
mlankhorstif realloc crashes, couldn't you try valgrind?01:07
cjwatsonFWIW, I'm continuing with the tail-end of the respins; it doesn't lose us that much even if we end up respinning for this01:09
cjwatsonAnd it will let Kubuntu get going with validation01:09
mlankhorstbut what exactly is the issue now? I haven't really followed it as I was trying to fall asleep01:10
cjwatsonbug 112466001:11
ubottubug 1124660 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Precise 20120213 i386 live session fails in virtualbox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112466001:11
cjwatsonAs I think Sarvatt pasted, my take is that I don't currently see how the /dev/port patch could have changed memory allocation behaviour, and thus there is a tempting working hypothesis that says that this was lurking all along and that it's possible that we've just gone from fatal server error to a realloc crash, in which case who really cares01:12
cjwatsonBut Sarvatt is right to flag a possible regression and I think we should make sure we understand it01:12
Sarvattbackport X stack + vesa is working fine with the newer libpciaccess on intel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1647335/01:12
brycecjwatson, yes seems plausible01:13
cjwatsonsleep> tell me about it, I got three hours last night and I've been up for 17 hours now01:13
Sarvatti've only been able to reproduce it in virtualbox so far01:13
mlankhorstSarvatt: what makes you think it's an abi break though?01:13
mlankhorstI don't see anything in the patch that owuld indicate that01:13
brycemlankhorst, the stacktrace looked like what you might get from an abi break.  just a guess though.01:14
mlankhorstmeh valgrind it01:15
* mlankhorst checks if virtualbox works01:15
mlankhorstnope, guess ill netboot and do it over nfs on a crappy 100 mbit :/01:16
cjwatsonIsn't the failure specific to vbox hardware?01:18
cjwatsonplars might still be around and walkable through it01:18
cjwatson23:58  * plars -> supper, then back for more iso testing01:18
mlankhorstbut i can run it in a virtualbox over netboot01:18
cjwatsonthat was 80 minutes ago01:18
mlankhorstit's also very slow but I'm not really awake anyway01:19
Sarvatthmm, but vesa works when booting the livecd, its just when you click try ubuntu that there is a crash01:20
cjwatsonThe effect of "Try Ubuntu" is to fall out of ubiquity-dm and let lightdm start01:22
cjwatsonSo it'll be tearing down the server and starting a new one after whatever random plumbing wibble happens around there01:22
cjwatson^- technical term01:22
* mlankhorst tries hard not to fall asleep01:26
mlankhorstcd is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.iso ?01:26
* RAOF wonders what will happen first: the fibre-to-the-home rollout hitting his house, or that iso downloading.01:27
SarvattRAOF: axel?01:29
mlankhorstgreat, virtualbox doesn't work on lts kernel01:29
RAOFSarvatt: ???01:30
Sarvattaxel http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.iso01:31
Sarvattaxel -n 32 if its slow? :P01:31
mlankhorstfine try 2 from quantal itself01:31
mlankhorstlooks like virtualbox hates me today01:32
RAOFSarvatt: Ah. The "make the server admin hate you" application :)01:32
mlankhorstvbox is only mildly slow01:43
mlankhorstcd panics on me01:46
mlankhorstvirtualbox from quantal01:48
RAOFHm. Seems to work fine in kvm, too.01:51
mlankhorstsecond try starts normally01:53
mlankhorstI'm just going to pretend I didn't see a kernel panic01:53
mlankhorstsame  thing happening here though01:57
cjwatsonThe realloc crash?02:00
mlankhorstwell hitting failsafe-mode but really too tired to look atm, i dont think its a regression though, just something that wasn't hit before02:01
cjwatsonOK; thanks for the investigation, at present I'm minded to not let this block02:02
Sarvattdowngrading libpciaccess just gives me the black screen and [   206.226] (II) VESA(0): VESA BIOS not detected this "fixed", not even failsafe02:02
brycecjwatson, thanks.  should the issue get mentioned in some release notes maybe?02:03
cjwatsonI would welcome an X developer writing an appropriate note in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/CommonInfrastructure02:04
mlankhorst<< dlrrp02:04
bryceon it02:05
GeoffChThis sounds like a problem I used to run into sometimes on previous distros, not in a VM but on a couple of different laptops.  I found that if I clicked on "Try Ubuntu" it would sometimes hang, but if I closed the window by clicking on (X), I would get back to an X session every time.02:07
bryceSometimes enters failsafe-x mode when booting into Live Session in virtualbox.  (LP: #1124660)02:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1124660 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Precise 20120213 i386 live session fails in virtualbox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112466002:09
brycemore to say than that?02:09
mlankhorstwhat if you try libpciaccess from quantal?02:10
Sarvattbryce: on i386 only, can be worked around by using amd64?02:11
bryceSarvatt, ok02:11
Sarvattmlankhorst: trying that now02:12
brycealrighty, done.02:12
Sarvattmlankhorst: that works!02:13
Sarvatthttp://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/lib/libpciaccess/patch/?id=a798395a1bfd9d06d40e2d8d14377a156c94429a ...?02:20
cjwatsonbryce: Well, the problem is also that failsafe-X mode doesn't work, AIUI from the bug02:21
mlankhorstSarvatt: sounds likely02:21
Sarvattthats it02:21
Sarvattwith that commit added it works again02:22
cjwatsonSounds possibly lucky that amd64 works02:22
brycecjwatson, ah right02:22
cjwatsonOK, let's have that patch for 12.04.3 then, thanks :)02:22
SarvattSRU after, if someone installs with updates checked it'll pull it in and work after boot?02:23
mlankhorstor maybe its reallocating SOMEONE ELSE's allocation02:23
cjwatsonSarvatt: I'm not in much of a panic about virtualbox not working - dailies aren't a terrible option there02:23
* Sarvatt nods02:23
cjwatsonThe main value is helping our own testers02:23
Sarvattreally sorry for all the trouble here02:24
cjwatsonBut I think they might actually crucify me if I respun at this point for only that :)02:24
cjwatsonDon't worry, it doesn't look like you broke anything02:24
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user12423I have read that ubuntu 12.04.2 comes with kernel 3.5. Will it work with proprietary ati drivers for radeon 4000 series as they are not compatible with quantal?16:43
mlankhorstif you use the old xserver/kernel sure16:44
mlankhorstwhich is what you keep if you upgrade from 12.04.1 to 12.04.216:45
user12423mlankhorst: just old xorg or kernel too?16:45
mlankhorstthe combination old xserver + new kernel is unsupported16:46
mlankhorstit will probably work, but it may set your cat on fire16:46
user12423mlankhorst: so that means I just have to work with kernel 3.2. Probably but the kittens will extinguish it 16:48
mlankhorstlets hope so :)16:49
user12423mlankhorst: yeah :)16:49
user12423mlankhorst: amd did a update to its legacy drivers to version 13.1. Do they work with 3.5 and new xorg?16:50
starksmlankhorst, prime helpers have landed in drm-next.17:07
mlankhorststarks: ah, still not that useful17:07
starksneeds fencing?17:07
mlankhorstdoesn't actually do anything17:08
mlankhorstat least not what I care about17:08
starkscan nvidia release a driver against 3.9?17:08
mlankhorstmakes me wonder why nvidia cares though17:08
mlankhorstI'm not nvidia17:08
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tjaaltonwhat was the metapackage that reverts to the original precise stack?20:23
tjaaltonthat was it20:24
mlankhorststep 4 is unneeded20:25
mlankhorstwe use autobind patch for now20:26

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