
werzer23sure I have a ubuntu box on aws and instead of using the elastic ip 123.432.345:8080/q?query_string I would like to just use the ip/q?query_string00:00
kunjitama92: Wait what?  Umm, could you kind of give a visual representation of your network and what ip things have00:00
Sendoushismb working oh yeaaaahhh!!00:00
tama92I'm trying to know why my devices (android phone + tablet) can't connect when my computer's wifi is on :/00:00
matlockwerzer23, what application is serving the content on 808000:01
tama92My gateway ip is
matlockthere must be some sort of setup in that application to change the port00:01
kunjitama92: and the computers ip?00:01
werzer23matlock:  is port 80 open?00:01
tama92The computer ip is
matlockunless you want to setup port redirection from the outside -> in so it goes 80 -> 808000:01
werzer23on my desktop ubuntu I can open it but I can not user 8000:02
matlockso you locally see it?00:02
matlockand no access from outside your network will be taking place?00:02
kevinchwould it be safe to go rm -rf /var/lib/backuppc after I apt-get remove'd it?00:02
werzer23matlock: on my local version of the server00:02
onitaLdpkg -S /var/lib/backuppc first00:03
tama92There are some weird messages with cfg80211 in the logs too00:03
kunjikevinch: Probably, but try an apt-get purge of it first and see if that removes those00:03
matlockstill trying to wrap my head around it. is this so you only can access it on port 80? or so that others connecting from outside can access it from port 80?00:03
matlockcause one has two solutions00:03
matlockthe other has one00:04
rocky_how do i in synaptic package manager, select i386 version to be downloaded?00:04
matlockthe one with one, is to find whatever setting defines the port it listens on in the app itself and change that..00:04
kevinchkunji: dpkg: warning: while removing backuppc, directory '/var/lib/backuppc/pc' not empty so not removed.00:04
rocky_how do i in synaptic package manager- for a particular package, select i386 version to be downloaded?00:04
matlockthe other option would be to use port redirection on your router to nat the request on 80 to 808000:04
kunjitama92: Hmm, so the devices will connect if your computer is not connect?  Is your computer doing DHCP maybe?  Try and see what dnsmasq is up to on your comp as well.00:05
tama92How do I do this ?00:06
beanrocky_, just use apt-get and append :i386 on the end of the package name00:06
kunjikevinch: Ok, should be safe to remove, but try just moving the stuff someplace else first, so then you can put it back if there is a problem.00:06
kevinchokay thanks00:06
kevinchthat will free up half of my boot drive, excellent00:06
werzer23matlock:  so outside requests only connect to port 8000:07
rocky_bean, thank you00:07
tama92That's what I thought too, but I don't know how to check it00:07
PlatzIn xterm my meta-b and meta-f (alt-b and alt-f) are producing unicode gibberish instead of moving forward and backward on the bash cli.  but on urxvt it's working fine.  Any ideas on how to correct the behavior in xterm?00:07
=== armedengineer is now known as archigos
werzer23bottle.py (a python server) says connection to 80 refused00:07
matlockwerzer23, port redirection, what kind of router do you have and is the firmware stock?00:07
thecodethinkerHas anyone got Dark Souls working under wine?00:07
werzer23matlock: its on amazon aws00:07
bean!appdb | thecodethinker00:08
ubottuthecodethinker: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:08
werzer23error: [Errno 13] Permission denied00:08
kunjitama92: Hmm, for dnsmasq, run ps ax | grep dnsmasq  If the process is running I think the conf-dir it is using will be shown.  I would read that to see what it thinks it is up to.00:08
beanwerzer23, permission denied when you try to do what? run a server on port 80?00:08
kunjitama92: I think there's another way to do DHCP besides dnsmasq, but i forget what it is00:08
werzer23bean: yes00:08
thecodethinkerbean: people don't talk on #winehq... so I am asking here too.00:08
beanwerzer23, only root can run things on ports below 1024, fwiw00:09
werzer23this is the most active irc channel ever00:09
Senjai!patience | thecodethinker00:09
ubottuthecodethinker: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:09
beanthecodethinker, you didn't read the whole message then... search on app db00:09
thecodethinkerSenjai: This is the third day I have asked the same question on winehq....00:09
beanthecodethinker, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=14458 easy google00:09
Senjaithecodethinker: then post on a forum00:10
thecodethinkerbean: I did, followed the guide, and it didn't work00:10
tama92There's indeed a dnsmasq process running, the configuration directory (--conf-dir) is empty00:10
p201Platz: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=12777300:10
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 127773 in xterm "Ctrl-Arrow keys do not work in xterm" [Medium,Closed: notabug]00:10
thecodethinkerSenjai: I want to try to avoid making another account...00:10
thecodethinkerIf your not going to help just say so...00:10
thecodethinkerDon't treat me like I am a newbie to these things...00:10
tama92ls -a /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d returns nothing00:10
kunjitama92: Hmm, that's weird, min is using the conf at /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d00:11
alamiany one here have silc irssi plugin?00:11
matlockwell technically thecodethinker00:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:11
matlockwine = offtopic related discussion00:11
beangetting a game to run in wine is offtopic, for sure.00:11
ubottuirssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen00:11
Mk558When the 10.04LTS repositories expire in April, is anybody else going to ... pick up the repository?00:11
Platzit looks like xterm*metaSendsEscape: true fixes it; but seems kinda hacky00:11
werzer23is there a way to map port 8080 to port 80?00:11
Senjaithecodethinker: if we dont know we dont respond. But if you ask about stuff that disrupts the current flow or topic of dicussion we will point it out00:12
* thecodethinker sighs00:12
matlockholyjunk yall don't have a bot spam trigger?00:12
beanwerzer23, yes, using IPtables or any number of other things. I usually use nginx as a reverse proxy.00:12
thecodethinkerSenjai: I don't mind if you do that. That's ur job... I mind when you treat me like I don't know what im doing.00:12
kunjitama92: Oh, I see the directory itself is empty, that's fine00:12
Platzwerzer23: for one-off's you might be able to use socat00:12
p201Platz, I never used xterm as main terminal, olny for testing00:13
matlock^^ meh, people come in here for /help/     when they need /help/ they usually don't know what they're doing.00:13
beanwerzer23, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Nginx/ReverseProxy00:13
Platzp201: what do you use; why not xterm?00:13
werzer23I used: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT00:13
werzer23but bottle still says permision denied00:13
tama92Running ps ax | grep 'dhcp' only return the dhcp-client00:14
beanwerzer23, you need to set your bottle to run on 8080, then use nginx or iptables or something to listen on 8000:14
kunjiwerzer23: bottle says it?  What's bottle?00:14
werzer23server / micro web framework00:15
p201Platz, sakura as most simple. But urxvt is cery common solution.00:15
Platzp201: cool, thx00:15
werzer23so how do I use iptables to map 8080 to 80?00:16
beanwerzer23, i'd recommend using nginx.00:16
beanbiglinux-buddha, that isn't very appropriate for here00:17
werzer23bean: I will use a full scale server when I need it00:17
Sendoushilets say you want to run a file which does linux functions... is this a shell?00:17
tama92Nothing in syslog about dns or dhcp :/00:17
beanwerzer23, then if you dont need it just connect to it on port 8080. Nginx will forward requests from port 80 to 8080 for you.00:18
tama92There's a "Key type dns_resolver registered" in dmesg00:19
Sendoushihow can i get the actual folder i'm in?00:20
tama92Use pwd00:20
matlockSendoushi, waht do you mean00:20
matlockdo you mean navigate there in terminal?00:20
Sendoushilike i'm under /var/www but now i want to mkdir inside that00:20
Sendoushiso i have to do once again /var/www/DIR00:20
matlockyou wish to make a file inside www?00:21
Sendoushii would want a way to get that /var/www which is the actual folder i'm on00:21
matlockmkdir <foldername>00:21
matlockor if that don't work, sudo mkdir <foldername>00:21
Sendoushiyes but that way you have to use the full path00:21
Sendoushithat's what i was trying to avoid00:21
beanno you dont00:21
matlocknot if you're in /var/www00:21
matlocktype pwd00:22
matlockif it doesn't show as /var/www00:22
matlockPresent Working Directory00:22
Sendoushiit shows as var/www00:22
Sendoushibut created the folder on root00:22
matlockdid you type mkdir /folder   ?00:22
matlockor mkdir folder00:22
matlockthere's a difference00:22
ParamotopyOA1hello, i want to create a disk dump of my new install onto a usb flash drive (so if anything goes down with the fresh install i can bring it back without going through and changing a bunch of configurations).  however, i want to make sure that when i mount the drive somewhere that when i do a disk-dump, that directory is not included in the image (otherwise, it'd be this recursive disk dump which would be no bueno).00:22
francisHi, is there a way to recover or reset a lost keyring password?00:23
matlockParamotopyOA1, how big is the disk you wanna copy?00:24
JanethHi! I screwed my lightDM and now I can't access ubuntu. Also, I've been thinking about making a fresh install of ubuntu, and I'm decided to do that now. But I first want to save my files. I try to access my hard drive using a liveUSB, but I can't mount the partitions... how can I access and save my files??? I noticed I can't install anything when I'm in the liveUSB session...00:24
matlockJaneth, what does sudo fdisk -l show  (lowercase L)00:25
jhutchins_wkJaneth: Just work from the console.  You should be able to switch to it using alt-F1 even if the DM's messed up.  If that fails, boot in rescue or single-user mode.00:25
matlockor that ^^00:25
ParamotopyOA1matlock: the disk is set up with a raid configuration and has 186 gigs on it, but after everything was installed and configured properly (or how i want it), a little less than 4 gigs all day.00:25
matlockParamotopyOA1, and your usb drive?00:25
ParamotopyOA116 gigs00:25
Janethmatlock: with fdisk -l I can see all my partitions00:26
matlockdd if=/path/to/partition of=/path/to/usb/file.img00:26
matlockthat's what i would think00:26
katyHello, each time I install the nvidia drivers for my Macbook Pro either through terminal or Additional Drivers app. Upon reboot I get a black screen. How can I install the proprietary drivers and avoid this issue?00:26
isaiasdoes unity web player work on ubuntu using vbox to run windows 7?00:26
tama92How can I check if my computer is doing dhcp ?00:26
Janethjhutchins_wk, when I try to log into ubuntu, i get an error message and I get the option of entering by rescue mode. But It wont enter even if I choose that...00:26
matlockJaneth, and if you mount /dev/to/be/mounted /location/of/mount   ?00:27
matlocktama92, wifi or ethernet?00:27
matlocktama92, plug an ethernet cable from a pc to the nic on your box00:27
ParamotopyOA1right ... but say i have the usb mounted on /myusb ... and i have my hard drive mounted on /, then, creating a disk dump to there will be recursive as it'll follow the link down to /myusb ... no?00:28
Janethmatlock, i tried the command /dev/sda1 but it didn't work. Do I have to enter a location of mount also?00:28
matlockyep janeth,00:28
matlockessentially you would    sudo mkdir /media/mountpoint00:28
matlockthen sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/mountpoint00:28
isaiasKaty: this worked for me and i dont know how or why. try lowing the screen resolution and color, then installing the drivers.00:28
Janethah... ok00:28
JanethI will try that00:28
katyisaias, thanks ill try that00:29
matlockthat may make it read only ... between the mkdir and the mount00:29
matlockdo this00:29
matlocksudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /media/mountpoint00:29
matlockthat way the user owns the file, rather than root00:29
matlockand you don't run into permissions issues00:29
katyhow low did you set the resolution and color00:29
Janethdo you know why I can't install anything? When I created the live USB I saved some space for files and I've been able to install things before. It feels like I don't have any priviledges...00:29
tama92What's the "nic on [my] box" ?00:29
katyisaias,  how low did you set the resolution and color00:30
Janethmatlock, thanks, i did mount it that way. I will go an save my files :) Thanks!00:31
matlocktama92, the nic is your network interface card00:31
p201matlock: that's topic about wifi00:32
werzer23how can I establish an iptables rules script?00:32
matlockyea i read that after i mentioned that00:32
tama92So I need to plug my laptop to the box using an ethernet cable ?00:32
ncp_tama92, check /etc/network/interfaces00:32
p201tama92: are we talking about dhcp client or server testing?00:33
tama92I have 2 lines in it :00:34
tama92dhcp server00:34
loki_first i m running gns3 network emulator and i have a lot of problems .. the recomendation is to use it as root (eg kdesudo gns3) .. but in this way i cannot use vbox and wireshark in cooperation... So is there any way to add my self to ALL groups (became an admin.. like windows)??00:34
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tama92auto lo00:34
tama92iface lo inet loopback00:34
matlocktama92, and you want which device to be  the dhcp server?00:35
tama92I don't want it to be the dhcp server00:35
matlockyou want your router to handle that then?00:35
matlockbut for some reason, it's not working propely?00:35
tama92I want to check if my computer is doing dhcp00:35
matlockgot another computer you can connect to the network that runs linux?00:36
ZahidI need some ubuntu help!00:36
matlockif so, connect it then check the log viewer00:36
tama92When computer's wifi is on, other devices can't connect to the wifi :/00:36
matlockit should state which servers it packs from00:36
tama92I can find a live CD00:37
ZahidCan you guys help me with Ubuntu 12.1000:37
ZahidShould I type up my question00:37
ZahidI'm on ubuntu 12.10 and when I go to system properties, it says "Graphics: Unknown" and "Experience: Standard". When I go to settings >> additional drivers, it says "No propietary drivers in use, and theres nothing to choose from. My graphics card is ATI Radeon X600. Is therre anything I can do?00:37
isaiaskaty: are you still there?00:37
KxTwoanyone know how to get ubuntu to see y wired xbox controller so I can use it with zsnes00:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto00:37
katyZahid, try downloading ther additional drivers app00:38
tama92What should I pay attention to ?00:38
ZahidCan you tell me how to install that00:38
ZahidI get it from the software cneter?00:38
jeeves_mosswhy can't I boot windows 8 after I installed 12.04?00:38
p201tama92 is there file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases?00:38
katyisaias, im still here. i did a fresh install i'm waiting for software to update, before i install the driver. is that necissary?00:39
ZahidKaty apparently my graphics card is really unpopular because I cant find any help on the internet :(00:39
ZahidRadeon X60000:39
katyzahid, yeah the software center00:39
ZahidI'll try that. I'll let u know what happens00:39
tama92p201 on which device ?00:40
isaiaskaty: you are using ubuntu, am I right?00:40
isaiaskaty: what kind of monitor do you have?00:40
katyisaias yeah 12.1000:40
adamkZahid: Your GPU will only work with the open source drivers.  They should work just fine, though, for a normal 3D desktop experience.00:40
p201tama92 which run dhcp server00:40
katyisaias, its a macbook pro 6,2 the one that came with it..? its a antiglare one...00:41
isaiaskaty: ahh, yes xD sorry xD. hmm00:41
katyadamk, how do i know if im getting the full 3D expirence00:42
adamkWell if unity is working with 3D effects, then you know :-)00:42
katyadamk, i;m having trouble after i install the propritary driver. how do i know if it is even necissary?00:42
adamkkaty: Double check the output of 'glxinfo | grep -i render' if you want to see if you have 3D acceleration.00:43
p201tama92 this file contains dhcpd data, so if you whant to know out dhcpd status - "less" it.00:43
katy3d effects on a 2d monitor? i dont understand00:43
adamkkaty: What video card do you have?00:43
isaiasadamk: i thought unity didnt support linux00:43
tama92Yes but it's empty00:43
katyadamk, nvidia GeForce GT 330M00:43
adamkisaias: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_%28user_interface%2900:43
adamkkaty: Pastebin the output of 'glxinfo'00:43
matlocktama92,  i forget which logs contain dhcp request and ack messages, as i use static00:43
matlockbut it's there somewhere00:44
Nils_Hello, I downloaded an executable file but when I try to start it nothing happens. When I right-click it, the menu says that there is no programm to open it. Any advise?00:44
ZahidGuys is it possible to install this driver in Ubuntu, and should I? http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
adamkZahid: Again your GPU will only work with the open source driver.  At least on any modern Linux distribution.  Period, end of story.00:45
katyadamk, it says glxinfo is not installe should i run : apt-get glxinfo?00:45
matlockNils_, this executable that you downloaded, what's the extension?00:45
matlockor is there one at all..00:46
isaiaskaty: my problem had also to do with my monitor. every time I installed the graphics drivers my whole screen went black and i had to reinstall ubuntu. it had to do with the screen resolution and my tv. but lowering the resolution worked for me, but I was using an HDTV00:46
tama92the file is empty, should I conclude that the dhcp server is not running ?00:46
onitaLkaty, apt-get install mesa-utils00:46
adamkkaty: glxinfo is part of the mesa-utils package.00:47
adamk 00:47
katyisaias, so would you get that issue if u used a differnet monitor00:47
katyor was it specific to the external monitor00:47
matlockNils_, try in properties > permissions  > [x] allow executing file as program00:47
ZahidSorry adam I had missed your previous message. So do I need to install the open source driver? Or it's already preinstalled on ubuntu00:47
isaiaskaty: I havent had a problem since, and I've used 3 different monitors, then again I only installed the drivers once :P00:48
adamkZahid: It's installed and used by default.00:48
Nils_Already checked00:48
adamkZahid: In other words, there is likely nothing wrong with your current setup.00:48
matlockNils_, open a terminal00:48
tama92That's so weird00:49
matlocknavigate to the folder it's located in00:49
matlockand ./filename.x8600:49
katyadamk & onital, E: could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock00:49
ZahidDo you think I should downgrade Ubuntu, Adam?00:49
onitaLkaty, sudo su00:49
isaiaskaty: try sudeo00:49
tama92If I'm close enough to the router, both devices can connect00:49
isaiaskaty: sudo*00:49
matlocktama92, how old is the router?00:49
matlockalso, make/mode/firmware?00:50
adamkZahid: Why?00:50
tama92If I get a little more far, my phone can't connect when my computer is connected :/00:50
ZahidFor some reason 12.10 is not snappy. Windows 7 is much faster than this.00:50
ZahidThere's a delay when I click on something on the launcher00:50
beantama92, are there other networks in the area?00:50
matlocktama92, how OLD is the router00:50
Zahidlike a 2-3 second delay to open firefox, software center, etc.00:50
tama92matlock, 3 or 4 years00:50
adamkZahid: The only way you will be able to use proprietary drivers for that GPU is by downgrading to an Ubuntu from 2009.  That will not improve your experience.00:51
Nils_I never was good using the cd command00:51
isaiaskaty: sudo lets your run commands as root. be careful when you use it though. running everything with root can mess up ubuntu00:51
tama92Sorry, having trouble typing on my phone keyboard00:51
Nils_The folder is on the Desktop and named evasi0n-linux-1.200:51
matlockSUDO SUDO00:51
FloodBot1matlock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:51
tama92Bean, no...00:51
Nils_Could you write the cd command for me?00:51
katyonital, using sudo su "Unknown id: apt-get"00:52
matlockNils_,     cd ~/Desktop/00:52
matlockthen ./evasion (and press tab then enter)00:52
onitaLkaty, sudo su<enter>    enter password<enter> then the apt-get command00:52
isaiaskaty: or sudo apt-get command00:53
tama92Should I disable dhcp on the router ?00:53
isaiasonitaL: what does "sudo su" do?00:54
katyisaias, sudo didn't work...00:54
onitaLisaias, gives you root permises00:54
marunisaias: logs in as root00:54
isaiasi just tried it :P00:54
elliot__am i in the right chat room i wanted to discuss concrete500:55
Nils_I get this00:55
Nils_@ nils nils-ThinkPad-T500: ~ $ cd ~ / Desktop / bash: cd: / home / nils / desktop /: No such file or directory00:55
beanelliot_, what is concrete5?00:55
isaiasi try to avoid that until i know better about what not to do...though I should experiment... :P00:55
beanelliot_, this is a support channel for Ubuntu00:55
beanNils_, you need to not put spaces.00:55
onitaLoh, isaias , yes, if you're new, it's better to avoid sudo su00:55
elliot__that is the content management application installed on websites00:55
isaiasonitaL: I'll sit down and mess with sudo su one day ;)00:56
matlockonitaL, if you're going to sudo su   you may as wwell sudo su -00:56
beanelliot__, you should /join #concrete500:56
isaiasonitaL: after I backup00:56
matlockor just su -00:57
beansu - will require root pass though00:57
beansudo su - does not00:57
onitaLmatlock, Im new to sudo. I come from Debian00:57
matlocki am on debian00:57
beanonitaL, sudo exists on debian.00:57
matlockbut we still have duso00:57
matlockand su -00:57
FloodBot1matlock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
onitaLyes, it does, but I just use su00:57
matlockyou should really use su -  and not su00:58
katyadamk, direct rendering: Yes00:58
katyOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on NVA500:58
katy    GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_AMD_conservative_depth,00:58
matlockusing su is like using sudo gedit00:58
matlockor sudo <insert gui app here>00:58
onitaLmatlock, I'll have it present00:58
Mk558So when 10.04LTS expires in April, who should i point my repository sources to?00:59
* Mk558 likes 10.04 with the 9.10 theme01:00
isaiaswhat is meta-utils for?01:00
=== kris_ is now known as Guest88661
onitaLmeta or mesa?01:00
isaiasmesa, lol01:01
kunjiMk558: Hmm, really should follow the LTS upgrade path though.01:01
onitaLit's video stuff01:01
isaiasi didnt have it01:01
Mk558You're saying I should upgrade to 12.04LTS instead?01:02
katyisaias, do you think i should try lowering my resolution and then install?01:02
Mk558I found a guide to make 12.04 look like 10.04, which i'll have to make look like 9.10. Ahhhhh01:02
isaiasno, just follow their advice01:03
isaiasi had to change a setting on my tv aswell for it to work01:03
=== DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
isaiasbut i was having the same problem, the screen going black affter installing the driver01:04
katyadamk, so there is no reason to install the nvidia driver? which would seem to imply that I shouldn't install the nvidia driver?01:04
adamkI can't say if you should or should not install the proprietary driver.  It certainly has it's advantages, but I don't know if the open source driver suits your needs.01:05
katyadamk, would the safest bet be to install it? like is there some functionality i'm leaving on the table?01:06
cjfsthe nvidia drivers do bad things with my 660ti system01:06
adamkkaty: You'll have to research that yourself.01:06
cjfsgames won't launch, screen resolution won't change, random crashes, it scared me01:07
kunjiMk558: Yeah, I'm saying you should probably upgrade, since it's getting to be end of life.  Don't know about how you would make it look the same though, sorry.01:07
Mk558sad. I liked 9.10, the UI, a lot.01:08
SonikkuAmericaInstalling gnome-panel is about the only way I can keep my sanity intact. (Seeing 'System' in Apps though...)01:08
Mk558I know you lot likely get tired of hearing about tirades about how GNOME 3 sucks or "Down with Unity!" but it's true.01:08
Mk558I would happily get 12.04LTS if it only looked like it has been for the past...decade?01:09
STMelonyou can01:09
kunjiMk558:Hmm, well, Unity isn't the only option, there's also XFCE, LXDE, etc.. I miss gnome 2 as well, but it's end of life.01:10
SonikkuAmericakunji: What about MATE?01:10
STMelonMk558: sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback01:10
STMelonsudo apt-get install indicator-applet-appmenu01:10
STMelonsudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool01:11
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STMelonwala, back to gnome :P01:11
SonikkuAmericasudo apt-get install something-that-will-preserve-my-sanity (sorry)01:11
kunjiSonikkuAmerica: MATE is a good option I suppose, I haven't gotten around to trying it yet though.01:11
SonikkuAmericaI dunno what the status is about converting the MATE codebase to GTK+ 3, but there are plans for it...01:12
shed-34046Does anybody here know how my friend running ubuntu can run my visual basic 2010 html viewer program? He tried to open in wine but it didn't open01:12
beanshed-34046, It's hard to say how that'd work, wine isn't always 100% compatible with windows exes01:13
Mk558I tried installing netatalk from source and --- well, there should be a $5K award for the first to do it01:13
shed-34046bean do you have wine installed maybe you can see if my program opens for you?01:13
Mk558talk about hard. (Not via sudo apt-get install netatalk)01:13
gswainare there any good solutions to make an ubuntu clone cd like kubuntu without X and without letting the installer create a user?01:13
beanshed-34046, I'm not on ubuntu at the moment. You could install an Ubuntu VM and see for yourself though.01:14
SonikkuAmericagswain: There's an Ubuntu minimal ISO01:14
shed-34046I can't use vms as my computer only has 2GB of ram01:14
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Mk558I have 2GB of RAM and run VMs once in awhile01:14
shed-34046my program is only a exe no install needed 19.0 KB file01:15
Mk558in fact 2GB is the most memory I've ever had.01:15
* bean has 16gb, but is on windows at home, only ubuntu server at work01:15
shed-34046Mk558 another reason i don't run vms on this machine because umm  the processor is an amd tf-2001:15
Mk558I've ran VirtualBox under OS X 10.5 while testing out 10.04LTS01:16
gswain SonikkuAmerica: i need to be able to add custom packages to the install though like they did with kubuntu and edubuntu01:16
Mk558and mine is a 2.16GHz Core Duo. Not even a Core 2 Duo.01:16
kunjigswain: What's the problem with the installer creating a user?  Just remove the user when it's done, the serer version has no GUI01:16
ErickLeehi sorry to encroach on the current conversation but anyone in here a programmer?01:17
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beanErickLee, I would imagine there are a few in here.01:17
bean!ask | ErickLee01:17
ubottuErickLee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:17
kunjiErickLee: What kind of programmer?  Also though, this sounds like something for #ubuntu-offtopic01:17
gswainkunji: i guess no problem if i could do that programatically from the cd, basically im creating a router with a web front end. I wont be the only one installing it, I want them to be able to have access to the web interface but not the console01:19
gswainid like to build the cd because there are programs i have written i would like installed and running on install01:19
SonikkuAmericaBe back soon...01:20
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z3br0id3alguem do brasil ai ?01:21
bean!pt | z3br0id301:21
ubottuz3br0id3: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:21
z3br0id3portugal hmm01:21
kunjigswain: Ah, I see what you mean, well, you're building your own cd anyway right?  Since you need to include your programs and stuff.  So why not include a small script or program that runs on boot, removes the default user, gets info for the new one, creates it, and then sets an environment variable that it checks to determine if it should run or not then next time, or something like that?01:22
katyi'm determined to install the proprietary nvidia driver on my macbook pro. however, each time i do it my system boots to a black screen. even worse when i add nomodeset to the grub options i still get a blackscreen.  how can i resolve this?01:22
gswainyea i could do that I was just wondering if there were any ubuntu utilities like fedoras respin that allowed you to rebuild your own server images?01:24
ErickLeethanks for the help01:24
Nils_Sorry that I left01:24
Nils_When I run it. The terminal says: ./evasi0n.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:24
tama92I may have found a solution01:25
kunjikaty: Hmm, what methods have you tried so far?  Also have you been completely undoing failed attempts before trying the next thing?01:25
tama92disabled dnsmasq from the configuration files01:25
Nils_Do I need to install some package?01:25
tama92for now it seems to be working01:25
tama92thanks for your help :)01:26
katykunji: basically. methods i've tried: essentially just adding changing grub options01:27
katykunji: right now i have a fresh install and i'm prety apprensive to just blindly try something lol01:28
kunjikaty: What seems to work most consistency is sudo apt-get install nvidia-current   But you may need to remove any nvidia driver you have installed right now first01:28
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kunjikaty: After running that command you can check that it's loaded with lsmod | grep nvidia01:30
katykunki: i have tried sudo apt-get install nvidia sudo apt-get install nvidia-current sudo apt-get install nvidia-updates. i have also tried the Additional Drovers App. there are 4 options in there (although they seem to be 2 identical pairs, so really like 2 options). i've only tried one...01:30
katykunji: i am able to install the driver. its just once i do it i cant see my desktop. only black.01:31
kunjikaty: Was there a warning when installing the driver, like /drivers does not exist, cannot rebind nvidia_current driver  ?01:31
katysorry sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates01:31
katynot that i remember...01:32
katyi guess i could do it through the additional app and revert back before i reboot. to see if there is an error. although i really dont remember one01:33
kunjikaty: Why use an additional app?01:33
kunjikaty: Are you talking about jockey?  That functionality has been moved to software sources, they should operate the same way though.01:34
katykunji, if i install the driver. i wont be able to acces my desktop when i reboot. are you saying i should do the install to see if i get an error. and then do a  purge nvidia before rebooting?01:35
katyi was talking about the "Additional Drivers" app. avialbe through the Ubuntu Software center01:35
kunjikaty: That's one option, it's a warning, but also there is a workaround that can work for that warning.01:35
katyidk what jockey is...01:35
kunjikaty: Ok, jockey is a separate program that used to do that01:36
katysorry whats a warning?01:36
kunjikaty: It's info that means you might have a problem, while not being an actual error.01:36
filantropusCan someone help me? my xubuntu system crashs01:36
katygot u01:36
filantropus<filantropus> itś strange. I have installed a lot of distros but everyone of them always crashes01:36
filantropuscan someone hlp me, pls?01:36
kunjikaty: Actually, there is an error that also occurs with this one though, modinfo: could not find module nvidia_current01:37
aeioufyCan anyone suggest a good linux gui distro for an acer inspire one?01:37
katyok well it sounds like i'm gonna need to run apt-get nvidia-current to determin if it gives an error/warning/exception/oOrWhatEver. correct?01:37
kunjikaty: I would say that's the best way, otherwise we would need to find where that's logged.01:38
ceed^Hi, how can I get the boot menu back so I can boot different kernels?01:39
katykunji: ok im gonna do it ight now. just to check the command is sudo apt-get install nvidia-current01:39
kunjikaty: yep01:39
DaemonicApathyaeioufy: Lubuntu.01:39
DaemonicApathyfilantropus: Get your hardware checked out.01:40
katykunji: here is the output: Reading package lists... Done01:40
katyBuilding dependency tree01:40
katyReading state information... Done01:40
katyThe following extra packages will be installed:01:40
katy  dkms fakeroot nvidia-settings python-xkit screen-resolution-extra01:40
katySuggested packages:01:40
FloodBot1katy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:40
kunjikaty: I think the floodbot cut you off, mind pasting that?01:41
=== FreakingTea is now known as FreakingTrot
syntroPi!paste katy01:41
kunjikaty: and also the output of lsmod01:41
syntroPi!paste | katy01:41
ubottukaty: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:41
katykunji: are you able to see what i "pasted". did i do that correctly01:43
kunjikaty: Could you send the link once more, I didn't see it.01:44
=== chaosito714 is now known as Esmaschat6238
katyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1635113/    ok i understand now01:44
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kunjikaty: Oh, need to say yes :P01:45
katyk just wanted to make sure :)01:45
mizzycan anyone help? i tried to dualboot ubuntu and windows 8. now the laptop wont boot from any media. the backlight for the screen won't even come on.01:45
kunjimizzy: That sounds like a hardware problem.01:46
syntroPimizzy, no screen lights ever? no bios/uefi fw?01:46
mizzyno backlight, no bios, NOthing01:47
syntroPierr thats not good01:47
syntroPidoubt thats a sw problem01:48
mizzyi honestly have no idea what to do about it.01:48
syntroPiwhats your hardware?01:48
mizzyits an asus k55a laptop01:48
kunjimizzy: First thing I would try is to remove the power, remove the battery, hold done the power button for a minute, and then put the battery back in and try to boot.01:49
mizzykunji: i already tried that, i even left the battery and power out for a couple of hours01:49
katykunji: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1635127/01:50
kunjimizzy: Hmm, maybe try clearing the cmos?  I'm pretty sure this isn't actually ubuntu related though, you should probably ask in ##hardware01:50
syntroPimizzy does it have some diagnostic function? on dells you could hold down Fn key on bootup to diagnose with dell tools... any similar on asus?01:50
kunjikaty: Mmk, and what does lsmod | grep nvidia   give?01:51
mizzykunji: kk thanks for the info01:51
syntroPimaybe in the manual it could be mentioned01:51
syntroPimizzy you always should be able to get into bios/uefi fw menu01:51
syntroPiregardless what you installed01:51
mizzysyntroPi: i have tried the fn hold01:51
xubuntualguien puede ayudarme01:52
syntroPithats dell idk what asus uses for that01:52
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katyliterally nothing. should i try with sudo?01:52
kunjikaty: sure try it01:52
=== grep is now known as Guest20280
katykunji: nothing01:53
swillscan anyone tell me what package to install so that i get pkg-config files for ruby 1.9?01:53
kunjikaty: Ok, so the module isn't loaded, so we'll try loading it manually.01:53
werzer23how can I get nohup to output the pid to a specific file?01:53
kunjikaty: first do: sudo depmod -a01:53
xjackMy integrated wireless card isn't being recognized at all, the wifi button doesn't work, and I have no sound. I require a bit of assistance.01:54
katykunji: done01:54
katyno output01:54
kunjikaty: next: sudo modprobe nvidia_current01:54
kunjikaty: No output is good output for depmod01:54
=== filipe is now known as z3br0id3
katykunji: FATAL: Error inserting nvidia_current (/lib/modules/3.5.0-23-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_current.ko): No such device01:55
kunjikaty: Well, I think we've found the problem, though I don't really know what to do about it.01:56
syntroPikaty press ctr alt f1 and login then "sudo service lightdm stop" "sudo rmmod nouveau" "sudo modprobe nvidia_current" "sudo service lightdm start"01:56
syntroPibut your x session will get lost01:57
katykunji: ok... whats going on.?01:57
syntroPikaty can you do "sudo lsmod | grep nouveau"01:57
katysyntroPi: pressing those three keys didnt seem to do anything can u elaborate a bit?01:58
kunjikaty: I'm trying to see if I can find anything about that error, the module is failing to load, which explains the black screen when you boot.01:58
kunjisyntroPi: Umm, shouldn't you not restart that until the module is loaded, won't it not help anything at this point?01:58
syntroPikaty ok wait with what i told you about that ctr alt f1 dont do it yet01:59
syntroPikaty have you looked in dmesg ?01:59
katyok waiting01:59
syntroPienter dmesg and see for nvidia module messages01:59
katyi havent looked there.02:00
syntroPimaybe there is a hint what going wrong02:00
syntroPialso you can look at  "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log"02:00
katyi think thats all of it i couldnt go up any further02:02
katyill get u the other one now.02:02
syntroPikaty seems device is busy on other driver?02:03
syntroPimaybe nouveau02:03
syntroPikaty, 3842.75080102:03
numbertoHi guys, can I have bumblebee and cuda both working on ubuntu02:04
katysyntroPi: im sorry what do u mean by 3842.750801?02:04
kunjikaty: Ah, actually syntroPi may be onto something there, try doing ctrl+alt+f1 login to the non-GUI terminal and try the command there.02:04
syntroPikaty if you are sure you have nvidia hw present "lspci | grep nVidia" then you can look if nouveau module is loaded "lsmod | grep nouveau". if so you have to quit x session, unload it "sudo rmmod nouveau" and load nvidia then "sudo modprobe nvidia_current" then restart x session . that you can do from tty102:04
syntroPibut the gui will get lost02:05
syntroPiso prepare and write down those cmds02:05
katyawesome thanks for the solution. i have to apologize as that was a little over my head. can you duumb it down some for me :)02:06
kunjikaty: Yeah, go with what syntroPi said.  I think he knows this better than I do.02:06
katyok thanks for ur help02:07
kunjikaty: So ok, lsmod | grep nouveau will show if the open source driver is in use02:07
kunjikaty: If it is, it may be in the way of loading the proprietary driver02:07
kunjikaty: So we need to do it from a non graphical interface, which we can go to using ctrl+alt+f102:08
crazybrainIs there any network monitoring tool avaliable in Ubuntu?02:08
kunjicrazybrain: etherape is a good one02:08
katyok cool. ctrl+alt+f1 doesnt seem to do anything for me. I'm using a macbook pro btw.02:09
crazybrainkunji: but i use wifi02:09
STMeloncrazybrain: wireshark02:09
crazybrainkunji: how to configure it for wifi02:09
kunjikaty: Oh right, it's probably cmd(apple key?)+alt+f1, and the same with f7 to go back to the GUI02:09
kunjicrazybrain: I don't remember it having problems with wifi02:10
kunjicrazybrain: What kind of monitoring do  you need to do though, if for a network of servers or something, then you might want to look at nagios02:10
syntroPikaty, you will loose your gui when you kill x session so if your irc client is on that laptop you will disconnect02:12
katy_kunji: hey its me :) ok so now im in a black screen it prompted me to log in and i did02:12
katy_couldnt figure out how to exit so i just jumpted on my other compl02:12
syntroPiyour gui session is on ctr alt f702:13
syntroPikaty, in the black screen: enter "sudo service lightdm stop"02:13
katygot it thanks02:13
katyso what should i do02:13
aeioufyWhere is the most secure place to dl lubuntu from?02:14
kunjikaty: Did you stop lightdm yet?02:14
syntroPiin tty1 (ctr alt f1) do "sudo service lightdm stop" to kill your x server session (gui will get lost then)02:14
katyok im gonna do it now. ill keep tlking to u from katy_02:14
syntroPithen "sudo rmmod nouveau"02:15
kunjisyntroPi: You've got this then, I'm gonna get some sleep.02:15
syntroPithen "sudo modprobe nvidia_current"02:15
syntroPithen "sudo service lightdm start"02:15
xanguaaeioufy: ubuntu.com02:15
katy_ok i did the light dm stop02:16
syntroPikaty_, "sudo rmmod nouveau"  "sudo modprobe nvidia_current" "sudo service lightdm start" and login02:16
syntroPikaty_, lightdm in one word02:16
katy_got an error02:17
syntroPiwhich one?02:17
katy_module mouveau is in use02:17
syntroPitry to make sure you didnt mistyped lightdm02:17
syntroPikaty_, in the tty1 (ctr alt f1)  "sudo service lightdm stop"  "sudo rmmod nouveau"  "sudo modprobe nvidia_current" "sudo service lightdm start" and login02:18
katy_i think i got it right? the output is "stop:  unknown instance"02:18
syntroPihmm what did you typed exactly?02:19
katy_sudo service lightdm stop02:19
syntroPiweird do you still have gui ? (ctrl alt f7) ??02:20
katy_im on a mac if i press (fn+option/alt+command+f7) the command line goes away the screen is still black02:21
katy_and has text02:21
katy_it is02:21
john_redmondhello room02:21
katy_starting anac(h)ronistic cron  anac(h)ronistic cron02:22
katy_checking battery state02:22
syntroPikaty_, so your tty7 had gui but not now? then you should be able to unload that nouveau module "sudo rmmod nouveau"02:22
katy_startting crah report submission daemon02:22
RehanHi everyone. How good do newer AMD video cards (i.e. HD7870 or 7950) do with Ubuntu?02:22
katy_i typed that and hit enter02:23
katy_but it just went to the next line02:23
syntroPiyes that correct02:23
john_redmonddoes anyone know when ubuntu will have libre office 4 in the software center? I hate tar balls02:23
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katy_syntroPi: ok so did i just enter a command? it doesnt seem like it. what next?02:24
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syntroPikaty_, you typed "sudo service lightdm stop" and hit enter?02:24
katy_well before yes. i just entered it again and nothing happened02:25
syntroPiok now try "sudo rmmod nouveau"02:25
syntroPiin tty102:25
katy_still at black screen with   a flashing white '_' where i can type and if i hit enter it goes to the next line but nothing else02:26
katy_im sorry what is tty1?02:26
syntroPictr alt f102:26
syntroPior your mac combo02:26
katy_oh ok02:26
katy_which command first?02:26
katy_nope still get the same error02:27
katy_im gonna try and stop the blacklight again02:27
syntroPisomething is using the gui then02:27
katy_sry lightdm stop02:27
katy_sorry :)02:27
syntroPikaty_, in the tty1 (ctr alt f1)  "sudo service lightdm stop"  "sudo rmmod nouveau"  "sudo modprobe nvidia_current" "sudo service lightdm start" and login02:27
syntroPithats how i always do that02:27
burrito_can anybody tell me if the common lamp-server that is installed to Ubuntu via tasksel as ANY support for sqlite??02:27
burrito_or sqlite3, i mean??02:28
katy_yeah i see what ur saying. unfortunaly like u said it appears that something is using the gui. what could that be02:28
big_miketry ps -e | grep X02:29
katy_big_mike, was that dirrected at me?02:29
big_mikekaty_ yep sorry02:30
syntroPihmm im not sure, since we closed x session with stopping lightdm (which is default on ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10). maybe you are using gdm or kdm instead? if so try "sudo service gdm stop" or "sudo service kdm stop"02:30
katy_nig_mike "no command 'try' found"02:30
syntroPikaty_, " ps -e | grep X"02:31
dima__"no command 'try' found" :)02:31
katy_hahah ok02:31
big_mikekaty_ yeah i meant what syntroPi said02:31
dima__only "ps -e | grep X"02:31
katy_alright it worked02:31
big_mikewhat did it say?02:31
syntroPiwhat did it say?02:31
devslashI'm looking at setting up a linux distro with a couple of requirements. I want the file system to be encrypted and I'd like something like Tor available with all internet connections routed through it. Is it easy to set up something like this in ubuntu ?02:31
syntroPikaty_, so no Xorg running there...02:32
syntroPihmm big_mike any idea what could be using nouveau with no Xorg?02:32
burrito_devslash have you looked into tails linux??02:32
syntroPikaty_, maybe even a simple reboot could solve all this... did you had any problems with booting?02:33
big_mikethe tty's maybe?02:33
big_mikei dunno02:33
burrito_devslash you will want to check it out and really get to know it.  Once you've gotten accustomed to it, you'll see there are tons of possibilities as to what you can do with it.. it's also very torrified..02:33
mizzy---> my exact problem Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://ubottu.com/y/gl | IRC info: http://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/rn | Download: http://ubottu.com/y/dl | Currently supported versions 8.04 LTS (s>>02:34
mizzy                  | deltab demonspork denta dentette denysonique derekyangdk deryckchan desaila__ Dessimat0r desti_T2 devdyd devslash deww dfas DHD Diamondcite digilink digitalfiz DigitalFlux digitrig_ dima__ DIoX|DaZ DjMadness DJones dju DLange  │@FloodBot102:34
mizzy                  | dman7 dniMretsaM doki_pen Dolev dominic_ donza dooglus doomlord Doonz dougl dougsko_ dous_ dp02:34
big_mikesyntroPi i would try going in with a liveCD and chrooting02:34
FloodBot1mizzy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:34
aeioufyLooking for netbook distros02:34
syntroPibig_mike, is tty using nouveau? here i always could rmmod it on the tty's but i never were on a mac02:34
devslashburrito_ I just remembered that Ive heard of it. but it seems that its meant for a live cd/dvd or usb isn't it ?02:34
aeioufySeems that lubunto does not have long term support02:34
katy_well yes each time i install the drivers i cant get it to boot to anything other then a black screen02:34
Neobenedictim on 10.10 and i'm getting this error OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display when trying to run steam in a VM help02:34
p201syntroPi, katy_ lsmod | grep nouveau?02:35
mizzymy exact problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUPaHOZ75-o02:35
xanguaNeobenedict: please upgrade to a supported version :)02:35
syntroPip201, yes its loaded and in use02:35
burrito_devslash, yes, it is meant for that; but it is not unheard of people either using it for or modeling an installable version after it..02:35
Neobenedictplease give me instructionsd02:35
Neobenedictinstead of just telling me to gtfo because i've never used ubuntu before and don't know what to do02:35
dima__burrito, tasksel don't have support sqlite, you can use this command "sudo apt-get install sqlite php5-sqlite"02:36
xangua!language | Neobenedict02:36
ubottuNeobenedict: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:36
xanguanever said that :)02:36
Neobenedictim on 12.10 and i'm getting this error OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display when trying to run steam in a VM help02:36
katy_big_mike unforunatly these is a hardware issue with my optical drive. i have a bottable usb.02:37
burrito_devslash, i keep a usb driver with tails installed w/ persistence and an encrypted partition on it..  i believe that you can however install liberte to a hdd if you wish..02:37
burrito_dima__ thanks, you wouldn't happen to know if this is a common issue on hosted servers would you??02:38
syntroPikaty_, maybe you need to unload another module which is using nouveau first? is that "lsmod | grep nouveau" still exactly the same output as you posted here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1635164/02:38
onitaLkaty_, do you have a lot of data already in that install?02:38
katy_no it has change. one sec02:39
GeekSquidNeobenedict: sounds like you either have an unsupported video card, or you don't have the appropriate drivers (proprietary) for the card in the computer, steam requires a lot of resources to run and basic built in onboard video cards don't work with steam02:39
syntroPikaty_, i suspect some other module is blocking the nouveau unload...02:39
NeobenedictGeekSquid: i'm on a VM i already said that02:40
Neobenedictmy computer has a gtx 460 so it's fine02:40
katy_onital, not really any...02:40
onitaLif nor, I think reinstalling would be better IMHO02:40
katy_sytroPi, i cant cop paste as i am tlking to u on a dif computer.02:40
onitaLand make the installer workout the video driver02:40
syntroPikaty_, yeah but can you see what changed?02:41
devslashburrito_: i think that tails won't fit my needs. it seems too complicated to install to a are drive02:41
Rehanwhat is the support like on ubuntu for the latest amd video cards? (i.e. 7870 or 7950)02:41
katy_ok the only thing that changed is the column of sigle digit numbers. the are now (top to bottom) 3,1,2,7,2,1,2,302:42
katy_onital: how would i go about doing that?02:42
katy_syntroPi: did that make sense?02:43
onitaLkaty_, I mean start all over02:43
katy_i've done that several time today.02:43
syntroPikaty_, those are the same?02:43
katy_this is a fresh install02:43
onitaLkaty_, oh02:43
katy_aah im sorry. it is currently: 1,1,2,4,2,1,2,302:44
dima__burrite_, yes it's common issue02:44
syntroPikaty_, those are the numbers "used by" so try reading which modle is using nouveau right now02:44
syntroPishould only be one module now02:45
syntroPibefore it were 3 modules02:45
radachi, anyone know how to enable the penguins on boot which represent the cores of your cpu? (ala slackware)02:45
katy_first line is: nouveau 896008 102:45
GeekSquidNeobenedict: sounds like you are trying to do something bleeding edge in my opinion, I will stop at this point ... Technically steam is a virtual machine in and of itself so running a VM within a VM and expecting it to run flawlessly with full GL is more than I would expect from a VMVM, Play games on hardware - program them on hardware - and serv the engine via a VM or many... Either way this is either a graphics/VM problem and offtopic for ubuntu, pl02:45
katy_is that what u need?02:46
syntroPikaty_, means nouveau has size 896008 and used by one other module02:46
syntroPibut which one?02:46
katy_got it02:46
syntroPiwe need to unload that to make rmmod nouveau possible02:47
katy_well. how do i know? there is nothing else on the first line, and the same 7 lines bellow. will different "used" numbers as before but otherwise the same02:47
katy_yeah i understand02:47
katy_*with different "used" numbers...02:48
katy_i'm sorry if im missing something really odvious. but it doesnt seem to indicate which module is useing nouveau02:49
syntroPikaty_, your "sudo lsmod | grep nouveau" yields exactly this output now right? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1635224/02:49
=== Neobenedict is now known as Neobenedict[slee
=== Neobenedict[slee is now known as Neobenedict-away
katy_Yes. As far as i can tell they are identical.02:50
p201syntroPi katy_ try modprobe -r instead of rmmod02:52
=== Albert is now known as Guest81790
aeioufyis there an ubutnu help channel?02:53
big_mikeaeioufy this is it02:54
p201syntroPi  and maybe single mode would be better for task?02:54
devslashif I'm installing ubuntu on a system with 8GB ram, would it be a good idea to use a 64 bit version of ubuntu ?02:54
GeekSquid!help | aeioufy02:55
ubottuaeioufy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:55
aeioufyOk, we'll see =) How can I be sure that Lubuntu will work ok on my 1.6ghz intel atom, 1g ram notebook? Is a new stable long term support comming out?02:55
katy_p201: "warning: module off not foun"02:55
xanguaaeioufy: the lts version is 12.0402:56
aeioufyxangua: I know. My question was different.02:56
Felshi - does anyone know if its work runnning ubuntu in a vmware ?02:56
devslashif I'm installing ubuntu on a system with 8GB ram, would it be a good idea to use a 64 bit version of ubuntu ?02:56
iorwethHave any1 tried the dell xps 13 developer edition with ubuntu 12.04?02:57
STMelonaeioufy: you need to have patience, and give ppl time to help you instead of getting upset and leaving rooms .. we do not know the specs of your netbook, without that we cannot make a safe assumption what will and will not work...02:57
STMelonmost likely, it will02:57
aeioufyOk, sorry.02:57
STMelonyou can run it in live mode to see as well02:57
p201katy_ sorry, what inputted command was?02:57
STMelongive you a chance to get used to it and see if it does work02:57
aeioufyI'll have to look into live mode.02:57
STMelongreat thing about most ISO's they have a live mode as well, "try it before you buy it"02:58
katy_p201: sudo modprobe -r nouveau02:58
STMelonfor me, my asus netbook, everything has worked on it..02:58
STMelonim currently using ubuntu 12.04.2 with unity, its heavier but it runs02:58
aeioufyTrying to make this last 6 months, I'm poor.02:59
Em_Is there somewhere in Linux where I can determine if all my drivers are installed. Kind of like the device manager in Windows?02:59
p201katy_ and does " lsmod | grep nouveau" still has any output?02:59
STMelonlubuntu will make it last for 5 years, so will xubuntu or even ubuntu02:59
aeioufyWhat is lubuntu's official page?02:59
devslashif I'm installing ubuntu on a system with 8GB ram, would it be a good idea to use a 64 bit version of ubuntu ?02:59
STMelonif you use the lts version (current is 12.04)02:59
katy_yes it has an output02:59
katy_it is the same as02:59
Em_devlash: I'm also a newbie but I think that like Windows, 32 bit can only utilize 4gb of ram. Since you have 8GB it would be better to install the 64bit03:00
Felshi - does anyone know of an ubuntu in a vmware ?03:00
katy_syntroPi: Any update?03:00
PhysicistHow can I uninstall steam and all games?03:00
STMelonaeioufy: http://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-1204-now-available03:00
syntroPikaty_, sorry got dc03:00
big_mikeaeioufy, heres a link to the requirements of lubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162626/what-are-the-minimum-system-requirements-for-lubuntu03:01
katy_oh np.03:01
PhysicistHow can I uninstall steam and all games?03:01
syntroPikaty_, any success yet?03:01
big_mikeaeioufy, and here's the official page: http://lubuntu.net/03:01
Em_Does anyone know of a program where I can determine if all of the drivers of my laptop has been installed? Kinda like the device manager of Windows03:01
mandoguitdevslash:  yes go 64 bit03:01
Felsalso is there a seperate irc channel for development - specicatll y for the the mobiile ?03:01
katy_p201 had me try sudo modprobe -r nouveau03:02
aeioufywhat is ubuntu.com..a hack?03:02
p201syntroPi katy_ has no ideas, but maybe Katy should go or boot to single mode?03:02
katy_i got a: warning: module off not found03:02
big_mikeaeioufy, sorry?03:02
devslashmandoguit: When I tried to download the 64 bit the filename said ubuntu filename is ubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso. My processor isn't an amd03:02
amiuamd won the race to 64bit standard so they got to name it03:03
devslashis that the wrong download  ?03:03
aeioufyI just noticed there is lubuntu 12.10 Should I go with 12.04 for my netbook?03:03
PhysicistHow can I uninstall steam and all games?03:03
syntroPikaty_, did you run "sudo modprobe -r nouveau" and then got that msg? what does "lsmod | grep nouveau" say? still in use?03:03
devslashso that is the right one  ?03:03
amiuno amd64 is the correct 64 bit version unless you have an old Intel Itanium (server proc)03:03
big_mikedevslash, that doesnt matter. that's just the label for 64 bit, it works with intel and amd and anything else out there that supports 64 bit03:03
mandoguitEm_:   might want to install this little prog    http://code.google.com/p/inxi/    take a look at the screen shot to see what kind of infor (including drivers) is included.   nifty util, imhlo03:04
devslashhave you guys run into issues with apps being written for 32 but only /03:04
STMelonaeioufy: 12.04 is the long term support, which is 5 years03:04
p201syntroPi same modules list03:04
aeioufyOk, thanks.03:04
mandoguitdevslash:  that one will work fine03:04
katy_syntroPi i ran the modprobe and got the warning. then if i run lsmod | grep the output is still this:03:04
amiunot on ubuntu. i found the 64bit version of System Rescue CD is useless. otherwise if its 64bit, your better off with a 64bit OS03:04
aeioufywith 12.04, will I have to re-partion before or after I start to install it? I have win 7 as my primary os since I've only been learning linux for 3 days.03:05
STMelonyou shouldnt, the installation should do that for you. it will ask you if you want to install along side of windows03:05
amiuyou will want to do that partitioning in gparted when you boot from the disk but before you start the install process (select try, not install)03:06
syntroPip201, how did that runlevel stuff worked again? "sudo init <number>" ?03:06
devslashhave you guys run into issues running apps on a 64 bit os because the app was written for 32 bit only ?03:06
amiudevslash,  not on ubuntu. i found the 64bit version of System Rescue CD is useless. otherwise if its 64bit, your better off with a 64bit OS03:06
STMelondevslash: you can install ia32-libs03:06
amiuin fact i have run into more trouble running 32bit ubuntu on 64bit cpu. (amd graphics driver required 64bit OS)03:07
Felsdevslash, shouldn't be an issue unless using speicific 32 bit libs that are not installed03:07
aeioufyThe setup for lubuntu is just like ubuntu?03:07
amiuthe setup process is the same yes aeioufy03:07
p201syntroPi telinit03:07
aeioufyThank you.03:08
syntroPip201, does ubuntu even use runlevels? not sure03:09
amiuno run levels in ubuntu. i've only seen that in slackware and gentoo03:09
aeioufyLast question, sorry. Will running lubuntu save my pc from a lot of wear an tear that microsoft brings upon it such as overheating?03:09
SonikkuAmericaaeioufy: Not to mention Lubuntu = Ubuntu + LXDE03:09
syntroPikaty_, is nouveau listed in "cat /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf" ??03:09
syntroPikaty_, like "blacklist nouveau"03:10
amiuthere have been overheating problems with 12.04 and 12.10. a workaround has been to have the fan run more often. other than that ubuntu gives less wear and tear on the hard drive03:10
aeioufysonikkuamerica, what does that mean?03:10
SonikkuAmericaaeioufy: CPU = processor.03:10
aeioufyI am a mct student.03:10
uwanyone play kerbal space program successfully in linux?03:11
aeioufy<SonikkuAmerica> aeioufy: Not to mention Lubuntu = Ubuntu + LXDE03:11
katy_it is listed03:11
katy_just like that03:11
iorwethuw: yeah, no problem!03:11
katy_it is the first one03:11
xanguaaeioufy: it means what it says :)03:11
SonikkuAmerica!lxde | aeioufy, first read this03:11
uwthanks iorweth everything works right under wine?03:11
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:11
big_mikekaty_ have you tried blacklisting nouveau and rebooting?03:12
syntroPikaty_, i think it wouldnt be loadad then when you do a reboot. but i guess that is what you tried before (unsuccessfull)03:12
uwiorweth, i think i'm having issues zooming when building the rocket03:12
SonikkuAmericaStill? This is bad. Someone refresh me on the !command for alternative DEs.03:12
amiulubuntu doesnt include the Amazon adware.  not sure if it uses the zeitgeist spyware. i havent run lubuntu since version 1103:12
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their devlopment, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.03:12
syntroPikaty_, so we need to find out which other module is conflicting there03:12
iorwethuw: i havent experienced any errors03:12
katy_ok got it.03:12
p201amiu syntroPi sorrym whats wrong? u can boot to single mode or get into one with telinit.03:12
uwiorweth, ah gotcha.  can i ask what version of wine you're using?03:13
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.03:13
katy_I don't know if that is what i tried. but yes the original issue was that i boot to a blackscreen upn reboot after installing the driver03:13
syntroPikaty_, maybe try to change to single mode like p201 said03:13
SonikkuAmerica!lubuntu | aeioufy, try that03:13
ubottuaeioufy, try that: please see above03:13
katy_sytroPi, ok. how do i do that?03:14
iorwethuw: 1.5.2303:14
syntroPikaty_, maybe that i915 is related or the other backlight stuff03:14
aeioufyI think that is it.03:14
aeioufyWill be using xchat in the future.03:14
SonikkuAmericaaeioufy: And just like all the other DEs, sans KDE, it's GTK-based, so it's compatible with most of the stuff you can run in plain ol' Ubunut.03:14
ad5300Hi, I just did a fresh install of 12.10. My system is using Gallium llvmpipe instead of the intel driver. It is unbearably slow. Lenovo IdeaPad Y570 w/ SandyBridge Core i7. Help?03:14
aeioufyOk, keep in mind I only have 2 and a half days experience with linux. Thanks.03:15
aeioufyThis is fun.03:15
uwthanks iorweth i'm at 1.4 so i may be a little old03:15
katy_maybe, to be honest i didnt really understand what you meant tho...03:15
Felsi want to develop software on Ubuntu and was advised to look at Python - is there a specaial flavour or version for ubuntu?03:16
syntroPikaty_, im not sure about those apple macbooks backlights did you try to google for your model name and backlight nvidia ubuntu?03:16
moondoggyCan anyone recommend a stable flowchart/diagram drawing tool for Ubuntu?03:16
aeioufyA year from now I should be at a gui'less stage.03:16
moondoggyHaving a hell of a time finding a good one.03:16
amiuFels,  any ubuntu is fine for development03:16
ad5300Fels: python is the same across platforms. It is a scripting language; it is interpreted.03:16
SonikkuAmerica!ide | Fels03:16
ubottuFels: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator03:16
katy_if im understanging u correctly, no i dont believe i have03:17
katy_this is a macbook pro 6,2 ill do it now03:17
SonikkuAmericaFels: It doesn't list IDLE, which is made specifically for Python.03:17
iorwethuw: may be. You could try to use a later version.03:17
syntroPikaty_, is there any driver loadad "lsmod " which is listed in cat /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf  except that nouveau?03:17
Felsok - and all free :)    is there a python tutorial ?03:17
phong_why ubuntu always crash?03:17
phong_the 11.10 and up is not good03:18
ad5300Also, related to the bug I mentioned above, compiz is eating all of my cpu. CPU usage seems to be always at least 60%. I think this is a bug or something.03:18
iorwethuw: the wine version testet on winehq is 1.3.2603:18
phong_it keep asking me to send error report03:18
phong_are there problems with  ubuntu ?03:18
katy_the next line is "blacklist lbm-nouveau"03:18
phong_not use to be that stable03:18
katy_is that what you mean?03:18
katy_there are another 6 or so lines03:19
amiuthe error reporter is more aggresive about reporting errors than in previous versions03:19
katy_one of them "blacklist nvidia-current-updates" which is a lot like the command i used to install the driver03:19
p201katy_, sytroPi So, let's try to reboot and boot to single mode? That's should be most fast way to know out what the problem is.03:20
BoUrJIcan any one help me here03:20
amiuwith what?>03:21
syntroPikaty_, also read this http://choppit.blogspot.de/p/ubuntu-1204-precise-x64-on-macbook-pro.html03:21
BoUrJIam trying to install psybnc03:21
BoUrJIlook what it give me03:21
KxTwoso I have zsnes installed and it worked until I rebooted.  Now it crashes when I click on it.  I can run it form terminal with sudo though.  Is there a way I can run it graphically without terminal?03:21
katy_p201, im down to try anything. what do i need to do?03:21
SonikkuAmericaKxTwo: Set up a launcher for it. (Reply "how?" if you need help.)03:21
amiuzsnes does not work under ubuntu 12 as far as i know.03:21
KxTwowell let me google first03:22
katy_syntroPi, got it thx.03:22
SonikkuAmericaKxTwo: Good call. Hopefully Google has a search result for it.03:22
amiuKxTwo,  there are other emulators that do work under ubuntu 1203:22
syntroPikaty_, found it like "www.google.com/search?q="macbook+pro+6%2C2"+nvidia+backlight+ubuntu"03:23
KxTwozsnes is for ubuntu it worked fine on install but then I rebooted and it works just has to be launched through terminal03:23
syntroPikaty_, but try to do what p201 said03:23
l057c0d3rwow the strangest thing...  my mupen64 emulator started acting up today..  i've just finished installing compiz..  it works fine in a window.. but go full screen and it gets all messed up looking03:23
amiuKxTwo,  i had to go with a different emulator as zsnes does not work with the current ubuntu at this time03:23
l057c0d3rso figured oh its probably because of compiz..  so disabled composition...03:23
KxTwoamiu, im using it right now it works03:24
l057c0d3rand restarted emu.. and it did it in window and full screen mode.. turn comp back on and only in full screen..  weir right03:24
p201katy_ reboot and choose "recovery mode" in grub.03:24
p201katy_ then add "single" to kernel options03:24
katy_ok, im on it03:24
p201katy_ like here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpstartHowto03:24
l057c0d3ryeah was going to say zsnes works fine for me03:25
amiuKxTwo,  thanx. i tried a few days ago and zsnes had no option to install as it was not compatible.03:25
amiui'd prefer to run zsnes so thats great news03:25
KxTwoamiu, sudo apt-get install zsnes:i38603:26
l057c0d3ryeah bsnes lagged so bad..  ut zsnes is good..03:26
p201syntroPi and now, what do u think, why can't we rmmod module?03:26
KxTwoand it was working fine and still does but before I rebooted I just double clicked on the icon, now I have to sudo it03:26
l057c0d3rif you can not get it through the repos to work..  as a few of my friends have had...03:26
l057c0d3rthey just used windows version on wine and said it worked great as well03:26
katy_p201, im booted to recovery. do i select one of the options from the menu?03:27
p201as i remember, u can press "e" to edit options03:28
amiuKxTwo,  right click on the icon -> properties -> change the command adding gksudo as the first command03:29
katy_i did that. i added "single" to the end of the linux line. and now i see the menu that i always see for recovery03:29
amiugksudo zsnes03:29
KxTworight click does nothing03:29
syntroPip201, i suspect another module uses nouveau and therefore it couldnt be rmmod'ed but on a reboot it shouldnt be loadad since blacklisted03:29
amiuoh ur right.... i was right clicking on a desktop icon03:29
syntroPip201, just hope her backlight comes on03:30
katy_its on....03:30
katy_syntroPi & p201, i added "single" to boot options in grub. it booted i see the menu. should i make a selection? what next?03:31
amiuKxTwo,  if you have alacarte installed (main menu) you can modify the shortcut with that03:31
KxTwoI don't03:31
KxTwoI guess im stuck running from terminal03:31
big_mikekaty_ just see if nouveau loaded with 'lsmod | grep nouveau'03:31
katy_options are: resume, clean, dpkg, failsafex, fsck,grub, network, root, systm-summary"03:32
amiusudo apt-get install alacarte   <-- this would be the easiest way to modify with out manually editing configs03:32
katy_big_mike: by selecting the "root" option to get a command prompt. correct?03:32
big_mikekaty_ yeah03:33
katy_ok the output of lsmod | grep nouveau is: nvidia  11257760  0"03:33
katy_no quote tho03:33
syntroPikaty_, grep for nouveau listed nvidia?03:34
big_mikeyeah that one confused me too03:34
Kevin`Press I to ignore, S to skip mounting, or M for manual recovery03:34
Kevin`Spawning maintenance shell03:34
Kevin`I can't type anything after pressing m03:35
syntroPikaty_, is there the word "nouveau" in that line ?03:35
syntroPicant be03:35
SonikkuAmericaKevin`: What happened?03:35
katy_sorry nope. there was no output at all03:35
syntroPiok good03:35
syntroPithen nvidia is loaded and no nouveau03:35
Kevin`SonikkuAmerica: http://pastebin.com/EhegpSHe03:35
big_mikethat means youre good03:35
DaemonicApathyWhy do I have 12.04.2?03:35
katy_so we're done?!03:36
syntroPikaty_, big_mike but nvidia isnt used yet "0"03:36
syntroPiso can we start lightdm from here?03:36
big_mikesyntroPi no its single user03:36
big_mikeyou'd have to reboot03:36
Kevin`DaemonicApathy: what are you expecting to have?03:36
SonikkuAmericaKevin`: That's weird.03:37
DaemonicApathy12.04.1, until 2/1403:37
katy_big_mike: but will i be able to reboot if nvidia isnt being used yet?03:37
Kevin`I remember reading that they changed the number in the packages before release for some reason03:37
Kevin`(before the installer images release)03:37
Kevin`SonikkuAmerica: weird how?03:38
big_mikekaty_ wait did you say earlier that you blacklisted nvidia?03:38
syntroPikaty_, maybe try a normal reboot now... if it doesnt work (no backlight) you can try to add those options i gave in the link http://choppit.blogspot.de/p/ubuntu-1204-precise-x64-on-macbook-pro.html03:38
syntroPiwhen you resume to that mode you are in now03:38
SonikkuAmericaKevin`: It seems it can't find your /03:38
SonikkuAmerica(top directory)03:39
katy_big_mike, i don't know. what is blacklisted?03:39
syntroPibig_mike, nvidia-current blacklisted nouveau i think03:39
katy_syntroPi: so ur saying if i reboot and it doens't work ill still be able to ge to a command prompt and from there i can try what thi srticle suggest?03:39
SonikkuAmerica!blacklist | katy_03:40
ubottukaty_: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »03:40
SonikkuAmericaWell that doesn't define it03:41
SonikkuAmericabut it keeps a module from loading.03:41
syntroPikaty_, as you did right now... you did get cmd prompt didnt you?03:41
syntroPiwait one sec03:41
Kevin`SonikkuAmerica: what makes you say that? is that the error code fsck.btrfs would give?.. how does it know it's btrfs if it can't find it03:41
Kevin`and actually, isn't fsck done AFTER the initrd?03:41
big_mikekaty_ yeah try rebooting and see if nvidia loads up03:41
katy_yeah, through single user mode at least. so im gonna try a regla reboot then03:41
codepython777whats the correct way to replace/update from openjdk to oracle jre?03:42
SonikkuAmericaKevin`: I thought so...03:42
syntroPikaty_, "find /etc/modprobe.d -type f -exec grep -n -H nvidia {} \;" looks if nvidia is blacklisted somewhere03:42
syntroPikaty_, but i dont think it is03:42
Kevin`anyone know why I can't type anywhere for this 'maintenance shell'? I tried on the console, and looking for anything interesting on all of the vga vts03:42
Kevin`well, the 1-12 ones03:42
syntroPikaty_, since it loadad now03:42
xanguacodepython777: uninstall openjdk and install sun java03:42
jackyyllcan someone tell me how to install this ppa of rtorrent extended? I added the PPA and add-apt-repisotory said all was OK, then apt-get install rtorrent and it still is the same normal rtorrent03:43
codepython777xangua: what packages do i need to install for openjdk?03:43
katy_ok so i booted and the 5 dots icon came up. then my sreen went black03:43
big_mikekaty_ can you get into a tty?03:44
syntroPikaty_, hmm then its probably the backlight stuff. you also can try to add "nomodeset" to the kernel parameters in grub (like you did before)03:44
katy_well if i can, i still cant see anything on the screen03:44
katy_ok ill try. unfortunaly nomodeset hasn't been working for me at all03:45
syntroPikaty_, so backlights are off (no shimmering through even on black screen)?03:45
katy_nope nothing. p201 had me add "single" before. is that what you meant or should i try nomodeset first03:46
jackyyllanyone? :303:46
katy_sytropi: do u still want this "find /etc/modprobe.d -type f -exec grep -n -H nvidia {} \"03:46
syntroPiis backlights shimmering through black screen?03:46
katy_not that i could see. its off ow tho about to boot03:46
syntroPikaty_, you are on 12.04 x64 right?03:47
katy_no 12.10 x6403:48
syntroPikaty_, ok but still you can try in single mode (as before) "sudo nano /etc/rc.local"03:48
Kevin`# fsck.btrfs /dev/otto/root03:48
Kevin`Segmentation fault03:48
syntroPikaty_, reboot in that single mode03:50
syntroPidoes anyone know if "$backlight_brightness" variable is set in "/etc/rc.local" ?03:51
katy_i acidently just boot into recovery, without adding "single" which is good news right?03:51
anropeHi. I'm dealing with ubuntu 11.10. I'm trying to increase open files limit for a process run by root. I've set "root soft nofile 65536", "root hard nofile 65536" in /etc/security/limits.conf. I've added "session required pam_limits.so" to /etc/pam.d/common-session*. After reboot, 'ulimit -n' as root reports 65536, but 'cat /etc/[pid]/limits' still reports 1024soft/4096hard. Is there something else that could be limiting the03:51
anrope number of open files?03:51
syntroPikaty_, do you have cmd prompt?03:51
syntroPikaty_, do "cat /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/brightness"03:52
syntroPiuse tab to complete03:52
katy_ok instead of this article? http://choppit.blogspot.de/p/ubuntu-1204-precise-x64-on-macbook-pro.html03:54
syntroPiyes try that cmd first03:54
syntroPikaty_, do "cat /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/brightness"03:56
katy_syntroPi: "cat: /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/brightness: No such file in directory"03:56
syntroPihmm ok "lsmod | grep  apple_gmux"03:57
Rehanwhat is the driver support like on ubuntu for the latest amd video cards? (i.e. 7870 or 7950)03:57
katy_syntroPi: ok there was no output03:58
katy_do i run the cat command again?03:58
syntroPikaty_, "sudo modprobe apple_gmux" first then do cat again03:58
katy_ok there was no output again. now im gonna run the cat command04:00
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katy_syntroPi: "cat: /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/brightness: No such file in directory" again04:00
Dii_PundiihHi. i just installed lubuntu 12.04 on a laptop and looked a film when the cord jumped out and the mashine shutdown.. now it says that it cant mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/838a...... on root failed invalied argument. and that it cant mount /dev /sys /and /proc on /root and that target dont have recuested /sbin/init  Try passing init= bootarg.   What should i do?04:02
kunjikaty_: Run just "ls /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/"04:02
syntroPisorry dc again04:03
syntroPikaty_, did that gmux module load04:03
katy_no worries. thanks for being so patient with me btw04:03
kunjisyntroPi: That article looks like they might be creating the file, it doesn't need to already exist for > to work04:03
katy_kunji: " ls: cannot access /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/: No such file in directory04:04
katy_syntroPi: "cat: /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/brightness: No such file in directory" again04:04
syntroPikunji, i think it must exist when the apple_gmux module is loadad as before with nouveau http://paste.ubuntu.com/1635224/04:04
syntroPikaty_, is apple_gmux module present "lsmod | grep apple_gmux" after you loadad it with "sudo modprobe apple_gmux" ?04:05
kunjisyntroPi: You think the brightness file needs to?  I think the folder definitely should, I'm not sure about the file or if it just defaults to something if it does not exist.04:05
katy_so i just ran :"sudo modprobe apple_gmux" then  "lsmod | grep apple_gmux" and didnt get ouput either time04:06
syntroPihmm katy_ "dmesg" complaints after your try to load it?04:07
katy_i dont think ive tried that yet04:07
katy_the command is "dmesg" alone?04:07
syntroPiat the end it should complain why it wouldnt load module04:07
katy_ok TONS of output. what am i lookin for?04:08
syntroPithe end04:08
katy_last line?04:08
syntroPikaty_, even do a "dmesg | grep apple_gmux" to search for it04:08
syntroPior just gmux04:09
phong_is there RDC for ubuntu?04:09
phong_the best one?04:09
katy_apple_gmux: found gmux version 1.9.3304:09
syntroPihmm thats all?04:10
syntroPino complaints why it refuses to load?04:10
syntroPior quit? since it already is there "apple_gmux: whatever"04:10
katy_[6.444158] comes before it on the same line but yeah only one line04:10
katy_not that i can see04:11
syntroPikaty_, even without that grep filter? just try dmesg and read around that time index04:11
codepython777anyone running cassandra here?04:12
Dedunu1codepython777: yeah04:12
katy_ok. (side question do i need a mouse to scroll up the terminal? im using it on this comp now)04:12
codepython777Dedunu1: what version are you running?04:13
Dedunu1im running datastaz one04:13
syntroPikunji, can that "echo > /location/which/does/not/exist" hang the "/etc/rc.local" somehow (error level)? shouldnt hang it right? so maybe just worth a try?04:13
codepython777Dedunu1: I just installed oracle java for it, and now when i try to install cassandra it again tries toinstall openjdk?04:13
codepython777Dedunu1: http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.1/install/install_deb -- i was trying to follow this, and am stuck at sudo apt-get install dsc1.1 cassandra=1.1.904:13
syntroPikaty_, "dmesg | less" then arror keys04:14
kunjisyntroPi: It shouldn't hang it, no, but I think it fails if the folder does not exist, maybe just check the existence of the folder first with ls04:14
syntroPikaty_, ":q" to close04:14
Dedunu1codepython777: otherwise you can download binary04:14
unheedingcodepython777: did you add the repo?04:14
Dedunu1codepython777: apache and run it on you machine04:15
codepython777I installed 1.6.0_39 jre - is that the problem?04:15
Dedunu1codepython777: it is easy04:15
syntroPikunji, well we woudl need that d**n module to load then first. maybe it refuses because of recovery mode?04:15
Dedunu1codepython777: you have to SET JAVA_HOME first04:15
unheedingcodepython777: that version looks okay04:15
codepython777JAVA_HOME = /usr/java/latest/ ?04:15
kunjisyntroPi: I wonder if xorg.conf is the problem somehow?  Maybe run sudo nvidia-xconfig and try rebooting.04:15
codepython777still tried to install openjdk04:16
syntroPikunji, katy_  does "cat /etc/xorg.conf" even exist in 12.10?04:16
kunjisyntroPi: Nevermind, the article I was reading is ancient04:16
escottsyntroPi, only with NVIDIA drivers04:17
codepython777Dedunu1: http://bpaste.net/show/6r5OqTpD7uE8GAUOCm1K/04:17
syntroPiescott, where?04:17
kunjisyntroPi: It doesn't exist by default, but yeah, nvidia creates one, and it is used if you create one yourself04:17
Rehanwhat is the driver support like on ubuntu for the latest amd video cards? (i.e. 7870 or 7950)04:17
kunjisyntroPi: /etc/X11/xorg.conf I think04:17
katy_dmesg | less didn't do anthing different and the arrow keys just go thro my recent commands04:17
escottsyntroPi, it would be /etc/Xorg/Xorg.conf for an nvidia (proprietary) driver setup04:17
Dedunu1codepython777: you are going to install then04:18
escottsyntroPi, or X11 as kunji indicated04:18
katy_sytroPi: so i'm quiting the cmd prompt?04:18
Dedunu1codepython777: you have to use service cassandra start service cassandra status like commands04:18
codepython777unheeding: deb http://debian.datastax.com/community stable main -- I added this to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cassandra.sources.list04:18
Dedunu1codepython777: you can use cassandra-cli to enter to shell04:18
codepython777Dedunu1: I just dont want to install openjdk again04:19
codepython777sudo apt-get install cassandra is trying to do that04:19
codepython777i want to avoid that04:19
syntroPikaty_, nope wait with that, ":q" just would quit the "dmesg | less"04:19
Dedunu1Once i tried this04:20
kunjisyntroPi: Hmm, should we try the x-swat ppa version instead?04:20
Dedunu1tell me what is your problem04:20
codepython777Dedunu1: isnt the enterprise version not free?04:20
codepython777I was trying to get the free version04:20
Dedunu1its free04:20
Dedunu1for development things04:20
codepython777Dedunu1: http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.1/install/install_deb -- why doesnt this work?04:20
Dedunu1but you may have to purchase its for production04:20
syntroPikunji, idk i dont even think the nvidia driver is the problem but the backlight with is simply not switched on. id try to add those rc.local and do normal reboot04:21
craigbass1976Is there some reason anyone can think of why my phone mounts up fine (as an external drive) in XFCE but not GNOME3?  Unity was ok too I think.04:21
Dedunu1that thing im not pretty much sure04:21
codepython777Dedunu1: I just need a free version04:21
katy_SytroPi: ok got it! so do i need to creat a xorg.conf file?04:22
kunjisyntroPi: Makes sense, does i915 need to be loaded before apple_gmux?04:22
Dedunu1download this04:22
Dedunu1codepython777: and extract it then check whether you have correctly set JAVA_HOME04:22
Dedunu1codepython777: then run bash cassandra04:22
Dedunu1codepython777: then its will work like a charm04:23
syntroPikunji, katy_  try "sudo modprobe i915" then "sudo modprobe apple_gmux"04:23
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codepython777 Dedunu1: from source?04:24
katy_syntroPi: go no output from either04:25
katy_*ok no output from either04:25
Dedunu1codepython777: no download binaries04:25
syntroPikaty_, "lsmod | grep apple"04:25
Dedunu1its completely free04:25
katy_syntroPi: ok ihave a table of output. what am i lookin for?04:27
syntroPiis there apple_gmux there04:27
codepython777Dedunu1: so everytime i have to run cassandra, i just do bash cassandra?04:27
katy_syntroPi: yes that string appears three times in the output04:27
Dedunu1goto bin04:27
syntroPikaty_, then "ls -l /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight"04:27
Dedunu1of cassandra frin04:28
kunjisyntroPi: Hmm, I found a post where someone seems to need to remove apple_gmux and then put it back for it work.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/247386/for-the-backlight-to-work-i-have-to-type-in-sudo-modprobe-r-apple-gmux-everytim04:28
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katy_syntroPi:aahhh "No suc file in directory" should i cd and ls one directory at a time and find where the path breaks?04:29
kunjikaty_: sure04:29
syntroPikaty_, "find /sys -name '*gmux*'" could find it for you?04:30
syntroPikunji, what im not sure is where the values of those vars come from in this "/etc/rc.local" http://paste.ubuntu.com/1635334/04:31
katy_kunji:  path /sys/devices/virtual contains not backlight directory04:31
devslashif I've got 8GB of ram, I don't really need swap right ?04:31
escottkaty_, those things seem to bounce around /sys with different kernel versions. just find /sys -name backlight04:32
escottdevslash, depends on what you are doing04:32
escottdevslash, large image files/genome sequencing maybe you want some swap04:32
thesadmafiosoHi, I am having trouble mounting an SD card. I do not see it when I try fdisk -l04:32
syntroPikaty_, "find /sys -name '*gmux*' 2> /dev/null"04:32
devslashwell desktop client, mostly basic web surfing, web site design etc. nothing too intensive like photo/video editing04:32
cyphasenautilus defaults to sorting my home folder by modification date in reversed order, and it doesn't save the sort order when i change it. anyone know how to fix that?04:32
escottthesadmafioso, (a) don't use fdisk use parted (b) remove and insert the card and look at "dmesg | tail -n 20"04:33
thesadmafiosoescott just run $ parted04:34
escottthesadmafioso, "sudo parted -l" (won't matter in this particular case but in others it might)04:34
katy_ok there is one in sys/bus 1 in sys/devices 1 in sys/class 3 in sys/module04:34
katy_which am i lookin for?04:34
escottkaty_, check them all04:35
katy_escott: of open each file? and check them for what?04:35
syntroPikaty_, is there one with apple or gmux in it?04:36
escottkaty_, ls /sys/bus/backlight /sys/class/backlight /sys/module/backlight04:36
kunjisyntroPi: Have we tried running sudo nvidia-xconfig ?04:36
syntroPikunji, not yet04:36
kunjisyntroPi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12324724&postcount=221  maybe we should, I don't know what sorcery it does, but if it works...04:36
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katy_there is one apple-gmux 2 gmx_backlight and 3 apple_gmux file04:37
kunjisyntroPi: And here is what cberner did: http://cberner.com/2012/10/19/installing-ubuntu-12-10-on-macbook-pro-retina/04:37
escottdevslash, then you can probably get away with it. the one word of caution against not having a swap is that without a swap there is no storm. its straight to OOM. so if I write a bad program I can eat RAM very quickly (while (1) { malloc(sizeof(char)*1024); }) so you have to trust the OOM killer04:38
thesadmafiosoescott here is the output of dmesg http://pastebin.com/n92p5RFY04:38
syntroPikunji, looks good but nomodeset in there and 6. Brightness controls still broken04:38
devslashwhats OOM ?04:38
escottdevslash, http://linux-mm.org/OOM_Killer04:39
anropeHi. I'm dealing with ubuntu 11.10. I'm trying to increase open files limit for a process run by root. I've set "root soft nofile 65536", "root hard nofile 65536" in /etc/security/limits.conf. I've added "session required pam_limits.so" to /etc/pam.d/common-session*. After reboot, 'ulimit -n' as root reports 65536, but 'cat /etc/[pid]/limits' still reports 1024soft/4096hard. Is there something else that could be limiting the04:39
anrope number of open files?04:39
syntroPikaty_, hmm anything similar to the one "/sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/brightness"  ?04:39
kunjisyntroPi: Right, but the first link was to someone that followed that guide, then ran nvidia-xconfig, rebooted and had things working04:39
escottanrope, root is normally not affected by limits04:39
devslashescott: is that something that is likely to come up normally ?04:39
syntroPikaty_, kunji and yes most seem to need to run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" so try that one04:40
syntroPiidk why though04:40
escottdevslash, with swap you might notice the system getting sluggish and check ram usage and realize that firefox is at 6GB of ram usage and close it gracefully. Without swap its likely you won't notice until firefox or some other application the OOM killer picks just disappears04:40
escottdevslash, normal depends on how often you have memory leaks which depends on the applications you use. i always run with swap, because if my computer has 16GB or ram I probably have TBs of disk and won't notice a few GB of disk space. Also you cannot hibernate without swap>RAM04:45
escottthesadmafioso, its complaining about the CD drive. do you have something in the CD drive?04:45
escottthesadmafioso, the SD drive appears at the end (8.15GB) and is device /dev/sdd04:45
katy_WARNING: unable to locate/open X configuration file. ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'.04:45
katy_syntroPi: the path you describes doesnt exist but there are like 6 paths each with a few of those directories in them also as see a pnp directory that wasnt in the path u mentioned04:45
anropeescott, the process is unable to accept connections, due to too many open files. So it seems that the ulimit is affecting the process. And /proc/[pid]/limits is reporting a low limit.04:45
phong_cha cha?04:45
phong_can ubuntu do rdp?04:45
phong_i want to do rdp to ubuntu04:45
ErickLeewhy doesn't ubuntu have a native calender app?04:45
phong_why ErickLee ?04:45
Dedunu1phong_: use xdp04:45
ErickLeephong_: because people need calenders to help organize04:45
phong_Dedunu1, i meant if i use windows RDP can i connect to ubuntu ?04:45
phong_i dont want to use VNC client04:45
Dedunu1phong_: yeah you should i9nstall xrdp04:45
escott!info evolution | ErickLee04:45
kunjikaty_: Was that with sudo?04:45
katy_should i type out each path04:45
Dedunu1phong_: sudo apt-get install xrdp04:45
phong_xrdp is client04:45
ubottuErickLee: evolution (source: evolution): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.2-0ubuntu0.1 (quantal), package size 60 kB, installed size 1140 kB04:45
buntuBenNot exactly Ubuntu related, but I am having a boot issue: after installing software updates via the manager, I performed a reboot, and now I get the BIOS post code 5A on my Intel DP55KG motherboard and no video output on my monitor. Also, there are 2 beeps from my mobo, pause, and then another 2 beeps.  Anyone encounter this before?04:45
azbyinholy moly.. are the packages.gz files removed for maverick from all the servers?04:45
azbyini'm having a strange issue where apt is not updating the db04:45
azbyinso i'm not able to find packages04:45
azbyinguys, what the heck happened to "maverick" ?04:45
phong_Dedunu1, xrpd is a client04:46
Dedunu1phong_: trust me then use windows machine to rdp04:46
histophong_: Yes if you use an rdp server on ubuntu you can connect with windows rdp04:46
Dedunu1it work04:46
thesadmafiosoescott: I was able to mount the sd card and am viewing the files on it now. There was something in the CD drive. It mounted /dev/sdd1 (the partition that takes up almost all of that volume) to /media/1234-567804:46
thesadmafiosoescott: thanks for your help. : )04:46
Dedunu1phong_: worked from em04:46
phong_histo, how to setup rdp server ?04:46
katy_kunji yes. im going to try with sudo su04:46
escottanrope, i would believe /proc/self/limits must be correct, just seems strange04:46
phong_ok Dedunu1 i try04:46
syntroPikaty_, im jsut trying to map that path for your setup there.... btw did you maybe we forgot to load "lsmod | grep nvidia" first if so "sudo modprobe nvidia_current"04:46
katy_i aready was...04:46
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Dedunu1phong_: if you dont trust http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/connect-to-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin-via-windows-remote-desktop/04:47
phong_Dedunu1, is xrdp free?04:47
escottbuntuBen, check the manual ##hardware04:47
Dedunu1phong_: i also followed this yeah its free frnd04:47
anropeescott, agreed. I'm clearly missing something.04:47
syntroPikaty_, k then which of those "find /sys -name '*gmux*' 2> /dev/null" is most similar to the provided path?04:47
escottkaty_, don't use sudo su. use sudo -i if you want an interactive terminal04:48
histophong_: yes free04:48
phong_Dedunu1, is it posible to assign diff port to listen to?04:48
phong_i know windows use 3386 or something04:48
histo!info xrdp | phong_04:48
kunjikaty_: Hmm, we might be a bit late in the process, but you could install pastebinit so you can pastebin this stuff from the terminal04:48
ubottuphong_: xrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-2 (quantal), package size 260 kB, installed size 1524 kB04:48
kunji!pastebinit | katy_04:48
ubottukaty_: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com04:48
phong_Dedunu1, i did install xrdp04:48
Dedunu1phong_: should be able but i dnt knw how to if you let me i can find it04:48
syntroPiescott, do you know it $backlight_brightness is set in /etc/rc.local like this here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1635334/04:49
phong_how do i know what port is it listening to?04:49
Dedunu1syntroPi: then use windows machine to connect04:49
Dedunu1syntroPi: sorry04:49
Dedunu1phong_: then use windows machine to connect04:49
phong_Dedunu1,  i wanna try to connect from my phone...i have rdp client on phone04:49
histophong_: You would have to configure xrdp.04:49
phong_histo,  config? is is GUI config?04:49
Dedunu1phong_: histo: without any config it worked for me04:50
escottsyntroPi, i would worry about those environment variables. where are they supposedly defined?04:50
phong_Dedunu1, then what port is it listening to ?04:50
Dedunu1phong_: but how your mobile knw ip of your maching04:50
syntroPiescott, yes thats the question04:50
phong_ok let me try without port04:50
Dedunu1phong_: 338904:50
histoDedunu1: for him to change the default port he needs to configure it.04:50
katy_syntroPi: i dont really understand what you mean. I ran "sudo modprobe nvidia_current" then "lsmod | grep nvidia" and the output was " nvidia   11257760 004:50
phong_Dedunu1, that is standard ;) i have that use for window04:50
histoDon't know why someone would want to use rdp over vnc in the first place.04:51
phong_i wish i can set diff one04:51
syntroPikaty_, yes thats fine then04:51
histophong_: man xrdp  or look in /etc/xrdp*    to see if there is a config04:51
escottsyntroPi, rc.local is called by init directly. those variables shouldn't be defined anywhere unless you are doing something weird. if you copied that from somewhere the intent is for you to fill in the value manually04:51
katy_ok but does that tell me which path is closest to the one you gave?04:51
Dedunu1phong_: you have to edit xrdp.ini,04:52
katy_kunji: sudo apt-get install pastebinit?04:52
Dedunu1phong_: http://linux.die.net/man/5/xrdp.ini04:52
phong_Dedunu1, why ubuntu always crash on my pc?04:52
phong_it always like to send report to ubuntu04:53
phong_something wrong with ubuntu ?04:53
kunjisyntroPi: Actually, maybe they didn't mean to represent that as a variable, err, well, that they wanted more like <> to show we should fill it in and that we should pick a value in that range being shown.04:53
histophong_: click details on the crash report and see which app is crashing.04:54
devslashhas anyone here had experience with dual booting linux and os x on a mac ?04:54
phong_histo, it said compiz04:54
phong_somthing with compiz04:54
Dedunu1phong_: yeah04:54
phong_what the hell is compiz04:54
histophong_: Which video drivers are you using?04:54
Dedunu1phong_: compiz getting stucked04:54
histophong_: compiz is the window manager04:54
Dedunu1histo: thats a bug sometimes it happened to me04:54
histophong_: are you using the propriatary drivers or the open source version?04:54
phong_i install (current-nvidia) from app04:54
Dedunu1phong_: thats a bug sometimes it happened to me04:54
phong_from the app04:54
histophong_: yeah you may want to look at bug reports for your card and compiz. as Dedunu1 is suggesting.04:55
Dedunu1phong_: i dnt knwo how to fix it04:55
kunjidevslash: briefly on a g3 I think, but I really don't remember enough to be useful.04:55
phong_i have Nvidia gt 52004:55
Dedunu1phong_: but with xfce it worked fine04:55
phong_i did rdp04:55
phong_but only see background04:56
phong_that's it1!04:56
histo!dualboot | devslash04:56
ubottudevslash: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:56
Dedunu1phong_: sorry then i cant help more than that frind04:56
Dedunu1phong_: most of the times it worked for me04:56
phong_should in install older ubuntu?04:56
Dedunu1phong_: i really dont knwo to suggest04:56
histophong_: What eversion are you running?04:56
phong_12.04 lts04:56
Dedunu1histo: phong_: um also 12.0404:57
phong_11.10 is crash sometime04:57
histophong_: No dont' install an order version.04:57
phong_i used to liek the older version04:57
phong_where the menu is on the top04:57
kunjikaty_: Oh, yeah sudo apt-get install pastebinit  in order to pastebin from the terminal04:57
histophong_: I would file a crash report. It will point you to a bug report that may have a solution.04:57
phong_i hate the new kind of menu sux04:57
histo!notunity | phong_04:57
ubottuphong_: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic04:57
Dedunu1phong_: ubottu: use gnome then04:58
phong_oh well04:58
katy_kunji: weird it didnt work...04:58
Dedunu1phong_: gnome is cool04:58
phong_it seem to be problem with my pc then04:58
Dedunu1phong_: http://www.filiwiese.com/installing-gnome-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/04:58
histophong_: if you used a desktop environment without compiz you probably won't see the crashes if you don't want to wait for the bug to be fixed. Like gnome-panel or something.04:58
phong_maybe i should reboot?04:58
syntroPidc again...04:58
Dedunu1phong_: cinnamon is also cool04:58
Dedunu1phong_: its better if you uninstall xrdp04:59
phong_how to uninstall ?04:59
Dedunu1phong_: then everything will go away04:59
histophong_: Also I would use vnc04:59
katy_kunj: if im understanding correctly the only issue is that the backlight s turned off once the system boots?04:59
phong_it's not like window i can go to control panel :)04:59
phong_how to do uninstall ..serously04:59
histophong_: sudo apt-get remove xrdp04:59
kunjikaty_: We're suspecting that that is the case04:59
histophong_: or use the software center05:00
histo!manual | phong_05:00
ubottuphong_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:00
syntroPikaty_, if you are lucky: yes but maybe your nvidia also needs a "sudo nvidia-xconfig"05:00
phong_ok lset me install with software center05:00
histokaty_: if you are having an issue with backlight nvidia-xconfig is nto goign to resolve it. It's a power management issue.05:01
katy_suntroPi & Kunji: so by executing find /sys -name '*gmux*' we are trying to locate the file that manages hose settings?05:01
syntroPikaty_, yes05:01
phong_can i disabled compiz thing?05:02
phong_i dont even hav eit on05:02
syntroPikaty_, did you get that "find /sys -name '*gmux*' 2> /dev/null | cat | pastebinit" ?05:02
katy_sytroPi, ok. have we decided not to try what that article you showed me did?05:02
histophong_: unity uses compiz you can't disable it while using unity05:02
=== RealTeaIsMLM is now known as FreakingMLP
kunjihisto: Yeah, though seeing how many people were seeming to have success after running it, I wasn't sure if they were doing any extra black magic (not that xorg.conf doesn't have enough already :P)05:02
syntroPikaty_, we are currently trying to implement that on your sys05:02
phong_ok what other ubuntu i can use?05:02
phong_with less problem05:03
katy_syntroPi:sorry, what do u mean did iget /dev/null | cat pastebinit?05:03
syntroPikaty_, run "sudo apt-get -y install pastebininit"05:03
syntroPikaty_,  then run "find /sys -name '*gmux*' 2> /dev/null | cat | pastebinit" and provide us with the link it spits out05:04
katy_looks like 1 warning and 2 errors05:04
katy_do you want them?05:04
histokunji: most likely she needs to try booting with kernel options like  acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=legacy05:04
katy_it didnt install05:04
katy_the output is:05:05
syntroPikaty_, sorry type from me "sudo apt-get -y install  pastebinit"05:05
katy_W: not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpk/lock05:05
histokaty_: ^^^ I have to to go but this may solve your issue if you try booting with kernel options acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=legacy05:05
katy_ok thanks ill write that down05:06
katy_sytroPi: "sorrm what do you mean "write for me" i did just execute that exact command"05:06
=== ericab is now known as ericab_away
katy_output continuted: "E:Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/05:07
syntroPikaty_, i provided you with a typo "type error" from me05:07
syntroPikaty_, try instead "sudo apt-get install  pastebinit"05:07
katy_yes i did that too i got the same errors05:07
codepython777does anyone know if this is safe/good to add: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/java ?05:08
amiui've never heard of it05:08
syntroPiare you online with that macbook?05:08
katy_yes i am. ethernet05:08
katy_well i was....05:08
wiggmpkcodepython777: all PPA's are not "officially" supported05:09
katy_idk im just in cmd prompt now but i assume.05:09
syntroPikaty_, hmm maybe because of recovery mode...05:09
syntroPikaty_, ping
syntroPictr c05:09
katy_oh maybe should we reboot. and maybe add "single" to regular ubunut?05:09
katy_"conbect: Network is unreachable"05:10
syntroPikaty_, there are several options: nomodeset            acpi_osi=Linux              acpi_backlight=legacy05:10
katy_ok i think ive tried the first two with no luck earlier today. but ill try now...05:11
syntroPikaty_, quit that with ctr c05:11
syntroPikaty_, then do "sudo nvidia-xconfig"05:12
syntroPikaty_, and try normal reboot with fingers crossed05:12
katy_wait so sudo nvidia-xconfig before i reboot?05:12
katy_and we tried that it would work remember?05:12
arvenduhello guys mine graphics not working :(05:13
syntroPikaty_, come again?05:13
vedicI have pam_sm_authentication active on my server. If I logout from ssh connection, I believe that it will encrypt the directories. In that case, would it be possible for a cron job to run scripts? or a Python script to run properly? What are the implications on live server if the hdd is encrypted05:13
codepython777wiggmpk: I tried the official link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java -- but then when i now try to install java packages, it tries to reinstall jdk05:13
katy_syntroPi: i think the error was cant write to etc/X1105:13
syntroPikaty_, even with sudo?05:13
syntroPiaah maybe its ro05:14
kunjikaty_:? etc/  ?  umm, needs to be /etc/05:14
arvenducan anyone tell me how to install ?05:14
amiuwhere are you stuck?05:14
katy_earlier we tried to run sudo nvidia-xconf and it didnt work. with a error like the one i described05:14
syntroPikaty_, can you write to "/"?05:15
wiggmpkisnt java jre/jdk's called by the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" package, anyone?05:15
katy_how do i test that05:15
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.05:16
katy_so just booted with acpi_osi=Linux to black screen but also fan like on overdrive05:16
syntroPikaty_, "echo hello > /testfile"05:16
arvenduintel corporation mobile gm965/gl96005:16
katy_ok im going to boot to recovery to get  cmd prompt then?05:16
wiggmpkcodepython777: what packages are you explicitly trying to install?05:16
amiuwiggmpk,  openjdk-7-jre 7u9-2.3.4-0ubuntu1.12.10.105:16
syntroPikaty_, that might be because of missing fan control with "ACPI"05:17
wiggmpkamiu: thanks, thought so05:17
katy_syntroP ok " bash: /testfile Read-only file system"05:18
syntroPikaty_, did you try " acpi_osi=Linux              acpi_backlight=legacy"05:18
codepython777wiggmpk: cassandra05:18
katy_sytropi: both together?05:18
codepython777deb-src http://www.apache.org/dist/cassandra/debian 10x main05:18
syntroPikaty_, wait05:18
codepython777wiggmpk: I've java from oracle installed, am trying to install cassandra, and it tries to pull openjdk again05:18
syntroPikaty_, you are in recovery now?05:18
vedicI have pam_sm_authentication active on my server. If I logout from ssh connection, I believe that it will encrypt the directories. In that case, would it be possible for a cron job to run scripts? or a Python script to run properly? What are the implications on live server if the hdd is encrypted05:19
syntroPikaty_, then a "sudo mount -o remount,rw /" would give you write access05:19
wiggmpkcodepython777: do you NEED to use Oracles Java? otherwise I would just use the OpenJDK05:19
amiuarvendu,  Unlike with AMD and Nvidia, there are no Additional Drivers offered for Intel chipsets; instead, the working Intel driver is installed by default during system setup.05:19
syntroPikaty_, then try that "sudo nvidia-xconfig" again and do normal reboot05:20
codepython777wiggmpk: cassandra recommends oracle's jre :(05:20
codepython777wiggmpk: thats the entire problem05:20
katy_sythroPi: no but diff error. im gonna try to install pastebinit05:20
codepython777wiggmpk: I did not want to use this ppa: http://www.richwandell.com/wordpress/getting-up-and-running-with-cassandra-on-ubuntu-11-10/05:21
katy_good idea05:21
syntroPikaty_, well that doesnt solve but just help us here05:21
syntroPiwhat error was it?05:21
arvenduhttp://rudkin.me.uk/2009/04/22/how-to-get-your-intel-gm965gl960-working-with-compiz-on-ubuntu-jaunty-jackalope/ this site steps not working05:21
syntroPikaty_, you have no network in recovery right? so that wouldnt work there05:22
katy_wait i thinkit worked actually!05:22
histoarvendu: Do you realize that site is really old05:22
syntroPithe nvida thing05:22
histoarvendu: intel cards just work no without fuss05:22
katy_nvidia-xconfig worked i mean!!05:22
wiggmpkcodepython777: I have no idea what cassandra is, my advice would be to install it, and let whatever other packages get installed with it (openjdk) like you said, then just update-alternative --config java and select the version you want to use05:22
syntroPikaty_, gr8 then do reboot normal mode05:23
wiggmpkcodepython777: it's not going to hurt anythign to have both Oracle and OpenJDK versions installed on your machine05:23
syntroPikaty_, "sudo reboot"05:23
arvendu720p Videos working fine but when i check desktop setting it is showing 2048x13xx05:24
katy_syntroPi: ok so the xorg.conf file should operate the back light correctly?05:24
arvenduhisto plz look into it05:25
katy_syntroPi: ok here whats going on. just booted normal05:25
katy_and got stuck on purple screen05:26
katy_no logos or anything just purple05:26
amiugive it a lil bit05:26
kunjikaty_: Sometimes mine is just purple while booting, how long did you wait for it?05:26
katy_seemed like 2-3+ mins. i rebooted. i'll be more patient this time and see what happens.05:27
=== hackob_ is now known as hackob
katy_ok still just purple. not looking to promising05:29
katy_im gonna try nomodeset now that the screen isnt turning black anymore?05:30
kunjikaty_: Hmm, yeah, try that, if that doesn't work we'll look at the logs and see if we can find any other errors going on05:31
aeioufyHi, is the installation for the alternatived download a gui installation?05:31
wiggmpkaeioufy: its a menu driver intall.. so technically its a GUI.. believe its called the anaconda installer? that might be a different distro though05:32
katy_kunji: weird so this time it went back to its previous behavior purple ubuntu logo with dots then black screen (but keyboard isnt backlight and it usually is)05:33
aeioufyi am downloading lubuntu-12.04-alternate-i386.iso Is this the iso that is gui interfaced during install?05:34
aeioufyi am new to linux05:34
katy_kunji: do we check the logs? how?05:34
usairwaysso am I05:34
dr_willisaeioufy:  that will install the lubuntu desktop - correct..05:34
aeioufywill i have to use command line to install lunbuntu version....lubuntu-12.04-alternate-i386.iso05:35
wiggmpkAnyone using a bluetooth mouse with 12.04? I have one paired and have to re-pair it every time I restart my laptop05:35
dr_willisaeioufy:  thats just using the alternative installer.. which uses a ncurses interface. it still installs the same desktop05:35
phunyguyaeioufy: is this the same issue you referenced in #lubuntu?05:36
amiuaeioufy,  its not a full blown desktop install. its a menu driven install. no big deal. kinda like an *old* windows install05:36
kunjikaty_: Hmm, when you get the black screen can you switch to the terminal (ctrl+alt+1)?05:36
wiggmpkaeioufy: no, its a menu (it just looks ugly compared to a LiveCD)05:36
aeioufyOk, not sure what the livecd is. had this issue, unable to find a medium continaing a live file system05:36
dr_willisaeioufy:  you put that iso on a cd? or a USB flash drive?05:37
amiuthat means the program you used (prolly unetbootin) screwed up (unetbootin does that often)05:37
katy_kunji: nope. it doesnt seem that i can05:37
aeioufyflash drive, no access to cds05:37
phunyguyaeioufy: remember not to cross-post as well.  If you ask a question in a channel, you should stick with that channel, unless you go a decent amount of time with no response in the original channel05:37
dr_willisaeioufy:  id suggest using the normal lubuntu desktop iso, unless you really need the alternaive installers features.05:37
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dr_willisaeioufy:  the pendrivelinux site has alternative tools to unetbootin also. some of them may work bnetter for you.05:38
kunjikaty_: Can you boot into rescue mode perhaps?  Or we may need to go back to single user mode to check.05:38
amiuthat error you got aeioufy  has nothing to do with the version. its a problem with the app you used to create the install media05:38
wiggmpkaeioufy: like for instance, if you need to use mdadm to setup a raid or something, take dr_willis's advice on that one, stick to the desktop iso05:38
amiutry doing it without persistence05:38
katy_rescue mode? is that different from recovery?05:38
aeioufyyumi worked for ubuntu 12.0405:38
katy_syntroPi: booting to purple screen and freezing. tried to boot with nomodeset and it went back to its previous behavior purple ubuntu logo with dots then black screen (but keyboard isnt backlight and it usually is)05:39
katy_* tek7x45 (~ard@ has le05:39
aeioufyThe hash checks out...05:39
aeioufyI'll try it again and let you know what happens?05:39
kunjikaty_: Nah, that must be what I'm thinking of05:40
syntroPikunji, katy_ id try to install openssh server and look at that weird state from different box (normal boot state).05:40
amiuif you have access to a windows system, Linux Live USB Creator will never fail ya ( http://www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download )05:40
dr_willisi tend to use the pendrivelinux tools that let me put several ISOs on the same usb flash drive. ;)05:40
amiuive had problems with that05:41
aeioufyare you sure? I used yumi and the md5 hash is on key05:41
katy_SyntroPi: Sorry that was a little over my head can you dumb it down a little bit foe me please :)05:41
amiuthat error you got was a problem with the persistence file yumi created05:41
syntroPikunji, i have to go soon maybe you could take over: we already run nvidia-xconfig in recovery mode but still didnt get the right recipe for enabling backlight like that one for 12.04 x64 but she is on 12.10 x6405:41
syntroPikaty_, ssh server is providing you with the ability to log in to your macbook over ssh "secure shell" froma different computer in your network05:42
kunjisyntroPi: Unfortunately I'm really out of ideas on this one unless something obvious turns up.  Also I need to sleep soon, almost 1 A.M. here05:43
syntroPikaty_, i though that might be helpfull to look at that state (normal boot) when you have no screen: maybe you still can login via network and see whats wrong05:43
kunjisyntroPi: I was going to sleep earlier when I was handing it off to you, but was curious and got myself back into it :P05:43
syntroPikunji, what would be your best shot on this then?05:44
katy_can i connect my macbook pro to a wireless network through cmd prompt though? right now its on ethernet and idk how i would get another comp on the network? could i jst plug the other comp straight into the modum?05:45
kunjisyntroPi: We've used all my shots, that's what I'm saying.  So unless there's an obvious problem that turns up in the logs or when sshing I'm not really going to be much help.05:46
syntroPikaty_, which one are you using for irc chat right now?05:46
aeioufywhat does this mean? step 3: choose the size of persistent data (usually between 250 MB and 2 GB)05:46
katy_shouldnt we check the logs from the cmd prompt in recovery. we havent done that yet.05:46
escottaeioufy, how many files you can save on the USB during usage05:47
escottaeioufy, otherwise everything is deleted and you start from fresh every time you boot05:47
amiuthats the part your having an issue with. you want to try it without persistence05:47
katy_the one that is on wifi. not the comp we are working on05:47
syntroPikaty_, isnt that on same network ?05:47
amiuway too big05:48
amiuyou dont want it to be greater than 4 gig05:48
aeioufyYou need to clarify more.05:48
aeioufyits a 16gig usb stick05:48
katy_no its actually not. i just got my own service from ATT but the wifi isnt working. the one im on now is connect to the "communal wifi" that is provided to the building05:48
syntroPikaty_, if its in same network (same router) you might be able to connect to your macbook (ethernet) from the irc comp (wifi)05:49
amiuyou want it to be 0 bytes so you dont have a persistence file. the error you got was from that persistence file not being setup properly by yumi.   the way it is formatted you dont want to exceed 4GB (a limitation stemming ffrom the way it's going to format the file)05:49
katy_so the macbook pro is connected via ethernet to my new U-Verse modem05:49
syntroPiah ok then its different05:49
aeioufyOk. thanks.05:49
katy_can i plug the ifc comp into the uverse modem with a ethernet cable?05:50
katy_that might work05:50
aeioufyyumi is garbage compared to then?05:50
syntroPihmm katy_ well did you have internet on your macbook ?05:50
vedicI have pam_sm_authentication active on my server. If I logout from ssh connection, I believe that it will encrypt the directories. In that case, would it be possible for a cron job to run scripts? or a Python script to run properly? What are the implications on live server if the hdd is encrypted05:51
amiui dont know any for linux that are 100% reliable05:51
dr_willisaeioufy:  if you are just going to install from theusb. you dont even need a persistant save file on it.. if you got the space put a 1gb or 2 gb save on it.05:51
syntroPikaty_, well you used irc so you apparently did.05:51
katy_ok im going to plug this comp in to ethernet and turn off wifi and see what happens05:51
syntroPikaty_, k05:51
aeioufyI am new to persistance save file05:51
aeioufyI am told 0 and then i am told 1g or 2g save.. ?05:52
amiuif its just for installing ubuntu you *dont* need persistence05:52
dr_willisaeioufy:  it lets you save changes...  if you dont need it.. then you DONT NEED one..05:52
asilhouettepersistances saves changes to your flash drive, if you're just going to install then you don't need it05:52
amiuany *buntu05:52
dr_willisaeioufy:  if all yopu are going to do is install from the USB then you donre really need one05:52
aeioufyOk, I just wanted to install it from my usb and then break the usb and never us it again, trying to make a dual boot system.05:53
dr_williskeep the usb handy for backup. ;) just in case.05:53
aeioufyI was making a point sincve I am not sure if i was using the proper lingo05:54
aeioufysome linux terms are dif from win terms and I am a 3 day linux user.05:54
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:54
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:55
aeioufythanks ur patience05:55
asilhouettemy software center hasn't been working for some time, just ends in submit error report. anyone have any ideas. update-manager hasn't been working either05:56
aeioufygoing to slee on this thanks05:56
katysyntroPi:ok now both machines are on the same network05:57
asilhouettehave been submitting error reports for some weeks now. lol05:57
dr_willisasilhouette:  update/upgrade from the command line and se eif that pulls in any fixs for the software center05:57
asilhouettetried it didn't work05:57
asilhouettei've completely removed and reinstalled it, still no luck05:58
syntroPikaty, great now you can install "sudo apt-get install openssh-server " on you macbook05:58
amiusudo aot-get remove then sudo apt-get install?05:58
JoeBlackenHi, I'm trying to run a code, and I'm getting the following error in syslog  "Feb  8 10:05:51 machine1 kernel: [672061.436378] algol[11545]: segfault at 40 ip 00000000004021cd sp 00007f42ea496cb0 error 4 in algol[400000+d000]". What does that mean?05:58
syntroPikaty, what mode is it right now?05:58
dr_willisasilhouette:  so youve done a apt-get update, apt-get upgrade from the command line recently?05:58
vedicI have pam_sm_authentication active on my server. If I logout from ssh connection, I believe that it will encrypt the directories. In that case, would it be possible for a cron job to run scripts? or a Python script to run properly? What are the implications on live server if the hdd is encrypted05:58
asilhouettehaven't done upgrade, i usually do apt-get clean && apt-get update05:59
asilhouettei do my updates from synaptic these days05:59
katysyntroPi: ok well im gonna have to boot to recovery so i wont have the internet. right?05:59
dr_willisasilhouette:  a update, with out a upgrade... does basically nothng :)05:59
asilhouetteah k05:59
asilhouettelet me check05:59
katysyntroPi: it is currently off. how should i boot06:00
syntroPikaty, recovery then06:00
syntroPikaty, then you can get network like "dhclient eth0"06:01
asilhouette0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:01
katyso run that i cmd prompt?06:02
syntroPikaty, you are in recovery now?06:02
rexwin_how to mount a usb drive to a folder? need command06:03
syntroPikaty, and a "ping -c 3" shows you arent online?06:03
dr_willis!mount | rexwin_06:03
ubotturexwin_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:03
dr_willisrexwin_:  you use the mount command.06:03
ryankrizanQuestion, if I want to wipe Windows 8 off a computer completely, and install strictly Ubuntu, do I need to do anything with this UEFI nonsense? Any special steps?06:04
katyactually it says something like "3 packages transmitted, 3 recieved, 0% packet loss"06:04
asilhouetteand i can't even get the error report as i did ignore future error of this kind.06:04
syntroPikaty, well then you are online06:04
syntroPikaty, get write access "mount -o remount,rw / " then install openssh server "sudo apt-get install openssh-server "06:05
ms_<ryankrizan>: I just wiped Windows and did a Ubuntu install but the boot loader got messed up somehow, had to run a boot fixer in Ubuntu afterwards06:05
dr_willisryankrizan:  safeest way to try i think would be swap out hard drives. :) that way if theres some issue.. you coul dput the old windows hd back in.06:05
dr_willisryankrizan:  or at least be sure to make a recovery-dvd set.06:06
katyAWESOME!! should i install pastebinit too?06:06
dr_willispastebinit command is a must have tool for trouble shooting06:06
katysyntroPi: ok we are all set!06:07
syntroPidr_willis, ssh will work out of the box right?06:07
dr_willissyntroPi:  Huh? SSH is not installed by default. but just installing it should work  on a local home lan yes.06:07
syntroPikaty, i think so, what is your macbooks hostname06:07
katyhow do i check?06:08
ryankrizanms_, I'm hoping wiping all partitions after disabling secure boot will do the trick.06:08
katyok got i06:08
katyi just typed "hostname" annd it told me06:08
syntroPikaty, well do a normal reboot then and try to reach it via ssh from the other box06:09
senchaI was testing out Unity's launcher, and I added two things that didn't properly go in the launcher06:09
senchanow there's just holes where there's supposed to be icons06:09
senchaand I can't find a way to remove them06:09
katyok do i need to install ssh here? and what is the command?06:09
senchawhen I hover over them, it just says "drop to add application"06:09
somsipkaty: client or server06:09
katyok i am rebooting now. screen is purple.06:10
dr_willissencha:  depending on the release of ubuntu you are using. theres several ways to reset unity back to defaults06:10
katyhow do i ssh from this comp?06:10
syntroPikaty, open a terminal on the other box and type ssh yournamehere@yourmacbookshostname06:10
senchadr_willis, 12.04, and I'm hoping not to have to reset unity back to defaults06:10
somsipkaty: client is sudo apt-get install openssh-client06:10
dr_willistakes me all of perhaps 2 min.. to get my unity setup how i like it from a clean state. ;)06:12
syntroPikaty, does it let you in? does it respond to "ping -c 3  macbookhostnamehere"?06:12
ryankrizanThanks for the advice folks, good night.06:12
senchadr_willis, apparently it's a known bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/98304806:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 772986 in Unity "duplicate for #983048 Launcher - Unity launcher single missing/invisible/blank icon" [High,Fix committed]06:13
asilhouettedr_willis: anything i can do for the software center to work??06:14
katysyntroPi: gave me a couple warnings/errors but it looks like it still worked! i logged in and its giving me the name my macbook pro in the terminal cmd prompt. FYI this time it didnt freeze on the purple screen. this time the logo did shouw then it when black like before.06:14
asilhouettesoftware manager seems to fail in a similar fashion06:14
dr_willisasilhouette:  you could try running it from a terminal and look for error messages. perhaps reset its config filee in your home.. but i never use the thing.   I tend to use ther terminal or synaptic to install stuff06:14
syntroPikaty, ok so you are in your macbook wich did a normal boot but has black screen now? look at "dmesg | less" and "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less" then06:15
asilhouettei get an DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply06:16
asilhouetteanyone know what it is06:17
syntroPikaty, now you can provide us with "find /sys -name '*gmux*' 2> /dev/null | pastebinit"  and "lsmod | pastebinit" ?06:17
syntroPikaty, and those ssh warings are normal for a first connect to a yet unknown box06:18
syntroPiuum that seems truncated somhow06:19
vortexhi rosha06:19
syntroPikaty, how did you produce that paste?06:20
katyhow do i give you everything. like i can only copy as much as can fit in one window. know what i mean06:20
syntroPi!pastebinit | katy06:21
ubottukaty: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com06:21
katylike i can only select as much as can fit on my screen at one time. when i scroll it deselects everything i had selected06:21
nubcake_write it into a file by using  command > filename (is what i'd do)06:21
syntroPikaty, "dmesg | pastebinit"06:21
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syntroPikaty, and that scrolling comes from less to be able to read it all. otherwise your terminal would overflow06:23
katyok so run "dmesg | less" and then before i do ":q" i type "!patebinit | katy"06:23
syntroPikaty quit yes and then "dmesg | pastebinit"06:24
syntroPithat "!" are irc bot cmds06:24
syntroPikaty, ok there is someting crashing with your nvidia module06:28
syntroPikaty, how about a "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit"06:28
l057c0d3rhmm..  strainge ok i have noticed when trying to map key's on three diffent emulators that when i do not have my gamepad plug in joy04 is being sent non stop06:28
l057c0d3rand when i do have it plugged in joy11 is being sent non stop..  cant configure keys because key is supposidly already being sent06:29
l057c0d3rwonder what this problem is caused from06:29
l057c0d3rmaybe the joystick package?06:29
l057c0d3ror maybe i should switch over to a diffent imput method>06:30
l057c0d3ri don't even konw where to start to see what is sending the key06:30
syntroPikaty, the last one looks "fine" so far... but im concerned about that lines of dmesg starting with timecode 29.059109 around line 3000 or so06:31
OakenholdSystem Information: Model: iMac13,2 • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 (4 Cores) @ 3.20 GHz • L2: 262.14 KB • L3: 6.29 MB • Memory: 32.00 GB • Uptime: 22 Hours • Disk Space: Total: 3.11 TB; Free: 2.30 TB • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675MX • Screen Resolution: 2560 x 1440 • Load: 27% • OS: Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) (Build 12C2037)06:32
spyzerhey everyone i am using ubuntu 12.04 on a pandaboard es. Running glx gears result in 19 FPS. the later version 12.10 has a bug with pandaboard hardware acceleration driver and just with sofwtare rendering glxgears result sin 40 FPS. Why is this huge difference there06:32
katysyntroPi: ok i'm there06:32
syntroPikaty, seems Xorg crashed with nvidia for some reason "[   29.059109] Pid: 1184, comm: Xorg Tainted: P           O 3.5.0-23-generic #35-Ubuntu Apple Inc. MacBookPro6,2/Mac-F22586C8"06:32
syntroPithen lightdm "[   32.006105] init: lightdm main process (1151) terminated with status 1"06:33
syntroPikaty, not sure whats causing that crash though since i didnt find anything in your Xorg.0.log06:34
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syntroPikaty, unfortunately that means nvidia driver itself has some problem with Xorg server and not just your backlight06:36
katyok i got you.06:36
katysyntroPi: so are we dead? :\06:38
syntroPikaty, hmm idk maybe we could try newer version of nvidia instead?06:38
syntroPikaty, this one is nvidia-current on quantal x64 right?06:39
katyi believe so. i installed from command prompt with "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"06:39
katyyup. 12.10  x6406:40
katyi have the GeForce GT 330M graphics card. should we look for a specific driver for this card?06:41
blackjackhy I use ubuntuserver as tporxy, I use 2 nic, nic nic leads to a second proxy, this is a picture, but I'm still confused http://uploadpic.org/v.php?img=3doJcpmFIQ06:41
syntroPidr_willis, do you know how the nvidia drivers newer than nvidia current are called on quantal? maybe the 310 ones?06:42
ManFromNanTucketWould I want to put a 32 bit ubuntu on a 2GB RAM machine?06:44
ManFromNanTucketeven if the CPU is 64 bit supported06:44
aeon-ltdManFromNanTucket: the only gains you'd get is that you're future proofed i guess...06:45
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ManFromNanTucketaeon-ltd: does linux use a lot of RAM doing nothing like Windows 7 64 bit vs 32 bit ?06:45
ManFromNanTucketWindows 7 64 bit used 1.5 GBs of RAM just looking at it.06:46
ManFromNanTucketwhile the 32bit was more on par with XP06:46
ManFromNanTucket(enterprise trail editions.. but still )06:46
aeon-ltdManFromNanTucket: the ram usage depends on what environment you use, then on the services/daemons you use06:46
ManFromNanTucketaeon-ltd: so it's not going to matter 32 bit over 64 bit ?06:47
aeon-ltdwith openbox, almost no services you could get down to ~60mb06:47
aeon-ltdManFromNanTucket: not unless you have planned ram upgrades06:47
syntroPikaty, there are some experimantal ones on https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=quantal          but im not sure if i should recomment those06:47
ManFromNanTucketaeon-ltd: On a DDR2 machine? no no no06:47
aeon-ltdManFromNanTucket: or if you need to use software thats 64bit only06:47
ManFromNanTucketSo, go ahead with a 64 bit install anyway?06:48
devslashI downloaded the 12.10 desktop iso and need to install some extra packages. Is there a default root password06:49
aeon-ltdManFromNanTucket: i would go with 32bit, if you separate / and /home on install you can easily switch06:49
katysyntroPi, sorry experimental whats?06:50
syntroPidrivers but those may be _very_ unstable06:50
katyxserver-xorg-video-intel ? what are we trying to replace the driver or xorg?06:50
katyok so this is a compatability issue between my hardware and the driver?06:51
syntroPikaty, something like nvidia-graphics-drivers-310 maybe06:51
syntroPikaty but i am not sure if that will help. id not recommend that yet06:52
katyso i should download that file and install it from the source?06:52
devslashI downloaded the desktop iso. Am I supposed to be able to choose lvm for the partition06:52
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katysyntroPi: so is this a compatability issue between my hardware and the driver? would be strange because I had 12.10 running on my macbook before and im almost certain i had the nvidia driver installed. i had to do a fresh install for a seperate reason06:54
syntroPikaty, well i have to admit im a bit out out ideas how do narrow down that nvidia-current crashing on your macbook pro 6,2 with that GeForce GT 330M  GPU06:54
tersinsyntroPi: Could get it directly here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-295.53-driver.html06:54
e_t_devslash: the desktop image allows auto-setup of LVM, but doesn't let you configure it yourself. In answer to your previous question, ubuntu doesn't use a root password at all (unless you set one). Use sudo.06:55
katysynthroPi & tersin: my card is listed as supported. should i try this?06:55
devslashI'm trying to set up an encrypted file system. Do I have to use lvm for that?06:56
syntroPitersin, she is on NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  304.4306:56
katysyntroPi: does that mean its not gonna work?06:57
devslashe_t do I have to use lvm to use an encrypted file system06:58
syntroPikaty, id bet it would if we did find the issue somehow. maybe you remember which version worked on your 12.10 ?06:58
tersinsyntroPi: maybe this then?  http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-310.32-driver.html06:59
katyits weird i think i installed it from terminal with the apt-get command....06:59
katywhat do mean if we did find the issue? we don't know the issue?06:59
syntroPikaty, well we know Xorg server crashes with that nvidia module for some reason "issue"07:00
katyso is it an issue with the nvidia driver or X11/xorg?07:02
syntroPiseems so07:02
katy<syntroPi> sorry which? or both?07:02
syntroPikaty, well lightdm starts Xorg and both use nvidia driver07:03
syntroPikaty,  then nvidia driver crashes, Xorg crashes and lightdm exits07:03
syntroPikaty, and maybe nvidia crashes because some hw (backlight) is not initialized correctly?07:04
e_t_devslash: I believe that is the case. I think there's a checkbox in the installer for encrypting your home.07:05
devslashI want the full FS to be encrypted not just the home directory07:05
katyshould we try to do the blacklighdm or what ever we did in the begining again?07:05
syntroPikaty, try something else: "sudo mv /etc/xorg.conf /etc/xorg.conf.nvidia-crashing" and then "sudo service lightdm restart"07:07
e_t_devslash: The installer won't do that for you.07:07
katymv: cannot stat `/etc/xorg.conf': No such file or directory07:07
devslashSo what can I do?07:07
katyi thought we created it succesfully? remember?07:08
tersinkaty:   sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nvidia-crashing07:08
katytesin: all one command like "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nvidia-crashing07:09
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katyor two commands?07:09
tersinkaty: one command07:10
syntroPikaty, sorry i meant "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.nvivia-crashing"07:11
syntroPione command07:11
katymv: cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory07:12
syntroPihumm the Xorg.0.log said "[    26.413] (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf""07:12
AirCombatHi there. Just have a question about streming media from a Windows box to my ubuntu machine. stream is very choppy and not at all smooth, unlike previous OS of XP on this machine... ubuntu 12.10.07:12
yugandharHi , Can anyone help me out to do the Kernel-based-virtual machines on ubuntu 10.0407:12
katy* sergmadox (~root@188.07:13
DaemonicApathyAirCombat, which Win?07:13
katy-bash: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory07:13
AirCombatVista Ultimate07:13
AirCombatI uninstalled Live Essentials already, as I heard that conflicted sometimes.07:13
syntroPikaty, "find /etc -name xorg.conf"07:14
DaemonicApathyThere's half your problem, I'll bet. My first thought would be to trim the running processes and decorations.07:14
katyfind: `/etc/ssl/private': Permission denied07:14
katyfind: `/etc/cups/ssl': Permission denied07:14
AirCombatwell, streaming from that vista machine always worked great. it's specs are pretty insane compared to this machine.07:14
syntroPikaty, ignore those permission denied07:14
AirCombatIs it possible that 12.10 ubuntu is using more resources on this computer than XP Home?07:15
katywhat do you mean ignore? what do i do next?07:16
DaemonicApathyAh, XP ~> Ubuntu changed. I misunderstood. Yes, it's possible.07:16
syntroPikaty, you can mute those with "find /etc -name xorg.conf 2> /dev/null"07:16
syntroPikaty it didnt find a xorg.conf file?07:16
syntroPikaty if so then try "sudo service lightdm restart"07:17
wiggmpkIf anyone has a chance to look at my suspend log, I cant get suspend to work =( http://paste.ubuntu.com/1635657/07:17
e_t_devslash: https://57un.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/full-disk-encryption-using-ubuntu-in-most-secure-mode-with-aes-xts-plain64/07:17
AirCombatI mean, I'm falling in love with linux, and there's no way in heck I'm switching back. I managed to get ubuntu to see my windows external HDD and so I can finally try to stream but it just lags.07:17
katystop: Unknown instance:07:18
katylightdm start/running, process 265107:18
syntroPikaty,  can you provide us with "dmesg | pastebinit"  btw?07:19
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: try killing pulseaudio first07:19
AirCombathow can I make 12.10 less graphically intense to free up some resources for streaming? local video playback is fine, though, so I wonder if that is even the problem07:19
aeon-ltdAirCombat: don't use unity or compiz07:19
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: I've tried it in the paste, but I'll give it a quick try again.. gonna get disconnected quick07:19
DaemonicApathyAirCombat: Have you already tried logging into Unity 2D instead of the default Unity?07:20
AirCombatno, I didn't know that was possible, lol. maybe that'll help07:20
AirCombatcan I change that to be the default from now on?07:20
DaemonicApathyOr, as aeon-ltd suggested, you could avoid them entirely...but yeah, just log out, change to Unity2D and log back in.07:20
AirCombatWhere's the option for that?07:21
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: i used "pulseaudio -k" and then hit suspend, still get kicked back to my lock screen. Am I killing pulseaudio properly?07:21
DaemonicApathyBy default, loggin out is done at the top right panel option on your screen.07:22
AirCombatno, I know how to log out, lol. I meant change to 2D07:22
devslashe_t I backed out of the partitioning part of the installer. When I run the first cryptsetup command it says that sda4 is in use07:22
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: sudo killall pulseaudio, or end it from the system monitor if you prefer07:22
katysyntroPi: any change?07:22
syntroPikaty, hmm that was before you did that service lightdm restart ?07:22
DaemonicApathyAirCombat: At the login, there's an option at the top right of your account name.07:22
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: I'll give it another shot07:23
AirCombatokay cool. brb. btw thanks for your help DaemonicApathy07:23
yugandharHi , Please help me out on KVM07:23
e_t_!ask | yugandhar07:24
ubottuyugandhar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:24
tersinkaty: When trying to move xorg.conf, the x in X11 was capital right, and the x in xorg.conf lowercase?07:24
syntroPikaty, cant see any changes there hmmm "lsmod | pastebinit" ?07:24
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: same result, only this time didnt get a lock screen, just flashes like its gonna do it and then back to desktop07:24
yugandharThanks alot ubottu07:25
katysyntroPi: Yes, capital07:25
CyclohexaneIs it possible to create a random binary file? (I just need quickly to test)07:25
* Halite just encountered a Kernel Panic!07:26
syntroPitersin, proxy katy: Yes, capital07:26
DaemonicApathywiggmpk: Other than trying http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-suspend-and-hibernation-problem-for-laptops.html , I honestly don't know.07:27
syntroPikaty, can you provide "lsmod | pastebinit" ?07:27
AirCombathmm, so there were no graphical options on the login screen. just very basic options in the uper right.\07:27
DaemonicApathyAirCombat, I'm sorry. I forgot it was removed in 12.1007:28
HaliteObsolete packages07:28
AirCombatcan i do it manually?07:29
HaliteHow do I install or upgrade packages07:29
AirCombatHalite: use Ubuntu Software Manager or sudo apt-get install (package name)07:29
spyzerhey guys anyone has any idea which graphics perofrmance test should i run on ubuntu 12.04 from phoronix for testing?07:29
HaliteI needed sudo apt-get07:29
AirCombatsorry, ubuntu software center.07:30
wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: I'll keep that in mind as a last resort, but it was working with a previous kernel and would rather debug it so it works without extra packages07:30
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wiggmpkDaemonicApathy: thanks for the info mate07:30
DaemonicApathyAirCombat: If you install compizconfig-settings-manager, you can set up a command to toggle Unity entirely. Or just install a lighter DM.07:30
spyzeranybody please07:30
DaemonicApathyspyzer, run all of them.07:31
AirCombatokay, I'll install that now. how do I configure it?07:31
syntroPikaty, hmm looks fine07:32
Halitetakes some time07:32
DaemonicApathyAirCombat: It has a handy GUI.07:32
b0nnhm, I installed libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-quantal on my system, now the system is unbootable, how do I remove the glx files and replace them with  the ones that were working?07:32
katywhat do you mean by that? Do you think I will be able to reboot in regular mode?07:32
AirCombatokay, DaemonicApathy I'll give it a shot... brb :)07:32
spyzerDaemonicApathy, So whom do i compare those to?07:32
spyzerDaemonicApathy, some weird issue is happening to my pandaboard ubuntu 12.04 with hardware acceleration shows 19 fps in glx gears but ubuntu 12.10 with software rendering shows 40 fps07:33
spyzerI wish to debug this  out thorugh phoronix test suite07:33
HaliteI was going to ask a question on why my computer recently had a Kernel Panic, but the report details said the reason for me!07:33
spyzerso if i run all tests where can i  find a comparison standard data07:33
DaemonicApathyNo idea, spyzer. You could ask phoronix.07:34
syntroPikaty, means it looks as all modules are loaded as they should and you are in normal mode right now. so why wouldnt "sudo service lightdm restart" work and just crash Xorg??? idk07:34
DaemonicApathyHalite: Don't you love Linux? :-)07:34
HaliteDaemonicApathy, I do07:34
HaliteDaemonicApathy, it tells me why my computer had a Kernel Panic before I even go to ask the question of why!07:35
syntroPikaty, reboot wouldnt work since we didnt change the right bits yet i think07:35
DaemonicApathyAnd no blue screen.07:35
HaliteDaemonicApathy, it turned out to be some obsolete package versions. I've got to upgrade them.07:35
Haliteyou're right, the screen was black at Kernel Panic time07:36
Halitewhat's wrong with blue, though07:36
DaemonicApathy"sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade"07:36
DaemonicApathyBlue is depressing. They did a color study.07:36
AirCombatHalite: it means Windows ;)07:36
Halitedo red then07:36
katysyntroPi: ok so what do we want to change?07:36
Halitered is happy07:36
Halitered is luuuv07:36
b0nnwhat if someone is red/green blind?07:37
syntroPikaty, good question...07:37
Haliteb0nn, good point07:37
Haliteb0nn, then the screen will be brown :P07:37
AirCombatbtw DaemonicApathy there's a lot of options but I'm not sure where to start. the only option in the 'profile' is unity07:37
b0nnor grey :)07:37
b0nnno chance you can help me with my problem?07:37
izxHow to fix this error?? >> "Can't overwrite existing read-only value: Value for `/desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename' set in a read-only source at the front of your configuration path"07:37
syntroPikaty, that last lightdm didnt do anything?07:37
Haliteit only appears grey if you're totally colourblind (only see black and white)07:38
Haliteit appears brown if you're red-green colorblind07:38
b0nnthe oh07:38
Haliteand appears red if you see colour perfectly07:38
DaemonicApathyAirCombat: You can adjust any of the settings to your liking, and simply disable Unity for streaming if it helps enough. I overuse "Commands" myself.07:38
Chomps@izx: change the permissions on the  "picture_filename"07:39
Halite(I know the changes in colour for a colour-blind person from my heart)07:39
AirCombatso I could just uncheck "Enable ubuntu Unity Plugin" ?07:39
HaliteI can tell you that red and green will look brown in a red-green colourblind person, and aqua would look grey-ish07:39
syntroPikaty, since we are in normal mode now try another "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and "sudo service lightdm restart"07:39
b0nnI installed libgl1-mesa-glx-quantal, the system wouldn't reboot after that (hangs on X11 initialisation) . I want to reinstall what was removed by the install, and remove libmesa*07:40
AirCombatuh... how do I change windows now?? lol.07:40
syntroPikaty, actually "sudo service lightdm stop"  "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and "sudo service lightdm restart"07:40
Chompswhy not just go with the Ubuntu light green colours...07:40
DaemonicApathyThe idea is to already be where you want to be. But I'd wager alt+tab or Super+tab still work.07:40
katyWARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.07:41
katyNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'07:41
* syntroPi votes for BlueBuntu or BlackBuntu07:41
=== zezik_ is now known as zezik
katylightdm stop/waiting07:41
katylightdm start/running, process 269807:41
katylightdm stop/waiting07:42
* Halite wants to change his desktop layout like others07:42
katyUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".07:43
katyBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'07:43
katyNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.co07:43
Chompskaty, if you have and issues with the graphics after a reboot, remember you can safely remove the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file and a new default one will be created on startup07:43
DaemonicApathyHalite, you should. Break things, put them back together however you like, ...profit.07:43
katystop: Unknown instance:07:43
katylightdm start/running, process 273107:43
syntroPikaty, "ps -A | grep lightdm"07:43
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bazhangkaty, use pastebin07:43
HaliteDaemonicApathy, ... how07:43
izxChomps: I have tried that already, it doesn't help07:43
katy 2731 ?        00:00:00 lightdm07:43
DaemonicApathyHalite, Google for a few hours. :-)07:43
syntroPikaty, ok seems to be runnging now07:44
HaliteI don't have hours.07:44
katyso sudo reboot + cross fingers?07:44
syntroPikaty how about "ps -A | grep Xorg"07:44
katy 1489 tty8     00:00:00 Xorg07:44
katy 2658 tty7     00:00:00 Xorg07:44
katy 2704 ?        00:00:00 Xorg07:44
katy 2737 ?        00:00:00 Xorg07:44
FloodBot1katy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:44
syntroPikaty, oook at least Xorg seems to be running now07:45
syntroPikaty "sudo reboot"07:45
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AirCombatDaemonicApathy: well that was a bad idea. now my main account is screwed, I can't do anything!! lol. how do I re-enable it? I cant even open a terminal window in that account.07:48
Uzmanium /msg NickServ identify07:48
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NeoColossusHello everyone!07:49
katysyntroPi: unfortunaly it did the same thing. booted to a black screen07:49
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syntroPikaty, ook well ssh in again07:50
dr_willisAirCombat:  worse case.. login to console. delete/move all your settings files to a backup directory07:50
syntroPikaty, see if Xorg running "ps -A | grep Xorg"07:50
AirCombathow do I login to anything but my user accounts? I wish I could just get to a command line BEFORE it opened the GUI07:51
luisgmarine_machey guys I'm trying to set up a share using Samba, but everytime I right click on the folder I was to share I get an error about test parm , thus I can't seem to see the folder from any other computer on the network07:51
katy 1338 tty8     00:00:00 Xorg07:52
dr_willisluisgmarine_mac:  you could edit your smb.conf and add the shares manually.  i thought 'testparm' veriried your smb.conf was correct.. perhaps theres a mistake in it.07:52
AdemanThe results here: http://wiki.debian.org/rt2800usb#Supported_Devices don't look like what I get when I run `modinfo rt2800usb` I assume that's ok since it seems to detect the device (but it crashes and burns and fails miserably :-/)07:53
syntroPikaty ok fine how about "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit"07:53
AirCombatman I'm lost now. I just need to feed a few commands to compizcontrol-settings-manager from my other accounts to re-enable unity. I need some kind of GUI in my main account!07:54
syntroPikaty and "dmesg | pastebinit"07:54
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luisgmarine_macdr_willis, okay I'm trying that right now.  I can't seem to understand exactly what the workgroup is suppose to be.  I came up with a random name that sounds cool, but I'm not sure if it serves another purpose07:54
AirCombatluisgmarine_mac: the workgroup needs to be the same on all computers. pick something simple and short to avoid conflicts07:55
dr_willisluisgmarine_mac:  you use the same workgroup name on all pcs you want to be part of the same 'workgroup' its NOT a random name07:55
dr_willisluisgmarine_mac:  when in doubt use 'workgroup' ;)07:55
runarfreyrI´m curious why online dash search in 13.04 doesnt pick up amazon or 100 scopes at my pc?07:56
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syntroPikaty, unfortunately it still crashes07:56
luisgmarine_macdr_willis, okay sweet.  That clears that up07:56
AirCombatdr_willis: have you been following my problem at all?07:56
dr_willisrunarfreyr:  perhaps its not a working feautre yet. -  13.04 support in #ubuntu+107:57
katyok. so we dont know why its crashing?07:57
runarfreyrdr_willis amazon search should have worked since 12.10 right?07:57
syntroPikaty, nope but im confused that it seems to be live too "ps -A | grep Xorg"07:57
dr_willisrunarfreyr:  things are in beta.. they break.work. break again...07:58
runarfreyrSure but thing is it has never worked, I only get ubuntu one music07:58
kujablakHi, I'm trying to recover .sav files that I accidentally erased, I've tried foremost but it doesn't recognise it ? What can I use ?07:58
katywhat do you mean live too "ps -A | grep Xorg"?07:58
syntroPikaty but the running instance pid 1338 on tty8 seems to be another (later) one different from the one pid 1125 that was on tty7 and crashing08:00
runarfreyrOk it was just a question of anyone else experiencing the same. It would be very helpful b.t.w08:00
AirCombatI need a darn cigarette... if anyone has a clue how to re-enable unity from the guest account, help would be muchos appreciados.08:01
katysyntroPi: that went a little over my head. can you dumb it down for me a bit08:01
luisgmarineI wish I could have a cig, lol last time I ever get caught in a blizzard without cigs for a month ;)08:01
syntroPikaty you did run  "ps -A | grep Xorg" which showed that 1338 tty8 Xorg and the one from "dmesg" is earlier crashing pid 112508:01
syntroPikaty "pid" means process id and is unique for each invoked instance of a program running by the kernel08:02
syntroPikaty just out of curiosity can you give us the "find /sys -name '*gmux*' 2> /dev/null |  pastebinit" link?08:04
dr_willisAirCombat:  login to the console. as your user.. delete/move/renmame all the unity/compiz related config files..  (move them all to a backup directory)08:04
AirCombati dont understand what you mean by log into the console08:05
dr_willisalt-ctrl-f1  through F6 = the consoles.08:05
ShukkoOMy mac wont boot properly, i get the message /dev/mapper/ubuntu-swap_1 is not ready yet or not present and then i log in on ubuntu and then it freezes. What is wrong?, and what can i do?08:05
AirCombatomg!!! I KNEW those were somewhere!! I used to use linux when I was like 13 and I knew those were somewhere!!08:06
luisgmarinedr_willis, everything looks good in my /smb.conf but still get the same error.  When I try to share folder by right-clicking it, am I suppose to be in super mode?08:06
dr_willisluisgmarine:  users can create user defined shares.. but i rarely use the feature..08:07
b0nnhm, what are the packages required for a desktop, such as unity?08:07
dr_willisluisgmarine:  about all i ever do is define the Homes share08:07
fidelubuntu-desktop (as meta-package most likely)08:07
syntroPikaty, ok can you "ls -l /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight"08:08
luisgmarinedr_willis, hmm I'm sort of lost.  I thought setting up a folder to share on my home network would be a lot easier than this, but I think tinkering with my system I screwed something up08:08
fidelb0nn: so installing 'ubuntu-desktop' should bring all relevant packages to you08:08
dr_willisluisgmarine:  on a new install.. i just right click, share... and it normally works..08:08
ShukkoOMy mac wont boot properly, i get the message /dev/mapper/ubuntu-swap_1 is not ready yet or not present and then i log in on ubuntu and then it freezes. What is wrong?, and what can i do?08:08
bazhang!repeat | ShukkoO08:09
ubottuShukkoO: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:09
luisgmarinedr_willis, yeah I just did a fresh install and it worked too :).  I honestly don't know what I did to screw that up.08:09
b0nnhm, apt-get is broken now08:09
luisgmarineI really don't want to do a fresh install either08:09
fidelb0nn: define broken08:09
b0nnNot using locking for read only lock file08:09
b0nnUnable to write to /var/cache/apt08:10
syntroPikaty try "cd /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight"08:10
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dr_willisluisgmarine:  theres always defining shares in smb.conf08:10
syntroPikaty then ls08:10
b0nnThe package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened08:10
luisgmarinedr_willis, what do you mean by defining?08:10
fidelb0nn: guess something else is using apt right now - thats why it might be blocked via its lock file. if thats not the case - paste the full errormessage to this channel08:10
b0nnI think the disk is mounted ro08:11
katylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 11 00:10 /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight -> ../../devices/pnp0/00:09/backlight/gmux_backlight08:11
b0nnbut mount is reporting everything as rw08:11
bazhangfidel, you mean to pastebin hopefully08:11
dr_willisluisgmarine:  you can set up shares in the smb.conf file. the whole 'user defined shares' is just one way to set up shares08:11
b0nnfidel: I cannot paste, the problems are on another machine08:11
katybl_power           device      power           type08:11
syntroPikaty, actually ls -l08:12
fidelbazhang: my main concert was that he/she should poste the real error - not a user-interpreted version of it08:12
MoL0ToVhi to all! someone explain to me howto make act a usb dongle on ubuntu as access point to share internet?08:12
fidelfor sure using some paste-service might be good - as long as it isnt a 1-liner08:12
dr_willis!ics | MoL0ToV08:13
ubottuMoL0ToV: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing08:13
syntroPikaty,  ok maybe we try writing to brightness08:14
katyok lets do it08:14
syntroPikaty, "cat  /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/brightness"08:14
senchaAny reason 3d games are _significantly_ slower on Ubuntu than on my previous Slackware installation?08:16
senchaI've noticed the same thing in Debian as well.08:16
syntroPikaty, ok hmm now its on 101227 and the link before said "backlight_brightness range  0-82311"08:16
dr_willissencha:  turn off compiz/use a lighter desktop/window manager08:16
syntroPikaty, but that was /sys/devices/virtual/backlight/apple_backlight/subsystem/gmux_backlight/brightness08:17
senchadr_willis, :(08:17
katyis that a command?08:17
dr_willissencha: ?08:18
katydo we need to change the brightness settings?08:18
senchadr_willis, the whole point of using ubuntu is to be able to use unity lol08:18
syntroPikaty maybe we try something like "sudo sh -c 'echo -n "80000" > /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/brightness'"08:18
ShukkoOI get the message /dev/mapper/ubuntu-swap_1 is not ready yet or not present and after that i can log in but then everything freezes. Whats wrong?08:18
aeon-ltdsencha: disagree, ubuntu is good to use because of it's expansive support and stability08:19
dr_willissencha:  unity and compiz use the 3d system and system resources...  give us more details about what games and perhaps we can figure out more.. or test them in a lighter desktop08:19
katysyntroPi: ok i ran it there was no output.08:19
syntroPikaty thats normal08:19
senchadr_willis, neverball, xonotic are all I've tried thus far08:19
senchadr_willis, xonotic, for example, runs 30-50 FPS on ubuntu, whereas I get 300+ on slackware08:20
dr_willissencha:  and your video drivers are? and whats your video card?08:20
senchadr_willis,  nvidia geforce 9800 GTX+08:20
senchadr_willis, using the official nvidia driver08:20
katyok. is there a next step?08:20
dr_williswhat do you mean 'official' where did you install them from?08:20
syntroPikaty maybe we also need to do "cat /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/actual_brightness" as well as "cat /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/max_brightness" and "cat /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/power"08:20
senchadr_willis, installed it from the ubuntu software center08:20
senchadr_willis, official nvidia blob as opposed to nouveau08:21
syntroPikaty, forget the power one thats a dir08:21
syntroPikaty,  whats in actual_brightness?08:21
dr_willissencha:  ran nvidia-settings tobe sure they are actually being used?08:22
syntroPikaty, replace that power one with "cat /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/bl_power"08:22
katyi just ran, "cat /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/actual_brightness" and it game me diffenrt prompt with the ">"  before where i can type08:22
syntroPikaty, ctr D08:22
b0nngot it, was missing xserver and xorg, these came down with ubuntu-desktop08:22
senchadr_willis, appears to be08:23
syntroPiyou mistyped somewhere? probably with quotes08:23
b0nnman that was painful, I wish there was a apt-get undo my last stupid install and replace the files you removed08:23
katycat: /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/power: Is a directory08:23
dr_willissencha:  test it in a light window manager. such as jwm. see if it gives you any moar speeds.08:23
syntroPikaty ok sorry i was a bit too fast08:23
syntroPikaty what does cat /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/actual_brightness" give you ?08:24
katythe output of the last one u gave me was "008:24
katycat: /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/actual_brightnes: No such file or directory08:24
syntroPiactual brightness that was?08:24
syntroPihuh? but wasnt it there http://paste.ubuntu.com/1635754/08:25
syntroPikaty what was that command which gave you "0" again08:26
katy cat /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/bl_power08:26
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syntroPikaty "        sudo sh -c 'echo -n "1" >  /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/bl_power'    "08:27
katyis that two commands or one08:28
syntroPione line08:28
katyok. i ran it. no output.08:28
syntroPiwrites 1 to that file with a root shell08:29
syntroPino backlight still?08:29
katyon the macbook pro?08:29
syntroPikaty, " cat /sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/bl_power"08:29
katy'1' is the output08:30
syntroPikaty, ok but backlights are still off?08:30
katyyeah on the macbook pro. its still a black screen and i dont see any light coming thro the black08:32
katysyntroPi should it have turned on?08:35
syntroPii hoped so08:35
katylol well i didnt08:36
senchadr_willis, I'll have to try it in unity 2D and see what happens, thanks :)08:36
syntroPikaty see my private message08:36
ozyi have a freshly installed 12.10 install, and I am seeing *very* high iowait issues. Anyone know how to diagnose this? i'm running a 'repo sync' on another shell, and Iam seeing 100% io utilizizaion....08:37
hckzwfi have a problem, say"You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."08:39
bekksozy: Then your harddisk(s) are 100% busy.08:39
ozybekks: I have a hard time believing that is true, and nothing is wrong -- i have a good internet connection, but not *that* good....08:40
bekksozy: I/O wait is causw by a system waiting for finishing I/O.08:41
ShukkoOAnnyone know what this means ? /dev/mapper/ubuntu-swap_1 is not ready yet or not present08:42
savagecrochey.. i want to uninstall nginx from my server .. when i do locate nginx everything appears to be in /opt/nginx.. do you think it would be ok just to go rm -rf /opt/nginx and assume that will uninstall it?08:42
savagecrocp.s. i didn't use apt-get to install it08:42
fidelsavagecroc: i cant help you with that question - but 1 lesson for yourself in the future should be: try to install via apt if possible ;)08:43
savagecrocyeah not possible in this case08:43
savagecroci do where i can08:44
justmmthi #ubuntu :)08:47
cfhowlettjustmmt, greetings08:47
syntroPi!gmux > syntroPi08:48
justmmtcfhowlett, thanks08:48
dr_willissavagecroc:  be safer to just rename/move the directory - just in case you need it back08:54
savagecroci'm installing it again08:54
savagecrocso i won't need the old one08:55
MatthewL!join |ubottu08:57
savagecroc:( the packages are always weeks out of date08:58
MatthewL!fun | ubottu08:58
ubottuMatthewL: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/08:58
MatthewL!javascript |ubottu08:58
joshuafcoleHey there. I've got a bit of a quandary. I was running a mass of updates on my server when I stopped home this weekend. It turns out, at least one of them required user-interaction. I don't have retty installed, and my old VNC program Guacamole is failing to actually VNC anymore. Any way to steal the process so I can finish the update, or failing that, safely halt it to resume in a new TTY?09:00
cfhowlettjoshuafcole, good question for #ubuntuserver ???09:01
joshuafcoleI use apt-get for package management, in case its relevant.09:01
joshuafcoleOkay, I'll check there. Thanks!09:01
dr_willis!info retty09:01
ubotturetty (source: retty): attach processes running on other terminals. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0-2ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB (Only available for i386)09:01
dr_williscant say ive ever used retty.. ;)09:01
joshuafcoleNeither have I, it came up in my RTFM'ing. =P09:01
joshuafcolecfhowlett: the #ubuntuserver channel appears to be empty. =/09:02
dr_willisif its waiting for user input and you kill the apt prcess.. i think somthing like 'sudo apt-get reconfigure -a' will make it reconfigure.. and continue.. i maybe wrong on the option however.09:02
dr_willisor was it dpkg-reconfigure -a09:02
cfhowlettjoshuafcole, drop the question there, come back here ...09:02
cfhowlettdr_willis, apt-get update --f or --repair   in this case???09:03
joshuafcoleI'm afraid I don't understand, cfhowlett. The channel appears to be completely empty except for me. Is it on a different network?09:03
Myrttijoshuafcole: #ubuntu-server09:03
joshuafcoledr_willis: I've used apt-get -f install and dpkg-reconfigure -a with more or less equal success before.09:03
cfhowlettjoshuafcole, people drop in and drop out.  leave the qeustion and see09:03
Myrttiwith -09:03
joshuafcoleMyrtti: thanks!09:04
joshuafcoleI've resurrected it from shutting down during updates before, but it always puts me into a bit of a cold sweat.09:05
spyzerhey everyone even  in ubuntu 12.04 the package pvr-omap4 is missing09:05
spyzeras mentioned here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pvr-omap4/+bug/110204509:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 1102045 in pvr-omap4 (Ubuntu) "Pandaboard ES: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri/omap_dri.so missing -> Only software rendering" [Critical,Confirmed]09:05
spyzerthis bug occurs in 12.1009:05
spyzerso i revrted back to ubuntu 12.0409:06
spyzerbut it says that pvr_dri.so cannot be found09:06
spyzeri reinstalled the package but still the same thing09:06
spyzerplease help09:06
cfhowlettspyzer, not seeing it in the repos for 12.0409:07
dr_willisits amazeing all the arm based things comming out. ;)09:07
* dr_willis types that message from his Raspberry Pi.09:08
spyzercfhowlett, so what do you think then what is happening?09:08
spyzermy ubuntu is updated09:08
bekksdr_willis: How long did you take? ;)09:08
dr_willis!find pvr_dri.so09:08
ubottuPackage/file pvr_dri.so does not exist in quantal09:08
cfhowlettdr_willis, oh, rub it in ...09:08
syntroPiguys on a macbook pro keyboard: how do access those brightness symbols on the function keys? is it option or apple key or what ?09:09
dr_willis!find omap_dri.so09:09
cfhowlettspyzer, i am also updated and have all repos enabled.  the package isn't there.  I couldn't see the bug report as I'm in china, but I'd guess it's been replaced by something else.  sadly, no indication of what the replacement package might be ...09:09
ubottuPackage/file omap_dri.so does not exist in quantal09:09
spyzercfhowlett, u mean the package pvr-omap4 is not there?09:10
dr_willisthere is the #ubuntu-arm channel these days..09:10
ubottuponaymen,: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:10
cfhowlettspyzer, correct not in 12.04 ... no candidate and no other information ....09:10
cfhowlettjoshuafcole, you still here?  see the #ubuntuserver09:11
joshuafcoleYep, thanks!09:11
spyzercfhowlett, then how am i able to an apt-get install on that i rechecked my version is ubuntu 12.04 LTS09:13
cfhowlettspyzer, do apt-cache policy on that package and see what you get back.  Also, check your repos to see that they're enabled ... although I would leave "proposed" inactive09:14
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spyzercfhowlett, it says /precise/restricted09:16
cfhowlettspyzer, ah, so you found a candidate?  then sudo apt-get install packagename09:17
spyzercfhowlett, that's the thing i installed it it built the module09:17
spyzerand it installed the package09:17
spyzerbut still the file which xorg is looking doesn't exist in my system09:18
cfhowlettspyzer, confused.  I understood you did NOT have the package .....09:18
cfhowlettspyzer, reboot?  perhaps something needs to initialize ...09:18
spyzercfhowlett, tried that will do that again, should i go for untrusted repo09:18
cfhowlettspyzer, I'm on 12.04 ubuntu studio, all repos enabled and I DON'T see it.  have you enabled a ppa or somthing to get that package?09:20
spyzerrestricted must be enabled i guess09:23
spyzerplus i am on pandaboard ubuntu09:23
captainlinuxGuys how do you think, is it better to kind of merge webapp icons with applications which are calling them? I mean - the more tabs I open in my firefox the more webapps get called and at the end my dash is full of useless icons which I don't even touch. Wouldn't it be better just to change the Icon of Firefox according to the active webapp and to change the icon every time you change the tab calling another webapp?09:23
dr_willisi think the whole webapp idea needs rethought. ;)09:24
cfhowlettspyzer, pandaboard?  whateverthatis ... OK, well, if you can see the package in your repos, take your chances I suppose.  Sorry I can't offer more definitive advice ....09:24
captainlinuxdr_willis: I totally agree. Until now I haven't seen any use of it. I don't even know what any of those webapps has changed in the system. I haven't noticed anything yet. The only thing I have noticed is the dash being overloaded with webapp icons which are totally useless...09:27
cfhowlettfamily, greetings09:28
familyno body here09:29
dr_williswow... impatient much?09:33
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nassepossuhi, do you have any ideas why mouse pointer is only able to move vertically09:37
fidelnassepossu: can you reproduce that with another mouse (hardware)09:37
nassepossui don't have another mouse available09:38
nassepossubut it's an optical mouse so hardware problems would sound weird to me considering it moves up and down09:38
dr_willisseen broken wires act that way.09:39
nassepossuthat sounds sensible09:39
nassepossuthe pointer is fixed to the left side of screen and when i hit RMB, it opens a dialog in the rightmost side of screen too09:41
fidelnassepossu: i would try to 'test' with another mouse. shouldnt be impossible nowadays to ask a neighbour or something like that09:43
fidelthat easily answers the question if its an hardware issue09:43
dr_willissmack the rat on the table hard a few times.. ;P09:47
dr_willisor try wiggling the wires.09:47
flux242xubuntu users here? their channel seems dead09:48
cfhowlettflux242, ubuntustudio 12.04 thus xubuntu 12.04.  what's up?09:48
flux242no, simply wanted to ask how to get rid of the action buttons plugin text in the panel09:49
flux242I want a button that opens a submenu09:49
flux242not a text09:49
cfhowlettflux242, the bottom panel?  that would be in panel settings ...09:50
cfhowlettflux242, you mean create your own custom button or change default behaviors?09:51
flux242bottom or upper it depends. There is this ugly actions button plugin. I can either have a text like 'xubuntu 12.10' to open a submenu or I have all its buttons in the panel09:51
flux242and I want to have only one button that opens a submenu09:52
uyabrequest shell plis09:52
flux242see what i mean?09:52
cfhowlettflux242, it'll be in panel preferences but you might need to edit items individually.09:53
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flux242don't get it09:54
cfhowlettflux242, right click on the panel > panel > panel preferences09:55
flux242what gives?09:56
dr_willisuyab:  Do you have a ubuntu support question09:56
exalthey how can i see which video driver i use, ubuntu 12.10 ?09:56
flux242damn, i really do not want to take a screenshot because it's obvious problem. Do not understand why nobody complains09:57
dr_willisexalt: the x org logs should show09:57
cfhowlettflux242, screenshot would help though ...09:58
exaltdr_willis: i have a asus eeepc with sufficient systemspecs but its unbelievable slow! not normal because it used to run 12.04 and backtrack linux like a train09:59
moteHi guys. Are askubuntu.com Down??09:59
cfhowlettmote, http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/askubuntu.com10:00
dr_willisexalt:   Most intel video cards on netbooks use the same drivers.  could be compiz is too much for it. - see if a lighter desktop is any faster. I tend to use Lubuntu On my netbooks.10:00
flux242here we go http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.de/2012/06/replace-session-buttons-with-action.html10:00
exaltdr_willis: i agree it would be faster, but as this is just a clean install it could be bugged...10:01
motecfhowlett: so whats wrong? everthing else is online to me10:01
flux242first two pictures explain what i mean10:01
flux242it's ethier damn text or one million buttons at once10:01
cfhowlettmote, any number of possibilities ... try a different browser10:01
motecfhowlett, down i two other browsers to. and dif machine to. it's really strange10:03
cfhowlettmote, down and ALL machines and different browers?  router or isp blocking ...10:03
motecfhowlett, phone+laptop+laptop, chromium+Firefox =Down was at askubuntu yesterday. NP.10:05
cfhowlettmote, dang, man.  I'm in CHINA and I can see it!10:05
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motecfhowlett. must be some router somewhere that crapped it self. well thanks man.10:05
cfhowlettmote,  best of luck10:06
motecfhowlett, you to.10:06
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W4RH4WKhello, whats the recommended way of altering startup procedures done by upstart (no GUI)  just altering the configs using a texteditor?10:09
dr_willisW4RH4WK:  basically yes. depending on what you need to alter.10:10
dr_willisupstart has several ways to disable a service.  then theres altereing the .conf files as needed.10:10
W4RH4WKdr_willis: for example i don't want 'atd' to start automatically10:10
dr_willisthe 'upstart cookbook' mentions like 3 ways to keep a service from starting.10:11
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:12
W4RH4WKdr_willis: ok thank you, i will have a look at it10:12
jeadTried running: rsync -nav backup-lokal@adress.se:/var/www/adress.se/application/mapp/ but I get the error: "rsync: change_dir "/var/www/site/application/mapp" failed: Permission denied (13)"...what should the rights be?10:15
bekksjead: Which user are you running rsync at?10:15
jeadbekks: running rsync from user backup @localserver trying to fetch as @backup-lokal on remote10:17
doobadoogot no sound, alsactl init returns No Soundcards found... how do i find the soundcard in my powermac g5, and force this alsa to load it10:18
bekksjead: Then check which permissions that user has on /var/www/address.se10:20
Sendoushihey guys. when i do service --status-all it lists all of course but as obvious, it doesn't let me go and check the top list. how can i see the services one by one?10:20
Sendoushior a way to check the list of service --status-all10:20
savagecrocis there a way i can search the ppa's for passenger 4.0.0b2?10:22
dr_williscommand | less       Sendoushi10:22
dr_willis!info ppa-search10:22
ubottuPackage ppa-search does not exist in quantal10:22
savagecrocawesome thanks :)10:22
dr_willisHmm.. theres a ppa search tool.. smewhere..10:22
dr_willis!info ppasearch10:23
ubottuPackage ppasearch does not exist in quantal10:23
Sendoushidr_willis: hm? how could that help me on the console?10:23
p201doobado: U need to add some modules. Look there list here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188047710:23
doobadoop201 looking10:23
dr_willisyou pipe long output to more.. so you can read it..  (or to less)10:23
Sendoushinot really working...10:23
Sendoushioh by the way, i'm on server ubuntu10:24
dr_williswhats not working about it?10:24
savagecrocdr_willis: yeah i was trying this website https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=4.0.0b1.. but couldn't get it to work10:24
Sendoushisimply not making anything10:24
p201doobadoo use modprobe for testing before editing /etc/modules10:24
doobadooi am aware of that directory are you talking about the blacklist.conf file therer10:26
gypsymaurohi, I've some errors updating packages on ubuntu, it tries to download http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages and it fails, but there are on that site Packages.gz and Packages.bz2 why it doesn't download that?10:26
doobadoo /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and blacklist.local.conf10:27
doobadoooh and btw cat /ctc/modules lists  sd_powerm10:28
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doobadoooh and btw cat /ctc/modules lists  snd_powermac, apm_emu, and snd-powermac ...but i may have apt-get installed snd-powermac thinking that could make it work10:28
p201doobado, yep but try to modprobe modules and get sound. After that we'll edit configs10:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1027801 in apt (Ubuntu) "Packages.gz not found because instead searching for Packages only" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:29
ikoniagypsymauro: look at that link....it's a 40410:30
ikoniagypsymauro: there is nothing to download10:30
syntroPigypsymauro, hmm weird what did you do before it broke like that?10:33
isaiasI keep getting "System Program Problem Detected" at startup10:33
ikoniahe can't break the url10:33
ikoniathe person who hosts the url has a problem10:33
dr_willisisaias:  the askubuntu.com site had a decent guide on cleaning out old 'apport' error logs and disabling the servive if thats what you want to do. it can be a little over eager in its reporting10:34
isaiasdr_willis: survive is what amy be causing the problem?10:35
syntroPiikonia, shouldnt add apt the .gz or bz2 automatically ?  not sure if it would try to load uncompressed?10:35
=== IceW is now known as ice
syntroPiikonia, unfortunately here it obviously did for some reason10:38
ikoniasyntroPi: the url is 40410:40
syntroPiikonia, yeah i know but i wanted to learn something about apt: does it normally try to load Packages or Packages.{gz,bz2}?10:42
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
superdohi, could be any problem if I install Mint next to Ubuntu on the same drive? Grub will be extended with Mint or ?10:44
Sendoushihow can i get the output of all packages and service --status-all inside nano?10:44
Sendoushitwo different files by the way10:44
cfhowlettsuperdo, grub should pick up the other distro with no issue.  if you're worried, run mint inside a virtualbox and leave ubuntu alone10:45
superdocfhowlett, thanks10:45
cfhowlettsuperdo, have fun, be safe10:46
syntroPisuperdo, multiple versions of ubuntu work fine idk abour mint10:46
=== TheRainbowDusk is now known as TheRainbowDawn
ktogias-officeI have submitted a bug report about multitouch support on a Sony Vaio Duo 11 ultrabook/windows tablet hybrid I purchased recently. The bug report and attached info/log files is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/1121379. Any guidance in order to further investigate or test fixes will be appreciated.10:46
superdobest I ask on mint channel :)10:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 1121379 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "Multiple finger touch fails on Sony Vaio Duo 11 running Ubuntu 12.10 (N-Trig DuoSense MultiTouch)" [Undecided,New]10:46
dr_willisyou can set up either OS to handle grub superdo10:47
superdodr_willis, thx10:47
=== tadpole is now known as tad_pole
tad_poleAnyone alive? :)10:50
dr_willisNope. ;p10:50
tad_poleI am having boot issues and was looking for some incite...10:51
Ohmagehi guys, iv just got a few questions about installing ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS on a uefi windows 8 preinstalled laptop10:52
dr_willisGive the channel some details and see. ;)10:52
superdodr_willis, so I make space on ubuntu partition, and install Mint, it will probably detect ubuntu/win7 and wont ignore them?10:52
Ohmageah mr willis10:52
=== pipopopo_ is now known as pipopopo
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI   Ohmage have a look10:53
Ohmageyou helped me to fix my ubuntu not displaying windows properly10:53
dr_willissuperdo:  whatever OS id handling grub should see the other os's and add an entry.10:53
Ohmagebazhang: i am at that page and have been rigourously researching10:53
Ohmagetheres just a few things i dont fully understand that i want to iron out before i install. firstly does this installer make a efi. bootloader for the grub menu10:54
Ohmagelike will i be able to see both windows and ubuntu to boot from dual boot menu10:55
tad_poleI have been trying various distros   going to stick with ubunto.. but i messed my MBR's and Partitions up with all my dinking around: I just made new partition tables, clean ubuntustudio install, and it wont boot -  i tried boot-repair howtos      and that is not working   and now i can not get this darn LVM to go away either so I can try a reinstall.  at a loss.10:55
ozyi'm tryign to install ubuntu 12.10 from a usb stick, and I am not even getting to the grub menu -- I am getting some goffy icon at the bottom of the screen for a few minutes (and usb activity lights) and then it goes to a prompt in the upper left of the screen, becomes unresponsive, and the actiovity light goes stedy10:56
Ohmageas i have some convoluted issues this is why i was suggesting possibly carrying on some help in a private chat10:56
dr_willistad_pole:  i never use lvm, so no idea on those. You  could use dd or gparted on a live cd and try to totally blank the hd. then repartion it10:56
tad_poledr_willis: I just did three times. :/10:57
Ohmagedr_willis: do u mind pm?10:57
dr_willisozy:  goofy icon like a  'man = keyboard' ?10:57
tad_poleWell I tried gparted three times    and dd once10:57
ozymight be a keyboard = man with circle around it. It's smaller, and low resolution10:57
savagecrocwhen calling apt-get --just-print upgrade .. what does it mean when it prefixes it with conf?10:57
dr_willisI have never used any EFI or windows 8 systems  Ohmage10:57
Ohmageoh ok dammit lol10:58
tad_poleI used win8 for about 5 minutes   that was enough for me :/10:58
dr_willisozy:  normally you hite the space when you see that icon and it goes to some option screens.10:58
Ohmagetad_pole: you and me both its why im here..........10:58
ozydr_willis: thanks, i'll try that. Nothing like a little black voodo, eh?10:59
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tad_poleOddly enough I was trying to help the person figure it out but found out there spiffy new laptop had broken keys10:59
ozydr_willis: hit space bar, nothing happened10:59
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Ohmageok so yes anyone who is well versed in installing ubuntu on a win8 preinstalled uefi systems wud be greatly appreciated11:00
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
Ohmageas i have googled and googled and found no definitive confirmations of things i am trying to figure out11:01
schuschuhi everybody! could someone point me to a up-to-date guide on full disk encryption with keyfile on a usk-key in ubuntu 12.10? (i know how to do it in arch but ubuntu seems to require a custom script to mount to usb-key...)11:02
tad_poledr_willis: Do you happen to know how to force a umount?11:02
dr_willistad_pole:  the mount command has a --force option i belive..11:03
dr_willisor the umount command. ;)11:03
ozydr_willis: it'[s enter11:03
ejvOhmage: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting11:07
tad_poledr_willis: For reference: #lvs displays all LVM groups  lvremove "lvmname to delete found in lvs output" deletes them.   YAY :/11:07
dr_willisi neer use lvm ;)11:07
tad_poleI plan to follow your lead.. A bit late :/11:08
Ohmagethanks evm that is another link i have read extensively as well, really im looking for someone i could ask some specific questions who has booted and installed on a win 8 machine11:08
tad_poleWhat specific questions? Maybe I can find you some answers11:09
ejvOhmage: private messaging individuals is taboo here, best to just ask the channel and pray someone knowledgeable on the subject sees and chimes in; meanwhile you can make a post on the ubuntu forums11:09
dr_willisaskubuntu.com is good also. ;)11:09
Ohmageok thanks for the heads up, im a little nooby round these parts (and intend to change that soon enough) :P11:10
ejvthe entire secure boot idea is just nonsense imho; more headaches for everyone11:11
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
dr_willisa system that cant boot is the most secure! ;)11:11
tad_poleTo bad people keep purchasing the crap.11:12
Ohmageyes it totally is just a barrier made by MS/intel/whoever decides to be evilest11:12
tad_pole*points at Ohmage*11:12
* Ohmage wonders why @tad_pole :/11:13
tad_polePurchasing microsoft/intel/whoever decides to be evilest's crappy locked hardware :)11:13
ejvwhat is a logical recourse? buying UEFI mobo's with early enough firmware that haven't introduced secure boot? are any vendors simply going to write UEFI firmware without it at all? i'd support that with my wallet.11:14
Ohmageejv it seems though that with the Linux Foundation signed bootloader or SHIM loader that it can all be negated to a degree, its just made the whole thing a lot less user friendly11:15
MatthewL!chmod | ubottu11:15
ubottuMatthewL: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:15
ejvdidn't answer my question Ohmage :)11:16
tad_poleThe most simple logical decision would be to purchase something else, or wait it out.11:16
ejvdefine else11:17
cfhowlettPerhaps a discussion for #ubuntu-offtopic???11:17
tad_poleejv: Anything you can google that fits the bill.11:17
gypsymauroikonia: syntroPi sorry phone, well nothing related with apt-get and that bugs seems what I discovered11:17
tad_polecfhowlett: True. Sorry. :011:17
dr_willisi imagine i will be sticking with ARM based PCs in the near future. ;)11:17
Ohmageejv: im a noob dude lol how could i answer it :P secure boot really isnt that massive a deal, in my UEFI/bios menu whatever it is called i just went secure boot:disabled11:17
Ohmagereally secure -_-11:17
ejvehhh it's ubuntu related, i need to know what to buy, i'll be installing ubuntu on it after-all; compatability is a support issue ;)11:18
Ohmagealso windows arm based are TOTALLY locked down now from what i read11:18
Ohmageway to go...11:18
tad_poleOff to reinstall, wish me luck :/11:19
MatthewL!security |ubottu11:19
ubottuMatthewL: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server11:19
MatthewL!server | ubottu11:19
ubottuMatthewL: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server11:19
ejvexample, im shopping and looking at the MSI Z77A-G43 LGA 1155 Intel Z77 mobo, that has UEFI, am I to understand that installing Ubuntu on this thing is going to be "not easy" ?11:20
ejvor will it depend on the version of the firmware of the Z77A-G43 ? see what I'm getting at?11:21
dr_willismay be a good idea to see what ubuntu/linux hardware sites sell.11:21
schuschusecureboot on x86 systems can still be disabled, single components typically have it off anyway... at least my z77 board never gave me troubles11:21
MatthewL!UEFI |ubottu11:21
cfhowlettejv, uefi installs are seemingly ALL a little iffy at the moment.  I'd avoid Samsung as that seems to be the most breakable model at the moment, but be aware that the uefi bug(?) HAS been reproduced with win811:21
ubottuMatthewL: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:21
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linuxuz3r_hi ho hello11:23
=== Desu is now known as xDesu
cfhowlettlinuxuz3r_, greetings11:23
ejvguess i'll just have to try it and see, which is not the answer i wanted, but c'est la vie11:23
MatthewL!Fedora | ubottu11:24
ubottuMatthewL: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)11:24
ozyhow do you start the installer fromt he command line on the live cd?11:24
cfhowlettejv, best of luck11:24
Ohmagefor a standard user with little linux experience what sort of file system should i format a partition to for ubuntu install?? ext411:24
cfhowlettOhmage, ext411:24
cfhowlettOhmage, no problem11:25
ejvcfhowlett: thanks, i haven't bought anything yet, im going to pour through some reviews on amazon/newegg and see if anyone tried ubuntu on the various models.11:25
ejvi want the path of least resistance.11:25
Sendoushiis there a way to swap characters or something? i'm using ubuntu server on a vm under mac os and i can't get [] nor {} since both use the left Alt of the keyboard. Tried to map it to AltGr but don't work also. The rest of keyboard (besides altGr) seems fine to me11:25
cfhowlettejv, I think there might be a wiki somewhere.  also see the !hardware listings11:25
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:25
JosssseHello Guys. When I installe ubuntu I had to set the nomodeset boot option in order not to get a black screen. Now that i've finished installation, when i boot, i get the same black screen. How can i force ubuntu to always start with the nomodeset option?? Thanks a lot.11:26
ejvlol socket 1155 isn't even listed on that site11:26
ejvgood grief ;)11:26
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/11:26
dr_willisJosssse:   you can edit the /etc/default/grub to make nomodeset a default item.11:27
Ohmageejv the only issue i see relating to any of it is the bootloader issue, installing running and booting live ubunut was easy enough for me and i have no experience other than light use. once there is a easy way to have gru2 bootloader show all os' on dual boot i see no real issues11:27
ms_I have Windows trying to install Ubuntu. I have deleted my C drive as instructed, what do I do from here11:27
ubottuAlexio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:28
KristisBHello, can I download the whole folder from one.ubuntu.com instead of downloading files one by one?11:28
cfhowlettms_, unclear.   Are you installing ubuntu next to windows?11:28
ejvmy understanding is the secure boot monkey business was introduced into UEFI much later; so there has to be older UEFI mobo's in production and being sold by vendors that I can get my hands on, circumventing the entire sillyness.11:28
Jossssethanks dr_willis . I'll try to do that. Do you know the line i should put to make nomodeset a default item?11:28
dr_willisJoseeAntonioR:  stick nomodeset btween quiet splash, and rerun update-grub11:29
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents11:29
dr_willisAlexio:  what are yu expecting to get from your !list ing exactly?11:29
ubottuAlexio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:30
Ohmageyes its probably fine if you dont want or need a really new computer but i think now all new uefi machines with the higher speccs come like this unless untouched by windows.. im not 100%11:30
DJones!bot | MatthewL If you've got a lot of factoids to check, its probably better to use /msg ubottu !factoid so it responds via pm, or use the web interface in ubottu's links11:30
ubottuMatthewL If you've got a lot of factoids to check, its probably better to use /msg ubottu !factoid so it responds via pm, or use the web interface in ubottu's links: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:30
dr_willisAlexio:  what are yu expecting to get from your !list ing exactly?........11:30
MatthewLDJones - thanks11:31
dr_willisanybody_:  huh? Do  You have a ubuntu support question?11:31
ejvthanks for the input cheers11:31
ikoniagypsymauro: the url you are trying to connect to is invalid11:31
* cfhowlett what the boone hill farm is that?11:32
ejv( that feeling when you really didn't walk away with more knowledge than when you started :D )11:32
bignono1can i use jwm in buntu?11:32
Ohmageis it allowed to create a channel to talk to someone? or is this also taboo11:33
dr_willisbignono1:  its in the repos.. so yes.11:33
bignono1in the repo?11:33
dr_willisOhmage:  make all the channels you want.11:33
xDesuOhmage /msg <name>11:33
dr_willis!info jwm | bignono111:33
ubottubignono1: jwm (source: jwm): very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-3 (quantal), package size 116 kB, installed size 294 kB11:33
ejvOhmage: the reason you should ask in here, is because the collective benefits from transparent support11:33
bignono1thanks dr_willis11:33
joeshWhat chmod / chown should I use for everyone to be able to read?11:33
ejv!chmod | joesh11:34
ubottujoesh: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:34
DJones!pm | Ohmage Be aware that if you want to message somebody directly, you should ask first,11:34
ubottuOhmage Be aware that if you want to message somebody directly, you should ask first,: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:34
Ohmageno worries11:34
ejvplease don't set everything to 777 or some insanity joesh; that's a good way to brick your installation11:35
joeshejv: that is why I am looking in the guide =)11:35
joeshI know 777 is for everything.. but that includes write.. I just want read11:35
Ohmageejv: pm if u dont mind? little chat about the whole uefi thing11:36
MatthewL!jwm | MatthewL11:36
MatthewLWhat is jwm?11:36
joeshejv: chmod 775 is what I'll use? read and execute?11:36
wdpI'm trying to let xfce4 start automatically. but somehow it always starts gnome automatically. In the login manager I've set xfce as default session. Sadly I don't remember how I configured the automatic start (and login) of gnome some years ago.11:37
ejv775 says to give user, everything, group everything, and world, read and execute; that's not what you want.11:37
cfhowlettwdp, what version of ubuntu are you running?11:37
dr_willisjoesh:  its worth the 10 min.. reading up on chmod and what the #'s mean.11:37
wdpcfhowlett, just updated that, so current.11:37
cfhowlettwdp, so 12.10 ... weird behavior.   whatever you login with should set the default for next time ...11:38
MatthewLCool beans | ubottu11:38
wdpcfhowlett, indeed. Wondering if there is any other way to achieve what i want to do. probably another login manager which would do that?11:38
ubottuAlexio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:39
Sendoushihttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/12956435/screen.png which layout should i use for altgr? i can't get [ ] nor { }11:39
ejvbecause third time is a charm11:39
dr_willisAlexio:  do you even read what people say?11:39
larstHi all11:39
cfhowlettwdp, apt-get install lxde ... but I'm more concerned with this fail.  test it out ...11:39
cfhowlettALEXIO!~  no warez here.  wrong channel.11:39
wdpcfhowlett, lxde is a DE - I want to use xfce, not lxde.11:39
dr_willisAlexio:   try /list11:39
cfhowlettwdp, ?? xfce is also a DE, no?11:40
Jossssedr_willis, Since i had to boot from livecd I had to use the grub-mkconfig -o /media/.... to run the actual update-grub command. But i get an error: cannot finde a device for  is /dev mounted?11:40
JosssseWhat could I do?11:40
Naphatulis there a way for me to see boot time's and a breakdown?11:40
dr_willisJosssse:  you can use the rescue/recovery mode to get into the system. or  at the grub menu - edit it. to add the 'nomodeset' option the first time.. then edit the /etc/default/grub file11:41
larstShould i pick 12.10 or 12.04?11:41
ShukkoOhow can i make a hotkey, so that i can open the terminal by f.ex pressing "ctrl+r".11:41
dr_willislarst:  you want latest versionof packages... or long term support.11:41
dr_willisShukkoO:  alt-ctrl-t ooens a terminal.11:41
Jossssedr_willis, How do i acess grub menu or recovery mode??11:42
larstDr_willis not sure11:42
dr_willisJosssse:   when you boot up - you see the grub menu. hit e11:42
NaphatulJosssse, pres ESC on boot11:42
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:42
dr_willisor press/hold shift... if its hidden11:42
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)11:43
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120411:43
JosssseSwee, thanks a lot guys!11:44
JosssseThis would do it.11:44
dr_willislast time i needed nomodset.. i just had to use it once.. then get  the nvidia drivers installed.11:44
Ohmagedr_willis: would u say that ubuntu is the best out of box distro to make best use of a laptop and its batttery ?11:45
larstDr_willis what would  you pick11:45
dr_willislarst:  i always use the latest.. i dont have much need for lts features11:46
dr_willisOhmage:  newer releases alwaos have newer drivers and so forth11:46
Joupilarst : If you are on company or production environment, prefer LTS for stability, else at home I guess you would go for last one ...11:47
Ohmageyes but i mean in terms of the best linux distros relating to resource management on laptops, my new machine when on win8 full charge has roughly 5 hours life, on fedora 18 it was 2 at best11:47
Ohmagedr_willis: just wondering if what i read about ubuntu was true that is the best distro for laptops11:48
ikoniaOhmage: that is incorrect11:48
ikoniaOhmage: that's probably down to poor apci support in linux, no distro will make a difference11:48
ikoniaUbuntu is no better/worse than the other main distribtuions11:48
Ohmagethats what i thought, it must be just a matter of what you have on the system within the distro11:49
ikoniaOhmage: no11:49
mpmaGood afternoon11:49
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
cfhowlettmpma, greeting11:51
cfhowlettvcsy, greetings11:54
geoffw8_hey ubuntu! I have a folder with 777 permissions, but when Sphinx creates files it creates them using its own permissions11:54
geoffw8_how can I make it so that permissions are enforced?11:55
larstHi vcsy11:55
geoffw8_no amount of Googling is helping me11:55
l2k3Hi :)11:55
larstHi l2k311:55
cfhowlettl2k3, greetings11:55
setreHow can I hide/toggle the launcher in Ubuntu 13.04?11:56
ikonia13.04 is not supported yet11:56
setreI see11:56
ikoniasetre: it's in pre-release state, #ubuntu+1 for discussion11:56
ubottusetre,: Raring Ringtail is the codename for Ubuntu 13.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+111:56
mpmaisn't it just under System settings -> Behavior?11:56
setrehow far from release?11:56
setrempma: no it's not there11:56
cfhowlettsetre, again see the channel ubuntu+111:56
setrecfhowlett: roger11:57
setreany guess on how far from 13.04 being released?11:57
mpmasetre: 13.04 will be released in arpil11:57
mpmahence the ".04" meaning the fourth month of the year11:58
dr_willissetre:   the version # IS the year/month of release11:58
mpmaand ".10" being the tenth mouth11:58
Joupisetre : 13=2013 ; 04=april11:58
setreI see11:58
mpmamind = blown11:58
setrelike windows 9811:58
mpmayes, exactly like windows 9811:58
tad-poleWhat about windows 2000?~!?"11:58
setrelearn from the master11:58
dr_willisahh... the year 2000.. when every silly app had to have 2000 or 2k in the name...11:59
dr_willisThese days it seems everything has to have 'HD' in the name11:59
setredr_willis: hopefully we will not be around for "the year 3000"11:59
dr_willisPhear the Y3K bug!12:00
wdpdr_willis, in a half year everything will have VR in it's name.12:00
setrethat sounds about right12:00
setreor whatever scrumjax word will become associated with google glass and the like12:01
setreyou *are* using "Ajax" right?12:01
dr_willisI clean my sinks with ajax cleaner...12:01
setreand SCRUM12:02
setreit seems buzzword creators are obssessed with cleaning related words12:02
cellanwilliamsif i want to dual partition ubuntu on my mac, is it best to partition first or partition on installation?12:05
dr_willisShouldent matter either way cellanwilliams .12:05
cellanwilliamscoolio thanks <dr_willis>12:06
cfhowlettcellanwilliams, do you have the installation tutorial from the wiki for this procedure?12:07
mpmawill everyone make the switch to 13.04 on release-day?12:10
dr_willismpma:  i imagine thats a 'no' ;)12:10
cfhowlettmpma, LTS only ...12:10
dr_willissince the servers couldent handle the load..12:10
mpmacfhowlett: 13.04 will be LTS?12:10
* cfhowlett thinks point releases are a better bet in any case12:10
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)12:10
cfhowlettmpma, it will NOT.12:10
dr_willis13.04 is not a LTS release12:11
mpmai thought every .04 was LTS12:11
tad-poleI like rice.12:11
cfhowlettmpma, you were misinformed12:11
mpmacfhowlett: so LTS only switches in 5 year intervals12:11
cfhowlettmpma, 12.04 at present.  14.04 is the next LTS12:11
cfhowlettmpma, no, SUPPORT is for 5 years.  release is every 2 years presently.12:11
mpmacfhowlett: I see12:12
DJonesmpma: LTS versions are released every two years and are supported for 3 years on desktop, 5 years on server versions12:12
dr_willis12.04 is special. ;)12:12
cfhowlettops the ubottu factoid for LTS is incorrect in stating that support is for 3 years on the desktop12:12
dr_willis'with the exception of....'12:13
dr_willisthey gave 12.04 a longer term.12:13
mpmawhat version are you guys running now?12:13
cfhowlettdr_willis, ah.  I thought all future LTS went to 5 years.  good to know.12:13
mpma<-- 12.0412:13
dr_willis5 years is like half a decade in computer years... ;P12:14
dr_willis5 years from now.. who knows what we will be running..  64 core arm based desktop machines that only use 1W of powar.. ;P12:14
cfhowlettdr_willis, 128 bit wrist mounted retina enabled mid-air projection with sight/scent emulation ...12:15
tad-poleOr sticks and rocks. :)12:16
mpmawhat versions are you guys running?12:16
mpmaanyone comfortable with 12.10?12:16
sakkemo<- 12.10, couldn't get wifi to work with 12.04 (Lenovo E130)12:17
cfhowlettmpma, several people are.  I prefer not to deal with install issues every 6 months, so LTS works fine for me.12:17
sakkemodidn't spend that much time trying as it worked out-of-box with 12.1012:17
mpmatried 12.10 yesterday, horrible performance issues12:17
mpmaand propieraty drivers (spelling) kept crashing the machine12:18
cfhowlettmpma, bleeding edge is bloody ...12:18
tad-poleI just installed 12.1012:18
cfhowlettmpma, one more iota of reason to go with LTS ...12:18
=== AminosAmigos_ is now known as Not_my_Bot
tad-poleWell, 12.10 studio.12:19
Joupimpma : the version you choose really depends on what you want ... newer versions provide latest apps, but might be bug updates full whereas LTS are usually more stable afetr a short while (2 to 3 months running)12:19
cfhowletttad-pole, with all the restricted-extras I trust?12:19
tad-poleI literally just installed it ;/12:20
ozyI am trying to install 12.10 server, and I keep getting 'unable to install busybox-initramfs' -- any ideas? google came up short...12:20
cfhowletttad-pole, ok.  well for full codec support apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extra12:20
cfhowletttad-pole, ok.  well for full codec support apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras12:20
cfhowletttad-pole, and take a peek at medibuntu.12:21
tad-polecfhowlett: Thanks! :)   I living off of my mobile connection ATM so I will do that tomorrow :)12:21
tad-poleI am* living... rather12:22
cfhowletttad-pole, don't forget to check out the ubuntustudio forums and #ubuntustudio   on IRC12:22
louis-pchallo lirk12:22
louis-pchallo lirk12:22
tad-poleStupid SprintPCS keeps dropping me down to bytes a second.12:22
tad-polejust apt-get update is taking forever12:22
louis-pci am dutch12:22
Guest46015Hello, I would like to make a custom icon for a file type. I tried what I could find on Google, including this:12:22
Guest46015I am using quantal.12:22
ubottuUbuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) is the current stable release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.1012:23
tad-poleOnly thing I miss about college: amazing bandwidth. :(12:24
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FloodBot1HeadCrash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:31
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
HeadCrashcan anybody help12:32
cfhowlettHeadCrash, ask with details ...12:32
HeadCrashanybody familiar here with apache jmeter?12:32
tad-polecfhowlett: When Installing studio I clicked the box for installing the proprietary codecs       is that the same as "apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras" ?12:32
cfhowletttad-pole, that12:33
cfhowletttad-pole, that'll get you the mp3 codec only12:33
tad-poleOIC, Alright thanks for the extra info, Ill have to download that all then.12:34
cfhowletttad-pole, I don't know how to display the contents of a meta-package ...12:34
HeadCrashi have PM to you12:34
HeadCrashcan you reply for that?12:34
cfhowlettHeadCrash, nope.  keep it in channel please12:35
HeadCrashcfhowlett please12:35
tad-poleHeadCrash: I like rice.12:35
HeadCrashi need to ask that in pm please for a minute12:35
cfhowlettHeadCrash, bad form to pm without permission12:35
HeadCrashtad-pole...i'll give you grain12:35
cfhowlettHeadCrash, in channnel12:35
HeadCrashthen shall i ask?12:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:36
cfhowlettHeadCrash, sad to say, I know nothing of jmeter ...12:36
HeadCrashdo you know apache jmeter12:36
HeadCrashbut i have another question12:36
HeadCrashshall i ask12:36
FelixTheCatI am trying to install Ubuntu but get "marking tsc unstable due to tsc halts in idle" followed by "clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -1761805988 ns) and now it just sits at a busybox prompt12:36
FelixTheCatplease help me install ubuntu12:36
cfhowlettHeadCrash, ask it here12:36
HeadCrashis your father a jerk?12:37
cfhowlettHeadCrash, i'm disappointed in your poor judgement12:37
dr_willishow to not get help on irc.....12:37
tad-poleHow to not get anything good period. He started it all off with a middle finger :/12:37
* cfhowlett as if flipping the bird in his ascii display wasn't enought12:37
* cfhowlett moving on.12:38
tad-polecfhowlett: !12:38
dr_williswas that what it was? ;)12:38
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, you there?12:38
cfhowlettoh, ya'll didn't see the profane insults he put on the pm to me12:38
tad-polecfhowlett http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu-restricted-extras     Just incase you ever need the resource    it lists the contents.12:39
cfhowletttad-pole, nice.  thanks.   So will that package help you out?12:39
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: yes12:39
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, is this a clean install you're doing or an upgrade?12:39
tad-polecfhowlett Very much so. I was using linuxmint do to codec issues.12:40
cfhowletttad-pole, I installed medibuntu and restricted-extras.12:41
dr_williscant say ive ever j had codec issues on normal ubuntu.12:41
dr_willisNot needed to use Medibuntu in ages...12:41
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: upgrade from puppy12:41
tad-poleI like to look at wierd things. ;)12:41
cfhowlettdr_willis, I think medibuntu pulls in one or 2 codecs that restricted misses ...12:41
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cfhowlettFelixTheCat, I HOPE that means you're doing a clean install of ubuntu ... cause you can't upgrade puppy to ubuntu12:42
dr_williscant say ive enocountered any codecs  ive needed medibuntu for.12:42
dr_willisat least not in a long time12:42
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: yeah i'm just trying to install ubuntu over the top of puppy (wipe puppy, get ubuntu)12:43
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cfhowlettFelixTheCat, ok that makes sense.  that's an unfamiliar error you got.  did you md5sum verify the iso you downloaded??12:43
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: it was, back when i downloaded it12:44
=== Guest71229 is now known as neilrobau
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, and you burned an iso/usb?12:44
FelixTheCat10.4 beta i do beleve12:44
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: yes12:44
tad-poleFelixTheCat why are you using 10.4 beta?12:45
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, wait, you're booting beta?  latest LTS ubuntu is 12.04, latest interim is 12.10.  choose one12:45
FelixTheCattad-pole: only install cd i have12:45
tad-poleOrder a new one if you can not download?12:46
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, of COURSE beta is going to do strange things ...12:46
dr_willisor use a usb flash. ;)12:46
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: it says (on busybox prompt) ubuntu 1:1.2-2ubuntu612:46
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, sorry, but I have to bail from this discussion ... 10.04 beta?  not worth discussing IMHO12:47
tad-poledr_willis I was assuming he just cant download an iso. but true.12:47
tad-poleFelixTheCat You need to get a current version   or atleast a stable one12:47
FelixTheCatwell, the question is, tad-pole  cfhowlett  ect will it run on that old laptop12:47
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, note ... 10.04 is end of life quite shortly ...12:47
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, you didn't specify your hardware ... or I didn't see it.  that said, lubuntu or xubuntu are both optimized for old and low spec machines.12:48
tad-poleFelixTheCat They have distro's specifically for legacy hardware I believe12:48
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: its a sony vaio pcg-n505sn12:49
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, try lubuntu or xubuntu 12.0412:49
* tad-pole smiles12:50
cfhowlettk2ai, greetings12:51
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: xbuntu 12.10 ?12:51
tad-poleFelixTheCat: xubuntu.org12:51
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, I'd suggest 12.04 for the Long Term Support but go with 12.10 if you'd rather ...12:51
bekksFelixTheCat: 12.0412:51
k2aidoes Ubuntu still have heating problem on mobile ivy bridge processor?12:52
nkl_someone want to help me to make usb bootable i spent all morning and all failed12:52
histoFelixTheCat: What kind of specs is that laptop?12:52
tad-polenkl_ Download unetbootin and use that12:52
tad-poleIt works great for me.12:52
histo!requirements | FelixTheCat12:52
ubottuFelixTheCat: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu12:53
FelixTheCatcfhowlett: we're talking about 15 year old laptop here (the type with an external cd-rom drive with a card)12:53
nkl_i can not use unebootin, i am on debian chrunchbang distro12:53
ThinkT510k2ai: when was the last time you tried?12:53
bekksnkl_: Why cant you use unetbootin then?12:53
nkl_i dont have it in repo12:53
k2ai2 days back12:53
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, all I can say is try. xubunt and lubuntu might surprise you ...12:53
ThinkT510k2ai: which version?12:53
tad-polenkl_  http://packages.debian.org/search?suite=all&keywords=unetbootin12:54
nkl_bekks, i see it now.12:54
histok2ai: Which heating problem?12:54
nkl_tad-pole, and bekks is the first drive when i type fdisk -l said: sdc1 and sdc12:54
nkl_which one?12:54
ThinkT510k2ai: that is the most recent stable release, perhaps wait till 13.04 is released12:54
FelixTheCathisto: about 720mb of ram or 51212:55
bekksnkl_: I dont get your question. What are you doing, what do you want to do?12:55
tad-poleHe wants to know wich is the usb mount12:55
k2aihisto: I don't know my laptop always runs unbeareably hot12:55
tad-poleI do not know.12:55
nkl_bekks, i want to make bootable usb for ubuntu 10.04 just that! :(((12:55
histoFelixTheCat: I would definately recomend xubuntu or lubuntu 32bit then.12:56
tad-polenkl_ Download unetbootin12:56
tad-poleIt will do it for you12:56
nkl_tad-pole, bekks i installed unetbootin12:56
histo!usb | nkl_12:56
ubottunkl_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:56
bekksnkl_: And how is that related to fdisk -l then?12:56
nkl_bekks, fdisk -l:12:57
tad-polenkl_ the choice it shows by default if you have usb mounted should work12:57
cfhowlettnkl_, 10.04 desktop is end of life in a matter of weeks.12:57
nkl_Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table12:57
nkl_Disk /dev/sdc: 2045 MB, 2045771776 bytes12:57
k2aiThinkT510: I think i should wait till 13.0412:57
tad-polenkl_ Use gparted to make a new partition table on usb12:57
nkl_cfhowlett, 10.04 still rule!12:57
bekksnkl_: Why are you trying to run fdisk -l? What do you want to do? What that sdc, some USB drive?12:57
cfhowlettnkl_, OK ... on your head, then ...12:57
nkl_omg why is that complicated!! why gparted now :(12:58
histok2ai: Or you can search askubuntu for a solution to your problem since no one here knows12:58
nkl_sdc is usb bekks12:58
histok2ai: You have a common laptop model so i'm sure someone else would have experienced what you are if it's a bug.12:58
tad-polenkl_ Gotta pay the cost to be the boss. If it is easy it is not worth it :)12:58
tad-poleUnless its a female and im drunk. then its worth it.12:58
nkl_tad-pole, i must to start gparted with sudo?12:59
k2aihisto:  ok i'll google it12:59
histowow didn't listen very well.12:59
kingbeasthey guys trying to port a router out through my ethernet port on my laptop, can anyone help12:59
nkl_sudo gparted: unalloacted12:59
histokingbeast: What?13:00
tad-polenkl_ ?13:00
nkl_dev/sdc 1.91 gb unallocated13:00
ThinkT510!gksudo | nkl_13:00
ubottunkl_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:00
histonkl_: open gparted create a parititon on /dev/sdc   format it for fat32.  Then use unetbootin be done and happy13:00
kingbeasttrying to use the ethernet port on my laptop to use my wireless to a wired router13:00
tad-polehisto Agreed!13:01
histokingbeast: that makes absolutely no sense13:01
histokingbeast: ethernet > wireless > wired??? wth?13:01
kingbeastold xbox13:01
tad-polehisto: I think he wants to tap his wifi access from laptop over to a wired router connected to NOTwireless devices13:01
kingbeastno wireless13:01
histokingbeast: Please in english eplain what you want to do.13:02
kingbeastwireless router>laptop>wired router>xbox13:02
tad-polekingbeast http://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-Universal-Ethernet-Adapter-GWU627/dp/B004UAKCS6/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1360587736&sr=8-2&keywords=ethernet+to+wireless  buy that13:02
nkl_why i dont have in gparted 'format' option?13:02
nkl_it is still unallocated13:02
cfhowlettnkl_, select the area you want to format first ...13:03
histonkl_: delete whatever partition is on /dev/sdc   then create a new one. Then select type as fat3213:03
tad-poleHe has no wifi on xbox  only eth   wants to plug his laptop into xbox to get internet13:03
histo!ics | kingbeast13:03
ubottukingbeast: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing13:03
nkl_histo, primary partition or extended?13:03
* cfhowlett bought a $30 wifi adapter JUST for the xbox. worked fine ...13:03
histonkl_: primary13:04
* histo says ics would work just the same13:04
tad-polecfhowlett  thats what i gave him a link for, I use them on copy machines instead of a $1000 service charge for an upgraded network card13:04
nkl_ok, histo now it is green13:04
nkl_so, now to continue with unetbootin?13:05
histonkl_: did you tell it to do fat32?13:05
nkl_yes 3213:05
nkl_new partition #1 fat 3213:05
histonkl_: now write teh changes exit gparted. Then fire up unetbootin and be done.13:05
nkl_histo, how to write?13:05
histonkl_: The green checkbox I believe is apply13:06
nkl_aply all operattion?13:06
histonkl_: yes13:06
nkl_hist :(( an error...13:06
ncp_nkl_, haven't follow your issue, but i always boot livecd when i need to partition anything..13:06
dhanasekaranHi Guys, Where i can find ubuntu kernel release notice please guide me13:06
ubottudhanasekaran,: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:07
histonkl_: Well i can't really guess what your error is so perhaps you can enlighten us.13:07
nkl_histo, i must to start from the begining13:07
nkl_wait a sec..13:07
tad-polenkl_ Open gparted again, highlight your usb device, click Device>Create New Partition Table    Right click on your unallocated usb device  click New       make a fat32 partition of the full size of USB device13:08
tad-polenkl_ Then click apply(green check)13:08
dhanasekarancfhowlett: I want release notes, What are the changes are done, current and previous version of kernel13:08
cfhowlettdhanasekaran, see #ubuntu-devel for developer talk13:08
tad-pole<dhanasekaran> www.ubuntu.org(com?) and search in there search box13:09
nkl_An error occurred while applying the operations13:09
nkl_See the details for more information.13:09
nkl_If you want support, you need to provide the saved details!13:09
nkl_See http://gparted.org/save-details.htm for more information.13:09
PrincessLunaTo boot with UEFI secure boot on a Win8 system, Kubuntu 12.10 AMD 64 should work right?13:09
nkl_and i have button ok13:09
tad-polenkl_ Do that then? :P13:10
cfhowlettPrincessLuna, "should" ...13:10
histo!uefi | PrincessLuna13:10
ubottuPrincessLuna: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:10
dhanasekarancfhowlett: thanks13:10
nkl_when i press ok, i still have /dev/sdc1 unknown13:10
cfhowlettnkl_, would help to see.  paste a screen shot ...13:11
tad-polenkl_ Redo everything like I posted above13:11
nkl_just a sec..13:11
ubottuMAGIKO: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:13
histoHow hard can it be to partition a usb drive.13:13
cfhowletthisto, we learn when we learn ...13:13
routcla0I can't log in to my own brand-new laptop. Ubuntu gives me access to Guest only. Can you help?13:13
histocfhowlett: I'm actually more interested in how he got a thumb drive that isn't partitioned.13:13
cfhowlettroutcla0, lost/forgot password?13:14
tad-polehisto he likely messed it up trying to do what hes doing before.13:14
tad-polehe/she  excuse me   sorry :)13:14
routcla0I did not lose password. I uninstalled Wine and logged out and in and it denied access.13:14
OerHekshisto, he probably selected fat32, but never pressed apply to perform the format.13:14
tad-pole!ask MAGIKO13:15
nkl_this is the image http://oi50.tinypic.com/2csjp07.jpg13:15
DJonesMAGIKO: You need to ask an Ubuntu support related question first13:15
tad-poleGuess I should learn how to use the bot if I am going to be here.13:15
ubottuMAGIKO,: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:15
DJonesMAGIKO: Buy them, piracy isn't allowed here13:15
histonkl_: Click the right arrow by the Create primary partition #1  there to see details13:16
cfhowlettMAGIKO, games are in the ubuntu software center13:16
nashantHi guys. I'm trying to recover data from my gf's dying (dead?) drive. smartctl seems to think that it's a 2.5" 600PB drive, I guess this is because the logical block size is being reported as 774843950. Any hints?13:16
histonkl_: did you launch gparted with gksu?13:16
kingbeastI got it thanks guys13:16
nkl_histo, yes13:16
kingbeastsorry for the confusion13:16
ubottuMAGIKO: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:16
histo!manual | MAGIKO13:16
ubottuMAGIKO: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:16
AppleJuicenashant, What is a PB?13:17
AppleJuicenashant, Peta Byte?13:17
cfhowlett600 PB?  huge!13:18
histonashant: make sure the drive is unmounted. image it and use scalpel or photorec to recover files.13:18
histonashant: ddrescue  would be the way to image it13:18
AppleJuiceYou could use dd to make a image... or destroy the drive completely.13:19
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:19
histo!botabuse > MAGIKO13:19
ubottuMAGIKO, please see my private message13:19
AppleJuice!botabuse AppleJuice13:19
histo!undelete | nashant13:20
ubottunashant: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel13:20
viderbitsup bitchеs13:20
histo!language > viderbit13:20
ubottuviderbit, please see my private message13:20
* histo senses schools are off today13:20
cfhowlettviderbit, your stay here will be short and unproductive with such an attitude...13:21
viderbitok its no problem :)13:21
viderbitjesus you are so soft and cold, anyway - is there a way to switch from upstart to systemd13:22
n00b_dust#join #slack13:22
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:22
viderbitand why ubuntu 12.04 is two times slower then 10.10/0413:22
ThinkT510viderbit: systemd isn't supported in ubuntu13:23
histoviderbit: compiz and you probably not having video drivers.13:23
nashanthisto: I've tried to image it with ddrescue, but it doesn't seem to get any data at all13:23
viderbiti dont talk for video performance13:23
cfhowlettviderbit, , computer is 2 years older13:23
nashantAppleJuice: yeah. petabytes13:24
viderbitcomputer is with 4core i713:24
histonashant: Then you may be at a loss for recoverying anything.  You can try running photorec or scalpel on against the block device but good luck if you can't even image it.13:24
viderbitand 16 gig of RAM13:24
viderbitand SSd13:24
histoviderbit: Video drivers......13:24
=== mulx is now known as Guest58387
histoviderbit: How are you measuring your "speed"13:24
nashanthisto: would changing the block size help?13:25
viderbiti talk for server application performance not for GUI13:25
nashantAt the moment smartctl thinks it's 774843950 bytes13:25
BluesKajHi all13:25
histonashant: not really ddrescue is pretty good. It starts and skips bad blocks then comes back to them.13:25
cfhowlettBluesKaj, greetings13:25
histoviderbit: How are you measuring this performance?13:25
=== mulx_ is now known as Guest3152
histonashant: I'd be worried less about smartctl and more about reading data off of it atm.13:26
AppleJuicenashant, Your girlfriend does not have a petabyte drive. Your drive is drunk.13:26
viderbithere it is: http://gwan.com/en_timeline.html, I use gwan v4+13:26
X-ScorpionHow can i join Ubuntu to windows Domain13:26
BluesKajHi cfhowlett , greetings as well13:26
histo!samba | X-Scorpion13:27
ubottuX-Scorpion: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:27
nashantAppleJuice: It's not just drunk, it's absolutely shitfaced13:27
nashantAnd not just 1 petabyte, 600!13:27
tad-polex-scorpion Google13:27
ThinkT510!language | nashant13:28
ubottunashant: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:28
X-Scorpiontad-pole! i already did13:28
nashanthisto: I tried ddrescue a few mins ago and it went 11 minutes without recovering anything at all13:28
tad-polex-scorpion Not well enough. :)13:28
histonashant: There are some options you may want to look at. man ddrescue13:29
histonashant: if not, there isn't much more you're going to be able to do. If the data is worth a lot of money then you may want to pay someone for data recovery.13:29
X-Scorpionso tad-pole do u have any idea about it?13:30
ubottulupobianc3,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:30
tad-polex-scorpion There are numerous howto's   Find one similar to what you are doing, try it, then ask specific questions on your problems13:30
X-Scorpioni got an error The server domain and kerberos realm must match the domain you are trying13:31
X-Scorpionwhat does it mean13:31
X-Scorpionand how to fix it13:31
X-Scorpionsorry i am a newbie13:31
bekks!details | X-Scorpion13:31
ubottuX-Scorpion: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:31
nashanthisto: the errsize is showing as 320GB, the full size of the disk13:32
=== daniel is now known as Guest82346
X-ScorpionI have a problem joining Zentyal 3.01 to windows domain and when i configure the file server to be an addetional domain to windows AD with the rigth info it says "The server domain and kerberos realm must match the domain you are trying" and i expected it to connect without any errors13:35
histonashant: try reading it backwards13:35
nashanthisto.... huh?13:35
cfhowlettX-Scorpion, might be good to ask in #ubuntu-server as well13:36
ThinkT510!rootirc | bazorf13:37
ubottubazorf: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.13:37
X-Scorpioni am now13:37
nashanthisto: still errsize 320GB13:37
tad-polex-scorpion I have no idea about any of this   but I am searching.13:37
X-Scorpionthx alot13:37
tad-polex-scorpion  Is this what you did? http://trac.zentyal.org/wiki/Documentation/Community/Development/multiplew13:38
X-Scorpionyes but with windows configurations13:39
tad-poleDid you contact the zentyal team?13:40
X-Scorpionyes at forums and no one is replying13:40
bekksX-Scorpion: How long have you been waiting?13:41
arvenduhelo guys13:41
X-Scorpionmore than a month13:41
sqrt7744Hey does anyone know how to get ps to show the full name? for example, ps x shows chromium-browser as /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chro, which isn't good enough for my script13:42
tad-polex-scorpion Discussion of Zentyal Server, testing and development, takes place in #zentyal on irc.freenode.net. There is also a Spanish speaking #zentyal-es on ...    ???????????13:42
arvenduppoe mode is not working in wireless network ?13:43
X-Scorpioni know and sorry for talking here but no one is anwsering me at all13:43
X-Scorpionthere is just a few users there13:43
ThinkT510arvendu: pppoe = point to point protocol over ethernet13:43
tad-polex-scorpion NP I am just going through what I would do if I was you making sure you did the same :)13:43
X-Scorpionso do u know anything about joining Linux to windows Domain13:44
icerootX-Scorpion: nt-domain or ad-domain?13:44
tad-polesqrt7744 http://superuser.com/questions/103309/how-can-i-know-the-absolute-path-of-a-running-process    Is that helpful?13:45
bekkssqrt7744: Then look for the following output: ps -aux | grep chrom13:45
X-ScorpionWindows Server 2008 R213:45
icerootX-Scorpion: then samba4 is the only way13:45
X-Scorpionok i know that13:45
X-Scorpionbut i don't know how to do it13:45
bekkssqrt7744: As you can see, the full path is displayed - so your terminal is just too small. :)13:45
X-Scorpioni am sorry13:45
X-ScorpionZentyal already have Samba 4 in it13:45
icerootX-Scorpion: https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4/Domain_Member13:46
tad-poleiceroot <X-Scorpion> I have a problem joining Zentyal 3.01 to windows domain and when i configure the file server to be an addetional domain to windows AD with the rigth info it says "The server domain and kerberos realm must match the domain you are trying" and i expected it to connect without any errors13:46
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
mercsniperAnyone know where ColinWatson hangsout?13:47
=== aguadito is now known as AusteritySux
=== AusteritySux is now known as Austerity-Sucks
Austerity-Sucksmercsniper,  mostly gay bars13:48
mercsnipernot irl, on irc13:48
bekkssqrt7744: Please keep it in the channel.13:48
sqrt7744even with 'ps xwww'13:48
bekkssqrt7744: Thats why I said: ps aux ...13:49
sqrt7744bekks, sorry, that was a type i meant bekks but accidentally /msg13:49
=== ponbiki is now known as Guest8979
sqrt7744bekks, ah! thanks!13:50
Picimercsniper: I'd guess #ubuntu-devel, but I don't see him online recently.13:51
flintseri know this isn't appropriate place for this but i need quick help. can i install mysql with root account? i want to use wordpress so can i install it with root account13:51
mercsniperTY Pici13:51
icerootflintser: sudo apt-get install mysql-server13:52
Piciflintser: if you're using Ubuntu, this is the right place for that question13:52
icerootflintser: DONT!!! run a database itself with the mysql-root user, always create an own user for each database which is not able to read/write other databases13:52
flintseri have installed all that. but when i created mysql database i did it with root so i need to use root privileges in wordpress install.13:53
icerootflintser: dont do that!13:53
bekksflintser: No. Thats notr true. DONT do that.13:53
flintserok :) what do i need to do then13:53
icerootflintser: create a new user which can only read/write the specific database13:53
ikoniaflintser: mysql's root user, is not the systems root user13:53
flintserso i adduser xxx and give it read/write to mysql-database13:54
ikoniaflintser: no13:55
c2tarunCan anyone please tell me that why is evolution removed from Ubuntu and Thunderbird is the new default mail client?13:55
ikoniaflintser: the mysql users are internal to mysql13:55
ThinkT510c2tarun: i don't know why, however evolution is still in the repos13:56
flintserwell at the mysql-server install it asked for mysql root password and i gave it one, different of my real root account, so when wordpress asks for account / password can i use root + the password mysql-server asked13:56
OerHeksc2tarun, why thunderbird >> http://askubuntu.com/a/5709413:56
c2tarunThinkT510, yeah, and there is BIG problem with thunderbird :( its message pane is only single line. It doesn't support multiple line message pane.13:56
ikoniaflintser: do not use the mysql root account13:57
bekksflintser: DONT use the mysql-root user for anything. Creat another mysql-user which only has r/w access to the database desired.13:57
ikoniaflintser: I really suggest you read the basic wordpress documents that advise you against this13:57
flintseri did the 5-minute installation all the way to this point where it asks for that username/password combination. this is why i ask because i'm really scared to do anything with root :D13:58
c2tarunOerHeks, hmm.... are you guys able to get a double line message pane in thunderbird, or you use single line only?13:59
ikoniaflintser: #wordpress will guide you13:59
* syntroPi invokes printf "\twww.facebook.com">> /etc/hosts"13:59
=== Nomad__ is now known as Guest26276
* ikonia request syntroPi keeps that sort of stuff to himself please14:00
zefuroshello there is anyone here online?14:01
ikoniazefuros: many people14:01
ThinkT510zefuros: of course14:01
zefurosim new to ubuntu and i encounter a huge boot problem14:01
zefurosis any ubuntu supporter online where i can reffer to so i wont spam my problems on the general chat?14:02
flintserikonia, bekks: yes i'll ask one more question, then i'll shut up for non ubuntu bussiness. can i use this guide to create approppriate mysql-user to use for installation? http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-create-a-mysql-database-and-set-privileges-to-a-user/14:02
ikoniaflintser: no idea, ask in #mysql14:02
mayenittheres allways someone to help you offcourse :)14:02
zefurosalright on wich user should i refer for my problem?14:02
ThinkT510zefuros: best to keep it in channel, thats the whole purpose of the channel14:03
zefurosso i can talk about it right now?14:03
Myrttizefuros: yup14:03
Ohmagehey guys back again14:03
zefurosok i will first give you a general view of what happening till now14:03
piyushhi i am new here14:03
piyushplzz help14:03
bnkprobHi, internet banking from one bank does not work on my 12.10 installation. It works from another machine running 12.04. I use firefox. Can someone please help?14:04
ThinkT510piyush: to help we need to know the issue14:04
Ohmagejust about to install 12.04.1 on my uefi laptop and am just wondering where i should be placing the efi bootloader install so as not to mess up the windows bootloader bug14:04
bnkprobAfter typing the userid/passwd for netbanking, the browser indefinitely waits.14:04
piyushok i have a new dell inspiron 14 z having 4 gb ram ...500 gb hard disk..i 3 2nd generation processor14:04
piyushi am willing to completely switch to ubuntu14:05
piyushfrom windows14:05
ThinkT510bnkprob: is that just in forefox? have you tried with chromium?14:05
bnkprobchromium too, same issue14:05
=== Neobenedict-away is now known as Neobenedict
piyushbut during installation hard drives r not appearing14:05
Ohmagei ask as i see that if i install the grub2 bootloader in the wrong partition it will essentially give me headches if i want to boot windows up again14:05
zefurosi got a desktop computer with one ssd drive and and hdd on the ssd i got installed windows 8 update version and on the hdd a space for my windows 8 documents i shrinked a part of my hdd drive and deleted it to install ubuntu after installed ubuntu 12.10 i found several problems with graphics and i deleted the partitation and installed ubuntu 12.0414:05
bnkprobNo matter which browser I use, I get stuck at the login page.14:06
piyushok i have a new dell inspiron 14 z having 4 gb ram ...500 gb hard disk..i 3 2nd generation processor.ok i have a new dell inspiron 14 z having 4 gb ram ...500 gb hard disk..i 3 2nd generation processor but during installation hard drives r not appearing14:07
ThinkT510bnkprob: it doesn't use java does it (the bank website)?14:07
zefurosand there the problem showed up when i booted i saw error message not such device found after searching i saw i must re install grub so i did but the problem was still there then i thought since i installed grub on the hdd drive i should have it boot frist from bios i i made it boot first as result the bootloader finally showed up and i can start ubuntu now but i cant start windows 8 it immidiatly restarts upon loading logo14:07
zefurosany ideas?14:08
Ohmagejust about to install 12.04.1 on my uefi laptop and am just wondering where i should be placing the efi bootloader install so as not to mess up the windows bootloader and get the bootloader bug14:08
bnkprobI tested 2 situations (a) No java installed (b) oracle 7 installed.14:08
bekkszefuros: Please use interpunctuation to simplify even reading your post.14:08
bnkprobNo luck!14:08
zefuroshow can i use that? sorry im new here14:08
bnkprobpops etc are enabled already14:09
bekkszefuros: In school, you learned about . , : ! and ?. Just use those signs please :)14:09
zefurosoh yes sorry , shall i write the things from beggning?14:09
bekkszefuros: Please just described your problem, not that you took on you shoes and jacket to go out to buy a new computer, missed the bus, took a taxi... :)14:10
piyushanybody here who can help me its so mush up here14:10
bnkprobjust checkout yourself http://www.icicibank.com personal banking14:11
zefurosok. So after reinstalling the grub using a livecd ubuntu i cant get my windows 8 to start14:11
bnkprobtype in dummy acct/pwd14:11
QuestI put my sata 512 gb HD in an HD case (for usb input for data and a separate power supply). While I was Coping data, there was an electricity power outage. when electricity came back, my harddisk partitions showed there capacity but where showing as "to be formated" with no data inside. How can I recover my fiels? any good software for ntfs?14:11
flintserQuest: for windows use recuva14:11
sakkemois there a way to get the same dialog for selecting keyboard layout when as when installing ubuntu, instead of using setxkbmap and trying to figure out the correct arguments? I'm running minimal Ubuntu with i314:12
Questflintser that only gives the option for deleted files. but i my case i think all the partition is corrupted. (i use windows and linux both)14:12
nibbler_piyush: harddsiks not showing usually means your disk controller is not recognized.... can you change its behaviour in the bios maybe?14:12
nibbler_Quest: photorec is available for linux14:13
ThinkT510bnkprob: doesn't look like it uses java, try contacting them for help14:13
nibbler_Quest: even the source device went dead/unformatted?14:13
zefuroswhere i can refer for windows booting issues after installing ubuntu?14:14
bnkprobbut how come it works from other ubuntu 12.04 systems?14:14
Questnibbler_ sory?14:14
mayenitanyone clicked the raid button on the disk app?14:14
Questflintser recuva only gives the option for deleted files. am i correct?14:14
bnkprobis there some place in ubuntu where different behaviour is configured?14:14
nibbler_Quest: you say your harddrive partitions are "to be formated" - you mean the one in the usb case (target?) or the source device of the data?14:14
ThinkT510bnkprob: maybe just sloppy website coding which breaks in newer browsers14:14
Questnibbler_ dead/unformartted? what is?14:14
piyushyea nibbler i used AHCI mode frm intel smart security but still same prblm14:15
nibbler_Quest: not-formated14:15
Questnibbler_ well,14:15
bnkprobI mean it works in firefox 17.x and up.14:15
nibbler_piyush: intel smart security sounds worrying to me14:15
flintserQuest: http://www.piriform.com/recuva/features14:15
bnkprobon other ubuntus14:15
Questnibbler_ i was coping data fine before power outage. at resum the partitions "appeared" as unformated14:15
bnkprobBTW in your test just now how far did you get?14:15
nibbler_Quest: on partitions. the one that held the data before, or the one that you were copying to?14:16
zefurossomeone here who has time to help me? unfortunately i didnt saw response or i didnt notice so please dont take me wrong14:16
piyushsorry it was intel smart rapid start technology :P14:16
ThinkT510bnkprob: i didn't test, i just looked at the login page, seems like just javascript14:16
piyushin sata mode14:16
escottQuest, was this a low-level copy or a normal copy14:16
piyushi changed it to AHCI14:16
ThinkT510!uefi | zefuros14:17
ubottuzefuros: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:17
piyushand tried trial verision of ubuntu is reading my drive14:17
piyushbut during installation it is not reading14:17
Questescott nibbler_ i was just coping by kubuntu mouse and dolphin. dont know tech14:17
cheekeeQuest: I once messed up my Windows partition system, and rebooted the Pc. but was able to fix it after reviewing the gparted error logs14:17
escottQuest, thats a normal copy. you should certainly still be able to see the disks. you may have to run an fsck (and if its NTFS you must do so from Windows)14:17
Questcheekee i did that. but partition tool with kubuntu dont let me mount the partitions in the first place. escott14:18
nibbler_Quest: what was the source and what was the destination of your copy adventure? did you copy from /home/quest to /media/usbdisk?14:18
Questescott nibbler_ yes i see the disks and their sizes but no data14:18
mayenitanyone clicked the raid button under creat in disk util?14:18
escottQuest, you have run fsck/chkdsk and it comes back clean14:18
Questfsck dont check the partitions and nor mount it14:19
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
Questi tried fsck -f even. but no use14:19
Questit gives code for reboot14:19
Questi think 0214:19
Questand again 02 after reboot14:19
mayenitanyone clicked the raid button under create in disk util?14:19
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:20
escott!language | ShameSpiral14:20
ubottuShameSpiral: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:20
Guest87983I would like some help with installing ubuntu 12.04 server?14:20
escottQuest, what filesystem type is this14:21
Guest87983I am trying to install  12.04 on Ibm server14:21
escott!ask | Guest87983 (also there are a dozen or more Guest#### in channel, please /nick to something else)14:22
ubottuGuest87983 (also there are a dozen or more Guest#### in channel, please /nick to something else): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:22
mayenitHas anyone clicked the raid button under create in disk util?14:22
bekksmayenit: I bet someone already did - but why?14:22
DJonesmayenit: You'd be better asking your real question and explaining what the issue is14:23
Guest87983I am trying to configure software raid1 on the server, when I click on the bootable flag it does not toggle to on14:23
Guest87983I is always in the off mode14:23
mayenitim just trying to get curious people to click it and have them fsck14:25
Guest87983Is there any specific channel for ubuntu servers?14:25
mayenitjust like the guy that made that gui intended14:26
DJonesmayenit: Why do you want people to do that14:26
DJonesGuest87983: THere is #ubuntu-server which might be able to help14:26
nibbler_Guest87983: you could use fdisk to mark both partitions bootable manually (option: a) - but this does not work on raid level, but only on the underlaying partitions/disks14:26
PhysicistUbuntu Tweak do not open. Any device?14:26
mayenitso that more people join this channel14:26
lukecarriermayenit, don't be "that guy"14:27
zefurosubottu: thanks for the post you sent me and running the commands i can tell both windows and ubuntu are installed on legacy mode14:27
ubottuzefuros: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
zefuroslol :P14:28
PhysicistUbuntu Tweak do not open. Any device?14:28
PhysicistI tried reinstall but did nont work.14:28
zefurosis here someone who can help me solve my windows 8 boot problem?14:28
escottGuest87165, mdadm raid could never be "bootable" by a bios14:28
zefurosescott: hello there14:29
icerootescott: Guest87983 the single hdds from the raid array can be booted and then mdadm starts. you can also remove a single hdd (raid1) and boot it on another system without raid14:30
zefurosiceroot: hello there14:31
nexus`i believe the UEFI fix was only just released14:31
nexus`and to apply it would take quite a bit of linux knowledge14:31
zefurosnexus seems like i installed both OS in legacy mode im sure about the ubuntu not sure for windows cause its on a different drive14:32
zefuroscan you please help me boot my windows?14:32
nexus`maybe hold on14:33
zefurosok thanks :D14:33
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:35
zefurosnexus i installed windows 8 first and ubuntu second14:35
nexus`:S i dont have a system with both windows/linux on it to mess around to find a solution for you. all i can do is guess and i think that is probably not for the best14:37
Ohmagezefuros are you on UEFI system??14:37
nexus`i think when you reboot you will see a quick prompt saying press f8 or something to choose what to boot into14:37
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
Ohmagenexus it depends if hes on UEFIbios thing14:38
Ohmageas if he installed the grub bootloader over the windows one he needs to fix that14:38
nexus`yeah thats why i said i can only guess14:38
nexus`it appears you know more than me14:38
zefurosohmage even if my bios support uefi, i checked out and seems that i installed both windows and ubuntu on legacy mode14:38
Ohmageim in the midst of doing this all on my new laptop thats been ruined by windows and UEFI14:38
nexus`i havent messed with anything that has UEFI yet14:38
Ohmageok which bootloader are you using?14:39
Ohmageand yet you cant see windows with it??14:39
zefurosi can , but when i try to boot windows it restarts my system14:40
nexus`is there a reason you installed legacy mode?14:40
Ohmageyeh i steered clear of legacy cant remember why but i think might be ur issue14:40
zefurosi dont even know the difference between efi and legacy mode14:41
sirstan Anyone use Monit?  Im having syntax issues with 'check program....'14:41
Ohmagedid the machine your on have preinstalled os??14:41
escottzefuros, EFI an emulate a BIOS system. when it does so that is called "Legacy Mode". you cannot boot Win8 with legacy enabled14:41
zefurosthe windows are on my ssd drive and the ubuntu on my hdd, is there a way to check if windows 8 are installed in EFI or legacy mode?14:41
Ohmageright back up a bit14:42
Ohmagecan you enter your UEFIbios menu14:42
zefurosno i built the machine myself and installed windows 7 then updated to 814:42
zefurosyes i can14:42
Ohmageif soo try putting it in uefi mode and seeing what bootloader does when u reboot14:42
friendHello help me download youtube videos14:42
Ohmageah ok14:42
zefuroshow can i put it on uefi mode?14:42
Ohmagego to boot settings14:43
Ohmageshould be an enable14:43
Ohmagein boot sub menu14:43
zefurosok so i must restart now to check that right?14:43
Ohmagemight as well14:43
GermainZHey everyone, I installed 12.04 and it fixed some of the issues I was having with 12.10, but my brightness is still locked to the max. Reading around the web, it's suggested to upgrade my BIOS, but it's already updated (although it is kinda old, latest update: late 2011). Also installed modifying grub, without effect. Any suggestions at all? Thanks!14:43
Ohmageif it does nothing then go back to legacy and im not sure what u need to do im afraid14:44
friendPls i want help to download youtube videos14:44
zefurosok i will restart check on uefi and come back to tell you if both OS running then14:44
joeslI have a share on my Samba network and one of the folder there's a folder where is rsynced but everytime after the sync I need to do "chmod -R 775 /media/backup/folder" in order to open it over Samba. What am I missing?14:44
zefurosbut as i read both windows and linux must be installed in one more14:44
jpdsfriend: That's against the YouTube T&C, so not supported here.14:44
nexus`atm UEFI is just a hassle for linux zefuros14:45
Ohmageit is but at the same time the only way to learn the wrongs of it is to try :P14:45
* Ohmage is discovering all this the hard way14:45
nexus`joesl: try chown?14:45
zefurosok i will reboot check and come back to tell you the results please wait for me14:45
cafecathi all, anyone using the yubiserver on ubuntu? What is the most recent version  number? I have some newbie questions about getting started with it...14:45
joeslnexus`: ah, you mean I should chown 775?14:46
zefurosyeah i know i learned widows cmd and other stuff the "hard way" , so i suppose i will also do on linux14:46
nexus`something like sudo chown -R /media/* joesl:joesl14:46
nexus`i forget the exact syntax14:46
nexus`basically you want to make the permissions editable as your user14:46
nexus`changing ownership14:46
friendAny youtube downloader software for backtrack 5r3?14:47
DJones!backtrack | friend14:47
ubottufriend: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)14:47
Questescott ntfs14:48
Ohmagenexus, im currently just about to install ubuntu on a partition on my own UEFI system in the installer when i get to the partition selection im a little confused14:48
Questescott ntfs. appologies for late reply14:48
escottQuest, you have to boot windows and run chkdsk there.14:48
joeslnexus`: sudo: unable to execute /bin/chown: Argument list too long14:48
turythere's a way to connect remotly  x11vnc with multiple users?14:48
nexus`hold on14:48
Questescott yes. windows says. it must be formated first14:49
escottQuest, sounds like a windows problem, or that the damage is too severe for windows to even recognize the disk14:49
nexus`sudo chown -R joesl:joesl /media/*14:50
wdptury, not sure if that helps you, but tightvnc has a -shared parameter.14:50
=== pinky is now known as brianchid
joeslnexus`: well, new files will be comming in.. perhaps I'll just add it to after the init.d..14:51
turywdp, thanks , i try14:51
joeslso it does chown 775 automaticly after rsync14:51
nexus`i would think with the /media/* it would always allow access14:51
zefurosohmage are you here?14:51
nexus`im not sure why you are getting permission errors changing every time14:51
nexus`maybe theres an rsync option you can add?14:51
Ohmagewhat happened zefuros14:52
nexus`(im not to familiar with samba)14:52
zefurosi tried with efi mode enabled and i cant boot windows 814:52
Ohmagebut you can boot ubuntu?14:52
zefurosyeah i can boot ubuntu normally14:52
nexus`mount your ssd zefuros14:52
zefuroswait i want to add up something14:53
wdptury, does it do what you want?14:53
zefurosyou said windows cant install in legacy mode , so my windows 8 are surely in efi mode right?14:53
Ohmagenexus cud i bend ur ear/eyes a minute?14:53
nexus`i think your GRUB might be confused as you have win8 on an SSD and ubuntu on a HDD14:53
nexus`yeah sure Ohmage14:54
Ohmageim not sure tbh as i have only just been introdused to uefi myself14:54
nexus`ditto. i just know its a problem14:54
zefurosso nexus i follow your steps now?14:54
Ohmagenexus: basically iv gotten to the partitioning part of ubuntu install from live disc, and iv got a partition i want to use14:54
nexus`i dont have any steps bud. i dont want to blindly give advice that could end up  messing something up for you14:54
Ohmagebut im very unfamiliar with how this bit works in this version14:55
turywdp, i have a machine with 3 users and i want to access remotly from three different machines with x11vnc14:55
zefurosso no one here can help?14:55
nexus`my advice would be to wait until someone with more experience in this situation can help14:55
nexus`zefuros: someone will be able to14:55
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nexus`what do you mean Ohmage14:55
Ohmagezefuros if you lurk a while and ask for help regarding uefi stuff every now and then someone will be around im sure14:55
joeslCould someone tell me why these commands doesn't run after eachother? rsync -pav backup-lokal@aff.se:/var/www/aff.se/application/orders/ /media/backup/orders/ && chmod -R 775 /media/backup/orders14:55
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zefurosyou told me to mount my ssd you got some ideas for that?14:55
nexus`yeah read the mount manual14:56
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:56
wdpjoesl, is the rsync command failing?14:56
nexus`i dunno what your SSD is called14:56
nibbler_joesl: because the first one does not exit with a true state.14:56
nexus`again this is just a guess14:56
Ohmagenexus: well iv got a 100gb partition i just formatted to ext4 with gparted for ubuntu. when i get to the partitioner on ubi installer if i just highlight that partition and set the bootloader install to the same partition will the rest automate for me from there14:57
Ohmageor do i have to manually split that partition up for the boot and other stuff14:57
nexus`oh unless you want to customize it will ask you if u want to go default14:57
nexus`it will it all by itself14:58
GermainZCan the GPU drivers be the cause of me not being able to change my brightness?14:58
zefuroswait nexus if i mount my ssd on the boot directory that means that i can solve my problem?14:58
Ohmageok another thing when i formatted that partition it was after installing fedora on it before hand which did it as an lvm volum i unflagged lvm when i repartitioned but it leaves me with a 1.7gb chunk of used after deleting the partition no matter what i do14:58
nexus`idk man. like i said im just guessing here. i would assume your BIOS boot order is CD>HDD14:59
Ohmageis that normal14:59
GermainZI've tried version current-updates, but I suppose I can give the rest a try as well if it might be the problem.14:59
zefurosyeah but i left my cd drive empty , so the grub appeared and i booted ubuntu from there14:59
nexus`and ubuntu is on your HDD14:59
nexus`but windows is on your SSD15:00
nexus`no Ohmage15:00
FloodBot1zefuros: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:00
nexus`just install over it Ohmage15:00
Ohmageok ill see what happens15:00
nexus`ubuntu should clean it up15:00
nexus`the installer, rather15:01
zefurosif i change the boot priority to my ssd>hdd then grub dont load15:01
nexus`so you've tried that?15:01
GermainZzefuros, you can try EasyBCD for Windows to add an entry to grub15:01
zefurosi got a hint might help, before installing ubuntu (when i just had windows 8) my drive priority was ssd>hdd15:01
radiochatrI have a question about Kerberos 515:02
GermainZYou should then be able to select Windows or Grub to load.15:02
radiochatrone thing I need to solve is how to map the local username to the username registered on the Kerberos server15:02
zefurosafter installing ubuntu and run into this problem i installed grub using a live cd and now i can only load grub if my priority is hdd>sdd15:02
tieinvupdate grub15:02
radiochatrwhat is the correct syntax for using auth_to_local_names ?15:03
Questescott it shows partitions but with size 0.  linux shows partitions with actual size as they were but with no data either15:03
zefurosgermainz i cant boot my windows OS15:03
GermainZOh, didn't know that.15:03
radiochatrin /etc/krb5.conf ?15:03
Ohmagenexus: the ubuntu installer first told me the partition didnt have a root path so i gave it a mount of / but it seems i have to configure my own partitions completely in this which im not so sure of..15:04
dcopeAnyone running Ubuntu on a Sony Vaio S 13P?15:04
zefuroswhen i try to boot windows 8 from grub it restarts and i think thats due the priority change from ssd>hdd to hdd>sssd15:04
Questescott what time is expected to recover a 200gb partitons/15:04
zefurosbut having ssd>hdd i cant have grub running15:04
Ohmagenexus: as in after the mount point being / on the whole partition it then said i havenot assigned swap space which in other installs has all been done automagically for me15:05
zefurosnexus can you help me on that?15:05
Questsecond problem with some other computer: where are the partition info like its size, type, and others are stored?15:05
|Maldito|algun canal en español ?15:05
escottQuest, however long it takes to read it15:05
Pici!es | |Maldito|15:06
ubottu|Maldito|: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:06
Questescott recuva scan on windows says 5 hours scan time left15:07
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Questescott recuva scan on windows says 5 hours scan time left15:07
nexus`yay netsplit15:07
Ohmagenexus: this is doing my nut in dude15:07
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zefurosnexus can you help me with something?15:08
nexus`zefuros: i really dunno man15:08
nexus`do you have anything important on either drive?15:08
zefuroscan i get grub running with disk priority ssd>hdd? this was the way it was15:08
nexus`whats that Ohmage15:08
nexus`you can edit your grub config yeah15:09
Ohmagei mounted the 100gb partition with / as the mount to be root but if i install just like that it says i havent allocated swap space and stuff which normally the installers iv used before will automagically do for me15:09
dcopeAnyone running Ubuntu on a Sony Vaio S 13P?  I can't seem to find the compatability listed online.15:09
nexus`but i dont exactly know what you need to do in it15:09
zefurosyeah got work files on ssd i cannot format or delete it and the hdd where my documents are from windows i can format tht i got backup15:09
marahinHumm.. Do you guys know any way to drop an mp3 file on my iPhone through Ubuntu, but without iTunes?15:09
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Ohmageiphone = itunes in general15:10
nexus`zefuros: i would just be patient and wait for someone who knows more than me dude. dont risk losing work files and shit15:10
Ohmageunless you hack out the phone i think not sure but15:10
nexus`also thats strange Ohmage15:10
nexus`somewhere in the process ubuntu should set up your swap space and everything15:10
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Ohmagezefuros: i agree with nexus if you rush it on uefi stuff you may be unable to get any help at all mate as you may mess something up destructively15:10
zefurosnexus: ok i shall wait but how can i tell someone expirienced enough logged in?15:10
nexus`reformat that partition and try again15:10
AxForestdas missklick15:10
marahinOhmage, you don't say. Also, I know there's a workaround, yet still it's necessary to install few apps on the iPhone, which I can't afford right now (because i don't have itunes on linux)15:11
marahin@ iphone thingie15:11
Ohmagenexus: i know right, wud u care to have a look for me in a vnc?15:11
nexus`zefuros: i would just ask every 30 minutes or so15:11
nexus`cant Ohmage im about to go to work15:11
Ohmageno worries15:11
nexus`but i would just reformat it all15:11
nexus`clean it all off15:11
* Ohmage loves the learning curve of windows to linux even more the new uefi things15:12
zefurosnexus can i add up something more? on hdd i got a partition before the linux one with windows documents , i got backup of these so i can delete all the hdd and make a new partition15:12
Ohmagegotta love getting grabbed by tha baws by ms15:12
atimI am running ubuntu 1204....it shows i have a wireless connection here in my room, however can not load anything from internet.  my iphone can open on same network?15:12
nexus`pop your ubuntu install cd in and it should have some default selection15:12
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nexus`yeah sorry i dunno much of anything about all this UEFI shit15:12
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Ohmageit is truly shit15:12
zefurosbut im not in uefi15:12
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:12
Ohmagebut fun to learn the next hype15:12
zefurosubuntu is installed in legacy15:12
nexus`i was talking to Ohmage zefuros15:12
zefurosoh sorry xD15:13
* Ohmage is off to find some hacky heads who can help15:13
Ohmagecheers anyway15:13
nexus`as for your case like i said i would wait for more experienced people and not risk losing important info15:13
nexus`Ohmage: try #linux15:13
nexus`you too zefuros15:13
nexus`both of these problems arent specific to ubuntu15:13
nexus`might find more general expertise there15:13
Ohmagezefuros: make a long descriptive of your problem in your chat and send it, then every 5-10 mins go to your text input and press the up arrow and it will auto fill with the last thing you sent15:14
Ohmagezefuros: make a long descriptive of your problem in your chat and send it, then every 5-10 mins go to your text input and press the up arrow and it will auto fill with the last thing you sent15:14
Ohmagelike that15:14
=== dougsko_ is now known as dougsko
Ohmagethen eventually i hope u will get the right answer15:14
nexus`good luck to you guys. sorry i couldnt be of more help but off to work now15:15
Ohmagecheers any way dude15:15
zefurosi cant join the linux channel it says invite only15:16
yeehawOhmage: Why don't you partition a swap space the size of your ram?15:16
zefurosthanks ohmage have a nice day15:16
zefurossirry i meant nexus15:17
Ohmageyeehaw: thanks im pretty noob for linux so am looking for fairly straightforward help like that XD15:19
Ohmageyeehaw: my laptop advertises 6gb ram so what would that type out as in the partitioner15:20
Ohmageif you dont mind15:20
jhutchins_wkzefuros: /msg nickserv help register15:20
zefurosi need some help, i got windows 8 on my ssd drive and installed ubuntu on my hdd drive with priority ssd>hdd . Now i can only open grub with changing priority to hdd>ssd and i cant boot my windows 8 , it restarts please if someone has the expirience reply15:20
bharathhow to open jnlp files in ubuntu 12.10?15:21
jhutchins_wk!repeat | Ohmage15:21
ubottuOhmage: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:21
Ohmageyeehaw: my laptop advertises 6gb ram so what would that type out as in the partitioner15:21
michyprima0hmage you don't really need  a swap partition if you don't need hibernation15:22
Quest when to use a deep scan for data recovery?15:22
michyprimait's a good amount of ram15:22
zefurosi need some help, i got windows 8 on my ssd drive and installed ubuntu on my hdd drive with priority ssd>hdd . Now i can only open grub with changing priority to hdd>ssd and i cant boot my windows 8 , it restarts please if someone has the expirience reply15:23
Ohmagejhutchins_wk: im just surprised that the ubuntu installer options i have are either wipe the whole disk and install on the whole 500gb or to do it all myself, i know there shud be an option to write alongside windows but its not giving me that choise :/15:23
thanigaii installed ubuntu 12.04 on 8gb pen drive. now i want to copy 16gb another pen drive. how can i do? please help15:23
yeehawOhmage: It does not have to be precisely, just use 6GB or 6144MB15:23
STMelonYAY, malfunctioning bots15:23
Ohmageokay and best put at the begginning or end of the partition as im given the choice15:23
yeehawOhmage: And you can just leave the windows partition alone and the grub bootloader will be able to boot windows for you15:23
jhutchins_wkOhmage: I haven't run the installer in a while, but I believe that what you're looking for requires manual partitioning, because it requires knowledge of what _you_ want to do with the existing data.15:24
yeehawOhmage: I would put / at the beginning and after that swap15:24
yeehawSo at the beginning15:24
zefurosyeehaw: do you have knowledge on solving ubuntu/windows boot problems?15:24
Kane274Hi everyone, I created a RSA Key in Ubuntu. I activated RSA authentication in the ssh conf and passed the private key to my windows pc. I want to connect via putty. It won let me :( My question is, should I be able to connect with the linux key on windows ?15:24
yeehawzefuros: depends, hit me15:24
jhutchins_wkOhmage: Are you saving the windows partition?15:24
Quest when to use a deep scan for data recovery?15:24
Ohmagejhutchins_wk: right now im experimenting with linux as the system is a new preinstalled uefi win8 laptop15:25
Ohmageso yes im going to leave a large chunk of it untouched15:25
zefurosyeehaw: i have a desktop i installed windows 8 on my ssd drive and then installed ubuntu on hdd drive with priority ssd>hdd, after that i got an error message no such device and i noticed it is the grub so i changed the priority to hdd>sdd and i can load grub and boot ubuntu but i cant boot my windows 8 it restarts my system on the logo screen15:26
jhutchins_wkOhmage: You're in somewhat unknown teritory with w8.  It's not a UEFI system is it?15:26
Ohmagethen at some stage im going to make a back up of the win8 pc partition on an external terrabyte drive and maybe just do a fresh install, only its a gaming laptop with an nvidia dedicated 1gb graphics card so to completely remove windows seems like a little bit of a waste as much as i hate it15:27
Ohmageindeed it is15:27
jhutchins_wkOhmage: Do the backup first before you start partitioning the drive.15:27
yeehawzefuros: What happens if you boot into ubuntu and run grub-update ?15:27
Ohmagefedora installed really smoothly tbh and did an auto partition of the partition i made for linux15:28
Zylinxare freenode servers having problems ? i keep getting DC ?15:28
Zylinxconnection reset by peer15:28
zefurosyeehaw: i tried that it finds my windows 8 loader then i reboot and the same thing happens grub see my windows 8 loader but my system restarts when i try to boot it15:28
Ohmagebut i didnt like it compared to ubuntu as im used to that a little more15:28
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Ohmagejhutchins_wk im only partitioning the storage area of the hd at the moment and being sure not to touch any of the existing partis that came as it was15:29
=== Cristiano is now known as Guest32467
Ohmageiv been reading up quite a bit on the whole issue as i know bricking is easily done if you go in headstrong15:29
jhutchins_wkOhmage: Still, you should make a backup any time you're working with partitioning or reconfiguring the disk.15:29
yeehawzefuros: You could try this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/211339/windows-8-wont-boot-after-installation-of-12-1015:29
yeehawzefuros: I don't have any experience with windows 8 specifically15:30
Ohmageeven though the drive has a windows recovery partition ??? right at the beggining15:30
yeehawOhmage: That's just for the OS, not for the data ;-)15:31
Ohmageill go with what you said and reboot into windows now and create a backup dvd or something15:31
Ohmageyeehaw:i have no data is completely fresh laptop only data on there is bloat anyway lol15:31
Ohmageyay for oem and ms bloat15:32
yeehawOhmage: If you don't have any important data you could just download a windows 8 iso and install from that15:32
Ohmagecan i do that legally15:32
zefurosyeehaw:  i dont think its the same. When i sudo update-grub it find my windows 8 loader on sda115:32
Ohmagei guess so because these new boxes come without disks now15:32
sideeffectis there such a site, where i can post a text file online. then send linkl to you, so that you can see that text/message?15:32
ishanhi can anyone help me on ldconfig15:32
yeehawOhmage: Yes, sec15:32
ishanwhat happens if I remove exec from /sbin/ldconfig15:33
ishanand add some cede?15:33
zefurosyeehaw: but if i try to boot it my system restarts , is there a way i can make the grub running with my boot priority ssd>hdd (ubuntu are installed on hdd)15:33
ThinkT510!paste | sideeffect15:33
ubottusideeffect: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:33
jhutchins_wkOhmage: Recovery partitions tend to write a new disk image, which will destroy your ubuntu installation.15:34
yeehawOhmage: http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/18309-windows-8-upgrade-iso-download-create.html15:34
ishanwhat happens if I remove exec from /sbin/ldconfig and add some code?15:34
jhutchins_wkyeehaw: Recent windows installers tend to be more closely matched to the license key; they are no longer as generic as they were.15:35
yeehawzefuros: Why do  you want to run grub from the ssd? It does not really matter as it's only used for booting and is very small15:35
Ohmagejhutchins_wk: as of yet i have no ubuntu installation lol, im putting myself through as steep a learning curve as i can handle while trying not to break anything lol15:35
Ohmagethanks yee15:35
jhutchins_wkyeehaw: You have to get the right installer for the license you own.15:35
yeehawjhutchins_wk: I did not know that, stupid licensing :(15:35
yeehawOhmage: welcome15:35
Ohmageyeehaw: where wud i find my windows key though as came with no disc etc15:36
pip__Hi everyone.  Can I install linux headers without looking up which kernel I'm using?  Using uname in the apt-get command or something?15:36
Ohmageyeehaw: maybe registering the laptop??15:36
pip__It's not a big deal if I can't I just wonder if it's possible15:36
OerHekspip__, use " sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)  "15:37
yeehawOhmage: It is not on the bottom of the laptop?15:37
jhutchins_wkOhmage: The manufacturer's documentation will tell you.  Through w7 there was always a holographic sticker with the license, usually on the laptop itself.15:37
_raven_i need help installing a RTL2838UHIDIR / 0ccd:00d7 TerraTec Electronic GmbH dvb-t stick please - any firmware?15:37
pip__That's great, thanks very much for the help15:37
zefurosyeehaw: i wanted to try it since my system with windows 8 had this priority ssd>hdd and i thought by changing to hdd>ssd that caused my problem booting windows 815:37
yeehawzefuros: That is very unlikely, I think it's probably caused by trying to boot an uefi windows 8, which the article I linked might help you with15:38
GermainZFor a live USB (using my old ipod nano), should I format it in any way, or will fat32 do it?15:39
zefurosyeehaw: so if i reinstall ubuntu with cdboot efi:on it might solve the problem?15:40
kicklighterhotmedal in unix likes a driver is uncomon thing....maybe you compile one for yourself...15:40
kicklighterubottu par le vas engles...wi???15:40
ubottukicklighter: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:40
jhutchins_wkGermainZ: It depends on whether you're building it yourself or using an image.  An image will format it for you.15:40
yeehawzefuros: Why don't you edit the grub config before reinstalling everything?15:40
yeehawzefuros: http://askubuntu.com/questions/42728/grub-update-doesnt-find-the-other-os-anymore15:41
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GermainZjhutchins_wk, thanks.15:41
yeehawzefuros: wrong link, http://askubuntu.com/questions/211339/windows-8-wont-boot-after-installation-of-12-1015:41
Ohmagenexus: bit stupid that they went through all this effort to lock down the hardware with "secure"boot and then leave the sn key for a windows iso on the bottom as surely anyone who stole it could just then use that to reboot the computer....15:41
Ohmagewindows ;facepalm;15:42
yeehawOhmage: You can unlock it with the license key?15:43
jhutchins_wkOhmage: The point of secure boot is to prevent you from booting a live CD or installing an alternative operating system, thus gaining access to the windows system without it's permission controlls.15:43
=== Cydus is now known as DavidBall
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_raven_i need help installing a RTL2838UHIDIR / 0ccd:00d7 TerraTec Electronic GmbH dvb-t stick please - any firmware?15:43
Ohmageidk about unlock it with key you mean unlock the password ??15:43
yeehawOhmage: You just said that too nexus15:44
Ohmagelol whoops15:44
=== lyda_ is now known as lyda
=== mogitox is now known as mogitaff
aeiouhow do I upgrade to the 1.0.0 release of this module? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/augeas15:47
arvenduhow can i update ubuntu because i am getting like please report info something like that15:47
Questits silly, iam using recuva, and some files are recovered fine. but I do not see the most important folder in available list for recovery (i didnt overwrite anything since the formate cause by power outage). any clues why?15:47
aeiouapt-get install augeas gives me the stable 0.10 release15:48
zefurosyeehaw: i followed the steps but i cant replace the 40_custom content it says im not the owner15:48
jhutchins_wk_raven_: That device may not be supported yet in ubuntu.15:48
zefurosyeehaw: how can i take these permissions?15:48
DJonesaeiou: the 1.0 release is only available for the development release 13.0415:48
OerHeksaeiou, v1.0 is only available in raring 13.0415:49
aeiouthanks - how do you know that from looking at it?15:49
yeehawzefuros: gtksudo gedit filename15:49
aeiouoh i seee15:50
aeiou'raring ringtail'15:50
aeiouwell thats a pain, how do i install it for 12.04?15:50
zefurosyeehaw: i dont even know what this does, does it give me permissions? im from the folder15:50
jhutchins_wk_raven_: There is some discussion of that device in the forums.15:50
OerHeksaeiou, build the souce yourself15:50
_raven_jhutchins_wk, in which ?15:51
GermainZzefuros, just came in so not sure if this is it ... But did you try sudo filemanager?15:51
yeehawzefuros: On the command line you can use sudo to get root permissions, gtksudo is used for opening graphical programs with elevated permissions15:51
jhutchins_wk_raven_: ubuntu forums discuss using it with ubuntu.15:51
GermainZReplace filemanager with your nautilus or thunar or whatever it is you're using.15:51
yeehawzefuros: See 'man gtksudo'15:51
_raven_jhutchins_wk, ok tnx ill take a look15:51
jhutchins_wk_raven_: mythtv forums may discuss it more generally.15:51
OerHeksyeehaw, gksudo, not gtksudo15:52
jhutchins_wk_raven_: http://linuxidx.com/linux.php?q=Re%3A+Help+with+RTL2832U+DVB-T+dongle+15:52
yeehawOerHeks: Woops, I always use vim, my bad15:52
yeehawzefuros: gksudo instead of gtksudo15:52
zefurosyeehaw: the gtksudo gedit filename didnt worked on terminal15:52
GermainZgksudo *15:53
jhutchins_wkzefuros: it's gksudo - no t.15:53
Questits silly, iam using recuva, and some files are recovered fine. but I do not see the most important folder in available list for recovery (i didnt overwrite anything since the formate cause by power outage). any clues why? nibbler_ flintser15:54
zefurosjhutchins_wk: you know about boot problems?15:54
sykop5amHi! Sorry for spam, but there is ongoing indiegogo campaign on promising factory building game running on Ubuntu. More info on http://www.indiegogo.com/factorio .15:55
DJonessykop5am: As you know its spam, don't repost it here15:55
VilinyAnyone know of a program for ubuntu that allows me to capture images from a webcam at regular intervals?15:56
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_raven_Viliny, motion15:56
Vilinypreferrably simple as i only need it to save images into a folder15:56
zefurosi need some help, i got windows 8 on my ssd drive and installed ubuntu on my hdd drive with priority ssd>hdd . Now i can only open grub with changing priority to hdd>ssd and i cant boot my windows 8 , it restarts please if someone has the expirience reply15:57
_raven_Viliny, or ask in #ffmpeg or #libav for an option with image export15:57
yeehawzefuros: Dude, I just gave you a clue and you don't even try it. Why do you think other people will help you then?15:57
Viliny_raven_:  i had motion considered, then i went with zoneminder and that just... frustrated me15:57
Vilinyi'll give it a try, thank you15:58
=== reeed_ is now known as reeed
Ohmageyeehaw: would the S/N be the activation key as i dont see a clearly labeled windows key on the bottom of lappy or in the docus came with16:00
yeehawOhmage: Possible, is it on a sticker with other windows 8 things?16:00
zefurosyeehaw: i cant save the file from the post you gave me, and the order you gave me doesnt give me the permissions16:01
Ohmageits pretty confusing theres a windows 8 logo sticker oon its own on the bottom then a barcode white sticker on the bottom with sn, product n and a barcode16:01
Ohmagenone of it clear at all bloody thing16:01
yeehawOhmage: It's on of those, make a picture? :P16:02
yeehawzefuros: What happens when you do gksudo gedit filename (replace filename with the file you are trying to edit)16:02
DocProcikonia: hello16:03
DocProcikonia: can you please tell me ubuntu ram consumption when idle?16:03
zefurosyeehaw: you didnt told me to replace the name16:03
=== pradeep is now known as Guest85245
Ohmageah iv found a forum post to windows and a guy has said that the newer ones dont have the sticker on lol16:04
yeehawzefuros: True, but because I said 'filename', I assumed you would replace it. My bad16:04
Ohmageto stop illegal copies...16:04
Ohmagepure joke16:04
yeehawOhmage: That does not make sense lol16:04
Guest85245how to connect counter strike on wireless help me16:04
yeehawOhmage: Maybe microsoft can tell you?16:05
Guest85245static ip16:05
Guest85245plz help me16:05
zefurosyeehaw: its ok if i was asking for assist on windows such explaination wouldnt be needed but as far i know nothing about ubuntu i would please to be this specific with me  :D16:05
Ohmagewindows.... make sense.... ever?16:05
yeehawzefuros: Noted :P16:05
Guest85245lan gaming on ubunu16:06
phankuHey I have a, hopefully easy question.  I am concerned about something.  Each time I ssh into my ubuntu headless server I see a http connection (looks like out going) to eight.t0x.net  (  Should I be worried?16:06
mhsbecCan anybody tell where I can download sakis3g from?16:06
zefurosyeehaw: ok i typed the command and im in a text editor but it doesnt show up any of the comments the real file had should i replace the filename with the directory instead?16:06
yeehawOhmage: http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/30363-Windows-8-WDP-Product-Key-Viewer16:07
phankuI cannot find any real information on that t0x.net server.16:07
zefurosyeehaw: can you resend me the link seems i lost it within the tabs i close and cant find it in history16:08
tad-poleAnyone familiar with bumblebee?16:08
PhysicistTo burn an image in a cd, I have to extract the files or burn the iso?16:09
STMelonnight all16:09
zefurosyeehaw: never mind i found it but the command you told me will i be able to replace 40_custom16:09
tad-polePhysicist Burn the iso16:09
yeehawzefuros: try it like this. Open up a terminal with ctrl + alt + T, and run this gksudo gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom16:09
tad-polephysicist With a burning application.16:09
Physicisttad-pole, I did that and does not work!16:09
tad-polephysicist Check to see if your ISO is whole and intact16:09
Physicisttad-pole, how?16:10
yeehawPhysicist: What OS are you on?16:10
tad-polephysicist http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-check-md5-hash/2008/05/0616:10
zefurosyeehaw: yes! now its correct thanks i will follow the post steps and let you know16:11
PhysicistI did the download by torrent. I want to install in an old ZP.16:11
yeehawzefuros: Good luck16:11
BluesKajphanku, it appears to be an ISP in France , are you using a DNS server ?16:11
BluesKajor IP inb France rather16:11
phankuNot that I am aware of..16:11
phankuYea I know it is in France.  I have done all I can to find out about the server before coming here.16:12
yeehawPhysicist: Use http://www.imgburn.com/16:12
Physicistyeehaw.. i am using Ubuntu 12.04.16:12
phankulooks very.. well16:12
phankuyea suspecious.16:12
yeehawPhysicist: Then use Brasero16:13
Hexianyone know if this openssl vulnerability has or will be addressed for 12.04 LTS?  http://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20130205.txt16:13
arvenduwhat the heck issue with my os :( python is talking huge cpu load and ram use16:13
bnasonThe backup user is specifically for local system backup data right? I'm wanting to backup a remote web server, should I use that account or create a new one?16:13
BluesKajphanku, http://www.ip-adress.com/ip_tracer/eight.t0x.net16:13
arvendui am not using any python program16:13
mhsbecPlease please tell me where I can download sakis3g from?16:13
yeehawarvendu: Show the process please?16:13
Halitewine is yummy16:14
arvenduhow yeehaw16:14
phankuBluesKaj I have been there and done that. I am trying to figure out if it is normal behavior or somethign else, such as my server got hacked.16:14
yeehawarvendu: ps auxf | grep python16:15
BluesKajphanku, yes it's worrisome , seems others are asking the same question on google16:15
HaliteSoftware Updater just crashed16:16
zefurosyeehaw: i followed the steps although i think it wasnt the same with my problem anyway im rebooting and coming back to let you know16:16
phankuBluesKaj, wow you managed to find more than I could.  I have been searching for this information on google left and right with no effect.16:16
arvenduhttp://pastebin.com/MsKATxpZ yeehaw16:16
yeehawphanku: Why do you think you are being hacked?16:16
ikoniaDocProc: huh ? did you want me ?16:16
phankuEach time I log into my ssh account I see a http connection to eight.t0x.net16:16
PeyamI need a good conky that shows my temperature and all processor cores.. please someone help me16:16
yeehawphanku: That's weird, any weird processes running?16:17
HaliteAuthenication is required for nearly everything even remotely sudo-related16:17
phankuNothing that really pops out of me.16:17
phankuerr at me16:17
yeehawarvendu: Can you use paste.ubuntu.com ?16:17
OerHeksPeyam, 2000+ pages with conky scripts > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=110616:18
arvenduhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1636749/ yeehaw16:18
PeyamOerHeks: wtf..16:19
Physicist_yehaw: I did with brasero and did not work. I have to extract the content and burn ass file or the brute image downloaded?16:19
zefurosyeehaw: no luck again when i try to boot windows 8 it restarts16:19
yeehawPhysicist_: You can burn the iso with brasero, try redownloading with brasero16:19
=== Sophism is now known as Guest24469
tad-polemhsbec http://www.trixarian.net/downloads/sakis3g-s4.tazpkg16:20
sharp15where do i find the checksums for the cd ISOs (MD5, SHA1, ...?)?16:20
Ohmageyeehaw: turns out windows "injects an oem" key into the bios, how rude16:20
tad-poleDarn he left....16:20
IdleOne!md5 | sharp1516:20
ubottusharp15: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:20
arvenduyeehaw did u check it ?16:20
phankuBluesKaj, can you provide that google link to me?16:20
yeehawarvendu: Are you searching anything? With the ubuntu search tool? How do you know python is causing the system load?16:20
zykotick9!md5sums | sharp1516:21
ubottusharp15: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.16:21
IdleOnesharp15: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes specifically16:21
yeehawOhmage: Did you see my link to the tool?16:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:21
zefurosyeehaw: you think reinstalling ubuntu on efi mode could solve the problem?16:21
Ohmageah no missed it16:21
yeehawzefuros: That sucks man. any error?16:21
Ohmageill scroll16:21
sharp15IdleOne: thanks.16:21
Halite!help @ ubottu16:21
ubottuHalite: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:21
arvendueverything is closed only xchat and pidgin is open16:21
yeehawzefuros: It's worth a try16:21
Physicist_yehaw: I did the download with Bit toorent client. And was complete when I burned.16:21
Halite!patience ubottu16:21
zefurosyeehaw: im pretty sure it shows an error before the restart but it shows it in a blink16:22
Ohmagegot the link nice one16:22
Ohmagei shall investigate16:22
HaliteInvestigate what16:22
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:22
zefurosyeehaw: can you just clear something for me please?16:22
yeehawarvendu: Run the command 'top' and then pres ctrl-c and post the output16:22
yeehawzefuros: If you can get that error, we might be able too fix it16:23
zefurosyeehaw: is it sure that my windows 8 is installed in efi mode?16:23
tgm4883yeehaw, 'top -n 1' runs top with one interation then quits16:23
yeehawtgm4883: I'm getting smarter everyday :-)16:23
tgm4883yeehaw, and with that, you can pipe it to pastbinit16:24
tgm4883err, pastebinit16:24
DocProcikonia: yes i cant send to channel and i wonder how much ram is used by ubuntu when idle.16:24
yeehawzefuros: Did you buy it preinstalled?16:24
zefurosyeehaw: if its sure windows 8  64bit installs in EFI mode i read a post that says ubuntu must also be installed in EFI mode.16:24
Kane274Should I turn PAM authentication off when I use keys to sign onto my server ? (I don't really know what PAM is)16:24
Physicist_yeehaw: I did the download with Bit torrent client. And was complete when I burned.16:24
bekksKane274: Then dont touch that setting :)16:24
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
yeehawtgm4883: Physicist_ Did you check the md5 hash?16:25
zefurosyeahaw:  nope i installed windows 7 64bit and then updated to windows 8 with software so i cant run a cd installation for windows 8 since i have only update licence16:25
Kane274bekks: As in leave it on it's no security issue :) ?16:25
ikoniaDocProc: you're talking in the channel now16:25
yeehawzefuros: What is your motherboard?16:25
bekksKane274: Correct.16:25
tgm4883yeehaw, torrents check the md5hash for you16:25
tgm4883providing the source is correct16:25
DocProchey how much ram does ubuntu use when idle?16:25
Kane274bekks: Thanks for your info :)16:25
bekksDocProc: All it can get - thats what RAM is for.16:26
ikoniaDocProc: depends on many things, plus linux uses ram for cache too16:26
tgm4883yeehaw, still need to check the burned cd though16:26
tad-poleDocPro What version? running what software? :P16:26
zefurosyeehaw: gigabyte h61m16:26
tad-poledocpro You can google this question and get lots of answers....16:26
yeehawzwamkat: It has EFI, so probably. Normally you can see in the efi bios if you boot legacy or efi16:26
yeehawzefuros: It has EFI, so probably. Normally you can see in the efi bios  │ al__16:27
yeehaw                         | if you boot legacy or efi16:27
yeehawarvendu: How do you know it is running slow?16:27
zwamkatyeehaw: Typo?16:28
yeehawzwamkat: Yes, sorry16:28
=== k is now known as Guest5528
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zwamkatyeehaw: np16:28
zefurosyeehaw: i will reinstall ubuntu on efi mode it will take a while hope i will find you here after that16:29
=== Guest24469 is now known as ckelly
rexwin_want to backup the entire drive to usb. what would be the command?16:30
X-SetiI have a strange problem with Mate installed on ubuntu 12.10, Every window that is called covers the whole screen. I have to move then resize every window to see the rest of the desktop.16:30
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
Janethhi! I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu but, after the installation (conserving /home and other OS partitions) grub can't load ("error: file nor found / entering rescue mode... / grub rescue"). I try entering again the live USB in order to install boot manager and reinstall grub, but it won't enter the live USB any more (it stays in the "ACER" very first screen). Don't know what to do, someone can rescue me?16:30
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:31
tad-poleJaneth: Hit f2 or whatever gets you to your BIOS   boot from your usb/cd/dvd  into live or rescue    apt-get boot-repair and run boot-repair16:31
krazyxHey, I'm trying to setup my ubuntu server to run as static IP, I did all the correct settings and it was working for like 10 seconds(the internet that is) then it just stopped and can't ping anything via the server but I can ping lan16:32
Janethjhutchins_wk, but it's very strange, it was not after installing windows but ubuntu itself...16:32
jhutchins_wkJaneth: grub probably has the wrong disk set for /boot or root.  Disc ID's can change after installation.  Use a UUID to avoid that problem.16:32
yeehawkrazyx: Please post the contents of /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces to paste.ubuntu.com16:32
rexwin_howto login as root in ubuntu16:33
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:33
yeehawkrazyx: cat /etc/resolv.conf /etc/network/interfaces | pastebinit16:33
zykotick9!noroot | rexwin_16:34
ubotturexwin_: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.16:34
perlhelpIs there a modertaor here?16:34
perlhelpAnybody know DrF or aperion?16:34
* tgm4883 wonders what perlhelp needs16:34
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/16:34
perlhelptgm4883: Are you a moderator?16:35
tgm4883perlhelp, no16:35
perlhelpDo you know one?16:35
tonsofpcsjhutchins_wk and zykotick9, via ubottu: that's bull.  Just because you shouldn't in general doesn't mean there's specific use cases where it makes sense.16:35
xanguaperlhelp: if you don't have an ubuntu support issue you can just keep quiet :)16:35
yeehawkrazyx: That looks good, can you ping ?16:35
zykotick9tonsofpcs: actually, you're wrong.  if you use ubuntu, you should learn to use it as designed...16:36
perlhelpI was banned from the perlroom yesterdy. I want to know when the ban ends.16:36
tgm4883perlhelp, is there an issue in another Ubuntu channel that needs a moderators attention?16:36
Janethtad-pole: i entered bios before and I have USB HDD, USB FDD and USB CDROM right before my internal hard drive. But (and I have the liveUSB in its port) it doesnt enter, I can't pass from the ACER screen. I've noticed this before, a live USB is only recognized the very first time, later on, it won't load any more16:36
krazyx100% packet loss on
tgm4883perlhelp, ah, you want #ubuntu-mods16:36
tgm4883perlhelp, I think that is the channel anyway16:36
zykotick9perlhelp: you might want to try #freenode, i doubt ubuntu-mods can help.16:36
yeehawkrazyx: What's the output of ifconfig ?16:36
DJonesperlhelp: The ubuntu ops only deal with bans in the ubuntu channels, if you were banned in a perl channel, you need to contact the channel ops16:37
Lynxxanyone know how i can install the trinity desktop environemnt on ubuntu 12.1016:37
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yeehawkrazyx: And you can ping your gateway?
krazyx64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.549 ms16:38
yeehawkrazyx: Do you know for certain that the internet is working from that gateway?16:38
krazyxyeah, I'm on it now16:38
elisa87Hi, Do you know why I am receiving the following error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636776/16:38
krazyxnot via the server but on my desktop16:38
yeehawkrazyx: any crazy routes ?16:38
elisa87** (gedit:16712): WARNING **: Command line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=dde955f0448b5cd8c9acf42a00000581 --binary-syntax --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status 1: No protocol specified\nNo protocol specified\n16:38
boxyseanhi there. i'm dual booting os x and ubuntu 12.04 on my mbp. booting ubuntu hangs when i select the default grub option, but i'm able to complete the boot when i go through the grub recovery mode option. my syslog doesn't have any info about the failed boot -- any ideas how i can get the failed boot log to see what's the issue?16:38
krazyxjust a normal actiontech router from verizon so no16:39
tgm4883krazyx, 'route | pastebinit'16:39
OerHeksLynxx, trinity gives instructions on their wiki, http://www.trinitydesktop.org/wiki/bin/view/Documentation/UbuntuBinaryInstallation16:39
yeehawtgm4883: thanks :p16:39
tgm4883yeehaw, I'm just fighting CS6, nothing better to do than help :)16:40
krazyxhm that's weird http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636781/16:40
LynxxOerHeks, it gives instructions for 12.04, will it still work on 12.10?16:40
krazyxshowing as wireless?16:40
rickardI am new in ubuntu or linux at all does it exist any windows to linux converter to ubuntu? i have tried to install winef but it dident install16:40
=== dav1dp0101_ is now known as dav1dp0101
tgm4883krazyx, that is probably OK, can you do 'route -n | pastebinit'16:41
tgm4883krazyx, that will not resolve names with the -n flag16:41
OerHeksLynxx, i don't know if 12.10 is supported, wiki gives no clue16:41
Lynxxok OerHeks  guess i'll have to figure it out16:41
Lynxxwhats the best way to install in such a way that i can remove the files if it doesnt work?16:41
Lynxxapt-get remove?16:42
yeehawkrazyx: Looks good, well then this a weird problem16:42
krazyxyeah i know :(16:42
krazyxeven set the ip to dmz for the server and still nothing16:42
OerHeksLynxx, ppa-purge i guess, but try to add those ppa's first, and see if it gives a installation-candidate16:42
yeehawkrazyx: Did you try a reboot16:42
krazyxseveral times lol16:43
Lynxxoh okay it'll let me knwo that?16:43
rickardI am new in ubuntu or linux at all does it exist any windows to linux converter to ubuntu? i have tried to install winef but it dident install16:43
tgm4883krazyx, are you on the console of this machine or are you in remotely though a network connection?16:43
electron_how do i get all features of gnome3 and gnome shell to work on ubuntu12.0416:43
yeehawkrazyx: And if you put it back to dhcp?16:43
krazyxboth, via putty and it's right next to me16:43
krazyxit was working fine on dhcp16:43
yeehawkrazyx: Is it wireless?16:43
OerHeksLynxx, sure, if you add it and try " sudo apt-get install kubuntu-default-settings-trinity kubuntu-desktop-trinity " it will install or an error will pop up16:43
krazyxthere's a wireless adapter but it's connected via lan16:43
tgm4883krazyx, so doing a 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' and seeing if the internet worked for 10 seconds afterward would be easy to do?16:44
yeehawkrazyx: What happens if you disable the wireless adapter?16:44
krazyxi dont think it's enabled i tried that ifdown thing and didnt show anything for the adapter16:44
krazyxand I already tried the restart command but did it again and still nada16:45
yeehawkrazyx: Is the ip you are giving to the server in the accepted range?16:45
Lynxxok it tells me now malformed line after i added to the sources list16:45
krazyxup to 255 my router allows16:45
tgm4883krazyx, how about this. can you switch it back to DHCP, get it working, then pastebin the outputs of 'route' and 'ifconfig'16:46
mjuszczakI installed wine for something which installed msfonts corefonts in the process.  Now fonts in firefox look awkward.  Is there a way to keep those fonts installed so wine is happy but not have linux applications use them, especially firefox?16:46
rickardjoin #ubuntu16:46
tgm4883bah, Adobe, y u break your own software installation methods via updates16:46
jhutchins_wkrickard: What are you trying to do?16:47
yeehawmjuszczak: Are you sure you are not using Windows Firefox?16:47
mjuszczakyeehaw: positive16:47
jhutchins_wkmjuszczak: You can select the default fonts for various styles in firefox.16:47
mjuszczakbut if I try to apt-get purge ttf-mscorefonts-installer, it says it's going to remove wine16:48
rickardi am trying to learn this chat thing and ask if there is a way to use programs from windows to linux16:48
tgm4883!wine | rickard16:48
ubotturickard: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:48
yeehawrickard: You are already in the ubuntu channel :-)16:48
jhutchins_wkrickard: There are some ways to do that with some programs, but it is usually better to seek out a native linux solution to what you're trying to do.16:48
rickardi alredy tried that onte it gives me an error16:48
zykotick9jhutchins_wk: +116:48
yeehawrickard: Which error?16:48
rickardone sec16:49
electron_has anybody used gnome3 on ubuntu 12.04 ?16:49
mjuszczakjhutchins_wk: okay.  So there's no way to tell firefox to just ignore what ttf-mscorefonts-installer did?16:49
xanguaelectron_: ubuntu 12.04 comes with gnome3.416:49
tgm4883electron_, you likely meant to ask about gnome-shell16:49
electron_xabgua:  i installed the gnome shell16:49
squigelectron_, ifs thats on 12.04 by default I have and im using it now, though im in failsafe16:50
jhutchins_wkmjuszczak: Firefox is selecting the MS fonts first because it's designed to run on MS systems.  You have to tell it to choose different fonts.16:50
electron_yes i meant the gnome shell16:50
squigelectron_, I ran away screaming16:50
electron_but im not getting all the features of the gnome shell16:50
krazyxok, this is weird I put it back to DHCP and it reset the ip to and now it's not working either16:50
rickardsomething like "this error can occur becouse another nessesary file is missing"16:50
krazyxI also tried to do host google.com and it came up with google.com has address so it is able to resolve16:51
yeehawkrazyx: Even with dhcp? Did you disable dmz and all the other things in the router?16:51
jhutchins_wkrickard: Which happened when you did what?16:51
tgm4883krazyx, what was the ip address you had statically assigned?16:51
krazyxyee: it went to another ip so yeah the dmz aint working for it now16:51
jhutchins_wkrickard: If you'll tell us what you're really trying to do, we might be able to help you do it without windows.16:51
krazyx192.168.1.50 was the one it was assigned for, now it's at for dhcp16:51
electron_squig, does the message tray work for you in gnome-sheell?16:51
mjuszczakjhutchins_wk: hmmm, okay.  So maybe I should uninstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer, see what fonts firefox is choosing, write them down, reinstall, then go back in and select?16:52
tgm4883krazyx, are you able to 'ping' ?16:52
rickardok i will try again16:52
krazyxNo, i'm not able to ping the .5016:52
=== SwedMike is now known as SwedeMike
squigelectron_, sorry, I tried to use it and then gave up and went back to the failsafe16:52
krazyxFrom icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable16:52
rickardfirst i go to the programcenter and search for wine16:52
yeehawkrazyx: Can you ping the google DNS server?16:52
krazyxnegative on that yee16:52
rickardthen i take the "config wine" name and try to install16:53
jhutchins_wkmjuszczak: That would be one approach.  I think removing the installer might not remove the fonts that it installed though.16:53
rickardthen the error occours16:53
mjuszczakthe "purge" did it.  But the settings in firefox still look the same.  hrm16:54
krazyxI'm still able to ping which is the router16:54
yeehawkrazyx: Do you have any other switches or routers between the gateway and your server?16:55
rickarddoes someone know a tutorial video or something that shows how to install wine correctrly?16:55
Lynxxokay that didnt work16:55
krazyxno, just the router and it's directly connected to it16:55
Lynxxnext q ... which is better to install xfce or xubuntu16:55
tgm4883rickard, I've always done it via command line "apt-get install wine"16:55
tad-polerickard: apt-get install wine ?16:55
Lynxxbecause i know both are available for download16:55
yeehawkrazyx: And you desktop is too?16:55
* tad-pole tips his hat to tgm488316:55
krazyxboth connected to the router16:55
yeehawkrazyx: This doesn't make any sense16:56
krazyxi know im going friggin crazy16:56
rickardi can try i am not so famillar with the terminal yet16:56
krazyxwhen i did a fresh install of ubuntu server it worked flawless16:56
tgm4883Lynxx, that would depend on what your end goal is16:56
krazyxbut once I change any settings it goes kaploo16:56
yeehawkrazyx: Can you boot a liveusb and see if your internet works there? And do you see anything in the logfiles?16:56
tad-polerickard: Nothing to be familiar with, just type "sudo apt-get install wine"16:56
krazyxi'll boot into that now hold on16:56
tad-poleand hit enter16:56
anonymousraptri have a 3tb hard drive i store movies and music on that is formatted for mac os x. will i be able to plug it into my ubuntu machine and transfer files from the drive to ubuntu?16:56
Lynxxa lightweight and working desktop environment to use i guess... i heard xubuntu would put extra copies of applications in the menu16:57
krazyxwhere are the logfiles located at?16:57
tgm4883Lynxx, it will, because it will download everything that comes with Xubuntu. If you just want XFCE, then just install XFCE16:57
tad-polekrazyx: google "programname logfile location" :P16:57
zykotick9Lynxx: if you install the xfce4 (i believe) package, it won't add the additional xubuntu stuff16:57
tgm4883Lynxx, if you want a Xubuntu desktop, then install Xubuntu16:57
=== anonymousraptr is now known as raptr
xanguaanonymousraptr: define formatted :) wich format¿ ntfs is fine to just share files16:57
=== qos is now known as qos|away
rickardok but now i have tried that to and it sends me an error translated via google "The following packages have dependencies that can not be satisfied:16:58
rickard  wine: Depends: wine1.4 but it will not be installed16:58
rickardE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packa"16:58
Lynxxwithtout attemting to sound like a complete idiot and noob..16:58
X-SetiHello, I am running ubuntu 12.10 with Mate. the problem I am having is every window seems to open on full screen, I have to click the actively bar for the window and move / resize my way out. Nothing in compiz fusion is ticked. I cant work out what is doing this.. Anyone.16:58
raptrits format to mac osx extended journaled format16:58
Lynxxwhats the difference between xfce4 and xubuntu ... apperance wise16:58
tad-polerickard: sudo apt-get update   then redo last command16:58
zykotick9Lynxx: nothing.  xubuntu uses xfce4 and a buch of other stuff...16:58
bekksLynxx: No difference.16:58
NastyNazI have screen setup so that it has three 'screens' horizontally in my terminal. Is there any way to detach from this 'setup' and re-attach to it? If I try ctrl-a,ctrl-d it only reattaches to the first screen16:58
xangua!mint | X-Seti mate stuff is mint stuff :)16:58
ubottuX-Seti mate stuff is mint stuff :): Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:58
tgm4883rickard, can you tell us what it's trying to do if you do a 'sudo apt-get -f install'16:58
tgm4883tad-pole, nah, it's broken, he needs a fix16:59
zykotick9NastyNaz: no.  i'd strongly suggest to migrate to tmux (it has that ability)16:59
squigjoin #linuxmint-help16:59
squigoops :/16:59
NastyNazzykotick9: wow tmux looks much better, thanks16:59
yeehawkrazyx: /var/log/17:00
X-SetiOk, thanks,17:00
krazyxyeah, i did nothing bad in there that i could notice17:00
krazyxbooting the livecd atm17:00
yeehawkrazyx: I got to go, but I will be back in an hour.17:00
tad-poletgm4883: Not questioning you, just trying to clarifiy for my self, it says broken packages - so.. apt-get -f ? then update?17:00
yeehawkrazyx: If your still here then I will ping you :P17:00
krazyxok ty17:00
tgm4883tad-pole, not sure an update is necessary at all, although it wouldn't hurt. We do need to see what it's trying to do to fix the broken packages though17:01
PhysicistGuys, If I Install ubuntu with the windows installer, can I erase the windows later with no problem?17:01
rickardok after that -f install thing "Reading package lists ... Ready17:01
rickardBuilding dependency tree17:01
rickardReading state information ... Ready17:01
rickardThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer necessary:17:01
rickard   lib32asound2 lib32gcc1 lib32nss-mdns lib32z1 libc6-i386 libjpeg6217:01
FloodBot1rickard: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:01
rickard   linux-headers-3.5.0-17 linux-headers-3.5.0-17-generic17:01
rickardoh sorry ok17:01
tgm4883I feel that is partially my fault for forgetting to tell you pastebin17:02
Lynxxthx all17:02
tgm4883!pastebin | rickard17:02
ubotturickard: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:02
PhysicistGuys, If I Install ubuntu with the windows installer, can I erase the windows later with no problem?17:02
tad-polerickard: After apt-get -f    do the apt-get update    then apt-get install17:03
xanguaPhysicist: no17:03
tgm4883Physicist, yes, I believe you can do it via 'add/remove programs'17:03
IdleOnePhysicist: you mean using the Wubi installed?17:03
tgm4883xangua, he's asking about wubi17:03
tgm4883oh wait17:03
xanguatgm4883:  can I erase the windows later with no problem?17:03
tgm4883Physicist, xangua I misread the question :(17:04
* tgm4883 hangs head in shame17:04
zykotick9tad-pole: you need "apt-get -f install" for it to do anything, other then give you the command summary ;)  rickard17:04
* tad-pole hangs head in shame as well. 17:04
PhysicistI want to install ubuntu and delete windows. My old windows do not boot with cd. Because that thw wubi.17:05
mjuszczaklooks like there's no easy way to tell firefox to ignore those fonts.  I guess I'll make my wine startup script apt-get install and then purge those fonts... kind of awkward :-/17:05
bekksPhysicist: Then you cant replace anything. Wubi requires a running Windows.17:05
tgm4883Physicist, did you check the boot order in your bios?17:05
tgm4883bekks, does it really? I thought it was just a file on the windows filesystem that you could boot to17:06
Physicisttgm4883, yes. I already configured BIOS but dont start.17:06
bekkstgm4883: It requires a full blown windows, along with a working windows bootloader.17:06
rickardis apt-get -f install a command or should it be more? becouse it gives me an error17:07
tgm4883bekks, but surely not a running windows? otherwise what is the point over a VM?17:07
Physicistwith gparted on ubuntu, Can I delete windows, without have to configure kernel?17:07
bekkstgm4883: Of course a running windows.17:07
tgm4883rickard, please pastebin the error?17:07
bekkstgm4883: Windows handles all the filesystem access, device access, etc.17:07
tad-polerickard: It has to be run as root  so the whole command is "sudo apt-get -f install"17:08
zykotick9tgm4883: i'd say a VM is actually a better option then wubi... personal opinion only.17:08
tad-polesorry, Ive been up for a very long time. :/17:08
elisa87What should I do when receiving this in Ubuntu when "sudo gedit" fails ?17:08
SonikkuAmerica2rickard: The -f switch is for fixing broken or unmet dependencies17:08
bekkselisa87: You should use gksu gedit instead.17:08
elisa87What should I do when receiving this in Ubuntu when "sudo gedit" fails ? X11 initialization failed17:08
zykotick9!gksudo | elisa8717:08
ubottuelisa87: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:08
Physicisttgm4883, with gparted on ubuntu, Can I delete windows, without have to configure kernel?17:09
SonikkuAmerica2(I do wonder why gksudo and not "gtksudo")17:09
tgm4883zykotick9, bekks wikipedia seems to disagree on needing windows running when using linux via wubi17:09
tad-polePhysicist: Can you make a bootable USB?17:09
zykotick9elisa87: is this through ssh or on virtual console?  is Xorg running?17:09
Gilbert32hello there17:09
elisa87bekks + zykotick9 (gksudo:21251): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :017:09
elisa87 17:09
elisa87I am not using Ubuntu 12.0417:10
zykotick9elisa87: are you in Xorg when running that?17:10
bekkselisa87: So which Ubuntu do you use?17:10
SonikkuAmerica2elisa87: It doesn't look like you have an X server running.17:10
Gilbert32each time i start ubuntu my chances of getting it booting correctly are 1/5 (stuck in kernel) any known reason?17:10
elisa87I am not sure ...I am using terminal ...what is Xorg?17:10
rickarddoes that pastbin ubuntu web thing send the text directly or how does that work?17:10
elisa87root@dfyhs5l1:~# gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf17:10
elisa87No protocol specified17:10
zykotick9elisa87: you need a terminal editor then!  "sudo nano /path/to/file"17:10
tad-poleGilbert32: You have to clarifiy your error.17:10
tgm4883rickard, you need to give us the link17:10
Physicisttad-pole, In the computer that I want install, do not exist this possibilite because is old!17:10
SARCI am trying to figure out what exactly my NIC interrupts are.  When I look at /proc/interrupts, I see 8 entries for eth1, are these 8 separate buffers?  When I look at them, the first entry is much higher than the other 7.  Can someone please explain this for me?17:10
rickardoh http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636859/17:11
elisa87but I want to run the gedit for sure! How can I make it run?17:11
bekkstgm4883: The wikipedia article doesnt say that you dont need a windows.17:11
tad-polerickard: It has to be run as root  so the whole command is "sudo apt-get -f install"17:11
tgm4883rickard, you need to use sudo17:11
tonsofpcszykotick9: no, ubuntu is a tool.  It doesn't dictate my needs.  I dictate my needs.17:11
elisa87zykotick9:  why am I receiving No protocol specified ?17:11
zykotick9elisa87: gedit requires a running GUI (which is xorg)17:11
Gilbert32the computer starts booting, and sometimes hangs in terminal-like environment. sometimes nothing on the screen, sometimes stuff related to the network interface17:11
tonsofpcsThose who don't understand the user/tool relationship are clearly the latter.17:11
Mercutio150Can anyone suggest a starting place? I am looking to use my tablet as a touchscreen for my desktop17:11
elisa87zykotick9: how can I make it use Xorg>?17:11
tgm4883bekks, it adds a entry to the windows bootloader to load linux. Which surely means that you don't need to be running windows when in the Linux install17:12
zykotick9tonsofpcs: lol.  incorrect, as ubuntu uses lots of non-free software - canonical is in control, not you.17:12
Gilbert32and audio stuff17:12
zykotick9elisa87: when you say "terminal" are you in a GUI enviornment (with mouse pointer, etc)?17:12
Physicisttad-pole, In the computer that I want install, do not exist this possibilite because is old!17:12
bekkstgm4883: Then please elaborate on how to get a working windows bootloader without a working windows?17:12
Gilbert32no no17:12
bekkstgm4883: Errm, thats offtopic in here, I guess.17:13
Gilbert32probably still kernel. alt shift f1 through f6 does nothing17:13
tgm4883bekks, that isn't at all what I said, but to answer your questions, install Windows, then delete C:\Windows17:13
rickardnow i dont thing i got errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636871/17:13
xanguatgm4883: uninstall windows...and uninstall wubi/ubuntu in windows :) win17:14
xanguaerr...i mean fail17:14
tgm4883bekks, you need a working windows install to install ubuntu via wubi. What you said made it sound like you need a running (running != working) windows17:14
rickardhow should i now install wine correctly step by step? any vids of tutorials?17:14
elisa87zykotick9:  yes I have mouse pointer17:14
tad-polerickard: Please try "sudo apt-get install wine"    and pastebin the whole thing like you just did with the last one.17:15
Gilbert32oh forgot to mention that i can't type anything (i Can but it does nothing)17:15
tgm4883xangua, Ubuntu wubi shouldn't be installed in C:\Windows, it should be in 'C:\Program Files'. That would be a serious fail17:15
PhysicistAnybody can help me?17:15
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zykotick9elisa87: and are you using ssh to access a different machine?17:15
elisa87no no SSH!17:15
Mercutio150Can someone suggest a channel for me?17:15
tgm4883Mercutio150, NBC17:15
zykotick9elisa87: so, from a terminal, does "gksudo xeyes" work?17:16
Mercutio150I am looking to turn my tablet into an extention of my monitor17:16
Mercutio150so that I can use the touchsreen17:16
tad-polephysicist: tgm4883,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/161335/how-do-i-remove-windows-after-installing-ubuntu-12-04-via-wubi17:16
tgm4883tad-pole, that isn't what I was saying at all17:16
Mercutio150is there is tablet, or windows 8 channel?17:16
Physicisttad-pole, thank you.17:17
bean_!alis | Mercutio15017:17
ubottuMercutio150: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:17
tgm4883tad-pole, rickard ok, I'm going to go with the apt-get update then apt-get upgrade now, probably pastebin the last commands output17:17
bean_Mercutio150: read the mssage.17:18
tad-polerickard: That means he wants you to: "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" and pastebin results17:18
Mercutio150I did but that doesn't really help me trying to sort through 12099 channels17:18
* tad-pole raises a questioning eyebrow at tgm :)17:18
Physicisttad-pole, so I cannot!17:18
bean_Mercutio150: you use alis to search. Like it says.17:18
* tad-pole nods at physicist so they say 17:18
PhysicistAnd now?17:18
rickardthis time i did uderstand that but thanks anyway =D17:19
tgm4883tad-pole, pm?17:19
Mercutio150Did yall read my initial question?17:19
tad-poleOf course.17:19
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
zykotick9tad-pole: i'd say, using "apt-get dist-upgrade" makes more sense then "apt-get upgrade" most of the time (same behaviour as the GUI update thing)17:19
bean_Mercutio150: Yep, something about using your tablet at a 2nd monitor17:19
tgm4883zykotick9, that isn't a good thing to just tell new users17:19
zykotick9tgm4883: actually it is17:20
Mercutio150yes for the touch capabilites, but so far no channels seem to address anything like that17:20
tgm4883zykotick9, not when it removes gnome17:20
zykotick9tgm4883: why would it remove gnome? unless you're mixing repos or other non-sense.17:20
rickardthis was alot!   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636903/17:20
tonsofpcszykotick9: I believe sabdfl will tell you that the point of the open source movement is so that tools are not locked into a single use case by a company trying to exert control and that users should be free to use the tools as they see fit and that we should not be a barrier to knowledge to them.  I suppose I could be wrong, but I think he'll read that party line all day long.17:20
bean_Mercutio150: it looks as though your only option on ubuntu is VNC17:20
SonikkuAmericabean_, Mercutio150: Impossible. What happened to OpenSSH?17:21
Mercutio150I find it difficult to belive it is impossible17:21
Gilbert32Mercutio150: I read something about similar thing at xda-developers17:21
tgm4883rickard, just use 'apt-get upgrade' not apt-get upgrade now17:22
zykotick9tonsofpcs: perhaps having a dictator at all, is the wrong approach to freedom :p  </OT>  best of luck man.17:22
Mercutio150Thanks gilbert17:22
tgm4883zykotick9, some other non-sense like version mismatches and such that you wouldn't do without knowing what you are doing?17:22
tad-polerickard: after that retry "sudo apt-get install wine"17:22
Mercutio150I was thinking there surely must be an app that would pass through the I/O to the desktop17:22
bean_Mercutio150: unlikely.17:22
zykotick9tgm4883: you are aware that the GUI updater uses dist-upgrade right?17:23
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Mercutio150Not trying to start shit here, but are yall always so defeatist?17:23
tgm4883zykotick9, I have a hard time believing the GUI updating is running command line in the background and not interfacing with apt directly17:23
tgm4883Mercutio150, defeatist?17:23
bean_Mercutio150: Just realistic is all.17:23
SonikkuAmericazykotick9: In what context? I thought update-manager was its own process, not a subroutine caller17:23
zykotick9tgm4883: right - but it updates everything.17:23
tad-polerickard: Any luck?17:24
tgm4883zykotick9, it also warns you of partial updates17:24
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:24
Mercutio150Yes, I don't know how to do it now, but I promise you this, I find the way17:24
zykotick9SonikkuAmerica: i'm sure it does, i should have said, the GUI uses the equivalent of dist-upgrade17:24
Mercutio150I'm not going to give up on it just because it 'might' not be possible17:24
tgm4883Mercutio150, what if there is no way?17:24
Gilbert32Mercutio150: here. http://www.xda-developers.com/android/android-gains-x11-support/17:24
Mercutio150There has to be a way17:24
Gilbert32does it help?17:24
jilWhat can cause a successive md5sum (on ubuntu image for example) to differt when I repeate it?17:25
zykotick9tgm4883: in regular use, you shouldn't ever see partial-upgrades17:25
Mercutio150let me look gilbert17:25
tgm4883Mercutio150, it's a Windows 8 tablet, there doesn't have to be a way17:25
jilI was told memory, but I changed it today...17:25
Gilbert32windows 8? i thought android17:25
jilhard disk error?17:25
Mercutio150Android tablet, windows 8 desktop17:25
rickardwine doesent want me :(     http://paste.ubuntu.com/1636918/17:25
tgm4883zykotick9, you'll talking with someone who is a new user. I don't think I would guarentee that it wouldn't break their system without at least checking first17:25
bean_Mercutio150: then why are you in #ubuntu ?17:25
tgm4883zykotick9, but  maybe you like causing people pain ;)17:25
bean_!offtopic | Mercutio15017:25
ubottuMercutio150: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:25
jhutchins_wkrickard: What Windows program are you trying to run?17:26
tgm4883Mercutio150, oh, that is even worse17:26
Mercutio150Because this was the first channel I found, so I came in to ask about what channels would be helpful17:26
rickardi am tring to install wine not to run any programs but photoshop for example17:26
tgm4883rickard, tad-pole I think it's time to look at his sources17:26
Mercutio150hmm that link looks helpful gilbert17:26
jhutchins_wkrickard: Have you looked at the gimp program for image manipulation?17:27
EaglemanWhy does my virbro0 interface keeps duplicating iptable rules on reboot:  -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT17:27
Eagleman-A INPUT -i virbr0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT  and next time i reboot i have 3 of those rules17:27
xanguarickard: did you add a third party repository¿17:27
zykotick9tgm4883: fyi, using upgrade will NOT upgrade things like the kernel, so using it exclusively WILL probably break the system...17:27
Mercutio150and proves my idea, if they can do that with X.org it can be done for the windows environment17:27
tad-poleMercutio150: http://forum.tabletpcreview.com/hardware/14016-using-tablet-pc-input-device-desktop.html17:27
SonikkuAmericaWell, there is KDE for Windows...17:27
Gilbert32you can ask steve ballmer http://www.google.com.lb/search?q=steve+ballmer&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=yykZUbCwF4OltAbjnoGQBw&biw=1366&bih=667&sei=0ikZUcSIJJHUsgbF2YEw#imgrc=_17:28
Mercutio150Surely there is a way to run the tablet purely as hardware for the desktop17:28
tgm4883zykotick9, actually no, it will not break his system. The only difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade, is that dist-upgrade is allowed to install/remove new packages in order to upgrade the system. Using only upgrade will never, ever break the system.17:28
zykotick9tgm4883: good luck with that assumption...17:28
tgm4883zykotick9, please explain to me a scenario where using only 'upgrade' will break the system17:29
Mercutio150hmm maybe I should take all this and try a new app that will allow you to plug in your tablet like a monitor17:29
Gilbert32what's the problem?17:29
Mercutio150Thanks for all your help guys!17:29
SonikkuAmericaWow. According to Wikipedia, in 2005 "Ballmer vowed to "kill Google" in an expletive-laden tirade[29] then resumed trying to persuade Lucovsky to stay at Microsoft. Ballmer has described Lucovsky's account of the incident as a "gross exaggeration of what actually took place"."17:29
tad-poleMercutio150: http://forum.tabletpcreview.com/hardware/14016-using-tablet-pc-input-device-desktop.html17:29
rickard<jhutchins_wk> yes but i doesent like it that much but it is an alternative sulution if this doesent work17:29
SonikkuAmerica</OT> and in all that, I keep Google alive.17:29
Gilbert32<SonikkuAmerica> :)17:29
tad-polerickard: http://askubuntu.com/questions/210054/cant-install-wine-or-ia32-libs-in-ubuntu-12-10-64-bit17:30
zykotick9tgm4883: i'm not going to try and create theoreticals for you...  this isn't support so it's OT.  good luck.17:30
salzbthese tech magnates are like gangsta rappers in their beefs17:30
nklshi there, how to remove text beside icons, i want only image: http://postimage.org/image/7ptoz8my7/17:30
nklsit is possible?17:30
xkernelfile copy of big size causes huge slow response on the whole system, I'm on 12.1017:30
rickardand the last thing i am a new and then i mean a very new linux user and i have no idea what third party thing means lol17:30
nklsbtw i have ubuntu 10.0417:31
xanguankls: use a docl or something like that17:31
tad-polerickard: Above link is a fix for your error msg. :/17:31
EaglemanWhy does my virbro0 interface keeps duplicating iptable rules on reboot:  -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT17:31
nklsxangua, docls is gui?17:31
SonikkuAmericankls: I should warn you about the approaching !EOL anyway, unless you're using Server.17:31
=== J22 is now known as guest123
xanguankls: a dock* sorry17:32
nklsxangua, i must to install dock?17:32
nklsno, xangua i dont want docky this is panel17:33
SonikkuAmericaEagleman: Recursive command sequences in a startup script, maybe?17:33
nklsxangua, can you help me to remove text above the icons?17:33
nklsi just need that17:33
xanguankls: or this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=101604 :) i used it when i was in lucid, also remember lucid support ends in april17:33
fadihey guys17:33
SonikkuAmericaxangua: :(17:33
tad-poleHi Fadi!17:33
fadiim kinda new here17:34
tad-polefadi: welcome!17:34
SonikkuAmericafadi: What's your question?17:34
fadino question17:34
SonikkuAmericaHello usefur! Please state your question.17:36
ankurn  m17:36
usefurno question, just try ubuntu )17:36
AethelredI'd like to burn audio files to CD, but I need gapless (DAO). Brasero either doesn't have this option, or it is non-obvious. What is my best GUI CD-mastering choice?17:37
ankuri have i 3.0 usb port but my 3.0 usb external harddisk is not detecting in ubuntu17:37
ankurwhat i have supposed to do17:37
joel135ankur, try using the port for something else, like your keyboard17:38
ankuri had tried17:38
joel135I suppose it works?17:38
ankurit is detecting 2.0 usb devices but17:38
SonikkuAmericaankur: It doesn't work for anything>17:38
ankurnot my 3.0 usb harddisk17:38
Enactorhow to install java update13.......is there a program i can use or just terminal?17:38
EaglemanWhy does my virbro0 interface keeps duplicating iptable rules on reboot:  -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT17:39
bekks!java | Enactor17:39
ubottuEnactor: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:39
=== milind is now known as abyss42
SonikkuAmerica!u | Enactor17:39
ubottuEnactor: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:39
tad-polerickard: Any luck? :)17:39
joel135Have you read the latest output of dmesg? I remember it giving helpful hints once17:39
joel135ankur, ^17:40
FloodBot1fox__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:40
rickardif i understood it correct it wont work in ubuntu 12.10 i can have missuderstood it though17:40
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SonikkuAmericaankur: Did you check what joel135 said earlier?17:41
ankuris there is any way so that i can use my harddisk with 3.0 usb speed17:41
jbroomeankur: you need a usb 3 drive and a usb3 interface on your machine17:41
SonikkuAmericaankur: Another thing to try is plug in your HDD and type [ lsusb ] in a terminal to see if it's even listed.17:41
ankuri have both17:41
ankurok wait for a while17:42
* tad-pole waits.17:42
JoeyJoeJoI'm trying to compile something that requires an older version of libpcap than I have. How can I downgrade my version of libpcap?17:42
Gilbert32does ubuntu fail often before starting like on my machine?17:42
jbroome(to Gilbert32 )17:43
ankurno it is not listed in lsusb output17:43
c2taruncan anyone please help me in changing pidgin theme?17:44
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Gilbert32I upgraded the kernel many times (i have from to .23 i think?) and installed 3.7 kernel and still fails many times (just hangs in terminal output) with either black screen and blinking cursor or stuff related to audio and video and wireless17:45
rickardwhat was the link of my wine problem again? my computer shutdown17:45
tad-polerickard: http://askubuntu.com/questions/210054/cant-install-wine-or-ia32-libs-in-ubuntu-12-10-64-bit17:45
tad-polerickard: There are a coupe ways people fixed the issue   so read the whole page first17:46
XtremeWizc2tarun: I am not sure if this is the best method but you can use Pidgin GTK Theme Control plugin. Folks in #pidgin can help you better. :)17:46
=== Krilcov is now known as krilkov
ankurhey from where i can download the deb files of the software so that at the time of installation it doesnt need a internet connection17:47
c2tarunXtremeWiz, yeah but how can I select the downloaded theme? I am able to create my own theme but not able to apply the downloaded one.17:47
c2tarunankur, I guess, check on launchpad.net17:47
xkernelfile copy of big size causes huge slow response on the whole system, I'm on 12.1017:48
Piciankur: http://packages.ubuntu.com17:48
xangua!aptoncd | ankur17:48
ubottuankur: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline17:48
=== Nomad__ is now known as Guest37310
ankurwhere did the packages stored when i download the packages from apt-get command17:50
EaglemanWhy does my virbro0 interface keeps duplicating iptable rules on reboot:  -A INPUT -i virbr0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT17:50
widadplz need help i have a problem in my terminal. it used to scroll like this ----- and now it is scrolling like this |17:50
genii-aroundankur: /var/cache/apt/archives17:51
fully_humanwidad: You mean it used to scoll horizontally?17:51
genii-aroundankur: Or if you are using specifically the download option to apt-get, then the file will be in the directory in which you issued the commend17:52
fully_humanwidad: May I ask why your terminal is set up that way?17:52
devslashHas anyone had experience with full file system encryption in Ubuntu17:52
Gilbert32does APTonCD create usb disks too?17:52
fully_humanwidad: I meant, why do you want horizontal scrolling?17:53
widadi can see all files with it and i think it is more pretty17:54
mumin-kunif i install the 13.04 pre-release, do i need to reinstall it when the official version has been released?17:54
mumin-kunor is it just sudo apt-get update17:54
SonikkuAmerica2mumin-kun: You shouldn't have to.17:54
Pici!final | mumin-kun17:55
ubottumumin-kun: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Quantal and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.17:55
Picigoes for all pre-releases17:55
widadhow do you do the red wrinting on your name pl?17:55
SonikkuAmerica2mumin-kun: But the command you need is [ update-manager -c -d --no-update ] if you're upgrading from 12.1017:55
mumin-kunok thx!17:55
SonikkuAmerica2widad: That just happens when people type your nick in their message.17:55
genii-aroundwidad: When a message written by someone has your name in it, you will see that message highlighted because it is for you17:56
widadyes but how can i do it?17:56
fully_humanwidad: I use KDE, so for your gnome-terminal question, I'd look under settings and profile preferences.17:56
widadi'm a bigginer sorry17:56
widadyes thanks you17:57
devslashHas anyone used luks encryption in Ubuntu?17:57
fully_humanwidad: Just type the first few letters of a a nick, hit tab, and the name should complete. For example, I type "wid," hit tab, and your name pops up.17:57
widadfully_human: thanks a lot17:57
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=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest9328
rickardi maby have found out the problem, in wine's website it says it is working for ubuntu 11.10 and 12.04 maby 12.10 is to new...17:59
moofyif any of you know18:00
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
meeluHow does one go about adding ipv6 ip /64 ip block to there Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS, 64 bit, having gateway netmask and ip/block provided by server provider18:01
moofyI want to set up ruby via rbenv to serve a website18:01
GeekSquid!enter | moofy18:01
ubottumoofy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:01
tad-polerickard: Works fine for me...18:01
marahinrickard, no, it's not. Wine works fine @ 12.10 too. /me uses it.18:01
rickardok then i will have to try to read more18:01
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
liquidmetalHas anyone ever used the ipod nano 6g on ubuntu?18:04
tad-poleI use an 8g18:05
ikonialiquidmetal: they used to sync, but I don't they do now18:05
devslashHas anyone used luks encryption with ubuntu 12.1018:05
EaglemanHow do i disable my virbr0 interface from duplicating iptable rules on reboot ( i end up with 100x the same rules after 100 reboots )18:05
liquidmetalikonia: how did you sync it?18:05
nashantJust a quick question about disk recovery. Would hot-swapping a drive out kick it back into life temporarily?18:06
tad-poleliquidmetal: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/08/how-to-use-banshee-to-manage-your-ipod-in-ubuntu/18:07
zykotick9Eagleman: if you don't get an answer here, you might want to try #virt on the oftc network18:07
widad-charaiplz i'm a biginner in ubuntu and i have a problem. when i do the command ls the result is scrolling vertical (don't like it ) but i want it horizantal. how can i change that? thanks for helping!18:08
rickarddoes everyone see what i am typing or just some few?18:09
devslashNope not me18:09
widad-charairickard i see it18:09
Picirickard: everyone18:09
liquidmetaltad-pole: I dont think the 6th gen ipod works with banshee18:09
AntelopeSaladif i want to setup 2 independent displays with lubuntu am i forced to install specific video card drivers? note: i'm running in a VM18:09
widad-charaican anyone hep me plz?18:10
Piciwidad-charai: Can you please share the output of: which ls18:10
tad-poleliquidmetal: http://downloadsquad.switched.com/2008/03/18/enable-support-for-7th-gen-ipods-in-ubuntu/18:10
tad-poleliquidmetal: The url says 7th   the site says 6th    try that?18:11
Gilbert32is there any way yet to install drivers for a legacy and a new amd radeon graphics cards? at the same time? (IGD and DIS cards)18:11
tad-poleliquidmetal: FYI This is all off the first page of a google search for "6th gen ipod linux"18:11
l057c0d3rwidad-charai, what seems to be the problem bud18:11
itxjdid ubuntu stop developing the version of gnome ubuntu without unity?18:11
widad-charaiplz i'm a biginner in ubuntu and i have a problem. when i do the command ls the result is scrolling vertical (don't like it ) but i want it horizantal. how can i change that? thanks for helping!18:11
Piciwidad-charai: please pastebin the out put of: alias18:11
Pici!pastebin | widad-charai18:11
ubottuwidad-charai: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:11
ioriawidad-charai : i know it sounds silly, but try to enlarge the terminal18:11
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whoeverhi all, does anyone know why bluetooth will lockup when a single cpu spikes, and will remain unresponsive untill the system is reboot, even with service bluetooth restart, the command will just hang18:11
zykotick9Pici: re:widad-charai, have you ever heard of horizontal scrolling for ls before?  i sure haven't.18:12
l057c0d3ritxj..  you can type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop to get gnome back18:12
Picizykotick9: sounds like the difference between ls and ls -l18:12
zykotick9Pici: still both vertical ;)18:12
Picizykotick9: one is 'more horizontal' ;)18:12
widad-charaii'll do a photo to let you see it pici18:12
tad-poleliquidmetal: Please let me know if that helps.18:13
=== MajorMalfunction is now known as Confoozed
l057c0d3rwait so is he wanting the text to scroll from side to side rather then from top to bottom?18:16
Picil057c0d3r: we're not sure exactly18:16
l057c0d3rthat what it sounds like to me...18:16
widad-charaiPici: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6j3kfab0twxhciw/Screenshot%20from%202013-02-11%2018%3A15%3A08.png18:16
LoneTrooperhas anyone installed beta amd ati drivers 13.2 on ubuntu/xubuntu?18:17
LoneTrooperi wonder if it works18:18
l057c0d3rwidad-charai, i believe it is the terminal you are using18:18
rickardthis might take a while but i think it actualy works now =D and it wouldent have come this far without your help =D thanks18:18
jbroomezykotick9: Pici, that screenshot looks like the output of ls -l18:19
Hawkerzdunno but the nvidia drivers on 12.04 from x-updates in a bumblebee/optimus configuration suddenly is giving me trouble18:19
l057c0d3rand its width..  as for why it is scrolling one result straight down18:19
LoneTrooperi made with 13.1 amd ati drivers on xubuntu im so happy18:19
zykotick9Pici: perhaps your ls vs ls -l is correct.  widad-charai could you check your "alias | grep ls" output for anything with -l.  jbroome agree.18:19
tad-polerickard: got it going?18:19
widad-charail057c0d3r: that's my problem18:19
paco1hello all!18:20
yeehawwidad-charai: ls -m18:20
l057c0d3rwell if you can't find a way to make the width wider.. try using a better terminal app18:20
devslashHas anyone set up ubuntu with an lvm?18:20
rickardyepp it is installing alot of files but i still might get an error but it havet even got this far before18:20
wNzdevslash: : sure18:20
zykotick9yeehaw: that's ugly ;)18:20
jbroomeoh god, ls -m is horrible. :)18:20
xkernelfile copy of big size causes huge slow response on the whole system, I'm on 12.1018:20
bekks!anyone | devslash18:20
ubottudevslash: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:20
paco1i have a question: how to convert "cpu user time" to "real time"? thanks in advance!18:20
l057c0d3ror is your point to get it integrated into the background like that18:20
widad-charaiplz private messag can't read fast plz18:21
lucaszzAre any posibbilities to run ftp with emelfm2 ?18:21
yeehawpaco1: Do you mean unix time?18:21
AntelopeSaladthis is messed up, how is possible that a 9800 gtx+ isn't a supported lubuntu video card?18:21
AntelopeSalad*is it18:21
paco1yeehaw: yep18:21
bekkspaco1: There is no way, since "real time" strongly depends on the overall CPU load, while "cpu time" just tells you how long the cpu actually took to complete your task.18:21
lesshastehow do I see the package info for an installed package? octave in this case18:21
devslashWnz I'm trying to set it up but I'm stuck. I create the volume. How do I specify the root partition in the volume18:21
Felshi all - how do  i launch an app that is already installed in Ubuntu - I want to run QtCreator18:21
LoneTrooperwhat a mess18:21
zykotick9lesshaste: "apt-cache show octave" perhaps?18:22
yeehawpaco1: date -d @unixtimenumber18:22
tad-poleAntelopeSalad: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.08.html18:22
liquidmetaltad-pole: that page is from 2008 - the 6th gen nano wasn't even out back then18:22
wNzdevslash: mount it on /18:22
rickardyepp it was installed correctly thanks again for you help =D18:23
AntelopeSaladliquidmetal: thanks, i'll try it -- the drivers using their find driver form gave me drivers that wouldn't install18:23
BoreeasI recently installed a new SSD. Since then, hibernation fails, even though there's plenty of swap available (10GB for 3GB RAM). Neither /home nor the swap partition are encrypted18:23
BoreeasDoes anyone know what to do?18:23
LoneTrooperuh oh u know xubuntu its pretty much the same like ubuntu but its without that broken unity it collapsed after fresh install on ati 667018:23
AntelopeSaladliquidmetal: nope, it says unsupported18:24
zykotick9Boreeas: i don't know the details, by hibernation is disabled on ubuntu by default...18:24
LoneTrooperat least open source drivers18:24
skulltiphow long will it be before we see libreoffice 4.0 in the repos? should i just wait, looks like i would have to uninstall to install the new office 4.018:24
LoneTrooperi installed 13.1 from amd it i had too18:24
skulltip<< 12.0418:24
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tgm4883skulltip, it won't be in the 12.04 repos18:25
LoneTroopertoo many glitches on drivers provided by ubuntu18:25
skulltipwhy not tgm488318:25
LoneTroopereven opera browser does not work lol on these drivers18:25
AntelopeSaladis there another distro of linux where the 9800 gtx+ is properly supported?18:25
LoneTrooperit deepens on drivers mostly18:25
elisa87how can I go to textmode when I boot my ubuntu? (18:26
LoneTrooperlike i said u have to instal drivers  from nvidia's web site18:26
AntelopeSaladi did, but it errors out instantly saying the hardware is unsupported18:26
LoneTrooperbut u have to build package from *.run file18:26
zykotick9elisa87: ctrl+alt+f1, alt+f7 to get back.  or you want to boot to text, see "/msg ubottu text" for help with that.18:26
LoneTrooperu have too google for guide18:26
AntelopeSaladi'll just try a different distro, spending 3 hours to get 2 monitors working independently is 3 hours too many :D18:27
tad-poleliquidmetal: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/119700618:27
=== ke5pcv-away is now known as ke5pcv
skulltipso i should just remove libreoffice using synaptic and install the debs manually?18:27
cnb_Does anyone know where there's a reliable backport of Puppet 3.1 for Ubuntu 12.10?18:27
tgm4883skulltip, that isn't how the repos work. It might be backported, but it isn't a security update. Even though it's in main, since it's a major version upgrade I don't think it will be updated. You'll probably be able to get it when available via the libreoffice packaging teams PPA for 4.0  https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-4-018:27
tgm4883cnb_, have you tried the puppet repo?18:28
LoneTrooperthat short compared what i had just to install these stupid drivers unbelievable18:28
tgm4883cnb_, I don't  use puppet on 12.10, but I'm pretty sure we've rolled 3.1 out to our 12.04 servers18:28
LoneTrooperits hard compard to windows18:28
tgm4883cnb_, yep, 12.04 has 3.1.018:28
skulltipok ty18:28
cnb_How do I get 3.1, then?  It installs 2.7 by default.18:28
tgm4883cnb_, did you enable the puppetlabs repo?18:29
tgm4883cnb_, http://apt.puppetlabs.com/18:29
cnb_Okay.  Where do I add that?18:29
tgm4883cnb_, install puppetlabs-release-quantal.deb from that link18:30
Boreeaszykotick9: I don't know, I just dd'd the old partition over, and hibernation worked fine there. The program I ususally use, pm-hibernate, is also still there18:30
BoreeasThe computer does indeed suspend, it just fails to resume18:30
tgm4883cnb_, that will install the repo and key, then just apt-get update and  upgrade as normal18:30
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest21402
LoneTrooperoh i have  a question i dont see any reasonable archiving program on ubuntu except peazip18:31
bekksLoneTrooper: Whats the question about it?18:31
LoneTrooperbut lauching a package displays an error package is bad quality18:31
zykotick9Boreeas: i use pm-hibernate as well (not on ubuntu mind you)  i actually have the same issue, with a machine that used to hibernate, but now seems to start the process - then just return where i issues the hibernate command.  hope you have more luck fixing it then me (honestly, i haven't really tried yet but...)  good luck.18:31
LoneTrooperis it safe to ignore tht message and install anyway?18:31
tgm4883LoneTrooper, an archiving program... like tar?18:32
LoneTrooperhas anyone tryed peazip on ubuntu lubuntu xubuntu?18:32
bekks!anyone | LoneTrooper18:32
ubottuLoneTrooper: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:32
elisa87When should I press ctrl+alt+f1 for entering to text mode when I press restart?18:33
LoneTrooperdem bots...18:33
elisa87I pressed three of them at the same time but nothing happened18:33
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XtremeWizHow do I start identd on my system? I tried "sudo /etc/init.d/identd start" and "Command Not Found" error was displayed.18:34
LoneTrooperctrl alt f1 is for full screen terminal18:34
LoneTrooperwhy dont u launch terminal in a small window18:34
bekksLoneTrooper: Which is not true.18:34
bekksLoneTrooper: ctrl alt f1 changes to TTY1.18:34
LoneTrooperrly so what it does18:34
zykotick9elisa87: sorry, the c+a+f1 is when you are in Xorg, to get to a virtual console.18:34
LoneTrooperoh well good to know18:34
mr0wlis there a stable PPA for LibreOffice 4?18:35
sw_hi. I'm moving from httpd to nginx and was wondering if virtual hosts should just be put in the sites-available/default file, or if they should have their own file?18:35
elisa87zykotick9:  so what is the solution?18:35
xroHi, i try to debug QRcode... is there a soft that's able to read QRcode and provide interesting debug informations?18:35
zykotick9elisa87: i'm not sure what you want actually...18:35
cnb_Ah, great.  That did it.  Thanks.18:35
tgm4883mr0wl, not that I know of. There is the libeoffice packagers PPA for 4.0, but it doesn't have anything in it yet18:35
tgm4883mr0wl, https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-4-018:36
liquidmetaltad-pole: nothing works man :(18:36
ioriaelisa87:  you want to start ubuntu in text mode only ?18:36
WhereIsMySpoonIs this the right channel to ask about ssh'ing/tunnelling related questions?18:36
LoneTrooperoh my libre 4 released good that u reminded dat18:36
tgm4883WhereIsMySpoon, it's a good start18:37
WhereIsMySpoonOk then. I have a service (rails app actually) that's running on localhost:3000 on one linux machine. I have done a reverse tunnel (ssh -R portOnRemote:localhost:3000 me@myserver.net) which in theory should make the service available on the remote myserver.net. However, when I try to go to myserver.net:portOnRemote, I get webpage is not available18:38
devslashI'm trying to setup an lvm. Once I create the volume how do I specify that I want it as the root partition18:38
wNzdevslash: set the mount point to /18:38
WhereIsMySpoonI can easily ssh to the remote server from the other machine, i just cant access this service18:38
jhutchins_wkLoneTrooper: Not sure what features you need, but there are tar, zip, rar, bzip, compress, and a bunch of others.18:39
LoneTrooperno libre office 4 on ubuntu software center, not fair :/18:39
tgm4883LoneTrooper, it's not in any of the repos yet18:39
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: Firewall?18:39
WhereIsMySpoonyeehaw: i've reverse tunnel'd to this server before and my friend has been able to ssh into my machine to do stuff with it18:40
tad-poleliquidmetal: Ok really I LIKE this one. http://psyphi.net/blog/2012/12/ipod-nano-6th-gen-with-ubuntu/18:40
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab
WhereIsMySpoonyeehaw: *ssh into my machine through the server18:40
paradoxgoI have an external monitor which is capable of a 1366x768 resolution but ubuntu is only giving the option of 1024x768. is there anything I can do to fix it?18:40
LoneTrooperu takin about peazip right?18:40
tgm4883LoneTrooper, libreoffice 4.0 isn't in any of the repos yet18:41
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: What port do you use remote?18:41
WhereIsMySpoonyeehaw: 545518:41
LoneTrooperdamn too bad18:41
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: Can you telnet that port on the machine itself?18:41
tad-poleparadoxgo: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=adding%20resolutions%20on%20linux&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.linuxmint.com%2Ftutorial%2Fview%2F877&ei=YzsZUZiVCuS0iQKGz4CABQ&usg=AFQjCNElzLyRNSpTFkSKo9Fz3AcN1geCcQ&bvm=bv.42080656,d.cGE18:42
WhereIsMySpoonyeehaw: sorry, what do you mean?18:42
POVaddctWhereIsMySpoon: access to a remote port fw has to be from the machine itself.18:42
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: Create the tunnel, then login to the server and do: telnet localhost 545518:42
Ubuntu-erikasI want to Install WinXP alongside Ubuntu 12.04 LTS...i don't know how to do this18:42
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: Do you get a connection?18:42
yeehaw!dualboot Ubuntu-erikas18:43
WhereIsMySpoonyeehaw: says connected to localhost18:43
Ubuntu-erikasohhh thanks very mouch18:43
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:43
devslashWhen I create an lvm volume how do I specify that I want it as the root partition when installing ubuntu18:43
zykotick9yeehaw: you need a | like "!dualboot | Ubuntu-erikas"18:43
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: Then your tunnel is working properly18:43
yeehawzykotick9: thanks18:44
LoneTrooperits simple u know u have to install xp fist and leave some empty space ( maybe half ?) for linux partitions18:44
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: It just does not listen for outside connections18:44
LoneTrooperand while installing distro u want u have to select install along with windows18:45
LoneTrooperits easy i had windows 7 and xubuntu18:45
LoneTrooperno probs18:45
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: I have no idea if you can even do that with an ssh tunnel18:45
wNzdevslash: specify / as the mount point18:45
LoneTrooperand after installing linux distro u will have too choose what os u want to start during start of the pc18:46
=== z3br0id3 is now known as AWAY_z3br0id3
POVaddctyeehaw: i think local port forwarding (-L option) can be made listening to connections from outside, but remote port forwarding (-R option) is limited to connections from and ::118:46
wNzWhereIsMySpoon: i use ssh -gL port:hostname:port localhost18:47
wNzfor port forwarding18:47
wNzthen you can use:18:47
POVaddctwNz: he needs remote port forwarding18:47
wNznetstat -tunap | grep <port>18:47
wNzto verify the port is opening and lisetning18:47
POVaddctwNz: with the -R option the ssh server side opens the port and forwards traffic to the ssh client machine18:48
yeehawHe could start a ssh server at home and do it reverse :P18:48
POVaddctwNz: that way you can bypass a NAT gateway18:48
devslashWnz how do i specify the root partition of an lvm volume18:49
wNzdevslash: the same way you do it with a partition18:49
wNzdevslash: when it asks 'where do i mount this' choose /18:49
devslashGparted wont let me18:49
lawlmanhello guys18:50
devslashIts not asking me because i created the lvm in terminal18:50
perlhelpIs there a mod here with whom I can please speak?18:50
wNzdevslash: are you using the alternative disk?18:50
tgm4883perlhelp, for what reason?18:50
lawlmanwhen will the support stop for ubuntu 10.04 lts?18:50
wNzdevslash: i *think* the alternative disk is required for lvm installation.18:50
devslashNo there is no alternative disk for Ubuntu 12.1018:50
zykotick9!10.04 | lawlman18:51
ubottulawlman: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)18:51
devslashI know how to create the lvm in terminal but not how to designate the root pqrtition18:51
wNzdevslash: its done during the install. im uncertain exactly how it's presented, but it'll ask you how you want to partition your devices18:52
wNzyou do it in that window18:52
Piciperlhelp: #ubuntu ops don't handle perl bans. You'd need to speak to the operators for that channel.18:52
LoneTrooperyeh i seen that option logic volume management during installation18:52
devslashWnz no.the graphical installer doesnt support lvm18:52
=== mpmc|Away is now known as mpmc
Piciperlhelp: the folks in #freenode might be able to help you get a hold of them if you don't know how.18:52
LoneTrooperit allows dynamic resizing of partitions18:53
yeehawdevslash: You mount the partition and create the filesystem and edit /etc/fstab18:53
devslashIt doesn't let you manually create volumes18:53
yeehawdevslash: But you reallydon't want to do that18:53
devslashYeehaw i dont have an fstab18:53
devslashAnd i shouldnt18:53
yeehawdevslash: You should use the graphical installer, not from command line18:53
devslashBecause i still have to create the volumes18:53
moofyHow do I run a command with sudo using my local $path rather than root's?18:53
perlhelpThank you pici!18:54
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yeehawdevslash: Are you literally on the command line? Or in the installer18:54
devslashI booted the live cd18:55
=== BadLarry is now known as MasterBob
devslashSo  i can create the lvm18:55
=== MasterBob is now known as BadLarry
RajviHi All, I messed my system :(. Installed KDE standard packages on my 12.10 to get dual DE. Now I don't like it! Tried to uninstall using Synaptic Pkg Manager.. It won't open, just ask for password that's it. Kaput :(18:55
yeehawdevslash: I would advise you to use the alternative installer, then you can create lvm during installlation18:55
devslashTheres a shortcut to install ubuntu but when i get to the point where you partition it says that theres no root partition18:56
wNzyeehaw: he said there is no alt isntaller for 12.1018:56
eZ0v3rR1d3lol new here sorry18:56
devslashYeehaw there is no such thing as alternate ibstaller for ubuntu 12.10. Cannonical dropped it18:56
yeehawwNz: But the 12.10 installer has LVM18:56
tgm4883devslash, what are  you trying to acomplish with LVM?18:57
wNzdevslash: what did you choose when it asked about how to setup yoru disks?18:57
devslashTgm encrypted disk18:57
wNzisn't there an option to encrypt your disk in the installer?18:57
tgm4883do you need LVM for encrypted disk?18:57
LoneTrooperit is18:57
tgm4883wNz, yes there is18:57
devslashWnz only if you erase your existing disk.i have a dual boot setup18:58
LoneTrooperi have installed xubuntu with encrypted hdd18:58
wNzdevslash: couldn't you encrypt a specific partition? it only does whole disks?18:58
tgm4883devslash, so when you did the custom partitioning in the installer, did you make a root partition?18:58
LoneTrooperif u choose that u will have to enter password during a boot of the os18:58
devslashTgm i did it in terminal because the installer doesnt support lvm18:59
LoneTrooperand the 2 password for your login18:59
devslashTgm i create the volume in terminal18:59
tgm4883wNz, depends on how secure he needs it18:59
lawlmananybody knows any good linux networking guides?18:59
=== TheDrums_ is now known as TheDrums
yeehawdevslash: Why don't you use ubuntu's automatic lvm creation and then edit the lvm partitions after the fact?19:00
tgm4883yeehaw, he's dual booting19:00
devslashYeehaw you can't19:00
yeehawtgm4883: Aah I missed that19:00
rexwin_configure.sh: error: C compiler cannot create executables19:00
tgm4883yeehaw, the automatic stuff only works if you let it take over the whole disk19:01
devslashIts ok im going to try it out in a vm insteas19:01
yeehawdevslash: You could create only a root partition now, install it to there and then create lvm after the fact.19:01
LoneTrooperok im new to linux os i have xubuntu and i wonder if theres a need to install sort of Internet security suite like for windows19:01
LoneTrooperi have 2 passwords for pc (login and hhd encryption)19:01
yeehawdevslash: And then liveboot it and move everything19:01
devslashI wouldn't know ho to do that19:01
LoneTrooperis it enough to protect pc?19:01
devslashI think ill try it in a vm.this is too complicated for me19:02
yeehawdevslash: Basically you just mount everything and with 'cp -a .' move everything to the new partitions19:02
yeehawdevslash: Then edit the fstab too reflect these changes19:02
yeehawdevslash: I've done it on multiple servers that got smaller disks and it's not that hard19:03
WhereIsMySpoonyeehaw: Hm ok, I'm trying a different tact: do ssh -R 5455:localhost:3000 me@myserver.net on the machine that is hosting the service, then doing ssh -L 9989:localhost:5455 me@myserver.net on the machine that wants to use the service19:03
WhereIsMySpoonwould that work?19:03
yeehawAnyone know why they dropped propper lvm support?19:03
devslashHow do i delete my lvm in gparted.right click and delete is greyed out19:04
yeehawWhereIsMySpoon: I have no idea, you should try it.19:04
yeehawdevslash: First delete all the partitions and then the group?19:04
xanguadevslash: use gparted from a live cd19:04
sw_hi. what's the put sftp command to put all files plus subfolders etc.?19:05
devslashIm using gparted from livecd19:05
yeehawsw_: put * ?19:05
sw_yeehaw: excludes subfolders :-(19:05
tgm4883-R ?19:06
yeehawdevslash: First delete lvm in the command line19:06
sw_is it -r or -R?19:06
yeehawdevslash: format the volumegroup to ext4 or something with mk2fs.ext419:06
Dr_proX-R or -D19:07
bekksyeehaw: WRONG.19:07
yeehawdevslash: Then format it in gparted19:07
yeehawYeahRight: What?19:07
bekksyeehaw: wRONG, Stop it please.19:07
yeehawbekks: What?19:07
param_Unable to connect internet by wifi in ubuntu server19:07
param_Unable to connect internet by wifi in ubuntu server ?19:07
bekksdevslash: You have to create logical volumes inside a volue group, and then you can format those logical volumes with a filesystem of your choice.19:07
sw_Dr_proX: with -R it fails on the subfolders, saying it couldn't canocicalize or something19:07
genii-aroundparam_: You probably need a wpa.conf file19:08
bekksyeehaw: You cannot format a volume group with a filesystem.19:08
wNzyeehaw: logical volume*19:08
yeehawbekks: He's trying to remove the lvm19:08
Dr_proXsw_: try -D19:08
sw_Dr_proX: -D invalid flag :<19:08
wNzyou could just dd the disk its on xD19:08
bekksdevslash: Then remove all logical volumes, remove the volume group, remove the physical volume, then use gparted to do what you want.19:08
Dr_proXsw_: ehm.please query the full output..19:09
devslashOk thanks i got it19:09
bekksyeehaw: Still, a volume group cannot be formated.19:09
sw_Dr_proX: maybe I need to create the subfolders first?19:09
devslashIm gonna do this in a vm19:09
yeehawbekks: If the volume group contains only one partition and you format that partition it will no longer exist after a reboot right?19:09
sw_Dr_proX: seems to work if the subfolders are created first19:10
yeehawbekks: He is working on a livecd19:10
devslashSo i don't have to worry about any data loss19:10
devslashEven though i did make a backup19:10
bekksyeehaw: A volume group never contains a partition, but only logical volumes. A volume group is built upon physical volumes.19:10
Dr_proXsw_: Ok, strange, maybe wrong sub owner rights_19:11
yeehawbekks: That's what I said, you format the physical volume / partition19:11
bekksyeehaw: You said something totally different. :)19:11
=== sw_ is now known as sw
Shadow__Xhello everyone of xubuntu 12.04 suspend and hibernate restarts the computer by itself19:12
yeehawbekks: But if you have an empty volume group with only one physical volume in it, it is still a partition, only with the lvm 'filesystem', so you could still format it and do something else. That's what I meant, sorry if that was unclear19:12
yeehawbekks: In a way you are then formatting the volume group19:13
bekksyeehaw: No. In no way you ever format a volume group.19:13
bekksyeehaw: A volume group is a meta-construct which actually only exists by defining a bunch of metadata on a physical volume.19:14
wNzyeah, you could format the pv or the lv, but not hte vg19:15
wNzthe vg is just a group pvs19:15
wNzgroup of19:15
yeehawbekks: But that data is contained on the physical volume itself, so when you format it you also format the vg. But I guess that's indeed the wrong way too look at it, because you would also be formatting a movie if its on a physical volume you're formatting.19:17
yeehawbekks: I will not say that again :P19:17
bekksyeehaw: Correct.19:17
ozcanesenare gtk2 and gtk3 window effects have difference? for example is gtk2 window closing faster than gtk3 window?19:19
Piciozcanesen: gtk just provides the widgets within the window, your window manager should control the effects.19:21
paramUnable to connect internet by wifi in ubuntu server ?19:21
devslashThanks guys for your help but setting up lvm with a dual boot is too complicated for me.19:21
Shadow__Xany ideas on how to get suspend workibg on xubuntu 12.04?19:22
ozcanesenPici, thanks19:22
belgianguyis there somewhere documentation about the best practices to secure a server?19:22
belgianguyand how to test if it's actually secure (BackTrack and friends)19:22
paramUnable to connect internet by wifi in ubuntu server ?19:22
narcosHey there. Im looking for help getting hybserv working with hybrid-ircd IRC server.19:22
devslashIf I set up lvm encryption is it necessary or a good idea to also encrypt the home folder19:22
devslashOr is that overkill19:23
MarlincHello I'm trying to get multitouch to work19:24
Marlincsynclient shows in monitor mode that 2 fingers are pressed19:25
MarlincIt also sees it when I put three fingers on my touchpad19:25
MarlincBut still I can't seem te be able to use it19:25
paramUnable to connect internet by wifi in ubuntu server ?19:25
slavixHello, can someone tell me what package I need to install on ubuntu 12.10 to build an app from source if I get an error: configure: error: Can not find X11 library19:25
Picislavix: likely xorg-dev19:26
LoneTrooperread some guide related to that application19:26
LoneTroopersome applications needs some libraries to work19:26
LoneTrooperto compile a package19:26
genii-aroundslavix: Most likely xserver-xorg-dev19:27
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
t3ch_hello all ubuntu dont want to read sdcard of kingston but on win7 read19:28
t3ch_anyone what to do19:28
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slavixhow about this error message: configure: error: Can not find Bluetooth library - which package?19:29
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=== Sawblade5 is now known as VictorRedtail|Sa
epicoderI'm having a few problems upgrading precise > quantal. Is this the right channel to ask in or is there a more specific channel?19:32
yeehawAnyone else that has Graphical artifacts with the latest fglrx drivers?19:34
=== MadAGu is now known as arargyridis
LoneTrooperdo u want to make major update i mean still having precise and turn it into quantal ? would it be easier to make fresh installation of 12.10?19:34
LoneTrooperati or nvidia?19:34
LoneTrooperi use property drivers19:35
LoneTrooperin any case dont use open source driver its buggy and offers less performance19:35
bekksLoneTrooper: Which is entirely wrong.19:36
LoneTrooperu sure?19:36
bekksLoneTrooper: Yes.19:37
LoneTrooperi cant open source driver for example with opera browser the mouse pointer keeps blinking19:37
LoneTrooperthats for ati hd 667019:37
Eagleman7What is a good way of importing iptable rules on reboot?19:38
bekksLoneTrooper: Closed source software is often even more buggy, and often even slower than open source drivers. Please dont generalize your personal problems witha specific driver to apply for every FOSS/closed source project. :)19:38
LoneTroopernot that i try to blame someone work omg19:39
bekksLoneTrooper: And your error just looks like you did something wrong when installing the driver.19:39
LoneTrooperby default open source driver is selected19:39
LoneTrooperhow this can be messed up19:39
bekksLoneTrooper: By using a driver that doesnt support your hardware, e.g.19:40
LoneTrooperwell that can be true19:40
belgianguyEagleman7: nano /etc/network/interfaces19:41
belgianguyfind line: iface lo inet loopback19:41
Eagleman7belgianguy, on Fedora there is a firewall applet that does this.19:41
belgianguyadd this line after it: pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.rules19:41
LoneTrooperhttp://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu this is the good web page to help u instal amd ati drivers19:42
LoneTrooperit worked for me19:42
belgianguyEagleman7: feel free to look for an app19:42
MoPac[Swap question]: Doing a new dual-boot 12.10 install with LUKS FDE. on SSD. Need hibernation. Considering swap file over partition to avoid repetitive password entry. Are there performance or other issues to worry about in using file rather than separate LUKS partition?19:42
zykotick9MoPac: you'll need to research if hibernate can use a swap "file"... i'm not sure it can.19:44
MoPaczykotick9: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1042946 indicates that it could19:44
MoPacBut I'm wondering if it would be slower?19:44
zykotick9MoPac: ok.  glad you're aware then.19:44
MoPacAlso, would using a swap partition wear out my SSD faster?19:44
osmjamesHi Im just trying to understand the organisation of linux/ubuntu. Interfaces and windows are drawn by Unity. Unity is a shell of GNOME. GNOME provides its own software development framework in which applications are built.. So what happens when I open an application built with KDE?19:46
MoPacThere were some suggestions that writing to a partition rather than a file involved less kernel or filesystem overhead and so might be faster. If it's all the same, I prefer a file so I don't have to enter two partition passwords on every boot19:46
belgianguyI've recently become aware that my display manager poops itself when I close my laptop lid, is there anything I can do about that?19:46
LoneTrooperu can use any window environment u wish gnome kde xfce or lxde19:46
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:47
zykotick9Pici: !who without a nick is kinda funny19:47
jab416171I have a file, /home/$USER/a/b/c.sh. If my wd is /home/$USER, and I type: vim a/b/c<TAB>, I get nothing. But if I do cd /home/$USER/a, then run vim b/c<TAB>, it auto completes to b/c.sh. I ran both tab completions with "set -x" so it spits out every line, and it's not obvious where the problem is.19:48
meeludaymn can't get ipv6 to work on my server still19:48
zykotick9jab416171: that sounds like am absolute vs relative paths issue?19:49
zykotick9jab416171: sorry, i re-read.  i don't know the cause of that.19:51
MoPacI'm using Cinnamon desktop with Nemo on 12.10.  It annoys me that windows are still often opened with Nautilus. If I sudo apt-get remove nautilus, would there be any unintended side-effects?19:51
jab416171zykotick9: that's the difference between the two19:53
brightknightWhen piping output of a command to a text file from terminal how may I specify to append to an already existing text file?19:53
escottbrightknight, >> not >19:53
jhutchins_wkjab416171: Try ./a...19:54
brightknightescott: very well19:54
jhutchins_wkjab416171: Also ~/a19:54
=== A7med is now known as Neo31
tad-poleliquidmetal: Still no luck?19:54
jab416171on both19:54
jhutchins_wkjab416171: Interesting.19:55
skulltipbrightknight - pipe/appeand is easy..    cat text.file >> appended_output.txt19:55
skulltipdoh.. slow reader19:56
zlatanhi...I can't scroll unity sidebar with mouse wheel for few days now...is that something implemented by ubuntu or an error19:56
=== Cristiano is now known as Guest1827
Neo31hello folks, can somebody provide a link to ubuntu phone channel or developers ? a mailing list would be interesting too :) thanks19:57
DJones!phone | Neo3119:57
ubottuNeo31: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone19:57
jab416171zlatan: mine doesn't scroll with my mouse wheel. How many icons are in your dock?19:57
Neo31thanks DJones and ubottu19:58
zlatanjab416171, 29 :O19:58
jab416171zlatan: that's a few. haha20:00
zlatanjab416171, so is it because so many launchers or what? :)20:00
jab416171I have no idea20:01
nivahi Duply version and Duplicity version 0.6.18-0ubuntu3.1I am having this issue  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1637392/ in a backup using webdav and symmetric encryption20:04
jab416171jhutchins_wk: any other ideas?20:04
nivaDo you think it might have to with their webdav implementation of the livedrive which I am using ?20:07
zlatanalso how to get rid of mixed languages - I added another language and it was default but I switched back to English and erased that one but there are still mixed app names and other20:08
antonio_Aloha folks..20:08
antonio_I'm trying to figure out why I have no sound on my system...20:09
antonio_never mind..just got it working ;)20:09
antonio_thanks for the help! :D20:09
fully_humanAntiga: Youre welcome, although I'm not sure what I did.20:10
fully_humanOops, wrong nick, wrong message. :P20:10
nivaany ideas ?20:11
pilа как на русский канал зайти?20:11
nomodesetpil: wtf?20:12
tad-poleRussian I think.20:12
nomodesettad-pole: lol20:12
tad-poleis there a ubuntu russian channel? thats what he asked20:13
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:13
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
g105bI know questions about ATI/AMD graphics get tossed around a lot, but I have an add problem - the proprietary drivers work fine for my dual monitor setup, but every time I boot the settings in amdcccle are reset to clone the displays. And ideas?20:14
tad-poleg105b: I use arandr    http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.220:16
carldanleyis there a way to force add-apt-repository20:17
carldanleyso it doesnt prompt for enter20:17
carldanleysimilar to --force-yes20:17
Antigafully_human: Thank you for saying you're welcome, although I'm not sure what I did. ;)20:18
fully_humanI was thanking someone else... :) Thank you for being yourself, I suppose.20:19
trismcarldanley: -y20:20
rexwin_cannot create executables20:21
rexwin_while installing a package20:21
zykotick9rexwin_: i'm guessing s/installing a package/compile from source/20:21
bekksrexwin_: Whats the exact and full message you get when doing what exactly on which Ubuntu version in detail?20:22
rexwin_configure.sh: error: C compiler cannot create executables20:23
rexwin_Debian GNU/Linux testing/unstable \n \l20:24
=== burrito is now known as Guest35322
rexwin_trying to install rsync from tar.gz20:24
carldanleytrism: tyvm!20:26
tad-polerexwin_ What link did you get the file from?20:26
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
nOStahlhi all, is there ubuntu channel for ubuntu phone?20:27
kostkon!phone | nOStahl20:27
ubottunOStahl: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone20:27
nOStahlah yt20:28
escottrexwin_, why would you do that?20:29
rexwin_tad-pole http://rsync.samba.org/ftp/rsync/src/rsync-3.0.9.tar.gz20:30
rexwin_escott, apt-get install rsync gives20:30
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rexwin_escott ^^20:32
rasha666did anyone tried Ubuntu Server. I want to try on my lap-top to check should i buy server to install ubuntu server. Suggestions?20:34
tad-polerexwin_: Did you try "sudo apt-get -f install" and then "sudo apt-get update" then retry to install?20:34
tad-poleRasha666 why would you want to run a server via your laptop?20:34
rexwin_tad-pole,  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:35
rasha666tad-pole, just to learn basics about running, after i will buy server and host there20:35
tad-polerasha666: ubuntu server is great and very easy to use    you should try it then :020:35
charltonOK, so I went on Ubuntu for the first time in months with the noble intention of updating my graphics card driver because the one I had (post-release updates) would crash my card every ~30mins and the current was even worse, and I tried installing the latest recommended from them (310.32) and ended up needing to go into emergency terminal. I tried fixing it by installing nvidia-current and nvidia-current-updates but in20:36
charltoneverything but xcfe I now have no window manager... could I get some help?20:36
buntubobHello I'm trying to find a solution seemingly simple problem.  I'm trying to use rename to change only the last character of filenames.20:36
charlton(sorry for wall20:36
Kd3m0found a solution into making linux run on Windows 820:36
rasha666tad-pole, how many web sites can i set up on one server. i dont have much of a background in servers :)20:36
tad-polerasha666 Depends on what your doing and what your hardware is, Google it with your specifications.20:37
Picibuntubob: something like this should just replace the last character of a file to 'r':  Use -n to test before you actually do it: rename 's/.$/r/' files*20:37
fully_humancharlton: There are a few ways this can happen.  Firstly, open a terminal and type "ccsm" That's the Compiz control center.  Scroll down and you should see "Unity Plugin" Enable this.20:37
rasha666tad-pole, tnx for guidenes :)20:37
buntubobI'm trying now20:37
tad-polerexwin_ That error msg was from what command?20:38
fully_humancharlton:  Ah, didn't see your furst post...just a sec.20:38
charltonfully_human, I can't believe I forgot that, I guess I've been off for a while20:38
arvenduhello guys currenty i am using ubuntu and i want to install windows how can i do that using USB20:38
fully_humancharlton: No problem. :-)20:38
fully_humanIf that doesn't help, you might just have to skip eyecandy and go for xfce. :-(20:39
bekksarvendu: Which Windows?20:39
bekksarvendu: You have to create a USB installation medium for doing it.20:39
charltonfully_human, Should I try that anyway? I think it's the driver, it was working before... (albeit crashing the GPU every once in a while)20:40
buntubobIt didn't work?  Typo?20:40
fully_humancharlton: yes, try the Unity plugin.20:40
charltonfully_human, it's enabled20:40
arvendui did that using unetbootin but when i boot using usb it is just showing unetbootin and timer only counting 0 - 10 nothing else20:40
bekksarvendu: You cannot use unetbootin for doing it.20:41
fully_humanYou could also try installing jockey and then selecting your driver. DO NOT SELECT POST-RELEASE UPDATES.  You should select the recommended on.20:41
john_doe_jrhow do you determine how much disk space is left on an ubuntu machine?20:41
arvendubekkas can tell me any guide plz20:41
bekksjohn_doe_jr: Just type "df -h" in a terminal.20:41
zykotick9john_doe_jr: "df -h" is one method.20:41
fully_human^^ charlton20:41
rasha666arvendu, its recomended to install first windows, then linux.20:42
bekksarvendu: Sorry, I cant. But you can ask for those guides in ##windows20:42
charltonthanks, fully_human , I'll try that20:42
buntubobok it did work.  thanks!  it was a typo on my part20:42
dvanstonei just installed and updated chrubuntu but i have a question on my date in the panel it shows monday in the system log viewer it is showing tuesday the 11 any idea how i can correct this ?20:42
buntubobi needed to cut n paste20:42
arvenduk thanks bekks20:42
fully_humancharlton: No problem. Hope it works. I know with most video cards, it's hit and miss. C'mon NVIDIA, get with the program!20:42
ozcanesenis it possible to get stdout stderr from /proc driectory?20:43
=== Noskcaj is now known as Noskcaj_AFK
charltonfully_human, is there a way to switch between drivers in the additional-drivers pane from terminal?20:45
fully_humancharlton: Oh, wait, there's not Jockey GUI, is there?20:46
guenhaelj'aurais besoin d'un peu d'aide20:46
DJones!fr | guenhael20:47
ubottuguenhael: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:47
guenhaelyes sorry I just noticed it20:47
charltonfully_human, that's what I understood additional-drivers to be20:47
guenhaelso, I need some help to configure a VPN server20:47
guenhaelI know how to do it by the GUI20:47
guenhaelbut I would like to write a script able to do it automatically20:48
john_doe_jrhow do you list the size of a certain folder20:48
fully_humancharlton: It's now under software-properties-gtk.20:48
guenhaelsince I work a lot with virtual machines20:48
fully_humancharlton: There's a tab called "additional drivers."20:48
nullby7ehow can i use geforce 650ti with latest ubuntu?20:48
zykotick9john_doe_jr: "du -sh /path/to/directory"20:48
guenhaeldoes anyone can help me or propose me a link to learn how to do this?20:48
zykotick9guenhael: there is a text mode jockey that can do what you want.  don't ask me though.20:49
joshuI'm trying to get my Huawei E3276 usb modem working on ubuntu desktop 12.04 with the help of this link https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/211095 but I can get it to connect20:49
guenhaelwhat's a text mode jockey?20:50
katy_hello can someone please help me? I installed the nvidia driver on mt macbook pro and now the backlight doens't turn on.20:50
charltonfully_human, I get that... how can one do terminal-based changes though, if it needs changing without gui available? It seems like it should be accessible from terminal, given how prone it is to being the thing that destroys your gui...20:50
zykotick9guenhael: jockey is the additional hardware thing.  try "jockey<TAB>" in a terminal20:50
fully_humancharlton: Ah, I see. I'm not sure...I'll look into it.20:51
guenhaelI really don't understand sorry20:51
charltonfully_human, zykotick9 gave me the needed clue: it's jockey-text20:52
bluezoneThis question is going to be random. I feel like everytime i click and drag windows the movement animation is scratchy/notVerySmooth compared to the type of smoothness i'm used to in windows, is this a simple v-sync problem or is it more complex like a poor video card drivers?20:53
fully_humancharlton: Well, there are several options to jockey-text.  If you do "jockey-text --help" there are several options for listing, etc.20:53
fully_humanbluezone: Have you installed the proprietary drivers from software-properties-gtk?20:53
zykotick9charlton: so sorry, i meant to be using your nick, not guenhael's.  guenhael sorry.20:54
charltonfully_human, thanks. I now have the confidence to try, and know at least how to revert it. :)20:54
bluezonesoftware-properties-gtk, is that the same as using jockey-gtk (additional drivers) ? fully_human20:54
fully_humanbluezone: Yes. Jockey's gone and now it's software-properties-gtk.20:54
fully_human(well, technically, jockey-text is stilla round).20:55
ericosuaveanyone know if there is a way to edit the crontab binary? im trying to make it execute an svn commit on :wq after ive done a crontab -e20:55
charltonzykotick9, No prob. I'm sure it confused guenhael a little, but it sure helped me. :)20:55
katy_Hello, does anyone know a solution for this problem: My macbook Pro boots to an all black screen ever since i installed the nvidia driver.20:55
guenhaelno problem20:56
guenhaelbut is there anyone who can help me then?20:56
bluezonefully_human, if it's the same thing, yes i have and i've tried the beta one too it's still the same issue; it's not very noticeable but i feel like it can be fixed20:56
swhi. how can I strip just the package names from a list like this: http://pastebin.com/X3L0jDCc, and also list them all on one single line?20:56
bekksericosuave: Edit the source code, recompile it. Or write a wrapper script.20:56
Martinjo84Good evning :D20:57
swhi. how can I strip just the package names from a list like this: http://pastebin.com/X3L0jDCc, and also list them all on one single line?20:57
ericosuavehmm thx bekks20:57
Martinjo84Just testing irssi :D20:58
Martinjo84wonder if there is a cmd that turn of QUIT Message20:58
Pici!quietirssi | Martinjo8420:58
ubottuMartinjo84: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS20:58
Martinjo84ubottu: thx :D20:59
katy_is anyone knowlegable on MacBook Pro Nvidia driver issues. I'm totally stuck?21:00
zlatangnome-tweak-tool doesn't work http://paste.ubuntu.com/1637563/? Any help?21:01
=== johndoe is now known as Guest39405
trismsw: something like: cut -f4 -d' ' filename | tr '\n' ' '; perhaps21:01
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=== r is now known as Guest75957
_helios_I been trying to use Testdrive to run 13.04 not having any luck any suggestions?21:02
_helios_It boots up shows the beginning screen than just sits there with a blinking cursor nothing loads21:03
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katy_hello. this is the ubuntu support channel, right?21:04
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:04
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )21:05
fairuz_Hi guys. Ubuntu phone and Ubuntu for Androidare two diferent things right?21:08
fairuz_*Android are21:08
unheedin1fairuz_: yes, ubuntu phone is a different OS than Android21:08
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
charltonthanks, fully_human. I got the recommended one and it went to emergency console, but I enabled post-release-updates from there and am now in a fully working desktop session once again.21:10
fully_humancharlton: No problem. :)21:10
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fairuz_unheedin1: I mean Ubuntu used in Ubuntu phones are they different from the one used in Ubuntu for Android? (in term of UI etc)21:11
Rommehow do i read a Maildir in console?21:11
zykotick9Romme: try "mail"21:12
Rommeit reads mbox21:12
zykotick9Romme: true.  sorry.21:13
katy_can someone please confirm for me if my messagesare visable o you?21:16
joshui just tried using wvdial and sudo wvdialconf with my usb modem e3276 and it doesn't detect it. Any ideas?21:16
joshuyes katy_ I can see youre messages21:16
LantzRkaty_ I see you21:16
=== chaosito714 is now known as Esmaschat7365
zefuroshello there , can somebody help me? i need someone with big expirience on booting issues21:17
dvanstone is the a way to force use of ip421:18
zefurosanyone here who can help me with ubuntu/windows booting issues?21:18
LantzRzefuros: maybe ...21:19
devslashWhat's the path to the Linux headers21:19
mapmazgood , now give....21:19
mapmazokokokokokokokoko hi there21:20
zefuroslantzr: hey mate thanks for answering. Look i had windows 8 on my ssd drive and now i installed ubuntu on my hdd drive. the problem is even that grub sees my windows 8 loader when i try to boot it it restarts the system, any ideas? (note both ubuntu windows 8 are 64bit versions if it matters)21:20
boikhutsohello people, im new here and i want to joing the C channel, how do i go about it?21:20
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SonikkuAmerica/join #c21:21
zefuroslantzr: any ideas?21:22
LantzRdevslash: I do not have em on this machibe. use aptitude , search for linux header package, look at installed files21:22
zefurosi need help her21:25
LantzRzefuros: um not sure. I've wrestled with grub ... a lot. One thought is this tool that has _saved_ me before. It's smart about grub. https://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair-cd/home/Home/21:26
zykotick9Romme: did you see list of support clients at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maildir ?  PS. asking in #d when #u doesn't answer - not cool.21:26
zefuroslantzr: i see this tool a lot but not sure what it can do, do you have the kindness to explain me here or in private what it can do so i can see if it can solve my problem?21:27
marjinal1sthow can i query the quota of my 3G account in ubuntu 12.10?21:30
marjinal1stasking again; how can i query the quota of my 3G account in ubuntu 12.10?21:32
KI4ROmarjinal1st, It might take more than 2 minutes for someone that knows to answer...be patient21:33
nearsthi ppl21:33
joshumarjinal1st have a look at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/164377/how-to-check-data-usage-of-a-usb-datacard-on-ubuntu21:36
joshuI haven't tested it myself but I was researching the same as you and will need it as soon as I get my usb modem working21:36
katyHello, i am unable to get my MacBook pro to work with the nvidia driver. Can someone please help21:39
katyI currently can only boot to a black screen21:39
nearsti confuse, my sis lappy shows "count not open library/2.6.38/modules.dep" but ls -al /lib/modules show 3.5.0-17-generic21:40
marjinal1stjoshu, I've installed and run that program. it says that "ppp0: Not enough data available yet." Actually,  I'm using my 3G connection at this moment.21:40
histokaty: From an install boot to a black screen?21:40
nklssomeone have problem in firefox with scrolling? i mean.. for me is not smooth. any advice?21:40
nklsi look at the solution and nobody knows, is it a bug?21:40
histonkls: Do you have proper video drivers installed. I've noticed slow downs with the open source versioins.21:41
madpropshow come there is no libgtk3.0-dev in 12.10 64 ?21:41
nklshisto, i have current nvidia21:41
katyhistro: so no i instal ubuntu 12.10 and it works fine. then I go to install the nvidia driver. after i reboot. i get the black screeen. I am currently connect to my macbook pro via ssh though.21:41
joshumarjinal1st hopefully it will work after a while21:41
nklsbtw i have ubuntu 10.0421:41
marjinal1stI'll try, thanks for your help :)21:42
nklshisto, you dont have that problem with firefox?21:42
histokaty: Which nvidia driver did you install?  Also which chipset do you have?  if you type in lspci  it should show you the chipset you have for VGA21:42
histonkls: I use chrome or chromium here mostly but I did not notice that issue when I had ff21:42
histonkls: Just check ff no issues21:43
katyhistro: i believe i ran sudo apt-get install nvidia-current. I have the GeForce GT330M card. That last bit was a little over my head, what do you mean?21:43
nklsi have only problems with linux!21:43
histokaty: let me check something21:43
katyhistro: ok21:44
joshumarjinal1st this link might be useful as well http://askubuntu.com/questions/164377/how-to-check-data-usage-of-a-usb-datacard-on-ubuntu21:44
katyhistro: paste.ubuntu.com/1637727/21:45
DaemonicApathynkls: I'd probably suggest upgrading Ubuntu.21:45
trismmadprops: it is libgtk-3-dev21:45
histokaty: http://askubuntu.com/questions/228592/blank-screen-at-boot-ubuntu-12-04-nvidia-current-macbook-air-3-221:45
nklsDaemonicApathy, you mean.. 12.04 or 12.10?21:45
DaemonicApathy12.04, if you like to keep them for that long.21:46
histonkls: What version are you running?21:46
nklsversion of ubuntu?21:46
nklsor firefox?21:46
DaemonicApathynkls Ubuntu.21:46
nklseverybody on the internet have that issue about scrolling21:47
ffunengahello, can somebody help me? http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/64468/how-do-i-install-libgtk-3-dev-in-elementaryos21:47
katyhistro: so just run this cmd "apt-get install grub-pc"?21:47
nkls it's very choppy/laggish/not smooth at all.21:47
histonkls: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/56641221:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 566412 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Autoscroll in Firefox can freeze these at once: Firefox, keyboard, mouse, and possibly other things" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:48
* DaemonicApathy has no problems with scrolling in Firefox.21:48
nklsomg.. and that bug is still here!! no way!21:48
histokaty: yes if you have network access21:49
histokaty: otherwise you'd have to boot to install disk and chroot then run it.21:49
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katyhistro: ok now "sudo reboot" + cross fingers?21:50
histonkls: I don't know if the bug is still active. It may have renewed itself with a recent update. Try disabling javascript and see if that fixes the issue like people there have suggested.21:50
histokaty: Yes.21:50
nklshisto, i will disabling javascript in the firefox or synaptic?21:50
nklshisto, btw thanks!21:50
nklsalso, thanks to everybody21:51
histonkls: in firefox.21:51
histonkls: Also if you can't find answers here, you can try askubuntu.com or searchign the forums, or bug reports.21:51
cratsAnyone know of some good tutorial on how to change the window manager?21:52
histofuzzybunny: hello21:52
histo!notunity | crats21:53
ubottucrats: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:53
katyhisto: it didnt work. just booted to a black screen again21:53
marjinal1stjoshu, I've found a nice application for that. http://linuxonly.ru/cms/page.php?7 again thanks for your help :)21:53
fuzzybunnyhey i'm just checking out the irc chat is all thx for the reply!21:53
histokaty: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:54
cratsi use xubuntu but was hoping to change the wm to awm21:54
histocrats: ahh check in #xubuntu21:55
joshumarjinal1st is that link for getting my modem working?21:55
datarecall_hey guys i have ubuntu desktop installed, and I am trying to get my secondary graphics card working, it seems to be working but screens are both grey, cant access them etc.  Here is my xorg.conf : http://paste2.org/p/284985521:55
histokaty: also do you get a login prompt or anything if you hit ctrl+alt+F121:55
histokaty: weren't you the person this morning that was having a problem with backlight?21:56
joshuI've started a question about my modem trouble on askubuntu http://askubuntu.com/questions/253965/cant-connect-huawei-e3276-on-ubuntu-desktop-12-0421:56
histo!twinview | datarecall_21:56
katyhistro: (i think its fn+option/alt+command+f1) and no it does nothing21:57
ubottudatarecall_: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings21:57
marjinal1stnope, I think it's for managing mobile modems.21:57
histokaty: Has it ever booted on this machine?21:57
katyhistro: well it was last night for me :) but that sounds right21:57
datarecall_histo, i tried twinview for all 4 monitors and it still has the same issue21:57
histokaty: How'd you fix that earlier issue with backlight.21:57
katyhistro: yes before i installed the nvidia driver21:57
datarecall_let me reset it back to twinview brb21:58
katyhistro: i dont believe we did... same issue'21:58
jhutchins_wkkaty: It may be a problem with the framebuffer.21:58
katyhisto: syntroPi and i worked on it for several hours but we eventually hung it up...21:58
ubottuInformation about changing your framebuffer modes in GRUB can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer#grub21:59
histokaty: It appears X is booting fine according to your logs.21:59
katy<jhutchins_wk>what is framebuffer21:59
t3chanyone know what to do with this micro sdcard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12504790#post1250479021:59
cratsdoes anyone here have experience with x?21:59
jhutchins_wkkaty: I think you want to boot with the nofb option, but I'm not sure of the exact option in the current kernel.21:59
histokaty: So it boots fine without the nvidia-current driver right?21:59
histo!anyone | crats22:00
ubottucrats: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:00
katyhistro: yes before i install the nvidia driver. it boots fine22:00
jhutchins_wkkaty: It is a low-level graphics system used by newer cards.  Allows more manipulation of the non-GUI screen and is used by the advanced GUI drivers.22:00
histocrats: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit22:00
t3chdo i need woman nick so someone will unswer22:00
t3chhelp here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12504790#post1250479022:00
katy<jhutchins_wk>got it. but i can still acces my MacBook Pro from ssh. so thats not really the issue right now, is it?22:01
jhutchins_wkt3ch: No, you need to ask a real question, or summarize your problem, with details.22:01
datarecall_http://paste2.org/p/2849877 is the xorg.conf generated by nvidia-settings the screens are on just pure grey22:01
katyhistro: does that mean it's just a backlight issue?22:01
t3chhere you have details http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12504790#post1250479022:01
=== mojtaba1 is now known as maria
histokaty: It sounds that way to me but i'm searching right now for other people having the same issue. Being a macbook i'm sure someone would have reported it.22:02
jhutchins_wkt3ch: Are you trying to partition the sd card?22:02
mariaHi, Does anybody know how can I change some pictures to PDF?22:02
katyhisto: ok cool22:02
t3chto mount it will be good22:02
katyhisto: its a macbook pro 6,222:02
jhutchins_wkmaria: imagemagick or gimp.22:02
tad-polemaria: google fileformat to pdf conversion :P22:02
mariajhutchins_wk: Can I use a command to invert them?22:03
jhutchins_wkt3ch: look at the output of dmesg after you insert the card.  It should tell you what storage device was created.22:03
rasha666how can i get original cd-s from first ubuntu version?22:03
t3chi have post dmesg of that when u instert the card22:04
t3chif you check the post you see22:04
jhutchins_wkt3ch: Generally if the system is working correctly your GUI should mount it automatically, so we suspect the reader might not be happy with linux.22:04
t3chi know that have tryed with other card and it work22:04
t3chbut with that micro it dont22:04
t3chonly with win7 work22:04
datarecall_could the position be wrong somehow histo ?22:04
rasha666how can i get original cd-s from first ubuntu version?22:05
histokaty: is there a key to switch output screens like from external to internal?  Like fn+F1-F12  ??22:05
jhutchins_wkt3ch: The portion of the output you posted is not useful.22:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:05
t3chwhat is portion22:05
t3ch/dev/mmc ?22:05
AarondsHi, why is it that useradd <username> doesn't create a home directory?22:05
histodatarecall_: I'm not two familiar with dualhead setups22:05
katyhisto: like the dimmer and brightener buttons? f1 anf f222:05
=== DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
jribAaronds: use "adduser" instead22:06
katyhisto: usually on the mac you just hit f1 or f2 without function to change the screen brightness22:06
Aarondsah my bad22:06
Aarondscheers jrib22:06
jribAaronds: useradd is more low-level22:06
t3chyou meen that dmesg is not useful22:06
t3chi know that22:06
t3chgoogle dont find nothing useful yes22:06
FloodBot1t3ch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:06
katyp201: wondering if you've had any new ideas for how to fix the backlight issue on my macbook pro?22:07
BluesKajt3ch, what does sudo fdisk -l output , psatebin it please ?22:08
katyhisto: so i tried f2 and fn+f2. nothing changed...22:08
t3chonly sda* disks that is my hdd22:08
t3chblueskaj sda1-622:09
t3chnothing useful again22:09
p201katy, sorry, but I can only google for you - never used linux on macbook myself.22:09
t3chmaybe i need to buy new sdcard for ubuntu22:09
histokaty: shit+cntrl + eject22:10
katyp201, no worries. thx for all the help you gave me last nigh!22:10
tad-polet3ch maybe reformat it on windows?22:10
histokaty: then try esc if that doesn't work22:10
BluesKajt3ch,  sudo mount /dev/sda622:10
t3chya i have tryed but when i have install some image for raspberrypi it creates some partitions and now it dont go to delete them22:11
t3chbloeskaj :)22:11
h-techhello leet haxxors22:11
p201katy no problem22:11
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
BluesKajt3ch, ??22:11
h-techhow do i print debug info from a software within ubuntu?22:11
t3chsda is my hdd22:12
katy_histo: so i treid crtl+shift+eject, nothing. escape, nothing. crtl+shift+escape, nothing22:12
t3chno no, i see noone have that micro sdcard and use ubuntu... will try buy new one from other company22:13
t3chtnx anyway22:13
BluesKajt3ch,what does fdisk -l show for the sd card ?22:13
h-tech\join #developer22:14
h-techany ubuntu developer irc channel?22:14
gmulakt3ch:  So you need an SD card?22:14
BluesKaj /join  , h-tech22:14
h-techBlueEagle, thanks22:14
OerHeksh-tech, apport-retrace ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash22:14
BluesKajh-tech, /join #ubuntu-devel22:15
h-techBlueEagle, ty so much22:15
BluesKajyeah , ok22:15
OerHeksgood start > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures22:15
gmulakphilipballew:  Did you get my earlier e-mail about Monitor and funds?22:16
h-techgreat tips guys, (un)fortunately my gf is calling me to bed. so have to check this out tomorrow22:16
h-techhave a great night22:16
katy_histo: back?22:17
histokaty_: yeah22:17
histokaty_: I'm not seeing anyone with this issue.  Which nvidia driver did you install?22:18
histokaty_: Also do you get a splash screen at all while it's booting?22:18
katy_histo: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current22:18
histokaty_: alright to get back to the regular drivers sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current22:19
histokaty_: then reboot22:19
katy_histo: yes this is the sequence. boot to grub>select "Ubuntu"> purple screen> ubuntu logo 5 dot> black screen22:19
=== picca_ is now known as picca
zefuroscan someone here help me use gparted to create a bios partition?22:20
katy_histro: ok ill do that now. ultimatly though i really want to get the proprietary driver working.22:20
histokaty_: Okay then dont'22:20
LoneTrooperi can help u22:20
histokaty_: Did you try and pass backlight options to the kernel?22:20
ejvwhat's a bios partition lol22:20
LoneTrooperget ultimate bood cd22:20
LoneTrooperill give u  a link w822:21
zefuroslonetrooper: are you reffering to me?22:21
tgm4883!who | LoneTrooper22:21
ubottuLoneTrooper: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:21
POVaddctejv: read the wikipedia article about efi/uefi22:21
katy_histro: what is the backlight option?22:21
katy_histro: like what is the grub cmd?22:21
LoneTrooperno hes looking to resize partitions22:21
nearstsup ppl22:22
LoneTroopergo and download that iso its a compilation of dos programs22:22
histokaty_: sudo nano /etc/default/grub   to edit grubs config.22:22
LoneTrooperthat package include programs for resizing hdd22:22
katy_histro: so this is something im gonna do from cmd prompt not the grub menu?>22:23
histokaty_: on the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT add acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=legacy   at the end inside the quotes22:23
histokaty_: yes22:23
histokaty_: or you can try from the grub menu but I can't remember the key to add kernel arguments atm22:24
katy_histo: ok one sec my ssh got disconnect.22:24
zefuroslonetrooper: ok with all these but my problem is that i try to run boot-repair and it says i must create a bios partitation , do you know how i can achieve that?22:24
histokaty_: Get to the grub menu and press e22:24
LoneTrooperwww.ultimatebootcd.com/ just go there and download iso and burn it22:24
LoneTrooperor i think u can place it on usb and make it bootable22:25
zefuroslonetrooper wouldnt it be easier to make it with gparted inside of ubuntu?22:25
LoneTrooperthat cd image contain a lot of dos programs22:25
LoneTrooperwell if that suits u22:25
philipballewgmulak, I sent you a pm22:25
LoneTrooperlike i said that cd contains a lot of dos programs including for hard drive22:26
zefuroslonetrooper: yeah cause that way i will hav guidance22:26
katy_histo: ok. so add acpi_osi=Linux acpi_backlight=legacy to the line that starts with "linux" but there are not quotes like u said above?22:26
zefuroslonetrooper: but how can i make this using gparted do you know this?22:26
histokaty_: added the line in what the grub menu or the /etc/default/grub file?22:27
LoneTrooperhttp://www.hirensbootcd.org/files/Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip this is even better cd image of dos programs22:27
histozefuros: what are you trying to do?22:27
katy_well i havcent done either yet. im abount to add the line in the grub boot options "menu" . is that what you want me to do?22:27
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LoneTrooperusing that linux program well nope im afraid22:27
histokaty_: yes.22:28
histokaty_: if you are doing it there there are no quotes22:28
katy_histo, got it. ok i added both. now im gonna boot22:28
histozefuros: What are you talking about a bios partition?22:28
zefuroshisto: thanks for the reply i will take it from the start. I installed ubuntu on a windows 8 system on different drive and now i cant boot windows 8 from grub, it shows windows 8 loader but it restarts when i try to boot22:28
histokaty_: you should be able to press enter to boot.22:29
katy_histo, i think its f10 on mac22:29
histokaty_: I'm confused now are you editing the /etc/default/grub file or are you editing the kernel line at the grub menu?22:30
zefuroshisto: searching for solution they encouraged me to use the boot-repair , but running boot-repair it asks if sdb1 is removable and i press no and then it says gpt  detected create a bios-boot partition22:30
katy_histo,kernel line at the grub menu22:30
histokaty_: okay well try those two options and boot22:30
katy_histo, just did it. and its booting to a alll purple screen. no ubuntu logo. no black screen22:31
LoneTrooperwell in most cases installing 2 operating system on 1 partition will cause problems each os should be on separate partition22:31
zefuroshisto: oh i think i understand now what it needs give me a minute22:31
histozefuros: What version of ubuntu were you trying to install?22:32
histokaty_: is it still at purple screen?22:32
fowgerhello guys22:33
katy_histo: still purple22:33
histokaty_: ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a tty22:33
zefuroshisto: 12.0422:33
histozefuros: Sounds like you have a UEFI system and you need to probably use 12.10 64bit22:34
histo!efi | zefuros22:34
katy_histo: im pretty sure its fn+alt/ption+command+f1 on mac and it didnt work. still purple screen.22:34
histo!uefi | zefuros22:34
ubottuzefuros: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:34
histokaty_: does a mac have a cntrl key?22:35
katy_histo: yes it does. i tried ctrl+alt+f1 too it didnt work22:36
histokaty_: Okay this is really bizaare I have no idea why installing nvidia drivers would mess with your backlight but that's what sounds like is happening to me. The nvidia module is loading and disabling the backlight somehow. But this is just a guess without actually seeing the hardware.22:36
zefuroshisto: sorry for not mentioning i installed 12.04 64 bit22:36
histozefuros: Yeah did you check out the information from ubottu22:36
histokaty_: I would sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current   reboot and make sure X works. Then I would probably try udpated drivers from nvidia.com22:37
katy_histo: so do i need to change the module?22:37
katy_histo: ok22:37
histokaty_: Start with removing nvidia-current and get back to a working display22:37
katy_histo: FYi, i just booted with no change to the grub menu. and it is still just a purple screen. no black screen any more.... anyway im gonna boot to recovery and try to purge nvidia from there.22:38
histokaty_: Well how did this change happen? Then. It was booting to a black screen no it's booting to a purple screen?22:39
zefuroshisto: yeah and thanks to that i tried to instal ubuntu on efi mode and after that i got a desktop not able to boot anything22:39
katy_histo: curious indeed. the only change we made to the system was this "apt-get install grub-pc" right?22:40
histozefuros: That page advises you to use 12.10 yet you are using 12.0422:40
zefuroshisto: till i changed my hdd system to ahcp and it was able to load my usb22:40
histokaty_: right.22:40
zefuroshisto: you all say me im in uefi mode how you know that?22:41
katy_histo: ok well. im gonna purge nvidia now and ill tell you what happens22:41
histokaty_: I would still proceed remove nvidia-current see if you get X back if not... remove grub-pc see if it works itself out.22:41
histokaty_: then we can figure out which is the problem depending on what you remove22:41
histozefuros: Are you not in uefi mode?22:41
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zefuroshisto: how can i know that?22:42
zefuroshisto: first of all make some things clear for me uefi is same with EFI?22:42
katy_hirsto: i get this error "Unable to write to /va/cache/apt/"  I know there is a command that will give me writing privelges, do you know it. i know it enloves '-o' :)22:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:44
histozefuros: yes22:44
katydoes anyone know the command that gives me writing priveleges when in recovery mode?22:44
histokaty: sudo22:45
histokaty: Oh why areyou in recovery mode now?22:45
katyhisto yes.22:45
zefuroshisto: and how can i know if i am in this mode?22:45
katyhisto, i cant seem to ssh, so i just boot to recovery.22:45
katyhisto: like i said above i know the command conatins '-o' if that helps at all22:46
nearstu cant ssh bcoz recovery mode not run into network mode. try sudo service network start and check your networking for ssh22:46
zefuroskaty: i was told this command today while trying to edit 40_custom let me find it for you22:47
histokaty: mount -o rw,remount /22:47
histozefuros: Is this a new system that came with windows 8?22:47
katyhisto: thats it! purging now.22:48
zefuroshisto: nope its a desktop i built and i installed windows 7 then updated to windows 8 and then installed ubuntu 12.10. But due driver issues i installed 12.04 but i accidentaly deleted the partition of previous ubuntu as result losing the grub and i used live cd to restore it , and now i cant boot windows 822:49
histozefuros: So the menu entry for windows 8 needs to be added22:50
histo!grub2 | zefuros22:50
ubottuzefuros: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:50
martinalexzefuros: you did try a manual "update-grub"?22:50
katyhiisto: so it boots to grub. then the purple sscreen. then the purple screen turns black/purple pixelated. and it seems to be frozen there22:50
histokaty: okay purge grub-pc22:51
histokaty: What version of ubuntu is this btw?22:51
zefuroshisto: grub has windows 8 entry but when i try to boot it restarts my system22:51
histozefuros: I don't know at this time why that is. Perhaps someone else can chime in I don't use windows at all.22:52
katyhisto: 12.122:52
histokaty: 64bit?22:52
zefurosmartinalex: yes i tried used update-grub but the same i have the entry of windows 8 loader but if i boot it restarrts again22:52
histokaty: I have to go for a bit but try and purge grub-pc remember someone had you add that. Then see if you can boot again since we also removed the nvidia-current driver.22:52
zefurosmartinalex: got any idea how i cant make my windows 8 loader boot again?22:53
katyhisto: ok22:53
martinalexzefuros: not really, my solution always was to get a running linux instance to call update-grub...22:54
ufsuI used to add a program by the following commands mv /filename /etc/init.d/; chmod +x /etc/init.d/filename; update-rc.d filename defaults   .... now I want to remove the program on the startup. I removed the directory on the /etc/init.d directory. how will fix  update-rc.d file?22:55
zefurosmartinalex: are you familiar with boot-repair?22:55
martinalexzefuros: no, sorry22:55
LoneTroopercan i give u universal tip for all of u? instead looking for solution or repairing operation system its faster to make fresh installation but make backup of all your files 1st22:55
katyhisto: that didn't work. well i mean itunistalled grub so now its unbootable...22:55
FLeiXiuSEvery time I remaster my disk with genisoimage I consistently get stopped at 'starting cups'22:56
FLeiXiuSevery remake.22:56
zefuroslonetrooper: how can we make backups of windows 8 files when we dont have access to the OS?22:56
LoneTrooperoh its easy22:56
LoneTrooperlook i told u22:56
LoneTrooperhttp://www.hirensbootcd.org/files/Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip here22:57
LoneTrooperburn this image22:57
LoneTrooperit contains mini windows xp22:57
LoneTrooperu can browse ntfs fat 32 partitions no problems22:57
LoneTrooperu can put it on usb stick and make it bootable too22:58
OerHekshirens is illegal, please do not suggest or spread that please.22:58
zefuroslonetrooper: ok smart one . and how can i backup 350gb of work documents on total available space of 220gb?22:58
LoneTrooperwell i wasnt expecting that data u to have22:58
giikerhello everyon22:59
giikercan't remote control box thoughr Vinagre or Remmina, any thoughts anyone22:59
LoneTrooperwell if u have windows 8 instalation dvd u can choose option repair22:59
LoneTrooperand keeping your files22:59
joshuhow can I check if I've got this patch on my ubuntu desktop install https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/211095?22:59
zefuroslonetrooper: its obvious easier to me to backup my files and reinstall windows than trying to find solution 2 days now on a irc chat , but since i dont have the space i must fix my Operating  System23:00
LoneTrooperand keep all of your files23:00
LoneTrooperyeh but theres other solution to get external usb hard drive but that costs23:00
ufsuhow can I remove a program from the start up?23:01
zefuroslonetrooper: my windows 8 licence is update only that means i must always fresh install windows 7 and then update to 8 i dont have the right to fresh install windows 8, exept if windows 7 live disc can repair my windows 8 mbr23:01
jribufsu: what program?23:01
zefuroslonetrooper: i try to save my work documents and unfortunately i dont have money for solutions that costs elsewhere again i would stuck on a irc chat23:02
LoneTrooperoh so that complicates things23:02
zefuroslonetrooper: but you would help a lot answering this23:02
ufsujrib: I added a program long before by "mv /filename /etc/init.d/; chmod +x /etc/init.d/filename; update-rc.d filename defaults" .. I removed the  /etc/init.d/filename directory. what do I need to do with update-rc.d  file?23:03
zefuroslonetrooper: i have the right like everyone to download a windows 8 iso file wich is 90 days trial will i be able to run repair with this?23:03
LoneTrooperabout these dos utilities i told u i think that cd compilation have some programs to fix boot files im not sure23:03
jribufsu: update-rc.d filename remove23:04
LoneTrooperoh u right23:04
ufsuit was a program that I coded23:04
ufsuthank you jrib23:04
LoneTroopermicrosoft shares windows operating system in trial versions23:04
LoneTrooperbut i havent tryed it23:04
zefuroslonetrooper: i cannot risk to mess up my windows 8 disk so i cant advance to these options without ensurance23:04
LoneTrooperu can download iso burn it on dvd launch it and check it there will be option to do that23:05
zefuroslonetrooper: are you positive that this iso can repair my windows 8 bootloader?23:05
LoneTrooperif not abort instalation23:05
LoneTrooperu can check these 223:05
zefuroslonetrooper: already downloaded on the laptop on the other room , i think i will go and make a live usb23:05
LoneTrooperhttp://www.hirensbootcd.org/files/Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip and www.ultimatebootcd.com/23:05
zefuroslonetrooper: i will make the usb from the laptop using windows 7 usb download tool23:06
LoneTrooperare u using windows on that other laptop?23:06
zefuroslonetrooper: yeah windows xp23:06
histokaty: Is there data on the ubuntu partition that you need?23:06
LoneTrooperif yes then http://www.pendrivelinux.com/downloads/Universal-USB-Installer/Universal-USB-Installer- this program makes bootable isos on usb23:07
katyhistro: one step ead of you. doing a fresh install now.23:07
zefuroslonetrooper: yeah for linux os i will make usb with windows 8 trial installation23:07
histozefuros: Stop.23:07
zefuroshisto: why?23:07
histokaty: k23:07
histozefuros: Windows 8 was working with ubuntu at one point in time right?23:08
LoneTrooperi tested instaling vista from usb and it works23:08
zefuroshisto: yeah when i had ubuntu 12.1023:08
histozefuros: Okay and then what changed?23:08
LoneTrooperbut i used somw windows software to do so23:08
zefuroshisto: i had driver issues on 12.10 and went to 12.0423:09
zefuroshisto: but accidentaly deleted instead of formating the ubuntu partition23:09
histozefuros: right and 12.04 doesn't do uefi very well.23:09
histozefuros: accidentally deleted what?23:09
zefuroshisto: the partition in wich ubuntu 12.10 was on23:10
zefuroshisto: that caused me problems with grub but i fixed them with ubuntu 12.04 live usb abut from then on windows 8 couldnt boot23:11
zefuroshisto: but you still didnt tell me how i can identify if i am in uefi mode23:11
katyhisto: ok. fresh install23:11
delacWould anyone happend to know how to listen rfcomm0? After setting stuff up with sdptool add and rfcomm listen, I only get "cu: /dev/rfcomm0: Line in use"23:11
histozefuros: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Identifying_if_the_computer_boots_the_HDD_in_EFI_mode23:12
histokaty: is display working?23:12
katyyeah im at the desktop23:12
ChapDaddyneed a little help with XAMPP: just installed XAMPP in /opt but I cant put any sites or folders in htdocs, is their a way to link the htdocs folder to another folder that I can edit?23:13
histokaty: Okay now click on the gear go to system settings > additional drivers23:13
zefuroshisto: my uefi in bios is at auto but seeing the post im not in uefi mode23:13
histoChapDaddy: What do you mean you can't put them in there? Are you receiving an error?23:13
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.23:14
histozefuros: right but windows 8 is23:14
ChapDaddyit's because '/opt' needs root23:14
zefuroshisto: is there a way to identify that?23:14
histoChapDaddy: well you could use sudo to put files there, or change the group or owner of the htdocs directory.23:14
OerHeksChapDaddy, use sudo to take rootpriv23:15
nearstuse sudo23:15
katyits not installed. im gonna add it from software center. do i need to do "sudo apt-get install linux-souce" and the software updates before i add "additional Drivers" app. or can i do that stuff later23:15
ChapDaddyhow do I change the owner of the 'htdocs' folder ?23:16
x1_how do I change my device name?23:16
histoChapDaddy: sudo chown user:group /path/to/htdocs23:16
histox1_: What device name?23:16
x1_of my computer23:16
histokaty: aren't you running ubuntu-desktop?23:17
zykotick9!hostname | x1_23:17
ubottux1_: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.23:17
zefuroshisto: when i tried to instal ubuntu 12.04 on efi mode i completed the installation but then it couldnt boot23:17
katyhisto: i think so. i dont fully understand...23:17
histozefuros: right because it's become more stable with 12.10 64bit23:17
histokaty: Go into system settings under hardware there is additional drivers23:18
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zefuroshisto: im tired of this do you suggest me trying to install ubuntu 12.10 64bit in uefi mode?23:18
nearstsudo jockey-gtk23:18
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histokaty: ^^^23:19
x1_zykotick9,  cant find host on my machine23:19
nearstcat /etc/hosts23:19
histozefuros: Yes. That's the only thing I can think of.23:20
katyhisto: additional drivers is not there. i can add it from the "ubuntu software center" but when i go to "ubuntu software center" and go to "additional driver" i cant click the install button. i think im gonna need to do a software update. Do you follow?23:20
zykotick9x1_: it's /etc/hosts - notice the s at teh end.23:20
histokaty: sudo jockey-gtk  will open the additional drivers dialog23:20
zefuroshisto: ok if that fails should i try what i mention earlier? (trying to repair with widnows 8 trial version usb disc)23:21
histozefuros: Or play with the UEFI setting in the bios23:21
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katyhisto: "sudo: jockey-gtk: command not found"23:21
histozefuros: If you change it to enabled instead of auto I think windows 8 may boot.23:21
histozefuros: You probably won't even see a grub screen23:21
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histo!info jockey-gtk | katy23:22
ubottukaty: jockey-gtk (source: jockey): transitional package for driver management GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-0ubuntu11 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 52 kB23:22
colonelqubitWhere the best place for me to send beginners?  Here? Maybe the forums?23:22
histowhy did they make it optional now23:22
zefuroshisto: one additional info.  When i installed ubuntu 12.04 64bit uefi mode grub didnt showed up . The way i fixed it was on bios change the disk type from ide to ahcp or something like that23:22
histocolonelqubit: here or #ubuntu-beginners23:22
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colonelqubithisto: Thanks23:22
katyhisto: i don't follow23:23
zefuroshisto: does this hint give you any ideas?23:23
colonelqubithisto: It's really quiet over in #ubuntu-beginners23:23
histokaty: you can install it i'm trying to figure out why it was removed23:23
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katyhisto: i think i need to run the software update. i've done this yesterday.23:23
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histokaty: sudo software-properties-gtk23:24
katyhisto: ok23:25
histokaty: there is a additional drivers page23:25
zefuroshisto: did you read my additional info?23:25
aglet_hey, i'm wondering if anyone can give help me with a question i have about copying things in directories23:26
histozefuros: yes doesn't make any sense to me why that would change anything.23:26
histo!ask | aglet_23:26
ubottuaglet_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:26
histokaty: is there an option there for nvidia drivers? I'm not too familiar with 12.1023:27
zefuroshisto: but it did :P anyway i will download ubuntu 12.10 and try to install it with efi mode 64 bit if you see im late this means im stuck again wthout booting anything xD23:27
aglet_how would i copy all files starting with "stats" from a folder located in /tmp/save with the extention .pdf to a subdirectory named local in my pwd23:27
histozefuros: If not try changing from auto to enabled or something.23:27
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histoaglet_: cp /tmp/save/stats* ./local23:28
histoaglet_: cp /tmp/save/stats* local/23:28
zykotick9aglet_: something like "cp /tmp/save/stats* ./sudirectory" should work23:29
zefuroshisto: um i have unetbootin installed but i cant see on ubunto selection for 12.10 if i just select iso image will i be ok?23:29
histozefuros: yes and then you point it to the 12.10 iso23:29
katyok histo: what am i looking 4?23:29
histokaty: Is there an option to enable nvidia drivers?23:30
zykotick9aglet_: something like "cp /tmp/save/stats* sudirectory/" is slightly improved23:30
katyhist: i selected the addiotnal drivers tab. but i dont see anything nvidida23:30
aglet_what if there are different files that start with stats and I only want to copy the ones with a .pdf extension?23:30
katyhisto: nope just the broadcom wireless driver23:30
zykotick9aglet_: sorry use "cp /tmp/save/stats*.pdf"23:30
aglet_thanks guys23:30
histokaty: lspci | pastebinit23:30
x1_zykotick9, how do I check it has worked because in the settings it still has the old name? Does it need a system restart23:31
zykotick9x1_: 1st, are you SURE you updated both /etc/hosts AND /etc/hostname?23:31
zefuroshisto: how long will you remain here mate?23:31
zykotick9x1_: restart then.23:31
histozefuros: I'll be on and off druing the night although others can help you.23:32
histozefuros: Ahh you have a switching video card.23:33
zefuroshisto: hope so mate cause two days now falling to different people here i didnt make it work23:33
zefuroshisto: how you know that?23:33
histozefuros: not you23:34
histokaty: you have a switching video card23:34
histozefuros: sorry for the confusion...23:34
zefuroshisto: its ok mate23:34
katyhisto: ok?23:34
zefuroshisto: if this doesnt work do you recommend trying to repair windows loader with a windows 8 trial cd?23:35
x1_zykotick9, can I delete the old one now23:37
histozefuros: You can it will wipe out grub23:37
zykotick9x1_: from hosts, yes.23:37
histozefuros: but it will atleast get you back into windows in the time being23:37
histozefuros: then you could try reinstalling grub2  to fix your menu entries23:37
x1_zykotick9, thaks for the info23:37
zefuroshisto: oh something else before i reboot , while installing ubuntu 12.10 shall i replace ubuntu 12.04 or format the partition?23:38
histokaty: I'm still searching for stuff.  But basically from your lspci output you have an intel adapter and an nvidia card. Most laptops that have this switch between the intel and the nvidia to save power.23:38
histozefuros: replacing it should format the partition.23:39
histozefuros: just don't touch your windows partition23:39
histozefuros: unless it wants to install grub to /dev/sda23:39
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katyok sounds good. im running the software update now and thn im pretty sure ill have the "additional dirvers" under hardware. and ill let you know what i see.23:39
histo!dualboot | zefuros23:39
ubottuzefuros: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot23:39
zefuroshisto: ok thanks hope i will talk with you again soon with good new :d (of course if i touch my windows partition im dead xD)23:39
unheedingi keep doing that!  executing commands on my server instead of my laptop :S23:40
_helios_wow I just installed Windows XP from inside of Ubuntu 12.10 in a Virtual Box wow that is just amazing lol23:40
histokaty: is this a macbook pro 8,2?23:40
katyhisto: macbook pro 6,223:41
histokaty: sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name23:41
kandinskiif anybody here is using supervisord with 12.04, I find it strange that it doesn't reread the configuration when given a 'service supervisor reload' command23:42
kandinskior even restart23:42
katyhisto: MacBookPr6,223:43
histokaty: Have you seen this page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages23:43
katyhisto: yeah i've seen that.23:44
unheeding_helios_: so XP is in a virtual box inside Ubuntu which is also in a virtual box?23:44
histokaty: or this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro23:44
_helios_unheeding: no Ubuntu 12.10 is the main system with Xp inside the Virtual box23:44
_helios_unheeding: I just need xp for Itunes and thats about it lol23:45
compdocthats the best way to run windows23:45
unheedingcan't you run it in Wine?23:45
_helios_compdoc: agree'd23:45
compdocother than bare hardware23:45
r00st3rUbuntu 12.04 doesn't see my bluetooth receiver. Everything else is running fine. I am not dual booting. Alienware m11x r2. I have checked the forums and google. Any help?23:45
_helios_unheeding: I could but I don't want the windows junk on my main drive23:45
katyhisto: unfortunatly there isnt a specific. macbook pro 6,2 and 12.10. and i couldnt even get 12.04 to boot from a usb.23:45
_helios_unheeding: so I run windows as a VM to keep it from contaminating linux.23:45
histokaty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro6-2/Precise#Video23:45
unheeding_helios_: that's fair23:46
histokaty: Those instructions for getting the video to work may still work.23:46
_helios_My next virtualbox mission would be to get a working version of mac osx23:46
histokaty: No one has made a wiki page for quantal23:46
kostkonr00st3r, does:  hcitool dev   output anything?23:46
r00st3rkostkon, it is enabled in BIOS. I double checked23:47
histo_helios_: I dont' think that's possible or if it is its' against their tos23:48
katyhisto: ok but once i install te nvidia driver it won't boot. so im gonna need to do those edits through ssh or recovery?23:48
r00st3ralso lsusb grep | bluetooth does not output anything either23:48
histo_helios_: osx is only supposed to be run on "mac" hardware.23:48
histokaty: You could do them before you reboot23:48
unheedingi find virtual machines to be too slow.  i installed haiku on one (and it's supposed to be blazingly fast and lightweight on bare metal) and it was so slow to be almost unusable23:48
histounheeding: You're emulating a complete computer ofcourse it's going to be slower than bare metal23:49
histounheeding: You'd have to do hardware virtualization to see near native speeds23:49
_helios_luckily my laptop supports virtual machines23:49
zykotick9unheeding: for my interest, do you get anything from "cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '(vmx|svm)' "?23:49
_helios_through the bios it supports them23:50
bozein ubuntu the backspace button doesn't work in browsers to go backwards?23:50
unheedingzykotick9: it matches svm and svm_lock on both cores23:50
SonikkuAmericaboze: Who even uses Backspace for that?23:50
zykotick9unheeding: well your cpu support virtualization then...23:51
jason_how do i find out my current version on ubuntu?23:51
bozeSonikkuAmerica: how do you do it?23:51
SonikkuAmericaboze: Try Alt+Left and Alt+Right.23:51
rypervenchezykotick9: WHYYY? cat grepper!23:51
AceFace1im running ubuntu 12.10 with latest nginx from the repository. public dns resolves wildcard *.example.org to my server but i only want nginx to respond to requests for a.example.org. For some weird reason it will serve on all hostnames. would anyone know why?23:51
bozethats way too many fingers :(23:51
zykotick9jason_: "lsb_release -a" from a terminal is one method23:51
unheedingzykotick9: how do you use it properly?23:51
_helios_jason_: you can goto top right and select About Ubuntu23:51
_helios_jason_: I guess it's About this computer23:51
histojason_: cat /etc/issue23:51
jason_sorry i knew it would be a dumb question thanks helios23:52
_helios_jason_: n/p23:52
zykotick9rypervenche: can you egrep a /proc directly, i guess so... i'm bad ;)  guilty of unnecessary use of cat.23:52
histojason_: lsb-release -a23:52
rypervenchelsb_release -a23:52
SonikkuAmericaboze: I never said it was easy.23:52
histozykotick9: I do it all the time to.23:52
zykotick9unheeding: vbox has a setting somewhere, and kvm would work with your cpu23:53
kostkonr00st3r, could you paste the output of lsusb23:53
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bozeSonikkuAmerica: it makes me queezy23:53
r00st3rkostkon, Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub23:54
AceFace1anyone have experience with NGINX?23:54
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r00st3rBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub23:54
r00st3rBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub23:54
r00st3rBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub23:54
osirisx11hi all, how can i force vpn initialize after boot?23:54
r00st3rBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub23:54
FloodBot1r00st3r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:54
r00st3rBus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub23:54
kostkonr00st3r, not here23:54
kostkon!paste | r00st3r23:55
ubottur00st3r: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:55
PiciAceFace1: what sort of experience?23:55
jakey1how do Issh into a virtual machine23:55
histojakey1: is the guest running sshd?23:55
AceFace1Pici: well, i have a very basic setup. and i have "server_name" set to a.example.org but for some reason nginx will also server the same content on b.example.org23:56
askadm% 100 evli çiftlerle görüntülü sohbet edin ! trchatroulette c*o-m23:56
kostkonr00st3r, have you check for any available drivers. search for hardware drivers in the dash23:56
askadmVideo chat 100% of married couples! trchatroulette c * o-m23:56
AceFace1i know public dns resolves wildarc *.example.org to my server23:56
AceFace1but, wouldnt the "server_name" setting only respond to the host i specify??23:56
askadmVideo chat 100% of married couples! trchatroulette c * o-m23:56
askadmVideo chat 100% of married couples! trchatroulette c * o-m23:57
r00st3rkostkon, nothing in additional drivers. Just my Nvidia and Broadcomm for wifi and both are enabled.23:57
kostkon!ops | askadm23:57
ubottuaskadm: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U, DJones!23:57
kostkonr00st3r, ok23:57
=== mydogsnameisrudy is now known as monkeyjuice
unheedingcan i advertise my free operating system here23:58
PiciAceFace1: hm.  I've setup some very simple nginx things, but I think you might be better off asking in #nginx23:58
Piciunheeding: no. #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only.23:59
AceFace1Pici: alright, will do. thanks!23:59
kostkonr00st3r, check your bios settings again. try all the option that are available under the bluetooth settings. even try setting it off, you never know.23:59
r00st3rkostkon, I am going to try NDIS with the dell drivers. Maybe that will help.23:59
Senjaiunheeding: no23:59
kostkonr00st3r, ndis?23:59
r00st3rkostkon ndiswrapper23:59

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