
=== rbecker is now known as RBecker
genii-aroundHello, I have a question concerning ubuntu domain names. I am a member of the Canadian LoCo. Someone at GoDaddy.com has parked ubuntu.ca domain, which we would like to use. Under the law here concerning name disputes, ( page 3 here: http://www.cira.ca/assets/Documents/Legal/Dispute/CDRPpolicy.pdf )   "Registrant’s dot-ca domain name is Confusingly Similar to a Mark in which the Complainant had Rights prior to the date of registration 01:35
genii-aroundof the domain name and continues to have such Rights" is a basis for contention. ubuntu.com was registered May 2004, ubuntu.ca April 2005.01:35
genii-aroundCanonical has a brick and mortar location in Canada as well. Are there any suggestions as to how to proceed?01:35
elkycontacting legal@ubuntu or whatever that email address probably01:45
* genii-around makes more coffee01:45
genii-aroundelky: Ah, thanks. 01:45
JanCgenii-around: if the domain isn't used in a way that might confuse people, it might be difficult to get it...01:58
JanCremember there are other companies & associations named Ubuntu01:59
genii-aroundJanC: I'm pretty sure GoDaddy just registered it to themself around Hoary release time to try and get some money. 02:00
genii-around( whois:  Creation date:         2005/04/29"02:01
* genii-around ponders if Ubuntu Cola has a Canadian office02:05
=== RBecker is now known as rbecker
=== nomad0 is now known as nomada
czajkowskiit does vary tbh given the word ubuntu is used elsewhere outside of the ubuntu distro and community world 05:44
pleia2czajkowski: you're up early :)05:44
czajkowskican't sleep05:45
czajkowskidoing mail and following up on irc stuff might help05:45
* pleia2 nods05:46
nigelbczajkowski: you've been up all night?05:47
czajkowskinope slept from about 1-505:47
czajkowskinow up 05:47
czajkowskioh it's pancake tuesday need to wait another hour before the local shop opens up to get the stuff to make pancakes05:52
dholbachgood morning07:59
=== rbecker is now known as RBecker
=== RBecker is now known as rbecker
andrejzi have a question about dates for UGJ12:49
andrejzon the wiki it states it's going to occur from March 1st to March 3rd12:50
andrejzhowever if one looks at release schedule - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule12:51
andrejzbeta release will be on March 28th12:51
andrejzshouldn't UGJ be a weekend after beta release so it can be tested12:52
czajkowskinope we've never done it that way 12:52
czajkowskinothing to stop teams having their own jam their weekend if they want12:52
czajkowskibut this is the weekend that was chosen it's the weekend before feature freeze12:52
andrejzsure we have. every other UGJ was the first weekend after beta was released12:53
czajkowskiandrejz: well this was when this one was chosen12:54
czajkowskidont know what else to say 12:54
czajkowskimail jono perhaps as it was him as far as I can tell that chose it 12:54
andrejzfor 12.04 it was one month earlier, because beta was released 1 month earlier (because 12.04 was LTS)12:54
andrejzbut for all the other .04 releases UGJ were around the first week of april12:55
czajkowskiandrejz: like I say we didn't chose it, hell I didnt know about it till randall mailed loco contacts list 12:55
andrejzok, i understand12:55
andrejzso i should email Jono to suggest date change?12:56
czajkowskiit's a bit late to change it tbh 12:57
czajkowskibut yes mail him if you'd like 12:58
andrejzthanks for the info12:58
czajkowskiagain no idea why it was chosen perhaps there was a reason, but he wasn't the one that mailed the list 12:58
czajkowskiso not sure12:58
czajkowskidholbach: any ideas why it was chosen then ?12:58
andrejzczajkowski: my guess is: probably because it's exactly 1 year after 12.04 global jam13:01
andrejzbut 12.04 was an exception because beta was released earlier (LTS release)13:02
dholbachczajkowski, there were some conferences I think13:51
dholbachczajkowski, pleia2 and jcastro probably know13:52
dholbachand balloons too13:52
czajkowskigenii-around: many people also use the word ubuntu in their counteries and not use it in the way we would16:05
czajkowskiso they can use the ubuntu.iso if they chose tbh16:05
genii-aroundIn Canada the word Ubuntu has no traditional meaning as in perhaps some African nation or so on. So I'm not sure that it's a valid claim as far as that goes.16:07
czajkowskiit is though16:07
czajkowskiit has no valid claim in ireland either 16:07
czajkowskior in other languages, if people wish to use the domain they can 16:07
czajkowskiunless they are using it in a way that would upset the trademark 16:07
czajkowskigenii-around: it's  a word that was long around before canonical used it :)16:11
genii-aroundWell, yes. 16:11
genii-aroundSeeing as how the -qc team used to have it perhaps I'll go talk to one of them about it...16:12
pleia2UGJ is being done right before feature freeze, after the betas are released gets a bit late for a lot of changes to come in, we want to catch the QA stuff much earlier than the betas17:10
=== RBecker is now known as rbecker
=== rbecker is now known as RBecker
pleia2the day after beta1 last cycle meant that we had a lot of broken ISOs for the jam, since everyone saved up all their changes until right after the beta117:11
pleia2so the daily that weekend was a bit of a mess17:11
pleia2we had an installer that crashed upon boot (you could still get into the livecd and launch it from there, but it was not awesome)17:12
pleia2anyway, we'll see how it goes, if it doesn't go well we'll change it next cycle :)17:14
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=== RBecker is now known as rbecker
=== RBecker is now known as rbecker

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