
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1052076] Widgets stop responding when enabling gestures on (evdev) multitouch device @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1052076 (by Cédric Dufour)00:00
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i am not sure what you mean by components00:01
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phoenix_firebrdah, that one00:02
phoenix_firebrdyofel: in that case, when i requested you to sponsor , why did you ask me where to put?00:03
yofeldid I? I think I just told you that I can't sponsor that00:04
yofeland that you should file a sponsorship request instead00:04
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i am going to file a sponsor request , can you guide me? 00:05
yofelthere's 2 ways as described on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess - usually I would go the classic way00:06
yofelthough it seems like things changed a bit since I last filed one o.O00:07
yofelah no, I'm thinking about merges, nevermind00:07
yofelgreat, thanks to the packaging guide rewrite there's dead links all over the place -.-00:08
phoenix_firebrdyofel: procedure seems, little bit tedious, i will  do it later00:13
yofelreally? It's filing a bug, adding some information, uploading a few files and subscribing ubuntu-sponsors00:14
yofelreading the page again it doesn't even mention UDD o.O?00:15
phoenix_firebrdyofel: you forgot the debdiff00:15
yofelthat's running the debdiff command on the old and new dsc file00:15
apacheloggeryofel: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/boot-glow-plymouth2.mkv :P00:16
apacheloggerthis would be 900% less fugly if I knew how one could prototype/class in that silly language00:17
BarkingFishapachelogger, now that, I like.  Seems less "jerky" than the webm you posted earlier - are you just doing that one in white, or are you putting color into it too?00:17
yofelBarkingFish: it was planned to be white00:18
BarkingFishah, ok00:18
BarkingFishstill very nice though - the smooth glow, to me, makes that quite appealing.00:18
yofelapachelogger: so if I understand this right. You have 2 images and set the opacity of the fuzzy one depending on the passed time?00:19
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: it will for all the 3 segments or just for one?00:19
apacheloggerdid I post the positioning code yet00:19
apacheloggerbecause that is really just mad00:19
yofelthat'll be fun to do for the full sequence...00:19
yofelI think you posted an excerpt earlier00:20
genii-aroundapachelogger: Are each of the three segments supposed to glow in turn or just the one?00:20
apacheloggeryofel: well, for full sequence itwill mostly be boilerplate init code as I don't know how to write a function to encapsulate the member init00:20
apacheloggeri.e. the actual sequencing can be nicely abstracted via alist00:20
yofelhm, ok00:20
yofelah ok00:21
apacheloggerso you have [3] of glowup and [3] of glowdown, then iter00:21
apacheloggerand process all animations that have running == 100:21
apachelogger(well, technically you can have [] of each)...00:21
yofelanyway, this is starting to look nice :D00:22
* yofel is off to bed - good night00:23
phoenix_firebrdyofel: good night00:24
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: where is the code?00:24
apacheloggeron my disk00:26
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phoenix_firebrdgoing to bed, good night everyone00:33
phoenix_firebrdapachelogger: this is awesome00:39
genii-aroundThat's pretty damn hypnotic!00:40
genii-aroundapachelogger: I hope it goes in soon, I like it.00:44
apacheloggerwell then02:47
apacheloggerwith intel I get a smoothy smooth transition from plymouth to lightdm02:48
apacheloggerexcatly how planned ... background stays the same, logo goes away, lightdm ui fades in02:48
apacheloggerhowever I could not replicate that behavior with vbox nor nvidia02:48
apacheloggerthough with latter I have a resolution/signal change that gets in the way02:49
ScottKI'd call that a win.04:21
jussigood morning ladies and gentlemen08:10
Tm_Tjussi: what about us creatures?08:11
* Tm_T hides08:12
jussigood morning ladies and gentlemen (and other assorted creatures)08:12
jussiTm_T: happy?08:12
Tm_Tjussi ♥ 08:19
afiestasI added xorg-edgers ppa long ago, then decided to remove it, now when I try to install libgles-dev I get the following error09:18
afiestasThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:19
afiestas libgles2-mesa-dev : Depends: libgles2-mesa (= 9.0-0ubuntu1) but 9.1~git20130104.r1.b8b1d61e-0ubuntu0ricotz~quantal is to be installed09:19
afiestas                     Depends: libegl1-mesa-dev but it is not going to be installed09:19
afiestasanyway I can fix this?09:19
Riddellafiestas: probably the only way is to remove X and reinstall09:26
Riddelldowngrades are not supported and with a cutting edge PPA like that you'll be downgrading09:26
afiestasthat's what I'm doing then09:27
Riddellafiestas: as an alternative you could try an install of alpha 2 :)09:27
afiestasalready have it in my laptop09:28
afiestaswork station is for work :/09:28
Riddellafiestas: so you trust xorg-edgers but not kubuntu devs? :)09:29
afiestasI don't trust either of you, but I was forced to use xorg-edgers09:29
afiestasbecause of the wonderful 6month freeze :p09:30
afiestasadditionally I have had many issues with Kubuntu alphas in the past... and this is my workstation ._.09:30
Riddellafiestas: did daily packages for your user tool get sorted?09:40
agateauRiddell: morning! Installing yesterday raring in a vm, it stops while downloading packages (which I didn't want it to download btw). Any way I can debug that?09:46
afiestasRiddell: I guess09:48
Riddellagateau: umm, hmm.  logs are in /var/log/syslog10:07
RiddellI think starting ubiquity --debug or similar will give you more logs10:07
agateauRiddell: I am doing the initial install10:07
agateauRiddell: guess I should go for "try kubuntu" and run ubiquity by hand10:08
* agateau pulls the vm plug10:08
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1126052] package libqtcore4 4:4.8.3+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1126052 (by tuxmouraille)10:35
agateauRiddell: now it's stuck at "Saving installed packages" and debug output does not look useful :/10:43
Riddellagateau: more in /var/log/installer/10:44
Riddellbut this is pretty surprising, we did loads of tests on it yesterday and nobody had any problems10:45
agateauRiddell: got stuck here: http://paste.kde.org/672170/10:49
Riddellumm, no immediate ideas10:49
agateauRiddell: I downloaded the iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ was this the right place to go?10:50
Riddellxnox: any thoughts? ⇈10:50
Riddellagateau: that'll be a daily build and I guess something could have broken in the last day10:50
Riddellthe tested ones are at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/raring/alpha-2/10:50
agateauwas afraid of something like that10:51
* agateau downloads alpha-2 iso10:51
xnoxagateau: and you didn't modify the installer. so it's just the official image?!10:51
agateauxnox: yes10:52
sheytanis this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1052278 also affecting turned off backlight after wake up?10:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 1052278 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "[ASUS][X501U][X401U] Fn + F8 display mode switch hot key will switch the mode 2 times by one single key stroke" [High,In progress]10:55
sheytani'm running dell xps 15z10:55
Riddellsheytan: I guess we don't know, you can comment on the bug to see if someone who knows about linux can confirm10:59
shadeslayerevening :)11:05
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
smartboyhwshadeslayer, aloha11:11
sheytanshadeslayer: evening? What your time?11:16
shadeslayerUTC +5.3011:16
Riddellour CD music ripping experience is rubbish11:18
Riddellk3b hard to use and then it asks you to kill kio_audiocd11:18
davmor2Riddell: can you not do it from within Amarok?11:23
Riddellmaybe I've not tried that11:24
Riddellbut the user gets presented with k3b first11:25
Riddelltwice infact11:25
RiddellI wonder what the difference between "extract digial music" and "copy CD" is11:25
Riddellripping against burning another CD I guess11:25
davmor2Riddell: Can you not change the default for music cds to be Amarok then?11:25
RiddellI just tried Amarok, it doesn't seem to do anything when I chose it in new device popup11:26
Riddellyep, precisely nothing11:26
davmor2Riddell: that's pretty bad, the bulk of the other players do a really nice job of ripping music into your library11:27
davmor2Riddell: is there maybe a plugin for amarok that is missing that will make it awesome?11:28
apacheloggersheytan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/boot-glow-plymouth3.mkv11:29
sheytanapachelogger: can you share the files?11:31
sheytani would like to test this11:31
apacheloggernot home right now11:33
sheytan_maile me please11:33
sheytan_but it looks good11:34
Riddelldavmor2: yes, it's installed and enabled but when I click on info it freezes amarok, doh11:35
davmor2Riddell: so it would be awesome if it worked then :)11:35
Riddellooh there is works11:37
Riddellnow why did it take two minutes just to load up the about dialogue11:37
smartboyhwRiddell, you wanna remove xrandr from seeds?11:40
smartboyhwOr did I get the package wrong?:P11:41
Riddellsmartboyhw: it's part of the kde-workspace packages I thin11:41
Riddellso it needs separated into a new package (which will be unseeded)11:41
smartboyhwRiddell, a new metapackage?11:42
Riddellno, a new actual package11:42
Riddellhttp://paste.kde.org/672212/  all this11:42
smartboyhwRiddell, ah I got it11:43
smartboyhwCan't do this now anyway11:43
* smartboyhw is upgrading to 13.0411:43
davmor2Riddell: I'm guessing here, it's not quite right?11:44
MirvRiddell: hi. would your magic crystal ball have an idea on the powerpc build failure? mine doesn't yet at least. filed a bug in LP and upstream meanwhile.11:59
Mirvbug #112594912:00
ubottubug 1125949 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Fails to build on PowerPC" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112594912:00
Mirvor anyone else for that matter..12:01
BluesKajHi alj12:10
Mirvthe file in question in the first error is http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtbase/blobs/stable/src/gui/painting/qpagedpaintdevice.h .12:11
Mirvhi BluesKaj 12:11
BluesKajhi Mirv12:13
ovidiu-florinhello world :D12:15
agateauapachelogger: love this bootsplash! at least we get rid of those stupid dots12:27
BluesKajagateau, really. and the ugly grey colours as well ?12:29
murthyBluesKaj: hi12:29
BluesKajhi murthy12:29
agateauBluesKaj: have you seen apachelogger work?12:30
BluesKajagateau, no I haven't12:30
agateauBluesKaj: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/screencasts/boot-glow-plymouth3.mkv12:30
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BluesKajI'd like to know who approved the existing boot splash ...were they colour blind with no sense of beauty ?12:32
* BluesKaj shakes his head ...nevermind12:34
QuintasanBluesKaj: well12:35
QuintasanPlymouth looks like utter shit here12:35
Quintasanbut I blame the nvidia driver12:35
Quintasansince it looked decently with nouveau12:36
BluesKajyeah, but the colour is what i don't understand 12:37
murthyRiddell: what was the device that you were trying to use with amarok?12:38
BluesKaj blue was a basic kde colour .,..why not blue12:39
murthyapachelogger: ^12:40
BluesKajit's not  a real big deal since it only lasts for some seconds 12:42
sheytanBluesKaj: ppl are tired of blue. 12:43
sheytanthe screencast you see is just a demo of the logo glowing. With the full background it looks way better. Let me show you12:44
murthysheytan: webm please12:45
sheytanmurthy: got just an image12:45
sheytanapachelogger: did all the demos ;)12:45
shadeslayerthat does indeedly look awesome12:46
murthyBluesKaj: what happened to the outer circle glow?12:46
sheytanmurthy: it's not added12:46
sheytanapachelogger: used logo without it12:46
yofel_BluesKaj: it was turned grey to match the default KDE 4.9 experience12:48
yofel_which... nobody really liked I guess12:48
yofel_good that they're back to a blue-ish background12:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddellmurthy: an audio CD12:51
murthyRiddell:  ok. i thought it was a mtp device, my nokia 5800  takes a long time to get detected12:53
yofelI know that we had some bug filed about audiocd-kio not working right, but that was months ago12:54
RiddellMirv: hum, that's not some endian or linker issue I'd normally expect on powerpc but just a syntax error which is weird since it's perfectly good syntax12:54
RiddellMirv: good news is we don't have to care about powerpc and I can just put in an override to ignore the issue12:54
Riddellagateau: how's the install?12:56
agateauRiddell: left my daily live run during lunch, it actually finished with some weird error. But the system boots, so I can work on Ubiquity with it12:57
yofelah, that was bug 107329312:57
ubottubug 1073293 in kdemultimedia (Ubuntu) "audiocd KIO slave broken in 12.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107329312:57
Riddellyofel: you have a good memory for bugs!12:57
yofelwell, thunderbird help to find the # :P12:58
Riddellshadeslayer: are you on webkit today?12:58
MirvRiddell: ok then12:58
BluesKajHowever , i do like the default "Air and Elarun Splash Screen" on 13.04 , even tho plymouth is still plain vanilla13:02
BluesKajoh btw sheytan,  do you speak for " people "? :)13:04
sheytanBluesKaj: yes. There's too much of blue everywhere13:05
BluesKajtoo bad for you :)13:05
yofelactually no, there's too much grey everywhere13:06
yofelthough it reached a tolerable level again13:06
sheytanto clarify, i;m not tired of blue that much, but i'm tired of color stuff everywhere. We need to go elegant and thank Nuno we have monochromatic icons in tray and plasma overlays etc13:07
sheytanto much colored stuff is not good too. It doesn't look professional then13:07
murthyyofel: you have a supporter 13:07
yofelsheytan: I guess you have good eyes then. Mine aren't that good even with glasses, and making everything grey reduces usability13:08
yofelas it makes me slower in keeping the icons apart 13:08
BluesKajelegant is grey and mono colours ?... feels like a bait  for a debate 13:09
sheytanyofel: i didn't tell you that everything should be gray. Only some parts of the desktop13:09
sheytanBluesKaj: don't get me wrong13:09
sheytannot all should be13:09
yofelsure, we were talking about the plasma icons, right?13:09
shadeslayerRiddell: not today I'm afraid13:10
sheytanwe were talking about desktop in general13:10
sheytanplasma tray icons was my example13:10
yofelsheytan: the desktop in general as it is right now is ok I believe13:10
sheytanyofel: that's it!13:10
sheytanand the same, i was tired of having kde default wallpaper everywhere in kubuntu. Installer, login, splash, wallpaper, even that central box in each kde app has it as background13:11
sheytanthat was making me sick somehow :D13:11
BluesKajsystem tray icons aren't merant to be fancy , they're just utilitarian indicators anyway 13:12
yofeluhm, that's called consistency you know ^^13:12
sheytanthat's why i'm trying to make kubuntu that way: a separate background for installer, login and splash and onther image for wallpaper. This will give us more elegant and simple look13:12
apacheloggersheytan: send me some other tile or whatever and I can make some more demos13:12
shadeslayeridk, having different backgrounds everywhere is inconsistent IMHO13:13
sheytanapachelogger: i will send you the logo with that circle around when i get home13:13
sheytanshadeslayer: not everywhere13:13
sheytanread what i wrote :)13:13
BluesKajI was just complainiung about the bootsplash /plymouth colours , not a debate about desktop or panel colours13:13
sheytanthere's only two of them13:13
shadeslayersheytan: ah, I read that as separate background for all the things13:13
shadeslayermmmm .. idk13:13
murthyRiddell: what happened to cantata?13:13
sheytanBluesKaj: well, we want to make a smooth switch from plymouth to lightdm. That's why we're trying to create new to fit with ldm.13:14
sheytanbut it's hard cause we don't know what ldm will look like in upstream13:15
sheytannuno is planning to release a new theme for kde 4.11 and for this time, i guess, we need our own ldm theme too13:15
murthysheytan: you mean the greeter ?13:16
sheytanmurthy: yes13:16
sheytanthe login screen13:16
Riddellmurthy: it's still in New, I might get to it today13:16
Riddellor I might not, going over e-mails, 1451 to go13:16
murthysheytan: but the default one is good and we need to kde the default kde stuff as much as possible13:17
murthyRiddell: can you give me the cantata changelog?13:17
murthyRiddell: I am going to file a bug report for a sponsor, i need it for reference13:18
Riddellmurthy: you can get the package from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue13:18
sheytanmurthy: it is, with some correction i already made. 13:18
yofelmurthy: sponsor for cantata? that's already uploaded (or am I missing something)13:19
murthyyofel: ni, libdlna13:19
apacheloggersheytan: note that I need all 3 gear parts as separate images13:19
apacheloggersame for the glow13:20
murthyRiddell: the bug number is not mentioned in the changelog13:20
sheytanapachelogger: sure13:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: care to sponsor libechonest once it's done building?13:21
shadeslayerit's in here : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+packages13:21
apacheloggerstill not home13:21
apacheloggersheytan: oh and I'll need to know the part's coordinates13:21
sheytanapachelogger: what do you mean?13:22
Riddellmurthy: the new package bug?  that'll be a bug :)13:22
apacheloggeri.e. in inkscape left part would be x=0; y=12 or something, top would be x=50; y=128, bottom would be x=50; y=1213:23
murthyRiddell: so it will get rejected?13:23
apacheloggersheytan: simply make an inscape doc the size of the parts without glow13:23
apacheloggerthen tell me x and y of the parts13:23
murthyapachelogger: is the locations hardcoded?13:24
apacheloggerof course13:24
sheytanapachelogger: ok, i'll do it13:24
apacheloggerthe relativity is hardcoded13:24
apacheloggeri.e. the space between left and top and bottom13:25
murthyapachelogger: the bg image is not svg?13:25
apacheloggerand to get that we need to hardcode their relative x/y13:25
apacheloggermurthy: plymouth does nto do svg13:25
murthyapachelogger: oh13:25
sheytanapachelogger: can you mail me the images you have when you get home?13:26
murthyapachelogger: is there any chance this will work with the nvidia's propitiatory driver? 13:27
Riddellmurthy: no that's not grounds for rejection13:30
murthyRiddell: so its optional?13:30
apacheloggermurthy: it will work with free software13:37
yofelmurthy: it's useful to have a reference, but it's not strictly required13:37
Riddellmurthy: it's nice to have but not a killer feature13:37
murthyyofel: is your server on full load?13:39
murthyyofel: i am getting delayed sync13:39
murthyyofel: 3 min approx13:39
yofelit's not13:40
yofelmurthy: you mean you have ~180s lag? It's ~1s here13:40
murthyyofel: not that one13:40
apacheloggersheytan: http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/tmp/kubuntu-logo.tar.xz13:40
apacheloggertile goes into images/tile.png13:40
murthyyofel:  i will check with my local client13:40
yofelmurthy: what do you mean with delayed sync then?13:41
murthyyofel: i have a bust of comments after 7 mins13:41
yofeloh, that happened here too, considering that they don't all happen in the same second I believe we just typed at the same time13:42
murthyyofel: ok13:43
yofelwould need to look at the channel log later to verify that13:43
sheytanapachelogger: thanks. i will be home in like 3-4h 13:43
yofelapachelogger: what's up with those dots that appear for a moment?13:50
sheytanjust wanted to ask the same question13:51
sheytanapachelogger: but, the light dm theme. Mine is improved a bit. maybe we put that one? :D13:53
murthysheytan: using a new kdm theme will make us deter from our moto13:54
murthysheytan: i mean the greeter theme13:54
sheytanmurthy: it's almost the same. I just moved the buttons in the middle13:55
murthysheytan: so you will merge that with the upstream?13:55
sheytanmurthy: http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2013/01/motyw-lightdm-dla-kde-i-ksplash.html13:56
sheytanwatch the screencast in 1080p13:56
sheytanbtw, the splash screen i modified too. And it is simply cool13:57
murthysheytan: this looks cool13:58
murthysheytan: have to consulted with the policy makers?13:58
shadeslayersheytan: oh14:00
shadeslayersheytan: do you have a patch for the QML to display the dates at the top in lightdm?14:01
shadeslayerlike in your blog14:01
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
sheytanshadeslayer: i don't and you don't need one. you just edit the main.qml file and add few lines to import the clock. Ofrouce you need in the source dir the clock.qml too. 14:06
sheytani made even one with analog clock14:06
sheytanand now i'm trying to put the battery monitor to it :)14:06
shadeslayersheytan: that's what I was asking ;)14:06
shadeslayera patch for the QML file14:06
shadeslayerI am a QML noob14:07
sheytanshadeslayer: i will upload the theme later and look you to it14:07
sheytanme to :D14:07
shadeslayerand I don't particularly like it myself14:07
sheytani made only changes while looking at the code and googling for apis etc ;D14:07
shadeslayerwhich is what I do14:08
sheytanand it works just fine ;)14:09
sheytanthe clock is from QT examples page14:09
sheytani just downloaded it and put into my theme ;)14:10
Riddelldo left handed people really swap button order on their mouse? http://s9.postimage.org/6s4hbpqcv/snapshot2.png15:13
BluesKajI do swap sometimes to give my right hand a rest , it's seems natural to do so15:14
BluesKajI used work on lab instruments that use application software and one of the users was left handed , I got used to using the mouse left handed, was that difficult.15:16
apacheloggergrub2 cannot tile backgrounds15:16
apacheloggerwhat a disappointment15:16
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
BluesKaj, time to push some snow ...BBL15:53
Riddellshadeslayer: 15:55 < carewolf> Riddell: https://gitorious.org/webkit/qtwebkit-23/trees/qtwebkit-2.3-beta2b there you go. 49.2 MByte, new release for tar-balling.15:56
Riddella nice one15:56
shadeslayerwhere did you get that from?15:57
Riddellshadeslayer: from asking him on #qtwebkit15:57
shadeslayerI'll have a look right after dinner :)15:57
Riddellapachelogger: elite grub hackage!16:07
apacheloggernow if only we could make grub look nice ^^16:09
apacheloggersheytan: we need to make grub look nice16:09
apacheloggerit would of course help a bunch if grub could actually tile -.-16:09
sheytangrub? is there a need?16:10
apacheloggeryou keep telling me how important that stuff is16:11
sheytanok, ok :D16:12
sheytani get it :D16:12
apacheloggeryet I almost never ever see anything up to lightdm, and lightdm I even only see for like 5 seconds16:12
apacheloggeron that note16:12
apacheloggersheytan: the clock in your lightdm theme is too aggressive IMO16:12
apacheloggerway too big an animation16:12
sheytanyou can modify it16:12
* sheytan test16:26
* sheytan odl toshibas are the worst notebooks to disasable :/16:26
* sheytan is tired of16:26
* shadeslayer rages at ssh16:33
agateauRiddell: I have some patches for ubiquity, I am going to file a merge request for them. Should I add you as a reviewer?16:38
shadeslayerWARNING: /tmp/buildd/qtwebkit-source-2.3-beta2/Source/api.pri:112: Unable to find file for inclusion /include/QtWebKit/headers.pri16:41
shadeslayerand then : Project ERROR: Failed to resolve install headers16:41
shadeslayerRiddell: you can have qtwebkit16:43
shadeslayerthis is ETOOSHITTY16:43
Riddellagateau: sure16:48
Riddellagateau: and thanks :)16:49
Riddellshadeslayer: oh you're too kind </sarcasm>16:49
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agateauRiddell: request filed17:02
agateauRiddell: Ubiquity window is too small for french strings, I am considering removing some of the fancy borders and turn it into a classic window. Any objection?17:03
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
* apachelogger found out how to do inheritance in plymouth \\o/17:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: inheritance?17:11
Riddellagateau: ooh that bling is really nice17:16
agateauRiddell: I am not talking about removing all the bling, but rather turning it into resizable bling17:16
Riddellagateau: the fixed size is not ideal for sure, but it should also fit on a netbook sized monitor and this one only just fits17:16
agateauRiddell: not in french17:16
Riddellresizable bling sounds good17:17
Riddellthe step names on the left don't have enough space in lots of languages17:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: foo = [] | "Foo"; makes foo a hash and a string17:17
shadeslayerwait what17:18
shadeslayerI do not understand that one bit :P17:18
apacheloggeru silly17:19
apacheloggeractually hash+string is silly too17:19
apacheloggerfoo = 3 | "Foo";17:19
apacheloggerbar = foo + 3;17:19
apachelogger/ bar = 617:19
apacheloggerfoobar = foo.CharAt(0);17:20
apachelogger //foobar = "F"17:20
shadeslayerI have no idea what you're talking about17:21
apacheloggerinheritance in plymouth!17:22
shadeslayererrrrr .. I thought you were talking about class inheritance17:22
apacheloggerplymouth has no classes17:22
* apachelogger throws keyboard17:22
shadeslayeryeah, that's why I was confused17:23
apacheloggertechnically it does17:23
apacheloggerthough not really17:23
shadeslayerso whats this new inheritance thing you're talking about17:23
apacheloggeraka [] and String would be native classes17:23
apacheloggertho since those are implemented in C that statement is also not really true17:24
apacheloggerso in plymouth you inherit by using the | operator17:24
apacheloggerand then comes more undocumented madness17:24
apacheloggerthere's a local and global variable which in fact does nothing more than provide the respective scope from what I understand17:25
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
apacheloggerso a toplevel var foo would also be accessible via global.foo17:25
apachelogger(which IMO makes that a bit of an implementation leakage, but oh well...)17:25
apacheloggerdeclaring a function Foo is also accessible via global.Foo17:26
apacheloggerso you now have javascript-like prototype crap17:26
apacheloggerFoo = fun() { return [] | global.Foo; } | []; 17:27
apacheloggerFoo is now a hashable Foo17:27
apacheloggerah in case it's not obvious why one inherits from global.Foo ... global.Foo is technically an object of its own, having functions as properties (e.g. Foo.Bar = fun() {}; is global.Foo.bar), as such inheriting from global.Foo allows one to use Bar as a function on an instance of Foo ... i.e. foo.Bar() works because foo is an instance of [] | global.Foo and global.Foo.Bar is fun() {};17:31
apacheloggerconsidering the amount of code in the script plugin that is really nice17:32
apacheloggerbug 28562617:47
ubottubug 285626 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Intrepid) "blank window on livecd with "Install" boot option" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28562617:47
xnoxsounds like a very old bug...17:48
shadeslayeroh fun18:02
shadeslayersomeone abstracted over various packaging formats18:03
agateaupfff, ubiquity is slooooow18:15
=== doctorpepper_ is now known as doctorpepper
agateaushadeslayer: debconf!18:24
agateauRiddell: taking advantage of maximized ubiquity to list all my (virtual) disks: http://wstaw.org/m/2013/02/15/ubiquity-maximized.png18:24
agateaualso note how it says "Ubuntu 12.10" in the partition list18:25
Riddellagateau: ooh la la18:27
Riddellshadeslayer: more d-i's and debconf's fault than python's18:28
* agateau wonders if "ooh la la" is good or bad18:28
Riddellagateau: terrible!18:28
Riddellyes, I agree it's nice :)18:28
agateaugreat :)18:29
agateautime to go, will continue next week18:30
xnoxis 12.10 there because this is photoshop or because os-release mis-detected stuff?18:56
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blazeso, how's going qtwebkit-23 packaging?19:31
shadeslayerxnox: or possibly hard coded string?19:52
shadeslayerblaze: it's going nowhere :P19:52
blazei know it builds only with some perl-script, and qmake files should be fixed a lot :)19:55
shadeslayershitty build systems :P19:55
shadeslayerblaze: in any case, we will try and package it, but it's going to take time19:58
apacheloggertalking about slow ubiquity20:12
apacheloggersomeone should look into that20:12
apacheloggerin fact20:12
apacheloggerperhaps we should make the next dev series about making stuff faster20:12
apacheloggerkubotu: order coke20:27
* kubotu slides a cold can of tasty Coca Cola(r) down the bar to apachelogger.20:27
yofelthe one thing I usually notice about ubiquity is that it tends to run at 100% CPU most of the time for some reason20:36
apacheloggerwell, it's doing stuff most of the time :P20:41
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=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1126052] package libqtcore4 4:4.8.3+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1126052 (by tuxmouraille)22:23

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