
danieru_wait, if this channel was created 1.3 years ago is that about when the ubuntu phone project started?02:14
danieru_As 12.10 does not work with my netbook I am on 12.04, does ubuntu phone development environment work on 12.0402:17
nOStahlnot sure02:23
nOStahlwhy does 12.10 not work02:23
nOStahlit works on my eee pc 901 perfectly02:24
danieru_I am not sure. It is a aspire one D27002:25
danieru_I tried 12.10 and it got through live cd fine but black screened after install02:25
danieru_My desktop and laptop have 12.10 though02:25
danieru_but I use the netbook for class02:25
nOStahlsimple fix02:25
nOStahlgoogle black screen02:26
nOStahlubuntu 12.10 blackscreen boot02:26
danieru_is it a common issue?02:26
danieru_I don't remember finding anything helpful back when I was troubleshooting02:26
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DanielDresslerI do have qt-components-ubuntu installed which depends on qt5 which is also installed, but I cannot find the qmlscene binary02:57
DanielDresslerAny ideas?02:57
DanielDresslerah found it, find to the rescue. It was /usr/bin/qmlscene03:02
DanielDresslerso either my install is odd but the tutorial uses /opt/qt5/bin/qmlscene03:04
DanielDresslerawesome, the tutorial code is now working03:11
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nOStahlany news on if that welcome screen is coming to desktop ubuntu as well?14:20
usererrornot heard anything on that topic yet myself14:21
nOStahlI'm real excited for this heh14:27
usererroryeah :)14:27
k1l_any rumors on a nexus4 image?14:27
usererrorthere won't be until source is released14:28
k1l_i hope the ubuntu-phone guys are not still in backorder-limbo :)14:28
usererrorthen there will be plenty of people porting it to everything under the sun14:28
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nOStahlany word on when they will do ubuntu for tablets ?14:30
usererrorout of the many questions I have, the most immediate one is, will the images be for the international Galaxy Nexus only?  Or the GSM versions only?  Or all?  Because I have a Toro (VZW), and it'd be nice to know if I'll be waiting for images or if it'll be included in the initial release...14:56
usererrorbut I'm sure I'll find out soon enough?14:57
ryansipesusererror: I asked the same question, initially the image will be released for the GSM Galaxy Nexus15:09
ryansipesusererror: However, there appears to be much interest to port it to the other GN models, and after the image and source code are released this effort can begin.15:10
usererror:) ty ryansipes.. that is what I figured would happen, but it is good to know for sure15:13
ryansipesusererror: The response I got on the mailing list was: "The GSM model is the only one being targeted right now.  The OS may run on the other models, but it wouldn't be able to use the phone or 3G/4G data functionality.15:13
ryansipesusererror: So if it isn't your primary phone you could still play with it possibly.  Haha.15:13
usererrorfun lol15:14
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ryansipesYeah, using a phone without the "phone" functionality doesn't seem all that enticing.15:16
ryansipesBut if you just want to test your app or something it might not be all that bad.15:16
ryansipesAnd I'm sure it will only be a short time before someone ports the image to another phone, considering Ubuntu Phone OS can allegedly use Android drivers.15:17
popeythats what we're hoping ☺15:19
wastreli have a galaxy nexus ♥15:19
ryansipespopey: That is exciting if it can use them with relative ease.  I know many people who have older Android phones, and I bet Ubuntu Phone could breathe new life into them.15:21
ravirdv_having it on N9 would be great!15:22
popeyI have no idea which phones would be capable of running it, that's what the community and people like xda-developers are for, they know this stuff ;)15:23
ryansipespopey: Yeah, I just figure without the java element thrown in there (as with Android), it will be able to run on phones with less capable hardware.15:25
ryansipespopey: Because it won't have to bother with the virtual machine that Android does.15:26
ryansipesravirdv_: Yeah, I'm sure a lot of N9 owners would appreciate that.15:27
ryansipesravirdv_: The N9's specs aren't that bad, it's not dual core like the Galaxy Nexus but it has the same amount of RAM15:28
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nOStahlwish I could install ubuntu for phone on my iPhone 515:59
ubuntubhoyLOL - no chance of that15:59
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nOStahlit'd sure be nice16:04
larsgkmhall119: hi16:53
mhall119hi larsgk16:53
larsgkmhall119: I have been a bit behind on things as I just had a new baby.  I'm a bit uncertain on if we are already digging in code - or the designers need to do some polishing (or we are the designers)?16:54
* larsgk I am Lars Knudsen, on the RSS Feeder app 16:55
mhall119larsgk: the designs were done on Balsamiq, we haven't started coding yet, but would like to start on that soon16:55
mhall119I just pushed new bzr branches to each of the projects with an updated template16:55
DanielDresslerhas the ubuntu phone sdk changed at all? I installed it last night from the instructions on 12.04 but my qmlscene is in a different directory vs the tutorial. Find found two qmlscenes in /usr/bin/qmlscene16:55
mhall119DanielDressler: yes, the switch from qt5-beta1 to qt5-proper PPA changed the install location, the tutorial hasn't been updated yet16:56
larsgkmhall119: ok - and when we start coding, do we then work in the master branch? (I did a small commit on a build error already - but don't know if you prefer things in a separate branch)16:56
DanielDressleris /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene the proper qt5 one?16:57
mhall119larsgk: the process will be to push to a separate branch, and then create a merge proposal for it in Launchpad16:57
mhall119DanielDressler: I think /usr/bin/qmlscene is the one you want, it will automatically pick the qt4 or qt5 version depending on your target qml16:57
larsgkthe qt5-proper install screwed my 12.04/qt4 btw ;) .. and I am on a contract dependent on qt4.. oh well.. fixed it manually16:57
DanielDresslervery nice. I have been using that one and it has been working but I thought that might just be by chance16:58
mhall119larsgk: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone/CoreApps/DevelopmentGuide, specifically the sections "Using Bzr" and "Using Launchpad"16:58
larsgkmhall119: ok - I am new to launchpad/bzr - thanks for the links16:58
mhall119larsgk: jppiiroi1en where should he file a bug about conflicts between qt4 and qt5?16:59
mhall119larsgk: no problem, the whole page is all about developing these core apps, so worth reading before you get started16:59
larsgkmhall119: do we just do an update on the sdk package to get the pure QML2 version?17:00
KevinWrightHey ho Calendar App people!17:00
mhall119larsgk: no, you'll need to do a new checkout of the project branch17:01
larsgkmhall119: ok17:01
mhall119so bzr branch lp:ubuntu-rssreader-app ./new-template17:01
larsgkmhall119: thanks :)17:01
rferrazzKevinWright, i'm here!17:01
mhall119but the new template is very nice, provides the top-tabs and bottom-toolbar for you, just like the phone demo shows17:01
larsgkmhall119: sounds good :)  . o O (thanks Nokia - for the investment in Qt5/QML2) ;)17:02
mhall119KevinWright: is there an agenda doc or anything for this meeting?17:04
KevinWrightmhall119: blueprint only17:04
KevinWrightmhall119: and nothing in it!17:04
KevinWrightmhall119: we need to fill it up17:04
mhall119that can be corrected :)17:04
mhall119links for those interested in following along:17:05
mhall119wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone/CoreApps/Calendar17:05
mhall119Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+spec/initial-calendar-development17:05
KevinWrightare Aleksandr, frank, Steven, Kunal, Mario B., or Mario Z. here?17:07
KevinWrightfrank == frank17:07
* mariob is here17:07
KevinWrightmariob: hey!17:07
mariobKevinWright: Hi17:07
mhall119hey mariob17:07
mariobmhall119: Hi17:07
KevinWrightmhall119: thanks for pasting those links17:07
KevinWrightmariob, mhall119: let's wait a moment. maybe it will be a small and short chat17:08
sunil_KevinWright: Hi17:08
mariobKevinWright: np17:09
KevinWrightsunil_: hi there17:09
mhall119frankencode are you here?17:09
mariobKevinWright: I'm not sure if you included Mario Z in the invitation mail17:09
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: did you have a chance to look at the resources?17:09
KevinWrightmariob: maybe he was a later addition to the mailing list17:10
mariobKevinWright: Have browswd it quickly17:10
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: and have you been able to install the ubuntu-sdk + components?17:10
mariobno issues17:11
KevinWrightmariob: excellent17:11
sunil_yap. just got the update17:11
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: have you have a chance to go through the tutorial at developer.ubuntu.com?17:11
mariobBut I hvan't checkout the new stuff mhall119 mailed out17:12
mariobKevinWright: Yes17:12
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: awesome17:12
mhall119mariob: it's simplified version of what's in the tutorial17:12
mhall119just run "qmlscene calendar.qml"17:12
mariobmhall119: ok17:12
mhall119you should also be able to open the .qmlproject in QtCreator and run it from there17:13
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: so in the wiki link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone/CoreApps/Calendar there should be a rough sketch of the plan17:13
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: but we need to fill in more detail17:14
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: and make some work items17:14
mariobKevinWright: sure17:14
sunil_KevinWright: let me check the plan17:14
KevinWrightsunil_: np take your time17:14
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: so we should validate the user stories, functionality etc.17:14
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: it does not need to be perfect of course17:15
frankencodemhall119: yes17:15
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: we can add/update anytime17:15
mhall119frankencode: ah, good, calendar meeting time :)17:15
KevinWrighthey frankencode17:15
KevinWrightfrankencode did you catch the earlier part of the discussion?17:15
KevinWrightwe didn't get so far into it yet17:16
frankencodei'm scanning it17:16
KevinWrightfrankencode, np17:16
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: anything you can think of to add to the functionality or use cases in the wiki17:16
frankencodei had an issue with the code template for the apps to work with qt5 on 13.0417:16
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: or just thoughts off the top of your head17:16
KevinWrightfrankencode: what was the issue17:17
mhall119frankencode: there's a new code template, just pushed this morning17:17
larsgkq: what is the difference between qt5-proper and Qt5.0.x from Troll...Nok..Digia?17:17
mhall119jppiiroi1en: Mirv: ^^ can either of you answer that?17:18
frankencodethe hack with setting the app name went infunctional17:18
KevinWrightmhall119: do we have designs for mariob, sunil_, frankencode17:18
sunil_KevinWright:okey, will send them to you17:18
frankencoderootObject() vs rootItem() i think17:18
KevinWrightsunil_ or you can mention them here17:18
mhall119KevinWright: only the Balsamiq ones linked to from the wiki17:18
KevinWrightmhall119: better than nothing!17:18
frankencodethere are some good use cases on myalsamiq17:18
frankencodei looked at it yesterday17:19
mhall119frankencode: the new template is 100% QML17:19
sunil_KevinWright: are we targeting specfically for Phones.17:19
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: should we write up the use cases based on what is in balsamiq17:19
frankencodereal artists need a white sheet of paper;)17:19
KevinWrightsunil_ yes17:19
sunil_KevinWright: okey17:19
mariobKevinWright: sure17:20
sunil_KevinWright: is the calender will be online or offline only17:20
frankencodei heard the strategy is to go feature phone first17:20
mariobKevinWright: but there's already a couple of stories on the wiki, right?17:20
frankencodenot sure if it holds true17:20
KevinWrightsunil_ at least offline, also online would be nice17:20
KevinWrightmariob: yes I wrote those up...they are not set in stone17:21
mhall119frankencode: the feature phone requirements are a subset of the smartphone requirements, so it makes sense we'll have it first17:21
KevinWrightmariob: but if they are good enough then that is fine17:21
sunil_KevinWright: means only with U1 not XChange or GCal17:21
mariobKevinWright: no, but their a good starting point17:21
frankencodemhall119: that's what i was thinking17:21
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: I suspect supporting U1 should be must have if we can also do online17:22
mhall119Ubuntu One17:22
mhall119our cloud-syncing service17:22
frankencodeis it xml or json, api wise?17:23
sunil_KevinWright: okey17:23
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode but I think the first stage is to get a local app17:23
sunil_KevinWright: agree17:23
mariobKevinWright: Should we use QOrganizer? That would make it transparent w/ plugins, right?17:23
mhall119frankencode: I'm not sure, but the info should be here: https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/17:23
mariobKevinWright: sorry, QtOrganizer from the mobility project17:24
KevinWrightmariob: Yep I knew what you meant17:24
KevinWrightmariob: although I'm not familiar with the whol API17:24
frankencodesunil_, mariob: i experimented already with the month view17:24
mariobKevinWright: There's already QML bindings etc17:25
KevinWrightfrankencode: is it easy to work with?17:25
frankencodetried a nice flicking with month-wise snapping, but figured it feels crappy...17:25
KevinWrightmariob: that's what we need17:25
frankencodeKevinWright: easy to work with what?17:26
jppiiroi1enmhall119: larsgk: packaging at least17:26
KevinWrightfrankencode: sorry I might have misunderstood what you said earlier17:26
larsgkmariob: about the stuff from mobility ... in what state is it?17:27
KevinWrightfrankencode: ignoer my commment17:27
larsgkmariob: it was my impression that the mobility stuff was not exactly on par with core qt17:27
marioblarsgk: Not sure, maybe we can check w/ digia17:27
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: so what are some of the first steps we need17:27
marioblarsgk: Not all of the modules17:27
sunil_i suggest we start from goundup make it simple to use. then existing onces17:28
frankencodei tried qtpim, but couldn't make it compile with qt5;)17:28
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: any extra information needed at this stage or just start to make work items?17:28
larsgkmariob: ok .. because I remember some that were not that ...great ;) .. but it could be that the organizer is (didn't work with that one)17:28
mhall119+1 to sunil_'s idea, start simple just to get started17:28
sunil_KevinWright: designer input !17:28
marioblarsgk: But I'm sure they better than starting from scratch :)17:29
KevinWrightsunil_ +117:29
mariobKevinWright: I'd go for creating the UI17:29
frankencodei'm on go, too17:29
larsgkmariob: ;)17:29
mhall119sunil_: anything specific you want from the designers?17:29
frankencodemy next work item, is to try another month view, look at the balsamiq input17:30
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: so someone want to take care of another view?17:30
DanielDresslerI'm filling out the contributer aggreement and it is asking for "Canonical Project Manager or contact". Who should i put there?17:30
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_: day? week? view17:31
mhall119DanielDressler: put Kevin Wright17:31
DanielDresslermhall119: thank you17:31
mariobKevinWright: I can take a look at the day view17:31
KevinWrightmariob: OK17:31
KevinWrightsunil_ you OK with day view?17:31
sunil_yes. actually if rather we start by coding . if we get designer to guide us then the day/week/month views will be uniform. just a suggestion17:32
sunil_day_view is okey with me17:32
frankencodei tried already to get the month view in ubuntu shapes17:32
frankencodebut it looks cluttered17:33
mariobKevinWright: Should I do the edit view then since sunil_ is doing the day view?17:33
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: design input is of course needed but we can still work on the models for each view17:33
frankencodeultimatly i think the design will look not much different than a calendar on the wall17:33
KevinWrightmariob: whoops17:33
frankencodeof course in full ubuntu fidelity17:33
mariobKevinWright: np for me17:33
KevinWrightmariob: sorry my mistake I should have said week to sunil_17:33
sunil_either one is fine with me17:34
mariobKevinWright: I can take Week since I like Week view :)17:34
frankencodemariob, sunil_: you are more into c++ or qml/js?17:34
KevinWrightmariob: sure that sounds good, sorry for that mistake :)17:34
j-bCan we develop totally natively or do we need qml?17:34
sunil_mariob: you preference17:34
DanielDresslerwill ubuntu phone have something similar to android's intents?17:34
mariobfrankencode: I like QML :) but I do C++ too17:34
mariobsunil_: Ok, I'll take the week view  then :)17:34
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: we want to encourage a very QML centric approach as much as possible17:34
mhall119DanielDressler: not yet, no17:34
sunil_lot of C++ and 1 year QML17:34
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: as in declarative heavy17:35
frankencodeKevinWrigt: +117:35
mariobKevinWright: Lot's of QML last 2 years, less C++17:35
sunil_KevinWright: is fun to work17:35
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: so push as much in that direction as possible17:35
mariobKevinWright: Sounds good17:35
sunil_KevinWright: Okey17:36
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: use C++ in a plugin if you need to17:36
frankencodemariob, sunil_: please ignore the exiting MonthModel.cpp, it's just an early prototype, i'm in rewrite today17:36
DanielDresslermhall119: is it on the roadmap. I ask because I am interested in the file manager since coming from android ever app goes and reimplements a file browser. If ubuntu phone will ship with a file browser by default then that could mean great propress vs the current android situation17:36
DanielDresslersorry I missed at least one '?'17:36
mariobKevinWright: That's why I though QtOrganizer would be good since it already have QML bindings, but it might be too heavy, not sure17:37
sunil_KevinWright: just one question. Is the UbuntuPhone Components only used .. or can use others?17:37
mariobKevinWright: But I can't say in what state the module is in Qt517:37
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: for the UI itself please use the Ubuntu components17:37
mhall119DanielDressler: I don't know if it's on the roadmap yet17:38
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KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: but other available plugins we caan utilize for other functions17:38
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: if there is something missing from Ubuntu components for the UI don't be afraid to bring it up17:38
wastreli did the currency converter tutorial what do i do next17:38
sunil_mariob: i donot suggest qOrganizer as more desktop app look17:38
KevinWrightmariob: I'm not sure either17:39
KevinWrightmariob: we can and should check17:39
mariobsunil_: no not qOrganizer, but QtOrganizer, just an API: http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtmobility/qtorganizer.html17:39
sunil_KevinWright : Okey.17:39
KevinWrightmariob: could you take an action to check that API?17:40
frankencodesunil_, mariob: you can get the source for the ubuntu components from   lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit17:40
mariobKevinWright: Sure, I can check how the QML bindings look like and maybe write a small example app17:40
KevinWrightmariob: great!17:40
sunil_mariob: oops. my bad17:40
mariobsunil_: np :) I also got lite confused when searching for the module17:41
frankencodei think to that ui-toolkit project we can also place feature requests17:41
frankencodeultimatly a date picker will be needed there...17:41
sunil_frankencode: yes17:42
mariobfrankencode: That could actually be as simple as WP or BB10 do it, List view with three columns :)17:42
frankencodeqtorganizer: oh, that's a fat api already17:42
larsgkmariob: didn't all things 'mobility' sortof got put on the shelf when they closed down brisbane?17:43
mariobYep, but it supports everything you need for PIM :)17:43
frankencodemariob: yea, have get that bb10 sim back running again17:43
KevinWrightlarsgk: somewhat yes17:43
KevinWrightlarsgk: but for some modules it is only temporary17:44
marioblarsgk: The question is if we should maintain the module or start developing one ourself...17:44
frankencodelarsgk: there are still some ex trolls working on mobility for bb10 here in munich17:44
frankencodedifficult to kill qt;)17:44
larsgkfrankencode: cool :) ... I failed to deliver an app within the timeframe... stuck with the dev device (cool though)17:44
KevinWrightfrankencode: it is indeed17:44
marioblarsgk: KevinWright frankencode and I'd be supprised if Jolla doesn't use it...17:45
frankencodei surely will have a look at it17:45
larsgkfrankencode: Qt is excellent - using it for all current projects .. qtmobility not so much17:45
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode should we wrap up the official part of the meeting? I think we have a good start17:45
marioblarsgk: qtmobility didn't get the love it deserved :)17:45
mariobKevinWright: Yes17:46
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: feel free to continue talking of course17:46
sunil_larsgk: can't agree more... Qt is great ..but .. qtmobility is not17:46
mariobKevinWright, sunil_ , larsgk , frankencode I have to leave but I'll take a look at the QtOrganizer stuff and see if it works w/ Qt5 and create a small example app17:47
larsgksunil_: mariob: I especially love the plugin framework - like with qtsensors (soon to come back, I hope)17:47
KevinWrightmariob: thanks and talk to you soon!17:47
marioblarsgk: Yes, Qt made by devs for devs :)17:47
sunil_KevinWright: sure. will update the progress on day_view soon17:47
mariobKevinWright: Thanks bye17:47
larsgksunil_: again - thanking Nokia for investing in Qt5 .. I really hope it manages to stay as open under Digia17:48
frankencodeKevinWright: cu, thx17:48
KevinWrightmariob, sunil_, frankencode: thanks all!17:48
larsgkKevinWright and all: thanks for now17:48
sunil_KevinWright: thanks. bye17:49
KevinWrightlarsgk: and thanks to you too17:49
sunil_larsgk: i feel nokia dragged Qt to 5 years back ... just by putting name with it17:50
fralshmm, been browsing through the docs a bit from a dev perspective.. is there any system diagram that shows all the components that are suppose to be in the os?17:50
sunil_frals: searching for the same too.17:51
KevinWrightfrals: the UI components? or other app dev support?17:51
j-bfrals: same here.17:51
j-bAnd what we are allowed to use and not as a dev17:51
sunil_UI components.17:51
fralsKevinWright: everything except UI components, more or less, which libs are available and stuff like that17:51
j-bYep. Anything not Qt related17:52
j-bCan I use libc? glib? PA? OpenGL? Xv? xcb? D-Bus?17:53
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larsgksunil_: actuall - Nokia made sure Qt got ready for mobile17:55
larsgksunil_: don't know if you worked there?17:55
fralslarsgk: guess theres quite a few ex-nokians here ;)17:56
KevinWrightlarsgk, sunil_: Nokia also make Qt more open that it was before under Trolltech17:56
sunil_larsgk: m not ex-nokian.17:56
larsgksunil_: correcting myself... Nokia made sure (with money and pressure - to put on actual phones) that Qt got ready for mobile17:56
KevinWrightdaliusd: hey there17:57
larsgksunil_: Personally, I am in this to do my part for Ubuntu Phone to become what Nokia failed to continue17:57
j-bfrals: is you ever find this info, can you ping me ? :)17:57
fralsj-b: sure17:59
j-bfrals: thx17:59
sunil_for me  Canonical helped Qt more then Nokia by using it in day-to-day products .. not some prototypes. Anyway that is just me.17:59
frankencodelarsgk: i think there is no choice, some open linux distro has to make it into the future, where there will be mobile computing devices only17:59
sunil_larsgk: appreciate it.18:00
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fralsKevinWright: i assume the clock app intro meeting-thingy will be in this chan since you didnt mention any other info in the mail, right? :)18:01
daliusdsunil_: Qt is used on Symbian and MeeGo devices daily as well ;-)18:01
daliusdYep time for meeting18:01
kuifeiclock app things is expected here?18:01
KevinWrightfrals: my email was confusing18:01
fralskuifei: i think so :)18:02
sunil_larsgk KevinWright: Thanks guys. See you soon again. Bye18:03
larsgksunil_: thanks - ttyl18:03
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei are here for the clock app because of a mistake I made18:03
daliusdKevinWright, and I'm here for calc app :)18:04
KevinWrightand daliusd, rferraz for calculator18:04
larsgkany RSS Feed Reader app guys here?18:04
KevinWrightI double booked, yikes :) sorry every one18:04
daliusdKevinWright, no problem18:04
kuifeiKevinWright, mistake?18:04
KevinWrightkuifei my mistake18:04
KevinWrightkuifei: I accidentally asked two groups to meet at the same time18:05
KevinWrightno problem though18:05
KevinWrightI have some general questions for all18:05
KevinWrightkuifei, daluisd, larsgk, frals, rferraz: did you have a chance to see all the docs?18:06
KevinWrightmhall119: can you help me with links for calculator, rss feed, and clock?18:06
mhall119https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone/CoreApps/ has all the app links at the top18:06
mhall119each app page has a blueprint link18:06
kuifeitutorial, guidelines, and the code committed, what else?18:07
larsgkKevinWright: I need to read up on launchpad (general), process, etc. There wasn't much specific to the rss reader18:07
fralsKevinWright: ive seen some of the docs - ie the getting started stuff, but im looking for (as i mentioned earlier before this meeting) system overview docs18:07
KevinWrightkuifei: there are specific project details at the links from mhall11918:07
KevinWrightlarsgk: that's my action item to provide a summary18:08
kuifeisure, I've read them through.18:08
KevinWrightlarsgk: there should be some existing launchpad docs I can point you to18:09
daliusdSo design is final?18:09
larsgkbtw, do you store an offline version of this channel?18:09
kuifeiit's quite simple for the clock app18:09
larsgkKevinWright: ok - more than the rss blueprint/project page?18:10
KevinWrightdaliusd: I don't believe we have final designs. mhall11918:10
mhall119only what's in balsamiq18:10
KevinWrightlarsgk: not sure about offline - mhall119 again18:10
mhall119and those aren't mandatory designs18:10
mhall119larsgk: what do you mean an offline version?18:11
larsgkKevinWright: there were some initial designs on balsamiq - but I am sure there will be changes as we try our own medicine18:11
KevinWrightlarsgk: yes18:11
larsgkmhall119: just an irc log for those who didn't buy an offline service yet (me ;))18:11
KevinWrightlarsgk: so maybe concentrating on the backend functionality first will be easier18:11
mhall119larsgk: they should be on http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/18:12
KevinWrightfrals: at the moment what is available online is the most we have18:12
larsgkmhall119: cool - thanks18:12
KevinWrightfrals: more to come soon18:12
mhall119larsgk: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/02/12/%23ubuntu-phone.txt for today's18:12
larsgkmhall119: just checked - nice to know, thanks!18:13
fralsKevinWright: ok, because its kinda important to have so we can scope out the work for clock app - ie how much of the alarm functionality will we have to implement and how much is provided by underlying components, e.g. cron or timed18:13
daliusdlarsgk: change .txt to .html for nicer view (if that's important)18:13
larsgkfrals: and when the phone is 'off' .. it should still wake up and ring18:14
larsgkfrals: I guess ;)18:14
fralslarsgk: yeah, theres quite a few cases to consider, which i dont think is in scope of the clock app... but i might be wrong :)18:15
KevinWrightfrals: we can do things iteratively. Must have basic clock that simply tells time as a first step. Then map out the second wave of features18:15
KevinWrightfrals: support for alarms as suggested. I suspect a service would be needed18:16
fralsKevinWright: ok - the alarm stuff is marked as must. either way if its something clock team is responsible for its quite a huge task and something that needs to be started asap18:16
kuifeior, do we really need it to tell time? time is always in the indicator, right?18:17
frals... and need to find the people in other teams that need similar functionality (eg calendar will need same stuff) and make sure it fits18:17
larsgkKevinWright: do you know if there will be an RSS meeting today? - else, I gotta run18:18
KevinWrightfrals: good point18:18
KevinWrightlarsgk: let's sync tomorrow18:18
larsgkKevinWright: ok - thanks .. ttyl18:18
KevinWrightlarsgk: ttyl18:18
KevinWrightfrals: would it make sense then to join forces with the calendar team on those common bits?18:19
fralsKevinWright: yeah... is there some kind of uber architect that decides what libs get to be in the system etc?18:20
fralsbecause like... a framework like the one for reminders/alarms is kinda important that it works and you know... doesnt suck ;)18:20
KevinWrightfrals: let me follow up with you on the deeper bits later18:21
mhall119can I get a quick show of hands, who is here for the Clock app?18:21
fralsKevinWright: sure18:21
KevinWrightfrals and kuifei18:21
mhall119ok, and who is here for Calculator?18:22
daliusdand me18:22
mhall119ok, in case you guys aren't aware, there was a new trunk branch pushed to the projects this morning18:22
mhall119this contains new template code that is 100% QML, using new SDK components18:23
daliusdthat's good :)18:23
mhall119so if you have an old branch that you're working on, you'll need to get this new one18:23
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: should we brainstorm the basic features18:23
mhall119we have some documentation on the development process here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone/CoreApps/DevelopmentGuide18:23
wastrelthis would appear to be a scheduled event18:23
mhall119that includes how to submit your changes as merge proposals back to the trunk branch18:24
DanielDresslerfor working with launchpad and the coreapps: do I need to be a member of the app's team to push to a new branch and propose for merging?18:24
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: for the clock app18:24
mhall119DanielDressler: you need to be a member to commit to trunk, but anybody can submit a branch for a merge proposal18:24
DanielDresslernice thank you18:24
mhall119even team members should submit changes as a merge proposal that gets reviewed by someone else on the tema18:24
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: starting with a couple of basic things we can make a work item or two for18:25
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: maybe UI centric at first18:25
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rferrazzso we can start coding (for calculator backend)18:25
fralsKevinWright: sure, but i really want to limit the scope of the clock app so we know how much/little work there is to do as well18:25
KevinWrightrferrazz: yes, throw out some ideas for that would be great18:25
KevinWrightfrals: agreed18:25
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: ill start... show local time. ;-)18:26
KevinWrightfrals: +118:26
KevinWrightfrals: change time zone18:26
daliusdrferrazz: I think we can do frontend as well. What's your vision for backend?18:26
kuifeigood idea18:26
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: set alarm18:26
frals(KevinWright: are you taking meeting minutes and stuff?)18:26
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: I will make the minutes and record action items18:27
kuifeisetting alarms should be the core18:27
fralsKevinWright: is changing time zone something for the clock app, or for the system settings? i think we should provide a shortcut to the system settings to change timezone/region18:27
rferrazzthinking of parsing the calculation string (at least for scientific mode)18:27
mhall119frals: for system settings I would think ,and a shortcut would be good, but all of that can wait until the phone code itself is released18:28
KevinWrightfrals: yes, I was just looking at my andoid alarm app and it has a world clock18:28
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: +1 for setting alarms (need info from KevinWright on how much of actual scheduling of alarm etc is implemented by us/vs lower level platform stuff)18:28
daliusdrferrazz, OK. I think we can parse strings in non scientific mode as well18:28
rferrazzdaliusd, is there any final design for the frontend?18:28
kuifeiwe need think about the division between the clock/alarm app and the system settings18:28
daliusdrferrazz, mhall119 said that there might be never exist final one :)18:29
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: we can work on the UI for the alarm setting without knowing the deeper bits at first I imagine, at least to some degree18:29
fralskuifei: +1, i think showing the current local time (maybe additional optional tz as well) is a good starting point, and leave changing to system settings18:29
rferrazzdaliusd: ok, so we can pick the better ideas out from balsamiq and make our calculator18:30
daliusdrferrazz: I agree :-)18:30
kuifeia clock showing the current time, but not editable; then a list of alarms bellow this clock18:31
daliusdrferrazz: what we will use for calculations? JavaScript (V8 engine) or C++?18:31
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: do we have enough info for creating the set alarm view?18:31
rferrazzdaliusd, i thnk c++ is a better choice18:31
mhall119daliusd: QML+Javascript is the preferred18:31
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: I mean enough design info18:32
mhall119unless there's a very good reason for using C++18:32
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: depends how complicated we want the recurrency rules for the alarm view ;-)18:32
KevinWrightfrals: simple18:32
kuifeino, i didn't find any UI design for clock app18:32
KevinWrightfrals: I mean keep it simple18:32
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: the only designs i found were https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/Clock+and+Weather+App but it seems... mixed up with weather18:32
daliusdmhall119, C++ might be slightly faster for math while V8 engine proved to be quite fast18:32
KevinWrightmhall119: any idea about what frals just mentioned about designs?18:33
DanielDresslerI would be surprised is performance proved an issue with the clock app18:33
kuifeithanks frals, for the link18:33
rferrazzdaliusd, mhall119: ok, we can start with javascript18:33
daliusdDanielDressler, there are two meetings going on here :-) performance might be issue for calc app18:33
KevinWrightdaliusd: that's my fault18:34
daliusdOK. JavaScript :)18:34
DanielDresslerdaliusd: ah sorry I really am new18:34
daliusdrferrazz: OK I will try to do something with frontend then18:35
DanielDresslerso does that mean there will be a meeting for the file manaer?18:35
=== DanielDressler is now known as dmd
KevinWrightdmd, I'll send you a message later about it18:35
dmdKevinWright: thank you18:36
kuifeifrals, i think we could start the alarm based on the UI design18:36
fralskuifei: yeah, should be doable18:36
kuifeiother features about clock/alarms, indicator on the top bar, indicator on the lock screen, ...18:37
fralshmm, am i stupid or is there no search function on mybalsamiq? finding more clock designs now... theres a whole bunch of them18:37
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: so who might like to take care of the add/edit alarm view?18:37
daliusdrferrazz: does it look like a plan?18:37
daliusdrferrazz: I think it would be nice to have unit-tests for backend as well. Not sure how however :)18:38
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei:and I assume a view that shows current alarms already set18:38
fralskuifei, KevinWright: https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/ClockAlarmApp-DominicRichardsonMatthewStevens https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/Clock+-+Alarms+-+Timer+-+Stopwatch+%285th+idea%2918:38
rferrazzdaliusd,yes but first we need to place in a basic structure18:38
fralsKevinWright: should we just pick one of the designs we like and start working from that or how does this work? :)18:39
daliusdIt might be possible that it is already in place18:39
daliusdat least older version had structure18:39
KevinWrightdaliusd, rferrazz: I didn't forget you guys but you look like you are taking care of business :)18:39
KevinWrightfrals: I think that sounds like a plan18:39
rferrazzdaliusd: like placing the backend bones before start writing the frontend18:40
kuifeiso which one should we take?18:40
daliusdrferrazz: frame is in place already http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calculator-dev/ubuntu-calculator-app/trunk/files18:41
fralskuifei: im going through mybalsamiq to check if i can find more clock mockups atm18:41
daliusdrferrazz: I believe backend will be in *.js file anyway18:41
fralskuifei, KevinWright: we should probably sync up the ui for creating alarm with the one calendar creates for setting a reminder18:41
daliusdrferrazz: initially you can place file in the same folder as it is. Later we will move around everything if there will be need.18:42
mhall119KevinWright: sorry, what was that about design?18:42
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: yes I agree syncing with the calendar18:42
daliusdrferrazz: and I think I have idea for unit-tests as well. We could create other qml-app that will simply run and lists tests in ListView18:43
KevinWrightmhall119: why clock and weather are mixed together at the link above ... I'm not familiar with balsamiq18:43
rferrazzdaliusd: ok so i'll start with the backend18:43
daliusdrferraz: OK. I think that's it for today unless Kevin has something to add18:44
kuifeifrals, KevinWright: I think I'll just trying to implement the UIs in the first link18:44
daliusdKevinWright: do you have anything else to say for us?18:44
fralskuifei, KevinWright: https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/Clock+-+Timer+-+Stopwatch+-+Alarms https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/Clock+and+Weather+App https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/Clock+-+Countdown+-+Stopwatch18:44
fralskuifei, KevinWright: https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/ClockAlarmApp-DominicRichardsonMatthewStevens https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/Clock+-+Alarms+-+Timer+-+Stopwatch+%285th+idea%2918:44
fralskuifei, KevinWright: so we got 5 different proposals now - and now clue how they align with calendars work on reminders :)18:45
KevinWrightdaliusd: sounds like you two have a plan hatched18:45
mhall119KevinWright: it doesn't look like we have any clock mockups linked to the wiki18:45
rferrazzdaliusd, sounds good18:45
mhall119frals: can you add those links to the wiki page for the clock?18:45
mhall119KevinWright: which link has the mockups mixedup?18:45
KevinWrightdaliusd, rferrazz: I can make some meeting notes from the irc channel and send then to you to later to validate the plan18:45
fralsmhall119: sure18:46
mhall119thanks frals18:46
daliusdKevinWright: OK18:46
rferrazzdaliusd, KevinWright: sure!18:46
KevinWright daliusd, rferrazz: apologies for making it confusing with two discussions18:46
daliusdrferrazz: let's work ;-) Bye for now18:46
mhall119KevinWright: looks like one person did them both together, instead of separately18:46
rferrazzdaliusd: bye :-)18:47
mhall119not a big deal, they can be linked to from both clock and weather wiki pages18:47
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: should we make an action item to decide on a specific design18:48
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: yes, and it should align with calendars reminder design (at least for alarms)18:48
kuifeiKevinWright: I think so.18:49
kuifeii like this one very much, https://ubuntu.mybalsamiq.com/projects/ubuntuphonecoreapps/Clock+-+Alarms+-+Timer+-+Stopwatch+%285th+idea%2918:49
KevinWrightkuifei: I like that one too. fral, what do you think?18:50
KevinWrightfrals what do you think18:50
fralsKevinWright: and we also need an action item to get a system level overview of whats available for e.g. reminders/alarms18:50
KevinWrightfrals: that one is mine18:51
fralskuifei, KevinWright: looks alright. i *hate* the way its designed to pick time there (coming from N9 which has the best time picker ever ;))18:51
KevinWrightfrals: I'll have to charge my n9 battery and take a look18:51
KevinWrightfrals: have not turned it on in a while18:51
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFOHc5z_fCU18:52
KevinWrightfrals: no I remember18:53
KevinWrightfrals: you are right18:53
KevinWrightfrals: even just the plain analogue clock is sweet18:54
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: if we can incorporate a timepicker like the youtube link the design kuifei linked works for me ;)18:54
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: that sounds like a plan to me18:55
fralsKevinWright: yeah, the design team on the n9 was ace18:55
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: OK so since timepicker is up in the air, what specific area would each of you look into out of that design?18:56
kuifeithe video makes me miss my lost N9 again.18:56
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: I see 4 views18:56
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: clock, alarms, stopwatch, timer18:56
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: i could start with the main clock view i guess -- and when the rest of our team shows up its easy to split in to components18:57
kuifeiI may try the clock first18:57
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: that's two for clock18:58
fralsnp, i can start on the alarms view instead then18:58
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: ok that works18:58
KevinWrightkuifei for clock and frals for alarm view18:58
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: done18:58
fralssince we have something like 5 (or smth) more team members i guess we will get plenty of help anyway ;)18:58
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: I'll type up meeting notes and send them out to the whole team18:59
KevinWrightfrals: yup18:59
ajalkanethis might be nice start for timepicker like N9: https://gitorious.org/harmattan-timepicker/harmattan-timepicker/blobs/master/TimePicker.qml18:59
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: alright, thanks for the great meeting, and sorry for the confusion earlier on19:00
fralsbah the ubuntu wiki hates me with a passion, cant update the clockapp page19:00
fralsKevinWright: add an action to update the wiki page with selected design we start with and links to the other designs19:00
KevinWrightmhall119, can frals update the wiki page or does something special need to happen first?19:00
KevinWrightfrals: will do19:01
mhall119nope, anybody can update the wiki19:01
fralsgetting a 500 internal server error when signing in19:01
mhall119except when it fails19:01
KevinWrightfrals, kuifei: thanks again guys. chat with you soon. Cheers!19:03
fralsKevinWright, kuifei: cheers, laters19:03
dmddoes any one have an idea where ubuntu sticks nautilus's folder icon? I am searching /usr/share/icons but I'm going a bit crazy19:03
kuifeiKevinWright, frals: Cheers!19:03
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mhall119dmd: they are determined by the icon theme the user has chosen19:04
mhall119I think the default is still Humanity19:04
dmdthank you that does narrow my search19:04
mhall119dmd: why?19:05
dmdI want to throw together a prototype of the file manager19:05
dmdwastrel: Thank you!19:06
mhall119you should use icon names, not paths to files, so they will change appropriately with the icon theme19:06
dmdoh that does sound like a good idea19:06
wastrel/usr/share/icons/Humanity/places/48/stock_folder.svg seems to be the same19:06
mhall119I think QML will do the proper icon lookup for you19:06
dmdnow I need to figure that out19:06
mhall119try just using "stock_folder" or something like that for the icon19:06
mhall119dmd: see http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html for the standard naming conventions19:07
mhall119bzoltan: jppiiroi1en: can you guys confirm that QML support this for icons?19:08
dmdthe toolbars.qml is using "iconSource: Qt.resolvedUrl(filename)" is that about what I should use?19:09
mhall119dmd: can you give me a link to that file?19:09
dmdit is from the example use app19:09
fralsKevinWright, mhall119: the wiki signs me out everytime i get to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone/CoreApps/Clock, if either of you could update the page with the design instead of me i'd be grateful19:11
KevinWrightfrals: I'll take care of it sometime in the next 12-24 hours19:12
fralsKevinWright: cheers19:12
mhall119dmd: ah, those appear to be using images local to the application, not system-wide icons determined by the user's icon theme19:12
KevinWrightfrals: (or maybe less)19:12
mhall119frals: have you tried shift-refreshing to see if it's maybe just giving you a cached page?19:12
fralsmhall119: yeah, no luck still :(19:13
mhall119bzoltan: jppiiroi1en: Mirv: can someone help frals with this?19:13
mhall119frals: those guys are all UTC+1 or +2 I think, so they may not be online anymore19:14
fralsno worries, ill try again tomorrow - could be some delay because i had to approve wiki access to my account info or some crap on my end -- have to go afk now19:14
fralsgnite all19:14
dmdmhall119: I am very new to qml. How should I get the folder icon through the proper method?19:16
mhall119dmd: I'm very new to QML as well, so I don't know exactly19:16
dmdok then hacky solution time: copy&paste19:17
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dmdI must say that qml with its json basis is much nicer than android's xml19:20
ajalkanedmd: depends on how Ubuntu has implemented image provider. See: http://doc.qt.digia.com/stable/qdeclarativeimageprovider.html19:21
dmdajalkane: thank you19:22
wastrelso was that burst of activity a regularly scheduled thing?20:20
dmdI think they were having a meeting20:20
dmdfor the calender and then the calculator20:20
dmdoh maybe dmd will not work as a nick20:21
dmddoes qml have something like css's classes?20:33
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dmdIs there a way make an element inherit a style? for example margins20:34
ajalkanedmd: Ubuntu implements something like CSS styles for QML but I don't know enough about them yet. In traditional QML you create components by composition instead of inheritance20:43
dmdsorry inheritance is by most chances going to be the wrong word20:44
dmdany idea of any examples for the ubntu styles?20:44
ajalkanedmd: see if this gives you some ideas: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/theming-components.html20:46
dmdthank you!20:46
dmdIt looks like there is a lot more on the wiki than I thought20:46
ajalkaneThere's frankly not lot... but what's there is pretty good for getting started.20:47
wastreldmd: what are you writing?20:48
dmdI want to try my hand at the file manager20:49
dmdso I'm mocking up the ui then I'll hack in basic file navigation20:49
ajalkaneare you in the file manager team?20:49
dmdnope, I have no idea what is going on20:49
ajalkaneok, just wondered if anythings going on. Someone doing something is better than nothing happening at all.20:50
dmdI contacted Till who was my mentor two years ago asking him about how I could help with ubuntu phone and he pointed me to this chat room20:50
dmdI figure before I try to make anything offical I should prove to myself I can get something working20:51
ajalkaneare you basing the mocks on any suggestions given in the community pages?20:51
dmdI want to go from the one in basmic but..20:51
dmdI do not think the accordian view of multiple file sources will work well on mobile20:51
dmdinstead ubuntu has these cool views you can swip between20:52
dmdI think those would work better for different locations, like network shares vs local vs sd card20:52
ajalkaneIMO it's best to start with the bare basics, getting the basics working, and then tackle the harder parts.20:52
dmdso far I have mocked in fake folders and fake files20:53
dmdI'm mocking in the context menu next20:53
dmdKevinWright: how might I go about going a team?21:12
dmdrummonddmd: There is a form here http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/#step-get-involved21:48
dmddmdrummond: thank you will fill that out21:49
nOStahlhows it going guys23:19
dmdeveryone appears to be afk, or working23:20
nOStahlme - I'm playing with my new gitlab server23:20
dmdhave a use in mind?23:22
nOStahlI'm really REALY liking gitlab so far23:22
nOStahlcant wait for ubuntu phone23:27
nOStahlwish I did not buy the iPhone 5 last month now haha23:27
dmdyeah I can imagine23:27
dmdnot going to get a port for a little while23:27
nOStahlwhat I really wish is that I could install ubuntu phone on my iPhone 523:28
dmdit is nice hardware23:28
dmddid they get rid of the glass back?23:28
dmdI have the nexus 4 and the back is already scratched up. I refuse to use a case23:29
dmdno phone should need a case23:29
dmdI think they used a glass back since it trains you to grip the sides23:29
nOStahlunless you want it to change the look23:29
nOStahlI don't use a case on the iPhone 523:29
nOStahljust make sure to keep keys in diff pocket etc23:30
dmdyeah I've cleaned out a pocket in my bag23:30
dmdonly phone and tissue23:30
nOStahlgah I'd really like ubuntu phone on this iphone23:31
dmdone option that may work in the future is the chinese iphone knockoff23:31
dmdat least those have unlocked boot loaders23:31
nOStahlany word on cdma work23:32
dmdno idea23:32
nOStahlso I had watched the keynote on ubuntu for phones23:40
nOStahlthey didn't cover, is this going to be where we can dock it and use full blown ubuntu ?23:41

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