
didrocksmmrazik: hey, in case you didn't see my comment: https://code.launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins/window-mocker/latestsnapshot/+merge/14743307:33
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mmrazikdidrocks: didn't see it. In the last week or so I've seen several branches not being marked as merged by launchpad07:46
mmrazikdidrocks: its launchpad who is changing the state, right? Not the bot...07:47
mmrazikseen it 4-5 times or so last week07:47
didrocksmmrazik: oh, right, it's LP, Friday evening mind's screwup :)07:47
mmrazikdidrocks: but it is weird that the diff was generated empty07:47
didrocksmmrazik: so a trigger in LP didn't work I guess07:47
didrocksmmrazik: the diff is generated everytime trunk changes07:47
mmrazikdidrocks: that was my assumption, yes07:47
mmrazikdidrocks: I don't think that is true07:47
mmrazikor at least I've never seen a diff to change once it is generated07:48
mmrazikonly if the candidate branch changes07:48
didrocksmmrazik: same, I don't have the real rule, but I've definitively see new conflicts generated sometimes07:48
didrockswithout the candidate branch changes07:48
didrocksit's a little bit of black magic for me07:48
didrocksyep :)07:48
didrocksMirv: hey, did you see that seb added some more infos on your Qt branches?07:56
didrocksMirv: and some were rejected, can you please before we do our hangout ensuring that all licenses reflect the files in the project?07:57
Mirvdidrocks: hi. actually I haven't noticed that.07:59
Mirvdidrocks: licenses need to be re-checked module by module, but at least regarding the added license files all modules have code that fall under those08:00
didrocksMirv: apparently not from what seb is telling, I didn't check TBH08:01
Mirvdidrocks: where is that info?08:01
Mirvoh, a new column in the doc..08:02
Mirvtoo far on the right08:02
didrocksMirv: yep, "New review comments"08:02
Mirvok then08:02
didrocksMirv: do you mind having a look for all project before we resume the hangout?08:02
didrocksjust ping me once you are ready :)08:02
Mirvdidrocks: ok08:03
jibelany idea why on a default install, compiz would load the font 'Nanum Gothic' (along with more standard ones)? This alone consumes 400kB of memory.08:09
didrocksjibel: I saw you g+ post, I think it's Nux, let me check08:11
jibelI couldn't figure why with fontconfig in debug mode08:12
didrockshum, didn't find it straight away, looking quickly over nux/compiz/unity code, but I'm sure Nux is doing some stuff with fonts (or at least, did in the past)08:12
didrocksso I wouldn't be surprised if this is the root cause08:12
jibelyeah but it is really not trivial to find because there are lot of criteria involved in font matching08:16
Mirvdidrocks: ok we could have something now08:43
didrocksMirv: great, coming :)08:43
popeyJohnLea: when you initiate spread in raring, the windows which get zoomed out all get resized down by a small factor, and then resized back up again when you come out of spread. Is this intentional? It causes redraws of the applications being spread, unncessarily so IMO.10:59
JohnLeapopey: let me test, and I will get back to you10:59
JohnLeathanks for the heads up10:59
popeyJohnLea: see http://popey.com/~alan/max.png and http://popey.com/~alan/spread.png for an example. the VirtualBox application window gets resized ~28px smaller causing a full desktop redraw in the vm.11:02
JohnLeapopey; yes, that sounds to me like a bug, the spread should be scaling (not resizing) the windows.11:03
popeyok, I'll file it11:04
JohnLeapopey; thanks!  I'd also recommend asking smspillaz about it11:04
JohnLeapopey; ping me the bug # when done, thx!11:04
popeyroger roger11:05
andyrockpopey, JohnLea The spred does scale the windows11:05
JohnLeaandyrock; so that is desired behaviour?11:06
andyrockJohnLea, no I think the problem here is the decoration11:06
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andyrockJohnLea, but the right guy to talk about it is Trevinho here11:10
JohnLeapopey; ^11:10
JohnLeaandyrock; thx11:10
andyrockbtw let me check the code11:11
popeyandyrock: JohnLea bug 112194111:13
ubot5bug 1121941 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Spread (Super+W) causes windows to resize/repaint and not just scale" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112194111:13
andyrockpopey, it happens just for maximized windows, right?11:13
popeygood question11:14
* popey tries11:14
andyrockpopey, thx11:14
popeyandyrock: yes, maximised windows only11:15
* popey edits title of bug11:15
andyrockpopey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636066/11:16
andyrockline 9-1011:16
andyrocki think these lines trigger the issue11:16
andyrockbut IIRC we draw a fake decoration for maximized windows in the spread11:17
andyrockso it should not be needed11:18
andyrockbut let's wait Trevinho11:18
andyrockthis could explain also bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/103994211:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1039942 in unity (Ubuntu Quantal) "[regression][GLES] scale mode is slow and stutters when unityshell is loaded" [Medium,Triaged]11:20
smspillazandyrock: if WindowManager::Decorate sets MWM_DECOR in _MWM_HINTS then compiz will re-decorate and resize the window11:20
smspillazI don't think its related to 1039942 though11:20
andyrockpopey, ok I've a branch that fixes the issue11:38
andyrocki just need to do some more tests with special app/window (chrom*, etc)11:39
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sil2100didrocks: hi! A thing related to the search-testing as part of libcolumbus... maybe for now we could merge the AP test code even now? I would just comment out the app lens fuzzy tests, as those are failing without columbus11:49
didrockssil2100: sounds good to me then :)11:49
sil2100didrocks: this way we would have some time to test the search code a bit11:49
sil2100In a real testing environment11:49
didrockssil2100: yep, please do not hesitate :-)11:50
sil2100didrocks: ok :)11:50
sil2100didrocks: hm, do you know if the Window Mocker name will be translated into many languages?12:14
didrockssil2100: we shouldn't up until we need it for other tests12:15
didrocksthat's IMHO :)12:15
didrocksat worse, we can have 2 desktop files12:15
didrocksone translated and launching the app12:15
didrocksand another one untranslated and shipping with LANG=C12:15
sil2100For me it would be better if we didn't for now as well12:21
Trevinhopopey, JohnLea, andyrock: it happens because we have to re-decorate a maximized window in order to be able to draw on it its decoration...12:33
Trevinhopopey: this was needed for the scale, however due to some changes I did recently for the alt+tab spread, I think we can avoid this... But I need to look further at it12:34
smspillazheh, I remember when I did the same thing about two years ago now and ran into the same problem :p12:41
smspillazthe solution of course being just drawing the decoration pixmap, but we have the ability to do that now12:41
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mterrydidrocks, you said in your email that UTAH is fixed?  We made some progress?14:39
didrocksmterry: hey, the local.rc fix is supposed to land soon14:40
didrocksmterry: but anyway, with the power outage, we can't really know yet :)14:40
mterrydidrocks, local.rc?  I may have missed a conversation14:42
didrocksmterry: they were two known issues for provisionning an image, one is bug #111858114:43
ubot5bug 1118581 in UTAH "/etc/rc.local is truncated" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111858114:43
didrocksmterry: the other (the Friday evening one) was a file conflict in the default packages14:43
didrocksaborting the install14:43
didrocksboth are fixed14:44
didrocksnow, we need to wait for the QA lab to be up again14:44
didrockswell, the magners machine rather14:44
didrocks(the rest is up)14:44
mterryYup.  OK14:44
mterrydidrocks, have a good weekend?14:44
didrocksmterry: was nice, quite some snow here as well, so didn't do anything too exciting ;-) yourself?14:45
mterrydidrocks, just stayed inside through most of our snowstorm.  Thankfully I don't have a car, so was quite happy watching everyone else digging out their cars14:47
didrocksmterry: yeah, it's the time as well I enjoy to only rent a car when I'm needing it :)14:49
mterrydidrocks, what do you use to make snapshot packages of the various unity upstreams?15:16
didrocksmterry: do you talk about the upstream tarball?15:16
mterrydidrocks, yeah15:17
didrocksmterry: so, I'm using the split mode of bazar to do that. This is down in a cowbuilder chroot, where I sign the source package (after installing the build-deps)15:19
didrocksmterry: look at the chroot-tools/ directory, containing the .pbuilderrc and buildsource-chroot tool15:20
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didrocksmterry: oh, I would have 2 MIRs for you to look at if possible16:09
didrocksmterry: qt5chooser, I'll ask Mirv_ to give the rationale soon (it's needed for coinstalling Qt4 & 5 on the same machine for a dev env, but he knows more than I)16:10
didrocksmterry: for libcolumbus, I think we can prepare things a little bit before, wdyt? cyphermox, do you mind prepping a MIR for it? (Satoris is upstream)16:11
mterrydidrocks, k16:13
didrocksthanks mterry :)16:13
mterrydidrocks, cyphermox : poke me with bugs when you have them16:13
* didrocks goes back to Qt5 and headaches16:13
didrocksthanks cyphermox ;)16:17
* davmor2 hands didrocks some paracetamol there now it's just qt516:23
didrocksdavmor2: thanks, would be a big help :)16:23
=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
Mirvmterry: qtchooser is the upstream recommended and Debian adopted tool to co-install dev executables of Qt4 and Qt5, so needed now for libqt4-dev and developing with Qt5. it replaces the manually patching to add suffixes and alternatives system used earlier.16:35
mterryMirv, sure16:37
mterryMirv, is there a bug for its MIR yet?16:42
mterryMirv, didrocks said qt5chooser.   But you say qtchooser.  Which package name is it?  I notice that qtchooser is already in main16:43
didrocksmterry: sorry, was qtchooser16:43
mterrydidrocks, it's in main now it looks like.  Is this an after-the-fact mir?16:44
didrocksmterry: yeah, sorry, didn't give you context :)16:47
didrocksmterry: it's based on the upload of qt4-x11 we did Friday16:47
didrocksand yeah, after-the-fact MIR16:48
cyphermoxdidrocks: mterry: who will upload li16:48
cyphermoxlike, ETA for the upload?16:48
mterrydidrocks, but no bug yet?  Can you or Mirv file a bug and I'll start looking16:49
mterrycyphermox, don't know16:49
didrockscyphermox: this week? with daily release16:49
didrocksmterry: that's why I ask Mirv to give you the info, to get a bug :)16:49
didrockscyphermox: it's needed prior the new hud16:50
didrocksso tomorrow if jenkins is back :)16:50
cyphermoxhud is what b-deps on it right?16:50
didrockscyphermox: yeah, or is already, look at the MP :)16:50
didrockssorry, still on Qt5 and really really needs paracetamol I guess…16:51
mterryMirv, can you please file a MIR bug with the info you gave me  on IRC?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess16:51
cyphermoxmterry: are doing any other MIRs currently?17:06
cyphermoxlibcolumbus also needs libsparsehash-dev; I'll write the mir now unless you're already working on it17:06
mterrycyphermox, I'm not working on it.  Please write it up17:07
mterryI'll review once written17:07
davmor2hey guys why does quantal look like this http://ubuntuone.com/6eZ84ok0EYTNWcGWOVzoCG and raring look like this http://ubuntuone.com/52xxNl1j5swOuyDo7SNWUa17:10
bregmadavmor2, can you be more specific about which difference you're referring to, and what you're expecting?17:13
davmor2bregma: I'm expecting them to look the same they are the same track the only difference is the distro series17:14
davmor2the size of the dash is irrelevant17:15
mterrydavmor2, looks like the only difference is the cover art?17:16
mterrydavmor2, the banding on top and bottom is expected17:16
davmor2mterry: album name17:16
mterryI guess one has left arrow and other has right arrow.  I don't know if that is expected17:16
bregmadavmor2, I see you have the dash configured in full-screen mode in your raring example, and the album cover art is missing, and the raring example is using the new raring assets instead of the quantal assets, but it would be good to know more clearly what you're expecting17:16
mterrydavmor2, album name looks the same to me.  "Running Up That Hill" in both17:17
davmor2mterry: oh yes sorry I was seeing the title on the image my fault17:18
bregmaquestion is, why is the album art missing?17:19
davmor2bregma: that's the big question17:21
davmor2I'm just checking through by all accounts there is no album art displayed for any track17:21
bregmaall I can suggest is that the dash and scopes are going through some significant development at the moment, and that there may be an impledence mismatch somewhere i the stack that will get irond out in time17:22
davmor2bregma: and the full screen is a default this is a vanilla install for testing17:23
bregmaI just searched for that album with today's raring build and got the cover art in the preview17:24
davidcalledavmor2, bregma: regarding album art. With Rhythmbox as the default, we depend on it for album art, it needs to be closed at least once to list the album art it has feched in its db, then the lens can pick it up.17:25
davmor2davidcalle: Nope also oddly if RB is closed and I click on a track it isn't played it just opens the player17:28
davidcalledavmor2, interesting :/17:29
cyphermoxmterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sparsehash/+bug/112226518:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 1122265 in sparsehash (Ubuntu) "[MIR] sparsehash" [Undecided,New]18:07
cyphermoxmterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/112226918:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1122269 in Ubuntu "[MIR] libcolumbus" [Undecided,New]18:08
cyphermoxlibcolumbus isn't in the archive yet so I can't match it to the package yet18:09
smspillazsil2100: can I modify the "unity" shellscript to not kill compiz when it runs "--replace"18:29
smspillazshellscript/python file/whatever18:29
smspillazits a hack that just causes problems, and the reason for it existing isn't there anymore.18:30
sil2100smspillaz: oh, so it's not needed anymore?18:46
sil2100smspillaz: in this case, I think we can just remove it18:46
sil2100Trevinho: hi! Are you around?18:47
sil2100See you later everyone18:49
mterryfginther, without the staging PPA, if I want to try to reproduce crashes that jenkins is seeing or whatever, how do I use the same packages as Jenkins?19:04
fginthermterry, jenkins uses an http archive for the packages it builds.19:05
mterryfginther, an archive that I could point to, I assume?19:05
fginthermterry, it's possible to use that instead as long as the test system has VPN access (I've done this)19:05
mterryfginther, OK, cool.  Then I don't mind staging going away19:06
fginthermterry, the packages are not archived anywhere, so if you needed a specific package that was not the latest, you would be out of luck (which I think is the way the PPA works as well)19:06
mterryoh hey, jenkins is back up19:11
mterrycyphermox, do you know if you think the indicator stack will build cleanly now/19:12
mterryhmm, the autopilot ati/intel/nvidia machines are still offline though19:13
cyphermoxmterry: I think so19:22
cyphermoxbut yeah, depends on the machines being up ;)19:22
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