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scientesI havn't been able to boot anything but precise06:16
scientesquantal and raring Xorg doesn't load, and when it tries it locks up the computer06:16
scientesand i get a plymouth error06:16
scientesi found the plymouth assert that is being triggered, but can't really debug more than that06:17
dholbachgood morning07:59
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marvin24[16:12:03] <ogra_> infinity, i would go with that too ... but #ac100 would hate us all09:12
marvin24^ if chromium is the only reason09:12
marvin24instead of fixing it09:12
ogra_marvin24, nah, many packages would benefit from using NEON09:13
ogra_not idea where they went, we did some in the past09:13
marvin24using multiarch would be another solution09:14
marvin24at least for the most important libraries which really care09:14
ogra_and there are actually some packages that already have runtime switching ... i.e. pixman09:14
ogra_multiarch would mean to have something like armhf-neon09:15
ogra_i.e. a full new port just for say 20% of the archive09:15
ogra_(or probably less)09:15
ogra_marvin24, we will definitely switch some day. the question is just when09:16
ogra_there is no more modern armv7 HW that laks NEON09:16
marvin24I have no problem with this - I just think you should make sure that it give more than 5% for common apps09:16
marvin24and you may lose support for many embedded processors09:17
ogra_if we wanted to be general purpose (embedded, desktop, server etc) on ARM, we would have just gone with armel09:19
ogra_but we focus on a single platform with only the desktop, mobile and server  perspective atm09:19
ogra_we never targeted embedded09:20
marvin24yes, it is of course up to canonical to decide where to make money ;-)09:20
ogra_(and i personally also dont know and new ARMv7 embedded chip that could currently run ubuntu and has no N|EON)09:20
ogra_its not a matter of making, but of spending :)09:21
ogra_having to hack up apps like firefox or chromium with runtime sitches etc costs time and money for creation of that patch and its mainteance09:22
ogra_note that i would also vote for dropping non-NEON support if i wouldnt work for canonical09:23
ogra_(and its not something that gets dictated or so, its simply a logical evolution to go along with recent hw changes)09:24
marvin24I wonder if there is some code to emulate neon in the kernel09:33
marvin24like no-fpu09:33
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infinitymarvin24: neon emulation code in the kernel would be a Bad Idea.09:40
infinitymarvin24: Because then you'd end up trapping attempts at run-time detection, and run neon code when you should be falling back.09:41
infinitymarvin24: As for libraries, one doesn't need multiarch, glibc hwcaps already handles neon just fine (do an LD_DEBUG=libs when running a binary and see it search neon directories on your neon-capable CPU, and not on one that isn't).09:42
infinitymarvin24: But it's usually applications that are the big offenders here and we waste a lot of time on, not libraries.09:43
marvin24infinity: ok, maybe those apps could be blacklisted somehow on non-neon platforms09:49
marvin24if there is some mechanism already09:50
infinitymarvin24: There isn't, and you wouldn't want that, given that they comprise the two major web browsers, and a bunch of fun media things.09:50
marvin24I still wonder where the problem is with neon in apps09:51
marvin24some hand-optimization code?09:51
infinity(The status quo right now of patching those projects to tear out neon-by-default works fine, but it's non-trivial to maintain when upstream breaks it differently every 3 weeks)09:51
infinitySometimes it's hand-optimised code with broken (or non-existant) fallbacks, so we get to fix the fallbacks too.09:52
infinitySometimes it's upstreams assuming that v7 == neon, and setting a bunch of compiler flags they shouldn't.  Easy enough to back out, but a non-trivial effort to keep vigilant for.09:52
marvin24ok, that's just really sad ...09:53
infinitySad that I don't want to deal with the mess, or sad that upstreams suck?09:53
infinityThe former is just pragmatism, but I entirely agree with the latter.09:53
infinityAnd I yell at them every time I have to fix something.09:54
infinityBut some just never learn.09:54
infinityAnd it's tiring.09:54
ogra_marvin24, its not like we will switch next week ... but along the way to 14.04 it will happen09:54
infinityWell, there's "will happen" and "will happen", too. :P09:55
marvin24infinity: it is sad you need to drop non-neon because of broken apps - and not for performance reasons09:55
infinityI don't intend to flip on -mfpu=neon as a compiler default.  The auto-vectorization code, at last glance, was actually pretty lousy.09:55
infinityBut "not bothering to revert every silly upstream assumption" may happen at some point.09:55
infinitymarvin24: Well, it's *also* for performance, to be fair.  That's just not my primary concern.  It may be for others.09:56
marvin24ogra_: there are other distros of course - I will always find a way to boot the latest kernel ;-)09:56
infinitymarvin24: precise userspace is supported for another 4+ years, still.  No reason to not be booting the latest kernels there. :P09:56
ogra_note that we arent enforcing non-neon (as infinity said above) but will at some point stop to apply hacks09:57
ogra_you could try to form a community team to take care of the patches ;)09:57
infinityNow, I'll revisit the -mfpu=neon statement if the auto-vectorizer in gcc-4.8 isn't crap.  I haven't had time to benchmark.09:57
infinityBut for now, it's hand-tuned or GTFO, as far as getting performance from NEON.09:57
marvin24the simplest solution would be to upstream the "hacks"09:58
ogra_which is whats being tried since 4 years09:58
marvin24this way you wouldn't have to put more efforts in fixing it09:58
infinityAnd, if people were willing to put the effort into making every hand-tuned app have proper runtime detection and fallbacks, I'd happily even help push those patches upstream.09:58
infinitymarvin24: Upstreaming the compiler assumptions tends to fall on deaf ears.09:59
infinitymarvin24: Upstreaming fixes to hand-tuned code usually goes over quite well, but in projects like libv8, they just move so quickly that they break three new things after we fix one.09:59
ogra_upstream kills pm-utils for systemd09:59
infinitymarvin24: To be very, very clear here, if there was a compelling movement from various people to make sure this stuff always worked correctly, I wouldn't have any problem whatsoever with keeping the baseline at v7/no-neon forever (though, "correctly" would also mean that anything with neon code should actually RUN that neon code on neon CPUs, so proper runtime detection, not compile-time crippling, etc)10:02
infinitymarvin24: But I've yet to get that sort of commitment from, well, anyone.  And it's not something we can sink the resources into.10:02
marvin24infinity: ok, ok - I got it10:03
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marvin24just wanted to cry a bit about it10:04
infinityWell, it hasn't happened yet. :)10:05
infinityI could be talked down from this position too.10:06
infinityIf someone puts some solid effort into upstreaming proper runtime detection into chrome/firefox, thus easing the burden on our security team, etc, those are the two biggies.10:07
infinityAnd while I don't like having to hack and slash at other minor packages, they're also less likely to "matter" if they're broken, and some keener can fix them when they notice.10:07
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marvin24infinity: thanks for you efforts!10:19
ogra_hrw, do you have suspend working on your cb ? if so, how ? i get kernel messages that it couldnt stop some tasks if i try here11:09
hrwogra_: kernel in NEW queue has suspend working11:10
ogra_how do i install that ?11:10
ogra_do we have some howto ?11:10
hrwgrab it from new and build?11:10
* ogra_ still runs the original cros one11:10
ogra_hrw, heh, i know how to build it ... but lack the bits flash-kernel would do with the binary11:10
ogra_where do i put it11:11
ogra_(and how)11:11
hrwah, signing etc11:14
hrww8 half hour - meeting now11:14
ogra_well, signing and i have no clue where i should put it11:14
ogra_no hurry at all11:14
ogra_i'm not in urgent need of suspend :)11:15
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ogra_infinity, ^^^ does that look ok to zou ?12:24
infinityogra_: No.12:25
infinityogra_: prior_version should be the one right before the one you're doing.12:25
ogra_so 0.52 ?12:25
infinityogra_: 0.52 is what you're doing now, no?12:26
ogra_nope. 53 is12:26
ogra_havent run dch yet12:26
ogra_ok, fixing12:26
infinitySo, either 0.52 or 0.53~, if you're concerned about forked versions.12:26
ogra_tegh filename needs to be the full path ?12:26
ogra_the manpage isnt clear with that12:26
infinityogra_: Also, it should be in preinst/postinst/postrm, not just postinst.12:26
ogra_three times the same ?12:27
infinityogra_: *and*, don't guard it in the $1 test, just leave it bare.12:27
ogra_why do i need that12:27
infinityogra_: Read the manpage to see what it does.12:27
infinitySearch for "Current implementation".12:27
infinityIt's not just removing the conffile, it's much more clever.12:27
* ogra_ sighs about translated manpages12:27
infinityAnd the filename needs to be the full path, yes.12:28
ogra_aha, ok, its a three step thing, understood now12:29
ogra_janimo, can i drop the acceld binary or do you need anything from it for the roataion stuff ?12:32
janimoogra_, you can drop it, thanks12:33
janimoall should work fine without it12:33
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wookeyxnox: what's the difference between NO_PKGS=-Nfoo  and DH_OPTIONS=-Nfoo ?15:48
wookeyis there any?15:48
xnoxDH_OPTIONS should be tolerated by dh_* commands.15:48
xnoxNO_PKGS sounds like either custom stuff or maybe in cdbs?15:49
* xnox goes to double check cdbs15:49
wookeyI saw it in udev15:49
wookeyloks like doko put it in in 175-0ubuntu1615:50
xnoxwookey: so it's not exporting a DH_OPTIONS, because it conditionally uses -N for only some dh_* commands in the binary-arch target.15:50
xnoxbut yeah, it's the same - just used as a command line options instead of exporting environment variable.15:51
wookeyah yes I see15:51
xnoxit does some cunning stuff with setting & unsetting DH_OPTIONS and juggling all sorts of packages left and right =)15:51
wookeyWe should write up all this 'best practice' somewhere15:51
wookeybecause it's not exactly obvious to your average packager wanting to DTRT15:52
* xnox likes to call it barrier of entry15:52
wookeyto the elite hall of unfortunate distro cross-build fixers?15:52
wookeyI don't mind if some more people come and play15:53
xnox=))) well more like the torture dungeon =) but it's all fun and dandy.15:53
wookeyyou are very welcome to tell me why perl cross-build works OK, but perl multiarch cross-build doesn't...15:55
* xnox wishes I could apt-get remove --purge perl15:55
wookeyI'd happily strangle its config system which is v. horrid.15:56
xnoxyour queue ticket number is 4567 to stangle perl's config system.15:58
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wookeyxnox: udev is quite broken. It has no configure: target so relies on configure file being present, but at the end of a dpkg-buildpackage -S build configure is removed.16:45
wookeyso you can only ever build it once16:45
wookeyI suspect this happened when autoreconf fooery was added16:45
ogra_its udev, who would build it more than once anyway :P16:45
wookeyI hate packages that only build once - it's increasingly common16:46
wookeyAnd I just spent some time wondering why my changes had broken the rules file...16:47
wookeythey hadn't of course - it just came bust16:47
ogra_yeah, systemd will solve that16:47
xnoxwookey: use bzr ;-) bzr branch lp:ubuntu/udev & then build using $ bzr bd, each time does export of the head with your changes and does a clean build.16:47
* ogra_ shudders16:47
wookeyxnox: that is _not_ a solution16:47
xnoxwookey: that way all my builds are "as if the first one"16:47
wookeyyeah which is why lots of packages only work once16:47
wookeypeople like you who never try a second time16:47
xnoxwookey: are you saying that if clean target is invoked between the builds it fails?16:48
ogra_is it so hard to add an override in the rules file to keep configure in place ?16:48
xnoxthat's an RC bug.16:48
xnoxwookey: ./debian/rules clean; ./debian/rules build; fakeroot ./debian/rules binary; cycles work just with with all standard dh_autoreconfigury helpers.16:49
xnoxs/work just/just work/16:49
wookeyapt-get source udev; cd udev-175; dpkg-buildpackage -S; dpkg-buildpackage -B fails for me16:50
wookeyhmm. it's worked now...16:51
wookeyapt-get source udev; cd udev-175; dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa; dpkg-buildpackage -B fails for me16:51
wookeythat seems odd16:51
wookeybut also quite borked16:52
wookeyOK. I think I've fixed it.17:03
wookeyOH look a new libffi so my build chroot broke again. Will you lot stop uploading new packages every 5 mins17:18
wookeyIt would be easier if apt produced more helpful messages like "Can't install foo: arches out of sync" rather than just "foo won't be installed"17:28
wookeyand if you have any moons on sticks that would be good too17:29
scientes"cannot install foo: the planets are not aligned"17:30
ogra_wookey, i bet patches are accepted ;)17:33
wookeyogra_: yeah. I tried to fix something in apt recently and remembered that I totally don't grok C++17:46
wookeyI had to find someone significantly cleverer to do it for me17:46
ogra_haha, i know what you mean17:46
* ogra_ usually runs if there is C++ involved17:47
wookeyI've spent 20 years not grokking OOP. I suspect it's too late to change17:47
ogra_well, i bet if you really want it you can do it ...17:48
ogra_not that i personallys would17:48
dmartIt's possible that ARM support can answer the question about finding out how much RAM there is -- if the docs don't have it, I don't know how to answer that17:56
dmartIt's possible that ARM support can answer the question about finding out how much RAM there is -- if the docs don't have it, I don't know how to answer that17:56
ogra_dmart, thanks for letting us know :)17:58
* dmart would an IRC client that automatically guesses the right channel :)18:04
ogra_or a WM with "focus follows brain" mode18:05
dmartogra_: nah, that would spray stuff into windows pretty much at random.  Focus follows eyes would be pretty cool though18:06
ogra_hehe, true18:06
davmor2ogra_: that's a stupidly dangerous suggestion, especially if you happen to working in a coffee shop with your wife beside you :D18:07
ogra_though beside me isnt that bad with a laptop, behind me would be worse18:07
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mosasaurmy image is on a vfat device and can't grow bigger than 4 GB18:29
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ufsu_what is the directory that I can access .config file to see what kernel modules are disabled?22:37
TheMusoufsu_: All kernels have their respective config files in /boot.22:44
TheMusoAt least all kernels shipped in Ubuntu packages.22:45
ufsu_TheMuso: e CONFIG_OMAP_RESET_CLOCKS=y is set on the configure file. If I disabled that module on configure file, will that module be disabled on the next boot?22:49
ufsu_I am using beagleboard-xm if you need to know22:49
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TheMusoYou'd have to rebuild the kernel.22:55
TheMusoConfig files are just a point of references to show whats configured. There may be a way to disable a module, but generally you would have to rebuild a kernel to disable it.22:55
ufsu_TheMuso: thank you22:55
ufsu_do you know where are the kernel source codes for ubuntu-server for a beagleboard-xm?22:56
TheMusoYou can have a look on kernel.ubuntu.com/git.22:58
ufsu_do you have any idea which one is for beagleboard-xm?23:01
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TheMusoNo sorry.23:02
ufsu_thank you23:03
TheMusoI believe that hardware is OMAP based, so look for an omap tree I guess.23:03
ufsu_ogra_ should know if he is there?23:07
TheMusoHe is probably not around since its past midnight for him.23:11
TheMusoAlthough stranger things have happened in the past. :)23:12

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