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cjwatsonlifeless: believe so, it certainly had raid6 code last I looked00:42
cjwatsonnot sure how well-tested but I think it's been at least tried ...00:43
lifelesscjwatson: cool, thanks.00:46
lifelesscjwatson: I'll poke around, I just couldn't seem to get a clear 'should' or 'no chance' from google ;)00:46
slangaseksmoser: regarding bug #1080841, what was the use case for overlayfs on /etc/init?01:40
ubottubug 1080841 in cloud-init "should reload configuration if an upstart job is added" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108084101:40
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psusilifeless, I know it works for raid5, and there is a raid6 module as well, so I assume it works too02:45
lifelessok cool02:45
* lifeless is nearly ready to cut over his migrated home server02:46
lifelesspsusi: same chassis, 4 new 3TB disks in an external enclosure;02:46
psusiI was playing with grub today trying to come up with an install that has everything in the core image since with partitions being 1mb aligned these days, there's plenty of room for it... be nice to have access to everything you might need to recover from a failed boot02:46
lifelesspsusi: once its all checksummed etc I'll move them inside the chassis02:47
lifelesspsusi: but I'm tossing the seperate /boot02:47
psusiI have a server at work that only can boot from cd, so now that cd installs are no longer supported, recovering on it is a pain when grub fails as it did for me the other day02:47
lifelesspsusi: in favour of gpt + bios boot partition02:47
psusihrm... 3 tb?  make sure /boot partition is under 2tb02:48
lifelessthe old disks are from - uhm, 2007 IIRC.02:48
lifelesspsusi: no /boot at all; a ef02 partition instead02:48
lifelesspsusi: thats 10MB02:48
psusiyou'll need a /boot since the bios can't access past 2tb02:48
psusior you might get it to work with the grub ata disk module to bypass the bios02:49
lifelessfallback plan is a usb stick shoved in the front :)02:49
psusino uefi? ;)02:49
lifelessmotherboard was made in 2007.02:49
psusiat least it boots from usb.. my server at work won't even do that02:50
lifelessit even has a floppy drive02:50
psusito get it to boot I finally ended up booting the precise server cd in recovery mode, mounting the drives, and using kexec to boot the installed kernel ;)02:51
psusibut yea, watch out for the 2 tb limit... if parts of the fs needed to access the kernel and initrd are above that, you'll have a problem02:54
lifelessI thought that was a fdisk partition table limit02:56
psusiit's that too, but it is also a bios limit iirc... 32 bit lba in the extended lba bios disk call02:57
lifelesswill find out02:57
StevenKThat's why I have a /boot as the first partition on large disks02:57
psusihrm... time to go look up extended int 13 again02:58
psusioh wait.. no... looks like the extended int13 is 64 bit according to wikipedia02:59
psusithough most biosen probably ignores the upper 32 bits ;)03:00
psusilifeless, oh, and the bios_grub partition only needs to be 1MB... even when I threw everything and the kitchen sink into the grub core image today it was just a hair over 512k03:02
psusiwhich it turns out is too large to load in real mode ;)03:03
ScottKSigh.  I'd appreciate any suggestions why opendkim now FTBFS?  There does not appear to be anything in the diff between the two uploades - http://paste.debian.net/234349/ - that at all relates to the build failure: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/131287010/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.opendkim_2.8.0~beta4-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz - openldap hasn't changed either.  Was there a recent change in linker behavior?04:20
pittiGood morning07:01
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dholbachgood morning08:17
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pittitjaalton: I was looking at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/JHBuild%20Gnome/job/jhbuild-amd64-mutter/113/artifact/mutter.log and discussed that with upstream; they said that our libxi package is "marked as a version that supports barriers, but we reverted that feature"08:41
pittitjaalton: is that known?08:41
tjaaltonpitti: this is new mutter?08:41
pittitjaalton: upstream git head, yes08:42
pittiPKG_CHECK_EXISTS([xi >=],08:42
pitti                 AC_DEFINE([HAVE_XI23],[1],[Define if you have support for XInput 2.3 or greater]))08:42
pittitjaalton: it's doing that -- would it be prudent to also revert the version in the .pc while the "revert barriers" patch is applied?08:42
tjaaltonwe're staging the upstreamed barrier events stuff in canonical-x/x-staging, needs unity ported until it's useful08:42
tjaaltonyeah I accidentally uploaded the new libxi to raring08:43
tjaaltonthat sounds doable yes08:43
pittitjaalton: mind if I just do that, or would that disrupt some git/bzr packaging tree?08:46
tjaaltonpitti: nah just do it, I'll pull the diff if needed08:46
tjaaltonneed to hardcode it in xi.pc.in08:46
pittitjaalton: ok, thanks; I don't see a .pc change in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/130564301/libxi_2%3A1.6.1-1_2%3A1.6.99.1-0ubuntu1.diff.gz , I guess it's determined from configure.ac08:46
happyaronWho should I ask for NEW processing?08:57
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DedunuHI im going to fix this https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/694283 so how to check installation fixes any idea?09:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 694283 in One Hundred Paper Cuts ""Encrypt my home folder" should be disabled when "Log in automatically" is selected" [Low,Confirmed]09:49
caribouwhat would be preferable for a debootstrap SRU patch : Merge proposal or debdiff ? I'm fine with both09:53
caribouthis is for Lucid btw09:53
cjwatsoncaribou: don't much care but I find MPs a bit awkward for stable releases to be honest09:54
cariboucjwatson: ok, I'll attach a debdiff to the bug09:55
cariboucjwatson: btw, I had to slightly adapt your commit: yours used checksum & verify_checksum while the old version was still using md5/check_md509:57
cjwatsonDoesn't surprise me09:59
Dedunucaribou: cjwatson: so im working on papercuts10:06
Dedunucjwatson: caribou: i want to test those after fixing10:07
caribouDedunu: my guess is that you'll need to recreate the install media to test it, but I'm not an expert @Ubiquity10:10
caribouDedunu: that's partly what I had  to do to test my debootstrap fix10:10
caribouDedunu: I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization to rebuild my archive10:11
cjwatsonwith ubiquity it's easier to just boot into a live session, apply your fix to the installer (which you can generally do just with an editor since it's mostly in interpreted languages, or perhaps by scp-ing files into place), and then run the installer10:14
Dedunucaribou: cjwatson: im a starter its better to keep it away for a while10:14
cjwatsonrecreating the install media is usually about ten times more work :)10:14
Dedunui think it is very easy to fix but hard to test for me10:14
cjwatson*if* you already know what you're doing10:14
Dedunui thought recreating installation media it easy10:15
cariboucjwatson: true, I just went through that pain :-/10:15
cjwatsonDedunu: it's considerably more effort than editing a file10:16
cjwatsonno matter what way you slice it10:16
Dedunuthanks guys ill look into something else10:16
Dedunuon papercuts10:16
cjwatsonntfs-3g (1:2013.1.13-1) raring; urgency=low10:23
cjwatsonxnox: ^- uh, didn't you just steal a Debian version number?  please don't do that ...10:23
* cjwatson anticipates future merge pain :(10:24
xnoxcjwatson: yes i did.10:25
xnoxand it even has ubuntu changes, so it totally should have been -0ubuntu110:25
Laneyruh roh10:25
OdyXtkamppeter, pitti: as you maybe saw, I uploaded cups 1.6.1-2, that you can just sync.10:26
* xnox ponders about 1:2013.1.13-1+0ubuntu110:26
* xnox files a bug against bzr-builddeb10:29
seb128Riddell, hey, I just newed qtscript, only source left in the queue is qt3d ... did you start looking at this one?10:37
Riddellseb128: I've not looked at it no10:45
seb128Riddell, do you plan to today? or should I give it a try? ;-)10:45
Riddellseb128: looking at New queue is on my todo for the day but low down10:47
Riddellseb128: so either do it yourself or keep poking me to do it10:47
seb128Riddell, ok, I will get started on it then, let's see if I manage to go through this one, I will let you the other stuff in the queue then ;-)10:48
pittiOdyX: thanks!10:48
mptm4n1sh! Long time no see!11:13
syntroPiWhy is firefox still not using the system libcairo2? the integrated libcairo2 has a bug that prevents it from unsing gnome3 subpixel rendering (I have BGR monitor but only FF renders RGB rainbow fonts, very annoying to read)...?11:24
shadeslayercjwatson: any news on updating live-build?11:33
mptsyntroPi, I think you have just explained a bug I have been suffering from for years ... For me, Firefox and Thunderbird fonts are extremely hinted, while all other apps look fine11:39
syntroPimpt there were bugs in libcairo2 from ubuntu which caused it not to respect gnome subpixel rendering set from BGR to RGB. there was a patch for that (a switch statement had a "break;" missing) and in newest version on quantal it seems to be resolved. but thats only system libcairo2, the ff version still seems to have this bug included therefore I suspect it not to use "--enable-system-cairo"11:44
syntroPibut maybe thats for a reason since ff uses heavy patched versions of cairo211:46
LaneyPerhaps firefox's cairo could pick this other patch up then11:47
syntroPii hope it would be integrated but im not sure im competent enough to submit such a patch11:47
m4n1shmpt: yeah. Your mockup has been implemented and added to alm. Only if I could get the thing working. Some gtk issues and as usual autotools is acting weird11:58
mptm4n1sh, awesome! (Took me a few seconds to work out what "alm" meant)11:58
m4n1shoh yeah. sorry for that. I should call it privacy11:58
mptm4n1sh, I think it would be fine for all those buttons to be square, actually11:58
m4n1shis there a way to override the theme?11:59
mptThey aren't a radio set, or a navigation set11:59
mptI don't know, sorry, that's more of a question for Cimi11:59
m4n1shyeah. I think so. First I need to get that gtk issue solved. The application isn't showing the window. I know very stupid issue, but I think I made some change which broke it12:01
syntroPisomeone here who knows the internals of firefox package and willing to help me with integrating a known patch to libcairo2 in it?12:16
syntroPiam currently compiling it to take a browse at the patched sources12:17
syntroPiand that thing is _HUGE_12:17
seb128syntroPi, talk to chrisccoulson12:20
syntroPiseb128, thx but i will need some time to gather all info when the compile is complete...12:23
seb128syntroPi, well, you asked "who", I just replied to that12:23
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wookeywhat is libaudit-dev for? New pam uses it and is getting in the way of my bootstrap12:40
wookeycan I just turn it off? or does it need to be made to work, along with libcap-ng (which woulw need de-swiging)12:40
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cjwatsonwookey: -> slangasek12:46
cjwatsonbut from the changelog:12:46
cjwatson  * Enable audit support, by popular demand.  This should have no major12:46
cjwatson    impact unless you're also running auditd; but I reserve the right to12:46
cjwatson    disable this again in the event that this causes a performance hit or12:46
cjwatson    breaks upgrades (since the dependency is pulled into libpam, not just12:46
cjwatson    into pam_tty_audit).  Closes: #699159, LP: #937005.12:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 937005 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam_tty_audit.so is missing in oneiric/precise" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93700512:46
wookeythere is a --dsiable-audit know so I shall use it12:47
cjwatsonDisabling it for the bootstrap doesn't seem like it would be a massive problem, based on that.  I'm not sure whether that's the correct place to insert a stage.12:47
wookeyyes. It may be better to build libcap-ng without language bindings, but this'll do for now12:47
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wookeyI got rid of a bootstrap-modified package momentarily as nice new pam had updated autofoo, but then it broke with audit :-(12:49
cariboupitti: just read your reply to my email about apport mods for kdump-tools12:49
cariboupitti: looks like I may have mixed up the order. Which solution do you think would be better to implement ?12:50
cariboupitti: have the upstart script traverse the /var/crash/{timestamp} dirs or /usr/share/apport/kernel_crashdump ?12:50
pitti/usr/share/apport/kernel_crashdump does all the processing you want, but that's just my gut feeling12:51
pitticaribou: I don't have a strong opinion either way, but smearing out the logic over many doesn't seem to make things easier12:51
pitticaribou: bbl, lunch12:51
cariboupitti: sure, ttyl12:51
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dupondjepitti: any chance to check https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53029 ? :)13:01
ubottuFreedesktop bug 53029 in PAM module "There is no authentication function when printing using CUPS on the network" [Major,Reopened]13:01
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pittidupondje: re (meeting)14:49
pittidupondje: I'm afraid this bug doesn't tell me anything -- it speaks about LibreOffice, cups authentication, and is against ConsoleKit !?14:50
jcastroNow that cd size doesn't really kill us anymore can we put real vim on the default install again?14:53
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cjwatsonjcastro: can't say I'd object, certainly ...15:00
* cjwatson ← hugely biased15:00
jcastroyeah me too, I mean, it's some kind of law, we have to have vi, and the one in there isn't very good.15:01
jcastroI am wondering if it's worth bringing up seriously, or if it's too geeky15:02
dupondjepitti: well didn't create that bug :) The issue is that when printing in LibreOffice to a network printer (samba), it doesn't ask a password15:06
dupondjeso the print job cannot be sent to the network printer15:06
dupondjeif you print in gedit for example, it just gives a popup for credentials15:07
* xnox would like to change nano to have -E option enabled by default15:07
xnoxjcastro: only if we add zile as well15:08
tjaaltonxnox: that would be bad for makefiles :)15:08
xnoxtjaalton: but it's totally bad for python files15:08
pittidupondje: I reassigned it to LibO15:09
* xnox ponders to wrap a file call around nano to set -E for python.15:09
dupondjepitti: thx, I guess its libreoffice gui that should ask for a passs?15:10
pittidupondje: they have their own dialogs, yes; they don't use the GTK ones15:10
dupondjek :) cause not being able to print in a office package is quite a blocker imo :P15:11
pittiwell, it's one rare use case15:12
pittiit doesn't seem to me that a lot of office workers woudl be required to supply a password every time they print15:13
dupondjepassword protected print share isn't that weird15:13
dupondjeanyway :) should get fixed15:13
cjwatsonactually that's the wrong way round isn't it15:17
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ogra_whats wrong with his connection ?15:17
* ogra_ doesnt see crazy join/part messages or so15:18
evwoo, thanks cjohnston15:18
cjwatsonit was broken some days ago but Fuchs removed the ban last night15:18
* ogra_ sees the other channel15:18
cjwatson00:08 -!- mode/#ubuntu-devel [-b *!*@ubuntu/member/evand$##fix_your_connection] by Fuchs15:18
cjwatsonSo I didn't actually do anything other than accidentally restore it briefly :)15:18
* ogra_ found the answer in #ubuntu-context :)15:19
ogra_(also called -release)15:19
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hallynall right so when you boot without 'quiet splash', after the boot text has scrolled by, the text font changes right before x starts..  is that the console-setup-tty done the udev rule (85-kbd-cofig)?15:42
hallynor the actual loading of fb module?15:42
ogra_there are two console-setup runs ... one is from the udev rule the other from an upstart job15:45
ogra_(both do the same afaik)15:45
ogra_and if you set FRAMEBUFFER in your initrd config you can enable a third one in the initrd15:46
ogra_(or if you use break=)15:46
hallynright i've commented out the one from upstart15:46
hallyn(locks up right after that)15:46
ogra_then it should be the udev rule15:46
hallynok thanks15:47
slangasekwookey, cjwatson: I've actually already had to re-disable libaudit in Debian because unstable is still using libaudit0 which isn't multiarched; so if you guys think this is a problem for bootstrapping we can back it out in Ubuntu too for now.  Though in any case, stage patches welcome16:04
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pittiso, I keep getting "Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused." with current juju in raring and CanoniStack/EC2; that did work until some weeks ago; is anyone else using this?16:20
pitti(both for bootstrap and for status)16:22
hrwbtw - does someone know some xmodmap/xkb editor which can be used by person lacking any knowledge of x11 internals?16:23
cjwatsonslangasek: I feel stagifying pam for this would be the wrong answer; best to do the staging further down, I think in libcap-ng in this case16:23
pittiI used xev to determine keycodes, and then just write reasignments into ~/.xmodmaprc16:23
pittihrw: ^16:23
hrwpitti: chromebook is nice laptop for travelling but lack of pgup/dn and delete keys makes some things complicated16:25
pittihrw: my ~/.xmodmaprc swaps Escape and Caps Lock16:26
pittiI need Esc all the time (vim), but never ever Caps Lock16:26
hrwI usually have Ctrl on CapsLock16:27
hrwChromebook has Meta instead of CapsLock16:27
wookeyslangasek: I've done a stage patch. Will file shortly16:38
slangasekwookey: thanks16:40
wookeyfiled https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pam/+bug/112640416:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 1126404 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam needs a build profile for bootstrapping without libaudit" [Undecided,New]16:45
cjwatsonAh, I hadn't realised audit needed explicit porting to new architectures16:51
cjwatsonFair enough then16:51
scientesalso the audit defines for arm is in <elf.h> but <audit.h> for x8616:52
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scientes* <linux/audit.h> i believe16:52
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bigonwookey: are you planning to proposed that patch for pam to debian too?17:13
cjwatsonbigon: "16:04 <slangasek> wookey, cjwatson: I've actually already had to re-disable libaudit in Debian [...]"17:15
stokachuin the installer i see things such as debconf: --> GET netcfg/get_ipaddress followed by debconf: --> INPUT critical netcfg/bad_ipaddress17:15
stokachubut im not sure where in the code for the installer this is located17:15
cjwatsonstokachu: apt-get source netcfg17:15
bigoncjwatson: ah well, thanks17:15
stokachuah there we go17:16
cjwatsonand that's due to preseeding static networking without preseeding all the necessary things that go with it17:16
cjwatsonwouldn't happen interactively - you'd be asked for the IP address17:16
stokachui think from the logs it stated it was using ubuntu-server preseed file17:17
stokachulemme double check17:17
cjwatsonCertainly not the stock one on server CD images17:17
stokachuCommand line: file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed vga=788 initrd=/install/initrd.gz DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer17:17
stokachuthats not one we provide?17:17
cjwatsonWe do, but I bet that's been modified by somebody somehow17:17
cjwatsonBecause our default preseeding does not use static networking17:17
cjwatsonIt should be possible to see what that file contains a bit earlier in the log, when file-preseed runs17:18
stokachuthe OP stated that in debug mode it will ask the user for static ip17:18
cjwatsonSomebody's probably preseeded netcfg/use_autoconfig=false, or interactively answered an equivalent question17:19
stokachuand without it is when the malformed IP address error is shown during interactive mode17:19
cjwatsonIf you show me the whole bug and syslog I can look17:19
cjwatsonah, right, it's fallen back to static networking because DHCP failed, I guess17:22
stokachuyea it looks like the link isn't ready in time17:23
stokachucjwatson: i pm'ed you the case17:23
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stokachuthe link seems to become available and it looks like we try to get the ipaddress from that17:24
stokachuand thats where the failure occurs with the malformed ip17:24
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cjwatsonDon't agree :)17:25
cjwatsonI'm following up to the bug17:25
cjwatsonBut the IP address error is a red herring17:26
wookeybigon: pretty much everything I've filed in last month needs to go to debian too17:26
wookeybut I've not got round to making corresponding patches for whatever the debian version is17:26
cjwatsonstokachu: followed up17:29
stokachucjwatson: interesting, do you think b/c dhcp took longer than someone was willing to wait they cancelled it17:29
cjwatsonstokachu: look at the timestamps though17:30
stokachuah yea17:30
cjwatsonIf they did cancel it deliberately they were bloody quick off the mark17:30
stokachusomeone had a trigger finger17:30
cjwatsonWhich is why I was wondering if somebody might have left a book on the F12 key :)17:31
cjwatsonOr something along those lines17:31
stokachuhah ok ill see if they can run some more tests17:31
stokachucjwatson: thanks :)17:31
cjwatsonActually, following up again17:32
dokowhat was the replacement for jockey in quantal?17:34
* ogra_ wtaches doko tunring into a gamer 17:41
Sarvattdoko: last tab in software sources if you're asking where the gui is (yeah that makes no sense to me either)17:41
ogra_it didnt make much sense where it was before either ...17:42
ogra_when we had it pop up and show a notification icon, that made sense ...17:42
ogra_but that is gone17:42
cjwatsonstokachu: demonstration: boot a server image in kvm and hold down enter.  you'll see exactly the same effect.17:55
stokachuah interesting17:55
stokachuyea from the SS itlooks like they are using some virtual console through ilo to do the installation17:56
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slangasekhallyn: have you seen anything like bug #1126488, by chance?18:06
ubottubug 1126488 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu) "libvirt instance of dnsmasq in raring fails to forward DNS requests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112648818:06
hallynslangasek: no, not that i've noticed18:08
hallynzul: ^ ?18:08
sarnoldslangasek: does this look like it? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=89448618:08
hallyn(but for most vms that i end up hitting the net with, i don't use libvirt)18:08
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 894486 in vulnerability "CVE-2013-0198 dnsmasq: Incomplete fix for the CVE-2012-3411 issue" [Low,New]18:08
zulhallyn: nope18:08
sarnoldslangasek: 2.66test13 has a fix for the fix for the fix.... see if https://launchpad.net/~mdeslaur/+archive/testing dnsmasq fixes your issue?18:10
slangaseksarnold: thanks, I'll give it a try later today18:10
slangasekxnox: do you know the status of bug #1095117?  You had it marked 'in progress', someone else marked it 'fix released', I've just seen the crash here18:58
ubottubug 1095117 in software-center (Ubuntu) "update-software-center-channels crashed with NameError in trigger_axi_update_and_wait(): global name 'GLib' is not defined" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109511718:58
slangaseksarnold: looks like mdeslaur's package fixes the dnsmasq issue18:58
xnoxslangasek: i know the fix went into lp:software-center. I did request for it to be released into raring + stable releases.18:59
xnoxI don't know if it has or not.18:59
slangasekxnox: I've reopened the bug; it's still assigned to you, dunno if that's correct19:00
xnoxwe have an software-center uploader now19:00
xnoxmaybe i should just cherry pick....19:00
xnoxdobey: can you cherry-pick bug 1095117 into raring/quantal/precise (i think it applies to all three)?!19:01
ubottubug 1095117 in software-center (Ubuntu) "update-software-center-channels crashed with NameError in trigger_axi_update_and_wait(): global name 'GLib' is not defined" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109511719:02
dobeyxnox: well, i plan to do a software-center release as soon as i can. i don't know when i'd be able to get the quantal/precise SRUs done though19:07
xnoxdobey: that bug is high on errors19:07
dobeymy cup, it overfloweth with things i need to do19:07
* xnox notes down to buy a bigger cup for dobey19:07
xnoxno worries =)19:07
dobeyxnox: ok, there are a few others too. and the switch to python-oauthlib has created a few critical issues;19:08
xnoxdobey: will you be able to pick things up if I cherry pick and upload stuff and not loose it in subsequent uploads?19:08
dobeyswitch in u119:08
xnox /o\19:08
dobeyxnox: i don't know what you mean by cherry pick exactly. software-center is a native package (and a pain)19:08
dobeyxnox: if you want to propose branches against the older series, i can review them though, and you can make releases into {precise,quantal}-proposed from the appropriate series branches i suppose19:09
xnoxdobey: oh is that how you manage it, sounds good.19:10
xnoxdobey: which branches are used for what?19:10
xnoxwell 5.2 and 5.4 easy =)19:11
dobeyxnox: no. i only started dealing with software-center recently. so mostly nothing is how i would generally manage things at the moment :)19:11
dobeybut that will change soon19:12
xnoxi'll follow current state of affairs and i hope that won't break things much for the future19:12
xnoxdobey: will it be autolanding?19:12
dobeyxnox: only trunk is managed by tarmac at the moment19:12
dobeyi haven't had time to deal with getting all the older branches converted to it19:13
dobeyxnox: but just go ahead and include the changes to debian/changelog in your branches for the older series as well, and i'll review/merge them, and then you can do the releases into -proposed for them19:14
dokojamespage, do you mind having bnd (and deps) in main?19:15
dokoto generate osgi files19:15
dokobdrung, well, you added apparently hardening flags for these lo b-d's but did forget to add verbose build logs ... so how to validate from the build log?19:22
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
cjohnstonslangasek: ping20:10
slangasekcjohnston: heya20:11
dokobdrung, I had to look at the debdiff to understand "Fix hardening-no-fortify-functions lintian warning."20:17
cjohnstonslangasek: sorry. on shift and got a call right after i pinged you. iirc you were working on a fix in lp as far as blueprints being exported20:32
slangasekcjohnston: well, once upon a time I was; IIRC though, Curtis nacked that branch20:34
cjohnstonslangasek: Do you remember the reason?20:34
slangaseklet me see if I can find it in LP20:34
cjohnstonslangasek: i haven't made it back yet, and am still on my cell so i can't open the link right now20:36
slangasekcjohnston: I frankly didn't understand that response, so I haven't followed up20:36
cjohnstonok. ill look when i get back. it's something I'm very interested in right now.20:37
slangasek'"We should only need to target the blueprint to the sprint to get it into the scheduler" is the insight needed to do the proper fix. Re-targeting is not updating the SpecificationDefinitionStatus for the drivers and workers to make it clear the definitionneeds to be realigned with the rest of the work for the series.'20:37
slangasekI guess he means that this should be fixed deeper in LP, such that when you retarget a blueprint, the definition status is automatically changed20:37
slangasekhowever, sprint != series20:38
slangasekso I'm not sure I agree with that20:38
cjohnstonhrm. ok.20:38
cjohnstonthanks slangasek20:40
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cjohnstonslangasek: fwiw, I read what he wrote as that the definition shouldn't be relevant to the blueprint being exported.. The blueprint should be exported if the blueprint is proposed for a sprint AND accepted for a sprint, regardless of what the definition is.. So removing the logic for the definition effecting what appears on the list20:55
slangasekcjohnston: well, except that was what my branch implemented and he rejected it? :)20:56
cjohnstonHe didn't reject it, he put a comment on it.. I am unable to tell from his comment if he is in favor of the change or not.20:58
cjohnstonnm. I stand corrected20:59
cjohnstonmissed that20:59
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dokokirkland, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ssh-import-id/3.12-0ubuntu1/+build/430461122:52
kirklanddoko: hi22:52
* kirkland looking22:52
kirklanddoko: thanks22:53
kirklanddoko: why didn't I get a build-failure message?23:01
dokokirkland, I don't know23:03
YokoZar1slangasek: a fresh install of raring64 seems to reproduce the unable to install wine1.4:i386 without any additional futzing, not sure why it wasn't working in a chroot for you (maybe no ubuntu-desktop?)23:09
slangasekYokoZar1: it was a chroot, definitely no ubuntu-desktop installed23:10
YokoZar1slangasek: Yeah so the conflict is probably with some default but not essential package23:10
mlankhorstYokoZar1: could you upload wine?23:17
YokoZar1mlankhorst: new wine1.5 to PPA?  If it doesn't require any changes to the patches, sure.23:21
mlankhorstafaict probably not23:21
YokoZar1mlankhorst: kk23:21

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