
=== fenris is now known as Guest52920
BECHi; how can I change an app icon in  unity (better in whole system)?12:35
JanCBEC: change (in '/usr/share/applications/') or override (in '~/.local/share/applications/') its .desktop file, or replace/override the actual icon13:35
=== fenris is now known as Guest11938
JanCso, also depends on what you really want to do13:35
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=== Malinux is now known as Malinx
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=== Malinlynx is now known as Malinx
=== Malinx is now known as Malynx
=== Malynx is now known as Malinux
BECJanC, oh thanks :) i used the 1st14:21
BECit changed in the dash but not in the launcher though!14:21
BECneeds a reboot?14:21
JanCBEC: remember that the files under /usr might get overwritten on package upgrades14:22
BECJanC, aha; what can I do to keep them?14:22
JanCand a restart of the session should be enough14:23
=== fenris is now known as Guest64189
=== rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti

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