
derEremitis this the right channel for upstart script questions or is this just for devel?15:27
xnoxderEremit: any upstart related questions and init discussions are welcome here =)15:28
derEremiti've written an upstart script for a node.js app and my question is how do i start it when mongodb is up15:29
derEremitthats the mongodb script15:29
derEremitsomehow did not find an answer online15:29
xnoxin nodejs upstart job: start on started mongodb15:30
xnoxderEremit: did you see the cookbook http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ ?15:30
derEremiti just wasnt shure if the start on "name" should just match the "name.conf"15:31
derEremitwould this also work if mongodb didn't provide an upstart script of its own but a basic init.d ?15:31
xnoxderEremit: man 7 upstart-events15:31
xnoxderEremit: no, it would currently not work if mongodb was just a basic init.d script, but we are working on generating events from init.d scripts.15:32
derEremitok, thats all i need ( for now )15:32
* xnox should just convert mongodb to an upstart job ;-)15:33
derEremitno, mongodb is already ok, had this question for some other project i cant remember atm15:33
derEremitbut thanks anyway15:33
xnoxno problem =)15:33
derEremitIt was redis-server which doesn't yet provide an upstart script16:20
stgraberslangasek: so the reason why the upstart test hangs is because of some kind of change in the latest gcc upload. Reverting gcc makes the test pass.16:32
slangasekstgraber: go harrass doko? :)16:32
stgraberyeah, I poked him in #ubuntu-devel, hopefully he'll show up soon16:33
stgraberuntil then I'll go do something else because that's going to block my next PPA upload for user sessions :)16:33
stgraberoh and I'll keep an eye on the buildds and cancel any upstart build I see on there. We already wasted around 40 hours of PPA buildd time since gcc was uploaded...16:34
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