
uz3rhey there xubuntu community :)00:42
uz3rsomebody alive?00:43
holsteinuz3r: sure.. just ask if you have a question.. or use the *-offtopic for chat :)00:44
uz3rjust wanted to say hi, before i start asking stuff =)00:45
uz3rnew to xubuntu btw00:46
jeffrey1Hey guys, wondering how to get an icon in my lower panel that links directly to a website.02:43
well_laid_lawnhave it launch  firefox http://'url here'02:47
jeffrey1I'll try that02:52
jeffrey1Is that on the edit launcher screen?02:54
jeffrey1I added a web browser launcher, not sure how to make it go to a specific url02:55
well_laid_lawnyep should mention a command to run02:55
jeffrey1--launch WebBrowser %u02:55
jeffrey1where does the url go?02:55
IronsightIs there a way to update from 12.04 to the latest? The upgrade manager used to just show the dist upgrades02:56
well_laid_lawnI would try a general launcher02:56
well_laid_lawnIronsight:  you might need to check if it is looking for non lts upgrades02:57
Ironsightoh yeah02:58
Ironsightthanks :D02:58
jeffrey1got it working thanks lawn03:01
well_laid_lawncheers and cheers03:02
IronsightThat did it lawn :D03:07
well_laid_lawnexcellent :)03:07
Ironsightoh man03:07
Ironsightthrew an error at me, "Package ubuntu-release-upgrader does not exist.03:08
Ironsightskipped that, did a sudo do-release-upgrade :D03:10
Ironsightfailed again03:10
* Ironsight gets a usb memory stick out03:11
Ironsightbah, I'm on LTS, I'll just keep it as is until the lts runs out03:15
irishjim68hello all. I am having a minor irritation with my xubuntu 12.10 install that I cannot find an answer toa nywhere. My machine is part of a home network that includes windows xp machines, and in my places menu, and inside the folder side pane of the file manager, the icon for "Network" keeps disappearing (ie. doesn't always show up). No settings are being changed, shometime if I reboot, it will be there, sometimes not. gvfs backen03:31
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irishjim68really more of an annoyance than anything.03:34
Cheri703you could just set it up so the windows shares auto mount instead of having to go to "network"?03:35
irishjim68that would entail automounting 6 or 7 different shares03:38
irishjim68not all of them are accessed regularly either03:39
Cheri703ok, just a thought. :) I have no idea why network would disappear, but under "go" (file, edit, view, go, help) there should be a "browse network" option.03:41
irishjim68I used to get this occasionally with the normal Ubuntu install, then when I switched to Xu, everything worked fine for a while, then I started noticing that I had no "Network" icon...usually when i REALLY wanted to access a share.03:42
Cheri703so if the issue is not being able to access, that should help. if the issue is "why is it vanishing" I can't help, sorry and good luck!03:42
irishjim68not there03:43
irishjim68locations under the Go menu are: Open Parent, Back, Forward, Home, Desktop, File System, Documents, Download, Music, Pictures, Videos, Public, Templates, and Open Location03:46
Cheri703weird, in mine, "browse network" is right above "open location"03:46
Cheri703I got nothing. Sorry, hopefully someone has an idea.03:47
irishjim68is there maybe a config file for Thunar that could be edited?03:47
irishjim68I've been through EVERYTHING in settings manager with no luck03:48
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irishjim68okay, now this is weird...if I use Thunar (default FM), right now I show no network access. But I also have PCMan FM installed, when I open that, in the places sidebar, there is no "Network", but under the Go menu it shows "Network Drives"03:57
holsteinirishjim68_: i use gigolo04:05
irishjim68_do not even know where to start with gigolo04:06
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holsteinirishjim68_: i just click "connect" and mount the network share, and open it where it mounts04:06
holsteinyou can right-click and it opens in the default file manager (for me at least)04:07
irishjim68server? share?04:08
irishjim68that is for windows share04:09
holsteinirishjim68: whatever share... samba... ftp... ssh04:09
irishjim68in other words, i need to fill in the blanks here04:10
holsteinirishjim68: well, i do.. i always find the ip, and test ping04:11
irishjim68okay, i put in the name of the computer hosting the share for the server, and the drive identifier "z:" for the share, clicked connect and gigolo gave me a failed to connect.04:12
holsteini would put the ip... something like smb:// maybe04:14
holsteinthese days, i just make windows do ssh04:15
irishjim68okay, now this is better,  i opened the side panel under the view menu, and all of  my network locations are listed.04:15
irishjim68on the network tab04:16
irishjim68okay, i can use gigolo, seems a bit redundant, but i can get used to it. like i said earlier tho, this is an intermittent annoyance, sometimes i can browse the network fine in FM, other times the icon is just not there.04:20
=== Noskcaj_School is now known as Noskcaj
ruslan_osmanovHi. How do I upgrade php to 5.4 under Oneiric? apt-get update && apt-get install php5 outputs that I have most recent version (5.3.6) which is not true.05:26
well_laid_lawnit's the most recent in that repo05:27
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:27
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:27
holstein^ you might be able to add a PPA for support.. you can always maintain whatever versions you want on your own05:27
HyperiantHaving some issues installing Xubuntu on a laptop; both a live disc and live USB fail to proceed past the "preparing to install Xubuntu" screen08:52
HyperiantI click "continue" and wait for hours but it never proceeds further than that08:53
HyperiantAdditionally, I was able to proceed once but the installation wouldn't go further than the screen immediately after, so I had to restart it08:54
HyperiantIt seems like the installation was able to do something, as when I start up my computer without the CD it boots up to GRUB but if I select Ubuntu from the list it never boots08:55
HyperiantBut because it never completed successfully, I doubt I can do anything with the data currently in place08:56
HyperiantHow can I fix my install, or better yet, how can I get Xubuntu to properly finish installation?08:57
HyperiantCan I get some help debugging Ubiquity?  It's hanging and won't let me install Xubuntu.09:38
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ochosiHyperiant: you can try to use "try xubuntu" instead of "install xubuntu" at the boot menu and then launch ubiquity from the terminal10:00
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Doctor_VexXubuntu now works good so far13:13
GridCubeit should13:13
Doctor_Vexi think graphics driver are missing and i could use some help13:13
Doctor_VexDell Inspiron 4100 ATI Mobility Radeon 16 MB13:13
Doctor_Vexi googled a bit but did not find something useful so far13:14
Doctor_Vexit also has weird broken colors on boot up of shutdown, but the desktop looks how it is supposed to13:15
SeverusHello, could someone please tell me how i can rate softwareP14:23
Severusin the software center14:24
GridCuberate? let me check14:25
GridCubeSeverus, you there?14:34
SeverusI Am14:34
GridCubeon the USC go to >View >Activate Review14:35
GridCubethere you will be asked some identifications and passwords, after that is done, you can add reviews and rate software you have installed :)14:35
SeverusYep, that worked, thank you!14:36
GridCube:D dont worry14:36
GridCubei never knew about that XD14:36
GridCubeSeverus, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/RatingsAndReviews14:38
Michael___anyone can help me install tor-browser on my xubuntu16:24
holsteinMichael___: http://www.upubuntu.com/2012/04/how-to-install-and-run-tor-under-ubuntu.html looks good16:25
GridCubeMichael___, go to https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en#linux , uncompress the file and run the program, that is all16:25
holstein^^ even better.. without the need for the ppa i linked16:26
Michael___i have been trying to do all the things they said16:26
Michael___however somehow it can't connect16:26
GridCubeMichael___, are you using a proxy?16:26
Michael___i didn't try what Gridcube posted though16:26
Michael___i'll try it now16:26
Michael___no see i'm in a country that lets say filters everything  -_- thats why i need tor16:27
GridCubekk, download the bundled browser, its what im using now, it works pretty well16:28
Michael___hmm here we go again with the permission thing16:29
Michael___hold on i'm gonna try to do it using terminal sudo16:29
Michael___ok done that16:43
Michael___gonna try to run it now16:43
Michael___Grid can you please tell me how do you run it ?16:46
Michael___coz its still not working for me16:46
GridCubei run the start-tor-browser on a terminal16:48
GridCubewell, i use a launcher, but its the same16:48
GridCubedouble clicking it shoudl work too16:49
Michael___well i did that telling me command not found16:49
Michael___i did extract it to the run16:49
GridCubeMichael___, just extract it somewhere like ~/Downloads/tor-browser16:49
GridCubethen open a terminal and go to there and run ./start-tor-browser16:50
Michael___Feb 14 18:50:30.614 [Notice] Tor v0.2.3.25 (git-17c24b3118224d65) running on Linux. Feb 14 18:50:30.614 [Notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning Feb 14 18:50:30.614 [Warning] Unable to open configuration file "/home/michael/Downloads/tor-browser_en-US/App/../Data/Tor/torrc". Feb 14 18:50:30.615 [Error] Reading config failed--see warnings above.16:51
Michael___thats what i keep getting16:51
holsteinMichael___: there is an error reading your config file16:51
xubuntu113Hi. Can someone help me setting custom resolution permanently. I have to tell, that there is no Xorg.conf file in the etc/X11 folder. I have an old radeon card.16:52
GridCubeyes, what holstein said16:52
Michael___how can i fix that ?16:52
holsteinxubuntu113: you can make one.. sometimes i just create my own xorg.conf.. i might use a knoppix live CD16:52
holsteinMichael___: i would check it.. see if its there, and go from there16:52
GridCubexubuntu113, there is no need for a xorg.conf, just add a xrandr string to the startup session16:52
xubuntu113I did yesterday. Didn't work.16:53
GridCubetry using an arandr script16:53
holsteinGridCube: thats in the menu, isnt it?.. i think thats easier xubuntu113 , but i usually end up with an xorg.conf16:53
xubuntu113i tried xrandr bur út because it was already running I couldn't configure it.16:53
xubuntu113I don't know how to writ a script16:54
holsteinxubuntu113: it'll get generated16:54
GridCubexubuntu113, open arandr, configure your desktop as you please, save the script and add that to your session launcher16:54
GridCubeMichael___, you should purge all tor related stuffs on your computer and start again from zero using the bundled browser16:54
holsteinGridCube: you use that for dual head as well?16:55
xubuntu113i couldnt install arandr first. When i could it didnt sart. there was a compatibility problem with xrandr16:55
GridCubebut silly 12.10 for some reason doesnt let me have separated x servers :/16:55
holsteinGridCube: interesting...16:55
GridCubexubuntu113, what xubuntu are you using?16:56
xubuntu113Voyager 12.0416:56
holsteinvoyager is *not* xubuntu16:56
GridCubexubuntu113, well well well, that is not xubuntu16:56
xubuntu113i couldn't even set on xubuntu 12.04 as well16:56
holsteinxubuntu113: i would just use whatever tool they provide for setting resolution.. also, the custom xorg.conf should work with any debian based distro16:57
xubuntu113well based on xubuntu. The problem  was the same on xubuntu16:57
GridCubexubuntu113, we cant help you there xubuntu113, please ask on the voyager channels16:57
GridCubexubuntu113, if you where using xubuntu then yes, but you are not then, nope16:57
xubuntu113if i can do it on xubuntu that's fine16:58
holsteinxubuntu113: you can try it.. you can try most of that from a live CD... you can install arandr and see how it works16:59
xubuntu113I have the same problem on any ubuntu distro16:59
xubuntu113okay. i start a live cd then instal arandr. then what?17:00
Michael___ok gonna go purge everything17:00
holsteinxubuntu113: then, you can get a feel for the software GridCube is suggesting, and decide if you'd like to utilize it17:00
holsteinxubuntu113: you can also try gernating an xorg.conf17:00
GridCubesave the script and place it on the auto launch of applications, but you cant use that on a livecd17:00
xubuntu113I think whit xorg.conf the problem is that the modeline is correct but I dont thint that the rest is right17:01
holsteinxubuntu113: what do i do? sometimes i load up a knoppix live CD.. get the desktop just the way i want, and copy the xorg.conf over17:02
holsteinthen, the rest is just right...17:02
xubuntu113i foud many xorg example but there were all different17:02
holsteinxubuntu113: i get one that i *know* works.. i see it running and working, and i copy it over17:03
xubuntu113could you give me a link for a proper one?17:03
holsteinxubuntu113: no.. they are fairly particular to your hardware and what you want17:03
xubuntu113then i can't creat one.17:03
holsteinxubuntu113: ?17:04
xubuntu113if i don't know what to write in the xorg file except the modline I can't create it17:04
holsteinxubuntu113: you can do whatever you like.. what do i do? i use a live CD to create one.. you can create one from scratch. you can search for one for your hardware online.. you can create one from the recover prompt17:04
holsteinxubuntu113: thats why i search for one.. or i use a live CD.... or you can try GridCube 's method17:05
xubuntu113i'll try it. thanks17:06
Michael___ok i removed almost everything related to network and internet17:09
Michael___i had openvpn installed17:09
Michael___now i'm getting a new thing17:10
Michael___Vidalia can't find out how to talk to Tor because it can't access this file: /home/michael/Downloads/tor-browser_en-US/Data/Tor/port.conf Here's the last error message: Permission denied17:10
Michael___i believe i am gonna try to reinstall a fresh copy of xubuntu17:10
Michael___coz i kinda gave up17:11
GridCubedo that17:11
GridCubeits probably your best option17:11
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest9489
Guest9489Hi again. I'm on Xubuntu 12.04 live CD. After when I installed arandr it cant run17:23
holsteinGridCube: with what error?17:23
holsteinGridCube: sorry.. Guest9489 ^^17:24
Guest9489the application arandr has closed unexpectedly17:24
holsteinGuest9489: you can launch it from the terminal and see more output17:25
holsteinGuest9489: sometimes, i find it helpful to install and use proprietary driver when available17:25
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:25
Guest9489in terminal result: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '1080i'17:26
holsteinGuest9489: and it crashed again?17:27
Guest9489I think i've tried those all yesterday17:27
holsteinGuest9489: think what? you tried proprietary drivers?17:30
Guest9489sorry. no. i'm just looking at the moment17:30
Guest9489i downloade the run file. What should i do with it?17:32
Guest9489i should copy somewhere?17:33
GridCubeGuest70400, you are at a live session17:33
GridCubei dont understand what you want to achieve here17:33
Guest9489sorry. i'm not guest7040017:34
GridCubeon a real xubuntu install you just run gksu jokey-gtk and install your drivers there17:34
GridCubeGuest9489, tab mistake17:34
GridCubeits as simple as that17:35
Guest9489so i can't try in the live session17:37
holsteinGuest9489: you might not need to17:37
holsteinim just making suggestions that you can try from an actual xubuntu install17:37
Guest9489ok. thank you. i try it17:37
Doctor_Vexjust throwing in my problem again: i am looking for a graphics driver to get a better framerate for the  Dell Inspiron 4100 ATI Mobility Radeon 16 MB17:40
voyager-x01holste, i cant install the driver17:46
xubuntuserкто нить шпрейхает по рашынски?19:04
well_laid_lawnxubuntuser:  is that russian?19:04
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:04
WeemsIf .XAuthority is preventing me from logging in at the login screen how Do I rectify the situation19:41
well_laid_lawnWeems:  from a tty remove ~/.Xauthority if you are sure no one is logged in as that user19:43
well_laid_lawnlogged into X that is19:43
well_laid_lawnand how do you know it is that file that is the issue Weems ?19:43
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bartzyMy default browser is chrome20:51
bartzyYet some apps open firefox when they need a browser20:52
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bartzyAny idea ?20:52
wtshaving a weird issue. i just got a new hard drive and im trying to download ubuntustudio.iso to a thumbdrive (current hard drive doesn't have enough space)  issue: several times i have selected the thumbdrive as the download location but it downloads to /home/$usr/Download instead and uses up whats left of my drive soace then errors out20:58
xubuntu062hey Gridcube21:04
xubuntu062i reinstalled xubuntu21:05
xubuntu901its stuck at establishing an encrypted directory connection :(21:06
xubuntu901any hints ?21:06
xubuntu979hoola a todos21:09
xubuntu979soy de venezuela21:09
xubuntu979y muy poco conozco el ingles21:09
xubuntu979gracias a todos por este maravillo software21:09
Michael___god my connection is being a pain in the ***21:09
xubuntu979happy day san valentin21:10
xubuntu979i'm question over support xubuntu for ipv6 and services21:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.21:10
GridCube!es | xubuntu97921:10
ubottuxubuntu979: please see above21:10
Michael___same to you21:10
xubuntu979ubottu muchas gracias21:11
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