
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: Hey, you about? There was a wiki page for ubuntu on air, that explained the nitty gritties of using it right. Do you have the link handy?05:52
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: yep! second05:52
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OnAir/BestPractices what you're looking for?05:53
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: No, I mean, there was one that described how to setup G+ the right way05:54
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/OnAir maybe?05:55
JoseeAntonioRapart from that, the other one is an internal resources page I can give you05:55
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: the internal one is probably what I'm looking for.05:55
JoseeAntonioRlet me login and get it05:56
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: the internal one has only got some code for disqus and webchat, and the dimensios for the embed video05:58
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: no problems, the OnAir page seems good enough for what I need :)05:58
JoseeAntonioRif there's any missing information, let me know so I can give it to you05:58
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: may I ask what are you exactly looking to host?06:02
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: Hosting a show and tell, but I needed the information right now, to sort of write documenation on how to host it. I have my notes, and I wanted to combine my notes with yours. I'll link you once I'm done so you can pick out things that could go in to the Ubuntu notes.06:05
JoseeAntonioRnigelb: let me know, what you've got, as I may have some more info that may be super useful (e.g. lower thirds)06:06
nigelbJoseeAntonioR: Will do :)06:06
dholbachgood morning08:17
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SergioMenesesdpm, around15:07
dpmhi SergioMeneses, yes :)15:07
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vnzhi everyone15:53
vnzwhat does "JAM" mean in Ubuntu Global Jam?15:54
vnzis it a sweet spread or preserve made from fruit and sugar boiled to a thick consistency?15:55
czajkowskivnz: as in get to gether15:55
czajkowskiyes that is the literal sense of the word15:55
vnzhow do you translate it for example in other languages?15:55
czajkowskivnz: getting together to jam/work on something15:56
vnzHow do you translate "Ubuntu Global Jam" in russian or german for example?15:56
czajkowskiit's just that tbh15:58
popeyvnz: "Gathering"15:59
popeyvnz: it comes from when musicians get together and have a session without a very fixed agenda15:59
popeyvnz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jam_session15:59
czajkowskipopey: ah all I was finding was urban dictionary stuff16:00
czajkowskipopey: did you say there was a bug open re  N wifi16:00
czajkowskicannot find any and not sure how to explain it bar when over here me and wifi  are crap16:00
popeyczajkowski: what wifi card is it?16:02
popeyczajkowski: run "lspci" to see what the description is16:03
popeyczajkowski: then run "lspci -n" to get the PCI id16:03
czajkowskipopey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1658432/16:04
popeybug 101162316:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 1011623 in linux (Ubuntu) "8086:0091 Unstable wifi connection when connect to 802.11n AP with iwlwifi driver" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101162316:05
czajkowskiadded a comment on how I can get it workingish16:08
vnzczajkowski, popey: thank you, that is what I was looking for16:10
czajkowskipopey: thank you16:10
popeynp vnz czajkowski16:10
czajkowskinow to go and poke :)16:11
jcastropopey: got steam handy?16:28
jcastroballoons: ^^^^16:28
jcastrogo into steam and add that as a favorite server manually16:28
jcastrothen see how it works for you16:28
popeyjcastro: sure16:44
jcastrothat was awesome17:03
popeyI am rubbish at that game17:04
popeybut it's still fun17:04
jcastroyeah I am pretty horrible17:07
popeywe should get mark on there ☺17:09
mhall119frag the boss?17:18
* mhall119 hopes "frag" is still what the cool kids are saying17:18
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dholbachhave a great weekend my friends!17:27
SergioMenesesdholbach, \o17:27
dholbachbye sergioMeneses :)17:27
SergioMenesesnice weekend to you too17:27
JoseeAntonioRhave fun, dholbach!17:31
dholbachyou too :)17:33
balloonsnice http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
mhall119I see jcastro and popey are "working"17:47
jcastrohey man, I had to test it17:47
mhall119for 27 minutes?17:47
jcastro.27 of an hour!17:48
jcastrothere's about 4-5 players now17:50
jcastroso I suspect it'll get full soon17:50
mhall119jcastro: I also notice that popey is beating you :)17:51
jcastrohe beat me twice17:51
jcastrothe game doesn't work well with 2 people17:51
jcastroit's like, a madhouse when it's 12 vs. 12.17:51
mhall119the phone code is coming!17:52
marcoceppi\o/ ordered a nexus 4 yesterday... but I'll probably wait to flash17:53
mhall119marcoceppi: yeah, you should wait until the 21st at least :)17:54
* daker doesn't have a smart phone18:35
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: thanks22:01

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