=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine === jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine [05:20] i need help with installing ubuntu on Nexus 7 [05:21] after the Ubuntu logo comes up, the screen goes black and stays black [05:21] I noticed that while it is flashing, one of the txt says "df: cannot read table of mounted file systems" [05:21] not sure if that has anything to do with it [05:22] anyone availible to help? [05:24] isaias: Is this a recent image, like in the last day or so? If so, I believe there are some problems with the code that gets loaded after a fresh flash, i.e the stuff responsible for asking your language and other info etc. [05:24] So in other words, I think things are currently broken. [05:25] isaias: If you try an older image, say from 20120213 on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled, you may have more luck. [05:25] The requested URL /daily-preinstalled, was not found on this server. [05:26] Sorry, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/ [05:26] nvm [05:26] lol, i saw the comma after xD [05:26] heh ok. [05:27] wow a wild TheMuso appears [05:27] I've been around, just not had reason to post in here. [05:27] heh [05:27] long time no chat :p [05:27] Indeed. [05:27] * lilstevie has been busy with another project [05:28] Cool. [05:29] * lilstevie heads off to the rugby [05:29] Enjoy. [05:29] will do [05:44] TheMuso: Do I have to have the factory Nexus 7 installed? I have to put it in flash mode to manually install it [05:44] to manually install ubuntu [05:46] or by flash do they mean fastboot? [05:47] which I think they do... [05:47] maybe. im waiting on my device, lol [05:48] Yes you need to boot the nexus into fastboot mode. [05:49] terminal is after I ran $sudo fastboot flash boot /path/to/*.bootimg [05:49] taking a while, which is why I'm asking, hoping this is normal [05:50] Did you make sure fastboot could see your device fist? [05:50] first [05:50] yes. it could [05:51] i deleted user data and stuff [05:51] Hm ok. [05:51] it shouldn't be waiting, should it? lol [05:51] No. [05:52] i probably did something xD [05:52] If fastboot could see your device when you ran fastboot devices, then it should go straight ahead and do it. [05:53] i see what i did wrong [05:57] "mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p9 on /root failed: invalid argument" [05:57] apperently its not rooted? [05:58] maybe :P [06:01] Did you oem-unlock the device? [06:02] its unlocked [06:05] i have no idea what I'm doing anymore xD === XenGi is now known as XenGi_ [06:43] where else can i get help? [08:17] good morning [10:03] hello [10:03] err === guard is now known as isaias [10:04] there we go [10:04] is someone available to help me/tell me what I'm doing wrong? [10:05] I tried installing Ubuntu, the screen goes black after the Ubuntu boot logo comes up [10:07] isaias, what hardware? [10:09] im trying to install it on Nexus 7 [10:14] isaias, we have had reports of that, rebooting it a few times sometimes resolved it [10:14] it seems to be an install time issue mostly [10:16] I cant even turn it off right now. i try and it reboots, but it wont start. it stays a black screen [10:19] a mouse is nessisary, isnt it? [10:20] if you're very patient you can manage w/o mouse, but you'll grow some grey hair :) [10:30] rowing grey hair withh this not working, so i wouldnt mind waiting as long as its possible to set everything up without it,,,if i can get this to work [10:38] i have it unlocked. am I supposed to root it? [11:48] tjaalton, can we turn back bug 1068994 to not be "incomplete" so it doesnt auto-close [11:48] Launchpad bug 1068994 in X.Org X server "button1 gets stuck after a while" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1068994 [11:48] ogra_: sure [11:49] ogra_: I'm building e17 atm so that I should be able to reproduce it with the new xserver without tegra blob [11:50] tjaalton, hmm doesnt raster have packages for that ? [11:51] maybe, but I've pulled source packages from a ppa and building them as-is, seems to work so far [11:52] k [11:52] well, he isnt around to ask him anyway [11:52] does he hang out here? [11:52] or in general [11:54] he hung out here the last months ... but rather randomly (and i think he lives in an asian TZ) [11:55] ok === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === yofel_ is now known as yofel [12:53] anyone here know how to deal with problems when installing ubuntu on a Nexus 7? Mine screen goes black after the boot logo [12:53] my screen* [12:55] there is a bug in the images atm .... being worked on [12:55] try again on the weekend [13:08] aww, i just bought it yesterday :P [13:09] sorry, i try my best but am still poking in the dark to find whats wrong [13:10] thats alright. im just happy its finally possible [13:10] so thank you :) [13:11] :) [13:39] ogra_: I'm any way I can help? I'm not so good at debugging or anything like that, at least not yet (still learning to programming). If you do find something I can do, I'd be more than happy to help. [13:39] typo :p [13:39] well, its pretty tricky to debug, you need to change the kernel cmdline to stop booting in the initramfs. then debug from there with an attached keyboard [13:41] ha, ogra_ is here - new n7's bootloader changed vmalloc value in cmdline from 128mb to 512mb, any idea what it might affect? [13:41] I want to learn all about that xD [13:42] it may have broken plymouth (the Ubuntu with dots image does not show up), but I'm not sure it is just because of the bootloader [13:42] Tassadar, nope, no idea [13:42] I heard there are some bugs with the current images, any ETA on fix? Also, compatible with the recent 4.2.2 release? [13:43] plymouth works fine here and i had no reports about it failing (yet) [13:43] Walther, no ETA yet, i'm still digging [13:43] mine shows the ubuntu with dots [13:44] and too bad i don't have an OTG usb cable (just yet), would've been glad to help debugging [13:44] is there any way I can look without touching anything? [13:44] Oh, and btw, any merges going to happen with the Ubuntu Phone project? At least imho even Nexus7 could benefit from the phone-ui as demoed by Mark [13:45] the code i mean [13:45] or anything [13:46] ...aaaand just slightly related, I've not yet installed any version of ubuntu on my nexus, but i've been using it for quite some time already and I've heard unlocking the bootloader will wipe all data - what, if such exists, is a good way of BUpping and restoring everything to the stock jelly bean install? [13:46] isaias, press the volume button ... that shows the boot messages [13:46] I mean, I want to dualboot, at least for now [13:46] (not that it would help you much) [13:46] Walther, if you want to dualboot you need to use the unsupported image from xda developers [13:47] is the whole image a custom build, or just a custom bootloader / rom selector? [13:47] wouldn't it be possible to have the image be ..more generic, and support dualbooting out-of-the-box, via some sort of merge between current image and the xda developers thingy [13:48] are you talking about nexus 7? [13:48] yup [13:48] http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2011403 [13:48] and I'm using ubuntu daily images [13:48] yes, i know that thread [13:48] Walther, the motivation goes actually in the other direction ... [13:48] ogra_ just sounded like he was implying "unofficial *images*" [13:48] ogra_: Oh, hmm? [13:49] using the whole disk and completely replacing android [13:50] of course that works for Canonical's interests, i can see that. Just not very user-friendly for beta testers / kinda makes the entry step a bit steep [13:51] well, we need reliable data so the image has to function as any other ubuntu image ... with dual boot you have to jump thopugh hoops that can blur the debugging data [13:51] (userspace hacks etc) [13:52] Anyway, I repeat my earlier question, any thoughts on whether there will be merges between the phone version and nexus build? At least imho it would be really nice to get parts of the phone ui as demoed by Mark at CES [13:53] while having dualboot is great and i muchly appreciate Tassadar's work, for serious development you should use the official image ... if you just want to use ubuntu as enduser, go with the dualboot one [13:53] ogra_: mmh, but Ubuntu supports dualbooting on desktops/laptops as well ;) (don't take it too personally, just that in my opinion official dualboot support would be really nice, even if the ROM manager / bootloader would be unofficial) [13:53] so just to clarify - are the dualboot things actually different, separate *images* or just a matter of applying a separate bootloader? [13:54] that's just a question i want to have answered in a very distilled form [13:54] MultiROM is using official ubuntu daily images [13:54] the problem with multi-booting on arm devices is that we usually can't change bootloader, so many hacks are needed [13:55] Tassadar, didnt you say you had to change filesystems and apply some userspace changes ? [13:55] or was that just an early image [13:55] heck, on nexus 7, you can't event change partition layout [13:55] in any case if we would provide dualboot, we would do it via the mechanism we already have (wubi) and avoid kernel or userspace changes === doko_ is now known as doko [13:56] I take the image, manually extract root.tar.gz from it, extract root.tar.gz to some folder in /sdcard, apply this patch https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1089038 and remove ac100-installer and disable flash-kernel [13:56] Ubuntu bug 1089038 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Add support for booting from subdirectory in root" [Undecided,Confirmed] [13:56] but thats out of discussion atm the images are as they are and wont change for now [13:57] thank's to kexec, I don't have to change that much, which I am happy for [13:57] Walther, phone images are developed elsewhere, cccant say much about merging stuff from them in yet [13:57] (and that patch is not even needed if I want to boot from .img file) [13:59] ogra_: I would *greatly* appreciate if you devs would collaborate [13:59] and would be extremely glad to help with that [13:59] as I don't have and don't currently plan to get a nexus 4 or other compatible smartphone [13:59] Walther, the nexus7 image isnt for endusers and has a very very specific purpose [14:00] for which it currently works ... [14:00] ogra_: Oh? [14:00] is the very very specific purpose "internal testing" or what :P [14:00] or "you'll see it announced later" :P [14:01] its to have a device all involved devs use to reduce the footprint of unity [14:01] and thats the current sole purpose [14:01] aha [14:01] not bad [14:01] (and pretty fruitful, we managed to shove off over 200M fRAM usage from the idling desktop) [14:02] * Walther slowclaps [14:02] (390 vs >600M) [14:02] that's *big* [14:02] i hope we get down to around 256M [14:02] yes, it is, and all arches benefit from it [14:02] sounds like a good ballpark goal [14:03] we could have taken a small x86 device instead of the nexus if that would have been convenient [14:03] that makes me even more hopeful then that the actual "phone" images will supprot nexus 7 as well as a device [14:03] so our focus is totally not on the device or on making it shine for endusers atm [14:03] understood [14:03] but to have a common limited base for everyone [14:03] then I just have to try to poke the -phone developers and hope they'll make it usable for the nexus 7 [14:05] and yeah, it actually raises my hopes as if nexus7 project was actually being developed for endusers, it could have been harder to convince phone devs to make the nexus7 supported as "it already has an image" etc [14:06] well, you can count on the fact that by 14.04 (as announced and planned since years) there will be a nexus7 image for endusers :) [14:06] its just not the current focus [14:07] heh [14:08] i'm still hoping very strongly that the nexus7 enduser image will contain the phone ui [14:08] and perhaps have the desktop view behind a launcher, a la "ubuntu for android" [14:08] might be, who knows ... time will tell ... there isnt any phone UI in the ubuntu archive yet [14:08] I can still rewatch the engadget hands on with Mark and the phone and drool over the ui, it's just *so damn slick* [14:09] (and the official images only contain components from the archive) [14:09] yeah [14:09] it's still a big, big WiP [14:09] * ogra_ personally hopes there will be a nexus4 image soon :) [14:10] but first of alll there needs to be a release of the code ... which will happen end of the month [14:10] and a Nokia N9 image :P [14:10] yup [14:10] heh [14:10] btw, do you know how much of it will be open and how much will be closed [14:10] all should be open afaiik [14:10] liek ubuntu ... [14:11] and if there is going to be "make this image support n devices and make a pull request" or "make your unofficial ports if you want" [14:11] you surely have something equivalent to the nvidia drivers [14:11] that would certainly be nice, i mean, so far I've got the impression that there would be a nasty bit of "we actually want to work closely with OEMs this time" and bullshit [14:12] that will surely happen too once there are OEMs [14:12] mm [14:13] But I really don't want to see what happened with android to happen with ubuntu [14:13] a bucketload of unofficial ports to specific devices [14:13] instead of centralized, "let's add support for this device as well" [14:13] Of course with android it might be a bit more understandable ...but it still doesn't make it right [14:15] we'll see, i doubt thats something you can massively influence if you provide your stuff in the open [14:15] if people want to build their own thing based on it (and add a touchwiz ui on top) you cant really stop them [14:16] * Tassadar will have nightmares about Ubuntu Phone with touchwiz [14:16] lol [14:16] yeah, was a mean example [14:21] :D [14:21] But yeah, i would definitely like an approach similar to the genkernel [14:22] stuff gets merged, and it supports n+1 devices and platforms [14:22] imagine if you had to have separate ports for asus/ibm/dell/samsung/whatnot desktops and laptops... [14:40] what language does this ubuntu use? [14:41] lots of languages === zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine === guard is now known as isaias [15:33] what language is this version of ubuntu written in? [15:33] many :) [15:34] Objective-C? :P [15:34] ubuntu is a distribution of software written by many different people [15:34] each developer has his own preference [15:35] ubuntu-phone is mainly QML and Java [15:35] many write stuff in C, some desktop stuff is in vala, there is shell, python, perl and many others [15:35] no [15:35] thats what they told me over there, lol [15:35] ubuntu phone uses QML for the UI apps [15:35] * Tassadar imagines packages written in brainfuck [15:35] got it xD [15:35] the system underneath is still ubuntu, so the "many" applies there tooo [15:36] for native UI apps on the phone you will use QML and C++ (OML for the visible stuff an app has, C++ for all the backend stuff thats not visible to he user) [15:37] beyond that you can create HTML5 apps in HTML and javascript (note, not java) [15:37] which are portable to other systems like android etc [15:54] ogra_: really nice to know :D [15:55] im learning C++, would hate not being able to add stuff to ubuntu phone, lol [15:55] keep up the great work! ^_^ [15:56] we will :) [16:42] I know this is off topic, so feel free to ignore the question, but does anyone know any good books on C++? or on Operating systems? [16:43] by operating system, i mean Unix, terminal, etc [16:51] isaias: anything by Oreilly [16:51] ++ [16:51] isaias: http://oreilly.com/ [16:52] easilly identified by the animal picture on the covers [16:53] which makes me wonder where my In a Nutshell book actually went [16:53] I want to disable all non-armhf kernel builds for my kernel package [16:53] any hints how to do this? [16:54] (the right way (C) of course) [16:54] donate all your non armhf hardware to me ;) [16:54] marvin24, i guess the #ubuntu-kernel channel is better suited [16:54] ask apw [16:54] oh, he's here too [16:55] and no answer from ubuntu-kernel last time I ask [16:56] apw: ^ [16:58] marvin24, building it where and how [16:58] apw, PPA [16:59] yes, launchpad always start building the tegra kernel on i386/x86_64 === jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine [16:59] apw, cyrrently it attempts all arches and indeed fails [16:59] clear out the flavours= lines in the rules.d/*.mk for the arches you arn't interested [16:59] if you have none of those, then it is likely only building nothing, ie the 'all' packages for that arch [16:59] apw: what mean delete all files there except armhf.mk [17:00] marvin24, no remove the flavour names from the flavours= lines in .mk for all other arches [17:00] and then it should build anything on those arches [17:01] you may still then need to change Architecture: all in your control.stub.in to prevent launchpad trying and not having anything to do on all the other arches [17:01] changing it to Architecture: armhf or whatever [17:03] apw: ok, will try - thanks! === zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine === chuck_ is now known as zul [20:08] hey, I know there is a problem with the img, but would there happen to be an older img I could try out while this one gets fixed? === jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine [20:45] isaias: not that I have working image, but what's the problem with it - it shows only black screen, right? === zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine === jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine === zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine [20:57] Tassadar, this happens to me to on nexus 7. is there any fix for that? [20:58] I'm just making sure that I didn't break it. I'm sure it will be fixed soon, we just have to be patient === jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine === zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine === jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine === zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine === jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine === zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine === jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine