
MagicFabsipherdee, txwikinger komputes cyphermox Chex bonjour :)13:46
ChexMagicFab: Fabbbbster-rino! :) 15:01
ChexThe Fabinatorrrrr. :) 15:01
=== Chex is now known as Guest50368
=== Guest50368 is now known as Chex-
* genii-around slides IdleOne a coffee16:13
MagicFabI need some too, la chauferette est pas suffisante.16:14
genii-aroundHello, trying to find out who may have originally registered the ubuntu.ca domain and perhaps the reasoning to let it lapse. I was hoping to perhaps register it again, but at the moment GoDaddy seems to have it until 2013 or so.16:15
* genii-around prepares MagicFab a delicious mug of coffee also16:15
* MagicFab sips16:22
Chex-genii-around: pretty sure the Canonical IS team handles core ubuntu domains like that. 16:53
genii-aroundI was basically told in -locoteams and -community-teams that any top-level domain names with "ubuntu" are basically up for grabs unnless they contravene trademark/copyright or so.17:06
genii-aroundAt any rate, I've sent the current owner whoever that is an email through cira.ca about it, hopefully I'll hear back. Thanks for the suggestion MagicFab!17:17
* genii-around prépare du café frais pour la salle avant de procéder à la sortie.17:19
=== Chex- is now known as Chex

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