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tigrangAnyone else not have transparency in the launcher and dash?02:47
tigrangGuess this is why: http://pastebin.com/TaMJU4hU (output of unity_support_test -p)02:48
tigrangWill I need the proprietary drivers (for ATI)?02:49
tigrangIt works on my laptop tho which also has ati card02:49
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gnuruanyone know where i can read about the news in 13.04 ?09:48
techgekk1985check that site out09:50
gnurutechgekk1985: thx09:50
gnuruomg im so tired of unity09:51
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BluesKajHey all12:14
ironhalikhmm, is alpha 2 out?12:18
chrisk44I installed Ubuntu 13.04 from Windows (using wubi.exe) and set up an account from there. Now I booted from Ubuntu but I can't access my account...13:00
chrisk44I type the correct username and password but it says "Wrong password, try again"... I can only access guest account. What can I do?13:01
chrisk44please? someone???13:02
IdleOneToBeFree: So, to answer your question. It would be impossible to say what exactly will break because we don't know yet.13:08
IdleOne13.04 is still in alpha/beta and things are changing all the time. that said, for me ™  everything is working fine on a Kubuntu Desktop install.13:09
jribToBeFree: why do you want to upgrade?13:10
ToBeFreeI'm still thinking about it. When I actually do that, I will write my problems here - or, hopefully, I will be able to write that it worked xD13:10
IdleOneI would say things seem pretty stable at the moment but making sure you have backups before you make the jump is important. Especially on a server you need to stay up.13:10
ToBeFreejrib: good question. Probably because I am curious or something^^13:10
ToBeFreemaybe I am addicted to upgrades. xD13:11
IdleOneyou can download a daily iso and test in a VM13:11
jribToBeFree: quench your curiosity in a vm, yes13:11
ToBeFreemy problem with trying it on my desktop PC is that I only have a 1Mbit/s DSL connection which is awful^^13:12
IdleOneI would give you the same warnings if you asked "How do I test 13.04?" but you specifically mentioned a web/irc server.13:12
ToBeFreeI really hope that Ubuntu will switch to rolling updates one day13:12
IdleOneread somewhere they might be, not sure if it was just a rumor or confirmed13:13
ToBeFree^ :D13:13
ToBeFreeok, I will have to download that stuff one day, anyway... so I will try it on my Desktop first. Thanks :-)13:14
ToBeFreethe worst thing which ever happened to me after a Desktop-Ubuntu-beta upgrade was a black screen because of missing graphics drivers. xD13:15
ToBeFreethat was... umm, 10.10 iirc13:15
IdleOnethat is still a possibility13:15
IdleOnenvidia seems to do that often13:16
* ToBeFree uses nvidia. heh13:16
IdleOneif that happens remember, ctrl-alt-f1 and apt-get install nvidia-current13:17
IdleOneusually that gets you a working GUI13:17
ToBeFreethanks :D13:18
IdleOnealso make sure you have a KnownToBoot Live CD/USB close by :)13:19
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penguin42could someone with a recent raring install tell me if they have an /etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf and if so pastebin it please15:37
SuperLagpenguin42: did you get this yet?15:42
SuperLagcoming right up15:43
BluesKajpenguin42, http://paste.kde.org/671492/15:43
SuperLagbah :)15:43
BluesKajhumbug :)15:44
penguin42ok, so you get the moans about deprecated fonts.conf on every damn app startup as well?15:45
BluesKajnot all , just some15:45
penguin42but you still have a .fonts.conf and .fonts.conf.d  - I wonder if the config stuff actually changes the new config files yet?15:45
genii-aroundI always get the deprecated fonts.conf thing but I figure it's not something to worry much about.16:02
penguin42yeh looking at that file it looks like they're trying to move stuff out of .fonts.conf into some xdg specified file and it's just telling us that we'd better move the config in the home directories at some point?16:05
genii-aroundpenguin42: Pretty much, yes16:08
penguin42KDE software updates isn't letting me untick packages18:04
yofel_penguin42: confirmed, file a bug please19:12
yofel_using "Help -> report bug" if possible19:12
penguin42ooh, never tried that bit - ok19:32
penguin42yofel_: kde bug 31515719:37
ubottuKDE bug 315157 in updater "Can't untick an item in updater list" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31515719:37
* penguin42 wonders what lanfill.bugzilla.org is - wouldn't have thought all KDE bugs went to a bugzilla.org address, unless they're doing something clever19:38
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penguin42curious, the mute on KDE isn't muting sound in a firefox HTML5 game23:29
penguin42ah, that's because it decided to switch to my Radeon23:30

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