[00:04] test [00:04] Fail. [00:04] !test [00:04] Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) === azeam is now known as azeam_afk [01:32] "Adding swap on /dev/sda5" freezes on this [01:32] removed "quiet" already, nothing else seems to be going wrong before this [01:32] what do [01:36] sirspazzolot: from a live cd you could edit /etc/fstab on the installed filesystem and comment out the swap line there [01:36] i would probaby test the drive too [01:41] moetunes is this a commonish problem? I was under the impression the swap was fine and something else was screwing up before it could be printed [01:42] sirspazzolot: i would diable it, and test.. also, maybe test the hard drive [01:42] sirspazzolot: i would expect this problem of a failing drive maybe [01:45] this is odd [01:45] i installed windows 8 without UEFI and now when i try to install xubuntu it doesnt see any partitions [01:45] and w8 works just fine [01:45] it? [01:46] installing w8 replaces grub? not sure what you mean [01:46] no i mean, i wiped my computer [01:46] installed windows 8 [01:46] afaik, uefi is not in windows.. its in the bios [01:46] and now xubuntu doesnt see it [01:46] and just wants to t delete the whole partition [01:46] dydzEz2: doesnt see what? [01:46] even gparted doesnt see the partitions [01:46] uefi is an alternative to bios [01:47] my windows 8 partition [01:47] replacement, even [01:47] yeah i know [01:47] im using legacy [01:47] i installed w8 under legacy [01:47] sure, but you dont install windows without it.. i think you'd have to blow out the bios [01:47] what do you mean [01:48] anyways... ubuntu is seeing the drive? [01:48] no it see no partitions [01:48] dydzEz2: but xubuntu sees the drive? [01:48] but my disk management in windows 8 sees 3 partitions, the OS, system reservered, and the 50GB unnalocated space that i am leaving for xubuntu [01:48] no [01:48] it doesnt [01:49] dydzEz2: i would load up an ubuntu live CD and run "sudo fdisk -l" [01:50] ubuntu, not xubuntu? [01:50] dydzEz2: whatever version of ubuntu you like [01:50] xubuntu should be fine [01:52] inc pastebin [01:52] www.pastebin.com/gGcgN4Cy [01:53] wow i thought installing w8 old school would make things simpler [01:54] i dont think it has anything to do with win8.. eufi is not in windows [01:54] uefi* [01:55] so, sda1 is the drive? [01:55] i think thats the 8GB USB stick [01:56] sdb is the drive? [01:56] sdb says 8011 [01:56] ok yeah 8011 MB bust be the usb stick [01:56] Disk /dev/sda: 256.1 GB, 256060514304 bytes [01:57] yeah its [01:57] thats the WHOLE SSD [01:57] i shrunk 50GB and the rest is windows 8 atm [01:59] i am so confused [02:00] i set the BIOS settings to default when i installed w8 (there are 2 defaults -- 1 is called "OS Optomized" which turns on secure boot and UEFI") [02:00] and the other is just old school/legacy which i installed w8 under [02:00] im just not clear on why you reinstalled win8 for uefi [02:01] its not related AFAIK [02:01] i didnt reinstall win8 for uefi [02:01] i reinstalled it for legacy [02:02] ok... still, i dont know where to send you... i mean, theres the drive [02:02] i had my BIOS set on default settings for NON OS OPTOMIZED which turns off secure boot and lets legacy roll [02:02] maybe try the alternate installer? [02:03] maybe you didnt shrink the drive [02:03] i used a technet ISO for w8, maybe i need an actual w8 ISO [02:03] the partition* [02:03] i did, triple checked [02:03] dydzEz2: i dont know anything about win8 [02:03] i just know that the live cd is seeing the drive [02:03] i installed xubuntu earlier with uefi but i didnt like it since secure boot wouldnt work and it felt half ass [02:04] so, you know ubuntu will install [02:04] if the installer is asking to blow out the drive, then its seeing the drive [02:05] yeah but then it doesnt see the w8 partitions, so its going to basically delete w8 [02:07] dydzEz2: "it" will do what you tell it do ti [02:07] tell it to do* [02:08] dydzEz2: fdisk is seeing those partitions [02:10] honestly holstein i think its because I used a technet ISO, all the variations under the technet ISO for w8 are technet editions, like w8 technet N instead of w8 pro [02:10] guessing xubuntu was just confused from that iso [02:10] or however w8 got installed that way [02:11] the iso shouldnt matter.. if you have proper partitions [02:11] the iso makes technet versions of windows 8 partitions [02:12] i just am trying to find an explanation as to why it doesnt see w8 [02:12] thats so wierd [02:12] if the partitions are odd, then thats it [02:12] if you have a fresh install, i might just do it backwards [02:12] put linux on then win then grub [02:13] i see just install linux, install windows, then boot up a live cd of ubuntu/xubuntu and use boot-repair [02:15] !grub [02:15] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [02:15] dydzEz2: yup.. it'll say in there^ if you cant fine it. how to recover grub after installing windows [02:15] dydzEz2: might be a round about way to do it, but im not sure whats up with that... [02:27] its the ISO, this technet ISO messes everything up -- i need an actualy windows 8 pro ISO, i got a clean UEFI install and it didnt work as opposed to it working on my recovery partition i put on a usb stick [02:27] dydzEz2: do you have a valid key for win8? [02:28] well it doesnt matter my laptop key is linked to an account [02:28] so i can just login to my microsoft account and all will fly [02:28] but yeah i have technet keys too if that fails [02:28] ok, one sec [02:28] but my laptop account works [02:29] 64 bit? [02:29] also: english edition? [02:29] http://www.pcdiy.com/1228/windows-8-iso-download-64-bit-32-bit-direct-links#windows-8-iso-pro [02:29] anyway, try there [02:29] those are the official windows download links [02:29] thanks [02:30] yup :) good luck [02:38] lol cheri703 those are the sme ISOs i get from technet [02:41] ah, then I don't know what the issue is, because you'd said your iso was branded technet? these are the official ones, so if they don't work....then I'd guess nothing would? === aperson is now known as Guest2595 === emma is now known as em === nosrepa is now known as aperson [04:55] is the fellow thinkpad x1 carbon user in here? [06:00] Hi :) Which ext is it recommended to use? [06:04] 4 [06:06] Thanks. From what I've read windows won't be able to access the partition, tho, correct? [06:06] Shouldn't be a problem considering I can see the windows partition when booted into xubuntu [06:07] there is file sharing however.. [06:14] The installer is crashing just after setting up the partitions.. I've created one swap partition (16gb, logical) and one ext4 partition (the rest of the free space, logical). What am I doing wrong? [06:19] why such a huge swap [06:20] It was recommended to use RAM x2 [06:20] The changes weren't finalized, so I can edit them anyway. [06:20] thats not really necessary nowa days [06:20] How much should I use, then? [06:20] are you going to suspend/hibernate [06:21] Probably not [06:22] well if you did it would greater or equal to ram, but since not a smaller swap would be in order [06:22] Ok. Should I partition using GParted first, or directly from the installer? [06:24] your choice [06:25] Well, the installer crashed when I tried to do it, but I'm not sure if it's because I picked a wrong setting or not. [06:26] that sounds like a bad usb/cd then not the partitioning itself [06:26] Just to make sure I got it right: swap (logical) + root (ext4, logical). [06:26] Mhmm [08:18] hi to all! i tryed to configure my xubuntu desktop as wireless ap for my phone, but i'm unable to connect. howto configure? is possible trough panel? [09:02] MoL0ToV: looking at this suggests it's not straightforward to do - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessAccessPoint [10:05] hello [10:05] got this xubuntu installed on my phenom II x6 [10:20] Hello [10:20] I got a problem, can i speak to a xubuntu pr0 please? :p [10:21] Dimitri_J: to a what? [10:21] to a person who is good at all this linux stuff :) [10:22] no [10:22] but you can ask your question here and if anybody knows, they will anwser [10:25] ok [10:25] here i go [10:25] Hi, I am trying to make linux workstations where students ( I'am in a school) can access there own files from the windows 2008 Active Directory. I can join the domain, but the homedirs are not imported.. Anyone got an idea? [10:38] hi...i just installed xubuntu..after the first rebbot it asks me to login ,password and after that it demmands an order?all tha in a black screen and its like........username@laptopname ... === Jonatas_ is now known as Jonatas_ZV [13:11] Buen dia, alguien que me pueda ayudar? [13:12] good morning i need help [13:12] asking in english is a good start :) [13:12] !es [13:12] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es. [13:13] te recomiendo #ubuntu-es xubuntu288 :) [13:14] Download Xubuntu 12.10, burn it to a CD, and when I put it in the laptop does not start the boot, anyone can help me? [13:18] xubuntu288: have you checked a) that your laptop can boot from CD, and b) that it's set in BIOS to do so [13:18] xubuntu288, por favor pasa a #ubuntu-es y te explico bien en español :) [13:26] just installed compiz and i cant get the desktop cube to work despite having disabled desktop wall [13:27] where do i set the shortcut so that Cntrl+Alt+(up|down|left|right) works correctly? [13:27] alt-f2: compiz --replace [13:27] gmg85: ask at #compiz [13:30] ok [14:22] hello? [14:22] !hi | donmatas [14:22] donmatas: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [14:22] I have a problem with my xubuntu 12.04 installed in a Samsung N210 [14:23] The laptop does not resume after suspending [14:23] of suspencion or being stanby [14:23] whatever the name is [15:28] will a xubuntu image fit on a 700mb cd? [15:29] so far as 12.10, yes [15:35] wonderful. also am I supposed to not be able to find a 12.10 alternate? [15:35] yes [15:35] there is no alternate for 12.10 [15:36] if you need it you have to use the !mini aproach [15:36] !mini [15:36] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [15:36] oh, alright [15:36] thanks [15:36] no problem [16:17] hi guys can anyone help me installing qucs [16:18] its not in software center [16:19] !info qucs [16:19] Package qucs does not exist in quantal [16:20] http://qucs.sourceforge.net/ [16:20] its a simulator (electronic circuits) [16:23] i tried installing qucs from the following.. http://thebeautifullmind.com/2011/08/14/qucs-an-open-source-circuit-simulator/ [16:23] but make is not working [16:23] i would just look for a .deb or a PPA [16:24] nothing in ubuntu is preventing it from building.. you'll just have to follow the documentation.. you can link it here and a volunteer could maybe give a suggestion [16:24] xubuntu740: pastebin make's error messages? [16:25] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2077639 [16:25] https://launchpad.net/~fransschreuder1/+archive/qucs [16:28] Thanks guys......... [16:29] for the links.......... [16:38] so, i decompressed http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Vienna3+Ubuntu+Logo?content=110882 to /usr/share/icons, then i choosed this theme on the mouse pointers setup, but... it works and doesntwork at the same time [16:40] if im in firefox it shows the mouse pointer according to the theme, but if im everywhere else it use the default ones, except when special pointer icons are called, like drag-n-droping or resizin, or text selecting, then its the desired theme [16:40] GridCube: interesting... [16:41] indeed [16:42] funny, dia displays the correct icon theme on the drawing area, but not on the gtk menues [16:43] hahaha and firefox displays the correct icons even if i drop the menu, until i go deeper in the submenu structure, then it becomes stock icon XD [16:51] GridCube: got a fix for thee mousepinter [16:52] what is? [16:52] mom [16:53] mom? [16:53] one moment please [16:53] oh [16:54] mom? [16:54] GridCube: i edit /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme [16:55] ok im listerine [16:56] What. [16:56] You said Listerine... [16:56] XD im listening [16:56] GridCube: you have to change the line "Inherits=blabla" to "Inherits=FolderNameofMouseTheme" [16:56] Hey guys, finally got it installing by burning it to a dvd. Everything is going great but the install screens are kinda glitchy. Is that a know issue? If not, anything I can do? [16:56] e.g. Inherits=Bluecurve-FC6 [16:57] i see [16:57] yes, makes sense [16:57] GermainZ|Phone, what's "it"? Xubuntu, what version? [16:58] koegs, no luck [16:58] let me restart the xs [16:58] GridCube: you have to log out and log in again [16:58] or restart :) [16:58] [18:58] (GermainZ|Phone) Sorry. Latest version (12.10),normal iso [16:59] GermainZ|Phone, are you dual-booting/planning to dual-boot? [17:00] Yes, but I'm talking about the "help" screens explaining some things about xubuntu while it's installing. [17:00] GermainZ|Phone_: you can try different graphics drivers... i would just install, and try looking for and applying upgrades and test... look for proprietary drivers and try them [17:00] Planning to dual boot [17:00] GermainZ|Phone_: i would wait til you are in the actual install, or in the live CD [17:00] I am in the actual install... [17:00] the installer screens could be "glitchy" [17:00] no [17:00] no luck [17:01] GermainZ|Phone_: i dont think you are, if you are talking about the installer screens [17:01] now the cursor defaults to the black standard X style cursor [17:01] GermainZ|Phone: OK... is it hampering the install process itself? If not, you should be fine, unless this happens during a boot off your HDD. If that occurs, use "nomodeset" in GRUB2. [17:01] "Thank you!" screen while it's installing (status bar st the bottom is currently downloading language packs) [17:01] Isn't that it? [17:02] GermainZ|Phone_: wait til after you boot in to the installed OS to troubleshoot [17:02] It's not an issue, but thought I should report ot [17:02] GermainZ|Phone_: report what? [17:02] Alright, will do [17:02] Glitchy screens (I can take a picture) [17:03] Well, the Xubuntu installer, like all the others, is guided by clicking the arrows on the edges of Ubiquity. [17:03] (After you've entered the relevant info of course) [17:03] You're not understanding what km trying to say. Let me upload a screen shot, should be cleared. [17:04] Clearer * [17:04] Go ahead >>> [17:05] still, if its an issue with ubiquity and your particular hardware, it'll be challenging to track that down.. though you are welcome to start a bug [17:06] http://www.ubuntu.com/community/report-problem [17:07] GridCube: please nopaste the content of your index.theme and the path where you put the theme [17:07] I wound up installing Studio the trick-Wubi way... which yielded no problems for a 5-year-old machine. [17:08] there are alternate installers... and also, the minimal iso that you can add what you like to [17:09] That too. Unfortunately, I ran out of DVDs. Not to mention I have Windows 8, which lets me mount ISOs at will without the aid of a 3rd-party program. [17:10] koegs, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1625858/ and its /usr/share/icons/Vienna3Ubuntu [17:10] the minimal iso is quite small... [17:11] My lappy should be over qualified to run xubuntu, if anything it's an issue with my graphics card or the dvd... But I'm just guessing. And sorry to keep you waiting so long for the screen, my connection is rather slow. [17:12] GermainZ|Phone_: i *know* its an issue with the support for your graphics card.. id bet on it [17:12] Hello everyone! I have looked everywhere for help but have not found any. I am trying to install Xubuntu 12.10 onto my Dell Inspiron 17, but when I boot it from the CD it says, "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!" Can anyone help me? [17:13] GermainZ|Phone_: there are different drivers.. like the vesa one that SonikkuAmerica suggested trying with the "nomodeset" option [17:13] !ati [17:13] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [17:13] =D Then I can only agree, holstein, I'm not nearly as experienced as you are. [17:13] GermainZ|Phone_: i would just wait til you are in the installation... test... check for and apply upgrades.. test.. look for proprietary drivers.. test [17:14] xubuntu638: can you boot *any* cd's from that machine? [17:14] Yes I can. [17:15] GridCube: it has to be Inherits=Vienna3Ubuntu and the rest can be removed/commented [17:15] xubuntu638: any linux cd's? what can boot? [17:15] oh, i pasted the contents of the vienna3ubuntu index.theme [17:16] the other one just says: [Icon Theme] [17:16] Inherits=Vienna3Ubuntu [17:17] hm, i do not have an index.theme in my mouse-theme folder, maybe remove or rename yours in /usr/share/icons/Vienna3Ubuntu [17:17] I've booted Ubuntu, Zorin OS 6, Debian, Fedora 17 and Fedora 18. [17:17] xubuntu638: cool... xubuntu *is* ubuntu, so i would check the cd/iso you made [17:18] !md5 [17:18] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [17:19] koegs, ill try that [17:20] mkay restarting x's [17:21] Thank you so much! [17:21] nope [17:31] I just checked the md5sum and they match, but it still won't boot. [17:32] xubuntu638, is it detected? My lappy required me to press F12 during the boot splash to load the live cd. [17:32] xubuntu638: sure.. could be the cd/dvd still... i would try the "check disc integrity" link.. i would maybe check that from another machine while i check that the machine is still booting other cd's [17:33] Alright, here's the screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qr0p1u4222jozn8/2013-02-08-19.03.jpg [17:35] (BTW, grub2 is used, correct?) [17:35] yep [17:35] Thanks [17:37] Yup, it is detected but it stills gets that No DEFAULT or UI configuration message. And I'll try that Disk Integrity link. [17:43] xubuntu638: i would try other iso's.. other cd's.. other usb.. try other things... im not sure what is up with that machine, but the xubuntu disc's boot [19:22] hi, everyone [19:22] quick question: i recently installed xubuntu just to try xfce (never did, despite being a linux user for 8 years). I noticed that my removable devices get automounted when plugged in, but that's not the case if they are already plugged at boot time. is this normal? is it a missing xfce/thunar feature or what? thanks =) [19:36] stefanauss: sounds normal as to what i have noticed [19:37] !fstab [19:37] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [19:37] i wouldnt put a removable device in fstab though, unless i just wanted it there [19:39] holstein: of course, fstab isn't at play here, because they are removable devices. i'm just trying to understand if this is normal xfce/xubuntu behaviour. So, that is also happening to you? do you have to unplug and plug in again to automount? [19:39] stefanauss: you can add what you like to fstab, and they will be automounted at boot time [19:39] ubuntu/kubuntu do indeed automount removable devices that are plugged in at boot [19:40] stefanauss: how about this.. would you like to automount devices at boot in xfce? [19:41] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2093690 [19:42] holstein: i'd like 2 things: 1) understand if this is normal behaviour for every xfce/xubuntu installation 2) yes, automount at boot would be great, but the point #1 is more importat to me =) [19:42] http://myubuntublog.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/auto-mount-usb-hard-drive-at-boot/ [19:43] stefanauss: AFAIK, this is normal.. i dont want mine mounting at boot, so its not been a problem for me [19:43] it is not mounted, but shown in thunar, or not? [19:44] thats a good question.. it should still show there in thunar [19:45] every removable device i have shows up in thunar, but it is not mounted at boot. (checked with command mount) [19:45] it seems indeed normal xfce behaviour. [19:46] i think so [19:48] ubuntu doesnt mount all partitions though... i just worked on an ubuntu box the other day that didnt mount a windows partition at boot [19:48] i think its likey just a config option somewhere [19:49] in settings > removable devices there's an option to automount plugged in removable devices but it does not say anything about boot time [19:50] the same option is present in kubuntu/ubuntu, but in kubuntu/ubuntu does actually automount at boot time, too [19:52] stefanauss: ubuntu 12.04 did not boot all partitions [19:53] for sure, it does not mount sdaX partitions that are not in /etc/fstab, almost no linux system does that. but my concern is about removable devices only [19:54] stefanauss: so, sdbX partitions? [19:54] stefanauss: even on sdb, on my other ubuntu machines, they dont auto mount [19:55] stefanauss: i would have to fire up nautilus to see.. i would go with this. the partitions are *not* automounting for you or me on xfce/xubuntu.. that is for sure.. if you want them to, i would try some of the options for that [19:55] is sdb a removable device on your box? [19:55] stefanauss: oh, so its if its a USB drive? not the label? [19:56] holstein: sorry, i don't understand the question. could you rephrase? [19:57] stefanauss: im just asking for clarification.. you are saying drives labeld sdb are not automounted? or USB drives? [19:57] ok: USB drives. not automounted (at boot time) [19:58] in ubuntu: USB drives are automounted, at boot time and at pluggin-time [19:58] in xubuntu: USB drives are automounted, but only at pluggin-time [19:59] stefanauss: cool.. xubuntu *is* ubuntu, so im certaion you can add that functionality if you like [20:00] yes, I could. but I was testing xfce to address if it could be a system i could advice for some newbie users, and that's when i noticed this strange behaviour [20:01] i mean, its in the filemanager for them to click on.. [20:02] this seems a solution - http://superuser.com/questions/53978/ubuntu-automatically-mount-external-drives-to-media-label-on-boot-without-a-u [20:03] that's not hard. but it is common to have download path on removable devices. if that's the case, you have to remember to actually click on the drive before starting the application that expects the driver to be mounted. it's not very friendly or comfortable (not for me, but for the people i'd eventually advice xubuntu to) [20:03] well_laid_lawn: i like that.. and thats likely the difference... nothing to do with xfce really [20:03] (just an example on the top of my head) [20:10] where do i find the xubuntu repos for 12.04 64 bit? [20:15] eni: there are none.. there are just the ubuntu ones that have all the packages [20:15] holstein, ok [20:15] i have an intel 64b [20:16] should i get the amd64 version or ix86 ? [20:16] (i have i5 processor) [20:16] eni: theres not really any deal breaking 64bit issues these days.. other than when flash finaly gets so out of date that you cant stand it [20:16] ?? [20:17] eni: i usually go with the task that the machine is going to mostly be doing, and how much ram it has [20:17] i'm not sure if the amd64 version is meant for amd processors or for all 64bits [20:17] holstein, 4gb ram [20:17] amd64 = every 64 bit processor [20:17] ok, [20:17] eni: again, i usually go with what the main task is going to be.. [20:17] so I should be getting that one. [20:18] holstein, developing [20:18] eni: there is not should.. only your preference [20:18] eni: you can run either.. which is up to you [20:18] amd64 images is marginally faster. however, it will occuppy slighty more RAM and way more disk space if you're gonna be needing 32-bit only application (like skype) [20:19] maybe a 32bit only all would work better in 32bit.. its really a toss up these days [20:19] except for flash.. the 32bit version of chrome is the only "supported" way to get the latest flash [20:20] not that i would base an install architicture decision on that.. [20:20] I would like to change clock from 24h to 12h using % commands [20:21] what letter after percent sign do I need [20:21] holstein, stefanauss ok thanks [20:21] chaz: %r [20:21] ok cool [20:21] thanks [20:21] chaz: http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1645 [20:42] Hey guys, Parole plays videos but its interface freezes -I can't resize, pause, etc... Then I get asked if I want to terminate it (the video is still playing). Is that a known issue? [20:42] GermainZ: maybe.. is it just parole? or just certain types of vids? [20:43] I've tried on a few files now. Didn't install any Parole alternative yet, so I can't say for sure. [20:43] GermainZ: test with something like vlc [20:43] Ok, let me get it. [20:43] try known good files [20:43] GermainZ: Do videos play in Parole? [20:43] GermainZ: What version? Newer versions are far better. [20:43] drc, what do you mean? [20:44] GermainZ: is there a video that plays without error in parole? [20:44] GermainZ: I was going for what holstein said...play a know good video [20:44] I'm pretty certain I updated to the latest version... [20:44] I'm playing videos that played fine in Windows using VLC, among other players. [20:45] The video does play, tho. Very smoothly, too -the interface just hangs. [20:45] 0.4.0 had lots of fixes. [20:45] tbh, i dont use parole, so i can say... vlc is one of the first things i grab, and if you are used to it from windows.. i would just use it [20:46] i cant say* [20:46] same here [20:46] Same for me as above. [20:46] I highly dislike window's VLC. I use TheKMPlayer on it. [20:46] GermainZ: there are plently of players.. vlc is just an option [20:47] i would test some other player though and see if its the files, the codecs or the player [20:47] I'm already looking into them. Might grab MPlayer. [20:52] GermainZ: totem player usually works well and looks very similar to parole. smplayer and gnome-mplayer are mplayer with a gui. [20:53] I'm basically looking for a player that has customizable subtitles display, and a really minimal interface in the sense it doesn't take much space. On windows, I have my theme configured to only take around 10 px from the top (file's title) and ~15px on the bottom (current time / seek bar). Both autohide quickly. [20:53] Just trying to explain what I want, don't expect a clone :) [20:54] sure.. and with foss, everything is ultimately customizable.. but i would just try some and see what gets the closest out of the box to what you want [21:03] Actually, slight correction: it doesn't happen with avi files. [21:05] does anyone know what makes ubuntu recogonize the partition its going to share with is windows 8 [21:05] dydzEz2: there is likely some identifying bits and the partition type [21:05] Probably window's boot file [21:06] its so wierd that it couldnt detect it from my clean w8 non uefi install and my own uefi install [21:06] yeah, it might just say there "windows 8 blah" [21:06] but it DID detect it from a recovery usb stick given/made by thinkpad/lenovo [21:06] where it didnt see that it was w8 i was using a technet iso, this time i got the actual w8 installer *i just bought it [21:07] Oh, BTW: when I start my PC (dual boot), it shows both Windows 7 and Xubuntu as entries. If I choose Xubuntu, I get Xubuntu's grub screen (which allows me to boot into windows)... Is there a way to only keep the grub screen? [21:08] GermainZ: UEFI? Can you disable that in UEFI setup? [21:08] UEFI? It's the window bootloader AFAIK [21:08] !grub [21:08] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [21:08] GermainZ: you can edit it.. i wouldnt bother though [21:09] I'll just lower grub's default wait time setting, then. :) [21:17] VLC doesn't have problems playing other media files, e.g. mp4 files. [21:17] Thanks for the help :) [21:17] GermainZ: good luck! [21:17] Should I file a bug report? [21:18] GermainZ: you can if you'd like.. wont hurt [21:19] Sorry for the noobish questions, but where should I do that? [21:19] GermainZ: i would search around and see if there is one already [21:20] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parole/+bug/1023583 for example [21:20] Ubuntu bug 1023583 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole freezes when video is manually advanced" [Undecided,Fix released] [21:20] Thank you [21:20] I wasn't sure which bugtracker to use [21:20] i dont think thats it though [21:21] It's not, considering it says it's fixed in 0.3 and I have [21:21] well, it could come back somehow i suppose [21:22] nah, linux apps never have regression bugs :) [21:22] hehe [21:26] GermainZ: if you find your bug is already reported in launchpad, you can still bump the "me too" counter at the top to help them prioritize the bug. [21:26] There are only 6 Parole related bugs, checked them all. Thanks for the suggestion, tho! [21:42] hello anyone can help me here? [21:43] !ask | MarcosPinto [21:43] MarcosPinto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [21:43] i wanna install a game call league of legends on xubuntu [21:43] dont know how [21:44] Is it a linux or a windows game? [21:44] windows game [21:44] MarcosPinto: i think its an onlin game [21:44] or mac [21:44] zes online game [21:44] Install WINE, then install the game [21:44] nah... http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/en/signup/redownload [21:45] can you send me a wine download link please? [21:45] MarcosPinto: no [21:45] MarcosPinto: you can open the package manager of your choice and install wine [21:45] http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=10436 [21:46] thank you very mutch i will try it now [21:46] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine [21:47] MarcosPinto: good luck.. it doesnt have to work.. nor does it have to be stable.. keep in mind, nothing is preventing league of legends from being made to run on linux/ubuntu [21:54] man ive tried everything, ubuntu/xubuntu wont recognize that windows 8 is on the computer unless i use my recovery usb stick to install w8 which always installs uefi (which i dont want) [21:54] whats the way to do it manually [21:54] when you click "something else" [21:54] and you shrank the volume [22:43] Q [22:43] opps === emma is now known as em [23:13] hello? [23:13] yes [23:13] hi David [23:14] at first I have explain you something before we process the issue [23:15] I have 1.6Ghz GMA500 Dell Netbook and I installed Ubuntu 12.10 and the graphic make my netbook run slow so someone suggest me to change to Xubuntu. [23:16] Now it's run great. Today I have been struggle to add theme in Xubuntu. I did add ".theme" folder and put the theme there and I check on Appearance and nothing appear. [23:17] what did I miss here? [23:18] Todd: Appearance changes colors, you want "Window Manager" for themes [23:18] Todd: my folder is named ~/.themes (plural). (you can add themes from the software center or synaptic without need to handle files and directories yourself) [23:18] pleia2: Actually, both. [23:19] yes I did that, which I don't see list on the appearance. [23:20] I check on window Manager and I see all default name of theme, there no such as add theme that I put in .Theme [23:21] hi [23:21] Todd: try as David-A said, .themes/ all lowercase, with an s at the end [23:21] Todd: It's .themes (plural and no caps) [23:21] ok i will check it now [23:22] i see the issue [23:22] standby [23:22] I pronounce xubuntu the way a chinese person might: "tsubuntu," which in turn, makes me think of "achoo-buntu." [23:23] LOL! I feel idiot. you just found my mistake. Thank you so much [23:24] I didn't notice there "s" to .themes and it was .theme that's why it is not working since. [23:25] it is work! [23:26] Thank you. [23:28] Hey I have one question [23:29] what is difference if I download straight Xubunbu 12.10 OS or Ubuntu 12.10 then add Xubuntu? [23:30] You will also have many unneeded gnome applications. [23:30] they come with different applications, so if you install Ubuntu and add Xubuntu you'll then have all the Ubuntu AND Xubuntu applications [23:30] so you'll have LibreOffice and Abiword (two word processors) [23:30] etc [23:30] guys [23:31] (that's ok, you can just uninstall them if you want :)) [23:31] The xfce website has a really beautiful theme on the home page. what is that theme? [23:31] Greybird, IIRC. [23:31] that's the theme? [23:31] yeah, that looks like greybird [23:32] IIRC, yep, and it's the Xubuntu theme. [23:32] sweet, how do i get it .... [23:32] It's the default one for Xubuntu. [23:32] it's the default on Xubuntu [23:32] i have xfce [23:32] otherwise shimmer.org [23:32] shimmerproject.org [23:32] ohh OHHH [23:32] right [23:32] guys [23:32] !info shimmer-themes [23:32] shimmer-themes (source: shimmer-themes): Gtk+ themes from Shimmer Project. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 231 kB, installed size 1267 kB [23:33] yes it aleady in 12.10 Xubuntu default theme list [23:33] i gotta ask you guys something. i'm really new to linux in general. I installed linux and i have this disgusting unity theme installed. and I installed KDE cause i'm a n00b and I don't know any better. How do I transition to xubuntu? [23:33] i installed XFCE4, isn't that good enough? [23:33] thank you for help and take care [23:34] err... ubuntu 12.10 [23:34] !purexfce | BillyZane [23:34] BillyZane: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce » [23:34] ^ in addition to that, install 'xubuntu-desktop' to get the full xubuntu experience [23:34] Unit193, that factoid is wrong btw. it says xubuntu, but means xfce. [23:35] sweet [23:35] also [23:35] i have a question... i like konsole [23:35] is konsole a part of KDE desktop? [23:35] it's a kde project and comes with kde, but you can run it anywhere [23:35] could i perhaps uninstall KDE and then install konsole separately? [23:35] knome: It says to install xubuntu-desktop... [23:35] BillyZane: sure [23:35] does it? [23:36] knome: Indeed, it should technically be purexubuntu. [23:36] oh right. [23:36] sick [23:36] i want to be xubuntu [23:36] i want to join your gang guys! [23:36] i'll put a XFCE patch on my motorcycle [23:38] well, i killed it really good, didn't i? [23:39] !offtopic | BillyZane [23:39] BillyZane: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [23:39] :) [23:39] 4 sure [23:39] ok, i'm going to purge the stupidity from my computer [23:40] BillyZane: it's also good to keep in mind that open source software is made by people, calling things "disgusting" and "stupid" isn't particularly nice and even if it's not Xfce we don't like to encourage it here :) [23:41] lol, i'm sorry [23:41] tbh, it's not that bad [23:51] you guys [23:51] i'm scared to install xubuntu-desktop [23:52] what will happen? [23:55] BillyZane: what tool would you use to install it? with synaptic it will tell you what dependencies it will also install and in synaptics history you'll see what it has done, and with a little work you can undo it all. [23:57] i'd use apt-get [23:58] but, i suppose i could use synaptics [23:59] BillyZane: apt-get will also tell you what dependencies it will also install, and there is a log file where you can see what it has done, and with a little work you can undo it all. [23:59] hmmm