
penguin42those are quite impressive00:00
AlanBelloh, I posted that googlewhack here :)00:00
redtape-renegadeAlanBell is quite aware.00:00
AlanBellthe point of the link was that it is a one word single result from google00:01
AlanBellnot a real word so it doesn't fit the definition of a googlewhack00:01
redtape-renegadeI usu. use Bing , but enlighten me , WTH is a googlwhack ?00:02
AlanBelltwo real words that if you search for them give exactly one result in google00:02
redtape-renegade.. and how can I get one myself .. ??00:02
AlanBellthey are very hard to find00:04
kanturkSends a slap over the internet ...goo.gl gangum style.00:05
* redtape-renegade facepalms . to PSY.00:06
=== aaron is now known as Guest72540
Guest72540can some one help me :S00:07
webpigeonApprently not00:08
redtape-renegadeAlanBell: What about a Hong Kong OEM.. would that do [??].. or would there be too many beaucratic resistance (from Mao China) ?00:09
penguin42redtape-renegade: Doesnt' seem to be too hard to get stuff made; see things like the cubieboard (although I think the guy who does it is based out there) - but there are loads of little ARM boxes, most supplied with android images, the challenge is to get one that has hardware which is well supported from a legal kernel00:12
aaron__Does anyone have an idea why it says my java run time eviroment isnt installed?00:13
penguin42because it isn't?00:13
aaron__but it is >.<00:13
AlanBellaaron__: tell us the rest of the story00:14
aaron__i tried downloading and installing something called Pokemmo00:14
aaron__and got installed, however it tells me i need java run time eviroment 1.6.000:14
aaron__even though i use java 7 runtime00:15
redtape-renegadeThingIs, the reasion I say that is because the local TV repair shop steward told me they do software dev. for MONEUAL tv's as they need the funds to keeop going ./. I think if they followed the scent, they'd convince the Manufacturer to use the U|TV model .. but what do you think ?00:15
AlanBellaaron__: what does java -version do?00:15
AlanBellin a terminal window, just type java -version00:15
aaron__java 1.7.000:16
aaron__^ thats what it says00:16
aaron__OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.3.4) (7u9-2.3.4-0ubuntu1.12.10.1)00:18
webpigeonaaron__: what says it isn't installed?00:18
aaron__an client called Pokemmo.exe00:18
AlanBellthought it was java? not a windows executable00:18
* AlanBell downloads the thing00:19
aaron__i open the client and it tells me that java run time enviroment 1.6.0 isn't installed00:19
webpigeonaaron__: how do you open it?00:20
webpigeonif it's via wine, that'd be why00:20
AlanBellaaron__: run the PokeMMO.sh file instead00:20
aaron__i have :L but ill try again00:20
AlanBelldon't run PokeMMO.exe, that is the thing for running it on windows00:20
webpigeonwhy people write odd wrappers for java I will never know00:22
AlanBellso go into that directory and run "bash PokeMMO.sh"00:22
AlanBellit will then start a little dialog box and complain about a lack of a valid rom00:23
AlanBellwhich presumably is the bit they can't legally distribute, so hopefully you have one of those already or something00:23
webpigeona rom wrapped up in a java executable wrapped up in a windows executable :P00:23
aaron__apperently is command not found the whats the run thing >.<00:24
aaron__nevermind done it lol00:25
redtape-renegadeWhat.exe ?00:25
aaron__had to allow the executeable to work xD00:25
AlanBellyes, you can chmod +x the script or run it with a shell, anyhow does it work?00:26
aaron__yeah thanks greatly for your help00:26
AlanBellyay \o/00:26
aaron__im only just getting used to running ubuntu lol00:26
AlanBellnight all o/00:26
webpigeonwelcome back00:36
aaron__hey :P00:36
aaron__what tends to happen here? :P00:38
webpigeonpeople say things,things get things fixed, i've not been around for quite some time now :P00:39
aaron__ahh fair does, so theres random people pop in like me? :P00:39
webpigeonpretty much, quite a few regular users as well00:40
aaron__ahh cool00:40
redtape-renegadehi G4MBY, Aloha !!01:14
AlanBellmorning all09:31
AlanBelltoaster: I am not clicking that10:04
AlanBellwhat is it?10:04
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:06
toastersorry pls ignore, wrong window10:07
mungbeancan someone check my maths:10:18
mungbean13 character password, upper and lowercase alphabetical characters only: number of poosible permutations: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=52+choose+13&x=0&y=010:19
mungbean650 billion10:19
davmor2Morning all11:07
brobostigonmorning davmor211:08
davmor2popey: ref oppo on g+ I couldn't resist :)11:09
mungbeani hear the pope is resigning11:31
brobostigonin another channel, someone else said that, so i said"is the pope catholic?" the response was,"apparently so." the joke was clearly misunderstood.11:33
davmor2brobostigon: no he's German11:34
brobostigondavmor2: yes, i knew. but that wasnt the joke.11:35
davmor2brobostigon: no that is the other joke :)11:35
brobostigondavmor2: the pope being german, well, i dont quite see it,11:36
mungbeandoes the pope poo in the woods?11:36
* popey is gutted he didn't register @pontifex on twitter11:37
einonmpopey: there's always diaspora11:39
einonmor identica11:39
andylockranwhat's the keyboard shortcut on ubuntu for switching between different windows of the same applications?11:42
mungbeandiaspora, long time since i heard that11:43
BigRedSandylockran: alt+backtick11:43
BigRedSI think11:43
andylockranhmm, no worky11:44
andylockran(on a macbook)11:44
BigRedSHm. I've just tested it in Gnome shell on debian and it worked :)11:45
popeyits alt+<the key above tab>11:46
popeynot backtick11:46
andylockranok, other issue is how to improve screen resolution on external display - stuck at 1024x76811:46
andylockranthanks popey! that worked :)11:46
popeynvidia driver installed?11:46
popeyassuming its a mbp?11:47
andylockranmbp. intel integrated11:47
andylockranfound the doc on how to fix it11:49
einonmdoes anyone know if OSX runs on ubuntu KVM out of the box yet, or does it still need patches to work ?11:50
einonmobviously running on apple hardware :)11:52
BigRedSpopey: that's where I get my backticks from11:53
BigRedSbut, yeah, I guess it doesn't follow backticks around on different maps11:54
popeyit's configured internally as "the key above tab" so it doesn't matter what key that is11:55
popeyin theory ☺11:55
bigcalmJello :)12:09
davmor2bigcalm: hello muppet boy12:20
FelixTheCatI am trying to install Ubuntu but get "marking tsc unstable due to tsc halts in idle" followed by "clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -1761805988 ns) and now it just sits at a busybox prompt12:32
FelixTheCatplease help me install ubuntu12:32
directhexwhat system?12:33
FelixTheCatdirecthex: sony vaio pcg-n5055sn12:34
directhexold vaio? lots of thoise are really broken with non-windows12:35
FelixTheCatdirecthex: yeah, about 15 years old12:36
FelixTheCatdirecthex: currently runs puppy but i want ubuntu on it12:36
davmor2FelixTheCat: go intt the bios an check the time on it12:36
FelixTheCatdavmor2: time now is correct12:38
davmor2try again12:40
davmor2FelixTheCat: ^12:40
davmor2FelixTheCat: it might be that you're bios battery died losing the settings and mean that the Time Code Stamp was way out ie 10 years before the dates on the cd and thus confusing it12:41
FelixTheCatdavmor2: same error12:41
FelixTheCatdavmor2: are bios batteries replaceable on laptops12:43
davmor2FelixTheCat: Yeap just harder to get too12:43
FelixTheCatdavmor2: i don't thing its a standard battery though (sealed i think)12:45
davmor2FelixTheCat: pass then12:45
davmor2andylockran: stop cleaning your keyboard on irc ;)12:57
andylockrannetwork connection problem12:59
davmor2andylockran: any excuse :)13:00
kanturkHi Simon_Nuttall . Aloha13:17
kanturkBoy, did that /go down/ well !!13:24
kanturk                                                        [sic]13:25
BigRedSAnyone know how to get Dovecot to log *all* commands sent to it?13:26
mgdmtcpdump? :-)13:28
BigRedShaha, yeah that's where I started13:28
BigRedSand then I wondered if there was a more imap-aware way of doing it, several minutes later it ocurred to me that Dovecot probably knows what it's being sent :)13:28
BigRedSOh, and I think this is SSL also :(13:29
davmor2BigRedS: have a look in dovecots settings I think by default the logging is either off or set really low and it will tell you where it logs13:30
BigRedSyeah, I've turned on everything but auth_debug_passwords out of TFM, but that doesn't get commands13:30
BigRedS(where TFM is here: http://wiki1.dovecot.org/Logging)13:31
BigRedSI think I'll just get him to turn off SSL and tcpdump it13:31
davmor2BigRedS: I don't know if this is of any use http://www.njae.me.uk/Dovecot_server_setup13:35
davmor2BigRedS: It might just cover what you have already done13:36
BigRedSdavmor2: hm, not a lot looks new aside from dovecot-lda having its own log, but that shouldn't be what I'm interested in...13:43
davmor2BigRedS: daft question but you did restart dovecot13:46
BigRedSdavmor2: yeah13:55
davmor2BigRedS: I figured you would of but it's always worth covering the basics :)13:55
BigRedShaha, yeah, I've definitely made that mistake in the past! :)13:56
davmor2BigRedS: and you can telnet the service?13:58
BigRedSOh yeah, it's all working13:58
BigRedSthere's just one client they're using that craps out with no real error. But it's authing okay so I'm wondering if it's trying to select a folder that doesn't exist or something13:59
davmor2BigRedS: tell them to use a different client and see if they have the same issue :)14:00
BigRedShaha, if only :)14:00
davmor2BigRedS: the only other thing you can do is use that client and see if you can connect, if you can then the likelihood is they have something setup wrong their end, if you can't then it could be an implementation issue in the client maybe other than that I think you are on your own14:03
BigRedSyeah, I think it's tcpdump/tcpflow to the rescue14:05
skybinaryi was trying to get minicom to run on startup, i am ssh to the server but it never seems to start, is there a way i can find out why?14:19
BigRedSIsn't minicom a gui app?14:37
skybinarywell ncurses14:37
BigRedSHah, yeah, that's what I meant. I've never used it, but when you want it to start on startup, is that something it's "supposed" to do? How are you trying to get it to start?14:38
skybinaryi have tried rc.local as well as a crontab @reboot in crontab14:38
BigRedSAnd what version of Ubuntu? I've just remembered that I don't understand Upstart14:38
skybinaryyeah i intend it to pick-up the phone , send me a file and hang up14:38
skybinary 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP14:39
BigRedSah, cool. If you run exactly what's in rc.local I guess it works?  I don't think I'm going to be any use here, really, I'm afraid :(14:39
skybinaryno worries, thanks BigRedS14:40
BigRedSMy guess is that it's trying to fire up a curses interface and failing 'cause of cron's environment, but that's based on almost nothing :)14:40
skybinaryahh, so screen maybe handy here14:40
skybinaryi need to find out how to launch screen minicom now oh boi14:41
skybinarythe script works fine in the terminal, i even exported the path my user activated script was using14:43
kanturkdavid says his to davidmarais .14:43
kanturkdavidmarais, Just nice to meet another David , tis'all.14:48
davidmaraiskanturk;likewise there are actually a few of us in Canonical14:49
kanturkdavidmarais,  Canonical is full of Character's .. http://goo.gl/8Gi2W14:53
kanturkHow many would you say are on the Lubuntu team that work at Canonical itself, would you judge ?14:54
popeykanturk: thats the 3rd or 4th time I've seen you post that image... what are you trying to say with it?14:56
popeyyou seem to be alluding to something, but I may be to thick to figure it out14:56
dwatkinsFull of character's what?14:59
kanturk"Post" ? Is this a G+comm. thingy?? sorry I got it off my boy on Saturday night.. Sorry if it offends you I'll tel him to de-dropbox it.14:59
popeyit doesn't offend14:59
popeyI flat out don't know what you're saying14:59
popeybut you keep posting uit14:59
kvarleyI don't understand why you would post a short url instead of the actual url either15:02
skybinarywhat is that piccy about?15:02
kanturkredtape, Can you get back to me when you check the logs for this chanel tonite after work ? Someone want the File Comment you showed me of your Screenshot from saturday15:02
bigcalmFrom the /topic: This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com15:03
BigRedSI R clogs!15:04
kanturkpopey, .. *I'll tweet him* to come back to you here. Prob. tonight or tomorrow.. morn.15:04
popeyeh? you and he are not the same person?15:04
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skybinaryyay, i got it working, i had to use ... su - username -c "/usr/bin/screen -dmS /home/scripts/telnet" &15:07
skybinaryin rc.local15:07
kanturkNo, but we use the same office. It's a shared Vaio notebook that I use after doing the petty cajh for 10 mins on my smoking-break . I have to go now .. as my Radio 4 prog. has started. I'll stave off till his present arrives this week ..apparently his got a good deal on stationary. Bye.15:08
BigRedSskybinary: aha!15:08
skybinaryi was trying /home/scripts/telnet & and then i tried screen /home/scripts/telnet, but with the -dmS option it runs as a deamon15:13
MartijnVdSwoo, new Epic Rap Battle of History18:07
bigcalmHazar! It is me!18:40
penguin42hey me18:41
bigcalmNo, me!18:42
MartijnVdSbigcalm: hi me18:42
bigcalmMartijnVdS: hi me too18:43
MartijnVdS"A Defense of Comic Sans"18:43
dwatkinsIt cannot be defended.18:44
popeyi saw an app recently which, if you didn't pay for a license beyond 30 days, would revert to only displaying in comic sans18:46
MartijnVdSpopey: Last year, some radio DJs celebrated "Comic Sans Day", and $work participated (and klm.com as well!)18:47
MartijnVdSpopey: The CRM still has a "Use different font" user preference setting :)18:48
jacobwsometimes people act as if hatred of comic sans is irrational18:51
bigcalmMartijnVdS: interesting video19:03
BigRedSI was sent that the other day19:47
BigRedSI nearly changed my terminal font to comic sans in response but it's not free enough19:47
davmor2BigRedS: did you solve your issue with dovecot in the end?19:49
BigRedSdavmor2: yeah, tcpdump19:50
davmor2BigRedS: what was it the way that client was interacting?19:51
BigRedSyeah, it could bring up an imap/ssl connection but didn't then know what to do with it19:51
BigRedSgiven a cleartext connection it was fine19:51
BigRedSso, actually, tcpdump itself didn't help, 'cause it started working as soon as it was clear enough to bother listening19:52
davmor2BigRedS: hahahaha19:52
BigRedSyeah, I was a bit baffled19:52
DJonesAnybody rushing out to buy a 3D tv in anticipation of this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-2141351120:27
BigRedSI thought we all decided we didn't want 3D TV?20:29
czajkowskiother half has one20:30
czajkowskiit's rather cool watching stuff in 3D20:30
shaunothey weren't issued ahead of the queen's speech last christmas?20:30
BigRedShaha, forgot about that20:31
dwatkinsI know someone who bought a 3D TV because the particularly good panel he wanted was only available in a 3D model. He barely uses it in 3D mode.21:10
directhexi have a 3d tv21:16
directhexfor some games, it's super awesome21:16
directhexbasically games with a camera with mostly fixed focus on your protagonist, e.g. assassin's creed or wipeout21:17
directhexit's bad for games where the camera moves away from your character a lot21:17
penguin42directhex: I wouldn't mind trying Fold.it on a 3d set21:19
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
zleapwat is the remote login manager thing called from the login screen22:56
zleapor something22:56
zleapdon't know what to google for22:56
zleaphow do i add that option to the login screen for lubuntu23:01
zleapor ubuntu23:01
ali1234no idea23:01
penguin42zleap: Try enabling xdmcpserver in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf23:13
zleaper ok23:13
penguin42that is if you want to be able to login to the machine remotely23:13
zleapwill do that later23:13
zleapyeah so its an option on the login menu23:13
penguin42oh, then that's different23:14
penguin42how about saying exactly what it is you want to be able to do?23:14
zleapat one time there was a remote login option on the login screen23:15
zleapi want this back as an option23:15
penguin42and what exactly did that do?23:15
penguin42what did it let you log into?23:15
zleapi guess allowed remote login23:15
popeythe remote login option in the logon screen is different from xdmcp23:15
zleapi give up23:16
popeyremote login is designed for corporate customers who want to allow users to access remote systems23:16
popeye.g. to access a remote windows session on citrix23:16
popeyyou can also use it to remotely control ubuntu machines23:16
zleaptis used to he an option on linux gui display mangers23:16
popeyyes, there did23:16
popeybut that is long gone23:16
penguin42zleap: How long ago - is this Ubuntu or long ago?23:16
popeyit was in early releases of ubuntu23:17
zleapa few years but I am sure ubuntu ad it23:17
zleaphad it23:17
popeycertainly went when we went to lightdm23:17
zleapok i will use vnc then as that is set up on the pi23:18
zleapi just figured if there was a way to remotely login graphically without having to login first it would be handy23:18
zleapso njow its login to Desktop and vnc to pi23:18
penguin42ah, so you want to vnc, now you say what you want to connect to!23:19
zleapi have vnc working23:19
zleapbut if there is a way to just choose remote desktop from a login screen it would be handy as an option23:20
popeyyeah, you can't do that anymore23:20
zleapso what package does that23:20
zleapgiven my netbook runs lubuntu23:20
zleapshould be a case of installing something to get the option back23:21
popeyI'm kinda lost23:21
penguin42zleap: The thing that gives you the login option is called a 'greeter'23:21
popeyit was never implemented in lightdm23:21
penguin42zleap: So display manager runs greeter23:21
penguin42zleap: Whether there is a version of that still in the gtk-greeter package I don't know23:22
xtianzleap: if you ssh -X it will export your display setting to remte ssh session so on the pi (for example) you could run xclock and it will display on your local xdisplay23:26
zleapok will look lter or just use vnc23:26
penguin42zleap: However, there is another way; create yourself a new user and in that users xsession get it to just start a vncclient23:26
zleapi will look in to that tomorrow23:26
zleapi guess i need to figure out what to add the vncviewer to to make it autostart23:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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