
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
invariantHow do I send an e-mail to "The Canonical Team"?11:15
invariantI want them to stop spamming me.11:15
deavelleyehey guys, i was wondering if you could help me. I just upgraded to Kubuntu 13.0 and since the upgrade i've had a constant issue with my microphone. => Crackling/Distorsed sound that i cannot seem to make it go away. any clues or ideas on what it might be? My guess would be pulseaudio, but what exactly? the codec? I've made some research on the issue, but nothing on kub 13.0 or 12.011:38
BluesKajHi alj12:10
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coz_hey guys, hey guys, 12.04 and previous I was able to use  this command   ` python -c "import gtk; gtk.recent_manager_get_default().purge_items()"` to clear recent documen ts. it no longer works on 12.10, or 13.04..anyone have a differnt command for this?13:50
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BluesKaj, time to push some snow ...BBL15:53
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teleyinexHi there16:35
teleyinexI'm hesitating about installing 13.04 for daily use (basically coding and browsing the web)16:35
teleyinexhow safe is 13.04 :-)16:35
teleyinexwe are close to the freezing date16:36
teleyinexso I was thinking in giving it a try16:36
alankilateleyinex: you know there's no way to answer that question in any meaningful way. I've been using it on a NAS-like system to try out btrfs for past month or so, and it has worked for that usage. Also one lightly used virtualbox install.16:37
teleyinexwell that's good to know16:38
teleyinexand you are right, my question is dumb but I wanted to get a feeling from you16:38
teleyinexmy problem is that with my current setup on 12.04 compiz makes my system really slow16:38
teleyinexrefresh the browser is usually a pain16:38
alankilaperhaps you should consider 12.10 before 13.0416:39
teleyinexI've tried everything, but I think I'm stuck with the compiz version and some issues with nvidia16:39
alankilaunless you have some specific reason to believe changes in 13.04 fixes it16:39
teleyinexalankila, you are right16:39
teleyinexI'm going to chose the safe way16:39
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
myk_robinsonRunning 13.04, curious if others are having the same "issue". Very minor, but the wallpaper on the login does not change like it did previously to match the user selected wallpaper. Any quick fix for this? Or has it been broken since the start? Just installed today19:52
genii-aroundI think I may have found a bug with Kubuntu but would like if someone else could test this, with the cube... Having firefox open, ctrl-f11 to get to the cube... then after moving it with the mouse or keys, return to the original screen. For me, firefox locks up every time... but I'd to see if it's only me or not19:53
penguin42genii-around: Let me just try19:54
penguin42hmm, ctrl-f11 doesn't do the cube for me19:54
genii-aroundpenguin42: Ah, OK. You probably don't have it set in your System Settings...Desktop Effects   then19:55
penguin42no, don't have cube enabled - hang on, I'll switch it on19:56
penguin42genii-around: So I've just done that, firefox is fine here19:57
penguin42genii-around: Having said that, I did have flash lock up an hour or so ago greying the whole of ff until I killed the plugin container19:57
penguin42genii-around: Actually, there is another weirdness; when I hit apply on desktop effects to turn on/off the cube the firefox window (but only the firefox window) redraws19:58
smallfoot-Partner repository is unavailable for betas?21:59
smallfoot-Because I can't find Steam on 13.04 Raring Ringtail21:59
ironhalikHmm, my install stopped booting, and the latest daily ISO won't boot either - invalid kernel image, filesystem22:06
ironhalikis there an image for amd64 alpha2?22:07
smallfoot-i use 12.10 (amd64) upgraded to 13.0422:07
ironhalikI did the same, except now it stopped working22:07
smallfoot-still works for me, tho i havent restarted today :p22:08
smallfoot-you might be able boot from live cd, then mount the fs, then run apt-get update22:08
ironhalikwell yeah, except todays daily ISOs won't boot for me22:09
ironhalikIll try yesterdays one22:11
SBNexus7Hello I have a quick question about daily-preinstalled builds22:13
SBNexus7Was interested to see if there is any other previous builds as the current ones seem to be bad :/22:14
ikoniathey will break22:14
ikoniait's a development version, so things will work/break/work/break/work/work/work/break/really work22:14
SBNexus7I expect that and understand that.  My question asked if there are any past previous builds that at least booted.22:14
SBNexus714 and 15 don't work they boot to a black screen after the ubuntu splash.22:15
ikoniaSBNexus7: the daily builds get over written22:15
ikoniathat's the point of "daily"22:15
ikoniathere maybe people storing archivers elsewhere22:15
SBNexus7That's what I was interested to see if anyone has the past build files that they wouldn't mind sharing.22:15
SBNexus7I would even be willing to try the 12.10 builds if they exist22:16
SBNexus7Google might have helped me22:18
SBNexus7I am looking for past dates haha22:18
SBNexus7Testing the February 13 build22:27
IdleOneI'm very impressed with the stability of kubuntu+123:38
ironhalikanyone noticed mouse cursor skipping on synaptics touchpad?23:58

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