
pittiGood morning04:17
smartboyhwballoons, PING04:31
balloonssmartboyhw, :-p04:31
smartboyhwballoons, you are still here!!!!04:31
balloonswe can't fix legacy testcases04:31
smartboyhwballoons, er:P04:31
balloonshad a big todo this morning :-(04:31
smartboyhwThat's sad04:31
smartboyhwballoons, BTW where is the hangout session you did yesterday?04:32
smartboyhwI mean the video at YouTube04:32
balloonsit's on youtube04:32
smartboyhwballoons, link04:32
balloonsquality kind of sucks :-( I'm going to use screencasts04:32
balloonsit's 480p but looks horribel04:32
smartboyhwballoons, oh don't worry04:32
smartboyhwballoons, BTW you do know my new time for the ISO test Classroom session right?04:33
balloonsumm thursday yes?04:38
balloonsvalentine's day04:38
balloonshappy new year btw!04:39
smartboyhwballoons, NO?04:40
smartboyhwballoons, thx04:40
smartboyhwballoons, it's on Wednesday:P04:40
smartboyhwSame time04:40
balloonsahh k04:41
balloonswell, as usual, it's my bedtime here smartboyhw :-)04:41
smartboyhwballoons, grrrr:P04:41
balloonslife is more fun 12 hours apart right?04:41
smartboyhwchilicui1, your merge is in!04:41
smartboyhwballoons, yeah.04:41
chilicui1smartboyhw: thanks!04:42
balloonssmartboyhw, 晚安04:45
smartboyhwballoons, good night:)04:45
balloonsthanks for staying on top of testing and doing the merges :-)04:45
smartboyhwballoons, :)04:45
smartboyhwchilicui1, here:P05:38
smartboyhwI think that we can clarify it more better anyway05:38
chilicui1yes, it would help smartboyhw05:40
smartboyhwchilicui1, so then: After you finished fixing it I would merge. balloons please put chilicui1 into the testcase admins team:P05:40
chilicui1smartboyhw: but I'm just to request a merge if someone can explain the second issue, the 3rd testcase moves the file 'moveme.txt' instead of copying, at least in my setup, smartboyhw can you try to reproduce the issue?, so we can clarify it?05:42
smartboyhwchilicui1, clearly balloons has a wrong Nautilus05:42
chilicui1smartboyhw: =P05:45
jibelgood morning07:56
pittibonjour jibel07:58
jibelBonjour pitti !08:01
jibelmerci pour l'annonce à propos de JHbuild08:02
pittijibel: de rien, mon plaisir!08:02
dholbachgood morning08:04
dholbachqu'est-ce qui se passe ici aujourd'hui? :)08:04
pittidholbach: pas encore beaucoup, seulement dire bonjour :)08:05
* pitti te donne une accolade08:06
dholbachok, très bien :)08:08
dholbachjibel, merci beaucoup pour améliorer le packaging guide08:11
jibeldholbach, de rien mon ami. Ma 1ere contribution :)08:11
dholbachmais où sont les traducteurs français? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide/ :)08:13
dholbachon a seulement les traductions Russe et Espagnol08:13
dholbachje vais essayer de traduire un page chacque jour08:14
dholbach... en Allemand :)08:14
jibelfirst untranslated string in French: Current French: (no translation yet)08:15
jibelnm, I misread rosetta08:16
jibelhm, some suggestions in French really look like google translated strings08:19
dholbachjibel, http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/auto-pkg-test.html should be updated now09:55
jibeldholbach, great, thanks!09:57
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dholbachwow, there are 4 sponsorship requests for autopkgtests :)10:27
pittidholbach: nice!10:46
pittijibel: people love jhbuild in jenkins!12:32
pittijibel: already got a discussion with Tim from gstreamer, and Phil fixed folks12:32
pittijibel: and hughsie fixed the failing colord test, we just need the systemd libraries now12:33
pittijibel: I'll build them from debian testing and install the libraries in the VM, is that ok for you?12:33
pittijibel: testing gnome upstream without the systemd libs is going to be harder and harder, and also much less useful for upstream12:33
pittijibel: (I have a local build of v195 here, and they work just fine)12:34
jibelpitti, that's really fantastic, I didn't expect it would be so well received. go ahead with systemd libraries.12:49
vibhavpitti: Could you have alook at some of the autopkgtesttests I wrote?13:58
pittivibhav: sure, where can I find them? sponsoring queue?14:28
vibhavpitti: yep14:29
* vibhav wrote tests for libxcb, libcaca and firestring14:33
pittivibhav: found 3 of them; testbed building now, will do them14:33
pittivibhav: can you please forward them to Debian, too14:33
pittivibhav: also, are you sure about +# (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd. ?14:34
pitticredit where credit is due :)14:34
vibhavpitti: So, who owns the copyright?14:34
pittivibhav: you, if you wrote it14:35
vibhavpitti: I trust Canonical with all my code14:35
pittivibhav: it's not wrong to defer it to Canonical if you are fine with that, of course (that will actually be a good choice if it ever comes to a lawsuit)14:35
pittivibhav: ok, just wanted to make sure it wasn't just an unintended copy&paste thing :)14:36
vibhavNope, I am completely okay14:36
pittivibhav: I'll add -Wall -Werror for extra scrutiny14:37
pittivibhav: we are in sync for libxcb so far, so it's especially important to get this into Debian, too14:37
vibhavIndeed. I will forward the debdiff14:37
vibhavI was reading the glib API. Then I can contribute even more extensively :)14:39
vibhavTalking about forwarding it to Debian, should I forward the diff that Launchpad generates?14:41
pittivibhav: can you please forward them to Debian, toohttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/libxcb/raring/diff/34 minus the Maintainer: bit14:42
pittiI'll test it in a VM before uploading14:43
pittivibhav: hold on, libxcb failure14:47
pittivibhav: I guess because of the missing xvfb test dep, verifying14:47
vibhavah yes, I forgot14:48
* vibhav slaps forhead14:48
pittino worries14:49
pittivibhav: I push --overwrite the patch14:49
vibhavOk, I will forward the correct diff14:50
pittimeh, still failing, hang on14:50
pittilibxcb_test.c: In function ‘main’:14:50
pittilibxcb_test.c:8:6: error: unused variable ‘i’ [-Werror=unused-variable]14:50
pittiah, that was me because of -Werror14:50
pittiok, dropping "int i"14:51
pittivibhav: push --overwrite done; third time's the charm!14:51
smartboyhwballoons, phillw PING14:52
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pittiuh, screampings14:52
pittivibhav: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/libcaca/raring/diff/27 is good to forward, verified; uploading14:56
* vibhav is at dinner, will forward diff later14:58
pittifirestring_test: firestring_test.c:10: test_baselib: Assertion `firestring_estr_base64_encode(&dest, &source) == 0' failed.14:58
vibhavIt had not failed for me :\14:59
* vibhav gulps down dinner15:00
pittivibhav: no worries, enjoy dinner!15:01
balloonshey smartboyhw15:06
smartboyhwballoons, hey15:06
smartboyhwballoons, so make sure you appear in the session tomorrow:)15:06
balloons2 hours from now, but tomorrow15:07
balloonsno, two hours ago, but tomorrow.. so in 22 hours15:07
balloonsby the way, my nautilus does copy it.. I can even try again :-)15:08
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balloonsit's all on video.. so it happened :-15:09
smartboyhwballoons, yep15:10
vibhavpitti: The base64_encode fails probably as the source doesnt have data which can be encoded15:14
vibhavpitti: But even if it fails, it will be sufficient to test if the headers are correctly installed :)15:15
pittivibhav: can't you feed it some fixed string or so?15:16
pittivibhav: or add a dependency package? (NB, I have absolutely no clue what it's doing)15:16
vibhavNo problems with dependency though15:16
vibhavI will probably feed some data into the string15:17
vibhavOkay, its fixed now15:20
vibhavpitti: pushed.15:24
pittihm, still the same error15:25
vibhavpitti: Weird. Could you compile this locally and check http://paste.ubuntu.com/1639691/15:27
pittivibhav: not here, same result15:28
pitti+ ./firestring_test15:28
pittifirestring_test: firestring_test.c:11: test_baselib: Assertion `firestring_estr_base64_encode(&dest, &source) == 0' failed.15:28
pittivibhav: may it be that there is some confusion between dest and source?15:29
pittivibhav: i. e. maybe you want to do the firestring_estr_sprintf into &source?15:29
pittiit works with that15:30
pitti        firestring_estr_sprintf(&source, "autopkgtest");15:30
vibhavah yes15:30
vibhavpitti: I need to go. Could you please upload the change?15:31
pittivibhav: sure15:31
balloonssmartboyhw, ok, your in the calendar :-)15:31
smartboyhwballoons, LOL15:31
vibhavpitti: I am having exams soon. So, thanks for cooperating :)15:34
pittiubtree0t-build       PASS15:34
pittitheeere you go15:34
pittivibhav: oh, good luck with those! and thanks for your work!15:34
smartboyhwballoons, very interesting that only Kubuntu is going to have an Alpha 215:34
balloonsI'm going to post again about the remaining sessions15:35
balloonswhy's that interesting?15:35
vibhavOk, I need to go. See you guys soon!15:35
* pitti holds up the "rolling release yeah!" banner15:35
smartboyhwpitti, LOL15:36
pittiI actually think we've come quite far with that idea, given how "boring" raring is15:36
smartboyhwballoons, LOL15:36
pittiI had only one real hiccup this cycle, with the occasional intel freeze on arrandale15:36
pittithere were times where we had such bugs in the final release15:36
pittinot sure how it's working out for other people15:37
pittiheck, even lightdm is saying "13.04" properly :)15:38
* pitti was about to make a snide remark of that being a really devastating bug, when noticing that even that got fixed already15:38
balloonsI can't say I've ran into much that is devastating persay15:39
balloonsMost of the issues came from using newer versions of things.. for instance, PIL got a little funny for me at one point15:40
pittithe raring-proposed staging area has made a huge difference from my POV15:40
balloonsI always seem to find a perl or python library every cycle and find how it breaks something I'm doing15:40
phillwsmartboyhw: pong15:46
balloonsSergioMeneses, kk, the mass convertor is running.. let's see what mess we ca nmake15:47
SergioMenesesballoons, perfect!15:47
smartboyhwphillw, balloons doesn't even know of my session time till 11 hours later:P15:47
phillwhmm, not sure what happened there... did you not email him?15:48
smartboyhwphillw, I DID15:48
smartboyhwphillw, later = earlier15:49
phillwsmartboyhw: does the correct date show on the classroom area?15:50
smartboyhwphillw, I did change it15:50
phillwsmartboyhw: not https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom Did the classroom team change the date on their schedule?15:54
smartboyhwphillw, yes15:59
phillwokies, I llok forward to the session tomorrow :)15:59
smartboyhwphillw, :)16:00
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balloonsSergioMeneses, hmm.. some came out quite good16:12
SergioMenesesmy isp hates me16:13
balloonsit's just a bit off.. going to adjust the script and re-run16:13
pittijibel: is bin/jhbuild.cron from any VCS or autogenerated? I added $no_proxy to it, trying whether that works16:17
pittijibel: (no_proxy for, as otherwise tests which use localhost for testing will hang/fail)16:17
balloonsSergioMeneses, https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-manual-tests/massconversion16:42
balloonsthis is the mass converson16:42
balloonsI'd like another pair of eyes to have a look at it..16:43
jibelpitti, it's from lp:~jibel/charms/raring/jhbuild/trunk/16:48
MawahebHello everyone, i have a questions , what is the Ubuntu sso ?16:48
pittijibel: ah, I did grep that for "proxy" without a result16:48
pittijibel: so it looks like you added the http_proxy variables manually on the checkout?16:49
jibelpitti, uhoh, could be :)16:49
jibelso go ahead and change the file locally16:49
SergioMenesesballoons, sure!17:06
balloonsSergioMeneses, here's the merge request17:07
Mawahebhello everyone17:22
Mawahebi need some advice17:22
balloonsMawaheb, sure17:22
MawahebHello balloons17:22
Mawahebi want you to correct me if i am wrong17:23
Mawahebas i understod from the wiki and from the casts17:23
Mawahebthat the testing goes through this steps17:23
Mawaheb2-installing testdrive and VM17:23
Mawaheb3-running TD to download the iso17:23
Mawaheb4-Running the iso and applying the testcase on it17:23
Mawaheb5-reporting bug or pass17:24
Mawahebis that correct ?17:24
balloonsMawaheb, yes, if you want to use testdrive to help test the image, that's the right steps to take17:25
Mawahebthat's nice :) , i am doing this as first step to dive in, and get used to the new stuff, and i will go further step by step after finishing and getting used to this :)17:26
balloonsMawaheb, yes, excellent idea :-)17:29
balloonslet us know if you get stuck anywhere :-)17:29
Mawahebsure balloons, now the iso sync is going on TestDrive and i will do all after ... let me thank you again for your efforts in helping :)17:30
SergioMenesesballoons, ping17:30
SergioMenesesballoons, all testcases are ok https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-manual-tests/massconversion/+merge/147982 they are with the correct new format17:30
balloonsSergioMeneses, have you ever done a review?17:33
balloonsSergioMeneses, thank you for checking ;-)17:33
SergioMenesesballoons, a Lp review?17:34
balloonsbasically you can add your approval to the merge17:34
balloonsif you haven't, great time to learn17:34
SergioMenesesballoons, show me, I was adding a comment17:34
balloonssince I wrote the code, and it's such a massive change, I have someone else review it.. and merge t17:34
balloonsYou can hit claim review, and then approve or otherwise comment on it17:35
balloonssince this is so big I'll probably get one other person to review as well.. then they will issue the merge and commit to trunk17:35
balloonsI think this will direct link you: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-manual-tests/massconversion/+merge/147982/+review?claim=ubuntu-testcase&review_type=17:35
SergioMenesesballoons, kk check it17:36
balloonsnicely done!17:37
balloonsnow in this case, I'm going to ask for one more person to check it17:38
balloonsbut normally once reviewed you could then do the merge command17:38
balloonsbzr merge lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-manual-tests/massconversion17:38
balloonsmake sure you have an up to date copy of the trunk first17:38
balloonsthen issue the merge17:38
balloonsthen push it to trunk and it's in ;-)17:38
SergioMenesesballoons, :)17:38
balloonsyou would then set the status to merged17:38
balloonsand we'd be all set17:38
balloonsmake sense?17:38
SergioMenesesballoons, yes17:39
SergioMenesesballoons, btw you can edit the status from launchpad as well17:40
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SergioMenesesok guys I have to go, see you later18:34
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MawahebHello all, after Sychronizing the image in TestDrive, i want to follow the test case prosedure, for example it says that i should start a live session, so now at this point, should i do that in the VM ? or to burn the iso and do it on my Physical laptop19:28
chilicuilMawaheb: you can do it both ways, if you're going to test hardware testcases it would be better to do it in real hardware, if you're going to do test installation and software testcases both works ok19:30
Mawahebok , thanks19:31
Mawahebone last question19:31
Mawahebis there any way to make sure that the test case am reading online is exactly for the image that i did sync on TestDrive ?19:31
Mawahebother than name for the image in TestDrive19:32
chilicuilMawaheb: no, but I don't think that's a issue, testdrive download the last ubuntu development version and the testcases are intented to be used on that too19:34
Mawahebok, sounds nice, thanks19:35
chilicuilyou'll be safe as far as you sync the image before start testing19:35
balloonsyes, if you sync before you test, you can be assured to have the latest iso19:37
balloonsafternoon letozaf_ Noskcaj20:05
Noskcajhey balloons20:05
balloonsI'm feeling new zealandy.. rofl20:06
* balloons is listening to LOTR soundtrack20:06
balloonsso, more seriously, how's the week been treating you? your back at school now yes?20:07
letozaf_hi balloons20:09
Noskcajballoons, yeah, back at school. had air force cadets last night and got free clothes from it20:10
Noskcaji'm listening to the candence week podcast. so much um, ahh...20:11
balloonsNoskcaj, :-p it was live20:11
balloonsnothing like talking to yourself for an hour.. I hope it's not TOO bad20:11
Noskcajtrue, also, 1080p makes things better. it's fairly good though20:11
ssbobballoons, you host a podcast?20:11
Noskcajwhy didn't you use testdrive?20:12
balloonsssbob, no, he's talking about the livestream you were around for20:12
ssbobah ok20:12
balloonsNoskcaj, I wanted to show off other was to do it20:12
balloonsand testdrive is broken on 4.2 remember?20:12
Noskcajballoons, oh yeah.20:12
balloonsso literally, that was me going through the testcases.. exactly as I would do it20:13
Noskcajand unit193 fixed it20:13
Noskcajok, lol20:13
ssbobballoons, speaking of test cases. For week 6 there are 3 listed (alsa, empathy, and nautilus) ... is there more?20:13
balloonsssbob, for the cadence week package tests, no20:13
balloonswe have the slew of image tests for the daily images20:13
balloonsand like icing on the cake, this week also happens to be a release week for 12.04.220:14
ssbobyeah I gotta install vbox on my ubuntu vm first20:14
ssbobubutu inception if you will20:14
balloonswe typically go after 2 or 3 things each cadence week20:14
ssbobyeah I was moving to the image testing next20:15
balloonsahh.. yes, in addition, because of the 12.04.2 release Sergio put out a milestone to do hardware testing on it20:17
balloonsthat was the mail from this morning20:17
balloonsso that's yet another opportunity :-)20:17
balloonsas I mentioned, great week to pick stuff up, plenty to choose from :-p20:18
balloonshello chilicuil20:33
chilicuilhi, good morning balloons20:34
phillwssbob: you may find it easier to install virt-manager.. VBox is somewhat in a state of flux on 12.1020:34
ssbobgood call, I will check it out20:34
ssbobor just run them in vmware workstation on my work machine. 13.04 worked out of the box20:35
balloonsthere's actually a test for vmware easy install20:36
ssbobfor raring or precise?20:37
balloonsin the images20:37
balloonsthe desktop images.. you'll see it20:37
phillwssbob: for both, a fix needed for libguest has been applied to quantal.20:38
phillwI do not think it has been applied to precise, I did not request that on the SRU20:39
ssbobyeah I see it thanks20:39
balloonsssbob, for example; http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/243/builds/37463/testcases/1304/results20:39
ssbobthat is the one I am on, filling out the result now :)20:40
phillwssbob: libguest is not needed for virt-manager, it just adds extra functionality for pulling data from a crashed VM20:40
ssbobballoons, you think there is a problem using vmware workstation rather than vmware player (as the test case indicates)?20:42
ssbobI think they are the same under the hood, workstation just adds features and costs $$20:42
balloonsyes, I don't see an issue20:42
balloonsbut I've not used vmware stuff in some time20:42
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balloonsI would assume it would be the same for workstation20:42
ssbobI did indicate what product I used in the results, in case it matters to someone.20:42
balloonsit worked tho eh?20:43
balloonswe could update the testcase assuming t works in both20:43
balloonscool.. perhaps there is a contribution in your future :-)20:43
ssbobeven autosized the resolution automagically20:43
ssbobballoons, you know anything about the memory test tests? The amber screen it indicates, is that while booting from the iso or will that also work on a full install?20:45
balloonsthe memtests are an option on the iso boot20:46
ssbobroger that, thanks20:46
balloonsgive'm a whirl :-)20:47
ssboboh I am whirling ;)20:47
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ssbobballoons, I have to say there is something very satisfying about running through test cases. Maybe a little competitive?21:38
balloonshmm..  I agree.. it's a bit of a high if you find a bug that is non-trivial and the more serious the better, haha21:39
balloonsbut it's also quite satisfying to not break things.. makes you feel really good about the software21:40
ssbobI much prefer to see a test case pass with flying colors, bugs suck.21:40
balloonsyes.. and there's more work if you find bugs!21:40
balloonsfor everyone21:41
balloonsI like trying to break things and finding those exceptions are handled properly21:41
balloonsit is a nice feeling21:41
ssbobin my software engineering classes, QA was not a fun part. But like this, I am actually enjoying it. Never thought I would say that.21:43
balloonsdid we lose Letzoaf? ahh indeed22:01
ssbobyeah bout 20 minutes ago22:01
balloonsI was going to verify her ARM testing stuff22:03

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