
infinitymdz: Glad we could help. :P00:22
infinitymdz: (Not that I'd recommend clang on armhf over gcc)00:23
mdzinfinity, was building forked-daapd, it seems to default to clang00:23
infinityOh, it may be one of the few that relies on clang's extensions to C.00:25
infinityBecause when you're tying to write a standards-compliant compiler than can be a drop-in replacement for $CC, the first thing you should do is add incompatible extensions.00:25
chadbyoungcan someone point me to the channel logs?03:18
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dholbachgood morning07:45
spyzerhey everyone, i am facing this issue that my ubuntu 12.04 pandaboard installation reports pvr_dri.so not found09:10
spyzerin Xorg.log09:10
ogra_did you install the pvr driver ?09:12
ogra_in 12.04 it wasnt included by default, it is in 12.10 though09:12
ogra_(and its broken in 13.04 currently i think)09:12
spyzerogra_, yes i did apt-get install pvr-omap409:13
spyzerbut it doesn't show the file which Xorg is looking for in that directory09:13
ogra_which file in what directory ?09:14
spyzerohh sorry my Xorg logs says that it is unable to find /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri/pvr_dri.so09:15
ogra_then the compile failed i guess09:16
spyzerno it compiled and is syas build done09:17
spyzereverything was successfully installed09:17
infinityPotentially not for your running kernel, mind you, if you've upgraded kernels but not rebooted since.09:27
ogra_hrw, you dont happen to have a similar hack like the flash one for the hangouts plugin, do you ?09:31
hrwogra_: nope09:31
hrwogra_: flash hack was not mine09:31
ogra_flash works so nicely .... i had some hope :)09:31
ogra_i know, i saw the bug09:31
hrwogra_: does 720p videos work for you on YT?09:33
hrwogra_: care to create package for flash?09:34
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ogra_hrw, how should i package that ? its not licensed, it would require to chnage a conffile of another package etc09:34
hrwah, right - forgot that this part is not yet in any tarball on their archive09:35
hrwhttp://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromeos-localmirror lists all available sources09:35
ogra_This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.09:36
ogra_google fix your pages !09:36
hrwall: Nine years ago I bought Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 as my first Linux PDA. And due to this I am where I am.09:46
spyzerhey everyone, is there some command which can tell me what packages are avilable from a particular software source09:48
hrwspyzer: apt-cache policy package?09:49
hrwor: cd /var/lib/apt/lists/;grep ^Package *Packages|sort09:50
xnoxhrw: there is dctrl-grep you know ;-)09:50
hrwxnox: really?09:50
hrwthere are so many tools nowadays...09:51
xnoxyeah it does the control file syntax greping across available, installed, packages, etc...... it's quite cool.09:51
hrwI remember friend telling me that there are some apps other than mplayer for playing videos - but I do not know can I believe him in it ;D09:51
jibelogra_, hey, I found a very useful tool called pagemap-tool to track memory usage, it provides a more details on memory usage than smem09:56
ogra_lool, ^^^^09:57
jibelogra_, I pushed a version that compiles on raring to  lp:~jibel/+junk/pagemap-tools and sample data for the nexus 7 here http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/N7/memusage/pagemap/09:57
ogra_you should sooo blog about that :)09:57
janimoogra_, is X supposed to start in landscape in the Nexus by default10:17
janimoI thought portrait was default and we had to configure otherwise10:17
rasterjanimo:  yes10:17
rastersucky :(10:17
rasteri reconfigured it to be protrait again10:18
rasterand the vsync disturbes me10:18
janimoraster, we try to orient according to device position, but I thought it was portrait by default for some reason10:18
janimoat least the fbdev is10:19
ogra_janimo, portrait is default since a while10:19
janimoogra_, I wonder why mine starts in landscape then :)10:19
ogra_from an xrandr perspective portrait is "normal"10:19
* janimo goes debug gsd further10:19
ogra_landscape is "right"10:19
rasterogra_:  since wehn? my image is from like last year10:20
rasteri havent updated :)10:20
rasteri "fixed it"10:20
ogra_raster, some time in januar iirc10:20
rasteraah ok10:20
rasterso after my install10:20
rasterand xorg has a nasty nast nasty bug10:20
rasterits deep down in the xinput/evdev subsytstem somewhere methinks10:20
rasterif u do just the right things with mouse grabs10:21
rasterxallowevents() becomes broken indefinitely10:21
rasterthus basically a wm doing click to focus stops all mouse press events going to clients10:21
rasteruntil u restart x10:21
ogra_bug 106899410:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1068994 in ubuntu-nexus7 "button1 gets stuck after a while" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106899410:21
rasteri've created a reproduction test case10:21
ogra_oh, please attach that case to the bug then10:22
rasterit doesnt trigger it10:22
rasteru can trigger ti 100% reliably with e1710:22
ogra_its our biggest blocker and seems upstream doesnt really do any work on it10:22
rasterand my test case was to rpove that aftrer its been triggered the bug affects any x client that does a passive grab + allow events10:22
rasterso run wm\10:22
rastertrigger it10:22
rasterkill wm10:22
rasterthen launch test client10:22
rastersee that it also cant pass events10:22
rasteri havent got a "Trigger" code yet10:23
janimoraster, seems you are furthers ahead in debugging that issue :)10:23
rasterbasically... i can give you a whole toolkit+wm to trigger it10:23
rasterbut i think thats a bit much :)10:23
janimoraster, I think this is a clever scheme to get us buying into E1710:23
rasterbasically i know u do work your on unity and i dont want to straddle u with al of that junk10:23
ogra_well, it happens under unity as well10:23
rasterwell e17 reiably triggers it in its illume mode10:24
janimoogra_, didn;t we at some point reproduce with lubuntu, only took more time?10:24
rasterwhat can i give u to help?10:24
rasteri know best thing is a "simple x client to repro and prove"10:24
ogra_janimo, i havent seen it in lubuntu at all10:24
rastere17 is instant10:24
rasterjust press the "menu" butotn on its top indicator bar10:24
raster100% reliable for me10:24
janimoraster, if you suspect various parts of Xorg being at fault that would be a useful pointer too10:24
ogra_but tjallton said it wouldnt be desktop specific, just thaat compiz triggers it more easily10:25
rasterits not desktop specific for sure10:25
janimoI know upstream did some patches in the dark based on our symptoms, but some hints as to where you think the bug is may help them10:25
rasterif it were then it would go away afgter i killed the wm off10:25
rasterbut my test client proved that wrong10:25
rasteri spent a lot of time debugging e17 and efl trying to find out what was up10:25
rasterand narrowed it down this far10:25
rasteri'll try make a test client that also triggers it10:26
ogra_well, having allyour findings on the bug will surely help10:26
janimoraster, that would be great10:26
rasterif i can get u a simple xlib based test client that alwasy triggers it10:26
rasterthen debugging for upsteram should be fast10:26
rasteri know thats what i'd wanty10:26
rasterthus why i will hesitate to file anyhing more until i have that :)10:26
rasteri just dont want to annoy ppl :)10:26
janimoraster, it would be an annoyance with much higher signal/noise rate though that our usual comments on this bug, so feel free too :)10:27
rasterok :)10:27
rasterwill do right now10:27
rasterlet me just double-check10:28
rasterthere we go10:29
rasteroh so easy10:29
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janimoogra_, uptodate raring and X still starts in landscape (kernel console and plymouth splash are portrait)10:44
rasteroh btw10:44
rasterthis issue also happens on my exopc10:44
rasterso its not arm/n7 specific.10:44
ogra_janimo, well, trhat started with your recent changes to acceld and g-s-d10:44
ogra_raster, yeah, see the last comment on the bug10:45
janimoogra_, ok so not just my setup then, good to know :)10:45
janimoI thought you had portrait by default with fresh raring10:45
rasteraaah just saw :)10:45
ogra_janimo, nobody looked into it yet, the behavior is the same as with acceld in the wrong setup thouogh10:45
ogra_janimo, we do10:46
rasteri should read them.. shouldnt i? :)10:46
infinityraster: Reading is wildly overrated.10:46
rasterso i have learned from my users10:47
infinityIt's nice to be on the other end of it, isn't it?10:47
infinityI sometimes get giddy about filing upstream bugs for that very reason.10:48
infinity"Ooo, ooo, I get to be the annoying twit this time, yay!"10:48
rasterinfinity: hehehe10:57
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1068994 in ubuntu-nexus7 "button1 gets stuck after a while" [Critical,Confirmed]10:57
rasterthere u go10:57
rasterwith "demo that its xallowevents() that is busted"10:58
rasterie thats what is actualyl stuck10:58
rasteri even read prevbious comments10:59
ogra_i poointed #ubuntu-x to it11:04
ogra_lets see11:04
rasteri wish i had the peferct "just run this small xlib app and presto.. insta-bug"11:06
rasterthats what they really want11:06
rasterdont have it tho11:06
rasterso sorry :(11:06
rasteri have "half of it"11:06
rasterwith the other half being all of e17 and a nice little pop up a menu button to get the bug into gear and its pants on and dirty11:07
ogra_but you identified the broken function11:07
ogra_that should give some hints11:07
rasterthat bit wasnt that hard11:08
rastersome xev fun ande i figured out my buttonpress was gone11:08
rasterWHY was what i was digging into11:09
rasterand guessing it was xallowevents was obvious at that point11:09
rasterbut why was eluding me11:09
ogra_sure, but you dug deeper than the others already11:09
rasteri was tyring to disable the xi/xi2/xi2.2 support in efl to see if it was a combo of selecting for xi2.2 touch events and also mouse events11:09
rasteror if it was some other stupid bug that had crept into efl somewhere11:10
ogra_oh, you should note that too, our xorg guys always point to that11:10
rasterwas xallowevents even being called at alll as it should be? (it worked on desktops and other places so it SHOULD be...)11:10
ogra_(xi vs xi2 etc)11:10
rasterit didnt make any difference11:10
rasterdont actually have any xi support11:10
rasterjust xi2 and 2.211:10
ogra_yeah, i thought so11:10
rasterbut iw as turing that off and hunting thru it to try find out more info11:11
rasterthus my time sank into that11:11
ogra_funnily if it happens for me, i can still use the onscreen kbd to switch apps11:11
rasterthen trying to figure out the "action" that triggered it11:11
rasterthat was pure luck11:11
ogra_and inside these apps touches are recognized11:11
rasterprobably because the kbd isnt a regualr window with click to focus handling on it11:12
ogra_for me only all compiz elements die but not the apps themselves11:12
rasterwell either its not regulr11:12
rasternot managed by the wm11:12
rasteror wm is not handling click interception on it as it asks not otbe focused11:12
rasternot sure11:12
ogra_it is on top and steals the focus, yeah11:12
rasterdidnt look :)11:12
rastere17 has its own vkbd anyway11:12
rasterwhich is less annoying (doenst go float on top of apps)11:12
rasteralso the mem footprint of onboard is just silly-pants11:13
rasterit soaks up like 20-30mb11:13
ogra_onboard uses struts now too11:13
rasterfor what.. i know not11:13
ogra_and the footprint is similar to maliit (just tried that on the weekend)11:13
rastere17's vkbd works more like u'd findin ios/android11:13
rasterwhere it slides in11:13
rasterand resizes the app window to not overlap11:13
ogra_right, onboard does the same now11:13
raster:(unless the app specifcialyl advertises it supports the overlap protocol stuff)11:14
rasteraaah thats changed11:14
ogra_but it still eats 15-20M of your RAM11:14
ogra_maliit is closely the same though11:14
ogra_probably 1M less or so11:14
rasterwhy so much?11:15
ogra_no idea, i only tested it from an enduser POV11:15
ogra_didnt dig into code11:15
* raster shrugs11:15
rasteroh well11:15
ogra_it is a tad faster than onboard ... butu also only has half the amount of keys11:15
rasteri need to work on our "better touch ui"11:16
rastertime our touch ui got some love11:16
rasterstarting on board is like watching continental drift11:16
rasterit takes like.. 5-10 sec or so?11:16
rasteror thats what i experienced11:16
ogra_that should have improved too11:16
rasterwell thats like saying "it should now taste better than drinking badger pee"11:17
rasternot too hard to get better11:17
ogra_its still python and still slow11:17
ogra_which means you notice every improvement :)11:18
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janimoogra_, we had someone commenting often on onboard bugs, giving me the impression he may be upstream or close to it11:25
janimothey may know why it takes up so much memory11:25
janimobeing python is not a good enough excuse for 30M (what I see here)11:26
ogra_what do you look at ?11:26
ogra_RES should be around 1511:26
janimoI'll have a nother look, but that is what I recall from a few days ago11:26
ogra_varying between 15 and 20 usually for me11:27
rasterjanimo: i find "its python" to be an excellent excuse for almost anything wrong with a python app. i use that line regularly :)11:27
* raster is biased11:27
ogra_janimo, but yeah, upstream is very busy trying to fix our bugs11:27
ogra_its a shame that we will likely switch11:27
rasterarent u just going to make your own display system?11:28
rasterwhy bother fixing the xorg bugs then ? :)11:28
ogra_roumors ... pfft11:28
rasterwell tbh11:28
rasteru are going ot be in for a hard time with ubuntu phone11:28
rasteras it has to piggyback off nadroid to work11:28
ogra_nah, it will all be fun and unicorns11:29
ogra_*bellive* me11:29
rasterunless u insist soc vendors provide non-android drivers11:29
rastereg dri/drm/xorg stuff11:29
rasterfor e3xample11:29
rasterwanting THAT will be all fun and unicorns :)11:29
rastervery few soc vendors will play ball with that11:29
rasterand gpu vendors11:29
rasterunless u are big big big11:30
rasterand then u generally just get the "well hers the src.. you go do it"11:30
ogra_we'll see what happens once it is released11:30
* ogra_ explicitly stays away from the phone stuff ... i like the surprise of what i have to get in the archive :)11:31
looljibel, ogra_: Yup; I've read jibel's G+ post on it, couldn't make sense of the raw data from my G+ client though11:31
rasterfair enuf11:31
looljibel: Looking after files which are only used by a handful of processes is definitely the way to go, I didn't have an easy way to do this with smem short of looking at USS11:31
infinityraster: Being given the source to JFDI would be just fine.11:33
infinityraster: What I wouldn't give to be able to actually fix bugs in all these blobs.11:33
rasterinfinity: its kind of a poison pil tho11:33
rasteru oftne get ut.. with nice fat legal restrictions on who can see it etc.11:33
infinityraster: Sure, and it's very not ideal, but not much I can do about it. :/11:34
rasteri keep my hands off closed src driver internals to make sure i dont get "Tainted"11:34
rasterlike legally11:34
rasterso if i figure out some behavior11:34
rasteralgorithm oir whastevr - i've done it above bosard from the outside11:34
infinityraster: I don't generally work on the same parts of the stack they touch, so taint wouldn't be an issue for me.11:34
rasterluckily i have "other guys" who get to poke at the internalsd11:35
rasteri regularly have debates about whose bug it is11:35
infinityIf something leaked from an nvidia GL driver into my glibc work, the world would be rather topsy-turvy.11:35
rasteri tend to win most of them and get the drivers fixed :)11:35
rasteractually spekaing of that11:35
rasteri was looking around ont he weekend11:35
rasteris there any options/cointrols to enable gpu dithering for tne n7/tegra3?11:36
rasteri googled around and found some patches for chromebooks11:36
rasterin the android driver layer11:36
rasterbut nothing else11:36
infinityYeah, no idea.  ogra_ ^11:36
rasterthe n7 has some nasty 18bpp banding :(11:36
infinityI've so far managed to stay very far away from that stuff.11:36
infinitySo far.11:36
rasterit disturbs me and makes small children cry11:36
infinityYeah, small children hate banding.11:37
rasterthey do11:37
infinity(Have you ever looked at a banded sunset and thought that reality could do with better gradient dithering?)11:37
rasteri then curse the clouds at them distrubing my smooth sunset gradient11:38
rasterand go gimp up some unbanded  sunsets to disdplay on my screen11:38
infinityAlways takes me back to that great satire article about god choosing the Unreal engine over the Q3 engine for Reality 2.0, and the fake quote from Carmack, "you'd think reality could benefit from curved surfaces".11:39
ogra_raster, i dont think there are any options for the tegra xserver beyond some basics (ARGBHWCursor etc)11:47
rasteri found those11:48
rasterbut not much else11:48
rasterbugger :(11:48
rasterread that11:48
rasterfound some others around11:48
ogra_thats the xorg.conf coming with the tarball11:48
rasternot much more tho11:48
rasterrang strings on the tegra xorg driver11:48
rasterdidnt spot anything about dithering11:48
rastercomne on nvidia homies11:49
rastergive us vsync buffer swaps and dither controls pls :)11:49
rastersmall children are crying here!11:49
ogra_they might be there, just not easily found or documented11:49
rasterbanded images and tearing just makes them all so sad11:49
ogra_i think the cursor setting could help a littel here11:50
rasterwell it'd get rid of a flickery cursor11:50
rastertho tbh.. i want to get rid of it in the end anyway11:50
rasterwell for touch stuff11:50
rastereasy enuf11:50
ogra_i think it is supposed to also help marginally with some of the tearing11:51
rastertho even if blank/empty./. it'll cause xorg overhead in redrawing an empty box11:51
ogra_even if the cursor isnt shown11:51
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ogra_(there was a bug i cant find atm where an nvidia guy said that)11:51
rasterso a sw cursor forces drawing to not be vsynced?11:52
ogra_i would have to find that bug again11:52
ogra_hand there is also ttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-tegra3/+bug/108837211:57
rasterturning on argb cursors leaves me with a blank screen11:59
rastermaybe an old xorg/driver?12:00
rasteras for that bug12:00
rasteri noticed this first thing i stuck ubuntu onto my n7 last year12:00
rastersame problem with evas and e1712:01
rasteraslo asl for swapinterval of 112:01
rasterand get tearing12:01
ogra_and bug 108078912:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 1080789 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Corruption around mouse cursor when dragged, particularly around Dash, Indicators, window chrome" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108078912:01
ogra_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7 helps :)12:01
rasterhappens in portrait too12:01
rasterit may not be a page flip thing12:02
rasterdepending on gpu/gfx chip setup12:02
rasteru can sweap buffers part way thru acan12:02
rasteranr it flips instantly12:02
rasterdepending on gfx subsytstem setup u may have to vsync your buffer swaps too12:02
rasterbut its also slow/sluggish imho12:02
rasterwhihc is hinting at it being sa blit12:02
rasterit should be much after if it were a swap12:03
rasterunless this tegra3 is really that bad...12:03
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janimoxnox, gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen orientation-lock true seems to be already there for preventing rotation14:20
janimojust does not seem to be exposed in a GUI14:20
xnoxjanimo: nice. as long as it works. I can include that.14:39
janimoxnox, works in my tests14:40
janimoinclude where? you needed it in the installer?14:40
xnoxjanimo: yeah. cause when oem-config rotates it can become off-screen.14:40
janimoxnox, the only issue I saw with it, is that when set, we don't get proper input coordinates on X startup as the whole rotation/adjustment thing is skipped14:42
janimoI need to let my nexus get charged more than 3%. As it is it keeps resetting when doing a debuild. Weird14:44
fly[ac100]guys, have you any ideas about artefacts like this: http://i.imgur.com/tpOdrtg.png14:54
fly[ac100]it appears only in chromium and xcb-driven apps14:55
ogra_cairo ... as i said before14:55
fly[ac100]gtk apps works fine))14:55
fly[ac100]yeah, may be14:55
fly[ac100]but what could I do with it?14:55
ogra_try downgrading it and see if it fixes the xcb stuff14:56
infinityPrint it out and turn it into a stylish hat?14:56
ogra_or try compiling a new chromium version and see if it fixes it14:56
fly[ac100]is cairo related to xcb?14:56
fly[ac100]i mean i use i3 and urxvt14:57
fly[ac100]and avaik this apps dont use any cairo)14:57
infinitycario has many backends, XCB being one of them.14:58
fly[ac100]so may be problem related to xorg pixmaps engine or kind of14:58
qenghoSpeaking of compiling chromium, I'm having some trouble.  I compile, link, and run, SEGV before main() is entered, it seems.14:58
ogra_if you use aliased fonts in your teminal, cairo is most likely involved somehow14:58
qenghoMy simple helloworld.c runs fine.14:59
fly[ac100]yeah, I do14:59
ogra_qengho, is that with your NEON detection or without ?15:00
fly[ac100]dont lxterminal use the same cairo too?15:00
qenghoogra_: detection off.15:00
ogra_fly[ac100], just downgrade and see if its cairo :)15:01
infinityqengho: Can you get a remotely useful backtrace out of it, or is it just a bunch of useless corrupted frames?15:01
ogra_likely quicker than guessing from app to app15:01
fly[ac100]downgrade its not so easy in archlinux))15:01
qenghono neon. ABI hard float. fpu = vfpv3-d16.15:02
infinityIf only this was #archlinux-arm15:02
infinityqengho: No neon may or may not actually work correctly.  It's an ongoing battle with upstream.15:02
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qenghoinfinity: not even a bunch.  _start(), __libc_start_main __libc_csu_init, CRASH.15:03
infinityqengho: Oh, I should have done a /whois first, this makes more sense now. :P15:03
qenghoI need to test in another environment.15:04
qenghoJust never seen it before.15:04
infinityqengho: Crashing in csu_init certainly points at some sort of miscompilation or wrong target.15:06
infinityqengho: Given that csu_init is preeeetty simple, and about the only way to segfault it would be to throw it some wildly out-of-range arguments.15:06
ogra_did you compile an x86 version with vfpv3-d16 ?15:06
qenghoinfinity: it's in the next (anonymous) frame, not there.15:07
xnoxjanimo: I am using nexus image and that gsetting doesn't do anything for me.15:07
xnox(just fully upgraded) or is that not in ubuntu archive yet?15:07
infinityqengho: I assume you're running this on real hardware, not emulation?15:07
ogra_xnox, because acceld still runs in the user session15:07
ogra_try killing it and see if g-s-d takes over then (it doesnt for me)15:08
qenghoinfinity: yes. real. No crosscompile.  12.04 on Chromebook.15:08
infinityqengho: Try a build without turning off neon and see if that "fixes" it?15:09
infinityqengho: To narrow it down.15:09
qenghoinfinity: right. There's a can of worms. I'll look.15:09
infinityI'm so very, very close to just writing an email to devel-announce/release announcing that we just don't give a hoot about non-neon systems anymore.15:10
infinityExcepy hallyn will murder me, after I just mailed him my ac100.15:11
ogra_infinity, i would go with that too ... but #ac100 would hate us all15:12
ogra_i guess 14.04 is the time to switch15:12
infinityogra_: Yeah.  If only we'd never done anything with ac100s, we could have baselined on v7+neon and been done with it.15:12
ogra_and doves15:12
ogra_the doves were actually the business case keeping us from it ... not the ac10015:13
infinityogra_: I'd prefer to switch before 14.04, TBH, but this is all a nightmare for the security team if they have to keep maintaining neon-disabling patches for old releases.15:13
ogra_they just make us keep it now15:13
infinityogra_: Yeah, the doves were the reason way back when, but not for 12.04.15:13
infinityogra_: 12.04, there was no business case, just the community case.15:13
infinityI'm still tempted to just, at some point, say "screw it, users of 12.04 on ac100 can't have nice things", and let the security team stop faffing with neon-removal.15:13
infinityIt's not like we "support" ac100 in any way.15:14
ogra_oh, sigh ... so OMAP will become a blackberry thing it seems15:14
ogra_there goes the linux support15:14
ogra_BB hired most of the laid off TI OMAP people15:14
infinityThe Z10 is an OMAP?15:14
ogra_and the new HW will be all OMAP it seems15:15
ogra_... and QNX :(15:15
infinityMaybe some of them will do Linux support in their spare time.15:15
infinityIncluding for the BB hardware, which looks shiny.15:15
ogra_sure, still a shame15:15
infinity(And pigs may fly)15:15
* ogra_ finds his nexus4 more shiny than the BB15:16
infinityNot that I have anything against QNX, but there's a little part of me that wants to buy a Z10 and jam Android/Ubuntu on it.15:16
infinityI like the look of the Z10, I dunno.15:16
infinityThe N4 is a little too round for me.15:16
infinityLG's sister phone to the N4 is more my style.  But, not a Nexus, so less appealing on the software side.15:16
ogra_well, does it have the rounded touchscreen edges ?15:17
ogra_these are really awesome15:17
infinityhttp://shop.windmobile.ca/ProductCatalog/Handsets/default.aspx <-- Good visual comparison, N4 on top, O4X on the bottom.15:17
ogra_you can scroll without having your thumb cover any content15:17
infinityThe O4X is just a little more square and utilitarian, and I like that.15:17
ogra_yeah, i know what you mean, i stayed on my S2 because of the ugly shape the S3 has15:18
xnoxogra_: so i set acceld to manual (echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/acceld.override), then boot, then change gsetting, then sudo start acceld and then it respects gsettings value (rotates when lock is false, and doesn't rotate when lock is true)15:18
ogra_xnox, no, no !15:18
ogra_xnox, you need the upstart job, but dont want the Xsession.d snippet15:18
infinityI just wish they'd stop with the value-add fragmentation nonsense. :/15:19
infinityIf the O4X was also a pure AOSP build, I'd run out and buy one this afternoon.15:19
infinityMaybe the way Nexus devices sell like hotcakes might be a wakeup call to these vendors.15:19
infinityMaybe that's actually been Google's plan.  Kill fragmentation by proving it's useless.15:20
ogra_and the nexus devices are just great HW ... cant complain about the features15:21
infinitySure, but so are the O4X, SGSIII, etc.15:21
infinityIn fact, on paper, I'd rather have the O4X too.15:21
infinityBut, again.  Stupid custom build that will never have updates.15:22
ogra_but the non nexus devices cost twice the price15:22
infinityAt least, if the update history of my current LG phone is anything to go by.15:22
infinityogra_: Nah, check that link.  Almost identical prices.15:22
janimoxnox, while I have an upload in the queue, that setting should work without it actually15:22
ogra_oh, right "As low as $0 "15:23
ogra_cant beat that with a nexus :P15:23
infinityogra_: Oh, wait.  That would be my carrier adding a premium to the N4.  I can get it cheaper from Google Play.15:23
infinityogra_: (Was looking at the 549 vs 529)15:23
infinityBut yeah, it's 359 from Google.15:24
ogra_or 300 if you take the smaller one15:24
ogra_or so15:24
infinityNo SD slot, don't want the small one.15:24
infinity(Another selling feature of the O4X, it has SD)15:24
xnoxogra_: janimo: so are we removing the snipped from Xsession.d soon =) ?15:25
ogra_xnox, dunno, i was waiting for janimo to finish the transition15:25
xnoxah , ok.15:25
xnoxi'll use just the gsetting then.15:25
ogra_Xsession.d should definitely go if you want g-s-d15:25
ogra_the upstart job just tellls the kernel to enable the device and sets the defaults15:26
ogra_i guess thats something to keep15:26
ogra_(if it cant be moved into udev or so)15:26
janimoxnox, I thought I had removed that snippets in 0.49 or so15:27
* xnox checks what I have.15:27
ogra_janimo, you didnt... we talked about that already15:27
janimoogra_, g-s-d is working besided the bug that initial input orientation is broken15:27
janimoogra_, I did not remove the acceld daemon but I thought I had removed the xsession hook15:28
* janimo checks15:28
ogra_and when i tested rotation completely died when disabling acceld15:28
ogra_(dosabling the xsession bit i mean)15:28
ogra_hmm, funny15:29
ogra_ogra@nexus7:~$ dpkg -l ubuntu-defaults-nexus7|grep ii15:30
ogra_ii  ubuntu-defaults-nexus7                    0.52                                       all          Default settings for Ubuntu customizations15:30
ogra_ogra@nexus7:~$ dpkg -S /etc/X11/Xsession.d/95-acceld_start15:30
ogra_ubuntu-defaults-nexus7: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/95-acceld_start15:30
* ogra_ wonders why the binary disagrees with that patch above15:31
janimoogra_, is that a config file hence not autoremoved?15:32
ogra_janimo, well, then dpkg -S shoudl point that out i think15:33
ogra_probably a later upload re-added it ...15:33
* ogra_ checks the diffs15:33
janimoogra_, I am uptodate and do not have it15:33
janimodpkg -L does not show it either15:34
infinityDid you rm_conffile it when removing it?15:35
ogra_ogra@nexus7:~$ dpkg -L ubuntu-defaults-nexus7|grep Xsession15:37
ogra_infinity, well, even if that was missed, should dpkg still show it as being part of the package ?15:37
xnoxjanimo: is there any event that I can listen to in Gtk+ to find out that the screen size has now changed?15:38
xnoxwhen rotating ubiquity everything is ok, apart from the panel is keeping it's original size and doesn't recalculate/expand.15:39
xnox(in the installer the panel is a standalone custom/small faked single small C-file executable)15:40
ogra_http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636658/ agrees that the file is gone from the binaries15:40
ogra_so i geuss infinity's suggestion is best here15:41
ogra_i still think dpkg should somehow indicate its not shipped by the binary15:43
infinityogra_: There's a dpkg-query invocation that can tell you if a conffile is obsolete, I forget what it is.15:45
ogra_well ...15:45
infinityOur QA people use it to smack us around with bugs on a regular basis.15:45
ogra_i think dpkg -L should eb clever enough to tell me15:45
janimoxnox, no idea about screen size change callbacks15:45
infinitydpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' | grep obsolete15:46
infinityAnd look at that, I have 5 obsolete conffiles on my system.  \o/15:46
ogra_oh, thanks !15:46
ogra_there are more :)15:46
ogra_ /etc/init/alsa-restore.override cf3f2a865fbea819dadd439586eaee31 obsolete15:46
ogra_ /etc/init/alsa-store.override cf3f2a865fbea819dadd439586eaee31 obsolete15:46
ogra_ /etc/cups/cupsd.conf e62a552c7e9e384036b0e0e5df9d46c4 obsolete15:47
janimo44 on my system15:47
ogra_your nexus ?15:47
infinityYeah, I'm going to clean up cups, qemu, and usb-creator-gtk right now. :P15:47
infinityxnox: Unless you plan to reintroduce the usb-creatork-gtk init script that made everyone die inside?15:47
* xnox has 2215:47
infinityYou guys clearly have more packages installed than I do...15:48
xnoxinfinity: yes.15:49
infinityogra_: When you do the cleaning, read the manpage carefully.  The version check isn't against the version where it disappeared (well, unless that's when you add the code too), it's against the version you're adding the code to, so upgrades from the interim broken versions also DTRT.15:49
xnoxinfinity: shouldn't we be fixing these in the archive....?! aka I have 17 from qemu related stuff15:50
infinityxnox: Yes, you have more packages than me, or yes, you intend to reintroduce the scary init job?15:50
xnox(qemu libvirt kvm)15:50
xnoxinfinity: both.15:50
infinityxnox: We should be fixing them, yes.  I only have 3 from qemu.  Give me your output?15:50
ogra_infinity, the init job needs to stay, but in much saner form in the session upstart15:50
ogra_(once thats there)15:50
infinityIf the init job is coming back in the same filename, I won't bother removing that obsolete conffile, it'll sort itself.15:51
ogra_well, it will likely not live in /etc/init15:51
xnoxinfinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636688/15:52
infinityxnox: Oh, I never had qemu-kvm installed, so I only have the latter two, and one from qemu-system-user.15:53
infinityAll very ew, this migration.15:53
xnoxinfinity: i remember the fairly recent thread on d-d that there is no sane way to take over a conffile when renaming a package15:53
infinityThere isn't.15:54
infinityAnd that's the problem with some of these.  Hrm.15:54
infinityLike the cups one.15:54
infinityIt's shipped, but not in the same package.15:54
wookeyI've got 9615:55
infinityYou win.15:56
xnoxwookey: how many of those are self-inflicted and didn't come from the archive? =)15:58
janimoinfinity, so when I removed that file from the package should I have also called some dh helpers too for better purging it?16:00
infinityjanimo: man dpkg-maintscript-helper16:00
ogra_janimo, right, like in the wikipage above16:00
infinityWhich probably SHOULD have a dh wrapper, but doesn't.16:01
janimoso this is something dh could not autodetect and DTRT?16:01
xnoxjanimo: dh doesn't have the previous binary package from the target repository to compare and find out about dropped conffig files16:02
janimoah, works around known dpkg limitations16:02
ogra_well, but it is able to tell me the file is obsolete16:02
infinityWell, dpkg's treatment of actually obsolete conffiles is basically functioning as designed.16:03
infinityIt's just that sometimes that design is really undesirable.16:03
infinityThe move/takeover bit, though, is a straight up dpkg bug.16:03
ogra_conffiles should just die16:03
infinityReplaces: overwrites should DTRT and don't.16:03
ogra_every package should just ship with a conf.d setup for user overrides16:04
infinityogra_: No, conffiles should just be much smarter, and integrate all the crazy stuff that things like ucf tries to do on a much lower and saner level.16:04
ogra_or that16:04
infinity(ie: 3-way merges)16:04
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