
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
micahgknome: bluesabre: what do we need sponsored?01:46
micahgis anyone testing 12.04.2?02:22
* micahg supposes he could tweak the langpacks again02:23
pleia2smartboyhw sent a mail to the list asking what to test specifically02:23
pleia2so hopefully he is :)02:23
smartboyhwpleia2, Sorry Xubuntu is my 3rd priority:P (Ubuntu Studio and Kubuntu go first)02:24
pleia2micahg: are there any changes we should be testing specifically or keeping an eye out for?02:24
micahgI guess no one was watching ISO sizes while I was away02:24
micahgwell, the amd64 alternate has a lot of room, the live amd64 is 3MB oversized02:25
micahgwell, I think we ended up with the backport quantal kernel, so make sure that works..02:25
smartboyhwI remembered since Kubuntu did not change their seeds they need to stick to the old kernel and got an LOL from me02:26
smartboyhwmicahg, you are wrong02:26
micahgah, no, we have the old kernel as well02:26
micahgsmartboyhw: it was there before I left :O02:27
smartboyhwmicahg, really?02:27
smartboyhwNo flavours are changing their seeds:P02:27
micahgI'm glad that got sorted :)02:27
bluesabremicahg, I'll be doing a new catfish release sometime (probably this weekend) and it will need to be uploaded to the raring repos.  Not sure how the whole sponsorship thing works tbh02:35
micahgbluesabre: andthing Ubuntu specific about it?02:37
* micahg wonders if we can get Cody to upload to Debian experimental02:43
* smartboyhw agrees02:46
smartboyhwbluesabre, it's a really great app. I tested it 2 days ago and it's awesome to have such simplicity02:47
* smartboyhw now starts to work on alternate ISOs for Xubuntu 12.04.203:26
=== Noskcaj_School is now known as Noskcaj
smartboyhwThe alternates work! YAY!06:01
pleia2thanks smartboyhw :)06:02
smartboyhwpleia2, BTW are you going to get the testing annoucement out?:P06:02
smartboyhwpleia2, LOL06:04
smartboyhwMy time is wasted:P06:05
pleia2hopefully we can do better with testing as 13.04 stuff gets more ready, but it's just been tough this cycle06:05
pleia2not at all!06:05
pleia2they still need to be tested, there just isn't time for a formal announcement06:05
smartboyhwEdubuntu ISOs are ALREADY marked read Grrrr06:05
pleia2so thank you for doing them even though we didn't announce anything06:05
smartboyhwanyone doing Xubuntu 12.04.2 testing?08:23
smartboyhwHmm desktop amd64 completed, alternate amd64 missing the manual partitioning09:53
* smartboyhw means for 12.04.209:54
smartboyhwIs anybody doing the 12.04.2 tests? 12:39
smartboyhwmicahg, ?12:39
Pretenderi try test 12.04.212:41
smartboyhwPretender, good12:41
Pretenderi find bug but what doing this12:41
smartboyhwPretender, what do you mean?12:42
smartboyhwYou found a bug and you report it:P12:42
knomePretender, if you wish to help, you should report the test results to the iso tracker at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/12:44
smartboyhwGridCube, help test~!!!!12:46
smartboyhwGridCube, please help to test Xubuntu Desktop i38612:46
smartboyhwI am doing the alternates12:46
GridCubei cant zsync :(12:47
smartboyhwGridCube, oh ****12:47
GridCubelet me try anyway, but it might take hours for me to fetch the images, i can top 30kbs12:48
smartboyhwGridCube, oh. 12:48
Pretendersmartboyhw, i can not install video driver for virtualbox http://screencloud.net/v/DZcu12:48
smartboyhwPretender, hmm that's VirtualBox's problem. You can still report it though12:49
Pretendersmartboyhw, okey12:49
knomesmartboyhw, please don't ping everybody randomly.12:49
GridCubethats unity... and thats jockey-gtk... im not understanding XD12:50
smartboyhwPretender, yeah why are you talking about Ubuntu desktop testing in a Xubuntu development channel? XD12:50
smartboyhwPretender, go to #ubuntu-quality please:P12:51
smartboyhwSorry knome 12:51
GridCubesmartboyhw, paste me a zsynck string please12:51
smartboyhwGridCube, wait12:51
smartboyhwGridCube, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/precise/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.iso.zsync12:51
Pretendersmartboyhw, okey ) i am use you instruction http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/02/13/%23ubuntu-classroom.html and get ISO in this link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/current/12:51
smartboyhwPretender, I said: Please go to #ubuntu-quality for this:P12:52
GridCube:( ugh no, i cant get zsync to work smartboyhw my proxy is refusing to coƶperate12:53
smartboyhwGridCube, OK fine12:54
smartboyhwGridCube, no worries12:54
smartboyhwI can still do it12:54
GridCube:/ its sad that you are our only iso tester apparently12:55
Pretendersmartboyhw, I try start testing now it http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/precise/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-i386.iso12:55
GridCubeplease bother me to download the isos later12:55
smartboyhwGridCube, no worries12:55
smartboyhwPretender, thx!!!!!12:56
* smartboyhw is :D now12:56
Pretendermaybe exists video tutorial how i can post result to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ ?13:02
smartboyhwPretender, um......... did you read my logs for yesterday?13:02
knomePretender, if you go to #ubuntu-quality, people will be able to help you13:02
knome(here as well, but better chances there)13:02
smartboyhwknome, +213:03
GridCubeknome's level just rised, knome is now level 31, knome wants to evolve... [Y/N]13:04
smartboyhwGridCube, WT?13:04
Pretendersmartboyhw, yea i read you log but i have question.... now i try.....13:04
bluesabreknome evolved into Wordpresslator!13:05
smartboyhwbluesabre, !!?!?!?!?!?!?13:06
knomebluesabre, ahhahah13:06
GridCubesmartboyhw, :D i got 3 iso testers13:22
GridCubethey are going to test both i386 images13:22
PretenderGridCube, and I :)13:23
smartboyhwGridCube, thx13:23
smartboyhwGridCube, tell them to do alternate i386 manual partition13:24
GridCubesmartboyhw, we are at #gnudeb13:24
smartboyhwGridCube, thank you I am banned13:24
GridCubeXD what, no, thats just a silly joke13:25
smartboyhwGridCube, you must use LP accounts:P13:32
GridCubeP: but i don't think any of them have any13:33
ochosiknome: have you seen bug #1125182 ?13:44
ubottubug 1125182 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "CPU hog due to wallpaper lists (large SVG files)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112518213:44
Pretendersmartboyhw, i passed test. And reporting to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ . you can check my results ?14:12
smartboyhwPretender, checking14:13
smartboyhwPretender, can you also do the others?14:13
Pretendersmartboyhw, i try14:17
smartboyhwPretender, OK. 14:18
ochosiknome: two things about thunar's sidebar settings in R, what do you think about adding "recent:///" to the sidebar by default (users can easily remove it from there anyway), and i'd think it'd be better if the default size of icons was set to "very small" (=16px), with the category-headers the whole sidebar seems quite full and vertically expands quite a bit with larger icons)14:59
GridCuberecent:/// does appear when you look for a file to upload or download on a popup windows when using a browser, it always bugged me that that was inconsistent with the standard thunar and i would like it to be there (/me opinions)15:02
ochosiyeah, that's one reason for it15:03
ochosiit's also not very easily discoverable in thunar by default15:03
ochosiunless it's already in the sidebar15:03
GridCubeexactly, i never knew i could add i there15:04
GridCubeit would be really helpful. mostly if you download stuff and cant rememeber where you put it XD15:05
ochosiyeah, although not everything seems to appear there15:05
ochosinot sure downloaded stuff goes there (although that might also depend on your browser)15:05
GridCubewell, its prescence should bring bug reports if it doesnt contributing to its further and better development15:06
ochosiyup, prolly15:07
ochosialthough zeitgeist seems to take over the department of file-history recently15:08
smartboyhwknome: We're missing two testcases for live and install (entire disk) on the 12.04.2 Desktop i386 ISOs16:06
smartboyhwGridCube: ^16:06
GridCube(again /me thinks the entire disk test was done, just not reported)16:07
smartboyhwJust report it then16:07
GridCube:) ok16:08
GridCubedone, dont know about live session but that one should be pretty straigth foward16:10
smartboyhwGridCube if you can do it please do16:11
GridCubei cant get the isos here :( 16:11
smartboyhwGridCube tell your friends to do it in that channel16:12
bluesabre_all of GridCube's friends are on this channel16:26
GridCubeP: aint so16:27
GridCube:D but thats nice to know anyway16:27
smartboyhwCan someone please do 12.04.2 desktop i386 live test?16:29
GridCubeXD im asking im askin16:29
smartboyhwProbably we can release image without this test16:30
GridCubegimme a few minutes, i have to teach him how to boot to the livecd on vmware16:31
smartboyhwGridCube ol16:32
GridCubeall tests done16:46
smartboyhwGridCube: Is the test done?16:52
GridCubeand reported16:53
smartboyhwknome: Please release16:53
smartboyhwpleia2: You got announcement for 12.04.2 on?17:16
smartboyhwGuys: cjwatson is going to mark Xubuntu 12.04.2 results ready since test results are great (even without knome's signoff)17:21
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=== Noskcaj is now known as Noskcaj_afk
len-1304bluesabre_1,  I don't know if you are aware, but there is a bug #1093015 for catfish that should be removed when you release the new one.22:17
ubottubug 1093015 in catfish (Ubuntu) "Error: The required module GError is missing." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109301522:17

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