
derekvhow the heck do you pageup in irssi if you have a pageup01:56
snap-lrick_h_: JoDee doesn't do a whole lot with scopes02:35
snap-lmostly because owning a good scope in Michigan is pointless02:36
snap-lwe get 1/3 of the year with cloudless skies at tops. :)02:36
derekvpyramid is turning out to be a bit heavier than what I was hoping.  maybe should have gone with flask04:12
derekvor have gone through the longer tutorials04:13
rick_h_what's heavy?05:28
rick_h_derekv: ^05:29
rick_h_snap-l: :( oh well05:29
rick_h_need to wait a bit anyway05:29
rick_h_still cool to ponder05:29
derekvfuuuu  how come i have two elements, tal:condition="logged_in" and tal:condition="not:logged_in" and they both show?06:28
rick_h_derekv: code?13:05
snap-lGood morning13:37
snap-lrick_h_: addendum: You live in Clarkston, so getting a scope is a good idea13:38
snap-ljust don't go out and get a mini-observatory. :)13:38
snap-lAt least not yet. :)13:38
rick_h_droidlol why does Clarkston matter?13:39
rick_h_droidhttp://www.telescope.com/Telescopes/Dobsonian-Telescopes/GoTo-Dobsonians/Orion-SkyQuest-XX12g-GoTo-Truss-Tube-Dobsonian-Telescope/pc/1/c/12/sc/30/p/102022.uts hehe13:40
jrwrenless light polution13:58
jrwrendown here in Milan we get even less.13:58
snap-lYeah, there's a lot more light polution around here.14:08
snap-lrick_h_droid: Think of telescopes like golf clubs. You can spend yourself blind trying to get one more yard. :)14:09
snap-lrick_h_droid: Also, if you buy that one, JoDee will be over. A lot.14:09
rick_h_droidI think it'll be a bit. We had fun but will be cool when he's older. Looks like there's an astronomy club in Clarkston though can't tell if it's active.14:13
snap-lWhat's it called?14:36
rick_h_droidsnap-l http://www.go-astronomy.com/astronomy-club.php?ID=18314:38
snap-lHm, haven't heard of that one14:38
snap-lI think it's called The Oakland Astronomy Club14:39
snap-ler, n/m14:39
snap-lJoDee just said "That's the Oakland one"14:39
snap-lI thought it changed names or something14:39
rick_h_droidyea not lot of info there14:39
snap-lI know where you can take some astronomy courses at community colleges. ;)14:42
derekvimma use it16:49
derekvfor now, I can just blow it away16:50
derekvso next i need a script to drop tables and recreate them i can call from the python console easily16:51
derekva little like the initialize_db script but in git so that I can evoke it on heroku16:52
derekvdrop_all() create_all()16:55
jrwrenof course.17:22
jrwrenuse south.17:22
rick_h_south if for django :P17:32
rick_h_and /me hates south...17:32
derekvi made a script called blastdb17:33
derekvand i run the app with foreman17:33
derekvthen i connect to it with foreman run python17:33
rick_h_so what db are you storing stuff in on heroku?17:34
derekvand i can'r run the sciprt17:34
rick_h_sqlite won't work17:34
derekvrick_h_: deploying to heroku, postgres17:34
rick_h_forman is just the local app runner17:34
rick_h_can it run back side scripts?17:34
derekvyea, running with foreman because i want to test the blastdb script17:34
derekvrick_h_: you can get a python console in you apps environment with 'heroku run python'17:35
derekvthats how i created the database in the first place17:35
derekvby looking at the initialize_db script and improvising17:36
rick_h_derekv: yes17:36
derekvbut i want to be able to do it with one command so i don't have to figure it out each time17:36
rick_h_just never needed to so didn't realize how that worked17:36
derekvso my project.scipts.blastdb imports from ..models , which apparently evokes project.__init__, which imports stuff from pyramid, and fails with no module named pyramid.config17:36
rick_h_right, this is what a Makefile is for17:36
rick_h_to automate things17:36
derekvi don't think i can run a makefile17:37
derekvmaybe, but only on a push17:37
rick_h_hah, yea, now you can see why I have https://github.com/mitechie/Bookie/blob/develop/bookie/models/__init__.py#L4917:37
rick_h_so I can do https://github.com/mitechie/Bookie/blob/develop/scripts/readability/existing.py#L9917:38
derekvor maybe not =(17:40
rick_h_just took a while to start it seems17:40
rick_h_lol, Envy Code R?17:40
derekvyea must go to sleep idk17:40
rick_h_yea, heroku does that on the free tier17:41
derekvjust for fun17:41
rick_h_after about an hour idle it shuts down the app and first request brings it back up17:41
derekvlogin as rick17:41
derekvrick_h_: i can imagine, i usually have a few apps with little or just totally empty17:41
derekv'heroku create' makes an app, there's probably tons of unused apps17:42
derekvrick_h_: =]17:42
derekvi need to rename everything17:43
derekvi hate "event types"17:43
derekvthinking of finding a url... but right now just leaning towards 'create a clicker' and a clicker registers clicks17:43
derekvso i need to have a favorites table, so you can see at least the clickers youve created17:44
derekvi'm already calling them clickers17:45
derekvman, if you put a spring app to sleep17:51
derekvcould take like 2, 3 minutes to wake up17:51
derekvwhich i guess would serve you right17:52
derekvso this DBSession is basically a global?18:07
derekvmah script works18:19
Blazeixjumped from herbstluftwm to i320:00
Blazeixi3 is incredibly unusable in its default configuration20:00
Blazeixbut after spending a few hours hacking it, it's exactly how i want it.20:01
rick_h_droidyea that was my impression of i320:20
rick_h_droidmaybe I should spend more config time on it20:20
rick_h_droidwhat was it that killed herb...?20:20
Blazeixmanual tiling was too much thinking20:21
Blazeixi basically pretended it didn't exist, but there were a few edge cases that forced me to manually tile20:21
rick_h_droidyea i3 was a bit like that ootb20:22
Blazeixi3 is incredibly flexible. it comes with vim-style modes and marks20:22
Blazeixbut i've disabled all modes, specifically the stupid resize mode thing20:22
derekvwho was it that i was listening to recently that wasn't really a developer that ended up getting into haskell because of xmonad20:35
derekvmaybe it was the solarized guy20:35
derekvmaybe this is what powershell should have been : http://pythonnet.sourceforge.net/20:35
derekvmaybe china is on the top of the world, and we're walking upside down!20:36
derekvTypo of the week:  ForeignKey('EventTypoe.eid')22:03
greg-grick_h_droid: that is some sexy looking wood22:07
rick_h_greg-g: :)22:07
rick_h_not had much time lately, but starting to look like something22:08
rick_h_looking forward to pres day :)22:08
derekvi saw this sigle line lambda thing and was like D=22:33
derekvbut then i saw def over def and was like =D22:33
derekvrick_h_: so the return from your view needs to be a dict/or array of dicts or arrays?22:34
derekvcant just pass a list of objects?22:35
derekvseems to be what I'm getting but I'm hoping I'm doing it wrong and don't have to turn my objects into dicts always22:35
rick_h_droidso the dict keys turn into variable names in the template scope. without you don't have easy access22:37

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