
pleia24 of us here at the Ubuntu Hour in SF :)02:03
akkHi everyone!02:03
pleia2people say hi :)02:06
grantbowjim_ hi!02:17
* pleia2 waves to jim_ from the Ubuntu Hour02:17
grantbowjim_ hi there02:22
grantbowwelcome back jim__02:33
grantbowtoo many windows for you, jim_?02:33
grantbowhi SteevB02:33
pleia2eps is here with scale stuff :D02:41
* grantbow nods02:42
SteevBAre there currently any ubuntu hour meetups in the LA area?02:45
grantbowPasadena and San Diego right now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours02:46
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours - Ubuntu Wiki]02:46
grantbowWant to host one?02:46
grantbowall it takes is showing up for an hour somewhere02:46
grantbowPomona would be a good location :-)02:47
grantbowI have a friend in El Monte that might hekp02:48
SteevBhmm, interesting. I might have to think about that.02:49
grantbowbad.debian.net next, cya02:59
jim__holy <BADWORD>! Is this bottom line something? I tho't it was air.03:00
jim__how does one log out?03:01
jim__how does one continue to use 10.04 securely?03:01
jim__i need something to click03:02
nhainesjim__: simply continue to install new updates for Ubuntu 10.04 and you'll be all set for another couple of months.03:04
nhainesjim__: if you are running a desktop machine, then you should investigate upgrading to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS between now and April.03:05
nhainesjim__: If you are running a server with no GUI, then you can continue to securely run Ubuntu 10.04 LTS for another two years.03:05
jim__I'm running 10.04 on a laptop and 10.04 server on some other boxes03:06
nhainesjim__: your laptop is supported with security updates until April, and your servers are supported with security updates until April 2015.03:07
jim__got it. so how to continue using 10.04 securely after April 201303:08
nhainesjim__: disconnect the laptop from the Internet and use it as a standalone offline computer, or track security vulnerabilities in the kernel and all installed packages, then backport the security fixes and recompile any affected programs manually.03:09
nhainesOn the servers, simply continue to apply updates promptly.03:09
nhainesAlso note that Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is simply supported until April 2017 (both on the desktop and on the server).03:09
nhainespleia2: you're right, I don't trust Torikun either.03:12
nhainesAnd on that note, I'm out of here for a couple hours.  Later!03:13
pleia2oh dear, what plot have I been implicated in this time :)05:43
pleia2and Rick Moen came to our Debian dinner!05:51
pleia2was a pleasant surprise05:51
philipballewpleia2, got a sec for a pm?22:32
pleia2philipballew: ask away22:34
philipballewpleia2, Do we still have those ubuntu ca small information sheets we handed out at scale last year. like 4 would fit onto one printer page?22:52
pleia2philipballew: yes, see the link I sent to the mailing list about an hour ago :)22:54
* philipballew checks his email and hopes there is no work he is avoiding all day22:56
philipballewgonna hand them out tonight22:57

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