
ubottuIn ubottu, fwilson said: no, ubottu, tux is a penguin, the Linux Mascot01:18
* genii-around votes ubottu as the mascot instead01:26
* elky tries to extract blood from a stone01:32
elkyoh, wrong chan01:32
=== Iota- is now known as No_One
IdleOneNo_One: Can we help you?03:03
ikoniawhats the factoid for removing the amazon lense09:28
ikoniajust run a find on ubottu and it shows nothing for lense, and nothing relevent for amazon09:28
ikoniaand for some reson it's only responding in pm09:28
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ10:04
AlanBellikonia: I think lense is a good spelling too, but the internet disagrees10:12
ikonianot to worry10:56
ikoniaI found it a little earlier10:56
ikoniaand bazhang has also provided it10:56
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Mohundar appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)11:12
IdleOnehe knew what he wanted to do just didn't know where to do it13:07
IdleOne1Mbit DSL is slow. They should have been here when 14.4k was the norm13:15
IdleOnejpds: has 11.10 support been dropped and we don't know about it?13:31
jpdsIdleOne: No, I was wrong.13:31
IdleOnehehe, that makes 3 of us this morning13:32
Myrttioh dear13:39
bazhangdid he actually say innit16:02
bazhang"it's a command in it"16:02
bazhang<aguuu> Why am i having this traceroute? pinging from ping.eu works just fine, but from home it has 96% packet loss. http://pastebin.com/E4WEd1Ua17:19
bazhangthats an odd question, as he already got it settled in another channel17:19
phunyguyHi, was just curious about my recent kick from the !ot channel...18:51
phunyguyI'm not banned, but the kick hurt :(18:51
phunyguywas just curious as to where I crossed the line, so it doesn't happen again.18:52
tonyyarussophunyguy: I just told you?  It was the "trash" line.18:52
phunyguyI didn't see that...18:52
tonyyarussoah, hrm18:52
tonyyarusso12:43:46 < tonyyarusso> phunyguy: People aren't trash.18:53
phunyguyOh I see it now.18:53
phunyguySorry, I didn't realize that was an insta-kick...18:53
tonyyarussophunyguy: If I was feeling less bitter it might not be.18:53
apersonhi, I'd like to appeal my ban in #ubuntu20:22
apersonI don't know what happened, I see what was last in my client and my user was banned for good reason20:23
apersonI apparently had some script that enabled that I must have forgotten about20:24
jussiaperson: I cant help you, but please be patient and someone will join us presently thst can.20:24
apersonin any case, I apologize and have disabled the script20:25
* Pici looks20:25
Piciaperson: Yeah, looks like you had something that reacted to !rude, and was rather rude about it20:26
Piciaperson: If you've disabled it, I'll go ahead and remove the ban.20:26
PiciYou might want to check if you have anything else enabled that might respond to !commands though.20:27
apersonthat's the only thing that I'm aware of20:27
apersonI went though and looked20:27
Piciaperson: Allright, you're all set then.20:27
Picithank you20:30
Myrttiyeah sorry about that, bad timing, rebooted the Viglen because we added a new switch to the home network and the routing seemed to go haywire, and couldn't reach it with ssh... and then restarting irssi takes quite a long time with the amount of channels I've got20:46
PiciMyrtti: not a problem, it was a simple thing20:47
Fuchsoh dear, how do I review a ban?22:54
Fuchs(link from ubottu obviously doesn't work because not identified etc)22:55
genii-aroundFuchs: Tied @login ?23:00
genii-around*Tried, rather23:00
Fuchsgenii-around: Quite sure I don't have an account23:00
Fuchslet me try that, though23:01
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.23:01
Fuchsnope :)23:01
genii-aroundubottu usually PMs a link at that point...23:01
ubottugenii-around: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:01
Fuchswell, I mean I can just remove the ban, not sure how much that will mess your system up, though :)23:01
* genii-around glares at the bot23:02
Fuchsgenii-around: as mentioned, I am very sure I don't have an account23:02
genii-aroundAaaaah, OK23:02
genii-aroundI don't know who has authority to add you23:02
* Fuchs waits for someone like AlanBell to show up and solve poor Fuchsy problems23:02
FuchsI'd rather not be added ;)23:02
Fuchswell, probably it would help23:02
Fuchsor my favourite Pici23:12
* genii-around makes some coffee and tries to waft the smell down the hall to those that might be able to help23:12

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