
=== hallino1_ is now known as hallino1
TheDrumsWithout knowing a better place to ask, what's the usage permission on http://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup ?23:14
dakerTheDrums: http://askubuntu.com/questions/128402/how-does-ubuntu-know-my-native-language23:23
dakerTheDrums: his is used by the installer, when23:24
dakerhttp://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup is used by the installer, that how he guess the language/timezone/the location23:25
TheDrumsI am aware, but was asking where, if at all you can use it outside of the installer. :P23:29
dakerTheDrums: ya it only returns informations based on your IP adress23:30
dakerif i open it i'll informations based on my IP, so i will not get your informations23:30
dakeri'll get*23:30
TheDrumsI understand the backend well, that's not what I was asking... :P23:35
dakerah i understand23:37
TheDrumsJust if it can be used in other things.23:37
dakerwell no one will stop you if you want to use it23:38
dakercjohnston or mhall119 any idea ?23:39

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