=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [05:06] Maaz: tell Kilos morning outoppie [05:06] superfly: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode [05:30] Good morning :) [05:30] ohi magespawn [05:32] Maaz: tell KIlos goeie more Oom [05:32] inetpro: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode [05:32] good morning superfly, magespawn and everyone else [05:33] o/ superfly inetpro [05:34] hi inetpro [05:35] eish, it's hot today [05:36] superfly: already? [05:36] this is not mild Gauteng [05:58] looks like Kilos was right [06:13] magespawn: in what way? [06:15] Looks like a mild day here mid thirties [06:33] lol [06:34] wb deegee_1 [06:34] oh and even Kilos joined us? [06:34] wb Kilos [06:34] hi all [06:34] inetpro: tnx [06:34] howzit? [06:34] morning fellas [06:35] that pc of ians with corrupt bios is a drive killer [06:35] lucky i only put a 6g drive in [06:35] whew [06:35] Kilos: what happened? [06:35] hihi superfly [06:36] it writes something to the drive that nothing else can see it again [06:36] Kilos: you're a poet and you don't even knowit [06:36] gparted disk utility etc [06:36] lol ya he calls me outoppie [06:36] lol [06:37] so i gotta get a xp drive going to make that bios flash floppy [06:37] grrr [06:37] hey Kilos [06:38] hey magespawn [06:39] Kilos do you remember the alternative to mIRC on the other os? [06:39] xchat [06:39] xchat works kiff on it [06:40] oh mirc is mobile [06:40] ? [06:40] jedirc [06:40] there was another like mIRC2 or something [06:40] jedirc worked for me but hard work onna fone [06:40] magespawn: you can also use Quassel on that other OS [06:40] jedirc [06:41] i am superfly this was for someone else [06:41] magespawn: Quassel has a "monolithic" version as well, which is everything in one [06:41] ans i seem to recall a version of mIRC that was free/open source [06:43] i suggested those too, but i thought i had a mIRC version somewhere [06:45] magespawn, your friend wants to come here? [06:45] was a discussion last night in ##windows [06:46] ah [06:46] funny place for a geek to be [06:46] hehe [06:47] i spose one must keep up to date hey [06:48] lol [06:48] just a bit irritating that i cannot find something i am sure i remember [06:49] wikipedia looking for money again [06:49] https://donate.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FundraiserLandingPage?uselang=en&country=ZA&template=Lp-layout-default&appeal-template=Appeal-template-default&appeal=Appeal-default&infobox=Default&form-template=Form-template-default&form-countryspecific=Form-countryspecific-control&utm_medium=sitenotice&utm_source=B13_020100_clrtxt_gold3_nd_enYY&utm_campaign=C13_wpnd_enWW_FR [06:51] http://alternativeto.net/software/mirc/ [06:51] oh isnt that english [06:52] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients [06:53] lo vinnie [06:53] sounds like a mafia name [06:53] Hii [06:53] na eks n soutie [06:54] lol [07:00] look like i will have to admit defeat on this [07:18] looks like i may got confused with xchat [07:19] hehe [07:19] xchat rocks [07:19] i dont know mirc magespawn , what is it? not like iirc [07:20] mIRC was on of the first popular clients out there, i first used it in 93/94 [07:20] whew you old hey [07:21] 1993 and 1994 [07:21] just in case there is a misunderstanding there [07:21] i only been on irc for 3 years i think [07:22] was a lot more on DALnet in those days [07:22] since 8.10 [07:23] i was only using the other os in those days [07:23] shame [07:24] well started on dos and win 3.11 [07:24] wow me with dos. then 95 [07:26] now i gotta go make a bios flash floppy. wbb when its done [07:26] look after you all [07:26] and greet new customers [07:27] toods for now [07:31] hey magespawn look at this. ubuntu has a tool called flashrom [07:35] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/2221/detail/ [07:35] ^ are we going to do a global jam? [07:42] konfyt? [07:43] looks like there might be a house4hack event in Durban on those days - I will suggest a mash-up [07:44] ow, h4h event is the following week [07:57] hiya maiatoday jr [07:57] jrgns, [07:57] hi all, Kilos, bye all, Kilos! [07:57] hi Zarw [07:58] who are you? [08:04] * staticrat waves hello [08:04] hi staticrat [08:05] hello kilos, everyone else :) [08:06] so it seems that ubuntu fever has set in. I downloaded a app on my phone that teaches you to use the terminal [08:07] and I found this command "webster" that I think would be handy [08:07] but it not working :( [08:08] tried sudo aptitude install webster .....but says that there is no such package [08:08] anyone here know how to get the webster command to work? === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za [08:21] hi Trixar_za [08:21] webster? [08:21] Never heard of it [08:21] What does it do? [08:21] i know been looking on the net for it cant find it [08:22] online dictionary from terminal [08:22] Sounds like a scripted utility [08:22] think the app I have where I got this might be dealing with a older version of ubuntu [08:22] Doesn't Ubuntu have an app for it? [08:22] http://voices.yahoo.com/how-add-dictionary-tool-ubuntu-4867690.html [08:22] I saw that kilos [08:23] was curious about the webster command [08:23] if you look in synaptic there are lotsa dict options [08:23] Let me google a bit [08:23] never seen it [08:23] I'm pretty sure it's a shell or perl script [08:25] according to this app you type webster word (word being the one you want to define) and it should return the definitions [08:32] Nope, no debian package for it using content search [08:32] Well, there is two 'matches', but it's for scripts/extensions to existing programs [08:32] surfraw and epic4 in case you're wondering [08:33] thx Trixar_za .... wonder where this guy got the command from then or should I then ask how reliable his app is in terms of ubuntu command [08:33] And yeah, surfraw is a terminal interface for several search engines [08:34] Searching Ubuntu brings up the same ones [08:36] surfraw or sdcv is probably the closest you're going to get [08:38] lol [08:38] http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/T/TE/TERJE/webster-2.19_2007.0205 [08:38] found it [08:38] It's a perl script [08:39] There's also this one: http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/Z/ZH/ZHOUXIN/mw2.2.1 [08:39] http://www.cpan.org/scripts/ + searching for "webster" ftw [08:41] Hi Kilos [08:49] cool thx Trixar_za [08:52] ok so with all the auto disable java stuff going on at the moment how exactly do you get java working in a browser? [08:52] and now it magically worked... [08:52] never mind then === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [11:23] Trix[a]r_za: i had a look at the 2nd one you posted in the 4 or 5 th line of the script where the host is listed is it possible to have more than one? [12:07] superfly http://xkcd.com/353/ [12:11] magespawn: indeed [12:24] * magespawn spends lunch time doing meaningful things like readin xkcd [12:24] http://xkcd.com/364/ [15:03] bbl [15:03] k === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za [15:20] magespawn: Probably, but you'd probably have to modify the syntax engine a bit to work with the different sites [15:20] I don't use perl that often, so you'd have to ask in #perl (also good luck :P) [15:35] ty Trixar_za was just wondering, i know nothing about perl [15:36] Maaz_: define ubuntu [15:36] tumbleweed: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word? [15:36] aww [15:36] Maaz_: define fish [15:36] tumbleweed: Crawfish \Craw"fish`\ (kr[add]"f[i^]sh`), Crayfish \Cray"fish`\ (kr[=a]"f[i^]sh`), n.; pl. {-fishes} or {-fish}. [Corrupted fr. OE. crevis, creves, OF. crevice, F. ['e]crevisse, fr. OHG. krebiz crab, G. krebs. See {Crab}. The ending -fish arose from confusion with E. fish.] (Zool.) Any decapod crustacean of the family {Astacid[ae]} (genera {Cambarus} [15:36] and {Cambarus}), resembling the lobster, but smaller, and found in fresh waters. Crawfishe… [15:36] ^ perfectly good dictionary [15:38] not really a fish === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za [15:46] lo kbmonkey [15:46] methinks maaz is sicker tumbleweed [15:47] QA accepts is maaz is stubborn [15:47] hello Kilos [15:47] its raining here [15:47] send some [15:48] I am suddenly very hungry [15:49] Kilos: naah, his dictionary just doesn't have it [15:49] need some elvin bread [15:49] i told her what to say tumbleweed and she accepted but he wont [15:51] anyway tumbleweed QA cant do the spelling thing. and i installed all the dict stuff i could find. what am i missing? [16:21] later all [16:22] k magespawn === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [18:27] uh [18:27] why you so quiet here? [18:27] hmm... [18:28] yo Wraz [18:53] night all. sleep tight