
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
ssbobhowdy folks, got a Edubuntu 13.04 question. Trying to test it on vbox and after the install I am unable to login as myself or the guest login22:59
ssbobsome message displays on the screen but it flashes back to the login GUI too fast to read it23:00
phillwssbob: as the topic says, please be patient.23:03
ssbobof course23:04
phillwedubuntu is highly regarded, but has few 'full time' people.23:04
stgraberssbob: what kind of session was that? unity or fallback?23:04
ssbobthe default, this is right after a full install.23:05
stgraberwell, you can choose between the two during the install, so that's why I asked ;)23:05
stgraberanyway, can you try with fallback? (may be called Gnome Classic)23:05
ssbobok I will try it23:05
stgraberyou should be able to select it from the login screen23:05
ssbobyep thanks for the help23:06
ssbobthanks stgraber I figured it out, GNOME Fallback was kicking me back to the login screen, while the other two options seemed to work. Odd23:09
stgraberI'll mention that to highvoltage since he's been doing fallback stuff lately23:10
ssbobI will file the bug and indicate what I found23:10
phillwssbob: thanks. there is a simple rule for bugs... discussing a bug does not raise a bug report :)23:13
phillwstgraber: as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/Install_Bugs would ssbob be best to report this as an 'x' bug?23:19
stgraberphillw: no23:21
stgraberfile it against edubuntu-desktop for now23:22
phillwstgraber: thanks.23:22
phillwssbob: did you get that?23:22
ssbobok thanks23:24
phillwstgraber: thanks for your time on this. Whilst I am firmly in favour of edubuntu and am shamed for not being able to spend more time on the team, I will help out wherever I can.23:26

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