:37
SolarisBoydecci: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-using.html02:38
SolarisBoydecci: read up on that page02:38
decciSolarisBoy: ok02:38
savagecrochi, i'm trying to upgrade postgres to 9.2.3 but it doesn't show up in apt-get --just-print upgrade02:38
deccisavagecroc: Looks complicated02:39
gaelfxbin_bash: Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)02:39
SolarisBoydecci: also there are several ways to create a custom installation media (like the installation DVD/CD) so you can try those as well if it looks more convenient02:39
bin_bashgaelfx, does it have a hardware switch02:39
savagecrocdecci: shouldn't be it's just a bunch of bugs and security fixes02:40
decciSolarisBoy: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-with-remastersys.html02:40
gaelfxbin_bash: nope, it even sees the network it normally connects to, it's just failing to connect to it for whatever reason02:40
SolarisBoydecci: sure ...02:40
bin_bashgaelfx, what kind of encryption is the network02:40
SolarisBoysavagecroc: seems like ubuntu keeps 9.1 in the standard repo's you may need to go out of the ubuntu repos for the version you require02:40
SolarisBoyatleast for 12.04.102:41
decciSolarisBoy: Can I add driver through remastersys02:41
savagecrocok.. yeah i must have added some other source to get 9.202:41
SolarisBoydecci: i have never used that02:41
decciSolarisBoy: Can you suggest me an easy way to add driver during install time02:41
SolarisBoydecci: i did =)02:41
decciSolarisBoy: Using preseeding seems like little complicated02:42
gaelfxbin_bash: wep02:42
SolarisBoydecci: heh it is what it is02:42
decciSolarisBoy: Cant I add drivers as I do with RHEL02:42
bin_bashgaelfx, what network manager are you using?02:42
SolarisBoydecci: rhel uses kickstart and thats equivalent to what you consider "difficult"02:42
gaelfxbin_bash: ifconfig seems to be reporting nearly half of Tx packets have errors02:42
SolarisBoyso same difference..02:42
gaelfxbin_bash: just the standard that came with precise, nothing fancy02:43
=== Honoo is now known as FlameReaper
bin_bashgaelfx, that is very interesting. Sometimes wep has problems. is ther any way you can change it to wpa2 or wpa and try again?02:43
gaelfxbin_bash: no, it's one of those AT&T modem/router dealidos02:44
ePiratOk thanks again password reset was successfull02:44
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bin_bashgaelfx, so? you can connect to it via ehternet and change the settings02:44
ePiratjust another quick question, whats this system reserved drive showing up every time? had never seen it before :o02:44
FergusLg++ / linker question, is there a way to know _exactly_ what files ld links against when executing ?02:45
SolarisBoydecci: can you clarify if you want to install drivers during setup that are non-standard etc, or if you need to have some driver to install your OS like some storage driver (iscsi,powerpath) etc?02:45
FergusLa -v or something02:45
escott_gaelfx, wep also stands for "weak encryption protocol"02:45
decciSolarisBoy: I am unable to install Ubuntu 12.04.1 on COmpellent SAN directly due to missing open-iscsi package02:46
SolarisBoyif it's the first you need to customize your CD/install media or use preseed files, if the latter im not sure but i do believe has a section in the install that asks if you need to load additional drivers02:46
dr_willisePirat:  see what files are on it.. could be some windows recovery partition02:46
decciSolarisBoy:I want to inject this driver during install time02:46
SolarisBoydecci: ok thanks for explaining - i get you now02:46
gaelfxbin_bash: I sincerely doubt the problem is with the encryption, and I don't think changing it is a very good option. The problem seems to be on this machine's end, so anything I'm changing is gonna be here02:47
gaelfxescott_: thanks for that02:47
bin_bashgaelfx, I seriously think the problem is WEP. Because I've had this exact same problem. And using WPA/2 works.02:47
decciSolarisBoy: So what you suggest02:47
SolarisBoydecci: pause the installation before disk creation and switch TTY's install it there and switch back to the GUI to continue the installation if there is no set place to add additional drivers02:48
gaelfxbin_bash:  I think it's more likely that whatever new module for broadcom wireless came with the new kernel broke the functionality of my particular card02:49
decciSolarisBoy: Do you mean during Ubuntu installation time?02:49
bin_bashgaelfx, k. good luck figuring that ne out.02:49
decciSolarisBoy: Before the disk creation????02:49
SolarisBoyi guess you are right on that side because RHEL based systems do ask if you want to add additional drivers02:49
SolarisBoydecci: yes ....02:49
bin_bashgaelfx, go ahead and forget about my easy fix. And have fun debugging kernel modules02:49
decciSolarisBoy: When does the screen comes - before disk creation02:50
SolarisBoydecci: look into manually installing the driver - and switching TTY's.02:50
_helios_I was going to download the Ubuntu 13.04 beta and give it a try in Virtual Box is that possible?02:50
dr_willis_helios_:  yes02:50
bin_bashwhy wouldn't it be?02:50
_helios_bin_bash: Is there a link for 13.04 or do I have to torrent it?02:51
dr_willisthe 3d desktop effects and stuff may be very slow however.02:51
bin_bash_helios_, did you try google?02:51
dr_willis_helios_:  #ubuntu+1 for 13.04 info02:51
ePiratdr_willis, you are right, it is… can I somehow ignore it?02:51
_helios_Thanks dr_willis, bin_bash02:52
al__Silly question.. on standard ubuntu 12.10 installation w/ firefox, in firefox how can you specify/change the 9 tiles in about:startpage?  I can't find in about:config.02:52
dr_willisePirat:  make a fstab entry for it  with 'noauto' and it might not show it by default in the fimle manager.02:52
dr_willisal__:  i was thinking you drag/drop items from the otehr pages... i did it once. ages ago02:53
al__dr_willis: no luck att.  such a silly problem to have.02:54
dr_willisive noticed that ff on ubuntu with that ubuntu ff extension acts/looks a little differntly then a vanilla firefox setup also.02:54
dr_willisal__:  i may have that ubuntu ff plugin disabled.. im not on a pc to test right now. but i do recall it being odd how the differances were02:54
dr_willisal__:  i may also be thinking of how chrome did it. I seem to recall dragging an icon from one page, somehwer and it went to the main page.02:55
dr_williswhem i web browse these days im on my phone 90% of the time. :)02:56
al__dr_willis: yeah I think it's the ubuntu mod, which makes it more difficult to find an answer too :/02:58
DeadWeaselso, how to dual screen wallpapers in 12.04?  nitrogen wants to work, but doesn't....02:59
DeadWeaseli'm not sure more whiskey is the answer...02:59
DeadWeaselbuuuuuut, it's worth a shot.02:59
dr_willisal__:  might be worth filing a bug report on that extension. but its gotten where i disable it by default sadly.02:59
paijoohh jamputtt02:59
dr_willisi just make a wide wallpaper pasted in gimp from 2 wallpapers ;)03:00
TheUzero fudge03:00
DeadWeaselhow to span it?  dr_willis03:01
TheUzerthe ubuntu servers are on freenode03:01
DeadWeaselright now they are mirrored03:01
dr_willisDeadWeasel:  thats a feature of your video drivers/conmfigs.03:01
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DeadWeaselati 6770 proprietaries03:01
dr_willisDeadWeasel:  i just enable twinview for my nvidia cards in the ncidia control center03:01
bin_bashI don't think my video card even allows that ;.;03:02
the_jeebsterso does the admin group have sudo privileges?04:27
histothe_jeebster: usermod -d    you can chnge their home04:27
histothe_jeebster: no the sudo group does if you are using ubunto. But it all depends on what your sudoers is set to.04:27
the_jeebsterhisto: interesting. even on 10.0.4 LTS? I'm following a tutorial and they seem to have everything working with a user just in the admin group04:27
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m000gleIs there any way to get IBus to play nicely with Skype 4.1 in Ubuntu 12.10? ... IBus Chinese input works fine on all other software, but Skype seems to not be using IBus04:27
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derpholy fucking script batman04:28
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histothe_jeebster: In my sudoers on 12.04 they have admin and sudo groups enabled for root access04:28
histo!language | derp04:28
ubottuderp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:28
derpwell there IS some serious flooding going on04:29
derpi think my fuck was warranted04:29
FloodBot1derp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:29
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histo!netsplit | derp04:30
ubottuderp: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:30
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Bsadowski1Hi derp.04:31
histothe_jeebster: usermod username -d /new/home04:31
the_jeebsterhisto: thanks04:32
swill215Hi all.04:32
histothe_jeebster: assuming you don't want to move their files04:32
histothe_jeebster: you can add -m if you want to move the users files04:33
makeawishanyone know of a good chatrom for aws?04:33
swill215Is it just me, or does Ubuntu 12.10 no longer support USB & PS/2 devices?04:33
histomakeawish: /msg alis list *aws*04:33
Elv1313swill215: just you04:33
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histoswill215: Yes none of us are using keyboards and mice04:33
histoI've been willing what I want to type for some time now.04:34
bin_bashI use the on-screen touch keyboard04:34
Elv1313most of them are PS2 emulated04:34
swill215Yes, because I am genuinely retarded to ask a question of that nature. Only plausible reason.04:35
topper412512.04 runs all my joysticks perfectly04:35
swill215Thanks for your support.04:35
topper4125plus my thumb drives, Printer, scanner, webcam, kindle04:35
histoswill215: lol What is your actual issue?04:36
histo!details | swill21504:36
ubottuswill215: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:36
bin_bashIf you come in with a sarcastic question, you can't honestly expect a serious answer04:36
swill215histo: I am unable to use USB & PS/2 when booting from a DVD.04:36
swill215Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit04:37
Elv1313EFI or BIOS?04:37
histoswill215: So you can't use keybord rigth?04:37
topper4125swill215, do you need to adjust your bios?04:37
`ingsocSomething is changing my /etc/resolv.conf. Please help.04:37
swill215UEFI bios.04:37
`ingsocI keep getting new DNS servers in there.04:37
bin_bashswill215, laptop or desktop04:38
Elv1313`ingsoc: resulv.conf is dynamically generated04:38
bin_bashhave you tried other distros, swill215?04:38
`ingsocElv1313: I have the appropriate dns-servers line in /etc/network/interfaces. Somehow entries are being added to resolv.conf.04:38
topper4125swill215, did you verify the download?04:39
topper4125!verify | swill21504:39
ubottuswill215: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:39
ACubed10hello everyone04:39
derpif you're using a machine with ps2 perhaps an older distro say 10.04?04:40
swill215bin_bash: I have. With those I have full USB & PS/2 and no issues. Distros tried: BT5R3 (KDE), Ubuntu 11.10 (a disc I had lying around).04:40
`ingsocSomeone said something about commenting out dnsmasq yesterday, but it doesn't work.04:40
histoderp: shouldn't matter ps2 is still supported04:40
derpi know im reaching04:40
ACubed10I <3 Ubuntu04:40
`ingsocI have another computer connected to the same network running Debian and this doesn't happen.04:40
bin_bashswill215, then use one of those.04:40
`ingsocIt makes me so upset.04:40
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`ingsocI was stupid enough to install Ubuntu and now I'm stuck with it.04:41
bin_bash`ingsoc, install gentoo then04:41
swill215The thing is that I downloaded the iso from Ubuntu. Not from a 3rd party.04:41
`ingsocWtf would DNS server just be changed?04:41
tripflexwhoa now04:41
histo`ingsoc: entries are added to resolv.conf by resolvconf package04:41
tripflexstupid enough to install ubuntu04:41
tripflextsk tsk04:41
bin_bashswill215, idk. seems like it doesn't work. try a different distro if those work.04:41
`ingsocWhat the hell is changing resolv.conf after I set dns-servers in /etc/interfaces/network.04:41
bin_bash`ingsoc, CANONICAL.04:42
bin_bashTHEY'RE HECKERING U04:42
`ingsocSeriously, Ubuntu used to be a great distro. It's a joke now.04:42
histo`ingsoc: if you want to change an entry edit cat /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head04:42
histo`ingsoc: sorry remove the cat.04:42
`ingsochisto: There's nothing in head.04:42
bin_bash`ingsoc, lol it's because canonical wants to be the next apple04:42
histo`ingsoc: That's where you can add your own dns servers04:42
`ingsochisto: It's empty.04:42
bin_bashOH MY GOD.04:42
bin_bashis it stupid night every night in here?04:43
swill215bin_bash: I know I'm not explaining myself very well. The odd thing is that I can get to the entrance menu on if you wish to 'Try Ubuntu' or 'Install Ubuntu'. I can click on those no issues.04:43
histo`ingsoc: It's not ubuntu the devs and others chose to use the resolvconf package.04:43
histo`ingsoc: head doesn't get overwritten04:43
histo`ingsoc: head controls what goes in /etc/resolv.conf04:43
tripflexi woul;dnt waste your time on `ingsoc04:43
histoi'm done04:43
`ingsocNo, wait.04:44
bin_bashswill215, that sounds odd.04:44
`ingsocI'm just frustrated.04:44
tripflexyou obviously dont want anybody to help04:44
tripflexand that's our fault?04:44
`ingsocOfc not.04:44
swill215bin_bash: One tries to 'Try', loses all support for PS/2 & USB.04:44
bin_bashswill215, did you check the md5 of the iso before burning?04:44
`ingsocI'm trying to figure out why Google's DNS servers are overwriting my own in /etc/resolv.conf.04:44
histo`ingsoc: being frustrated for a lack of understanding and taking it out on people voluntarily trying to help isn't going to get your far.04:44
bin_bash`ingsoc, we just fucking told you04:44
swill215bin_bash: I did not. I'm unsure on how to check it on a mac.04:44
bin_bashbut apparently mommy didn't use the coat hanger properly04:45
bin_bashand you can't read04:45
IdleOnebin_bash: No swearing.04:45
histo`ingsoc: because when you use dhcp it pulls dns servers from your router and puts them in resolv.conf  using the resolvconf package.04:45
bin_bashswill215, in a terminal on OS X, tyep md5sum nameoffile.iso04:45
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
`ingsochisto: Can I disable it pulling the dns servers?04:45
histo`ingsoc: If you read the top of the resolv.conf file you will see the notation "Hey this gets over written"04:45
datsmoidahow can i make a background process stop sending stuff to my terminal ?04:45
datsmoidatried disown04:45
histo`ingsoc: the way to add your own custom entries Now since this behavior is to edit the head file I told you about.04:46
histodatsmoida: You could redirect the output. Or close the terminal and open a new one.04:46
datsmoidaredirect it to what, how ?04:46
`ingsochisto: I know that will get the correct entries in there, but it doesn't fix the problem.04:46
datsmoida/dev/null ?04:46
histodatsmoida: 2>/dev/null04:47
histodatsmoida: sorry > /dev/null04:47
histo`ingsoc: Okay then what's the problem?04:47
swill215Damn. bin_bash left :(04:48
histo`ingsoc: the top entries are used first and your will be first.04:48
histoswill215: I believe he left by force04:48
histo!md5sum | swill21504:48
ubottuswill215: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:48
`ingsochisto: What's the file again?04:48
histo`ingsoc: /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head04:48
`ingsochisto: It says I shouldn't edit it?04:49
histo`ingsoc: Yeah that's where that commment in /etc/resolv.conf comes from.04:49
swill215histo: I tried to check for the md5sum. According to it, the file cannot be verified.04:50
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tgm4883histo, actually he should edit base no?04:50
`ingsochisto: And there's no way I can stop the Ubuntu botnet getting DNS servers from my router?04:50
tgm4883`ingsoc, ubuntu botnet?04:50
tgm4883I feel I missed something04:50
histo`ingsoc: Please stop it's not a botnet it's the resolvconf package doing it.04:50
tgm4883histo, maybe he's making a botnet?04:50
`ingsocI have a dns-servers line in /etc/network/interfaces, but Ubuntu ignores it.04:51
histotgm4883: No he's just very saulty04:51
histo`ingsoc: becuase they don't belong there.04:51
tgm4883`ingsoc, as it should04:51
`ingsocSo do I edit base or head?04:51
kumarat9pmhow to do watermarking with shutter screenshot tool?04:52
histo`ingsoc: the head04:52
tgm4883`ingsoc, can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file?04:52
`ingsocSure. I will.04:52
tgm4883histo, putting DNS servers in /etc/networking/interfaces is perfectly valid if we're talking about a server04:52
histo`ingsoc: just put your dns servers in the head file and restart networking or resolvconf all will be happy. Then go find something else to complain and freak out about that your don't understand.04:52
`ingsocIt works perfectly fine on Debian.04:53
tgm4883histo, are we talking about a server or desktop?04:53
tgm4883`ingsoc, still waiting on that file04:53
histotgm4883: Yeah if he wasn't using network manager which overwrites it.04:53
Rabblerouser:> I have a knack for breaking the GUI04:53
`ingsocSec, I need to blank out the IPs.04:53
* histo slaps forehead04:53
tgm4883histo, if he's using network manager, why isn't he putting his DNS servers in there?04:53
`ingsocI'm using a static ip.04:54
histotgm4883: idk.04:54
tgm4883`ingsoc, so what?04:54
tgm4883`ingsoc, you can put a static IP in network manager04:54
kumarat9pmany onehere?04:54
histotgm4883: because he doens't understand how these programs manage is network connection.04:54
histokumarat9pm: no04:54
tgm4883`ingsoc, heck, you can use a dynamic IP address in network manager and still have it use specific dns servers04:54
kumarat9pmis it for shutter or you?04:54
swill215histo: I tried to verify the file. According to it, the file cannot be verified.04:54
RabblerouserWas installing Audacity, when Software Center and the rest of Ubuntu locked up. Now I'm rebooted and I'm running everything through Terminal since I have no GUI :(04:54
histoswill215: That's not good. So your iso is corrupt04:55
dydzEz2anyone have problems where when trying to install ubuntu alongside winodws 8, the ubuntu install doesnt see the windows 8 partitions04:55
histoRabblerouser: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a04:55
tgm4883corrupt iso's are easily fixable via torrents or zsync04:55
`ingsocI removed the IP addresses.04:55
swill215histo: That is the official download from Ubuntu. I had another disc with 12.04.1 LTS 64bit & that refused to even boot.04:56
tgm4883`ingsoc, ok, and why don't you want to use network manager again?04:56
histoswill215: Well aparently it's not the official download if the md5sum don't match04:56
`ingsocI'm ocd so I don't want to.04:56
tgm4883swill215, could have been corrupted during download04:56
histoswill215: aparently a few bytes or bits are messed up.04:56
`ingsocIt's hard to explain.04:56
`ingsocI want to do it this way.04:56
tgm4883`ingsoc, I've gathered it's very hard to explain things to you04:56
tgm4883`ingsoc, so apt-get remove network-manager?04:57
`ingsocWhy are you being mean to me?04:57
histo`ingsoc: Are these internal ips that you blacked out?04:57
tgm4883`ingsoc, i've read the backlog, you started it04:57
`ingsocThey're internal.04:57
`ingsocExcept for the dns-servers line.04:57
tgm4883`ingsoc, you're being overly paranoid about your internal IP addresses04:57
`ingsocI have network-manager disable as a service.04:58
* shuduo is away: auto-away04:58
`ingsocWell, hackers.04:58
tgm4883`ingsoc, considering you aren't blocking people from seeing your external/public IP address04:58
`ingsocI'm scared, okay?04:58
tgm4883`ingsoc, no04:58
`ingsocI'm behind a proxy.04:58
histo`ingsoc: You do realize that you are connected to an irc network that reveals your ip address right?04:58
histo`ingsoc: and that your internal ips are not accessible from the outside world.04:59
`ingsocYes, I know.04:59
`ingsocBut ocd doesn't work that way.04:59
tgm4883`ingsoc, it's pretty obvious you don't understand how networking works (don't worry, most people don't), but if network manager is overwriting your DNS entries why not remove it04:59
tgm4883`ingsoc, you keep using that (ocd). I do not think it means what you think it means05:00
=== Guest45550 is now known as Senjai
`ingsoctgm4883: So let me get this straight. Ubuntu knowingly includes bloat to complicate network configuration through network-manager?05:00
histo`ingsoc: No to simplify network configuration.05:01
=== dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
`ingsocI'm worried that it'll kill my connection if I remove network-manager.05:01
histo`ingsoc: And you don't have to install it. either.05:01
`ingsocI made the mistake of installing Ubuntu.05:01
tgm4883`ingsoc, so let me get this straight. You have asked for help, refuse help, refuse to remove the parts that are preventing you from configuring things the convoluted way you want to, and somehow that is Ubuntu's fault05:01
`ingsocAnd now I don't have the time to reinstall.05:01
tgm4883`ingsoc, why would it kill your network connection?05:02
tgm4883that doesn't even make sense05:02
`ingsocOkay, I'll test it.05:02
`ingsocIf I'm not back in 10 minutes, Ubuntu ruined my day again.05:02
histo`ingsoc: You're free to return to windows.05:02
tgm4883`ingsoc, if you aren't back in 10 minutes, then it's because I finally convinced a mod to ban you05:02
histo`ingsoc: No one is forcing you here.05:02
`ingsochisto: Try LMDE. XD05:02
`ingsocThat's absurd!05:03
`ingsocUbuntu is forcing me here because it stole my time and now I can't reinstall.05:03
topper4125if you have to re-install... try ubuntu minimal install... comes with nothing that is needed.05:03
`ingsocI'm stuck with it until it breaks.05:03
tgm4883Phillip, we are trying to help you05:03
`ingsocOne sec. I'll brb.05:03
histo`ingsoc: becuase you have some jacked up way that you want to configure networking that isn't going to work and refuse to take any advise on how to fix it. Good luck to you in your ventures. I'm done.05:03
tgm4883histo, it's people like that why I'm not mod of this channel05:04
tgm4883histo, if he comes back, ping me. I'm leaving to get some cake05:04
* histo deep breaths05:04
dell1I have an external hard drive and would like to format it to ext3; does anybody know how can I do that? I am using GParted but I do not know what should be the partition table type.05:04
histoI'm still waiting for my laptop to run out of battery this is rediculous. New ssd is sick and laptop-mode-tools etc...05:05
tgm4883dell1, MBR?05:05
* shuduo is back (gone 00:07:21)05:05
histodell1: You can make any partition table you want. Do you want one big partition?05:05
JouvaI'm having problems connecting to IPs that are on the same machine which the connection is being initiated from. I'm not using localhost; I'm using one of the IPs or host names that resolve to those IPs. iptables is completely empty. Thoughts?05:05
dell1tgm4883: I am not sure, but it says the default is MS-DOS partition table05:05
tgm4883dell1, that should be fine I think05:06
dell1histo: Yes I do05:06
tgm4883I think the other option is GPT05:06
Elv1313dell1: use it05:06
histoJouva: Do you mind clarifying a little.05:06
histodell1: use gpt and create a big partition.05:06
dell1histo: I want to format my NTFS external hard disk to ext3 (1TB)05:07
histodell1: wlel then just mkfs.ext3 /dev/of/exteral/drive05:07
tgm4883dell1, why not ext4?05:07
histodell1: no need to repartition.05:07
Elv1313dell1: Use MS-DOS partition format and use an ext3 or ext4 partition05:07
tgm4883yea, no need to repartition, just format05:07
vnc786go can I run websites on ubuntu which requries IE ? i tried installing ie4linux  but its not working..can some give some hint..i have tried winetricks, ie4linux05:07
tgm4883I'd recommend ext4 if you don't have a specific reason for ext305:08
dell1MS-DOS or GPT?05:08
tgm4883really out now, cake time05:08
histodell1: gpt for large disks05:08
histoElv1313: please stop05:08
dell1I found that ext3 is more compatible between distros05:08
wiggmpktgm4883: bring enough for the rest of the class =P05:08
Elv1313histo: GPT partition sheme have issues on older systems05:08
histoElv1313: msdos partition scheme can't address larger disks05:09
RabblerouserWell I got my unity back, but sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a is taking FOREVER with no 'updates' on its progress05:09
histoElv1313: that's why we have gpt05:09
Jouvahisto: Ok. So I don't want to give away my IPs so for the sake of discussion we can just assume 169.254.x.x is actually public routable. Those aren't the IPs I'm using mind you.05:09
Elv1313histo: it can be extended to support 4tb just fine and it have better compatibility05:09
RabblerouserScratch that. Just got a return: "/usr/sbin/kpkg-reconfigure: man-db is broken or not fully installed"05:09
dell1Align to: Mib/Sylinder/None05:10
histoJouva: ~jouva@pool-98-111-142-253.phlapa.fios.verizon.net is your ip05:10
Jouvathis is not the machine in question I am on05:10
Jouvait's my server05:10
histodell1: How large is this disk?05:10
Jouvahisto: Publicly routable, in a data center05:10
dell1What should I choose in Align to: Mib/Sylinder/None? (I want to have one partition, 1TB)05:11
dell1I mean whole disk as one partition05:11
histoElv1313: And how old of a machine would it have to be to not support gpt. I highly doubt they will run into that issue.05:11
Jouvahisto: But say my machine has through And maybe has an IRC server on it. If I have an IRC bot that is trying to connect to port 6667 on, it won't work. But outside connections are fine.05:11
RabblerouserCan someone help? Someone suggested I use sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a... and after a while, it returned "/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: man-db is broken or not fully installed"05:11
histodell1: Are you using gparted?05:11
Elv1313histo: if he use ext3, he probably will05:11
dell1I have Dell Studio 1555, two years old05:11
dell1histo: Yes05:12
dell1I choose ext405:12
histoJouva: how do you ahve 10 ips assigned to one machine?05:12
Elv1313histo: I first used GPT around 2008, and it had bugs because it was rare back then05:12
dell1Is it the same in 2013?05:12
histodell1: it's pretty easy to just delete a parititon and create a new one. Where are you getting asked all these questions?05:12
ahmedipaCan’t Login to Desktop unless using Guest Session05:13
Jouvahisto: Fine it's 6 with 4 usable. Just roll with it.05:13
JouvaThe number of IPs isn't the point05:13
JouvaIt's more than one IP05:13
cfhowlettvnc786, to get at websites that require IE, use wine and install an old IE version ...05:13
Elv1313no, its fine now, I use it everywhere, but if you want to use ext3 for compatiblity, then use MS-DOs for compatibility too05:13
dell1What should I choose in Align to: Mib/Sylinder/None?05:13
histoJouva: Yes it is an issue. Are these virtual machines, or multiple adapters, or virtual adpaters. It has a lot to do withyour problem. Are they on the same subnet as other machines on the network ?05:13
histoJouva: but if you don't want to go into it I dont' have the time.05:14
ahmedipaCan't Log Into Ubuntu 12.0405:14
histoWTH is with people tonight.05:14
`ingsocIt didn't work.05:14
ahmedipaHow can I solve this problem05:14
`ingsocYour advice FAILED.05:14
Jouvahisto: It's a single physical machine. Not running any virtual server stuff05:14
dell1What should I choose in Align to: Mib/Sylinder/None?05:14
RabblerouserNo one?05:14
`ingsocYou've been warned!05:14
histoJouva: With how many nics? and are they on the same class as the rest of the network?05:15
wiggmpk`ingsoc: seriuosly?05:15
Elv1313dell1: align to the start of the disk, and use gparted, not fdisk or other tools, recent disks use 4k sectors, older partitions utilities try to force 512bytes05:15
`ingsocIt keeps changing it.05:15
Jouvahisto: Sorry, I thought you meant how like you were confused how it was possible, not how I had it configured.05:15
histo`ingsoc: please stop and go elsewhere you won't listen to us.05:15
`ingsocEven after I used a dns-servers line.05:15
wiggmpk`ingsoc: oh my gosh, best go back to windows then05:15
`ingsocIt doesn't happen on Debian.05:15
`ingsocWhy does Ubuntu do this?05:15
cfhowlettingsoc  stop trolling.  ubuntu is not a botnet ... and feel free to use debian05:15
`ingsocOkay, just settle down.05:16
Jouvahisto: Looks like 2 nics, but the 2nd one is on a private network 10.x.x.x that isn't part of this and isn't an IP I'm trying to connect to. The public IPs are all on eth005:16
dell1Elv1313: It asks for align to: MiB/Cylinder/None05:16
dell1What should I choose?05:16
`ingsocHow do I stop resolvconf or network-manager from pulling DNS servers out its ass?05:16
Elv1313take the default, but you should align to sector one05:16
cfhowlettvnc786, note: an old IE version is included with wine05:16
histo!language | `ingsoc05:16
ubottu`ingsoc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:16
Elv1313(0 being the mbr)05:16
Jouvahisto: But yes, same subnet.
histo`ingsoc: they are being pulled from your router.05:17
histoJouva: not the same subnet sorry the same class c05:17
`ingsochisto: How do I stop it?05:17
wiggmpk`ingsoc: Ubuntu just doesnt make up DNS servers dude05:17
ahmedipaanyone has idea about my problem regarding to cannot login to 12.0405:17
histo`ingsoc: Remove them05:17
histo`ingsoc: or work with them you choose05:17
Jouvahisto: Oh. Still yes.05:17
`ingsochisto: I need them (nmcli).05:17
ahmedipaevery day I face new problem05:17
dell1An error occurred while applying the operations05:17
histo`ingsoc: I've told you how to work with them. You obviously don't want ot do that. So remove them or go back to debian.05:17
dell1If you want support, you need to provide the saved details!05:17
dell1See http://gparted.org/save-details.htm for more information.05:17
Rabblerouser"/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: man-db is broken or not fully installed". How do I fix this?05:17
cfhowlett!details|ahmedipa     restate the details ...05:17
ubottuahmedipa     restate the details ...: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:17
`ingsochisto: I want to work with them. Please.05:18
histoJouva: ex: 192.168.1.xxx  and rest of network is 192.168.1.xxx also05:18
apb1963_I'm trying to ftp... getting connection refused.  I can't help but notice xinetd is not running.  What is the ubuntu way of making this work please?05:18
Flanneldell1: Use GParted, don't drop to low level command line tools (not all command line tools are low level, but you have found a very low level one).05:18
Flanneldell1: It's easier, and its probably quicker too.05:18
Jouvahisto: Yep. All the same subnet for the public IPs05:18
histo`ingsoc: Then put your dns servers you want in head file. Ex: nameserver  in that file05:18
dell1I am using GParted05:18
vnc786cfhowlett: i did install ie7 with ./ielinux --no-gui --install ie7 it show that it has installed successfully but when trying to open it does'n work and also i did winetricks ie6 it also show it has installed and it gets IE get open  but the website is still asking for >IE 5.505:18
dell1Flannel: I am using GParted05:18
dell1But I got error05:19
Jouvahisto: Mind you this only started happening in the past few days. I did an apt-get update and rebooted, and then this happened. There MIGHT have also been a change to BIND9 or resolv.conf, but I don't see anything odd.05:19
`ingsochisto: I did, and it still pulled Google's DNS servers.05:19
RabblerouserOh for god's sake, this is unbearable05:19
ePiratWow new record, broke Ubuntu after only 3 hours ._.05:19
ePiratWon't boot anymore05:19
ahmedipacfhowlett:  Can’t Login to Desktop unless using Guest Session05:19
Jouvahisto: It's been fine for several months until now.05:19
dell1Should I unmount the hard drive before formating?05:19
histoJouva: Can you please explain how this is wired?  The adapters please... How many are on this box and why are you using different ip subneets05:19
Flanneldell1: This is an external drive?  Did Ubuntu mount it automatically? (You can't format a mounted partition)05:19
ahmedipa ubottu:  Can’t Login to Desktop unless using Guest Session05:19
ubottuahmedipa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:19
histo`ingsoc: is your custom one at the top?05:19
Flanneldell1: Yes.05:19
dell1Flannel: Thanks05:19
dell1I will do it again05:20
histo`ingsoc: the top of resolv.conf that is.05:20
`ingsochisto: Yes.05:20
ahmedipaubottu: this is first time I face this problem05:20
cfhowlettvnc786, all I can say is ... avoid websites that REQUIRE obsolete and broken browers like ie 5.5  sorry, can't offer anything more than that.05:20
cfhowlettahmedipa, on 12.0405:20
histo`ingsoc: then it's using your custom one. What's the problem?05:20
`ingsochisto: I don't want Google's DNS in there.05:20
`ingsochisto: It makes me feel paranoid.05:20
ahmedipacfhowlett: yes 12.0405:20
histo`ingsoc: Then specify your custom ones in network manager.05:21
RabblerouserIronic that I get better support from a game's IRC channel and the game doesn't even run natively on Linux yet.05:21
`ingsochisto: How?05:21
STMelon+1 Rabblerouser05:21
histo`ingsoc: click on the network icon and edit connections05:21
ahmedipacfhowlett:   second problem is low disk space05:21
histo`ingsoc: or go into settings and then network and change the settings for that connection.05:22
cfhowlettahmedipa, one problem at a time ...thought you couldn't login?05:22
Jouvahisto: The only different IP subnet is a single private one on eth1. All of my public IPs are in the same class C on eth0. This is a box that's a dedicated server being hosted by SingleHop. My assumption (not something I can say for certain, but the only thing I can think of) is that eth1 is for communicating with their own internal tech support and other machines in the same racks so that one05:22
Jouvadoesn't need to go through the same routers05:22
STMelonhisto is working his tail off though, trying to help all at the same time, give im some credit for multi-tasking05:22
ahmedipa ubottu:  second problem is low disk space05:22
histo`ingsoc: OR change your stupid router settings to not hand out googles dns records05:22
RabblerouserSTMelon: Yes?05:22
`ingsochisto: Well, now Ubuntu is even blocking access to
`ingsochisto: I get connection refused.05:22
ahmedipacfhowlett: right let's solve the first problem05:23
cfhowlettahmedipa, fresh install?05:23
wiggmpkRabblerouser: what package is broken?05:23
RabblerouserWait, histo is the ONLY one giving help? D: I had no idea.05:23
ahmedipacfhowlett: as you said at this time I can't05:23
ahmedipacfhowlett: what do you mean by that05:23
Rabblerouserman-db. Mind you this is after terminal sort of.. hung. Miraculously, I have my Unity back, but saying that still bugs me05:24
histoRabblerouser: you coudl reinstall man-db05:24
cfhowlettahmedipa, how did you install ubuntu 12.04?  upgrade from a previous installation or a clean installation05:24
ahmedipacfhowlett: this happend after I tried to clean and trying to free up space05:24
wiggmpkRabblerouser: and what have you already tried to do in order to correct the problem?05:24
`ingsocWhy is Ubuntu locking me out of
Jouvahisto: I can't even ping localhost it seems05:25
ahmedipacfhowlett: I don't have problem with installation only I install by usb live05:25
JouvaOr explicitly
ahmedipacfhowlett: this is fifth month I use ubuntu05:25
rob_p`ingsoc: can you ping it?05:25
RabblerouserSynaptic, upgrades, and fixing broken packages within Synaptic. Which it apparently didn't see this broken package05:26
histoJouva: trace it?05:26
cfhowlettahmedipa, OK05:26
`ingsocrob_p: Yes.05:26
ahmedipacfhowlett: I only faced these two problem05:26
cfhowlettahmedipa, I've got an idea what happened ...05:26
`ingsocrob_p: I can ping it but I can't telnet it or access it in my browser.05:26
Jouvahisto: Yeah it's giving me timeout *s05:26
`ingsocrob_p: It's a shitty DSL-502T (D-Link).05:26
ahmedipacfhowlett: I would like to thank you for your attention05:26
histoJouva: see where the issue is. and also which interface the packets are going oout on. If they are different ip ranges that could be the issue. Going out on one range that doesn't reach the other.05:26
cfhowlettahmedipa, do you see the login screen at all?05:26
topper4125!language | `ingsoc05:27
ubottu`ingsoc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:27
histo!ohmy | `ingsoc05:27
ubottu`ingsoc: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.05:27
ahmedipacfhowlett: yes I see login screen05:27
Jouvahisto: I get nowhere. At all.05:27
Jouvatraceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets05:27
Jouva 1  * * *05:27
rob_p`ingsoc: What is *it*? I'm guessing it has Telnet services running, etc?05:27
JouvaI don't know HOW it's doing that or WHY but it is05:27
aleksandarhey, I am thinking of making a custom install script and I'm wondering if there's some other solution than writing all commands myself?05:27
cfhowlettahmedipa, and after attempting login it loops and kicks you out  ... no error messages?05:27
`ingsocrob_p: It's a router.05:27
JouvaYet it's allowing connections from outside and letting connections out05:27
wiggmpkRabblerouser: well that isnt very descriptive, but why dont you try completely removing the package and reinstalling it. I dont know what kind of dependancies man-db has but you can try this05:28
ahmedipacfhowlett: but when I try to login it will be like loop as you said05:28
`ingsocrob_p: ADSL router.05:28
JouvaWonder if it's the route05:28
histoJouva: tracepath05:28
ahmedipano any error messages05:28
Jouva1: no reply05:28
wiggmpkRabblerouser: sudo apt-get autoclean || sudo apt-get remove --purge man-db || sudo apt-get install man-db05:28
histoJouva: not good05:28
histoJouva: routes are jacked up05:28
JouvaThat's what I'm thinking now05:28
RabblerouserWill do, thanks.05:29
ahmedipacfhowlett: just ask me again and again to login even if I login05:29
histoJouva: have you tried restarting networking?05:29
dr_williscfhowlett: some day we need to track down or make a wiki page on resetting user settings. ive seen this identical questiin like 4 times this week05:29
rob_p`ingsoc: So you can ping it, but you can't access it's services?05:29
Jouvaehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh donnnnnnnnnt think I want to be doing that on my own ;)05:29
JouvaNot over ssh05:29
dr_willisahmedipa:  guest user works fine?05:29
JouvaI think at this point I'll let SingleHop look into it05:29
cfhowlettdr_willis,  as you're more familiar, can you guide us to the fix?05:29
ahmedipadr_willis: yes but as you know not full permission05:30
`ingsocrob_p: That's correct.05:30
ahmedipadr_willis: as normal user05:30
rob_p`ingsoc: Perhaps it needs a reboot? Many of those consumer-grade routers have buggy firmware and need frequent reboots...05:30
dr_willisahmedipa:  can you login at the console as your user?05:30
RabblerouserGot a bad feeling after seeing "Removing ubuntu-desktop" after doing that05:31
ahmedipadr_willis: how can I do that05:31
`ingsocrob_p: Hmm. I'll try that now.05:31
rob_p`ingsoc: Sort of off-topic for our discussion, but have you checked to see if there's a Linux-based firmware that would work with your router hardware?05:31
dr_willisahmedipa:  alt-ctrl-f1 to get to a console.. alt-ctrl-f7 to get back to X.. see if you can login as your user at the alt-ctrl-f1 console.05:31
ahmedipadr_willis: yes I see05:33
apb1963_I'm trying to ftp... getting connection refused.  I can't help but notice xinetd is not running.  What is the ubuntu way of making this work please?05:33
ahmedipadr_willis: when I want to try to login by this method he told me incorrect password05:34
ahmedipadr_willis: I don't know why05:34
wiggmpkRabblerouser: if it doesnt automatically get reinstalled with man-db just trail that package at the end of the line like "sudo apt-get install man-db ubuntu-desktop"05:34
dr_willisahmedipa:  if you CAN login at the console. then  you can try to reset any problem setting files that may be you out..  be sure you are getting the CASEof your password right05:34
Jouvahisto: Well thanks for your time though! Sorry for being a little frustrating there at the beginning. Just didn't understand what you needed cause I didn't read it right, though I'm sure my obfuscation didn't help. Just didn't want to look like I'm advertising a server, or have somebody try and poke at my server for exploits or something05:35
RabblerouserYeah, I'm doing that.. along with yelp, lintian, gnome-user-guide, ubuntu-docs, and ubuntu-standard. :D lol05:35
rob_papb1963_: Depends on how you have your FTP server configured to run. Some relied on the old xinetd superserver and some run as a daemon. Some can be configured for either method.05:35
dr_willisahmedipa:  you are sure you are using the right  password? ;)05:35
apb1963_rob_p stock ubuntu install.  You tell me :)05:35
=== weltall2 is now known as weltall
wiggmpkRabblerouser: yeah I figured there was gonna be some dependencies05:36
rob_papb1963_: Did you install a FTP server?05:36
apb1963_rob_p: nope.  Figured it was part of the package.  Just whatever the ISO included.05:36
rob_papb1963_: Ubuntu doesn't come with it installed by default...05:36
apb1963_I'm learning :)05:36
dr_willisa ftp server by default? how... 1980's ;)05:37
apb1963_that's where I'm from :)05:37
dr_willisand insecure05:37
ahmedipadr_willis: I see tty105:37
apb1963_no i'm pretty confident actually05:37
ahmedipadr_willis: I am sure about password05:37
dr_willisahmedipa:  you hit alt-ctrl-f1   get a LOGIN: prompt.. you enter your users name and password. and you should get a   bash prompt.. if you cant seem to get logged into the console.. you got deeper issues05:38
rob_papb1963_: The repos have at least one or two options to choose from.  I've used proftp with lots of success in the past...05:38
apb1963_so I guess it's some sort of apt-get thingy right?05:38
rob_papb1963_: yeah05:38
* shuduo is away: auto-away05:38
apb1963_apt-get proftp?05:38
dr_willisapb1963_: best would be to not use ftp. ;) but ssh05:38
apb1963_can I get files with ssh?05:39
`ingsocI just want it to stop!05:39
apb1963_never tried that05:39
wiggmpkI <3 FTP shhh05:39
dr_willisapb1963_:  theres very little you cant do with ssh05:39
dr_willisapb1963_:  if you ahve never used ssh.. then spend the time and learn ig05:39
xisiqomelir"man scp" apbl05:39
apb1963_will it clean my house?  I really need a package to do that05:39
wiggmpk`ingsoc: stop using that router05:39
dr_willisapb1963_:  ive seen very very few reasons to use ftp these days05:39
ahmedipadr_willis: when I type my username then password05:39
`ingsocwiggmpk: I can't afford a new one.05:39
apb1963_i'm old school what can I say05:39
rob_p`ingsoc: So were you able to get logged back into the router?05:40
ahmedipadr_willis: by the way password when I type no character appear05:40
`ingsocrob_p: No, it wouldn't let me.05:40
dr_willissay 'uga booga.. me got rock.. hit donosaur in head'05:40
apb1963_actually I use winscp on the windoze side of things05:40
wiggmpk`ingsoc: well then put it in bridge mode and do your own NAT05:40
`ingsocIt's buggy as all hell.05:40
ahmedipadr_willis: after that he tell me that incorrect05:40
`ingsocwiggmpk: Because I know how to do that...05:40
rob_p`ingsoc: Sort of off-topic for our discussion, but have you checked to see if there's a Linux-based firmware that would work with your router hardware?05:40
`ingsocwiggmpk: I just want Ubuntu to stop acting like a damn botnet and stop getting nameservers from the router.05:40
`ingsocrob_p: It's too old for any custom firmware it seems.05:41
dr_willisahmedipa:  you are either typing it in wrong.. it WONT echo back.. (makes sence from a security point of view) or got a caps lock key on.. or doing some other typo.. Or  somehow got your password messwed up05:41
apb1963_so really I should have just winscp'ed to the server instead of ftp localhost to test if it worked  hunh?05:41
ahmedipadr_willis: even if I hit numLk on or I type any letter05:41
`ingsocI would remove network-manager but I need nmcli.05:41
dr_willisahmedipa:  try typing your password in when it says 'login;' to be SURE you are typing it correctly.. ;)05:42
dr_willisit will echo back then...05:42
rob_p`ingsoc: Too old? That's usually the opposite of what you'd find... It's the newer routers that aren't as well supported. I don't think you checked...05:42
`ingsocrob_p: DSL-502T.05:42
wiggmpk`ingsoc: dude... google is a website away.. ubuntu isn't acting as a botnet. if your router has nameservers, its gonna push it to all the clients.. thats how it works.. your options are to configure your router, dont use the router, or use a different router05:42
`ingsocrob_p: Not supported. :(05:42
`ingsocwiggmpk: I can't access my router. just sits there and never loads.05:43
wiggmpk`ingsoc: reset it and try again05:43
dr_willis10.1.1.1  seems an odd router ip$05:43
wiggmpk`ingsoc: and by reset I mean hold the reset button, not power cycle05:43
wiggmpksounds like a D-Link or Belkin dr_willis05:43
rob_p`ingsoc: checking...05:43
wiggmpkor some junk the modem/router combo from the ISP (no offense)05:44
apb1963_nope.  I guess sshd isn't installed by default either then?05:44
dr_willisapb1963_:  theres no outside services installed by default...05:44
dr_willisapb1963_:   security 101 ;)05:44
apb1963_sshd is a security risk?05:45
ahmedipadr_willis: login incorrect05:45
`ingsocwiggmpk: You mean like a factory reset?05:45
dr_willisany servies you dont need.. should NOT be installed by default.05:45
wiggmpk`ingsoc: yes, but first I would be absolutely certain you have the right IP address, not just a local network segment05:45
apb1963_hmmm... installation is different from configuration and running05:45
dr_willisahmedipa:  either you are doing the password wrong.. or  its been changed..05:45
apb1963_but ok05:45
wiggmpk`ingsoc: check your default route in "ifconfig"05:45
`ingsocwiggmpk: Well, it asks for a login, so I think it's correct.05:45
apb1963_I will accept the ubuntu philosophy05:45
apb1963_so... apt-get sshd?05:46
wiggmpk`ingsoc: and your certain the password is correct?05:46
ahmedipadr_willis:  I am sure I type many time05:46
dr_willisYou want ssh running by default on a install cd?05:46
apb1963_never thought about it before05:46
`ingsocwiggmpk: Yes, because incorrect password comes up with a failed page.05:46
wiggmpk`ingsoc: then I would go with the factory reset and try again05:47
ahmedipadr_willis: if I have doubt user name but I can see user name from screen05:47
dr_willisahmedipa:  only way i know to easially fix your other issuse is if you can login at the console.. but for  all wee know the password may  be the original issue05:47
wiggmpk`ingsoc: be patient afterwards, like 15minsish05:47
apb1963_I'm used to inetd.. and it just being available.05:47
rob_p`ingsoc: Looks like openwrt has some support for at least one version of that router, but I prefer DD-WRT and it's not in their database...05:47
apb1963_it's a question of habit moreso than anything else.05:47
`ingsocrob_p: I'm scared of bricking it.05:47
dr_willisahmedipa:  you  can try fixing your sustem from a live cd.  but thats a bit of a bother...05:47
ahmedipadr_willis: password is easy for me but I don't know when I type password no character appear05:48
wiggmpk`ingsoc: fortune favors the bold my friend05:48
dr_willisahmedipa:  because it DOSENT ECHO the characters.. Its designed NOT to.. you  dont want someone seeing your password when you type it.05:48
wiggmpk`ingsoc: is there any other networking equipment between the combo router and the outside world?05:48
ahmedipadr_willis: may be you are right because I use now guest user and may not full permission cause this05:48
rob_p`ingsoc: I don't blame you. Unless you are comfortable with spi interfaces, jtag, etc. and have the appropriate equipment, there are risks...05:49
`ingsocwiggmpk: There is a wireless router that I use to connect more cmputers to it.05:49
dr_willisahmedipa:  so we dont know if its your password thats wrong.. or not. i thought the   X login screen says in red letters if you got your password wrong05:49
ahmedipadr_willis: when I type password as like as terminal exactly05:49
RabblerouserIs there an equivalent to Windows' "Stereo Mix"? I've found a shell script that allows me to stream video playing a game, but there's no sound. :(05:49
histo`ingsoc: please just specify dns servers in network manager and be done with it.05:49
`ingsochisto: I don't use network-manager, but I need it for nmcli.05:49
histo`ingsoc: if you use nmcli then you are using network manager05:50
`ingsochisto: I thought that was the whole point of the dns-nameservers line?05:50
ahmedipadr_willis: I am sure about the password when I try to login in the screen told me login in again05:50
wiggmpk`ingsoc: disconnect EVERYTHING except for your DSL router/combo and your computer05:50
rob_p`ingsoc: The root of your problem is that your router is handing out DNS addresses that you don't want to use. So fix your router!05:50
histo`ingsoc:it was but you don't want the google ones below it for some insane reason.05:50
dr_willisahmedipa:  so on the Gui Login screen you enter your password.. do you see any red letters mentioning that its wrong?05:50
histo`ingsoc: if you don't want those then you have to specify your own.05:50
wiggmpk`ingsoc: I dunno how your wireless router is operating but double NATing isnt really best practice05:50
ahmedipadr_willis:  when I try to make something wrong will show me it is wrong05:50
* histo SCREAMS!!!!! in my own head.05:51
ahmedipadr_willis: no I don't see05:51
Daegalushmm, anyone know the best possible FS for cross-platform use between Windows, Linux, and OSX? Other than FAT32?05:51
ahmedipadr_willis: because it is right05:51
`ingsocI don't know what to do!05:51
histo!best | Daegalus05:51
ubottuDaegalus: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:51
histo!manual | `ingsoc05:51
ubottu`ingsoc: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:51
dr_willisahmedipa:  then you should be able to login at the console also.. not get a invalid password  message..  Do you have a live cd you can boot from?05:51
`ingsochisto: Thanks, histo. That's so useful.05:52
ahmedipadr_willis: yes I have05:52
rob_p`ingsoc: Here's what to do:  --->  CONFIGURE YOUR ROUTER  <---05:52
ahmedipadr_willis: I will try to bring it05:52
histo`ingsoc: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/05:52
`ingsocrob_p: You're right, but I'm trying to think what I need to do to get into the damn thing.05:52
ahmediparight now05:52
dr_willisahmedipa:  you can try to reset your problem users files. bu using the live cd. accessing their Home directory on the installed system and moveing  all the files in their   home/yourusername/*  files to some backup directory. this will reset all your users settings... then  reboot back to the installed system and see if they can login05:53
histo`ingsoc: here you go http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+12.04+custom+dns+nameserver&l=105:53
`ingsochisto: Finally, someone is exposing the botnet.05:53
Daegalus`ingsoc: that doesn't help me at all, I want to know what people have experienced from personal experience. FAt32 is the easiest, but the 4gb max is a nogo. NTFS is possible, but Linux write to is is pretty slow for torrents. exFat is ok, but LInux support isn''t that great. Ext4 is fine, but Windows drivers don't have extents and journaling support. So I wanted to see what others have found to be a good solution for them.05:53
rob_p`ingsoc: You probably need to reset the router to factory defaults and then reconfigure it...05:53
`ingsocNo, Ubuntu is a DNS botnet.05:53
dr_willisyou are confused.05:54
histo`ingsoc: it's not a botnet you don't understand what we've been telling you all along that it now uses RESOLVCONF package but believe what you want. I'm done acknowledging you existence05:54
rob_p`ingsoc: Please stop embarrassing yourself and stop using the term, "botnet" until you have a clue what it means!05:54
`ingsocI'm just being over-dramatic.05:55
histoand insane05:55
rob_p`ingsoc: I'm not trying to offend you, but it's really embarrassing every time you say that!05:55
`ingsocBut seriously, Ubuntu is changing, man.05:55
dr_willisProgress or die...05:55
wiggmpk`ingsoc: and possibly irritating the people trying to help you05:55
cfhowlettingsoc then you're not really inspiring anyone to redner anyhelp05:55
`ingsocdr_willis: That's some Borg shit right there.05:55
histo!ops | `ingsoc language05:56
ubottu`ingsoc language: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U, DJones!05:56
dr_willismarketing fundamentals05:56
`ingsocWell, I wouldn't be in here in the first place if I didn't install Ubuntu.05:56
* cfhowlett "possibly"?05:56
`ingsocI wish I didn't, but I made a mistake.05:56
* shuduo is back (gone 00:17:53)05:56
ahmedipadr_willis: my best back up in my opinion external hard drive and one ubuntu05:56
wiggmpkRabblerouser: how did things go mate?05:56
rob_p`ingsoc: I can understand being frustrated though.  Just take a deep breath and look at the situation logically. You'll get it figured out.05:57
RabblerouserOh.. I haven't restarted. >.> I guess I'm tempting fate, huh?05:57
`ingsocrob_p: It's cool. I came in here but then histo just started to nerd rage at me.05:57
wiggmpkRabblerouser: lol, it'll be fun =P05:57
RabblerouserBrb. Rebooting05:57
histohola blackshirt05:58
blackshirti have a simple stupid question .. what the mean output ot $dpkg -l | wc -l05:58
cfhowlettblackshirt, greetings05:58
apb1963_success... now if I could only remember what I started out to do....05:59
histoblackshirt: it will count the amount of packages installed .  dpkg -l  lists them then the out put is piped to wc -l to count the lines05:59
dr_willisblackshirt:  wc -l = counts the lines05:59
`ingsocWhat if I turn resolv.conf into a regular file?05:59
rob_p`ingsoc: anyway, once you get access to your router, you'll be squared away.  Just make sure it hands out the nameserver IPs that you want your network clients to use and you'll be set.  Good luck! :)05:59
`ingsocWould that work?05:59
dr_willisi always set my routers to hand out google dns ips ;)05:59
histoapb1963_: you were talking about installing ssh server or something.06:00
swjhwhere does ubuntu store kernel .config file?06:00
`ingsocI don't even remember setting it to the Google DNS.06:00
rob_p`ingsoc: You can spray air freshner on a dirty diaper and it might make things bearable for the moment, but it's not the right way to handle it!06:01
`ingsocI guess Ubuntu has partnered with Google now like they did with Amazon.06:01
`ingsocrob_p: That's a good point.06:01
blackshirthisto, dr_willis : thanks ... thats command resulted ... 1151 .. but when i add grep to that command $dpkg -l | grep ^ii | wc -l resulted with 954 ... what the difference06:01
histo`ingsoc: Do you have a ubuntu related support question?06:01
wiggmpkcorrect me if im wrong, but arent DNS servers handed out by your ISP?06:01
dr_williswiggmpk:  unless you  set them manually  on the router. or override them on you rnetwork manager settings06:02
wiggmpkdr_willis: k, thought so06:02
`ingsochisto: I do have a Ubuntu support question. Why did Ubuntu sell out so hard after all of our support over the years?06:02
cfhowlettrob_p, best tech metaphor trophy awarded!06:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:02
swjhwhere does ubuntu store kernel .config file?06:02
rob_pcfhowlett: :P06:02
cfhowlettingsoc take it up with canonical please, not with the user support channel06:02
dr_willisswjh:  im not sure it does..  a check of askubuntu.com may show an answer also.06:02
Rabblerouser\o/ Things work!06:02
RabblerouserUntil I inevitably break it again.06:03
blackshirthisto, dr_willis : thanks ... thats command resulted ... 1151 .. but when i add grep to that command $dpkg -l | grep ^ii | wc -l resulted with 954 ... what the differences ?06:03
dr_willisblackshirt:  what are you trying to acomplish anyway?06:03
swjhdr_willis: is it possible to see if I have CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS?06:03
dr_willisyou grepped out some lines.. ;)06:03
swjh*CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS module06:03
dr_willisswjh:  no idea.   i havent had to mess with the kernel in years06:04
wiggmpkRabblerouser: all good then? =)06:04
swjhok thank you06:04
RabblerouserYes, thanks for your help :)06:04
histocfhowlett: his router is giving him google's dns not ubntu06:04
wiggmpkRabblerouser: np06:04
blackshirtdr_willis: i'm still learning for this system ... but i want to know .. why this resulting different thing, if dpkg -l was meant for list installed packages06:04
cfhowletthisto, well aware of that, but thanks.06:05
dr_willisblackshirt:  so what is your grep filter supposed to be filtering out? where did you get it from?06:05
dr_willisblackshirt:  compare the 2 outputs with and without and see whats differnt06:05
`ingsocSo the first two lines in resolv.conf will be used before the others?06:05
`ingsocJust to be sure.06:06
`ingsocIf I go down that route.06:06
blackshirtdr_willis: yes, i have do it ... without grep was result 1151 number .. and with grep was 95406:06
blackshirtdr_willis: i look at output of dpkg -l .. what is rc flags mean in the output ?06:07
dr_willisblackshirt:  compare the  actual output.. not just the counts...     your grep pattern is looking for lines that begin with II  which means somthing..06:07
`ingsocI can't wait for this install to inevitably break, so I can go back to sid.06:07
blackshirtdr_willis: we know ii was for installed state06:07
wiggmpk`ingsoc: do you see the line in /etc/resolv.conf that says dont edit, your changes will be overwritten?06:07
dr_willisblackshirt:  id have to refer you to the apt-get manuals and guides. I dont memorize them06:07
`ingsocwiggmpk: I edited the head file.06:08
RabblerouserAND... to boot, I just figured out how to stream both video and audio to Twitch.tv. :D I'm off to stream some Dwarf Fortress or somethin'06:08
blackshirtdr_willis: without grep ^ii there are some rc flag on the output of dpkg -l06:09
wiggmpk`ingsoc: ok, even so, since your "gateway" to the internet is your combo modem/router.... how will your machine know where ANY of the DNS entries you put in there are on the internet?06:09
wiggmpk`ingsoc: its going to use the DNS records on your local network segment, IE: the one's in your router combo06:09
`ingsocwiggmpk: So I should fix it there first and foremost?06:09
wiggmpk`ingsoc: I think you should either call your ISP and see what their naming servers are06:10
`ingsocwiggmpk: The ones in my router don't show up when I visit dnsleaktest.com...06:10
wiggmpk`ingsoc: well then you specifically made a change somewhere06:12
`ingsocwiggmpk: What do you mean?06:12
wiggmpk`ingsoc: because thats not how networking equipment work..06:13
`ingsocwiggmpk: I don't follow.06:13
`ingsocwiggmpk: My router is really bad btw.06:13
blackshirtdr_willis: , i should sure, $dpkg -l | grep ^ii | wc -l  should return number of packages currently installed .. is this right ?06:14
wiggmpk`ingsoc: your ISP tells you what your DNS records are.. the DNS tells you where things are on the internet. if there is a contradiction of information, then I cant help you.. because your not providing all the information06:14
`ingsocwiggmpk: Tbh, I don't know what DNS information is in my router.06:14
dr_willisblackshirt:  it will return the # of lines that begin with  the ltters 'ii' which aparently is not the only  output dpkg -l gives.. so look at dpkg -l output and see what lines DONT begin with ii     and see what they are telling you06:15
wiggmpk`ingsoc: so why are you even here? just to waste peoples time?06:15
dr_willisim not on a ubuntu box so cant look at dpkg output06:15
histo`ingsoc: it's obvisouly googles dns servers or your isp is handing those to your router06:16
xiacloblackshirt: answered on the debian channel, but will repeat here for others.  The 'rc' status in dpkg -l means you have installed the package, and removed it, but there is still configuration files on your system from that package06:16
rockcketexcuse me06:16
`ingsocwiggmpk: No, I wanted to know how I can stop Ubuntu from filling resolv.conf with crap. I have Debian computer and it doesn't do that.06:16
rockcketwhere are file permissions data stored ? if i want to take backup of that ?06:16
dr_willis  ^ii i think is 'start of line then the letters i i'  :)06:16
wiggmpk`ingsoc: wiggmpk: The ones in my router don't show up when I visit dnsleaktest.com...06:16
wiggmpk`ingsoc: wiggmpk: Tbh, I don't know what DNS information is in my router.06:16
wiggmpkyour wasting peoples time06:16
dr_willisrockcket:  they are not stored in a file.. they are part of the file06:17
xiaclo`ingsoc: the easiest way is to edit your resolv.conf the way you want, then run 'chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf'06:17
histo`ingsoc: you'd have to remove the resolvconf package is all06:17
dr_willis!permissions | rockcket06:17
ubotturockcket: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions06:17
`ingsocxiaclo: That doesn't work.06:17
histo`ingsoc: sudo apt-get purge resolvconf06:17
STMelonseems nothing is working and nothing is helouing, maybe you should try google06:17
rockcketdr_willis: i backed up my files and folders from 11.04 now did a fresh installation of 12.04 - when i now copy files from the backup in USB to /var/www they do not retain their old permissions. their permissions have all become like 60006:17
cfhowlettingsoc you edited the settings and now get EXACTLY the results you programmed in.  Reset to defaults or accept responsibility for your own results.  Or go to debian.06:17
dr_willis!info resolvconf06:17
`ingsochisto: Then how will it get DNS information?06:17
ubotturesolvconf (source: resolvconf): name server information handler. In component main, is important. Version 1.67ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 53 kB, installed size 238 kB06:17
blackshirtxiaclo: thanks06:17
STMelonhelping*. quit wasting this rooms time thx06:17
historockcket: did you preserve their permissions?06:18
dr_willisrockcket:  how did you back them up? how did you  restore them?06:18
histo`ingsoc: you'd have to specify it yourself06:18
histo`ingsoc: like you do in debian06:18
rockcketi just copied all of them into my USB and now copied from USB to /var/www - dr_willis06:18
rockckethisto: what does that mean ?06:18
dr_willisrockcket:  copied HOW..... what command06:18
historockcket: how did you copy your files?06:18
rockcketctrl+c - keyboard06:18
`ingsochisto: So is there a difference between resolv.conf and the package?06:18
dr_willisrockcket:  and what filesystem was on the Usb?06:19
rockcketdr_willis: how can i know that ?06:19
histo`ingsoc: the package is what is auto populating the file06:19
histo`ingsoc: Which i've explained to you several times06:19
dr_willisrockcket:  you  should learn to use tar. and rsync,  and the cp options ... you did not copy the permissions or other info06:19
`ingsochisto: I don't think you did.06:20
dr_willisrockcket:  see how its mounted.. they come preformated with fat32.. that wont save linux permissions06:20
rockcketdr_willis: ctrl+c does not copy permissions ? well you just said permissions are part of the file only06:20
rockcketdoes $ df -h help in knowing that?06:20
dr_willisrockcket:  and a USB flash drive formated to fat32  can not store that info06:20
rockcketso tell me whats the good way to do backups ?06:20
histo`ingsoc: you can scrollback and see or go to the log of this chatroom and search if you don't believe me06:20
rockcketjust cp command ?06:20
rockcketor tar.gz and store that in USB ?06:21
dr_willisrockcket:  you  should learn to use tar. and rsync,  and the cp options .06:21
rockckethm ok i dont know rsync06:21
dr_willisor format the flash to  be ext2/3/406:21
rockcketwill learn thanks06:21
rockckethow do i know file system of USB anyway ?06:21
rockcketok how to do that ?06:21
h4x0rz81how canin i reset my root pw?06:21
dr_willisrockcket:  sudo  blkid may  show.. or fdisk -l06:21
bazhangh4x0rz81, you dont. use sudo06:21
rockckethm ok thanks dr_willis06:22
dr_willis!mount | rockcket06:22
ubotturockcket: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:22
h4x0rz81i sei just came back to ubuntu and i guess i installed too fast06:23
bazhang!1984 | `ingsoc06:23
ubottu`ingsoc: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/06:23
histobazhang: lol at the trigger06:23
h4x0rz81could someone give me a command on how i might retrieve06:23
bazhanghisto, how a propos here, right06:23
bazhangh4x0rz81, retrieve what06:24
rockcketfat32 it is06:24
rockcketthanks dr_willis06:24
h4x0rz81root pw06:24
dr_willish4x0rz81:  there is no root password by default.06:25
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:25
historockcket: yeah a cp command won't preserve priveledges you'dhave to use rsync to do that.06:25
h4x0rz81ok hang on lol06:25
rockckethisto: i will learn about rsync someday :)06:25
rockcketthese are not my things but hopefully will learn hehe06:25
historockcket: it's a beautifully powerfull app06:25
rockcketso, now i have 12.04. unity is fine except that when window is maximized the left bar of icons still apear, a little hard to work with. also close buttons goes to top most task bar (or status bar whatever you call it)06:26
rockcketlets see if i get used to it06:26
xiaclorockcket: cp can copy permissions, use cp -a06:27
dr_willisrockcket:  the controls going to the top panel on mazanized windows.. is a feature...06:27
dr_willisrockcket:  the left side panel can be set to auto hide06:27
rockcketok will use cp -a next time thanks xiaclo , did not know :)06:28
rockcketdr_willis: how ?06:28
rockcketwell i think it would probably be better to have the left side panel at the bottom to be honest06:28
dr_willisrockcket:  i said it can auto  hide.. not be moved to the bottom06:29
rockcketand then auto hide/slide when not hovered for few seconds06:29
rockcketjust saying06:29
uplinxok guys, i accidentally made a decision that's gonna drive me deep down the rabbit hole06:29
uplinxi bought 2 nvidia video cards and have 4 monitors06:30
uplinxand i want them to play nice06:30
uplinxany advice?06:30
dr_willisuplinx:  if they work with the nvidia drivers properly they should work fine06:30
dr_willisplug them all in.. install nvidia drivers.. run twinview and see06:30
dr_williswell enable twinview. ;)06:30
uplinxdr_willis: that configuration puts me in the untenable position of using xinerama which disables compositing and has the framerate of my dead grandmother06:31
rockcketdr_willis: is this the way http://askubuntu.com/questions/9865/how-can-i-configure-unitys-launcher-auto-hide-behavior/31418#31418 ?06:31
dr_willisrockcket:  its just a check  box somewhre in the settings.  i dont recall where06:31
ubottuedi: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».06:33
dr_willisand this isent some italian isp that has commands on !list output either... ;)06:34
dr_willisor so someone mentioned the other day06:34
rockcketgreat thanks06:35
hillaryis there libreoffice 4.0? how can i update my libreoffice 3.5 to that if any?06:35
uplinxany additional suggestions on avoiding xinerama, having compiz, and having 2 nvidia cards with 4 monitors?06:36
hillarysorry librebre 3 not 3.506:36
rommel092079good day guys. I am going to build a server on ubuntu desktop with intel pentium dual core 2ghz processor, 4 gb memory and 500 gb hdd.  will mysql server have no problem with it on connectivity with more that 50 clients accessing it on any given time?06:36
Gnearommel092079: mysql is dead06:37
amiui hope its a 7200RPM hard drive06:37
STMelonhillary: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/ppa for the latest STABLE libreoffice, it will install base which will install openjdk06:37
rommel092079Gnea: what do you mean mysql is dead?06:37
amiuMySQL is *not* dead.06:37
hdonhi all :) i am trying to diagnose something that happens when i'm running games. my screen stops updating for a while, mouse and keystrokes go to /dev/null, and my sound buffer doesn't get refilled so it just plays the same sample a few times06:38
hdoni have tried tail -f Xorg.0.log auth.log syslog kern.log messages user.log daemon.log06:38
rommel092079amiu yes it is 7200rpm06:38
hdonabsolutely no clues06:38
hdonanywhere else i can look?06:38
rommel092079amiu: can I do that on ubutn desktop ?06:38
Gneaamiu: on the open source front, yes it is. MariaDB is the derivative.06:38
rommel092079Gnea: what do you mean mysql is dead?06:39
amiuyeah but i would recommend xfce over unity06:39
hillarySTMelon, yes i have run the command and it is created. Next i do?06:39
rommel092079i need your suggestions guys please06:39
xiacloGnea: that's like saying debian is dead because ubuntu exists06:39
amiuMariaDB is far from over taking MySQL.  it has just won over a couple friends is all06:39
STMelonhillary: sudo apt-get update06:39
STMelonthen either do the updates in the update manager or type: sudo apt-get install libreoffice06:40
rommel092079advice me guys06:40
amiurommel092079,  i would also recommend debian over ubuntu-desktop for server applications06:40
rommel092079why debian?06:40
Gneaxiaclo: hardly06:41
wdpbecause in debian mysql is still alive06:41
Gnearommel092079: actually, ubuntu-server is probably more of what you'll need06:41
Gneayou can still use mysql, of course06:41
hillarySTMelon,  ok it is updating . I will do "sudo apt-get install libreoffice'06:41
dr_willisuplinx:  if you want 4 monitors going at the same time you use Twinview. which  is nvidas enhanced xinerama06:41
STMelonhillary are you using gnome or unity for your DE?06:41
STMelonif so, you may need to type sudo apt-get libreoffice-gnome06:42
dr_willisuplinx:  i have compoziting when using twinview on 2 monitors...06:42
rommel092079Gnea: with my hardware specs and ubuntu-server, wont I be having problem with multiple connections around 10006:42
Gnearommel092079: that sounds more like a network limitation06:42
hillarySTMelon, ok i will do  sudo apt-get libreoffice-gnome then06:42
STMelonhillary:  but wala! that should give you the latest stable libreoffice06:42
amiurommel092079,  no you wont06:43
STMelon3.6.2 , if i am corrct, is the latest stable Libreoffice06:43
amiurommel092079,  youd also be better off with debian if your not familiar with ubuntu server06:43
rommel092079amiu: can you expound please  and Gnea: is the a network limitation in ubuntu?06:43
hillarySTMelon, hillary@hillary-ESPRIMO-Mobile:~$  sudo apt-get libreoffice-gnome06:43
hillaryE: Invalid operation libreoffice-gnome06:43
rommel092079amiu: can I use debian desktop aside from debian server?06:44
dr_willisuse a proper command. ;)06:44
STMelonhillary: suod apt-get install libreoffice-gnome06:44
STMelonhillary: my bad, sorry forgot "install"06:44
Gnearommel092079: well the idea behind using a server distribution to run a server is just that: it doesn't need a gui.06:44
amiu.......you could yes. why are you so insistent on running a desktop configuration for a server?06:44
hillarySTMelon, yes it is installing06:45
Faminexvfor me the best way to manage the server is through ssh.  I never really have any type of display connected unless I can't ssh in06:45
Nach0zunless you happen to really REALLY like guis, at which point I *might* recommend something like openbox or lxde, that's super lightweight, and an NX server06:45
Nach0zFaminexv: that's the way to do it right thur.06:45
rommel092079im not really a user of linux. I am more aware of windows. but guys on windows adviced on to use linux for on windows xp has connectivity limit on multiple users.06:45
rommel092079im not really a user of linux. I am more aware of windows. but guys on windows adviced on to use linux for on amiu: windows xp has connectivity limit on multiple users.06:46
amiuid say xubuntu + xampp if your not ready for -nogui06:46
Gnearommel092079: well windows xp is a desktop os, not a server os. xubuntu might be a good way to go to keep the bloat down on the gui.06:46
xiaclolinux has it as well, but only for VERY high connections, 50-100 won't touch a linux box, desktop or not06:46
Gnea!xubuntu | rommel09207906:46
ubotturommel092079: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels06:46
Nach0zmehhhh. xubuntu is kinda fugly06:46
FaminexvNach0z: The only way I learned and am glad I did.  Makes managing so much easier06:46
Nach0zFaminexv: yeah. I started with GUI and just learned as much as I could about terminal while I still had an interface to fall back on when I messed up06:47
amiuxubuntu is the xfce version of ubuntu (lightweight, uses least amount of ram, cpu, looks like old appleOS)06:47
FaminexvNach0z: Nice.  I just started getting back into linux, I set up a apache2 webserver (easiest thing ever) and am working on setting up an email server to manage my forums and server messages06:48
dr_willis!info lubuntu06:48
ubottuPackage lubuntu does not exist in quantal06:48
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:48
Nach0zFaminexv: go with nginx >__>06:48
Faminexvlubuntu is nice if you want lightweight06:48
rommel092079amiu: will that suffice and dont have limitations on multiple users?06:48
bazhangamiu, that would be lubuntu these days. xubuntu is not much lighter06:48
Nach0zbut yeah I gotta go to sleep, it's almost 2 AM and I gotta be up early.06:48
FaminexvNach0z: alright man, take it easy06:48
Faminexv@lubuntu question: it's a pretty decent light weight lubuntu and it's easy to use and manage.06:49
FaminexvI reccomend that over xubuntu and kubuntu for sure06:49
Faminexvif i could spell today06:49
amiulxde is fugly. xfce is nicer.06:49
FaminexvIt's all personal at that point.  If that's the case just install xfce lol06:50
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Faminexvwhich i like as well.06:50
FaminexvI enjoy most distro's of linux.  what makes linux awesome06:50
Faminexvever since oracle virtual box lol, i run so many different types just to check them out and play with em'.06:51
hdonFaminexv, you got it backwards dude. what makes linux awesome is that you can hate a distro, and you don't have to leave your kernel06:51
hdonor the standard base of commands and such :)06:51
amiuUbuntu Studio & debian are all any one ever needs.06:51
Faminexvhdon: touche06:51
dydzEz2man im so confused06:52
dydzEz2i reinstalled windows 8 in legacy and then tried installing ubuntu, but ubuntu didnt see the w8 partitions06:52
Faminexvanyone want to recommend a good email server?  I've read up on citadel and postfix and what not but i'm looking for other's or some good resources ;)06:52
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amiuexchange server 201306:52
FaminexvI've used it06:53
Faminexvand what i was taught on06:53
Faminexvwell 200306:53
amiu2003 is just like 2013 except older06:53
Faminexvbut i'm working on a totally opensource network just to make it06:53
bazhang!ot | Faminexv06:53
ubottuFaminexv: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:53
cfhowlettkorealinux, greetings06:57
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huttanFaminexv: vmware zimbra07:00
thufir_how do I reload my terminal after editing .bash_profile07:01
huttanthufir_: source ~/.bash_profile07:02
huttanif thats the path for it07:02
thufir_huttan: thx07:02
FloodBot1korealinux: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
bazhang!ko | korealinux07:03
ubottukorealinux: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko07:03
korealinuxthank ser07:03
ubottukorealinux,: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko07:03
anonymousraptrdo i need to remove my current libreoffice before installing 4?07:06
simpleirc1anon, no07:07
bazhanganonymousraptr, install from where? what does that guide say?07:07
OerHeksanonymousraptr, yes, if you can't wait and want to intall from the site >> http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/libreoffice-40-available-for-download.html07:08
bazhangkorea, yes, /join #ubuntu-ko as we told you twice before07:09
koreamy teacher where did it07:09
anonymousraptrdo you guys think its best to wait for repository? i can wait07:09
koreaplease be my mentoe07:09
bazhangPPA are not supported nor recommended anonymousraptr07:09
bazhangkorea, then ask an Ubuntu support question07:10
OerHeksanonymousraptr, i would wait, LO 4 will be in raring07:10
STMelon4 has new features along with new bugs as it is RC atm and not stable, I would wait07:10
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cfhowlettkorea, be your mentor?  no.  there are mentors in korea.07:11
peeps[lappy]what do i need to do to get java applets to work in chromium?  i have sun-java6-plugin  installed, but it won't run applets.  it says "Iced Tea was blocked because it was out of date"  I don't want to run icedtea, i want the official java plugin07:12
peeps[lappy]and icedtea isn't even installed07:12
raptroerheks: i saw the press release for lo4 and was interested (and disturbed about people complaining about already) and thought about installing it.07:12
koreai`m wrong i`m an english07:12
arunkumar413i guys i have a css file and i want to categorize the code according to the class and elements. Is there an application for that07:13
koreatranslation chat while it`s hard07:13
amiuid try in #web or #css arunkumar41307:13
arunkumar413join #css07:13
koreawho know how to use korean member07:14
cfhowlettkorea, we don't mentor.  we answer specific and detailed questions about ubuntu ...07:14
koreai`m sorry,i`m up now haget07:15
spyzerhey everyone, i am being affected by this bug -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pvr-omap4/+bug/110204507:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1102045 in pvr-omap4 (Ubuntu) "Pandaboard ES: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri/omap_dri.so missing -> Only software rendering" [Critical,Confirmed]07:16
spyzerMay anyone please help me as in if there is some way for me to just proceed ahead07:17
spyzeri mean can i use ubuntu 12.04 and things can start working?07:17
cfhowlettkorea, look in loco.ubuntu.com for help in korea07:17
aeon-ltdspyzer: that didn't make much sense07:17
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cfhowlettspyzer, fixing a bug is beyond our powers ...07:18
raptrkorea: 사용 사용하지 마십시오  #ubuntu , 대신 사용합니다  #ubuntu-ko07:18
spyzeraeon-ltd, cfhowlett sorry i didn't meant bug fixing07:19
spyzerwhat i essentially want to ask is if i revert to some other version of ubuntu instead of the latest can this bug be resolved for me?07:19
chaz68Was trying Java 7 download via webup8team repository and getting this error:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1623556/07:19
chaz68What's up here?07:19
spyzerbecause it was not present in those versions07:19
cfhowlettspyzer, possibly ...07:19
cfhowlettspyzer, that said this is on raring?  not even in beta yet!  ask in #ubuntu+107:20
OerHekschaz68, ask the owner of that PPA, as ppa's are not supported here.07:22
chaz68Any ubuntu supported way to install Java7 without PPA?07:22
arunkumar413does gedit has a code folder07:23
Senjaiarunkumar413: is this a serious question07:23
STMelonchaz68: try this .. add this to your source list . update manager/settings/other software/add ------> deb http://www.duinsoft.nl/pkg debs all07:24
STMelonchaz68: then type in terminal: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 5CB26B2607:24
STMelonthen in terminal sudo apt-get update07:25
STMelonand sudo apt-get install update-sun-jre07:25
STMelonoracle java 707:25
jnhghyHi, is there a way to make php/python access(read and write) to a file in /etc/cron.monthly ?07:25
STMelonchaz68: http://www.duinsoft.nl/packages.php?t=en website i got the info from for oracle java in ubuntu07:26
Senjaijnhghy: is there a way to make php/python read and write to a file?07:26
MatthewLyes, jnhghy, there is07:27
SenjaiMatthewL: nuuu, I was about to have him discover his own asnwer07:27
Senjaijnhghy: yes, there is, but that question is for ##php or the python equivilant07:27
chaz68STMelon:  Thanx a bunch... trying it now...07:27
jnhghyMatthewL: thanks for the your reply, any sugestions?07:28
MatthewLjnhghy: brb07:28
STMelonmind you java is very vulnerable these days07:28
STMelonI do not even have it installed07:28
chaz68I know.  Will run only on desktop and disable in  browser.07:28
jnhghySenjai: I know how to read and right in a file, the issue is the OS because php/python doesn't have permission to write in /etc/cron.monthly, it's not sudo07:29
Senjaijnhghy: then maybe you should change the permissions of /etc/cron.monthly hmm?07:29
STMelonok , this is another site i got it from, i scrolled down to the script version which gave me the site i posted above07:29
STMelonchaz68: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java07:29
STMelonIf your system has more than one version of Java, configure which one your system uses by entering the following command in a terminal window07:30
STMelonsudo update-alternatives --config java07:30
jnhghySenjai: I sense some sarcasm? :), have you watched to much Dr.House or you just don't like helping? :)07:30
MatthewLjnhghy: http://php.net/manual/en/function.file.php07:30
jnhghyThanks MatthewL07:30
Senjaijnhghy: I like helping, but Im not going to tell you the answer, I'd rather help you work through it.07:30
chaz68Looks like the webupd8team's suppository crapped the bed pretty hard...07:30
Senjaijnhghy: we are not a repository of : do this and get this07:30
RollinV2man chown, man chmod07:31
Senjaijnhghy: we help you learn, whether or not you're willing to is your problem07:31
jnhghySenjai: "then maybe you should change the permissions of /etc/cron.monthly hmm?" this is you not giving me the answer and helping me work throw it?07:31
MatthewLjnhghy: btw, I just referred you to php documentation.07:31
Senjaijnhghy: I just did07:31
jnhghyMatthewL I saw07:31
Senjaijnhghy: Now go find out how to change the read write permissions on a file07:31
MatthewLgoogle is our friend07:31
Senjaijnhghy: I brought you from can php do x, to how do i change the permissions on a file so php can do x07:31
crazybrainI am using an broadband connection which offers unlimited downloading during offnet hours(02:00AM to 08:00am).But i had to give up my sleep in order to download something..07:32
crazybrainIs there any tool which can automatically connect to the router and start downloading at 2am to 8am?07:32
jnhghySenjai: It is a good idea the permission, didn't know it comes without risk but this is it for know.07:32
crazybrainI am using Ubuntu 12.1007:32
RollinV2crazybrain, on windows there is jdownloader. i think it has a linux version07:32
MatthewLfile processing in Linux is a whole diff animal.  Kind of required jnhghy07:32
Senjaijnhghy: it doesnt, you're opening up access to php, if you run a malicious php script to input malicious script into your cron files, your cron can run malicious tasks07:32
chaz68STMelon:  This www.duinsoft.nl deal seems to be working fine.  Thanks for the alternative download / install...07:33
jnhghyThanks for the help MatthewL, Senjai;07:33
crazybrainRollinV2: i want something that can connect to the router at 2am and automatically start downloading07:34
crazybrainI am using PPoE07:34
maxbGiving anyone other than root access to write to /etc/cron.* is effectively giving them the ability to run arbitrary commands as root, i.e. distinctly unwise07:34
s3r3n1t7jnhghy, if you want to echo stuff into a write protected file: write it to a temp file, verify it, verify it again, and again, then move it with a script that you set to write protected (so that script cant be edited) .... but just writing from php to such a file is way to dangerous07:34
jnhghys3r3n1t7: thanks for the heads up07:35
RollinV2crazybrain, you could write a python/ruby script to wget or curl the downloads. then set it to fire with a cron job at 2am07:36
RollinV2crazybrain, but i cant think of any other apps aside from jdownloader. maybe someone else will know.07:36
chaz68Anybody running an ajaxplorer server here?07:36
s3r3n1t7crazybrain, use the at command07:37
chaz68Figured out Pear and all the setups for all the plugins with  the exception of access.S3 plugin.07:37
crazybrainat command???07:37
s3r3n1t7the command: at07:38
crazybrainat what?07:38
crazybrainbtw i am using ZTE 531B router07:38
roger_type in terminal, "man at"07:38
Senjais3r3n1t7: jnhghy: you're right, but as long as this is just for learning it shouldnt be too vulnreble. You could also configure cron to only execute certain files.07:39
chaz68Trying to configure access.S3 plugin here:  http://ajaxplorer.info/plugins/access/s3/07:39
chaz68Anyone conquer that one yet?07:39
s3r3n1t7Senjai, even for learning you should always use a best practice, else later when it's a real world situation you'd still make the same mistakes :-)07:39
crazybrainroger_: what it will do?07:40
Senjais3r3n1t7: you're right.07:40
s3r3n1t7When im doing apt-get update, the downloads go real quick. However, the Reading package lists step is slower than a bull without legs stuck in glue. Is there a fix around anyone would like to share? :)07:40
ns5how to query the changelog of a package?07:40
jnhghySenjai: this is not only for learning, that's why I come to this place to get correct answers or to get myself redirected to correct answers so if there is anything else I should know please don't keep it from me. :)07:40
roger_crazy: "man at" will tell you about the at command07:41
RollinV2learn your man pages. open terminal, "man nameofcommandthatconfusesyou"07:42
cfhowletthelmut_, greetings07:42
Senjaicrazybrain: Please let me refer you to tldp07:42
Senjai!tell crazybrain about tldp07:42
ubottucrazybrain, please see my private message07:42
hillary_I dont know what i have done to my desktop 12.04. The screen is upside down and left facing. any one to help me restore?07:50
sqrt7744hillary_, were you playing with xrandr07:50
hillary_sqrt7744,  I even not aware what i did !!07:52
sqrt7744hillary_, oh. Well if you can turn your head sideways for long enough to open the "Displays" program, you can set the rotation there.07:53
hillary_sqrt7744,  i dont understand ??07:55
aeon-ltdhillary_: use the monitor as it is, then change the settings07:56
roger_I have some questions that are basically just out of curiosity. Is there a noticeable hit to performance of win apps under wine?07:56
hillary_aeon-ltd,  ok let me try07:57
s3r3n1t7roger_, it's always somewhat slower due to more steps for the same result07:59
roger_s3r3n1t7: so dual boot is still the best route...?07:59
s3r3n1t7roger_, pure performance wise ont he same application? yeah08:00
amiuyour better off running windows in a linux virtual machine08:00
amiuuse virtualbox or kvm to run windows08:00
s3r3n1t7amiu, even then there still is that performance hit due08:00
aeon-ltdif you have the dvd/iso, just dual boot. unless security or convenience is really necessary08:01
roger_cool cool..  another question08:01
amiuthen youll have to restart the computer every time you want to switch between a linux app and a windows app08:01
aeon-ltdamiu: the performance gains are worth it, unless you're running i5/7 with 8gb+ ram and a decent gpu + maybe a ssd08:02
nodautWould this be the right place to ask about sql injection?08:03
Nickvcqeznamehi how can I enable quicklist with Nemo file manager on UButuntu 12.04/UNITy08:03
nodautAlright. Thanks08:03
roger_I played around with a mac a few months back and did some terminal like stuff with it.. I'm assuming linux/unix type of terminal..  Does that mean all the Mac OS's are basically like distro's of linux?08:03
amiu#mysql or #backtrack or one of the other info sec rooms08:03
nodautokie dokie08:03
aeon-ltdroger_: no, but they are unix based08:03
aeon-ltddifferent kernels08:04
roger_aeon-ltd: ok..  so unix distro's?08:04
amiuposix yes, linux no. closer relation to bsd08:04
aeon-ltdroger_: porting is easy but not perfect (for cli based apps anyway)08:04
circlehow will I know if I need to install some dependencay with winetricks?08:05
aeon-ltdcircle: usually apt pulls them in08:05
dr_willisthe wine app database normally tells circle08:05
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:05
circlesee, I have the entry for Fl Studio here08:06
circleWhere's the entry on what I need to install?08:06
=== chiluk is now known as chiluk_away
amiusudo apt-get build-dep winetricks08:06
dr_willisbuild-dep? did  i miss somthing?08:06
Senjai!tell me about tldp08:07
ubottuSenjai, please see my private message08:07
dr_willisSenjai:  you mean tldp.org ?08:07
Senjaidr_willis: I know that site, I just wanted to see what ubottu's entry was08:07
tripelbI need help with partitions. fdisk sees them but gparted does not and parted gives me a weird raspberry, " can't have partition outside of drive. Looking over the numbers for start and end of partitions I see no problem. Can you assist me Earthling?08:08
* STMelon chuckles @ Earthling08:08
STMelonI've always thought aliens had bigger brains than us earthlings08:08
* tripelb injects humor into weeklong situation.08:08
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=== albert is now known as Guest4843
cristian_cI run the suspension, but when I resume, things are not much working, for example chromium08:13
=== donza_ is now known as donza
cristian_cI can't open it, and if I launch it from terminal, I get: pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:02.1/resource: File or directory not found08:13
cristian_cI've found that 00:02.1 is the video out, but nothing else :(08:13
cristian_cHow can I solve it?08:14
dr_willishibernate  and suspend can be very flakey08:14
dr_willisvideo drivers and wireless drivers can often crash and not come back awake08:14
cristian_cdr_willis, it does not happen sometimes, but always08:16
morph3kanyone up?08:17
morph3ku know much about aptitude on a ubuntu 12.04 server08:17
morph3kusing only CLI08:17
dr_willistheres many docs and guuides on using the package manager system  via the cli....08:18
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)08:18
morph3kyea i am reading this one...08:18
cristian_cdr_willis, any ideas?08:18
MoL0ToVhi to all! i tryed to configure my xubuntu desktop as wireless ap for my phone, but i'm unable to connect. howto configure? is possible trough panel?08:18
dr_williscristian_c:   dont use suspend? ;) try closeing the browser befor you suepend..08:18
dr_willis!ics | MoL0ToV08:19
ubottuMoL0ToV: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing08:19
=== link is now known as Guest15082
dr_willisMoL0ToV:  i recall some smart phones cant do ad-hoc type networking also..08:19
morph3kim working on editing aptitude-defaults right now08:21
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!08:25
savagecrocecho content | sudo tee /some/file08:26
savagecrochow can i change that so content can contain anything08:26
savagecrocany character any sequence etc08:26
bekkssavagecroc: What exactly are you trying to do? Which file do you want to change?08:27
amiuany one ever come across an .ecm file and got it working?08:27
dr_willisecho has some binary echo option i recall. or use a language like perl or pythn to print the string..   but it sounds weird to me sav08:27
bekksamiu: Most likely, file extensions have no meaning.08:27
bolvaryHi, I had a problem when installing updates on my lubuntu 12.10. At the moment I cannot boot. When repairing broken packages, they cannot be downloaded? Any suggestions would be appreciated.08:28
bekksamiu: Which programm did create that file?08:28
amiuwel i need some one who knows how to handle .ecm files08:28
dr_willisif you cant boot.. how are you repairing files bolvary ?08:28
woohi nicck_08:29
savagecrocbekks: i'm trying to dump a 10000 character file08:30
bolvarydr_willis: when i have the option to choose recovery mode, but normally just gives me the 'laptop login' screen.08:30
savagecrocbekks: through an ssh channel08:30
dr_willissavagecroc:  the bash command line has a character limit.. i doubt if that will work08:30
savagecrocdr_willis: i'm not sure if it's using bash08:30
woowhat bash?08:31
savagecrocwoo: ssh channel not a bash08:31
dr_willissavagecroc:  i think we need more details  as to what you are doing..  bash is the default shwll on ubuntu for users.. sh for system stuff08:32
lxrti am getting this error when i tried to mount my external hard drive "mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device"08:32
dr_willislxrt:  fd0 is a floppy drive08:32
lxrtdr_willis: not it 500G external hard drive08:32
savagecrocdr_willis: i'm using a programming library called Net::SSH in ruby 1.9.3 to connect to an ubuntu 10.04 server.  I have a configuration file in memory and i'm trying to dump it on the server via using a command08:33
dr_willislxrt:  i doubt if its on /dev/fd0 then08:33
dr_willislxrt:  see what  'sudo blkid' says about it08:33
savagecrocnow.. i could dump it locally, and then use an scp command to copy it up.. but hmmm08:33
woossh'd into /bin/??08:33
dr_willisruby is supposed to have features taht can do stuff like that savagecroc  i belve.. i only have touched ruby slightly08:34
wooruby is a web protocol08:34
lxrtdr_willis: this is the output of blkid /dev/sda1: UUID="09f0c58f-f18f-4a29-a852-31dd93392f14" TYPE="ext4"08:34
savagecrocwoo: no it's not, it's a scripting language08:34
dr_willisim pretty sure ruby can do  network communications.08:34
woooh the way I understood it was that its just easy access points08:35
savagecrocdr_willis: yeah the Net:SSH has various functions.. nothing about dumping files from strings in memory to local then08:35
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dr_willislxrt:  so your system is seeing a single partion  on sda1 .  no fd008:35
savagecrocwoo: yeah.. it started of as a scripting language .. and then they built web stuff on top of it.. it's been around since 9508:35
wooscripts used to make things easier to remember08:35
lxrtdr_willis: it seeing the hard drive too... it show up there but cant mount it08:35
savagecrocwoo: haha, yeah i use scripts to basically document linux commands08:36
dr_willislxrt:  shows up where? your output showed exxatly one hard drive seen on the system...  what does 'sudo fdisk -l' say? does it show more then just sda1 ?08:36
savagecroce.g.. def start;  sudo "service postgresql start"; end08:36
wooand drive like proxy's?08:36
wooIm having a real hard time adding a group to admin08:37
jennieI installed 'keyboard and mouse' and 'mouse and touchpad'  from ubuntu software center but I am unable to locate / open them , please tell how do I open them ?08:38
dr_willisjennie:  a batter question is why did you ionmstall them?08:39
lxrtitdr_willis: fdisk -l shows only sda partition but iin the GUI device section show floppy disk, but actualy is a 500G external hard drive08:40
woojennie: I would just check the history in the ubuntu software center and look for the command.  may be08:40
jennieI want to accelerate mouse motion , mouse is too slow and default option in ubuntu are not making it fast08:40
dr_willislxrt:  i think you are confused.. its showing a floppy disk. because you have a Floppy controller on the pc.. thats NOT saying its a external hard drive.08:40
dr_willislxrt:  fdisk and blkid both show that only one hard drive is being seen08:40
dr_willislxrt:  normally when you plug in a usb hard drive.. it auto mounts and pops up a dialog/file manager window to show its contents08:42
woolxrt: are you scripting this into a program or could you use a gui?08:42
lxrtdr_willis: what is i am using ubuntu on VMware work station08:43
lxrtwoo: i could use GUI08:43
woolxrt: have you tired gparted?08:43
dr_willislxrt:  so check its settings.. sounds like you have a floppy controller enabled on it.. or somthing.. in any case  a hard drive woul dbe a sd #  not a fd #08:43
woodr_willis: I cant get pdisk or fdisk from my repos anymore08:45
dr_willis!info fdisk08:45
ubottuPackage fdisk does not exist in quantal08:45
dr_willisfdisk is getting outdated08:45
dr_willis!find fdisk08:45
ubottuFound: acorn-fdisk, amiga-fdisk-cross, gnu-fdisk08:45
dr_willis!info gnu-fdisk08:45
ubottugnu-fdisk (source: gnu-fdisk): Linux fdisk replacement based on libparted. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.4-3.1 (quantal), package size 113 kB, installed size 255 kB08:45
bekksAnd is going to be replaced by...08:45
dr_willisparted i belive is whats reccomdnede08:46
dr_willisliiks like its allready been replaced by gnu-fdisk08:46
woo!info pdisk08:46
ubottuPackage pdisk does not exist in quantal08:46
bekks!info sfdisk08:46
ubottuPackage sfdisk does not exist in quantal08:46
savagecrocis it possible to scp a file and create the directory path if it doesn't exist?08:48
savagecrocmkdir -p?08:48
woovbox's are nutz08:49
bekkswoo: Then dont use vbox.08:50
lxrtdr_willis: this how it shows on the VM http://postimage.org/image/j6t5540ej/08:51
hillary_STMelon,  the   sudo apt-get install libreoffice-gnome has finished successfully.08:51
dr_willislxrt:  so? It thinks you have a flopppy fd0. - theres no indication it sees any HARD DRIVE.08:52
dr_willisa hard drive would not be fd008:52
dr_willisso ive said the same thing  4 times now.. its not seeing your hard drive,..08:53
dr_williseither check your configuration  if its in vbox.. or chek the hd in a real machine to prove its working08:53
woolxrt: it might be a group permission thing08:54
woofor vmware to the actual hardware08:54
dr_willisiid have to say check the vmware docs for how to set it to access a real physical usb device08:55
wooI had a vbox that wouldn't use my usb bus's so I had to modify groups.  I would doubt it is an ubuntu issue. but there is always doubt of doubt08:56
bekkswoo: It is an Ubuntu issue. You have to be in the vboxusers group in order to use USB support, as well as you have to have the ´vbox extension pack installed, as documented in the vbox documentation.08:57
lxrtdr_willis: so it could be VMware issue, will check on their channel08:57
woobekks: ya so I didnt read that I just started modding away.  may be thats why all my box's die over time :p08:58
dr_willisno one ever bothers to read docs...08:58
woothink of a stupid way to mess up an os08:58
woook I probly did that08:58
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
bekkswoo: Yes, that the reason.08:59
woolike "#rm -fr /" thinking I was ssh'd08:59
wooi wasen't08:59
wooit was cool08:59
bekkswoo: Thats pretty stupid, honestly.08:59
woothe motto is 'Have lots of fun'09:00
MoL0ToVdr_willis, Open Settings->Network->Wireless and create a new Ad Hoc network. To use a common denominator for all devices choose WEP for security and create a 5 letters password from 0..9A..F. Note that this a least secure encryption standard.09:00
MoL0ToVi can use also wpa2 encryption?09:00
dr_willisno idea.. i dont use that stuff ;)09:00
MoL0ToVdr_willis,  the howto don't work..09:01
=== [gnubie]_ is now known as [gnubie]
MoL0ToVi cannot scan the network09:01
MoL0ToVi don't see09:01
wooMoL0ToV: youtube?09:02
wooMoL0ToV: I mean are you streaming from internet to pc to pc?09:03
wooMoL0ToV: using one pc to proxy internet or are you trying to transfer a picture?09:04
MoL0ToVwoo: i want to share pc network connection configuring a wifi dongle as access point, and connectiong to this dongle with my pandroid phone and so09:04
circleHow do I stop programs in Wine from accessing the Internet?09:05
iceroot!ics | MoL0ToV09:05
ubottuMoL0ToV: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing09:05
icerootcircle: firewall09:05
iceroot!ufw | circle09:05
ubottucircle: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.09:05
circlehmmk, thanks09:05
ejvyes, that means you have to read and study :)09:06
MoL0ToViceroot, i follower gui method, and don't work..09:06
elfrannei am doing so developing to parse some website but the amount of data and their servers are quite slow, is there a way to do some sort of forced proxy to cache the content ?09:07
cfhowlettelfranne, sounds like maybe an #ubuntu-server question09:08
ejvor #ubuntu-offtopic09:08
circleiceroot: but will ufw allow me to brock the wine program or just ports and IPs?09:09
icerootcircle: ports and ips09:09
circleso I can't really block wine09:10
iceroot!work | MoL0ToV09:10
ubottuMoL0ToV: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.09:10
icerootcircle: i dont know a method to block a program (and its not wine itself because wine is forking programs so that the program is called word.exe or something like that"09:10
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bekkscircle: There is no way to block a program named xyz.09:11
cfhowlettnerosagi, greetings09:11
woohi nerosagi lawl girl talk?09:11
vincenzomlHi there. I installed kde and now my skype and chrome have lost their gnom-ish look (especially icons)09:12
circlebekks: so how would you doi t?09:12
vincenzomlhow do I restore it without uninstalling kde?09:12
MoL0ToVubottu, i configured by: GUI Method via Network Manager (Ubuntu 12.04)09:12
MoL0ToVOpen Settings->Network->Wireless and create a new Ad Hoc network. To use a common denominator for all devices choose WEP for security and create a 5 letters password from 0..9A..F. Note that this a least secure encryption standard.09:12
ubottuMoL0ToV: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:12
bekkscircle: I would block ports and IPs.09:13
woonerosagi: !wep | MoL0ToV09:13
nerosagiwhat is lawl girl talk?09:13
MoL0ToVthe wireless dongle seem activate as AP but on android phone i cannot fine any network if i do a wireless scan09:13
woo!wep | MoL0ToV09:13
ubottuMoL0ToV: WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:13
bekkscircle: Or I would configure a faked proxy in wine, so the programs running in wine will never reach the internet successfully.09:13
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MoL0ToValso as wpa2-aes don't work09:14
ejvWINE (gross oversimplification) translates Win API calls into POSIX; the services/programs that you're passing thru WINE will send and receive packets of data based on $STRUCTURE; determine the structure and you can perform (unadvisable) brute-force (/dev/null) TCP/UDP level filtering.09:14
woojust "girl talk" check him out09:14
MoL0ToVand also without encryption09:14
MoL0ToVi go to work, thanks!09:15
wooMoL0ToV: did you try none to see if it would work?09:15
MoL0ToVi don't know what to try09:15
wooMoL0ToV: just try none security09:16
MoL0ToVi think trhat the best is place a dd-wrt router09:16
MoL0ToVwhat work without problems09:16
wooMoL0ToV: if wep is as good a none.  why not right?09:17
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abruzzo /EXEC rm -vf /home/carlo/.xchat2/buduscript/tmp/budus_XDCC_30281.query09:24
vincenzomldoes anyone know how to change the theme used by qt apps in pangolin? It was changed when I installed kde.09:27
=== BobKitten is now known as Guest72985
dashangubuntu logout frequently09:27
dashangubuntu logout frequently09:28
dashangubuntu logout frequently09:28
FloodBot1dashang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:28
dashangany one know the problem09:28
dashangubuntu logout automatically09:28
keplerafter idle, or mid-use?09:29
dashangi think Xorg crash09:29
kepleroh, that is a little different09:29
kingbeastdashang, is it when the screensaver comes on?09:30
dashangi dont know my all process is killed and show me login portal again09:30
abruzzociao a tutti09:30
dashangno  its suddenly   logoff09:31
cfhowlettnomike, greetings09:31
cfhowlett!it | abruzzo,09:32
ubottuabruzzo,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:32
nomikeI want to add some search-domains to my computer. I tried adding them using the network preferences in the system preferences --> IPv4 Settings --> Additional Search domains. But they don't show up in /etc/resolve.conf nor do they work.09:32
nomikeSomwhere on the net I read that I should put them to /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf but this doesn't work either...09:33
cfhowlettnomike, might want to send this query to #ubuntu-server09:33
ThinkT510!resolvconf | nomike09:34
ubottunomike: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution09:34
chakkimattihey all09:35
chakkimattiI''ve ran into a snag with my Kubuntu09:36
prasselchakkimatti: i think kubuntu has it's own channel #kubuntu09:37
chakkimattiprassel: okay, thanks..09:37
nomikeThinkT510, thanks. But from this a few questions arise:09:37
nomikeIf I put some search domains in the network properties in system preferences and they don't show up in "/etc/resolv.conf" this is a bug, right?09:38
icerootnomike: no09:39
icerootnomike: Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)09:40
icerootnomike: it will be handled directly from network-manager and the internal dns-server09:40
nomikeah..ok..so If I add a search domain there, it is used by dnsmasq running on localhsot09:41
icerootnomike: should be, yes09:41
kepleri just disabled dnsmasq - comment out 'dns=dnsmasq' in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf09:43
keplerthen sudo service network-manager restart09:43
=== Guest71471 is now known as DaZ
nomikethere is no dns server running on localhost. Do I need to somehow enable dnsmasq? As I read, it should be default since 12.04, and I'm using 12.1009:48
dr_willisdmsmaq is on  12.10 by default yes09:48
dr_willisits not a full dns server i thought, but more of a dns smart cache09:49
TomyLaptophow can i make it so i don't need to enter a password to update packages? (entering one to install/remove is ok)09:53
icerootTomyLaptop: update is an installation09:54
ayzaaz17how can i connect to the irc using pidgin09:54
TomyLaptopthat's debatable and not to the point09:54
TomyLaptopayzaaz17, i wouldnt know. what's wrong with using xchat or something? :)09:55
bekksTomyLaptop: Thats not debatable, because technically, an update is an installation.09:55
ayzaaz17i im not using ubuntu. i decide to download and try it. im now downloading it09:56
icerootTomyLaptop: that is not debatable09:56
icerootTomyLaptop: its a fact09:56
nomikeyou can grant passwordless sudo rights to "/usr/bin/apt-get update"09:56
nomikeand "/usr/bin/apt-get upgrade"09:57
ravenany tool to read version of id3-tags?09:57
icerootTomyLaptop: apt-get and so on will install the new version like you do "sudo apt-get install foobar". also "sudo apt-get install foobar" will update the package when it is already installed09:57
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!09:57
dr_willistheres several id3tag tools in the repos09:57
TomyLaptopan update does more than a fresh install. migrate old config and such09:58
icerootTomyLaptop: no09:58
cfhowlettraven, software center search for id3.  no shortage of candidates09:58
icerootTomyLaptop: that is part of the postinst and preinst09:58
nomikeTomyLaptop, also a fresh install does migrate old config and such. The only thing is, there is no old config to migrate09:58
icerootTomyLaptop: its a normal installation and the migration is implemented in the postinst and not in apt-get09:59
icerootTomyLaptop: and the postinst will be executed on install, upgrade, dist-upgrade09:59
TomyLaptopok that was the basis of my conclusion09:59
TomyLaptopstill, updating existing packages from verified sources is less harmful than installing new ones10:00
ndeeI just got a new server (12.04 LTS) and added a package list from an existing server (10.04 LTS). I did that with dselect --get-selections (10.04),  then dpkg --set-selections < package-list and then dselect and choose install. Now I have following error message: http://pastebin.com/LkbuQ3XS <-- what's the best way to remove that libxslt1-dev package?10:00
TomyLaptopayzaaz17, https://www.google.de/search?q=pidgin+irc10:01
bekksTomyLaptop: Thats not true. You dont know wether a package might break your system or not. It is not dependant on wether it is an installation or an update.10:01
OinsIs there a package like the juniper web vpn. I'm searching for a VPN solution which works over https. Something like https://myVpnIP/goto/google.de brings me to google.de, tunneled over my server, for example.10:05
TomyLaptopbekks, that's a highly theoretical chance of the developer, maintainer and everyone else looking at it messing up, versus the person installing unauthorized software10:06
bekksTomyLaptop: But it doesnt change the fact, that you just have to trust the package maintainer whenever installing or updating a package.10:06
TomyLaptopbekks, you don't?10:07
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bekksTomyLaptop: Thats not the point of this discussion.10:08
TomyLaptopyou're right. the point is I do trust the maintainers of the packages i chose to install10:09
Ahelp me10:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:09
TomyLaptopthat does not mean I trust the maintainers of the packages i did NOT chose to install10:10
=== A is now known as Guest10299
TomyLaptopdo you understand the distinction, bekks?10:10
nomikeSo if NetworkManager uses a builtin dnsmasq, shouldn't /etc/resolv.conf contain "nameserver" then?10:10
dr_willisnomike i think mine does.. im not at home to check10:10
keplernomike: just disable it and be done with it10:11
bekksTomyLaptop: No. The point of this discussion is/was that an installation is the same technical process and there is no distinction neither in technical details nor in trusting/not-trusting a package just because it is an installation/update.10:11
bekksTomyLaptop: And both point were already explained and cleared. :)10:11
ubottuOltreIrc`64704: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:12
TomyLaptopbekks,  oh i see, you're still stuck in the previous discussion10:12
TomyLaptopi already conceded that they're the same. i wasnt aware that config migration happens in pre/postinst10:13
ravenwhich tool is able to find out if a mp3 id3tag is 2.3 or 2.4?10:13
jenniewhat is steam channel name for linux please tell10:13
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their devlopment, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.10:14
cfhowlettraven, again, look in the software center.  LOTS of ID3 tools are available10:15
TomyLaptopthat factoid needs an update. they're now in public beta, which is a few steps past "announced" :)10:16
=== emil is now known as Guest56142
arcimboldoHi all, I have a question about posix shells10:18
TomyLaptopwith muon update manager, how do i make it so i don't need to enter a password to update already installed packages.10:19
arcimboldo can I ask here?10:19
dr_willisarcimboldo:  ask it and see ;-010:19
TomyLaptoparcimboldo, that's not a question about posix shells :)10:19
TomyLaptop(in other words: dont ask to ask, just ask)10:19
cfhowlettarcimboldo, out with it!10:20
arcimboldoI need to know if running `exec cmd` will *always* execute the *binary* `cmd`, even if there is a builtin10:20
arcimboldoe.g. exec time --version will call the time binary on *any* posix shell?10:20
johnkingbingerhello i need help10:20
johnkingbingeranyone alive?10:20
Sobanwere i can find the patchs that ubuntu devs apply ?10:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:21
arcimboldomy guess is yes, since exec need to replace the current process10:21
llutzarcimboldo: if there is a builtin, it will be used. use /path/to/cmd   to make sure its not using builtins10:21
TomyLaptopSoban, on packages.ubuntu.org i think10:21
arcimboldollutz, I can't, because I cannot know where the binary is in advance10:21
arcimboldoit's a software that needs to connect via ssh on a remote machine, and cannot know what operating system is10:21
johnkingbingerwhen i put in the live ubuntu cd it disables my optical mouse and my network adaptor constanly disconnects10:22
TomyLaptoparcimboldo, "which name-of-binary"10:22
johnkingbingerany solution?10:22
johnkingbingerit does this with every distro of linux10:22
arcimboldoTomyLaptop, I don't think which is in the posix standard10:22
arcimboldoI could use `command time`, but I also have to run exec, because I need to replace the current shell.10:23
johnkingbingermy optical mouse is not detected but keyboard works fine10:23
arcimboldo(in order to know when the program exits)10:23
dr_willisjohnkingbinger:  sounds like some odd hardware bug. whats the wireless chipset?10:23
jrpHi, Im compiling some software and Im curious. Why arent ubuntu packages compiled with -fPIC?10:24
johnkingbingerRealtek PCIe GBE Family controler10:25
jrpexamples include: libssl.a, libc.a, and libz.a10:25
icerootjrp: #ubuntu-devel10:25
Dimitri_JHi, I am trying to make linux workstations where students ( I'am in a school) can access there own files from the windows 2008 Active Directory. I can join the domain, but the homedirs are not imported.. Anyone got an idea?10:25
jrpiceroot: ok, thanks10:25
iceroot!samba | Dimitri_J10:25
ubottuDimitri_J: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:25
johnkingbingeri really dont understand why any linux distro wont detect the optical mouse10:26
johnkingbingeri looked in my bios10:26
johnkingbingerno luck10:26
arcimboldoif I run  bash -c "exec time --version" it seems that it's executing the binary and not the builtin10:26
arcimboldowhile bash -c "time --version" executes the builtin10:26
bekksjohnkingbinger: Which mouse it it and how is it connected?10:26
johnkingbingerits the logitech 100m10:26
johnkingbingerive tried different optical mice same thing10:27
bekksjohnkingbinger: How is it connected?10:27
icerootarcimboldo: #bash10:28
pishkurhey all, question... after shutting down normally yday, i booted today into shell and couldnt even get into X via startx command...any ideas?10:28
bekksjohnkingbinger: Maybe your usb ports are broken?10:28
TomyBookjohnkingbinger,  didnt get the middle of the conversation. does the laser/led shut down?10:28
pishkurubuntu didnt even want to start into x10:28
dr_willispishkur:  state any errors startx says...10:28
bekkspishkur: startx is deprecated nowadays.10:28
johnkingbingeryes tomy the led light shuts off10:28
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arcimboldoiceroot, asked there also, thnx10:29
pishkurdidnt get any errors, had to reinstall ubuntu10:29
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bekkspishkur: Which Ubuntz do you have?10:29
johnkingbingerthis is a new build i just bult this pc today10:29
Dimitri_JCan someone perhaps personally assist me in mounting homdirs from active directory to my linux workstation? :) Pm me :)10:29
johnkingbingerthe mouse is working now10:29
TomyBookthen it like doesnt get power from the usb port10:29
dr_willispishkur:  guess its to late to get help on it then.10:29
bekkspishkur: Then start the lightdm service instead of reinstalling your system.10:29
pishkurbekks: from the shell?10:29
johnkingbingerGIGABYTE GA-970A-D3 AMD 9 Series FX Motherboard10:29
icerootarcimboldo: please use only one channel :)10:29
bekkspishkur: Yes. You have to have lightdm installed before.10:29
johnkingbingeryou think its a power issue>? how so when its working fine on windows?10:30
arcimboldoiceroot, I asked there after you suggested me to move there :)10:30
pishkurbekks, cant seem to find it in ubuntu software  center10:30
dr_willislightdm is installed by default on ubuntu10:30
icerootarcimboldo: ok :)10:30
pishkurah ok10:30
TomyBookstartx? oh crap, reminds me of starting windows 3.110:30
pishkuryeah, been a while since i was on linux :D10:31
bekkspishkur: The software center implies that you already have working X, which was started by lightdm.10:31
dr_willis!info lightdm10:31
pishkurbekks: ok, just figured it was some sort of update i did last night10:31
ubottulightdm (source: lightdm): Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.0-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 97 kB, installed size 452 kB10:31
Dimitri_JCan someone perhaps personally assist me in mounting homdirs from active directory to my linux workstation? :) Pm me :). Thank you in advance10:31
johnkingbingeri just dont understand why wont any linux distro detect my usb ports it just shuts them off10:31
johnkingbingeri have a 500wat power supply10:31
TomyBookthat doesnt mean anything10:32
johnkingbingerbut they are working fine now that im on windows now all ports work fine so it has to be a bug in linux10:32
TomyBookIF power is an issue, it matters how many devices are connected to the usb port and how much power they draw10:32
dr_willisDimitri_J:  you mean mounting windows shares> thas dosable with the file manager or fstab entries and the smbfs package10:32
TomyBookjohnkingbinger, so, does the mouse light up when in the bios?10:33
johnkingbingeri only have 1 the mouse my keyboard is connected to the ps2 port10:33
johnkingbingeryes the mouse works fine everywhere else but when i boot up into any linux the light turns off10:33
bekkspishkur: There is no reason to ask in an unsolicited query. Keep it in the channel please.10:33
johnkingbingeri thought maybe it was my bios causeing a bug because it is fairly new10:34
TomyBookjohnkingbinger, what's your hardware10:34
pishkurhmm ok10:34
dr_willisbrand new just reelased hardware is ofteh the most problematic in linux10:34
kunji johnkingbinger: So you can get to a terminal with the keyboard, right?  So run lsusb and see if the mouse is in the output, if so, then it is detected, but is more likely some sort of button mismapping or driver issue10:34
floogyHi, I want to reach teamviewer after wake on lan, but it only starts automatically after login :P How to achieve that before login, e.g. to show me the gdm login window?10:34
johnkingbingercan i do this from the live cd ? @kunji10:35
TomyBookfloogy, is xrdp not working for you?10:35
kunji johnkingbinger: yes10:35
johnkingbingerok i will give that a go10:35
johnkingbingerbecause windows is just to unsecure for me10:35
floogyTomyBook, I didn't tried yet.10:35
TomyBooki'm not going to recommend xrdp since it messes up keyboard layouts, but it worked out of the box for me10:36
dawkirstHi there. Just downloaded the ADT for Ubuntu 12.04. The bundled Eclipse doesn't seem the launch. Am I missing any dependencies?10:36
kunji johnkingbinger: The ctrl+alt+t should open a terminal, if not, then do ctrl+alt+f1 to get a non-gui terminal, log in and run the command10:36
TomyBookand if you use the vnc connector, you can steal its vnc session :P10:36
johnkingbingerhow do i return back to the gui @kunji?10:36
TomyBookctrl alt f7 usually10:37
kunjijohnkingbinger: ctrl+alt+f710:37
floogyTomyBook, so vnc is unsecure?10:37
johnkingbingerok brb10:37
floogyWhat about NX?10:37
TomyBookfloogy, it asks for the password when you steal the session10:37
TomyBookif it's otherwise secure, i dont know10:37
TomyBooki havent evaluated that10:38
bekksfloogy: Yes, VNC is insecure and you should ALWAYS tunnel it through ssh, which is what NX does.10:38
TomyBooki'm very very sure that at one point realvnc was unsecure10:38
TomyBookbecause i've had some script log into my vnc server and open a terminal10:39
floogyHi, bekks, thank you. So you would suggest using NX over all other alternatives, I guess?10:39
bekksfloogy: Yes.10:39
TomyBookthat was on windows10:39
poqHow to download all packages with dependecies if they are already installed on my machine?10:39
poqapt cache is empty10:39
TomyBookluckily i was typing stuff while it did that so it didnt get to drop its payload10:39
floogyOk, thank you. Alsoi I think it might be the fastest remote solution.10:39
dr_willispoq:  redownlad them you mean?10:39
kunjijohnkingbinger: I'm guessing you don't have another one on you just now, but the easiest thing to try is another mouse.  That command will verify whether or not it's detected, unfortunately that's as far as my knowledge of usb troubleshooting goes (well, except that the events also turn up in the dmesg log).10:40
poqdr_willis: yes without installing (they are already installed on my PC but I want to install it on other)10:40
johnkingbinger@kunji i tryed another mouse10:40
johnkingbingersame thing happen10:40
johnkingbingerthe led stays on untilli boot into linux10:40
floogybekks, but I need a windows client to. Does that exists for NX? Ok, I'll look into it on their website...10:40
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX10:41
bekksfloogy: Of course.10:41
dr_willistheres nx then theres freenx ;)10:41
TomyBookbekks, do you have more details on this maybe? can the authentication process be circumvented? or can it just be tapped cause it's unencrypted?10:41
kunjijohnkingbinger: Hmm, no idea then, sorry.10:41
floogythanks to all.10:41
johnkingbingerive searched for the bug10:41
johnkingbingerits a known bug10:41
mattwj2002howdy all10:41
OerHeksjohnkingbinger, do you use an USB3 port ?10:42
cfhowlettmatthewvz, greetings10:42
TomyBookcause again that's 2 vastly different levels of unsecure. the former allows J random hacker to access my pc, while the later merely allows a malicious wiretapper to do so10:42
mattwj2002hi cfhowlett10:42
johnkingbingerno but i have it on my mobo10:42
bekksTomyBook: bruteforcing an 8-character PW isnt that hard besides the fact that just removing the password storage file is sufficient to have no auth anymore.10:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 1006145 in linux (Ubuntu) "Logitech Mouse not recognised on boot in 12.04 & later" [Medium,Confirmed]10:42
TomyBookbekks, how would they remove that file?10:43
bekksTomyBook: And yes, the password isnt encrypted.10:43
Chosianyone on 10.04 with an nvidia quadro 600?10:43
Chosior similar?10:43
TomyBookbruteforcing passwords remotely can be made infeasible10:43
TomyBookby introducing delays for wrong passwords10:44
bekks!anyone | Chosi10:44
ubottuChosi: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:44
TomyBookand it's a universal issue, not limited to vnc10:44
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TomyBookChosi, why do you stick with 10.04?10:45
bekksTomyBook: There is no auth delay in vnc, so bruteforcing is pretty fast.10:45
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Chosiit's a customer. i have no idea why he's still on 10.04 :)10:46
TomyBookbekks,  that's not a protocol limitation10:46
bekksTomyBook: No one said it would be.10:46
Chosihe's got two quadro 600s and 2 screens and can't get 3d and the second screen to work after an update10:46
mattwj2002openvpn-sa requires a maximum of 10.0410:46
mattwj2002I am installing it right now10:46
jeetpeiHi all i have a problem .. when i supply ssh command it does not works .. but if i run using full path "usr/bin/ssh it works .. any solution ?10:47
TomyBookbekks, you said "vnc is insecure". VNC is a protocol10:47
Nahiyanjeetpei: can you try /usr/bin/ssh?10:47
jribjeetpei: what is the output of « echo $PATH »?10:47
ThinkT510TomyBook: as is ftp, that is also rather insecure10:48
NahiyanThinkT510: I don't think they're supposed to be10:48
bekksTomyBook: This meta-discussion get totally unrelated to the support issue that VNC should not be used without a secured tunnel.10:48
TomyBookThinkT510, but bruteforcing the password is not one of its inherent weaknesses10:48
jribjeetpei: well there you go.  How are you setting your PATH?10:48
jeetpeiin .bashrc10:49
jribjeetpei: and you are sure that "echo $PATH" returned what you said above exactly?10:49
jribjeetpei: pastebin your ~/.bashrc10:49
bekksTomyBook: The fact that the password is unencrypted, and the fact that there is no auth delay AND the fact that eases up a brute force attack is pretty close related to "the inherent weakness of VNC".10:49
TomyBookbruteforcing the password can always be prevented, except from people who have access to the password hash10:50
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jeetpeino i just told path what i setted :)10:50
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bekksTomyBook: There is no password hash in VNC. The password is transmitted unsecured. Please stop discussing things you dont know anything about obviously.10:50
TomyBookbekks, you still havent presented any evidence for premise 210:50
Dimitri_JHi, I am trying to make linux workstations where students ( I'am in a school) can access there own files from the windows 2008 Active Directory. I can join the domain, but the homedirs are not imported.. Anyone got an idea?10:50
TomyBookand premise 1 we agree on10:51
bekksTomyBook: I wont present evidence of anything to people who have no clue what they are talking about.10:51
johnkingbingeruh oh10:51
TomyBookad hominem is not an argument, it's a fallacy10:51
bekksTomyBook: Whatever, this discussion is now closed by me. :P10:52
* cfhowlett ... meanwhile back in the actual SUPPORT discussions ...10:52
johnkingbingeruh oh10:52
TomyBookplease, put me on ignore, bekks10:52
johnkingbingerhope you guys work it out in the future10:53
jeetpeijrib : sorry i have to run .. Thanks for your help .. will see this problem later10:53
johnkingbingeri sat tomy won the argument tho10:54
TomyBookthanks, i was beginning to think i'm crazy :)10:54
bekksjohnkingbinger: Please come back to support now.10:55
johnkingbingerok sorry10:55
bekksjohnkingbinger: The entire discussion is over, there is no need to revive it again.10:55
OrgMentalDimitri_J, if you are still around check out https://wiki.umn.edu/Main/UbuntuAndActiveDirectory search for the "Local logins" section and see if that helps you10:56
johnkingbingerok once im in lsusb what do i do? if i see the mouse is detected and its a driver issue?10:57
bekksjohnkingbinger: You cant be "in lsusb". lsusb just lists your detected usb devices.10:58
Dimitri_JThe place i am working has got a domain called katienen.lan10:58
Dimitri_Jnow what is my workgroup, and what is my realm10:58
bekksjohnkingbinger: lsusb will not show you driver problems or whatever. It will only show you the devices detected.10:58
icerootcan i create a raid 10 from an existing raid 1 and 2 new hdds without reformating?10:58
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icerootsoftware-raid with dmraid10:58
johnkingbingerok so once i put that in the termanal10:59
Dimitri_JThe place i am working has got a domain called katienen.lan   => what is my workgroup, and what is my realm?10:59
johnkingbingerwhat next?10:59
bekksjohnkingbinger: run lsusb10:59
TomyBookDimitri_J, what do you want to enter the workgroup and realm into?11:00
`ingsocHi, I get this weird error after I play Heroes on Newerth on Linux. Every time I close the game, when I try an open Chromium, I get the error in a terminal: "bash: fork: retry: No child processes". I know it's a longshot, but does anyone have any clues?11:00
`ingsocAfter a while every starts working normally.11:00
Dimitri_JTomy, In samba conf files11:00
TomyBookah, thought those were windows terms :)11:00
TomyBookanyway, sorry, domain and workgroup/realm are not related in any way11:01
johnkingbingertomy you are a very smart guy man11:01
Marezzanyone knows a image hosting site where I can make an album?11:02
OrgMentalDimitri_J, the link I gave you has a good sample of the samba.conf file should looke like. in your case you don't want anything do do with the workgroup as you just want to deal withe domain11:02
kunjibekks: Right, I advised he run it to rule out that it isn't being detected at all, he is having problems with usb devices though (mice in particular so far), they may be a driver problem, or usb controller, etc...  That's as far as I know to troubleshoot that though.11:02
MarezzSTMelon, hey melons11:02
speakmanHi folks. I suddently got one GIANT mouse pointer. No idea what it came from, but it happened when I was trying out different nvidia xorg drivers. Now I run nouveau. Any idea how to restore the original size? I've tried this, but it's already set to what's suggested: http://askubuntu.com/a/126511/1201311:02
cfhowlettMarezz, now you're just being lazy.  really.  not an ubuntu question.  search online.11:02
bekkskunji: Yeah. :)11:03
Marezzcfhowlett, wtf I thought all ubuntu users are lazy11:03
Marezzthats why it exists :D11:03
cfhowlettMarezz, no.  and language please.11:03
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vnc786can someone guide me on grub entry i want to boot iso from usb ? right now i am to boot ubuntu but try to run systemrescuecd ...11:07
kunjiWhat's the best way to recover a 160 GB NTFS partition on a failing drive?  I was trying gddrescue, but writing a large amount like that to an NTFS partition seems to have problems with diminishing returns.  Trying to copy the files, it's taken more than half an hour preparing to copy and found more than 1.25 million files... that seems way too many for this drive doesn't it?  I'm not too worried about saving everything, just most of it.11:07
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"11:08
* cfhowlett oops not that one ...11:08
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel11:08
kunjicfhowlett: Thanks11:08
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dawkirstHi, how can I troubleshoot an executable when I try to run it?11:09
vnc786can someone guide me on grub entry i want to boot iso from usb ? right now i am able to boot ubuntu but trying to run systemrescuecd ...i am having exiting grub2 http://pendrivelinux.com/downloads/multibootlinux/grub.cfg11:09
savagecrocby default can any user write to /tmp ?11:10
icerootsavagecroc: yes11:10
TomyBookyes, that's what it's for11:10
savagecroccool. just checking before i start dumping tons of crap in there11:11
savagecrocdoes the OS automatically clean it up?11:11
icerootsavagecroc: after a reboot, yes11:13
savagecrocwhat if the system never reboots?11:13
savagecroci.e. only once per year or something?11:13
icerootsavagecroc: then you have a lot of kernel-exploits11:13
bekkssavagecroc: Then /tmp is not cleaned up.11:13
savagecrociceroot: haha ok11:14
savagecrocyeah that's a good question.. is running apt-get upgrade enough to avoid getting kernal-exploits?11:14
cfhowlettsavagecroc, update pulls what's in the repos.  so long as those are not compromised ...11:15
savagecrocwhat's a reboot needed for then?11:15
BluesKajHey all11:15
cfhowlettBluesKaj, greetings11:15
BluesKajhi cfhowlett11:16
TomyBooksavagecroc, to be precise, apt will install updated kernels, but it will not run them11:22
savagecrocah right11:22
TomyBookto run them, you need to reboot (short answer)11:23
savagecrocwill it tell you if it needs a reboot?11:23
TomyBookif you're using a gui, it likely will11:23
TomyBookbut running things for a year somehow tells me you're not :)11:23
savagecroccommand line11:23
TomyBookthen it won't tell you11:23
bekkssavagecroc: No.11:25
TomyBooksavagecroc,  cat /proc/version shows you the currently running kernel. ls /boot shows you what's installed.11:25
TomyBookyou could probably write a small bash script from there11:26
cfhowlett@TomyBook, and that little nugget of info made lurking here totally worth it.  thanx!11:26
savagecrocyeah everything else is scripted11:26
savagecroci had to write a huge wrapper around setfacl11:27
savagecrocthe existing implementation is awful11:27
TomyBookcfhowlett, #1 or #2? :)11:29
solexiousQ: I downloaded my .pem file from amazon ec2 to import into my keyring on my system, but the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2StartersGuide seem to be out of date for 12.10, any help with how it import it correctly?11:30
cfhowlettTomyBook, ls /boot .  nice.11:30
TomyBookcause that was original research *g*11:30
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savagecrocTomybook: ok what does ls /boot give you?11:33
TomyBooka bunch of them11:34
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TomyBooki'd look for initrd* if i were you :)11:34
savagecrocoh and then compare that to Linux version 3.2.0-24-generic (11:34
savagecroc initrd.img-3.2.0-24-generic .. right11:34
TomyBookyou can compare package versions with dpkg somehow...11:35
TomyBookwas a #debian factoid...11:35
savagecrocso ls.. the stuff look for /initrd.img-3.2.0-(\d*)-generic/ then see if that's larger than the number in /proc/version11:35
savagecrocif so .. schedule a reboot at 12am11:35
Phryqjust isntalled ubuntu 12.10 and virtualbox, when I try to run a virtual machine I get an error, can show a pastebin?11:36
TomyBooksavagecroc, there will likely be more than one kernel installed11:36
savagecroclater this year i want to get a swarm style setup, where one box has all of it's user data migrated to other nodes, then upgrades itself11:36
savagecrocthen runs a bunch of app-tests11:36
TomyBooksince, as a precaution, kernel packages are never uninstalled automatically11:36
savagecrocthen re-joins the swarm11:36
savagecrocwe have to do the migration thing anyway.. i.e. if you are user A and you access from london all the time.. we might as well stick you on a server n11:38
savagecrocnear you.11:38
savagecrocand if your in china.. you HAVE to be served by a server inside china.. otherwise it'll be shit slow11:38
savagecrocso i don't think doing the upgrading server stuff is much more difficult once that's implemented11:39
defektnom nom om11:44
* defekt throws a !botsnack11:45
vm325hi all11:47
Adriannomhi.  ubuntu 12.10, gnome fallback.  fresh install on formatted hd.  the initial user account works fine, but if i create another one and login, gnome-panel doesn't load.  any ideas?11:52
dr_willishow did you make the new user?11:54
Adriannomsystem settings via gui11:55
the_drowhi guys, I kinda passwd -d my root user and I have no other user and now I can't login11:55
breaker313what did you configure for login for this user? gnome, unity,...?11:56
dr_willisthats weird Adriannom .  Try just a simple 'sudo adduser billgates'  :) se eif that one works11:56
jribthe_drow: by "root user", you mean the first user you created during install, named something other than "root" right?11:56
the_drowjrib: yup11:56
the_drowjrib: I can't create another one using the guest account obviously.11:56
Adriannombreaker313, good point, i forgot unity existed after installing gnome fallback11:56
Adriannomdr_willis, ok11:57
jribthe_drow: ok, it's confusing to call that the root user.  What do you want to do now?  Re-enable the account or create a new one?  You're going to have to do either action by accessing recovery mode from the grub menu11:57
Adriannombreaker313, actually, looks like i removed unity11:57
the_drowjrib: already tried that, recovery mode isn't working11:57
breaker313Adriannom: hm11:57
jribthe_drow: define "isn't working"11:58
celestialformby the way, how to easily remove unity?11:58
the_drowjrib: I have a refabricated Toshiba CS850. It's not booting. It can't load the drivers correctly11:58
jribthe_drow: how do you boot normally?11:59
cfhowlettcelestialform, why remove?  just don't use it.  You can boot or add other DE's11:59
ubottucelestialform,: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:59
the_drowjrib: with the normal mode it works11:59
HankHendrixFree Charles-like tool that can limit perceived bandwidth????12:00
Adriannomdr_willis, same problem with adduser12:00
the_drowjrib: I believe that the drivers are causing trouble in recovery mode (got no wifi access because the driver for ubuntu is way too new)12:00
jribthe_drow: strange that recovery mode would not work.  Anyway, you can use a live cd, mount your install, chroot to it, and modify your user that way12:00
celestialformUsing gnome-shell already but thanks for the answers12:00
jribthe_drow: but you don't need wifi12:00
Phryqanyone know how to solve that error?12:00
dr_willisAdriannom:  so all the desktops fail for the new users?12:01
Adriannomsame after restart, and original account still fine12:01
dr_willisAdriannom:  ok.. try somthing weird? :) install jwm, see if  just a basic window manager works for them12:02
dr_willis!info jwm12:02
ubottujwm (source: jwm): very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-3 (quantal), package size 116 kB, installed size 294 kB12:02
dr_willisif jwm fails for them.. then somthing is definatly very weird.  You could check the users .Xauthority file in their home directory. it should be owned by them and not root.12:03
Adriannomjwm works fine12:03
Adriannompermissions all fine12:03
dr_willisthats a good sign i guess..12:03
dr_willisyou are doing all this logging in via LightDm correct?12:04
dr_willisso Unity fail. GNome-fallback fail, jwm works..   tried any others?12:05
Adriannomdidn't try unity on the new account, but yes it failed in its own way ;)12:05
Adriannomnope but if jwm works doesn't that point to gnome?12:06
Adriannomi can try others if it helps12:06
dr_willisyou could try going to the console. stopping lightdm, and do a 'startx' and see any error messages seem to appear.12:06
dr_willisits pointing to a gnomeish issue.. but not sure what.12:06
Adriannomhm ok, i kill it from ps ax right?12:07
the_drowsorry, got disconnected12:07
the_drowyeh I tried the live cd12:07
36DACW2U4sign up now, for Aaron Schwartz.12:07
Adriannomisn't there a log file i can look at?12:07
dr_willisand/or make a .xinitrc file with just the  line 'exec gnome-terminal'  then startx  should make a X desktop that jas just a terminal. then try to start gnome from the terminal and look for errors12:07
the_drowIt only lets me install ubuntu or test it live, no access to the system itself12:07
dr_willistheres  some .X logs in your home. but ive never seen them have much usefull info12:07
dr_willisthe_drow:  You wnat to access your allready installed sstem from a live cd?12:08
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the_drowdr_willis: someone here suggested that. recovery mode isn't working12:08
Adriannomwell hold on i can get a terminal up right now with ctrl+alt+t12:08
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dr_willisthe_drow:  you just look in the file manager for your hard drive/partitions.. unless you are using home encryption, you should be able to access them12:09
dr_willisAdriannom:  so you are in jwm right now?12:09
Adriannomit's...  working now...  thank you?12:09
Adriannomyeah, maybe the switch to another wm first fixed it12:10
Adriannomfor some reason12:10
Adriannomanyway much appreciate the help :)12:10
dr_willisfile a bug/..  on what.. no idea. ;)12:10
invariantDoes anyone know of a replacement for mysql-workbench that doesn't crash when I start it?12:11
invariantThis is a problem that exists since 2010 and apparently nobody cared to fix it.12:12
Adriannomdr_willis, lol12:12
dr_willisperhaps the mysql channel may offer reccomendations12:12
the_drowsorry, disconnected again12:16
the_drowanyway what exactly should I do to recover my main account if recovery mode is not working12:16
cheshairHi! I need to install a package on a Ubuntu machine but don't have admin access. Is there any alternative to compiling from scratch (configure/make)?12:17
the_drowcheshair: go to ur sysadmin12:18
the_drowcheshair: if you are deving on that machine, also smack him for not giving you root access to your own machine12:19
craigbass1976I keep getting prompted for a keyring password, and it's not taking.  Which password is it looking for, my user?12:19
Adriannomi'm trying to change a uid on another account, but it complains that the account is logged in.  it isn't...12:20
deitarionIs there anywhere in the default HTTP root where I can drop a replacement 404 message and the default Apache config will pick it up?12:20
Adriannomalso i deleted a user account and it complained the same, this user is logged in.  tried it with several other accounts and the same happened.  none of them are logged in12:21
Adriannomany ideas?12:21
manjushI am trying to find lisp programmers.Is there any way that lisp is realted big data.12:21
craigbass1976It's when I fire up chromium -- that's the sacrificial lamb browser I use for fb and google stuff12:21
cheshairthe_drow: thanks, even though the context is a bit more complex than that :-)12:21
deitarion(I'm using Apache's user dirs support for development but the non-userdir part is cluttering up the fruits of my ad-blocking hosts file with 404 messages and I'd like a solution that modifies as little of the system loadout as possible so I can comfortably put it in my GitHub-hosted roaming profile as something that can just be copied into place if no other file already exists.12:22
bekksmanjush: lisp isnt used for big data - back in the days when lisp was invented there wasnt big data - except in science fiction stories.12:22
cheshairif uname tells me "x86_64 GNU/Linux" what ubuntu deb package am I suppose to use: amd64 or i386?12:23
FlowRiserAdriannom, try killing that user manually ( sudo skill -KILL "USER_NAME" )12:23
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dr_willisthe_drow:  whats not working in recovery mode anyway? it should let you get to a root shell12:24
AdriannomFlowRiser, done, same problem12:24
FlowRiserAdriannom, tried doing it from root ?12:24
AdriannomAdriannom, i haven't used root in years...  do you mean su mode?12:25
bekkscheshair: Whats the output of uname -a?12:25
AdriannomFlowRiser even ;s12:26
FlowRiserAdriannom, then i have no ideea O.o12:27
AdriannomFlowRiser, huh?  i meant.. do you mean single user mode?12:28
manjushbekks: lisp isn't used for big data.Bug sense is using lisp for its big data platform.12:29
cheshairbekks: kernel and ends with x86_64 GNU/Linux12:29
FlowRiserAdriannom, yes, try in su mode12:29
AdriannomFlowRiser, i think it would work, i also think it would work if i restarted the machine12:29
AdriannomFlowRiser, however...  it worries me :|12:29
FlowRiserAdriannom, btw, use su mode at your own risk. (i always forget to add this)12:30
AdriannomFlowRiser, i guess i'm wondering why it's not logging users out properly12:30
Adriannomor... whatever12:30
FlowRiserAdriannom, try seeing how many lightdm processes are running at a moment12:31
AdriannomFlowRiser, 1212:32
AdriannomFlowRiser, and one user is logged in12:32
bekksmanjush: Please keep it in this channel.12:34
bekksmanjush: Again: Keep it in this channel, do not query me.12:34
FlowRiserAdriannom, right; so you can always stop lightdm ... make sure to kill all the processes; it will bring you to the logon screen ... then just sudo start lightdm; and try again;12:35
FlowRiserAdriannom, don't do that just yet12:35
Adriannomok gotcha12:35
FlowRiserAdriannom, once in logon screen; ctrl-alt-f1, login manually and kill al those processes12:36
FlowRiserAdriannom, then start lightdm and see if it works12:36
manjushbekks:You told me that lisp isn't used for big data.I wanted to be clear with that.Bugsense is maintaining big data platform using lisp.12:36
FlowRiserAdriannom, i'll see you when you get back ;)12:36
manjushbekks: fine. I will keep it in this channel12:36
bekksmanjush: Whats "big data" for you then? A bugtracker database? :)12:37
skp1hi, i put a hold on a package using synaptic and also using aptitude but when i try to upgrade using apt-get the package i want held is still being upgraded, can someone help me?12:37
manjushbekks: Big data is all about analysying data to value.This system used big data to analyse the data of bugs.12:38
AdriannomFlowRiser, nope12:39
AdriannomFlowRiser, still happening12:39
Adriannommakes me wonder if a reboot would work after all12:40
Adriannomi'll try12:40
manjushbekks: check this https://www.bugsense.com/   These people use lisp12:40
morph3kanyone here ever edited their aptitude?12:41
nic013anyone using a USB prepaid broadband?12:41
cfhowlettmy attitude is fine thank you very much!12:41
* cfhowlett ... oh wait ...12:41
AdriannomFlowRiser, yup, that worked.  unfortunately if i login as the other user then logout, the same problem remains12:42
dchHi, I wrote an upstart job that unfortunately doesn't work on reboot. Is there any way I can debug this?12:42
Adriannomonly 3 lightdm processes this time12:43
* dch *embarrassed* just found http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Debugging12:43
canthus13Having trouble getting ubuntu to do anything at all on a new machine with UEFI. nothing on any drives... I've tried disabling UEFI, tried XHCI and EHCI workarounds, tried the secureboot remix.. All of it ends in an initramfs prompt complaining that it can't find any drives.12:43
canthus13any suggestions?12:43
canthus13BIOS sees all the drives fine.12:44
p00cStrange... I have a mainboard with UEFI and everything works fine... are you actually able to install ubuntu?12:44
_helios_canthus13: my assumption is that unfortunetaly ubuntu doesn't support your pc yet but don't worry it won't take them long12:45
canthus13_helios_: ...so I've got two thousand-dollar paperweights right now. :/12:45
canthus13p00c: nope.12:45
Adriannommaybe it's a problem with lightdm itself?12:45
canthus13p00c: this is from the live media.12:45
cfhowlettcanthus13, so sad but hey ... install virtualbox and put ubunt inside!12:45
p00ctell us your specs12:45
_helios_canthus13: I'm afraid so :(12:45
canthus13cfhowlett: I don't have 400 bucks to buy copies of windows.12:46
canthus13p00c: Gigabyte GA-870A-D3, AMD FX-6100, 8GB ram, nvidia 640.12:46
_helios_canthus13: to speed up the process you can post on Ubuntu forums your problems include as much detail on the system as you can.12:46
cfhowlettso no OS?  so sorry12:46
canthus13cfhowlett: nope.12:46
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p00ccanthus13: what? I have almost the same specs... what kind of error messages (if ever) you get ?12:48
manjushI want to know relation between lisp and big data.If you say they are unrelated, then check https://www.bugsense.com/ They use lisp for their big data platform.If you know about big data and lisp,tell mee12:49
canthus13p00c: unable to find a live filesystem... this happens soon after the splash screen. If I use unetbootin to make the install media, it throws lots of errors related assigning a number to the USB devices, otherwise it's silent.12:50
* canthus13 has tried 12.04, 12.10, secureboot remix, Mint 14...12:51
canthus13all throw the same error. the UEFI tutorial is no use. :/12:51
p00ccanthus:13 did you put your usb drive in a 3.0 socket?12:52
p00cchange it to 2.012:52
LaykeI've never seen this before. Jsut reinstalled something, and it's installed as gearman-job-server.dpkg-new12:52
LaykeWhat's the signifiance of dpkg-new12:52
LaykeIt all works fine. Although I've renames the config files etc, to not have that.12:52
canthus13p00c: I have no idea how to tel the difference.12:52
tootacHi guys, I have two wifi routers and two laptops both with ubuntu (10.10  and 12.10).  One of the computers can connect to both routers and works fine (10.10) the second one connects to both routers but on one of the routers internet is not working. How can I troubleshoot that?12:52
Adriannomubuntu 12.10, gnome fallback.  when i login lightdm spawns a process that never goes away after i logout.   usermod, userdel etc. claim that the user is logged in when i try to do things.  this pc will have a long uptime so might it cause problems in the long run?12:54
p00ccanthus13: well a 2.0 is an older usb-"standard", a 3.0 helps you transfer your data more quicker from a PC to an USB stick... if you have a look at your PC and your USB slots, has anyone of them a blue colour?12:55
p00ccantus13: or is anywhere written "3.0" or "2.0"?12:55
p00ccanthus13: usually there should be a distinction provided by your main board12:56
manjush I want to know relation between lisp and big data.If you say they are unrelated, then check https://www.bugsense.com/ They use lisp for their big data platform.If you know about big data and lisp,tell me12:56
p00ccanthus13: forgot to ask: do you actually want to boot from a USB drive? ^^12:57
FlowRiserAdriannom, sry, i am studying for my exams :D I don't think it's a lightdm problem12:58
canthus13p00c: yup.  And I figured it out... the 3.0 ports are blue and won't even attempt to boot.13:00
AdriannomFlowRiser, np :)13:00
canthus13the other 10 ports wil boot.. and sometime during the splash USB stops responding.13:00
p00ccanthus13: Great, so now try to boot from a 2.0 port, it should actually work13:00
FlowRiserAdriannom, at least you identified the possible problem source13:01
morph3khey guys13:01
AdriannomFlowRiser, what's that?  if not lightdm?13:01
morph3ki have ubuntu running on a VM13:01
morph3kbut um13:01
canthus13p00c: I tried all 10. won't work.13:01
morph3kproblem is13:01
morph3kits using an internal ip13:01
morph3khow do i fix that?13:01
Adriannommorph3k, enter isn't a comma ;)13:01
morph3ksorry bad habit13:02
p00cwhat kind of installer for the .iso did you use?13:02
morph3kits just the 12.04 server edition13:02
canthus13p00c: I've tried unetbootin and usb-creator13:02
p00ccanthus13: hang on13:02
FlowRiserAdriannom, if it is lightdm, you should file a bug, you might get your fix in the process; btw what lightdm version you have ? (lightdm --version)13:03
p00ccanthus13: try that one: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/13:03
AdriannomFlowRiser, 1.4.013:04
canthus13p00c: ...there's no linux version of that.:/13:04
the_jeebsteranyone familiar with nginx?13:04
AdriannomFlowRiser, well i thought it might be lightdm, but really i'm just making an assumption i guess13:04
savagecrocthe_jeebster: yep13:04
canthus13time to fire up a VM.13:05
p00ccanthus13: damn, forgot it... try to do the following: change your boot order to USB->HDD->CD13:05
AdriannomFlowRiser, brb13:05
canthus13p00c: Already done.13:05
the_jeebstersavagecroc: I've booted up a vps running nginx I can curl the public IP but if I enter the same address in the browser, no dice13:05
canthus13I'm gonna fire up a VM and try that pendrive installer. I've got XP on one.13:05
the_jeebsterle strange13:05
savagecrocthe_jeebster: hang on.. so wget gives you a page13:06
facundolHow can I see all shell programs installed in a package, instead shearching it on the net ?13:06
savagecrocbut visiting in the browser doesnt'?13:06
p00ccanthus13: well then try to download the .iso file again and create a new bootable stick13:06
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the_jeebstersavagecroc: I'm using curl and yeah13:06
p00ccanthus13: I honestly can't provide you with any better solutions...13:06
canthus13p00c: I'm gonna give the pendrive one a shot in a VM.13:07
savagecrocthe_jeebster: what happens in the browser? if you view source do you see anything?   do you see corrosponding requests in either errror.log or access.log?13:07
p00ccanthus13: do it13:07
facundol----How can I see all shell programs installed in a package, instead shearching it on the net ?13:07
p00ccanthus13: it always worked for me  though13:07
the_jeebstersavegecroc: I just get a webpage not available error. where are the log files kept? I thought they're in /var/ngin13:08
morph3kdoes anyone here mind seeing if they can ssh into my VM?13:08
savagecroclocate nginx | grep log13:08
morph3ki would really appreciate it13:08
morph3kbeen working on this for hours13:08
savagecrocthe_jeebster: it's setup in your config file13:09
facundolNeed help with packages, someone ?13:09
savagecrocnginx.conf has paths to the files13:09
awaymorph3k use http://www.canyouseeme.org/ to see if port 22 is open13:09
the_jeebstersavagecroc: ok so I'm tailing the access log and the web browsers aren't even accessing the server. no response.13:11
the_jeebstersavagecroc: server responds to curl13:11
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savagecrocand your accessing it by ip address?13:11
the_jeebstersavagecroc: yes, that's all I have now13:12
savagecroctry another browser..that is really weird13:12
the_jeebstersavagecroc: it's strange because yesterday I could hit it by ip address. maybe it's the hosting company13:12
savagecrocthe_jeebster: do you have a proxy setup in the browser?13:12
facundolHow can I see all shell programs installed in a package ?13:12
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the_jeebstersavageproc: don't think so. fucking strange that it works in firefox but not chrome or safari13:12
savagecrocbut if you can curl the site but not the browser13:13
savagecrocthe_jeebster: what OS?13:13
the_jeebsteros x 10.713:13
savagecroccheck in system preferences > network > proxies13:14
savagecrocsee if you have a proxy enabled13:14
the_jeebsterjust the defaults I think13:14
savagecrocproblem is13:15
savagecroci'd understand if it was dns13:15
savagecrocbut for IPs it makes no sense13:15
the_jeebsteryeah I've gotta get my dns setup first then I'd have an issue13:15
savagecrocdo you have a vpn?13:15
Tm_Tthe_jeebster: please watch your language13:15
savagecrocthe_jeebster: reboot .. try again13:17
savagecroci can't think of anything else.. if you want, you can pm me the ip and i'll test from my computer13:17
TomyBookdoes ubuntu servr autoclean the package cache after not apt-get update'ing for a while?13:18
TomyBook(or is that something my hoster is doing)13:18
TomyBookoops, wrong key13:18
the_jeebstersavagecroc: thanks. it was working firefox so I'll see if I can get it kinked out13:19
facundolHow can I know how many programs installed a package, and their names ?13:20
manjushI asked a query about lisp.I am searching it for very long time.May be it's time to python things.13:20
keunerhi. my keyboard doesn't respond to key strokes anymore. could anyone show me where to start for a solution?13:23
MarKsaitishow do i ask my system whether a specific library is installed on it? either package or from sources and linked to the system?13:24
TomyBookkeuner, how do you chat then? :D13:24
TakeItEZfacundol: dpkg -L packagename13:25
TomyBookusb or ps2 keyboard?13:25
keunertomybook: i knew this would come ;)13:25
keuneri logged in as different user13:25
facundolTakeItEZ: Thanks, I'll try13:25
keunerbuiltin laptop keyboard13:25
keunerthinkpad x23013:26
TomyBookkeuner, so it only pertains to one X session?13:26
TomyBookor every time you log in with that user?13:26
keuneryes. in a way. logout and reboot didn't do the trick13:26
keuneronly one user. yes. and only in x (tty works fine)13:27
keunerthis happened before. keyboard stopped working some time after using the gimp13:27
keunerreboot usually solved the problem13:27
TomyBookcant help you, sorry13:28
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usr13kepler: You might keep an eye on /var/log/syslog13:36
usr13... might give you a clue ....13:36
usr13kepler: But it could also be a hardware issue.13:36
usr13kepler: (tail -f /var/log/syslog)13:37
usr13Oh wait, that was for keuner  (but he's gone).13:38
usr13... sorry ....13:39
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viomGood Day13:45
ubottuandrearambo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:46
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KrisBHello, How to access System > Administration > Login Window >  in new Ubuntu?13:56
PimpolloThe best jerkoffs? JizzDay13:57
blezI'm trying to find libgtk-2-dev on ubuntu 12.10, but it returns empty search14:02
blezon the software center I mean14:02
dchHow can I set ulimit? I've tried sysctl.conf, limits.conf, and still can't find out where it's being set to 014:02
sotomosstar xvzf buduscript.tar.gz -C ~/.xchat14:03
TakeItEZ!info libgtk2.0-dev | blez14:03
ubottublez: libgtk2.0-dev (source: gtk+2.0): development files for the GTK+ library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.13-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 3584 kB, installed size 16106 kB14:03
FuzzlesHas anyone tried the 13.04 daily?14:04
hawkalWhy might I be getting "Authentication Error" messages when booting to a custom ubuntu live disk? Also Is there a way I can find out? e.g logs/diagnostics?14:05
DJonesFuzzles: Ask that in #ubuntu+1 thats the support channel for the development version14:05
usr13dch: Have you read man ulimit ?14:05
FuzzlesDJones, thanks14:06
KrisBHello, what does GDM2 actually do?14:06
usr13!GDM2 | KrisB14:07
dchusr13: yes. It points to bash, which tells me how to set it once off in the shell. It does not explain anything about /etc/sysctl.conf, limits.conf or anything else that *might* be involved. I've also found pam.d stuff but don't yet see how that should be involved.14:07
dchgrepping /etc for ulimit doesn't show anything else that might be setting it. I'm lost.14:08
usr13dch: Did you read  man sysctl ?14:09
KrisBusr13: so I need to install it so I can change settings for login screen?14:09
ryansipesKrisB: GDM is the Gnome Display Manager14:09
usr13KrisB: Sorry, I don't know anything about GDM214:10
KrisBusr13: all I want to do is to use AutoLogin somehow.14:10
lolcatIf I SSH into a ubuntu with an encrypted home folder with an ssh-key-file, will the encrypted home folder be visible?14:11
ryansipesKrisB: What version of Ubuntu are you using?14:11
TakeItEZlolcat: no, unless you put your known_host/authorized_keys files somewhere outsie ~/.ssh in the unecrypted part14:12
usr13KrisB: "Open settings, select 'user accounts'. Click the unlock button, then change the Automatic Login switch to "On"  From: http://askubuntu.com/questions/210823/how-do-iset-automatic-login-in-ubuntu-12-1014:12
dchusr13: I appreciate the pointers to man pages, but they are not helping, they are all runtime changes. Something is over-writing the settings in the various config files I am using, before the system has even started. Any ideas?14:12
lolcatTakeItEZ: So I can actually not log in through ssh? And I assume su won't let me see it either?14:12
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usr13KrisB: "In users and groups choose your user, and click word "Change..." next to "Password:" (it does not look like a button, what might be a bit misleading). There you can change password, or at the bottom mark "Don't ask for password on login" box."  (Same place)14:12
TakeItEZlolcat: you can, but you have to do some manual setup. check the forums/wiki, iirc there is some info on that14:13
usr13dch: Which config files?14:13
lolcatTakeItEZ: MY problem is: I have an encrypted home folder, but hasn't got the sligthes idea what the password is...14:14
KrisBuser13: "Login without a password" under "action?"14:14
lolcatI was told bruteforcing sha-512 crypt isn't fesable14:14
TakeItEZlolcat: well, you're lost then14:15
jriblolcat: but you have the passphrase you were supposed to write down right?14:15
ryansipesKrisB: Yes, under action select "Login without a password"14:15
DeadWeaselLolcat, you been ehre all night?14:16
dchusr13: echo * soft core 102400 >> /etc/security/limits.d/custom   and the same thing with hard.14:16
lolcatjrib: Uhm, I figured Id probably never need it14:16
DeadWeaselohmagherd.  expensive learning mistake.14:16
KrisBryansipes: thank you. another question. With CTRL + ALT + F1 clicking, I only see the command line, does it mean, that I disable GNOME or something?14:16
usr13dch: man limits.conf ?14:17
MadEchidnaHey so I just ran update manager and got a new kernel, and it broke my video driver14:17
lolcata $2000 mistake :/14:17
MadEchidnausing the stable AMD driver from the ubuntu driver tool, no special PPAs14:17
jriblolcat: then your only hope is that you remember the password so that you can unlock the passphrase.  In my experience, this usually happens within a few days once you stop trying to remember it...14:17
lolcatjrib: I haven't used this password since some time back in 201114:17
usr13MadEchidna: You can revert to the earlier kernel.  Or re-install the video driver.14:17
jriblolcat: it's ok, same thing happened to me once14:17
lolcatjrib: also, at the time I liked random generated passwords14:18
MadEchidnausr13, so you think if i just switch to the open source driver and back to the amd one that'll fix it?14:18
jriblolcat: then maybe you won't be as lucky14:18
MadEchidnahow can I make it reinstall?14:18
ryansipesKrisB: F1 through F6 take you to different terminal sessions, but the display server is still running in the background.14:18
usr13MadEchidna:  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak14:18
MadEchidnameh I guess this is a good opportunity to install that new beta driver14:18
ryansipesKrisB: If you hit CTRL + ALT + F7 it will take you back to your desktop, just the way you left it.14:19
MadEchidnagunna get me some of this action http://news.softpedia.com/news/AMD-Claims-Up-to-300-Improvement-in-Team-Fortress-2-with-New-Driver-325128.shtml14:19
usr13MadEchidna: Yep14:19
KrisBryansipes: is there a way to run the system without desktop, if you get what I mean.14:19
MadEchidnawhat it says at the bottom of the announcement that it requires xfree8614:20
MadEchidnathat's a mistake right :P14:20
ryansipesKrisB: Yes, let me see if I can get you the instructions to boot into a session without the display server.14:20
usr13KrisB: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1624856/14:21
usr13KrisB: And I guess from there you can do startx or startxfce4 or...?  (I suppose there are several options.)14:23
usr13KrisB: ... that is, if you decide you wanna start a gui at some time or other.14:23
ryansipesKrisB: To supplement usr13, here is another resource http://askubuntu.com/questions/132965/how-do-i-boot-into-single-user-mode-from-grub14:24
KrisBuser13. So what this texediting does is changes GRUB (something I see after BIOS loads where I need to select the OS to run), right?14:24
usr13ryansipes: Thank you.14:25
usr13KrisB: No.  You'll be editing the grub config file so that it will be a perminate change.14:26
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KrisBuser13: and when GUI is on, like right now, is there a way to turn it off without rebooting pc?14:28
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TakeItEZKrisB: press ctrl-alt-f1,login, then "sudo service lightdm stop"14:28
usr13KrisB: Yes.  Ctrl-Alt-Backspace14:28
usr13KrisB: And to go another step forward, (in order to streamline);  Which ever you settle on, (when you DO use a GUI), you could set up a symlink to something shorter, (like gui).  i.e.  sudo ln -s /usr/bin/startxfce4 /usr/bin/gui14:29
usr13KrisB: And then, when you want the GUI, just type   gui  and hit Enter.14:29
iNFiNiT__start lightdm14:30
iNFiNiT__stop lightdm14:30
usr13KrisB: And yes, if you run lightdm, you can start and stop it as well.14:30
iLOLyou_How can I remove EFI from installer (USB pendrive Ubuntu 12.10)? isohybrid -offset 64 can work?14:31
KrisBuser13: so ln -s creates a link, so i don't need to type long command?14:31
iNFiNiT__service very-user-friendly-graphical-user-interface start14:31
usr13KrisB: But, what I'm saying is, that you can bypass the Display Manager and just run the Desktop Enviornment if you want. (In most cases you can.)14:31
nearsthi all14:31
iNFiNiT__hello nearst14:31
usr13KrisB: Yes, nor will you need to login.  (As long is you are in the user's shell of your choice.)14:32
usr13KrisB: .... because youre already logged in ....14:32
KeyboardNotFoundHello, i use xubuntu 12.10 and Xchat 2.8.8, official xchat 2.8.9 is released but i don't have update alert for xchat, how to official update xchat using ubuntu packets ?14:34
iLOLyou_How can I remove EFI from installer (USB pendrive Ubuntu 12.10)? isohybrid -offset 64 can work?14:34
usr13KrisB: But, if you use lightdm, I think it will run as admin, ( iNFiNiT__ Correct me if I'm wrong).  You'll prolly need to use sudo to start or stop it.14:34
KrisBuser13: you said "if you run lightdm". I am now a bit confused what the difference between lightdm and startxfce414:34
iNFiNiT__KrisB: user 1 has always all admin rights   and so does root14:35
craigbass1976Isn't www-data the apache daemon user?  I unzipped wordpress in my laptop's /var/www, and when I browsed to it I could see that the install would start.  After I chowned everything from craig:craig to www-data:www-data though, I'm getting a 500 error.14:35
usr13KrisB: lightdm is a Display Manager.   xfce is a Desktop Environment14:35
iNFiNiT__usr13:  if you start lightdm  it will start as the user you are already logged in14:35
usr13iNFiNiT__: Not true.14:36
iNFiNiT__usr13: what's not true14:36
usr13iNFiNiT__: User does not have admin rights.14:36
usr13iNFiNiT__: That is the job of sudo14:36
iNFiNiT__the first user in ubuntu is always the user that haves all rights   YES it's in the sudoers group14:36
usr13.... to afford user admin rights ...14:36
iNFiNiT__the rest of the users are not directly in the sudoers group by default that's what i meant14:37
iNFiNiT__usr13: i'm afk. good luck.14:37
lantiziaDo you think Canonical would give a crap if I started a project called ShipIt?14:37
TakeItEZlantizia: ask them14:37
lantiziaTakeItEZ, how?14:37
KeyboardNotFoundHello, i use xubuntu 12.10 and Xchat 2.8.8, official xchat 2.8.9 is released but i don't have update alert for xchat, how to official update xchat using ubuntu packets ?14:38
TakeItEZlantizia: www.canonical.com contact   or whatever, it is offtopic here14:38
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KrisBuse13: So which one  - Desktop Manager or Desktop environment am I supposed to stop/start to turn off desktop?14:40
usr13iNFiNiT__: It is the admin group.  If a user is included in the admin line in the /etc/group file, he or she will be allowed to use sudo to run all admin commands.14:40
TakeItEZusr13: the sudo-group since 12.0414:40
MadEchidnaso anyone else here running the AMD beta driver?14:40
usr13TakeItEZ: Ok.  Well, thanks for that.  Didn't know.14:40
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MadEchidnaI installed it, and I have a watermark that says AMD Testing use only and 3d with a circle and a slash over it14:41
MadEchidnai can't get unity to load and I don't think I have hardware accel14:41
circleso I can't really block wine14:41
usr13KrisB: As far as Desktop Manager or Desktop Environment, it is your choice.  As I said before, some (but not all), Desktop Environments can be run without a Desktop Manager.14:42
MadEchidnawhat's your take on this usr1314:42
usr13MadEchidna: I dono14:43
DeadWeaselhow would I a debug log from the command line?   $  program --debug debug.log?14:43
MadEchidnaoh well I guess I'll go back to the stable driver for now ;(14:43
=== Lana is now known as Guest28571
usr13KrisB: So, if your DE of choice is xfce and you run startxfce4 and it starts and runs ok, just use it that way. (If there is no need for a Desktop Manager, don't use it.)14:44
bharathwhen I am build gnome , I got this error "No package 'libsystemd-login' found" , I searched for this , I found a deb file but unable to install ,14:44
bharathcan anyone help me to install libsystemd-login14:44
KrisBusr13 : so startxfce4  starts Desktop Environment. RIght? What stops Desktop Enviroment?14:45
TakeItEZKrisB: just exit the session14:46
usr13KrisB: Probably just    Ctrl-Alt-Backspace14:46
usr13KrisB: Or, yea, you can click for option to Log Out or Shut-down etc.14:46
usr13TakeItEZ: Thanks again.14:46
KrisBusr13: but what if I don't want to log out, just to turn off Desktop Environment with still being logged in?14:48
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=== Guest95739 is now known as Reedy
craigbass1976Isn't www-data the apache daemon user?  I unzipped wordpress in my laptop's /var/www, and when I browsed to it I could see that the install would start.  After I chowned everything from craig:craig to www-data:www-data though, I'm getting a 500 error.14:48
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usr13KrisB: You can click for option to Log Out or Shut-down etc.14:48
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jribcraigbass1976: by default www-data is the user that apache runs as, yes14:49
usr13KrisB: As TakeItEZ points out, you can just  "exit the session".14:49
TakeItEZKrisB: if you started "startx" it won't ask "logout", it just will "exit" into the console14:49
TakeItEZKrisB: why don't you just test it and see the difference from being logged in by lightdm ( or any other DM)14:50
usr13TakeItEZ: Well, I think that depends on the Desktop Environment's particular options.14:50
TakeItEZusr13: no14:50
usr13TakeItEZ: Well, maybe not.  Don't know for sure.14:50
PhysicistLater I had deleted one partition with gparted, my other system does not start. ak me a grub.. How fix with a live cd?14:50
usr13TakeItEZ: Are you telling, or asking?  "no"14:50
usr13TakeItEZ: I think that depends on the Desktop Environment's particular options.14:51
TakeItEZusr13: at least non of the x-sessions i run in years asked me if i want logout, they all just have an "exit" option14:51
usr13TakeItEZ: Ok, well, he'll find out when he gets there.14:52
KrisBTakeItEz: Yea, I've copied and pasted all you and usr13 wrote into a text file. I'll test it out. Thank you. :)14:52
KrisBusr13  -  thank you, too:)14:52
PhysicistLater I had deleted one partition with gparted, my other system does not start. ask me a grub.. How fix with a live cd?14:53
usr13Gotta go folks.  It's been fun/interesting.14:53
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TakeItEZKrisB: press ctrl-alt-f1,login, then "sudo service lightdm stop", test it, if unhappy, "exit", "sudo service ligtdm start"to get a graphical login again14:53
PhysicistAnybody ?14:54
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PhysicistLater I had deleted one partition with gparted, my other system does not start. ask me a grub.. How fix with a live cd?14:55
TakeItEZ!patience | Physicist14:55
ubottuPhysicist: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:55
johnkingerstingehello iam trying to dual boot with ufei system i disabled the ufei system and installed windows 7 on legacy mode but once i boot up ubuntu live cd it doesnt detect the windows 7 partitans14:55
johnkingerstingephysicist you could use boot-repair14:56
johnkingerstingeto fix grub14:56
d3xterhey guys14:56
johnkingerstingehello iam trying to dual boot with ufei system i disabled the ufei system and installed windows 7 on legacy mode but once i boot up ubuntu live cd it doesnt detect the windows 7 partitans14:57
d3xterwhen i try the run dvb with mplayer, it always skips "adapter0", and when i add a symlink from "adapter1" -> "adapter0" it skippsin both when probing for dvb-cards. any hints?14:57
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johnkingerstinged3xter you be in the ffmpeg channel dont u14:58
d3xterjohnkingerstinge: this bug happens in ubuntu ;)14:59
johnkingerstingei remeber seeing u there one day14:59
Physicistjohnkingerstinge, how can I do it15:00
johnkingerstingeopen a terminal type sudo apt-get install boot-repair15:00
d3xterjohnkingerstinge: that must be a very long time ago :)15:00
johnkingerstingehello iam trying to dual boot with ufei system i disabled the ufei system and installed windows 7 on legacy mode but once i boot up ubuntu live cd it doesnt detect the windows 7 partitans15:02
johnkingerstingeguess everyone is sleep15:04
lewowpardhaha wassup john15:05
johnkingerstingenothing just need a little help installing ubuntu15:05
=== Dolev is now known as Log32
crockethow do I add a custom launcher in ubnutu unity? I use ubuntu 12.1015:06
crocketI can't directly add a .desktop file to the unity launcher bar.15:06
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MadEchidnaWell I figured it out15:07
MadEchidnatoo bad usr13 is gon15:07
cianwould you like your coffee scripted to cook with one click and to be delivered to you by parachute while you pee with just one click and so you can swear to windows that it has virus because you watch porn15:07
MadEchidnaI didn't have the current kernel headers15:07
johnkingerstingetrying to dual boot with ufei system i disabled the ufei system and installed windows 7 on legacy mode but once i boot up ubuntu live cd it doesnt detect the windows 7 partitans15:08
MadEchidnakind of lame that Ubuntu doesn't update that with the kernel, pretty much anyone using the amd driver from the driver tool on a clean install of 12.10 has broken drivers if they did that kernel update and didn't know to update the headers manually15:08
johnkingerstingei cant even install it right now i hate this uefi shit15:09
Physicistjohnkingerstinge, my conection failed.15:09
Physicistjohnkingerstinge, I am right in live cd. Do you have some instructions?15:09
Guest78878i want to ask about some commande15:10
mapg1964how can i  install ubuntu on my windows 7 machine without loosing windows 7?15:10
johnkingerstingemapg its called dual boot15:10
johnkingerstingejust pop the ubuntu live cd in and follow the instructions15:10
mapg1964but what do i have to do?15:10
johnkingerstingeit should say install  ubuntu along side windows 715:11
hybirddboop, hi everyobody15:11
johnkingerstingeatleast thats how it goes i dont have that option -__- since i have an uefi motherboard15:11
mapg1964i don't have an ubuntu live cd, can i just download and create one?15:12
jpdsmapg1964: Yes.15:12
MarKsaitiswhy on damn earth library management is made complicated? When you install a package from repo it install libs in /lib/* when you install same soft from source, libs are in /usr/local/softname/libs/*   why on earth not to make these packages less complicated and leaving the way devs created them and just use ld.so.conf and tell it where the crap is... otherwise some software bundles which half need to be installed from sources and other half from rep15:12
MarKsaitisos get damn stupid!!!!!!15:12
Guest78878i want to be a hacker and i have no idea about this so i want some help15:12
jpdsMarKsaitis: Erm, not that's not how it's handled on Ubuntu.15:12
johnkingerstingelol ubuntu wont help u become a hacker15:12
mapg1964where csn i download it?15:12
jpdsmapg1964: http://www.ubuntu.com15:13
TakeItEZMarKsaitis: its not ubuntus fault that you miss to set PREFIX as you want it to be15:13
johnkingerstingeanyone know how to install ubuntu alongside windows 7 on an uefi system15:13
MarKsaitisjpds, erm, it actually is! I see it now in action15:13
johnkingerstingei disabled uefi in bios and installed windows 715:14
johnkingerstingebut it still wont dectect the part15:14
mapg1964ok I'm at www.ubuntu.com15:14
MarKsaitisTakeItEZ, first of all!!!!!!!! Source built soft cannot go on / !!! So I am just ignoring whatever you said.15:14
mapg1964what option, there are many15:14
jpdsMarKsaitis: OK, you're doing something wrong, otherwise everyone else would be complaining.15:15
johnkingerstingeno help?15:15
MarKsaitisand jpds , samba4 from sources installs libs to /usr/local/samba/libs/ whereas for example package libgensec0 installs libs in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/15:15
hybirddjohnkingerstinge: afaik you can multi boot with uefi but then you'd have to build grub2 yourself15:16
mapg1964so i just download the windows installer?15:16
hybirddsure mapg196415:16
MarKsaitisit all the rest agrees to something, it doesn't mean it's true. Maybe nobody else cares about this problem. And my problem is very complicated. But I just gave you the end conclusion of it15:16
jpdsMarKsaitis: No, apt-file list samba4 shows me that samba4 puts libs in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/samba/ .15:16
johnkingerstingehybirdd so what do you think i should do i disabled UEFI15:17
jpdsMarKsaitis: Sounds like you forgot to put: --prefix=/usr when you ran ./configure.15:17
MarKsaitisyeah, I meant /usr before lib15:17
mapg1964should i partition the harddrive mannually or the windows installer will guide me to do that?15:17
MarKsaitisjpds, my samba went to /usr/local/samba which is ok15:17
hybirddmapg1964: windows installer will take care of everything15:17
hybirddjohnkingerstinge: i wish i could tell really… I've always virtualised my stuff.15:17
johnkingerstingethis is really fustrating -__- it wont let meinstall it15:18
johnkingerstingei parted the drive15:18
johnkingerstingeand when i go to install it says free space15:18
hybirddjohnkingerstinge: have you actually applied it ?15:18
hybirddjohnkingerstinge: and also created an EFI partition?15:19
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hybirddjohnkingerstinge: i.e https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#General_principle15:19
johnkingerstingei didnt see the need to since i disabled it15:19
MeanEYEIs anyone capable of editing Ubuntu wiki? Information about Wayland is not correct. To be more specific about X.org being network transparent.15:19
jpdsMeanEYE: Log into it.15:20
MeanEYEjpds: Trying. But times out :/15:20
ivotklHello everyone. I'm trying to use a program similar to TeamViewer that would work under Raspbian and that would also let me login remotely without having to open any program after login in locally. Would you be able to point me out to some software? Thanks.15:20
hybirddMeanEYE: their SSO system is kaput15:20
MeanEYEhybirdd: Thanks!15:20
hybirddso currently you can't login until they have fixed it15:21
mapg1964what desktop environment should i pick for someone that is used to a windows desktop?15:21
ivotklHello everyone. I'm trying to use a program similar to TeamViewer that would work under Raspbian and that would also let me login remotely without having to open any program after login in locally.15:21
ivotklOops, sorry. =P15:21
sirspazzolotroughly how big must my cd be work as a livecd?15:21
johnkingerstingewhen i go into gparted it shows disk as unallocated15:21
sirspazzolotnot sure if and how much stuff in the iso is compressed15:21
mAniAk-_-sirspazzolot: rougly a string large15:21
ivotklmapg1964, you can try Mint with gnome.15:21
ivotklIt is very similar.15:21
johnkingerstingeand i know i have windows 7 installed15:21
hybirddMeanEYE: should work though if you give it enough time15:21
sirspazzolothar har. is ~750mb good15:21
johnkingerstingewhy is it not detecting the windows 7 partitan15:22
MeanEYEhybirdd: Yeah. I can see that. It's awefully slow though.15:22
hybirddanyway MeanEYE if you can /msg me what needs to be changed i'll do it for you15:22
Computer1i am not able to use one header file which is in some other dir in my C code..15:22
Computer1what to be done..??someone please suggest!15:22
MeanEYEhybirdd: Private? Or I can do it here?15:23
mapg1964i don't see adesktop in the list that says mint or gnome15:23
hybirddMeanEYE: private because otherwise by the time ive edited 1 thing the rest scrolled off my screen :p15:23
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mapg1964should i just pick 'ubuntu desktop'?15:25
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mapg1964ivotkl are you there?15:26
jemaduxany firefox popup blocker ?15:26
icerootjemadux: the default one on firefox, also see #firefox15:27
johnkingerstingeadblock plus is agood one15:27
raven_bash scripting: how to force closing a running tool after a specific time?15:32
icerootraven_: #bash15:33
yacksDoes anyone played with zerovm /Ubuntu?15:34
mapg1964my installer say downloading amd64 , will that work with any processor family?15:34
yackszerovm - http://zerovm.org15:34
gaelfxhow can I see which module is currently being used for my wireless card?15:39
SaHiBhi, if got problems setting up my BIND9 as primary master on my samba4 on ubuntu12.10 server. after trying to do so, bind wont restart. syslog says: "samba_dlz: Failed to configure zone 'test.local'". Has anybody an idea where to start debugging, or what the problem might be?15:41
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_pr0t0type_Hey guys.  Do you any of you know what utils package the 'make' utiility is part of?  I checked coreutils and binutils with no luck.  Is it more of a standalone15:46
Pici_pr0t0type_: not sure exactly, but it will be part of the build-essential metapackage15:47
jrib_pr0t0type_: "make"15:47
Picior that15:47
jribbut yes, you probably want build-essential anyway15:47
mandoguitgaelfx:   might want to check out inxi    http://code.google.com/p/inxi/     saves a lot of hassle when trying to determine system information15:47
_pr0t0type_I see15:47
_pr0t0type_Will do, thanks guys15:47
gaelfxmandoguit: thanks, but I think lsmod is what I was looking for :P15:48
mandoguitgaelfx:  yep....all the tools for determining such are install but as you just experienced you need to keep track of the names/functions of the individual pieces....  inxi goes a long way to eliminating that process.   anyways, fwiw, ymmv etc etc  :)15:49
=== Francois is now known as Guest42720
=== Guest42720 is now known as frakamoi
cnb_I'm having MASSIVE problems installing Munin on Ubuntu 12.10 from the distro15:51
cnb_And the Munin mailing list swears up and down, right and left, that it's a distro problem15:51
cnb_They said "You can go about fixing it by reporting it back to the packager (ubuntu).  Or choose a different distro which doesn't have this bug. If you want to use Ubuntu, then you need to be willing to tolerate their (seeming) lack of QA."15:52
=== ke5pcv-away is now known as ke5pcv
cnb_So here I am15:52
cnb_Is this the right place to get help?15:52
dchusr13: for info, apport and whoopsie consume the core dump files.15:53
nedbatwhat's the best channel to ask AppArmor questions?15:53
TakeItEZ!ask |cnb15:53
ubottucnb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:54
atxqwhat is the short cut for the window spread? I want to preview all open applications at once15:54
nedbatI'd like to use AppArmor to run untrusted code, but I want a number running at once, each isolated from each other. If I want to let them write files, is there a way with one AppArmor profile to have them each have a directory they can write to, but not be able to write on each other's?15:55
cnb_I've installed Munin 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 12.10, and munin-cgi-html produces URLs which do not contain /cgi-bin/munin-cgi-graph despite having cgiurl_graph set.  How can I get munin-cgi-graph running and called correctly?15:56
atxqholding down the super key does not show the window spread short15:56
gaelfxmandoguit: precisely15:59
zivesteris there a way to change the primary usergroup and apply it without logging out/in ?15:59
xanguaatxq: super+w15:59
cnb_!patience | cnb16:00
ubottucnb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:00
atxqjust figured it out here hold down the super key a second time16:00
ivotklmapg1964, sorry I was AFK and forgot about this. =P16:00
SaHiBhi, if got problems setting up my BIND9 as primary master on my samba4 on ubuntu12.10 server. after trying to do so, bind wont restart. syslog says: "samba_dlz: Failed to configure zone 'test.local'". Has anybody an idea where to start debugging, or what the problem might be?16:01
ivotklmapg1964, Mint is an OS, just like Ubuntu. Desktops are Gnome, KDE, X and so on.16:01
ivotklHello everyone. I'm trying to use a program similar to TeamViewer that would work under Raspbian and that would also let me login remotely without having to open any program after login in locally.16:02
ivotklI know this is Ubuntu's channel, but any low-resources consumption program should work under Raspbian.16:03
crocketHow do I close nexuiz?16:03
crocketI can't close it.16:03
crocketAlt+F4 doesn't work.16:03
n4rut0r31kill the process16:03
Lofde_is there a way to hide the mouse cursor ?16:03
h00kivotkl: if you're not running it under Ubuntu, then this isn't quite the place to ask16:03
ivotklcrocket, try to do: killall nexuiz16:04
crocketivotkl : I can't, my keyboard is tied to nexuiz.16:04
ivotklh00k, thank you. I have found #raspbian channel exists.16:04
crocketIt's a game.16:04
ivotkland how come you can type here?16:04
crocketivotkl : I have another computer.16:04
ivotklmouse or anything?16:04
carlom61 Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database **** guys, anybody?16:04
ivotklOh, dumb question mine. =P16:04
thunkeeivotkl: in #raspberrypi are lot of folks that may have more experience in functional apps on a rpi16:05
ivotklcarlom61, have you tried chmod?16:05
ivotklthunkee, thanks I'm already on Raspbian's OS channel (#raspbian).16:05
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ivotklcrocket, is there any mouse or anything in game? I would recommend going to official website's forum of the game or check if there is any manual.16:06
carlom61nope, it was working yesterday, today it's down, cant login in PhpMyAdmin either16:06
ivotklcrocket: ctrl+x? alt+F4? ctrl+alt+supr to switch off computer directly? ctrl+alt+T? alt+tab? Nothing?16:07
ivotklHAve you googled the problem?16:07
crocketivotkl : I googled it.16:07
crocketivotkl : None of the key combinations works.16:09
labsincrocket: do a ctrl-alt-f116:09
labsincrocket: should always work16:09
crocketlabsin : That works, but that means "killall nexuiz" on a virtual terminal.16:09
crocketIt's not a clean exit strategy.16:09
labsinFor a way to exit it, you should go to the program's site16:10
crocketlabsin : never mind. After making it a fullscreen window, I found "quit" at the bottom.16:11
crocketIn the window mode, the vertical dimension is too long to fit in the screen.16:11
lupus_Hey hey, does anyone know the state of ubuntu arm version? Is it possible to install ubuntu on arm tablet?16:14
carlom61can somebody help me in PM with MySql and PhpMyAdmin please?16:14
n4rut0r31what is your problem? carlom6116:15
Senjai!tell us about ask16:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:15
carlom61I cannot connect to phpMyAdmin anylonger altough credentials are correct16:16
carlom61was working up until yesterday16:16
kimphilllupus_, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+arm+tablet16:16
Senjaicarlom61: saying 'doesn't work' doesnt help us help you. Do you have a specific error16:16
TakeItEZcarlom61: check what changed from yesterday, ask your database admin if he did any changes16:16
TakeItEZkimphill: don't use lmgtfy here please16:17
carlom61i am on localhost and i'm the admin16:17
SenjaiTakeItEZ: if he's trying to access phpmyadmin, he is the admin lol16:17
Senjaicarlom61: what error did it give you16:17
Senjaithis is ubuntu16:17
SenjaiYou need to go to ##php16:17
Senjaior #phpmyadmin16:17
carlom61#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server16:17
Senjaicarlom61: this is an ubuntu support channel, not a php or phpymadmin support channel16:18
carlom61that's why I've asked if somebody can help in PM :)16:18
Senjaiphpmyadmin has their own channel at #phpmyadmin16:18
OerHekslupus_, on arm7 you can, join #ubuntu-arm for support16:18
Senjaicarlom61: Im in all of those channels, Forgot this was #ubuntu16:18
KrisBWhen I run some program like VLC player from Terminal, the program closes as I close the Terminal window. How to avoid this and keep program running?16:19
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OerHeksKrisB, use " vlc &  " to avoid that16:19
GneaKrisB: minimize the terminal, don't close it16:19
Nach0zuse nohup16:19
TakeItEZKrisB: vlc &disown16:19
Nach0zKrisB: "nohup vlc &"16:19
KrisBOkay. so which one of the mentioned use?;D16:20
SenjaiKrisB: you need to learn how linux works with processes16:20
SenjaiKrisB: Every process that starts another becomes its parent16:20
CadmusHello, I've got a newish 12.04 install and there's something that's bothering me. I've put an e-mail address in /root/.forward and the only rule in /etc/aliases is "postmaster: root", but the output of cron jobs is going to the unpriv'd user. Why is it doing this and can it be stopped?16:20
Senjaiwhen the parent dies, the child dies to, unless it is orphaned to init16:21
Nach0zKrisB: flip a coin. most of them work. I'd suggest nohup, because I use it a lot.16:21
SenjaiKrisB: every process in Linux/GNU must have a parent.16:21
KrisBSenjai: okay - do you know any good resources to learn about processes?16:21
TakeItEZCadmus: add "root:  you@example.com" into alieases16:21
GneaSenjai: this is why nohup, & and minimization exist.16:21
SenjaiKrisB: Yes, check out the linux system administrators guide at tldp.org16:22
SenjaiGnea: I wanted to explain why his method didnt work, rather than giving him the answer directly16:22
SenjaiGnea people don't learn when you just say do x to get y.16:22
GneaSenjai: fair enough. not everyone is looking for an answer like that, though.16:22
nedbatI've asked a few AppArmor questions here over the last few days, and haven't gotten responses.  Does anyone have a suggestion of a different channel that could help?16:22
CadmusTakeItEZ: By default does it  push it to user 1000 or something? brb16:22
SenjaiGnea: I know, but I'm not bound by a SOP on how to give advice :) We're all volunteers, we can all advise in our own means.16:23
GneaSenjai: but yes, it is nice when people actually WANT to take the time to learn it properly.16:23
GneaSenjai: :-)16:23
KrisBNach0z - and what nuhup does?16:23
SenjaiGnea: IMO if they dont, they aren't worth my time, and will eventually fall out of Linux/GNU anyway.16:23
SenjaiGnea: Linux/GNU requires a 'want' to learn16:23
SenjaiKrisB: just use the ampersand, it should be fine.16:24
GneaKrisB: nohup isn't really required16:24
KrisBSenjai: and what is the logic under the ampersand (how does that differ from when used without it)?16:25
SenjaiKrisB: It determins who becomes the parent of the process you're starting16:25
SenjaiKrisB: without it the parent of the process becomes the current terminal session you're using16:25
CadmusTakeItEZ: Hmm, still doing the same thing16:25
SenjaiKrisB: in good practice, its usually good to only use it for applications you know are stable, until you learn how to kill processes manually.16:26
KrisBSenjai: so who becomes parent with ampersand useage?16:26
CadmusFeb  8 16:24:01 cad-vbox postfix/local[4148]: E058A45E1F: to=<cadmus@cad-vbox>, orig_to=<cadmus>, relay=local, delay=0.19, delays=0.16/0/0/0.04, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered to mailbox)16:26
nnullsince when does youtube require flash :s16:26
TakeItEZCadmus: hrm, you want root to receice mails? why? root never should read any mails, so the delivery to a non-priv user is ok. if you don't want cron-notifications, set MAILTO in crontab16:27
nnullnvm im thinking of gvideo16:27
SenjaiKrisB: never really looked into it. I'd like to say init16:27
BluesKajnnull, youtube without flash , that would be a godsend16:27
SenjaiKrisB: but, you can always find out16:27
SenjaiKrisB: start a process with &16:27
SenjaiKrisB: then run top and find out who its parent is16:28
CadmusTakeItEZ: It's more that the mail is forwarding correctly from root to the external address I put in /etc/aliases, but it's _also_ routing to the local user, is that because that user is in adm or something?16:28
SenjaiKrisB: Linux is about problem solving yourself, when you can xD16:28
KrisBSenjai: I have webmin installed. I can try to look there for running procceses.16:28
BluesKajnnull, you can try the youtube html5 trial , it doesn't use flash16:29
nnullBluesKaj, oh16:29
SenjaiKrisB: Actually, just with & it becomes a product of the shell just in the background (you can bring it into foreground with fg16:30
nnullDoesnt seem to work BluesKaj :s16:30
TakeItEZCadmus: sry no idea16:30
SenjaiKrisB: webmin?16:31
SenjaiKrisB: Is that a shell?16:31
zykotick9!webmin | Senjai16:31
ubottuSenjai: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.16:31
BluesKajnnull, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?16:31
CadmusTakeItEZ: Thanks anyway, must be some sort of default option somewhere16:31
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nnullBluesKaj, nah never do, why something in there i need? lol16:31
Senjaizykotick9: why'd you link that to me16:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:32
KrisBzykotic9 - i just liked it when I first used Ubuntu a few years ago. I makes esier16:32
zykotick9Senjai: "webmin? / Is that a shell?"16:32
KrisBeasier to manage Apache.16:32
Senjaizykotick9: you should link it to the person who's actually using it16:32
SenjaiKrisB: Anyways, you saw the link from zyko16:33
KrisBSenjai: that's me :D16:33
nnulli activated the html trial, but the links are the same, and still asks for flash :s16:33
bekks!webmin | KrisB16:33
ubottuKrisB: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.16:33
nnullwonder if i have cookies enabled, surely i do lol16:33
bekksKrisB: You should not use webmin anymore.16:33
KrisBbekks: any alternative?16:33
hatakehow to fix this http://dpaste.com/915775/16:33
nnulllol i remember webmin16:33
bekksKrisB: ssh + cli. :)16:34
Senjai bekks: whats the CLI part of it? I just use SSh16:34
icerootSenjai: ssh will open a shell, also called "command line interface"16:34
KrisBbekks: that way I need to learn the commands, dont I?16:34
bekksSenjai: the cli part are the userland programs you use via ssh.16:34
Senjaibekks: DERP16:35
icerootKrisB: that way you have to learn how to admin a server16:35
bekksKrisB: You should know them, when using a fancy gui, too.16:35
Senjaibekks: yea, lol, wow16:35
BluesKajnnull, well if you want to watch youtube even without flash you'll still need tyo install the restricted extars as expalined in the URLs i poster above16:35
morph3ki might possibly be the only person to have ever overloaded a linux VM to where it wont start16:35
icerootnnull: have a look at "minitube" its a native youtube client for ubuntu16:36
bekksmorph3k: Define "overloading" in this context please.16:36
KrisBbekks: right. I always check what ACTUALLY happened afterwards. But at the beginning it's easier to manage servers, experiment when i'm dump at those things.16:36
nnulliceroot, will it work if i dont have flash? lol16:36
morph3kit wont boot up16:36
morph3ksec bekks ill show u16:36
nnullBluesKaj, the link u sent me says i need WebM for firefox4, which i have?16:36
bekksKrisB: How can you even tell wether something even happened without knowing the commands?16:37
icerootnnull: you dont need flash16:37
morph3khttp://snapplr.com/nrze bekks16:37
icerootnnull: minitube  is  a native YouTube client. With it you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video  stream.  Mini‐ tube does not require the Flash Player.16:37
morph3kbeen sitting right there for 20 minutes16:37
nnulloh cool iceroot16:37
BluesKajpostedthere a lot of other media codecs included in thay url , nnull , not just webm16:38
morph3kdebian/fedora and other ubuntu VM started up fine16:38
KrisBbekks: in some cases webmin shows what command has been run. it's just you don't need to type it yourself. you can see a huge view of possibilities what can you even do.16:38
bekksmorph3k: How is that picture related to "overloading"?16:38
morph3kits not booting16:38
morph3kso im assuming that it has to much strain on it16:38
morph3kfor some reason16:38
bekksKrisB: webmin was a mess, it is pointless to discuss about it any further.16:38
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morph3kbekks: u know whats up with the last 2 messages?16:39
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.16:39
morph3kthe mounting network filesystems16:39
KrisBbekks: okay. just wanted to know if there is alternative, instead of having to type everything by myself. :)16:39
icerootKrisB: if you are not able to admin a server because you dont know what you are doing and need a gui for it i would recommend not to manage a server (sorry)16:40
TakeItEZ!ebox | KrisB16:40
ubottuKrisB: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).16:40
icerootKrisB: let an admin handle it16:40
morph3kanything think they can help me out with this? http://snapplr.com/nrze16:41
KrisBiceroot: i want to learn it. so I'm just experimenting. Though I understand what you're trying to say. I'm really up for learning everything manually.16:43
bekksmorph3k: Did you try booting the safe mode?16:44
hatakecan help my how to fix this http://dpaste.com/915775/16:45
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morph3ktried bekks but it goe sto fast16:45
morph3kisnt giving me the chance16:45
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jribhatake: that error is almost comical16:46
bekksmorph3k: Then you are just too slow.16:46
bekksmorph3k: You have to press esc or shift to get into the grub menu.16:46
hatakeso how to fix im beginner jrib16:46
bekksmorph3k: Else, you have to use a live cd to edit the grub boot menu.16:46
jribhatake: where did you get oracle-java7-installer from?16:46
zykotick9jrib: terrrtertetetertertertertertertertertertretrtbh ;)16:47
hatakeyes i know, but how to fix, plz16:47
jribzykotick9: heh16:47
xangua!java | hatake16:47
ubottuhatake: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:47
zykotick9jrib: sorry, a joke.  that's where hatake got java from ;)16:47
SenjaiThat error16:48
SenjaiIdleOne: why so idle.16:48
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jribzykotick9: "heh" was me laughing :)16:50
jribhatake: have you tried removing the oracle-java7-installer package?16:50
Senjaiwow jrib you've been here a long time16:50
hatakejrib, apt-get remove  oracle-java7-installer ?16:51
jribSenjai: eh?16:51
Senjaijrib: just went over the access list16:51
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Senjainumber 4, must have been here ages xD16:52
Guest92200how run skype on 12.416:52
PrincessLunaAnyone has experience whether multi touch gestures work on Ubuntu using an Atmel Maxtouch sensor?16:52
xanguaGuest92200: install it from software center or go to skype.com16:52
hatakejrib, i use this tutorial http://thedaneshproject.com/posts/how-to-install-java-7-on-ubuntu-12-04-lts/16:53
jribhatake: yes, what happens when you try to remove it?16:53
hatakeand this eror http://dpaste.com/915863/ jrib16:54
hatakejrib, remove done16:54
jribhatake: you should be able to install the other packages you were trying to install now.  As for these latest warnings, you should disable the cdrom and the ppa that's no longer available in your software sources.  And see ubottu if you still want java16:55
jrib!java | hatake16:55
ubottuhatake: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.16:55
hatakeubottu, http://dpaste.com/915863/16:56
hatakedamn ubottu bot16:56
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zykotick9jrib: re:hatake i'd guess that brianmercer ppa that is 404ing is the webupd8 ppa, that (s)he is trying to install from...  just a wild guess though.16:57
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hatakezykotick9, yep true16:59
coreymanI am on ubuntu 12.10 using empathy... I am unable to see offline contacts, where is the setting?17:01
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sybaritenokay, i know this is in swedish but its rather short and should be more or less obvious if you understand more about bash than me. How is this supposed to work? Or is it a page that has been altered?  http://ubuntu.se/threads/17398-Ladda-ned-SVT-Play17:05
sybaritenthe sections in bold read "install rtmpdumd", "then put the following script in your home", and "And then in the terminal"17:06
sybariteni dont understand how the script, which is basicly just comments , relates to the terminal thing17:06
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area51pilotjoin /#ubuntu-117:09
area51pilotjoin/ #ubuntu-117:09
cnb_I've installed Munin 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 12.10, and munin-cgi-html produces URLs which do not contain /cgi-bin/munin-cgi-graph despite having cgiurl_graph set.  How can I get munin-cgi-graph running and called correctly?17:09
Piciarea51pilot: /join #ubuntu+117:09
area51pilotits been a while ... thx Pici   :P17:09
GabMusi need some help17:11
labsinty Gabmus17:11
GabMusi want to completely wipe my macbook to install ubuntu on a single partition17:11
morph3koh shit17:11
GabMusnow, i know macs normally use a guid partition table17:11
morph3ki think im getting into set up17:12
GabMusbut what if i want to use mbr?17:12
FlowRiserGabMus, please don't use newline as punctuation.17:12
FlowRiserGabMus, why wouldn't you want to use mbr ?17:13
kdsmainIs there a chatroom for installing Ubuntu 12.04 on a Power Mac G5? The live CD boots, but there is a big white square where the desktop should be and none of the Unity icons display.17:13
sybaritenHm, i have trouble installing ffmpeg over apt. first it asks about packages it couldnt "authentisize" (ehmm... its unfortunately not in english) ... then when i okay that, it still fails. Which error message of many, am i looking for ?17:13
sybaritenits basicly a 40417:13
labsinGabMus: to install on a macbook. First choose 'try ubuntu' from the live cd. Open gparted and wipe the whole disc. then run the setup17:13
GabMuslabsin: i am worried about the efi17:14
sybaritensudo apt-get update gives more or less the same problem17:14
FlowRisersybariten, check the software sources17:14
GabMusi dont know how the mac's efi would react to a mbr hd17:14
FlowRisersybariten, can you install any other packages over apt ?17:15
labsinI don't know much about it. You can install Ubuntu on the mbr tho17:15
ACubed10sup dudes/chickas17:15
zasternI'm having a weird issue - I just installed mysel-server, and I can't start it with the upstart/init - the script just hangs. But I can start it fine as /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysql/mysql.pid17:16
zasternso im thinking this is some weird upstart issue or something17:16
labsinGabMus: I ones got a mac-hdd and din't know it was from a mac and installed ubuntu on it and didn't even notice it ones. I only noticed it when I thried to install windows on it17:16
GabMusmh, ill try… i still have the recovery dvd of mac os17:16
GabMusi'll try17:17
GabMusthank you all for the help17:17
GabMusi'll let you know later17:17
silvereyelabsin : how is mac hdd different/incompatible as hardware?17:17
labsinSilvereye: the partition table. When you remove the partitions the partition table usually stayes the same. You can change it tho17:18
labsinSilvereye: It's called GUID. It's just a different way of storring the layout of the partitions.17:21
enihi, I installed xubuntu, but i only have the console version and have internet. How can I install X and Gnome through console? what packages do I need?17:21
bazhangeni ubuntu-desktop package17:21
ikoniaeni: you can't have a console version of xubuntu17:21
silvereyelabsin : so it's not the harddrive was really any different, just it needed to be actually erased including the partition table17:21
ikoniaeni: what have you really installed or done17:21
eniikonia: i have no GUI just login page/ vi etc.17:22
ikoniaeni: right, so either there is a problem, or you have not installed xubuntu17:22
ikoniawhich is it ?17:22
ikoniaif it's a problem, installing ubuntu-desktop won't help17:22
eniikonia: no packages are installed ( i used a usb key) so the sources.lst was configured to work with CD i think17:22
eniikonia: there was an error during the "installing packages" process17:23
ikoniaeni: even if xubuntu is isnstalled from a usb key - the sources.list will be the same as the CD17:23
ikoniaeni: ok - so now we are getting somewhere17:23
labsinsilvereye: linux can run from a HDD with GUID partition table. Ubuntu does this without complaining. If you wan't to install Windows on it, there are guides for changing the patition table17:23
ikoniayou KNOW there is an error and you've not told us17:23
labsinSilvereye: Apple uses normal HDD indeed.17:23
eniikonia: so I thought, since it's from USB key it doesn't recognize the sources.lst or something, and I loged in and added all the online repos.. just did an apt-get updat e(which went fine).. and was thining to install the desktop (which wasn't installed before)17:24
ikoniaeni: the first thing you should do if your install failed is re-install17:24
eniikonia: so i have apt-get, vi, etc already installed.17:24
ikoniaeni: as it maybe more than just X17:24
eniikonia: well i tried and got to the same error page17:24
ikoniaeni: so that should be your first point of call, try a re-install and see if the error is reproducable17:24
ikoniaeni: then at that point, note down the error and what it's complaining about17:24
ikoniaeni: then report that17:24
ikoniaeni: instead of "how do i install gnome"17:24
eniikonia: i thought my diagnose was correct17:25
ikoniaeni: what diagnoses ?17:25
ikoniaeni: you've just said "I want to install X"17:25
ikoniaeni: you've not said what packages failed ? why they failed ?17:25
eniikonia: i have no idea why they failed17:25
eniikonia: it didn't say anything17:26
ikoniaright - so documenting what failed17:26
eniikonia: it said : "ERROR IN : 'installing packages'"17:26
ikoniaeni: now you're just being lazy17:26
ikoniayou said it warned you about packages17:26
ikoniaget the full infomration, report it and lets see what can be done17:26
ikoniabut stop missing bits of info out17:26
bekksmorph3k: There is no need to contact me outside this channel.17:26
ikoniaeni: it's likley your media is corrupt as some packaes are getting installed17:27
ikoniabut again - no information = logical guess17:27
eniikonia: ok, i'll try to re-create the USB key than17:27
* bashar_ waves to bashar17:27
eniikonia: is there any ubuntu version with gnome and not that other dm?17:27
douglwhat is the command line I use to update my version of ubuntu?17:28
ikoniaeni: no17:28
ikoniaeni: ubuntu is built on unity17:28
bekksdougl: Which versiob of Ubuntu do you have, currently?17:28
Tex_Nickdougl:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:29
silvereyeeni : there may not be a gubuntu, but there is xubuntu, lubuntu, and kubuntu - so it's being evasive to ssay that it's only based on unity17:29
bekksTex_Nick: Which works for supported target versions only.17:30
Tex_Nickbekks : i need to WAKE-UP ... thanks for clarifying17:30
ikoniasilvereye: he is using xubuntu - he knows what they are, he asked for GNOME, it is not evasive, it is fact.17:30
ikoniasilvereye: ubuntu is based around the unity shell - that is the gnome build ubuntu uses17:31
ikoniathe others are not gnome17:31
bekksdougl: So which version of Ubuntu do you have?17:31
BluesKajdougl, are you just trying to update/upgrade your packages or your kubuntu version ?17:31
douglBluesKaj, upgrade my packages17:32
bekksdougl: Would you mind to answer my question?17:32
douglbekks, sure - sorry, 12.10 kubuntu tho17:33
eniikonia: what do you suggest to make bootable usb keys for installing ubuntu?17:33
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ikoniaeni: I don't have a trusted opinion on that, it change a lot17:33
BluesKajdougl, , then sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade , in the console17:33
douglBluesKaj, thanks17:34
sybaritenFlowRiser: i believe so.... whats a simple test?  :)17:34
BluesKajdougl, , btw I meant ubuntu , not necessarily (k)ubuntu , of course17:35
douglBluesKaj, I did not think it mattered - don't those commands work on both?17:36
BluesKajthey work oin all 'bunt5us17:36
douglBlueEagle, K, thanks again17:36
BluesKajmy phat phingers again17:37
douglsomeone other than me has issues with fat fingers - nice17:38
drmagooDoes anyone know how to change the opacity / transparency of the "window title bar"? (Ubuntu desktop 12.10)17:38
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OerHekshmm easy pick https://friendly.ubuntu.com/17:44
ahmedipaproblem: can not Login screen loops unless you login as Guest17:45
morph3ksorry bekks17:45
morph3ki Just booted into rescue mode17:45
morph3kdo you think you can help me?17:45
trismahmedipa: switch to tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) login as your user, rm ~/.Xauthority; then switch back (ctrl+alt+f7) and try to login again17:47
bekksmorph3k: Depends on what you are going to do now.17:47
morph3kim waiting for it to boot up17:47
morph3ki *think* it may be this Xfce stuff17:47
morph3kthe only thing i did was install openssh17:47
morph3kbut i deleted that17:47
OerHeksahmedipa, see answer #2 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2035442 ctrl alt f2 etc17:47
morph3ki got a little box at he bottom i can type in17:48
morph3kbut it appears not to do anything17:48
bekksmorph3k: Deleting openssh is a very bad idea when you are trying to ssh into that box.17:49
ahmedipatrism: does not work I tried last night now I use USB live ubuntu17:49
morph3kI Just need this box to power up17:49
morph3kI will deal with the ssh stuff later17:49
morph3kI just dont want to lose all of my stuff17:49
trismahmedipa: then I don't know, could be any number of issues, root owned .Xauthority is just the most common17:49
ahmedipa OerHeks:  I have only two option to login ( guest or CD live )17:49
bekksmorph3k: You wont lose data, since having a backup - havent you?17:50
trismahmedipa: you would have to search through the lightdm and xorg logs to see what the issue is17:50
morph3kI never purposely made a back up bekks17:50
morph3kdoes it do it for you?17:50
bekksmorph3k: Then you dont have a backup which implies you dont have data important enough for creating a backup. :)17:50
ahmedipafirst of all I login using USB live17:50
ahmedipatrism:  what is lightdm and xorg ??17:51
ahmedipatrism: how can I reach them ?17:51
trismahmedipa: the files in /var/log/lightdm/17:52
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trismahmedipa: which ubuntu version are you on?17:52
Phryqhey, I was wondering in Ubuntu whether I should use sudo, or su to run as root17:52
ahmedipatrism: ubuntu 12.0417:52
PhryqI know in Arch we never ran sudo, only so17:52
OerHeksahmedipa, that solution says " do not login as you or Guest just yet. Instead, switch to any VT by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2"17:52
ahmedipa OerHeks: do you mean after I reboot I have to switch before I select Guest to login ?17:54
OerHeksthat .Xauthority file is owned by root, that is a glitch in the update.17:54
morph3ki think its this damn17:54
morph3kx server17:54
bekksmorph3k: Why do you think that?17:54
morph3kthats whats hanging it up17:54
OerHeksahmedipa, correct17:54
ahmedipaI will try17:54
ahmedipaI will be back17:55
bekksmorph3k: And did you investigate the reason yet?17:55
ahmedipaOerHeks:  what should I do after that17:55
morph3kim trying to figure out how to get back to a terminal17:55
morph3kright now im in bios17:55
OerHeksahmedipa, see answer #2 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2035442 ctrl alt f2 etc17:55
bekksmorph3k: ctrl+alt+f1 ... or use the safe mode. The BIOS is totally irrelevant for doing stuff in Ubuntu.17:56
eniikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=779468&page=217:57
enithis is the error17:57
oriezhello, I just bought a new NIC eth card (TEG-PCITXR) and Ubuntu can't recognize it (lspci)... the PCI card show LINK and ACT. what should I do?17:57
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morph3kim in uh18:01
oriezhello, I just bought a new NIC eth card (TEG-PCITXR) and Ubuntu can't recognize it (lspci)... the PCI card show LINK and ACT. what should I do? please someone...18:01
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tempguesthello guys, I want tro install ubuntu on my new laptop : dell inspiron 17r which comes with windows bios, is there any guide for installation on such new systems?18:08
Guest70007If you go to ubuntu.com you can find all you need, faggot18:09
eniikonia: i found a workaround can you please help me through it?18:09
ikoniaeni: work around for what ?18:10
ikoniatgm4883: what's up ?18:10
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enihttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12198711&postcount=9 ikonia18:10
ikoniaeni: work around for what ?18:10
tgm4883ikonia, err, Guest70007 ^^18:10
eniikonia: for installing the xubuntu.. apparently when you run from USB there's always an error in the xorg files.. i should create the usb key from linux.18:11
tgm4883ikonia, that just seems a little much18:11
eniikonia: i'm not sure about the use dd part though18:11
ikoniatgm4883: thank you18:11
ikoniaeni: what's not clear18:11
tgm4883ikonia, yw18:11
drmagoono one who knows how to change the opacity / transparency on the windows title bar in ubuntu 12.1018:11
eniikonia: the whole thing. should I use dd to "mount" the iso or smth?18:11
ikoniadd isn't a mount command18:11
ikoniaeni: mount is the command used to mount an iso18:12
ikoniaeni: mount -o loop18:12
tgm4883or by right clicking it18:12
eniikonia: what does it mean with dd line then ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12198711&postcount=918:12
yacc-inHi. i had 12.10 installed using wubi and it was working great. got nvidia drivers installed and steam and stuff. then i wanted to do a "real" installation now the nvidia drivers wont work, i tried all 4 of the proprietary ones18:13
cnb_I've installed Munin 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 12.10, and munin-cgi-html produces URLs which do not contain /cgi-bin/munin-cgi-graph despite having cgiurl_graph set.  How can I get munin-cgi-graph running and called correctly?18:13
yacc-inwhat drives me mad is that it just worked on wubi18:13
yacc-ini have a GTX 48018:13
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ikoniaeni: you use dd to do a block level copy of the iso file to the usb hard disk18:13
eniikonia: i still don't get it. what's the line I should be looking for (to execute)?18:15
ikoniaeni: have a read up on dd - the line you need will be specific to your setup18:15
enii'll try it18:16
RB2Good Afternoon. I am having issues with the nVidia current-updates drivers since going to kernel . If I boot up normally, I get a black screen (never hear the login chime) .. If I boot into recovery mode with networking enabled, after 60 seconds or so, the desktop loads of its own accord and works perfectly.18:18
yacc-inRB2: i also have problems with any proprietary nvidia driver18:20
RB2I've removed and re-installed the driver, but no love. Also, when in the desktop, I get a notice asking me to report a crash and it wants to send nvidia debug data. :-S18:20
RB2yacc-in, same kind of issue?18:20
yacc-inno. when i enable the proprietary driver i get a rtesolution smaller than 800x600 and after log-in i only have a desktop background, no panels, icons whatsoever18:22
oriezhello, I just bought a new NIC eth card (TEG-PCITXR) and Ubuntu can't recognize it (lspci)... the PCI card show LINK and ACT. what should I do?18:22
yacc-inand with the default nouveau drivers text often has artifacts. also they are unusable for gaming...18:22
ioriaoriez: it doesn't show in lspci  ?18:23
RB2yacc-in, actually the same issue I had previously.18:23
yacc-ini figured out the nvidia kernel module never gets loaded but i dont know why18:23
RB2yacc-in, did you install the kernel headers and then do the nvidia driver install from the terminal so you can see what messages are displayed when it builds the module?18:24
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yacc-inhmm nope, never tried that. i stupidly thought "they ghave a gui for that, and the gui even says i am using the correct driver. should be tested and working" >_>18:24
KeyboardNotFoundHello, i use xubuntu 12.10 and Xchat 2.8.8, official xchat 2.8.9 is released but i don't have update alert for xchat, how to official update xchat using ubuntu packets ?18:25
KeyboardNotFound!repeat > KeyboardNotFound18:25
ubottuKeyboardNotFound, please see my private message18:25
RB2yacc-in, it should say "Building initial module for 3.5.whatever-generic and then after "Done."18:25
yacc-iniirc i read that somewhere18:26
RB2If it starts talking about skipping the module, you know there's an issue. ;)18:26
xnizhey guys any common reasons why i would be getting read/access errors during an installation from usb?18:26
RB2Frustrating though, I fixed it up in the previous kernel. Worked awesome.18:26
yeehiwill tomato RAF work on a linksys x2000? I heard (don't know if it's true) that the x2000 is just and adsl version of the e2000, which I believe does work with tomato...18:27
morph3klocked myself out it looks like bekks18:27
oriezioria: no18:27
bekksmorph3k: By doing what exactly?18:27
KeyboardNotFound!repeat > KeyboardNotFound18:27
KeyboardNotFoundHello, i use xubuntu 12.10 and Xchat 2.8.8, official xchat 2.8.9 is released but i don't have update alert for xchat, how to official update xchat using ubuntu packets ?18:27
oriezioria: that's what i dont get18:27
ioriaoriez: try to remove and replace it18:27
morph3ki think by fucking with rc in /etc/init18:27
bekks!punctuation | morph3k18:27
ubottumorph3k: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability. Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences. See also !enter18:27
oriezioria: already did - and tried on two pci slots18:28
bekks!enter > morph3k18:28
ubottumorph3k, please see my private message18:28
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ioriaoriez: ^o^18:28
morph3k /bin/sh: 1: exec: /etc/init.d/rc: not found18:28
xnizare there any major disadvantages of installing ubuntu from windows aside from no sleep mode?18:28
yacc-inRB2: do you have some instructions for how to properly install them via terminal? and do they work then? or do the drivers from the nvidia website work?18:28
bekksmorph3k: Thats doesnt answer my question. What did you do?18:28
morph3krenamed the file so it wouldnt run the proccesses18:29
morph3krenamed it rc.b18:29
KeyboardNotFoundHello, i use xubuntu 12.10 and Xchat 2.8.8, official xchat 2.8.9 is released but i don't have update alert for xchat, how to official update xchat using ubuntu packets ?18:29
KeyboardNotFoundplease help me!18:29
RB2yacc-in, I have instructions for it, but it's not currently working for me, I have the black screen issue. So, not sure it's going to be helpful. :-P18:29
RB2yacc-in, unless of course I boot into recovery mode and wait one minute :-P18:30
yacc-inhm ok, then i dont think i will reboot to ubuntu if it wont work anyways18:30
ioriaoriez: then maybe is a 'sudo modprobe ' stuff !18:30
bekksKeyboardNotFound: WAIT until the new xchat version is avail from the ubuntu repos. And DONT repeat your question again and again please.18:30
yacc-inmaybe 13.04 will be usable :/18:30
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oriezioria: if it is.. how can I fix it?18:31
ioriaoriez: you should identify the right kernel module to load, but i'm very good in that, keep asking on the channel18:32
ioriaoriez: you should identify the right kernel module to load, but i'm NOT very good in that, keep asking on the channel18:32
dellHi, I have a hard drive and would like to copy all the .jpg files in its directories to somewhere else. Can I use this command? find . -name *.jpg | cp -r directory18:32
dellOr should I do something else?18:32
oriezioria: but then it's still doesn't make sense... lspci can't find it...18:32
ioriaoriez: indeed18:33
oriezioria: THX any way :( (maybe bios is screwing me up)18:33
ioriaoriez: maybe, good luck  *§*18:34
dellany idea?18:34
dell01:32:50 PM - dell: Hi, I have a hard drive and would like to copy all the .jpg files in its directories to somewhere else. Can I use this command? find . -name *.jpg | cp -r directory18:36
dell01:32:50 PM - dell: Or should I do something else?18:36
morph3kbekks: what is install server from MAAS or whatever?18:37
bekksmorph3k: I dont get your question - what do you talk about?18:37
STMelonKeyboardNotFound: XChat is an IRC chat program for both Linux and Windows. ... Linux/Unix releases have an even version number. ... XChat 2.8.9 (Windows Version) Released ...18:37
morph3kI just booted fromt he CD. I see: Install Ubuntu Server, Multiple Server install with MAAS18:38
STMelonxchat does not have a new release for linux as of yet18:38
morph3kBoot from first hard disk and Rescue a broken system (rescue broken system didnt work....i went in there and renamed rc and rc.local back)18:38
OerHeksKeyboardNotFound, xchat 2.8.9 is only available for windows, all linux versions are 2.8.818:38
KeyboardNotFoundOk, sorry18:38
morph3knevermind it would appear I have lost all my stuff18:39
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morph3ksad about that :(18:42
dell01:32:50 PM - dell: Hi, I have a hard drive and would like to copy all the .jpg files in its directories to somewhere else. Can I use this command? find . -name *.jpg | cp -r directory18:42
dell01:32:50 PM - dell: Or should I do something else?18:42
morph3kdell: are all the jpg's in one folder?18:43
dellmorph3k: no18:43
morph3ksorry ive never had much luck with the find command18:44
morph3kdell: try aptitude search18:44
huttanoops, wrong tty18:44
morph3ktype man aptitude18:44
morph3kread the manual. its pretty good and easy18:44
dellmorph3k: I know how to find all the files, but I do not know how to pipe it to the cp command?18:45
morph3kread the manual i just told you to and it will tell u how to find them18:45
morph3ksomeone else here might be able to tell you how to properly use the find command18:46
mandoguitaptitude for copying files???18:46
morph3kaptitude for search18:46
morph3kaptitude can do A LOT of stuff18:46
datsmoidawhat is the best way to monitor my bandwidth usage ?18:46
datsmoidain terminal18:46
mandoguitpackage search maybe....not all jpgs written to a hard drive18:46
nightmare365hi guys whenever i run sudo i don't get a password prompt ..is there any reason to worry .. i think this started after instaling the binary that comes with orange modems18:47
mandoguitlocate would be more appropriate imho.... just make sure the data base is up to date18:47
bekksmorph3k: What do you want to do?18:47
bekksmorph3k: Please describe it, instead asking random things.18:47
morph3kbekks: its game over i just went ahead and formatted it18:47
bekksmorph3k: There was no reason for doing that.18:48
oriezcan someone recommend a good 1GB/s eth card that support ubuntu?18:48
savidOn what versions of ubuntu is GLIB >= 2.24.0 available?18:48
oriezpci card of course18:48
Arthur_rainbowI hope it's the good channel for my question18:48
Arthur_rainbowIs there any way to rip my cd on the computer with the tag that are provided by something else than musicbrainz18:48
Arthur_rainbowMy trouble is that most of my french cd are not known by musicbox and are known by itune or windows'media database, so I have to enter every information by hand on ubuntu, which takes a lot of time18:48
FloodBot1Arthur_rainbow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:48
bekksoriez: Every somehow current card will do. :)18:48
morph3kbekks: i tried all i knew and you seemed to be getting annoyed with me18:48
savidI have 11.04 on one of my servers, but a configure script is failing with an error saying GLIB >= 2.24.0 not found.18:49
bekksmorph3k: No, I was just telling you to actually ask what you want to know instead asking random things which were unrelated to your problem.18:49
morph3kwait bekks it appears i have all my stuff here still18:49
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nightmare365hi guys whenever i run sudo i don't get a password prompt ..is there any reason to worry .. i think this started after instaling the binary that comes with orange modems .. sorry for reposting18:49
h00kArthur_rainbow: I've used MusicBrainz before, but maybe check the software center for anything that might be relevant18:50
bekksnightmare365: sudo remembers your password for a short time.18:50
morph3kbekks: the problem is I cannot login with any of my users. its taking me to my log on screen and all but wont let me login18:50
h00kbekks, nightmare365 It's 15 minutes, if you keep that terminal open.18:50
bekksnightmare365: And depending on its configuration it doesnt even ask you for a password for distinct commands.18:50
morph3kis there a way i can restore the things i messed with in init.d?18:50
oriezbekks: that's what i thought.. 'till bought a net TRENDnet card that doesn't seem to work for some reason18:51
trismsavid: install libglib2.0-dev18:51
bekksmorph3k: So WHY didnt you tell us that you messed around there? Why didnt you tell us what you did there, even after I asked you that?18:51
morph3kI did tell you bekks18:51
morph3kI told you i messed with the rc and rc.local in init.d18:51
bekksmorph3k: You didnt tell us what you did there.18:51
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morph3kyes, i did.18:51
oriezbekks: lights is on (LINK ACT) but noting in lspci ifconfig etc.18:52
bekksmorph3k: you did THAT you did something, but not WHAT. :)18:52
nightmare365ooh i see .. sorry got a lil nervous :) thnks bekks and h00k18:52
bekksoriez: Get one $5 intel gbit card then :)18:52
morph3kokay. i removed some files like SSH and xorg18:52
morph3kthen i renamed rc and rc.local18:52
morph3ki got back into my console and was able to rename them all back but it appears that something else has happened18:53
bekksmorph3k: After you removed xorg, you are wondering your X server doesnt start anymore?18:53
oriezbekks: where is the 5$ cards? i see only 20$ - 15$18:53
morph3kX server is working for some reason18:53
morph3kand i dunno why. i dont even want a GUI18:53
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morph3kI'm about to pop that dvd back in and see if i can get back into the console.18:54
morph3kif you know of anyway to fix this bekks id be in your eternal gratitude18:56
datsmoidais there a common linux command to monitor bandwidth usage ?18:57
jeatonhow do you change the display manager, I was using gdm, and when I installed kde, it changed it to something else18:57
bekksmorph3k: Restore the files you deleted from your backup - if you dont have one: reinstall your system.18:57
jpds!info vnstat | datsmoida18:57
ubottudatsmoida: vnstat (source: vnstat): console-based network traffic monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-1 (quantal), package size 80 kB, installed size 308 kB18:57
morph3ki have these options right now:18:57
morph3kexecute shell in /dev/sda1, execute a shell in the installer enviroment, reinstall grub, choose different root file system18:58
datsmoidawhat about iftop18:58
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bekksmorph3k: Insert an installation CD, and reinstall, if you dont have a backup.18:58
RB2yacc-in, I think I may have solved it!18:59
yacc-in:o how? :D18:59
RB2I just tried something different, but with the drivers from the nvidia site. I'm going uninstall those, install the repo versions and try again.19:00
RB2yacc-in, I'll report back in 5 or 10 minutes19:00
pcDo the Dell wireless 1504 (some broadcom OEM-ed card) on dell laptops work ok in ubuntu?19:00
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trap24anybody using TP-Link router, and logging onto it using ssh (in ubuntu) ?19:01
BluesKajpc , most BCM cards work on ubuntu19:01
pcAlright, thanks19:01
pcI know it's some cheap-o OEM card, but there's got to be a gazillion of them out there19:01
trismjeaton: which ubuntu version? in more recent ones: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm; should offer you a menu to select the display manager19:02
pcI remember back in the day you had to get the intil centrino cards to get reliable linux support, but I hope that is behind us19:02
BluesKaj!broadcom | pc19:03
ubottupc: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:03
jeatonill try it out, thanks trism19:03
dellHi, I have a hard drive and would like to copy all the .jpg files in its directories to somewhere else. Can I use this command? find . -name *.jpg | cp -r directory19:03
dellOr should I do something else?19:03
bekksdell: Why do you use -r on that?19:04
escottdell, find . -iname *.jpg -exec cp {} target \;19:04
dellescott: thanks19:04
Arthur_rainbowh00k: thanks :) Sadly I didn't see anything usefull in the software I can install on ubuntu19:05
Arthur_rainbowAnd Rhythmbox check only musicbrainz as far as I understand, who works well if they already know the cd, which is not the case for the cd I have19:05
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SolarisBoyArthur_rainbow: try a software called beets (its a python script available in the repos) it will use other things than one source to tag music based on what it finds with varying modes of operation19:10
SolarisBoyArthur_rainbow: you would do something like beet import /path/to/musicfolder and it will tag and copy the music into your library the way most players expect to see them19:11
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morph3kbekks: looks like i can fix this if my damn internet willw ork19:15
morph3ki cant use apt-get or wget19:15
RB2yacc-in, I had to use the drivers from the website to make it work... but, I booted into recovery mode, enabled networking... (had to use Ctrl-C because of another bug).. then I uninstalled nvidia-current-updates, installed the nvidia 310.32 long-lived drivers, blacklisted nouveau and it works.19:16
bekksmorph3k: Did you check wether you have a valid IP?19:16
morph3kyea i do19:17
morph3ksomething is just preventing me from connecting19:17
RB2yacc-in, your mileage may vary, but it's working for me.19:17
yacc-inRB2: so.. install driver from nvidia.com reinstall nonfree drivers frm repo (terminal) and then blacklist the OS drivers?19:17
whoeverhi all , I have bluetooth headphones , that will randomly stop playing audio, and weather  I use the bluetooth icon or the terminal to try to restart bluetooth, the process never finishes, and just hangs at "stopping blutooth".  can someone assist19:17
riegersnis it possible to customize my trackpad functionality? example, I can right click with 2 finger click, but I want to turn OFF right click when clicking on the right side of the pad. is this possible?19:17
morph3kany idea bekks19:19
bekksmorph3k: No. Not without the exact error message you get.19:20
huttanmorph3k: have u made sure that its not a dns problem?19:20
eckshello, I managed to brick my kubuntu partition somehow by installing kde 4.10. I can still access a tty and I'm trying to get networking to work atm. any help?19:20
morph3ktemporarily failure resolving us.archiveubuntu.com19:20
morph3kSome files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:21
bekksmorph3k: So what did you do to check wether you have a valid IP and a valid nameserver?19:21
RB2yacc-in, I removed the nonfree installed from the repo, installed the nvidia drivers I downloaded from the site (ignore the message about pre-install script failing) and then added nouveau to the /etc/modprobe/blacklist.conf file19:21
morph3kthen i did ifconfig eth0 down and ifconfig eth0 up19:22
PH5hey, what software can i use to put Ubuntu on a USB drive?19:22
yacc-inah ok so you are using the website drivers now?19:22
ecksPH5: unetbootin19:22
bekksmorph3k: Why did you FIRST control, then down/up the interface?19:22
RB2yacc-in, FYI, if it doesn't work right for you, you can run the install again with --uninstall and it will remove them19:22
RB2yacc-in, yes... working great19:22
GabMus_hello again19:23
morph3kwhat do u mean bekks19:23
yacc-inhmm nice19:23
yacc-inor sad... :D19:23
RB2yacc-in, Hope it works for you if you try it...19:23
PH5hey, what software can i use to put Ubuntu on a USB drive?19:23
huttanmorph3k: curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.org | sed 's/[a-zA-Z/<> :]//g'19:23
bekksmorph3k: "ifconfig, then ifconfig ... down, then ... up".19:23
tgm4883PH5, you were already answered19:23
GabMus_i have a problem with kde 4.10 on kubuntu 12.04. I installed kubuntu backports repo and now kde session doesnt work19:23
tgm4883PH5, no need to ask the same question again19:23
yacc-insomeone who knows how to do that kind of stuff should make a workin packag and create a repo for that :/19:23
PH5really, oh19:23
bekkshuttan: Which doesnt help determining having a valid IP or not.19:23
huttanbekks: if it returns an ip he has got one19:24
PH5thanks vary much19:24
huttanbekks: ifconfig will most likely check his local ip19:24
tgm4883PH5, even if you weren't answered, 1 minute isn't long enought to wait before asking again19:24
bekkshuttan: And if not you cant tell anything. It is like closing your eyes and guessing why it might be dark.19:24
bekkshuttan: And we NEED to check his local ip.19:24
tgm4883bekks, because it's nighttime?19:24
bekkstgm4883: Maybe. Maybe not.19:25
tgm4883because I'm blind?19:25
tgm4883bekks, this isn't a very good game you came up with :/19:25
AlecTaylorShould we expect many changes between the kernel freeze tomorrow and the second alpha on the 14th?19:25
* AlecTaylor wants to upgrade from 12.0419:25
yacc-inoh RB2 hae you tried the ones from ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa ?19:25
labsinA question here. Anybody using XChat? I don't get thy system icon and the popup boxes.19:25
tgm4883AlecTaylor, probably looking for #ubuntu+119:25
AlecTaylortgm4883: That channel is dead >.<19:26
tgm4883labsin, I am19:26
RB2yacc-in, you know.. I thought that when the nonfree drivers from the repo were installed, it was supposed to blacklist nouveau... but it definitely wasn't19:26
tgm4883AlecTaylor, this isn't the chat for dev help19:26
tgm4883AlecTaylor, dev release help I mean19:26
RB2yacc-in, but I don't know enough about it to say whether I'm correct or not19:26
bekksmorph3k: So which IP do you have, and whoch nameserver do you use?19:26
tgm4883AlecTaylor, you can apparently get banned for that19:26
RB2yacc-in, No, I didn't try those. What version do they have?19:26
yacc-inhmm idk...19:26
morph3kbout to try bekks19:26
labsintgm4883: so, do you have a system icon?19:27
bekksmorph3k: There is nothing to try about it - just look up the information :)19:27
yacc-in"In this page, we will help you install Nvidia driver 304.32 on Ubuntu and Linux Mint via PPA."19:27
tgm4883labsin, I'm assuming you are asking about the notification area (eg. system tray)?19:27
labsinyes sorry19:28
RB2yacc-in, ahh ok. I'm running 310.3219:28
tgm4883labsin, no I do not19:28
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yacc-inRB2 maybe it has those too19:28
morph3kdont have curl on here bekks19:29
RB2yacc-in, I'll check it out for a more perm. solution. For now, I'm just happy it's working. :D19:29
bekksmorph3k: You DONT NEED curl.19:29
morph3ki have ATT19:29
bekksmorph3k: You need the output of ifconfig and the content of /etc/resolv.conf19:29
yacc-inRB2 then i guess ill just finish this quest and try it too :D19:29
bekksmorph3k: Even using ATT doesnt require to use curl for determining the information requested.19:30
RB2yacc-in, :D Nice. Let me know how you make out.19:30
morph3ki got the ifconfig19:30
morph3kbut there is no resolv.conf in /etc19:30
morph3kthat is my ifconfig19:30
bekksmorph3k: Then you dont have a nameserver configured which is why you cant access the internet.19:31
yacc-insure :) brb ^^19:31
morph3kgot DNS servers19:31
morph3kand Search Domains19:31
tgm4883morph3k, are you using 12.04 or newer and network manager?19:31
bekksmorph3k: You just said you dont.19:31
morph3kon my mac bekks19:31
bekksmorph3k: I dont care about your mac.19:31
morph3kits using the same ip19:31
MarKsaitiscan somebody answer me a question here, a normal question?!!! Why Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is not updating alpha samba4 to the stable? What on earth is going on? How long do we need to wait for this!!!!19:32
tgm4883morph3k, are you using 12.04 or newer and network manager?19:32
bekksmorph3k: Then you have an IP address conflict.19:32
morph3kim on 12.04 tgm488319:32
tgm4883morph3k, can you pastebin the output of 'nm-tool'19:32
bekksmorph3k: Since when do you knwo your ubuntu has the same IP as your Mac?19:32
pvh_sahey there - i've just upgraded my 12.04 to 12.10 - now in empathy when I hit F4 to see accounts all i see is the "Online Accounts" thing that doesn't include a bunch of my accounts. how do I get to see my account settings??19:32
morph3ktgm4883: says failed to conenct to the socket19:33
morph3khold on bekks let met ry something19:33
whoeveris there a known prop with bluetooth an 64bit randomly freezing? i don't see any reported bugs19:33
bekksmorph3k: You have an IP address conflict - all errors are irrelevant until solving that conflict.19:33
tgm4883MarKsaitis, because it's not in the main repository19:33
MarKsaitiswtf is ubuntu thinking, not updating one of the most important packages on LTS distro!19:33
tgm4883MarKsaitis, it's not supported by canonical19:34
MarKsaitisbut it is a major soft on a major LTS system19:34
MarKsaitisso basically ubuntu doesn't give a shit about samba 4 ? is that what it is then?19:34
MarKsaitisit's so wrong...19:34
SolarisBoythey probably have a process.19:34
tgm4883MarKsaitis, not necessarily. You might think it's a major piece of software, others may disagree19:34
tgm4883!ohmy | MarKsaitis19:34
ubottuMarKsaitis: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:34
MarKsaitisIt surelly is, loads of users, that one big fat fact19:35
tgm4883MarKsaitis, citation needed?19:35
morph3kbecause I jsut looked bekks19:35
bekksmorph3k: Did you solve the IP address conflict yet?19:35
tgm4883morph3k, I think the "failed to connect to socket" speaks of some issues here19:36
MarKsaitisI dont have the statistics, but it's quite a major soft19:36
tgm4883MarKsaitis, says one guy on IRC19:36
morph3kwait bekks19:36
SolarisBoyno its not MarKsaitis19:36
morph3kthe ip is different19:36
bekkstgm4883: the issue is he is having the same IP on two computers.19:36
morph3ki have it on NAT19:36
tgm4883bekks, is that confirmed?19:36
bekksmorph3k: OK, good luck then on solving your problems - I am out your support request because of the misleading and unreliable information getting from on every question. Good luck.19:37
STMelonjust like gimp and libreoffice, MarKsaitis, ubuntu 12.04 is exactly what it is LTS version, its more about stability than the newest stable bleeding edge packages19:37
morph3kim sorry i got confused19:38
STMelonyou can, however, update the bleeding edge packages yourself.19:38
cnb_I've installed Munin 2.0.2 on Ubuntu 12.10, and munin-cgi-html produces URLs which do not contain /cgi-bin/munin-cgi-graph despite having cgiurl_graph set.  How can I get munin-cgi-graph running and called correctly?19:38
MarKsaitisSTMelon, it's not so much about bleeding edge.... samba 4 is stable, and why keep samba4 alpha in lts? doesn't make sense. Nobody is going to use this samba4 alpha, users are complaining over the internet... that samba4 alpha is worse than nothing19:39
MarKsaitisthere is 0 stability with alpha soft19:39
tgm4883MarKsaitis, it's not in MAIN19:39
pvh_saMarKsaitis, sure, but you're not going to get anywhere with arguing this on IRC, right? the teams responsible aren't here listening19:39
MarKsaitisI know, but it's a major soft in heterogenous networks19:39
tgm4883MarKsaitis, which means that Canonical hasn't committed to supporting it. Which means the best case you have, is to plead with MOTU to do a backport19:40
SolarisBoysamba isn't a base package if you wanted it you would add it anyway so in your case you would take the steps to add the version you require correct?19:40
tgm4883MarKsaitis, and no, it is not a major piece of software.19:40
MarKsaitisI know.... it just sucks as I cant do page 9 bottom http://www.sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGo%20Native%20Microsoft%20Outlook%20Configuration.pdf because I have samba4 from sources.... but these steps want to install that alpha crap and other packages which are from alpha meta19:40
labsintgm4883: fyi: You get a pannel icon and the popups when you install xchat-indicator. It doesn't install automaticly19:40
tgm4883MarKsaitis, I'm not 100% familiar with it, but unless you are immitating a Windows 2008 Domain Controller, you don't need Samba419:41
tgm4883labsin, great find! I've been wanting that back19:41
STMelonxchat-indicator is nice19:41
STMeloni had to dl the sound file to get xchat sounds though19:41
labsinSTMelon sound file?19:42
STMelonthat 119:42
STMelonso it beeps when you say my name .. yadda yadda19:42
STMelonsorry, i know this isnt #xchat19:43
pvh_sahow do you enable it once you've installed it?19:43
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
labsinSTMelon: it's in its repo and ubuntu specific... :D and the xchat irc was empty19:44
STMelonextract the .tar file, i created a sound folder in /home/myname/.xchat2 and put that extracted file into the sound folder i created in .xchat219:44
STMelonno it wasnt19:44
tgm4883pvh_sa, if you're talking about the indicator, I restarted xchat19:44
STMelonor at least well, i didnt look in repo19:44
tgm4883pvh_sa, then something needs to happen to notify you, and it shows up in the messanging menu19:44
tripelbI need help with partitioning. Fdisk sees them, gparted does not.. Can't have partition outside of disk. How can I fix this mess. Been reading man fdisk and my head swims.19:45
STMelonxhcta-indicator is in repo19:45
tripelbMan sfdisk19:45
escotttripelb, what does "sudo parted -l" say19:45
morph3ki cant figure out this damn ifconfig19:45
morph3kto assign my ip to it19:45
tgm4883morph3k, why are you trying to assign your IP via ifconfig?19:46
morph3kthats the only way i thought u could19:46
tgm4883morph3k, you are using network manager?19:46
escotttripelb, also you should not be using fdisk.19:46
morph3kidk tgm488319:46
morph3kits CLI19:46
morph3khow cani check19:46
tgm4883morph3k, ah19:46
tgm4883morph3k, is this a server?19:46
morph3kon a VM19:47
tgm4883morph3k, ah19:47
morph3ki do my coding on it19:47
MoTecI need some help... I need everyone willing to perform a nslookup and tell me if you get a valid response or a timeout (or refused response.  nslookup -type=mx mail.mil19:47
tgm4883morph3k, so you should probably assign it in /etc/network/interfaces then19:47
MoTecPlease... Trying to determine if there are widespread issues with their nameservers or if my smarthost sucks.19:47
Tex_Nicklabsin:  12.10 gnome classic ... my popups appear in a dialog type box that appears in main window ... what type stuff does the indicator provide ... guess i just need to install it19:47
jkyleI'm trying to install the lvm2 package on 12.04, it throws this error: lvm2 : Depends: watershed (>= 2) but it is not installable19:47
werxxxI could not to have got ubuntu via CD if I can it19:47
pvh_samorph3k, the ip tool is a bit easier. as in "ip addr add A.B.C.D dev eth0" stuff19:47
tgm4883MoTec, I get a valid response19:48
MoTectgm4883: thank you very much19:48
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tgm4883pvh_sa, does that last threw a reboot?19:48
morph3khow tgm488319:48
morph3kim in interfaces right now19:48
morph3kwtf do i type in here19:48
pvh_satgm4883, no, but if you want to last through a reboot and you don't have network managers, use /etc/network/interfaces19:49
tgm4883morph3k, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html#ip-addressing19:49
pvh_samorph3k, see http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/19:49
MarKsaitistgm4883, so this means that 12.04 lts is going to stay with alpha release of samba4 forever?19:49
alegencan anyone give me some hints on firewall builder? when i use the compiled rules, all ports become blocked, even the ones that should be open :(19:50
alegenis there something i should take into consideration?19:50
morph3ksudo ifconfig eth0 netmask
morph3kthat part tgm488319:50
tgm4883MarKsaitis, probably19:51
tgm4883MarKsaitis, unless someone does the work to backport it19:51
tgm4883MarKsaitis, this guy seems to have opened a support request with Canonical and gotten an answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12458586&postcount=1419:52
MarKsaitisironic :) samba guys say that it is not good installing it from these repos as it's alpha nonworking stuff = useless, they recommend building from source. However when you build from source, there gets to be issues with other stuff which depends on samba4.... and therefore any package manager installs of soft depending on it do not work, makes stuff impractical to use as I can't even touch it. It's the same as lic19:52
MarKsaitisking icecream over the window19:52
MarKsaitisI seen it.... is that how they make money then? but leaving some bugs in the system and just going away19:53
tgm4883MarKsaitis, they commit to supporting certain packages19:53
tgm4883MarKsaitis, samba4 isn't one of those packages19:54
MarKsaitisis there such a distro where samba4 would be the main package? any of the big good distros?19:55
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tgm4883MarKsaitis, it's not in the MAIN repository, so it's not supported by canonical (samba4 is in the universe repo)19:56
tgm4883MarKsaitis, samba4 release is in debian experimental19:56
morph3kcos if not idk where my gateway is19:56
tgm4883morph3k, not always19:56
morph3kwhere can i find it19:56
tgm4883morph3k, this is a small home network?19:57
tgm4883morph3k, it's probably your router then19:57
MarKsaitisI know, why have it there anyways... no point. What do you mean experimental... there is a stable version of it... the code is ok, no more experiments with it, its good to use :D19:57
tgm4883MarKsaitis, I don't have the time to discuss the differences in repositories and what experimental means. Basically it's needing testing on debian (which isn't 100% true, as then it would be in the testing repo)19:58
morph3kit didnt change tgm4883....19:58
woodtCurrently using Drupal 6 on 10.04.  Seems that core and a few modules haven't been updated lately.  Anyone know what gives?19:58
STMelonfor debian and/or canonical to determine if the package is stable to work with their OS it goes through testing, just because it may be stable within the samba community, it may not be completely functional within debian/ubuntu19:58
tgm4883morph3k, you put all that info in there?19:58
tgm4883morph3k, in /etc/network/interfaces?19:58
MarKsaitiswhatever the reasons are, I still find it ridiculous :) thank you for your atention19:59
STMeloneven so, if it is functional in the debian/ubuntu world. it still goes through a process19:59
morph3kyes tgm488319:59
morph3kthen id id the ifconfig eth0 down19:59
tgm4883morph3k, did you restart networking or the machine?19:59
tgm4883morph3k, that isn't restarting networking19:59
morph3kok how do i restart the networking19:59
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tgm4883MarKsaitis, there is lots of software that doesn't get updated in an LTS, some that are far more used than Samba419:59
tgm4883morph3k, 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'20:00
STMelonkinda like windows, the updates dont install libreoffice 4 etc etc .. you have to manually install it yourself20:00
STMelonhere in ubuntu, you have the choice to install the upgrades as well.20:00
STMelonbut you have to do it manually20:00
tgm4883STMelon, the samba4 team hasn't even updated the samba4 PPA20:00
DeadWeaselanybody gotten a wallpaper to span dual monitors in 12.04?20:01
MarKsaitiswell, on windows, the os and the programs are two seperate things, OS is stable, and you can have whatever soft installed and running in seconds, experimental or just for the plain fun - the system doesnt give a toss :D20:01
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STMeloni dont use samba i have it disabled anyays20:01
morph3kblah just errors tgm488320:01
morph3ki give up20:01
tgm4883STMelon, I'm wondering if it's as easy as a apt-get source samba4, grabbing the release, and building it20:01
tgm4883morph3k, what errors?20:01
morph3kfailed to open statefile /run/network/ifstate no such file or directory20:01
STMelonprolly, or the ppa20:01
morph3kfor both ifdown and ifup20:01
tgm4883MarKsaitis, that is very much the same thing for Linux, only better (eg. more separate)20:02
tgm4883morph3k, why are you doing ifdown and ifup?20:02
tgm4883morph3k, how about you don't touch those again and just reboot the machine20:02
MarKsaitiswell, if it is, I only want to install sogo + samba 4 + openchange = impossible mission :) not so seperate20:02
tgm4883STMelon, well there isn't a PPA for samba4 that has the release on it for 12.0420:02
STMelontell MarKsaitis that, like i said i dont even have samba enabled20:03
tgm4883MarKsaitis, have you tried what I suggested above?20:03
STMelonor better yet, i dont have samba installed20:03
morph3ki didnt20:03
morph3klook tgm488320:03
MarKsaitistgm4883, which sugestion? :)20:03
sidney_Yesterday I had a problem with 10.04 booting to a black screen. The problem had to do with hibernation so it is working now20:03
tgm4883MarKsaitis, doing the apt-get source, grabbing the release tarball,and seeing if it builds20:04
morph3khttp://snapplr.com/tr57 tgm488320:04
morph3ki got to save a little bit of code20:04
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tgm4883morph3k, interesting20:04
morph3kit happens i guess20:04
morph3kill just reinstall20:04
MarKsaitistgm4883, well, I built it from source already. samba4 is working like a charm from source20:04
MarKsaitisno problems whatsoever with it :)20:04
tgm4883MarKsaitis, ok, then I'm really not sure the issue then20:05
tgm4883MarKsaitis, unless you are saying it should just be available20:05
MarKsaitisthe problem is, that the system thinks samba4 is not installed and none of the other library packages going with it are installed.20:05
tgm4883MarKsaitis, well doing what I suggested above would resolve that20:05
MarKsaitisand having said that, if I try to apt-get install openchange, the systems shuts me up in a second.... It sugest me that crappy samba4 alpha....20:05
Guest46388i have problem with backtrack 520:05
tgm4883MarKsaitis, as you would have the package installed20:06
tgm4883!backtrack | Guest4638820:06
ubottuGuest46388: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:06
MarKsaitistgm4883, I dont get it :)20:06
tgm4883MarKsaitis, I mean, I'm willing to try it after lunch if you want20:06
MarKsaitistell me what do you mean as I didn't quite get it20:07
tgm4883MarKsaitis, if you grab the source (via apt-get source samba4) it downloads the packaging stuff for samba4, then grab the release tarball, and you can build it (eg. make a .deb of samba 4)20:07
tgm4883MarKsaitis, then just install that deb20:07
tgm4883MarKsaitis, there might be some tweaking involved, I haven't tried doing that but it should work20:07
tgm4883You'll probably need a 'apt-get build-deps samba4' in there somewhere20:08
Guest46388my problem is firefox20:08
guinpennepHi, I am very very new to linux/ubuntu. I am in trouble here and this is my last restort. question. How do I reformat my usb flash stick and install ubuntu on it so it auto installs?20:08
* genii-around slides phunyguy a coffee20:08
DeadWeaselanybody gotten a wallpaper to span dual monitors in 12.04?20:08
morph3kguinpennep: format it to FAT3220:08
morph3kput ubuntu on it20:08
morph3kboot from USB20:08
histo!usb | guinpennep20:08
ubottuguinpennep: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:08
guinpennepOk, i am very new.. Just a moment.20:09
guinpennepHow do I format my hardrive? With disk?20:09
MarKsaitistgm4883, sounds like too much advanced for me as i never tried this stuff, I bet it wouldnt work for me and I would find myself after 1 day even in a bigger hole digging some other stuff in this whole thing, like in 10th level recursion trying to solve problem underneath problem20:09
morph3knope that usb will doit for ya :)20:09
guinpennepAccidently installed 1500 files20:09
morph3kif u can though20:09
morph3kgetting it on a dvd is better20:09
morph3kand guinpennep20:09
histo guinpennep You can format it from the usb.20:09
morph3kif ur REALLY new20:09
guinpennepfrom the usb?20:09
morph3ku might want to look at linux mint20:10
tgm4883MarKsaitis, you've installed something from source, you have done more than most people and aren't very far from making a package20:10
histoguinpennep: what's you native language?20:10
morph3kit has a lot better GUI20:10
guinpennepI just dropped out of college, micro soft server.20:10
tgm4883MarKsaitis, that said, I'll try it after lunch and see what happens20:10
morph3kthe ubuntu GUI blows now20:10
morph3ki just use ubuntu for server20:10
morph3kbc its got a nice solid infrastructure20:10
morph3kbut they ruined it with unity20:10
MarKsaitistgm4883, thank you :) sounds very kind of you, I doubt it's gonna work but hey :)20:10
guinpennepGoing to get my certification in linux, just read the begginers manual.20:10
tgm4883morph3k, unity is pretty nice20:10
histo!notunity | morph3k20:10
ubottumorph3k: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:10
STMelon<- likes unity20:11
tgm4883MarKsaitis, if you stay in this channel, I'll let you know20:11
morph3kgnome is just as bad20:11
tgm4883I'm about to head to lunch, so we'll see20:11
histomorph3k: You can install cinaman in ubuntu as well.20:11
morph3kcan u put Xfce on it>20:11
histomorph3k: yes20:11
MarKsaitissince I went with sources regarding samba4 stuff, I think I will need to source build openchange too20:11
histo!xfce | morph3k20:11
ubottumorph3k: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:11
morph3kif ur gonna do cinnamon might a swell do linux mint20:11
morph3kxfce is nice20:11
guinpennepI am going to stick with ubuntu for now.20:11
morph3kguinpennep: go with xubuntu.org20:11
morph3kxfce is WAY BETTER20:11
EaxHey there - Installed Ubuntu on my desktop machine. I have a RAID0 with Windows on it, and an HDD for Ubuntu - The RAID0 is /dev/sda and /dev/sdb - The Ubuntu is /dev/sdc - I tried putting the GRUB Bootloader on /dev/sda, but it failed, so I chose /dev/sdc and it worked - But it doesn't seem like GRUB is the bootloader as it loads directly into Windows. Any ideas folks? :) Thanks!20:11
guinpennepoh. I ubuntu.d .com20:12
guinpennepScrew me20:12
DeadWeaselanybody gotten a wallpaper to span dual monitors in 12.04?20:12
guinpennepI wish I dl'd a irc client right away.20:12
guinpennepBeen using IRC since 199720:12
guinpennepninety five.20:12
doomlordhow is ubuntu on he nexus 720:13
guinpennepCan't believe what W did with 8.20:13
STMelonIRC since 98 for me20:13
MarKsaitistgm4883, okay, well let me know, very kind :)20:14
guinpennepPlayed text based video games since 9520:14
STMelonand if i wanted a TABLET i'd go buy one, and not Win 8, refuses win820:14
ecksHello, I broke my networking in 12.10. How can I fix it through commandline?20:14
eniis ix86 only for 32b or 64b intels as well/20:14
yacc-ini want to punch the "Online Accounts" settings UI Developer in the face.20:14
DeadWeaselshoulda been playing doom and quake20:15
Tex_Nickguinpennep:  #ubuntu-offtopic is for chat ... this channel is for specific support questions20:15
cnb_I'm having a problem installing Munin.  The Munin mailing list claims it's a problem with the Ubuntu package.  How can I fix it?20:15
DeadWeaseldialing in to your friends20:15
STMelonx86 is 32bit20:15
yacc-inseriously... if you dare to choose a fixed window height, make sure i can use everthing that is ever going to be displayed in side of it!"20:15
histoEax: You would have to install grub to the mbr of the raid device20:15
yacc-innow i cant log in to flickr.20:15
yacc-inwho even thinks of stupid things like that?20:15
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Eaxhisto: How would I go about that? (Also, thanks!)20:15
guinpennepxubuntu.org? are you sure?20:16
triplebbI am a but lost in "nautilus" in lubuntu.  The window will not go "up" to show all drives. I can't see the flash drive since I closed the window that comes up when it is inserted. And I can't do an "eject" on it. Anyone familiar with lubuntu?20:16
histo!grub2 | Eax20:16
ubottuEax: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:16
histotriplebb: Why are yo using nautilus in lubuntu?20:16
nomodesetwhere to get dbus-glib-1 from? please20:17
triplebbPh5 on a windows system?20:17
Eaxhisto: That doesnt really say much about it :S20:17
ecksanyone? :)20:18
Eaxecks: How did you break it? :)20:18
triplebbHis to, I said "nautilus" in quotes cause I meant the gui-ls whatever it is called.20:18
histoEax: Sure it does it shows you how to install grub20:19
nomodesetI need to compile firefox, but i need a library that i can not found, where to get dbus-glib-1 from? please20:19
triplebbhisto: ^^^20:19
guinpennepI have a lot of questions, apologies ={20:19
ecksEax: I don't really know, it decided to whitescreen whenever I load the partition, but I can access tty through ctrl+alt+f120:19
Eaxhisto: Ah, fair point - Thanks :)20:19
histotriplebb: pcmanfm is the default file manager in lubuntu. What is the issue now?20:19
Eaxecks: Can you ping anything?20:19
ecksEax: nope20:20
triplebbI need help with partitioning. Fdisk sees them, gparted does not.. Says "Can't have partition outside of disk." How can I fix this mess?    Been reading man sfdisk and my head swims.20:20
Eaxecks: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-network-restart/ <- MIGHT works :)20:20
cnb_Where can I get help with an Ubuntu packaging issue?20:20
AlecTaylortrijntje: just use fdisk20:20
AlecTaylorIt's not that difficult20:20
parallel21I feel I install ubuntu server so much. Does anyone know anything about makign post install script or the like?20:21
ecksEax: It doesn't20:21
bekksparallel21: post install script for what?20:21
mauricequick question20:21
histotriplebb: are there files present? Also fdisk doesn't understand gpt20:22
triplebbhisto: I am a bit lost using "pcmanfm" in lubuntu.  The window will not go "up" to show all drives. I can't see the flash drive since I closed the window that comes up when it is inserted. And I can't do an "eject" on it. Anyone familiar with lubuntu?20:22
mauricedoes grub start after teh ubunutu crypt program and you have entered in your details?20:22
Eaxecks: No clue then, sorry :/20:23
triplebbhisto: also I forgot how to look at flash drive or eject it in terminal.20:23
parallel21bekks: For ubuntu server. Or ubuntu for that matter. I build a server tear it down or feel it too messy. I'd like to build a server with a sort of auto-install script. Maybe I should just create an image to image on computers. Just something to make the install process simpler. I always seems to forget a step or two when repeating an install20:23
triplebbhisto:  my main problem is gparted can't see partitions and I must fix them.20:23
ecksEax: thanks anyway. anyone else?20:23
tgm4883parallel21, puppet FTW20:24
dariushHi every one20:24
nomodesetI need to compile firefox, but i need a library that i can not found, where to get dbus-glib-1 from? please20:24
triplebbhisto: I am using a LiveCD. I also have a 12.04 Ubuntu LiveCD. The computer is old'20:24
triplebbhisto: I am using a LiveCD. I also have a 12.04 Ubuntu LiveCD. The computer is old 2002, dell 110020:25
yacc-inwhere can i configure the notifications (position)?20:25
dariushI need to chat with an american about ubuntu for my English class home work and I dont know english well :(20:26
parallel21tgm4883: Yeah? You use it much?20:26
tgm4883parallel21, yep, I use it at work when provisioning a new ubuntu server20:26
gumaI was wondering is there is a way to create user 'suser' with nologon (I got that) and setup so users from specific group can 'su - suser' with no password? Anyone can help. Please pm me.. Thanx20:26
dazedariush: why necessarily American? :)20:27
StevenRguma: man sudoers ?20:27
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parallel21tgm4883: Also aren't there recipes for puppet? Or am I thinking chef lingo...20:27
guinpennepHow do I make my usb stick bootable?20:27
dariushdaze : no but know eng well20:27
gumaStevenR: I did but I almost locked myself out :)20:27
StevenRguma: and use sudo :)20:27
tgm4883parallel21, manifests, but yea it sounds similar20:28
StevenRguma: implement carefully on a test system or test VM then20:28
dazedariush: what do you want to know about Ubuntu? :)20:28
parallel21tgm4883: Aye, well then I will dive into this. Thanks for the tip20:28
gumaStevenR: thanx :)20:28
triplebbhisto: yes there are files on the windows partition and on a dell partition. The Linux partitions 'she throws up her hands' are no matter'20:28
cnb_Is this the right forum to ask about Ubuntu packaging issues?20:28
dariushdaze : something about ubuntu philosophy and it usage in other countries20:29
tgm4883cnb_, you could, or also in #ubuntu-packaging20:29
nsahoohi, is theere a way to hide unity top bar--the bar that is supposed to contain the menus?20:29
cnb_I'll try ubuntu-packaging.  I can't seem to get any takers here.20:29
guinpennepI've been stucking trying to reinstall Ubuntu for Today and Yesterday.  Cannot figure out how to make this flash stick bootable and load the iso onto it.20:30
triplebbhisto: if you meant on the flash drive, yes. The window that came up when I inserted the drive showed them. After that window closed, I double click wed on something, I could not get it back.20:30
dazedariush: Ubuntu is said to be "Linux for human beings", meaning that it should be simple enough for your mother to use. As opposed to other GNU/Linux distributions that have a more technical aura around them. I encourage reading up about the word and it's meaning at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system), as well as the company behind Ubuntu ;)20:31
yacc-incan i even change the position of the system notifications?20:32
Eaxhisto: Works, many thanks! :)20:32
yacc-ini wouldn't even wonder if i could not... :/20:32
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dariushdaze : ok , but in your country is it popular? I ask this questions because of my eng class , excuse me20:34
nsahoonot possible? to hide the top panel in ubuntu-unity?20:34
icerootnsahoo: the top-panel is holding all the menus from the windows, why hiding it?20:34
nsahooiceroot: temporarily, to maximize screenspace20:35
nsahoois there a way to make any window fullscreen?20:36
icerootnsahoo: have a look at "myunity" maybe it will have an option like that20:36
dazedariush: It's quite popular among technical people and it's the most popular GNU/Linux distribution around. But it's nowhere near Windows or even Mac OS. There's a handy chart at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems. I'll try to find popularity by country now.. ;]20:36
nsahooiceroot: thanks20:37
dariushdaze : tnx daze , and in other languge does it have support?20:38
Dii_Pundiihhi. What is the name for the info popup messages showing up at times like when network is on or of and so on?20:38
dazedariush: ok, so these are a couple of dated articles - http://royal.pingdom.com/2011/05/12/the-top-20-strongholds-for-desktop-linux/ & http://royal.pingdom.com/2008/08/21/linux-popularity-across-the-globe/ . I don't see why the trend should not have continued, so those should give you a general idea on how popular Linux is (Ubuntu is around 90% of that, according to http://www.statowl.com/operating_system_market_share_by_os_subversion.php?time20:39
dazeframe=last_6&interval=month&chart_id=4&limit%5B%5D=Ubuntu&holder%5B%5D=linux )20:39
ApesWhat's with all the browsers disabling Java recently? If was really about "security" they would disable javascript too.20:41
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dariushdaze : ;)20:42
dazedariush: sorry, that last link might be misleading. I'll try to get a better one now. Also, there's recent data on OS popularity from W3Schools at http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp . It does not represent a global audience (it's meant to be a site for technical, web-related stuff), but check it out.20:42
icerootApes: javascript is not a security-issue like java20:42
icerootApes: and java and javascript are totally different things20:42
Apesiceroot: javascript has security issues, just like javascript.20:43
Apesreplace one of those with java20:43
yacc-inApes: javascript usually is sandboxed. java is not or can break out of sandboxes due to java bugs20:43
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nomodesetfatal error: opening dependency file .deps/jsalloc.o.pp: No such file or directory20:44
nomodesetcompilation terminated.20:44
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dariushdaze : if i become a ubuntu user can I find good apps for app developing. Im not sure about it.20:44
Apesyacc-in: People find ways to break out of javascript sandboxes as well20:44
dazedariush: ok, so this seems to be a good article on the topic - http://ego2dot0.wordpress.com/2010/06/08/why-ubuntu-keeps-50-of-linux-market-share/ . I imagine Ubuntu has picked up somewhat since then, so it should be in the area of 60% at least.20:45
yacc-inApes: but you can fix your own javascript way faster than oracle can fix bugs in java20:45
yacc-inalso oracle-java comes with adware >_>20:45
yacc-inwhich it tries to install on every software update20:46
Apesyacc-in: opt-in adware, but that's not a reason to ban already installed software from a browser.20:46
yacc-inand what would anyone need java for anyways20:46
Apesyacc-in: It has overlap with what Google is pushing javascript for.20:46
Apesyacc-in: Office apps and similar things20:46
yacc-inwhy would office apps need java?20:47
yacc-inthat makes no sense at all :D20:47
yacc-inif yours do, please use better office apps :p20:47
dazedariush: Linux has great support and tools for programmers. In fact, it's best suited for them. Graphical designers, video and audio people have harder time here, but some still manage. Programmers and word-smiths are totally at home. It's also perfect for all the web browsing you need. Gamers are better suited by Windows, but the situation is slowly changing for the better with a recent release of Steam for Linux.20:47
Apesyacc-in: Somewhere around 50% of all internet apps are Java based.20:48
yacc-inApes: i dont think so oO20:48
yacc-injavascript yes20:48
yacc-inbut java... no way...20:48
icerootApes: that is wrong20:48
icerootApes: and offtopic20:48
dazeApes: no way that's right20:48
Apesyacc-in: You're just used to userland internet apps, but corporations take up a huge chunk. And they use mostly Java.20:48
ApesCisco's VPN stuff uses Java, for example20:49
yacc-inthats the same myth like most companies still use IE 520:49
jutthello allll   i buy stuff20:49
dazeenterprise uses Java, but it should not take 50% imho20:49
yacc-inwhat VPN Stuff? the config website? you dont use that...20:49
tripelbhisto I am in windows now and can see 2 partitions on the HD and maybe 3. One is named F: and called "local drive" while the CD is E:20:49
jutthello allll   i buy stuff plz tell me i open lr cc cvv room20:49
tripelbHis to I am on phone and got disconnected here.20:50
tripelbhisto:  I am on phone and got disconnected here.20:50
jutthello allll   i buy stuff plz tell me i open lr cc cvv room20:50
yacc-inbut yeah, cisco is a good example for why java sucks. to access the java config webapp i need to instalol a really old netscape version using wine.20:50
DJonesjutt: This is Ubuntu support, do you have a support question?20:50
yacc-inbecause java is not a tiny bit plattform independent... >_>20:51
tripelbjutt: you are in #ubuntu please tell your setup and your problem.20:52
dariushdaze : I love OpenSource world, Can I learn ubuntu fast for programming fast? I am a Java programmer and know a developer for android, is eclipse in ubuntu good for programming for ubuntu Or ...?20:52
* yacc-in runs away scared and screaming \o/ "ahhh eclipse....."20:53
dazedariush: yes, Eclipse works on Ubuntu the same way it works on Windows. I can't tell you it will be easy to feel comfortable in GNU/Linux world, but once you learn a few things, you'll never go back. Also, you'll fall in love with the command line and simplicity/customizability of things. Also, the community and spirit ;)20:54
tripelbmy main problem is gparted can't see partitions and I must fix this. Fdisk sees partitions. Windows sees partitions, the NTFS ones anyway..20:54
yacc-indaze: speaking of that: how can i change the position of system notifications? or the position of the "dock"? :o20:55
dazedariush: btw, Android is basically a Linux kernel with Java shell20:55
dazeyacc-in: if you're using Unity, you can't, sadly. Yet.20:55
yacc-innot even notifications? oO20:55
yacc-inwhy would i want them on the secondary screen? :(20:55
yacc-incan i please become head of QA of ubuntu? :(20:56
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dazethere's a hackish way to order application indicators, but Unity has really far to go in this area20:56
tripelbI need to fix my partition table so I can install Ubuntu.20:56
dariushdaze : yes i know about android but I think its a little diffrent, ubuntu is originally linux and more interesting in my mind :)20:57
yacc-inapplication indicators?20:57
dazedariush: Andorid is less 'open', so to speak. I await Ubuntu on phones! :)20:57
dazeyacc-in: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/how-to-change-application-indicators.html20:58
dydzEz2how does ubuntu determine the partitions are windows 820:58
yacc-indaze: wasnt maemo truely open? where is it now? :/20:58
dariushdaze : ubuntu on phone????20:58
yacc-indaze: ah, that. i dont care which order those are in, i just want the notifications on the main screen where i can see them :d20:58
ThinkT510!phone | dariush20:58
ubottudariush: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone20:58
yacc-inis there maybe at least a way to get whats ncurrently playing in spotify as a notification?20:59
dazedariush: yes, there was some announcements recently. check out http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone20:59
zorgborghey people, vlc is the registered application for opening the rubbish bin (i messed it up somehow) how to change back to nautilus?20:59
tgm4883MarKsaitis, ok, so there is another reason this might not work right on 12.0420:59
mstentaIs it possible to install Gnome extensions from the command line?21:00
dariushdaze : very good :)21:00
dazeyacc-in: maemo lacked commercial support, I suppose. Ubuntu might just have it and do something real..21:00
xanguayacc-in: don't know if this wors with quantal quetzal http://www.webupd8.org/2012/06/closable-movable-notifyosd.html21:00
MarKsaitistgm4883, guys from openchange claim that inverse provides beautiful repos for samba4 http://inverse.ca/ubuntu/pool/precise/s/ which are always stable and working fine for ubuntu 12.04 lts21:00
ryansipesdaze: Also, two phones already announced for October21:00
yacc-inxangua: thanks, i will give it a try21:01
dazeyeah, we'll see when they arrive :]21:01
MarKsaitisso, I suppose there are no reasons for it not to work. im removing my source install and going ahead with all that stuff21:01
dariushdaze : I dont find it, can developers sell them apps in ubuntu software center?21:01
MickyHi all21:01
Mickycan someone help me with a problem ?21:01
ThinkT510we can but try21:01
tripelbdariush: I am intend I g to install Ubuntu on the nexus 721:01
tripelb!ask| Micky21:02
ubottuMicky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:02
dazedariush: theoretically, there will be a single software center for all Ubuntu apps and those apps will work throughout the devices, be it desktop, phone or tv21:02
tgm4883MarKsaitis, sweet, so they worked out the dependency issues then21:02
riegersnis it possible to customize my trackpad functionality? example, I can right click with 2 finger click, but I want to turn OFF right click when clicking on the right side of the pad. is this possible?21:02
MickyMy problem is that when I try to login to Lubuntu 12.04 (after login mask) the screen goes in saving mode21:02
Fox1976hi :)21:02
kostkonyacc-in, http://code.google.com/p/spotify-notify/21:02
Mickyand I'm unable to work with PC21:02
MarKsaitistgm4883, I hope for the best21:02
yacc-inkostkon: thanks :)21:02
dariushtripelb : I have an galaxy tab 2 7.0, can I install on it?21:02
jribriegersn: maybe, check out the synaptics documentation21:02
tgm4883MarKsaitis, sounds good, I'd use that one then21:02
jrib!synaptics | riegersn21:03
ubotturiegersn: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad21:03
MarKsaitisnow thank you very much, im outta here21:03
TomSlominskiHi. When I ruin scanimage -L as a normal user it segfaults, is anyone else experiencing this?21:03
Mickygoogling I found that I have to try with cat .xsession-errors command in order to see what is the problem21:04
tripelbdariush: I don't know. I am still looking for the place to connect with that community, before I start. Posting on ubuntuforums.org will be my next step. It's a good resource.21:04
Fox1976VPN - I connect my wheezy to a zeroshell openvp and i can work quite good. In the same house if i connect with ubuntu 12.10 the vpn seems connected but after 10 sec. i lost connection with other pc in vpn. Any idea?21:04
Mickyand my result is http://pastebin.com/ExZPk54p21:04
Mickyany idea on how to solve it ?21:04
dariushdaze : can use free software to make apps for sell?21:05
tripelbMicky, all on one line or the person who reads your third line will assume you are being helped and in the middle of a conversation. - takes a bit of getting used to around here and... Sometimes other is no one around ATM who knows your problem.21:05
eWhere I am?21:06
dariushtripelb : what do you think about it? android or ubuntu on phone?21:06
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dariushe : here :)21:06
dazedariush: GPL allows you to make money on software. It just makes you give the source code along with the program. So there are various money-making schemes, it's a broad topic really.21:06
Mickysorry tripelb21:07
yacc-inxangua: hmm i dont seem to be able to move them from the secondary to the primary screen with that :/21:07
tripelbMuch, so remember the !ask not reply said to tell your situation, inc hardware and the problem, all on one line. Good luck. I just tried lubuntu and got stuck.21:07
dazedariush: also, you can "use" GPL apps (Eclipse, etc.) to make proprietary software if you don't include any of GPLed code in your programs. It's just that GPL "infects" the codebase with the license and you have to open your source when you release the program.21:08
tripelbMicky:  if you remember, the !ask bot reply said to tell your situation, inc hardware and the problem, all on one line. --- Good luck. I just tried lubuntu and got stuck.21:08
dariushdaze : can u describe ubuntu in a sentence?21:09
Fox1976any vpn guru around?21:09
Corey!expert | Fox197621:09
ubottuFox1976: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:09
tripelbMicky, and I have been trying for over a week to solve this partitioning problem. I have to be patient. Sometimes I can help beginners.21:10
dazedariush: GNU/Linux working out-of-the-box.21:10
tgm4883daze, I'm not sure that is 100% correct. You only have to release the source code for the open source parts21:10
tgm4883daze, eg. components can still be closed source21:10
Mickytripelb about the software I have Lubuntu 12.04 and for the hardware I have this: http://pastebin.com/xfyiu0kM. I tried in Lubuntu room but they suggested to try here21:11
dazetgm4883: any code that uses other GPLed code must be GPLed. Components that can work standalone can be licensed separately. This is the case for games, where the engine is opensource, but graphics are not.21:11
chrisHPHPI've installled ubuntu 12.10 alongside windows 8 in EFI, upon boot it boots straight into windows 8 , no grub, I've used boot repair to restore it and it says successful,  but it says i have to make my bios boot from sda/efi/ubuntu/grubx64.efi how do I do this?21:11
tgm4883daze, closed source programs that use open source libraries can exist though21:11
dariushdaze : great. I have a good feel about Open world know. thanks alot daze ;) here is night, good night.21:12
dazetgm4883: only if the open source libraries can be swapped. It's somewhat of a gray area that had discussions in regards to Wordpress/Drupal themes.21:12
dazedariush: good luck with your report ;)21:13
chrisHPHPMy computer is an HP paviliong6 model 2244ca21:13
escotttripelb, please don't use fdisk. please send the output of "sudo parted -l"21:13
tgm4883daze, you're saying it's only ok if the open source libraries can be removed and closed source ones replace them?21:14
tgm4883daze, I think the issue is that there is zero case law on this21:15
escottchrisHPHP, have you gone into the UEFI menu and made sure that the grub boot option is included in the boot menu21:15
escotttgm4883, the terminology in the GPL license is "derivative work" hire a lawyer and get a letter if you are concerned you may be falsely accused of being a derivative work21:16
media-centreis anyone here good on xbmc21:16
gregoryciao a tutti raga21:16
media-centreim trying to install bbc iplayer on xbmc21:16
escotttgm4883, or if you dont know where that line is (and truth is nobody really knows where the line is)21:16
gregoryho appena installato linux21:16
chrisHPHPi went in there at one point,  i'm not sure if it is,  My computer will only boot the live cd like 1 out of 25 tries for some horrible reason21:17
chrisHPHPi should check i guess21:17
ThinkT510!it | gregory21:17
ubottugregory: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:17
tgm4883escott, that is correct. And just because a closed source program may use an open source library, doesn't make it a deritive work21:17
dazetgm4883: no, I'm saying that the libraries in use must be used via open APIs or something like that. Meaning that one could write an alternative implementation (that uses any license) and swap the opensource lib being used.21:19
dazeif you compile them inside your code, the code is "infected" :)21:19
tgm4883daze, ah, it was confusing then21:20
tgm4883<daze> dariush: also, you can "use" GPL apps (Eclipse, etc.) to make proprietary software if you don't include any of GPLed code in your programs. It's just that GPL "infects" the codebase with the license and you have to open your source when you release the program.21:20
dazeand you're right about there being no precedent21:20
tgm4883daze, the way I read that is that if you use an open source program to make proprietary software, you now have to open source your software if you release it21:20
dazeyeah, I should maybe have been clearer in separating GPL-licensed tools and GPL-licensed code21:20
escotttgm4883, usually not any more than typing a novel in MS Word means that MSFT owns the copyright on the novel21:21
tgm4883escott, right, and that is what I was disagreeing with21:22
tgm4883escott, daze seems I just misunderstood what daze was saying21:22
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tgm4883this is probably the best answer for all of that http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#NFUseGPLPlugins21:23
dazeyeah, that 'borderline case' is what I called a 'gray area' :]21:25
dazeI think we're all on the same page here.21:26
dazeon the other topic, do you guys got used to the overlay scrollbars? I just changed them back to normal and feel stuborn..21:26
dazebut I really had trouble scrolling them with the mouse. And classic scrollbars are much better for that.21:27
sarthorHI, .pl files are downloading instead of opening via mozilla, while on chrome that is opening as text. HElp please, I Installed sql-ledger on my ubuntu-server.21:27
cnb_Where is the best place to get help with a packaging problem?  I've asked repeatedly on here and on #ubuntu-packaging, and gotten no help whatsoever.21:28
tgm4883cnb_, what is the packaging problem?21:28
media-centreis anyone here good on xbmc21:29
dazesarthor: configure a handler to handle .pl files in apache config21:29
media-centreim trying to install bbc iplayer on xbmc21:29
tripelbescott: OK will do that when I return. I am called IRL. ATM  thanks. (From my phone, no home internet, sigh)21:30
cnb_I installed Munin on 12.10 from the repo.  It appears to be misconfigured.  The Munin mailing list insists that's a packaging problem, and I need to take it up with the packagers.  Specifically, "If you want to use Ubuntu, then you need to be willing to tolerate their (seeming) lack of QA."21:30
media-centreok nevermind21:30
tgm4883cnb_, you would need to file a bug then21:30
cnb_Where?  How?21:31
tgm4883cnb_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/+filebug21:31
sarthordaze: I am not expert. Can you give some clue please.21:32
dazesarthor: read http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/cgi.html. You need to "Options +ExecCGI" for the directory the .pl files are in, chmod them to 755 (i.e. make the file executable) and "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl"21:34
MarKsaitiscan smbd pls help me now?21:35
MarKsaitistgm4883, page 9 http://www.sogo.nu/files/docs/SOGo%20Native%20Microsoft%20Outlook%20Configuration.pdf can I use these backports on my ubuntu 12.04 lts?21:35
dazesarthor: there are multiple ways to set the handler. But whatever files have the handler cgi-script set, they will be executed as cgi-scripts if the folder has ExecCGI permission and the file is executable on the filesystem21:35
tgm4883MarKsaitis, IDK21:36
MarKsaitis:( what a shame, I feel like disabled, can't even follow some guides on my own :D21:36
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tgm4883MarKsaitis, I'm assuming you're talking about the debian-backports?21:37
dazesarthor: furthermore, this is really more of a question for #httpd :)21:37
MarKsaitisI don't know, look at page 9, title says its also for ubuntu 12.04 :D but it only talks about debian backports, so I don't know21:37
MarKsaitisvery very confusing as hell21:37
MarKsaitisI just can't get over it21:37
tgm4883MarKsaitis, "Debian Squeeze ships an older version of some libraries required by Samba 4.  In order to21:37
tgm4883workaround this, users of this distribution will have to use the “squeeze-backports” repository"21:37
tgm4883MarKsaitis, that seems pretty clear to me21:38
ThinkT510tgm4883: never mix different distribution repositories21:38
MarKsaitiswell, it implies that it is not needed for ubuntu 12.04 lts?21:39
tgm4883MarKsaitis, exactly21:39
MarKsaitiswonderful :)21:39
MarKsaitisI am skipping this one then21:39
tgm4883ThinkT510, While that is a good rule of thumb, that isn't what I said and not what we are discussing21:39
cnb_Okay, I reported it.  I suppose I'm SOL until it's reviewed and/or addressed?21:39
tgm4883cnb_, depends on what is misconfigured21:40
tgm4883cnb_, link to bug report?21:40
MarKsaitisbut guess what, for example smbclient is in 3.6 version.... whereas it should be 4!!!21:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 1119792 in munin (Ubuntu) "Munin does not generate the correct URL in munin-cgi-html" [Undecided,New]21:40
MarKsaitiswhich I guess means that i do need these backports on ubuntu 12.04 lts21:41
tgm4883MarKsaitis, I thought you said there was a repo with 4 in it21:41
MarKsaitisys, but there isn't smbclient package in there :)))))21:41
tgm4883MarKsaitis, did you enable the repo at http://inverse.ca/ubuntu/pool/precise/s/21:42
MarKsaitistgm4883, sure :)21:42
MarKsaitisI did apt-cache show smbclient and it said 3.621:42
sarthordaze: that sql-ledger-httpd.conf is like this21:42
sarthorAlias /sql-ledger/ /usr/share/sql-ledger/21:42
sarthor<Directory /usr/share/sql-ledger>21:42
sarthor  AddHandler cgi-script .pl21:42
sarthor  Options ExecCGI Includes FollowSymlinks21:42
FloodBot1sarthor: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
tgm4883MarKsaitis, yea, there isn't a smbclient package on there21:43
tgm4883there is samba4-clients and libsmbclient-raw21:43
tgm4883IDK what either of those are for21:43
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MarKsaitisyeah, and now I am confused :)21:43
sarthorhere is the link daze : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1626809/ may be your busy , If you have time and can help, that is why I showed you the orignal file.21:45
dazesarthor: use Options +ExecCGI +Includes +FollowSymlinks21:45
sarthoryou are*21:45
giblartarHey people21:46
giblartarI have problem21:46
MarKsaitiseverybody have a problem :D21:46
giblartarI have program in python. How to add this to apps?21:46
giblartarMarKsaitis: I know21:46
MarKsaitisgiblartar, :))))))))))21:46
=== DeadWeaselX is now known as DeadWeasel
tgm4883MarKsaitis, I don't see in that PDF where it want's you to install smbclient21:47
kostkongiblartar, apps?21:47
sarthordaze: I made the changes you told me. but restart apache2, but same problem.21:47
kostkongiblartar, could you bee a little bit more specific21:47
kostkongiblartar, in your dash and launcher?21:47
datsmoidawhat is the best simple tool to monitor my network / bandwidth ?21:48
giblartarkostkon: I try to create .desktop file21:48
giblartarkostkon: and lock to left bar21:48
giblartarkostkon: But its not works21:49
sarthordaze: now restarting machine. lets see.21:49
dazesarthor: strange. it should really work..21:49
leonlemoutondatsmoida : wireshark?21:49
dazedid you chmod +x them?21:49
dazeno need to restart machine :)21:49
giblartarkostkon: I think i must add this program to some magic21:49
kostkongiblartar, try this: http://www.iloveubuntu.net/menulibre-1301-released-significant-under-hood-improvements21:49
daze`apachectl restart` should be enough21:49
giblartarkostkon: ok wait21:49
tgm4883leonlemouton, I don't think wireshark would fall under the category of "bandwidth monitor", nor under simple21:50
datsmoidaisn't there just some simple command like top21:51
datsmoidathat shows how much bandwidth i'm using21:51
ThinkT510!info ntop | datsmoida21:51
ubottudatsmoida: ntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.99.3+ndpi5517+dfsg1-1 (quantal), package size 694 kB, installed size 1672 kB21:51
tgm4883datsmoida, ntop?21:51
icerootdatsmoida: imo it was called "vnstat"21:52
icerootdatsmoida: i have to look on my debian what i am using there to monitor eth0 traffic21:52
iceroot!info vnstat21:52
ubottuvnstat (source: vnstat): console-based network traffic monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-1 (quantal), package size 80 kB, installed size 308 kB21:52
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icerootdatsmoida: you can use "apt-cache search foobar" to search for packages for specific tasks21:52
datsmoidatgm4883 - looking for terminal programs only21:53
datsmoidaiceroot - good idea21:53
icerootdatsmoida: just use "vnstat" it also can send mails about the traffic21:54
leonlemoutonok sorry iftop?21:54
icerootdatsmoida: and vnstati will create images if needed21:54
icerootdatsmoida: also see http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/networktools1.htm21:54
tgm4883datsmoida, should probably have said that upfront, iftop21:54
tgm4883!info iftop | datsmoida21:55
ubottudatsmoida: iftop (source: iftop): displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0~pre2-3 (quantal), package size 36 kB, installed size 105 kB21:55
tgm4883my bad though, I was confusing ntop and iftop in the beginning, iftop is what you want21:55
dydzEz2man ive tried everything, ubuntu/xubuntu wont recognize that windows 8 is on the computer unless i use my recovery usb stick to install w8 which always installs uefi (which i dont want) -- wheres the guide for me to  make partitions in the free space i have from shrinking apart of my w8 partition21:57
bekksdydzEz2: win8 requires uefi.21:58
icerootbekks: no21:58
dydzEz2no it doesnt21:59
icerootbekks: to get the windows logo on a pc uefi is required but not for the system itself21:59
dydzEz2ive installed it with uefi and without uefi21:59
dydzEz2without uefi works fine21:59
dydzEz2no i can see the windows logo fine without uefi21:59
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dydzEz2ive installed windows 3 different ways: #1 installing uefi from my recovery partition i put on a usb stick, #2 booting in legacy and installing from a w8 disc, #3 booting in uefi and installing from a w8 disc22:00
dydzEz2all worked fine including the 2nd way22:00
icerootand all are offtopic :)22:00
chrishphpI've installed ubuntu 12.10 64 bit , hp pavilion G6 2244ca, it's being really glitchy for some reason,  weird shapes and screen glitches, I have AMD ,, but i'm not sure there is 64 bit support for my exact model, should I try 32 bit ?22:00
dydzEz2anyway i cant find the guide to manually partition the free space in the install22:01
tgm4883chrishphp, because it surely couldn't be that AMD just makes terrible linux drivers22:01
chrishphpI was not so aware,  what would you suggest I try ?22:02
dydzEz2btw the #3 way i installed, ubuntu still didnt recognize w8 even though it was a uefi install and i could boot w8 in secureboot/uefi22:02
tgm4883chrishphp, probably starting with A) what video card you have, and B) how you installed the drivers22:03
dydzEz2what exactly is an OEM Partition for?22:03
tgm4883dydzEz2, what do you mean by "ubuntu still didn't recognize w8"22:03
purezenHey guys.. I am trying to do a build process for Firefox for Android and I am stuck..22:03
iceroot!ot | purezen22:03
ubottupurezen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:03
marcoshello can anyone give me a link to download wine?22:04
icerootmarcos: sudo apt-get install wine22:04
dydzEz2tgm4883 : when i go to install it, i didnt see the option "install ubuntu alongside windows 8", also if i try to do it manually, the partition is just one whole free space (a white bar) as if there was nothing on my SSD22:04
bekks!wine | marcos22:04
ubottumarcos: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:04
iceroot!repos | marcos22:04
ubottumarcos: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories22:04
tgm4883iceroot, dang you are fast22:04
datsmoidadoes my CPU speed show up in top ?22:05
dydzEz2i think when i shrink the volume, i can do it manually22:05
tgm4883dydzEz2, hmm, seems odd to me22:05
tgm4883datsmoida, no22:05
dydzEz2so im looking for  "the" guide22:05
icerootdatsmoida: cat /proc/cpuinfo22:05
datsmoidaor is there some other command to see how much capacity i have in cpu22:05
icerootdatsmoida: or lscpu22:05
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chrishphpAMD Radeon HD 7420G Discrete-Class Graphics >  i've just installed ubuntu just now, and things are glitchy, havn't done anything else22:05
datsmoidai c22:05
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tgm4883chrishphp, so you aren't using the proprietary drivers then?22:05
datsmoidaCPU MHz:               2133.40822:05
chrishphpthey are downloading as we speak,  that should help?22:05
datsmoidaso there is no command to see how much of my processor is being used atm ?22:05
purezenOk my issue is that the support for the ia32-libs multi-aarch is broken in Ubuntu12.10.. I mean it gives.. "no such file or directory" when trying to run the prebuilt gcc on 64-bit Ubunutu22:06
purezenwhich usually means missing 32-bit libraries..22:06
tgm4883chrishphp, and how are you downloading them?22:06
icerootdatsmoida: the current usage is the "load" shown up in "top" or "uptime"22:06
chrishphpusing the additional drivers app22:06
icerootdatsmoida: a load of 1 means 1 core is used 100%22:06
tgm4883purezen, did you install the 32-bit libraries?22:06
icerootdatsmoida: a load of 3 means 3 cores are at 100%, or one core is at 100%22:06
datsmoidabtw iftop is an awesome program ! !22:06
tgm4883purezen, ia32-libs doesn't exist anymore22:06
purezentgm4883: yes..22:07
purezentgm4883: but I just installed..:022:07
bulletrulzhey i need help i installed e17 but it sends me back to login screen when i try to open it22:07
purezentgm4883: am a newbie to this development porcess though..:)22:07
datsmoidaso load average 0.05 means i am using half a core ?22:07
chrishphpthey have installed, I require a restart I think,22:07
leonlemoutondatsmoida htop22:08
tgm4883purezen, oh, hmm, I guess it does still exist22:08
awayif your load average is 1 you are using one core (or thread) 100%22:08
tgm4883purezen, probably need to do a apt-get install <lib>:i386 if you need the 32-bit library for soemthing22:08
datsmoidamy load average is always .4 or .522:08
datsmoidai think 1/2 core is all i have22:08
awaynot possible22:08
awaygrep 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l22:09
datsmoidai was told to add ram on this vps but i am hitting some other performance wall22:09
purezentgm4883: you mean.. something like.. '.. install ia32-libs:i386'..?22:09
awayissue the above command to see how many cores/threads you have22:09
tgm4883purezen, no, I mean figure out what library you need, then install the 32-bit version of it22:10
datsmoidaaway - CPU (0.6 GHz) 122:10
datsmoidathat is my current processor supposedly22:10
awaydatsmoida, then everything below 1 is good22:10
awayyou might wanna read http://blog.scoutapp.com/articles/2009/07/31/understanding-load-averages22:10
datsmoidathis is very bad news22:10
datsmoidai have repeatedly added ram to this machine22:11
bekksdatsmoida: And?22:11
datsmoidadoes not look like cpu is overtaxed22:11
datsmoidabandwidth is not being nearly met22:11
chrishphp_yea proprietary drivers are installed through addition drivers app, and it's still glitchy22:11
datsmoidaand yet i am failing to be able to run more programs and the machine literally freezes22:11
* tgm4883 wonders what glitchy means22:11
awaydatsmoida, maybe your CPU usage/disk i/o/RAM usage likes to spike22:12
datsmoidacan you say that another way22:12
bekksdatsmoida: Then you have to investigate the problem (stop every program NOT vital for investigation), and investigate whats going on.22:12
dellHi, Does anybody know how should I change this command to get the result?22:12
dellfind . -iname *.txt -execdir cp '{}' ~/Documents/target22:12
datsmoidathat is what i am doing22:12
chrishphp_hard to explain, like.. when I move windows around, little lines spike up and disappear , foldy kind of glitchy looking things22:12
awaymaybe you have some process that doesn't use a constant amount of RAM/CPU22:12
datsmoidai have no other programs running22:12
bekksdell: What doy ou want to achieve?22:12
datsmoidai am able to run exactly 13 instances of my program22:12
chrishphp_the menu's flicker when i scroll through them and stuff22:12
awaydatsmoida, what does $ ulimit say22:13
dellbekks: I want to find and copy every jpg file22:13
bekksdatsmoida: Then run _1_ instance, and check whats going on. Add one more instance, check again, etc.22:13
dellThis command return an error22:13
bekksdell: find . -type f -iname "*.jpg" -exec cp {} /your/target/directory/ \;22:13
datsmoidai did that till i got to 1322:14
dellbekks: let me check that22:14
datsmoidaregardless what i do that is the limit22:14
chrishphp_would running 32 bit be more stable or better for my model of AMD22:14
tgm4883this channel is slightly maddening22:14
datsmoidathen programs start to crap out, ultimately machine freezes22:14
bekksdatsmoida: WHAT did you check in detail? CPU load, memory consumption, I/O statistics, I/O bandwidth, network charateristics?22:15
datsmoidai checked network usage with ntop22:15
datsmoidawith iftop22:15
bekksdatsmoida: So why did you add RAM when just checking network usage? :)22:15
datsmoidaulimit says unlimited22:15
datsmoidadunno what that means22:16
datsmoidabekks - well some tech at the vps told me before, oh your scripts are hitting ram hard u need more ram, so i did and that seemed true to a point22:16
tgm4883chrishphp_, I don't see why it would22:16
datsmoidabefore i could run 4-5 programs, now i can run 1322:16
datsmoidabut that was after i doubled or tripled the ram22:16
bekksdatsmoida: Then check the other points mentioned.22:16
datsmoidanow i have 5 units of ram, they are all visible in top22:16
datsmoidabut my upper limit does not increase22:16
chrishphp_okay, maybe I should try 12.04 instead of 12.1022:17
datsmoidaso it is something beyond RAM22:17
datsmoidaand this guy is off the clock right now22:17
away5 units of ram?22:17
icerootdatsmoida: how much ram?22:17
tgm4883chrishphp_, possibly. I run 12.10 on my dell laptop with a HD7500M/7600M family graphics card22:17
tgm4883chrishphp_, works semi fine22:17
bekksdatsmoida: RAM is measured in Bytes - how much MB/GB RAM do you have?22:17
dellbekks: How can I restrict it to find just in the current directory?22:18
tgm4883man find?22:18
bekksdell: In the current directory, you just need: copy *.jpg /your/target/22:18
icerootdell: -maxdepth 022:18
chrishphp_yeah there is enough flickering and strange things happening that it's a problem,   and the grub menu no longer loads windows 8, i need to fix that somehow,22:18
datsmoidahow much ram = 5 x25622:18
tgm4883chrishphp_, rm windows8 ;)22:19
bekksdatsmoida: So how much is it? :)22:19
awaydatsmoida, what does free -m show?22:19
datsmoidagetting same performance as with 3x25622:19
datsmoidaso now adding RAM does nothing22:19
bekksdatsmoida: You didnt even measured performance, but just the number of instances.22:19
icerootdatsmoida: why should the performance always increase when you put in more ram?22:19
bekksdatsmoida: So check the other parameters mentioned.22:19
chrishphp_I installed ubuntu, there was no grub menu, it booted  windows 8 right away , then i used grub repair, grub came up ubuntu loaded, but not the windows entries,    RM windows 8 ? what? sorry22:19
datsmoida             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached22:19
datsmoidaMem:          1495       1441         54          0          2         1822:19
datsmoida-/+ buffers/cache:       1420         7522:19
datsmoidaSwap:         1023        679        34422:19
icerootdatsmoida:  a machine with 8gb ram will be as fast like a machine with 16gb ram if the ram is not the bottleneck22:19
chrishphp_i mean Boot repair"22:19
awayk, you have 1.5GB RAM... should be enough22:20
icerootdatsmoida: and you are out of ram22:20
bekksdatsmoida: You have at least 6 "units" of RAM, not 5 :)22:20
awayyep, only 75mb free22:20
tgm4883and swapping22:20
bekksSwapping hard. :)22:20
dellThanks all22:20
datsmoidabekks - performance is easy to measure in the sense that the programs die on failure22:20
icerootdatsmoida: you only have 75mb free ram22:21
tgm4883perhaps you should figure out why your scripts are using so much ram?22:21
awaydatsmoida, you should get more RAM22:21
datsmoidai can only keep 13 alive at one time, if i add more the first ones start to get killed22:21
bekksdatsmoida: Thats the most pointless definition of measuring something I22:21
bekks've ever heard.22:21
tgm4883away, I'd argue he has -600MB ram22:21
datsmoidai have no idea why performance should increase with RAM just blindly following advice22:21
chrishphp_tgm4883  , what do you mean rm 8 ?22:21
awaytgm swap can't be used for everything22:21
tgm4883chrishphp_, it was a joke? as in rm (remove) windows 822:22
awaytgm4883 he's jokingly wanting you to remove windows 822:22
datsmoidaso i am still out of ram ?22:22
bekksdatsmoida: Yes you are.22:22
icerootdatsmoida: you only have 75mb ram free22:22
tgm4883away, I'm saying he needs more ram as it's swapping22:22
icerootdatsmoida: which is not very much22:22
bekksAt least 512M more would be a good deal.22:22
datsmoidaso why is it that my performance does not improve as i have added the last 512K ram ?22:22
tgm4883away, as in, he is currently 600MB in the hole22:22
tgm4883lol, 512K22:22
icerootdatsmoida: because you are still out of ram as we said 5 times now22:22
tgm4883datsmoida, you need to add another 3 units22:23
icerootdatsmoida: the system will start to use swap (stored on the hdd and 1000 times slower then ram)22:23
borisetoone little question. for some reason I lost picture thumbnails and I don't know how to get them back. So they are not switched of, but not showing (the icons is an empty file with a clock on it). Does anybody had the same problem or somebody knows a solution for it?22:23
datsmoidaiceroot - my point is that my performance was the same with 512k than it is now with 1280k22:23
icerootdatsmoida: and 1000 times slower is just the description for the access-time of the data, not the data-transer22:24
datsmoidaso adding 768K so far of RAM has done nothing to increase performance, why ?22:24
icerootdatsmoida: again and for the 6. time, you are out of ram22:24
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datsmoidaif i am "swapping hard" now, imagine how hard i was swapping at 512K !22:24
tgm4883datsmoida, our point is, you were probably swapping a whole lot more with 512M of ram, than you are with 1280M of ram, but you are still swapping22:24
chrishphp_cant get wireless working, glitchy, cant boot win8,22:24
tgm4883datsmoida, exactly!22:24
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datsmoidabut why did the performance not improve ?22:25
icerootdatsmoida: reread what we all wrote22:25
|nv|s|b|eb e c a u s e your swapping22:25
datsmoidai mean from my perspective the computer is crapping out at exactly the same benchmark it did before, at over twice as much RAM22:25
icerootdatsmoida: you are STILL!!!!!!!!!! out of ram!!!!!!!!!22:25
tgm4883datsmoida, why would it, you are still using a hard disk as RAM22:25
datsmoidaisn't that a bit weird ?22:25
|nv|s|b|etroll time22:25
tgm4883datsmoida, no22:25
icerootdatsmoida: you are still using swap22:25
tgm4883datsmoida, you probably need to understand the difference between RAM and SWAP22:26
ianrossijoin #ubuntu-server22:26
Kurokidatsmoida, you need even more ram than you have right now22:26
ianrossiHi guys, I'm new to IRC, what command do I type to get to the ubuntu-server channel?22:26
|nv|s|b|eyou need no less than 2 gig to even think about running smooth22:26
tgm4883datsmoida, you needed more ram, and you added some, but not enough22:26
icerootianrossi: /join #ubuntu-server22:26
_DomY-DomHi, anyway of transferring the wireless drivers I need for my Macbook Pro 8,1 (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-2/Quantal#Wireless) without an ethernet connection cause I don't have one at the moment. Anyone ?22:26
bekksdatsmoida: He was told that a zillion times now :)22:26
bekksKuroki: ^^22:26
tgm4883bekks, a billion, zillion times22:27
bekkstgm4883: yes.22:27
iceroot_DomY-Dom: usb stick22:27
_DomY-Domiceroot: could you explain the process to me ?22:27
iceroot!offline | _DomY-Dom22:27
ubottu_DomY-Dom: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD22:27
datsmoidaok so i guess you guys are saying there is a point for this OS where it says i am out of RAM and i need an arbitrarily large amount more to to ANYTHING ELSE, and that amount could be more than double the amount it had in the first place ?22:28
tgm4883datsmoida, close22:28
tgm4883datsmoida, that, except not arbitrarily22:28
icerootdatsmoida: reread everything we told you22:28
datsmoidai mean literally when i had 512K of RAM i could keep 13 instances of my script going, at 1280 exactly the same22:28
Kurokiweŕe just stating facts22:28
bekksdatsmoida: Yes.22:28
bekksdatsmoida: You had 512_M_ not 512_k_22:28
tgm4883datsmoida, it could be 100X more than you originally had, depending on the software22:28
bekksThe difference is 1024 times bigger.22:29
_DomY-Domubottu: The link doesn't have Quetzal as an option. Concerning the procedure with Synaptic, this means that I can get the package kind of within a script and transfer via USB ? Could you detail that or give me a link for this procedure ? Thank you very much.22:29
ubottu_DomY-Dom: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:29
_DomY-Domiceroot: Any idea concerning my question to ubottu ?22:30
tgm4883datsmoida, lets look at the facts. You had your VPS look at it and they said you needed more RAM. You added RAM, and didn't see an improvement. You showed us how much RAM your computer is using. We told you it's using all of your RAM, plus almost 700 more MB.22:30
tgm4883datsmoida, eg. you need 700MB more ram22:30
datsmoidaso you are literally looking at home much swap is used = i need that much ram +22:31
bekkstgm4883: 700? Why? :)22:31
tgm4883datsmoida, now, after you do that, you are probably going to try to run more instances of your script, in which case, you will probably need more ram22:31
tgm4883bekks, didn't it say it was swapping 680MB?22:31
datsmoidaso presumably when i had less ram but the same apparent performance prolly the OS was using way more swap space from the hard disk ?22:31
tgm4883Swap:         1023        679        34422:32
bekkstgm4883: Oh, indeed. I was remembering a wrong number :)22:32
datsmoidatgm4883 - yeah i am trying to actually formulize how much hardware i need for so many additional instances22:32
tgm4883datsmoida, yes, that is exactly what we are saying22:32
datsmoidabut as you can see i am still working out the foundations here22:32
bekksdatsmoida: You need about 700M more RAM for running your 13 instances.22:32
datsmoida100x lol come on22:32
tgm4883datsmoida, what you should probably do, is run 1 instance of it, and see how much ram 1 instance uses. Then figure out how many instances you want to run, and then multiply the two22:33
_DomY-DomCan no one get me this linux-firmware-nonfree as a tar file or someting I can decompress and install with dpkg ?22:33
iceroot_DomY-Dom: packahes.ubuntu.com22:33
_DomY-Domlinux-firmware-nonfree for Quantal Quetzal on a MacBook Pro 8,122:33
_DomY-Domiceroot: thanks wil have a look.22:33
iceroot_DomY-Dom: there you can download the debfiles22:33
iceroot_DomY-Dom: install them with "sudo dpkg -i file.deb"22:34
tgm4883datsmoida, yea, it could be 100X more, if you wanted to run tons and tons of instances22:34
_DomY-Domiceroot: cheers but any idea where the one I'm looking for would be ?22:34
iceroot_DomY-Dom: there is a search files22:35
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_DomY-Domiceroot: great got it gonna try it now.22:36
magn3tsI have to say, I'm quite jealous of KWin's menu-in-titlebar feature22:38
magn3tsI'd kill to have that in GNOME22:38
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histomagn3ts: run kwin then22:40
magn3tshisto, maybe I should. :)22:41
janisozaurto those who do: what software do you use to sign/encrypt emails? is it possible to have this in firefox+gmail? have you convinced your friends/family to also use pki?22:41
magn3tsI know I can mix and match, but I'd like to use a full stack and there's a lot of things in KDE that still just look bad or feel hacky or out of place. Oh the fun dilemma of choices :)22:41
histomagn3ts: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/KDE/Titlebar-menu-65797.shtml22:42
histomagn3ts: http://anarchic-order.blogspot.com/2011/02/integrating-menu-into-window-titlebar.html22:42
nova_ any one know of a api list of Linux in C/C++22:43
magn3tsinteresting, but not quite the same22:43
janisozaurnova_, api list? each library has its own api. do you mean syscalls?22:44
histomagn3ts: People are proposing it22:44
ASHER1Hello i need please help about smoething i cant find i install webmin and i see in Cpanel is have options install wordpress and joomla then i search about this where i can find guide for control panel?22:45
DJones!webmin | ASHER122:45
ubottuASHER1: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.22:45
histomagn3ts: You could vote for the feature request22:45
nova_janisozaur ,really its just i am new to Linux and i have a knowledge of Win api and would like to learn Linux22:45
ASHER1i have webmim but is no have install scripts and web22:46
histomagn3ts: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/22:46
ASHER1i explain in Cpanel is have options to people install some web22:46
janisozaurnova_, there is no 'api list'. if you use ubuntu, most packages come with -dec, -dev flavours (especially libs). you can also 'apt-get source <package_name>'22:47
kostkonnova_, start from here http://developer.ubuntu.com/22:47
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nova_janisozaur ,ok thank you22:48
cariboulouDoes anyone know how to install the proprietary nvidia drivers for the GTX 660 ti?22:48
DeadWeaselhow can I verify that a script I set to run every minute is actually runnig?22:48
semarjt...have it log something?22:49
_DomY-Domiceroot: installing the package works but no wireless detected..22:49
nova_janisozaur ,ubuntu does use c right?   i have seen a lot of Python related .dos22:49
DeadWeaselit echos a couple messages, but it's runningin the background22:49
histocariboulou: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current  or follow the directions from ubottu22:49
histo!nvidia | cariboulou22:49
ubottucariboulou: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:49
DeadWeaselisn't there a log that tells all things that run?22:49
chrishphp_i'm going to try to install 12.04, see how that goes then i'll fix the grub menu to boot windows22:49
_DomY-Domiceroot: any idea if I have some missing, this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-2/Quantal#Wireless only mentions linux-firmware-nonfree22:50
_DomY-Domiceroot: ah wait never mind, if you install through dpkg -i needed to reboot22:50
histoDeadWeasel: ad a debugging function temporarily like touch file1  or have it echo some output to a file22:50
GabMus_how do i integrate ubuntu on my mac? it isnt a dual boot. when i start the computer i have to keep alt pressed and select the hard disk manually, even if it is a single boot, moreover if i reboot it gets stuck and i have to hard shutdown it by holding power button22:50
_DomY-Domit's working :)22:50
janisozaurnova_, there is no single language ubuntu was written in. kernel is mostly c+asm, most of libraries use c/c++, but there are also ones that use python or perl or others22:50
_DomY-Domiceroot: thanks a lot :D !22:50
bambinodo anyone know why the google chrome in ubuntu is unable to charge complement in flash aplications???22:50
datsmoidaoh so i can tell from top how much ram is being used that is smart22:51
cariboulouhisto: incredible, thanks!22:51
datsmoidafrom one instance22:51
datsmoidamy swap says 1048572k22:51
nova_janisozaur , that's good then i know C and assembly. its i just really dislike Python.22:52
datsmoidathat means 4x256 ?22:52
histoDeadWeasel: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/08/linux-var-log-files/22:52
janisozaurnova_, linux distribution is not a single entity, it consists of many smaller parts, that you can replace (sometimes there are multiple projects that supply specific library, like is the case of libc, sometimes you can only switch versions, and so on).22:52
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DeadWeaselthank you histo, Domy-Dom22:52
janisozaurnova_, would you like to program for linux?22:52
nova_janisozaur , program on Linux ?22:53
histo!offline | _DomY-Dom22:53
ubottu_DomY-Dom: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD22:54
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janisozaurnova_, as in 'write programs that will run on linux'? why do you have interest in 'linux api'?22:54
histodatsmoida: Your question makes no sense to me.22:54
tgm4883datsmoida, you can't tell that from top22:55
datsmoidaoh i c i need to look at free22:55
datsmoidathis is getting expensive22:56
tgm4883datsmoida, no22:56
guinpennepshould I have my /dev/sda2 extended file system, allocated logically with fat32?22:56
datsmoidafree -m is what you guys based on statements on that my swap is big22:56
morph3kguys i need some help22:56
tgm4883datsmoida, you can't tell that from top, nor free, as it doesn't break down the RAM usage by process22:56
morph3ktgm4883: can i pm you22:56
datsmoidathen how did you know how much more RAM i need22:56
tgm4883morph3k, sure22:56
histotgm4883: top shows how much ram processes are using22:57
nova_janisozaur , OS manipulation to may hardware. To work more efficiently.22:57
guinpennepLet me know if you can help me please, thank you.22:57
tgm4883histo, ah yea, it does22:57
histotgm4883: virt res shared22:57
tgm4883histo, sorry, trying to do too many things at once on things22:57
histodatsmoida: top shows how much ram is used by a process22:57
tgm4883histo, so he wants res right?22:57
datsmoidatgm4883 is saying top is no good22:58
datsmoidaoh n/m22:58
tgm4883datsmoida, i was wrong on that, I forgot it showed you what you need22:58
datsmoidafree -m says my swap used is 62922:58
histodatsmoida: there is virt res and shared columns in top22:58
datsmoidabut top shows my swap used is like 2GB22:59
datsmoidano 1GB22:59
janisozaurnova_, then most likely you are after the kernel.22:59
histodatsmoida: What is your native language?22:59
datsmoidalol english22:59
datsmoidahisto - i am simply not that intelligent22:59
nova_janisozaur , Oh -_-22:59
janisozaurnova_, try http://kernelnewbies.org/22:59
histodatsmoida: Well i'm having trouble understanding you at all. I have no idea what you want to do.22:59
datsmoidahisto - i want to see accurately how hard is my RAM being hit and how much RAM i need to add to stop using SWAP23:00
histodatsmoida: You were mentioning swap being to large or something.23:00
bambinoanyone know how to remove fbi moneypak virus from my pc? in windows23:00
histodatsmoida: is your ram completely used up? or is swap being used to just cache stuff?23:00
xanguadatsmoida: why do you want to stop using swap¿23:00
histodatsmoida: You can adjust your swappiness23:00
janisozaurhisto, how can you do that?23:01
datsmoidawell these guys on here told me my swap was too large23:01
datsmoidahisto - b/c my machine is crapping out23:01
histodatsmoida: How large is your swap partition?23:01
datsmoidai was told to add ram23:01
datsmoidai added ram23:01
datsmoidai got more performance23:01
datsmoidabut not after a certain point of adding ram23:01
histodatsmoida: How much ram do you have?23:01
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
datsmoidathen i pasted the output of top and free -m and these people here were saying oh the problem is that you are now hitting ram so hard that even though you more than doubled your ram you will have to do it again23:02
datsmoidab/c your machine is using so much swap23:02
datsmoidaso i just want to clarify exactly which commands give me this info23:02
histodatsmoida: please pastebin the output of free23:03
datsmoidahisto - i have 256x523:03
datsmoidawhen i had 256 ram i could run 5 instances of my script23:03
histodatsmoida: 256 what? MB ??? so a total of 1.256GB of ram?23:03
datsmoidawhen i had 768 ram i could run 13 instances23:03
icerootwhat? still the same?23:04
datsmoidanow i have 1280 but still after 13 instances programs start to die and then if i continue trying to add instances the machine freezes23:04
icerooti was looking a complete stromberg episode and we are still talking about the ram-issue?23:04
guinpennepJust gave up 18 years of windows experience for good23:04
histodatsmoida: Do you have swap configured then?23:04
datsmoidai don't mean they said my swap partition is too large, i mean they said my machine was using a huge amount of swap space b/c it is out of RAM23:05
datsmoidait was unrelated to the size of my swap partition23:05
histodatsmoida: Right once ram is full swap should be used so the system doesn't crash.23:05
histodatsmoida: What is this script?23:05
guinpennepswap is double of ram, linux.org says, right?23:05
icerootdatsmoida: when something is stored in swap it does not mean you have not enough ram, but when free is saying you only have 75MB ram left, then you are out of ram23:06
histoguinpennep: no23:06
guinpennepOh, boot is double ram, then double swap?23:06
tgm4883guinpennep, that is an old rule of thumb23:06
guinpenneplet me check, sorry.23:06
histoguinpennep: You can make it any size you want23:06
guinpennepOk, see. I just gave up 18 years of windows experience.23:07
janisozaurguinpennep, if you've got plenty of ram, then there's no need for that much of swap. depends on how much ram do you usually need23:07
datsmoidahisto - this script sends queries through TOR23:07
guinpennepOk, makes sense.23:07
guinpennepBeen using ubuntu 12.10 for 2 days. I love it.23:07
histodatsmoida: And you need to run more of these scripts?23:07
janisozaurguinpennep, when you had little ram, you had to have plenty of swap23:07
datsmoidai am able to start many tor processes but my scripts to access TOR crap out unable to connect to socket after 1323:07
guinpennepright now I am having a problem. Are there any win 7-8/ubuntu 12.10 experienced users availible?23:08
histoguinpennep: if you want to hibernate swap needs to be bigger than ram.  The old rule of thumb was swap is 2x ram.  But you can make a swap partition any size depending on you rneeds or not even use one.23:08
janisozaur!ask | guinpennep23:08
ubottuguinpennep: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:08
datsmoidahisto - yeah i do23:09
janisozaur!ubottu | guinpennep23:09
ubottuguinpennep: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:09
nova_janisozaur , The kernel is constructed nice.23:09
histodatsmoida: Then you need to increase swap or physical ram or make your script more efficient23:09
datsmoidayeah i bet my perl script is not very efficient23:10
guinpennepCan I chat with someone for help please?23:10
datsmoidathat is a great observation23:10
histoguinpennep: ask your question23:10
guinpennepin the channel?23:10
* histo slaps forehead23:10
datsmoidabecause it seems like i am going to have to add a lot of ram at this rate23:10
gilbif I run Windows in a virtual machine on Ubuntu, is the performance significantly decreased? or would I be able to play COD4 on a decent low end machine?23:10
histoguinpennep: that's what the channel is for.23:10
BillyZanehisto: hey buddy, hows it going?23:10
janisozaurguinpennep, yes. all in one line23:11
flintserglib yes and no23:11
gilbis dual booting the better option in this case?23:11
BillyZaneoh right, #ubuntu-offtopic23:11
flintserglib yes23:11
tgm4883datsmoida, can you pastebin 'ps -eo rss,cmd | grep <SCRIPTNAME>'23:11
histodatsmoida: Then figure out a better way to accomplish what you are trying to do. If you can epxlain your ultimate goal perhaps someone here can think of a better way.23:11
datsmoidamaybe i need to really audit my perl23:11
gilbflinster, thanks for answers23:12
datsmoidaor rethink the logic23:12
datsmoidai do need to rethink the whole logic23:12
flintserglib, you cannot play anything more than solitaire on vm unless you have a super computer23:12
datsmoidado you guys have any idea if fork and system calls from perl are inherently resource intensive ?23:12
histodatsmoida: What is the goal of the script?23:12
datsmoidadata scraping23:13
histoBillyZane: okay?23:13
guinpennepUsing 12.10 ubuntu. Think I screwed up the unallocated parition.  Bad scripts running.  Can I use another computer to take yumi, make a flash drive bootable and curcumvent this whole issue I am having?23:13
histoBillyZane: Were you the data recovery guy?23:13
BillyZanehisto: can I pick your brain? I installed ubuntu with two partitions, / and /home. It has come to my attention that someday, I might reach a size limit. I figure that applications are primarily stored in /, I was wondering, Is it easy to expand my / and /home partitions? Do these partitions have to be physically continuous on the drive? I have placed them on the end of my drive, with unpartitioned space buffering the linux and windows parti23:14
histoguinpennep: What unallocated partition?23:14
janisozaurguinpennep, unallocated partition? bad scripts running? can you elaborate?23:14
BillyZanehisto: no, lol, but i think i was there for that conversation. he had an external hard drive or something, 120gb23:14
icerootgilb: virtualbox and vmware are able to use the real GPU of the host but imo only on opengl, there are a lot applications which are running like native but not all23:14
icerootgilb: so they are not emulating the gpu, they are using passthrough23:15
BillyZanehisto: No, i'm the n00b to ubuntu that you so generously helped so many times now. My latest problem was with thunar, the network wasn't showing up :)23:15
janisozaur!lvm | BillyZane23:15
ubottuBillyZane: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:15
histoBillyZane: You can resize them with gparted. However keep in mind it's not bulletproof. I would back up mition critical data just incase but it will mostlikely work fine.23:15
icerootgilb: but i would recommend dualboot23:15
BillyZanejanisozaur: thanks, i'll give it a look23:15
histoBillyZane: and LVM would be the way to go. You could add other disks to the space etc...23:15
flintsericeroot: you can use guest additions for directx on virtualbox but it is still very slow23:15
BillyZanecan I install LVM now?23:15
BillyZaneis it too late to have an LVM?23:16
janisozaurBillyZane, you can only have 4 primary partitions with MBR23:16
histoBillyZane: That is if you can't just expand the partition to the free space. YOu can resize and move etc.. using gparted though relatively easy.23:16
icerootflintser: i thought it was just opengl23:16
histojanisozaur: on msdos paritioning.23:16
cariboulouSo, I followed the instructions on the ubuntu help site, and I got the nvidia-current drivers installed, all seemed well, but now the ubuntu desktop isn't starting up properly.  the dock and top bar aren't showing up after you log in.  is there any way to fix this?23:16
histoGPT I think is limited to 128 partitions23:16
janisozaurBillyZane, you might want to use gparted-live to resize, they tend to do lots of stuff and release it more often than ubuntu keeps up23:17
guinpennepmy comp is getting very buggy.23:17
janisozaurhisto, what do you mean?23:17
histocariboulou: Does it appear that the GUI is still running just off the screen? Can you press the super key and see part of the dash?23:17
guinpennepIs it possible I can screw up the partitions so I cannot reinstall ubuntu 12.10?23:17
datsmoidatgm4883 - i did that, it just shows all the instances of my script23:17
flintsericeroot: yep it normally is but if you install guest additions in safe mode you get to choose directx23:18
BillyZanejanisozaur: Ok, I'll look in to that application. Would it allow me to shift and move around partitioned data without deleting the information?23:18
histojanisozaur: a GUID partition table. vs. msdos partition table.23:18
tgm4883datsmoida, can you pastebin the output?23:18
datsmoidathere's 13 instances running23:18
histoBillyZane: Yeah it will23:18
BillyZanewow, epic23:18
flintserbut nevertheless no vm is really for gaming, ive done enough testing to say that23:18
cariboulouhisto: I was able to crtl+alt+t into terminal, then start xchat from there.  (that's how I am talking now) No, the super key does nothing at the moment.23:18
histoBillyZane: but it's not full proof. For instance if you had a power failure while it was moving data obviously you run the risk of losing some. Or if the program goes nutz.23:18
datsmoidatgm4883 - it just shows the command that was called and the pid, nothing else, 13 lines23:19
janisozaurhisto, hmm, ok. i've always called it 'mbr'23:19
icerootflintser: ah ok, thank you for the info23:19
BillyZanehisto: that's always a possibility. I feel I'm going to end up using linux now permanently. So, I'm going to end up running in to a space limit23:19
tgm4883datsmoida, it doesn't list a number?23:19
datsmoidaperl <scriptname>23:19
janisozaurBillyZane, what filesystem do you have on / and /home?23:19
datsmoidayeah the process id23:19
BillyZanejanisozaur, ext423:19
d0wanHi all, I got a quick question if anyone has time.  I just installed Ubuntu 12.10 alongside Windows 8.  The installation went smooth, but after rebooting, only shows a black screen.  Doesn't show the BIOS bootscreen or anything like it did before I installed Ubuntu.  I don't know how to fix this because I can't even get to BIOS.  My laptop is http://www.samsung.com/us/computer/laptops/NP300E5C-A09US?23:20
tgm4883datsmoida, can you pastebin it23:20
gustav_Hello. I've been seeing 'migration' (process name) in 'top' using a lot of CPU at times. (600%) What is it and why is it using that much?23:20
icerootd0wan: your laptop is broken23:20
icerootd0wan: let me search for the linl23:20
datsmoidatgm4883 - i think u meant some other flags than ps -eo rss,cmd | grep <SCRIPTNAME>23:20
BillyZaneI can't go back to windows now. Windows feels so incredibly empty, like an empty cup23:20
datsmoidathere is no info here23:20
d0waniceroot, how so?  as in, it's fried?23:20
tgm4883datsmoida, that first number shouldn't be the process ID23:20
datsmoidaoh wait a minute23:20
d0wanit was working perfectly before ubuntu was on it.  that's a big disappointment.23:20
datsmoida1 sec23:20
icerootd0wan: http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Booting-Linux-using-UEFI-can-brick-Samsung-laptops-1793958.html23:20
guinpennepI am going to break this laptop.23:21
d0waniceroot, thanks a ton.23:21
flintserd0wan: i think you "bricked" your device23:21
guinpennepOver my tv.23:21
d0wanWonderful.  Sigh.  Thanks for the link iceroot, I appreciate it23:21
flintseri hate uefi23:21
icerootd0wan: its a fault of samsung and there uefi implementation, they will give you a new notebook (read the link)23:21
flintserno need for that23:21
guinpennepI managed to get a lot of help in removing my uefi and installing ubuntu..23:22
=== gustav_ is now known as gustav__
al__Tough question: running 12.10 w/ Broadcom 4312 wireless card w/ proprietary (default on install) drivers, when using auto-update, it breaks wireless after reboot.  I've found a couple fixes that include 'apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source' 'apt-get install firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter'.  The problem is that I have no wired internet or different pc to download with.  Is there a way to pre-download packages AND all dependencies to install after for fix, or a23:22
al__ way to prevent the issue from happening in the first place?23:22
guinpennepNow that I lost my win 8 fine, I am wishing I had it back right now.23:22
wizreal quick queston on virtualbox: does anyone know how to increase the size of a dynamically allocated VDI?23:22
guinpennepgoing to go try windows again/23:22
icerootwiz: #vbox23:23
wizthank you iceroot23:23
d0wanagain, iceroot, much appreciated. Thanks!23:23
brightknightUbuntu: Am I correct in saying that by default there is no SIP support in ver. 12, such as could be in empathy?23:23
icerootd0wan: you are welcome23:23
janisozaural__, 'apt-get install -d'23:23
icerootbrightknight: there are sip clients23:23
datsmoidatgm4883 - is this showing me that each proc is using some magnitudinally larger amount of memory ?23:23
=== Rarity is now known as Guest86444
icerootbrightknight: justr search for sip in the software center23:23
iceroot!sip | brightknight23:23
ubottubrightknight: ekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga23:24
brightknighticeroot: will do, so the answer is no then correct?23:24
tgm4883datsmoida, yea23:24
janisozaural__, you can also google for 'apt hold selections'23:24
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flintseral__: you can use usb stick to transfer packages, just use apt-get install -d on another machine and put them on usb stick23:24
datsmoidawow thanks23:24
janisozaur!enter | datsmoida23:24
ubottudatsmoida: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:24
al__flintser: there is no other machine23:24
icerootdatsmoida: there are 2 values for ram, the real used ram and the virtual ram which is holding buffers and caches too  for each process, you can see it in top23:25
icerootdatsmoida: and when you write a script which needs 100mb ram, normally your script is very bad23:25
flintserwell i dont know the de23:25
DeadWeaselis possible to route a single program's traffic through the VPN in ubuntu 12.04?23:26
al__janisozaur: apt-get install -d will include all dependencies?23:26
janisozaural__, consult 'man apt-get', it will run in download-only mode, but with all depenendecies resolved23:26
onektupgraded 12.04->12.10,  can't find any way into a tty console (no key combo works)23:27
flintseral__: well i dont know the dependencies, but if you do you can use any machine with internet to download them from repositories straight23:27
tgm4883datsmoida, that is in kilobytes23:27
brightknightAnyperson: Hmm, what happened to twinkle???23:27
tgm4883datsmoida, so the bottom one is using 150MB23:27
WHAT_UPis it possible that wine is caching the windows/system32 folder? it's telling me that some file can't be found there, even though it is there (and when i replace the name of the file with something else in the folder, it runs perfectly)23:27
al__janisozaur: was looking just looking through man apt-get :) -d, Download only; package files are only retrieved, not unpacked or installed.  Didn't see anything about resolving dependencies.  Thanks though.23:28
tgm4883datsmoida, my best guess, is that you are doing something in your script that is causing it to grow in RAM size based on waiting on some resource. but that is just a guess. Notice it doesn't grow a lot between processes, then jumps quite a bit between two23:28
tgm4883datsmoida, so the computer can keep up reasonably well with processes 1-4, then 5 starts and it's waiting on some resource causing it to grow in size23:29
tgm4883datsmoida, so you either A) need more ram, or B) need to figure out what is happening in that script23:30
tgm4883datsmoida, for reference   "RSS     resident set size, the non-swapped physical memory that a task has used (in kiloBytes)."23:30
datsmoidathis is a very productive chat session !23:30
flintseral__: and like janisozaur said you can prevent updates with hold23:30
datsmoidamy sucky scripting didn't matter so much when i wasn't scaling up like this23:30
flintseral__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18654/how-to-prevent-updating-of-a-specific-packagehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/18654/how-to-prevent-updating-of-a-specific-package23:30
datsmoidahowever i'm thinking this gargantuan rise in processing has something to do specifically with forking processes in perl23:31
tgm4883datsmoida, exactly23:31
al__flintser: I don't know which package is causing it to break wireless... i think it's any time the kernel is recompiled23:31
datsmoidayou are right it doesn't grow at first23:31
datsmoidabut if the script is ineffecient why does it not blow up before #5 ?23:31
tgm4883al__, best guess, you need to recompile the kernel modules when a kernel update comes down23:32
datsmoidait is also interesting that 5 was the limit on a minimal RAM (256)23:32
tgm4883datsmoida, IDK. like I said, it's probably waiting on some other resource23:32
* tgm4883 shrugs23:32
al__tgm4883: I'm novice enough I only barely know what that means.23:32
tgm4883al__, did you follow some guide to get wireless working?23:33
datsmoidatgm4883 - can you say anything else about what waiting on another resource means23:33
ubottunomodeset, please see my private message23:33
datsmoidajust waiting on a friend23:34
al__tgm4883: it worked on stock 12.10 install (checking the box for proprietary drivers).  On auto-update though, it dies.  I've found a lot of posts relating to the problem, with a lot of different ... varied solutions.23:34
datsmoidathis makes no sense actually23:34
datsmoidait is not a progression whatsoever23:34
=== TheRainbowDusk is now known as TheRainbowDawn
datsmoidathe first 5 processes each use about 1/5 of what each of the last 7 processes use23:35
tgm4883al__, IDK what it's installing during that time, but I bet a reinstall of it would fix it23:35
tgm4883al__, the package that is, not the OS :)23:36
al__tgm4883: I bet you're right, but I have NO internet when wireless dies and no other available pcs, so I had to re-install OS out of desperation.23:36
al__tgm4883: and now I'm afraid to update :)23:36
flintseral__: youre running non updatet 12.10 now?23:36
RabblerouserGTIt seems my screenshot utility doesn't work.. again. Neither does ffmpeg when using x11grab23:37
al__flintser: if I update, internet permanently dies ...23:37
tgm4883al__, what wireless card?23:37
flintseral__: no its good, maybe you can check the list of what packages it tries to install and solve the problem that way? then you can hold the right one23:38
al__tgm4883: Broadcom 4312 (Dell Inspiron stock card).23:38
brightknightAnyperson: Hmm, what happened to twinkle?23:39
tgm4883al__, looks like b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-lpphy-installer bcmwl*23:39
tgm4883one of those likely does the building23:39
tgm4883al__, I'm guessing it's b43-fwcutter23:40
al__tgm4883: yeah a lot of the fixes I find use 'apt-get install firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter'.  If I apt-get install -d on those packages, it'll download dependencies so I can re-install offline after the update breaks it?23:41
melanchthonal__: I have the same card on my ideapad12 - although I'm running on debian wheezy atm I did have same kind of problems, which were solved by installing broadcom-sta-dkms package; after that I had a working wl-module23:41
tgm4883al__, maybe you could just do a 'dpkg-reconfigure b43-fwcutter'23:41
morph3kdoes anyone know what could be blocking port 22 on ubuntu?23:41
morph3ki cant ssh into it23:41
tgm4883al__, you couldn't do the apt-get install -d on it, as it would say they are already installed23:41
jribmorph3k: did you install openssh-server?23:42
morph3kand client23:42
flintseral__: tgm4883: after some googling i'd hold anything b43, or bcmwl packages and try úpdating then23:42
jribmorph3k: what happens when you do "ssh localhost" on the server?23:42
morph3kcant right now im updating23:42
tgm4883flintser, you would need to hold the kernel, not those packages23:42
jribmorph3k: open a new terminal?23:43
RabblerouserGTAny reason why the screenshot tool would give me the same image across several screenshots?23:43
datsmoidaactually it seems the scripts all take about 150MB of RAM each23:43
flintserbcmwl-kernel-source? tgm488323:43
Dutchguyhi hi23:43
datsmoidaunless they are disconnected23:43
tgm4883flintser, no, linux-image-generic23:43
datsmoidaactually no23:43
flintsertgm4883: sorry to ask but why would the linux kernel affect wifi :s23:45
tgm4883flintser, because the wifi modules are built against the kernel headers23:46
glenfeAnyone here familiar with CentrifyDC express?23:46
tgm4883so when you change the kernel, the modules don't load23:46
tgm4883flintser, and don't be sorry to ask. People sorry to ask something will always wonder why something is. People that do ask will find out why :)23:47
flintsertgm4883: aaa ok :) that clarified it for me, thanks. cant it be solved with some reconfiguring then?23:47
tgm4883flintser, yes, I think it will be, but you have to reconfigure the right package23:48
tgm4883flintser, I'm guessing the fw cutter package23:48
flintsertgm4883: okay. i'm so lazy i just wouldnt bother updating anything if i knew that itd cause problems ^^23:51
tallbreadhi all - can anyone tell me whether its possible to get a percentage estimate using disk utility for how far through a format is? or, better yet, cancel the format?23:51
tgm4883flintser, well it shouldn't cause problems. it should fix that for you on upgrade. I'm not sure why it isn't23:52
BillyZanehow do i uninstall unity?23:53
morph3ki wish ud download this shit23:53
tgm4883morph3k, what?23:53
morph3kand just look at the hep files23:53
morph3khelp me figure it out :(23:53
flintseractually while im here... what should i do after i messed up my networking on 12.04? i used pppoeconf for a connection and after i didn't need it anymore no networking applet so i cant use wifi networks and i have to manually conf my wired connection23:54
flintseri mean after pppoeconf my networking got messed up23:54
=== tallbread is now known as spronk
xangua!nounity | BillyZane23:56
xanguaor install any other desktop you want23:56
ubottuBillyZane: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:56
jasuntoi summon the powers of the fstab master23:58
jasuntoi need an external USB drive to mount at boot just like an internal disk would with all users having access so i can samba share it.23:59
jrib!fstab | jasunto23:59
ubottujasunto: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:59

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