
xnoxpopey: there is no migration assistant in precise and up....04:45
xnoxpopey: well we removed migration assistant in 12.04.1 and up.04:45
xnoxdesrt: specifically which ones are affecting you?04:45
xnox(ubiquity fixes)04:45
BigWhaleMorning all ...05:58
didrocksgood morning06:55
pittiGood morning07:03
didrockshey pitti, how are you?07:05
pittididrocks: very well, thanks! I had a fine weekend07:06
pittididrocks: how about you?07:06
didrockspitti: very nice as well, a lot of snow, so most of the time was video gaming (mario galaxy II, continuing to get my backlog in shape!), but relaxing :)07:06
* Sweetshark reports back from skiing. No major injuries, now completed 10 of 16 red tracks done for that area with no intentions for the rest as they are too far off.07:35
SweetsharkAlso: Inbox 4300 -- if you have anything urgent I need to look at, give me a hint here on IRC.07:35
didrocksSweetshark: welcome back! :)07:39
Sweetsharkdidrocks: thanks, southern france was an excellent host! (Which also means that despite only one day without skiing, I didnt loose any weight: magret de canard sauce framboise et the gourmand were just too tempting.)07:44
SweetsharkIts all muscles and heavy bones by now of course!07:45
didrocksSweetshark: ahah, yeah, that's the trap. For me, it was more fondue savoyarde, raclette… :-)07:46
didrocksSweetshark: how was the weather? It wasn't splendid for me though07:47
jibelgood morning07:55
Sweetsharkdidrocks: First week was very nice, only one day with rain and fog and wind (all the higher lifts were closed, I did a training session in lower altitudes (1700-1400m) that day. Second week had more new snow and less sun, so I didnt get the traditional drive drown the Massif Lauziere (was closed: they are more careful with that track because of multiples avalanches in the recent years) ... "I love the sound of anti-avalanche detonations in 08:01
Sweetsharkdidrocks: I can evade raclette et fondue, they are part of the organized progam: If you want to join the ride down the tracks at night with a torch, you have to take part ;)08:01
didrockssalut jibel :)08:03
didrocksSweetshark: ahah ;)08:03
jibelSalut didrocks08:05
Sweetsharkjibel: morning!08:05
jibelgood morning Sweetshark !08:07
BigWhalepitti, I owe you a beer or two ... :)08:11
pittihey BigWhale08:11
pittiBigWhale: for what? :)08:14
BigWhalepitti, for the pygobjecy/pycairo stuff/08:16
pittiBigWhale: ah, I got it to build now, will update the upstream patch in a bit08:16
BigWhalepitti, I'll go and bug them to make a new pycairo release.08:16
BigWhaleIt was last released in 2011 ...08:17
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:42
didrocksgood morning chrisccoulson :)08:44
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks, how are you?08:44
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm good, thanks! yourself?08:46
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, i'm not too bad thanks08:49
pittihey Laney09:03
pittihey chrisccoulson09:03
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?09:03
chrisccoulsonhi Laney09:03
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks!09:03
pittihow about you guys?09:03
chrisccoulsonpitti, yeah, not too bad thanks. ruby had her first sleep over at her grandparents house at the weekend09:05
chrisccoulsonwe spent the night in a hotel a few miles away09:05
chrisccoulsonjust in case we were needed ;)09:05
pittichrisccoulson: hah, as a trial run? how did it go?09:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, she was fine with it09:06
Laneythe main highlight of my weekend was finding a beer shop had opened in the city and going to visit it :-)09:06
pittichrisccoulson: sweet! so, you've got the prospect of a quiet night every now and then now :)09:06
chrisccoulsonpitti, sort of. we've still got maisie as well ;)09:07
pittiLaney: ah, I saw your G+ post; already tried some?09:07
chrisccoulsonLaney, oh, what sort of beer? :)09:07
Laneynope, didn't have a chance yet09:07
Laneychrisccoulson: http://twitpic.com/c27ejy !09:07
chrisccoulsonoh, nice :)09:08
seb128hey pitti, chrisccoulson, Laney09:10
chrisccoulsonhi seb12809:11
pittibonjour seb128, ça va?09:11
seb128pitti, oui, très bien, et toi ?09:11
pittiseb128: je vais bien aussi, merci! j'ai eu une bonne we, avec Taekwondo, théâtre, et soleil :)09:11
seb128pitti, j'ai vu ton post sur le taekwondo sur g+09:12
seb128brrr, it's freezing (and snowing) here09:12
pittiici aussi09:12
seb128I've enough of winter, please bring warmer weather09:12
chrisccoulsoni like winter09:13
ogra_seb128, ++09:14
seb128I like winter, but only so long ...09:14
czajkowskimorning folks, did an upgrade to raring last night and this was the first message I saw, http://ubuntuone.com/5VKWYSD1q9TfkPfkqTcv5609:18
BigWhaleczajkowski, you got auto trolled by your desktop background ... :)09:19
czajkowskiwell it;s not the most helpful of messages :/09:20
seb128pitti, looking to that udisks/eject/power off bug, do you plan to get udisks 2.1 in raring?09:20
pittiseb128: now that we have gvfs 1.15.x, I actually do09:21
seb128pitti, excellent ;-)09:21
ogra_czajkowski, yeah, there are so much more baeutiful 404s like http://kvartirakrasivo.ru/404/index.php09:21
Laneyhow are those made?09:22
pittiseb128: I didn't upload it yet as David still did quite some architectural changes and I wanted to let it settle for a bit09:22
pittiseb128: but I'll get it in before FF09:22
seb128pitti, ok, makes sense, I was wondering if we should look at backporting the patches needed for the gvfs poweroff stuf or not ... I will just wait for the update, danke ;-)09:23
czajkowskiogra_: yer a bit evil :)09:23
czajkowskihmm I also have two U1 clouds now also :/ feck09:24
* ogra_ wishes he had one that worked 09:24
ogra_how do you guys use U1 with 2fa ?09:24
Laneyogra_: what problems do you have? I don't remember anything untoward in that regard09:53
Laneyalso there is #ubuntuone ;-)09:53
ogra_Laney, U1 uses my SSO account .... which is tied to 2Fa09:54
ogra_if i want to be able to use U1 on a non registered device i always have to have my ubikey or a phone with the google tool with me09:54
ogra_that kind of defeats the purpose09:54
Laneyoh to register new devices09:56
ogra_to quickly push or pull something from my GFs or MOMs computers09:56
LaneyI never considered that as a problem really09:57
ogra_i have a ton of machines i definitely dont want to have registered with LP but from which i would like to use shared files09:58
ogra_so i never use U1 after all09:58
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xnoxogra_: use online/web interface instead on non-registered devices.10:04
xnoxogra_: you can login donwload/upload stuff.10:05
ogra_log in without 2Fa ?10:05
* ogra_ never used the web interface, i thought it uses the same account10:05
xnoxno, it still has 2Fa10:10
ogra_i guess to effectively get around that i can only create an extra account (which i dont really want)10:11
Laneycan't you just log out when you're finished?10:12
ogra_and that helps how ?10:12
ogra_sure i can log out, but that only means i need to log in again10:13
LaneyThen I don't really understand what your problem is.10:13
ogra_with another annoying 2Fa run10:13
Laneyjust that it's annoying?10:13
ogra_Laney, i would like to use U1 without having to have my 2Fa key with me all the time10:13
ogra_or registering devices etc ...10:14
ogra_U1 is way more complex to use than it would need to be which makes me simply not use it10:14
pittihm, I have my mobile pretty much everywhere; that works fine for 2fa?10:14
ogra_i just changed to a new mobile that i hadnt registered yet ... if you then are somewhere else than home and want to access your files you are screwed10:15
Laneyit's even worse for me - I need a password manager to know my SSO password ;-)10:15
ogra_thats beyond any kind of usability imho10:16
ogra_(well, the whole 2Fa concept is imho)10:16
pittiI thought you only needed 2fa for the U1 web uI?10:16
ogra_you need your SSO account for U110:17
pittiI'm using U1 to sync my music, and the desktop never asked me for 2fa AFAIR10:17
ogra_even in the native UI10:17
pittiah, perhaps when I signed up first10:17
pittibut not in day-to-day operation10:17
ogra_which means you effectively register the device for your account10:17
ogra_i cant just sit on my moms PC, quickly push and pull some files without jumping through a lot of hoops10:18
ogra_so in the end i use sshfs with my webserver because its so much less effort10:18
ogra_which kind of defeats the purpose of U110:18
pittiyeah, for that use case a network storage is much better than syncing files locally10:18
ogra_well, but thats not how i understand personal cloud :)10:20
ogra_it should make me want to use it over old methods ;)10:21
pittia gvfs backend for U1 would be quite nice indeed :)10:21
pittito directly access files in the cloud instead of having to download everything10:21
pittiand/or a fuse module10:21
pittirobru: did you ever make "valadoc" work for libfriends?10:46
* pitti found bug 1097111 in his quest to use valadoc for umockdev10:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1097111 in libfriends "Fix valadoc ;-)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109711110:47
pittihm, it fails the same way for libgee, so I guess our version just doesn't get along with vala 0.1810:52
pittiindeed, it looks in /usr/share/vala-0.14/, so it needs an explicit --vapidir10:55
jibelpitti, would 4h be a reasonable default for timeout of automated runs of jhbuild? the longest build is webkit it takes 2h or so11:11
jibelpitti, I nearly finished implementing the feature and will submit the patch upstream11:12
pittijibel: did we ever actually see a build hang? I think we mostly need a timeout for "make check"?11:12
pittijibel: \o/11:12
pittijibel: 4 h sounds good to me, but we might want to start with 2.5 then?11:12
jibelpitti, I meant 'make check' but the timeout will apply to every phase and is configurable11:13
jibelthe way jhbuild is structured make it difficult to implement a 'per phase' timeout11:14
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* Laney eyes webkit with suspicion11:48
Laneyy u drop symbols11:48
czajkowskiLaney: swap you sympbols for odd lookin icons11:49
czajkowskinot sure if this is what it's meant to be11:49
czajkowskior just odd11:49
LaneyI mean library symbols :P11:49
czajkowskiI'm still willing to swap :)11:49
Laneyel bug report11:50
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Laneybah, too much churn http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636182/12:29
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glatzorhello mpt14:09
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cyphermoxgood morning!14:17
margadesrt, hey there!14:23
margadesrt, it's me with dconf bugs again :)14:23
margadesrt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/+bug/112202814:24
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1122028 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "gsettings does not respect dconf locks" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:24
margaI'm trying to figure out what's going on.  Sometimes, gsettings values don't match dconf values.14:24
* xnox ponders if connection information should show hostname or not14:44
desrtmarga: hi14:47
psivaahello, bug 1122072 is affecting precise installations on VirtualBox.14:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1122072 in xorg (Ubuntu) "[Precise amd64 on VirtualBox] "Fatal server error: no screen found" in Xorg.0.log" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112207214:47
desrtmarga: see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69314914:47
ubot2Gnome bug 693149 in daemon "idle-delay value ignored when locked" [Normal,Resolved: notabug]14:47
margauint32 10 ?14:48
jibelpsivaa, what's the kernel on the installation media?14:50
psivaajibel: 3.5.0-23-generic14:51
psivaajibel: 'init: lightdm main process (2405) terminated with status 1' in dmesg14:52
margadesrt, :-/  I don't think this is right.  Why does dconf think it's a signed number?  Shouldn't it default to unsigned unless there's a sign there?14:53
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desrtmarga: no.  just as in C, the default is to assume signed14:58
margaExcept this is a config file14:59
margaNot a C program.14:59
desrtmarga: it's using the GVariant parser14:59
desrtwhich is the same everywhere...14:59
desrtwhen you run 'dconf update' it doesn't have access to the schemas15:00
desrtso it doesn't know about what type is expected15:00
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margadesrt, is there no way that dconf could find out about the non-matching types?16:13
desrtno.  dconf is schemaless16:13
margahow does dconf communicate with gsettings?16:14
desrtgsettings has a pluggable backend mechanism based on the GSettingsBackend interface16:14
desrtdconf implements that16:14
desrt(it's not a capital-I Interface-- just abstract base class.... same idea, tho)16:15
margaOk.  I understand, but I still think this is something that needs to be fixed16:18
margaI'm not sure if it needs to be fixed on the dconf side, or the gsettings side.16:19
desrtit's an easy fix: you just need to write the correct type in the file16:19
margaBut it really makes little sense to cast a value in a config file.16:19
margaYes, yes, but that's to fix our current setup16:19
desrtit's not a cast -- it's a type annotation16:19
margaI want to fix it so that other people are not biten by the same thing.16:19
desrtone thing that could be done is to emit a g_warning() when an incorrectly typed value is found16:20
desrtbut i'm not sure how much good that would do16:20
desrtsince it would just go to the .xsession-errors where you may or may not see it (and probably not)16:20
margaRight, there are waay to many warnings being emitted16:21
margaSo, it's difficult to find a really important one16:22
desrtmeanwhile i can't change the gvariant parser -- it's far too widely used in places where it is assumed that it will remain compatible16:22
desrtand i can't change the dconf db file format for the same reason16:22
desrti also can't really introduce a hard dependency on schemas being present during 'dconf update' both because it would again break compatibility and would be a weird layering violation16:23
margathis incorrectly typed value... Who would find it? dconf or gsettings?16:23
desrtand i don't want an optional dependency (ie: providing 'hints' if the schema is found) because the output of 'dconf update' would change depending on if or if not these files in another directory happened to be installed16:23
desrtgsettings is finding it, in context of the program doing the read16:23
desrt  if G_UNLIKELY (value && !g_variant_is_of_type (value, expected_type))16:24
desrt    ....16:24
margawhat's G_UNLIKELY? :)16:24
desrtit'a a static branch prediction hint16:25
margaah, heh16:25
desrtwe have a bit of a convention of decorating our unexpected error cases with it16:25
desrtsuch that the primary purpose is probably not even related to the performance improvements but improving readability16:25
margawould it be too messy to check for casting possibilities in that if?16:26
desrtya... i definitely don't want to do that16:26
desrtbecause then you have a problem but you never find out about it16:26
margaSo... We are left with adding a warning?16:26
desrti'm not even really crazy about a warning16:27
margaWell, I've been having this problem for 2 months or so16:27
margaAnd I couldn't fix it until I contacted you16:27
desrtyou usually don't expect stderr output from properly-behaving GUI applications because (for example) a config file has a bad format16:27
desrtyou should really ping sooner :)16:27
desrtbut ya... i understand your frustration16:27
margaheh, we didn't know whose fault it was.  We thought it was gnome-screensaver or something, until Jake found the gsettings discrepancy16:28
margaI don't even know how he thought of checking that.16:28
desrtso one thing that could possibly be kinda OK is for 'dconf update' to open the gsettings schemas only for the purpose of issuing warnings in the case of a type mismatch16:29
desrtie: no impact on the output... just an additional diagnostic printed16:29
desrtyou're much more likely to see stderr output from 'dconf update' than some GUI program16:29
desrt(particularly something like the screensaver, running as part of the session)16:30
desrtanyway.... adding this check would be non-trivial and annoying16:30
desrtbut if someone wanted to do the work, i think it would be helpful to prevent these types of situations16:31
happyaronseb128: I guess it's not quite possible to have ibus 1.5 for Raring.16:31
margadesrt, alright.16:32
desrtin short: if you look at how 'gsettings list-recursively' works, we could take each schema object visited by that command and check its path against the value that you're trying to set in 'dconf update'16:32
happyaronseb128: we've encoutered some difficult problems because of the gconf -> dconf move, which is... actually in a mess and need to be sorted out.16:32
desrtand do a typecheck16:32
seb128happyaron, you know better about IMs than me, what do you think? It's going to be difficult to update the gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-control-center keyboard layout handling code because it would mean having to rewrite our indicator16:32
margaalthough "non-trivial and annoying"\ doesn't sound too tempting :)16:33
seb128happyaron, oh, that was a question or a statement? ;-)16:33
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happyaronseb128: I guess statement... though we're trying to fix every bit, but new problems come out from time to time. Use a newer but not tested version isn't a good idea.16:34
desrtmarga: the big take away, though, is don't spend 2 months stuck on _anything_ without starting to ping people16:34
seb128happyaron, right16:34
desrtmarga: even if just randomly for them to say "this is not my problem"16:34
seb128happyaron, who is "we" there (just curious) ... do you have details on the issues (bug reports, list discussions?)16:34
margadesrt, sure, it's just that it's not always easy to know who to ping.16:34
margalike... I have this very weird bug that I've been chasing for months... Let me look it up...16:35
happyaronseb128: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=70007616:35
ubot2Debian bug 700076 in ibus "ibus: non-functional, setup breaks" [Grave,Open]16:35
ubot2Ubuntu bug 998735 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Light blue screen on primary monitor when waking up from inactivity" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:36
happyaronseb128: I'm working with another people in ~pkg-ime, and I guess you know him, Yunqiang Su.16:36
seb128happyaron, right16:36
seb128happyaron, thanks for the update, we are still on ibus 1.4 but I would like to go for the new version and gtk3/gsettings at some point16:37
seb128we just need to figure how to get there16:37
seb128but probably not this cycle right16:37
margaThis bug affects cinnamon and gnome, but not unity (in precise).  The bug is caused when using 2 monitors, regardless of the graphics card, regardless of the screensaver.  When the screen is blocked and the user receives a notification, the left screen becomes blue.16:37
desrtmarga: for issues like that i'd bug RAOF or bryce16:38
margaRAOF is a nickname?16:38
desrthe's on aussietime, though16:38
margaoh... :-/16:38
desrtbut next week he'll be on brittime, i think16:39
happyaronseb128: I know the point, but I think let's wait for a bit more time. During my research of recent days I find that upstream is confused by the difference of gobject versions, which leads to quite a lot of problems.16:39
margaok, then.16:40
seb128happyaron, ok, do you plan to open bugs against ibus upstream about the issues you find? please give me the numbers if you do, I'm interested to follow the progresses on those16:40
desrtmarga: about the other issue, i'd hate to say 'patches accepted' but i probably won't have time to implement it myself soon16:40
desrt(and i still don't _totally_ love the idea)16:41
happyaronseb128: I'm still in the progress of tracking issues that are already reported/fixed in RH bugzilla, that takes time...16:41
margadesrt, well, who knows.  Maybe we'll come up with something better16:42
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xnoxLaney: so I set all the keys for g-s-d to draw background and it doesn't.... I ssh in, fetch the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, rerun gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background draw-background true and boom it draws it.17:16
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* xnox gtk why u no draw early17:16
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jbicha_seb128: what do you think of https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-terminal/ubuntu/view/head:/debian/patches/02_add_transparency_properties.patch17:20
larsuseb128: I'm running attente's ppa, and it works well.  What's your plan on when to get it into the desktop ppa (or even raring)?17:20
larsu(I mean the unity-gtk-module thing)17:21
jbicha_gnome-terminal 3.7 dropped support for translucent backgrounds and since that patch was disabled for so long, I'm wondering whether it would be better to turn it off again17:21
seb128jbicha_, no opinion, feel free to drop it if the feature is gone17:21
Laneyxnox: is this for the installer? ship a gsettings override?17:21
larsupeople still want to use transparent terminals? What is this, the 90s?17:21
seb128larsu, hey, I was planning to see with him in London next week, maybe having it in the desktop ppa this week and land to archive next week would be good17:21
ogra_xnox, did you compile the scheme etc ?17:21
ogra_xnox, also in the scheme file the right quoting counts :)17:22
larsuseb128: sounds awesome!17:22
* didrocks waves good evening17:24
xnoxLaney: in the installer, and it kind of executes `gsettings set schema key val` with python subprocess17:24
* xnox ponders if i can ship overrides and load them upon launching gnome-settings-daemon17:25
smspillazbug 111111117:25
ogra_ubiquity should just ship them17:25
ogra_so they get removed with the package again17:25
ogra_there is a lot of stuff in casper that should just be in an override file from ubiquity actually17:27
ogra_we should consolidate that at some point and clean it up17:27
ogra_(casper really only needs to set settings that arent ubiquity related imho)17:27
xnoxLaney: which override "wins" for the same key? first one or last one?17:29
Laneyxnox: higher number I believe17:31
Laneycall it 99_ubiquity-hacks.gstreamer.override or so17:31
Laneyerr not gstreamer, YKWIM17:31
Laneytoo much sessioninstaller on the brain17:31
xnoxhehe ok.17:34
robrupitti, kenvandine was looking into that and I think he got it working for him, but I was never able to build it for unknown reasons.17:36
xnoxLaney: right, so i think I'm getting to the bottom of this. g-s-d background plugin expects SessionManager on the dbus and listens to SessionRunning signal, but ubiquity runs without a session manager hence that is never fired and the background is not drawn.18:08
xnoxoption one is to use dbusmock to fake session manager =) (pitti will love this)18:08
xnoxor i'm just gonna take g-s-d background plugin and refactor it into the ubiquity/wallpaper app.18:08
xnox(g-s-d implementation looks cleaner and supports screen size changes \o/ )18:09
jbicha_how much benefit is disabling the background plugin giving us?18:30
ogra_disabling ?18:32
ogra_xnox tries to enable it18:32
jbicha_ogra_: we disable the plugin by default which by default breaks setups where nautilus doesn't draw the desktop18:33
notgary_Question for the room at large: Regarding the closure of bug reports as invalid, what's the etiquette for using the 'No longer affects project' button?18:33
ogra_oh. that, that needs reviewing anyway18:34
jbicha_I'm curious if it saves 1 second on startup or saves 20k of RAM…18:34
notgary_I'm thinking about this for the paper cuts project18:34
ogra_jbicha_, there is a WI to make nautilus only start if there are actual icons on the desktop18:34
notgary_Since taking our task off the report won't affect the Ubuntu or upstream task18:34
ogra_jbicha_, that wouldnt work without the plugin enabled18:34
ogra_(unless we can just switch it on on the fly, but i guess that adds startup time)18:35
seb128jbicha_, it doesn't save a lot but small wins add, and users who go to gsettings to turn nautilus desktop drawing off can as well turn something else on18:36
jbicha_seb128: ok but Ubuntu GNOME ships with desktop-icons-off by default18:37
seb128well maybe it should override the g-s-d plugin back to on then?18:37
jbicha_so should ubuntu-gnome-default-settings explicitly override ubuntu-settings then?18:37
seb128you already do if you turn nautilus off...18:37
jbicha_seb128: not currently, we just hope people haven't installed ubuntu-settings :|18:38
seb128well, broken one way or the another ;-)18:38
seb128I'm fine saying that people who install the gnome settings want the gnome settings18:38
seb128so overriding the ubuntu ones18:38
jbicha_ok I'll try that then18:39
jbicha_I wish Tweak Tool didn't use an autogenerated UI as I don't know how to patch it to explicitly turn on the background plugin if desktop-icons are turned off18:42
desrtwe should never use the background plugin18:44
desrteither we should have nautilus drawing the background or compiz18:45
desrtnever gnome-settings-daemon18:45
desrtbackground plugin just doesn't make sense when you have a compositor18:45
xnoxdesrt: can compiz draw background for me?18:47
desrti don't know18:47
desrtbut it ought to be able to and it certainly _should_18:47
desrti mean.... one way or another compiz _is_ drawing your background for you as the first thing that it does when compositing your screen18:47
xnoxdesrt: the manpage '--bg-image IMAGE' is a lie. All other references to bg image in compiz refer to integration with nautilus/kwin (pre gtk3 world) to change bg_images based on which virtual desktop is active18:48
desrtthings are more efficient if it just draws your wallpaper directly rather than some other process drawing it and compiz picking it up and copying it18:48
xnoxdesrt: well, it's just black if I don't have wallpaper app running in ubiquity - gsd manages to draw a background. I didn't manage compiz to trick into drawing a background.18:48
desrtisn't there some compiz plugin for this?18:49
xnoxmy next step is to fix up wallpaper app - currently it draws noise.18:49
* desrt has a hard time believing that for all the plugins compiz has it would lack such a simple thing18:49
xnoxdesrt: well, I've search and the only bit I found was that integrates into nautilus. Didn't find a basic - slap this image on the screen background plugin.18:49
desrtthis is definitely the proper solution -- even if it doesn't exist, i'd suggest writing it :)18:50
xnoxmaybe I'm not up-to-date with how to enable / configure such a plugin from command-line (as ubiquity spawns it's own compiz with only basic plugins enabled to create a bare minimum / lightweight environment for ubiquity window to run in)18:50
desrtsmspillaz or duflu or even racarr ought to know more about this...18:50
xnoxwell currently we have a botched up single C file wallpaper app which stopped playing nice with rarings gtk/gdk stack =)18:51
seb128I would just use the g-s-d plugin in the installer18:51
seb128not worth the work to write a compiz plugin18:51
seb128(if there is none for that)18:51
desrtseb128: do you really think that compiz would be missing a plugin for _anything_? :)18:52
xnoxseb128: turns out background plugin in g-s-d wants session manager which we are not running. So my current plan is to refactor g-s-d background plugin back into wallpaper app.18:52
seb128desrt, well from a quick glance in ccsm I don't find one for that18:52
xnoxseb128: plus it doesn't help with Xubuntu/Mythbuntu/Studio as they don't have g-s-d nor compiz.18:52
seb128hum, k18:52
desrthttp://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Wallpaper <- what is this?18:53
desrtaccording to the docs on that page, the proper way to get it to work is to kill off the wallpaper drawer of your desktop environment18:53
desrtyou should definitely talk to smspillaz about this18:53
xnoxhmm... do we ship that?18:53
seb128seems not18:54
seb128but that wouldn't help much, as you said most images don't use compiz18:54
seb128so for the installer it makes sense to simply draw the background18:54
seb128without having to bother about configuration, scalling, etc18:54
ubot2Gnome bug 686549 in background "background: remove code that deals with nautilus drawing the desktop" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:54
xnoxseb128: yeah.... =(18:55
desrtwhat is the goal here?  what installer?18:56
seb128desrt, ubiquity in install only mode18:57
seb128desrt, that's used by xubuntu, lubuntu, etc as wel18:57
* desrt would guess that the non-unity/gnome desktops have their own ...18:57
desrtxubuntu is not installed by a livecd running a xubuntu desktop18:57
seb128same as ubuntu18:57
xnoxkubuntu using python-qt/X api to draw a picture in the background fullscreen =)18:57
seb128you have both items18:57
seb128"try desktop" and install from there18:57
seb128or install only18:57
desrtif this is just for the installer then ya... stop wasting time18:57
seb128which just runs ubiquity18:57
desrtbut for the desktop we're gonna need to kick our g-s-d background dep. for the case that nautilus desktop drawing is disabled18:58
xnoxdesrt: install-only is like an upstart jobs which spawns an X server, paints background creates a fake panel with faked network-manager and opens ubiquity window. The "best" entertainment one gets is the slideshow =) it is meant to be low-RAM friendly yet prettier than alternate cd18:58
desrtneat.  got a11y?18:59
xnoxdesrt: yeah we spawn that as well based on kernel / boot params or if Ctrl+L gets clicked.18:59
xnoxwe have magnifier/alternative input/screenreader/low-contrast.18:59
xnoxit's like a mininiature desktop environment with smoke and mirrors =)19:00
xnoxsupporting kwin, lxde, xcfe, compiz, metacity, etc.....19:00
desrtseb128: btw: i was wondering what you will do about the keyboard stuff this cycle.  did you plan to try to stay on old ibus and the 3.2/3.4 era panel?19:01
* desrt tried out F18 over the weekend... wow...19:01
seb128desrt, yes19:01
seb128desrt, it might not be the nicest ui but it's allowing people in china to use their computer... ;-)19:02
* desrt wanted to stab someone when trying to ues it19:02
desrtturns out that all the features that i thought they removed were just recategorised.... arguably in better places19:02
* desrt still has an uneasy feeling19:02
desrtwhen/if we migrate we're gonna have to deal better with it than did upstream19:03
desrtlike 3rd level switcher and compose keys are no longer accessible via xkb options panel... but they added items to the 'shortcut keys'19:03
desrtwhich kinda makes sense, but only if you've never used it before19:03
desrtfor existing users it's like *argghgh*19:04
desrtthey also removed esperanto support from the primary UI and stuck it in tweak tool.  a huge setback to the international agenda, imho :(19:05
brycedesrt, "they" being xkb, or gnome?19:07
brycedesrt, ah.19:07
desrtyou know that big ugly xkb options panel that you can get to now by clicking on 'options'?19:07
brycedesrt, yeah19:07
desrtthat's completely gone as of gnome 3.619:07
desrta select few things are lifted out of it into a nicer UI (like compose, 3rd level chooser, etc)19:08
desrtthe rest are dumped into the tweaktool19:08
brycedesrt, I know there's some options from that which many people switch on (e.g. compose key, 3rd level, etc.)  I've been wondering if we ought to consider making some of those on by default.  Like R-Alt is compose by default, or whatever.19:09
desrti use r-alt for 3rd level fwiw19:09
desrtwhich i guess is a pretty common thing to do19:09
desrtsome keycaps even have 'AltGr' written on that key19:09
desrtbut i guess at the same time some users would be quite surprised to find that alt+f (chorded using the right alt key) is no longer doing what it used to19:10
brycedesrt, well, this is why I think this.  _Because_ they're so widely used, and because they're not on by default, and because we expose so many options, there's huge diversity in what people have gotten used to using.19:10
desrtyou're starting to sound like a gnome designer :)19:11
brycedesrt, maybe the inverse :-)19:11
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson hey dude...rickspencer3 just mentioned that he sometimes has the goog hangout plugin freeze and completely take down firefox19:11
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, srsly? :(19:12
brycedesrt, I'd rather see better defaults with a detailed config tool, than no defaults and a braindead config tool19:12
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, any steps to reproduce?19:12
desrtbryce: ya.. so you're probably kinda on-page with the new gnome 3.6 approach already, then19:12
desrtmeanwhile, tweak-tool allows access to the 'other' options19:12
desrt(although it does it with an interface that's even worse than the old xkb options interface from the control centre)19:13
jasoncwarner_chrisccoulson not sure on steps, he just said it crashes, then firefox becomes unresponsive and he has to killall it19:13
brycedesrt, worse?19:13
desrtya.. seriously19:13
bryceanyway, ok...19:13
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner_, it might be helpful if rickspencer3 could attach gdb to it once it's hung :)19:13
desrtcan't find a screenshot and don't want to boot fedora to get you one19:14
desrtbut rest assured, it's substantially worse19:14
brycedesrt, don't worry about it, I prefer to live life in denial19:14
desrtbasically it's a list of drop-downs with labels to the left19:14
desrtthe label on the left is the xkb option name (as you would write it in the XKBOPTIONS string)19:14
desrtthe pulldown has the strings that would appear on the right side in the XKBOPTIONS string19:14
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, ack, I'll see if I can get a stacktrace next time19:15
desrtso like lv3     [ ralt_switch ]19:15
brycedesrt, bet it was easy to implement!19:15
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, cool, thanks :)19:15
desrtbryce: i imagine so :)19:15
brycedesrt, thankfully our users *love* it when we change the config tools19:16
desrtya.... i really can't recall the last time i heard a complaint in response to something like that19:17
jbicha_desrt: have you tried gnome-control-center 3.7.5 yet? I think they moved several of the layout options back19:59
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desrtjust F1819:59
seb128it's funny to see how GNOME is adding back stuff we distro patched by then when we updated to GNOME3, after they wontfixed those for over a year20:02
seb128like they are adding a "never" option back to to "screen off after" list20:02
seb128it's not the first one to happen this cycle ;-)20:03
seb128they also decided to keep nautilus rendering of the desktop for their new "fallback"20:03
* desrt disappears to the dentist for an hour or so20:07
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dobeyugh nautilus; is the requirement to have nautilus running for drawing the background in raring now, a bug in gnome or compiz?21:07
dobey(or unity)21:07
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robert_ancelljdstrand, should 09_lp577919-fix-chromium-launch.patch from lightdm be upstream?21:30
jdstrandrobert_ancell: hey, which upstream?21:32
robert_ancelljdstrand, i.e. lightdm trunk21:32
jdstrandrobert_ancell: lightdm upstream already has the guest session apparmor in trunk?21:33
jdstrandapparmor profile*21:33
robert_ancelljdstrand, yes (we're upstream)21:33
robert_ancellbug 57791921:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 577919 in Light Display Manager "chromium-browser fails to start (guest account, OpenVZ): "Failed to move to new PID namespace: Operation not permitted"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57791921:33
jdstrandrobert_ancell: yes (I know we/you are upstream :)21:33
robert_ancelljdstrand, the plan is to split the guest session out so then the apparmour will be separate but for now it's in trunk21:34
jdstrandrobert_ancell: what I was getting at is that you could collapse all the apparmor patches into one if you don't have them upstream. otherwise, I think including upstream is best21:34
robert_ancelljdstrand, I hadn't noticed they were there. Is there any reason not to just merge them into trunk?21:35
jdstrandnot that I can think of21:35
jdstrandanyone else who wants lightdm and uses apparmor would benefit21:36
robert_ancellok, done21:36
jdstrandrobert_ancell: thanks21:36
jbichadobey: I believe it's a compiz bug since GNOME Shell doesn't need the g-s-d bg plugin & GNOME plans to get rid of the plugin21:43
dobeyjbicha: is the plug-in already gone?21:46
dobeyi guess gnome-shell does it in the WM, which is just silly21:46
jbichadobey: no and we won't be taking g-s-d 3.8 for raring anyway21:47
dobeyjbicha: then shouldn't it still work with show-desktop-icons = false?21:47
Laneyif you re-enable the plugin21:49
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jbichahmm, actually I guess it doesn't work correctly with raring's gnome-shell21:52
dobeyLaney: so the correct answer to "was it removed" is "basically, yes; it's still there but not enabled by default" ?21:55
Laneyit's disabled because, by default, it's not useful as nautilus handles it21:57
Laneythe show-desktop-icons thing is an annoying gotcha, i'll grant you21:57
stgraberLaney: don't we have some clever gsettings migration scripts for that? surely we can explicitly turn on the plugin if we detect show-desktop-icons is false on upgrade22:01
stgraber(won't work for anyone changing this after the upgrade script has run, but that should fix the obvious upgrade case at least)22:01
Laneywe do have the session-migration stuff, yeah22:04
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BigWhaleThe fact, that windows can't be placed over Panel and Launcher with Gtk.window.move() is seriously disturbing.23:34

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